No Laughing Matter
These movies put out by Hollywood on the men/women schism are not very realistic. They may be good for a laugh but that is all. You see, this is what they want you to believe. They want you to think that all the problems between men and women are simply due to different ways of thinking between genders. You should just laugh at yourself and blame conflicts with females on a misunderstanding between sexes.
Now were it not for the very real existence of a judicial and social system against men that deprives them of their children and ruins them financially such levity would be appropriate. When women use the courts to financially castrate men I don’t feel like laughing. When the courts give the women custody of the children but she refuses to comply with the court order for visitation but demands her child support payments I don’t see the humor in it. The courts treat visitation and nonpayment of child support as two separate issues. This facilitates this repugnant behavior by women. In fact, the child support system as it exists today actually encourages women to have bastard children from various men. Why not? She gets favorable treatment under tax laws (head of household filing status, earned income credit, etc.) and tax free child support payments that do not count as income in future child support cases.
Women have organizations and laws to protect them against men (violence against women, women’s rights, feminism, gender diversity, etc.) Yet men do not have organizations to protect themselves against women. Women batter men, abort their children and defraud them of their wealth via divorce courts but they would howl if men were to set up organizations to put an end to these things. They say that they want equality with men but still want you to give up your seat, open doors and pull out chairs. They don’t want to be equal with you. They want to rule you. That is the reality. Everyday the television puts out feminist propaganda. The main theme of “family shows” seems to be, “Dad is an idiot and he is always wrong. Mom is smart and she is always right.” You can laugh at this garbage but don’t be upset when you get treated like an idiot.
AW a well written article
sorry for the misunderstanding. i completely agree with you however i still wanna know the name of the movie ;). i have enjoyed it and i like sexual comedy movies. unfortunately, i do not know the name of the movie. i am not even sure of the actors. i think it's john cusack because you can hear his thoughts narrated.
[quote=chocha monger]these movies put out by hollywood on the men/women schism are not very realistic. they may be good for a laugh but that is all. you see, this is what they want you to believe. they want you to think that all the problems between men and women are simply due to different ways of thinking between genders. you should just laugh at yourself and blame conflicts with females on a misunderstanding between sexes.
now were it not for the very real existence of a judicial and social system against men that deprives them of their children and ruins them financially such levity would be appropriate. when women use the courts to financially castrate men i don’t feel like laughing. when the courts give the women custody of the children but she refuses to comply with the court order for visitation but demands her child support payments i don’t see the humor in it. the courts treat visitation and nonpayment of child support as two separate issues. this facilitates this repugnant behavior by women. in fact, the child support system as it exists today actually encourages women to have bastard children from various men. why not? she gets favorable treatment under tax laws (head of household filing status, earned income credit, etc.) and tax free child support payments that do not count as income in future child support cases.
women have organizations and laws to protect them against men (violence against women, women’s rights, feminism, gender diversity, etc.) yet men do not have organizations to protect themselves against women. women batter men, abort their children and defraud them of their wealth via divorce courts but they would howl if men were to set up organizations to put an end to these things. they say that they want equality with men but still want you to give up your seat, open doors and pull out chairs. they don’t want to be equal with you. they want to rule you. that is the reality. everyday the television puts out feminist propaganda. the main theme of “family shows” seems to be, “dad is an idiot and he is always wrong. mom is smart and she is always right.” you can laugh at this garbage but don’t be upset when you get treated like an idiot.[/quote]
i read this a while ago somewhere but i find the article a great reading that's why i kept it:
i have found that american women are the most reverse sexist women in the world. they think their rep001 doesnt stink; it smells like ice cream. they expect men to pay for the privilege of being in their presence. they have the most rights of any human beings to ever live on the planet, yet they are still unhappy. they believe men conspire to pay them 76 cents on the dollar, [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url] them, sexually harass them. they think that cooking or doing anything else nice for a man is slavery. so they will refuse to do it. they believe being argumentative and confrontational is what makes a strong woman. they prefer the frat boys, rich kids in bmws, and bad boys while theyre young and in their prime, then when they have 3 kids, sagging breasts, stretchmarks, varicose veins, they expect the nice men they ignored in their youth to come be a surrogate daddy to kids who arent his. american women complain that men are too aggressive in their approach. but if american women actually did their half of the work (initiating a conversation every once in a while or asking men out); if american women knew how to flirt (and meant it instead of flirting for attention then turning the guy down); if american women actually knew how to flirt instead of acting like cowards, then men wouldnt have to jump at the slightest sign of interest.
american women think their sexuality is worth more than men's. i know cause i've been to europe where women exchange sex.in- exchange for sex. here the women want to be impressed with both social and financial status before they will have sex with a man.
their ideal man is a rich excon/thug. they don't realize that these two are polar opposites. you hear women saying "i like bad boys", and in the same breath they will say "i just want a man who won't treat me like crap. " newsflash, sister. a bad boy will treat you like crap.
basically women don't have any social constraints on their behavior, because that is "oppressive", but it was for the good of everyone that women's behavior was regulated. men have violence, and there are laws against it. women have emotional terrorism, attention-whoring, acceptable prostitution, etc. these can not be legislated against. there must be social constraints against them. american society has convinced women that they are always right; that anything bad is a man's fault. so women will act free to do as they wish, with no consideration for anyone else.
i've come to realize that most american women have a princess mentality. this manifests itself when they need their "attention fix. " their parents fully convinced them that they were entitled to everything, and that few men are good enough for what they have.
american women will stare at you from across the room, smile, and gawk at you for hours. then when you approach one they will say they have a boyfriend. they will come up to you on a daily basis, rub your arm, smile and say hi,. then when you ask them to hang out they will say you got the wrong idea. they will initiate a conversation with you every time they see you for weeks, as if they're interested (yes i'm aware that it doesnt always mean theyre interested). they will exchange numbers with you and say "call me anytime. " then when you call and leave messages they won't answer. they won't call you either. or they will talk to you or date you a few times and you'll think everything's fine. then she will stop taking your calls. the next time you see her she's got her fat nose up in the air, laughing at you, as if she were some highly sought after prize.
since the victorian age, in anglo societies (us, uk, canada, oz, nz), women were put on a pedestal because they were the mothers of future generations. this was a probably a good idea at the time, because up to one-third of women died during child birth. so this inspired men's natural chilvarous nature to protect women. it is ok to put women on a pedestal as long as they are going to adhere to the rules of sexual constitution. not sleeping around. once a woman starts to sleep around, then her sex isn't of higher value than men's. the whole reason for putting women on a pedestal was because they would be mothers and they werent having sex with many men. the moment that women became sexually liberated, putting women on a pedestal should have been eliminated. but unfortunately women still hold onto the old notions that their sexuality is worth more than men's simply because theyre women. so they arent interested in a man who's on their level. no, a normal man is invisible. women want men who are many levels above them. but the women don't want to provide anything in return except for sex. this is in no way an equal partnership if one person brings more to the table and does most of the work while the other brings nothing and does no work.
as a result, women have almost nothing to offer men. except sex. they are no longer women, but instead walking caricatures of men in women's bodies. women are fully convinced of their moral superiority. just try disagreeing with one, especially if your opinion is not politically correct. you will find that you are no longer entitled to your own opinoin. in fact, you're an ignorant bastard, and you'd better change your opinion to fall in line with hers. these women have no problem with nagging, shaming, guilt tripping, insulting, withholding affection, etc to get their way. this is what happens when you convince women that they are always right; that women can do no wrong; that women are the ones who are really 'fair, just' etc.
the whole concept that a man should buy a woman a ring worth two months of his salary is further evidence of how degraded society is and how spoiled women are. in every other society, the father has to pay a dowry for the husband to accept his daughter. in america, women expect some diamond so she can impress her friends. that's fine, but is she going to spend $12, 000 on her husband? is she going to put $12, 000 down on the house?
i know some guys think certain western women are just as bad as american women. but in europe, being male isn't seen as being a crime as it is here in the states. women will automatically become more materialistic when their nation acculumates wealth (even in eastern countries, women's number one past-time is shopping). what is not natural is women thinking they are entitled to something just because they're women; that they are morally superior; that they should be catered to; that the man should always pay; that they are entitled to all the benefits of equality with none of the responsibilities and men should treat them in an old fashioned manner while the women snub that role.
i could go on forever.
Is this the He-man woman hater club?
Could have fooled me.
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]Is this the He-man woman hater club?
Could have fooled me.[/QUOTE]
That would be it - [url]http://2.bp.********.com/_eVeCCfKv8is/R1yjxZAKNAI/AAAAAAAABx0/MA2J9xSi00w/s400/d87++women-haters+club.jpg[/url]
[quote=dr x man]sorry for the misunderstanding. i completely agree with you however i still wanna know the name of the movie ;). i have enjoyed it and i like sexual comedy movies. unfortunately, i do not know the name of the movie. i am not even sure of the actors. i think it's john cusack because you can hear his thoughts narrated.
i read this a while ago somewhere but i find the article a great reading that's why i kept it:
i have found that american women are the most reverse sexist women in the world. they think their rep001 doesnt stink; it smells like ice cream. they expect men to pay for the privilege of being in their presence. they have the most rights of any human beings to ever live on the planet, yet they are still unhappy. they believe men conspire to pay them 76 cents on the dollar, [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url] them, sexually harass them. they think that cooking or doing anything else nice for a man is slavery. so they will refuse to do it. they believe being argumentative and confrontational is what makes a strong woman. they prefer the frat boys, rich kids in bmws, and bad boys while theyre young and in their prime, then when they have 3 kids, sagging breasts, stretchmarks, varicose veins, they expect the nice men they ignored in their youth to come be a surrogate daddy to kids who arent his. american women complain that men are too aggressive in their approach. but if american women actually did their half of the work (initiating a conversation every once in a while or asking men out); if american women knew how to flirt (and meant it instead of flirting for attention then turning the guy down); if american women actually knew how to flirt instead of acting like cowards, then men wouldnt have to jump at the slightest sign of interest.
american women think their sexuality is worth more than men's. i know cause i've been to europe where women exchange sex.in- exchange for sex. here the women want to be impressed with both social and financial status before they will have sex with a man.
their ideal man is a rich excon/thug. they don't realize that these two are polar opposites. you hear women saying "i like bad boys", and in the same breath they will say "i just want a man who won't treat me like crap. " newsflash, sister. a bad boy will treat you like crap.
basically women don't have any social constraints on their behavior, because that is "oppressive", but it was for the good of everyone that women's behavior was regulated. men have violence, and there are laws against it. women have emotional terrorism, attention-whoring, acceptable prostitution, etc. these can not be legislated against. there must be social constraints against them. american society has convinced women that they are always right; that anything bad is a man's fault. so women will act free to do as they wish, with no consideration for anyone else.
i've come to realize that most american women have a princess mentality. this manifests itself when they need their "attention fix. " their parents fully convinced them that they were entitled to everything, and that few men are good enough for what they have.
american women will stare at you from across the room, smile, and gawk at you for hours. then when you approach one they will say they have a boyfriend. they will come up to you on a daily basis, rub your arm, smile and say hi,. then when you ask them to hang out they will say you got the wrong idea. they will initiate a conversation with you every time they see you for weeks, as if they're interested (yes i'm aware that it doesnt always mean theyre interested). they will exchange numbers with you and say "call me anytime. " then when you call and leave messages they won't answer. they won't call you either. or they will talk to you or date you a few times and you'll think everything's fine. then she will stop taking your calls. the next time you see her she's got her fat nose up in the air, laughing at you, as if she were some highly sought after prize.
since the victorian age, in anglo societies (us, uk, canada, oz, nz), women were put on a pedestal because they were the mothers of future generations. this was a probably a good idea at the time, because up to one-third of women died during child birth. so this inspired men's natural chilvarous nature to protect women. it is ok to put women on a pedestal as long as they are going to adhere to the rules of sexual constitution. not sleeping around. once a woman starts to sleep around, then her sex isn't of higher value than men's. the whole reason for putting women on a pedestal was because they would be mothers and they werent having sex with many men. the moment that women became sexually liberated, putting women on a pedestal should have been eliminated. but unfortunately women still hold onto the old notions that their sexuality is worth more than men's simply because theyre women. so they arent interested in a man who's on their level. no, a normal man is invisible. women want men who are many levels above them. but the women don't want to provide anything in return except for sex. this is in no way an equal partnership if one person brings more to the table and does most of the work while the other brings nothing and does no work.
as a result, women have almost nothing to offer men. except sex. they are no longer women, but instead walking caricatures of men in women's bodies. women are fully convinced of their moral superiority. just try disagreeing with one, especially if your opinion is not politically correct. you will find that you are no longer entitled to your own opinoin. in fact, you're an ignorant bastard, and you'd better change your opinion to fall in line with hers. these women have no problem with nagging, shaming, guilt tripping, insulting, withholding affection, etc to get their way. this is what happens when you convince women that they are always right; that women can do no wrong; that women are the ones who are really 'fair, just' etc.
the whole concept that a man should buy a woman a ring worth two months of his salary is further evidence of how degraded society is and how spoiled women are. in every other society, the father has to pay a dowry for the husband to accept his daughter. in america, women expect some diamond so she can impress her friends. that's fine, but is she going to spend $12, 000 on her husband? is she going to put $12, 000 down on the house?
i know some guys think certain western women are just as bad as american women. but in europe, being male isn't seen as being a crime as it is here in the states. women will automatically become more materialistic when their nation acculumates wealth (even in eastern countries, women's number one past-time is shopping). what is not natural is women thinking they are entitled to something just because they're women; that they are morally superior; that they should be catered to; that the man should always pay; that they are entitled to all the benefits of equality with none of the responsibilities and men should treat them in an old fashioned manner while the women snub that role.
i could go on forever.[/quote]
you could but you don't have too...
i will add that while european women can be just as much a shopper as any other woman, but its imprinted in america women.
what did wilma and betty say when they found some money from their husbands or there was some sale downtown -
"da da ta ta da... charrrrge it"
that was the early 1960's!
that's nothing check this out - [url]http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29572722/[/url]
she took over 9 million dollars from her companies books and people lost their jobs because they had to slash their budgets and layoff people, amazing!
but msnbc will spend hours talking about some poor slub from the deep south that took out 9 people before taking himself out. trust me, he was doing us a favor, they more than likely all voted for mccain and are card carrying racist republicans.
all this so she could buy 400 pairs of shoes????
[quote]she spent at least $240,000 on 400 pairs of shoes, $300,000 on designer clothing and 160 purses valued at $2,000 each, investigators allege. she also remodeled a bedroom into a closet with the chandelier and a 32-inch tv, they said.
"on a weekly basis yeomans would spend $25,000 on her credit card and then pay off the balance the following monday with company funds," said sgt. mark varnau of the sheriff's financial crimes unit.[/quote]
let's face it the main reason many american males want to make alot of money to is make them more suitable for dating by the best looking women. being the biggest and the strongest of the tribe has been replaced by who has the biggest wallet.
what this financial downturn has exposed is just how false many of these fortunes are, usually built with credit cards and lines of credit.
i've said it before but its awful disturbing to see it live and in person. the worst looking women want the same thing as the best looking women do and reality says that's just not possible.
why should a woman in her 30's, 20-30lbs heavier than she was 10-12 years ago and a couple of kids should be entitled to the best men on offer in her area?
they should take the best of what's out there... they always give us the advice they should take themselves! if we go to south america or europe because we don't like the selection here, we are labeled losers.
it cost a vast sum of money to bring any honey you might find overseas back here. many would advise against attempting that, but that largely depends on how close you are with your family and weather you have the same career opportunities.
many times we take the time to learn the culture and language of gf's/wf's homeland. so being more an informed, cultured, content and happy human being is considered being a loser????
nevermind we usually pay cash for all the traveling, k-1 applications, moving, deposits and the like.
this is illogical thinking and women are illogical creatures, should this surprise you?
so the choice is yours; do you want to make a series of compromises and end up with about 60-70% of your ideal woman? or do you want to explore all options and use the vetting process to your advantage and come up with very few compromises and end up with 85-100% of your ideal woman?
american women don't realize they have a limited shelf life. after 30 half your prospective dating pool disappears. bad boys don't like older women, rich men don't have to date older women, so what are they left with? us and they don't like it and take it out on us....
Either way you cut it. Women are women. You are not getting any better woman because she comes from south america or Asia.
Each woman is an individual. There are plenty of sexy, loving, giving American women. Don't fool yourselfs. Its not all the woman's fault. Some of you men should take look at your selfs.
Marriages of foreign born women end up in divorce just as often as marriages of american born couples. When dealing with people in general. Its hard to meet anyone you can spend 24/7 with for a long time, let alone the rest of your life.
But go ahead and rant. If it makes you feel better.
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]Either way you cut it. Women are women. You are not getting any better woman because she comes from south america or Asia.
Each woman is an individual. There are plenty of sexy, loving, giving American women. Don't fool yourselfs. Its not all the woman's fault. Some of you men should take look at your selfs.
Marriages of foreign born women end up in divorce just as often as marriages of american born couples. When dealing with people in general. Its hard to meet anyone you can spend 24/7 with for a long time, let alone the rest of your life.
But go ahead and rant. If it makes you feel better.[/QUOTE]Thatguy865, this is kinda contradictory. I have also seen some other persons' posts implying that people here are complaining too much, that there are so many great women available in USA. But the same persons continue travel to Europe, Asia or Latin America for girls.
If these guys, including yourself, are telling that women in USA are so good, why would they need to go to other countries? this just does not make any sense to travel to another country for a hooker, when you believe that women in the USA are so good. Of course I do not care what people do, but it is better to be consistent with what you say and do.
Anyways, in my opinion, it is about time to forget about AW, if people do not like them, why need to discuss them so much, like you care a lot about them, and figure out what's wrong. It does not do anything good to you. They will not change in the nearest future. Ignore them, like they do not exist. I just came back from a LA country(going back in a couple of weeks) and was surprised this conversation is still going on. There are much better things to do than discussing AW.
Humans are not perfect. Women are not but there is something out of the norm. Read the article again.
[QUOTE=Dr X Man]Humans are not perfect. Women are not but there is something out of the norm. Read the article again.[/QUOTE]Dr X Man, it's a good article, thank you.
Of course women(and men) are the same in a physical sense. But their behavior depends on the conditions they are put in. I do not understand why some people mix these. Some people like to say that women are the same no matter where you go. I believe it is not true at all. I have friends who have very traditional happy families in other countries. They(and women too) would not believe what people write here.
In USA also even foreign children get messed very fast. It is scary to have children in USA. Some people immigrate to USA, and after awhile their children are ready to call the police on their parents. There was a case when a little boy called police on his grandmother, she got arrested and dies from a heart attack, she did not know English and could not understand what's going on and why the police is taking her in handcuffs.
This is what they are taught in school. Imaging who they are going to become when grow up.
2 photos
Great Expectations
There are many reasons for the mismatch between power and quality, but part of it is a confidence game - girls know they are in the driver's seat in America (at a certain age) so they think they can make demands in return for their sexual favours - and they are largely correct. And since the cultural expectations and rules (laws) support them in this, it becomes a self-fulfilling situation.
Guys will do anything for pussy, when it is in short supply.
The beauty of travelling abroad is that in many countries demographics or economics put us in the driver's seat, and it becomes a whole different game.
This also gives us the confidence to call the bluff of American women and demand a better return on our investment. Of course, this only works if the woman is insecure or is bluffing. Those who live in blissful ignorance of their true (or relative) value will continue to assert their superiority and the only thing you can do with them is ignore them until they smarten up as their biological clocks run down.
When we are forced to shop the domestic market, we may have to live with the realities of that market place - the girl in photo A.
But the real crime is when the girl in photo B mistakes her worth in the marketplace and someone lets her get away with it!
[QUOTE=Gentleman Travel]This also gives us the confidence to call the bluff of American women and demand a better return on our investment. Of course, this only works if the woman is insecure or is bluffing. Those who live in blissful ignorance of their true (or relative) value will continue to assert their superiority and the only thing you can do with them is ignore them until they smarten up as their biological clocks run down.[/QUOTE]
This is absolutely correct, but incomplete. As DJ has said, by the time they smarten up, they are no longer desirable.
Taking that fact to its logical extreme. If they price themselves out of our reach when they are desirable, they end up making us look elsewhere. When they realize and accept their true value, they are no longer desirable and we look elsewhere. In both circumstances we look elsewhere for women. As Goga said, why are we discussing AWs, when we KNOW we need to look elsewhere?
[QUOTE=George90]This is absolutely correct, but incomplete. As DJ has said, by the time they smarten up, they are no longer desirable.
Taking that fact to its logical extreme. If they price themselves out of our reach when they are desirable, they end up making us look elsewhere. When they realize and accept their true value, they are no longer desirable and we look elsewhere. In both circumstances we look elsewhere for women. As Goga said, why are we discussing AWs, when we KNOW we need to look elsewhere?[/QUOTE]
This is true and we should stop beating the dead horse but I do admit it is a bit entertaining...
Its always nice to know when you have these thoughts and feelings about AW that your not alone and not the only one to experience the same thing.
What I wanna know is why a co-worker wants to go with me to TJ when he has a GF and gets laid on a regular basis and goes to strip clubs in between that????
My guess that his previous virgin girlfriend is otherwise a dead fish in bed, which I still wonder why some men demand their women be virgins in the first place...
Whatever the case, I'm going to make TJ a regular "thang" because holy hell I don't need another self-righteous 30something single mother to tell me I'm a loser when I live at home, while she's a dumb-ass for getting knocked up in the first place to that looser she calls her ex-husband...
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]This is true and we should stop beating the dead horse but I do admit it is a bit entertaining.
Whatever the case, I'm going to make TJ a regular "thang" because holy hell I don't need another self-righteous 30something single mother to tell me I'm a loser when I live at home, while she's a dumb-ass for getting knocked up in the first place to that looser she calls her ex-husband...[/QUOTE]DJ FourMoney, why don't you go to Brazil, check out a therma, and you will successfully forget that this nonsense AW creature ever exists.
Even Marilyn Monroe Wanted To Know How We Feel
A new photo of Marilyn Monroe has surfaced, found in the "Lost Collection" of William Travilla.
The photo was found in the "Lost Collection" of clothing designer William Travilla's, an Oscar-winning costumer who dressed nearly 300 starts in his illustrious career.
The new photo shows Marilyn, circa 1952, with Travilla and an unidentified Black man. The photo, coming on the heels of Marilyn's controversial nude photos, was scandalous at the time...a white starlet being photographed with a black man!) The man was often cropped out of the little seen photo. And the mystery remains...who was that man?
G Fung,
I travel the world persuing women from everywhere. But just because I do doesn't mean I don't like american women. Hell I eat sushi every once in awhile. That doesn't mean I stopped liking my good ole Steak and potatoes.
Its called a vacation. And I like to fuck when I'm on vacation. When I'm not on vacation. I date american women. I have taken AW on vacations and had great times. Cabo, Cancun. I only monger because its more expeditous when you're on vacation by yourself or with the fellas, you don't have time to talk the panties off.
In the States I rarely monger.
A new photo of Marilyn Monroe has surfaced, found in the "Lost Collection" of William Travilla.
The photo was found in the "Lost Collection" of clothing designer William Travilla's, an Oscar-winning costumer who dressed nearly 300 starts in his illustrious career.
The new photo shows Marilyn, circa 1952, with Travilla and an unidentified Black man. The photo, coming on the heels of Marilyn's controversial nude photos, was scandalous at the time...a white starlet being photographed with a black man!) The man was often cropped out of the little seen photo. And the mystery remains...who was that man?[/QUOTE]
I heard that there was a photo of Monroe giving a BJ to a man, whose face was out of the picture. J. Edgar Hoover was said to have spent years trying to prove the man getting blown was John F. Kennedy.
This is pretty f!cking funny, western girls living in China ranting about western guys in China!!!
quote:"All these Oh-so-appealing guys are known as LBH's or "Losers Back Home." These LBHs however find sanctuary in the welcoming (and not-so-picky) arms of the Chinese girls here. A big "I'm Sorry" to all the sensible and awesome Chinese girls out there but you know that it's the stupid ones that ruin it for everyone."
Reason enough to keep traveling overseas my friend!!!
New reality show highlighting Screwed up AW
Anyone checking out the new show about screwed up AW trying to trap a man? It is called tough love and it is on VH1 on Sundays. It gives me the willies to think that I've been wasting my time chasing the typically empty headed AW. It is a funny show though.
AW in Brazil
This is a post from the Brazilian thread:
I did not pay attention to AW in Brazil (could not even think of it), but this guy had to watch them and that's pretty much explains why it's difficult to date AW. They might be pretty outside but when they open their mouth, it's a total turn off. And what's worse, many foreign women in USA try to copy them.
[quote=Exec Talent]I am at the hotel breakfast with my girl and notice a fat, ugly, poorly dressed young woman eating her cereal while she was waiting in line. My first thought, she must be American. This was confirmed when we sat down four tables away and could hear everything she was saying because she was talking three times louder than anyone else. She was complaining to her equally fat, ugly and poorly dressed female friend how all the guys hit on her. (Only if she had food).
Next, a table of four American girls sat down. No one fat or ugly this time – they were all pretty hot. Then they opened their mouths. Only twice as loud as everyone else. However, nothing but a round robin b-i-t-c-h session. Then I looked at their expressions. All frowns and scowls. One of the girls was taking things like sugar from another table and throwing what she didn’t want back. Her attitude clearly was – I own this place.
My girl had to leave for work and asked me if I could do an errand for her while she was gone. Had that been an American woman, it would have been a demand and started with “You need to.”
These women wonder why American men travel to Brazil. They only have to look in the mirror (a full-length one). A tape recorder also might come in handy.
Someone needs to write about that in Essence magazine.[/quote]
Women and Recession
Sorry, but since this is the catch all thread...
Have any of you noticed a change in the attitude of women due to the recession? This goes for American women and foreign women.
I read an article in the Post a few weeks ago and it mentioned how women are lowering their standards due to the economic depression.
Has anyone used sites like sugar dady.com or millionaire man.com...the girls seem very good looking and some want between $1500-$3000 a month...not bad for a grade A American chick...and as someone who messes with Grade A EE women this price is rather reasonable.
Are there more women engaged in the sex trade now as a result of the econ downturn? Is there better service? or are they just charging more the way developing people do to make up for lost income?
Chinese Name: One...Gone
[QUOTE=DirkDingy]Sorry, but since this is the catch all thread...
Have any of you noticed a change in the attitude of women due to the recession? This goes for American women and foreign women.
I read an article in the Post a few weeks ago and it mentioned how women are lowering their standards due to the economic depression.
Has anyone used sites like sugar dady.com or millionaire man.com...the girls seem very good looking and some want between $1500-$3000 a month...not bad for a grade A American chick...and as someone who messes with Grade A EE women it this price is somewhat of a bargain.
Are there more women engaged in the sex trade now as a result of the econ downturn? Is there better service? or are they just charging more the way developing people do to make up for lost income?
Thought you died from a mutant form of the clap. Missed your weird but extremely articulate posts. Welcome back to the board.
Thanks Matey
[QUOTE=Illogic]Thought you died from a mutant form of the clap. Missed your weird but extremely articulate posts. Welcome back to the board.[/QUOTE]
Weird??? Maybe...argumentive but I wouldn't be apt to use the term weird to describe my missives.
I heard some ungreatful SOB was writing smack about me on ISG after I showed him around a spot so I wanted to see for myself.
Been working like crazy... 14-19 hours a day for six weeks..
I see you girls are still bitchin' bout 'merican broads as always:)
From what I’ve heard American women are getting a bit more aggressive but not necessarily lowering their standards. One of my friends had his female property manager start calling him up to make small talk at night. She even offered to accompany him on a shopping trip. He did not give her his phone number so she obviously pulled it from his housing application. He is located in an area hard hit by the recession but happens to be one of the lucky ones because he makes good money in a resilient industry. After analyzing the situation it appears that property manager decided to pursue him after getting a good look at his income verification and credit report. I warned him not to mess with her because she is married and has access to his apartment. Anyway, he seemed pretty smitten with her looks so there is no telling whether or not he will heed the warning.
On the other hand immigrant women in the service industry seem to be getting friendlier. Perhaps the increased competition for jobs from US citizens is pushing them out of work or making them more concerned about getting pushed out. If that is the case then having an American boyfriend to help with the bills is certainly an attractive insurance policy especially if they have no family in the country.
I am sure there are many American women affected by the economic downturn turning to other revenue sources to pay their mortgage/rent and feed their family. They may be slightly older than your typical working girl and more like the soccer mom that you see in your middle-class suburbs.
[QUOTE=DirkDingy]Sorry, but since this is the catch all thread...
Have any of you noticed a change in the attitude of women due to the recession? This goes for American women and foreign women.
I read an article in the Post a few weeks ago and it mentioned how women are lowering their standards due to the economic depression.
Has anyone used sites like sugar dady.com or millionaire man.com...the girls seem very good looking and some want between $1500-$3000 a month...not bad for a grade A American chick...and as someone who messes with Grade A EE women this price is rather reasonable.
Are there more women engaged in the sex trade now as a result of the econ downturn? Is there better service? or are they just charging more the way developing people do to make up for lost income?
Like A Piece Of Meat
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]From what I’ve heard American women are getting a bit more aggressive but not necessarily lowering their standards. One of my friends had his female property manager start calling him up to make small talk at night. She even offered to accompany him on a shopping trip. He did not give her his phone number so she obviously pulled it from his housing application. He is located in an area hard hit by the recession but happens to be one of the lucky ones because he makes good money in a resilient industry. After analyzing the situation it appears that property manager decided to pursue him after getting a good look at his income verification and credit report. I warned him not to mess with her because she is married and has access to his apartment. Anyway, he seemed pretty smitten with her looks so there is no telling whether or not he will heed the warning.
On the other hand immigrant women in the service industry seem to be getting friendlier. Perhaps the increased competition for jobs from US citizens is pushing them out of work or making them more concerned about getting pushed out. If that is the case then having an American boyfriend to help with the bills is certainly an attractive insurance policy especially if they have no family in the country.[/QUOTE]
They exploiting us for money and we are exploiting them for pussy. Is everyone really happy with this set up?
well, it is now six years since i bailed out of the us and i gotta say, for anyone who really feels that sex is an important part of their life, it's the only way to go. is it risky? yes. do you have balls? then take the risk. are there some adjustments to be made, some problems that come up, and some bumps in the road? yes. is it a challenge to make a living? yes, but even with the recent melt-down i am a bit ahead from where i was when i left, financially. are you limited only to p4p? no, if you can speak or learn the language. it's true i had an advantage by already knowing another language but that's just an indictment of the us educational system. yeah, us universities "require a foreign language" in most cases but it's not enough. two semesters with little emphasis on actual conversation? get serious. more and more are even accepting sign language as a "foreign" language for christ's fucking sake. only in english-speaking countries can a monolingual person be considered "well educated."
essentially i've become convinced that the problem is not so much "american women" as it is the typical work-centric, stress-filled, overly demanding us lifestyle with all the commuting and trying to backstab one's way up the corporate ladder. everybody bitches about how fat aws are but ams are just as fat, right? sex is just too far down on everybody's list of priorities in the us after a while. money, image, consumer goods, and television are more important.
[b]fuck all that shit![/b] i live like a king on $2k us per month and i am going to screw until my dick falls off, drink until my liver fails, and smoke weed until i light myself on fire. i'm gonna have oral sex and anal sex and pussy sex and when i get sick of that i will go for the nose and the ears. i'm going to screw brown women and black women and white women and yellow women and pink women. i'm gonna screw 'em in my bed and in the shower and on the floor and in the pool and on the dining room table and bent over the laundry sink. i'm gonna hit 'em from on top and from the bottom and from the side and in various contorted and scissors-like positions. i'm gonna cum in their faces and on their tits and in their hair and between their toes.
i'm gonna fuck 'em in cheerleader outfits and blindfolded and tied up and with scarves tied around their necks (a latina favorite) and with bunny ears on. i'm gonna fuck 'em 2 and 3 at a time and i am going to fuck their sisters and their mothers and their daughters and their cousins. then they are going to leave with some money and i will have no further obligations and i can get drunk and burp and fart and cuss as much as i want. maybe some of you will last longer than i will but quality of life is better than quantity of life. i bet i can last 20 more years and nail another thousand or so.
no nagging. no ball busting boss. no prescription required. no warning labels. no [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord131][CodeWord131][/url] or screaming brats.
no worries!
peace out!
How To Finally Be Happy
dickhead. i nominate that as post of the year.
i feel the same way as you do. i learned a few years ago that the so called "american dream" is some huge myth to keep you in the rat race buying that big house, 2 big cars, trapped in a job you hate, marriage you can't stand and you do it all for the "image" that you are considered successful.
it's a myth and after you accomplish all that, you are stressed out, financially handcuffed to making payments to everything that you do not need or want for the next 30 years.
when i found out what really made me happy.
i scaled myself down to living in a low cost of living city where i pay $440. 00 per month for a 1 bedroom apartment in a midclass neighborhood. personally i am happy with just a tv, couch, bed, computer, air condition but that is just me.
i bought a car off craigslist for $2, 000 and i have no car note. may not be a bmw but it aint a bucket either.
i stopped using credit cards. i only use debit cards. if i can't buy it for cash, then i can't afford it period.
i just pay my cable and internet bill, cell phone bill, gas bill and after that all that money is left over so that i can travel the world every month chasing ass.
i too live like a king in other countries. i travel to brazil almost monthly. no need to have one girlfriend in the united states of no getting ass when i can have girlfriends who are 10s from every other city that i touch down in.
i often tell women in the states that they have no idea how really good they have it here. i often tell my male friend that they have no idea how bad they have it here.
don't be trapped by this image that you must maintain for others to think you are successful. hit the reset button. find out what really makes you happy. (for me fucking different beautiful women)
eliminate the money draining ego driven things that you have bought or women that constantly nag you for things that do nothing for you but stress you and start living.
i have never been so happy and do not think i will ever change.
the candy man
[quote=dickhead]well, it is now six years since i bailed out of the us and i have to say, for anyone who really feels that sex is an important part of their life, it's the only way to go. is it risky? yes. do you have balls? then take the risk. are there some adjustments to be made, some problems that come up, and some bumps in the road? yes. is it a challenge to make a living? yes, but even with the recent melt-down i am a bit ahead from where i was when i left, financially. are you limited only to p4p? no, if you can speak or learn the language. it's true i had an advantage by already knowing another language but that's just an indictment of the us educational system. yeah, us universities "require a foreign language" in most cases but it's not enough. two semesters with little emphasis on actual conversation? get serious. more and more are even accepting sign language as a "foreign" language for christ's fucking sake. only in english-speaking countries can a monolingual person be considered "well educated. "
essentially i've become convinced that the problem is not so much "american women" as it is the typical work-centric, stress-filled, overly demanding us lifestyle with all the commuting and trying to backstab one's way up the corporate ladder. everybody bitches about how fat aws are but ams are just as fat, right? sex is just too far down on everybody's list of priorities in the us after a while. money, image, consumer goods, and television are more important.
[b]fuck all that shit! [/b] i live like a king on $2k us per month and i am going to screw until my dick falls off, drink until my liver fails, and smoke weed until i light myself on fire. i'm gonna have oral sex and anal sex and pussy sex and when i get sick of that i will go for the nose and the ears. i'm going to screw brown women and black women and white women and yellow women and pink women. i'm gonna screw 'them in my bed and in the shower and on the floor and in the pool and on the dining room table and bent over the laundry sink. i'm gonna hit 'them from on top and from the bottom and from the side and in various contorted and scissors-like positions. i'm gonna cum in their faces and on their tits and in their hair and between their toes.
i'm gonna fuck 'them in cheerleader outfits and blindfolded and tied up and with scarves tied around their necks (a latina favorite) and with bunny ears on. i'm gonna fuck 'them 2 and 3 at a time and i am going to fuck their sisters and their mothers and their daughters and their cousins. then they are going to leave with some money and i will have no further obligations and i can get drunk and burp and fart and cuss as much as i want. maybe some of you will last longer than i will but quality of life is better than quantity of life. i bet i can last 20 more years and nail another thousand or so.
no nagging. no ball busting boss. no prescription required. no warning labels. no [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord131][CodeWord131][/url] or screaming brats.
no worries!
peace out! [/quote]
[QUOTE=James Bond 007]I am sure there are many American women affected by the economic downturn turning to other revenue sources to pay their mortgage/rent and feed their family. They may be slightly older than your typical working girl and more like the soccer mom that you see in your middle-class suburbs.[/QUOTE]
yeah, but is this parlaying into easier pussy? i don't mean out-and-out hooking by American women but more like EE or LA sponsorship--however informal or unstated it may be in the USA.
[QUOTE=DirkDingy]Have any of you noticed a change in the attitude of women due to the recession? This goes for American women and foreign women.[/QUOTE]
I read an article last week in Bloomberg that Japanese women are searching for husbands specifically in order improve their financial situations.
So I would say YES!!!! The recession is changing (some) women's attitudes.
Any Takers?
For you married minded mongers, Chengdude is about to divorce his pretty Chinese wife. Perhaps one of you can take her in and save a trip abroad. :D
Being a "marriage-minded monger" is about the most dangerous thing I can think of.
Consumed By What We Lust For
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]For you married minded mongers, Chengdude is about to divorce his pretty Chinese wife. Perhaps one of you can take her in and save a trip abroad. :D
Man I read the post and it’s amazing another guy walks away probably from a great woman for the filth we brag about on these boards. Rapper Idi Amin said it best when he said “We all will be consumed by the same things we lust for.”
Shit but whatever floats his boat.
[QUOTE=Illogic]Man I read the post and it’s amazing another guy walks away probably from a great woman for the filth we brag about on these boards. Rapper Idi Amin said it best when he said “We all will be consumed by the same things we lust for.”
Shit but whatever floats his boat.[/QUOTE]
FYI, all she want's is the Green Card.
[QUOTE=Dickhead]Being a "marriage-minded monger" is about the most dangerous thing I can think of.[/QUOTE]
I agree, this types of marriages don't last.
Nothing Left To Sale
chicago – as a bartender and trainer at a national restaurant chain, rebecca brown earned a couple thousand dollars in a really good week. now, as a dancer at chicago's pink monkey gentleman's club, she makes almost that much in one good night.
the tough job market is prompting a growing number of women across the country to dance in strip clubs, appear in adult movies or pose for magazines like hustler.
employers across the adult entertainment industry say they're seeing an influx of applications from women who, like brown, are attracted by the promise of flexible schedules and fast cash. many have college degrees and held white-collar jobs until the economy soured.
"you're seeing a lot more beautiful women who are eligible to do so many other things," said gus poulos, general manager of new york city's sin city gentleman's club. he said he got 85 responses in just one day to a recent job posting on craigslist.
the transition to the nightclub scene isn't always a smooth one — from learning to dance in five-inch heels to dealing with the jeers of some customers.
some performers said they were initially so nervous that only alcohol could calm their nerves.
"it is like giving a speech, but instead of imagining everyone naked, you're the one who's naked," brown, 29, said.
eva stone, a 25-year-old dancer at the pink monkey, said dealing with occasional verbal abuse from patrons requires "a thick skin."
makers of adult films cautioned that women shouldn't rush into the decision to make adult movies without considering the effect on their lives.
"once you decide to be an adult actress, it impacts your relationship with everyone," said steven hirsch, co-chairman of adult film giant vivid entertainment group. "once you make an adult film, it never goes away."
the women at the pink monkey say dancing at a strip club might not have been their first career choice, but they entered the business with their eyes wide open. the job gives them more control and flexibility than sitting in a cubicle, and "it's easy, it's fun and all of us girls ... look out for each other," brown said.
in this economy, "desperate measures are becoming far more acceptable," said jonathan alpert, a new york city-based psychotherapist who's had clients who worked in adult entertainment.
for some, dancing is temporary, a way to pay for college loans or other bills. others say they've found their niche.
dancers at the upscale rick's caberet clubs in new york city and miami can make $100,000 to $300,000 a year — in cash — even with the economic downturn, club spokesman allan priaulx said.
priaulx said 20 to 30 women a week are applying for jobs at the new york club, double the number of a year ago.
still, analysts say, the industry isn't immune to the economic recession. business is down an estimated 30 percent across all segments, including adult films, gentleman's clubs, magazines and novelty shops, said paul fishbein, president of avn media network, an adult entertainment company that has a widely distributed trade publication and an award show.
"in the past, people have said this industry is recession-proof," said eric wold, director of research for financial services firm merriman curhan ford. "i definitely don't see that; maybe recession-resistant."
strip club dancers and managers said they're drawing in the same number of customers, but fewer high rollers.
"they're not getting the big spenders," said angelina spencer, executive director of the association of club executives, a trade group for adult nightclubs. "they're not getting the guys who come in and drop $3,000 to $4,000 a night anymore."
still, the clubs' operating structure leaves them with low overhead and profit margins of up to 50 percent, wold said.
dancers are independent contractors, paying clubs a nightly flat fee depending on how long they work. at the pink monkey, for example, dancers who arrive at 7 p.m. sunday through thursday pay a $40 "house fee," while women who don't arrive until midnight pay $90. and they keep their tips.
wold and others say it's almost impossible to estimate the size of the adult entertainment industry because few companies are publicly traded. he does pay close attention to three that are: lakewood, colo.-based vcg holding and houston-based rick's caberet, which own clubs, and new frontier media, a boulder, colo.-based adult film producer and distributor.
all three are profitable.
rick's caberet had $60 million in revenue in its 2008 fiscal year, up from $32 million the year before, wold said, and he estimates vcg will have $57 million for last year, compared with $40.5 million in fy2007. new frontier media generates more than $400 million in consumer buying a year.
larry flynt, whose half-billion dollar hustler empire publishes magazines, produces and distributes films and operates a casino, said he's continued to do well. but he doesn't expect those who are solely in the film business to survive.
"a lot of the small studios are out of business now, there's no doubt about that," flynt said.
adult magazines also are struggling along with the larger publishing industry, and have to cut pages like everyone else.
but the economic realities aren't keeping jobseekers away.
vivid entertainment's hirsch said the number of women in his business has doubled in the last couple years, with roughly 800 working as adult actresses. "it is more competitive than i've seen it in 25 years," he said.
that doesn't mean all the newcomers are planning on lengthy careers in the industry.
stone, who has a bachelor's degree in graphic design, took up dancing four years ago to help pay her student loans. she plans to go to graduate school this year to pursue a master's in education.
brown, meanwhile, has a ready answer for those critical of her career choice.
"i have job security," she said.
Cool Beans
chicago – as a bartender and trainer at a national restaurant chain, rebecca brown earned a couple thousand dollars in a really good week. now, as a dancer at chicago's pink monkey gentleman's club, she makes almost that much in one good night.
the tough job market is prompting a growing number of women across the country to dance in strip clubs, appear in adult movies or pose for magazines like hustler.
employers across the adult entertainment industry say they're seeing an influx of applications from women who, like brown, are attracted by the promise of flexible schedules and fast cash. many have college degrees and held white-collar jobs until the economy soured.
"you're seeing a lot more beautiful women who are eligible to do so many other things," said gus poulos, general manager of new york city's sin city gentleman's club. he said he got 85 responses in just one day to a recent job posting on craigslist.
the transition to the nightclub scene isn't always a smooth one — from learning to dance in five-inch heels to dealing with the jeers of some customers.
some performers said they were initially so nervous that only alcohol could calm their nerves.
"it is like giving a speech, but instead of imagining everyone naked, you're the one who's naked," brown, 29, said.
eva stone, a 25-year-old dancer at the pink monkey, said dealing with occasional verbal abuse from patrons requires "a thick skin."
makers of adult films cautioned that women shouldn't rush into the decision to make adult movies without considering the effect on their lives.
"once you decide to be an adult actress, it impacts your relationship with everyone," said steven hirsch, co-chairman of adult film giant vivid entertainment group. "once you make an adult film, it never goes away."
the women at the pink monkey say dancing at a strip club might not have been their first career choice, but they entered the business with their eyes wide open. the job gives them more control and flexibility than sitting in a cubicle, and "it's easy, it's fun and all of us girls ... look out for each other," brown said.
in this economy, "desperate measures are becoming far more acceptable," said jonathan alpert, a new york city-based psychotherapist who's had clients who worked in adult entertainment.
for some, dancing is temporary, a way to pay for college loans or other bills. others say they've found their niche.
dancers at the upscale rick's caberet clubs in new york city and miami can make $100,000 to $300,000 a year — in cash — even with the economic downturn, club spokesman allan priaulx said.
priaulx said 20 to 30 women a week are applying for jobs at the new york club, double the number of a year ago.
still, analysts say, the industry isn't immune to the economic recession. business is down an estimated 30 percent across all segments, including adult films, gentleman's clubs, magazines and novelty shops, said paul fishbein, president of avn media network, an adult entertainment company that has a widely distributed trade publication and an award show.
"in the past, people have said this industry is recession-proof," said eric wold, director of research for financial services firm merriman curhan ford. "i definitely don't see that; maybe recession-resistant."
strip club dancers and managers said they're drawing in the same number of customers, but fewer high rollers.
"they're not getting the big spenders," said angelina spencer, executive director of the association of club executives, a trade group for adult nightclubs. "they're not getting the guys who come in and drop $3,000 to $4,000 a night anymore."
still, the clubs' operating structure leaves them with low overhead and profit margins of up to 50 percent, wold said.
dancers are independent contractors, paying clubs a nightly flat fee depending on how long they work. at the pink monkey, for example, dancers who arrive at 7 p.m. sunday through thursday pay a $40 "house fee," while women who don't arrive until midnight pay $90. and they keep their tips.
wold and others say it's almost impossible to estimate the size of the adult entertainment industry because few companies are publicly traded. he does pay close attention to three that are: lakewood, colo.-based vcg holding and houston-based rick's caberet, which own clubs, and new frontier media, a boulder, colo.-based adult film producer and distributor.
all three are profitable.
rick's caberet had $60 million in revenue in its 2008 fiscal year, up from $32 million the year before, wold said, and he estimates vcg will have $57 million for last year, compared with $40.5 million in fy2007. new frontier media generates more than $400 million in consumer buying a year.
larry flynt, whose half-billion dollar hustler empire publishes magazines, produces and distributes films and operates a casino, said he's continued to do well. but he doesn't expect those who are solely in the film business to survive.
"a lot of the small studios are out of business now, there's no doubt about that," flynt said.
adult magazines also are struggling along with the larger publishing industry, and have to cut pages like everyone else.
but the economic realities aren't keeping jobseekers away.
vivid entertainment's hirsch said the number of women in his business has doubled in the last couple years, with roughly 800 working as adult actresses. "it is more competitive than i've seen it in 25 years," he said.
that doesn't mean all the newcomers are planning on lengthy careers in the industry.
stone, who has a bachelor's degree in graphic design, took up dancing four years ago to help pay her student loans. she plans to go to graduate school this year to pursue a master's in education.
brown, meanwhile, has a ready answer for those critical of her career choice.
"i have job security," she said.[/quote]
this is what i was asking about.
95% don't make anything like that
I've known enough strippers in Toronto, and observed their success rate at getting the guys into the VIP booth (that's the only way they make money, and the house usually takes a piece if it is paid by VISA), and no way do these broads make $1, 000. $2, 000 per night. More often then not, they wind up empty as the guys will only spring for $40 table dance, maybe a couple of those, and that only pays the floor fee. A really good night they might bag a winner and make $700. $800 from that guy, probably only Friday/Saturday night. At the For Your Eyes Only in TO, probably the highest end strip club, there will be about 50 girls and maybe 20. 30 guys, and I have had no problem getting a phone # (I tend to be one of the medium priced baggers), and they'll tell me they've had nothing for days. They might be lying, to be sure, but if so, I don't think they'd be so forward with the number if getting a guy in the VIP booth was so easy.
Chengdude Speaks!
[QUOTE=Illogic]Man I read the post and it’s amazing another guy walks away probably from a great woman for the filth we brag about on these boards. Rapper Idi Amin said it best when he said “We all will be consumed by the same things we lust for.”
Shit but whatever floats his boat.[/QUOTE]
Chengdude provided some clarity on why he decided to walk away from his beautiful China doll. I think it proves the old adage that "beauty is only skin deep." He makes a strong case for living the lifestyle and choosing the road less traveled.
Meat Loaf Serves It!
Meat Loaf serves up a dish of reality to the American man and tells him to "go hide in the corner!" In lieu of "father's rights" the American male is given only three choices by the US code of justice, financial castration, incarceration or self-castration (i.e. vasectomy). The citizen is the property of the State and even beyond the borders of his nation he must render onto Caesar the things that are Caesar's. Think you can ignore the fight for men's rights at home and run off to Paradise while keeping US citizenship? Read this.
[QUOTE=PanamaJack]This is pretty f!cking funny, western girls living in China ranting about western guys in China!!!
quote:"All these Oh-so-appealing guys are known as LBH's or "Losers Back Home." These LBHs however find sanctuary in the welcoming (and not-so-picky) arms of the Chinese girls here. A big "I'm Sorry" to all the sensible and awesome Chinese girls out there but you know that it's the stupid ones that ruin it for everyone."[/QUOTE]
Although I'm unable to read this article, my comments on this quote is that chances are that if he's travelling abroad, he's not the LBH this self-assigned judge of men thinks he is. As for myself, I don't like American women. Never did; never will.
I find American women similar to European women in attitude, especially when they're young. Where they differ is that it seems that the older American women get, the more self-absorbed they become. They are unable to handle their power that beauty brings them and they are even worse at handling their loss of it. Ultimately, they become bitter and they have to steal their self respect from elsewhere because they have learned nothing.
I had a Nigerian woman recently tell me something I never thought of. Its so ridiculous but so true. "If you believe nothing else I ever say to you, just believe this one point. I'm a woman; this is the truth. If you want to make a woman angry with you, just show her you're happy."
Take Out
[QUOTE=Furysys]I've known enough strippers in Toronto, and observed their success rate at getting the guys into the VIP booth (that's the only way they make money, and the house usually takes a piece if it is paid by VISA), and no way do these broads make $1, 000. $2, 000 per night. More often then not, they wind up empty as the guys will only spring for $40 table dance, maybe a couple of those, and that only pays the floor fee. A really good night they might bag a winner and make $700. $800 from that guy, probably only Friday/Saturday night. At the For Your Eyes Only in TO, probably the highest end strip club, there will be about 50 girls and maybe 20. 30 guys, and I have had no problem getting a phone # (I tend to be one of the medium priced baggers), and they'll tell me they've had nothing for days.[/QUOTE]
I agree with your remarks about the $$ strippers make. That article sounded like BS - mostly stripping in the US is lower yield than in Canada because of g-string laws (i.e. fewer states offer lap dancing or full contact - at least the states I travel). Plus guys are sticking dollar bills in their bras and g-strings - but a handful of dollar bills still just adds up to $10-20!
You say you get phone numbers from TO strippers - what is the deal for follow-up? How much to they charge?
I haven't done stripper-take-out for years, but it was always very expensive and mediocre. First most girls were not open to an approach until you had spent a fair bit of money in the club (worried about LE). Then they were asking a lot to come back to my hotel, and even then it was not until 2:00 am or whenever they got off work. Then they would ask for the money and a tip before they started!
So I find strippers to be very expensive entertainment. After burning through several $20 table dances you could have an escort girl. Are you finding it different? A better experience in some way?
Sayiing Hello
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]Meat Loaf serves up a dish of reality to the American man and tells him to "go hide in the corner!" In lieu of "father's rights" the American male is given only three choices by the US code of justice, financial castration, incarceration or self-castration (i.e. vasectomy). The citizen is the property of the State and even beyond the borders of his nation he must render onto Caesar the things that are Caesar's. Think you can ignore the fight for men's rights at home and run off to Paradise while keeping US citizenship? Read this.
I'm Meat Loaf in Nicaragua and have noticed that posters on this thread have also starting posting on my thread. I want to say thank you.
Not many posters earn my immediate respect, but Chocha Monger and Tung in Ecuador are two. Sorry if I didn't list your name, but I only write and don't follow or read other threads. I'm selfish!
Thank Guys and Keep up the good communication!
Drugged SW's
One disadvantage of drugged SW's is they are not passionate. Stones
Have you seen this?
[QUOTE=Gentleman Travel]That article sounded like BS - mostly stripping in the US is lower yield than in Canada because of g-string laws (i.e. fewer states offer lap dancing or full contact - at least the states I travel). Plus guys are sticking dollar bills in their bras and g-strings - but a handful of dollar bills still just adds up to $10-20!
You say you get phone numbers from TO strippers - what is the deal for follow-up? How much to they charge?
I haven't done stripper-take-out for years, but it was always very expensive and mediocre. First most girls were not open to an approach until you had spent a fair bit of money in the club (worried about LE). Then they were asking a lot to come back to my hotel, and even then it was not until 2:00 am or whenever they got off work. Then they would ask for the money and a tip before they started!
So I find strippers to be very expensive entertainment. After burning through several $20 table dances you could have an escort girl. Are you finding it different? A better experience in some way?
But you do not know if the stripper is also druggie. I dated a stripper and she was an escort too. It was the best sex I have ever had.
Thanks for the comments. Like anything else, it has been hit and miss, usually when I get a number, I make no effort to try and hit them up for a TLN, I treat it as a date. I wined and dined a couple of them (got nothing! ), met a few for coffee, and had a good time with one off and on for about six months. I don't live in TO, but go several times a year, even so, keeping up that kind of relationship peters out after a while. My point of the post was that there is a helluva lot of competition in those clubs for the buck, and when they think they might nail a steady customer, they are very willing to stay in touch. Logic would suggest that if they were making the big bucks every night, they would blow me off, instead of doing that.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]Meat Loaf serves up a dish of reality to the American man and tells him to "go hide in the corner!" In lieu of "father's rights" the American male is given only three choices by the US code of justice, financial castration, incarceration or self-castration (i.e. vasectomy). The citizen is the property of the State and even beyond the borders of his nation he must render onto Caesar the things that are Caesar's. Think you can ignore the fight for men's rights at home and run off to Paradise while keeping US citizenship? Read this.
Read that shit too. The guy makes having a kid by an American women sound like a Stephen King Novel...wow!
I would work on reading comprehension, Illogic. He's not talking about having a kid by an AW. He's talking about American men knocking up foreign women, and then the foreign women siccing the US dogs on them.
When I was in my early 30s and had a good government job, I was fucking this chick who had a biker boyfriend. I was sorta getting off on the danger of all of that, and so forth. Anyway he showed up at my house one night. We had never met but I knew who he was because of my job. When I realized it was him, I just booked over the back fence and did not come back until the next day, and then I blew her off.
So a few months later she contacted me and told me she was pregnant. I told her there was no way it was mine. Keep in mind that because of my job, I knew she had this BF but she had never told me about him, and I never told her about him coming to my house because I never talked to her after that.
She insisted it was mine. I told her to F.O.A.D. and refused further contact. She hired a lawyer and filed a paternity suit. I did not hire a lawyer and showed up for the initial hearing with:
1) The bill for my vasectomy 6-7 years previously
2) A current urologist's report showing a zero sperm count, and
3) A subpoena to small claims court to compensate me for my time, trouble, lost wages, and so forth, for the maximum amount, which was then $1500 in my state, and an unrelated party to serve said subpoena.
Her attorney turned beet red and wanted to know why I had never told her I had had a vasectomy.
"She never asked me!"
The judge (a woman) then asked if I would withdraw my small claims suit if she withdrew her paternity suit. I said no way. The judge then asked to see her and her attorney in chambers.
When Her Honor returned it was clear she was sorely pissed at Lying Ho and asked what it would take to settle, and I said, "$1500 or we go to small claims court, and also there will now be a civil suit for defamation of character since all of this is now public record."
Ho and attorney huddled and then Ho's attorney asked to speak to me privately. I said no. Her Honor dismissed the case. Ho's attorney then contacted me and I settled for $3,250. I figure Biker probably had to come up with the money.
PS I had already moved by then!
Of course Meat Loaf would have probably sued for more since he is too ignorant to understand the difference between sterilization and castration.
I know how you feel, before marrying my colombian caleña, I dated a bunch of american girls....never could figure them out?
the link to the site is: [url]http://chinadirt[/url] dot b l o g s p o t.com/
I just read a lttle bit of it, can't believe how angry this ladies are but it does not suprise me, "you reap what you sow".
Reading Comprehension?
[QUOTE=Dickhead]I would work on reading comprehension, Illogic. He's not talking about having a kid by an AW. He's talking about American men knocking up foreign women, and then the foreign women siccing the US dogs on them.
When I was in my early 30s and had a good government job, I was fucking this chick who had a biker boyfriend. I was sorta getting off on the danger of all of that, and so forth. Anyway he showed up at my house one night. We had never met but I knew who he was because of my job. When I realized it was him, I just booked over the back fence and did not come back until the next day, and then I blew her off.
So a few months later she contacted me and told me she was pregnant. I told her there was no way it was mine. Keep in mind that because of my job, I knew she had this BF but she had never told me about him, and I never told her about him coming to my house because I never talked to her after that.
She insisted it was mine. I told her to F.O.A.D. and refused further contact. She hired a lawyer and filed a paternity suit. I did not hire a lawyer and showed up for the initial hearing with:
1) The bill for my vasectomy 6-7 years previously
2) A current urologist's report showing a zero sperm count, and
3) A subpoena to small claims court to compensate me for my time, trouble, lost wages, and so forth, for the maximum amount, which was then $1500 in my state, and an unrelated party to serve said subpoena.
Her attorney turned beet red and wanted to know why I had never told her I had had a vasectomy.
"She never asked me!"
The judge (a woman) then asked if I would withdraw my small claims suit if she withdrew her paternity suit. I said no way. The judge then asked to see her and her attorney in chambers.
When Her Honor returned it was clear she was sorely pissed at Lying Ho and asked what it would take to settle, and I said, "$1500 or we go to small claims court, and also there will now be a civil suit for defamation of character since all of this is now public record."
Ho and attorney huddled and then Ho's attorney asked to speak to me privately. I said no. Her Honor dismissed the case. Ho's attorney then contacted me and I settled for $3,250. I figure Biker probably had to come up with the money.
PS I had already moved by then!
Of course Meat Loaf would have probably sued for more since he is too ignorant to understand the difference between sterilization and castration.[/QUOTE]
If an American impregnanates a foreign national she is powerless outside of American boarders. No American court will entertain her case just ask all the kids/mothers who got left around those military bases the US deserted in the early 90s in PI where I live.
On the other hand if she is a foreign national living in America then by all means she is an American and is protected by all the laws of the land.
Dick Head I don’t know this Meat Loaf character but his writings make a lot of sense.
[QUOTE=Dickhead]I would work on reading comprehension, Illogic. He's not talking about having a kid by an AW. He's talking about American men knocking up foreign women, and then the foreign women siccing the US dogs on them.
When I was in my early 30s and had a good government job, I was fucking this chick who had a biker boyfriend. I was sorta getting off on the danger of all of that, and so forth. Anyway he showed up at my house one night. We had never met but I knew who he was because of my job. When I realized it was him, I just booked over the back fence and did not come back until the next day, and then I blew her off.
So a few months later she contacted me and told me she was pregnant. I told her there was no way it was mine. Keep in mind that because of my job, I knew she had this BF but she had never told me about him, and I never told her about him coming to my house because I never talked to her after that.
She insisted it was mine. I told her to F.O.A.D. and refused further contact. She hired a lawyer and filed a paternity suit. I did not hire a lawyer and showed up for the initial hearing with:
1) The bill for my vasectomy 6-7 years previously
2) A current urologist's report showing a zero sperm count, and
3) A subpoena to small claims court to compensate me for my time, trouble, lost wages, and so forth, for the maximum amount, which was then $1500 in my state, and an unrelated party to serve said subpoena.
Her attorney turned beet red and wanted to know why I had never told her I had had a vasectomy.
"She never asked me!"
The judge (a woman) then asked if I would withdraw my small claims suit if she withdrew her paternity suit. I said no way. The judge then asked to see her and her attorney in chambers.
When Her Honor returned it was clear she was sorely pissed at Lying Ho and asked what it would take to settle, and I said, "$1500 or we go to small claims court, and also there will now be a civil suit for defamation of character since all of this is now public record."
Ho and attorney huddled and then Ho's attorney asked to speak to me privately. I said no. Her Honor dismissed the case. Ho's attorney then contacted me and I settled for $3,250. I figure Biker probably had to come up with the money.
PS I had already moved by then!
Of course Meat Loaf would have probably sued for more since he is too ignorant to understand the difference between sterilization and castration.[/QUOTE]
I do know the difference "dickhead" between sterilization and castration. I used teh castration word for effect.
If I wanted a knife cutting my d*ck I would get a penis emplant. LOL.
Great job on the laswuit!
[QUOTE=Illogic]If an American impregnanates a foreign national she is powerless outside of American boarders. No American court will entertain her case just ask all the kids/mothers who got left around those military bases the US deserted in the early 90s in PI where I live.
On the other hand if she is a foreign national living in America then by all means she is an American and is protected by all the laws of the land.
Dick Head I don’t know this Meat Loaf character but his writings make a lot of sense.[/QUOTE]
It does not matter if she's within or outside the USA. The USA has child support agreements around the world and provide assistance to the female via the embassy / consulate. In addition, attorneys and child support enforcement companies can file on her behalf.
If the foreign-attorney does a asset search and finds assets, why wouldn't he bring a case? This is a 20 year cash flow stream (ie. annuity)- child support.
Thanks for the intelligent thought. And I am referring to any woman, foreign or domestic, that gets empregnated by a USA citizen male!
USA Child Support Enforecement
[QUOTE=Meat Loaf]It does not matter if she's within or outside the USA. The USA has child support agreements around the world and provide assistance to the female via the embassy / consulate. In addition, attorneys and child support enforcement companies can file on her behalf.
If the foreign-attorney does a asset search and finds assets, why wouldn't he bring a case? This is a 20 year cash flow stream (ie. annuity)- child support.
Thanks for the intelligent thought. And I am referring to any woman, foreign or domestic, that gets empregnated by a USA citizen male![/QUOTE]
USA Department of State [URL]http://travel.state.gov/family/services/support/support_582.html[/URL]
[QUOTE=Meat Loaf]USA Department of State [URL]http://travel.state.gov/family/services/support/support_582.html[/URL][/QUOTE]
Read that shit too. It’s not so clear cut… it’s an intricate issue. Lawyers, Embassies, State laws vs Federal etc....
As I said all the little half-white, half-black, and half Mexican, Filipino bastards the American GIs left in Angeles and Subic Bay be my witness a foreign women getting her hands on Stateside Federal Reserve notes has a better chance of catching Bin Laden.
To all a mongering good night.
Well, Mr. Loaf, perhaps yet another anatomy lesson is in order. They don't cut your dick. They cut your scrotum. It's not a walk in the park but I'd rather have a vasectomy than a root canal (having had a couple of those). My problem was, they told me to stay in bed for two days and instead I took a bunch of painkillers and went and played softball that night and I spit all the stitches out and had to go back and get re-stitched (and then go to bed for two days anyway).
I realize you used "castration" for effect but you are barking up the wrong tree. Having a vasectomy empowers you. Anyway there are enough people in the world. Mongers who run around knocking up chicas disgust me.
[QUOTE=Dickhead]Well, it is now six years since I bailed out of the US and I gotta say, for anyone who really feels that sex is an important part of their life, it's the only way to go. Is it risky? Yes. Do you have balls? Then take the risk... Everybody bitches about how fat AWs are but AMs are just as fat, right?...Peace out![/QUOTE]
Masterfully written, certainly a stirring manifesto for men everywhere.
But I must take you to task on one thing. While the percentage rate of those who are overweight in the US is the same for men as it is for women, the rate of morbidly obese for women is a lot higher.
And thanks for calling out deadbeat irreresponsible "dads". Uncool to knock up a chick and then disappear.
[QUOTE=Dickhead] Mongers who run around knocking up chicas disgust me.[/QUOTE]
Mee too. Meat Loaf Reports of Distinction in 2007 verify the sentiment.
You're foolish or courageous to play softball with your swollen balls!
i feel sex is an important part of my life. i would like to live freely as you did. you say $2k as if it's a small income. it is not and if i can make those $2k steadily i will be happy.
would i like to live that life? i did in canada (not into asian or black) the rules are less restricted than the us and if you know how to pick up sw's however, the economy sucks. i'd like to make those $2k and live in one of those 3rd world countries (with low standard of living). those $2k will feel as $10k in those countries.
[quote=dickhead]well, it is now six years since i bailed out of the us and i gotta say, for anyone who really feels that sex is an important part of their life, it's the only way to go. is it risky? yes. do you have balls? then take the risk. are there some adjustments to be made, some problems that come up, and some bumps in the road? yes. is it a challenge to make a living? yes, but even with the recent melt-down i am a bit ahead from where i was when i left, financially. are you limited only to p4p? no, if you can speak or learn the language. it's true i had an advantage by already knowing another language but that's just an indictment of the us educational system. yeah, us universities "require a foreign language" in most cases but it's not enough. two semesters with little emphasis on actual conversation? get serious. more and more are even accepting sign language as a "foreign" language for christ's fucking sake. only in english-speaking countries can a monolingual person be considered "well educated."
essentially i've become convinced that the problem is not so much "american women" as it is the typical work-centric, stress-filled, overly demanding us lifestyle with all the commuting and trying to backstab one's way up the corporate ladder. everybody bitches about how fat aws are but ams are just as fat, right? sex is just too far down on everybody's list of priorities in the us after a while. money, image, consumer goods, and television are more important.
[b]fuck all that shit![/b] i live like a king on $2k us per month and i am going to screw until my dick falls off, drink until my liver fails, and smoke weed until i light myself on fire. i'm gonna have oral sex and anal sex and pussy sex and when i get sick of that i will go for the nose and the ears. i'm going to screw brown women and black women and white women and yellow women and pink women. i'm gonna screw 'em in my bed and in the shower and on the floor and in the pool and on the dining room table and bent over the laundry sink. i'm gonna hit 'em from on top and from the bottom and from the side and in various contorted and scissors-like positions. i'm gonna cum in their faces and on their tits and in their hair and between their toes.
i'm gonna fuck 'em in cheerleader outfits and blindfolded and tied up and with scarves tied around their necks (a latina favorite) and with bunny ears on. i'm gonna fuck 'em 2 and 3 at a time and i am going to fuck their sisters and their mothers and their daughters and their cousins. then they are going to leave with some money and i will have no further obligations and i can get drunk and burp and fart and cuss as much as i want. maybe some of you will last longer than i will but quality of life is better than quantity of life. i bet i can last 20 more years and nail another thousand or so.
no nagging. no ball busting boss. no prescription required. no warning labels. no [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord131][CodeWord131][/url] or screaming brats.
no worries!
peace out![/quote]
[Quote=Originally Posted by Meat Loaf]
USA Department of State [url]http://travel.state.gov/family/serv...upport_582.html[/url]
Read that shit too. It’s not so clear cut… it’s an intricate issue. Lawyers, Embassies, State laws vs Federal etc....
As I said all the little half-white, half-black, and half Mexican, Filipino bastards the American GIs left in Angeles and Subic Bay be my witness a foreign women getting her hands on Stateside Federal Reserve notes has a better chance of catching Bin Laden.
To all a mongering good night.
True, but one does not want a bill accruing and 10 - 20 years later, it gets placed against you.
There is no statute of limitations on child support! The custodial parent, by default the female, is void any liability in the time it took her to file a cliam!
Military Sevice
[QUOTE=Illogic]Read that shit too. It’s not so clear cut… it’s an intricate issue. Lawyers, Embassies, State laws vs Federal etc....
As I said all the little half-white, half-black, and half Mexican, Filipino bastards the American GIs left in Angeles and Subic Bay be my witness a foreign women getting her hands on Stateside Federal Reserve notes has a better chance of catching Bin Laden.
To all a mongering good night.[/QUOTE]
You almost floated some bullsh*t past me until I thought of what you said!
Military employees (officer or enlisted) are worse off than society. You're life is under the control of USMJ. They dock pay for late payments on bills; they inspect residences; they have 100% control of your person and activities.
I can call the post commander; report the soldier; and get him a A-15! As a creditor or "baby momma'".
Maybe they behave differently on posts internationally, but within the USA military tiowns everyone knows this! This is why they get girls and only earn US $1,300 as an E1 on post.
Talkiing USMJ (I can't remember the correct term) is futile 'cause that's a seperate code of laws only subjected upon its members, 2,000,000 soldiers.
I have 5 years on post and off post as a dependant and as a hanger on!
I wouldn't use the Philippine Expereince as a barometer.
[QUOTE=Meat Loaf]Mee too. Meat Loaf Reports of Distinction in 2007 verify the sentiment.
You're foolish or courageous to play softball with your swollen balls![/QUOTE]
Yeah, I wasn't too astute back in my 20s. But I got three hits and we won the game.
Desperate times calls for desperate measures
It's so sad.......American females driving American males to commit unspeakable acts.
[QUOTE]Vacuum Sex Act Gets Man 90 Days
SAGINAW, Mich. (March 26) - A man police caught performing a sex act with a car wash vacuum has been sentenced to 90 days in the Saginaw County Jail.
Jason Leroy Savage must also submit to drug testing.
The 29-year-old Swan Creek Township man was sentenced Wednesday in Saginaw County Circuit Court. Savage pleaded no contest to indecent exposure last month. Police say Savage was arrested after a resident called officers early on Oct. 16 to report suspicious activity at a car wash in Thomas Township, about 90 miles northwest of Detroit.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Dickhead]I would work on reading comprehension, Illogic. He's not talking about having a kid by an AW. He's talking about American men knocking up foreign women, and then the foreign women siccing the US dogs on them.
When I was in my early 30s and had a good government job, I was fucking this chick who had a biker boyfriend. I was sorta getting off on the danger of all of that, and so forth. Anyway he showed up at my house one night. We had never met but I knew who he was because of my job. When I realized it was him, I just booked over the back fence and did not come back until the next day, and then I blew her off.
So a few months later she contacted me and told me she was pregnant. I told her there was no way it was mine. Keep in mind that because of my job, I knew she had this BF but she had never told me about him, and I never told her about him coming to my house because I never talked to her after that.
She insisted it was mine. I told her to F.O.A.D. and refused further contact. She hired a lawyer and filed a paternity suit. I did not hire a lawyer and showed up for the initial hearing with:
1) The bill for my vasectomy 6-7 years previously
2) A current urologist's report showing a zero sperm count, and
3) A subpoena to small claims court to compensate me for my time, trouble, lost wages, and so forth, for the maximum amount, which was then $1500 in my state, and an unrelated party to serve said subpoena.
Her attorney turned beet red and wanted to know why I had never told her I had had a vasectomy.
"She never asked me!"
The judge (a woman) then asked if I would withdraw my small claims suit if she withdrew her paternity suit. I said no way. The judge then asked to see her and her attorney in chambers.
When Her Honor returned it was clear she was sorely pissed at Lying Ho and asked what it would take to settle, and I said, "$1500 or we go to small claims court, and also there will now be a civil suit for defamation of character since all of this is now public record."
Ho and attorney huddled and then Ho's attorney asked to speak to me privately. I said no. Her Honor dismissed the case. Ho's attorney then contacted me and I settled for $3,250. I figure Biker probably had to come up with the money.
PS I had already moved by then!
Of course Meat Loaf would have probably sued for more since he is too ignorant to understand the difference between sterilization and castration.[/QUOTE]
WOW!...I love this STORY!!
I got my sack trimmed 15 yo ago but dont have any docs to attribute the fact. I think I will try to get em. These women are certainly out there; I had a Ghana chick trying to use my dick as a source of income when I lived in DC.
After 4 months of having a regular cycle , she kicked me to the curb...
[QUOTE=Naked Gunz]WOW!...I love this STORY!!
I had a Ghana chick trying to use my dick as a source of income when I lived in DC.
The USA Child Support Laws will handle it for her.
Read Meat Loaf in Nicaragua to learn the USA Child Support Laws that apply to the USA Male Citizen.
The Ghana girl is smart, and the USA will handle it all for her!
As I cited on this board awhile back, there is now ample legal precedent in the US that requires a man to pay child support even if it's not his! NY state supreme court ruled in a case where the guy lived with his girlfriend for a few years along with a kid who wasn't his, they split up, and the court said he had to pay child support because he was the only father figure the child had ever known!
So a documented vasectomy will not save you. Only eternal vigilence and well-tuned radar will.
Well, I wouldn't live with some hag who had a kid, regardless of whose it was. I had the vasectomy because I don't want kids. They annoy me. Older boys can be fun to toss the football around with for an hour or so. "Gee Tommy that was fun. Now get the fuck out."
I did once live with a woman who had kids but the dad had custody and they were only around every other weekend. Two of the three were okay but the middle one was just a little kunt. I stayed friends with the gal after we broke up and I watched her balloon up to 200 lbs and the (very good looking) oldest daughter promptly followed suit. This daughter actually declared bankruptcy at age 20 (the mom declared bankruptcy after we broke up, too).
But, in fact, the ex-GF was paying child support to the dad since she made more money than he did. All that is based on a very cut-and-dried formula in my ex-state. I don't think there is such a thing as alimony in that state, either.
I am not sure which disgusts me more: the US situation where a guy can end paying child support for a kid that isn't his, or the situation where I currently live where the man has zero accountability. I think the latter is probably worse from an overall societal standpoint. Not that I give a shit about overall society or anything. I just give a shit about pussy, weed, and beer, in that approximate order. And, all three of those situations suck in the US. Here prostitution is legal, possession of up to two grams of weed is decriminalized (and further liberalization looms), and I can drink beer in public. I can even drink beer on the trains and buses. I can drink beer in a car as long as I am not the driver. For some odd reason it's prohibited to drink beer in the subway, but you can do it and nobody gives a shit. In fact there was absolutely no regulation of alcohol whatsoever in this country until quite recently. No licensing, no drinking age, nothing. Now there is a drinking age (18) but it's not enforced strictly at all. Plus a couple of years ago this province passed a law limiting off-sale to 8 AM to 11 PM. But, any place that has tables (or a bar with stools) is exempt from this so all it really does is drive the price up. And, the alcoholism rate here is way, way lower than in the US.
But my alcoholism rate is 100%.
[QUOTE=Meat Loaf]Talkiing USMJ (I can't remember the correct term) [/QUOTE]UCMJ (uniform code of military justice)
Dead Beats
What are you guys feelings on guys abandoning pregnant mothers just because of not wanting the financial or parental responsibilities when they are rightfully the father? What if they asked the girl to get an abortion the mother refuses and the guy takes off who is wrong?
[QUOTE=Illogic] What if they asked the girl to get an abortion the mother refuses and the guy takes off who is wrong?[/QUOTE]
The guy is wrong. An abortion is not a walk in the park. Therefore if one mongers one should have a vasectomy or use a condom. End of story. Abortion is the woman's choice. It's her body. Ejaculating in her pussy is the man's choice and carries consequences.
As I said earlier:
[QUOTE=Yogin]...And thanks for calling out deadbeat irreresponsible "dads". Uncool to knock up a chick and then disappear.[/QUOTE]
I have as much contempt and lack of respect for a guy who has 5 kids by 5 women whom he never sees and takes no responsibilty for as I do for a chick who has 5 kids by 5 guys who are out of the picture. Breeding kids with everything stacked against them: greater chance of poverty, poor education, and criminality.
And I have no sympathy for guys who say they were "tricked" into knocking her up, that she lied about having birth control. I've an idea: don't have unprotected sex unless you know her well enough to trust her completely. or are ready to step up if there's an accident. Develop some better radar to detect crazies.
She doesn't want an abortion? Her choice. His choice to control where his sperm go.
Yogin, you are right
Absolutely true what you say Yogin, certainly it is true in Canada. There was a Supreme Court (of Canada) decision a few years back, it is a bit of a long story, but effectively the man lived with this single mom for about a year, she went back to the original bf, had another kid, then went back to this guy, and would you believe the idiot, he took her back for another year or so. She left, went back to the bf, they both sued and won, for about three years back child support, and child support for another 15 yrs or so. Incredible, but true. Unfortunately, the real loser. The single mom.
I know many guys (including myself), who will not touch a single mom with a 10 foot pole. Where once we might be accomodating to see how it will go, now it is far too much of a risk. I'd much rather be mongering around in Colombia, Peru, Panama etc. , and, of course, take great care while at it, and then get on a plane and come back to nobody, then ever take the risk of being set up for years on end.
I have very mixed feelings about these broads that get pregnant after a onenight stand or whatever, when they lie to the guy. Yes, it is his responsibility, blah, blah, blah. But, and I've heard the story like everybody else, they know damn well that they can feed this kind of bullshit story ad infinitum, knowing some guy will be the white knight in shining armour, and believe them, then BOOM! , down comes the paternity suit. And there is no sense of shame, or responsibility or anything from these bitches, they had it planned from the start. The best solution, stay FAR FAR away from any North American *****, and there won't be a problem. The happiest guys I know are the ones who are not with anybody here, these women make life a pure living hell.
Not Always so Simple
I admire the righteous indignation here about guys who willingly knock up women and then abandon the children. However, it is not so simple in every case. Everyone says, "He should have used a condom. He shouldn't have blown his wad in her pussy. He shouldn't have trusted her when she said that she was on birth control, etc."
I think we all know that it isn't so cut and dry when it comes guys with hard cocks and conniving chicks with hot wet pussies. Sometimes caution and reasoning flies out the window or trust is violated. Sure there are guys who blow a nut up chicks' pussies and continue on their way as casually as spitting a wad of chewing tobacco in a urinal. Child abandonment is a passionate issue and everyone wants to be on the side against it. Supporting it would be as bad a being a spokesman in favor of genocide.
Anyway, let's forget the raw emotion involved with such a thing for a moment and examine the reality of these situations. Some of these men may not have left willingly and others might have made every effort as can be expected of a reasonable person to avoid a pregnancy. Think CM is a crazy bastard? Well let's take a close look at the following case as experienced by the monger John Henri, then tell me who you think was culpable in that situation. Enjoy.
You Did It Again.. .You A Genius
[quote=chocha monger]i admire the righteous indignation here about guys who willingly knock up women and then abandon the children. however, it is not so simple in every case. everyone says, "he should have used a condom. he shouldn't have blown his wad in her pussy. he shouldn't have trusted her when she said that she was on birth control, etc."
i think we all know that it isn't so cut and dry when it comes guys with hard cocks and conniving chicks with hot wet pussies. sometimes caution and reasoning flies out the window or trust is violated. sure there are guys who blow a nut up chicks' pussies and continue on their way as casually as spitting a wad of chewing tobacco in a urinal. child abandonment is a passionate issue and everyone wants to be on the side against it. supporting it would be as bad a being a spokesman in favor of genocide.
anyway, let's forget the raw emotion involved with such a thing for a moment and examine the reality of these situations. some of these men may not have left willingly and others might have made every effort as can be expected of a reasonable person to avoid a pregnancy. think cm is a crazy bastard? well let's take a close look at the following case as experienced by the monger john henri, then tell me who you think was culpable in that situation. enjoy.
cm… mayne there is no other way to fucking say it… but you are the fucking man….great post….again.
also peeped my man story damn that shit is wild. sounds like some young and restless type shit incredible.
What's all this plastic bag bullshit? Flush it down the toilet. And condoms are excellent for disease protection but not so hot for contraception. They break, they leak (especially if you hang around inside after you're done, which is of course fun to do), they fall off, etc. Be like Meat Loaf and give 'em the shot yourself, or be like me and get snipped. It's too bad what happened to this guy (I've heard of this before) but he shouldn't have given her his e-mail address. I have an e-mail address for this purpose that I [b]never[/b] access from my home computer so there's no way it could ever be traced back to me. And when mongering casually I make sure nothing with my last name on it is lying around. I don't give out my land line and my cell is untraceable. I do all this even though I'm snipped. I don't want any chica problems.
I have blue eyes too and [b]several[/b] times chicas have asked me to knock them up so they can have a kid with "ojos celestes" (blue eyes). I don't bother explaining Mendel to them. I just say "okay," blow my load in them, and laugh my ass off. One time this went on for over a year and the chica (who had other kids, of course) could not understand why it wasn't working. I told her I had the mumps when I was a kid and that was probably why.
So why'd this guy even submit to a DNA test? Why not disappear? Disappearing under those circumstances is justified as far as I'm concerned.
Desperate AW Dates 100 Men!
A desperate emotionally over the hill AW dates 100 men before finding a sucker. At 34 yrs of age, Ann Marsh has seen her best years come and go as evidenced by her constant reminiscing of her long lost 20's. In spite of this she is able to waste the time of scores of men over a six month period. She whines about the fact that an astute National Guard pilot realized that she was no catch and called for the check after buying her a California roll for dinner. You'd think that she was getting more than enough to eat from her multiple dates but that, apparently, was not the case. This article is a good read for guys who want further insight on the American dating scene.
These guys are pathetic
I read the story and can only shake my head. Yes, she is 35, whines on about her boohoohoo loneliness when she would blow off every guy she could, and now has the opportunity to date hundreds of guys until she has found the one that satisfies the entire laundry list (I. E. , either a complete shakedown, or he will treat like the princess she expects to be treated as)
When will NA men ever wake up? As long as this is the case, these broads will continue to expect that sooner or later they'll find the sucker that they have always wanted, she even virtually says that in the article. If we all went on strike for even a few months, attitude might start to change. But I wouldn't be holding my breath.
Maybe we need someone to write "What I Learned from Fucking 100 Women"!
It could detail lots of helpful advice to guys to avoid unfruitful relationships,
like the "three strikes you're out" rule - if she doesn't put out by the third date
it is time to move one (make that two strikes in hunting outside America).
It could discuss the cost-benefit ratio of dating vs P4P
and extoll the virtues of all-you-can-eat sex at FKKs.
It could educate American women that there are plenty of fish
for men to catch in other seas that are much easier to catch
and tastier as well - that once men learn to fish elsewhere, the value of
American cold fish sex will plummet and the species will face extinction.
Certainly mongering instills in one the "put out or get out" ethos of relationship management,
even for those of us who are married or value long-term relationships.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]A desperate emotionally over the hill AW dates 100 men before finding a sucker. At 34 yrs of age, Ann Marsh has seen her best years come and go as evidenced by her constant reminiscing of her long lost 20's. In spite of this she is able to waste the time of scores of men over a six month period. She whines about the fact that an astute National Guard pilot realized that she was no catch and called for the check after buying her a California roll for dinner. You'd think that she was getting more than enough to eat from her multiple dates but that, apparently, was not the case. This article is a good read for guys who want further insight on the American dating scene.
AW are over-rated. They portray themselves as the victims and the weak. I wonder if it was a man who wrote this! Would it be ok to date 100's of women. Then why women's sexuality is higher than men?
I was listening to the radio and a girl called to say that she shares everything in her relation with her boyfriend. When they go out she pays her bill. The guy on the radio said "that's weird! how long you have been with him?" "Oh that long and do you have sex" she said " long and we have sex"
As if the radio guy means you are having sex with him for free!
[quote]At times my faith flagged, like when the well-spoken National Guard pilot bought me a single California roll for dinner and called for the check. Phew. Rejection in a bit of raw fish. The best remedy was always the next date. When the soap opera actor or the triathlete didn't call — both of whom had looked deep into my eyes and proclaimed their attraction to me — I did nothing. I let them go. I wanted a man whose actions matched his words.[/quote]
You see in their words that men are supposed to always pay.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]A desperate emotionally over the hill AW dates 100 men before finding a sucker. At 34 yrs of age, Ann Marsh has seen her best years come and go as evidenced by her constant reminiscing of her long lost 20's. In spite of this she is able to waste the time of scores of men over a six month period. She whines about the fact that an astute National Guard pilot realized that she was no catch and called for the check after buying her a California roll for dinner. You'd think that she was getting more than enough to eat from her multiple dates but that, apparently, was not the case. This article is a good read for guys who want further insight on the American dating scene.
The Reality of Dating American Women
Here is some good reading for those of you who still date AW. Remember to send the author your story:
And for those of you into internet dating:
I regret wasting 5 minutes of my life reading this drivel.
This man is GOD.. He speaks the TRUTH.. If the USA had the same aproach in dealings with IMMIGRATION as an EXAMPLE Moscow Russia The USA would NOT have the problems they have today... Yes Russia as a whole nation is xenophobic nationalists. Say what you like but the RUSSIAN DUMA has the JEWS number. thats for sure. I feel safe walking the streets in Moscow at night, I do NOT feel safe walking the streets in any BIG CITY in the USA... Yes every country has good points and bad points... I honestly believe the USA should seriously LOOK at the Russian way of doing things in the immigration department.. I also LOVE the DOCUMENTS at all times in Moscow. This law is even for Moscowvites... The city is NOT over populated with other ethnic people (illegal aliens) .
I Hope This Just A Joke?
proposed law would criminalize international romance
a fascinating email from reader dave root who attaches an original article. dave writes....
greetings wendy:
back in 2005 average american folks like myself were delighted when you wrote an article castigating the federal imbra law. (see "mail order bride law brands u.s. men abusers." - [url]http://www.ifeminists.net/introduct.../2006/0111.html[/url]) now that the federal law has been passed it sets a dangerous precedent for even more draconian legislation. take a look at this proposed maryland law and you will understand.
proposed law would criminalize international romance
by dave root
maryland men who wish to communicate with foreign women may need to visit their local police station if a highly controversial proposed maryland bill (hb 596) becomes law. hb 596 recently introduced into the maryland general assembly by delegate joanne benson would shockingly require maryland residents to submit to criminal background checks before communication can begin if they use an international dating or pen pal site.
perhaps the most appalling provision would potentially require maryland men to provide to the central repository “a complete set of legible fingerprints taken at any designated state or local law enforcement office…” before they can initiate communication with a foreign woman. this is the type of draconian government intrusion into the personal sphere that joseph stalin would have approved.
penalties for violations of the dating law include a fine not exceeding $12,000 or imprisonment not exceeding one year or both.
the title of the bill “regulation of marriage brokers” is misleading and was used to suggest something sinister is occurring which needs to be regulated. the bill is littered with false, misleading and confusing language designed to suggest that international dating and friendship- a perfectly legitimate pursuit is somehow connected to trafficking or arranged marriages. these are actually two dissimilar activities and one activity is legal while the other activity is a crime. hb 596 would dangerously conflate both the legal and illegal activity as if they were the same.
the bill states it would regulate various for- profit enterprises including those that offer matrimonial and dating services. but the criminal disclosure requirements are performed before the couple has even met. how can you regulate matrimonial services if a relationship doesn’t even exist? it should come as no surprise that delegate joanne benson the sponsor of this poorly written law is one of the most liberal lawmakers within the maryland general assembly.
obviously the regulation of so-called “marriage brokers” is a spoof which surreptitiously masks the reality of a law that would violate the privacy rights of maryland men. simply put there is no justification to require maryland citizens to provide their police records before they can exchange e mails with a foreigner. this is a blatant violation of the first amendment (freedom of speech and freedom of association), the fifth and fourteenth amendments (equal protection) as well as violations of article 2, 24, 40, 44 and article 46 in the declaration of rights of the maryland constitution.
hb 596 is patterned after a similar federal law the international marriage broker regulation act which was sneaked through congress with no testimony or witnesses. american women advocacy groups and a few politicians made sensational claims that american men who date foreign women are losers, serial [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord127][CodeWord127][/url], wife beaters and “many are premeditated torturers” without supplying adequate proof of such incendiary statements, not to mention common sense. they also suggested such men were trafficking women without any proof. the washington post wrote an expose on trafficking in 2007 and found that advocacy groups had sprung up around the beltway to lap up money spent on a virtually nonexistent problem in the us.
writing a letter - including a romance letter is a legitimate activity and the government has no right to enact laws which place restrictions on relationships and communication occurring over international boundaries. the real culprits are politicians who sponsor blatantly unconstitutional laws at the beckoning of special interest groups with a hidden political agenda and lots of money.
wendy mcelroy - tuesday 31 march 2009
Closed Shop
[QUOTE=PanamaJack]Proposed law would criminalize International Romance
by Dave Root
Maryland men who wish to communicate with foreign women may need to visit their local police station if a highly controversial proposed Maryland bill (HB 596) becomes law. HB 596 recently introduced into the Maryland General Assembly by Delegate Joanne Benson would shockingly require Maryland residents to submit to criminal background checks before communication can begin if they use an international dating or pen pal site.[/QUOTE]
This is an attempt by American women to introduce the "closed shop" union rule for international romance - to prevent low-cost romantic out-souricing to offshore "romance havens" which often provide superior services at a fraction of the price (emotional and financial) of traditional American supplies.
Hey, it worked for the auto industry, didn't it??
[QUOTE=Gentleman Travel]This is an attempt by American women to introduce the "closed shop" union rule for international romance - to prevent low-cost romantic out-souricing to offshore "romance havens" which often provide superior services at a fraction of the price (emotional and financial) of traditional American supplies.
Hey, it worked for the auto industry, didn't it??[/QUOTE]
It sure did...
This is one more reason to consider living elsewhere...
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]It sure did...
This is one more reason to consider living elsewhere...[/QUOTE]DJ,
So where do you think to live? I think anywhere behind the USA border will work;)
Yesterday one friend brought two Russian girls to my house in the USA. In 5 min, I wanted to tell then get the fuck out. I asked them if they wanna make some salad, and they said no, they only came for a barbeque to eat! And they were saying how come it's not ready yet, and they are really hungry. They were supposed to be my friend's "friends" so I did not kick them out.
Usually girls offer some help cooking. At least what I'm used to. One of them really good looking the other quite ugly for me, but they all the time tried to tell that they are the most important shit in the universe. Incredible. They have been in the USA for a few years (one for 2 years and the other 4 years) and turned into such asshole monsters. But in Russia girls are usually are complete opposite.
On the other hand, a few days ago I was in Colombia and spent a day with one hot girl, who is also student and a fotomodel, she was doing some cooking for me and washing plates. I did not ask her to do anything of that.
What a contrast after crossing the USA border.
[QUOTE=Goga Fung]DJ,
So where do you think to live? I think anywhere behind the USA border will work;)
Yesterday one friend brought two Russian girls to my house in the USA. In 5 min, I wanted to tell then get the fuck out. I asked them if they wanna make some salad, and they said no, they only came for a barbeque to eat! And they were saying how come it's not ready yet, and they are really hungry. They were supposed to be my friend's "friends" so I did not kick them out.
Usually girls offer some help cooking. At least what I'm used to. One of them really good looking the other quite ugly for me, but they all the time tried to tell that they are the most important shit in the universe. Incredible. They have been in the USA for a few years (one for 2 years and the other 4 years) and turned into such asshole monsters. But in Russia girls are usually are complete opposite.
On the other hand, a few days ago I was in Colombia and spent a day with one hot girl, who is also student and a fotomodel, she was doing some cooking for me and washing plates. I did not ask her to do anything of that.
What a contrast after crossing the USA border.[/QUOTE]
Its a contrast alright....
Some Aussie chick came up to me and my boy last night coming back from "The Room" in Hollywood and wanted to be friendly, she talked to us for about 5 mins and she wasn't drunk. She was one of those SKA/Punk type chicks with the Misfit t-shirt and dyed strawberry red hair.
Not my type so I really didn't pursue her. But she was nice enough.
As I said once before, if you're going to bring a girl back to the US, make sure she firmly rejects our typical way of life and is willing to pull her own weight.
What is it with the U.S.A. that causes Women who come here from all over the world to "change"?
[QUOTE=Goga Fung]DJ,
So where do you think to live? I think anywhere behind the USA border will work;)
Yesterday one friend brought two Russian girls to my house in the USA. In 5 min, I wanted to tell then get the fuck out. I asked them if they wanna make some salad, and they said no, they only came for a barbeque to eat! And they were saying how come it's not ready yet, and they are really hungry. They were supposed to be my friend's "friends" so I did not kick them out.
Usually girls offer some help cooking. At least what I'm used to. One of them really good looking the other quite ugly for me, but they all the time tried to tell that they are the most important shit in the universe. Incredible. They have been in the USA for a few years (one for 2 years and the other 4 years) and turned into such asshole monsters. But in Russia girls are usually are complete opposite.
On the other hand, a few days ago I was in Colombia and spent a day with one hot girl, who is also student and a fotomodel, she was doing some cooking for me and washing plates. I did not ask her to do anything of that.
What a contrast after crossing the USA border.[/QUOTE]
Simple and Not so Simple
Well, let's see:
- We have lots of guys letting them get away with it
- They have a huge network, telling them exactly what to do to "Catch" guys (The Rules, talk show hostesses, etc), and what to do after they have succeeded (The headaches, be a beeutch, lock the legs up, use sex as a weapon, nag, nag, nag)
- Lots of guys paying through the nose to look at nice looking women (Strip club mentality, screw that shit!!!)
- Women get paid just because they are cute by the weak (I will send you money because… fill in the blank)
- They have all the goods (Ass, butts, lips and tits)
- Because it is lawful
- If men haven't left the USA ever, men don't have a basis of reference to know how they should really be treated by "Real" exotic looking, shapely, women
In my opinion, all fathers should take their sons outside of the USA and mentor them on the subtleties, mannerisms, and companionship of real women. There are a few of them here, but I’ve found them all to be unavailable. Women here are spoiled, brainwashed, overweight, delusional and overconfident. We need to stop being so gullible; after all, we have something they need too. Somewhere in the middle is where we need to be between the sexes, but, we overwhelmingly give in at any hint of a tryst in the sack. Buying drinks because some random, dolled up hoe gives you the eye in a club? That is crap.
When I travel, I buy ladies drinks because I know I’m going to bed with the recipient. I love the mattress circus. They can do anything. Women here go to clubs, dressed to kill because they know they WON’T have to buy drinks; plenty of desperate, insecure, men out there willing to fall for the oldest social norm at the bar. You know: “May I buy you a $25 drink?” Gulp!!! Let the beeutch buy her own shit. I listen to them brag every Monday about those who do. What do they do in return? Nothing!!! Ahhh, sorry, guys, just venting a bit…
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax]What is it with the U.S.A. that causes Women who come here from all over the world to "change"?[/QUOTE]
Re: Closed Shop
[QUOTE=Gentleman Travel]This is an attempt by American women to introduce the "closed shop" union rule for international romance -- to prevent low-cost romantic out-sourcing to offshore "romance havens" which often provide superior services at a fraction of the price (emotional and financial) of traditional American suppliers.[/QUOTE] ROTFLMAO. Holy fuck, this is the best summary I have seen in a long time. Whew **wiping the tears of laughter away** Thanks Gentleman Travel.
Dickhead's court & "fuck all that shit!" stories are great ones, too. This is an interesting forum I obviously should pay more attention to ...
[QUOTE=Gentleman Travel]This is an attempt by American women to introduce the "closed shop" union rule for international romance - to prevent low-cost romantic out-souricing to offshore "romance havens" which often provide superior services at a fraction of the price (emotional and financial) of traditional American supplies.
[b]Hey, it worked for the auto industry, didn't it??[/b][/QUOTE]
It worked [i]for a while[/i]! The problem with this type of micro-management of romance is that it only works for a while. Over the long-term, people find an alternative to the bad deal that is being offeed.
Look at the auto industry today. GM is going bankrupt next month. Chrysler may go bankrupt next week. Only the foreign owned firms, Toyota and Nissan, are in reasonable shape.
So, in 20 years we can expect women to be in just as bad shape. You know, I have been reading horror stories about this recession. It is hitting women as well as men. It is hitting single women pretty hard, even though it is male dominated jobs such as construction and manufacturing that are being lost the most. It is hitting women hard because they are concentrated in lower paying jobs such as primary school and secondary school teaching.
Women, especially single mothers, have no savings to help them weather the recession until a better paying job comes along. There are single mothers going homeless or moving back into their mother's house. What I see is a generation of women who bragged about how they don't need a man in their lives, but who now could use some male help contributing to managing the household. I feel some sympathy but I know that they made their own beds.
[QUOTE=George90]It worked [i]for a while[/i]
It is hitting women hard because they are concentrated in lower paying jobs such as primary school and secondary school teaching.
Women, especially single mothers, have no savings to help them weather the recession until a better paying job comes along. There are single mothers going homeless or moving back into their mother's house. What I see is a generation of women who bragged about how they don't need a man in their lives, but who now could use some male help contributing to managing the household. I feel some sympathy but I know that they made their own beds.[/QUOTE]
I think it's the guys who will get shafted royally in this global recession - soon to be depression. A woman can always go the p4p route for survival. Just look at the surge of new women advertising p4p on CL. One good thing for us, rates will decrease drastically.
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax]I think it's the guys who will get shafted royally in this global recession - soon to be depression. [b]A woman can always go the p4p route for survival.[/b] Just look at the surge of new women advertising p4p on CL. One good thing for us, rates will decrease drastically.[/QUOTE]
I disagree. A woman has to meet some minimum level of physical attractiveness to be taken seriously in the P4P game. In addition, she has to perform a minimum number and type of sex acts to be successful.
I remember one episode of Cathouse, in which a good looking blonde waltzed into the house saying that she had pride and standards and [i]wouldn't ever do oral[/i]. So she had a series of men come on to her and she ran down her laundry list of things she doesn't do because she has pride and it is beneath her to do those things. One by one each man went with another lady. She had NO CUSTOMERS and made NO MONEY. By the end of the episode she was on a plane back to where she came from.
Given the attitudes of women in the US, I can't see many being successful in the P4P game. There are many desperate and weak men who are willing to pay good money for the crappy service he will get. But there are NOT [i]that[/i] many with [i]that much[/i] money for the average AW, who needs to, to make it in P4P.
Is this a joke ?
What about American Women doing international dating ... would they be required to register themselves to the police station too ?
Really, America has becoma a police state, and unfortunately President Obama is doing nothing to reverse this trend.
[QUOTE=PanamaJack]Proposed law would criminalize International Romance
Maryland men who wish to communicate with foreign women may need to visit their local police station if a highly controversial proposed Maryland bill (HB 596) becomes law. HB 596 recently introduced into the Maryland General Assembly by Delegate Joanne Benson would shockingly require Maryland residents to submit to criminal background checks before communication can begin if they use an international dating or pen pal site.
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax]What is it with the U.S.A. that causes Women who come here from all over the world to "change"?[/QUOTE]
The culture. American men are always going out of their way to be nice to women in the hope of getting some pussy. Many, immigrant women soon realize that pussy rules in America. Then they promptly use it to whip the men chasing after them into shape. Soon after daily supplication from scores of vagina worshipers the women lose all respect for American men and treat them accordingly to the approval of her American sisters.
As long as men buy women free drinks, dinners and jewelry in order to "get lucky," women who come to this country will continue to change. They're just adapting to their surroundings.
[QUOTE=George90]I disagree. A woman has to meet some minimum level of physical attractiveness to be taken seriously in the P4P game. In addition, she has to perform a minimum number and type of sex acts to be successful.
I disagree. Have you seen some of the P4P ladies on CL. All freaking shapes and sizes. There are ladies on there that I would not fuck with your dick....had one lady, a 3 toothed BBW, who has ads on CL, tell me her phone was always ringing off the hook. Of course I made a U turn when I saw her. For most American men there is no minimum level of physical attractiveness, we will fuck anything that moves, if we are horny enough.......including a hole in a tree.
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax] For most American men there is no minimum level of physical attractiveness, we will fuck anything that moves if we are horny enough.......including a hole in a tree.[/QUOTE]
Well said. I've always said " all it takes is a good looking toe and you have 100 guys lined up"
The brutal part is getting dissed by a chump change hoe worth $6 or less abroad. It doesn't bother me anymore but it does extremely limit your expectations or desire to go out.
Alot of men are absolute losers in this game. Those who do break through the barriers do so with so much effort that they feel entitiled to cheat. The wheel spins round and round until everbody gets dizzy and falls out.
I meet other mongers who face age discrimination. I'd like to NOT be here by the time that rolls along.
The scene is ugly...no hope in sight. I wish I could be more positive but I cant.
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax]I disagree. Have you seen some of the P4P ladies on CL. All freaking shapes and sizes. There are ladies on there that I would not fuck with your dick....had one lady, a 3 toothed BBW, who has ads on CL, tell me her phone was always ringing off the hook. Of course I made a U turn when I saw her. [b]For most American men there is no minimum level of physical attractiveness, [/b]we will fuck anything that moves if we are horny enough.......including a hole in a tree.[/QUOTE]
I have never used CL for anything yet. I expect to never use CL for P4P as I don't monger in the US.
If you are being sincere and truthful in your post, then I can only say that I am WAY out of the loop. The only men that I can imagine having no standards and going with what you described are recently released long-term criminals, mentally ill men, drug addicts and alcoholics, and maybe physically handicapped men.
Even then, I can't believe there will be so many such men going after the BBWs on CL that these BBWs would make much money. Many years ago when I was in college, I used to see a homeless man regularly on the streets near where I grocery shopped. One evening, he was walking hand-in-hand with a homeless woman. It looked like they decided to be GF/BF. While she was dirty and probably playing with less than a full deck, she wasn't fat, seemed to have all her front teeth, seemed in her 30's, I thought that if she cleaned up she might look pretty decent. In my mind I wished them some happiness in their otherwise sad lives. My point is that even a homeless man found something better than your CL BBW.
A man with a decent job, decent looking, and healthy, just wouldn't touch that.
A man with a decent job, decent looking, and healthy, just wouldn't touch that.[/QUOTE]
Have you ever been to a fetish club ? There are guys into that stuff. I think most guys would bust a nut on something substandard as long as nobody knew about it. There is always use for pussy whether it's just for a BJ a hand job or what have you. I'm guilty of it at least in my mind!
America is prison mentality. You either take or you get what you get. Luckily there are those of us that can leave the playing field.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]The culture. American men are always going out of their way to be nice to women in the hope of getting some pussy. Many, immigrant women soon realize that pussy rules in America. Then they promptly use it to whip the men chasing after them into shape. Soon after daily supplication from scores of vagina worshipers the women lose all respect for American men and treat them accordingly to the approval of her American sisters.
As long as men buy women free drinks, dinners and jewelry in order to "get lucky," women who come to this country will continue to change. They're just adapting to their surroundings.[/QUOTE]
Well said and Fairly true.
Its the Economy Stupid!
We have just started to see the effects of this mess...
On the social front however local pussy will not improve very much. True that many single mothers and newly single divorced women are moving back in with their parents. Men do not hold them accountable for "going backwards" as women call us "Loser" for the same thing.
We as group (by us I mean We on this forum) must continue to do what works for us. Why stay local to save money? You will spend more locally to get nothing than you would spending a little more and going overseas.
Mexico despite the recent flu scare is still super affordable (13.5-1 exchange) and if you just require sex and not much else (GFE) then $60 is a flipping bargain.
If you require long term relations, your best option is still outside the country if your not a conformist...
Let's be honest, in all sectors and age groups you will do better overseas.
But this isn't for everybody.
Having lived in Latin America for six plus years, I can assure you that age discrimination is a real problem here. It's a real problem for the local guys! Latina women, many of whom have Electra complexes, often [b]prefer[/b] older men for many reasons. That holds true whether they are into local men, gringos, or both. The older I get, the more sorry I feel for these local guys. Not.
American men let American women push them around, so they get pushed around. It's like baseball. If the hitter crowds the plate, the pitcher must throw high and tight to reclaim that portion of the plate that is rightfully his. It doesn't mean the pitcher has to throw at the batter's head.
Do you guys believe in the hereafter? I am not religious, but I believe in the hereafter. You need to talk to these American women about your belief in the hereafter. Now, in any dating situation, you don't want to talk about deeply held beliefs on the first date. Personally, I think the third date is an appropriate time to discuss the hereafter. As in, "If you're not here after what I'm here after, you're going to be here after I'm gone."
For four years now I've been fucking this Latina (among many others, of course). She is 34 and I am 51. She lives with a local guy to whom she variously refers as her boyfriend, husband, or partner, depending on her mood and the circumstances. They are not legally married. He is 29 or 30 and has a steady job. She runs her own barber shop. He pays all the bills. She comes over and fucks me once or twice a week. Because she has this (whatever you want to call him; "cuckold" comes to mind but some of you will need to look that up), we can't go out in public.
Imagine how disappointed I am that I can't take her out to eat, take her to the movies, or take her shopping. I can't meet her family or any of her friends. She comes over, we have coffee or tea and chat a bit, we fuck, I cook a meal, she does the dishes, we fuck again, she makes the bed, and then I give her $45 US and she leaves. I feel so used. Truly, it's devastating.
But she can't really compete with an American woman because she lacks so many things such as tattoos; piercings; children; cigarette, alcohol, and drug use; a pot belly; and stretch marks. I just wish she would stop borrowing my car all the time. Oh, wait a minute; I don't have or need a car and she does not know how to drive.
You guys just can't imagine how much I miss the deeper and more soulful relationships I used to have with American women, where sex was a sacred thing and I had to be in tune with their feelings in order for it to happen every so often on their terms.
[QUOTE=Dickhead]Having lived in Latin America for six plus years, I can assure you that age discrimination is a real problem here. It's a real problem for the local guys! Latina women, many of whom have Electra complexes, often [b]prefer[/b] older men for many reasons. That holds true whether they are into local men, gringos, or both. The older I get, the more sorry I feel for these local guys. Not.
American men let American women push them around, so they get pushed around. It's like baseball. If the hitter crowds the plate, the pitcher must throw high and tight to reclaim that portion of the plate that is rightfully his. It doesn't mean the pitcher has to throw at the batter's head.
Do you guys believe in the hereafter? I am not religious, but I believe in the hereafter. You need to talk to these American women about your belief in the hereafter. Now, in any dating situation, you don't want to talk about deeply held beliefs on the first date. Personally, I think the third date is an appropriate time to discuss the hereafter. As in, "If you're not here after what I'm here after, you're going to be here after I'm gone."
For four years now I've been fucking this Latina (among many others, of course). She is 34 and I am 51. She lives with a local guy to whom she variously refers as her boyfriend, husband, or partner, depending on her mood and the circumstances. They are not legally married. He is 29 or 30 and has a steady job. She runs her own barber shop. He pays all the bills. She comes over and fucks me once or twice a week. Because she has this (whatever you want to call him; "cuckold" comes to mind but some of you will need to look that up), we can't go out in public.
Imagine how disappointed I am that I can't take her out to eat, take her to the movies, or take her shopping. I can't meet her family or any of her friends. She comes over, we have coffee or tea and chat a bit, we fuck, I cook a meal, she does the dishes, we fuck again, she makes the bed, and then I give her $45 US and she leaves. I feel so used. Truly, it's devastating.
But she can't really compete with an American woman because she lacks so many things such as tattoos; piercings; children; cigarette, alcohol, and drug use; a pot belly; and stretch marks. I just wish she would stop borrowing my car all the time. Oh, wait a minute; I don't have or need a car and she does not know how to drive.
You guys just can't imagine how much I miss the deeper and more soulful relationships I used to have with American women, where sex was a sacred thing and I had to be in tune with their feelings in order for it to happen every so often on their terms.[/QUOTE]I have a buddy here is the US doing the same thing. And better yet the girl is in her 20's and he doesn't pay her anything. She lives in the same complex and her husband works nights (postal worker), so she tip toes over to my buddies and he services her like twice a week. Some times she even brings the meal. Oh and she's hot. I wish I was doing her. Thats for sure.
For four years now I've been fucking this Latina (among many others, of course). She is 34 and I am 51. She lives with a local guy to whom she variously refers as her boyfriend, husband, or partner, depending on her mood and the circumstances. They are not legally married. He is 29 or 30 and has a steady job. She runs her own barber shop. He pays all the bills. She comes over and fucks me once or twice a week. Because she has this (whatever you want to call him; "cuckold" comes to mind but some of you will need to look that up), we can't go out in public.
Imagine how disappointed I am that I can't take her out to eat, take her to the movies, or take her shopping. I can't meet her family or any of her friends. She comes over, we have coffee or tea and chat a bit, we fuck, I cook a meal, she does the dishes, we fuck again, she makes the bed, and then I give her $45 US and she leaves. I feel so used. Truly, it's devastating.
But she can't really compete with an American woman because she lacks so many things such as tattoos; piercings; children; cigarette, alcohol, and drug use; a pot belly; and stretch marks. I just wish she would stop borrowing my car all the time. Oh, wait a minute; I don't have or need a car and she does not know how to drive.
You guys just can't imagine how much I miss the deeper and more soulful relationships I used to have with American women, where sex was a sacred thing and I had to be in tune with their feelings in order for it to happen every so often on their terms.[/QUOTE]
You poor poor guy :-)
hey it ain't all peaches and cream. latinos have a different concept of time. one night last week she told me she would come over and she didn't, but said she would be over in the morning. i cried all the way to the nearest wh@rehouse. this is an extremely difficult situation because i live on the 22nd floor and i have to decide whether to go all the way down to the lobby and then two doors down and pay $25 us or go to either the 17th floor (which i have to go down a flight of stairs since one set of elevators serves the even numbered floors and another the odd numbered) or the 14th floor and pay $20 us.
you fucks don't realize the complex decision matrices you encounter when there are literally 50 wh@houses within a 5 block radius of your house. check out
which is just a rough example of what i have to deal with every day. or
where they brutally [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url] you the minute you walk in the door. it just makes me feel so violated.
[QUOTE=Dickhead]Having lived in Latin America for six plus years, I can assure you that age discrimination is a real problem here...
For four years now I've been fucking this Latina (among many others, of course). She is 34 and I am 51...Imagine how disappointed I am that I can't take her out to eat...She comes over...we fuck, I cook a meal, she does the dishes, we fuck again, she makes the bed, and then I give her $45 US and she leaves. I feel so used...
But she can't really compete with an American woman because she lacks so many things such as tattoos; piercings; children; cigarette, alcohol, and drug use; a pot belly; and stretch marks...
You guys just can't imagine how much I miss the deeper and more soulful relationships I used to have with American women, where sex was a sacred thing and I had to be in tune with their feelings...[/QUOTE]
Thanks DickH, you always make me laugh. He's only truly cuckolded if it's known to him and his community.
I see so many decent looking AM with fat fugly AW. So yes, AM are desparate schmucks who lower their standards. Not all, to be sure, but far too many who are more than willing to assist AW in their delusions.
Gotta love the age discrimination. Going soon to S. America to visit my friend. She's 32 I'm in my late 40's. She asks for nothing monetarily, is a well-paid educated professional, sees our age differential as perfect, and doesn't care that I'm not rich and I don't shower her with expensive gifts.
Have another one in Japan, similar conditions.
Both of them have banging hot bodies, great attitudes, are enjoyable friends, fuck my brains out, I make dinner, they do the dishes, we fuck again. I don't pay them anything. Not that there's anything wrong with that!
Met an AW at work, a single mom, very attractive. At first she was friendly, positive, seemed receptive to knowing me. But then after we had spent more time together I made the mistake of telling her of a visit from my Japanese friend, she immediately iced over, asking why I "can't" (not won't) find anyone closer.
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax]I disagree. Have you seen some of the P4P ladies on CL. All freaking shapes and sizes. There are ladies on there that I would not fuck with your dick....had one lady, a 3 toothed BBW, who has ads on CL, tell me her phone was always ringing off the hook. Of course I made a U turn when I saw her. For most American men there is no minimum level of physical attractiveness, we will fuck anything that moves, if we are horny enough.......including a hole in a tree.[/QUOTE]
I can’t relate to that level of desperation. If a woman isn’t attractive by commonly accepted measures, clean and mentally stable to some degree I can’t see myself rooting her even with guarantees that no one else would ever know. I need to see a pleasing physical profile to get an erection. It has always been that way for me even as a teenager with raging hormones. I always turned down the fat and ugly chicks. Some guys settled for a warm wet place to stick their dicks.
Pleasure should be about memories that you can cherish not images that you have to repress. You have to be pretty ruthless to fuck someone who is not sexually appealing to you in the least respect. It’s not as though coming and shitting are the same. You can shit in any toilet relieve yourself. The appearance of the toilet doesn’t matter though the sanitary aspect might. The main aim is to relieve your bowels. Fucking any woman for sexual release, no matter how repulsive, requires you to regard pussy in the same regard as a toilet.
Then again there are guys out there who get off on that shit. They get a rush out of fucking fat women, ugly women, crippled women, even psycho women. However, I don’t believe this is typical of the average American male. If it were, the marketers would need to redefine who qualifies as a model for cosmetic and beer commercials.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]Then again there are guys out there who get off on that shit. They get a rush out of fucking fat women, ugly women, crippled women, even psycho women. However, I don’t believe this is typical of the average American male. If it were, the marketers would need to redefine who qualifies as a model for cosmetic and beer commercials.[/QUOTE]I think it is much simpler. In general AM would prefer good-looking women. The only reason they settle with not so good-looking women because nothing else is available.
Recently in an airplane I saw a family - 3 kids and a guy, very decently-looking, probably in his mid 40s. I thought it was only him and his 3 kids. There was an old women next to him, I thought she was going separately, or maybe their grandma. I was shocked when heard that the kids call her mommy.
My impression(of course I could be wrong, I'm not from USA) that many guys in USA would settle with the first pussy they find no matter how ugly it is.
Of course there are some good-looking girls too, I guess not enough for everybody unfortunately.
Just another example. Once on an airplane to Curacao, next to me was a good-looking guy. Next to him was a fatty pretty ugly women. She was also looking really pissed because of something. It was also quite a surprise to find out that it was his GF/fiance/wife. I could not understand why in the first place you'd to to Curacao with a girl;) unless she is gorgeous. But the worse, why would you hang out with this type of a girl anyway if you're a normal guy.
[quote=goga fung]i think it is much simpler. in general am would prefer good-looking women. the only reason they settle with not so good-looking women because nothing else is available.[/quote]
when i was in my twenties and was watching peers get married and started being around more married guys, i used to wonder about some of the women these guys chose to marry. now for myself, i would choose a great personality over a pretty face, as i know it is not worth the drama to get with a pretty woman who is psychotic.
as some of these guys turned to cheating on their wives and i saw lots of married guys mongering, i began to think that some guys [i]intenionally[/i] marry women they are not attracted to (for some reason, perhaps money) and then get hot pussy on the side. i now see that many of those guys had that as their game plan right from the start.
I think a lot of this is just generalizations. There are fat and ugly women in every country who are married.
There is no country where the majority of women are beautiful. If that was the case, it would be known all around the world.
Also AM have to also look at them selves. A lot of AM are just as fat if not fatter than AW. So if anything they match, its not a one way street.
If you are good looking then you will attract and can get good looking AW, unless you lack confidence, or are impatient and think a woman is suppose to fuck you just cause you ask. Otherwise there are plenty of fine AW.
Let face there is every race on earth in America, so if you like japanese women. America has them.
You like Brazilian. America has them.
You name it. They are in America. So obviously there has to be plenty of beautiful slim AW.
A lot of mongers are just salty on AW because they have had bad relationships or been turned down by the beautiful women, so their only recourse is to put them down to justify having to go where there are easier pickings.
Most of the time its easier not because the women are different. They are just poorer and looking for the best provider like AW.
[quote=george90]when i was in my twenties and was watching peers get married and started being around more married guys, i used to wonder about some of the women these guys chose to marry. now for myself, i would choose a great personality over a pretty face, as i know it is not worth the drama to get with a pretty woman who is psychotic.
as some of these guys turned to cheating on their wives and i saw lots of married guys mongering, i began to think that some guys [i]intenionally[/i] marry women they are not attracted to (for some reason, perhaps money) and then get hot pussy on the side. i now see that many of those guys had that as their game plan right from the start.[/quote]i guess it's good for them if it works out. but i would still marry a beautiful girl (i've done it once, and have no regrets at all although i divorced her) and still if necessary would monger.
i see no point to marry a woman you are not attracted too. why would you force yourself to be with a women you do not like?
also potentially it could be really a problem. for example one my friend married an aw when they were in their early twenties. she was a relatively good person(compared to other aw) but far from good-looking.
in about 10 years she was becoming fatter and fatter, then had some kids, but the guy was still looking young and good. so he ended up cheating on her. eventually she found out, so they had divorce, courts, spending lots of money on lawyers to have his right to see kids, etc..
so i see no point to marry a bad-looking woman even though you plan on cheating on her. since she can be capable to mess you up really badly.
for now the only option i see is to marry(or live with) a beautiful girl in another country and not to deal with this usa drama bullshit. and still have access to other hot girls whenever i need to.
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]I think a lot of this is just generalizations. There are fat and ugly women in every country who are married.
There is no country where the majority of women are beautiful. If that was the case, it would be known all around the world.
Also AM have to also look at them selves. A lot of AM are just as fat if not fatter than AW. So if anything they match, its not a one way street.
If you are good looking then you will attract and can get good looking AW, unless you lack confidence, or are impatient and think a woman is suppose to fuck you just cause you ask. Otherwise there are plenty of fine AW.
Let face there is every race on earth in America, so if you like japanese women. America has them.
You like Brazilian. America has them.
You name it. They are in America. So obviously there has to be plenty of beautiful slim AW.
A lot of mongers are just salty on AW because they have had bad relationships or been turned down by the beautiful women, so their only recourse is to put them down to justify having to go where there are easier pickings.
Most of the time its easier not because the women are different. They are just poorer and looking for the best provider like AW.[/QUOTE]
Well you seem like a guy that's had a fair amount of success with AW, this would be the only reason why you would come in this thread posting stuff like this.
I am not salty at all.
That's an assumption and you know what happens when you "think" you know something.
By American standards I'm a looser. I don't make a killing at work, I live at home and I drive a car somebody in their early 20's should be driving. I'll be the first to admit I'm not in a position to support anybody but myself and even that's a stretch.
That is the three strikes rule with AW women. Starting at the top of course...
Now if you just HAVE to have a relationship, you can downgrade. However I find it very problematic to have to "settle" because I have up to this point decided to live an unconventional lifestyle.
You basically have two choices -
Date what you can (which many American men of all stripes end up doing)
Not Date at all (which many won't do for various reasons)
This gives average and below average women power in the marketplace where they really shouldn't have any.
In Latin countries, you are the man BE ONE. This is not measured by how much money is in your wallet or what car you drive as Dickhead has pointed out several times.
In America its backwards, you have to prove your worthy, I find that disturbing.
Just what IS a attractive single mother with 2 or 3 children worth on the open market? Less than a equally attractive girl without children you can be for sure, but the single mother until she is burned several times will not lower her requirements, in fact they double or triple because of the children.
So at 38 years old, are you trying to tell me even if I don't lack self confidence that I should have no trouble dating? To be fair I limit myself quite a bit, so my market is very narrow.
The market in a target rich environment such as Los Angeles is based on factors that I just can't compete with. Once I upgrade my status to be able to compete, I won't be available, not to local talent anyway and that's by design.
There are not enough women in America that disagree with the "made up ideal man" check list that many women here have, just read any personal ad...
If you're lucky enough to date locally, you'll find your selection is not what its cracked up to be, given what's on the surface.
In short dating/marrying American women in most cases creates more problems than it solves, especially since the problem is (the lack of...) companionship and intimacy, the other bullshit shouldn't matter really, but it does....
Marriage & Mongering
I agree that it is not a one-way street.
There are lots of fabulous looking AW and lots of fat & ugly AM.
And there seems to be a lot of bitterness and woman-hating guys in here.
But I think there are two fundamental problems with American culture that guys here are trying to deal with (or avoid).
Problem #1 is that many women have been socialized to believe that being sexy is the opposite of being smart or good, rather than a healthy complement to those qualities. Thus a woman can let her looks go, justifying it as unimportant, since "she is not THAT kind of girl" and believing that her other qualities should more than compensate for this superficial shortcoming. Of course the irony of this is that a woman who has "let herself go" probably lacks some important internal qualities like discipline, healthy habits and self-perception.
The other insidious part of this is that western women then downplay the importance of sexiness and sex in their relationships. Once hooked, it is okay to turn off the taps. Sexiness is just for cheap girls anyway. Whereas women in other markets understand fully the importance of keeping their men satisfied at home - knowing there are women out there who will please their men if they don't.
Problem #2 is that couple's attributes can diverge over time. Yes lots of women lose their looks after child birth or years of hard work, while many men gain stature and prestige through professional success - and physical good looks were always defined differently for men in the first place and not so susceptible to the ravages of time. (Of course the reverse also happens, just not so much).
So we end up with a middle-aged couple - the woman well past her glory and the man in his prime. The man still wants sex and excitement, but probably has to go outside his marriage to obtain it. This is common to many cultures and countries. But many cultures have created coping mechanisms - often a mistress culture or at least a greater difference in age from the beginning. In other countries the wife knows that as she ages her husband will probably want to take a younger mistress and more or less accepts this reality, whether consciously or not. Couples live and let live. The man just wants to have fun and the woman just wants a contented home and security.
But in America an extra-marital affairis almost always a marriage-buster (regardless of how commonplace they are), leading to an expensive and acrimonious divorce. Even prostitution is illegal, which is not the norm in the rest of the world. And both these actions still carry a certain social stigma. This is not the case in many/most European countries and certainly not in the third world.
So a guy is trapped with no easy outlet for sexual gratification, unless goes outside the societal norm and blows up his marriage.
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]I think a lot of this is just generalizations. There are fat and ugly women in every country who are married.
There is no country where the majority of women are beautiful. If that was the case, it would be known all around the world.
Also AM have to also look at them selves. A lot of AM are just as fat if not fatter than AW. So if anything they match, its not a one way street.
If you are good looking then you will attract and can get good looking AW, unless you lack confidence, or are impatient and think a woman is suppose to fuck you just cause you ask. Otherwise there are plenty of fine AW.
Let face there is every race on earth in America, so if you like japanese women. America has them.
You like Brazilian. America has them.
You name it. They are in America. So obviously there has to be plenty of beautiful slim AW.
A lot of mongers are just salty on AW because they have had bad relationships or been turned down by the beautiful women, so their only recourse is to put them down to justify having to go where there are easier pickings.
Most of the time its easier not because the women are different. They are just poorer and looking for the best provider like AW.[/QUOTE]
Well said, Gentleman Travel.
Making generalizations is how we survive as individuals and as a species. Generalizing has been given an unjustly bad rap. If food smells spoiled I won't eat it. Unfair generalization perhaps, as it could be perfectly safe to eat. I win. I survive. Good generalization.
Sure there are a tiny number of AW who are attractive and have good attitude. But it's like finding a needle in a haystack. The odds make it not worth the trouble.
Have you taken a little time to read of some of the experiences here? And the news reports referenced here?
It's not necessarily about poor countries. Rich countries like Japan have "average" looking chicks who are totally hot by AW standards, who are feminine (can't find that too often among mannish AWs) and love sex (also hard to find in our sex-hating culture, thanks to feminism & religious wackos).
Have you traveled much abroad? If so, you'd see how what is considered average looks in many countries is considered a knockout here.
You refer to "Japanese" or "Brazilians" who are in the US. While they may appear as such, if they were born here or have been here since childhood they are as AW as anyone. Meaning they have been polluted and have that same sense of entitlement, materialism, have the Oprah-induced/endorced victim mentality, and will soon be very fat. You go to China or Japan and you see very few fatties. But they come here at age ten, and 15 years later they are as fat and nasty as anyone. After marriage they let themselves go, becoming slovenly, with "athletic warm-up" (yeah right as if they ever see the inside of a gym!) suits becoming the norm.
The key is for me is to find someone already grown up who won't change overnight after arriving here, probably over age 30, so pretty set in her ways.
While it's true that an equal percentage of AM are as overweight as AW, when it come to the morbidly obese there are far more AW than AM. But I brush that argument aside anyway as I am in my late-40's and still fit, so I am entirely justified in finding a fat woman to be unacceptable.
If you still don't believe we are in Sex Prison USA, scroll back a little and read about IMBA, yet another triumph in the march to control and quash male sexuality.
[QUOTE=Gentleman Travel]I agree that it is not a one-way street.
There are lots of fabulous looking AW and lots of fat & ugly AM.
And there seems to be a lot of bitterness and woman-hating guys in here.
But I think there are two fundamental problems with American culture that guys here are trying to deal with (or avoid).
Problem #1 is that many women have been socialized to believe that being sexy is the opposite of being smart or good, rather than a healthy complement to those qualities. Thus a woman can let her looks go, justifying it as unimportant, since "she is not THAT kind of girl" and believing that her other qualities should more than compensate for this superficial shortcoming. Of course the irony of this is that a woman who has "let herself go" probably lacks some important internal qualities like discipline, healthy habits and self-perception.
The other insidious part of this is that western women then downplay the importance of sexiness and sex in their relationships. Once hooked, it is okay to turn off the taps. Sexiness is just for cheap girls anyway. Whereas women in other markets understand fully the importance of keeping their men satisfied at home - knowing there are women out there who will please their men if they don't.
Problem #2 is that couple's attributes can diverge over time. Yes lots of women lose their looks after child birth or years of hard work, while many men gain stature and prestige through professional success - and physical good looks were always defined differently for men in the first place and not so susceptible to the ravages of time. (Of course the reverse also happens, just not so much).
So we end up with a middle-aged couple - the woman well past her glory and the man in his prime. The man still wants sex and excitement, but probably has to go outside his marriage to obtain it. This is common to many cultures and countries. But many cultures have created coping mechanisms - often a mistress culture or at least a greater difference in age from the beginning. In other countries the wife knows that as she ages her husband will probably want to take a younger mistress and more or less accepts this reality, whether consciously or not. Couples live and let live. The man just wants to have fun and the woman just wants a contented home and security.
But in America an extra-marital affairis almost always a marriage-buster (regardless of how commonplace they are), leading to an expensive and acrimonious divorce. Even prostitution is illegal, which is not the norm in the rest of the world. And both these actions still carry a certain social stigma. This is not the case in many/most European countries and certainly not in the third world.
So a guy is trapped with no easy outlet for sexual gratification, unless goes outside the societal norm and blows up his marriage.[/QUOTE]Brilliant post, totally on target. Are we long-lost twins? ))
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]I think a lot of this is just generalizations. There are fat and ugly women in every country who are married.
There is no country where the majority of women are beautiful. If that was the case, it would be known all around the world.[/QUOTE]That is true for sure. But the fact is that USA has probably some of the highest percentage of ugly fat women, and fewer ones who look good.
And there are some countries where it is actually kinda difficult to find a bad looking women.
[QUOTE]If you are good looking then you will attract and can get good looking AW, unless you lack confidence, or are impatient and think a woman is suppose to fuck you just cause you ask. Otherwise there are plenty of fine AW.[/QUOTE]
I'm impatient for sure:) Also the way the majority of AW acts turns me off. Even though she's beautiful, many of them do not know how to behave,very loud, cocky, etc.. I'm not saying that all of them like this.
Otherwise I'm supposed to be attracted to many women regarding my job / money / phys shape / etc.. But it does not do anything good for me in the USA.
[QUOTE]Let face there is every race on earth in America, so if you like japanese women. America has them.
You like Brazilian. America has them.
You name it. They are in America. So obviously there has to be plenty of beautiful slim AW.[/QUOTE]Where?:)
Yes, of course there are plenty of them. But what's the point if they are not available to you? A girlfriend does not count.
There are now some "Dating Gurus/Coaches/Pickup artists" who teach special tricks to meet and pick up chics. On one hand it's cool, on the other hand it is rediculous. It is not natural. And sometimes dumb. When you need to pretend that you're cool hoping that some ***** will pay some attention to you.
[QUOTE]A lot of mongers are just salty on AW because they have had bad relationships or been turned down by the beautiful women, so their only recourse is to put them down to justify having to go where there are easier pickings.[/QUOTE]I actually have met very successful people, they have plenty of money, good looks, actually those who would be really wanted by AW. But they still prefer foreign women in other countries.
The fact is that no significant number of foreign men comes to USA to meet a USA women. Only a few, mostly for visa and documents. Not because a USA women will make a good wife, lover or mother to his children.
But USA men go all over the world to meet women for mongering and/or to start a family.
After this simple dumb fact that how can one argue that AW are no worse than others?
Run for the Hills!
it’s rather amusing to see guys run for the hills as soon as the “woman-hater” and “bitter” labels come out. the last time i perused this thread i didn’t see anyone advocating the beating, killing, [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125][CodeWord125][/url] or oppression of women. these are all actions of hatred. therefore i find it curious that none of the “woman-haters” here are calling for such action against women. it is interesting to note that most feminists and their sympathizers would consider anyone who is a member of a forum with the express purpose of finding women and fucking them to be a woman-hater.
so, are you a woman-hater? are you expressing feeling of hatred when you find some slim cutie, spread her legs, eat her pussy like chicken, stick your hard prick in her pussy, come in or on her, and pay her? are you carrying out a patent act of violence upon this woman’s person? most american women would say yes. they would say that you’re a sick bastard, a predator. you should be locked up somewhere so that you cannot continue to perpetrate violence on the world’s women with your wallet and your penis.
merriam-webster definition:
bitterness: marked by intensity or severity: a: accompanied by severe pain or suffering <a bitter death> b: being relentlessly determined : vehement <a bitter partisan> c: exhibiting intense animosity <bitter enemies> d (1): harshly reproachful <bitter complaints> (2): marked by cynicism and rancor <bitter contempt> e: intensely unpleasant especially in coldness or rawness <a bitter wind>
some members of the american women thread are expressing their experiences with american women accompanied by severe pain or suffering. they are relentlessly determined. they are exhibiting intense animosity towards a system that they perceive as being unfair towards men. therefore, they are harshly reproachful of it. some of their views of relationships between male and females in american are marked by cynicism.
does being bitter make one’s position on an issue any less valid? if someone murdered your family wouldn’t you feel bitter towards that person? perhaps, the court should let the murderer go on the grounds of your bitterness. after all, being wronged doesn’t justify your bitterness. right?
american men are bitter because women asked for equal rights and were given it, but they never gave up their privileged position as the “weaker sex.” they still expect free food and drink. they expect half or more of a man’s belongings in a divorce regardless of who is at fault or who wants out. they judge men on their income but raise hell when men judge them on their attractiveness. these and numerous other grievances have already been discussed at length in the forum.
while no country may have a majority of beautiful women there are countries that have a greater percentage of beautiful women than the united states. for example, brazil has a reputation throughout the world for having a large population of beautiful women. one can also form one’s own opinion by counting the number of times that a hot chick goes by when you travel versus when you’re at home in the us. the fact is that most american chicks have a very short shelf-life. the pretty ones are usually only attractive from their late teens to early twenties. after that their ass explodes. guts are increasingly common among young females. don’t believe it? take a look around the mall next time. by the time american chicks hit their thirties they look tired and worn out. maybe, it’s all the free drinks and cigarettes that they get in the night clubs.
ready made family. add water shake and stir. respect not included. american women expect you to accept and financially support their kids from previous relationships as if they were your own. never mind that the real father has his balls in a vise for child support and is probably being denied visitation. single mommy public opinion says that you’ll support these children if you love her and put up with the disrespect from the kids. if you watch the discovery channel you would know that this is not a realistic expectation. single and divorced fathers are not given the same second or third chances like single mommies. do you have doubts? check out a few online dating sites. you’ll see many female profiles stating that they do not want divorced men or men with children. why? they know that the bulk of your money is already going to another woman. american women have no interest in owning a field when the crops have already been harvested.
am i amazed that american men are bitter? hell no! if anything i am amazed that they are not even more so. a lot of these guys make a second go at marriage with – you guessed it – american women. either these guys are very resilient, very foolish or both.
some american guys are fat. so, they deserve a fat woman. that’s only logical right? well, let’s take a look at what american men have to do to bring home the bacon. americans work more hours than most other workers. they often have only 30 minutes to grab an unhealthy fattening meal from the company cafeteria, if one exists, or the nearest fast food joint. the better paying managerial jobs require lots of time at the desk and it isn’t unusual for employers to demand 12 to 14 hour work days. when he gets home he has to spend quality time with his wife. exercise isn’t a priority unless she does it together with him. if he is unlucky, instead of a home cooked meal she will order pizza or chinese food. in some cases she’ll just heat up a microwave dinner. still, that is not the worst. highly paid road warriors can expect to eat as the opportunity presents itself. this means missed meals, unhealthy meals and over eating due to prolonged hunger. meanwhile, his stay at home wife has ample time to go to the gym and prepare healthy meals. instead, she spends her time shopping, on the phone and watching soaps while snacking on potato chips. her ass grows fat, but that’s okay because her husband is getting fat too. never mind that it’s largely due to his job. he has to be a stud and work long hours to pay for the luxury suv, big house in the suburbs, upscale shopping trips and anything else it takes to keep her happy.
let’s say that you look like jabba the hutt and have similar sexual appetites. why can’t you have a nice slim sexy woman if you can afford one? i can’t think of a good reason why not. you see, in the end it’s always about money in america. recently, there was a big stink in the mainstream media about a proposal to make marriage into 5 or 10 year renewable contracts instead of “until death.” many women called in to defend the “sanctity” of marriage. how sacred do you think marriage is to women when they initiate divorce in the majority of the cases? yet, they never fail to come forward to defend it against proposals for limited charter and gays. can it be that they are defending their sacred rights to at least half of a man’s assets?
some guys get a little ass from american chicks and then they start telling everyone else that something must be wrong with them if they don’t like american chicks. others have sisters or daughters and they want them to have the upper hand in relationships. these guys come here and act like aw. they start the name calling and instead of standing your ground you run for the hills. if aw are so great why are their supporters on a sex travel site? why are they fucking foreign women or interested in doing so? if you guys keep running for the hills every time someone throws the politically correct ball at you things will never get better at home. don’t feel that you have to defend american women just because you’re american and some of them are your relatives. please don’t be that guy. patriotism and family ties are not in question here.
Ok Gents, allow me to retort.
Yogin. There are PLENTY of fine, beautiful AW. Go to any spring break location, Movies, Porn stars. South Beach in Florida, or Venice/Santa Monica/Newport beaches in Cali. Plenty of Fine thong wearing woman roller blading along these beaches. Go to NY and see all the model types walking around. Saying the US has only a Tiny number of fine women is just outright wrong.
If your theory that asian women that are born in america are all fat and ugly. Then it would be easy to tell which are born here and which are not. Can you? . NO.
Asians for the most part do not look fat (to westerners) even when they are. Their physics are naturally slim, even in America. San Fransico, has plenty of fine American Asians, for that matter all over Cali, New York, a nd other parts of the USA As well, Los Angeles has the largest Korean population outside of Korea, what they all turned fat. None kept their NATURAL korean figures even though they still eat mainly korean food.
Please statements like that are just outright WRONG.
Now Gentlemen T.
I don't know where you get this idea that AW think if they look good they have to be DUMB. That beauty and brains don't go together.
A lot of MEN prefer them that way, so women tend to act in a way to attract the most men. You hear it all the time from Smart, successful women who are beautiful, how they have problems attracting men. Men can be intimidated by women who might be smarter and earn more than them.
Secondly Beautiful women, don't have to be smart because MEN everywhere bend over backwards to spoil beautiful women (if she wants to be a gold digger and not make her own way).
Your point # 2 which I think is the most valid issue I have read, has its flaws too. Most (not All) AM & AW both are fat/overweight by middle age in america. So I get your point of a man wanting a young woman for sex. I myself do. I would be unfaithful if I married (for a 3rd time).
As for these other countries being accepting of a man having a mistress. Now thats where I think you are wrong. MOST of the countries where this takes place, its mainly because the women have no choice. The women do not have the earning capacity of Men. Also thSe countries do not have social program to assist women with hardships which she might encounter, if she leaves. Therefore they MUST stay or frankly be homeless, which makes it seem like they are accepting of the infidelity, but aren't, and just don't have any recourse but to accept it.
If they were truely accepting of the concept, when they came to america, they wouldn't change. But once they come to a place where they have other options. You see how fast their attitudes change. And its now a slow process either, which it would be if they truely were accepting of infidelity.
Thats what make AW a challenge verses other countries. Our woman have options and know it.
The fact that you can go to another country and find a beautiful woman isn't because their standards are any different than AW. The bottom line is they are POORER. And a AM no matter what he looks like, to them is a much better provider than a man from their country.
How many Fat, or Old AM or AM period, do you see with wealthy woman from those countries. You can count them on 1 hand, so if money wasn't the issue you'd find their wealthy flocking to AM also. But you don't.
Just want to give another perspective on things, not trying to inflame anyone.
[size=-2][b][u]EDITOR'S NOTE[/u]:[/b] [blue]I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please [url=http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?]Click Here[/url] for more information.[/blue][/size]
[Standing Ovation for Chocha Monger]
Thank you thank you.
I couldn't have said it better myself!
Nominate for Reports of Distinction.
However I do beg to differ on one thing: I don't accept anyone's excuses for letting themselves go, unless there's some kind of serious chronic illness or disability involved. We agree to disagree on that one.
Both AW and AM are a lot fatter on average because the food is a lot more fattening in America than it is in other places. It has very little to do with people's bad habits and much more to do with a shit food supply.
This is also why it's not the same to find a Brazilian in the US, for example, as a Brazilian in Brazil. In Brazil it's just much healthier to live there, so people naturally look better. You take that same Brazilian hottie out of her environment and put her in any US city and in a couple year's her body is shot all to hell.
I lived 11 years in NYC, now almost 9 months in Bogota... there is no doubt in my mind that women here are ten times finer in every aspect. And NYC is one of the BEST places to find women in the US.
You are what you eat
Lots of good comments and insights in this discussion.
Chonga, we don't disagree as much as you think.
You agree that many guys on here are somewhat bitter, which shapes their outlook on life and love.
Hey, I'm bittter too. Bitter about the lost years of accepting sub-standard sex (quality and quantity) from my wife and girlfriends. But I focus that bitterness on the individuals involved, rather than on the species as a whole, including myself for being such a wussy for not demanding better service all along. But then it is hard to do that during the baby-raising years and hard to get back on track later. Still, if I knew then what I know now....
You are right that even the most "senstive" guy here would get burned to the stake in any feminist court.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]Both AW and AM are a lot fatter on average because the food is a lot more fattening in America than it is in other places. It has very little to do with people's bad habits and much more to do with a shit food supply.[/QUOTE]
I disagree on that one point. It is all about bad habits and poor choices.
Americans have more food options - and more money and cheaper food - than almost anyone else on earth. They also have more information about the foods and choices they make. Americans have great food options available, it just involves driving the SUV past McDonalds and all the way to the grocery store, then actually cooking a meal. The science is proven and raw materials are easily available.
However, the fact that in many cultures people eat healthier or at least are not as fat, does not always imply any moral superiority - it has to do with lack of choices. Either they are forced to eat local fresh food that they catch or pick or barter for, or they simply cannot afford enough food to over-eat, or they eat whatever crap comes their way but the energy they expend just to live keeps them reasonably fit, or at least not fat.
Russian girls aren't slim and gorgeous because of their healthy food choices and marvellous fresh ingredients. Much of their food would choke a horse. But often they cannot afford much of it (and are prepared to trim their food budget to buy nice clothes), or they have to expend so much energy walking instead of driving that they burn those calories off. As their income goes up, watch those waistlines grow!
I believe Americans have fallen victims of our economic success and technological advances which have made our society fat.
Americans have always ate fatty foods, Look at any traditional Southern meal, it usual consisted of fried chicken, or fatty hamk, or a fat steak, potatoes, bread, some type of vegetable. Then of course a slice of pie with ice cream toppings. This was a usual meal before the 80's.
The problem started once products such as cars, became affordable for the average person. The average american doesn't walk any where. Everyone uses a washing MACHINE to wash their clothes. During the 60s you had to get off the couch to change the TV channel. No more. Women had to wash the Dishes themselves. Now a dishwasher is a standard appliance. We don't even chop our own vegetables. We have those chopper and shredders. Turning the key to unlock our car door became too much of hassle. So what did we do. Created remote controls for that. The average american doesn't have a single physical thing left that is necessary to do on a regular basis.
It is total different in most other countries. Especially the ones mongers tend to travel to. In a few especially in SEA, or SA. Like the PI, Cambodia, parts of Brazil, DR, the women are still hauling water to the house from a pump outside. They hand wash all their clothes. They walk everywhere, They have NO remotes. Food is made from scratch, and they beat, shred, and mix everything, some place they have to pluck and kill the chickens they eat. Dishes are hand washed. So its not that they are trying to stay slim. Its there economic situations and lack of appliances which makes them slim.
So as long as you keep them in their own countries and under the same conditions. They will remain in shape somewhat. Bring them to American and have them live our lifestyle and they will blow up, just like any american. Let alone the fast foods which are available 5 mins from everyone and available 24/7.
Sorry to break the mood but can we have a new thread with Opinions and advice about English Women?
This thread will be different from the American Women only because they'll have Bad Teeth... God, you gotta love "Family Guy"!
I wish we could go back to the days, when you had to go out and hunt for your food. Obesity did not exist at all. In some cases you became the HUNTED. If you were not a capable hunter, you were a dead man.
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]I believe Americans have fallen victims of our economic success and technological advances which have made our society fat.
Americans have always ate fatty foods, Look at any traditional Southern meal, it usual consisted of fried chicken, or fatty hamk, or a fat steak, potatoes, bread, some type of vegetable. Then of course a slice of pie with ice cream toppings. This was a usual meal before the 80's.
The problem started once products such as cars, became affordable for the average person. The average american doesn't walk any where. Everyone uses a washing MACHINE to wash their clothes. During the 60s you had to get off the couch to change the TV channel. No more. Women had to wash the Dishes themselves. Now a dishwasher is a standard appliance. We don't even chop our own vegetables. We have those chopper and shredders. Turning the key to unlock our car door became too much of hassle. So what did we do. Created remote controls for that. The average american doesn't have a single physical thing left that is necessary to do on a regular basis.
It is total different in most other countries. Especially the ones mongers tend to travel to. In a few especially in SEA, or SA. Like the PI, Cambodia, parts of Brazil, DR, the women are still hauling water to the house from a pump outside. They hand wash all their clothes. They walk everywhere, They have NO remotes. Food is made from scratch, and they beat, shred, and mix everything, some place they have to pluck and kill the chickens they eat. Dishes are hand washed. So its not that they are trying to stay slim. Its there economic situations and lack of appliances which makes them slim.
So as long as you keep them in their own countries and under the same conditions. They will remain in shape somewhat. Bring them to American and have them live our lifestyle and they will blow up, just like any american. Let alone the fast foods which are available 5 mins from everyone and available 24/7.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]While no country may have a majority of beautiful women there are countries that have a greater percentage of beautiful women than the United States. For example, Brazil has a reputation throughout the world for having a large population of beautiful women.
The average age of women in Brazil is much lower than in the United States. There's about a ten year difference in the median ages of women between the United States and Brazil. The median age of women in the United States is around 38 years old.
It's not so easy for a country where the median age of women is pushing 40 to win a per capita battle on beauty, but not for lack of trying. Marisa Tomei beats 4 out of 5 Brazilian hotties according to recent analysis here at Jelly Donut Research.
It could take some time before the median age of women in Brazil catches up with the median age of women in the United States, but someday it probably will. At that point, it will be obvious that Brazilians are not really that different from Americans.
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]San Fransico, has plenty of fine American Asians, for that matter all over Cali, New York, a nd other parts of the USA As well, Los Angeles has the largest Korean population outside of Korea, what they all turned fat. None kept their NATURAL korean figures even though they still eat mainly korean food.[/QUOTE]
Agreed that they still eat mainly their country's food however, these foods in the US are not the same as you find in their home country. Most of it is processed and damages their bodies.
Texas, today, hosts 10 of the fattest cities in America (The palm goes to Houston). It's not because people eat only burgers, fries and deep fried wings, it's because most of the food is processed.
Asians are now also exposed to the same foods they know from back home, except they are made in the US and now they are "westernized" (using ketchup adn things everywhere).
I think it isn't fair to compare Asian living in the US and those in Asia because the food they eat is completely different.
The Main Problem in America is that most of the cooking is done using Hydrogenated oils (source of artificial trans fats), Even small quantities of as little as 1 to 2 grams of artificial trans fats/day have been shown in studies to be dangerous. For comparison, if you eat a normal order of fries at a fast food joint or any restaurant, you can easily get 5 grams or more of trans fats. Now if as little as 1 gram daily can be dangerous to your health, imagine what you’re doing to yourself with 5 grams…and that was only the fries! What about all of the cookies, cakes, chicken fingers, donuts, and other stuff people eat on a regular basis? Some people are getting more than 20-30 grams of trans fats every day and don’t even realize that they’re slowly killing themselves with this crap.
I believe this is why Asians are getting fat in the USA
(Sorry for the long post) :(
[QUOTE=Gentleman Travel]Lots of good comments and insights in this discussion.
Chonga, we don't disagree as much as you think.
You agree that many guys on here are somewhat bitter, which shapes their outlook on life and love.
Hey, I'm bittter too. Bitter about the lost years of accepting sub-standard sex (quality and quantity) from my wife and girlfriends. But I focus that bitterness on the individuals involved, rather than on the species as a whole, including myself for being such a wussy for not demanding better service all along. But then it is hard to do that during the baby-raising years and hard to get back on track later. Still, if I knew then what I know now....
You are right that even the most "senstive" guy here would get burned to the stake in any feminist court.
I disagree on that one point. It is all about bad habits and poor choices.
Americans have more food options - and more money and cheaper food - than almost anyone else on earth. They also have more information about the foods and choices they make. Americans have great food options available, it just involves driving the SUV past McDonalds and all the way to the grocery store, then actually cooking a meal. The science is proven and raw materials are easily available.
However, the fact that in many cultures people eat healthier or at least are not as fat, does not always imply any moral superiority - it has to do with lack of choices. Either they are forced to eat local fresh food that they catch or pick or barter for, or they simply cannot afford enough food to over-eat, or they eat whatever crap comes their way but the energy they expend just to live keeps them reasonably fit, or at least not fat.
Russian girls aren't slim and gorgeous because of their healthy food choices and marvellous fresh ingredients. Much of their food would choke a horse. But often they cannot afford much of it (and are prepared to trim their food budget to buy nice clothes), or they have to expend so much energy walking instead of driving that they burn those calories off. As their income goes up, watch those waistlines grow![/QUOTE]
I couldn't have said it any better...
You spend anytime in the former eastern bloc when your used to especially American food choices, you will find that many things in say Kiev would choke a horse when American food is basically bad for you in the long term. But anything taken in moderation is okay.
There's nothing wrong with a having a big steak or a hamburger but when you do it day in and day out because that's all you can afford, that makes a difference.
I don't know anybody that enjoys cooking for themselves, its boring and lonely. So you tend to march down the frozen food section when your single and live alone. You also failed to mention comfort foods roll in social life. Both men and women are guilty of having nothing else to do but eat to cure the loneliness and boredom, at least I have a Playstation :)
But as Chocha said, Heavy Hitters shouldn't be the only ones rewarded with an attractive woman on their arm. What's really funny is that in most cases it will end up in divorce and they'll pay dearly for that arm candy.
[QUOTE=Jelly Donut]The average age of women in Brazil is much lower than in the United States. There's about a ten year difference in the median ages of women between the United States and Brazil. The median age of women in the United States is around 38 years old.
It's not so easy for a country where the median age of women is pushing 40 to win a per capita battle on beauty, but not for lack of trying. Marisa Tomei beats 4 out of 5 Brazilian hotties according to recent analysis here at Jelly Donut Research.
It could take some time before the median age of women in Brazil catches up with the median age of women in the United States, but someday it probably will. At that point, it will be obvious that Brazilians are not really that different from Americans.[/QUOTE]
Well after the baby boom of the 50's, it tailed off in the 60's and 70's as more women entered college and then the workplace. This didn't happen in Western Europe until the mid 70's about the time most of the area had recovered from WWII.
Despite Nadya Suleman, the birthrate is 2.2 children, lower than I believe the 2.5 peak of the 60's. Women in America are just waiting later in life to have kids, so the average age of women here would be higher. There has been a sudden spike in teen pregnancy that should bring that average age down a bit over the next decade.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]Well after the baby boom of the 50's, it tailed off in the 60's and 70's as more women entered college and then the workplace. This didn't happen in Western Europe until the mid 70's about the time most of the area had recovered from WWII.
Despite Nadya Suleman, the birthrate is 2.2 children, lower than I believe the 2.5 peak of the 60's. Women in America are just waiting later in life to have kids, so the average age of women here would be higher. There has been a sudden spike in teen pregnancy that should bring that average age down a bit over the next decade.[/QUOTE]
2.2 is too high. In the US, it was a bit below 2.0 in 2007. I think something around 1.85 or 1.90. Though, the rising Latino population is driving the birth rate up some because Latinos tend to have larger families than Anglos. If you look at only White women, the birth rate might be close to that of Europe, 1.5 or there abouts. In parts of Europe, such as Italy and Germany, the birth rate is 1.10-1.20. Japan may have fallen below 1.0 in the past few years.
The US is escaping population [i]decline[/i] ONLY due to the high immigration rate we have from Latin America and south Asia. That is something that has not been discussed in the news regarding the current recession. A significant number of the foreigners who came here in the past 10 years and drove the population over 300 M, are returning to their home coutries looking for jobs. Some parts of the US lost tens of thousands of Mexicans in 2008. I live in Miami and I have driven through some neighborhoods FULL of abandoned homes that used to be owned by foreigners working in construction. It is really eerie to drive down a street with 30 homes and see 10 of them boarded up and another 10 with 'For Sale' signs. Only 10 look lived in.
For a man who wants to have children, the US is not a good place to find a suitable mate. (Unless you want to appear on Maury. LOL!)
So explain this
Ok, everybody, answer this question. We all agree that North American women are absolutely useless in more ways than we can count, especially relating to sex. So how come when I stand in the supermarket checkout counter, all I see staring me in the face are magazines that go on and on (Cosmo being the most obvious example) about how they can give every guy great sex, and make it better and better? Isn't there a dichotomy someplace between this and the reality?
[QUOTE=Furysys]Ok, everybody, answer this question. We all agree that North American women are absolutely useless in more ways than we can count, especially relating to sex. So how come when I stand in the supermarket checkout counter, all I see staring me in the face are magazines that go on and on (Cosmo being the most obvious example) about how they can give every guy great sex, and make it better and better? Isn't there a dichotomy someplace between this and the reality?[/QUOTE]
Because those magazines, and the women who read them, are judging the quality of sex from [i]their[/i] point of view, from a [i]woman's[/i] point of view. Women think about how [b]they[/b] would like great sex to be and them do what they think great sex is. Until a woman asks a man what great sex is, they will always suck in bed.
Furthermore, because great sex is a very personal matter, it changes from one man or woman to another. There is NO one-size-fits-all standard for what great sex is. So these magazines that are feeding the fantasy of a menu like set of acts that make up great sex, are doing nothing but BSing their female clientele. The women who read them are them full of BS, thinking that they are great in bed. They feel something is wrong with the man who doesn't respond like she is the greatest thing since the wheel.
A person, man or woman, needs to ask [i]each individual sex partner[/i] what make sex great for him or her. Then provide what that person likes. That is what makes a person great in bed; communication, listening, doing.
[QUOTE=Furysys]Ok, everybody, answer this question. We all agree that North American women are absolutely useless in more ways than we can count, especially relating to sex. So how come when I stand in the supermarket checkout counter, all I see staring me in the face are magazines that go on and on (Cosmo being the most obvious example) about how they can give every guy great sex, and make it better and better? Isn't there a dichotomy someplace between this and the reality?[/QUOTE]
The key word there is "every". I doubt the magazines will promote to American women to give every guy great sex. But to give the guys they want great service/sex. And what they want is outrageous for most guys. Heck if a guy did meet all the demands of American women they should still travel overseas and see what the outside of the cage is like.
Its a hypergamous society here where pretty much 10% of the guys get 90% of the women. Those are my rough estimates and it correlates to what a poster below was talking about odds and generalizing. I mean yeah its possible that you are one of the 10% that can get 90% of the women but is it really worth the time and effort to try to get to that point? Its definitely possible that there are some quality American women but how much crap do you have to filter through before you find that person?
Sure you may be great at basketball and love it to death but if youre not tall and black is it a good use of your time to try to make it to the NBA?
[QUOTE=Cloud Palms]
Its a hypergamous society here where pretty much 10% of the guys get 90% of the women.[/QUOTE]
I haven't seen that mentioned before. It is so true. Those are the guys that have no idea what we are talking about. They fit into the grid right from the get go. However those are the guys that burn out and pay major divorce settlements.
[QUOTE=Cloud Palms]Its a hypergamous society here where pretty much 10% of the guys get 90% of the women. [/QUOTE]
And what does it say about the American women, who are willing to be part of the 90% who are pursuing (or want to be pursued by) just 10% of the men?
Do we men behave similarly? Do 90% of us pursue 10% of the women who are attractive and nice personalities?
Where does US society end up? I have a guess/theory. Saudi Arabia has very strict rules about how men and women can interact. Young men complain thay can't meet women or get much sex. They go to extremes to make any type of contact with women. They have scanners that detect text messages within an area. If one seems ike it is from a woman, they start to text that phone with 'opening remarks/ice breakers' and see if she replies. Another tactic I read about is that some men dress up as women (wear the burka) and try to infiltrate women-only places. Dressing as woman is illegal for a man to do in Saudi Arabia.
When I lived in New York, I met guys who sort of decided to be gay in order to meet women. That doesn't make sense on the surface, but lots of NY women are/were faghags. They spent more time going out with gays than with straight guys.
In many ways, US sciety is turning upside down.
[quote=george90]and what does it say about the american women, who are willing to be part of the 90% who are pursuing (or want to be pursued by) just 10% of the men?
do we men behave similarly? do 90% of us pursue 10% of the women who are attractive and nice personalities?
where does us society end up? i have a guess/theory. saudi arabia has very strict rules about how men and women can interact. young men complain thay can't meet women or get much sex. they go to extremes to make any type of contact with women. they have scanners that detect text messages within an area. if one seems ike it is from a woman, they start to text that phone with 'opening remarks/ice breakers' and see if she replies. another tactic i read about is that some men dress up as women (wear the burka) and try to infiltrate women-only places. dressing as woman is illegal for a man to do in saudi arabia.
when i lived in new york, i met guys who sort of decided to be gay in order to meet women. that doesn't make sense on the surface, but lots of ny women are/were faghags. they spent more time going out with gays than with straight guys.
in many ways, us sciety is turning upside down.[/quote]
i'm not quite sure its "that bad".
i don't know anybody that pretends to be "gay" to attract women. you just have to be "exciting" to most of these women. most men aren't exciting, boring usually with no life experiences to speak of, unless you count juvenile practical jokes and visiting family in some tiny town nobody has heard of.
they are afraid of women, don't know what to say and don't know how to talk or even what to say if they do know how to talk. this is a majority of men, not just a few. look at any major nightclub in any city or medium size town and you see many men standing around while most of the women are dancing among themselves.
now some of this is the fact that rejection is taken to heart by many men and rather than risk being shot down, they don't bother. women of all stripes like confidence, some like arrogance even more.
we have been over this before or at least i have made a post about this before, there are good reasons why a majority of women end up going home alone on any given night out and a reason why many men go home alone, even in ideal conditions, like new year's eve.
i think most of us here don't have a problem talking too or approaching women, we just don't like the results or get a form of mild rejection which usually means you take their number and they never answer, its a fake number or they always give you an excuse.
those are games we won't tolerate and thus we end up going elsewhere.
saving thousands of dollars to fly overseas and spend a few hundred going down to mexico.
this is why this forum exist, its not filled with a bunch of sour grapes....
[QUOTE=George90]And what does it say about the American women, who are willing to be part of the 90% who are pursuing (or want to be pursued by) just 10% of the men?
In many ways, US sciety is turning upside down.[/QUOTE]Your analogy is a bit over the top. Nearly everybody I know in the US is in a relationship with a woman and in most cases surprisingly happy.
They may lack some of the excitement of sex that we mongers so vehemently pursue and in some ways take for granted, but that has more to do with them succumbing to the doldrums of everyday married life and their own lowered expectations of sexual availability and importance than anything else.
We mongers are spoiled and more sexually voracious than average people.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]I'm not quite sure its "that bad". [/quote]
I agree it is not "that bad" right now. I was speculating on how bad it might become if US society continues moving in the direction in wihch it seems to be moving.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney] I don't know anybody that pretends to be "gay" to attract women. You just have to be "exciting" to most of these women. Most men aren't exciting, boring usually with no life experiences to speak of, unless you count juvenile practical jokes and visiting family in some tiny town nobody has heard of.
They are afraid of women, don't know what to say and don't know how to talk or even what to say if they do know how to talk. This is a majority of men, not just a few. Look at any major nightclub in any city or medium size town and you see many men standing around while most of the women are dancing among themselves.
Now some of this is the fact that rejection is taken to heart by many men and rather than risk being shot down, they don't bother. Women of all stripes like confidence, some like arrogance even more.[/quote]
I was focusing on New York City. There was a time, I guess the 80's and 90's, when the metrosexual type men were the ones women went with; not the macho/aggressive/assertive/confident types.
I mildly disagree that it is all about fear of rejection and confidence. The feminists have loosened stalking and harassment laws so that what used to be considered pursuing a woman can be today twisted into stalking. I think that many men fear the possible legal consequences of pursuing "too hard". So, they pursue very softly or not at all after the first mild indication of rejection. I have very often seen this among men who are ambitious and have potential careers at risk.
I think a second factor is the games you referred to. I don't know many men who worked hard to gain extensive education or training in a field, are working hard to make progress in their careers in this difficult economic time, who have the time, energy, or inclination to play those women's games you described.
My experience may be biased. I work in education and have met a lot of guys who work in IT. I think the priorities that many women want men to have are very different from the prioroities that many men actually have (at least the men I have spoken with about this). I feel that men want to find women with a set of priorities that more closely match their own.
P.S. IT nerds might be as far from exciting as you can get. LOL! So maybe that is a factor as well.
[QUOTE=Doctor_Skank]Your analogy is a bit over the top. Nearly everybody I know in the US is in a relationship with a woman and in most cases surprisingly happy.[/quote]
That is quite a feat. The divorce and separation rates suggest that no where near everyboody is happy in their marriages. Maybe you can tell us what is making and keeping your friends happy in their marriages and romantic relationships?
[QUOTE=Doctor_Skank]They may lack some of the excitement of sex that we mongers so vehemently pursue and in some ways take for granted, but that has more to do with them succumbing to the doldrums of everyday married life and their own lowered expectations of sexual availability and importance than anything else.
We mongers are spoiled and more sexually voracious than average people.[/QUOTE]
For me, a marriage would not just be about the sex. I monger for just the sex. I too would accept a less than ideal sex life, if I was getting the non-sex things I wanted from a marriage. One of those non-sex things would be a VERY low chance of divorce and alimony/child support/legal payments.
Happy relationships? Hardly
I don't know of course where everybody lives on this site, but in my screwed up little town (1Million), the happiest guys I know are the ones who are not, nor have ever been in any kind of relationship. G90 makes the point that 1/2 of marriages end up in divorce, and, having seen some of these divorces, like most guys on this board, I shudder to think that these are pretty much good guys, who have been absolutely screwed over so badly, they wouldn't come near any North American women. Guys who foolishly would take in a single mom, six months later she'd be throwing him out (of his own house! ), and demanding child support for kids that are not his!
As for the dancing in clubs, I took ballroom and salsa for four years, and not once in a club did I ever get a positive response when asking for a dance. It was always no, no, no, with more excuses than I can remember. What I do remember is that after hearing the 'no' (my favourite was, I'm tired), 5 seconds later they'd be up there dancing with their gfriends. The only dances I ever got, where from the studio I went to, and even then, they'd be hesitate in a club and would rather dance with their girlie friends.
Stalking as well, is a good point. The wrong word, to the wrong woman, especially in a work context, can bring untold hell on any guy. Witness the virtual dearth of male teachers. None wants the risk of some crazy teenage broad going off the deep end and making accusations.
[QUOTE=George90]That is quite a feat. The divorce and separation rates suggest that no where near everyboody is happy in their marriages. Maybe you can tell us what is making and keeping your friends happy in their marriages and romantic relationships?[/QUOTE]Love, patience and comfort I'd say. I realize that there are very high divorce rates in the US, nonetheless of my 10 best friends for example from high school, 7 are on their first marriage, 1 is single but getting married this summer, 1 is a 2-time divorcee but on her 3rd marriage now for almost 10 years and 1 is a single mom.
So 90% are in successful relationships.
It's not scientific but just a random sampling, but still goes against the notion that everything is falling apart and that society is adrift.[QUOTE=George90]For me, a marriage would not just be about the sex. I monger for just the sex. I too would accept a less than ideal sex life, if I was getting the non-sex things I wanted from a marriage. One of those non-sex things would be a VERY low chance of divorce and alimony/child support/legal payments.[/QUOTE]Marriage contract. I realize that the mere mention of this will send some potential mates running, but if it is that important to you, clear this up early.
As for child support, that's a no-brainer. It's your kid.
One of those non-sex things would be a VERY low chance of divorce and alimony/child support/legal payments.[/QUOTE]
If you break things down based on your age and education (based on what little I know about you) the chances of divorce in your demographic group are relatively low. If the women is over 25 and college-educated the chances of a divorce-free marriage is around 90+ percent. In line with what the Doctor suggests.
Of course, I don't know what the numbers look like within the ISG demo. We are an odd lot.
[QUOTE=Jelly Donut]If you break things down based on your age and education (based on what little I know about you) the chances of divorce in your demographic group are relatively low. If the women is over 25 and college-educated the chances of a divorce-free marriage is around 90+ percent. In line with what the Doctor suggests.
[/QUOTE]That is the demographic in my circle of friends.
White, college-educated, similar ages and incomes, in most cases kids. And in most cases smalltown upbringing, like myself. It's not supposed to be a political statement, but sticking within your own demographic group seems to be a tie that binds in many cases.
Just because America has a high divorce rate doesn't mean relationships don't work. It only means Marriage "For a LIFETIME" is hard to do now a days.
Many who divorce marry for a second, some a third time. So they may have 2 or 3 "long term" relationships during their lives.
Due to our longer life spans now, and the fact people evolve and change as they age, its almost impossible for 2 people to stay together forever.
But that doesn't mean they didn't have a good relationship while they were in synch. Quite a few people divorce on good terms, they just realize they have grown apart.
If you are married for 10 to 20 yrs and then get a divorce, That doesn't mean anything was wrong with either person.
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]Just because America has a high divorce rate doesn't mean relationships don't work. It only means Marriage "For a LIFETIME" is hard to do now a days.
Many who divorce marry for a second, some a third time. So they may have 2 or 3 "long term" relationships during their lives.
Due to our longer life spans now, and the fact people evolve and change as they age, its almost impossible for 2 people to stay together forever.
But that doesn't mean they didn't have a good relationship while they were in synch. Quite a few people divorce on good terms, they just realize they have grown apart.
If you are married for 10 to 20 yrs and then get a divorce, That doesn't mean anything was wrong with either person.[/QUOTE]
Great point! Though I don't know too many people that divorce on great terms...but it does not always have to be a nasty acrimonous affair.
I think maturity, stability, fidelity, and educational parity are the keys to a successful long term marriage.
[QUOTE=Furysys]I don't know of course where everybody lives on this site, but in my screwed up little town (1Million), the happiest guys I know are the ones who are not, nor have ever been in any kind of relationship. G90 makes the point that 1/2 of marriages end up in divorce, and, having seen some of these divorces, like most guys on this board, I shudder to think that these are pretty much good guys, who have been absolutely screwed over so badly, they wouldn't come near any North American women. Guys who foolishly would take in a single mom, six months later she'd be throwing him out (of his own house! ), and demanding child support for kids that are not his!
As for the dancing in clubs, I took ballroom and salsa for four years, and not once in a club did I ever get a positive response when asking for a dance. It was always no, no, no, with more excuses than I can remember. What I do remember is that after hearing the 'no' (my favourite was, I'm tired), 5 seconds later they'd be up there dancing with their gfriends. The only dances I ever got, where from the studio I went to, and even then, they'd be hesitate in a club and would rather dance with their girlie friends.
Stalking as well, is a good point. The wrong word, to the wrong woman, especially in a work context, can bring untold hell on any guy. Witness the virtual dearth of male teachers. None wants the risk of some crazy teenage broad going off the deep end and making accusations.[/QUOTE]
I think there are a lot of guys out there who have a lot going for them but they can't be bothered with taming the shrew. It's just not worth the effort. One has to be careful these days. Things that were considered flirting ten years ago can be grounds for sexual harassment charges today.
Clubs are interesting concepts in the US. They're are not very user friendly for single men. It would appear that most American women don't go to clubs to meet men. They go there with their boyfriends or girlfriends. They are not interested in dancing with strangers. It would seem that strangers provide the free drinks and the women dance with each other or a boyfriend. If you decide to go to a club in the US bring your own b*tch (BYOB) or chances are that you'll be dancing alone.
In the club the volume of the music is so loud that conversation is almost impossible without invading someone's personal space. This is also compounded by the fact that women in the club are on the defensive. Even "pick up artists" say that a club is the worst place to meet women. When you add up the costs of the fancy clothes, cover charge, over priced drinks, and cab fare or a designated driver if you drink it's simply not worth it. There are a lot of other venues where women can shoot you down for free.
Anyway, if you concentrate on your career and do well, you'll get laid from time to time without putting in any effort. Women are always looking for a candidate for the contract. If you look the part some will put out in the hopes of getting you to purchase the cow. Young guys tend to have their priorities wrong. They put pussy ahead of career and money. Putting the latter ahead of the former would save them a lot of frustration.
Random Sample
love, patience and comfort i'd say. i realize that there are very high divorce rates in the us, nonetheless of my 10 best friends for example from high school...
so 90% are in successful relationships. [/quote]
this is my experience also.
of my university buddies only one is divorced (completely predictable, he was always a crash-and-burn kind of guy), the others are all around 20 years in marriage/relationships. not to say everyone is necessarily happy (obviously i am not satisfied), but there is a lot of pressure to endure. same in the workplace, i don't actually know many divorced people.
i am going to have drinks next week with another old friend who is recently through a ruinous divorce, but then he was caught and prosecuted for dicking **** girls (3 sisters) so i think we cannot blame his wife for it.
Young guys tend to have their priorities wrong. They put pussy ahead of career and money. Putting the latter ahead of the former would save them a lot of frustration.[/QUOTE]
I love those posts CB...this last one prompted me to remember this....
Cameron's never been in love. At least no one's ever been in love with him. He's gonna marry the first girl he lays. And she's gonna treat him like shit because he's gonna kiss her ass for giving him what he's built-up in his mind as the end-all, be-all of human existance. She won't respect him because you can't respect someone who kisses your ass. It just doesn't work.
[/QUOTE] ~ Ferris Bueller.
When I was younger, I used to put pussy ahead of money and career but I did not know why. Now that I am much older I still put pussy ahead of money and career but now I know exactly why: Pussy will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no pussy.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]I think there are a lot of guys out there who have a lot going for them but they can't be bothered with taming the shrew. It's just not worth the effort. One has to be careful these days. Things that were considered flirting ten years ago can be grounds for sexual harassment charges today.
Clubs are interesting concepts in the US. They're are not very user friendly for single men. It would appear that most American women don't go to clubs to meet men. They go there with their boyfriends or girlfriends. They are not interested in dancing with strangers. It would seem that strangers provide the free drinks and the women dance with each other or a boyfriend. If you decide to go to a club in the US bring your own b*tch (BYOB) or chances are that you'll be dancing alone.
In the club the volume of the music is so loud that conversation is almost impossible without invading someone's personal space. This is also compounded by the fact that women in the club are on the defensive. Even "pick up artists" say that a club is the worst place to meet women. When you add up the costs of the fancy clothes, cover charge, over priced drinks, and cab fare or a designated driver if you drink it's simply not worth it. There are a lot of other venues where women can shoot you down for free.
Anyway, if you concentrate on your career and do well, you'll get laid from time to time without putting in any effort. Women are always looking for a candidate for the contract. If you look the part some will put out in the hopes of getting you to purchase the cow. Young guys tend to have their priorities wrong. They put pussy ahead of career and money. Putting the latter ahead of the former would save them a lot of frustration.[/QUOTE]
Raises Hand....
I'm guilty of that
I went to work out of HS but didn't focus on "pussy", kind of weird I guess.
Many seem to think the DJ gets laid alot, I'm proof that doesn't happen. I didn't say I never got laid because of it, I'm just saying it doesn't happen often enough to be used as a tool for that, so I just focus on playing music, always have.
The Best Man....Are You A Bad Person?
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]
Anyway, if you concentrate on your career and do well, you'll get laid from time to time without putting in any effort. Women are always looking for a candidate for the contract. If you look the part some will put out in the hopes of getting you to purchase the cow. Young guys tend to have their priorities wrong. They put pussy ahead of career and money. Putting the latter ahead of the former would save them a lot of frustration.[/QUOTE]
In the west the best men simply get the best women. Take a look at Micheal Jordan's son. In my opinion those are some nice looking women and they are American.
On another note was listening to BBC in Kabul, Afghanistan( since it is the only major English news radio station here.) Minus the English accent they had a interesting international panel of media pundits discussing.... that men or women( in reference to politicians) who cheat on their spouses were generally bad, dishonest people. It was food for thought as I know I have been the "stray dog" over the years....
What ever works
[QUOTE=Illogic]In the west the best men simply get the best women. Take a look at Micheal Jordan's son. In my opinion those are some nice looking women and they are American.
On another note was listening to BBC in Kabul, Afghanistan( since it is the only major English news radio station here.) Minus the English accent they had a interesting international panel of media pundits discussing.... that men or women( in reference to politicians) who cheat on their spouses were generally bad, dishonest people. It was food for thought as I know I have been the "stray cat" over the years....[/QUOTE]
Some guys have natural good looks TALL handsome you know the kind. Some like myself NOT so tall. I was a competative body builder won a few major contests in my time.. So NO lack of women in my younger days. some guys are LUCKY to live off their FATHERS name. Or their parents are RICH so this also helps get the babes.. Either way Men need an angle But in the END it all comes down to MONEY no matter how you LOOK at it.. their are the exceptions if you look like a Brad Pitt or a Johnny Depp then MONEY isnt that important really.. Kevin Bacon was on ORCA WINFREY he said in college he wasnt a movie star or famous just a guy going to get higher learning. He got MORE pussy than anyone on campus even his room mates girlfriend was hitting on him all the time.. As Jerry Seinfeld said to George Kastanza, "George have you ever seen a really really good looking guy homeless??" So if a guy dont look like Brad or Denzel Washington or johhny depp. Get a career and make money and go abroad. MONEY is a universal language it cant buy LOVE but it can by happiness even tempoararily and fill ALL your sexual gratifications. who needs LOVE Its over rated and so is marriage. Only thing marriage is good for is to have children. Then the North American wifey gets FAT cuts off sex and the Kids keep you broke. Yeah I really want to get married to a North American woman. oppps Been married for 7 years to my Russian wife from Saransk.. God bless Russia and ALL their beautiful women.
[QUOTE=Illogic]In the west the best men simply get the best women. Take a look at Micheal Jordan's son. In my opinion those are some nice looking women and they are American.
On another note was listening to BBC in Kabul, Afghanistan( since it is the only major English news radio station here.) Minus the English accent they had a interesting international panel of media pundits discussing.... that men or women( in reference to politicians) who cheat on their spouses were generally bad, dishonest people. It was food for thought as I know I have been the "stray dog" over the years....[/QUOTE]
I am not sure what you mean by “best men.” If you mean that the men with the most money get the most physically attractive pussy then, yes, you’re correct. Like I said before, it’s all about the money in the end. What do you have to offer? In America you can fuck model quality pussy if you look like Jabba the Hutt. The old, lame and blind can fuck the sweetest arm candy this country has to offer if they have enough money. The American women around that guy’s neck are not fucking for charity. I can assure you of that. The commentary under the photographs bears similar sentiments.
If quality pussy was available at a relatively cheap price, widely available and legal, I wager that most American mongers would choose to remain at home. Most of the pretty young women in this country are simply out of the price range of the majority of males. Have you ever noticed that drug dealers seem to be able to fuck plenty of good looking college girls? It’s because these girls want the drugs to party but they don’t want to go to the street to find the shit. It’s too high risk. They don’t want to get busted. The drug dealer brings the drugs right to their bedrooms and gets to fuck the shit out of them for assuming the risk. I saw that happen again and again in college. Beauty queens, nice girls, were getting fucked up the ass by street pharmacists for a dime bag of pot.
I don’t know if I can buy the argument that cheaters are “basically” bad dishonest people. What they are doing may be bad and dishonest in light of their vows. Yet, I hesitate to extrapolate this to their entire life. I’ve know some basically good people who screwed up when it came to fidelity. To make the argument that a “stray dog” is a deviant we have to make some assumptions. We have to assume that monogamy is the inherent and natural state of human beings. There is plenty of scientific evidence that this is not the case.
My Asian girlfriend is gorgeous. She has a sexy slender figure, fine porcelain skin, and waist length soft silky black hair. She has plenty of admirers and her own money. Really, I should never think of fucking other women. Yet, I’ve noticed when we go out other Asian girls seem to go out of their way to get my attention. If she leaves the table for a moment the waitresses start asking if we are married and how long we’ve been together. One little Chinese waitress, who was cute but not quite beautiful as my girlfriend, flirted heavily with me. When she bent over the adjacent table the possibilities flashed before my mind. I wondered if I was going crazy. Then I tried to figure out what I found attractive about this girl. Why would I even risk trading down? It was then I realized that her dimples and mannerisms gave her a peculiar aura of innocence with a hint of sluttishness lurking beneath. She appealed to the male nature to go for the opportunistic free fuck.
Every young healthy woman our male ancestors fucked increased their odds of surviving via their DNA. Siring healthy offspring was a numbers game. The drive for a variety of pussy was strong. It still is. We didn’t start repressing those urges until humans started living in organized societies. This is fairly recent in anthropological terms. The beautiful females were usually the healthy ones. They opted to mate with the males with the most desirable genes and who offered the best odds of survival for their offspring. Sometimes both qualities could not be found in one individual. Hence, the female incentive to cheat. The second tier females simply followed their more beautiful companions lead. Even today, a man with a fine woman has no problem getting other women. Social scientists call this the fish bowl effect.
Not In America
It's only all about the money in third and second world places.
In the first world, money will get you an invitation to the game but it will not gurauntee that you will win it...but yea, money is normally the sine quo non of getting hot babes.
But it's more about success than just dollars. I know a fat slob that makes seven figures--or made before the crisis--and he is hard up like many of you cats are.
I can compete with men more wealthier than I am because my life is simply more interesting than many of theirs...
FYI, I regularly date women better looking than the ones in in the pictures below. And those mongerers that know me will attest to this.
[QUOTE=Illogic]In the west the best men simply get the best women. Take a look at Micheal Jordan's son. In my opinion those are some nice looking women and they are American.
[url]http://bossip.com/107149/michael-jordans-son-is-a-notorious-swirl-offender/[/url][/QUOTE]I hope you do not wanna say those two chicks on the photo are the best? They seem to be chubby/overweight and far from beautiful (including their faces). And the one on the pic with two guys, is rather ugly. Of course everybody has its own taste.
If its' the best what Micheal Jordan's son can get, then sorry to him I hope it's not the case. And we do not even know what kinda personality these kinda party chicks have.
My major problem with girls in America is not even their looks, but the attitude the majority have. Arrogant, noisy, etc. So there is no use for their looks if the got shitty personality.
Also some girls makes me lough, even though they're ugly, still they act like a queen. And many guys around think that's normal.
[QUOTE=Brian Moloney]God bless Russia and ALL their beautiful women.[/QUOTE]Yeah there's no fat women in Russia!
Yeah right
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]Every young healthy woman our male ancestors fucked increased their odds of surviving via their DNA. Siring healthy offspring was a numbers game. The drive for a variety of pussy was strong. It still is. We didn’t start repressing those urges until humans started living in organized societies. This is fairly recent in anthropological terms. The beautiful females were usually the healthy ones. They opted to mate with the males with the most desirable genes and who offered the best odds of survival for their offspring. Sometimes both qualities could not be found in one individual. Hence, the female incentive to cheat. The second tier females simply followed their more beautiful companions lead. Even today, a man with a fine woman has no problem getting other women. Social scientists call this the fish bowl effect.[/QUOTE]
I partly agree with this theory. I partly disagree. I disagree to the extent that we are focusing EXCLUSIVELY on a woman's physical appearance. We ALL KNOW, or we all should know, that a woman's personality and behavior is at least just as important as her appearance, if not MORE important. We all know women who are gorgeous but not worth it due to her personality.
Our genetic offspring is more likely to survive if their mother is sane, has values that include nurturing her children, and treats them kindly and with affection. Our children are far more likely to survive and thrive if their mother [i]loves[/i]. A woman who is choosing a man SOLELY due to money (or other material resources) and excludes non-material resources such as the ability to teach a skill to her sons, may not make the best mother material.
I suppose that at one time during our evolution, physical health and robustness correlated positively with mental health. I don't think that is the case today. Human society has become far too complex for minds that are robust against personality disorders to fair well in our intellect driven time.
[QUOTE=DirkDingy]It's only all about the money in third and second world places.[/QUOTE]
It depends on what demographic you're talking about. Right here in the USA I can introduce you to a bunch of hood rats who would be only too happy to let you pull up their dresses and fuck them from the back for some scratch.
Ill Thoughts And Anedotes
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger] Illogic,
I am not sure what you mean by “best men.” If you mean that the men with the most money get the most physically attractive pussy then, yes, you’re correct. Like I said before, it’s all about the money in the end. What do you have to offer? In America you can fuck model quality pussy if you look like Jabba the Hutt. The old, lame and blind can fuck the sweetest arm candy this country has to offer if they have enough money. The American women around that guy’s neck are not fucking for charity. I can assure you of that. The commentary under the photographs bears similar sentiments. [/QUOTE]
Handsome, successful or powerful.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger] I don’t know if I can buy the argument that cheaters are “basically” bad dishonest people. What they are doing may be bad and dishonest in light of their vows. Yet, I hesitate to extrapolate this to their entire life. I’ve know some basically good people who screwed up when it came to fidelity. To make the argument that a “stray dog” is a deviant we have to make some assumptions. We have to assume that monogamy is the inherent and natural state of human beings. There is plenty of scientific evidence that this is not the case. [/QUOTE]
It’s hard to call this one but I have not been faithful to a single women I have dated or married (one ex-wife) and have no plans to do so in the future.)
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger] My Asian girlfriend is gorgeous. She has a sexy slender figure, fine porcelain skin, and waist length soft silky black hair. She has plenty of admirers and her own money. Really, I should never think of fucking other women. Yet, I’ve noticed when we go out other Asian girls seem to go out of their way to get my attention. If she leaves the table for a moment the waitresses start asking if we are married and how long we’ve been together. [/QUOTE]
Are you black? Because dating Blacks is just not “happening” (minus Filipinos and Japanese) thing among Asian Americans. :confused:
[QUOTE=Illogic]Are you black? Because dating Blacks is just not “happening” (minus Filipinos and Japanese) thing among Asian Americans. :confused:[/QUOTE]
When you say not "happening" you mean not common, right? I don't live in the most progressive part of America but I know of Thai, Viet, Korean, and Chinese dating black. In fact, one couple was Chinese male/black female. That combination is about as easy to find as a unicorn according to popular opinion. Asians tend to date and marry within their own community but they're not necessarily all bigots. Black women probably date outside their race less than Asian females but some do.
I'm not going to comment further on who fucks who based on race on this board because it always takes a nasty turn. Remember the Indonesia thread?
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]Yeah there's no fat women in Russia!
Yeah right[/QUOTE]
Yeah I lied there , Sorry all Russian women are fat and NOT attractive at all.. not a good place to monger or search for a wife. same as Ukraine. yeah you dont want to go there thats for sure. Only the babushkas are SLIM.. All the beautiful women in the world are from North America. Pleasent down to earth great bodies EXCELLENT personalities... I should be EXPELL from ISG for leading the Bros on about the FAT RUSSIAN women. I should be ashamed of myself.. Sorry for the MISINFORMATION... Yeah you dont want to go to Russia or Ukraine.. I forgot The Shanker and the Bez are big liars to!!!! Even they will tell you about FAT LARD ASS LAZY Russian women.. Theres just to many in Russia and Ukraine.. Yep North America is WHERE all the SLIM beautiful great personalities are in the ENTIRE GLOBE... sorry about mis leading information.. I am going to divorce my FAT wife in Russia and get myself hitch to the best women on earth. Thats a North american woman. we all make mistakes. ha ha ha ha ha ha
Decaffe man...De caffe
[QUOTE=Brian Moloney]Yeah I lied there , Sorry all Russian women are fat and NOT attractive at all.. not a good place to monger or search for a wife. same as Ukraine. yeah you dont want to go there thats for sure. Only the babushkas are SLIM.. All the beautiful women in the world are from North America. Pleasent down to earth great bodies EXCELLENT personalities... I should be EXPELL from ISG for leading the Bros on about the FAT RUSSIAN women. I should be ashamed of myself.. Sorry for the MISINFORMATION... Yeah you dont want to go to Russia or Ukraine.. I forgot The Shanker and the Bez are big liars to!!!! Even they will tell you about FAT LARD ASS LAZY Russian women.. Theres just to many in Russia and Ukraine.. Yep North America is WHERE all the SLIM beautiful great personalities are in the ENTIRE GLOBE... sorry about mis leading information.. I am going to divorce my FAT wife in Russia and get myself hitch to the best women on earth. Thats a North american woman. we all make mistakes. ha ha ha ha ha ha[/QUOTE]
It is a myth that all EE women are sex bombs;they simply place greater emphasis on their looks when younger. After 30, those women turn into fat babushkas.
The FSU is still a relatively unspophisticated and non-progressive place, a woman's main asset is her feminity and she knows it. This holds less true in the West.
[QUOTE=Brian Moloney]Yeah I lied there , Sorry all Russian women are fat and NOT attractive at all.. not a good place to monger or search for a wife. same as Ukraine. yeah you dont want to go there thats for sure. Only the babushkas are SLIM.. All the beautiful women in the world are from North America. Pleasent down to earth great bodies EXCELLENT personalities... I should be EXPELL from ISG for leading the Bros on about the FAT RUSSIAN women. I should be ashamed of myself.. Sorry for the MISINFORMATION... Yeah you dont want to go to Russia or Ukraine.. I forgot The Shanker and the Bez are big liars to!!!! Even they will tell you about FAT LARD ASS LAZY Russian women.. Theres just to many in Russia and Ukraine.. Yep North America is WHERE all the SLIM beautiful great personalities are in the ENTIRE GLOBE... sorry about mis leading information.. I am going to divorce my FAT wife in Russia and get myself hitch to the best women on earth. Thats a North american woman. we all make mistakes. ha ha ha ha ha ha[/QUOTE]If you're trying to be sarcastic and think you are convicing someone to stay away from russia. You can save yourself the trouble. Its too cold, the women are too pale, and the people are not that friendly. I wouldn't go there if it was an all expense paid vacation. Well maybe for free. But thats about it, and that would be more to check out the kremlin and shit like that. Than it would be for the ladies. I work with a lot of russians and have never seen one that got my dick hard (I'm sure there has got to be some beautys there, but you try to make it sound like they all are and they are skinny only because most are poor.). Now let a brazilian strut pass. Booonnnggg. Its at full attention.
[QUOTE=George90]I partly agree with this theory. I partly disagree. I disagree to the extent that we are focusing EXCLUSIVELY on a woman's physical appearance. We ALL KNOW, or we all should know, that a woman's personality and behavior is at least just as important as her appearance, if not MORE important. We all know women who are gorgeous but not worth it due to her personality.[/QUOTE]
You mention appearance, personality, and behavior. These are minor factors in the short-term, where skill, performance, motivation, and economy are more salient factors. AW score poorly in all of the latter categories. In fact, if you list seven categories:
1) Appearance
2) Personality
3) Behavior
4) Skill
5) Performance
6) Motivation
7) Economy
AW do not stack up well at all. Regarding #7, some AW could be more desirable due to earning lots of money but what is the chance of the AM seeing any of this money? A guy who wants a woman for her money is lame anyway. It is much better for the man when he earns more than the woman.
Of Course They Are Not All Bigots....
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]When you say not "happening" you mean not common, right? I don't live in the most progressive part of America but I know of Thai, Viet, Korean, and Chinese dating black. In fact, one couple was Chinese male/black female. That combination is about as easy to find as a unicorn according to popular opinion. Asians tend to date and marry within their own community but they're not necessarily all bigots. Black women probably date outside their race less than Asian females but some do.
I'm not going to comment further on who fucks who based on race on this board because it always takes a nasty turn. Remember the Indonesia thread?[/QUOTE]
Yeah I do remember Indonesia :( I have lived in Kansas, Maryland, Southern Cal, (one time I saw this Unicorn-like occurrence in Cali but the guy she was with looked like an athlete) and a major metropolitan area in the Midwest. It is a very rare occurrence VS. Black/Hispanic.....Black/White phenomenon. Kudos to any brother who has snatched a “bad” one…. (bad means good for the slang impaired)
But it's more about success than just dollars. I know a fat slob that makes seven figures--or made before the crisis--and he is hard up like many of you cats are.
Hard up? I am what Notorious Big would look like if he hit the gym on a regular (LOL) and I knock back (turn down) a lot of (free) first world in pussy because I am choosy. The Third world caused this choosiness I must admit... :( it’s better to fuck a cute 18-22 something year old then ugly to average chicks.
FYI, I regularly date women better looking than the ones in in the pictures below. And those mongerers that know me will attest to this.[/QUOTE]
Where do these women you date come from USA or EE as they are not the same....I met a Russian online a while back and she told me the majority of the men on the net looking for love in EE were American...that told me a lot right there....
[QUOTE=Dickhead] A guy who wants a woman for her money is lame anyway. It is much better for the man when he earns more than the woman.[/QUOTE]
Why....? :confused:
[QUOTE=Goga Fung] I hope you do not wanna say those two chicks on the photo are the best? They seem to be chubby/overweight and far from beautiful (including their faces). And the one on the pic with two guys, is rather ugly. Of course everybody has its own taste.[/QUOTE]
No they are not the best. Of course they are not model material but neither are most of the photos of the women guys present on these boards either. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. To me they look decent, hell I would hit it. Especially for free.
[QUOTE=Goga Fung] If its' the best what Micheal Jordan's son can get, then sorry to him I hope it's not the case. And we do not even know what kinda personality these kinda party chicks have. [/QUOTE]
Nah I don’t think that’s the best he can do…But he seems to be having a good time with some cute American chicks something guys claim on this board is impossible to do.
[QUOTE=Goga Fung] My major problem with girls in America is not even their looks, but the attitude the majority have. Arrogant, noisy, etc. So there is no use for their looks if the got shitty personality. [/QUOTE]
Only some guys get this arrogant, abusive, attitude from American women. I was victim of it in my younger days but my friends… most American women would be putty in their hands. It’s you man something about you that turns them off. This something will move all over the world with you if you don’t shake it off…..in the third world women will ignore it for a move up the eco-ladder.
[QUOTE=Goga Fung] Also some girls makes me lough, even though they're ugly, still they act like a queen. And many guys around think that's normal. [/QUOTE]
I am just an average guy but I still walk around like I got an S on my damn chest. You have to hold your head in this world mayne if you don’t people will kick you down every damn chance they get.
At the end of the DAY it boils down to$$$$$$
[QUOTE=Illogic]Yeah I do remember Indonesia :( I have lived in Kansas, Maryland, Southern Cal, (one time I saw this Unicorn-like occurrence in Cali but the guy she was with looked like an athlete) and a major metropolitan area in the Midwest. It is a very rare occurrence VS. Black/Hispanic.....Black/White phenomenon. Kudos to any brother who has snatched a “bad” one…. (bad means good for the slang impaired)
Hard up? I am what Notorious Big would look like if he hit the gym on a regular (LOL) and I knock back (turn down) a lot of (free) first world in pussy because I am choosy. The Third world caused this choosiness I must admit... :( it’s better to fuck a cute 18-22 something year old then ugly to average chicks.
[QUOTE=Goga Fung] I hope you do not wanna say those two chicks on the photo are the best? They seem to be chubby/overweight and far from beautiful (including their faces). And the one on the pic with two guys, is rather ugly. Of course everybody has its own taste.
No they are not the best. Of course they are not model material but neither are most of the photos of the women guys present on these boards either. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. To me they look decent, hell I would hit it. Especially for free.
Nah I don’t think that’s the best he can do…But he seems to be having a good time with some cute American chicks something guys claim on this board is impossible to do.
Only some guys get this arrogant, abusive, attitude from American women. I was victim of it in my younger days but my friends… most American women would be putty in their hands. It’s you man something about you that turns them off. This something will move all over the world with you if you don’t shake it off…..in the third world women will ignore it for a move up the eco-ladder.
I am just an average guy but I still walk around like I got an S on my damn chest. You have to hold your head in this world mayne if you don’t people will kick you down every damn chance they get.[/QUOTE] Its NOT hard to see that money is the MAIN factor even if you are a LOSER and your father was probably the greatest basket ball player in the WORLD.. Girls KNOW daddys boy has to have MAJOR dollars.. After all he is Jordans son. So MONEY is a BIG deal.. OK rappers are famous, celebritys, people buy their CDs they make HUGE MONEY and are on MTV Kids go CRAZY for that kind of Music ALL over the WORLD.. Its NOT hard for famous RAPPERS to get ANY beautiful women .. they want... No matter what nationality... Fame, money draws women like flies.. As a unsophistcated backward place Russia is Dirk .. The FAT UGLY Russian girls LOVE business men they are every Russian girls dream.. They are demi Gods, OK feard, but still they get the respect and the love of the OK fat Russian girls... Yes I have found paradise, and it isnt in the USA my friend. I have travel the globe like many others on ISG.. Some guys love Brazil, Costa Rica, Africa, thailand etc etc.. To each his own but I perfer Russia and all its FAT UGLY women... Backwards and expensive as you say, I am sure someday you will find a country that you like and enjoy their women and culture like I have found mine... Now if I can just get Oprah Winfrey on my satelite and pass out Books written by Gloria Steinman to the Dyevuchkas. I am sure this will go over BIG with the Fat Ugly Russian women some one has to teach them the north american way which is the RIGHT WAY of course you know that... hehehehehehehe
[QUOTE=Brian Moloney][QUOTE=Illogic]Yeah I do remember Indonesia :( I have lived in Kansas, Maryland, Southern Cal, (one time I saw this Unicorn-like occurrence in Cali but the guy she was with looked like an athlete) and a major metropolitan area in the Midwest. It is a very rare occurrence VS. Black/Hispanic.....Black/White phenomenon. Kudos to any brother who has snatched a “bad” one…. (bad means good for the slang impaired)
Hard up? I am what Notorious Big would look like if he hit the gym on a regular (LOL) and I knock back (turn down) a lot of (free) first world in pussy because I am choosy. The Third world caused this choosiness I must admit... :( it’s better to fuck a cute 18-22 something year old then ugly to average chicks.
Its NOT hard to see that money is the MAIN factor even if you are a LOSER and your father was probably the greatest basket ball player in the WORLD.. Girls KNOW daddys boy has to have MAJOR dollars.. After all he is Jordans son. So MONEY is a BIG deal.. OK rappers are famous, celebritys, people buy their CDs they make HUGE MONEY and are on MTV Kids go CRAZY for that kind of Music ALL over the WORLD.. Its NOT hard for famous RAPPERS to get ANY beautiful women .. they want... No matter what nationality... Fame, money draws women like flies.. As a unsophistcated backward place Russia is Dirk .. The FAT UGLY Russian girls LOVE business men they are every Russian girls dream.. They are demi Gods, OK feard, but still they get the respect and the love of the OK fat Russian girls... Yes I have found paradise, and it isnt in the USA my friend. I have travel the globe like many others on ISG.. Some guys love Brazil, Costa Rica, Africa, thailand etc etc.. To each his own but I perfer Russia and all its FAT UGLY women... Backwards and expensive as you say, I am sure someday you will find a country that you like and enjoy their women and culture like I have found mine... Now if I can just get Oprah Winfrey on my satelite and pass out Books written by Gloria Steinman to the Dyevuchkas. I am sure this will go over BIG with the Fat Ugly Russian women some one has to teach them the north american way which is the RIGHT WAY of course you know that... hehehehehehehe[/QUOTE]
By the way Mel Gibson (the actor)he to likes the FAT UGLY Russian gals apparently. hehehehehe
[QUOTE=DirkDingy]It is a myth that all EE women are sex bombs; they simply place greater emphasis on their looks when younger. After 30, those women turn into fat babushkas.[/QUOTE]I agree about the myth. But having known that you have traveled a lot, it is strange to hear about fat babushkas. If you are talking about some Russian village it might be true sometime of course.
Look at some teen girls in the USA. Many girls in early teen age are fatter than those "fat" Russian babushkas in there 30s and 40s. [QUOTE=Thatguy865]If you're trying to be sarcastic and think you are convicing someone to stay away from russia. You can save yourself the trouble. Its too cold, the women are too pale, and the people are not that friendly. I wouldn't go there if it was an all expense paid vacation. Well maybe for free. But thats about it, and that would be more to check out the kremlin and shit like that. Than it would be for the ladies. I work with a lot of russians and have never seen one that got my dick hard (I'm sure there has got to be some beautys there, but you try to make it sound like they all are and they are skinny only because most are poor.). Now let a brazilian strut pass. Booonnnggg. Its at full attention.[/QUOTE]I do not think he was trying to convince anybody to anything.
So since you have not been to Russia, such comments do not make any sense at all. "Its too cold, the women are too pale" Which part of Russia, and any particular season (I guess winter in the north? ) are you talking about?
I would only agree in that people in general are not that friendly as people in South America. But still the girls are much friendlier than North American girls. Everybody can pick a reason, you probably wanna say because they are "poor". Which is fine, whatever everybody is comfortable with.
It's not only about money here in Colombia either. Being able to talk a good game goes a LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGG way, longer here than in North America IMO.
And if you have the mentality that you NEED to shell out money for a non pro here, you are a fool who is going to be taken advantage of. If it's a non pro she should be falling all over herself proving to you she's NOT after your money.
No offense Dickhead, but I just don't get why you would give your neighbor any money, for example. Why shouldn't SHE be paying YOUR ass?
[QUOTE=Goga Fung]I agree about the myth. But having known that you have traveled a lot, it is strange to hear about fat babushkas. If you are talking about some Russian village it might be true sometime of course.
Look at some teen girls in the USA. Many girls in early teen age are fatter than those "fat" Russian babushkas in there 30s and 40s. I do not think he was trying to convince anybody to anything.
So since you have not been to Russia, such comments do not make any sense at all. "Its too cold, the women are too pale" Which part of Russia, and any particular season (I guess winter in the north? ) are you talking about?
I would only agree in that people in general are not that friendly as people in South America. But still the girls are much friendlier than North American girls. Everybody can pick a reason, you probably wanna say because they are "poor". Which is fine, whatever everybody is comfortable with.[/QUOTE]
I have four words: poor diet, poor diet, cigarette smoke exposure, and poor diet. Yes, American women are fat, but they don't have that tired and worn out look that is irreversable after exposure to the elements of life in the Eastern Block.
Actually, maybe you are right...they are not all fat over 30..they look better on average younger than american woman but they age bad....short shelf life.
Worse Countries In the World For Sex
I wanted to start a new thread for this, so if anyone has the ability I like to get it moved up to a higher level.
I referring to Western countries, because I have little knowledge of others. My vote for worse country in the world for sex is the USA.
1. Girls have zero interest in sex. They actually think sex is a dirty word and
being taken advantage of. I hear from one friend some of the women over
40 are interested, but any woman under 40 has a horrible attitude toward
2. None of my friends can get a girl friend.
3. The guys that are married are in sexless marriages.
4. Women are getting fatter by the day, especially the young one. Being
over weight is acceptable.
5. No real legalized prostitution as an outlet for men to get some sex.
I've heard that the other Anglo countries are second.
I'd be interested in hearing other people's opinions on this.
1 photos
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]If you're trying to be sarcastic and think you are convicing someone to stay away from russia. You can save yourself the trouble. Its too cold, the women are too pale, and the people are not that friendly. I wouldn't go there if it was an all expense paid vacation. Well maybe for free. But thats about it, and that would be more to check out the kremlin and shit like that. Than it would be for the ladies. I work with a lot of russians and have never seen one that got my dick hard (I'm sure there has got to be some beautys there, but you try to make it sound like they all are and they are skinny only because most are poor.). [/QUOTE]Haha. They're a special breed, thoroughbreads. Nothing against Brazilians, but you are obviously "out of the loop".
I know a few guys who regularly travel Brazil and Russia and all of them agree that although Brazlians can look fantastic, are friendly, sexual and easy-going, that Russian girls are more into the hard-core, long and passionate no-holds-barred sex. Brazilians are in it just as much to keep up their reputation as for the actual pleasure. Russian girls totally let go and are 1000 mph.
But yeah, they are skinnier than Brazilian girls. If bunda and fat thighs are your thing, then maybe you ought to stay away from Russia.
[QUOTE=Big Johnson2]I wanted to start a new thread for this, so if anyone has the ability I like to get it moved up to a higher level.
I referring to Western countries, because I have little knowledge of others. My vote for worse country in the world for sex is the USA.
1. Girls have zero interest in sex. They actually think sex is a dirty word and
being taken advantage of. I hear from one friend some of the women over
40 are interested, but any woman under 40 has a horrible attitude toward
2. None of my friends can get a girl friend.
3. The guys that are married are in sexless marriages.
4. Women are getting fatter by the day, especially the young one. Being
over weight is acceptable.
5. No real legalized prostitution as an outlet for men to get some sex.
I've heard that the other Anglo countries are second.
I'd be interested in hearing other people's opinions on this.[/QUOTE]I am not originally from USA, but from what I have seen I completely agree with you. It is possible to get a girlfriend, but you do not have much choice, you just take what is available. For me its not worth time and money for what I'm gonna get, just to get stuck with her, no thanks. And I have gotten an impression that many guys get married with the first girl who opens her legs for them. Or a girl who they have dated for 10 years since their high school/college.
Of course here are some guys who try to convince others that women in the USA are the same as women in other countries. And that there are many "fine" women I the USA. They probably have no idea what they are talking about.
I think it really depends what is meant by "fine" women.
For example I know a few beautiful girls from another country where family is the priority, the girls do not fuck around, know how to cook and do not mind cleaning the house. They are also taught to respect their future husband. At the same time these girls look very good, one is like a photo model, but she chose not to go into this. She knows that she would get much more money than she's getting at her job now ($200). So she chose to be "poor", strange, right?
And the most important that these traits are a norm, a standard. There is no way you're gonna find this kinda woman in the USA(of course there must be some exceptions), so however you look at it, unfortunately many women in the USA are worse than others. People here say it's all because the girls in other countries are poor and after your money (which is not necessary true). Anyway who cares what is the reason. The fact is that lots of American guys need to go to other countries for girls, proving that USA is probably the worst place for sex and marriage.
Other western countries are not as bad as USA, at least because prostitution is legal there. So men do not feel like to kiss their wife/GF's butt all the time. Since you know you can always go to a working girl to relief stress without taking a chance to get arrested.
[QUOTE=DirkDingy]I have four words: poor diet, poor diet, cigarette smoke exposure, and poor diet. Yes, American women are fat, but they don't have that tired and worn out look that is irreversable after exposure to the elements of life in the Eastern Block.[/QUOTE]Dirk, I know some Russian and Ukrainian girls and their diet too. I would say in many cases it is rather opposite to what you just wrote. Now everything is sold in Russia, there is plenty of nice food, and many people make good money(it's a myth every girl there wants a gringo for his money), many girls buy themselves vacations, go to gyms, many have nice tan(this is to response to the comment by somebody here who has never been to Russia, about pale skin of Russian girls). I also know a number of women in their 30th, most of them look fine.
Maybe you were talking about "privokzalnie shlyuhi" (train station prostitutes)? Then of course their diet sucks, consisting mostly of vodka, beer and sperm. But I thought we were talking about different types of girls here.
There are also many American guys come to Russia and marry 40+ Russian women with kids!!! I was really surprised why. But the reason, that still those 40 y.e. old Russian women look much better than 40+ AW. And they are more willing to have a family than a 40+ y.e. old AW who wants to party all the time.
[QUOTE=Doctor_Skank]Haha. They're a special breed, thoroughbreads. Nothing against Brazilians, but you are obviously "out of the loop".
I know a few guys who regularly travel Brazil and Russia and all of them agree that although Brazlians can look fantastic, are friendly, sexual and easy-going, that Russian girls are more into the hard-core, long and passionate no-holds-barred sex. Brazilians are in it just as much to keep up their reputation as for the actual pleasure. Russian girls totally let go and are 1000 mph.
But yeah, they are skinnier than Brazilian girls. If bunda and fat thighs are your thing, then maybe you ought to stay away from Russia.[/QUOTE]Besides boobs and booty. I like women with some color to their skin. Russian are about as pale as a white person can get. As for sex, no one can say one place has women who fuck better than any other place, because that is a personal thing and not something a culture can pass down or do they have "fucking" classes in Russia. Everyone has their own taste. And you will never have to worry about seeing Thatguy in a Russian bordello. Nice chatting with you though.
[QUOTE=Big Johnson2]I wanted to start a new thread for this, so if anyone has the ability I like to get it moved up to a higher level.
I referring to Western countries, because I have little knowledge of others. My vote for worse country in the world for sex is the USA.
1. Girls have zero interest in sex. They actually think sex is a dirty word and
being taken advantage of. I hear from one friend some of the women over
40 are interested, but any woman under 40 has a horrible attitude toward
2. None of my friends can get a girl friend.
3. The guys that are married are in sexless marriages.
4. Women are getting fatter by the day, especially the young one. Being
over weight is acceptable.
5. No real legalized prostitution as an outlet for men to get some sex.
I've heard that the other Anglo countries are second.
I'd be interested in hearing other people's opinions on this.[/QUOTE]Wow. Worst than the Middle East, India. The list could go on.
As far as young women not interested in sex. That just plain BULLSHIT. The US has the highest teen age pregnancy rate of ALL industrialized countries. Thats a fact. So not a few but alot are fucking. I guess your friends just ain't got no game.
Us girls are FUCKING big time. Just guys with no game are not getting laid and of course they blame it on the girls.
Are there fat girls in America. Absolutely. Are there beautiful girls in america. Again absolutely. You can find anything in want in america.
But then I guess if you are upset with your womanizing ability in America. Then you have no recourse but to blame it on the women. Cause obviously you guys are a woman's dream.
I think the worst country for sex is Canada, at least if you are actually living there.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]I think the worst country for sex is Canada, at least if you are actually living there.[/QUOTE]
What makes you say that?
Lies all lies
[QUOTE=Doctor_Skank]Haha. They're a special breed, thoroughbreads. Nothing against Brazilians, but you are obviously "out of the loop".
I know a few guys who regularly travel Brazil and Russia and all of them agree that although Brazlians can look fantastic, are friendly, sexual and easy-going, that Russian girls are more into the hard-core, long and passionate no-holds-barred sex. Brazilians are in it just as much to keep up their reputation as for the actual pleasure. Russian girls totally let go and are 1000 mph.
But yeah, they are skinnier than Brazilian girls. If bunda and fat thighs are your thing, then maybe you ought to stay away from Russia.[/QUOTE]
Shanker tell the truth . all Russian women are FAT and have bad attitudes you know that. Russian women dont have EXOTIC KILLER EYES never like aquamarine Grey blue anyway.. he he he he he he he he . The last thing I want to HEAR in Rossiya is some idiot speaking ENGLISH!!!! I am happy their is so much paper work Invatation sponsorship VISA and registration. Keeps mostl the English speaking clientel away.. Yes it gets cold there in the winter. Like you said in your posts "Once you had a RUSSIAN woman you are FUCK, theres NO turning back, you are HOOK" Dam you WHY are you so RIGHT!!!! Yes its a RICH MANS playground What it costs in Thailand for 3 weeks A monger can spend EASILY in Moscow 6 days(Hotels alone)and thats the CHEAP hotels. never mind PUSSY. In a way I wish I never went to Rossiya because its LIKE a drug, its EXPENSIVE!!!!!!!!!! But the women are to DIE for nothing on earth can come close... what I have spent in Rossiya these past 14 years is MIND BOGGLING!!!! But I am HOOK theres NO turning back.. Being that its so EXPENSIVE in Moscow it DOES keep most MONGERS away. And as Martha stewart says "And thats a good thing" he he he he he he All the better for us Bro all the better for us.. Poka.
Poor diet say what??
[QUOTE=DirkDingy]I have four words: poor diet, poor diet, cigarette smoke exposure, and poor diet. Yes, American women are fat, but they don't have that tired and worn out look that is irreversable after exposure to the elements of life in the Eastern Block.
Actually, maybe you are right...they are not all fat over 30..they look better on average younger than american woman but they age bad....short shelf life.[/QUOTE]
Stop it you are killing me with your humor.. hehehehe It dont matter if the Russian dyev, eats poorly eats shit smokes or dont live like North americans.. Its in the Genes. the LOOK oh my God the HIGH cheek bones, (EurAsian) the ALMOND shape eyes Green Blue Grey blue aquamarine. Blonde hair, LONG LONG LONG Legs to die for, the pouty LIPS .. The TALL girls (on average they are tall). Skin like whiter than porcilin.. And when they TRY to speak English with that course slavic accent. I am DONE I cum in my pants. I MELT HYPTNOTISED When I try to speak russian all I can do is stutter. I am fuck Dam You SHANKER you are RIGHT!!!!! I have it bad!!!!!!!!! I have travel 6 continents and I NEVER EVER get all fuck up like the Russki Deyva does to me. God I LOVE that country expensive yes But its UTOPIA .. I fell in LOVe with this country I bought a flat on the Novo Arabat. 12 years ago when it cost practicaly nothing. When the PRICE of OIL goes up again then PRICES will SKY ROCKET EVEN MORE and MOSCOW will get MORE expensive and even LESS tourists will come... Got to LOVE capitalism.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]It's not only about money here in Colombia either. Being able to talk a good game goes a LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGG way, longer here than in North America IMO.
And if you have the mentality that you NEED to shell out money for a non pro here, you are a fool who is going to be taken advantage of. If it's a non pro she should be falling all over herself proving to you she's NOT after your money.
No offense Dickhead, but I just don't get why you would give your neighbor any money, for example. Why shouldn't SHE be paying YOUR ass?[/QUOTE]
She isn't my neighbor. In fact she has a 75 minute train ride and then two subways to get to my place. Would she fuck me for free? Probably, if it was convenient. But I doubt she'd drag her ass all the way here twice a week for free, and she misses work when she sees me. She was working full-time as a hooker when I met her and now she works full-time for very little money. So, I give her some money.
Originally Posted by Bango Cheito
I think the worst country for sex is Canada, at least if you are actually living there.
What makes you say that?[/QUOTE]I think only in the case if he lives in Canada and has not lived in the USA. So he does not know what is bad.
If you have money in Canada, it's not that bad. At least it used to be.
Its that BAD!!!
[QUOTE=Goga Fung]I think only in the case if he lives in Canada and has not lived in the USA. So he does not know what is bad.
If you have money in Canada, it's not that bad. At least it used to be.[/QUOTE]
I am from Canada. And Canada is the WORST place on earth for sex. OK if you live in Montreal Quebec. Even the USA is better than Canada. And thats not saying much. There are Russian Babes in Vancouver and Toronto in the Escort busniess. But at $400.00@hour why bother NOT worth it. Same quality in Rossiya for $100.00@hour. I know I use to go to a HIGH class Russian Babe in Saint Pete @$110@hour.. she NOW works in Vancouver and charges $350.00@hour. Of course I paid it. shes Russian. Last time I was with her she has GAIN 15Kilios. welcome to America and EVEN shes getting an attitude. I never ask her But I bet she even watches ORCA WINFREY
The other great thing about giving a woman money [b]every single time you see her[/b] is that she then clearly knows she must provide sex [b]every single time[/b]. How many AW GFs are going to provide sex on 100% of the dates?
North American women
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]Wow. Worst than the Middle East, India. The list could go on.
As far as young women not interested in sex. That just plain BULLSHIT. The US has the highest teen age pregnancy rate of ALL industrialized countries. Thats a fact. So not a few but alot are fucking. I guess your friends just ain't got no game.
Us girls are FUCKING big time. Just guys with no game are not getting laid and of course they blame it on the girls.
Are there fat girls in America. Absolutely. Are there beautiful girls in america. Again absolutely. You can find anything in want in america.
But then I guess if you are upset with your womanizing ability in America. Then you have no recourse but to blame it on the women. Cause obviously you guys are a woman's dream.[/QUOTE]
Just my 2 cents.. Most of the North American women in GENERAL are disgustinly FAT OBIEST to be honest.. But But the USA does have some BABES any body here says different is full of shit... The USA has always been KNOWN for beautiful women (until the Iron curtain came down) But its the ATTITUDE the North American women have that upsets me.. Even the average looking North American women can call the SHOTS because they KNOW they ARE in the drivers seat... Even the LARD asses can call the SHOTS and get away with it.. And FURTHER more being an EXPERT in MOSCOW in the P4P thats ALL I do. (I am married so I dont need a girl friend) Believe it or NOT and it astounds me but I have been TOLD many of times by the Russian Dyevuchkas Escorts I can HONESTLY say and it hurts to say it.. The DYEVUCHKAS 90% tell me that MEN from the USA are the HOTTEST looking men on the PLANET... I had to swallow my pride ..
[QUOTE=Brian Moloney]I am from Canada. And Canada is the WORST place on earth for sex. OK if you live in Montreal Quebec. Even the USA is better than Canada. And thats not saying much. There are Russian Babes in Vancouver and Toronto in the Escort busniess. But at $400.00@hour why bother NOT worth it. Same quality in Rossiya for $100.00@hour. I know I use to go to a HIGH class Russian Babe in Saint Pete @$110@hour.. she NOW works in Vancouver and charges $350.00@hour. Of course I paid it. shes Russian. Last time I was with her she has GAIN 15Kilios. welcome to America and EVEN shes getting an attitude. I never ask her But I bet she even watches ORCA WINFREY[/QUOTE]So it's mostly the money issue. At least you won't go to jail for soliciting of prostitution. Yes, USA can be twice cheaper, although I remember in Canada I did not have problem getting girls for $100. Vancuver, Montreal, Toronto. So now things changed? Also one friend from Toronto sometimes offered a girl (non pro) he just met some money to sleep with him, and sometimes they would agree.
My understanding that you can get arrested for this kinda things in USA. As well as they have undercover police-prostitutes. Therefore I believe nothing can be worse than USA where you get prosecuted for a natural desire to fuck. This is incredible and humiliating!
Even though there are some good-looking successful guys who know "how to play the game", so they are able to get laid with good looking girls, it does not make the life easier for the majority of American guys.
I have seen some guys in USA who never (or almost never) scored and do not have any hope for that. No somewhat good woman would be interested in them for different reasons (they are shy, not good looking, not rich and already old), and second they do not wanna commit a crime looking for prostitutes. They are stuck forever.
[QUOTE=Dickhead]The other great thing about giving a woman money [b]every single time you see her[/b] is that she then clearly knows she must provide sex [b]every single time[/b]. How many AW GFs are going to provide sex on 100% of the dates?[/QUOTE]You are right.
Also the best is two have both. A wife/GF and some pro's on the side.
When paying a pro, you are going to have sex for sure and you can ask her to do anything you want. And she will not get offended if you ask her to do somehting looking strange to her. If she does not want to do it, you can cancel the date and pick another one. And nobody gets upset.
I wanna see the guys (including "pickup artists") who get "free girls" doing that. It may take months or years to convince a girl doing it for you something you like. Plus a lot of headaches, jelocy, obligations, bullshit etc. And if you wanna switch a girl, you start it all over again, dating, bullshit, all that crap again. It was fun when you're in your 20s, but when you're older you do not have much time to waste.
It took me years to convince one GF to anal sex and it still sucked big time. Her BJ sucked big time too. At the same time I managed to travel to other countries where I could get better things for money and no headache. Even though the GF was in USA, she was not an AW. I do not think an AW would allow me to travel without her and fuck around with other chicks. If I were with an AW I would be really screwed.
[QUOTE=Brian Moloney]Just my 2 cents.. Most of the North American women in GENERAL are disgustinly FAT OBIEST to be honest.. ..... But its the ATTITUDE the North American women have that upsets me.. Even the average looking North American women can call the SHOTS because they KNOW they ARE in the drivers seat... Even the LARD asses can call the SHOTS and get away with it.. .....[/QUOTE]They can call the shot, but I do not have to listen to them or do what they say.
American or Americanized women (those are foreign women that you married and live in the US. It over take a foreign women a year or two to acclimate to the American way) tends to try and run over us guys. We do not have to take it. Luckily, I work for myself and travel extensively globally. I do have a women hear and there. I make it clear to them that it is purely companionship. If they like the good life then they will stick with me. If they give me shit, it just drop them like an anchor. I'm take precautions. I had a vascetomy over fifteen years ago but very rarely mentioned it. I had a few of the foreign gal try to tell my that a baby in on its way. It just smile and start plannng to dump the friggin biatch and move to greener pasture. I know that they getting pregnant from me is literally impossible.
What I'm saying is that I just leaves the affairs overseas and usually make sure that all they have is my US company's mailing address (yes Post Office only.). In the last fifteen years I have acquire a few and dump a few when they start getting sticky.
Just my two cents on this.
The fact of the US high teen pregnancy rate has nothing to do with any love of sex among young females.
It has everything to do with family dysfunction, criminal families, families acting out in their addictions, perceived lacks of opportunity, pessimism for the future, absence of dad, poverty, anger, alienation, f'ed up gender roles and those around them who are doing the modeling for them, and retarded sex ed that only teaches abstinance and nothing about birth control (remember Sara Palin's daughter?).
Highly positive correlation between teen pregnancy and the above conditions.
Where the girls are well taken care of and loved, mom is home, dad is in the picture and working, and no one is in and out of jail, you just don't see as many pregnancies. Huh. Go figure.
BM - What a hoot!
Bm, I figured you were Canadian, given your handle. Sounds like you are from Vancouver. I can absolutely attest to what you said. Canada (with the notable exception of Quebec), is probably as bad it as it can get for women and sex, I can't possibly think of anyplace that can be worse. Thanks to sites like this one, and a few others, I finally gave up on Cdn BS fat stupid greedy women about 5 yrs ago, and started travelling around, beginning in Costa Rica, and extending from there. When I come back here, and look at these fat, stupid, arrogant women, and the fools that go after them, I just shake my head. Where I live, it is simply to make money for the next venture.
Why are the women like this? Because they can. Because the legal, and social systems virtually guarantee that with the rules so slanted to benefit the female, she knows she is in the driver's seat. Say Hi, and you can be accused of sex harassment. Have one move in with you for six months, all of a sudden you are on the hook for support payments. She can lie thru her teeth, it does not matter. And it will NEVER change until Canadian men stop being wusses and saps and stand up for something, and give them the collective middle finger.
I find it somewhat amazing that on this thread are opinions of people who I have never and probably will never meet, yet absolutely dovetail with my own.
[QUOTE=Brian Moloney]Just my 2 cents.. Most of the North American women in GENERAL are disgustinly FAT OBIEST to be honest.. But But the USA does have some BABES any body here says different is full of shit... The USA has always been KNOWN for beautiful women (until the Iron curtain came down) But its the ATTITUDE the North American women have that upsets me.. Even the average looking North American women can call the SHOTS because they KNOW they ARE in the drivers seat... Even the LARD asses can call the SHOTS and get away with it.. And FURTHER more being an EXPERT in MOSCOW in the P4P thats ALL I do. (I am married so I dont need a girl friend) Believe it or NOT and it astounds me but I have been TOLD many of times by the Russian Dyevuchkas Escorts I can HONESTLY say and it hurts to say it.. The DYEVUCHKAS 90% tell me that MEN from the USA are the HOTTEST looking men on the PLANET... I had to swallow my pride ..[/QUOTE]You kill me dude. Hookers tell you American men are the hottest men in the world. Yeah as you pass over the $100. Of course they would tell you the thruth. Because you two are so close.
[QUOTE=Yogin]The fact of the US high teen pregnancy rate has nothing to do with any love of sex among females.
It has everything to do with family dysfunction, perceived lacks of opportunity, pessimism for the future, absence of dad, f'ed up gender roles and those around them who are doing the modeling for them, and retarded sex ed that only teaches abstinance and nothing about birth control (remember Sara Palin's daughter?).[/QUOTE]Everyone in america by 16 knows about birth control. They might not know how/where to get "the pill" but they know about condoms.
Lack of opportunity. In america? What country has better? . This isn't a new occurance. This has been a trend for years. Oh so teens are having sex because they don't like it! And MOST schools do NOT teach abstinance. Thats why they the religious right is so furious. Sara Palins daughter got pregnant because SHE LIKED SEX. She has good parents.
I was replying to this statement. Which is absolute nonsense. He said zero, nada, no sex at all, Americans are having sex just like everyone else.
[QUOTE=Big Johnson2]1. Girls have zero interest in sex. They actually think sex is a dirty word and being taken advantage of.[/QUOTE] and regardless of the reason. They are having sex.
Do you care why a women has sex with you. I doubt it. You are just happy when she does. When have you heard a guy say "Hold on, I want to know why you are going to give me some pussy".
Disgruntle guys with AW are a MINORITY in america. Shit before 911 only about 17% of americans had passports. And most weren't mongers. That shows how much AM love to travel for women. If it wasn't for needing a passport to go to Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean. It would probably be the same.
Shit look at the military. Those guys travel all over the world screwing women while they are in service. But the MAJORITY wind up back in america with a AW. Why is that if AW are so bad.
[QUOTE=Yogin]The fact of the US high teen pregnancy rate has nothing to do with any love of sex among females.
It has everything to do with family dysfunction, perceived lacks of opportunity, pessimism for the future, absence of dad, f'ed up gender roles and those around them who are doing the modeling for them, and retarded sex ed that only teaches abstinance and nothing about birth control (remember Sara Palin's daughter?).[/QUOTE]I would also think it's probably the case. Once I told one guy that there is not much sex exists in the USA(compared to other countries, for example when I visit my male friends in other countries, its a norm for us to get chicks and fuck them, but it's a big problem to do the same in USA).
The person I was talking to, answered:
"are you out of your mind, look how many kids are in American families. Therefore there must be some substantial amount of sex in the USA, since those kids are born somehow". I guess we speak different language here.
And I still get puzzled when see some oddly looking girl with kids. The guy she scored with must be really horny so he managed to get her pregnant. I'm definitely missing something.
[QUOTE=Brian Moloney]Just my 2 cents.. Most of the North American women in GENERAL are disgustinly FAT OBIEST to be honest.. But But the USA does have some BABES any body here says different is full of shit... The USA has always been KNOWN for beautiful women (until the Iron curtain came down) But its the ATTITUDE the North American women have that upsets me.. Even the average looking North American women can call the SHOTS because they KNOW they ARE in the drivers seat... Even the LARD asses can call the SHOTS and get away with it.. And FURTHER more being an EXPERT in MOSCOW in the P4P thats ALL I do. (I am married so I dont need a girl friend) Believe it or NOT and it astounds me but I have been TOLD many of times by the Russian Dyevuchkas Escorts I can HONESTLY say and it hurts to say it.. The DYEVUCHKAS 90% tell me that MEN from the USA are the HOTTEST looking men on the PLANET... I had to swallow my pride ..[/QUOTE]The atitude of AW is because they have rights and can earn a good wage. The average AW does NOT have to rely on a Man for support. Thats the bottom line between AW and MOST women in other countries. Besides making money there are facilities which are setup to help them, Battered womans facilites, a welfare system, these all help women to NOT have to endure ABUSE from men that women in other countries do not have. If an AW has an abusive husband (be it mental or physical) she has recourse. Most of the countries that guys here aspire to live in. The women have no recourse, if their family doesn't help. There is no facilities, and in most LE won't get involved in Marital affairs.
AW are more liberated by these things. It takes a MAN to have to deal with an AW, because they don't NEED a mans support to live a good life. An AM knows his woman is with him because she WANTS to be NOT because she NEEDS to be, for the most part.
Bristol Palin is a typical American Teenager, child included. Simple as that...
But I will agree that economics, education, poverty and lack of opportunity all have an impact on teen pregnancy. Here's a story on DW's European Journal - [url]http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,,4177417,00.html[/url]
High rates of Teen Pregnancy is not unique to America, but gee just like in America its a PROBLEM, imagine that and for largely the same reasons, interesting...
Only a "Man" can handle an American Woman, is that along the same attitude African-American Women have towards African-American Men (I hate that term...)? That is the biggest load of bullshhh I have seen on this forum in awhile!
Yes American women have recourse. Scratch that, most women in the industrialized world have recourse and even work with the United States if you have been naughty (as an American), I think you said that before, we are in agreement there.
But to say we can't handle the nonsense some how makes us complainers and weak, is WEAK.
Many of us CHOOSE not to deal with this. Strippers/Porn Stars tend to be the worst of the bunch out of attractive women but often the most accessible for the average boob, explain some of the dirt bags that end up being their boyfriends, a fate I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.
In many nightclubs around the globe its basically the same, men are wall flowers, women are dancing alone and among themselves. This is less of a problem in more sexually progressive countries. However it is most problematic in countries that have our problems with sexuality and poor sex/relationship education (US and UK). Explain how I can be standing in a bar in Kiev talking to Telso and get PULLED onto the dance-floor by a cute (in a girl next door kind of way) Danish girl? When that would NEVER happen in the United States of America nor the United Kingdom. It has less to do with my social status or looks and more to do with being sexually MATURE!
As George90 said, or maybe it was Dickhead, but in any case, women in America go out dressed to kill as it were because they know -
a) Many Men in America are desperate for attention
b) These same men are foolish enough to fall for any false advances by women
c) They are not going to fuck you tonight
It has much less to do with equal rights, equal pay (which hasn't happen yet, they still earn on average .78 for every dollar a white male makes), social recourse or anything else you have said so far. It has more do with taking advantage of a situation in which men have been beaten down and far too many have accepted that they should have to scale back who they are to be in a relationship with a woman they know little about because the vetting process is not taken seriously by EITHER party.
Otherwise there is no other logical explanation for high divorce rates, the high rate at which pregnant women are murdered and other social problems related to failed relationships or abusive relationships.
I don't recall most women outside of US or UK that have a laundry list of desires and litmus test American/British men usually have to pass to even get a date.
That my friend as Don King like to say "Only In America..."
A great country? Not in this century, mediocre is much closer to the point.
Read what I said Dude
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]You kill me dude. Hookers tell you American men are the hottest men in the world. Yeah as you pass over the $100. Of course they would tell you the thruth. Because you two are so close.[/QUOTE]
The HOOKERS 90% told me that men from the USA!!!! are the most attarctive looking men on the planet.. I am from Canada. There might be some truth in what they say... Because I have been to other countries and was TOLD the same thing even by women, not in the P4P, my mother was from Spain and even when I was young she always said that too...How handsome the Yankee men are.. Good Gene pool I guess, like the women in Russia..
have you ever lived outside the us? no, i thought not.
you have been brainwashed by the feminazis.
it takes a real "man" to handle aw? really? that's like saying it takes a real man to be emasculated, controlled, and oppressed, and then smile and ask for more. guess i'm not a real "man" then.
the us is third-world in many ways. you think we are so advanced. really? we have a higher infant-mortality rate than impoverished frickin' cuba! all other "advanced" countries including china have high-speed trains and look at us: 40 years behind them and choking on our traffic and fumes.
and birth control access for teens in many areas is highly restricted either by retarded laws that ban the morning after (which is not an abortion pill and was approved in europe many years before here because of religious fucktards!) pill or laws that allow pharmacists to refuse to dispense birth control because it goes against their "morals" (guess they don't care about the morality of unwanted neglected children). a couple that's been married 20 years has five kids, which only proves they had sex five times. high pregnancy rate does not necessarily correlate with high fucking rates. they do correlate with a fucked up society.
i don't think anyone here is advocating violence against women. not sure why you throw that around.
but radical-feminist "thought" has gone mainstream. all men are treated as sex predators and latent [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord127][CodeWord127][/url]. do you know what imbra is? look it up. [url]http://www.melindaspenpals.com/blog2/[/url]
i got written up at work for "sex harrassment" (their precise words) for giving a woman a "knowing look"! wtf? what does that even mean? she was anonymous so i had no constitutional right to face and challenge my accuser. if a man is accused of that (or any sex/gender related crime) in this country he's guilty. case closed.
i'm far from rich but have no problem getting sex for free from hot women in foreign countries. an aw with half their looks acts as if she is doing me a huge favor by "allowing" me to buy her two overpriced drinks and then quickly moving on to the next sucker who will buy her dinner.
uh uh, not for me. no ma'am! [url]http://www.bundyology.com/nomaam.html[/url]
Have you ever lived outside the US? No, I thought not.
You have been brainwashed by the feminazis.
It takes a real "MAN" to handle AW? Really? That's like saying it takes a real mean to be emasculated, controlled, and oppressed. Guess I'm not a real "MAN" then.
[/QUOTE]I would add that in the USA often you can see this anomaly of "switched genders". When a woman behaves more like a man, and the man is like a woman. It is rather a norm here to see a woman yelling at her man and sometimes beating him. If that is what it takes to be a "man", then it's not fun at all.
[QUOTE=Brian Moloney]I am from Canada. And Canada is the WORST place on earth for sex. OK if you live in Montreal Quebec. Even the USA is better than Canada. And thats not saying much. There are Russian Babes in Vancouver and Toronto in the Escort busniess. But at $400.00@hour why bother NOT worth it. Same quality in Rossiya for $100.00@hour. I know I use to go to a HIGH class Russian Babe in Saint Pete @$110@hour.. she NOW works in Vancouver and charges $350.00@hour. Of course I paid it. shes Russian. Last time I was with her she has GAIN 15Kilios. welcome to America and EVEN shes getting an attitude. I never ask her But I bet she even watches ORCA WINFREY[/QUOTE]Brian, so it looks like the prices went up a lot! About 8 years ago there were girls in Canada available for about $100 USD for an hour or 150 CAD.
But the best times were in Russia in 1990s, where you could easily get a good-looking girl to party with you and your friends whole night for $50. It was around Moscow. Other areas were much cheaper. In some other cities you could get a girl for a cigarette and/or drinks.
ThatGuy might be ThisGirl!
I was going to respond to ThatGuy's two posts. There were just TOO ridiculous! But Yogin replied very ably before I could.
Thank you, Yogin. You made the very points I wanted to!
After thinking a bit more, I am no suspect that ThatGuy is not really a guy. Trolls come on here once in a while and spy for feminists groups or try to get material for some magazine article. Their modus operandi is to throw bombs to provoke a response and then use those responses as ammo for their agendas. ThatGuy appears to haved used that technique over the past few days. I mean that remark about "It takes a MAN to deal with an AW." is [b]exactly[/b] the type of bomb a feminist would throw.
Time to ignore ThatGuy!
Sounds good to WEALHTY US citizens
[QUOTE=Marak5]Silly fellas out there if you want to make mongering a reality in the USA send same cash to the DNC. Right now it is run by Obama and co. And do you think he will not make some form of mongering legal during his admin. A la Spain or Germany is what I'd guess but I doubt we'd get Asia or South American style. But who knows! They need resources. I'd guess this stuff would happen later on. Just my thoughts but throw your support to the guy! They have talked about trains and the infrastructure and the sort of anti coporate agenda.- mongering fits right in.
I guess Obama is trying to FIX everything in America. his first 100 days he has done a lot I must admit.. If they LEGALISED prostitution like in Europe. then the US governments national debt would be paid off in a couple of years. Like marijuana that would pay off the debt in NO TIME if it was Legalised. So that would DEFINATELY take the HEAT off the WEALHTY US citizens And the Multi national corporations,that have 15 trillion in off shore accounts that DONT want to be TAX. Anything can happen you never know as Bob Dylan wrote and sang. "The Times Are A changing" you never know????
well guys allow me to retort.
i'll start with dj as i have stated before
women do get paid less than men but only in the same job. a women lawyer will make more than a male teacher. a women executive will make more than a male postal worker. just like oprah is the richest woman in the world and makes more than most male t. v. host.
women in most countries where you guys are talk about are 3rd world countries, or even in a lot of the industrial countries the women do not have the opportunity to become top lawyers, executives, scientist. thats the point. so when you approach one of these women or a women who is in a career mode. she wants a guy who is of the same mindset. in most other countries they just want a man. because no matter what he will provide better than what she can for herself.
as for strippers, most(of course not all) professional men would not seriously date a stripper. a professional knows he would be shunned the first time they took her to a (company/or with other professional) social gathering so they are left mainly with the low end of society to date.
brian, i'm american and of course i would like to think the compliment was true. but for me, i would never believe anything a hooker said, when it comes to a race of people. and just as you guys complain about aw being fat, am are some of the fattest in the world also. i have a hard time believing that any culture/race has a total lock on any physical attribute. that is solely a personal view.
i still haven't heard anyone answer: military men are well traveled, experienced with women all over the world. but the majority never marry those women and come back to the us and marry aw and never go back to those so called great women. why is that? some marry foreigners, but the overall majority do not.
our high mortality rate has nothing to do with us being 3rd worldess and more to do with capitalism. most other countries have universal health care. we in this country don't. didn't you hear all the outcry of socialism when the president even speaks of universal health care because it requires higher taxes, which american hate. the power that be would rather keep it privatized, therefore if you can't afford prenatal care. here you are s. o. l.
other countries with high speed rail is because we decided we would rather have a robuse highway system. american prefer to drive themselves instead of mass transportation. the president suggested improving amtrak and the was an outcry against it. why. again because it comes from taxes. and americans hate to pay taxes.
as for violence, i only stated that because it goes to the high divorce rate. and i stated mental and physical abuse. see here you start verbally degrading your woman, she has the funds and can find facilities which will supply her with a place to stay and food until she can find her own. most other countries don't, especially those that you guys are talking about the great women.
the bottom line is aw don't have to put up with any shit at all. so they grow up much more independent than women in other countries.
didn't mean to write so much but wanted to address all.
[size=-2][b][u]editor's note[/u]:[/b] [blue]i would suggest that the author or another forum member consider posting a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please [url=http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?]click here[/url] for more information.[/blue][/size]
[QUOTE=George90]I was going to respond to ThatGuy's two posts. There were just TOO ridiculous! But Yogin replied very ably before I could.
Thank you, Yogin. You made the very points I wanted to!
After thinking a bit more, I am no suspect that ThatGuy is really a guy. Trolls come on here once in a while and spy for feminists groups or try to get material for some magazine article. Their modus operandi is to throw bombs to provoke a response and then use those responses as ammo for their agendas. ThatGuy appears to haved used that technique over the past few days. I mean that remark about "It takes a MAN to deal with an AW." is [b]exactly[/b] the type of bomb a feminist would throw.
Time to ignore ThatGuy![/QUOTE]Yes, there must be something wrong here. I was really surprised to see ThatGuy on the Philipino forum telling that he's been going to Philipines for 20 years!
[url]http://www.internationalsexguide. Info/forum/showthread.php? P=876650#post876650[/url]
If he is a MAN enough to deal with AW, then why go for tiny submissive Philipina girls for 20 years? Not even Russian, not Latinas which both would be closer to their American counterparts in many ways, but to Philipinas. And pointing out that "The girls will date anything with 2 legs. " "Obesely fat 60 yr olds all with 18 yr old models. " Why does not he do that in the USA, since he says that everything is available there and young American girls like sex? Really strange.
You have to be mad to tell us, the losers, that we suck and are not man enough, because we cannot score with beautiful AW, but at the same time you go to Philipines for 20 years.
I have tried to understand this guy first, and respected his point of view, but now it looks like a joke. But nothing personal. Suerte.
[QUOTE=Marak5]Silly fellas out there if you want to make mongering a reality in the USA send same cash to the DNC. Right now it is run by Obama and co. And do you think he will not make some form of mongering legal during his admin. A la Spain or Germany is what I'd guess but I doubt we'd get Asia or South American style. But who knows! They need resources. I'd guess this stuff would happen later on. Just my thoughts but throw your support to the guy! They have talked about trains and the infrastructure and the sort of anti coporate agenda.- mongering fits right in.
If you really want prostitution in your state or town - you don't need to go to Washington to ask permission. As you know, it's legal in some parts of Neveda because of the laws of the State of Nevada and disposition of some local municipalities in that state. The DNC can not help you with this.
Prostitution is regulated by the Federal government when it crosses state lines. If you arrange for a sex worker from New York to come to Washington, there are Federal laws which can apply. While I respect your enthusiasm for Obama, there's really nothing to suggest his administration is looking to change or adjust the Mann Act. Politically speaking, it would be very distracting, to say the least, if he were to start promoting libertarian ideas. It's really not his thing and, frankly, more important things occupy his day.
No. If anything you would be wise to anticipate things will get worse under Obama. With him, it's only a matter of time before some feminist lawyer finds herself high enough up in the Department of Justice to start mixing RICO, the Mann Act, god knows what else to target people in virtual places like, say, ISG.
Few people will go outside the box so they just settle
Disgruntle guys with AW are a MINORITY in america. Shit before 911 only about 17% of americans had passports. And most weren't mongers. That shows how much AM love to travel for women. If it wasn't for needing a passport to go to Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean. It would probably be the same.
Shit look at the military. Those guys travel all over the world screwing women while they are in service. But the MAJORITY wind up back in america with a AW. Why is that if AW are so bad.[/QUOTE]
Most people do not like going outside the box to get pussy or anything else. That's why few people travel to non-English speaking countries. Most people would rather be miserable than make a change. They don't know how good it could be overseas. Look how may people will stay in a horrible job vs. taking on a new one that would probably be better. Many of the military guys are outside of their own comfort zone when dating or going to P4P while overseas, therefore go back to America to live the American "Scheme". Though you will find many military guys makeup the expat community.
I have friends who are totally unhappy with their dating/love/sex life in America. Even if I show them pictures and tell them stories about how good it is, they will never go. Staying in that comfort zone is more important than anything else. Just because American men marry their own doesn't mean they are happy. Hardly.
Hey BM,
Maybe we have the worst women in the world for sex here in Canada, but we have something nobody else does. The Toronto Maple Leafs!
Worst Countries In the World For Sex: USA?
I’d like to comment on many people’s comments.
First I was only talking about Western countries, not Asian countries. I’m guessing the Mid East and India may be worse than these Western countries, but I don’t have enough info on them. Doesn’t Dubai have legalized P4P? If you have information about horrible non-Western counties, please let's add them to the list.
Having a high teenage pregnancy in the USA means little to youth from a white collar or maybe ever some blue collar families. My guess is that 80% the teenage pregnancy is in the poor black, Hispanic, and white communities.
My cousin is in a happening rock band that plays some of the larger bars in a major US city with over 1 million people. My cousin and the 3 other guys (18-21 yr olds) in the band are very good looking and none of the guys have girl friends. Note these guys go to college and are not druggies. So girls in that age group are not interested in band members now. It really seems hard to believe.
I went to a large social in my city that had about 300-400 people ages 20-50. I noticed that 90% of the guys were thin, but only 50% of the girls were of normal weight. Less than 10% of the girls were pretty enough to want to date. I would guess out of 400 people only about 25 girls were good.
Most white guys in American have given up on white girls and you see many of them dating Asians, Latins, etc.
I have a friend who is 5’10” and about a 9 on a 10 scale. He makes over 100K and still can’t get a girl friend. He has to date foreign women to even get any interest.
So guys if you’ve always believed that the reason you don’t get is because you are too short, not good looking enough, or not rich enough, you are wrong. Good looking guys aren’t getting it either. It is not something you are doing wrong. It’s the culture.
The quality of sex in America has steadily gone down. The intensity and quality of sex I had 20 years ago was 100 times better. Some of the last sex I had in America was almost not enjoyable at all. In contrast, the women I’ve had sex with overseas (not referring to P4P), the girls tried to rock my world. It seems like each one of them tried to give me the most unbelievable sex I ever had. I think it is because in their country being sexy and sexual is what a desirable women is suppose to do. They are in tune with their sexuality and think of sex as enjoyable for them too. I also believe more of the women overseas are orgasmic, whereas I think American women have sex hang ups.
The lack of legalized prostitution forces men to stay in horrible marriages or relationships with super high maintenance women, just for occasional sex. The men think they are in love, where really all it is, is love of pussy.
I do have a friend who is 47 who says all the women in their 40s are eager to fuck and claims he gets sex with most of them on the first to 3rd date. He says some are overweight. I haven’t seen these women so can’t attest to their quality, but I’m assuming it is very low. The only problem with these women is that they will hit menopause soon and many will have no sex drive soon.
So what is the order of bottom 10 worse Western countries in the world.
1. USA
2. Canada
3. Australia, New Zealand
4. UK
5. Italy
Can someone help me? I am putting Canada second to USA because of French Quebec. I think Australia and New Zealand have many butt ugly girls. There are few to no Kylie Minogues and Nickole Kidmans there. I’m not sure which country is worse. Maybe UK is better than Aust or NZ. Italy may have nicer looking women, but they don’t put out, so I’d put it at the bottom for Europe. I don’t think it has legalized P4P. Does UK, Aust., NZ have legalized P4P? A friend tells me Taiwan is horrible for Asian guys. Is there P4P there?
I believe having legalized P4P changes the dynamic of the country by giving men an outlet, therefore they don’t get into horrible unnecessary relationship. Does having P4P change the dynamics in countries that have it. Are the non- working women in countries where there is legalized P4P, more responsive to taking care of their men?
To the guys that have lived in several countries please help me come up with a list. Countries that have little sex, but have legalized P4P will be higher up the list, because there is an outlet for men. Any ideas and what countries should be on the list and what order?
[QUOTE=Big Johnson2]Most people do not like going outside the box to get pussy or anything else. That's why few people travel to non-English speaking countries. Most people would rather be miserable than make a change...I have friends who are totally unhappy with their dating/love/sex life in America. Even if I show them pictures and tell them stories about how good it is, they will never go. Staying in that comfort zone is more important than anything else. Just because American men marry their own doesn't mean they are happy. Hardly.[/QUOTE]
Well said! It's like why people stay in jobs/careers they hate or marriages that are miserable. At least it's familiar and they know what to expect. They are too scared/insecure/defeated to take a chance and go for a better life. Sad.
Either ThatGuy is a castrated brainwashed AM, or is an AW "feminist scholar" (talk about an oxymoron) looking for material for her doctoral thesis in gender studies.
Big Johnson2, thank you for your excellent post!
I think mostly it is very true.
I would correct: Mid East is not bad at all. There are many places for P4P. Many eastern European girls are available, also many Eastern European tourist women go there for the only purpose to have sex with local men.
India should be fine too according to the forum. I have not been there yet, but I do not think there are any problems with P4P.
I would not put UK in the list. If you got some money, you can fuck some really hot girls there, no problem. It is legal. I accidently stayed overnite in Manchester, and it was not bad at all with respect to working girls. But the rest. Hotel, restaurants suck big time in UK. Of course it was my only one day experience. I can be wrong.
And of course, you're right, USA is #1. I'm almost out of here for South America first.
[QUOTE=Big Johnson2]I noticed that 90% of the guys were thin, but only 50% of the girls were of normal weight. Less than 10% of the girls were pretty enough to want to date. I would guess out of 400 people only about 25 girls were good.[/QUOTE]I won't comment directly on the status of sex in the US in general as I did pretty well there and the quality of girls I had was high, nonetheless I agree that after spending many years overseas one thing that did strike me is that in general the attractiveness of men in the US is much higher than women. The same is true for Italy for example, lots of good-looking men but relatively few good-looking women. No wonder US and Italian men are always on the prowl overseas and when they are there, do quite well for themselves. What saddens me is seeing an obviously unhappy but good-looking and good-natured guy with a chubby, bitchy girlfriend or wife in the US. Happens far too often that guys get stuck with a hag.
Thin Guy - Fat Women
[QUOTE=Doctor_Skank]I won't comment directly on the status of sex in the US in general as I did pretty well there and the quality of girls I had was high, nonetheless I agree that after spending many years overseas one thing that did strike me is that in general the attractiveness of men in the US is much higher than women. The same is true for Italy for example, lots of good-looking men but relatively few good-looking women. No wonder US and Italian men are always on the prowl overseas and when they are there, do quite well for themselves. What saddens me is seeing an obviously unhappy but good-looking and good-natured guy with a chubby, bitchy girlfriend or wife in the US. Happens far too often that guys get stuck with a hag.[/QUOTE]
The nice looking guy - fat woman problem is not just with the 30+ men. My 2 first cousins are in college and I've seen them and their friends with fat girls. I've seen some good looking guys in great shape going out with fat 18-22 year olds girls. Very sad. When I was in college 20+ years ago I wouldn't have been caught dead with a fat girl.
Its the status Qoe
[QUOTE=Big Johnson2]The nice looking guy - fat woman problem is not just with the 30+ men. My 2 first cousins are in college and I've seen them and their friends with fat girls. I've seen some good looking guys in great shape going out with fat 18-22 year olds girls. Very sad. When I was in college 20+ years ago I wouldn't have been caught dead with a fat girl.[/QUOTE]
Like everything else in North America Famularity breeds contempt.. FAT women in America are naturally excepted as the norm.. Its natural like eating sleeping and breathing... And they still call the shots.. Now just think when a BABE walks by GYM type, works out, Jogs etc. A HARD body and the beauty that goes with it. Ok if you dont have a ferarri and a million bucks in the bank and NOT a professional. Then dont even LOOK at me, never alone SPEAK to me LOSER!!!! If your daddy is rich, or you look like a brad Pitt. OK I can make an exception for you .. There are some good women in North America there has to be, more than likely there is. But is it REALLY REALLY WORTH the mental aggrevation, time, energy, money, to find that girl out there in North America???? I gave up about 15 years ago.. The ONLY true regret I have in LIFE is WHY Didnt I go LOOKING OUTSIDE the BOX earlier????? I fucking didnt NEED Viagra then.. Oh well some one once told me Youth is wasted on the young.
[QUOTE=Goga Fung]Yes, there must be something wrong here. I was really surprised to see ThatGuy on the Philipino forum telling that he's been going to Philipines for 20 years!
[url]http://www.internationalsexguide. Info/forum/showthread.php? P=876650#post876650[/url]
If he is a MAN enough to deal with AW, then why go for tiny submissive Philipina girls for 20 years? Not even Russian, not Latinas which both would be closer to their American counterparts in many ways, but to Philipinas. And pointing out that "The girls will date anything with 2 legs. " "Obesely fat 60 yr olds all with 18 yr old models. " Why does not he do that in the USA, since he says that everything is available there and young American girls like sex? Really strange.
You have to be mad to tell us, the losers, that we suck and are not man enough, because we cannot score with beautiful AW, but at the same time you go to Philipines for 20 years.
I have tried to understand this guy first, and respected his point of view, but now it looks like a joke. But nothing personal. Suerte.[/QUOTE]I initially went there helping a friend establish a business. Since then he has married and started a family there. I go to visit because 1) I have a place to stay, so the only thing I pay for is the flight. 2) For a VACATION it is a fun place.
Thats a big difference than totally giving up on AW. I never advocated NOT going and having fun with other women. I just don't see AW as the worst women to date.
I can understand Brian liking Russian women and thats ok. Because everyone has their own taste. But because you like a woman from another culture/race doesn't make AW any less of a catch. They are just not your cup of tea. But to say they are all these or that, and the worst women for sex is just not true. They are just not what you like.
If I like vanilla, that doesn't make Chocolate bad. Just not what I like. That the point I'm trying to make. Sure there are beautiful women, everywhere. And I never in any of my Post stated that being with a foreign woman was a bad thing,
My statement that it take a MAN to deal with AW. Attest to that fact, in short what I'm saying is yes they may not be as compromising as women from other countries, and yes they can be head strong. Yes you have to work harder to impress/date a AW. So in my book, you have to Man up, suck it up, learn how to deal with rejection, because yes you will be turned down chasing AW, but thats part of the excitment, "the chase" as they say.
I believe we have all heard Men are hunters, by nature, well AW are that hard gazelle to catch, you have to become a skilled hunter to catch one. Or you can hunt something less elusive such as rabbit. Now both maybe as tasty as the other. Just be cause the rabbit is easier to catch, shouldn't lessen the hard to get Gazelle. To use as an analogy.
Sure in a lot of countries the women are going to be eaiser to get in bed, more traditional, less demanding. But that shouldn't mean because AW arent like that, that it makes AW terrible. As we all can see there are millions of men in happy relationships with AW, and would never think to bed a foreigner. It boils down to taste, one should be able to like one, without diminishing the other.
[QUOTE=Brian Moloney]Now just think when a BABE walks by GYM type, works out, Jogs etc. A HARD body and the beauty that goes with it. Ok if you don't have a ferarri and a million bucks in the bank and NOT a professional. Then don't even LOOK at me, never alone SPEAK to me LOSER! [/QUOTE]haha even though I'm suposedly attractive to AW, I'm not interested at all in this BS. I recently sold my car, moving money out.
I will just keep USA as one source of income. Today one latin friend is visiting me, he's pissed with the country but cannot do much, he's married to an AW. He's good-looking but cannot do anything!
I believe we have all heard Men are hunters, by nature, well AW are that hard gazelle to catch, you have to become a skilled hunter to catch one. Or you can hunt something less elusive such as rabbit. Now both maybe as tasty as the other. Just be cause the rabbit is easier to catch, shouldn't lessen the hard to get Gazelle. To use as an analogy.[/QUOTE]
There's a problem, when the elusive gazelle's you speak of are excessively Obese and snotty. You can have 'em. I prefer the sleeker gazelles that inhabit the plains of South East Asia, Europe, S America etc. All AW want is your money, especially American Black chicks. So if you are flashy and like to throw away $$$$$, you'll have all types of AW beating a path to your door.
[QUOTE=Marak5] I think everything suggests that there will be monumental infrastructure and social change under his admin. ![/QUOTE]
It's not Pelosi's district, but five years ago Berkeley, California voted 63% [i]against[/i] decriminalizing prostitution. As I'm sure you are aware, Berkeley is one of the most Democratic cities in the country. Democratic districts seem to get enthusiasm for these kinds of things, but never get the votes to pass them.
It's an informing contrast that the same day Churchill County, Nevada voted 62% to keep brothels legal even though no brothels existed in the county at the time. That county is around 70 percent Republican.
I'm not looking to draw battle lines here over labels, but if you look at things objectively you can not assume Democrats, "the Left" or whatever is working hard to get you laid. For instance, "the Left" (here a combination of 'Labor' and 'Progress' parties) in Norway produced this:
"A new law has come into force [on Jan. 1, 2009] in Norway making the purchase of sex illegal. Norwegian citizens caught paying for prostitutes at home [red][i]or abroad[/i][/red] could face a hefty fine or a six-month prison sentence, authorities say. "
And here I digress to suggest that Norway is the hardest country in "the West" to get laid in. Just read the posts. (the top ten are Pakistan, Egypt, Iran, Algeria, Afganistan, Saudi Arabia, Yeman, Kuwait, Libya and Iraq.)
There are plenty of African-American Democrat lawmakers who embrace the kinds of laws adopted in Norway and Sweden. I think the State of Maryland is a boiler room for these ideas in the United States. See Delegate Joanne C. Benson (D) Task Force for the Prevention of [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908][CodeWord908][/url] in Maryland et al.
In fact, you would be hard-pressed to find any African-American lawmakers who favor relaxing laws against prostitution or reducing government funding or support for things like the International Marriage Broker Act, Violence Against Women Act or National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (which at least during the Bush admistration was used as an anti-prostitution platform). I'd be happy to be proved wrong; there's no doubt Obama occupies an odd "Nixon goes to China" kind of place in the American political culture, but there's nothing to indicate he's going to push to overturn 100 years of Federal involvement in the sex lives of Americans.
I think it's great you are enthusiastic about Obama, but the DNC is not part of the solution and guys who want to get laid would be much better off holding onto thier money (thinking on this past weeks Treasury auction, probably in some way that plays well against long-term inflation).
1 photos
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax]There's a problem, when the elusive gazelle's you speak of are excessively Obese and snotty. You can have 'em. I prefer the sleeker gazelles that inhabit the plains of South East Asia, Europe, S America etc. All AW want is your money, especially American Black chicks. So if you are flashy and like to throw away $$$$$, you'll have all types of AW beating a path to your door.[/QUOTE]
I have always thought of the USA more as a hog hunting country than a gazelle hunting country. And yes, it takes a REAL MAN to hunt down one of them hogs! Check out the fierce tusks and rugged flanks on the bruiser in the photo.
That is...
One ugly looking, slobbish, farmers parade float. Talk about letting yourself go; she went, kept going, and going, and going. The worst part of the photo, she is not the worst looking BBW AW out there. She is more like one of the moons sorrounding larger planets in the good old USA. Oh, there are many guys out there buying that pig drinks also :eek:. They call themselves voluptous, juicy, and other fancy names. I got 13 days to a nice plane ride to some really nice, slim looking game:D. I can't wait...
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]I have always thought of the USA more as a hog hunting country than a gazelle hunting country. And yes, it takes a REAL MAN to hunt down one of them hogs! Check out the fierce tusks and rugged flanks on the bruiser in the photo.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]Thats a big difference than totally giving up on AW. I never advocated NOT going and having fun with other women. I just don't see AW as the worst women to date.
My statement that it take a MAN to deal with AW. Attest to that fact, in short what I'm saying is yes they may not be as compromising as women from other countries, and yes they can be head strong. Yes you have to work harder to impress/date a AW. So in my book, you have to Man up, suck it up, learn how to deal with rejection, because yes you will be turned down chasing AW, but thats part of the excitment, "the chase" as they say.
I believe we have all heard Men are hunters, by nature, well AW are that hard gazelle to catch, you have to become a skilled hunter to catch one. Or you can hunt something less elusive such as rabbit. Now both maybe as tasty as the other. Just be cause the rabbit is easier to catch, shouldn't lessen the hard to get Gazelle. To use as an analogy.
Sure in a lot of countries the women are going to be eaiser to get in bed, more traditional, less demanding. But that shouldn't mean because AW arent like that, that it makes AW terrible. As we all can see there are millions of men in happy relationships with AW, and would never think to bed a foreigner. It boils down to taste, one should be able to like one, without diminishing the other.[/QUOTE]I'm not sure I'd agree. The prey becomes the predator in you. S divorce courts. I know a USA M. C Force Recon marine that I would daresay is tough. Reduced to blubbering shadow of a man after his trophy wife got through with him in divorce court. That man who went through SERE (got waterboarded), and has killed enemy combatants. All his advanced combat training is worthless, unless he goes postal. I wonder if Thatguy is married, and experienced divorce. If you have, please say so.
[quote]Happens far too often that guys get stuck with a hag.[/QUOTE]You're never STUCK with a hag unless you want to be. I married a hag and divorced her sorry ass.Yeah, she took a boat load of money from me but I'd rather be significantly poorer and not have to deal with a fucking *****.
Just my 2 cents.
Somebody Stop You Guys.....
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax]There's a problem, when the elusive gazelle's you speak of are excessively Obese and snotty. You can have 'em. I prefer the sleeker gazelles that inhabit the plains of South East Asia, Europe, S America etc. All AW want is your money, especially American Black chicks. So if you are flashy and like to throw away $$$$$, you'll have all types of AW beating a path to your door.[/QUOTE]
Foreign women like to get in Western guys pockets also. To poor SE Asians to poor EE girls. As they say in Thailand...you me... "Same Same." The only woman I have ever dated who generally had nothing to gain being in a relationship with me was an American women. Man you guys need to stop.....
[QUOTE=Illogic]Foreign women like to get in Western guys pockets also. To poor SE Asians to poor EE girls. As they say in Thailand...you me... "Same Same." The only woman I have ever dated who generally had nothing to gain being in a relationship with me was an American women. Man you guys need to stop.....[/QUOTE]You are so "illogic". Have you ever hear about divorce. They have a lot to gain. How often to you hear that a woman pays the man alimony. You must be totally "pus$y whipped". For me, I keep the babe overseas and do not bring them over. If they get their asses over here, it takes less than a few years before they figure out the game and they are no different than any other AW. Period.
I have had so many women in the US wanting to get together and most of them tell you about relationships and everything. But once they got you around their fingers, you are toasted.
What is the ratio of men paying women for alimony vs them paying us. Virtually nil. I am not talking about the divorce with the housewife. Many of these women have well paying jobs and the man still pay. Pay. Pay.
I recently had a friend payout a little over $10M, even though the wife has a well paying job and very well educated (MBA from Univ of Chicago). You figure.
Open up your eyes and look around.
To each his OWN
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]I initially went there helping a friend establish a business. Since then he has married and started a family there. I go to visit because 1) I have a place to stay, so the only thing I pay for is the flight. 2) For a VACATION it is a fun place.
Thats a big difference than totally giving up on AW. I never advocated NOT going and having fun with other women. I just don't see AW as the worst women to date.
I can understand Brian liking Russian women and thats ok. Because everyone has their own taste. But because you like a woman from another culture/race doesn't make AW any less of a catch. They are just not your cup of tea. But to say they are all these or that, and the worst women for sex is just not true. They are just not what you like.
If I like vanilla, that doesn't make Chocolate bad. Just not what I like. That the point I'm trying to make. Sure there are beautiful women, everywhere. And I never in any of my Post stated that being with a foreign woman was a bad thing,
My statement that it take a MAN to deal with AW. Attest to that fact, in short what I'm saying is yes they may not be as compromising as women from other countries, and yes they can be head strong. Yes you have to work harder to impress/date a AW. So in my book, you have to Man up, suck it up, learn how to deal with rejection, because yes you will be turned down chasing AW, but thats part of the excitment, "the chase" as they say.
I believe we have all heard Men are hunters, by nature, well AW are that hard gazelle to catch, you have to become a skilled hunter to catch one. Or you can hunt something less elusive such as rabbit. Now both maybe as tasty as the other. Just be cause the rabbit is easier to catch, shouldn't lessen the hard to get Gazelle. To use as an analogy.
Sure in a lot of countries the women are going to be eaiser to get in bed, more traditional, less demanding. But that shouldn't mean because AW arent like that, that it makes AW terrible. As we all can see there are millions of men in happy relationships with AW, and would never think to bed a foreigner. It boils down to taste, one should be able to like one, without diminishing the other.[/QUOTE]
I am NOT saying there isnt any GOOD looking babes in North America.. There "LOOK" does NOT appeal to me.. Yes I m infatuated with SLAVIC women , they can undress you with their ALMOND shape eyes.. The Gazelle as you call them in North America are TO HARD to get long with.. They ALWAYS want their OWN way .. And LOVE attention look at me .. It makes my stomach crawl.. Most RUSSIAN women say they are NOT very good looking .. women in Rossiya look all the same..she says. But when I brought my WIFE to Canada she said I see what you mean now.. Yes I think I am attractive woman now.. But she fell home sick for the motherland (Thank God she was getting North Americanized just starting) OF course I said Your family misses you and your babushka. hehehehehe Yep didnt take long before she wanted to go back. My little girl wanted to stay. but I KNOW the EDUCATION SYSTEM is better in Russia. And I dont want her UNEDUCATED like her father. hehehehehe Yes Life is good.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]I have always thought of the USA more as a hog hunting country than a gazelle hunting country. And yes, it takes a REAL MAN to hunt down one of them hogs! Check out the fierce tusks and rugged flanks on the bruiser in the photo.[/QUOTE]That was a good one, good laugh.
[QUOTE=Marak5]I have said this in another board but prostitution was up for a vote in Nancy Pelosi's district last November and I don't think it was a coincidence.
In addition his wife is a [b]black lady and they are much more open about this sort of thing than typical white AW[/b].[/QUOTE]
I suppose 'they' is referring to Black ladies?????? [b]ALL[/b] Black ladies?????
Are you from Mississippi? Alabama? 150 years ago????
Do you sincerely believe that an entire race of women think alike on one topic? Why do you believe that a Black woman would be more open about prostitution than a White woman??????
I guess you won't believe this but most Blacks in the US are [b]more socially conservative[/b] than Whites! Especially the large religious element in the Black community is heavily against any decriminalization of prostitution. In fact, the higher rates of HIV in the Black community is attributed by some to the refusal of religious Blacks to even acknowledge, nevermind discuss, homosexuality in the Black community.
You seem to have some outdated ignorant beliefs, Marak. What other such statements do you have up your sleeve?
[QUOTE=Illogic]Foreign women like to get in Western guys pockets also. To poor SE Asians to poor EE girls. As they say in Thailand...you me... "Same Same." The only woman I have ever dated who generally had nothing to gain being in a relationship with me was an American women. Man you guys need to stop.....[/QUOTE]
We need to differentiate between hookers and "civilian" women. I'll never date or marry a hooker PERIOD. There is NO difference between an American Hooker and a hooker from another Country...they all love money. I'll take a regular "civilian" European, S.E. Asian, Brazilian, Latina woman over a "civilian" American woman any day. I think I'm entitled to my own opinion same as you....just my 0.02cents.
I Am Talking About Normal Women.....
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax]We need to differentiate between hookers and "civilian" women. I'll never date or marry a hooker PERIOD. There is NO difference between an American Hooker and a hooker from another Country...they all love money. I'll take a regular "civilian" European, S.E. Asian, Brazilian, Latina woman over a "civilian" American woman any day. I think I'm entitled to my own opinion same as you....just my 0.02cents.[/QUOTE]
.....In the third world the lines are blurred between P4P and "normal" girls. As a sophisticated world traveler I think you would know that. Well it is anyway in the country where I live.
[QUOTE=Illogic].....In the third world the lines are blurred between P4P and "normal" girls. As a sophisticated world traveler I think you would know that. Well it is anyway in the country where I live.
ALL WOMEN LOVE MONEY![/QUOTE]This is so true. The reason the women in other countries are so ready to please is their perception that all FOREIGN MEN are WEALTHY or at least WEALTHIER than men from their country. Whether they are pros or non pros. That is the main attraction for these women. Their perception is they have just met DONALD TRUMP so yeah they are going to bend over backwards to make a foreigner feel good.
If this wasn't the case. Why do they change so easy when they come to the USA If they were so different, that wouldn't change so quickly.
[QUOTE=Illogic].....In the third world the lines are blurred between P4P and "normal" girls. As a sophisticated world traveler I think you would know that. Well it is anyway in the country where I live.
Not necessarily. There are some exceptions.
When in Rome do as the Romans do
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]This is so true. The reason the women in other countries are so ready to please is their perception that all FOREIGN MEN are WEALTHY or at least WEALTHIER than men from their country. Whether they are pros or non pros. That is the main attraction for these women. Their perception is they have just met DONALD TRUMP so yeah they are going to bend over backwards to make a foreigner feel good.
If this wasn't the case. Why do they change so easy when they come to the USA If they were so different, that wouldn't change so quickly.[/QUOTE]
No brainer if you have a BOX of rotten apples and put a GOOD apple in that BOX. Well it goes BAD too. Before the RECESSION in MOSCOW Foreigners are CONSIDERD POOR!!!!!AND cheapskates!!! always counting their money. ha ha ha ha That is soooooo true.. The OIL money made Russians RICH.. In the provinces it is poor, yes. I married a provincial girl... I am happy I did... But as ever body KNOWS that has ever been to Moscow it is IMPOSSIBLE to stay FAITHFULL!!!!!!! A man could FALL in LOVE every 2 minutes, God I love that country.. Most Russian wives KNOW their husbands have a mistress or 2 or 3 but generally it is EXCEPTED.. My wifey knows I am DEFINATELY faithfull in Canada. this is TRUE... No LIE!!!!!! But she KNOWS I am NOT in Moscow as long as she gets her 2K a month she is happy. Yes I have found heaven he he he he he Blake095 I know you are reading this, YES, she is a Ba Ba But I do LOVE her. She cooks and cleans NEVER has a headache nice tits but I am a LEG MAN.. Shes a housewife from the 50s Betty crocker he he he he Blake095 we will go to Saransk again... Remember the Hos are cheap there and so are apartments.. You said so yourself its the BEST bang for your buck in all of Russia. Thats why we go to Moscow before we go to Saransk.
Perception IS Reality
A lot of what is said here is true. Women always believe that grass is greener on the other side of the fence, and will always believe a foreigner (especially a 3rd world girl looking at a 1st world man) will believe that.
For example, where I live, I don't think it could be any worse. When one considers the high incomes, labour shortages (although slightly alleviated with the oil price pullback, but when the price comes back, so will the jobs), a 5. 1 male to female ratio, and the bias towards women in the legal system, why would any of these 'hoes want a guy? They don't need one, they can do just fine.
Elsewhere, things are not at all like that. Women can't get higher paying jobs, and they don't have a gov support system that effectively expropriates all wealth from the man. They want someone to support them, and knowing they will never get that at home, will latch onto a man that provides them security. Simple reversion to what a female is naturally looking for, security. They find that, even for a short time, with a (maybe perceived) wealthier male, and will do all they can to keep him for as long as possible. Canadian women do not need men, and they do not hesitate to show it.
[QUOTE=Brian Moloney]No brainer if you have a BOX of rotten apples and put a GOOD apple in that BOX. Well it goes BAD too. [/QUOTE]This is very true and explains a lot!
[QUOTE=ThatGuy]If this wasn't the case. Why do they change so easy when they come to the USA If they were so different, that wouldn't change so quickly.[/QUOTE]So why do not you buy spoiled meat, rotten eggs, etc. In a Supermarket? Not MAN enough to deal with such food?
What is the point to be a "MAN" and deal an AW. Only because you think that a foreign woman can become potentially as rotten as AW?
Why go for a rotten egg when you can get a fresh one elsewhere?
Also I have seen here this "real man's" idea that sleeping with a prostitute for money is like cheating on a test. If someone is reading this, then most likely he is cheating a lot too, he probably did not solder the circuit board for the computer, did not write Windows, and probably downloaded the Firefox browser for free.
The problem is we do not have too much time to live to afford not to cheat.
Thatguy, at least in the case of Colombia you couldn't be more wrong.
Females outnumber males here in in Congress, and in the Bogota city council. The young also outnumber the old in both.
Women have every single right women do in the US, better pay equity, and have NO problem standing up for themselves. A man went to jail for 4 years here just for grabbing a woman's ass on the bus.
Yet not only are people here better looking and in better health, they also enjoy sex more, do it more and are FAR more liberal when it comes to sex in general.
There are women here who are totally into taking advantage of men and using sex as a weapon but they are a very slim minority. It's not hard at all to just go out and get laid here, yet it's tantamount to climbing Mt. Everest in the US and Canada, why the fuck would that be??
BTW that highway system is crumbling and falling apart as we speak, and there's a looming public health crisis in the works from all the millions of people with zero access to healthcare, especially since so many of them are living in tents now! Opportunity in America, my fucking ass. I thank heaven every day I no longer live there!
Who are you??
[quote=thatguy865]the atitude of aw is because they have rights and can earn a good wage. the average aw does not have to rely on a man for support. thats the bottom line between aw and most women in other countries. besides making money there are facilities which are setup to help them, battered womans facilites, a welfare system, these all help women to not have to endure abuse from men that women in other countries do not have. if an aw has an abusive husband (be it mental or physical) she has recourse. most of the countries that guys here aspire to live in. the women have no recourse, if their family doesn't help. there is no facilities, and in most le won't get involved in marital affairs.
aw are more liberated by these things. it takes a man to have to deal with an aw, because they don't need a mans support to live a good life. an am knows his woman is with him because she wants to be not because she needs to be, for the most part.[/quote]
this fucking crappola american women if they are with you, because they want to be, not because they have to be, because of money. well let me tell you lady (you must be a woman) i live in moscow its a wealthy city and the place is crawling with babes... everything is better.. in the women department even the working girls put 95% of the north american women to shame.. the russian women are not trying to compete with their man. they let a man be a man.. i am amazed obama hasnt given more money to organizations to build more batter womens shelters for women. what part of the english language you dont understand?? my english is not very good i admit or my grammar. but let me put it this way the best way i can.. more and more north american men are fed up.. fed up getting ass [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url] in divorce court fed up with fat women fed up with attitude fed up with sex being used as a tool to get there own way i could go on and on.. so you can keep your orca winfrey ass park by the tv while you are eating potato chips drinking pepsi cola and devouring your 5 gallon bucket of haugen daz ice cream and write your theises report . yeah sister this is 1 male who seen the light 15 years ago. life is short, why waste your life with a north american woman?? like las vegas a roll of the dice, with your future earnings mental stability, self respect your dignity a north american woman can take all that away from a man. for me i would rather eat beef tenderloin in moscow than eat chuck steak in north america. its that simple really.
[QUOTE=Brian Moloney]This fucking crappola American women if they are with you, because they want to be, Not because they have to be, because of money. Well let me tell you LADY (you must be a woman) I live in Moscow its a WEALTHY CITY and the PLACE is CRAWLING with BABES... Everything is BETTER.. In the women department even the working girls PUT 95% of the North american women to shame.. The Russian women are NOT TRYING to compete with their man. They let a MAN be a MAN..[/QUOTE]Brian,
I do not want to repeat, but again, what ThatGuy865 says about AW is kinda funny, since he is a big fun of Philipines an obviously the girls. I can understand guys who never go outside of USA, because their patriotism towards AW looks sincere since they stay faithful to AW.
I have a few examples to prove that foreign woman are not necessarily for money.
I have one GF in Moscow. She is a clothes designer. She has good salary and buys herself vacations and everything else she needs. Also believe it or not, after I complained her about my USA tax bill, she offered me $10, 000 to help to pay part of it. Also she is young (mid 20), beautiful, etc.
Another girl in Ukraine, she is a manager of a big entertainment complex. She bought a car, she goes to vacations too, she does not need your money, she does not need to date gringos or anybody else to support herself. BTW, she looks pretty hot I her 30 years. Many 20 y. O. AW wish they looked like her.
And another example from Colombia. Now I have one GF there, she is working in a financial institution. Obviously she does not need your money either. I have no idea how people here report that they can easily sleep on the first date with a so-called "non-pro" or "regular" girls. I guess they are really pick-up artists
I could only get into the pants (which was actually not my goal at all) of that chica after about 5-6 dates, and on my second visit after I met her first time.
I think most people when travel overseas have experiences with working girls and/or girls who make you think they are not working, or just sluts who sleep around with everybody. After that, no wonder, you get an impression that all foreign girls are after your money or they are sluts or prostitutes. And even though they are, the what is the difference, AW are ultimately for your money too, only for much more potentially.
How much would you pay for an engagement ring for your lovely AW fiance? I paid $200 for my ex wife's. She did not complain that I do not love her enough.
[QUOTE=Big Johnson2]I went to a large social in my city that had about 300-400 people ages 20-50. I noticed that 90% of the guys were thin, but only 50% of the girls were of normal weight. Less than 10% of the girls were pretty enough to want to date.[/QUOTE]I agree with you. America has definetly become a fat nation
[QUOTE=Big Johnson2]Most white guys in American have given up on white girls and you see many of them dating Asians, Latins, etc.
I have a friend who is 5’10" and about a 9 on a 10 scale. He makes over 100K and still can’t get a girl friend. He has to date foreign women to even get any interest.[/QUOTE][QUOTE=Big Johnson2]I do have a friend who is 47 who says all the women in their 40s are eager to fuck and claims he gets sex with most of them on the first to 3rd date. He says some are overweight. I haven’t seen these women so can’t attest to their quality, but I’m assuming it is very low. The only problem with these women is that they will hit menopause soon and many will have no sex drive soon.[/QUOTE]It would be interesting to see what the quality of these women are. Most women in their 40's are overweight. Your friend probably won't provide pictures, but he can get their stats. She would probably lie about her weight. He can ask them "just in case I might want to buy you an outfit someday, could you tell me your dress size? " dress size 4-6 and below is quite slender. Any dress size above a 10 is overweight.
I still haven't heard anyone answer: Military MEN are well traveled, experienced with women all over the world. But the MAJORITY never marry those women and come back to the US and marry AW and NEVER go back to those so called great women. Why is that? Some marry foreigners, but the overall MAJORITY DO NOT.
There are a myriad of reasons why the majority of military guys don’t marry foreign. Some of these reasons are:
1. Military guys do not voluntarily choose to go to overseas in most cases. Where you end up is luck of the draw. Your primary reason for being in a foreign country is not the pussy. You probably didn’t want to be in that country in the first place and your recreational time may be restricted to base or limited by the conditions of an off base pass.
2. When overseas military guys establish a hierarchy on who they choose to fuck. Female service members come first because of familiarity and ease of access. You don’t need to fill out paperwork for a pass to go off base to fuck or to bring the female on base to fuck as you’d have to do with a foreign woman. You simply fuck her in the barracks whenever you can. However, the main reason for fucking female service members instead of foreigners is a false sense of security that comes from the fact that they’re tested every couple years for AIDS. I’ve seen STDs run through units like wild fire overseas because guys decided to bareback an infected female thinking that she was “safe.” In reality most STD cases in the military come from other service members and dependents not from foreign women as the movies would have you think. US service women love being overseas because they have a captive population of fit young guys to service their needs. I always chuckle when I recall one particularly hideous female who extended her tour abroad. After her extension was up she tried to extend again but her request was denied and she was forced to return to her home unit back in the US. She got a medal for her "dedication." Even the camp commanders knew her real reason for always extending was that she had monopolized the supply of Blackhawk pilot cock on base. She had no shame and fucked with her hooch door open. Passersby could look in on the action or join in on her gangbangs. The squadron routinely ran the train on her during weekends.
3. Most military members come from the poor white rural areas of America. I once met a hillbilly who was home schooled and had not met black or Hispanic people until he went to basic training. These guys are not going to take back dark skinned, slant eyed, or former communist block natives as brides to their parents.
4. Many service members do not speak the local language and that limits them to prostitutes and lower social class females in the host country.
5. The paperwork required to bring home a foreign bride is considered too tedious and demanding. Many military guys quickly change their minds about marrying a foreign girl after reading the affidavit of support making them liable for any public assistance used by their foreign bride up to ten years after entering the country. This obligation is not removed by divorce.
6. Commanders strongly discourage their troops from marrying foreign women.
7. Marrying a foreign woman can result in the downgrading or revocation of your security clearance if her background check flags her as a potential security risk. If a soldier’s military occupational specialty requires a top secret clearance this would be career suicide.
8. Many service members are married, engaged or divorced already and they are not looking for a wife abroad.
9. A small group of soldiers are career military and have no wish to marry or have children before retirement. Many of these guys later become expats in countries with a low cost of living and an abundant supply of young pussy.
10. A lot of military members feel superior to the natives of the host country and will not even stoop to having casual sex with them. They spend all of their free time on base or with other Americans waiting for a chance to take leave and visit stateside and for the end of their overseas tour.
Women Overseas No Better...
[QUOTE=Goga Fung]Brian,
I do not want to repeat, but again, what ThatGuy865 says about AW is kinda funny, since he is a big fun of Philipines an obviously the girls. I can understand guys who never go outside of USA, because their patriotism towards AW looks sincere since they stay faithful to AW.[/QUOTE]
I live in PI and I am an advocate for American women. I moved out her because of a complex situation which I will not discuss on this board but I am still telling myself I should be in the west right now. I have probably been through more negative shit with American women than any of you but the theme on this board seems to be they are all fat, ugly, money hungry and mean. Which is so far from the truth it is ridiculous.
Why millionaires and highly successful American Men are not flocking to the Third world if it is so great?
As for ThatGuy I am not defending him but even if you do get regular sex in the States what if it is not enough. What if you are a sex addict (as I am and many of you in denial guys are on this forum). What if you need two and three girls at a time we all know this is hard to produce in the States. If you fall into this category then the third world is viable option for you.
[QUOTE=Goga Fung]I have a few examples to prove that foreign woman are not necessarily for money.
I have one GF in Moscow. She is a clothes designer. She has good salary and buys herself vacations and everything else she needs. Also believe it or not, after I complained her about my USA tax bill, she offered me $10, 000 to help to pay part of it. Also she is young (mid 20), beautiful, etc.....
Another girl in Ukraine, she is a manager of a big entertainment complex. She bought a car, she goes to vacations too, she does not need your money, she does not need to date gringos or anybody else to support herself. BTW, she looks pretty hot I her 30 years. Many 20 y. O. AW wish they looked like her.
And another example from Colombia. Now I have one GF there, she is working in a financial institution. Obviously she does not need your money either. I have no idea how people here report that they can easily sleep on the first date with a so-called "non-pro" or "regular" girls. I guess they are really pick-up artists
I could only get into the pants (which was actually not my goal at all) of that chica after about 5-6 dates, and on my second visit after I met her first time.
I think most people when travel overseas have experiences with working girls and/or girls who make you think they are not working, or just sluts who sleep around with everybody. After that, no wonder, you get an impression that all foreign girls are after your money or they are sluts or prostitutes. And even though they are, the what is the difference, AW are ultimately for your money too, only for much more potentially.
How much would you pay for an engagement ring for your lovely AW fiance? I paid $200 for my ex wife's. She did not complain that I do not love her enough.[/QUOTE]
I have been around all type of women from the third world(from Filipina Real estate tycoon to the lowest of the low bar girls) and they seem to display the same attitudes and attributes as AM. I don't have much experience with EE women but I do know SE Asian women and they are no different.
I can give you the similar examples from American women who got their shit together and don't have ask anyone for anything.. I work in various war zone bruh. I see many American women over here making money for themselves some cute some not so cute. There are good women in the States and bad women in the States same as everywhere else.
Only I have found Third world women more “willing” to settle for any foreign “Joe Blow” that comes along. American women are picky since when did that become a crime?
[QUOTE=Illogic]I live in PI and I am an advocate for American women. I moved out her because of a complex situation which I will not discuss on this board but I am still telling myself I should be in the west right now. I have probably been through more negative shit with American women than any of you but the theme on this board seems to be they are all fat, ugly, money hungry and mean. Which is so far from the truth it is ridiculous.
Why millionaires and highly successful American Men are not flocking to the Third world if it is so great?
As for ThatGuy I am not defending him but even if you do get regular sex in the States what if it is not enough. What if you are a sex addict (as I am and many of you in denial guys are on this forum). What if you need two and three girls at a time we all know this is hard to produce in the States. If you fall into this category then the third world is viable option for you.
I have been around all type of women from the third world(from Filipina Real estate tycoon to the lowest of the low bar girls) and they seem to display the same attitudes and attributes as AM. I don't have much experience with EE women but I do know SE Asian women and they are no different.
I can give you the similar examples from American women who got their shit together and don't have ask anyone for anything.. I work in various war zone bruh. I see many American women over here making money for themselves some cute some not so cute. There are good women in the States and bad women in the States same as everywhere else.
Only I have found Third world women more “willing” to settle for any foreign “Joe Blow” that comes along. American women are picky since when did that become a crime?[/QUOTE]
Look Dude I to have TRAVEL to 6 continents I have dated every colour in the rainbow.. Still the BOTTOM line and its getting OLD here. IS attitude and American women have attitude in general. I have dated high school teachers and a few dentists and a few other professionals. Opposites attract they say.. All women say I am funny I make them laugh and for a guy with little education I have done well for myself financially, I LOVE Russian women the most.. The most passionate carring women I have had relations with, were Black women to be honest right here in North America.. I have seen for myself relationships couples from all over the world.. And STILL when I see a North American couple its always Yes dear No dear the BOSS is usually the North american woman. She wears the FUCKING PANTS!!!! I dont care HOW beautifull a North American woman is and there are a LOT.. But attitude I can NOT stand I am NOT a YES man ... So Please my friend you can HAVE all the North American women for yourself.. Take them to exotic places most American women have NOT seen or WANT to be, the KITCHEN a Henny Youngman joke.. but trying to get a North American woman to cook is like pulling TEETH with pliers. What I notice. In general. Keep watching Ophra and LEARN how to be a good YES MAN you will do fine.. If I never went to Russia And stay in North America I would DIE a OLD and LONELY man no doubt. Lonely but content and DIE a peacefull life with my DIGNITY.. And NOT penniles.
Ass Kissing
[QUOTE=Illogic]I live in PI and I am an advocate for American women. I moved out her because of a complex situation which I will not discuss on this board but I am still telling myself I should be in the west right now. I have probably been through more negative shit with American women than any of you but the theme on this board seems to be they are all fat, ugly, money hungry and mean. Which is so far from the truth it is ridiculous.
Why millionaires and highly successful American Men are not flocking to the Third world if it is so great?
As for ThatGuy I am not defending him but even if you do get regular sex in the States what if it is not enough. What if you are a sex addict (as I am and many of you in denial guys are on this forum). What if you need two and three girls at a time we all know this is hard to produce in the States. If you fall into this category then the third world is viable option for you.
I have been around all type of women from the third world(from Filipina Real estate tycoon to the lowest of the low bar girls) and they seem to display the same attitudes and attributes as AM. I don't have much experience with EE women but I do know SE Asian women and they are no different.
I can give you the similar examples from American women who got their shit together and don't have ask anyone for anything.. I work in various war zone bruh. I see many American women over here making money for themselves some cute some not so cute. There are good women in the States and bad women in the States same as everywhere else.
Only I have found Third world women more “willing” to settle for any foreign “Joe Blow” that comes along. American women are picky since when did that become a crime?[/QUOTE]
All men think of SEX with WOMEN most of the time. Unless you are gay . A mans mission in Life is to GET SEX as much as possible.. Thats why we EARN MONEY BUY EXPENSIVE SHIT.. I WANT SEX I am already married.. I get all I want. But I still want SEX with different women.. Unless you are Married to Anjolina Jollie their are a few exceptions.. To get a girls attention it takes money like buying them drinks dinners etc.. But North American women WANT HORDES of money spent on them. and usually for medicore SEX..if you are LUCKY IF the FAT PIG thinks you are worthy. ha ha ha and you have to JUMP through HOOPS and shit. Foreign women you DONT have to TRY so hard and SPEND so much money and ass kiss Its JUST not worth the effort and money and aggravation. You got it figured out thats why you are in the Philipines. Slimer women cheaper prices and you dont have to jump through hoops. Your know Dummy. No flies on you Illogic.
[QUOTE=George90]I suppose 'they' is referring to Black ladies?????? [b]ALL[/b] Black ladies?????
Are you from Mississippi? Alabama? 150 years ago????
Do you sincerely believe that an entire race of women think alike on one topic? Why do you believe that a Black woman would be more open about prostitution than a White woman??????
I guess you won't believe this but most Blacks in the US are [b]more socially conservative[/b] than Whites! Especially the large religious element in the Black community is heavily against any decriminalization of prostitution. In fact, the higher rates of HIV in the Black community is attributed by some to the refusal of religious Blacks to even acknowledge, nevermind discuss, homosexuality in the Black community.
You seem to have some outdated ignorant beliefs, Marak. What other such statements do you have up your sleeve?[/QUOTE]
Outdated doesn't even come close, just plain ignorant...
You'll find just as many Black people being outspoken to Gay Marriage as any other group of people. The few that aren't are progressive and usually educated or Gay themselves...
HIV and the Church don't mix and its largely ignored as you said, a shame really.
[quote=thatguy865]well guys allow me to retort.
i'll start with dj as i have stated before
women do get paid less than men but only in the same job. a women lawyer will make more than a male teacher. a women executive will make more than a male postal worker. just like oprah is the richest woman in the world and makes more than most male t. v. host.
women in most countries where you guys are talk about are 3rd world countries, or even in a lot of the industrial countries the women do not have the opportunity to become top lawyers, executives, scientist. thats the point. so when you approach one of these women or a women who is in a career mode. she wants a guy who is of the same mindset. in most other countries they just want a man. because no matter what he will provide better than what she can for herself.
as for strippers, most(of course not all) professional men would not seriously date a stripper. a professional knows he would be shunned the first time they took her to a (company/or with other professional) social gathering so they are left mainly with the low end of society to date.
brian, i'm american and of course i would like to think the compliment was true. but for me, i would never believe anything a hooker said, when it comes to a race of people. and just as you guys complain about aw being fat, am are some of the fattest in the world also. i have a hard time believing that any culture/race has a total lock on any physical attribute. that is solely a personal view.
i still haven't heard anyone answer: military men are well traveled, experienced with women all over the world. but the majority never marry those women and come back to the us and marry aw and never go back to those so called great women. why is that? some marry foreigners, but the overall majority do not.
our high mortality rate has nothing to do with us being 3rd worldess and more to do with capitalism. most other countries have universal health care. we in this country don't. didn't you hear all the outcry of socialism when the president even speaks of universal health care because it requires higher taxes, which american hate. the power that be would rather keep it privatized, therefore if you can't afford prenatal care. here you are s. o. l.
other countries with high speed rail is because we decided we would rather have a robuse highway system. american prefer to drive themselves instead of mass transportation. the president suggested improving amtrak and the was an outcry against it. why. again because it comes from taxes. and americans hate to pay taxes.
as for violence, i only stated that because it goes to the high divorce rate. and i stated mental and physical abuse. see here you start verbally degrading your woman, she has the funds and can find facilities which will supply her with a place to stay and food until she can find her own. most other countries don't, especially those that you guys are talking about the great women.
the bottom line is aw don't have to put up with any shit at all. so they grow up much more independent than women in other countries.
didn't mean to write so much but wanted to address all.
[size=-2][b][u]editor's note[/u]:[/b] [blue]i would suggest that the author or another forum member consider posting a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please [url=http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?]click here[/url] for more information.[/blue][/size][/quote]
i know quite a few bruthas married or dating european born and raised women.
most of them tend to be german. a few are even russian and one brazilian that i know of.
only one german is dating a american servicemen. i know germans that were married to american servicemen.
was that "the grass was greener" scenario or culture clashing? according to my one sided story access, it seems culture clash was responsible for both marriages to end.
let me be clear about something. american women, with our mix of races in this country are the most beautiful bar none, we have not be sending our best to ms world or ms universe pageants because most women with common sense wouldn't be involved in that lifestyle. our current miss california carrie prejean wasn't even the best looking girl at the ms california pageant and i see better looking women than her on a constant basis! (living in los angeles, i think she's from san diego)
however since the late 1960's the game has changed, rolls have either changed or been reversed and its no longer to a man's advantage if your an average joe like many of us here.
the sexually revolution didn't fully do its job because too many women here are far too concerned about public opinion. most girls won't fuck on the first date, not because they don't want too (provided you have game) but because in the court of public opinion, you would be labeled a hoe in doing so.
these are just some of the factors that make its near impossible for the average moron to date successfully.
you said aw aren't that bad as we make them out to be. i would say some of the rhetoric is a bit over the top around here at times, but usually its spot on. i never accused a majority of aw being fat and i wouldn't agree with that. i will say however, that obesity is an american problem and we have more than our fair share of women hovering above 200lbs. hell, i was in a title office today and 3 out of the 4 women in the office were at least 190lbs... in jobs and careers where body imagine is important, you see many more thin people, but at what cost? bulimia and other eating disorders are very commonplace. to make matters worst, there is a segment of culture that wants fat people to be protected by the same laws that protect other minority. unlike, skin color or race or even being handicap being fat for a majority is correctable if you just back away from the dinner table, the lunch counter and eat a sensible breakfast....
this is where i think we can all agree that drinking a diet coke along with your two double whoppers, large fry and apple pie somehow won't help you at all.
but as many have said, the less than stellar now believe they allowed to go after what usually is reserved for seriously attractive women. that out of wack line thinking means for many men in america, your dating less than ideal talent.
there are many men on this forum that are over 30 and i think we would all agree that once you have reached about 28, most of the women you come into contact with have at least one child from a previous relationship if not more.
is that some sort of advantage or is that is a product of our high divorce rate???
the reason, i like women overseas is some of the negatives tend to be less then negatives here. i can find women over 30 that have never been married and have no children. in america, many feel if your a woman and never married by age 30, something is wrong with you and they are usually right.
of the european women i know, many have chosen not to have children until they are married. this is not because they have a better understanding of sex than we do, its just socially acceptable to use protection.
to date in america, i usually have to go after "easy targets". when your talking over 28, that means single mothers... i rather not.
the rest of them.... they don't give me the time of day usually, it doesn't bother me i have too many distractions to be bothered by it. though it would be nice to not spend nights constantly alone, but its just not worth the trouble...
Oh I would also say, that many Americans don't like taxes (I'll keep it short)
Because the Republican Party has proven when the Middle Class does most of the heavy lifting when it comes to taxes, your taxes aren't being put to use to serve you.
Its was spent on Military Intervention (Korea, Nam, Contra, Mujhadin, I could go on...)
Star Wars..... and all the references to Darth Cheney included
Corporate Welfare (do I really have to explain that???)
Those are NOT your tax dollars at WORK for you as many of the 50's Goverment or US History Classes films about Government would have you think.
We have removed much talk of Government from lower education school, many 20's something and 30 somethings are anti-tax and anti-Union for troubling reasons not based on anything close to common sense and of course the final nail is the LACK of critical thinking overall.
The Armed Forces have Single Payer Health Care, maybe we should tie National Health Care to Civil or Military Service???? That might shut up some of the anti-Single Payer Crowd in BOTH PARTIES.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]being FAT for a majority is CORRECTABLE if you just BACK AWAY FROM THE DINNER TABLE, THE LUNCH COUNTER and eat a sensible Breakfast....
This is where I think we can all agree that drinking a Diet Coke along with your two Double Whoppers, Large Fry and Apple Pie somehow won't help you at all.
Well, you tackle 2 difficult subjects here:
1. I am convinced the so called "fresh" ingredients or produce aren't as healthy in the US as they are in Europe. Most Europeans have embraced organic foods as opposed to processed foods.
And I'm not even talking about portion sizes :(
2. I believe America still allows the use of Hydrogenated oils? (banned in a lot of European countries). these are PURE EVIL for your body.
The "diet coke" story in the fast food joints isn't necessarily related to healthyness but could also be a question of taste. I also laugh when people order a salad at MacDonnalds not knowing most of them contain as much sugar & Calories as in a burger.
Best thing you can do to your body is to eat organic (non processed) foods.
Yep, can't disagree with you on the points you make....So true you are.
[QUOTE=NicFrenchy]Well, you tackle 2 difficult subjects here:
1. I am convinced the so called "fresh" ingredients or produce aren't as healthy in the US as they are in Europe. Most Europeans have embraced organic foods as opposed to processed foods.
And I'm not even talking about portion sizes :(
2. I believe America still allows the use of Hydrogenated oils? (banned in a lot of European countries). these are PURE EVIL for your body.
The "diet coke" story in the fast food joints isn't necessarily related to healthyness but could also be a question of taste. I also laugh when people order a salad at MacDonnalds not knowing most of them contain as much sugar & Calories as in a burger.
Best thing you can do to your body is to eat organic (non processed) foods.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]
Let me be clear about something. American Women, with our mix of races in this country are the most beautiful bar none, [/QUOTE]
I beg to disagree, have you been across the Northern border to Montreal, Quebec?
We can hold this truth to be self evident. All women trade sex for men's hard earned possessions, status, protection, companionship and genetic material. Love is the feeling of euphoria that springs from having access to these things. Women use sex as currency and men use currency for sex.
Prostitutes are simply women who can make the trade without identifying their sense of satisfaction as love.
Women get the best deal because they can enjoy sex and currency. American women differ from other women because they usually want all of the man's hard earned possessions in return for little or no sex. Their sex tends to be over valued compared to that of women in other countries. Their customer service skills leave much to be desired. These factors make them unable to compete in the global market much like the big three American auto-makers.
Well Said!!!!!
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]We can hold this truth to be self evident. All women trade sex for men's hard earned possessions, status, protection, companionship and genetic material. Love is the feeling of euphoria that springs from having access to these things. Women use sex as currency and men use currency for sex.
Prostitutes are simply women who can make the trade without identifying their sense of satisfaction as love.
Women get the best deal because they can enjoy sex and currency. American women differ from other women because they usually want all of the man's hard earned possessions in return for little or no sex. Their sex tends to be over valued compared to that of women in other countries. Their customer service skills leave much to be desired. These factors make them unable to compete in the global market much like the big three American auto-makers.[/QUOTE]
That was as they say "Priceless" Spoken TRUTH!!!!!!!
well 2 million plus guys get married every year in america. so there are a lot of guys who think aw with their attitude and sexual appetites are quite fine.
to me there is no such thing as one countries women being better than another. it all comes down to each individual women.
yeah foreign women are easier, because in just about all foreign countries an am is a premium catch. thats the bottom line. am can go to any foreign country and meet women easy. you don't have to speak the language, which shows you how much women won't to be with am. thats because they know if they can get you in a serious relationship their lives will become much better.
it doesn't matter what an am looks like in any foreign country he will get laid. why? because he is the donald trump in their country. you guys are fooling yourselfs if you think the women are different. they just don't have the options or given the ability to the upward mobility of aw.
the fact that some aw don't screw a guy at the drop of a hat, has been mainly a result of men calling easy women hoes, sluts, and degrading them. a lot of am would never marry a girl with a reputation of being a hoe, or ****, especially if widely known by their peers. so some aw don't want that reputation, but there are also a lot who do have 1 night stands. i know cause i and my friends have all had them. you don't think all those babes on spring break are just laying on the beach.
if you like foreign women. more power to you. of course they are easier. if you prefer them. great. have at them.
its foolish to think that because i go to the pi. that i shouldn't/couldn't like aw. when i say i've been going for 20 yrs. doesn't mean thats the only place i go and that i go every single year. i've been to central america, south america, sea, europe, canada, caribbean, etc, etc, . i make a good living and like to travel. but i still love aw. a person can like to travel and meet women in other countries and still like aw. its not a only like one or the other.
i like women. and don't limit myself to any one race or nationality.
[QUOTE=NicFrenchy]Well, you tackle 2 difficult subjects here:
1. I am convinced the so called "fresh" ingredients or produce aren't as healthy in the US as they are in Europe. Most Europeans have embraced organic foods as opposed to processed foods.
And I'm not even talking about portion sizes :(
2. I believe America still allows the use of Hydrogenated oils? (banned in a lot of European countries). these are PURE EVIL for your body.
The "diet coke" story in the fast food joints isn't necessarily related to healthyness but could also be a question of taste. I also laugh when people order a salad at MacDonnalds not knowing most of them contain as much sugar & Calories as in a burger.
Best thing you can do to your body is to eat organic (non processed) foods.[/QUOTE]
I couldn't agree more and talking about the Food Industry in America would be totally off topic, but it safe to say Monsanto doesn't support your line of thinking....
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax]I beg to disagree, have you been across the Northern border to Montreal, Quebec?[/QUOTE]
Yes... Wasn't that impressed. There are attractive Canadians to be sure. But we have a wide range of races here and I'm talking about overall looks not just facial appearance.
Cross Craig Off the List
Well the powers that be got rid of the popular erotic services section of craigslist. I've never tried it but I doubt it was worth it anyway. But for some guys that dont know about overseas that was their only outlet for play.
Although getting rid of it, those same guys who loooove american women will look to travel overseas for their fun instead.
[QUOTE=Cloud Palms][url]http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-10239610-93.html[/url]
Well the powers that be got rid of the popular erotic services section of craigslist. I've never tried it but I doubt it was worth it anyway. But for some guys that dont know about overseas that was their only outlet for play.
Although getting rid of it, those same guys who loooove american women will look to travel overseas for their fun instead.[/QUOTE]Man are you kidding. Escorts were advertising and around long before craigslist. Every city has a local paper that they advertise in and all are on the net.craigslist just happen to be the biggest because it was national/international and not just local.
There will never be a mass exodus of guys going out of the country to meet women.
Americans in general want things our way, we don't change for the world. They should change to accomodate us. We expect a foreign country to have food we are accustom to eating, speak enough english to make us comfortable, and accomodation that are up to our standards in every aspect. Even if the women are fine and treat you great. And there arent too many places that can meet those expectations.
Most americans love america, women included. Period.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]Oh I would also say, that many Americans don't like taxes (I'll keep it short)
Because the Republican Party has proven when the Middle Class does most of the heavy lifting when it comes to taxes, your taxes aren't being put to use to serve you.[/quote] You aren't telling that quite right. Most taxes are paid by people in the upper income brackets. Something like 87% of all taxes are paid by people with incomes in the top quintile.
[quote] Its was spent on Military Intervention (Korea, Nam, Contra, Mujhadin, I could go on...)
Star Wars..... and all the references to Darth Cheney included
Corporate Welfare (do I really have to explain that???)[/quote]The military is not the biggest federal expenditure. Something like 2/3 of the budget goes on Social Security and medicare. The medicare thing is doubly embarrassing, because: Health care inflation is always some multiple of general inflation. There is no logical reason that government should be stepping in to pay more for something than is necessary-- especially when the only reason for the inflated prices is myriad government restrictions on who can bring what to market.
[quote] Those are NOT your tax dollars at WORK for you as many of the 50's Goverment or US History Classes films about Government would have you think.
We have removed much talk of Government from lower education school, many 20's something and 30 somethings are anti-tax and anti-Union for troubling reasons not based on anything close to common sense and of course the final nail is the LACK of critical thinking overall.[/quote]Anti-union is no problem. If you actually PAY ATTENTION to what happens in real life (and not what some intellectual somewhere is babbling about as an abstract possibility) they you would notice that: Employment is LOWER in places where unions get their way. Securing benefits for their members is only 1/2 of the story. The other 1/2 is: Limiting competiton and keeping the union small enough so as to not be unwieldy. If you try to talk to any electricians' union or pipefitters' union, you will be told something like: "We are not accepting applications for apprentices/ helpers at this time" and/ or "We only accept applications once a month." So, you get to be an apprentice for, like, four fucking years and THEN you can make as much as someone else who has been through the process. But looking at what happened in Michigan (my home state): I would say that the unions have been the cause of that damage (by pricing themselves out of a job).
[quote] The Armed Forces have Single Payer Health Care, maybe we should tie National Health Care to Civil or Military Service???? That might shut up some of the anti-Single Payer Crowd in BOTH PARTIES.[/QUOTE]In what way? Specifics?
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]Man are you kidding. Escorts were advertising and around long before craigslist. Every city has a local paper that they advertise in and all are on the net.craigslist just happen to be the biggest because it was national/international and not just local.[/QUOTE]
Point taken, craiglist was popular and there are other outlets locally, though my point is that another outlet is international travel and those who were former craiglisters may explore that option.
There will never be a mass exodus of guys going out of the country to meet women.
Not sure what you mean by "mass" exodus but there is a percentage right now and I am sure most will agree that it will grow. I dont need to point out that evidence because youre on this site enough to see yourself. Its probably not a majority of guys but eventually the quality women here will price themselves out of the market and more men will look to outsource. Again, more men not mass. I know I know, men should grow a bigger pair of "balls" then to get these women but for some they have other options and would rather not use the effort over here for whatever reason. For those that dont, hope they deal with it somehow.
Americans in general want things our way, we don't change for the world. They should change to accomodate us. We expect a foreign country to have food we are accustom to eating, speak enough english to make us comfortable, and accomodation that are up to our standards in every aspect. Even if the women are fine and treat you great. And there arent too many places that can meet those expectations.
Wow perfect example right there on why Americans are detested in many parts of the world. No comment needed except best of luck with that in the 21st century.
Most americans love america, women included. Period.
Thats great to know but loving or not loving America isnt the topic here. You can love America but not its women, or had enough bad experiences with American women so you generalize knowing you may be filtering out some good ones. Its a risk I bet lots more are willing to take.
[QUOTE=Cloud Palms]Its probably not a majority of guys but eventually the quality women here will price themselves out of the market and more men will look to outsource. Again, more men not mass.[/QUOTE]Right now, with the bad economy AROUND THE WORLD. Fewer guys who ALREADY were traveling for women has dropped. Right now you its less not more. Besides, when you include the price of flight, hotel, etc etc. Going out of the country is not really a bargain.
Why do you think Cruises are so popular, because all the accomodations are westernized, You can visit places and not have to make any concessions or deal with any of the cultural differences of those countries I. E food, do they have hot showers like we like, sanitized water, etc etc.
Prices will never get high enough to make guys who monger locally look to foreign women JUST because of PRICE. You have to like to travel, experience different cultures, food, attitudes and thats just not the way a lot of Americans are. Especially to countries that don't speak english.
[QUOTE=Cloud Palms]Wow perfect example right there on why Americans are detested in many parts of the world. No comment needed except best of luck with that in the 21st century.[/QUOTE]Good, bad, it is what it is. And its the american attitude and until something dramatic happens, it will be that way for a long time to come.
Admirers of American women will love this website [url]http://www.adultsheepfinder.com/index.html[/url]
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]Good, bad, it is what it is. And its the american attitude and until something dramatic happens, it will be that way for a long time to come.[/QUOTE]
IMHO, it will happen a lot sooner than you think. Short term, I expect export reliant countries such as Japan, China, Singapore, Taiwan, Germany etc to get shafted royally, this will result in a short term strengthening of the U.S. dollar. In the medium to long term future you can expect a complete destruction of the value of the U.S. currency through U.S. debt monetizing (printing)........the end of the dollar as the World Reserve currency. It's clear to me the Chinese Yuan, or at the very least a basket of currencies WILL become the NEXT world reserve currency.
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax]In the medium to long term future you can expect a complete destruction of the value of the U.S. currency through U.S. debt monetizing (printing).........[/QUOTE]
"Long run is a misleading guide to current affairs. In the long run we are all dead."
John Maynard Keynes (1883–1946), British economist
NOT all foreign women want an American man
Yeah foreign women are easier, because in just about ALL foreign countries an AM is a premium catch. Thats the bottom line. AM can go to any foreign country and meet women easy. You don't have to speak the language, which shows you how much women won't to be with AM. Thats because they know if they can get you in a serious relationship their lives will become much better.
It doesn't matter what an AM looks like in any Foreign country he will get laid. WHY? Because he is the Donald Trump in their country. You guys are fooling yourselfs if you think the women are different. They just don't have the options or given the ability to the upward mobility of AW.
The more I read your posts, the more I think you are a woman or you just say things to get a response. One thing is for sure you haven't traveled to many of these countries and don't have the experience or else you wouldn't say these things.
American Men are NOT highly desired in ALL countries. AM are actually probably not liked as well as the locals in most or ALL Western Europe. In many Eastern European countries the same is true. My friends I have worked or traveled in most European countries. Girls in Italy, Switzerland couldn't care less about dating an American man. You probably won't even get a date. They don't need your money. Even in the Ukraine I was told by one friend, 26 and pretty, the hierarchy of who they wanted to date:
1. Rich Ukrainian
2. Poor Ukrainian
3. Rich American.
Now another friend who has 3 children told me she'd take a rich American before a Poor Ukrainian.
Most foreign women in Eastern and for sure Western Europe do NOT want to come to the USA. They want to stay in their country. The Russian dating sites are 90% scams. If you're a loser in the USA, going to E. Europe, and for sure W. Europe, you will not get a girl. In Russia you will get used.
Who told you an American can get any girl? This is crazy! As they would say you're just "talking out your arse!"
Please make sure you post a copy of your Women's Studies Thesis here on the site. Maybe we could review the drafts for you too!
[QUOTE=Jelly Donut]"Long run is a misleading guide to current affairs. In the long run we are all dead."
John Maynard Keynes (1883–1946), British economist[/QUOTE]
FYI.....I stated in the medium to long term we are FUCKED.
$1.00 King
[quote=thatguy865]well 2 million plus guys get married every year in america. so there are a lot of guys who think aw with their attitude and sexual appetites are quite fine.
to me there is no such thing as one countries women being better than another. it all comes down to each individual women.
yeah foreign women are easier, because in just about all foreign countries an am is a premium catch. thats the bottom line. am can go to any foreign country and meet women easy. you don't have to speak the language, which shows you how much women won't to be with am. thats because they know if they can get you in a serious relationship their lives will become much better.
it doesn't matter what an am looks like in any foreign country he will get laid. why? because he is the donald trump in their country. you guys are fooling yourselfs if you think the women are different. they just don't have the options or given the ability to the upward mobility of aw.
the fact that some aw don't screw a guy at the drop of a hat, has been mainly a result of men calling easy women hoes, sluts, and degrading them. a lot of am would never marry a girl with a reputation of being a hoe, or ****, especially if widely known by their peers. so some aw don't want that reputation, but there are also a lot who do have 1 night stands. i know cause i and my friends have all had them. you don't think all those babes on spring break are just laying on the beach.
if you like foreign women. more power to you. of course they are easier. if you prefer them. great. have at them.
its foolish to think that because i go to the pi. that i shouldn't/couldn't like aw. when i say i've been going for 20 yrs. doesn't mean thats the only place i go and that i go every single year. i've been to central america, south america, sea, europe, canada, caribbean, etc, etc, . i make a good living and like to travel. but i still love aw. a person can like to travel and meet women in other countries and still like aw. its not a only like one or the other.
i like women. and don't limit myself to any one race or nationality.[/quote]
foreign poor women are easy to attract same as poor american women. in the land of the poor the man with one $1.00 is king.
Non-American Women Are Not Easy....
Single, Good Looking Women have high value in any market.
Single, Average Looking women with children from a previous relationship has less value in any market, some more than others.
But to put that in perspective -
I would say the chances of me fucking somebody within 3 days outside of America is about umm 90%. I would say it down to about 50-50 in North America. This is even for the "studs" out there, they are NOT getting layed everytime out like they would have you think.
I think there's something fishy about ThatGuy too, its Pro-America at a time when America has no moral, social or cultural high ground to stand on. We have higher unemployment, terrible social safety net, high productivity, low wages, very little vacation time, spend most of our lives in grid lock traffic, etc, etc, etc.
Carrie Prejean and Bristol Palin are current "High Water" marks.
There are many examples of fixing the banking crisis, we decided the prop up the banks, to the dismay of not only liberal, but right wing economists. There is now documented PROOF that big health care and the financial services sector own our government, lock, stock and barrel.
Stop touting America as being the best place to be since sliced bread. Its almost at circling the drain point.
It is interesting how this thread seems to alternate between american women and american politics, and how a convergence of the two has almost taken place. What has disappointed me in recent years is how much incredible power the media seems to have, and how that has especially affected the perception american women have (and canadian women too), about what is reality and what is available. In the past, up to the 90's, I certainly noticed for myself that getting dates was not particularly difficult, and wound up in a long term relationship When it ended, getting any kind of date seemed impossible. The expectations of women has grown exponentially, I feel mainly due to the endless media circus of models, Oprah, actresses all stating how 'you can get everything you want', leading to both an egocentric view of america and especially of and by american women. Just yesterday, an economist pronounced what is going on with the bailouts absolutely insane, and a crash will occur in a few months. I disagree, believing we will be heading into a hyperinflation in the next few years, you can't print money like this without ramifications. It will be interesting to see the attitude of americans as their currency sinks to zero.
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]Yeah foreign women are easier, because in just about ALL foreign countries an AM is a premium catch. Thats the bottom line. AM can go to any foreign country and meet women easy. You don't have to speak the language, which shows you how much women won't to be with AM. Thats because they know if they can get you in a serious relationship their lives will become much better.
It doesn't matter what an AM looks like in any Foreign country he will get laid. WHY? Because he is the Donald Trump in their country. You guys are fooling yourselfs if you think the women are different. They just don't have the options or given the ability to the upward mobility of AW.[/QUOTE]You are talking only about AM, that they complain too much, and it's their problem that they have problems with AW.
Well, another perspective. I'm not American. Also many men from where I'm from go to other countries and meet girls, many of them like Asian, Latin girls but in general we prefer our own women.
But I never heard anything positive about AW from guys for my country. My my friends who had relationships with AW have ended them, some are real disasters(with kids involved).
Is it just a coincidence?
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]Single, Good Looking Women have high value in any market.
[/QUOTE]That's very true. I don't now where some guys get this idea that every foreign woman wants them.
There are many hot foreign chics, an average gringo has no chance with them in case he thinks she wants him for money.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney] I would say the chances of me fucking somebody within 3 days outside of America is about umm 90%. I would say it down to about 50-50 in North America. This is even for the "studs" out there, they are NOT getting layed everytime out like they would have you think.[/QUOTE]I guess everybody has their own criterias. For me it's not the most important how fast you can score. But with whom and how you feel being with her.
If just for fucking, the best is to get known nice prostitutes, from my experience prostitutes are better than "regular" girls. Why spend dates with regulars if you know that they are probably bad in bed and you're gonna dump them soon anyway.
For a "relationship" I have no problems spending a lot of time/money with a nice girl who does not fuck around.
In USA I've sen the worst of all options.
- It is really difficult to score(for many reasons,m it's not even the girls fault in many cases!) Its difficult to get a date since everybody is so busy there,
- If you finally score the fuck quality is usually bad.
- If you continue the relationship it's not worth anyway. With all the bullshit. And if the girl gets pregnant your life can be ruined for really awhile. I have one friend, he thought he was lucky he got into relationship with such a nice fine AW.. Actually she looked and behaved really good compare to other AW. Everybody though the guy is so lucky to meet this girl. The relationship ended with a kid and a disaster. Now she rules everything, takes money from him (as its for the kid), but in reality she parties a lot, He also has also to bargain with her when he could see the kid.
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax]IMHO, it will happen a lot sooner than you think. Short term, I expect export reliant countries such as Japan, China, Singapore, Taiwan, Germany etc to get shafted royally, this will result in a short term strengthening of the U.S. dollar. In the medium to long term future you can expect a complete destruction of the value of the U.S. currency through U.S. debt monetizing (printing)........the end of the dollar as the World Reserve currency. It's clear to me the Chinese Yuan, or at the very least a basket of currencies WILL become the NEXT world reserve currency.[/QUOTE]Chinese Yuan as reserve currency? I don't think that will happen any time soon......if ever. Remeber that in order for people to be able to hold enough of your currency, there has to be a trade that results in more currency outside of a country than inside? (China has a trade surplus, and so there are always more yuan staying inside the country than going out.) And in order for this to happen, you have to have a lot of consumption (specifically, investment in excess of savings). China's savings rate has been very high for a LONG TIME (there is no social welfare net here) and it will probably continue to be.
I don't know where people get all these ideas about this or that currency taking over the world. Do you know that the CFA Franc has been in existence for a couple of decades? And you can't GIVE away CFA Francs. Shouldn't the Euro already have displaced the dollar by now? And wouldn't it likely be the candidate since the EuroZone economy's size is a multiple of the Chinese?
[QUOTE=Clandestine782]You aren't telling that quite right. Most taxes are paid by people in the upper income brackets. Something like 87% of all taxes are paid by people with incomes in the top quintile.[/QUOTE]
Does that number consider all taxes or just income taxes? Because while income taxation is progressive, other taxes such as sales taxes, vehicle registration fees, professional license fees, and so forth, are regressive.
[QUOTE=Clandestine782]Chinese Yuan as reserve currency? I don't think that will happen any time soon......if ever. Remeber that in order for people to be able to hold enough of your currency, there has to be a trade that results in more currency outside of a country than inside? (China has a trade surplus, and so there are always more yuan staying inside the country than going out.) And in order for this to happen, you have to have a lot of consumption (specifically, investment in excess of savings). China's savings rate has been very high for a LONG TIME (there is no social welfare net here) and it will probably continue to be.
I don't know where people get all these ideas about this or that currency taking over the world. Do you know that the CFA Franc has been in existence for a couple of decades? And you can't GIVE away CFA Francs. Shouldn't the Euro already have displaced the dollar by now? And wouldn't it likely be the candidate since the EuroZone economy's size is a multiple of the Chinese?[/QUOTE]
....and you think the U.S. Dollar will continue to remain the Reserve currency. I doubt it.
[QUOTE=Illogic]Foreign poor women are easy to attract same as poor American women. In the land of the poor the man with one $1.00 is king.[/QUOTE]
Dude or woman ? My good man, you can HAVE ALL the American women for yourself.. Be my guest. You like DARK SKIN WOMEN. thats your BAG.. good for you. Thats WHY you are in the Phillipines. (CHEAP POOR COUNTRY) So you have the BEST of 2 worlds. FAT (in general American wome) bad attitude to boot. and poor Phillipine women.. I LOVE the THUROUGHBREDS my self. As the demi God (SHANKER) wrote in these thresds. The great thing about Moscow, is that its E X P E N S I V E !!!!!!!!!! .. Majorly.. The winds of slavic pussy.. I consider I have the BEST of the WORLD!!! WHY????? Because its soooooooooo expensive in Moscow, theres NOT many tourists, That means MORE thuroughbreds for me.. So I am happy YOU found your IDAHO...Just as I have found mine.. I WISH every member on this ISG all the best in finding there private Idaho..
Just to get this back on track, I was in a bar in Buenos Aires yesterday with an American male friend and an Argentinean female friend. Two AWs walked in who were studying Spanish here. I hope they have better luck with Spanish than with English because they like totally could not, like, totally, like get through like an entire like, um, SENtence? without like totally like talking this way. And, of course, talking very loudly. It was, like, you know, well, like totally BOgus? Like, whatEVer. There were two guys with them, who I think were American as well but it was impossible to say since they never got a word in edgewise.
I don't know about you guys but I like, totally, um, don't want to have to, like, go back there.
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax]....and you think the U.S. Dollar will continue to remain the Reserve currency. I doubt it.[/QUOTE]
1. So if it isn't the reserve currency, then what happens? (There are lots of other countries that get by just fine without reserve status.) If you are going to say that the US can't print sovereign debt, then that might turn out to be a good thing. The first step down the road to hell is someone spending someone else's money to buy votes.
2. If there is going to be a reserve currency, then which is more likely? A currency that is backed by an economy that is large and willing to run the trade deficits necessary to create a currency (US) or a country that has an economy that is much smaller (we don't know how big it is, since the government's statistics don't have much credibility) and not willing to run the trade deficits (owing to savings much in excess of investment)?
I have to say honestly, being a foreigner here in Colombia works FOR you in the short term if you just want to get laid, but works AGAINST you in the LONG term in terms of people being suspicious of your bona fides etc. If you think the average Colombian girl is jumping to introduce a foreigner to her family you are OUT OF YOUR MIND. For that matter I don't think too many Colombian girls are overly eager to introduce to the world their bf with more than 10 years age difference either!
As for sex on the first date, it's not any more common here than it is anywhere else in the world IMO. In most cases you are waiting till the 3rd and 4th date.
And maybe I'm just lucky but I don't run across ANY interesadas in my adventures here. As a matter of fact, there's one girl I'm crazy about, we've only been out twice, haven't gone past 1st base, and she's a starving university student. The last time SHE paid more than I did for the booze and it was her BIRTHDAY. Oh, and she's not really sure if we have any future at all because I'm too old for her :P
The only other thing I have to add is that if you think women in the USA are better looking than women here, you really need to get your eyes or your head examined, or BOTH. I don't see how ANY reasonable person could say that.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]The only other thing I have to add is that if you think women in the USA are better looking than women here, you really need to get your eyes or your head examined, or BOTH. I don't see how ANY reasonable person could say that.[/QUOTE]I think everybody has it's own taste. Sometimes here people post picture of average girls but call them 9"s or 8"s.
If you talk about places like New York City than those women are probably better looking than in Colombia. But for the rest of the country (smaller cities, villages) I would say girls in Colombia look much better on average. Of course if fat-ass/butt-ugly face etc. Is more beautiful for somebody, than USA has more of them for sure. And we're talking only about the looks, not the attitude.
1. So if it isn't the reserve currency, then what happens? (There are lots of other countries that get by just fine without reserve status.) If you are going to say that the US can't print sovereign debt, then that might turn out to be a good thing. The first step down the road to hell is someone spending someone else's money to buy votes.[/QUOTE]
Short answer......we are FUCKED royally in the medium term. China and Japan both own about $3 Trillion of our debt through their purchases of long term U.S.Treasuries. Why would anyone in their right mind want to own our debt if Bernanke is hell bent on destroying the U.S.Dollar? When - NOT if - China and Japan stop buying our Treasuries, you can bet interest rates are going to rise dramatically.....you can [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140][CodeWord140][/url] away any hope of a U.S. recovery any time soon.
Here's a guarantee you can take to the Bank....the U.S. standard of living is going to fall dramatically.
2. If there is going to be a reserve currency, then which is more likely? A currency that is backed by an economy that is large and willing to run the trade deficits necessary to create a currency (US) or a country that has an economy that is much smaller (we don't know how big it is, since the government's statistics don't have much credibility) and not willing to run the trade deficits (owing to savings much in excess of investment)?[/QUOTE]
U.S growth over the past 8 -10 years has been a mirage, fueled by easy access to cheap money borrowed from China and Japan. Almost all our U.S. manufacturing sector has been outsourced to other regions of the world. During this 8-10 year period our Financial services sector has grown exponentially, producing and selling securitized TOXIC ASSETS all over the world. It is these TOXIC ASSETS that are threatening to, and WILL, destroy our entire Global Financial system.
Now enough of this financial stuff, let's get back to finding that sweet nectar that we all so LOVE.
i have a friend visiting me here from the us. good friend, went to college together, known each other for 17 years, traveled together several times before. he had been telling me how his aw (second) wife had "drained him psychologically" and "broken him like a horse." i've been trying to get him down here for years (i've met his wife and she is a horrible person, ugly to boot, and according to him does not like sex).
he married this woman, took in her daughter from a previous marriage, paid to move her horses (and dogs and cats) from several time zones away, and etc. he is well-educated, white-collar professional, not fat, considerate, good cook, etc. she is a high school dropout, chronically unemployed, and just flat nasty.
finally he gets laid off and comes down here and i start showing him around. "you like this woman?" i ask. "oh yeah" he says. "i can arrange it." "what do i have to do?" "fuck her, give her fifty dollars, and send her out the door." "but what about this and that and this and that and the other thing?" "forget all that."
i took him to five places the first day and four the second. he finally picked someone, and he couldn't fuck her. why? "she was too aggressive." "wtf does that mean?" "the minute we got in the room she pulled my dick out and started sucking it." "and that is a problem because?"
long pause.
"i need some connection." ok. so i send a personal friend to his house. she is fully equipped, tall, natural tits, no tats or piercings, just what he asked for. speaks just a little english, too, enough for a conversation. i further equipped her with pizza and beer. i sent her right to the door of the comfortable furnished apartment i had arranged for him, which i had stocked with coffee, snacks, beverages, condoms, marijuana, viagra, ambien, xanax, several custom music cds, and so forth.
he calls me up, "what should i do?" "whatever you want. she will do whatever you want." "what do you mean, 'whatever i want'"? "dude, i don't know what you want and i don't want or need to know the details but unless you want to shit on her or hurt her, she is game."
he couldn't fuck her. "why?" "i am just not used to women giving me what i want." yeah, because you are used to [b]american[/b] women!
finally i lured him to my apartment where i had another friend waiting who was not the type he requested. she was short and dark and a bit older (32 and he is 50). i told her, "will you please [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url] this fucker because i can't listen to his bullshit any more." she agreed to this. he came over, i introduced them, and i said i had to go to the store and would be back "shortly" whereas i had already told my lady friend i would not come back for at least two hours.
so now he is looking for a good divorce lawyer. probably i cost him a lot of money in the short- to mid-term but on the other hand i saved his motherfucking life. but what are friends for?
[QUOTE=Dickhead]I have a friend visiting me here from the US ...[/QUOTE]
Sad story. Once upon a time, a long time ago, that guy could very well have been me - or most any one of us I'm sure. The conditioning is powerful ...
Illogic, where I live (Argentina) is not the Third World. Finding a "rewarding relationship" here is not like finding Bin Laden. It is like finding a turd in an outhouse. Your response is flat out ignorant. Now, my friend was only here for about ten days so that is a different thing. Plus, he is (extremely unhappily) married so he did not come down here looking for a relationship. He came down here looking for sexual relief. He was so pussy-whipped due to brainwash he could not even comfortably get that at first. When he finally did, the light came on. My friend I hooked him up with is not looking for a relationship either. He had a hard time believing that at first: "Doesn't she want to quit being a free lance prostitute and settle down with one guy?"
No, she does not. She likes variety and does not like commitment. She likes living alone and having the freedom to do as she chooses. She likes setting her own hours and working as much or as little as she chooses (he is a workaholic, or was!) He is still wrapping his mind around that but now he knows he has choices and the choice he is leaning towards making is dumping his useless, asexual, ugly, bitchy, AW. He's a prime candidate on the job market and now he knows he has international options. Plus now he knows that not all countries are full of bitchy hags.
I'm familiar with Buenos Aires and it's not in the same category as SE Asia countries mentioned or even Brasil. More like Europe at a time when art galleries were considered more important than railway stations.
If you draw comparisons with other countries, best to play safe and stick to ones you know. :D
hey dickhead you are one good friend. unfortunately, there are waaaaay too many screwed up aw, who appear normal, but are completely fucked up in the head. i personally think your friend is beyond help and there ain't no coming back. i can almost guarantee, he'll be married to an aw of the same caliber a couple of years down the road.
[quote=dickhead]i have a friend visiting me here from the us. good friend, went to college together, known each other for 17 years, traveled together several times before. he had been telling me how his aw (second) wife had "drained him psychologically" and "broken him like a horse." i've been trying to get him down here for years (i've met his wife and she is a horrible person, ugly to boot, and according to him does not like sex).
he married this woman, took in her daughter from a previous marriage, paid to move her horses (and dogs and cats) from several time zones away, and etc. he is well-educated, white-collar professional, not fat, considerate, good cook, etc. she is a high school dropout, chronically unemployed, and just flat nasty.
finally he gets laid off and comes down here and i start showing him around. "you like this woman?" i ask. "oh yeah" he says. "i can arrange it." "what do i have to do?" "fuck her, give her fifty dollars, and send her out the door." "but what about this and that and this and that and the other thing?" "forget all that."
i took him to five places the first day and four the second. he finally picked someone, and he couldn't fuck her. why? "she was too aggressive." "wtf does that mean?" "the minute we got in the room she pulled my dick out and started sucking it." "and that is a problem because?"
long pause.
"i need some connection." ok. so i send a personal friend to his house. she is fully equipped, tall, natural tits, no tats or piercings, just what he asked for. speaks just a little english, too, enough for a conversation. i further equipped her with pizza and beer. i sent her right to the door of the comfortable furnished apartment i had arranged for him, which i had stocked with coffee, snacks, beverages, condoms, marijuana, viagra, ambien, xanax, several custom music cds, and so forth.
he calls me up, "what should i do?" "whatever you want. she will do whatever you want." "what do you mean, 'whatever i want'"? "dude, i don't know what you want and i don't want or need to know the details but unless you want to shit on her or hurt her, she is game."
he couldn't fuck her. "why?" "i am just not used to women giving me what i want." yeah, because you are used to [b]american[/b] women!
finally i lured him to my apartment where i had another friend waiting who was not the type he requested. she was short and dark and a bit older (32 and he is 50). i told her, "will you please [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url] this fucker because i can't listen to his bullshit any more." she agreed to this. he came over, i introduced them, and i said i had to go to the store and would be back "shortly" whereas i had already told my lady friend i would not come back for at least two hours.
so now he is looking for a good divorce lawyer. probably i cost him a lot of money in the short- to mid-term but on the other hand i saved his motherfucking life. but what are friends for?[/quote]
A book to read.
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax]Short answer, we are FUCKED royally. China and Japan both own about $3 Trillion of our debt through their purchases of long term U.S.Treasuries. Why would anyone in their right mind want to own our debt if Bernanke is hell bent on destroying the U.S.Dollar? When - NOT if - China and Japan stop buying our Treasuries, you can bet interest rates are going to rise dramatically.....you can [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140][CodeWord140][/url] away any hope of a U.S. recovery any time soon.
Here's a guarantee you can take to the Bank....the U.S. standard of living is going to fall drastically.
U.S growth over the past 8 -10 years has been a mirage, fueled by easy access to cheap money borrowed from China and Japan. Almost all our U.S. manufacturing sector has been outsourced to other regions of the world. During this 8-10 year period our Financial services sector has grown exponentially, producing and selling securitized TOXIC ASSETS all over the world. It is these TOXIC ASSETS that are threatening to, and WILL, destroy our entire Global Financial system.
Now enough of this financial stuff, let's get back to finding that sweet nectar that we all LOVE.[/QUOTE]
Check out an article called: "The Mythology of Deficits" by Landsburg and Feinstone. (It's part of a book called "The Armchair Economist"). I'll leave it at that.
A Tale Of Two Cities
06. ’ After spending two weeks at a resort in Phuket with some co-workers (we were on our way to Pattaya for more fun) filled with usual debauchery one of my co-workers while at the airport looked at me and said “Man we are stepping down we should be stepping up. “ I asked him what he meant. He said all of us grew up poor now all of us have six-figure incomes. Why are we in Thailand playing with these $20 girls? He then said they are dirty in his opinion. This guy had no problem getting women in the States and fucked many a soldier and foreign women in Afghanistan where we both worked on various military installations.
He has now moved on to a better job earning double then what he was originally making and last time I spoke him I asked had he did anymore traveling outside the US he said naw…but he had been to all the hottest spots in the States and seemed rather content with himself. The only thing he asked about overseas adventure was if I was going back to Japan anytime soon because he took a likening to the Japanese women as they were independent and a lot of them genially were not prostitutes. I introduced him to the place.
[QUOTE=Illogic]06. ’ After spending two weeks at a resort in Phuket with some co-workers (we were on our way to Pattaya for more fun) filled with usual debauchery one of my co-workers while at the airport looked at me and said “Man we are stepping down we should be stepping up. “ I asked him what he meant. He said all of us grew up poor now all of us have six-figure incomes. Why are we in Thailand playing with these $20 girls? He then said they are dirty in his opinion. This guy had no problem getting women in the States and fucked many a soldier and foreign women in Afghanistan where we both worked on various military installations.
He has now moved on to a better job earning double then what he was originally making and last time I spoke him I asked had he did anymore traveling outside the US he said naw…but he had been to all the hottest spots in the States and seemed rather content with himself. The only thing he asked about overseas adventure was if I was going back to Japan anytime soon because he took a likening to the Japanese women as they were independent and a lot of them genially were not prostitutes. I introduced him to the place.[/QUOTE]
He's content because the women are content with his wallet... he is more than likely playing the "game" as AW like their men to play it. Shell it out and keep on payin....
Fancy European Car - Check
Upscale Apt in a choice section of town - Check
Can talk half way decently to women (if he's fucking female US soldiers and Afghan girls, must not be a problem) - Check
Why spend money to travel half way around the world???
They are many AM like this, we are the minority...
[QUOTE=Clandestine782]Check out an article called: "The Mythology of Deficits" by Landsburg and Feinstone. (It's part of a book called "The Armchair Economist"). I'll leave it at that.[/QUOTE]
Well, you have your own opinion and I have mine. We can agree to disagree, so lets get back to pussy hunting.
Wife, 78, allegedly beats man over old affair
Witness tells cops she admitted kicking him because of liaison 35 years ago
Associated Press
updated 10:27 a.m. CT, Tues., May 19, 2009
LYNNWOOD, Wash. - A 78-year-old woman arrested last month for allegedly beating her 84-year-old husband because she believed he cheated on her several times during their marriage was charged Thursday with assault.
Prosecutors said she hit him with a bowl, pipe and carpet sweeper. He suffered broken ribs, pelvis and a wrist.
One witness told police the woman admitted kicking her husband three times in the groin in the last six months because she believed he had an affair 35 years ago.
The woman was jailed on $70,000 bail.
Testicular Monologue
I read Illogic’s post about how hard it is to find completion in a relationship with poor foreign women. I would like to say that as an individual one is complete without a woman. Of course, there is still an old way of thinking that considers single men as incomplete or somehow deficient. The married couple is considered the basic unit of society. So for society’s reproductive needs a single person is incomplete because they cannot reproduce without coupling with the opposite sex.
Anyway, if you feel incomplete or empty then mongering is probably not going to solve your problems. Your sense of being a complete person has to come from inside of you. If you rely on someone else to complete your life then prepare to be disappointed. Some guys on here are sex addicts. They monger to deal with some other deep seated psychological problem, much like an alcoholic using alcohol to deal with stress.
Mongering is a hobby. Sex on an individual level is not needed for survival. Sex is only a need in the sense that it is necessary for the survival of the species as a whole. Guys looking for love and companionship should probably be looking for that in places other than mongering venues. These guys quickly become disillusioned with mongering because they crave profound emotional connections, exclusivity, support, and love in their sexual relationships. Prostitution offers none of these. Hence these guys come away from the sex act with a sense of release but emptiness and self-loathing.
American concepts of love include the central idea that true love is unconditional and devoid of any self serving interests. That is indeed a high bar to set in a highly materialistic society. The results of this belief are individuals who search, often in vain, for someone to love them based on nothing but their appearance and personality. They want women who have their “own” while those same women want someone who has something to “offer.” It is not hard to see how this can lead to a less than idea situation. These men will have a hard time finding love with foreign women who earn less than they do because there will always is a question as to her true motive for being with them.
In a sense it is kind of ironic. “True love” demands adoration of the love object without consideration of one’s own needs. It is the ultimate ego trip. True love will elude the majority of American men because statistics indicate that American women overwhelming marry up regardless of being financially secure independently. Sadly, these men will not be able to find happiness with foreign women lower incomes either because their ego will not allow it.
Happiness will only come for these men when they marry women who make significantly more money than they do. Only then will they feel that their self-worth has been validated. Their relationship with financially independent and superior women serves as proof of their worthiness to be loved for who they are and not their possessions.
Marriage to an American Woman? HELL NO!
I've evaded this institution for 53 years (as I am still not ready for an institution)! ALL of my American friends who are married are not happy or divorced. IMO women > 40 (eventually it happens to all of us) eventually become menopausal psychotics with MAJOR insecurity issues.
My plan is when I'm in my 60s to find a sexy Colombian or Filipina nurse with big tits who is one-third my age and wants the security of an older, educated, distinguished man. Who knows? Maybe I will marry her but to bring her to the States is a mistake because eventually our culture teaches them to become menopausal psychotics with MAJOR insecurity issues or worse, cougars who take your money and run. Call me prince of the cynics but I've been around awhile.
Just my .02 :)
Warning: Vagina Dialogue
Looks like someone messed with Texas. I'm curious about the "But she says she has no plans to tell the other father" comment at the end, since it seems obvious that the other father would normally find out about this sort of thing quickly. I'm suspecting she does not know how to contact the other father, but I'm sure the press will get to the bottom of the issue before this story runs full course.
Yeah CM you're right. The ultimate way to satisfy your ego is to marry someone better looking, smarter, AND richer than you. The only problem is, what are they doing with your ass if that's the case? Even if you DO manage to score a situation like that, the rest of the world will see it for the mismatch it is and the couple will have a VERY hard time.
Illogic, funny you should mention the reason for people being on the forum but there are some clowns in the Thailand thread that claim they are ISG solely for academic discourse and that they only live in Thailand for the "career opportunities." ;)
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger] If you rely on someone else to complete your life then prepare to be disappointed ... Mongering is a hobby ... Sex on an individual level is not needed for survival ... Guys looking for love and companionship should probably be looking for that in places other than mongering venues.[/QUOTE]
Your first point is excellent and is one of the reasons I feel marriage is an anachronism. On your second point, I don't really list mongering among my hobbies. It's more the way I deal with my physical needs. So, regarding your third point, sure, sex is not necessary for survival but I'd rather be dead than go without it. I basically felt dead without it and I'm not a sex addict. As to your final point, you are half right. I get pretty good companionship from my hooker friends but then again I know the culture and I set my limits. Those looking for love should not be mongering. Those looking for companionship might do well mongering. At least I feel like I do. But it's important to realize that "destination mongering" probably won't fill the companionship need.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]Yeah CM you're right. The ultimate way to satisfy your ego is to marry someone better looking, smarter, AND richer than you. The only problem is, what are they doing with your ass if that's the case? Even if you DO manage to score a situation like that, the rest of the world will see it for the mismatch it is and the couple will have a VERY hard time.[/QUOTE]I don't want that. What I dream of is a woman in the bloom of her youth who gets me addicted to being by her side, and the pleasures of her body. And, who gives a big rats ass about ". The rest of the world will see it for the 'mismatch' it is. " We all run this race. The vita. Only once, and by ourselves. I've been married three times, and each time I was gifted the present of their youth. We never own anyone. They will love you until they don't. That is true whether the love and the desire to be by your side last a hour, an afternoon, a week, a year. Or, maybe a lifetime. And, the reason for their interest, in my opinion, is irrelevant. There is no cage.
A goose or turkey come Thanksgiving
[quote=dickhead]i have a friend visiting me here from the us. good friend, went to college together, known each other for 17 years, traveled together several times before. he had been telling me how his aw (second) wife had "drained him psychologically" and "broken him like a horse. " i've been trying to get him down here for years (i've met his wife and she is a horrible person, ugly to boot, and according to him does not like sex).
he married this woman, took in her daughter from a previous marriage, paid to move her horses (and dogs and cats) from several time zones away, and etc. he is well-educated, white-collar professional, not fat, considerate, good cook, etc. she is a high school dropout, chronically unemployed, and just flat nasty.
finally he gets laid off and comes down here and i start showing him around. "you like this woman? " i ask. "oh yeah" he says. "i can arrange it. " "what do i have to do? " "fuck her, give her fifty dollars, and send her out the door. " "but what about this and that and this and that and the other thing? " "forget all that. "
i took him to five places the first day and four the second. he finally picked someone, and he couldn't fuck her. why? "she was too aggressive. " "wtf does that mean? " "the minute we got in the room she pulled my dick out and started sucking it. " "and that is a problem because? "
long pause.
"i need some connection. " ok. so i send a personal friend to his house. she is fully equipped, tall, natural tits, no tats or piercings, just what he asked for. speaks just a little english, too, enough for a conversation. i further equipped her with pizza and beer. i sent her right to the door of the comfortable furnished apartment i had arranged for him, which i had stocked with coffee, snacks, beverages, condoms, marijuana, viagra, ambien, xanax, several custom music cds, and so forth.
he calls me up, "what should i do? " "whatever you want. she will do whatever you want. " "what do you mean, 'whatever i want'"? "dude, i don't know what you want and i don't want or need to know the details but unless you want to shit on her or hurt her, she is game. "
he couldn't fuck her. "why? " "i am just not used to women giving me what i want. " yeah, because you are used to [b]american[/b] women!
finally i lured him to my apartment where i had another friend waiting who was not the type he requested. she was short and dark and a bit older (32 and he is 50). i told her, "will you please [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url] this fucker because i can't listen to his bullshit any more. " she agreed to this. he came over, i introduced them, and i said i had to go to the store and would be back "shortly" whereas i had already told my lady friend i would not come back for at least two hours.
so now he is looking for a good divorce lawyer. probably i cost him a lot of money in the short- to mid-term but on the other hand i saved his motherfucking life. but what are friends for? [/quote]damn, dude, you have saved another human being. may you be blessed in your adventure called life. only the best energy!
Am I crazy?
[QUOTE=D Cups]I've evaded this institution for 53 years (as I am still not ready for an institution)! ALL of my American friends who are married are not happy or divorced. IMO women > 40 (eventually it happens to all of us) eventually become menopausal psychotics with MAJOR insecurity issues.
My plan is when I'm in my 60s to find a sexy Colombian or Filipina nurse with big tits who is one-third my age and wants the security of an older, educated, distinguished man. Who knows? Maybe I will marry her but to bring her to the States is a mistake because eventually our culture teaches them to become menopausal psychotics with MAJOR insecurity issues or worse, cougars who take your money and run. Call me prince of the cynics but I've been around awhile.
Just my .02 :)[/QUOTE]Hey, you adopted my plan. I'm wondering, am I crazy? I'm in my early 60s, and am marrying a 21 year old Colombian university student because I am addicted to her company, and intoxicated by her ability to give me physical pleasure. A good prenup, and with a proper visa application, she will have a ticket to Amerka. I will have a "slice" her life. The season of her youth.the sweetest necter, isn't it?
What is the risk. That she will leave? She can't and will not want to take the memories. Am I crazy?
[QUOTE=Dickhead]Your first point is excellent and is one of the reasons I feel marriage is an anachronism. On your second point, I don't really list mongering among my hobbies. It's more the way I deal with my physical needs. So, regarding your third point, sure, sex is not necessary for survival but I'd rather be dead than go without it. I basically felt dead without it and I'm not a sex addict. As to your final point, you are half right. I get pretty good companionship from my hooker friends but then again I know the culture and I set my limits. Those looking for love should not be mongering. Those looking for companionship might do well mongering. At least I feel like I do. But it's important to realize that "destination mongering" probably won't fill the companionship need.[/QUOTE]
Chocamonger and DickHead you both make great points!!!!
Sounds Fun, but Dangerous
[QUOTE=Legal Tender]Hey, you adopted my plan. I'm wondering, am I crazy? I'm in my early 60s, and am marrying a 21 year old Colombian university student because I am addicted to her company, and intoxicated by her ability to give me physical pleasure. A good prenup, and with a proper visa application, she will have a ticket to Amerka. I will have a "slice" her life. The season of her youth.the sweetest necter, isn't it?
What is the risk. That she will leave? She can't and will not want to take the memories. Am I crazy?[/QUOTE]
It sounds wonderful your relationship. I'd love to do it too. But my honest opinion is that she will leave you after a year or two. The better looking she is the higher the chance. She will find out that she is the only 20 year old married to 60s year old. Society here is too corrupting. I think if you are prepared for her to leave, then go ahead and do it.
I DO think it will work in her country where things like this are more acceptable. Currently I have a Filipino GF who is very good looking and there is a big age gap. I do not plan to bring her back to USA or any other western country because there are tons of horny young good looking guys that will constantly hit on her. Her opportunities for men and marriage here are unlimited.
[QUOTE=Big Johnson2]It sounds wonderful your relationship. I'd love to do it too. But my honest opinion is that she will leave you after a year or two. The better looking she is the higher the chance. She will find out that she is the only 20 year old married to 60s year old. Society here is too corrupting. I think if you are prepared for her to leave, then go ahead and do it.
I DO think it will work in her country where things like this are more acceptable. Currently I have a Filipino GF who is very good looking and there is a big age gap. I do not plan to bring her back to USA or any other western country because there are tons of horny young good looking guys that will constantly hit on her. Her opportunities for men and marriage here are unlimited.[/QUOTE]
I have a Filipina GF here in the USA. I did not bring her here. Some other poor soul did. That is a whole other story.
I'm 47 years old. We live on the West coast in a large city, so our situation is not so strange where we get lots of stares or anything. Awhile ago we were in a small arcade type place close to a Movie Theater where we were filling time before the movie we wanted to see was to start
Typical arcade where the games spit out tickets that can be turned in for prizes. We collected lost of tickets and were trying to find a child to give them too. Some of the tickets were given to my GF by a guy standing beside us at one of the games who noticed how many we had and handed them to her saying "here you can have these too". I recognized it as a come on even if my GF thought he was just trying to be nice. I'm sure he thought I was not thinking anything as most young guys think they are so slick. I could care less about making a scene because if she wants to go with someone else she knows I would not stand in her way. I'm not going to play the jealous type and would never fight or cause a scene over a girl. The guy walked away sort of quickly after he gave her the tickets and it wasn't long before she starts laughing and shows me where this guy had wrote his phone number on the first ticket. She thought it was very funny because she understands that this young guy believes she will run away for some young guy.
The funny thing is this was a calculated act. The guy did not write his number on the ticket in front of us as I had recognized that he was there for about 5 or 10 minutes before he made the gift of the tickets. So he must have seen this older guy with a sexy young girl and just knew that she was waiting to be swept away by her knight in shinning armour. How could she really want to be with this older guy. My GF professes that she does not wish to be with a young guy. She has dated young guys and prefers not to be with them and their drama as she puts it. It seems to be the truth, but I'm not sweating it one was or the other.
Point is I'm sure she has had other advances and always will. Not only because she is a slim sexy Filipina, but guys will see her with a older guy and think they are the first to offer some smooth line that will surely have her taken with them and they will get laid.
If you do this it is better if you are not the jealous type and not easily angered by young guys that are no smarter then you and I were at their age.
“The big difference between sex for money and sex for free, is that the sex for money usually cost a lot less"
[QUOTE=Frequent Flier]I have a Filipina GF here in the USA. I did not bring her here. Some other poor soul did. That is a whole other story.
I'm 47 years old. We live on the West coast in a large city, so our situation is not so strange where we get lots of stares or anything. Awhile ago we were in a small arcade type place close to a Movie Theater where we were filling time before the movie we wanted to see was to start
Typical arcade where the games spit out tickets that can be turned in for prizes. We collected lost of tickets and were trying to find a child to give them too. Some of the tickets were given to my GF by a guy standing beside us at one of the games who noticed how many we had and handed them to her saying "here you can have these too". I recognized it as a come on even if my GF thought he was just trying to be nice. I'm sure he thought I was not thinking anything as most young guys think they are so slick. I could care less about making a scene because if she wants to go with someone else she knows I would not stand in her way. I'm not going to play the jealous type and would never fight or cause a scene over a girl. The guy walked away sort of quickly after he gave her the tickets and it wasn't long before she starts laughing and shows me where this guy had wrote his phone number on the first ticket. She thought it was very funny because she understands that this young guy believes she will run away for some young guy.
The funny thing is this was a calculated act. The guy did not write his number on the ticket in front of us as I had recognized that he was there for about 5 or 10 minutes before he made the gift of the tickets. So he must have seen this older guy with a sexy young girl and just knew that she was waiting to be swept away by her knight in shinning armour. How could she really want to be with this older guy. My GF professes that she does not wish to be with a young guy. She has dated young guys and prefers not to be with them and their drama as she puts it. It seems to be the truth, but I'm not sweating it one was or the other.
Point is I'm sure she has had other advances and always will. Not only because she is a slim sexy Filipina, but guys will see her with a older guy and think they are the first to offer some smooth line that will surely have her taken with them and they will get laid.
If you do this it is better if you are not the jealous type and not easily angered by young guys that are no smarter then you and I were at their age.
“The big difference between sex for money and sex for free, is that the sex for money usually cost a lot less"[/QUOTE]
I say if you have the ability to set one of them up here in the states you would be better off living on foregin soil. I understand your story but why would you want to even consider dealing with those issues if you didn't have to?
I certainly wouldnt want to grow old in america.
[quote=legal tender]hey, you adopted my plan. i'm wondering, am i crazy? i'm in my early 60s, and am marrying a 21 year old colombian university student because i am addicted to her company, and intoxicated by her ability to give me physical pleasure. a good prenup, and with a proper visa application, she will have a ticket to amerka. i will have a "slice" her life. the season of her youth.the sweetest necter, isn't it?
what is the risk. that she will leave? she can't and will not want to take the memories. am i crazy?[/quote]
legal tender, your plan to thumb your nose at the system sounds like fun in its delirious recklessness. on the other hand, if you're wealthy or financially secure, you may be risking everything on the roll of the dice. i understand that you are willing to accept the fact that she will leave at some point. you may be looking forward to two years of her youthful nectar, a very small slice of her life in return for some predetermined amount spelled out in your prenup.
it sounds fine in theory. yet, something comes to mind about "the best-laid plans of mice and men/often go awry." you have an idea of what you're willing to pay for some memories of debauchery with this young colombian student but this is based on the assumption that you can control the risks to some extent.
you need to consider the fact that there is no such thing as an iron clad prenup. the possibility of your prenup being broken in court exists. what happens if you end up in court before an activist judge who wants to make an example of guys who marry women a third of their age? he/she may punish you by breaking your prenup and giving your young ex-wife a huge award. this is the post-imbra age and anything is possible with foreign brides. the prenup also does not remove your obligation to repay the government for any public assistance that she uses with her first 10 years in the country. she might not wait one to two years to bolt. she can leave a couple weeks after the marriage and the submission of her paperwork. her visa will not be affected if she claims domestic violence or forced sex. one lucky fellow in the filipina opinions and advice thread discovered that his soon to be bride was telling her family back in the philippines that he was [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125][CodeWord125][/url] her three times a day just in time to call off the marriage.
if you are intact and she becomes pregnant you will have to support her and the child based on your income not the prenup. her colombian university credentials wouldn't mean anything in the us and her challenges with english would put her in a very strong position in court. she may stick around making your life hell by being abusive, unfaithful and financially irresponsible. in the end you may be the one who leaves. so you are taking a considerable risk. i don't know why you would want to do that but if you've considered the likely outcome it's up to you. just don't place too much faith in the american legal system being on your side.
[QUOTE=Artisttyp]I say if you have the ability to set one of them up here in the states you would be better off living on foregin soil. I understand your story but why would you want to even consider dealing with those issues if you didn't have to?
I certainly wouldnt want to grow old in america.[/QUOTE]
I agree. I would not bring a girl here.
My situation was that I did meet this girl here in the USA. She was already here. I joked with her that she was going to save me a trip to the Philippines. Now we have been dating for close to a year. Once my finances reach a certain point where I believe that I can retire to the Philippiens I will be on my way.
I guess I am also unsure how much I would need to retire to the Philippines. I was hoping to make it happen by the time I was 50, but may not make it by then.
The problem is the American Legal System?
[quote=chocha monger]legal tender, your plan to thumb your nose at the system sounds like fun in its delirious recklessness. on the other hand, if you're wealthy or financially secure, you may be risking everything on the roll of the dice. i understand that you are willing to accept the fact that she will leave at some point. you may be looking forward to two years of her youthful nectar, a very small slice of her life in return for some predetermined amount spelled out in your prenup.
it sounds fine in theory. yet, something comes to mind about "the best-laid plans of mice and men/often go awry." you have an idea of what you're willing to pay for some memories of debauchery with this young colombian student but this is based on the assumption that you can control the risks to some extent.
you need to consider the fact that there is no such thing as an iron clad prenup. the possibility of your prenup being broken in court exists. what happens if you end up in court before an activist judge who wants to make an example of guys who marry women a third of their age? he/she may punish you by breaking your prenup and giving your young ex-wife a huge award. this is the post-imbra age and anything is possible with foreign brides. the prenup also does not remove your obligation to repay the government for any public assistance that she uses with her first 10 years in the country. she might not wait one to two years to bolt. she can leave a couple weeks after the marriage and the submission of her paperwork. her visa will not be affected if she claims domestic violence or forced sex. one lucky fellow in the filipina opinions and advice thread discovered that his soon to be bride was telling her family back in the philippines that he was [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125][CodeWord125][/url] her three times a day just in time to call off the marriage.
if you are intact and she becomes pregnant you will have to support her and the child based on your income not the prenup. her colombian university credentials wouldn't mean anything in the us and her challenges with english would put her in a very strong position in court. she may stick around making your life hell by being abusive, unfaithful and financially irresponsible. in the end you may be the one who leaves. so you are taking a considerable risk. i don't know why you would want to do that but if you've considered the likely outcome it's up to you. just don't place too much faith in the american legal system being on your side.[/quote]
thanks for your thoughts and your time. i'm not thumbing my nose at the system, i am following it. first a pre-nup. within a month of marriage, a declaratory judgment will be filed in court resulting in a judgment that the pre-nup is valid. after 30 days, the judgment is final and can't be revisited. there must be finality of judgments. if that doesn't happen, then divorce with little subject to division. i'm shooting blanks, so my gene pool won't have any addition. her becoming abusive? i obviously don't think so. she is not crazy. and, if she does, she gets what she had contracted for and a judge has declared valid. i won't give her the opportunity to be a spendthrift. and, if she is unfaithful, what is her opportunity costs? she can start fucking some other dude, and take what she gets under the contract. we all have free will, don't we. now, am i still crazy?
I agree with the rest of the board, but I just want to add one thing. You have NO IDEA how big a SACRIFICE it is for somebody who has roots here in Colombia to leave this place for a miserable shithole like the USA.
You may find that offensive, but I GUARANTEE you that's how the average Colombian expat sees it. There is a lot to miss about this place. A lot that the average gringo couldn't even begin to perceive even by coming down here for an extended time.
For that matter, young women with old guys is just not "accepted" here in Colombia. I'm 35 and I'd hesitate to date anybody under 25 here.
There's actually a girl I adore here who just turned 20 but I don't know if anything is going to develop, and the age difference is the main reason. She's a very family oriented girl and I can't see her family not having a problem. Frankly I would have a problem if I were her parent or sibling too, so I can't blame her one bit for being nervous and cautious.
Not to mention most girls that age are gonna want to have kids!
Believe me, I LOVE the idea of some hot sexy intelligent young student type slowly seducing me and dragging me over the coals of desire repeatedly. But the reality is, I'll indulge the fantasy but stop long before I do anything terminally stupid.
Accepted by Whom (or is who)?
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]I agree with the rest of the board, but I just want to add one thing. You have NO IDEA how big a SACRIFICE it is for somebody who has roots here in Colombia to leave this place for a miserable shithole like the USA.
You may find that offensive, but I GUARANTEE you that's how the average Colombian expat sees it. There is a lot to miss about this place. A lot that the average gringo couldn't even begin to perceive even by coming down here for an extended time.
For that matter, young women with old guys is just not "accepted" here in Colombia. I'm 35 and I'd hesitate to date anybody under 25 here.
There's actually a girl I adore here who just turned 20 but I don't know if anything is going to develop, and the age difference is the main reason. She's a very family oriented girl and I can't see her family not having a problem. Frankly I would have a problem if I were her parent or sibling too, so I can't blame her one bit for being nervous and cautious.
Not to mention most girls that age are gonna want to have kids!
Believe me, I LOVE the idea of some hot sexy intelligent young student type slowly seducing me and dragging me over the coals of desire repeatedly. But the reality is, I'll indulge the fantasy but stop long before I do anything terminally stupid.[/QUOTE]
Ok, dude, thank your very much for your time and viewpoint. Of course, it is not accepted because of the age and cultural differences. I don't know why any of these Colombians would want to come to a shithole like the US., but people are still clambering to get into the US. Too bad the nice Mexicans who make up the majority of our immigrants aren't the physical beauties found in a number of countries in Sur Americano . You observed: "Believe me, I LOVE the idea of some hot sexy intelligent young student type slowly seducing me and dragging me over the coals of desire repeatedly. But the reality is, I'll indulge the fantasy.. . . Hell, she will leave. I know that. Will it happen before I die? But she will go with my blessing and good energy. Live the dream.
[QUOTE=Legal Tender]Thanks for your thoughts and your time. I'm not thumbing my nose at the system, I am following it. First a pre-nup. Within a month of marriage, a declaratory judgment will be filed in court resulting in a judgment that the pre-nup is valid. After 30 days, the judgment is final and can't be revisited. There must be finality of judgments. If that doesn't happen, then divorce with little subject to division. I'm shooting blanks, so my gene pool won't have any addition. Her becoming abusive? I obviously don't think so. She is not crazy. And, if she does, she gets what she had contracted for and a judge has declared valid. I won't give her the opportunity to be a spendthrift. And, if she is unfaithful, what is her opportunity costs? She can start fucking some other dude, and take what she gets under the contract. We all have free will, don't we. Now, am I still crazy?[/QUOTE]
It seems less crazy but I'd like to know how it all works out for you in the end. So whatever happens a year or two from now please post it here. It could prove to be a valuable case study. :)
[QUOTE=Legal Tender]Thanks for your thoughts and your time. I'm not thumbing my nose at the system, I am following it.
Now, am I still crazy?[/QUOTE]
Not to get too far off topic, but it's EXTREMELY rare for somebody to immigrate to another country with the idea of staying there permanently. They ALL have the idea of going for a few years, making tons of money, and bringing it back to their own country and living like kings. To the average Colombian, and even the average Mexican, the idea of putting down roots in the US is about as appealing as contracting HIV. Not to mention these days there are more Colombians returning to Colombia from the US than arriving there.
I too would like to hear the final results of this, and I hope you will post them honestly on here.
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax]Yep.......[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Legal Tender]Will it happen before I die?[/QUOTE]
I think the chances are high she will 'fall out of love' in the next few months. My experience with girls 18-25 is they have no idea what they want. They fall in love, they fall out of love.
You could live 30 more years, right?
Just looking at one tip of the iceberg. What happens when her biological clock goes off in 5 years or so? In my simplest view of the world, a woman does not 'fall in love' until she is ready to have kids. Are you going to have children with her? It seems like a lot of problems. Obviously, you don't need to answer this, but I'm curious about how your prenup handles kids, and specifically, kids in combination with divorce.
It seems like a Filipina coming to the United States under a prenup might be able to argue during a divorce that she was not aware of all the implications and did not have adequate legal representation when she signed the thing. I bet a judge would be pretty sympathetic, especially if you have kids with her.
I'm sure you expected some cynicism when you posted, so I figure you'll take these questions in stride.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]I'm 35 and I'd hesitate to date anybody under 25 here.[/QUOTE]
I'm curious about this. The non-standard dating rule in the United States is divide your age in half and add seven. So, 35 gives you 35/2 +7 = 24.5.
I'd think most 35 year olds in the United States could get away with dating a 25 year old with no major parental or social concerns.
I know a few guys who have married girls in the US who were younger than the (age/2 +7) idea would allow, but they were estabilished guys and the girls wanted to start families. I would have figured the rule was about the same in Colombia, with the same kind of variability around how 'estabilished' the man is and how much the woman wants to start a family.
Legal Tender,
I can't help but wonder what is keeping you from enjoying this young woman's company in Colombia? Are you still working and depending on an income from the US? What is it that makes you determined to bring her back to the US where your relationship is likely to end after a brief period of time? Is the green card just part of the package in return for her time and attention?
If you are retired you could live in Colombia or elsewhere and enjoy the illusion of young love with numerous beautiful nymphs for the cost of importing just one. Also, you wouldn't have to worry about them running off because you'd have an endless supply of replacements. This would mean more memories for your dollars.
Is this about memories with a pretty young Colombia fucklet or is this about love? You say that you understand that it is all a fantasy, but why does the fantasy have to be staged in the US? Just a warning, don't expect any gratitude from this girl after she hits US soil and gets what she wants. Some small part of you might be saying that you have a chance, however small, that she will stay with you for a reasonable period of time. Reality says that you should expect her to split the moment she gets what she wants.
[quote=chocha monger]legal tender,
is this about memories with a pretty young colombia fucklet or is this about love? you say that you understand that it is all a fantasy, but why does the fantasy have to be staged in the us? just a warning, don't expect any gratitude from this girl after she hits us soil and gets what she wants. some small part of you might be saying that you have a chance, however small, that she will stay with you for a reasonable period of time. reality says that you should expect her to split the moment she gets what she wants.[/quote]one would be lucky if she just splits. there is a also a chance to get arrested. i've heard about several cases (including one my friend) when a wife calls the police accusing her husband in abusing/[url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125][CodeWord125][/url] her. i guess thus they get some advantage in divorce court, and also with immigration papers.
even though finally you prove your innocence, it's pain in the ass. dealing with police, hiring lawyers, renting an apartment. because now she lives in your house and you cannot come close to it, embarrassment during the arrest, etc.
my friend was lucky to learn that he is about to be arrested and he turned in to the police himself. otherwise they would come for him to his work, it would be a really bad situation for him to be seen arrested by all his clients. he owns a gym. and even though he was innocent it could harm his business if the clients (many cheerleaders girls) would find out that he got arrested for abusing his wife.
so bringing a girl to usa sounds like a crazy idea. maybe nothing bad will happen, but constantly living with the thought that you can be screwed and arrested anytime does suck.
It's not having fun with several women for the same price as importing one. It's having several women for PENNIES ON THE DOLLAR for the same price. OR if you actually learn the language and the culture well enough you'll probably meet someone who will be more than glad to bone you for free, some or most will want serious relationships, others won't, some won't care. You can also go out and fuck a nice looking girl any time you want for 50k, or a STUNNER for twice that, any time you want, almost 24 hours a day.
Of course to do that you'll have to get your head around the "Colombia is only good for pussy" mentality. That will DOOM you to a lifetime of overpaying for pussy and EVERYTHING else, and being screwed over by everybody. Nobody respects you here unless you respect them as well, and believe me they can SMELL it 1000 miles away.
As for the age rule, it's basically the same here in Bogota as it is in any big city in the US, the half plus 7 rule makes pretty good sense. Which is why I say the rule of thumb is I don't see anybody under 25. In general I don't fuck with people who are still in school and haven't experienced the real world yet, we just don't have enough in common. I may be making a huge exception to the rule, but we will see. Like I said, it's not the easiest thing. I could be boning college age chicks for free all the time here, but I would be lying about a few key things to do so, namely my age, marital status, whether I have kids or not etc. I hate lying, and frankly I have no reason to. I'm just not that desparate :P
This is the "American Women" board...right?
There are boards for discussing Colombian women, which women make for the best LTR or STR, etc.
There also is a board for discussing American Politics. It's called, strangely enough, "American Politics".
International Marriage Broker Regulation
The excuse for passing this law is that the AM was paying to meet foreign women for a fee. The problem, some of these men had criminal backgrounds and the woman had no way of knowing the male's background.
As long as you meet your girl through other than these marriage for a fee sites, you can hook up with whoever you wish. This law is about protecting foreign women from abusive and convicted AM going outside the country for easy prey. So, if your background is clean, and want to get your groove on with a nice foreign, guitar shaped, tasty treat, do so. If your background is sketchy, watch out.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]Legal Tender,
I can't help but wonder what is keeping you from enjoying this young woman's company in Colombia? Are you still working and depending on an income from the US? What is it that makes you determined to bring her back to the US where your relationship is likely to end after a brief period of time? Is the green card just part of the package in return for her time and attention?
If you are retired you could live in Colombia or elsewhere and enjoy the illusion of young love with numerous beautiful nymphs for the cost of importing just one. Also, you wouldn't have to worry about them running off because you'd have an endless supply of replacements. This would mean more memories for your dollars.
Is this about memories with a pretty young Colombia fucklet or is this about love? You say that you understand that it is all a fantasy, but why does the fantasy have to be staged in the US? Just a warning, don't expect any gratitude from this girl after she hits US soil and gets what she wants. Some small part of you might be saying that you have a chance, however small, that she will stay with you for a reasonable period of time. Reality says that you should expect her to split the moment she gets what she wants.
[QUOTE=Voyajer1]The excuse for passing this law is that the AM was paying to meet foreign women for a fee. The problem, some of these men had criminal backgrounds and the woman had no way of knowing the male's background.
As long as you meet your girl through other than these marriage for a fee sites, you can hook up with whoever you wish. This law is about protecting foreign women from abusive and convicted AM going outside the country for easy prey. So, if your background is clean, and want to get your groove on with a nice foreign, guitar shaped, tasty treat, do so. If your background is sketchy, watch out.[/QUOTE]
I think you need to RTFP. The topic at hand has nothing to do with IMBRA. Furthermore, IMBRA affects more than just convicted felons and domestic abusers. It limits how many times AM can sponsor a foreign woman on a K-1/K-2 visa regardless of how clean his background happens to be. The abuse part was used to sell the law but it went further than that. Feminists did not like the idea of AM being able to bring over unlimited numbers of women for a road test between the sheets. Please don't justify the passing of a law based on a single piece of government propaganda.
Maybe while we're at it all Americans should turn in their guns because bad criminals kill people with guns, so this is entirely justified to protect the public. Let's not stop there we can extend this to cars, alcohol and cigarettes, etc.
Will she leave when she gets what she wants?
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]Legal Tender,
"I can't help but wonder what is keeping you from enjoying this young woman's company in Colombia? Are you still working and depending on an income from the US? What is it that makes you determined to bring her back to the US where your relationship is likely to end after a brief period of time? Is the green card just part of the package in return for her time and attention?"
I am a self-employed professional. I'm a lawyer, and it is more fun than anything but fucking my 21 year old Colombian. I am financially able to retire and my life style would not substantially change. But, I am not careless with my resources
[quote] "Is this about memories with a pretty young Colombia fucklet or is this about love? You say that you understand that it is all a fantasy, but why does the fantasy have to be staged in the US? Just a warning, don't expect any gratitude from this girl after she hits US soil and gets what she wants. Some small part of you might be saying that you have a chance, however small, that she will stay with you for a reasonable period of time. Reality says that you should expect her to split the moment she gets what she wants."
Sure it's about love. This girl is very, very political and I certainly see her returning to Colombia after she is educated in the US to fight for her cause. Yes, it is about love - of course. At this moment we are dreaming the same dream - that she has the advantages to enhance her life. What does she want? I think she wants someone who can take care of her and care for her. She is not materialistic: she is a socialist! She gives nothing but good energy. When she choses to leave, it will be with my blessing.
[QUOTE...This law is about protecting foreign women from abusive and convicted AM going outside the country for easy prey. So, if your background is clean, and want to get your groove on with a nice foreign, guitar shaped, tasty treat, do so. If your background is sketchy, watch out.[/QUOTE]
I hear the same rationalization for any fascistic government attempt to intrude into my private life by the Patriot Act, warrantless wiretaps, cops randomly searching homes for no cause...the rationalization is always the same: "If you've done nothing wrong, what are you so worried about?!"
IMBRA is yet another intrusion and unnecessary stricture on AM, and a transparent attempt by feminazis to control male sexuality. We already have laws on everything from domestic abuse to [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908][CodeWord908][/url]. Just enforce them.
[quote=goga fung]one would be lucky if she just splits. there is a also a chance to get arrested. i've heard about several cases (including one my friend) when a wife calls the police accusing her husband in abusing/[url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125][CodeWord125][/url] her. i guess thus they get some advantage in divorce court, and also with immigration papers.
even though finally you prove your innocence, it's pain in the ass. dealing with police, hiring lawyers, renting an apartment. because now she lives in your house and you cannot come close to it, embarrassment during the arrest, etc.
my friend was lucky to learn that he is about to be arrested and he turned in to the police himself. otherwise they would come for him to his work, it would be a really bad situation for him to be seen arrested by all his clients. he owns a gym. and even though he was innocent it could harm his business if the clients (many cheerleaders girls) would find out that he got arrested for abusing his wife.
so bringing a girl to usa sounds like a crazy idea. maybe nothing bad will happen, but constantly living with the thought that you can be screwed and arrested anytime does suck.[/quote]
you're correct the domestic abuse charge is a fairly common maneuver in conjunction with divorce. it gives the female a stronger position in divorce court. who can argue with a woman for divorcing an abusive man, right? the husband now has to fight a criminal case in addition to a civil case. somewhere along the line an offer will be made to drop the charges in return for giving up property or money in the divorce. if any children are involved a domestic abuse conviction will preclude the man from getting unsupervised visitation. when people think of domestic abuse they usually think of some guy slapping the old lady around while wearing white wife beaters. they'd be surprised to know that cursing or "threatening language" is included in that definition. for example, calling your foreign wife "stupid" and threatening to "send her back" to her home country can be considered domestic abuse. physical violence does not have to be involved. frequent demands for sex could be considered abusive if the wife claims it prevents her from getting adequate sleep and rest.
even if the guy proves his innocence the domestic violence charge/arrest will be a permanent stain on his record and he will find it impossible to get into security type jobs because he will have to reveal and explain the charges.
i know of a case where the woman knew exactly what she was doing. she goaded her husband verbally. she told him hurtful things about his mother and other things he felt sensitive about. he lost it and slapped her. big mistake. she called the cops and he went to jail. when he got out he couldn't go back to his house. he pleaded guilty and gave up his guns. she let him move back in and continue paying the bills. whenever he gets pissed about anything she reminds him that all she has to do is make a phone call.
[quote=chocha monger]i know of a case where the woman knew exactly what she was doing. she goaded her husband verbally. she told him hurtful things about his mother and other things he felt sensitive about. he lost it and slapped her. big mistake. she called the cops and he went to jail. when he got out he couldn't go back to his house. he pleaded guilty and gave up his guns. she let him move back in and continue paying the bills. whenever he gets pissed about anything she reminds him that all she has to do is make a phone call.[/quote]that's really bad. i also know one guy who was married for 20+ years to an aw, then she divorced him and he was forced by court to sell his business and split the money with her. although she did not have anything to do with the business, but she simply took at least 50% of it.
and also know another guy who spend in jail almost one year. he was accused by his mother in law for sexual harassment and trying to [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123][CodeWord123][/url] her. after he got problems with his wife and her family, they decided to set him up. the mother in law called him telling that she wants to talk to him. he went out with her, she parked on a gas station and called the police. she told them he was trying to take her jeans off, open her zipper, etc. which of course was bullshit, but the guy is not too educated and does not have money for lawyers, etc. he was not actually really convicted, she simply did not show up in court for months, so he was spending all the time in jail waiting for trial. all his credit history is messed up now. his credit card bills are rediculous, of course he could not pay while in jail, so now he is a complete mess.
so what do those american women advocates say? still women in usa are so fine? of course i do realize primarily it is not the women's fault, it's the american system (legal, parental, educational, tv propaganda, etc.). but the final results is what matters.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]Goga,
You're correct the domestic abuse charge is a fairly common maneuver in conjunction with divorce. It gives the female a stronger position in divorce court.
I know of a case where the woman knew exactly what she was doing. She goaded her husband verbally. She told him hurtful things about his mother and other things he felt sensitive about. He lost it and slapped her. Big mistake. She called the cops and he went to jail. When he got out he couldn't go back to his house. He pleaded guilty and gave up his guns. She let him move back in and continue paying the bills. Whenever he gets pissed about anything she reminds him that all she has to do is make a phone call.[/QUOTE]
Same thing happened to a cousin of mine......His wife, whom he was planning on divorcing, kept calling the cops about petty trivial matters. The cops knew what she was up to and advised him to move out ASAP.
RENT don't OWN
[QUOTE=Legal Tender]Thanks for your thoughts and your time. I'm not thumbing my nose at the system, I am following it. First a pre-nup. Within a month of marriage, a declaratory judgment will be filed in court resulting in a judgment that the pre-nup is valid. After 30 days, the judgment is final and can't be revisited. There must be finality of judgments. If that doesn't happen, then divorce with little subject to division. I'm shooting blanks, so my gene pool won't have any addition. Her becoming abusive? I obviously don't think so. She is not crazy. And, if she does, she gets what she had contracted for and a judge has declared valid. I won't give her the opportunity to be a spendthrift. And, if she is unfaithful, what is her opportunity costs? She can start fucking some other dude, and take what she gets under the contract. We all have free will, don't we. Now, am I still crazy?[/QUOTE]
Well, obviously you know what you are talking about and have a solid plan.
But I wonder why undergo the risk and expense of marriage?
Surely it would be easier and cheaper to bring the girl into the country another way?
Like as a student. You pay her tuition and guarantee her return ticket and install her in your bedroom.
Of course she needs to be interested in a college education and able to be admitted.
But it does not have to be full-time study or high level, probably any college program will do.
Another way is as a domestic worker - perhaps this is not as easy in the US, but in Canada there is a special program
to import "live in" domestics - something I would do if not for the inconvenient fact that I am currently married.
Student Visa
I have been following this thread with quite a bit of interest. Like LT, I've met up with a Colombiana, and while the age difference is not as great, it still exists, and like many here, I know guys who have been absolutely screwed over every which way from Sunday by rapacious NA women. We have seen each other four times in the last 1 1/2 yrs, usually lasting about 2 wks, then it's back to Canada and the biz. I have tossed around the idea of bringing her for a visit, realistically she will hate Canada inside of a couple of months, once the 30 below weather hits, she'll want to head for home soon enough. I think a student visa works quite well, if the girl has the intelligence (she does), and wants to learn English, no need to marry her, set out the terms and she has to stick by them. With the rules to import spouses here so onerous, it is far too risky to chance it. But I wouldn't touch a local Cdn broad with a 10 ft pole.
student visa
[QUOTE=Furysys]I think a student visa works quite well, if the girl has the intelligence (she does), and wants to learn English, no need to marry her, set out the terms and she has to stick by them.[/QUOTE]
Have you seriously investigated this?
I have looked at it casually a couple of times, for a couple of girls, but never got too far.
I was always confused by the lack of clarity about what would qualify. It looks like it could be quite loose. Could I really just bring a girl here (Ottawa) for a few months of part-time English language training?
For a guy who could have her live-in, this could be quite a good option.
For me, with the additional expense of housing her and only being able to screw her a couple of times a week, the economics are not so good.
[QUOTE=Gentleman Travel]Could I really just bring a girl here (Ottawa) for a few months of part-time English language training?[/QUOTE]
No. She has to be attending the program full-time to qualify for a student visa. Evidence of funds, preferably held in escrow, for payment of the first year of studies must be presented. The student has to be accepted into the program before applying for the visa.
In some cases the student visa may not be required if the study program is six months or less.
More information here: [url]http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/study/study-who.asp[/url]
student visa
No I haven't, which is part of the reason I am following this thread with some interest. The colombiana and I have not talked about her coming up here, and I certainly will not broach the issue, but it is good to know the results of different arrangements.
Thanks CM, for the link, it should be worthwhile to followup with what they say.
Student Visa
[QUOTE=Furysys]I have been following this thread with quite a bit of interest. Like LT, I've met up with a Colombiana, and while the age difference is not as great, it still exists, and like many here, I know guys who have been absolutely screwed over every which way from Sunday by rapacious NA women. We have seen each other four times in the last 1 1/2 yrs, usually lasting about 2 wks, then it's back to Canada and the biz. I have tossed around the idea of bringing her for a visit, realistically she will hate Canada inside of a couple of months, once the 30 below weather hits, she'll want to head for home soon enough. I think a student visa works quite well, if the girl has the intelligence (she does), and wants to learn English, no need to marry her, set out the terms and she has to stick by them. With the rules to import spouses here so onerous, it is far too risky to chance it. But I wouldn't touch a local Cdn broad with a 10 ft pole.[/QUOTE]
The main problem with a student visa for a South American girl is the proof required for the consul to determine that they will return to their country of origin. At bottom, the girl would need to be from a wealthy family with strong ties to her country, e.g., own real estate, have a substantial job, substantial funds in the bank. . . . Almost anyone would want to live in their country of origin if it is secure, safe, and most importantly, if there is hope. Whatever the complaints are about North America, there is a reason why it is so difficult to obtain a visa to come North.
Why buy if you can rent?
[QUOTE=Gentleman Travel]Well, obviously you know what you are talking about and have a solid plan.
But I wonder why undergo the risk and expense of marriage?
Surely it would be easier and cheaper to bring the girl into the country another way?
Like as a student. You pay her tuition and guarantee her return ticket and install her in your bedroom.
Of course she needs to be interested in a college education and able to be admitted.
But it does not have to be full-time study or high level, probably any college program will do.
Another way is as a domestic worker - perhaps this is not as easy in the US, but in Canada there is a special program
to import "live in" domestics - something I would do if not for the inconvenient fact that I am currently married.[/QUOTE]
Why would anyone undertake the "risk and expense of marriage"? That's a fair enough question. With proper legal preparation - a prenup done right - the only real exposure is emotional. There is a financial component, but it is quantified, before hand. In the final analysis, one has to decide that you have the power to improve and enhance another person's life. To give security, safety and hope. Of course, having a little money helps. But, my experience has been that what you give out, you get back. No one has ever taken "advantage" of me, yet. Am I crazy?
[QUOTE=Legal Tender]With proper legal preparation - a prenup done right <snip> Am I crazy?[/QUOTE]
I'm not sure if you saw my question below - it seems like a woman coming to the United States under a prenup might be able to argue during a divorce that she was not aware of all it's implications and she did not have adequate legal representation when she signed it. My understanding is that American women have used this kind of reasoning in the past to argue the prenup was invalid (check out the Steven Spielberg, Amy Irving divorce). Does your prenup anticipate this? Did she have a lawyer advise her before signing it?
[QUOTE=Jelly Donut]I'm not sure if you saw my question below - it seems like a woman coming to the United States under a prenup might be able to argue during a divorce that she was not aware of all it's implications and she did not have adequate legal representation when she signed it. My understanding is that American women have used this kind of reasoning in the past to argue the prenup was invalid (check out the wiki on Steven Spielberg). Does your prenup anticipate this? Did she have a lawyer advise her before signing it?[/QUOTE]I think the best "prenap" is not to have any assets she can find out about. If you move everything(or most of it) out of country, would not it be simpler?
I've heard there are some other asset protection ways, anybody heard about them?
Archie Andrews picked right!
See, Archie (as in comics Archie), now he did the right thing, even though it took him about 50yrs, and Veronica & Betty are still as gorgeous as ever. But he went with the one with the cash, not the babe next door. Interesting to see if Mr. Lodge insists on a prenup before the lovebirds have the wedding!
[QUOTE=Goga Fung]I think the best "prenap" is not to have any assets she can find out about. If you move everything(or most of it) out of country, would not it be simpler?
I've heard there are some other asset protection ways, anybody heard about them?[/QUOTE]
Well, that's an idea, but it leads me to more questions. I know the US government (specifically the IRS and the Department of Justice) is very interested in Americans who have assets overseas, since it is all taxable in the United States. The Union Bank of Switzerland recently was sued with the aim of giving up the names of more than 50,000 accounts which apparently have American owners. I don't know how that's going to pan out, but the zeitgeist is not on the side of people who want to keep information off tax returns.
Personally, I would not risk problems with the IRS simply for the sake of holding assets through a divorce which might not even occur. I would make sure my tax return represented my finances. So, I'm not sure if you can keep your tax return secret during a divorce? It seems like the first thing a divorce lawyer would track down. Anyone know? Aside from that, I'll be happy if LT addresses yesterday's question...
I was talking with a lawyer from Texas when I was in Medellin a few years ago. We got to talking about prenups since I said I believed they were risky and maybe useless. He said the main things are time and making sure she has a lawyer that she has picked out. The idea as I recall it - let her pick her own lawyer so there can't be any claim that she was tricked by your lawyer or a lawyer that you picked. Then document many meetings with that lawyer to discuss the terms of the pernup over a year long period.
Apparently, unless you have some feminazi or self-loathing male judge in a divorce case (still a real possibility in my book), then you should be pretty safe on having it hold up.
It was kind of funny. We were sitting in the food court and there was another gringo sitting at the table next to us with his Latina. He was totally focused on our conversation.
A reason visas for North America are so popular? The #1 reason is people's ignorance, they think the grass is greener and it isn't.
The big problem with somebody bringing a foreign girl into the US is that the US really isn't as great as most people think it is. This is a big reality shock for these women and it really screws up their universe. Do not underestimate this. That's enough to tear almost any relationship to shreds right there.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]A reason visas for North America are so popular? The #1 reason is people's ignorance, they think the grass is greener and it isn't.
The big problem with somebody bringing a foreign girl into the US is that the US really isn't as great as most people think it is. This is a big reality shock for these women and it really screws up their universe. Do not underestimate this. That's enough to tear almost any relationship to shreds right there.[/QUOTE]
Well the Grass IS Greener for some in terms of Weather, Taxes and in good times, Jobs.
The food is likely more processed than in say Europe, I hear that complaint alot and they shop at Whole Foods just to get away from it.
Most still have better job qualifications than many Americans do, so they are still offered jobs. For example, there are engineering jobs open for CalTrans in California.
I'm not cheering this, but its reality.
I currently know two German nationals on the east coast who's K-1s have run out and are not looking to move back to Germany...
Iron Clad Prenup
[QUOTE=Jak]I was talking with a lawyer from Texas when I was in Medellin a few years ago. We got to talking about prenups since I said I believed they were risky and maybe useless. He said the main things are time and making sure she has a lawyer that she has picked out. The idea as I recall it - let her pick her own lawyer so there can't be any claim that she was tricked by your lawyer or a lawyer that you picked. Then document many meetings with that lawyer to discuss the terms of the pernup over a year long period.
Apparently, unless you have some feminazi or self-loathing male judge in a divorce case (still a real possibility in my book), then you should be pretty safe on having it hold up.
It was kind of funny. We were sitting in the food court and there was another gringo sitting at the table next to us with his Latina. He was totally focused on our conversation.[/QUOTE]
There are various requirements, depending on the state, to insure to the best of one's ability that a prenup will be enforeced. This is not legal advice, and no attorney - client relationship is created by this message. But, there are some simple things that should be done: (1) make sure she has a lawyer of HER choice; (2) make sure that translators are available if she is not a fluent speaker of English; and, (3) make sure there is a full disclosure of your assets. Finally, and what seals the deal is after the marriage, but very, very early on, a declaratory judgment lawsuit is filed and a judgment entered by a court of competent jurisdiction is obtained where the judge signs a judgment that the prenup is a valid and subsisting agreement. After the judgment becomes final (30 days in most states) it cannot be collaterally attacked. NO SECOND BITE at the apple. Guys, the system can work. If the judgment is not obtained, then "goodbye". It's as simple as that.
[QUOTE=Legal Tender]There are various requirements, depending on the state, to insure to the best of one's ability that a prenup will be enforeced. This is not legal advice, and no attorney - client relationship is created by this message. But, there are some simple things that should be done: (1) make sure she has a lawyer of HER choice; (2) make sure that translators are available if she is not a fluent speaker of English; and, (3) make sure there is a full disclosure of your assets. Finally, and what seals the deal is after the marriage, but very, very early on, a declaratory judgment lawsuit is filed and a judgment entered by a court of competent jurisdiction is obtained where the judge signs a judgment that the prenup is a valid and subsisting agreement. After the judgment becomes final (30 days in most states) it cannot be collaterally attacked. NO SECOND BITE at the apple. Guys, the system can work. If the judgment is not obtained, then "goodbye". It's as simple as that.[/QUOTE]
Excellent. That's really excellent. Thanks to both of you for helping me with this.
For what it's worth, I don't think you are crazy.
The Lies American Women Tell
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger][url]http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/31050599//[/url][/QUOTE]
Ah shades of Susan Smith and the "Runaway Bride" - Its convenient, blame the "colored" people...
Though the Runway Bride tried to throw Latino Men under the bus, Susan Smith flat out LIED about killing her children and said a Black Man did, because in the Deep South, its not the New South at all...
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]A reason visas for North America are so popular? The #1 reason is people's ignorance, they think the grass is greener and it isn't.
The big problem with somebody bringing a foreign girl into the US is that the US really isn't as great as most people think it is. This is a big reality shock for these women and it really screws up their universe. Do not underestimate this. That's enough to tear almost any relationship to shreds right there.[/QUOTE]
The US is different. Different is different. That doesn't mean better or worse. Most people would like to live in their native country if there is hope. Please, people must take responsibility for their decisions. It is not productive to blame your ex, your parents. . . . or a country for shredding a relationship.
I agree but I'm not condoning the behavior, only explaining the most probable cause of it.
The average non Spanish speaker in the US has NO IDEA how much most Latinos actually HATE it here.
[QUOTE=Legal Tender]The US is different. Different is different. That doesn't mean better or worse. Most people would like to live in their native country if there is hope. Please, people must take responsibility for their decisions. It is not productive to blame your ex, your parents. . . . or a country for shredding a relationship.[/QUOTE]
People leave because you identified it correctly - HOPE
1) Hope to find employment where the pay is higher (trading higher wages for less of a social safety net) and more opportunity. Some things in the US are just easier to do if your a self-starter.
2) Hope to find the love of your life. Some times people don't fit well in their culture. I know a German woman who was constantly made fun of and ridiculed as a teenager and as an adult because she is deeply attracted to Black Men (especially American Black Men). She's currently in Maryland...
3) Hope for just something different from what they know. I haven't been to Berlin so I can't say (I've spent most of my time in Germany) but the somewhat frantic nature of living in say Los Angeles is unlike anyplace else. There's only ONE New York City for example. These larger than life cities and the general draw of sunny mild climates in the Southwestern US are a BIG draw for Europeans. The low cost of housing in the Southeastern US has seen quite a few people move that direction as well.
4) Brits go to Spain or France to retire (better weather, lower cost), Americans go to Central America, South America and The Pacific Rim so they can retire like kings.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]
The average non Spanish speaker in the US has NO IDEA how much most Latinos actually HATE it here.[/QUOTE]
"Hate" might be too strong a word. But I do agree a lot of Latinos don't really like it here, but work really hard to send money back home to their families. Also, some of this money goes towards building a house in their own village. Yes those Latino workers, you see mowing lawns, doing menial work etc, send money home every month towards the construction of a house.
The Nacirema Dream
Got a buddy who is living the American dream. Has a beautiful, college-educated, financially independent Caucasian wife. He has the house with the Pickett fence the whole Enchilada.
The Problem:
He has heard one to many stories about life in PI from me. He has seen the photos and now wants to come over. I am torn between having one of “my reals” to roam the streets of Manila with and destroying his life. I have seen what places like Thailand and PI can do to a man and his family :confused:
His wife is not some hag. Attractive, slim lady. Yes she is a full-bloodied American woman. This thing of ours (Mongering) is like a faucet of water you can never shut off....
[QUOTE=Illogic]Got a buddy who is living the American dream. Has a beautiful, college-educated, financially independent Caucasian wife. He has the house with the Pickett fence the whole Enchilada.
The Problem:
He has heard one to many stories about life in PI from me. He has seen the photos and now wants to come over. I am torn between having one of “my reals” to roam the streets of Manila with and destroying his life. I have seen what places like Thailand and PI can do to a man and his family :confused:
His wife is not some hag. Attractive, slim lady. Yes she is a full-bloodied American woman. This thing of ours (Mongering) is like a faucet of water you can never shut off....[/QUOTE]
You should let your friend come visit in the PI and experience what it is like to be surrounded by a sea of cheap pussy cat. If he is truly happy and living the American dream, then you don’t have to worry about him going adrift on a sea of wetness seduced by the siren song of thousands of dark lipped hairy oysters.
Your friend may not be as happy or content as you think. When it comes to relationships, only the two people involved can truly know what is happening behind the scenes. The fact that your friend seems to have taken a keen interest in your yarns and photographs from the Philippines seems to that something is lacking at home. He is probably bored and needs some adventure to make him feel alive again. Right now, he is living vicariously through your tales of tropical debauchery and sexual excess. The least you can do is to let him experience the sights, sounds and feel of the Philippines himself. He may become a monger or he may not. In the end he will make his own decision so don’t worry about him turning into some insatiable lecher.
I'm visiting NYC for the next little while, and I was talking to a bartender in a local watering hole here, who is from Cali, Colombia. I asked her point blank "after personally having moved to Colombia and lived there almost a year, how on Earth do you STAND living here after having been born and raised in Colombia" ... she told me " I find life to be very hard here, after all these years here I still frequently cry myself to sleep".....
The only reason those people are here is $$$$$$$$$.
'Chaste' Dating ... for ca$h
The Village Voice recently reported on what may be a new or newly revived phenomenon in New York.- "chaste" dating, whereby an agency arranges for you a purely platonic encounter with an arguably attractive AW. The story profiles a single Manhattan agency founded and staffed by precisely the type of humorless, ball-breaking, grrl power-invoking, postmodern feminist harridan you'd expect to be running such an enterprise. The "gals" clearly believe their $60-an-hour fee (no touching, buster! ) is a magnanimous gift to the cadre of socially inept losers they deign to half-listen to on said "dates." While not articulating delusions of their own value, the urban princesses critique their schmuck-clients with a near-hostile disdain over everything from the guys' banter to choice of libation, while mentally ticking off lists of consumer labels affixed to their paying partner (his pants, cellphone, shoes, and on and on).
It's hard to deny the inherent foolishness of a guy who would shell out hard-earned bucks for this kind of treatment in a milieu in which the prospect of ensuing sex seems almost guaranteed not to happen. But the AW seems to have a hit a new high in terms of deluded self-worth and a new nadir in man-hating.
Who is the hater?
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]I'm visiting NYC for the next little while, and I was talking to a bartender in a local watering hole here, who is from Cali, Colombia. I asked her point blank "after personally having moved to Colombia and lived there almost a year, how on Earth do you STAND living here after having been born and raised in Colombia" ... she told me " I find life to be very hard here, after all these years here I still frequently cry myself to sleep".....
The only reason those people are here is $$$$$$$$$.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]I agree but I'm not condoning the behavior, only explaining the most probable cause of it.
The average non Spanish speaker in the US has NO IDEA how much most Latinos actually HATE it here.[/QUOTE]
Bango Cheito, the only thing that your posts reveal is that you "hate it here". I'm sorry that you are finding life so displeasing. I guess we will know that "they" really hate the U.S. when we must build fences to keep our citizens in. These folks have no hope in Colombia or much of Sur Americano. Look in the mirror, it is you that professes hate for the U.S. - You have no hope. Please, please, take just a moment to count your blessings, as we all should. I wish you only good energy.
[QUOTE=Legal Tender]Bango Cheito, the only thing that your posts reveal is that you "hate it here". I'm sorry that you are finding life so displeasing. I guess we will know that "they" really hate the U.S. when we must build fences to keep our citizens in. These folks have no hope in Colombia or much of Sur Americano. Look in the mirror, it is you that professes hate for the U.S. - You have no hope. Please, please, take just a moment to count your blessings, as we all should. I wish you only good energy.[/QUOTE]
Most immigrants who come to the U.S.A. are sold on the promises of a great life for all, by the Hollywood Film marketing machine. Low skilled immigrants come here in droves and quickly realize, if you're NOT highly skilled the chances of making it "big" are highly diminished.
On the other hand if you are an immigrant with a lot of $$$$$, you can do NO better anywhere else than in America. In other words, America is a fantastic place to live if you have plenty of money.
the inherent foolishness of a guy...[/QUOTE]
Chuckle. [url]http://austensjanes.com/GIRLS/girlspage.html[/url]
Well, at least you know you are paying for "a sure thing".
This kind of experience is good for guys who are in the final ball-busting stages of American Women. Completely defeated in the regular dating environment, but not quite understanding and embracing the full implications of that defeat.
Ha! Julia is "strong advocate for human rights and victims of [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908][CodeWord908][/url]". What a piece of work. These girls obviously know about the mechanics of trafficking. I wonder if they understand that it's possible for a women to unlawfully traffic herself in the United States?
Having Thangs...
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax]
On the other hand if you are an immigrant with a lot of $$$$$, you can do NO better anywhere else than in America. In other words, it's a fantastic place to live if you have plenty of money.[/QUOTE]
I do believe besides Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, and the Antarctic anywhere on earth is a great place to live if you have money.
[QUOTE=Illogic]I do believe besides Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, and the Antarctic anywhere on earth is a great place to live if you have money.[/QUOTE]
Not really....In the U.S.A you have relative security within your own wealthy social class. In many cities in South and Central America, South Africa, the Middle East, etc the well off live in well guarded, high walled gated communities. Also it's highly likely you or any of your family members might become victims of a kidnap for money scheme.
In the U.S of A the ultra wealthy own congress, the major political parties, the Banks, Wall Street.....what more could the ultra wealthy ask for. I tell you for an increasing majority of middle class Americans, surviving is becoming a b!tch.
[QUOTE=Legal Tender]Bango Cheito, the only thing that your posts reveal is that you "hate it here". I'm sorry that you are finding life so displeasing. I guess we will know that "they" really hate the U.S. when we must build fences to keep our citizens in. These folks have no hope in Colombia or much of Sur Americano. Look in the mirror, it is you that professes hate for the U.S. - You have no hope. Please, please, take just a moment to count your blessings, as we all should. I wish you only good energy.[/QUOTE]
I wish you would RTFF dude. I already moved out of the USA 10 months ago. I now make Bogota, Colombia my home. BEST THING I EVER DID.
And I did it WITHOUT bringing piles of money from the US. I'm working my ass off and making pesos.
You're line about folks "not having hope" in Colombia is absolutely WRONG. If there's one thing NOT missing from Colombia it's hope, and for good reason. The country is on the way up, and it's one of few countries on Earth that can say that reasonably.
I don't hate the US, I feel SORRY for it and everybody in it. Because I KNOW what it's like to live in the US, did it for 11 years. All the money in the world really doesn't make up for the negative parts.
I don't know about the ultra rich in the US vs the ultra rich in Colombia. In the US all the money in the world really doesn't buy shit. No matter how upmarket you go, the food still sucks, the lifestyle still sucks, and you suffer. Not to mention NO ONE in the US gets to be truly idle and relax. The real rich areas to live in here are so expensive that you are GUARANTEED a lifetime of toil if you live there, almost no matter how much you make.
OTOH the rich in Latin America do get a lot LOT more for their money, but they spend every waking moment in abject fear for themselves and their loved ones.
OTOOH, the middle class (YES there IS one) in Latin America have a hell of a great deal going and I'm very glad to be part of it now :)
You can come down to Colombia, fuck a bunch of hot girls, hit all the hot spots, party your ass off, you still have no idea what you are missing compared to those of us fortunate enough to live here, even the ones that make really meager amounts of money by your standards. Trust me.
Anyways if you want to send me positive energy I'll take it. I can use it because I got my eye on this girl but it's going to be a long hard conquest, but I'm sure it will be worth it like nothing before ever was. So don't hold off on the energy just yet ;)
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]Illogic,
You should let your friend come visit in the PI and experience what it is like to be surrounded by a sea of cheap pussy cat. If he is truly happy and living the American dream, then you don’t have to worry about him going adrift on a sea of wetness seduced by the siren song of thousands of dark lipped hairy oysters.
Your friend may not be as happy or content as you think. When it comes to relationships, only the two people involved can truly know what is happening behind the scenes. .... The least you can do is to let him experience the sights, sounds and feel of the Philippines himself. He may become a monger or he may not. In the end he will make his own decision so don’t worry about him turning into some insatiable lecher.[/QUOTE]
I agree, show him what the world has to offer.
Not everyone who tastes the nectar of the goddesses turns into a junkie.
It may simply be a broadening and enriching experience for him.
True, if his real life is a romantic or sexual wasteland, then he may decide to chuck it all for a few years of joy.
But more likely he will just develop a taste for a little honey on the side,
to bring some sweetness into his white-bread world.
I'm married and monger whenever I can (not often enough).
It helps to relieve the monotony and the compromises I have to make in life.
But it has also helped to spice up my domestic love life, by making me more
demanding, resulting in more supply (quantity and quality). I can be more demanding and confident
because I know a world of pleasure awaits if the cost/benefit ratio of marriage falls below a certain point.
And guess what? Women like a confident and demanding man. So it is win-win.
Legal Tender, what Bango Cheito is saying is not off the mark. While the media tends to focus on the rags-to-riches immigrant stories this is not the typical experience for most immigrants. Many immigrants must face language barriers, lost of credentials, lost of social status, low pay and discrimination on a daily basis. They don’t have a family to support them in the event of job loss or illness. Some of them actually give up on the American dream and return to their home countries. People usually prefer to face hardship with the company of friends and family rather than in a far away land surrounded by strangers. I’m sure some of them become bitter about their circumstances and I think this is what Bango referred to when he said, “Hate.” Of course, they don’t hate the country but they see their presence here as a sacrifice. In America people tend to keep to themselves, especially in large cities, so it is probably not a pleasant experience for a foreigner trying to start a new life without a lot of money and no friends.
The American Dream
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]Legal Tender, what Bango Cheito is saying is not off the mark. While the media tends to focus on the rags-to-riches immigrant stories this is not the typical experience for most immigrants. Many immigrants must face language barriers, lost of credentials, lost of social status, low pay and discrimination on a daily basis. They don’t have a family to support them in the event of job loss or illness. Some of them actually give up on the American dream and return to their home countries. People usually prefer to face hardship with the company of friends and family rather than in a far away land surrounded by strangers. I’m sure some of them become bitter about their circumstances and I think this is what Bango referred to when he said, “Hate.” Of course, they don’t hate the country but they see their presence here as a sacrifice. In America people tend to keep to themselves, especially in large cities, so it is probably not a pleasant experience for a foreigner trying to start a new life without a lot of money and no friends.[/QUOTE]
Chocha Monger is correct!
The far majority of immigrants that come to USA are bottom-feeders. It will take them 2 or 3 generations to catch-up with the native populace.
When people tell me that they have family members working in the USA, I immediately tell them that their family member(s) are struggling to survive.
US $8 per hour as a waiter is a lot in Latin America, but only US $320 per week in the USA. They are not even on our radar with monthly income of US $1,280 before taxes.
The USA is great at marketing illusions abroad.
What is impressive is how much pride these people (ie. ex-workers and family members) when telling their personal USA story. I remember living in Mexico City and a 50-year old Mexican guy who owned a printing store telling me that he "plucked" over 1,000 chickens per day as his job in Georgia. He had so much pride. Or those "fruit pickers" in California getting paid US $0.05 cents per box picked.
On the other side are those that have "hatred," disgust, frustration, and other negative emotions from their USA experience that wasn't the dream they envisioned when they left their country for ours. This "hatred" can and does run deep and is what will get your a*s kicked when you visit / reside in their native country.
Just my 2 cents with change leftover.
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!
I don't think BC hates America... People confuse criticism of America's social, cultural and foreign policy with hatred of America. I think that the Americans on this board can agree that America could be MUCH better than it currently is and it will take a generation or two to reach about 1/2 of that promise.
As long as GREED is the god of worship not much else will change.
As for "They Come To America..."
Like I said you trade "Quality of Life" for "Increased Wages". If you come to America already knowing the language, you've already won half the battle! There are pockets in our workforce that need to be filled by Immigrants because they aren't being filled by the native population for whatever reason.
An RN came into my store on Sunday looking for some 0w40 Mobil One. It was for her Porsche Boxster. Now that is the entry level Porsche of course, but still expensive. Nursing is still one sector undeserved as many work LONG hours, again effecting quality of life... For years Nursing was explained as a job for women only and wasn't widely open to men. When other career options opened up for Women, many stop going to school for Nursing, thus a shortage.
With the MILLIONS of cars on the road and the INCREASE in demand for Used Cars puts Mechanics at a premium as well.
So there are "holes" in the market for you to make money and earn a decent living by American standards.
Just don't expect to get rich overnight without some type of plan...
But you don't have to be "rich" to have a good life, because with more MONEY comes more problems, are you prepared to handle that?
Shit Sandwich
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]
Just don't expect to get rich overnight without some type of plan...
But you don't have to be "rich" to have a good life, because with more MONEY comes more problems, are you prepared to handle that?[/QUOTE]
A man the more bread you have the less shit you have to eat.
[QUOTE=Illogic]A man the more bread you have the less shit you have to eat.[/QUOTE]
I don't know about that....
My father came from rural Southeastern Texas, played HS football, joined the Army, went to Korea. Returned to move to California and work for PG&E where he stayed until a stroke forced him to stop working, though he was still employed at PG&E.
While still being payed by PG&E he played the ponies, the lottery, went to Reno and Vegas on a regular basis and traveled to Europe a few times.
He wasn't rich but borrowed against the house to buy his last new car, at a much lower interest rate than any credit union or bank will give you.
He owed very LITTLE. So much so that when we liquidated his assets, we paid everything off and PROFITED after his death.
He wasn't "Rich" by any means, but lived WITHIN those means. He had been paying child support since 1977 and my mother took him to court for back child support while she had been remarried by then.
You're life is what you make of it, having tons of money doesn't solve much. Does your quality of life improve living in the hills in a gated community where your neighbors are no more interested in getting to know you than they are in a typical suburb?
For me Quality of Life is not defined by how many zeros you have in your bank account. If you live largely debt free and work in a non stressful environment, have job security or are self employed; as long as you have money to do the things that you want, WHEN you want, there's no need for millions or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.
I have dealt with rich people, some are nice as pie, the majority aren't... and as the saying goes "Mean People Suck"
Well, I don't hate the US but I don't want to live there. It's okay for a lot of my friends because they don't seem to give a shit about pussy. There is my friend from college who just came down here and got his mind totally blown; he says his wife doesn't like sex. There is my friend of over 30 years who says his wife cut him off ten years ago. Then there is my AW friend who fucks me every time I am up there but won't fuck her BF because she says he is too fat. He has to know I am fucking her. These guys just accept this. I have no idea why.
It's funny because I work over the internet and I hardly ever see any of my "customers" but now they are videotaping the live sessions (okay, it's not videotape but it's some electronic medium) so just for laughs I watched the streaming video of the session from last week. The women look like wildebeests. I wonder if they have to use a special wide-angle lens. And they are all dressed like shit. They look like they got dumped out of a vacuum cleaner bag. There are two European women in the class and they just look so much better, it's unbelievable.
I mean, not everyone can be a 10 but women down here would never leave the house looking the way these hags do. I hate to say it but my sisters and my nieces look like shit too.
Down here I notice I can tell the gringas by the way they walk. It's not sexy at all. OTOH you could blindfold me and I could pick out the very sexy walk of my favorita down here, just by the sound of her shoes on the floor. She would never think of leaving the house without fixing her hair. She has a great ass and is well aware of this fact, and dresses to take full advantage. Of course she then "complains" that every guy on the street is checking out her ass.
American women don't understand what it takes to keep a man happy, and they don't really give a shit either.
[QUOTE=Dickhead]American women don't understand what it takes to keep a man happy, and they don't really give a shit either.[/QUOTE]Yeap Yesterday I went to an Italian festival with one friend, he took his daughter there.
For me it was mostly for observation purposes, I do not even have any desire hooking up with local AW.
I would say that about 1 out of 10 women was kinda good looking. The rest 90% was rather ugly for my standards. And some were of really weird shape and gender. Pigs are much more beautiful than these creatures from yesterday.
Also some teen girls still had nice faces, but already chubby butts and legs of that shape formed by typical pizza/cola diet.
I tried to talk to few of those 10% better looking ones. Guess what kinda attitude they got. Most of them looked at me with that nasty look "WTF".
Only one girl managed to politely say "Hi". Some other reacted with one word 'What? "
I do not understand why people in this country are so unfriendly. They have jobs, food, money. They are supposed to be nice and happy.
When I'm in Colombia sometimes I talk to strangers and I get invited over to their table. Or once one women invited me to sit down with her daughter and her daughter's girlfriend. Just to talk. Not because they want my money as somebody would try to say. But here, in the USA girls look at me like I'm a maniac, that I wanna kill them. While in other countries I get smiles and greetings.
[QUOTE=Dickhead]Well, I don't hate the US but I don't want to live there. It's okay for a lot of my friends because they don't seem to give a shit about pussy. There is my friend from college who just came down here and got his mind totally blown; he says his wife doesn't like sex. There is my friend of over 30 years who says his wife cut him off ten years ago. Then there is my AW friend who fucks me every time I am up there but won't fuck her BF because she says he is too fat. He has to know I am fucking her. These guys just accept this. I have no idea why.
It's funny because I work over the internet and I hardly ever see any of my "customers" but now they are videotaping the live sessions (okay, it's not videotape but it's some electronic medium) so just for laughs I watched the streaming video of the session from last week. The women look like wildebeests. I wonder if they have to use a special wide-angle lens. And they are all dressed like shit. They look like they got dumped out of a vacuum cleaner bag. There are two European women in the class and they just look so much better, it's unbelievable.
I mean, not everyone can be a 10 but women down here would never leave the house looking the way these hags do. I hate to say it but my sisters and my nieces look like shit too.
Down here I notice I can tell the gringas by the way they walk. It's not sexy at all. OTOH you could blindfold me and I could pick out the very sexy walk of my favorita down here, just by the sound of her shoes on the floor. She would never think of leaving the house without fixing her hair. She has a great ass and is well aware of this fact, and dresses to take full advantage. Of course she then "complains" that every guy on the street is checking out her ass.
American women don't understand what it takes to keep a man happy, and they don't really give a shit either.[/QUOTE]
Because the Feminazis have successfully told AW that to do the job men do, you have to dress like them so they will respect you and not look at you like an object. Okay let's get serious for a second, you can dress like a woman and be attractive and demand respect by EARNING it!
I don't know about other places, but in Hollywood, it doesn't like to surround itself with "ugly" women. So even assistants and other low level employees look great. I can only think of ONE instance of a Make up artist not being the most attractive woman on set in some cases.
Women are constantly wearing pants, so much so that when they appear in dresses, its like a special occasion and men on the street act like they haven't seen a set of legs before, breaking necks all over town.
Your right DH in the rest of the world, women would not THINK even ONCE of leaving the house with curlers in their hair, no makeup and frumpy clothing. Overweight women are few and far between, so much so you don't have to dread running into any.
A co-worker recently found his wife had been cheating on him with one of his friends. Now he express interest in going to Mexico when I go down again. Maybe I should send him your way DH, he has an Ebay business that does fairly well if he focuses solely on it.
[QUOTE=Goga Fung]Yeap Yesterday I went to an Italian festival with one friend, he took his daughter there.
For me it was mostly for observation purposes, I do not even have any desire hooking up with local AW.
I would say that about 1 out of 10 women was kinda good looking. The rest 90% was rather ugly for my standards. And some were of really weird shape and gender. Pigs are much more beautiful than these creatures from yesterday.
Also some teen girls still had nice faces, but already chubby butts and legs of that shape formed by typical pizza/cola diet.
I tried to talk to few of those 10% better looking ones. Guess what kinda attitude they got. Most of them looked at me with that nasty look "WTF".
Only one girl managed to politely say "Hi". Some other reacted with one word 'What? "
I do not understand why people in this country are so unfriendly. They have jobs, food, money. They are supposed to be nice and happy.
When I'm in Colombia sometimes I talk to strangers and I get invited over to their table. Or once one women invited me to sit down with her daughter and her daughter's girlfriend. Just to talk. Not because they want my money as somebody would try to say. But here, in the USA girls look at me like I'm a maniac, that I wanna kill them. While in other countries I get smiles and greetings.[/QUOTE]
You would THINK this would give most American Men a thought as to why. But it doesn't give men any sort of pause at all, they continue being clueless and only a few are successful; truly successful.
I walked up for information from two complete strangers, very attractive ones I might add in Europe and they were not fearful of their safety and was willing to help with a kind word and a smile. TRY THAT IN THE GOOD 'OL US of A.
[QUOTE=Meat Loaf]Chocha Monger is correct!
The far majority of immigrants that come to USA are bottom-feeders. It will take them 2 or 3 generations to catch-up with the native populace.[/quote]This is an example of people not knowing what they are talking about and saying it anyway. If you do some reading, you'll find that the average immigrant into the USA is actually a bit MORE educated than the general populace. I've been reading that Congress is trying to shorten the waiting time for scientists to come into the country, and so the fact that the average immigrant is more educated will only become more pronounced over time. What type of immigrant is under consideration also has something to do with how "high" or "low" they are on the working chain. Chinese people come in educated and already speaking English (mostly via Taiwan and HK, but also sometimes from the Mainland). Mexicans come in and do cheaper work. It's just an accident of history that it happens to be that way.
[quote]When people tell me that they have family members working in the USA, I immediately tell them that their family member(s) are struggling to survive.[/quote]Again, it depends on who you know. If you know people that come from shitty jobs in Mexico/ other South American countries, then that will be your experience. But if you meet some businessman from Guangdong province who wants to open a factory in the US and have his children educated there, then you will have a very different experience.
[quote]US $8 per hour as a waiter is a lot in Latin America, but only US $320 per week in the USA. They are not even on our radar with monthly income of US $1,280 before taxes.[/quote]Ok, so now what? Someone who is not educated has to make a living based on lower wages. This is not the first that that this has happened.
[quote]The USA is great at marketing illusions abroad.[/quote]Not sure what you are talking about here. Are you saying that there is some department somewhere in the government that attends to marketing this image? Or is it (more likely) that some immigrants realize that they have a choice between jobs at low wages (in the USA) or no jobs at all (their current situation). This is the thing that people don't understand when they complain about companies exploiting this or that country. The option of the locals there is either jobs at low wages or no jobs at all.
[quote]What is impressive is how much pride these people (ie. ex-workers and family members) when telling their personal USA story. I remember living in Mexico City and a 50-year old Mexican guy who owned a printing store telling me that he "plucked" over 1,000 chickens per day as his job in Georgia. He had so much pride. Or those "fruit pickers" in California getting paid US $0.05 cents per box picked.[/quote]Ok, so a man worked hard and made something of himself. Starting with nothing. This is a lot more impressive than listening to the self-complacent local people (in the USA) who think that the government should just provide EVERY SINGLE THING.
[quote]On the other side are those that have "hatred," disgust, frustration, and other negative emotions from their USA experience that wasn't the dream they envisioned when they left their country for ours. This "hatred" can and does run deep and is what will get your a*s kicked when you visit / reside in their native country.
Just my 2 cents with change leftover.[/QUOTE]I've lived abroad for many years and have never had this experience. What kind of places have you been going to?
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]You would THINK this would give most American Men a thought as to why. But it doesn't give men any sort of pause at all, they continue being clueless and only a few are successful; truly successful.
I walked up for information from two complete strangers, very attractive ones I might add in Europe and they were not fearful of their safety and was willing to help with a kind word and a smile. TRY THAT IN THE GOOD 'OL US of A.[/QUOTE]DJ, I do not even wanna try:)
So who are those few are successful? I know one really cool American guy, he is also pretty rich. When he traveled to some islands he did not even realize that he could meet girls for sex. He used to have an American girlfriend, but he changed to less than average looking EE girl and married her. I can only guess what kinda American girl he was with if he later switched to that EE chick. I would not do her for free, even if she paid me $1000. Oh well, I'd do her for 10K I guess;)
But anyway, I dunno, I guess this is cool for USA, but in my mind it is out of mind to be a multi-millionere young intelligent good-looking guy and not to be able to have fun with women. I also heard that they signed a prenap telling that if the guy cheats and they get divorced, she gets entitled to half of his stuff with no questions asked. I do not know how much it is true, this is what her girlfriend(shes is my ex) told me.
[QUOTE=Meat Loaf]Chocha Monger is correct!
The far majority of immigrants that come to USA are bottom-feeders. It will take them 2 or 3 generations to catch-up with the native populace.
When people tell me that they have family members working in the USA, I immediately tell them that their family member(s) are struggling to survive.
US $8 per hour as a waiter is a lot in Latin America, but only US $320 per week in the USA. They are not even on our radar with monthly income of US $1,280 before taxes.
The USA is great at marketing illusions abroad.
What is impressive is how much pride these people (ie. ex-workers and family members) when telling their personal USA story. I remember living in Mexico City and a 50-year old Mexican guy who owned a printing store telling me that he "plucked" over 1,000 chickens per day as his job in Georgia. He had so much pride. Or those "fruit pickers" in California getting paid US $0.05 cents per box picked.
On the other side are those that have "hatred," disgust, frustration, and other negative emotions from their USA experience that wasn't the dream they envisioned when they left their country for ours. This "hatred" can and does run deep and is what will get your a*s kicked when you visit / reside in their native country.
Just my 2 cents with change leftover.[/QUOTE]
Wow..you are soo right....Its not only US but true for Canada, Australia and Europe. Indians now are feeling that illusion hitting them hard in Australia.
It basically ignorance that creeps people to think what it is not. I had a great illusion in college days to go far away land and do this and that. When i left the shores and visited few countries. All my illusion vanished. I had my going so well back in India, but i only value that now, when im away.
ohh man what have i done..:(
I think its all Psycological and a grand play of the divine or more its ones destiny or stupidity..
The answers were there already, but our mind ignores it. I might have read your similar statement well before i made the decision to go abraod. But no the mind plays tricks and will win at the end...one does not know what is good for it untill its too late.
People get wiser when they grew old, for some its too late.....everyone is created equal by nature so is every place...this grand illusion called earth we are all puppets.
or i thought i put it this way...if i haven't visted countries ..i wouldnt have appriciated how much i had got all these years when i was complaining all the time...this struggle of thought works both ways and its also true that i learned a lot from people visting other countries so cant complain really on that front.
Better, Im just a confused monger who thinks more from Dick than mind ..all my life decision were to accumulate as much p ussy as a man can in his lifetime...everything else were secondary.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]
I don't know about the ultra rich in the US vs the ultra rich in Colombia. In the US all the money in the world really doesn't buy shit. No matter how upmarket you go, the food still sucks, the lifestyle still sucks, and you suffer. Not to mention NO ONE in the US gets to be truly idle and relax. The real rich areas to live in here are so expensive that you are GUARANTEED a lifetime of toil if you live there, almost no matter how much you make.
Its soo trueeee....For a long time i was juggling with this fact to be true or not.
I can relate to it, its the middle class that always suffers be it in the US or India or Philiphines...its always the rich versus poor.....media hype it up...no one listens to the middle class guys problems...they think we have it all.
On the contrary, middle class people suffers on a twin side both mentally and physically....Columbia is my next stop hehehe..as you say it seems good enough :)
In Colombia, if you are real smart and determined with a dash of ruthlessness, you WILL succeed there and make good money. If you are lazy or stupid you will get chewed up and spit out so fast it would make your head spin.
The problem is that many Americans have no idea how incompetent they really are.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]
The problem is that many Americans have no idea how incompetent they really are.[/QUOTE]
I don't really want to use the term "venomous", cause it implies a snake, and personally I think it's great you are making it happen in Colombia. Having read your posts for some time, you have some useful contrasts and observations.
I guess I figure anyone who celebrates a "dash of ruthlessness" probably is not going to get worked up over a snake reference anyway. So, I'm curious about why you are so [i]venomous[/i] in your language.
The language you are using actually makes me think that your circumstances are more about not being in the United States and less about being in Colombia. There's a lot of anger in the expressions.
I understand, sometimes people are happy only in contrast to something else, but I see this as "the lottery effect" - people are happy when they win, but generally return to thier normal state of contentment after a couple of years.
How long have you been away from the United States?
I'd like to move to Colombia or some place like it, but not because I've got a bunch of acid for life in the United States. American women are what they are; I've got a mother and two sisters and it's not like I'm at war with my tribe.
Sorry - but I'll take this shot - If you could not find good food or live a life of personal choice (e.g. without a car) in one of the most abundant countries in history, well, it raises some questions here about how you measure competence.
Not that I want to get in a pissing contest over it. It just seems a little odd. I don't have anywhere near that level of discontent with American culture.
I don't know. Maybe you are using this language to self-motivate, that's understandable, but I'd say it suggests the only way any American could be happy in Colombia is in contrast with a bad experience with American Women or a general dislike of American culture. What do you think?
"American Culture" is an oxymoron.
What do I, me myself, personally think?
[QUOTE=Jelly Donut]I don't really want to use the term "venomous", cause it implies a snake, and personally I think it's great you are making it happen in Colombia. Having read your posts for some time, you have some useful contrasts and observations.
I guess I figure anyone who celebrates a "dash of ruthlessness" probably is not going to get worked up over a snake reference anyway. So, I'm curious about why you are so [i]venomous[/i] in your language.
The language you are using actually makes me think that your circumstances are more about not being in the United States and less about being in Colombia. There's a lot of anger in the expressions.
I understand, sometimes people are happy only in contrast to something else, but I see this as "the lottery effect" - people are happy when they win, but generally return to thier normal state of contentment after a couple of years.
How long have you been away from the United States?
I'd like to move to Colombia or some place like it, but not because I've got a bunch of acid for life in the United States. American women are what they are; I've got a mother and two sisters and it's not like I'm at war with my tribe.
Sorry - but I'll take this shot - If you could not find good food or live a life of personal choice (e.g. without a car) in one of the most abundant countries in history, well, it raises some questions here about how you measure competence.
Not that I want to get in a pissing contest over it. It just seems a little odd. I don't have anywhere near that level of discontent with American culture.
I don't know. Maybe you are using this language to self-motivate, that's understandable, but I'd say it suggests the only way any American could be happy in Colombia is in contrast with a bad experience with American Women or a general dislike of American culture. What do you think?[/QUOTE]
I think this is one of the most insightful posts that this thread has seen in a long time. We only have two base emotions: fear and love. Hate, disgust, lack of compassion and contempt are rooted in fear. I love the U.S. I just happen to love women of all different cultures. American women have no competition. It is similar to the medical profession: many U.S. citizens are going abroad for surgical procedure at less than 50% of the costs in the states. Let's focus on loving and leave the hate to others. Let's not be haters here. My friends we are all blessed. We have today.
I really don't want to discuss my personal life on the board. It's much less personal than you may think. It's just observations.
Like I said Americans have their heads in the sand about how fucked up the US has really become. It makes me angry because I love what the US USED to stand for. I love the IDEAL of it, which makes me really really angry to see how it's falling terminally short these days.
I wasn't about to starve to death in the US. But I DO believe I'm avoiding a MAJOR meltdown here by moving away.
I have been living in Colombia for 10 months now, and this is my second time back visiting.
The point of all this is, I think that a lot of the ranting on here about AW applies to the whole CULTURE (oxymoron!) in general, and people are technically correct, but they are being incredibly myopic. The root of the problem and indeed the symptoms go way beyond bitchy frigid women.
One of the things that really shocks me is just how bad peoples' HEALTH is here compared to where I live now, for example. Life really takes its toll on people physically here.
The US has lost its way as far as lifestyle is concerned. Workaholicism, long commutes, way too busy, eating fast food on the run instead of sitting down to a well-prepared meal, overscheduled children, and way too much stress. I lay much of the blame on consumerism. You add to that the erosion of civil rights and the imposition of a police state (Obama is reversing this to some degree), then you layer on 10% unemployment (really probably higher since the way they calculate the rate is pretty bogus) and it's not the place to be right now. Every empire self-destructs.
In my lifetime I have also seen the US educational system undergo substantial deterioration and since I work in that sector I am not just blowing smoke. Look at the incarceration rate. It's unbelievable. Some of that is racist in nature (although I find the US much less racist than almost any other place I've been but then again I'm white) but some of it is just bullshit.
I look at my friends who are still in the US and they have all this STUFF like ATVs and skis and bikes and roller blades and fancy kitchens and they don't have any time to enjoy them. Boats, even. You know how a boat costs to maintain and insure? And you use it what, four times a year? Please.
I know people who have second homes to which they retreat on the weekends. Let's do that math. Get home at 8 PM Friday after a stressful week, pack, drive two or three more hours, arrive exhausted, spend a day and a half, drive back Sunday, lather, rinse, repeat. Not too relaxing.
So I got a job I can do from anywhere and I make maybe $45k a year (it varies) and that is chump change in the US. But here, I can live quite well. Why do I want to be there? I don't. This place is an ethnic melting pot similar to the US except they don't let in a bunch of useless refugees, so you have every skin color and every eye color and every body type. I will tell you that when an Italian knocks up a mestiza those kids turn out pretty cute. Plenty of Asians here for when I get yellow fever and if I hunger for chocolate there are Dominicanas and Brazilenas.
And hamburger, which is subsidized by the government, is 86 cents a pound and doesn't smell raunchy like in the US, It's free range grass fed cattle. Poor people have way more dignity here as well, such as the right to sleep in the doorways of closed businesses.
I'm in my 50s and I trace the root of the deterioration of the US to the Vietnam War. Nobody ever looked at us the same after that. Then we tried to overcompensate for that debacle with shit like Kuwait and Afghanistan and Iraq, It didn't work. I am an American to my core but I don't support these ridiculous imperialist forays.
So, I am happy in Latin America where the corruption is much more overt and manageable. The women here want to fuck. The women there want to think up reasons not to fuck. And quite frankly, a lot of American men have lost interest in fucking. It's quite an asexual place, the US, compared to almost anywhere else.
[QUOTE=Jelly Donut]I don't really want to use the term "venomous", cause it implies a snake, and personally I think it's great you are making it happen in Colombia. Having read your posts for some time, you have some useful contrasts and observations.
I guess I figure anyone who celebrates a "dash of ruthlessness" probably is not going to get worked up over a snake reference anyway. So, I'm curious about why you are so [i]venomous[/i] in your language.
The language you are using actually makes me think that your circumstances are more about not being in the United States and less about being in Colombia. There's a lot of anger in the expressions.
I understand, sometimes people are happy only in contrast to something else, but I see this as "the lottery effect" - people are happy when they win, but generally return to thier normal state of contentment after a couple of years.
How long have you been away from the United States?
I'd like to move to Colombia or some place like it, but not because I've got a bunch of acid for life in the United States. American women are what they are; I've got a mother and two sisters and it's not like I'm at war with my tribe.
Sorry - but I'll take this shot - If you could not find good food or live a life of personal choice (e.g. without a car) in one of the most abundant countries in history, well, it raises some questions here about how you measure competence.
Not that I want to get in a pissing contest over it. It just seems a little odd. I don't have anywhere near that level of discontent with American culture.
I don't know. Maybe you are using this language to self-motivate, that's understandable, but I'd say it suggests the only way any American could be happy in Colombia is in contrast with a bad experience with American Women or a general dislike of American culture. What do you think?[/QUOTE]
Thank you, Thank you.
This board has turned into nothing but American bashing and it’s disgusting especially coming from...well Americans. I had it rough with American women, grew up in one of America's most notorious ghettos but I still can't believe the level of hate on this board. American women are worthless; Americans are stupid, American culture is an oxymoron, blah blah blah. I am a Black so I have million reasons to sit here all day and post anti-American shit but this is unreal.
I live in what would be described by most as a sexual paradise but if I was filthy rich I am talking like multi-millionaire rich no way I would be living in the country I live now. I would be right in the US.
My above average salary provides an above average life (and other personal reasons) is the reason why I stay. Why the “shakers and movers” are are not flocking to leave the US if it is so bad?
I was one of these guys complaining all the time. Man you have to invest in yourself. In America you can’t be the sex tourist with a couple of dollars in your hand and think you’re going to get laid on the regular and have great life. Even in the country where I live if you want a decent woman one that is not hooking with a decent job you going to have to invest in yourself and in her time/dating it’s just that simple.
Well, get used to it. Get ready to see a lot more U.S bashing in the future. America will be blamed for the coming meltdown of the World's Financial system. American Financial institutions created and sold Toxic Financial products all over the world. Why? Pure Greed. Now these assholes(Bankers) want to be bailed out with our hard earned money. They take our money and give themselves huge bonuses in effect socializing the losses and keeping the profits. We ain't seen nothing yet. This is the calm before the storm.
When Americans wake up and realize how much they have been shafted up the ass, then the knives and pitch forks will come out...it's only a matter of time
[QUOTE=Illogic]Thank you, Thank you.
This board has turned into nothing but American bashing and it’s disgusting especially coming from...well Americans. I had it rough with American women, grew up in one of America's most notorious ghettos but I still can't believe the level of hate on this board. American women are worthless; Americans are stupid, American culture is an oxymoron, blah blah blah. I am a Black so I have million reasons to sit here all day and post anti-American shit but this is unreal.
Oh, but they ARE leaving. Dickhead and I left already, didn't we? We have almost nothing but positive to report from Latin America. In my case, I'm even doing well on the local economy, better than I ever did in the US when you consider how cheap it is to live where I live now.
Like I said before, I'm not saying ANYTHING that you wouldn't hear from the mouth of almost any Colombian living in the US, or any Dominican, Mexican, Brazilian (however FEW there are left here), Nigerian, Indian, Jamaican, etc. They just won't say it to the average Joe here because they don't trust him enough to tell the truth. The ones you REALLY won't hear from are the ones who have already left. People assume people come to the US and never leave, nothing could be further from the truth!
My personal hope is that the US turns itself around and goes back to being more like the country it once was. I just don't see much hope though, part of the problem is PEOPLE REFUSE TO THINK THERES ANYTHING MAJORLY WRONG. The denial here is absolutely incredible.
Anyways, enjoy your mongering trips before the hyperinflation kicks in and your dollars wind up worthless. That's not just trying to be nasty either, it's a warning!
Bango, I agree with all you have said. Most immigrants who arrive here, falsely think U.S streets are paved with Gold, only to realize that it ain't so. You can blame Hollywood for this false portrayal of how the average U.S. Joe really lives. Right now, you have immigrants who were practicing Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, Teachers, etc in their own countries and are now Cooks, Cleaners, Taxi Cab drivers etc in the U.S.A....IT'S TRUE.
The same also applies in Europe (UK, Germany Austria, France, Spain, Switzerland, The Netherlands etc.)
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]Oh, but they ARE leaving. Dickhead and I left already, didn't we? We have almost nothing but positive to report from Latin America. In my case, I'm even doing well on the local economy, better than I ever did in the US when you consider how cheap it is to live where I live now.
Like I said before, I'm not saying ANYTHING that you wouldn't hear from the mouth of almost any Colombian living in the US, or any Dominican, Mexican, Brazilian (however FEW there are left here), Nigerian, Indian, Jamaican, etc. They just won't say it to the average Joe here because they don't trust him enough to tell the truth. The ones you REALLY won't hear from are the ones who have already left. People assume people come to the US and never leave, nothing could be further from the truth!
My personal hope is that the US turns itself around and goes back to being more like the country it once was. I just don't see much hope though, part of the problem is PEOPLE REFUSE TO THINK THERES ANYTHING MAJORLY WRONG. The denial here is absolutely incredible.
Anyways, enjoy your mongering trips before the hyperinflation kicks in and your dollars wind up worthless. That's not just trying to be nasty either, it's a warning![/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax]I agree with all you have said. Most immigrants who arrive here, falsely think U.S streets are paved with Gold only to realize that it ain't so. You can blame Hollywood for this false portrayal of how the average U.S. Joe really lives. Right now, you have immigrants who were practicing Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, Teachers, etc in their own countries and are now Cooks, Cleaners, Taxi Cab drivers etc in the U.S.A....IT'S TRUE.
The same can be said of countries in Europe (UK, Germany Austria, France, Spain, Switzerland, The Netherlands etc.)[/QUOTE]Yes and no. Yes, many immigrant are starting from simple jobs and then some go up. It also depends on the immigrant's age. For older ones it is much more difficult. One my friend started washing toilets, now is making 100's K and has a photo model wife. But he's rather an exception. Also there are many other immigrants, especially illegals, spending years in ghetto, doing construction or cleaning work, they live worse than in their homeland, also many sending money back and planning to go back after sometime.
I've been in the USA for 10+ years and about to leave too. Although I know that still very many immigrants do like USA and are actually very successful and seem to be happy. Immigrants are different. Many are just very happy that they have a lot of money and can buy "stuff". I'm also considered successful, but I see no use of my success, not interested in buying more stuff at all. And/Or spending all money and time on one stupid biyotch(the significant other:)). I do not have much other choice in the USA. For different reasons, mainly because of the crazy busy everybody's lifestyle and of course here is very limited choice of available women.
I believe everybody has it's own point of view. Here we are talking from a mongers point of view or as a somebody who's priority is to have access to many beautiful women.
However many immigrants do not care about this. Or have no idea that it is possible - the same as many Americans do. Many immigrants love America because now they can have a lot of food, cars, and houses.
I consider Hollywood as the biggest and very successful USA's marketing campaign. They succeeded so much to bullshit the whole world that most people believe whatever they see in movies, so they try to imitate Americans in the movies and many want to move to USA, but then of course they realize that it can be very different from what they had seen in the movies.
Also one of the reasons why many girls overseas are so sexy is because they have seen a bunch American movies with hot horny American girls who want to have sex all the time, so foreign girls wanted to imitate Americans without realizing that it was bullshit. Now there are many those talk/reality and other bullshit shows which copy American shows.
Still even now some people watch MTV clips and automatically think that everybody in USA is beautiful, happy and girls are hot and horny. One guy from a FSU country told me that his dream is to move to USA and hang out with black guys - He likes to watch MTV clips where black guys sing, dance and hang out with model girls all the time. So this guy think if he moves to USA he's gonna do the same and those model girls will be all over him. But we who're already in the USA actually need to move out for the same purpose:) that's funny. The guys does not appreciate where he lives. When I visited him, we fucked about 5-6 girls in a few days. I don't think he would be able to do even one of them if he were in the USA.
Regardless of American Women or whether the US does or does not suck, the experience of living in another country deepens you, broadens you, enriches you, and changes you. I've now lived in the US, México, Germany, and the United Kingdom, in addition to Argentina. I also spent a couple of months living like a local in Colombia and Ireland although I still had roots elsewhere so it would be a stretch to say I lived in those places. It's made me more tolerant, more flexible, more imaginative, more resourceful, and I dare say more interesting.
So develop several skills and emphasize skills that are as portable as possible. Obviously learn at least one more language. When you travel, for any stay of more than a few days, rent an apartment and use public transportation. Hotels suck anyway and taxis and rental cars are major sources of headaches and problems, and are much more dangerous. Study and research your destinations before you go there. Don't just show up. Any fool can do that.
But don't live in the United Kingdom because it combines all the disadvantages of the US with horrible food, awful weather and tremendous overcrowding. Plus it's expensive as hell. No offense to the Brits out there but go to the fucking dentist for Christ's sakes, and put the beer in the fridge and not in the god damn oven.
Man you guys must be crazy thinking Americans are moving out in any great numbers.
Its the same 5 to 10 guys on this site talking about their great life living in another country and how hard they had trying to make it in america.
America has more people trying to get into it legally or illegally than any other country in the world.
For every 1 guys who leaves there are a thousand standing in line to take their place. People come to america because its the land of opportunity. One of the few countries where a person can come with nothing on their back and become successful. America has more rags to riches stories than any other country on earth. Not to mention some of the sexiest, independent, educated women.
Is america perfect, no but there are very few countries which offer all the opportunities which america does. But move out if you like, I'm sure there will be plenty of foreigners who will be happy to replace you.
Cya and have a good life.
I agree. I really REALLY think that if everybody on this board who didn't speak at least two languages learned just one other language, the whole tone of this thread would be completely different. Speaking one language only incredibly limits you as a human being. I speak five languages now and I'm not gonna stop until I've learned at least four more.
Immigrants and Americans Are Leaving the US
Americans are leaving the US in increasing numbers.
Skilled/educated immigrants certainly are returning to their home countries.
Even unskilled and illegal immigrants are leaving.
A Thousand Poor Guys In Line For Every Rich Expat
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]Man you guys must be crazy thinking Americans are moving out in any great numbers.
Its the same 5 to 10 guys on this site talking about their great life living in another country and how hard they had trying to make it in america.
America has more people trying to get into it legally or illegally than any other country in the world.
For every 1 guys who leaves there are a thousand standing in line to take their place. People come to america because its the land of opportunity. One of the few countries where a person can come with nothing on their back and become successful. America has more rags to riches stories than any other country on earth. Not to mention some of the sexiest, independent, educated women.
Is america perfect, no but there are very few countries which offer all the opportunities which america does. But move out if you like, I'm sure there will be plenty of foreigners who will be happy to replace you.
Cya and have a good life.[/QUOTE]
"Are rich Americans leaving, or planning to leave, the country? Consider a poll conducted by Zogby International which asked adult Americans if they had ever considered moving outside the United States. The survey, which had more than 115,000 respondents, excluded anyone relocating offshore for less than two years and anyone who relocated because of government requirements, the military or their jobs. Bob Bauman of offshore experts The Sovereign Society wrote on October 16:
The Zogby results are shocking – especially compared to the entire U.S. population (now about 303,116,000). The numbers below are for households, not individuals.
• 1.6 million U.S. households already decided to move offshore and are headed in that direction.
• Another 1.8 million households are seriously considering moving and are likely to do it. Many have taken preliminary steps.
• 7.7 million households are “somewhat seriously” considering moving and “may” do it.
• Nearly 3 million households are seriously considering buying a vacation home or other property outside the United States. Another 10 million are “somewhat” seriously considering it.
This means that almost 10% of U.S. households are considering leaving the country. Another 10% are considering living outside the country part-time. Most analysts are ignoring this silent massive emigration.
These would-be emigrant households plan to spend an average of US$260,000 on buying or building a house. They’re also planning to spend at least US$36,000 annually on living expenses outside the United States.
In total, they represent hundreds of billions of dollars leaving the U.S. economy each year.
Bauman quoted John Gaver of ActionAmerica.org, who said:
The problem is that increasingly, the wealthy perceive that they are under attack by their own government and they are taking the only rational option left open to them. They’re taking their wealth and leaving.
And regarding the number of wealthy Americans who have already left the country, Bauman wrote:
Every year, about 250,000 U.S. citizens and resident aliens leave America to make a new home in some other nation.
In 2005, the U.S. Bureau of the Census upped this estimate. They guessed that over 350,000 U.S. citizens and resident aliens would leave the United States permanently.
On February 15, John Gaver wrote in a piece on ActionAmerica.org:
Wealthy US citizens continue to leave the US at an alarming rate…
Tax haven countries are recording significantly larger numbers of US applicants for permanent residence or second citizenship every year. Keep in mind that most of those expats are wealthy, since poor people can’t afford to leave. In fact, millions of poor people risk their lives in the back of trailers or crossing Arizona desert every year, to take advantage of our increasing welfare state. It is the wealthy, who are leaving and they represent lost US investment dollars and subsequently, LOST US JOBS…"
Well, if this data is correct, America is screwed even more than I ever could have imagined. Folks it's simple, the World lent us cheap dollars to spend and do what ever the heck we wanted. The World now realizes, America, the World's largest debtor nation has no chance in hell of paying off her debts. America's standard of living is going to fall big time.......the Rich folk understand what's going to happen and are getting out while the "getting" is good.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]"Are rich Americans leaving, or planning to leave, the country? Consider a poll conducted by Zogby International which asked adult Americans if they had ever considered moving outside the United States. The survey, which had more than 115,000 respondents, excluded anyone relocating offshore for less than two years and anyone who relocated because of government requirements, the military or their jobs. Bob Bauman of offshore experts The Sovereign Society wrote on October 16:
The Zogby results are shocking – especially compared to the entire U.S. population (now about 303,116,000). The numbers below are for households, not individuals.
• 1.6 million U.S. households already decided to move offshore and are headed in that direction.
• Another 1.8 million households are seriously considering moving and are likely to do it. Many have taken preliminary steps.
• 7.7 million households are “somewhat seriously” considering moving and “may” do it.
• Nearly 3 million households are seriously considering buying a vacation home or other property outside the United States. Another 10 million are “somewhat” seriously considering it.
This means that almost 10% of U.S. households are considering leaving the country. Another 10% are considering living outside the country part-time. Most analysts are ignoring this silent massive emigration.
These would-be emigrant households plan to spend an average of US$260,000 on buying or building a house. They’re also planning to spend at least US$36,000 annually on living expenses outside the United States.
In total, they represent hundreds of billions of dollars leaving the U.S. economy each year.
Bauman quoted John Gaver of ActionAmerica.org, who said:
The problem is that increasingly, the wealthy perceive that they are under attack by their own government and they are taking the only rational option left open to them. They’re taking their wealth and leaving.
And regarding the number of wealthy Americans who have already left the country, Bauman wrote:
Every year, about 250,000 U.S. citizens and resident aliens leave America to make a new home in some other nation.
In 2005, the U.S. Bureau of the Census upped this estimate. They guessed that over 350,000 U.S. citizens and resident aliens would leave the United States permanently.
On February 15, John Gaver wrote in a piece on ActionAmerica.org:
Wealthy US citizens continue to leave the US at an alarming rate…
Tax haven countries are recording significantly larger numbers of US applicants for permanent residence or second citizenship every year. Keep in mind that most of those expats are wealthy, since poor people can’t afford to leave. In fact, millions of poor people risk their lives in the back of trailers or crossing Arizona desert every year, to take advantage of our increasing welfare state. It is the wealthy, who are leaving and they represent lost US investment dollars and subsequently, LOST US JOBS…"
Those articles use word such as "Considering" or "Somewhat considering" that is a big difference from actually doing it.
Only 1.6 million have actually done anything, which is a small number like less than 1% of americans.
They also included americans who were "thinking" about "vacation homes" also.
Shit I have considered buying an expensive sports car plenty of times. Seriously considered living in a trailer home. But never have done either. Plenty of people consider and contemplate plenty of things that they never will do. If that is what you take in to consideration, you can find millions of people who consider about anything.
This alone tells this was written by someone who had his own agenda to make it look like more americans are leaving than reality.
While I do believe more americans than in the past have moved out of america. It has nothing to do with more being disgruntled with america. Its that the internet has made it easier to live anywhere while getting paid in american dollars. So one can live abroad for a few years and easily come back to america with a business still intact. This is what I feel a lot of the young entrepenuers are doing. Not because they are disgruntled with america but that they have the ability now to travel the world and experience new cultures while still earning a decent living.
Something which was almost impossible to do before the creation of the internet. Before then only children of the wealthy had that capability. They would backpack europe for a few years then come back and settle in. Now anyone with a sense of adventure and a business mind can do the same via the internet.
Its about being able to travel and see the world and not about escaping the USA
80% of Americans don't have passports and 90% of them have no concept of geography.....
Surprised the Numbers Aren't Higher
Due to the large number of immigrants that come here to work for a long time, and have in the back of their mind to save money and retire in their native country, I'm surprised the household number isn't higher.
OK, let's take a survey. How many of the guys on the board who have left the US did it for reasons [b]other[/b] than being disgruntled with America? Hint: not me. It's true I work over the internet earning US dollars but that was not the case when I left; I took a traditional face-to-face job when I left. And, I would have left even without a job.
For those who are considering expatriating themselves, let me give an additional piece of advice: have a portable trade. I myself am a skilled professional cook and I can make a shitty living doing that pretty much anywhere. I worked at a couple of restaurants here in Buenos Aires to get extra cash, and also to keep my skills sharp in case my internet job went away.
I had already "traveled and seen the world." In fact, I have traveled [b]less[/b] since I left the US!
[QUOTE=Jak]Due to the large number of immigrants that come here to work for a long time, and have in the back of their mind to save money and retire in their native country, I'm surprised the household number isn't higher.[/QUOTE]I believe at first a lot of immigrants do have that idea in mind. But after settling into the American lifestyle, their kids growing up american, quite a few never return. Whether its because they become settled into the community, making friends that they don't want to leave. Their kids growing up in America and the kids not wanting to leave, since they know nothing about their original country. All this contributes to them changing their minds and making America their home. Especially Those who are able to make it in america tend to stay in america which are the majority. Those who have a hard time and never really prosper are more likely to return.
Flat Out Ignorant
[QUOTE=Dickhead]OK, let's take a survey. How many of the guys on the board who have left the US did it for reasons [b]other[/b] than being disgruntled with America? Hint: not me. It's true I work over the internet earning US dollars but that was not the case when I left; I took a traditional face-to-face job when I left. And, I would have left even without a job.
I had already "traveled and seen the world." In fact, I have traveled [b]less[/b] since I left the US![/QUOTE]
I left for other reasons....
This is the same guy who says he is not a sex addict. So basically your sole motivation for moving overseas was pussy? Pussy caused you to be disgruntled as you just told us money was not the issue?
[QUOTE=Dickhead]Well, I don't hate the US but I don't want to live there. It's okay for a lot of my friends because they don't seem to give a shit about pussy. There is my friend from college who just came down here and got his mind totally blown; he says his wife doesn't like sex. There is my friend of over 30 years who says his wife cut him off ten years ago. Then there is my AW friend who fucks me every time I am up there but won't fuck her BF because she says he is too fat. He has to know I am fucking her. These guys just accept this. I have no idea why[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Dickhead] Your first point is excellent and is one of the reasons I feel marriage is an anachronism. On your second point, I don't really list mongering among my hobbies. It's more the way I deal with my physical needs. So, regarding your third point, sure, sex is not necessary for survival but I'd rather be dead than go without it[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Dickhead] I don't know about you guys but I like, totally, um, don't want to have to, like, go back there.[United States] [/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Dickhead] When I was younger, I used to put pussy ahead of money and career but I did not know why. Now that I am much older I still put pussy ahead of money and career but now I know exactly why: Pussy will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no pussy. [/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Dickhead] Being a "marriage-minded monger" is about the most dangerous thing I can think of. [/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Dickhead] Well, it is now six years since I bailed out of the US and I gotta say, for anyone who really feels that sex is an important part of their life, it's the only way to go. Is it risky? Yes. Do you have balls? Then take the risk. Are there some adjustments to be made, some problems that come up, and some bumps in the road? Yes. Is it a challenge to make a living? [/QUOTE]
No, creeping fascism is what caused me to leave the US permanently. Read: Bush, Cheney, Tom Tancredo, Marilyn Musgrave, etc. A secondary factor was the overly rushed lifestyle and focus on consumerism. If it had just been that the pussy scene sucks for a single older guy, which it really, really does, I would have just kept traveling and mongering like I had been doing.
Is that clear?
[QUOTE=Dickhead]A secondary factor was the overly rushed lifestyle and focus on consumerism.[/QUOTE]For me it's the factor#1 for most of the problems.
[QUOTE=Dickhead]If it had just been that the pussy scene sucks for a single older guy, which it really, really does,[/QUOTE]Haha, I would add the pussy scene in USA sucks for everybody. But of course just few realize that. Many young guys only bullshit about pussy all the time but almost never get it. I have seen this bullshit when went to college.
What ?
[QUOTE=Illogic]I left for other reasons....
This is the same guy who says he is not a sex addict. So basically your sole motivation for moving overseas was pussy? Pussy caused you to be disgruntled as you just told us money was not the issue?[/QUOTE]
How about: “The desire for freedom made him leave” ?
Can´t detect any ignorance in there… or are you supporting the sexual prohibition in the US ?
Earlier I called something Illogic said "flat out ignorant" so I am sure this is just payback for that. I don't remember what it was he said any more. My biggest single motivation was a desire not to pay taxes to support the war in Iraq. You have to be out of the country 11 months a year (330 full days) to accomplish that.
[QUOTE=Dickhead]No, creeping fascism is what caused me to leave the US permanently. Read: Bush, Cheney, Tom Tancredo, Marilyn Musgrave, etc. A secondary factor was the overly rushed lifestyle and focus on consumerism. If it had just been that the pussy scene sucks for a single older guy, which it really, really does, I would have just kept traveling and mongering like I had been doing.
Is that clear?[/QUOTE]Thank God, I still am young. But the pussy scene here sucks for me. I was in europe and I had sex with more girls in one month than I ever had for 23yrs here in the US.
[QUOTE=Castonthis]Thank God, I still am young. But the pussy scene here sucks for me. I was in europe and I had sex with more girls in one month than I ever had for 23yrs here in the US.[/QUOTE]
I agree it sucks. That's why many American guys get fooled into getting married, only to find American gals are not at all interested in sex. Thank goodness I found the escort scene, if not I would've been in a world of hurt. I mean.....dick falling off, due to lack of use, kinda hurt.
Moving Overseas For Pussy Only....
[QUOTE=Dolphin12]How about: “The desire for freedom made him leave” ?
Can´t detect any ignorance in there… or are you supporting the sexual prohibition in the US ?
In no way am I supporting the draconian laws governing the sex industry in the US but at the same time in the country where I live prostitution is so rampant it can be depressing sometime. I was offered a girl working behind the counter of Seven Eleven by a guy yesterday morning.
I monger but what type of person would wish this as I just described above on his own country….
I called another prominent poster on this..... as leaving behind everything you know only to move to another country for pussy IMHO is silly…to each his own but living in a foreign country is not all peaches and cream, jealous locals, rogue cops, laws governing foreigners etc….and I sure wouldn’t do it while having to scrounge for money its ridiculous.
"I monger but what type of person would wish this as I just described above on his own country…."
ME! ME! ME! I would like it. You talk about a 7-11. I think pussy should be on a rack by the door just like Slim Jims. You live in the PI, right? Never been there. But that is the Third World. I am in the Second World. In five + years I have never been hassled by a cop here. That is as opposed to my native US where they kicked me down a flight of stairs with my hands cuffed behind my back, and where I spent 17 days in jail for armed robbery when I was 100% innocent (not really the cops' fault; long story), and where I was taken to de-tox 15 miles away with my hands AGAIN cuffed behind my back for drunk walking. And where I was I subject to illegal search and seizure and the cop said: "It'll be illegal search and SQUEEZure of your neck if you don't shut the fuck up." Shit like that. Oh yeah and in my first job out of college a co-worker was upset about an assignment she couldn't figure out and I put my HAND on her SHOULDER to EMPATHIZE and was accused of sexual harassment. FUCK a whole bunch of THAT shit!
The locals are not jealous. People here don't want to move to the US and don't want a work-centered life style.
What is depressing about going into a 7-11 and being offered the opportunity to fuck someone? You don't want to do it, use the Nancy Reagan D.A.R.E approach and "just say no."
Laws governing foreigners? Not here, baby. I don't need residency or paperwork or nothin' like that. It's ALL peaches and cream. The peaches here are good (seriously, good fruit here but the veggies suck) and the cream is great (excellent dairy products). And you can cream on the peaches if you know what I mean.
Some fucks just don't do their homework. I did my homework and I paid my dues and although I am not "scrounging money" down here I would rather be flat-ass broke down here than have the middle-class lifestyle I had up there. I think the jealous one is you, baby. You picked the wrong place!
You talk about "leaving behind everything you know." That implies not knowing jack shit beyond the US. I would counter that leaving behind everything you know is very liberating. Powerful men have been doing that for thousands of years. This is a good thing for the gene pool among other considerations.
70% of the gringos I know here pursue a lifestyle where they have to change as little as possible. [b]Those[/b] guys are the ones who might have issues with some of the things you are talking about. Instead, practice cultural immersion. [b]That[/b] is the way to go!
Peace out,
Wow this is a heated debate for sure. Only things I will add were some things Bill Maher said on his show. He said one of the main problems with the U.S. is nobody really cares about each other here. Were too consumed to make more and more money. He talked about how in Iraq they used cheap wiring in the showers for our soldiers and i think like 3 died. All so a company can save money and profit.
Its greed is whats making things bad here, and it will in my opinion make things worse here. People will sue anyone for anything these days too. Google Capt Crunch Berries lawsuit for a prime example. Nobody takes responsibility for themselves anymore either or anyone else.
No I never lived outside the U.S. before but traveled outside more than a few times, and would love to move to another country some day.
I just want to reinforce everything Dickhead has said. I'm constantly reading about all the supposed problems of moving to Colombia, but in my case it really has been very painless in terms of paperwork and getting myself established etc. The huge difference is, I learned the local language and culture as much as I could before ever showing up there, much less moving there.
And the concept that one can only earn any decent money in the US is outdated and laughable, to say the least. I've personally proven that one wrong as can be in the past 10 months.
Flat Out Ignorant Part Dalawa
[QUOTE=Dickhead]"I monger but what type of person would wish this as I just described above on his own country…."
ME! ME! ME! I would like it. You talk about a 7-11. I think pussy should be on a rack by the door just like Slim Jims. [/QUOTE]
This is just pathetic. Pussy is not some item to be sold off to highest bidder. It belongs to women, a breathing fucking human being. Get a grip….I would hate it if the US as where I live selling pussy was one of the only ways to make a decent living. I would hate if I found a relative of mine sucked dick and took it up the ass from deranged senior citizens because they didn’t have a choice. One point for hated US for making this not the case.
[QUOTE=Dickhead]" You live in the PI, right? Never been there. But that is the Third World. I am in the Second World. In five + years I have never been hassled by a cop here. That is as opposed to my native US where they kicked me down a flight of stairs with my hands cuffed behind my back, and where I spent 17 days in jail for armed robbery when I was 100% innocent (not really the cops' fault; long story), and where I was taken to de-tox 15 miles away with my hands AGAIN cuffed behind my back for drunk walking. And where I was I subject to illegal search and seizure and the cop said: "It'll be illegal search and SQUEEZure of your neck if you don't shut the fuck up." Shit like that. Oh yeah and in my first job out of college a co-worker was upset about an assignment she couldn't figure out and I put my HAND on her SHOULDER to EMPATHIZE and was accused of sexual harassment. FUCK a whole bunch of THAT shit! [/QUOTE]
Yeah I live in the third world but my US (hated America at work again) Gov paid six-figure salary shields me from it. So what you had some bad experiences with US cops…who hasn’t. The girl didn’t like you and maybe thought you were a little weird as I do. Why did you touch her if you were not invited? I have never been bothered by cops in PI but I have been harassed at the Airport by US officials and cops on the streets of my American slum…still I was just unlucky to run afoul of some silly people in uniform. They do not reflect their respective law enforcement agencies or my country.
[QUOTE=Dickhead]"What is depressing about going into a 7-11 and being offered the opportunity to fuck someone? You don't want to do it, use the Nancy Reagan D.A.R.E approach and "just say no." [/QUOTE]
The fact that a lot of the women here see this as the only opportunity they have to make some money that’s what I see is depressing. That they have to go home with guys that are not going to treat them like I do and be treated like shit by the natives of their own country for what they do….
[QUOTE=Dickhead]"Laws governing foreigners? Not here, baby. I don't need residency or paperwork or nothin' like that. It's ALL peaches and cream. The peaches here are good (seriously, good fruit here but the veggies suck) and the cream is great (excellent dairy products). And you can cream on the peaches if you know what I mean. [/QUOTE]
LOL. Man check out the PI boards photo gallery. :) The "peaches and cream" of PI are probably the number one contestant for the best in Asia.
[QUOTE=Dickhead]"Some fucks just don't do their homework. I did my homework and I paid my dues and although I am not "scrounging money" down here I would rather be flat-ass broke down here than have the middle-class lifestyle I had up there. I think the jealous one is you, baby. You picked the wrong place! [/QUOTE]
Jealous of what? In the words of Sho’nuff (from the Last Dragon movie) “Mother-Fucker Please!” What do we have to be jealous of? Your monthly income of $2000 that you so proudly tell us about or the fact that you live close to *****houses. :D The average PI expat got you beat by a long-shot.
Man you need money to live in this world no matter where you choose to live and anit no fucking way I would be trying to live in a foreign country and rubbing two sticks to together to make money when I could go back to my home country work and save and then retire in any country I choose and not have to worry about money…
You got guys who move to Thailand to teach English for peanuts for what? To each his own but damn…I would rather have money than pussy because money will always get you pussy but what will pussy get you?
[QUOTE=Dickhead]"You talk about "leaving behind everything you know." That implies not knowing jack shit beyond the US. I would counter that leaving behind everything you know is very liberating. Powerful men have been doing that for thousands of years. This is a good thing for the gene pool among other considerations. [/QUOTE]
That’s bullshit. There is a Lot of guys who travel but still call and will always call the US home. Powerful men. I wonder do powerful men sit and whine all day about how much their country sucks how they can’t get quality pussy. Anyone thinks Donald Trump or Barack Obama is doing this?
[QUOTE=Dickhead]Earlier I called something Illogic said "flat out ignorant" so I am sure this is just payback for that. I don't remember what it was he said any more. My biggest single motivation was a desire not to pay taxes to support the war in Iraq. You have to be out of the country 11 months a year (330 full days) to accomplish that.[/QUOTE]
Nah no payback. I just find you amusing and full of shit :D
While we ***** and complain about AW not putting out, you have a few million American, Canadian, Western European women heading down to the Caribbean Islands to get fucked. I'm from one of the Islands, so I know this happens for a fact. Hotel event planners, especially, have it so good, they have a constant supply of free pussy from all over the world especially the U.S. Is this fucked up or what.
Where did I say my monthly income was $2000? I said I live on $2000. I make about twice that (although it varies from year to year, which can be annoying) and I only work seven months a year, and I can work drunk and naked with a joint in my hand while a chica is sucking my dick. And if I feel like blowing off work for a couple of days, I can do it and nobody even knows.
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax]While we ***** and complain about AW not putting out, you have a few million American, Canadian, Western European women heading down to the Caribbean Islands to get fucked. I'm from one of the Islands, so I know this happens for a fact. Hotel event planners, especially, have it so good, they have a constant supply of free pussy from all over the world especially the U.S.[/QUOTE]
I know what you're taking about. I've seen plenty of young Swedish girls getting their holes rooted out and their backs broken by wild looking Rastafari on the beach. These girls pay for everything, including the cost of being rooted and supplied with ganja. These European and North American girls also think nothing of leaving the comfort of their rooms in the all-inclusive resorts to lay up in a Rastafari shack for a multi-day rooting session. Several years ago reggae singers came up with the term "cabin stabbing" to describe this phenomenon.
[QUOTE=D Cups]Illogic -- your screen name says it all! I have to weigh in with Dickhead, Bango Cheito and Neon Noodle here.[/QUOTE]
D cups yeah your the same guy who popped up on the PI boards looking for girls with big tits. That is Asia.
Please explain yourself Because I monger I can't think it is a raw deal? D cups do you have a sister or a daughter? If not I know you have a mother come on man...this sex work stuff is not all good...
Morality or religion has nothing to do with it for me. I am devout atheist and while I have not experienced no negative aspects of mongering in person I do know there is a dark side to it and if you read these pages you will also.
You guys think I am crazy. I think you guys are crazy. To each his own.
[QUOTE=Illogic] Morality or religion has nothing to do with it for me. I am devout atheist and while I have not experienced no negative aspects of mongering in person I do know there is a dark side to it and if you read these pages you will also.[/QUOTE]That's right, I think in many things there is a dark side. For example in USA you can buy cheap clothes, but probably some child labor overseas was used in order to make it.
[QUOTE=Illogic]You guys think I am crazy. I think you guys are crazy. To each his own.[/QUOTE]I don't think you're crazy, only different points of view. I am not from USA, but have been there for a while and have seen how people from different "classes" live, also have been to about other 25-30 countries. In general, I'm not impressed much, potentially USA could be a much better place.
What Dickhead, Bango Cheito and others say, makes a lot of sense for me from what I have seen.
I think, Illogic, you talk mostly from your own point of view. The US government gave you a 6 figure salary, you can spend it elsewhere, get plenty of girls in other countries, so of course you're really happy with the US.
Try to get into the shoes of an average American who lives in America. And your life will be pathetic. Not everybody can be like Donald Trump, Obama or even like yourself. And most people will never be like you! 90% or so.
Most people have no idea how it could be in other countries, so they do not complain much.
I have met some guys in USA who do not have any hope that they will be with any women in their life. Even ugly girls turn them down.
Of course you can say that's their fault, they have to work on themselves, they have to go to gym, etc. But what if they are already too old, fat, or handicapped or just shy? In USA they have almost ZERO chance for women.
On the other hand in other countries you can meet many guys who are less good looking, less successful, may also be drunks, abusive, etc. But they do not have problems with women, at least not to the extend as it is in US.
On top of that add that most people are in debt, most of their time they are worried how to pay bills, not to get fired, how to fix the house, the car, how to finance the next big screen TV, how to lose 20 pounds, etc. Also paid sex is illegal, you can get arrested only because you got horny and asked the question "how much" and your car can be taken away. This type of life is full of crap, how can someone not see that.
Well, sure, you can monger and think it's a raw deal at the same time. I believe it's known as [b]hypocrisy[/b] and it's quite popular.
Let me get this right. AW have a lot of sex overseas but never her with us AM? Is that what the latinos are saying?
There is more to life than just sex, and work. Seems like some of you have gotten rid of the work thing but not the sex thing. I don't pursure much of either, anymore. And I am content.
Let Us Reason
You said, “Morality or religion has nothing to do with it for me.” But that statement is not true. It is not true because you are expressing your belief about what is right and wrong concerning human conduct. This is moral judgment even though you may not practice any religion or subscribe to any particular school of moral philosophy.
[QUOTE=Illogic]This is just pathetic. Pussy is not some item to be sold off to highest bidder. It belongs to women, a breathing fucking human being. Get a grip….I would hate it if the US as where I live selling pussy was one of the only ways to make a decent living. I would hate if I found a relative of mine sucked dick and took it up the ass from deranged senior citizens because they didn’t have a choice. One point for hated US for making this not the case.[/QUOTE]
This is a clear moral value judgment. Though the imagery conjured up of “deranged senior citizens” running around fucking people up the ass, for a fee of course, did elicit a chuckle.
I believe that you chose the name, “Illogic” to express the illogical nature of a monger who loves to fuck prostitutes but who also has strong misgivings about indulging in prostitution. You manifest a love and loathing of prostitution. I fear these conflicting forces will eventually destroy you. You see mongering as a pathology, the symptom of a sickness called sexual addiction. If you truly believe that you are a sex addict then you should seek resolution through professional help. You will not find happiness by feeding an addiction via methods that you despise.
You believe that these women don’t have a choice in selling their ass, some may not, but many do. Yes. Some of them may be living in poverty but instead of doing back-breaking work or subsistence farming they chose to sell their asses as an easy way out. They may not see taking some old deranged wanker’s cock up the ass, down the throat and in the pussy as defiling. You see it as defiling from your point of view. From their point of view you may be the one who is defiled by having to pay for something that they do for free with others. You will note that mongers on this board never cease to express surprise when they discover that a bargirl was supporting a local boyfriend with the money she made on her back with foreigners. They can’t understand it. From the bargirl’s perspective she was only doing what she had to do to support the man she loves. A well paid American can hardly be expected to understand why an Asian girl willingly chooses to sell her ass.
Consider this. There are numerous English-speaking islands in the Caribbean that can be considered poverty-stricken from the American/Western European point of view. Yet, these destinations are considered to be terrible for the sex tourist because there aren’t hordes of poor women selling their asses at the docks. You will see plenty of women hawking arts and crafts or agricultural products in open air markets. They have limited choices. They can make more money selling their asses to tourists but most don’t. So what is the different between the Third World English-speaking Caribbean and the Philippines? Attitudes toward sex, and more specifically attitudes towards selling sex. Just because a country is poor doesn’t mean that the women have no other choice to make a living than selling ass. I’m sure that the Filipinas have to justify why they’re selling their asses and poverty happens to be an excellent excuse. It is the same excuse that youngsters from the projects use when they murder someone on the streets to steal a few dollars. They were born and raised in America but they will tell you that they had no choice in becoming criminals. In their minds they are victims of society. That is reality from their point of view.
It is not what goes into a woman’s ass that defiles her, but what comes out of the monger’s mouth who puts that thing in her ass.
What he said. For example, my favorita is a barber (I guess really a hairdresser; her specialty is tinting and dyeing), trained and licensed. She has a high school education and could also work as a seamstress. She has her own barber shop now but before, when she was working in a puti club, she certainly could have worked as a barber, in someone else's shop, and made enough money to survive. Instead, she [b]freely chose[/b] to work as a hooker for five years to save up the money to set up her own shop. She [b]preferred[/b] working for herself. She is [b]entrepreneurial[/b]. I know another hooker here who is trained as a pastry chef. She says she could, in fact, make just about the same money as a pastry chef but it would mean either working very early mornings in a bakery or late nights in a restaurant. She [b]chooses to[/b] work in a privado because she can work 11A-8P and only has to work one Saturday a month. Try finding a restaurant job where you only have to work one Saturday a month. She likes being with her kids on the weekends. Plus, she likes to fuck and suck!
Yes Lets....
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger] Illogic:
You said, “Morality or religion has nothing to do with it for me.” But that statement is not true. It is not true because you are expressing your belief about what is right and wrong concerning human conduct. This is moral judgment even though you may not practice any religion or subscribe to any particular school of moral philosophy. [/QUOTE]
I don’t think prostitution or mongering is wrong. I think it is depressing when it is the only option or when a young lady thinks it is the only option available to her to earn a living.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger] This is a clear moral value judgment. Though the imagery conjured up of “deranged senior citizens” running around fucking people up the ass, for a fee of course, did elicit a chuckle.[/QUOTE]
Come on man you read these pages more than anyone so I know you have read it all. Guys fucking WGs up the ass. Anally injuring them then saying oh well …like its all good.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger] I believe that you chose the name, “Illogic” to express the illogical nature of a monger who loves to fuck prostitutes but who also has strong misgivings about indulging in prostitution. You manifest a love and loathing of prostitution. [/QUOTE]
I used Warbucks because that is where my money came from Bush’s wars. (Which I will be returning to because it had nice ring to it.) I renamed myself Illogic because of my life is Illogical…grew up in the slums now living the good life. That is Illogical.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]I fear these conflicting forces will eventually destroy you. [/QUOTE]
Destroy me how?
Let’s see:
Nope. Every heard of a conscious rapper? I am conscious monger. I monger but I am conscious of what I am doing and what creates this favorable environment for mongering. I am not deranged lunatic running around fist full of dollars, dick in hand “fuck a WG” I am going to get mine nah bruh that anit me.
I could stop working now if I wanted to even though if I did I would have to budget like my life depended on it. I will be set for life in three years. I have not even hit 30 yet. While my lifestyle is decadent I am forever mindful of my budget and what I am spending on mongering and everyday life shit in general.
Always use condoms and KY to keep the condoms from popping. (Trojan Magnum Ultra-thin) Never kiss strange mouths or lick strange pussies. Hit the gym like a mad man when I am not mongering. Annual checks ups. Clean as the board of health.
This is the biggy. You want to see what a man looks like destroyed emotionally. Take long hard look at Dick Head and Opebo off the Thailand boards. I will never end up like these jokers. Nough said on that.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger] You see mongering as a pathology, the symptom of a sickness called sexual addiction. If you truly believe that you are a sex addict then you should seek resolution through professional help. You will not find happiness by feeding an addiction via methods that you despise. [/QUOTE]
I said countless times I think I am sex addict. I also think you and all rest of you guys on ISG are also. Look at what Einstein said he would rather have pussy than money WHAT THE FUCK? Lot of other forums to discuss politics, hatred for America and its people but you guys come here to read the stories about sex and google at the photos about sex you guys are in denial.
How many of you guys been reading my reports last few days come on now let’s be honest? Naw no need for me seek help. I am in total control but a guy who says he prefers pussy over money well….
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger] You believe that these women don’t have a choice in selling their ass, some may not, but many do. Yes. Some of them may be living in poverty but instead of doing back-breaking work or subsistence farming they chose to sell their asses as an easy way out. They may not see taking some old deranged wanker’s cock up the ass, down the throat and in the pussy as defiling. You see it as defiling from your point of view. From their point of view you may be the one who is defiled by having to pay for something that they do for free with others. You will note that mongers on this board never cease to express surprise when they discover that a bargirl was supporting a local boyfriend with the money she made on her back with foreigners. They can’t understand it. From the bargirl’s perspective she was only doing what she had to do to support the man she loves. A well paid American can hardly be expected to understand why an Asian girl willingly chooses to sell her ass. [/QUOTE]
I wasn’t always a well paid American. In my youth I sold drugs, I robbed, I stole. I know what a lack of money can make a humans do. What you guys fail to understand is that I have a problem when people think it is the only choice they got…I always give Rubbery Nursery a hard time but she had a first world choice she made it don’t know why? But more power to her.
We all boast about the sex industry on this board but it must be took for what it is worth. STDs, rouge mongers, rogue working girls, Rougue prostitution Establishments, read these pages.
We got a thread on the PI board called Robbed While Walking because of multiple of muggings in a well known monger area. LOL
I wish you guys would stop comparing sex work to normal jobs it’s ridiculous. DH said he is a cook. I would cook to make living. Would I suck a dick? Um No.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger] Consider this. There are numerous English-speaking islands in the Caribbean that can be considered poverty-stricken from the American/Western European point of view. Yet, these destinations are considered to be terrible for the sex tourist because there aren’t hordes of poor women selling their asses at the docks. You will see plenty of women hawking arts and crafts or agricultural products in open air markets. They have limited choices. They can make more money selling their asses to tourists but most don’t. So what is the different between the Third World English-speaking Caribbean and the Philippines? Attitudes toward sex, and more specifically attitudes towards selling sex. Just because a country is poor doesn’t mean that the women have no other choice to make a living than selling ass. I’m sure that the Filipinas have to justify why they’re selling their asses and poverty happens to be an excellent excuse. It is the same excuse that youngsters from the projects use when they murder someone on the streets to steal a few dollars. They were born and raised in America but they will tell you that they had no choice in becoming criminals. In their minds they are victims of society. That is reality from their point of view. [/QUOTE]
True. There are Filipinas that I personally know who are poor as all hell but would never lay down with a man for money. What makes a women turn prostitute? What makes a man turn into a trick?
If you know anything about the Philippines it’s a very conservative Catholic country. Things sexual are frowned on big time. A lot of these girls will be with a monger at night and will go to Mass in the morning without delay.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger] It is not what goes into a woman’s ass that defiles her, but what comes out of the monger’s mouth who puts that thing in her ass. [/QUOTE]
Like I said I am conscious I never insult or look down on WGs. I always make sure they are having a good time when one decides to join me for a night cap.
I have had WGs tell me they are *****s and are down on themselves I have gave them pep talks, gave them financial advice, etc man you guys think yall know me but yall don’t know jack shit.
Damn you guys have to be kidding me if you think the majority of women are in the P4P business because they just want to make easy money. But then it wouldn't surprise me, because one has to somewhat think this way to be a proud monger in the first place. A large percentage of women are forced/coherced/pushed into the business by various people.organized crime, pimps, family and economic situations.
The reason those carribean countries don't have very many prostitutes is the very thing you mention. They get enough tourism that the majority of the women can make a decent living selling hand made goods to tourist. Or they have plenty of job opportunities working in hotels, casinos, a lot of other tourist related jobs. Especially since they have relatively small populations, especially compared to the amount of tourism. There is only one carribean island known as a monger location for men. Which is the DR. The island is split with Haiti the poorest country on this side of the world, and the DR doesn't enjoy the same tourism (except for mongers) as most of the other carribean islands.
If you've ever been to the PI, which I doubt. You'd know tourism is not very high compared to the number of people in the country. Its almost non existent in most of the islands where the majority of women who work in the business come from. Like leyte, samar and the other southern provinces. There is no industry and very little opportunities. In the PI competition for work is so high, you need a college degree to get a job in Mcdonalds. And even then you start out on a 6 mth contract for a very low wage. Often they are let go after their contracts has expired.
Sure there a quite a few women who get into the business of their own choice.
But you have got to be just plain ignorant or just want to close your eyes to the facts not to realize there are a lot of women forced into the business. Once they have been at it for a few years, its all they know and it then becomes who they are. Most are uneducated and don't see how they can do anything else at that point.
Its widely known a lot of women are tricked into the trade worldwide. Often thru agencies which advertise jobs as waitresses, care givers, entertainers. Once the girls arrive, their passports are taken and forced into the business to repay a ridiculous debt which they are told they have incurred.
let’s keep this civil. shall we? yes. i read the story about opebo’s anal wounding of a thai prostitute. and i admit the story was disturbing. i’m not denying that a journey into prostitution can often read like the heart of darkness. but you have to admit that there is hardly a human endeavor that does not have a dark side. we’re practically [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125][CodeWord125][/url] and polluting the earth to generate the energy needed to power the computers that we use to make these posts among other things. are we going to stop using computers? probably not, but we can look for less harmful ways to produce energy through research and open dialogue.
did i read your recent reports on the philippine thread? yes, i did. i rather enjoyed your writing style and found your point of view from the black monger’s perspective to be interesting. your description of the poor filipina prostitute’s reaction to your “alabama black snake” was quite entertaining. your writing style is unorthodox and extremely refreshing. do i think i know you? of course not, that would be a rather asinine assumption to make from anonymous board of sex hobbyist wouldn’t it? however, when you express strong misgivings about prostitution and then i read about you fucking some tight wet stuff for a fistful of dollars, sorry, but i can’t help but wonder what the fuck is going on. try reading your own posts as though you were someone else and you will get the picture. be honest, if you read one of my posts stating that drugs were terrible because so many lives are destroyed in its production, distribution, and consumption then a couple days later i report about how much of a great time i had snorting a few lines of coke in colombia, wouldn’t you wonder what the fuck was up with chocha monger?
am i a sex addict? i don’t think so. but i do enjoy a good sex yarn. like most guys it’s not busting the nut that’s the highlight, but telling your buddies about it. an addiction implies a lack of self control. i would never access isg from a work computer. an addict is unable to exercise that kind of discretion. also, many times i pass attractive hookers on the street. in fact, a few days ago i almost rear ended an “old deranged citizen” who slammed on his brakes to pick one up. i would never pick one up and believe me i’m talking about pretty young white hookers, not hardened crackheads. why? for one it is illegal in the us and i’m not about to get on the registered sex offender’s list, have my vehicle confirep001ed and be barred from employment over a piece of ass. an addict would risk all for a chance at some pink.
i enjoy coming to isg because it is an open forum where we can discuss sexual politics without religious nuts passing judgment. how many people can you truly express your views about sex with in the us without being branded a pervert, a social pariah? if you asked me if i was a sex addict in my late teens, i would probably have told you yes. back then i made some bad decisions based mainly on genital stimulation. now thankfully i am more level-headed and apt to think with the big head rather than the little one.
anyway bro, you say that you have it under control and you’re not running down a rail road of pussy to disaster contrary to your beliefs. you say that you’re a discerning monger. i don’t know you, so i take your word for it. not that i would have held it against you if you were a deranged wanker with a fistful of dollars plowing through stacks of filipina pussy.
I can say this with a straight face....
I love you guys... They say American don't care about each other. On a large scale that's true, but not for me. I would HATE to see any of you guys get into trouble or contract something horrible and life threating.
DH and CM make excellent points about living overseas or being an expat.
I'm working to that goal myself, I believe that the US always tries 10 different things before doing the right thing and then saying "Why didn't we do that before????"
I am not going to be here for its slow and painful death. It will get to the near death point before it realizes it can't continue down the same road when it comes to the economy, foreign policy and domestic policy.
I'm not a sex addict, I hardly fuck at all. I would like to have sex more often, but I am not willing to jump through the hoops and play the games AW constantly want you to do. Also at my age, its HIGHLY unlikely I would find somebody that's over 30 and child-less. In fact I rather have somebody around mid 20's and that's nearly impossible in America unless your rich, period.
There's plenty of merit for leaving, I don't see why IIlogic wants to poo-poo the idea of escaping America for sexual reasons. I say it one of the better reasons to leave what are your choices?
DH could get it free, but he believes "free" has side-effects he rather not deal with and I don't blame him. So his favorite he gives her a "donation" out of respect for her time, though she's willing to give him what she charges others free.
So while some people (basically only ONE person here) touts America like its the greatest thing since sliced bread, nobody has informed him the "Greatness" train left around 1968 and this country has been on a downward spiral ever sense...
he he he. i am "emotionally destroyed." i just found that out. actually when i was in the us for about the last five or ten years i was emotionally [b]numb[/b] or maybe emotionally [b]bankrupt[/b]. say what you want about me but please do not compare me to opebo in the same sentence. first of all i am not an anal sex devotee; i do that maybe once or twice a year and only upon request. second of all i am not a misanthrope. third of all i treat my hookers with respect and would never injure one.
dj4 might be giving me too much credit, though. would my favorita fuck me for free? i've often wondered that myself but i guess i am too chickenshit to want to find out. i suspect she would if we lived nearby but it is a three hour round trip under perfect circumstances and she has an opportunity cost because she closes her barber shop. i keep telling her that is no way to run a business. would you patronize a barber whose shop may or may not be open on a random basis? she says it doesn't matter because all her clientele are local and will just come back. i doubt that very much.
however i also suspect that if she had not been a hooker she would never have gone out with me in the first place. i could be wrong about that too. i believe she has an electra complex although really in the scheme of things she is not that much younger than i am (52 vs. 34). it's funny because when i was a teenager i was attracted to women in the 30-35 range and now i am attracted to women in the ... 30-35 range. i was also attracted to women in the 30-35 range when i was in that range. feel free to psychoanalyze that. you could say oedipus but i don't know about that because my mom was 40 when she had me.
tg865, absolutely there is forced prostitution many places in the world. where i live doesn't happen to be one of them (it exists in argentina but not in buenos aires city; it exists in poor barrios in the suburbs) but i don't participate in it. i would never do that, and i've been pursuing this hobby long enough to know the difference (37 years now). forced prostitution and pimping are horrible things and if you go back to my earliest postings we had quite a discussion on that: "i hate pimps."
pimps are lazy freeloaders. on the argentina board i got into quite a beef with a guy whom i knew personally when he accused me of taking commissions from my hooker friends when i set them up with my buddies. no no no. i just want everyone to get laid and have a good time. i have a job and don't need to pimp. anybody wants to come to my town, i meet them and if i like them, i know six or seven women who want to fuck tourists for money. they want and need pussy and have money. my friends have pussy and want and need money. this is the doctrine of comparative advantage from econ 101. i like to meet new people and i like for my friends to have nice people to fuck.
illogic, dj, bango, chocha, and all you guys seem like good peeps and you all are intelligent and have good points of view. opebo, if he is for real, is a germ that needs to be terminated. maybe one of you military types could work on that. i think maybe he read "the prince" and took it just a little too seriously.
illogic, i don't think your analogy about cooking and sucking dick is a good one. it should be: "would i [b]eat pussy[/b] for a living." never kiss any strange mouths? all i can do there is quote the great 20th century us humorist, will rogers: "a stranger is just a friend you haven't met yet." if i don't want to kiss her, why would i want to fuck her? any hooker who doesn't want to kiss me does not get a return engagement. all this las vegas style crap about don't kiss me don't touch my pussy don't suck my titties does not apply in south america, although i certainly saw a lot of it in méxico.
you want good sex, go to a country with a low rate of church attendance. argentina has the lowest rate of church attendance in latin america. yes, most people will say they are catholics (although there are also a lot of jews in ba) but they say church is where you go to "get married and get buried."
peace out,
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]Damn you guys have to be kidding me if you think the majority of women are in the P4P business because they just want to make easy money. But then it wouldn't surprise me, because one has to somewhat think this way to be a proud monger in the first place. A large percentage of women are forced/coherced/pushed into the business by various people.organized crime, pimps, family and economic situations.
The reason those carribean countries don't have very many prostitutes is the very thing you mention. They get enough tourism that the majority of the women can make a decent living selling hand made goods to tourist. Or they have plenty of job opportunities working in hotels, casinos, a lot of other tourist related jobs. Especially since they have relatively small populations, especially compared to the amount of tourism. There is only one carribean island known as a monger location for men. Which is the DR. The island is split with Haiti the poorest country on this side of the world, and the DR doesn't enjoy the same tourism (except for mongers) as most of the other carribean islands.
If you've ever been to the PI, which I doubt. You'd know tourism is not very high compared to the number of people in the country. Its almost non existent in most of the islands where the majority of women who work in the business come from. Like leyte, samar and the other southern provinces. There is no industry and very little opportunities. In the PI competition for work is so high, you need a college degree to get a job in Mcdonalds. And even then you start out on a 6 mth contract for a very low wage. Often they are let go after their contracts has expired.
Sure there a quite a few women who get into the business of their own choice.
But you have got to be just plain ignorant or just want to close your eyes to the facts not to realize there are a lot of women forced into the business. Once they have been at it for a few years, its all they know and it then becomes who they are. Most are uneducated and don't see how they can do anything else at that point.
Its widely known a lot of women are tricked into the trade worldwide. Often thru agencies which advertise jobs as waitresses, care givers, entertainers. Once the girls arrive, their passports are taken and forced into the business to repay a ridiculous debt which they are told they have incurred.[/QUOTE]
No one ever said that all of these women are in it voluntarily. Sure some are coerced into working in the sex trade just as some are coerced into the sweatshops of the textile industry. But that hasn't stopped you from flying halfway around the world with a fistful of dollars and a Viagra inflamed cock to fuck these women for 20 years. Has it?
I'm sure that you also know that research has shown that the majority of men using Filipina prostitutes are Filipinos. So obviously there is money being made by people in the Philippines, enough to fund their vices.
Women also made a living in the Philippines before servicemen and senior citizens from America, Australia and Europe showed up peddling their cocks. When the sex trade ends they will continue to make a living. As global oil stocks continue to decline and air travel becomes increasingly expensive sex tourism will dwindle. Economics will certainly curb the number of sex crazed geriatrics flying halfway around the world from the US to engage in this trade.
Perhaps this organization [url]http://www.change.org/coalition_against_trafficking_in_women_international_catw/details/about[/url] is more appropriate for you instead of a forum of punters. You can donate the cost of your trips to the Philippines plus your subscription. I'm sure you will find plenty of like minded activists there.
[quote=dickhead]he he he. i am "emotionally destroyed." i just found that out. actually when i was in the us for about the last five or ten years i was emotionally [b]numb[/b] or maybe emotionally [b]bankrupt[/b]. say what you want about me but please do not compare me to opebo in the same sentence. first of all i am not an anal sex devotee; i do that maybe once or twice a year and only upon request. second of all i am not a misanthrope. third of all i treat my hookers with respect and would never injure one.
dj4 might be giving me too much credit, though. would my favorita fuck me for free? i've often wondered that myself but i guess i am too chickenshit to want to find out. i suspect she would if we lived nearby but it is a three hour round trip under perfect circumstances and she has an opportunity cost because she closes her barber shop. i keep telling her that is no way to run a business. would you patronize a barber whose shop may or may not be open on a random basis? she says it doesn't matter because all her clientele are local and will just come back. i doubt that very much.
however i also suspect that if she had not been a hooker she would never have gone out with me in the first place. i could be wrong about that too. i believe she has an electra complex although really in the scheme of things she is not that much younger than i am (52 vs. 34). it's funny because when i was a teenager i was attracted to women in the 30-35 range and now i am attracted to women in the ... 30-35 range. i was also attracted to women in the 30-35 range when i was in that range. feel free to psychoanalyze that. you could say oedipus but i don't know about that because my mom was 40 when she had me.
tg865, absolutely there is forced prostitution many places in the world. where i live doesn't happen to be one of them (it exists in argentina but not in buenos aires city; it exists in poor barrios in the suburbs) but i don't participate in it. i would never do that, and i've been pursuing this hobby long enough to know the difference (37 years now). forced prostitution and pimping are horrible things and if you go back to my earliest postings we had quite a discussion on that: "i hate pimps."
pimps are lazy freeloaders. on the argentina board i got into quite a beef with a guy whom i knew personally when he accused me of taking commissions from my hooker friends when i set them up with my buddies. no no no. i just want everyone to get laid and have a good time. i have a job and don't need to pimp. anybody wants to come to my town, i meet them and if i like them, i know six or seven women who want to fuck tourists for money. they want and need pussy and have money. my friends have pussy and want and need money. this is the doctrine of comparative advantage from econ 101. i like to meet new people and i like for my friends to have nice people to fuck.
illogic, dj, bango, chocha, and all you guys seem like good peeps and you all are intelligent and have good points of view. opebo, if he is for real, is a germ that needs to be terminated. maybe one of you military types could work on that. i think maybe he read "the prince" and took it just a little too seriously.
illogic, i don't think your analogy about cooking and sucking dick is a good one. it should be: "would i [b]eat pussy[/b] for a living." never kiss any strange mouths? all i can do there is quote the great 20th century us humorist, will rogers: "a stranger is just a friend you haven't met yet." if i don't want to kiss her, why would i want to fuck her? any hooker who doesn't want to kiss me does not get a return engagement. all this las vegas style crap about don't kiss me don't touch my pussy don't suck my titties does not apply in south america, although i certainly saw a lot of it in méxico.
you want good sex, go to a country with a low rate of church attendance. argentina has the lowest rate of church attendance in latin america. yes, most people will say they are catholics (although there are also a lot of jews in ba) but they say church is where you go to "get married and get buried."
peace out,
i bet you should would fuck (her) you for free, but then you would loose some control. then again i have known girls to drive 3 hours roundtrip to fuck me before, but put that down to youthful experimentation, back when sex was just "fun".
consumerism, deterioration of civil liberties and religion are largely to blame for the dysfunctional american culture. why not leave? i have a co-worker that would like to leave just based on the fact that the cost of living keeps increasing but his income doesn't.
location, location, location....
how many times does it have to be said???
See DJ you've been in the US too long. [b]Driving[/b] three hours to fuck me would imply she had a vehicle, which would imply she knew how to drive. Neither is the case. Bus to train to another bus or the subway is what we are talking here. None of these chicas know how to drive. Let me see if I can calculate her round trip cost. I believe the bus to the train is 1,10 pesos. It's eight blocks from her house so sometimes she walks depending on how she is dressed. Then the train is 1,30 and the bus is 1,20 from there or the subway is 1,10 but a longer walk. So max we are looking at 3,60 pesos one way which is less than a dollar. Let's say it is 2 dollars round trip which is an exaggeration. I don't know what gas costs in the US now. $3 a gallon? And a gallon gets you 20 miles? I don't drive here so it's hard for me to estimate how far away she lives but I'm thinking maybe 30 or 40 miles. I think in kilometers now. 50 kilometers, maybe. Point being, public transportation. If she did have a car and did know how to drive, parking is expensive here. I want to say it is 1,40 pesos for 15 or 20 minutes depending on the zone but I could be wrong about that. Anyway she would be spending 20 pesos or so (about 5 dollars) to park if she did that. And one of the many things I like about her is she is a cheapskate so my guess is that if she did have a car and did know how to drive, she'd still take the train.
Having a car here is like a "Johnson Contest." Having a car moves you up in the world socially but you still hardly ever drive the motherfucker. I think New York City is like this.
Most people & media make a wrong assumption on immigrants being sucessfull in America, Europe or anywhere they migrate.
I think the main factor is struggle and hard work to achieve something which makes them sucessfull not the place itself. Case in point, the very first generation of sucessfull immigrants kids compared to what their father and grand father achieved is pretty low everywhere.
Most of the grown ups from suceesfull immigrant families are not highly sucessfull as their parents were. The very earlier American immigrants worked hard cos they had too and became sucessfull, their children reaped the benifit of hard work that their parents put.
Its the necessity for survival combined with hard work which always pays not the place itself. If it wasnt true, then the first generation americans from immigrants family should me equally sucessfull or more which is clearly not the case anywhere.
Hardwork pays no matter where you are >>> which begs a question why didnt they worked hard back home >>> which would be ofcourse due to various external factors like political, economical and enviromental conditions etc not condusive enough for growth ...
However, if above were true..
<><><> The question "why" would come back and ask..why then the immigrants children aren't as scuessfull as their parents were in most cases if they had the perfect condition for growth from birth itself ???.
I think this paradoxical "why" could only be anwered, if more than 50% of our life were in our own hands..which is not..we clearly see a deteriation from high to low and then back...
Else if we really had 100% of our life in our own hands, the above statement would be untrue but it is not or else families and nations would ever go up and up but histroy shows ..nations rise and fall, so do big empires and families.
Clearly our life is controlled by external factors more than internal.....call it nature, God, external forces whatever in physics or in religion.
It just shows...polical, economic boundaries dont matter...external forces acts on the same way in America as does it on Nigeria or columbia or so does it had on ancient civilisation for thousand of years.
The basic nature of earth has not changed even one bit...the world will remain the same as it is for ever with you and me in it or without. :)
[quote=dickhead]see dj you've been in the us too long. [b]driving[/b] three hours to fuck me would imply she had a vehicle, which would imply she knew how to drive. neither is the case. bus to train to another bus or the subway is what we are talking here. none of these chicas know how to drive. let me see if i can calculate her round trip cost. i believe the bus to the train is 1,10 pesos. it's eight blocks from her house so sometimes she walks depending on how she is dressed. then the train is 1,30 and the bus is 1,20 from there or the subway is 1,10 but a longer walk. so max we are looking at 3,60 pesos one way which is less than a dollar. let's say it is 2 dollars round trip which is an exaggeration. i don't know what gas costs in the us now. $3 a gallon? and a gallon gets you 20 miles? i don't drive here so it's hard for me to estimate how far away she lives but i'm thinking maybe 30 or 40 miles. i think in kilometers now. 50 kilometers, maybe. point being, public transportation. if she did have a car and did know how to drive, parking is expensive here. i want to say it is 1,40 pesos for 15 or 20 minutes depending on the zone but i could be wrong about that. anyway she would be spending 20 pesos or so (about 5 dollars) to park if she did that. and one of the many things i like about her is she is a cheapskate so my guess is that if she did have a car and did know how to drive, she'd still take the train.
having a car here is like a "johnson contest." having a car moves you up in the world socially but you still hardly ever drive the motherfucker. i think new york city is like this.[/quote]
lol, but i have used public transportation outside of the us and in the us and going 50 miles or so using public transportation is hardly ideal, especially where high speeds and right of way aren't even involved.
going 50km via germany's ic or ice is a breeze.... stupid easy, i can buy tickets online the web site is in german and english. i made it from frankfurt-main to gent, belgium in about 40 mins... 290k per hour makes it possible :)
going 50km via southern california's metro rail as i did recently is a challenge and along the lines of how your friend has to make her trip to you. it involved taking the metro rail to union station. from union station i took another train and then needed a ride or took the bus. i took the bus the first time down and was going the wrong way.... right bus number, wrong direction, how was i suppose to know??? t-mobile g1 via google maps, that's how i found out!
trust me i know about public transportation even in car dominated southern california.
Very Good philosophical post Mr. Born Loser.
It made me cry!
[QUOTE=Prionzprot]Very Good philosophical post Mr. Born Loser.
It made me cry![/QUOTE]Please don't cry:) I thought we were supposed to discuss here "American women", not only success of immigrants and public transportation issues:)
Today I got an email from one friend in Canada. he is thinking to go to EE to look for a wife. He realizes all the risks, but he says he has no other choice. The number of available women of somewhat descent quality is very low there, so his only option is to go to Eastern Europe. BTW the guy is young(early 30s), good-looking, educated and successful.
[QUOTE=Prionzprot]Very Good philosophical post Mr. Born Loser.
It made me cry![/QUOTE]
Do not despair......It's ok :)..If you are interested to further pursue this philosophy, there is a school of thought in India which believed in statement of facts and they named it Advaita (monoism)...it comes under Juana (knowledge) yoga, like we have a more popular Hath yoga in the west which involves physical exercise....Juana yoga is the path of knowledge to find divinity in a man.
It is exactly similar to Buddhism but the details are very fine. It is for the very quest for seeking the facts that Siddhartha became Buddha.
Buddha’s father tried everything in his power not to let his son know the facts of the world....people get old, there is misery, disease, old age and death. He was given all the luxuries not to know the truth but when he saw the suffering and miseries in the world...he set out to find the truth and became a Buddha.
Atheist & Bill Maher religulous never pursue to the full extent of what they are....they believe in the power of reasoning and rationality but never follow it to the end...they compare it only with the present "popular" religion and faith based organization and when they see... it does not match up to their standard of reasoning and judgment they are happy to criticize it and feel different, but they don’t pursue their own reasoning to find the Truth.
This is where they differ from Buddha. Buddha was a true Atheist to the core...he followed his reasoning power to the very end and found NIRVANA.
He rejected all the gods and deity that existed in that time, rejected all schools of thoughts and set out to find the truth behind the facts.
Atheist can never explain the facts of the world, they are just happy to exist cos the popular religion exist. If there were no religion in the world there would be no Atheist.
If all the Atheist and Bill Maher follow their own path of reasoning and rationality to the very end...they will indeed reach a state of Buddha.
Buddha rejected all idols, did not believe in any god, he condemned all the religious sacrifices, he said god is not the exclusive domain of priests.
People pursue different paths which are comfortable to their own liking and yet they reach the same goal ..some call it God, Jesus, Allah, some Brahman some Nirvana...but they all reach the same ultimate state of consciousness.
You can even reach the state of Nirvana which Buddha achieved through sex which is called "Tantra", unfortunately exploited as a million dollar industry in the west.
If you follow proper guidelines in Tantric sex...You will reach the state of Nirvana, but to find a real Guru in tantric in this day and age...you will indeed be a blessed man :)
If you pursue the popular yoga in the west and take it to the next level called Raja yoga...you will reach the same state as attained by Buddha.
Majority of the world population are faith based, they chose that path cos it comes naturally and it aint as hard as pursuing the path taken by Buddha.yet if you are faithfull enough you will reach god.
Nirvana, Jesus, God, Allah, Brahman is not an exclusive domain of the few...It is indeed the birth right of every individual on this planet earth...we are all going towards it through various paths we have chosen consciously and some sub consciously ..We all will attain it in this life or next...So don’t despair its ok :)
You can read more about the path of knowledge here
Good Luck
[QUOTE=Illogic]D cups yeah your the same guy who popped up on the PI boards looking for girls with big tits. That is Asia.
Please explain yourself Because I monger I can't think it is a raw deal? D cups do you have a sister or a daughter? If not I know you have a mother come on man...this sex work stuff is not all good...
Morality or religion has nothing to do with it for me. I am devout atheist and while I have not experienced no negative aspects of mongering in person I do know there is a dark side to it and if you read these pages you will also.
You guys think I am crazy. I think you guys are crazy. To each his own.[/QUOTE]Yes, I'm the same one that was looking for busty Asians in the Philippines, Vietnam, Tiajuana and everywhere else I go to for business and pleasure. And, yes, I find them, sometimes with the assistance of mongers who post here with the similar fetish. Yes, some of the mongers on here have severe psychological issues and defile (perhaps hurt) women in ways I never would. Many of the guys on here are married but I try not to judge. I am not married and don't have a girlfriend. I am free to have sex with any consenting shapely lass I desire without regret. What is the harm in that, Illogic?
I suppose there's a dark side to everything, Illogic. The fact that you acknowledge this defies your atheism. Even in the Bible Old Testament wealthy men had many wives AND concubines (and I'm pretty sure at least some of them had BIG BOOBS). SO WHAT?
This is supposed to be a forum about American women. Mostly we bash American women here (for good reason in my opinion). After all, AWs, when compared to most foreign women, pale in comparison. AWs are spoiled rotten by the media who makes them think men are THEIR servants, instead of the other way around. It sucks. Yet a rare few AWs have not forgotten their role: to be a HELP MATE to man. Just my opinion, guys, and hopefully not offensive to anyone.
Why Women Sell Their Asses
Why do women sell their asses? Because they can! However, there are many apologists out there, and on this forum, who claim that most women are selling pussy because they are sex slaves. Bad men behind the scenes are forcing these nice women or tricking them into selling that ass for cold hard cash. Of course, women are never opportunists and they only have sex because they’re in love or if the man is incredibly handsome. So women only sell sex out of economic desperation or coercion. Following this reasoning there should be no prostitutes in the countries with generous social welfare systems like Sweden, Norway, or Switzerland. But surprise, surprise! The Swedes, Norwegians and Swiss are selling ass too.
Could it be that women will sell that ass for cash or other benefits once a certain threshold value has been reach? And that value varies from individual to individual based on socioeconomic class and personal beliefs? There is huge motive for many men to refuse to believe that this is the case. We men have big egos. A young handsome American man would hate to admit that an old fat stinky 60 yrs old French monger can easily bed the same exotic beauty for a couple thousand pesos bar fine. Prostitution takes away any illusions of love that men may have. It is a great equalizer of sorts. Still, many mongers will insist that they are special to their favorite hookers. If you have any doubts read the forum and you will find guys claiming to be the only, first, or one of the few customers that a particular prostitute reaches orgasm with. Pride makes us hate the thought of being just another number. For this reason the “girlfriend experience” is a big money-maker for the hooker who knows how to pull this act off.
Evidence shows that hooking may be more insidiously wired into women’s DNA through evolution. Research into primate behavior has revealed some shocking discoveries. Apparently, Homo sapiens are not the only primate species out there hooking. Yes. It’s true. Monkeys are swinging from the branches selling that ass too!
TIME MAGAZINE – “In a recent study of macaque monkeys in Indonesia, researchers found that male primates "paid" for sexual access to females — and that the going rate for such access dwindled as the number of available females went up....
Researchers, who studied the monkeys for some 20 months, found that males offered their payment up-front, as a kind of pre-sex ritual. It worked. After the females were groomed by male partners, female sexual activity more than doubled, from an average of 1.5 times an hour to 3.5 times. The study also showed that the number of minutes that males spent grooming hinged on the number of females available at the time: The better a male's odds of getting lucky, the less nit-picking time the females received.”
Some of the monkeys remind me of many mongers on this board who always harp about keeping prices down and worry about too many mongers over-running their favorite spot driving prices up. It seems that the monkeys do a better job of controlling market forces though.
Lead researcher Michael Gumert told Discovery News:
"Powerful individuals can take more and give less than low-ranked individuals can," he said, suggesting that such corruption of the fair trade ideal appears to be an inherent facet of primate social life that can apply to everything from monkey sex to human politics. High-ranking females can also skew the system because, in the case of macaques, they demand more attention before they agree to mate.
Mongers are familiar with this sort of behavior. You know that perfect 10 that charges you more and puts less effort into the session? It seems that a monger can learn a lot from a monkey.
Male chimps pay with meat for mating, say researchers from the Max Planck Institute:
"By sharing, the males increase the number of times they mate, and the females increase their intake of calories," said Dr Gomes.
"What's amazing is that if a male shares with a particular female, he doubles the number of times he copulates with her, which is likely to increase the probability of fertilising that female."
And for the apologists out there who like to scream, “[url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908][CodeWord908][/url]” you can be comforted by the fact that no evil monkey cartel was found engaged in monkey business, like forcing female monkeys to sell their asses to other male monkeys for bananas.
Damn fellas,
I came back from Los Angeles a week ago and I must say you guys are dead wrong. I went to the beaches and they were over flowing with fine ass babes roller blading in bikinis, on bicycles, and walking around.
My cousin took me to a bar, we got these 2 women phone numbers, the next night we all went out drinking, dancing. My cousin is scoring on babes left and right. He slept with 2 different women and that was just during the week I was there. He's in his 40's and makes average money, but doesn't lack confidence, which is all I think it takes. I'm sure if I would have had my own place and wheels I could have done the same. Unfortunately for me I was sleeping on the couch and was only there for a week. The babe we met worked long hours during the week and only had weekends to relax, and I was leaving the following weekend.
But I only states this to say. There are guys out there who are meeting and bedding good looking AW. It all has to do with your attitude and approach. Dress decent, have a personality, have confidence when you approach them and you will meet plenty of decent to nice AW. For those who can't or are too shy, afraid of rejection. Then maybe going overseas is best for you. But it isn't because AW are no good. Its because you lack the necessary skills/attitude to get the type of AW you want. Bottom line.
Good lesson in anthropology, thanks doctor...
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]
Male chimps pay with meat for mating, say researchers from the Max Planck Institute:
"By sharing, the males increase the number of times they mate, and the females increase their intake of calories," said Dr Gomes.
I hope none of the guy's living in Lima are reading this or I won't be able to get a table at La Tranquera anymore!
"You know that perfect 10 that charges you more and puts less effort into the session?"
No, and I don't want to. After 37 years of mongering I define a 10 as:
1) A seven that makes me come three times
2) A five that gives twice as much effort
3) An eight who brings over two joints
4) Any deaf mute nymphomaniac who owns a liquor store
I like it if my favoritas have orgasms but I can sure live with myself if they don't. It also seems to me that they prefer that I have orgasms but can live with themselves if I don't and at my age, sometimes I don't, and normally that doesn't bother me either.
Richard Pryor probably put it best. His wife said, "I didn't come yet" and he said, "Well shit baby [b]I[/b] did."
And all this is on-topic...how??
Gentlemen, friends, newbies: this is all highly edifying and amusing. But there are forums for Politics, Rants, Morality of Prostitution, What Kind of Women are Best for LTR/STR? etc etc.
I feel the same as DJ about some of you and find you to be brilliant, funny, and insightful. Thank you for making me laugh AND think.
But this forum is for AW. Please?
[QUOTE=Yogin]Gentlemen, friends, newbies: this is all highly edifying and amusing. But there are forums for Politics, Rants, Morality of Prostitution, What Kind of Women are Best for LTR/STR? etc etc.
I feel the same as DJ about some of you and find you to be brilliant, funny, and insightful. Thank you for making me laugh AND think.
But this forum is for AW. Please?[/QUOTE]
The discussion took this turn after a commentator claimed that the majority of women hook because they were coerced to do so. It was necessary to refute this claim by showing that hooking is ingrained in human behavior in the absence of force. So I used some conclusive research to show that even female monkeys will fuck for benefit or advantage.
Sure it would have been more aptly posted in the Morality of Prostitution thread but I was having a stream of consciousness. Besides American women are primates so the post is somewhat apropos.
[QUOTE=Lima Busy]I hope none of the guy's living in Lima are reading this or I won't be able to get a table at La Tranquera anymore![/QUOTE]
Lima Busy,
You should consider yourself lucky to be in Lima. American men have followed the male chimps' lead and they are now paying for sex with filet mignon. Lobster is optional depending on whether a blowjob is expected or not. American women expect to be fed at least three of these high caloric dinners before deciding to have sex or not. If you ask me, the chimps get a better deal.
Same Song
[QUOTE=D Cups] Yes, I'm the same one that was looking for busty Asians in the Philippines, Vietnam, Tiajuana and everywhere else I go to for business and pleasure. And, yes, I find them, sometimes with the assistance of mongers who post here with the similar fetish. [/QUOTE]
Asian women are not known for having voluptuous / thick body parts. But if you have the time, energy and the financial resources to weed through all the skinny girls in Asia (this is one of the main attractions of Asia… slim girls) then more power to you. I think a man looking for big tits would be wiser to go elsewhere.
[QUOTE=D Cups] Yes, some of the mongers on here have severe psychological issues and defile (perhaps hurt) women in ways I never would. Many of the guys on here are married but I try not to judge. I am not married and don't have a girlfriend. I am free to have sex with any consenting shapely lass I desire without regret. What is the harm in that, Illogic? [/QUOTE]
What does being married, single have to do with what you just said? I have said once and I am saying it again this shit is not all good. Do you like to have sex with out of shape old women? What do you think most WG girls are doing? Since Dick Head said my analogy was invalid would you like to lick the pussy of fat old western women for money? I don’t even like fat young girls.
[QUOTE=D Cups] I suppose there's a dark side to everything, Illogic. The fact that you acknowledge this defies your atheism. Even in the Bible Old Testament wealthy men had many wives AND concubines (and I'm pretty sure at least some of them had BIG BOOBS). SO WHAT? [/QUOTE]
What does me being an atheist got to do with this? There is a dark side to everything. Ok my job for example is extremely dangerous. I am under contestant threat of being maimed, shot or starring in my own music video written, directed and produced by Islamic fanatics. Would I rather be licking undesirable pussy for a living? Um no. We have procedures in place to protect us from rogue elements and other safety hazards.
Please explain what is there to protect a monger from a psychopathic WG or a WG from a psychopathic monger? In the third world it’s even worse lack of education, unsuspecting working girls really don’t have idea what they are getting into etc…I had a working girl in Cebu last year who in her own words “Your American so why are you black.” You think a person with this intelligence can protect herself? I know some of you sick bastards like that type of shit.
[QUOTE=D Cups] This is supposed to be a forum about American women. Mostly we bash American women here (for good reason in my opinion). After all, AWs, when compared to most foreign women, pale in comparison. AWs are spoiled rotten by the media who makes them think men are THEIR servants, instead of the other way around. It sucks. Yet a rare few AWs have not forgotten their role: to be a HELP MATE to man. Just my opinion, guys, and hopefully not offensive to anyone. [/QUOTE]
So a woman’s role is to be subservient to a man? Why? I got a friend who has earns double my salary and has traveled with me overseas I have had women in various countries refer to him as easy on the eyes . I never hear him moaning and groaning about American woman. I really think a lot of you guys are just bitter.
We should have this type of forum I am unattractive not because of what I was born with but because I don’t try. I wasted my most productive money making years and now I am old and broke but woman in the western world should still want to fuck me forum.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger] Why do women sell their asses? Because they can! However, there are many apologists out there, and on this forum, who claim that most women are selling pussy because they are sex slaves. Bad men behind the scenes are forcing these nice women or tricking them into selling that ass for cold hard cash. Of course, women are never opportunists and they only have sex because they’re in love or if the man is incredibly handsome. So women only sell sex out of economic desperation or coercion. Following this reasoning there should be no prostitutes in the countries with generous social welfare systems like Sweden, Norway, or Switzerland. But surprise, surprise! The Swedes, Norwegians and Swiss are selling ass too. [/QUOTE]
Anyone who thinks a WG is not getting the better end in a prostitution deal especially if the guy is decent looking, knows what the fuck he is doing and is nice is a fool. When a man pays women for sex he is depleting his net worth while the working girl is improving her net worth and getting something all human beings crave sex.
Problem I have seen in more than one girl who after being in this business for a while they don’t seem to be doing too good mentally or physically? Why is that?
No one is disputing the fact there are woman who are selling ass simply because they want to. It’s their prerogative. Get that money but is it a profession Daddy Illogic would encourage his daughter to be? Um no.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger] Could it be that women will sell that ass for cash or other benefits once a certain threshold value has been reach? And that value varies from individual to individual based on socioeconomic class and personal beliefs? There is huge motive for many men to refuse to believe that this is the case. We men have big egos. A young handsome American man would hate to admit that an old fat stinky 60 yrs old French monger can easily bed the same exotic beauty for a couple thousand pesos bar fine. Prostitution takes away any illusions of love that men may have. It is a great equalizer of sorts. Still, many mongers will insist that they are special to their favorite hookers. If you have any doubts read the forum and you will find guys claiming to be the only, first, or one of the few customers that a particular prostitute reaches orgasm with. Pride makes us hate the thought of being just another number. For this reason the “girlfriend experience” is a big money-maker for the hooker who knows how to put this act off. [/QUOTE]
I guess I feel you on the ego trip. When I am out and about and I see the old fat guy. I am just like damn what the fuck am I doing here? On the flip side I just have settled in and accepted reality. Me trying to date normal women is a waste of time when I only want sex. The effort and time it takes to play the courting game not to mention I have a great GF already sells the prostitution game for me.
Is love an illusion only? I don’t think so. I see the way my GF now and previous women who “loved” me looked at me. My ex-wife came from rich family. Me I was a broke ass US soldier when we met. I spent my days fighting at the local water holes, drinking, smoking weed, packing 9 Millies, 380s. Your typical American nightmare.
I let that shit go because of her. We didn’t make it but some of the things she taught me I still hold on to this day.
We have a saying here in PI “If a bargirl mouth is moving she is lying.” I live by this. I don’t believe shit they say most of time and found many of them to be full of shit…but pussies don’t lie. So it is possible she has had an orgasmic experience or discovered something new.
Every time I take a WG to the five star hotels I frequent I always ask them have they been there before. Without fail they always say yes. This gives me a board scope of the amount of men these women service day in and out.
I use to believe in the girlfriend experience but now all I care about if she performs. I had a Romanian in Dubai who didn’t hug me didn’t pretend, she dropped to her knees as soon as got in the room blew me and fucked me with so much intensity that we both collapsed into a heap of sweat. After that she hit the shower put her clothes on and left. Was I disappointed because she didn’t hold my hand and sing…? Um no.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]Evidence shows that hooking may be more insidiously wired into women’s DNA through evolution. Research into primate behavior has revealed some shocking discoveries. Apparently, Homo sapiens are not the only primate species out there hooking. Yes. It’s true. Monkeys are swinging from the branches selling that ass too!
TIME MAGAZINE – “In a recent study of macaque monkeys in Indonesia, researchers found that male primates "paid" for sexual access to females — and that the going rate for such access dwindled as the number of available females went up.... [/QUOTE]
Do animals have the ability to reason?
[QUOTE=Illogic]Do animals have the ability to reason?[/QUOTE]
Yes they do. While it is thought that most animals cannot carry out higher mental functions it is well documented that chimps and dolphins can solve problems and use tools. The monkeys in the study figured out that they needed to spend let time on individual females to get laid when there were higher numbers of females. There are a lot of guys who go to bars and they can't even figure that out. So you have to give the monkeys credit where due bro.
Also, most animals do not kill each other when they fight to defend their territory. Human beings are one of the few species to do so and the only species to kill for sport, religious beliefs and revenge. To date no other animal has developed a means of exterminating itself along with every other species on the planet. Humans may not be the most rational animals on Earth.
[QUOTE=Thatguy865] I'm sure if I would have had my own place and wheels I could have done the same. Unfortunately for me I was sleeping on the couch and was only there for a week. The babe we met worked long hours during the week and only had weekends to relax, and I was leaving the following weekend.[/QUOTE]Good to hear about LA and your cousin. The problem is that not everybody lives in LA where all the horny girls are!:)
But what's more interesting, that in USA you always here this "if' and "could"!
You made this excuse about sleeping on the couch for a week.(at least you're honest, thanks!) So that was the excuse for not scoring? One whole week! You can score with about 10-20 women! If what you say is true.
So you did not have confidence to get into some girl's place? You did not have confidence to take a girl to the couch?? Cannot fuck on the beach? One my EE friend fucked a girl in Florida on the fucking beach!
Why would do you need wheels to score??? Are you kidding?
Sorry dude, you just made a million stupid reason not to score in USA. And to make it worse in LA. So it must be something else, not the reasons you talk about.
For example in Russia that's never a problem! does not matter where you sleep. people would fuck in any shithole possible. Also one GF in Russia told me she always wanted to have her own apartment so she can invite a guy over.
Anyway, only in USA I hear "Ifs", "could" and "maybe" bullshit all the time.
Some my friends used to go to "spring breaks" while I was going to other countries and had fucked lots of girls. They loughed at me since I was spending 2-3 times more money. but they were always coming back with "ifs", "buts" and "coulds". "Yeah that girl was friendly and nice, but if that.. then maybe. And "yeah we saw many topless girls but..."
'If I want a girl I would go to that party, there are plenty of horny 18 y.e."
-have you done that?
-nope.. but I can if i want to..
-lets do it now
-no I can't...
I never never ever hear this crap in Latin America or EE. Only in USA(or similar)
[QUOTE=Dickhead]"You know that perfect 10 that charges you more and puts less effort into the session?"
No, and I don't want to. After 37 years of mongering I define a 10 as:
1) A seven that makes me come three times
2) A five that gives twice as much effort[/QUOTE]Dickhead,
I actually think this grade scale 1-10 is stupid. everybody has it's own scale. For some 1 is 10, and 10 is 1.
For example, for me after Rio/Brazil a 10 is:
an 11 who is completa and sucks, fucks, etc.. as 20 or 30
for the same amount of money $50-$100 or so.
For the American pussy "patriots", don't tell this crap you can do it for 'free' in USA. even though if you have apto, wheels and "confidence'.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]Yes they do. While it is thought that most animals cannot carry out higher mental functions it is well documented that chimps and dolphins can solve problems and use tools. The monkeys in the study figured out that they needed to spend let time on individual females to get laid when there were higher numbers of females. There are a lot of guys who go to bars and they can't even figure that out. So you have to give the monkeys credit where due bro.
Also, most animals do not kill each other when they fight to defend their territory. Human beings are one of the few species to do so and the only species to kill for sport, religious beliefs and revenge. To date no other animal has developed a means of exterminating itself along with every other species on the planet. Humans may not be the most rational animals on Earth.[/QUOTE]Monkeys do kill other monkeys of their own species and not for food.
Do animals have sports, religious beliefs or know what revenge is. How do would you know why a moneky will kill another monkey, but they do.
In nature the higher the species the more violent they are.
Its really hard for animals of lower intellegence to kill each other since they don't have any tools such as knives, guns. Nor the knowledge of their anatomy to know how to choke another animal to death.
Take a lion or tiger cub and raise it in a zoo, and when its grown put it back into the jungle and they will die because they will not figure out how to kill to eat.
Secondly the researches did not compare the monkeys activity to paying a prostitute. You did.
Its more like the male monkeys that made the best provider got laid the most. Which is closer to the human male to women behavior.
Men who make more money, have nice cars, homes, dress well attract more women. Humans don't have to spend more on the women, because we can reason if he has all that he must be well off. Then women know if they marry that guy, she will be well provided for. Its a matter of security.
For the monkey its food, for women its a man's earning potential. But that doesn't mean if you don't make a lot of money you can't get a women. Just some women will be out of your reach because they demand a higher standard of living than you can provide.
Thats true even in the P4P business too. There are women out there who demand 5K per night. And I would say they are out of reach for most guys on this forum. But for the man making 1 million and more a year. They are affordable.
So no matter which way you look at it. The man who goes for non-pro's or the guy who participates in the P4P game. There are going to be women who are unattainable based upon your income. Thats just a fact of life.
But this forum is for AW. Please?[/QUOTE]
Excellent Yogin -
I have to admit I've been waiting for your "get back on topic" post for some days now. I did the analysis on your posting history not far back and determined that more than 6.5 percent of [blue]all[/blue] your ISG posts involve keeping the American Women thread on topic. I invite anyone to check my math.
I hope you don't mind; I'm glad you are back, I was getting concerned as the thread teetered and fell from it's apparent topic. Where's Yogin? I missed your eccentric dedication to orderly conversation here on this odd strand of the web. I hope and anticipate my observation will not dampen your enthusiasm.
Still, to my 'eccentric' point, I understand the importance of keeping many of the ISG threads on topic. For instance, no one wants to find a bunch of chatter in a photo gallery; on most threads guys are looking for material information and not mind-numbing opinion. But this is the lowly, subjective AW thread, not the India photo gallery.
The reality is this specific thread has never focused on "facilitating the exchange of information between men who are looking for sex" with American women. If anything, the majority of posters here discourage sex and involvement with American women. In that sense, it has always been off topic. Pity the fool who posts here looking for feedback on, say, his coming wedding to an American woman.
And, it seems obvious, this thread would be much less interesting if it were held to the tightest editorial standards of ISG. It serves as a counter-point to many of the other threads. "I never knew how life was until I left the United States for country X or Y or Z and discovered something beyond American Women; I need to tell somebody about it". That kind of thing.
And if you could only post information here for the purpose of facilitating sex with AWs, it would be a far less-interesting read. Do you see how I am looking at this? If so, you may see why I also view your many posts toward keeping this thread on topic as a curiosity.
Having typed that, I understand folks move off topic, like the tides the chatter ebbs and flows, but, again, the real mystery for me here is your sustained commitment to herd the conversation. Are you doing some kind of study?
Sincerely and intentionally ~ Jelly Donut
There is not any point on posting anything on this thread about "facilitating sex with American women" as an [b]entire separate forum[/b] exists for this purpose: the USA forum. And that is a sad place indeed.
So I think the intended purpose of [b]this[/b] thread, since it exists on the [b]International[/b]SexGuideForum, is to discuss differences between and similarities among AWs and their [b]international[/b] counterparts, and how that might affect the hobbyists who comprise the clientele of this [b]international[/b] forum.
But if you would like me to bring this back on topic, as I often have, I will try to do so. Last night I went to a bar in Buenos Aires called The Spot. I used to go there often when I lived in the neighborhood in 2004-2005 and now I have, perhaps propinquitously, returned to the same neighborhood (three blocks from my previous apartment).
The place has cheap drinks, relative to other places in this fairly expensive neighborhood, and a good happy hour. Previously it got a lot of patronage from Americans who were down here studying English, but the majority of the clientele were Argentineans. I'm happy to say the prices are still reasonable and the bartenders pour quite freely, but I'm unhappy to say that 80% of the people in there were speaking English.
Now, I have to say, most of the AWs in there were cute and few were fat. However, there were other issues. Sloppy dress, baggy clothing, loud voices which drove home the point that they could not speak a full sentence without like you know I mean two or three like um er uh you know it was like totally you know like bogus. So I, Richard T. Head, a very social animal, attempted to approach several with basic things like, "Hi, my name is Dick. I see you are from the You Ess. Would you like to sit and have a drink?" Just basic bar stuff.
I wasn't drunk and was decently dressed and had showered, shaved, brushed my teeth, and used deodorant. I am older and do not resemble Brad Pitt but I am not fat or bald or covered with oozing sores. I performed this experiment five times with the following results:
#1 said she was with someone. I had been there half an hour and remained there another hour and a half and deem this to be bullshit.
#2 looked me up and down and said, "Umm I have to leave soon," then stayed another hour during which time two American suckers were buying her drinks, several drinks each.
#3 said she just there to practice her Spanish so I said, "Hace mucho tiempo vivo en Buenos Aires y hablo castellano fluido si quieres practicar." We determined her Spanish was virtually non-existent and she got embarrassed (because lying) and walked away.
The other two just blew me off rudely. So, I left and went to a privado where I got laid for about the amount it would have cost me to have two rounds of drinks with any of these women. And, the gal I fucked was better looking than four of the five I attempted to talk to.
[QUOTE=Dickhead] I have, perhaps propinquitously, returned to the same neighborhood. I'm unhappy to say that 80% of the people in there were speaking English. [/QUOTE]Unlike you, Richard.
[QUOTE=Dickhead]The gal I fucked was better looking than four of the five I attempted to talk to. [/QUOTE] Perhaps because you were propinquitous at the time. ;)
Money or control?
So I hooked up with a woman I've known in my professional field for a number of years, a big girl but a nice heart.
She lives a few hours away from me, and I suggested we go away for a weekend. Never had had any physical contact with her before that. She was game.
Now I wasn't necessarily expecting anything, and by the time the trip arrived, I'd caught a nasty flu, and I gave her the option out. She still wanted to go. And all this time, I'd told her I really wasn't looking for a steady relationship, what with starting a new job and all that.
So we went, and she put the moves on me first, and I nailed her nine times that weekend. And that was with the Nyquil and Jager.
A couple weeks later, she had to fly away on business from my city, so I invited her to stay before and after her flights, and we screwed then, too.
Last time I saw her she said if this relationship wasn't going anywhere, there'd be no more sex.
This was after I told her repeatedly if she felt like hooking up with someone else to feel free, that I wasn't looking for serious ties now.
So then she began a little character assassination, and I don't hear much from her now.
She's a nice girl, and she actually drove for our trip and insisted on covering meals. Always wants to go Dutch otherwise.
What's strange to me is that she initiated the sex, with basically me doing all the work, and her just laying there. Then she said she was disappointed I didn't give her a massage.
And she can't cook, and her house is worse than mine in terms of cleanliness.
So basically, if I just get access to her vagina, I'm supposed to adhere to the party line. I can't quite get that.
My most meaningful relationship in years has been a fleeting one with the married mamasan of an AMP. Things don't get complicated there.
Excellent points JellyDonut and Yogin.......with all this talk about the sex lives of Chimpanzee & dolphins, and a monger writing a dissertation on Buddhism and Atheism. I was beginning to wonder, if we all were starting to lose our minds.
[QUOTE=Jelly Donut]Excellent Yogin -
I have to admit I've been waiting for your "get back on topic" post for some days now. I did the analysis on your posting history not far back and determined that more than 6.5 percent of [blue]all[/blue] your ISG posts involve keeping the American Women thread on topic. I invite anyone to check my math.
I hope you don't mind; I'm glad you are back, I was getting concerned as the thread teetered and fell from it's apparent topic. Where's Yogin? I missed your eccentric dedication to orderly conversation here on this odd strand of the web. I hope and anticipate my observation will not dampen your enthusiasm.
Still, to my 'eccentric' point, I understand the importance of keeping many of the ISG threads on topic. For instance, no one wants to find a bunch of chatter in a photo gallery; on most threads guys are looking for material information and not mind-numbing opinion. But this is the lowly, subjective AW thread, not the India photo gallery.
The reality is this specific thread has never focused on "facilitating the exchange of information between men who are looking for sex" with American women. If anything, the majority of posters here discourage sex and involvement with American women. In that sense, it has always been off topic. Pity the fool who posts here looking for feedback on, say, his coming wedding to an American woman.
And, it seems obvious, this thread would be much less interesting if it were held to the tightest editorial standards of ISG. It serves as a counter-point to many of the other threads. "I never knew how life was until I left the United States for country X or Y or Z and discovered something beyond American Women; I need to tell somebody about it". That kind of thing.
And if you could only post information here for the purpose of facilitating sex with AWs, it would be a far less-interesting read. Do you see how I am looking at this? If so, you may see why I also view your many posts toward keeping this thread on topic as a curiosity.
Having typed that, I understand folks move off topic, like the tides the chatter ebbs and flows, but, again, the real mystery for me here is your sustained commitment to herd the conversation. Are you doing some kind of study?
Sincerely and intentionally ~ Jelly Donut[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Goga Fung]Good to hear about LA and your cousin. The problem is that not everybody lives in LA where all the horny girls are!:)
But what's more interesting, that in USA you always here this "if' and "could"!
You made this excuse about sleeping on the couch for a week.(at least you're honest, thanks!) So that was the excuse for not scoring? One whole week! You can score with about 10-20 women! If what you say is true.
So you did not have confidence to get into some girl's place? You did not have confidence to take a girl to the couch?? Cannot fuck on the beach? One my EE friend fucked a girl in Florida on the fucking beach!
Why would do you need wheels to score??? Are you kidding?
Sorry dude, you just made a million stupid reason not to score in USA. And to make it worse in LA. So it must be something else, not the reasons you talk about.
For example in Russia that's never a problem! does not matter where you sleep. people would fuck in any shithole possible. Also one GF in Russia told me she always wanted to have her own apartment so she can invite a guy over.
Anyway, only in USA I hear "Ifs", "could" and "maybe" bullshit all the time.
Some my friends used to go to "spring breaks" while I was going to other countries and had fucked lots of girls. They loughed at me since I was spending 2-3 times more money. but they were always coming back with "ifs", "buts" and "coulds". "Yeah that girl was friendly and nice, but if that.. then maybe. And "yeah we saw many topless girls but..."
'If I want a girl I would go to that party, there are plenty of horny 18 y.e."
-have you done that?
-nope.. but I can if i want to..
-lets do it now
-no I can't...
I never never ever hear this crap in Latin America or EE. Only in USA(or similar)[/QUOTE]You have it wrong gonga fung. I was busy doing the family thing so I had limited amount of time to pursue women. It was not a monger vacation. It just so happens I stayed with my cousin and I was describing his lifestyle.
You obviously have not been to LA. Its a town which you need a car to get around. Public transportation is pretty bad. It will take you about 2 hours or more to get anywhere on public transportation. Besides I don't do public transportation in the USA Sorry that just ain't my style.
And don't even talk about confidence. I have had pleny one night stands. Screwed women from every walk of life in all types of situations. Too many to remember them all. I'm not talking P4P either, Confidence is the last thing I lack. I have no problem meeting women. I didn't try the P4P thing until my late 30's and then only about once or twice a year. I always figured it was for people "who lacked confidence" and were losers. It was almost 7 years later that I became a little more open to the whole P4P thing.
The reason in Russia people will fuck in any shithole. Is because most don't have their own place or a decent place to take you to anyway. So what difference does it make. A shithole is all they can get. The average russians wage is like $450 a month. The majority is shithole poor.
In america. You won't find too many women willing to fuck in a shithole. Thats just the bottome line. They have a higher standard.
[QUOTE=Dickhead]Now, I have to say, most of the AWs in there were cute and few were fat. However, there were other issues. Sloppy dress, baggy clothing, loud voices which drove home the point that they could not speak a full sentence without like you know I mean two or three like um er uh you know it was like totally you know like bogus. So I, Richard T. Head, a very social animal, attempted to approach several with basic things like, "Hi, my name is Dick. I see you are from the You Ess. Would you like to sit and have a drink? " Just basic bar stuff.
I wasn't drunk and was decently dressed and had showered, shaved, brushed my teeth, and used deodorant. I am older and do not resemble Brad Pitt but I am not fat or bald or covered with oozing sores. I performed this experiment five times with the following results:
#1 said she was with someone. I had been there half an hour and remained there another hour and a half and deem this to be bullshit.
#2 looked me up and down and said, "Umm I have to leave soon, " then stayed another hour during which time two American suckers were buying her drinks, several drinks each.
#3 said she just there to practice her Spanish so I said, "Hace mucho tiempo vivo en Buenos Aires y hablo castellano fluido si quieres practicar." We determined her Spanish was virtually non-existent and she got embarrassed (because lying) and walked away.
The other two just blew me off rudely. So, I left and went to a privado where I got laid for about the amount it would have cost me to have two rounds of drinks with any of these women. And, the gal I fucked was better looking than four of the five I attempted to talk to.[/QUOTE]Just because you shaved, dressed decent and put on deodorant. Does that mean a girls should be attracted to you. Especially young attractive women who are in a foreign country who probably are looking for a foreigner in the first place. Why else would they be there.
You have to come up with more then "Hi My name is Dick" to interest a women, especially under those conditions, especially if you're older and no brad pitt type. How many guys go to foreign countries would pick up an AW, not many, they go to meet foreign women, so it works both ways.
Shit you didn't get an non-pro of any type. So it wasnt just the AW. You didn't score with any women in there and had to P4P. So don't put it on the AW. Work on your approach and maybe things will workout better next time.
Jelly: I don't know whether to feel honored or creeped out that you went through so much trouble as to analyze the content of my career ISG posts. Guess I feel a little of both. Thank you for your insights and perspectives. I understand how our conversation about AW will by its nature delve into comparative experiences with international women. While you make a highly valid point that AW page is by definition far more free-wheeling than the India Photo page, come on, really: Chimps & Buddhism? And no I am not conducting any kind of research project for professional or academic purposes. Far from it.
Mr. Head: Thank you for the story. That about sums up my AW experiences quite concisely.
[QUOTE=Goga Fung]Good to hear about LA and your cousin. The problem is that not everybody lives in LA where all the horny girls are!:)
But what's more interesting, that in USA you always here this "if' and "could"!
You made this excuse about sleeping on the couch for a week.(at least you're honest, thanks!) So that was the excuse for not scoring? One whole week! You can score with about 10-20 women! If what you say is true.
So you did not have confidence to get into some girl's place? You did not have confidence to take a girl to the couch?? Cannot fuck on the beach? One my EE friend fucked a girl in Florida on the fucking beach!
Why would do you need wheels to score??? Are you kidding?
Sorry dude, you just made a million stupid reason not to score in USA. And to make it worse in LA. So it must be something else, not the reasons you talk about.
For example in Russia that's never a problem! does not matter where you sleep. people would fuck in any shithole possible. Also one GF in Russia told me she always wanted to have her own apartment so she can invite a guy over.
Anyway, only in USA I hear "Ifs", "could" and "maybe" bullshit all the time.
Some my friends used to go to "spring breaks" while I was going to other countries and had fucked lots of girls. They loughed at me since I was spending 2-3 times more money. but they were always coming back with "ifs", "buts" and "coulds". "Yeah that girl was friendly and nice, but if that.. then maybe. And "yeah we saw many topless girls but..."
'If I want a girl I would go to that party, there are plenty of horny 18 y.e."
-have you done that?
-nope.. but I can if i want to..
-lets do it now
-no I can't...
I never never ever hear this crap in Latin America or EE. Only in USA(or similar)[/QUOTE]
I still wonder about "That Guy"
Can I go out into the starred Los Angeles Nightlife and pick up somebody? I have before, its fairly rare as I am pretty picky actually and end up getting turned down more often than getting the nod of yes. I don't like my odds and it really shouldn't be like that.
But I find it interesting you say you came back from LA where the beaches are filled with hot roller-blading women, well it was overcast much of this week (and last) so I don't know when you were out here, but I'm starting to call B.S., its been a true June gloom here.
You make it sound like none of us have game and are complaining because its our fault we are not having success. I have to keep saying it because you haven't bothered to go back to read any of the other post that say otherwise.
The problem is for every nice woman out there that isn't with a group of her spite-filled girlfriends, there are 100's of women out there with the attitude of no man is good enough for me, even if your 5 or below on the old scale.
I never said LA didn't have hot women, I dare somebody to find a place full of more attractive women at any given moment in public. Yes Kyiv has many attractive women, but from the neck up mostly. I found many average looking and worst women in Germany. I saw better looking women in the shopping areas in Stockholm than I did in the night clubs I hit later on that evening.
But I can walk around Beverly Center and find not only hotties in the mall but working in the mall. Taking a stroll down Melrose, there's are numerous attractive women around. They are all over LA and a dime a dozen....
That doesn't mean I am not trying and don't have success, I do but not as often as I would like given the effort put in. Its much easier overseas and if all else fails, P4P is legal or tolerated....
Men in America put up with far too much bullshit to really understand that there are other options out there. I met a Moldavian women who met her American husband on My Space, she wasn't all that but not ugly either, so would you be ready to call that dude a looser????
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]I still wonder about "That Guy"
Can I go out into the starred Los Angeles Nightlife and pick up somebody? I have before, its fairly rare as I am pretty picky actually and end up getting turned down more often than getting the nod of yes. I don't like my odds and it really shouldn't be like that.
But I find it interesting you say you came back from LA where the beaches are filled with hot roller-blading women, well it was overcast much of this week (and last) so I don't know when you were out here, but I'm starting to call B.S., its been a true June gloom here.
You make it sound like none of us have game and are complaining because its our fault we are not having success. I have to keep saying it because you haven't bothered to go back to read any of the other post that say otherwise.
The problem is for every nice woman out there that isn't with a group of her spite-filled girlfriends, there are 100's of women out there with the attitude of no man is good enough for me, even if your 5 or below on the old scale.
I never said LA didn't have hot women, I dare somebody to find a place full of more attractive women at any given moment in public. Yes Kyiv has many attractive women, but from the neck up mostly. I found many average looking and worst women in Germany. I saw better looking women in the shopping areas in Stockholm than I did in the night clubs I hit later on that evening.
But I can walk around Beverly Center and find not only hotties in the mall but working in the mall. Taking a stroll down Melrose, there's are numerous attractive women around. They are all over LA and a dime a dozen....
That doesn't mean I am not trying and don't have success, I do but not as often as I would like given the effort put in. Its much easier overseas and if all else fails, P4P is legal or tolerated....
Men in America put up with far too much bullshit to really understand that there are other options out there. I met a Moldavian women who met her American husband on My Space, she wasn't all that but not ugly either, so would you be ready to call that dude a looser????[/QUOTE]I went to Venice and Santa monica beach, and when I say I just came back I didn't mean literally that day. It was the memorial holiday week. And compared to where I am. There were a lot of women out.
I never said it was easy to get AW either. Thats what makes it so satisfying. Especially the more desireable ones. Maybe thats the issue with most guys who complain about them. They want AW to just fuck them after the first conversation. You are talking about women who are living at the highest standards of living in the world. It ain't going to be easy. What besides some dick do you bring to the table, whats in it for them. Look at it from their point of view. They can get dicked any day of the week, so why should she pick you.
Unlike a lot of women in other countries, you generally don't have to worry about supporting AW, Most will be self supporting, you don't have to worry about her asking for support or asking you to help her immediate family. The usual things a women from lets say South America, EE, and most of SEA will ask.
I never said anything about anyone using the internet to find women. I stated, I felt, and mainly still do that men under 35 that use P4P as their ONLY/PRIMARY means for getting sex are losers.
All Around The World Same Song
[QUOTE=Dickhead]There is not any point on posting anything on this thread about "facilitating sex with American women" as an [b]entire separate forum[/b] exists for this purpose: the USA forum. And that is a sad place indeed.
So I think the intended purpose of [b]this[/b] thread, since it exists on the [b]International[/b]SexGuideForum, is to discuss differences between and similarities among AWs and their [b]international[/b] counterparts, and how that might affect the hobbyists who comprise the clientele of this [b]international[/b] forum.
But if you would like me to bring this back on topic, as I often have, I will try to do so. Last night I went to a bar in Buenos Aires called The Spot. I used to go there often when I lived in the neighborhood in 2004-2005 and now I have, perhaps propinquitously, returned to the same neighborhood (three blocks from my previous apartment).
The place has cheap drinks, relative to other places in this fairly expensive neighborhood, and a good happy hour. Previously it got a lot of patronage from Americans who were down here studying English, but the majority of the clientele were Argentineans. I'm happy to say the prices are still reasonable and the bartenders pour quite freely, but I'm unhappy to say that 80% of the people in there were speaking English.
Now, I have to say, most of the AWs in there were cute and few were fat. However, there were other issues. Sloppy dress, baggy clothing, loud voices which drove home the point that they could not speak a full sentence without like you know I mean two or three like um er uh you know it was like totally you know like bogus. So I, Richard T. Head, a very social animal, attempted to approach several with basic things like, "Hi, my name is Dick. I see you are from the You Ess. Would you like to sit and have a drink?" Just basic bar stuff.
I wasn't drunk and was decently dressed and had showered, shaved, brushed my teeth, and used deodorant. I am older and do not resemble Brad Pitt but I am not fat or bald or covered with oozing sores. I performed this experiment five times with the following results:
#1 said she was with someone. I had been there half an hour and remained there another hour and a half and deem this to be bullshit.
#2 looked me up and down and said, "Umm I have to leave soon," then stayed another hour during which time two American suckers were buying her drinks, several drinks each.
#3 said she just there to practice her Spanish so I said, "Hace mucho tiempo vivo en Buenos Aires y hablo castellano fluido si quieres practicar." We determined her Spanish was virtually non-existent and she got embarrassed (because lying) and walked away.
The other two just blew me off rudely. So, I left and went to a privado where I got laid for about the amount it would have cost me to have two rounds of drinks with any of these women. And, the gal I fucked was better looking than four of the five I attempted to talk to.[/QUOTE]
DH so what are you saying? The American women suck or you suck? I don’t think neither of you suck. The women just were not interested. Nothing wrong with that. So you went to a “privado” not sure what that is but I am assuming it is a *****house and got laid. Have you ever rejected a girl?
After my three straight weeks of mongering decided to take a short hiatus. Hit the local mall just to flirt with normal girls this afternoon. because I was simply bored. Did I get lucky? Nope. Am I disappointed? Nope.
Let me tell you the whole story I live in upscale area of the Philippines where 15 mil PHP about $300,000 houses is not an uncommon sight. The girls that frequent this mall are not strapped for cash…..Second thing is the whole Filipinas love foreigners is a myth. When I am out and about the most beautiful Filipinas you see are with successful Filipino men (or ones with inheritated money). You smell what I am cooking.
Now I was not bold as you I didn’t try to start up a conversation I didn’t approach any. I only made eye contact. Some kept a plain face. Some ignored. Some looked angry(the universal fuck off face) but there were no inviting smiles. I had one girl who came and sat way too close to me. She was waiting on me to make a move. But she was unattractive and looked poor. I simply ignored her.
Now if I went to a poorer area of the Philippines maybe I would have got more inviting smiles. Now tell me what is the difference between choosy American women and women everywhere else. I mean *****s are *****s right?
But see, it's [b]not[/b] the same thing if I go to bar that is [b]not[/b] full of American women. Argentinean women are more than happy to sit and have a drink and chat. Do they then immediately jump into bed with you? Not always, but way, way more often then in the You Ess. I just don't go to bars much any more but I thought I would try this one since it is so close to where I am living. I guess there is a language school near there and that's why there were so many gringas there; that's what the bartender told me.
A privado is a particular type of *****house we have down here, just a regular apartment with working girls in it. I prefer these to the clubs because I don't like the noise and smoke in the clubs.
I had identical experiences as DH did, but in an affluent area of Tokyo where I was for a few days last year. In various coffeeshops and bars I had no trouble at all striking up friendly conversations with numerous attractive Japanese women (average by Japanese standards/knockouts by US standards). Did I get lucky? Only once but that's ok. But they were all friendly, kind, and open to conversation and a little company. I was not dressed in expensive clothing and am no Brad Pitt. But I am not gross. I am not fat, am healthy, and clean up well.
Where I have done this in comparable places in the US I have been given the "f-off stare" or saw them reach into their purse presumably for the pepper spray. That's right. Back home I'm suddenly a suspected sexual predator or stalker.
Woulda, shoulda, coulda...
[QUOTE=Goga Fung]Good to hear about LA and your cousin. The problem is that not everybody lives in LA where all the horny girls are!:)
But what's more interesting, that in USA you always here this "if' and "could"!
You made this excuse about sleeping on the couch for a week.(at least you're honest, thanks!) So that was the excuse for not scoring? One whole week! You can score with about 10-20 women! If what you say is true.
So you did not have confidence to get into some girl's place? You did not have confidence to take a girl to the couch?? Cannot fuck on the beach? One my EE friend fucked a girl in Florida on the fucking beach!
Why would do you need wheels to score??? Are you kidding?
Sorry dude, you just made a million stupid reason not to score in USA. And to make it worse in LA. So it must be something else, not the reasons you talk about.
For example in Russia that's never a problem! does not matter where you sleep. people would fuck in any shithole possible. Also one GF in Russia told me she always wanted to have her own apartment so she can invite a guy over.
Anyway, only in USA I hear "Ifs", "could" and "maybe" bullshit all the time.
Some my friends used to go to "spring breaks" while I was going to other countries and had fucked lots of girls. They loughed at me since I was spending 2-3 times more money. but they were always coming back with "ifs", "buts" and "coulds". "Yeah that girl was friendly and nice, but if that.. then maybe. And "yeah we saw many topless girls but..."
'If I want a girl I would go to that party, there are plenty of horny 18 y.e."
-have you done that?
-nope.. but I can if i want to..
-lets do it now
-no I can't...
I never never ever hear this crap in Latin America or EE. Only in USA(or similar)[/QUOTE]
Goga Fung makes some excellent points. All these hypothetical situations of where you could have fucked if the moment was right sounds like a Viagra ad gone bad. The bottom line is did you fuck or not? If you did not fuck then you DID NOT FUCK! You went home with a dry wrinkled penis. End of story.
I remember guys telling hundreds of these bullshit stories in college. My response was always, you did not score STFU! Some would even stoop so low as to lie on their cocks and claim they fucked when they didn't. A few of the unlucky ones got their cards pulled in public when the girls they claimed to have fucked exposed them as the liars they were. Many of these guys were jocks and they had to lie about getting laid. Face it. When it comes to getting quality pussy in the US the majority of guys have pathetic sex lives.
Reminds of my old college days in Pennsylvania, when guys would travel down to Florida for spring break and claim the gals were handing out free pussy like ice cream. I cornered one of these sorry souls, when he returned, and asked him if it was true, free pussy was available on every street corner, and he told me truthfully it was just a myth. Out of a group of five guys who had travelled to Florida none of 'em scored. Amazing.
Now you can go to areas of London, Frankfurt, Paris, Amsterdam, the Caribbean and find AW easily giving up their pussies to foreign men for free.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]Goga Fung makes some excellent points. All these hypothetical situations of where you could have fucked if the moment was right sounds like a Viagra ad gone bad. The bottom line is did you fuck or not? If you did not fuck then you DID NOT FUCK! You went home with a dry wrinkled penis. End of story.
I remember guys telling hundreds of these bullshit stories in college. My response was always, you did not score STFU! Some would even stoop so low as to lie on their cocks and claim they fucked when they didn't. A few of the unlucky ones got their cards pulled in public when the girls they claimed to have fucked exposed them as the liars they were. Many of these guys were jocks and they had to lie about getting laid. Face it. When it comes to getting quality pussy in the US the majority of guys have pathetic sex lives.[/QUOTE]
1 photos
Japan..... A Different Brew
[QUOTE=Yogin]I had identical experiences as DH did, but in an affluent area of Tokyo where I was for a few days last year. In various coffeeshops and bars I had no trouble at all striking up friendly conversations with numerous attractive Japanese women (average by Japanese standards/knockouts by US standards). Did I get lucky? Only once but that's ok. But they were all friendly, kind, and open to conversation and a little company. I was not dressed in expensive clothing and am no Brad Pitt. But I am not gross. I am not fat, am healthy, and clean up well.
Where I have done this in comparable places in the US I have been given the "f-off stare" or saw them reach into their purse presumably for the pepper spray. That's right. Back home I'm suddenly a suspected sexual predator or stalker.[/QUOTE]
Japanese women have an infatuation with foreigners for the most part a lot of them also want a chance to practice English with a native speaker. Especially the ones that hang out in foreigner dominated areas. I must admit though they are very approachable. I lived there for the whole year of 2007. That time if you notice I didn't post much on ISG LOL. Way too busy :D
You guys can't even get a conversation with AW and you then you have the nerve to comment on what someone else should or could do.
This from guys who's only way to get laid is to travel thousands of miles to another country. I wouldn't comment on anyone if I were you guys. What you should be doing. Is trying to learn how to get some pussy without having to make it a business deal or traveling to another country.
But then if you could, you wouldn't be on here bitchin about AW. Would you. Yeah you guys are right. Keep traveling and leave the AW to those who got game. Pimpish ass thatguy is out of here. And as they say. "Don't hate the players. Hate the game" Later.
You Are Not Alone.
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]You guys can't even get a conversation with AW and you then you have the nerve to comment on what someone else should or could do.
This from guys who's only way to get laid is to travel thousands of miles to another country. I wouldn't comment on anyone if I were you guys. What you should be doing. Is trying to learn how to get some pussy without having to make it a business deal or traveling to another country.
But then if you could, you wouldn't be on here bitchin about AW. Would you. Yeah you guys are right. Keep traveling and leave the AW to those who got game. Pimpish ass thatguy is out of here. And as they say. "Don't hate the players. Hate the game" Later.[/QUOTE]
That guy I like your post. While I don’t have the “game” or the looks. I don’t hate the guys that do or hate the women that choose to spend their time elsewhere. I know for a fact there are American men taking plenty of quality American women into their bed. I also have found that men who attract American women have no problem attracting women overseas also. It is no different from Manila to Houston (and no I am not from Houston, I am an up north type cat) no matter where you go. Women are women.
Illogic over and out.
pimply ass thatguy: i can get laid by aw. they are just not worth it, that's all. lousy joyless sex, rude loud and lacking in manners, sense of entitlement, demanding, and they expect to call all the shots. what's not to love?
you sound like sour grapes aw who call any guy a loser who has given up on them and has found happiness with a foreign lady. live abroad. you'll see soon enough what we are talking about. i don't know if it's some misguided chivalry you are exhibiting (defending the honor of your mom or sister) or some patriotic bent. for the record i love my country and my sister & mom. and i see no incongruency in that.
illogic: i have had the same experiences in many other countries besides japan. and we spoke japanese not english. and i was not in a foreigner-heavy area. just using japan as one of many examples i could give.
Thats Great
Illogic: I have had the same experiences in many other countries besides Japan. And we spoke Japanese not English. And I was not in a foreigner-heavy area. Just using Japan as one of many examples I could give.[/QUOTE]
Thats great Yogin. Well for me its been pretty much same everywhere with me when it comes to women... no luck but I am talking nice looking ones... Only in Japan pretty women would flirt. Normal women with good jobs (money). But then again my traveling is very limited...
Japan, Philippines, Thailand, South Korea, UAE, Uzbekistan
All you guys have nice day.
[quote=yogin]pimply ass thatguy: i can get laid by aw. they are just not worth it, that's all. lousy joyless sex, rude loud and lacking in manners, sense of entitlement, demanding, and they expect to call all the shots. what's not to love?
you sound like sour grapes aw who call any guy a loser who has given up on them and has found happiness with a foreign lady. live abroad. you'll see soon enough what we are talking about. i don't know if it's some misguided chivalry you are exhibiting (defending the honor of your mom or sister) or some patriotic bent. for the record i love my country and my sister & mom. and i see no incongruency in that.
illogic: i have had the same experiences in many other countries besides japan. and we spoke japanese not english. and i was not in a foreigner-heavy area. just using japan as one of many examples i could give.[/quote]
yeah i don't get this guy, i love my mother, my sister and loathing to admit i love the usa with its thousands of faults, its still home.
having said that, by american standards i am a looser though i make more money than many of these aw, up to their eye balls in credit cards, school loan repayments, rent, car payments and who knows what else they pay for.
only in america do we have to have a reality show about single mothers looking to find victim number 2 or 3. or a new show about average sized women, according to fox, its size 14 - hello! ftw are you thinking that guy? if the majority of aw available are size 14 and larger (look on any single's site) then i rest my case and agree with yogin its just not worth it.
only outside of america can you go up to any random girl and strike up a conversation. it might turn into a date, it might not, thats the way it should be at home, but its not, stop the spin already!
I never said anything about anyone using the internet to find women. I stated, I felt, and mainly still do that men under 35 that use P4P as their ONLY/PRIMARY means for getting sex are losers.[/QUOTE]Sorry, dude, now what you're saying is complete crap. I know that I'm a loser for sure. And also one my 26 y.o. friend. he lived for one year with a photo model type EE chica. But still he liked better chicas from Colombian casas. I took him last winter to. he wants to go back. And he still goes back to Curacao to Campo Alegre to pay $28 to fuck a girl.
I do not even want to start a conversation about Rio.
I would say that anybody over 0 y.o. who has not scored in a Rio therma is a complete loser.
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]You have it wrong gonga fung. I was busy doing the family thing so I had limited amount of time to pursue women. It was not a monger vacation. It just so happens I stayed with my cousin and I was describing his lifestyle.[/QUOTE]I actually got it exactly right. people here always come up with stupid reasons. And you just did it again.
yeah your cousin scores always, even though his life styles sucks... but you cant score because it's "non monger" vacation and actually these girls have higher standards...what the fuck...
you do not need wheels to fuck. every girl has a car. what can be easier. or are you trying to say that she will fuck you for the car?
have you known that you need only few minutes/hours to score? and you do not tell your dick if it's "family" or "monger" time for it?
Dude, why don't you admit, you cannot simply do that in LA/USA
people want to fuck, but they can't, so they come up with BS reasons.
if you could you would do it. You would not be even on this forum BTW. Do not say "could" or "maybe" crap.
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]The reason in Russia people will fuck in any shithole. Is because most don't have their own place or a decent place to take you to anyway. So what difference does it make. A shithole is all they can get. The average russians wage is like $450 a month. The majority is shithole poor.[/QUOTE]I do not understand the point. So it is actually about money?
I thought it was about "confidence";) Read you own posts.
Ok, well my GF's in Russia and Ukraine make each about $2000 per month.
They are managers/supervisors. They buy themselves vacations, etc.. I'm actually going with one of them to Spain this week. I did not pay shit for her.
And they do have higher standards than AW, regarding looks, style, behavior etc..
This makes it clear. It's not about money or poor girls.[QUOTE]In america. You won't find too many women willing to fuck in a shithole. Thats just the bottome line. They have a higher standard.[/QUOTE]Yeah, especially looks and behavor:)
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]You guys can't even get a conversation with AW and you then you have the nerve to comment on what someone else should or could do.
[/QUOTE]I have had many conversations with AW. I'm not from USA or LA. A third party opinion: I prefer a conversation with a latin woman. Does not matter working or non working girl.
[QUOTE]This from guys who's only way to get laid is to travel thousands of miles to another country. I wouldn't comment on anyone if I were you guys. What you should be doing. Is trying to learn how to get some pussy without having to make it a business deal or traveling to another country.[/QUOTE]I used to have some GFs in USA. But it turned out that it is actually much cheaper and more rewarding to travel overseas then to have one GF in USA who will fuck with your brains.
Also after my ex-wife, not too many girls in USA attract me. Can you find a girl who is young beautiful, smart, cooks, cleans the house, size 2, virgin when married, etc... in USA?
[QUOTE]But then if you could, you wouldn't be on here bitchin about AW. Would you. Yeah you guys are right. Keep traveling and leave the AW to those who got game. Pimpish ass thatguy is out of here. And as they say. "Don't hate the players. Hate the game" Later.[/QUOTE]I kinda find it interesting often I see guys overseas with even worse looking girls than back in USA. Of course it's the personal preference. But i can only imagine how bad it has to be in USA that a guy goes overseas to fuck a not good-looking girl.
For me it's no problema, i'm not american, i do not care, but it's interesting that many AM cannot get along with AW, then it must be really bad.
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax]Reminds of my old college days in Pennsylvania, when guys would travel down to Florida for spring break and claim the gals were handing out free pussy like ice cream. I cornered one of these sorry souls, when he returned, and asked him if it was true, free pussy was available on every street corner, and he told me truthfully it was just a myth. Out of a group of five guys who had travelled to Florida none of 'em scored. Amazing.
Now you can go to areas of London, Frankfurt, Paris, Amsterdam, the Caribbean and find AW easily giving up their pussies to foreign men for free.[/QUOTE]
Me and my bro Blaked095 were sitting down in a coffeee shop in the center of Kiev. In front of us the next table were 3 women from the USA. 2 were obiest the other was normal. I could hear them talking LOUD typical North American loud mouths devouring cakes and shit gulping down drinks and it was funny and there speach was something like "What ever" "YouKnow"typical attitude jargon. It was pathetic they glanced at us once in a while hoping we would talk to them because they heard us talking Enlish. I felt SORRY for these attrocities of nature. The other Ukrainian women in the coffee shop look like Run Way models. The women in Kiev DRESS better than the women in Moscow. hard to believe but true. I am heading back to the west coast and putting my home up for sale. Ukraine is BETTER than Moscow cheaper by far and the Ukrainian women have NO attitudes compare to Russian women in the cities. Its hard for me to write this because I have been in LOVE with Moscow for the past 10 years. p4p in Kiev is cheaper and better quality than in Moscow for the price. Food and hotels are cheaper in Kiev than Moscow. Though I have spent countless visits to the Crimea I never spent any time in the North of Ukraine (KIEV) its been 1 month here in Kiev and I can honestly say KIEV is paridise. The rest of the world knows about this financial global meltdown, but it seems that MOSCOW hasnt heard of this, the prices keep going UP UP UP .. Apartments in the center of the city in Kiev are DIRT CHEAP!!!!!!! 300K for a 2 bedroom same flat in MOSCOW 3 million dollars. Yes after staying almost 10 years in Moscow on and off, I NEVER thought I would say this but KIEV is better by far. The OIL and GAS money in Russia has spoil the Russian womens way of thinking. But Rusian women are still easier to talk to than LARD ASS NORTH AMERICAN WOMEN..The way I see it Ukraine will always be a poor country NO natural resources like Russia, So the women will ALWAYS be down to earth. The food is FRESHER in Ukraine than in Russia. Plus there are NO documents needed in Ukraine like Russia.. So the end conclusion I make is TOURISTS will and are now FLOCKING to Ukraine and eventually FUCK IT UP... So thats why I will keep my flat in Moscow... Ukraine will probably be a good place for the next 7 years before it gets fuck up.. Ex pats can afford to live there on a budget very easily, so Moscow being expensive as it is, will have very very very little ex pats living there. I say mongers looking for paridise go to Ukraine. It will soon be polluted in the next 7 years. The writting is on the wall. Oh how I miss Moscow expensive as it is but the writting is on the wall. Moscow will always be Moscow Elites as they are, but at the end of the day it all makes sense to me, A country that will NEVER be control by the WEST and NOT many westerners polluting the country with their way of thinking and living. Ukraine is better for NOW, but all good things come to an end eventually like in the next 7 years.
[QUOTE=Brian Moloney]Me and my bro Blaked095 were sitting down in a coffeee shop in the center of Kiev. In front of us the next table were 3 women from the USA. 2 were obiest the other was normal. I could hear them talking LOUD typical North American loud mouths devouring cakes and shit gulping down drinks and it was funny and there speach was something like "What ever" "YouKnow"typical attitude jargon. It was pathetic they glanced at us once in a while hoping we would talk to them because they heard us talking Enlish. I felt SORRY for these attrocities of nature.[/QUOTE]haha I love this phrase "atrocities of nature":)
[QUOTE=Brian Moloney]But Rusian women are still easier to talk to than LARD ASS NORTH AMERICAN WOMEN..The way I see it Ukraine will always be a poor country NO natural resources like Russia, So the women will ALWAYS be down to earth. The food is FRESHER in Ukraine than in Russia. [/QUOTE]Yesterday I happened to go to a shopping mall with my neighbor. We drunk some wine, and I was trying to talk to some girls. I do not know what it is , either my weird look(I wore a Colombian Tshort, maybe that's why people got freaked out) or the bad economy. The girls seem to be even more unfriendlier and pissed then ever! One stupid ***** saw me from a distance and already made a pissed face even before I started talking to her.
She was selling some women's crap so I would not buy anything for sure, but why does she has to get pissed, I do not understand. It looks like the sales are low, no customers around, so maybe that's why those chicks are pissed at everybody. Maybe they should start learning selling their ass.
As Brian Moloney says, I felt SORRY for these atrocities of nature:) But my money for sure will go to South America and Eastern Europe girls. And those American mall chicas can continue getting pissed. What a waste of female meat.
Only one out of about 10 girls was actually friendly and gave me her email. Which of course does not mean anything, but at least one girl was able to behave without giving nasty looks.
[QUOTE=Vaquero]So I hooked up with a woman I've known in my professional field for a number of years, a big girl but a nice heart.
She lives a few hours away from me, and I suggested we go away for a weekend. Never had had any physical contact with her before that. She was game.
Now I wasn't necessarily expecting anything, and by the time the trip arrived, I'd caught a nasty flu, and I gave her the option out. She still wanted to go. And all this time, I'd told her I really wasn't looking for a steady relationship, what with starting a new job and all that.
So we went, and she put the moves on me first, and I nailed her nine times that weekend. And that was with the Nyquil and Jager.
A couple weeks later, she had to fly away on business from my city, so I invited her to stay before and after her flights, and we screwed then, too.
Last time I saw her she said if this relationship wasn't going anywhere, there'd be no more sex.
This was after I told her repeatedly if she felt like hooking up with someone else to feel free, that I wasn't looking for serious ties now.
So then she began a little character assassination, and I don't hear much from her now.
She's a nice girl, and she actually drove for our trip and insisted on covering meals. Always wants to go Dutch otherwise.
What's strange to me is that she initiated the sex, with basically me doing all the work, and her just laying there. Then she said she was disappointed I didn't give her a massage.
And she can't cook, and her house is worse than mine in terms of cleanliness.
So basically, if I just get access to her vagina, I'm supposed to adhere to the party line. I can't quite get that.
My most meaningful relationship in years has been a fleeting one with the married mamasan of an AMP. Things don't get complicated there.[/QUOTE]
Thank you for posting your experience here so that we can all share. This whale's behavior is typical of American chicks. You harpooned that whale in her blow-hole over nine times like Captain Ahab. It was hard work and understandably you expected a bit of gratitude. Instead you got slander and an ultimatum. This is a fine example of why a perfectly normal American male would rather choose to pay a good looking woman for some ass instead of riding a cetacean for "free" only to face demands and then have his good name dragged through the mud.
It is said that if you can't kill a man the next best thing is to assassinate his character. Plain and simple, you can't put a price on your good name. That is why companies spend millions of dollars on public relations. Some guys can get laid easily at home but they prefer to travel thousands of miles away and pay some foreign woman to get their jollies for this very reason. Most American women believe that having pussy gives them exclusive power to make the rules, break the rules and exercise veto over men. Funny how you granted her a mercy fuck then suddenly found yourself indebted to her for this act of pity. If she was skinny she'd have expected nothing less than a marriage proposal after the starfish sex.
For those that tout the fine qualities of American women, I say have at them but don't come here lying to us about your or some else's supposedly great experiences. If Victoria Secrets type American women are serving you pussy like free ice cream at a social then don't waste your time telling us about it. We don't don't need to hear about all the pussy we could be getting if we had the right luxury car, mansion, Armani suit, six-figure salary or movie star looks. Of course, American women would take it up the ass if we had all those things and were offering to share it with them. So please don't insult our intelligence.
Peace Brother
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]
For those that tout the fine qualities of American women, I say have at them but don't come here lying to us about your or some else's supposedly great experiences. If Victoria Secrets type American women are serving you pussy like free ice cream at a social then don't waste your time telling us about it. We don't don't need to hear about all the pussy we could be getting if we had the right luxury car, mansion, Armani suit, six-figure salary or movie star looks. Of course, American women would take it up the ass if we had all those things and were offering to share it with them. So please don't insult our intelligence.[/QUOTE]
Wow! I sense some animosity. Peace brother CM. We have an opinion man. No one is right or wrong. I just posted my experiences in the local mall here in PI. Received the fuck off face the same face you will receive in States in fact.
DJ has told us about his friends who are not doing so well financial but still managed to bag quality American chicks. No one is insulting anyone's intelligence just saying women are women. Again peace brother CM if you ever make it out to PI drinks and the WGs are on me.
[quote=goga fung]i do not understand the point. so it is actually about money?
i thought it was about "confidence";) read you own posts.
ok, well my gf's in russia and ukraine make each about $2000 per month.
they are managers/supervisors. they buy themselves vacations, etc.. i'm actually going with one of them to spain this week. i did not pay shit for her.
and they do have higher standards than aw, regarding looks, style, behavior etc..
this makes it clear. it's not about money or poor girls.yeah, especially looks and behavor:)[/quote]
thatguy85 you are definately a dumb fuck, you have no clue in life. i am dumb but at least i am rich and i travel the world!!!! moscow is the most expensive city in the world. their are more millionaires and billionaires in moscow than in the usa and canada combined. before and after this melt down. you more than likely can not afford to bring your sorry broke ass to moscow.. yeah the phillipines and thailand thats in your budget for broke ass losers such as yourself i can see you counting your pennies and bahts you are a joke you cry sour grapes because you will never taste a true white slavic beauty. stay in a poor country like the philipines and fuck those $20.00@hour pigs. russia has beautifull hotels . but thats out of your price range and will always be you loser. their are 2 types of people in this world. the haves and the havenots.. you will always be a have not. no money no class no looks ha ha ha ha ha you really lost out in life i actually feel sorry for you.
[QUOTE=Illogic] I just posted my experiences in the local mall here in PI. Received the fuck off face the same face you will receive in States in fact.[/QUOTE]I think the problem is that in USA generally 9 out of 10(or 99 out of 100) chicks would be either mean, nasty, mean, ugly, nonfeminine, unfuckable, or combinations of those, etc.. And this makes the small leftover % of good-looking potentially nice women actually worse then they are already, since the competition for them is really high. So now they have to become bitches, since many of them do not know how to handle males' attention in a decent way.
On the other hand in many other countries much higher % of women are nice, feminine, and fuckable. When I'm in Colombia I have hard time to find a not-good looking woman. Of course they are there, but hard to find. Its not that I really need, just sometimes interesting to look around and be surprised of the contrast with USA. And many the worst looking Colombian women there would be considered good-looking by American standards.
Here we were talking something about 'American standards". Something is really wrong with it.
Check this out, pretty funny discussion. Its not just me, I definitly could have been mistaken(I look weird to AW), but it's actually American guys write the funny things about AW:
Example’s allot of men are seeing and in all honesty not wishing to subject themselves to any longer. (Mind you not all American women are like this but a growing share have fallen into the following category’s from many men’s perspectives)
1) Selfish - to the point where they don't know the difference between love of self and plain downright greed.
2) Deluded - into thinking they "deserve" a rich, model-handsome husband who will "take them away from all of this"--whatever the "this" might be--and leading to resentment when they discover that the universe does NOT revolve around them.
3) Angry - ALL the damn time about things which are so far out of their control as to be nonsensical--and constantly wanting to "discuss" this mind numbing drivel ad nauseam.
4) Psychotic - multiple personalities in the same woman - as "Nomad" put it in the "Star Trek" episode: "Woman...a mass of inconsistencies...", and also when the feminist voices in their heads start with the regrets and victim acculturation.
5) Worthless - anything that does not immediately resolve itself in her favor or to her benefit is meaningless to her, especially husband and family.
6) Lazy - drilled into their head that they "deserve" a maid, nanny and personal slave to take care of every detail - and that their husband/boyfriend is REQUIRED to cater to their each and every mindless whim.
7) Resentful - especially of other women who have things that they do not, in material, spiritual and esoteric senses.
8) Greedy - to them, "housekeeping" means getting the house in the divorce (thanks to Zsa Zsa for that immortal line) and sucking the guy for every last cent, even if they had nothing to do with the building of the nest egg.
9) Mindless - constant, irritating, idle prattle about topics they read about in some women's magazine and then become instant experts--particularly pop psychology and the latest crap they see on “ News Stand “.
10) Vain - believing that they are irresistible to everything in pants and therefore are allowed to behave sluttish and without any honor.
[QUOTE=Illogic]Wow! I sense some animosity. Peace brother CM. We have an opinion man. No one is right or wrong. I just posted my experiences in the local mall here in PI. Received the fuck off face the same face you will receive in States in fact.
DJ has told us about his friends who are not doing so well financial but still managed to bag quality American chicks. No one is insulting anyone's intelligence just saying women are women. Again peace brother CM if you ever make it out to PI drinks and the WGs are on me.[/QUOTE]
I don’t doubt you in the least. Of course, not all foreign women are going to be nice to us. Some of them come from families with enough money to send them to the USA to study. They’ve seen our trailer parks and projects. So they may think we’re full of shit when they see us in their country. Some of them belong to their country’s elite. They have maids and the best of what their homeland has to offer. They look down on everyone and they learn the “fuck off” face early.
We shouldn’t assume that we’re welcomed by everyone in a country. I’ve been to countries where the US military, and European or American tourists have been blamed for bringing AIDS to their country. Once on a visit to the Caribbean I saw a group of attractive Swedish girls with a couple of native beach boys. I commented to a local guy next to me that the beach boys were lucky. He laughed and said that they were extremely unlucky because everyone knew that Swedish female tourists were spreading AIDS among the beach bums through bareback sex and cunnilingus. That pretty much explained why other local men seemed to steer clear of tourist women. I also noticed a sign along the road to the docks warning locals about engaging in sex with tourists because of the AIDS risk. It was sponsored by an NGO. So guys who fuck tourists on the island are pretty much at the lower levels of society. This is ironic because in the US they would be considered studs with a lot of game.
Yes. We have different points of view. Your belief that there is a dark side to prostitution isn’t erroneous. There are mongers out there who inflict pain on hookers by insisting that they continue sexual acts previously agreed upon. I think a hooker has a right to back out of a deal if she discovers that she can’t handle a butt-fucking. No amount of money paid justifies butt fucking another human to the point of injury. I suspect that most butt-fuckers really sadists to some degree.
Thank you for the offer. I certainly will look you up when in the Philippines.
[QUOTE=Illogic]Asian women are not known for having voluptuous / thick body parts. But if you have the time, energy and the financial resources to weed through all the skinny girls in Asia (this is one of the main attractions of Asia… slim girls) then more power to you. I think a man looking for big tits would be wiser to go elsewhere]
I have had quite a few slim and stacked Asian beauties, Illogic, and I never said I liked FAT women with big boobs so don't be a dolt.
[QUOTE Illogic] What does being married, single have to do with what you just said? I have said once and I am saying it again this shit is not all good. Do you like to have sex with out of shape old women? What do you think most WG girls are doing? Since Dick Head said my analogy was invalid would you like to lick the pussy of fat old western women for money? I don’t even like fat young girls]
See my comment above.
[QUOTE Illogic] So a woman’s role is to be subservient to a man? Why? I got a friend who has earns double my salary and has traveled with me overseas I have had women in various countries refer to him as easy on the eyes . I never hear him moaning and groaning about American woman. I really think a lot of you guys are just bitter]
Not bitter. Realistic. I still date AWs (sometimes slim n stacked but usually at least stacked) and occasionally get laid but prefer the exoticity, friendliness and fu**ability of foreign women.
Perhaps arguing with you is futile. After all, you are ILLOGIC.
[QUOTE=Illogic]Wow! I sense some animosity. Peace brother CM. We have an opinion man. No one is right or wrong. I just posted my experiences in the local mall here in PI. Received the fuck off face the same face you will receive in States in fact.
DJ has told us about his friends who are not doing so well financial but still managed to bag quality American chicks. No one is insulting anyone's intelligence just saying women are women. Again peace brother CM if you ever make it out to PI drinks and the WGs are on me.[/QUOTE]
I dunno the 23 year old finally dropped my 39 year old friend because FRANKLY he's a looser. Likes to go out on other people's dime and keep the attention of the women he meets by constantly fucking them, kissing them and fondling them to keep their minds off the fact -
He's not working, constantly saying he's hustling for tv/movie work and extra casting calls.
He still owes back child support and works under the table usually to avoid California's tax board.
Yeah they hook up, but its never for a long time and he has burned many bridges in his 39 years, including his mother, brother and sister who all have stable but boring lifestyles.
So if you call that a "Successful" hook up, I dunno you like to by Lemon cars? I mean its NEW you won't know its a Lemon until things constantly go wrong with it.
But he offers women in America who usually have a BORING life of constant working and paying bills some excitement and adventure, by showing them you can be irresponsible totally and still be alive...
He wears out his welcome many times, gets laid more than I do, but in the end, when his looks go away, he'll either shack up with some horrible looking whale or something worst just to have a roof over his head and eat out her nasty snatch....
Another buddy his living with some hollywood producer (she is NOT CUTE AT ALL) and sends my homie rent money every month, on time and he hasn't lived there full time for at least 8 months now.
I don't call these success stories. In typical American hype media machine these might be termed successes but you can't believe that with a straight face can you???
I can't keep saying it, I don't go out as much as I use too because its just a waste of time, my valuable time...
Any man who would let a woman support him or finance his lifestyle is a [i]de facto[/i] pimp, not a real man, a waste of skin, and a complete defuckingenerate. Look at this Clark Rockefeller. Women are so fucking stupid sometimes. She made millions of dollars a year. She was married to him for [b]TWELVE YEARS[/b] and did not know who he really was. Said in court she never saw his passport, never saw his driver's license (he told her he had an "eye problem" and couldn't drive; shit there are people who are LEGALLY BLIND who can legally drive), he never had a checkbook (other than hers, as she noted wryly). And it ain't like the guy is cute. He sat on his ass for years and finally he agreed to accept a million dollars cash to give her sole custody of their kid, and he [b]still[/b] fucked it all up.
DJ what you oughta do is move the hell away from wherever you grew up with these fucking "homeys." Just go anywhere. You have a CDL, right? Just go and get away from all this negative energy.
Trying To Say
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]I dunno the 23 year old finally dropped my 39 year old friend because FRANKLY he's a looser. Likes to go out on other people's dime and keep the attention of the women he meets by constantly fucking them, kissing them and fondling them to keep their minds off the fact -
So if you call that a "Successful" hook up, I dunno you like to by Lemon cars? I mean its NEW you won't know its a Lemon until things constantly go wrong with it.
I don't call these success stories. In typical American hype media machine these might be termed successes but you can't believe that with a straight face can you???
I can't keep saying it, I don't go out as much as I use too because its just a waste of time, my valuable time...[/QUOTE]
DJ not calling them success stories (whatever the fuck that is) as I don't know your boy. I simply saying he was able to bag American chicks. Court them and get them into bed.
[quote=brian moloney]thatguy85 you are definately a dumb fuck, you have no clue in life. i am dumb but at least i am rich and i travel the world!!!! moscow is the most expensive city in the world. their are more millionaires and billionaires in moscow than in the usa and canada combined. before and after this melt down. you more than likely can not afford to bring your sorry broke ass to moscow.. yeah the phillipines and thailand thats in your budget for broke ass losers such as yourself i can see you counting your pennies and bahts you are a joke you cry sour grapes because you will never taste a true white slavic beauty. stay in a poor country like the philipines and fuck those $20.00@hour pigs. russia has beautifull hotels . but thats out of your price range and will always be you loser. their are 2 types of people in this world. the haves and the havenots.. you will always be a have not. no money no class no looks ha ha ha ha ha you really lost out in life i actually feel sorry for you.[/quote]damn what hostility.
did i touch a nerve or what. are you that sensitive about russia. you obviously are a wizard or something. from my post you can detect my income, my status in life, my success with women, where i have or have not been. you are something like a nostradamus.
so let me enlighten you on one thing. as i previously stated. you can enjoy all those pale fish belly white slavic hoes. i wouldn't go to russia if you paid for it. well maybe if you paid, but only to see the city, culture and to say i been there done that and one time only. not for the women. pale ass white women don't do anything for me.
i won't even comment on your insults cause that only shows your ignoranc to state such things without ever talking/seeing/or knowing who i am.
bm as you stated you are dum,
if you think russia has the most billionares or millionares. but then you did admit "you are a dum ass". now didn't you. just goes to show you even a dum ass can make money. check any list you want. russia isn't even close.
[QUOTE=Dickhead]Any man who would let a woman support him or finance his lifestyle is a [i]de facto[/i] pimp, not a real man, a waste of skin, and a complete defuckingenerate. Look at this Clark Rockefeller. Women are so fucking stupid sometimes. She made millions of dollars a year. She was married to him for [b]TWELVE YEARS[/b] and did not know who he really was. Said in court she never saw his passport, never saw his driver's license (he told her he had an "eye problem" and couldn't drive; shit there are people who are LEGALLY BLIND who can legally drive), he never had a checkbook (other than hers, as she noted wryly). And it ain't like the guy is cute. He sat on his ass for years and finally he agreed to accept a million dollars cash to give her sole custody of their kid, and he [b]still[/b] fucked it all up.
DJ what you oughta do is move the hell away from wherever you grew up with these fucking "homeys." Just go anywhere. You have a CDL, right? Just go and get away from all this negative energy.[/QUOTE]
LOL! I grew up in the West Valley area of the SFV (818)
They aren't that bad, The looser (Mel) isn't really a close friend. My boy's roommate is an annoyance generally; his drunken behavior ruined a sure fire "train" with two up and coming porn actresses once upon a time.
I gave up my CDL, I wasn't using it. All it would take is a simple DMV test to get it back, you don't lose how to drive those things.
I am getting away from all this BS, I am going to spend at the very least 6 months I hope in less than a year (why I got two jobs) to chasing pussy overseas, either Western/Eastern Europe or South America. I plan to come back sexxually drained and willfully engaged...
[QUOTE=Illogic]DJ not calling them success stories (whatever the fuck that is) as I don't know your boy. I simply saying he was able to bag American chicks. Court them and get them into bed.[/QUOTE]
Which is more than I can do -
Being Responsible = Single Mothers and Fat Chicks
Being Irresponsible = Air Headed Hotties and MILF's
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]Damn what hostility.
Did I touch a nerve or what. Are you that sensitive about Russia. You obviously are a wizard or something. From my post you can detect my income, my status in life, my success with women, where I have or have not been. You are something like a nostradamus.
So let me enlighten you on one thing. As I previously stated. You can enjoy all those pale fish belly white slavic hoes. I wouldn't go to Russia if you paid for it. Well maybe if you paid, but only to see the city, culture and to say I been there done that and one time only. Not for the women. Pale ass white women don't do anything for me.
I won't even comment on your insults cause that only shows your ignoranc to state such things without ever talking/seeing/or knowing who I am.
BM as you stated you are DUM,
If you think russia has the most billionares or millionares. But then you did admit "you are a dum ass". Now didn't you. Just goes to show you even a Dum ass can make money. Check any list you want. Russia isn't even close.
Arguing back and forth is like school children. The point I am making is YOU can keep ALL the FAT ASS BAD ATTITUDE North American women to yourself. Since you praise them so much. I have had my fill about 15 years ago, if I was smarter which I wasnt. I would of TRAVEL outside the box 30 years ago and save myself a lot of TIME, MONEY!!!!! and aggrevation. So you can stay in the USA in your dream world, and keep parking your broke sorry ass by the TV watching ORCA WINFREY and stay in your fantasy world. This ISG was invented for mongers that TRAVEL internationaly around the globe looking for a better life, some have found some have not. Most are fed up with North American women and their HIGH AND MIGHTY ATTITUDES. I wish you ALL the LUCK in being a DOOR MAT for these women. As the saying goes " He, who knowns NOT and not knows he knows NOT is a fool."
Originally Posted by Brian Moloney
Thatguy85 You are definately a dumb fuck, you have NO clue in life. I am dumb but at least I am rich and I travel the WORLD!!!! Moscow is the most expensive city in the world.
Damn what hostility.
So let me enlighten you on one thing. As I previously stated. You can enjoy all those pale fish belly white slavic hoes. I wouldn't go to Russia if you paid for it. Well maybe if you paid, but only to see the city, culture and to say I been there done that and one time only. Not for the women. Pale ass white women don't do anything for me.
I won't even comment on your insults cause that only shows your ignoranc to state such things without ever talking/seeing/or knowing who I am.[/QUOTE]You guys are awesome, please continue:)
I'm kinda wondering, Thatguy865, where did you get this idea about "pale fish belly white slavic hoes". Have you ever seen them? Of course some of them are pale. But also many Filipinas are more pale than many slavics.
Have you been hosting SC Gov. Mark Sanford down in Argentina? I bet you took him to all the best privados. It seems even the guys with money, power and fame feel the need to flee from their wonderful American wives. First Spitzer now Sanford, these governors are just not getting their pipes cleaned at home. Someone isn't giving them what they need and they're deciding to get it elsewhere.
I wouldn't hang around with a born-again neocon fuck like that. If he came to BA I would take him to the Charly Bar in Constitución or maybe Oba Oba on calle Rivadavia then I would excuse myself to the bathroom and ditch him there. Or maybe in La Matanza somewhere.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]Dickhead,
First Spitzer now Sanford, these governors are just not getting their pipes cleaned at home. Someone isn't giving them what they need and they're deciding to get it elsewhere.[/QUOTE]
I would not say this is the case....some guys just want a little variety.....especially if their wives best years are not a distant memory...
[QUOTE=Dickhead]I wouldn't hang around with a born-again neocon fuck like that. If he came to BA I would take him to the Charly Bar in Constitución or maybe Oba Oba on calle Rivadavia then I would excuse myself to the bathroom and ditch him there. Or maybe in La Matanza somewhere.[/QUOTE]
I hear you Dickhead. He gave "hiking the Appalachian Trail" a whole new meaning.
LOL! I knew it was only a matter of hours before we'd see some good jokes about Gov. Sanford! Gives a whole new meaning to the term "GOP Rising Star". So sorry to hear that DH wasn't able to be his guide. Am sure you would have given him a night to remember. Can you post a photo here? His girlfriend is really an ugly old hag?
As a congressman he voted to remove Clinton from office for lying about a BJ, citing his concerns about "moral legitimacy". Agree that with Spitzer it is NONE of our business. But this is different. Sanford left the country without transferring power to someone else, putting the state at tremendous risk had there been an emergency. And it has not been firmly established that he paid for all trips himself. He and Sen Ensign (other presidential contender) were both members of DC's "Christian Fellowship".
I'm going to Peru in December for two weeks, having high hopes...
AP just released her photo. What an ugly old hag. So much for the idea that wealthy, powerful, decent looking American men have great sex lives with their wives.
[QUOTE=Illogic]I would not say this is the case....some guys just want a little variety.....especially if their wives best years are not a distant memory...[/QUOTE]
Yeah Elliot just wanted to bang young pussy, so what, is it REALLY our business? He didn't do it with tax payer dollars. Stanford however has been to Argentina 3 other times!
The GOP is a joke and the sooner most of America realizes this and removes them from office we can actually get some things DONE around here...
[QUOTE=Dickhead]AP just released her photo. What an ugly old hag. So much for the idea that wealthy, powerful, decent looking American men have great sex lives with their wives.[/QUOTE]
I'd say his wife hasn't been fucking him since the last child was born... She knew about this affair and that's part of the reason she kicked his arse out.
And ThatGuy wants to defend American Women....
Well what this Sanford was fucking damn sure wasn't YOUNG pussy. Her picture is on the Argentina forum. The AP reports his trip was paid for by himself but wasn't he supposed to be working? Oh wait a minute; I am supposed to be working right now. Sue me. But I am not full-time right now and I worked right up until I finished the second quart of beer. I didn't just disappear for a week. The final exam is due at midnight and two of my colleagues are traveling for pleasure and I have to deal with all their students' questions. Fine, I'm happy to do it, but one is a brand-new employee. Would you, as a brand-new employee, schedule a fucking vacation at that exact time the peak workload came up? I mean, it's an interesting technique but really. And yes, they are both American Women and none of the American Men I work with are pulling this shit. Can you say entitlement? And, the boss (a woman) simply sent me an e-mail telling me to cover for them. I'm finishing my ninth year at this job and I take my vacations during the semester breaks. Always. Still they hired these women and took work away from me. Bread out of my mouth, and I've had to cut back on [b]pussy[/b]. And these women mollycoddle the students so they get better evaluations, whereas I enforce academic standards. It's a complete reverse double standard. Kinda like the double standard this fuck Sanford showed when he voted to impeach Clinton and said there had to be "morally accountability" or some such horseshit.
[QUOTE=Dickhead]Well what this Sanford was fucking damn sure wasn't YOUNG pussy. Her picture is on the Argentina forum. The AP reports his trip was paid for by himself but wasn't he supposed to be working? Oh wait a minute; I am supposed to be working right now. Sue me. But I am not full-time right now and I worked right up until I finished the second quart of beer. I didn't just disappear for a week. The final exam is due at midnight and two of my colleagues are traveling for pleasure and I have to deal with all their students' questions. Fine, I'm happy to do it, but one is a brand-new employee. Would you, as a brand-new employee, schedule a fucking vacation at that exact time the peak workload came up? I mean, it's an interesting technique but really. And yes, they are both American Women and none of the American Men I work with are pulling this shit. Can you say entitlement? And, the boss (a woman) simply sent me an e-mail telling me to cover for them. I'm finishing my ninth year at this job and I take my vacations during the semester breaks. Always. Still they hired these women and took work away from me. Bread out of my mouth, and I've had to cut back on [b]pussy[/b]. And these women mollycoddle the students so they get better evaluations, whereas I enforce academic standards. It's a complete reverse double standard. Kinda like the double standard this fuck Sanford showed when he voted to impeach Clinton and said there had to be "morally accountability" or some such horseshit.[/QUOTE]
That is SO not her picture IS it?
She looks like some sort of night creature you see in horror flicks... :shock:
I dunno but I think so. The guy who posted it is pretty reliable. But maybe she had just stuck a bobby pin into a wall socket. You know we have 220V down here so the shock can be considerable. I mean, Monica Lewinsky was no prize but this hag is way worse. And, if a guy in charge of a major governmental organization can't show good judgment in who he risks his marriage for, what does that say about his overall judgment and leadership? Clinton got pretty much set up but this fucker is just over the top. I take back what I said earlier about the Charly Bar and Oba Oba cuz actually he would have been better off going to either of those places. Or Balabaca in Zona Sur. I hadn't seen her picture at that point.
Oba Oba used to be 1 peso per minute with a ten minute minimum but I haven't been there in about three years. At that time it amounted to about $3 for ten minutes. Charly Bar is in a really bad part of town and is owned by an Argie who married a Dominican wh@re and it's full of guess what? Dominican wh@res. Balabaca I can't even begin to describe but they do have good pool tables. La Matanza used to be the slaughterhouse district but even the cows wouldn't go there so now it is full of "paco" addicts. "Paco" is the shit you use to extract free base or crack or whatever from coke so it is a solvent you are supposed to throw away when you are done making the crack. Instead they soak cheap weed in it. There was an exposé about it on TV yesterday that I watched while I was on the treadmill at the gym. Probably mostly bullshit but it was about adolescent girls blowing the dealers in exchange for this deadly shit.
I don't believe in taking other people's photos and putting them in other fora without permission. I said it was posted in the Argentina forum so take your ass there if you want to see it. Trust me, you don't.
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]That is SO not her picture IS it?
She looks like some sort of night creature you see in horror flicks... :shock:[/QUOTE]
Hideous looking to be truthful. My gut says no way, but I could be wrong. Any links?
Here's a link to Mark Stanford's mistress. Oh yeah, now was she worth flying halfway around the world. I've seen plenty better, in any city USA A. Just goes to show you. Its not always about the looks.
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax]Hideous looking to be truthful. My gut says no way, but I could be wrong. Any links?[/QUOTE]
Argentina forum...
Its like Whoaaaa
Okay that picture was a joke...
Here's a video of Maria Belen Chapur -
Not bad...
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]Here's a link to Mark Stanford's mistress. Oh yeah, now was she worth flying halfway around the world. I've seen plenty better, in any city USA A. Just goes to show you. Its not always about the looks.
Not a bad looking woman and highly intelligent too!! Unfortunately in the
U.S of A we have a good bunch of good looking women, who are just plain stupid and ignorant.
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]Here's a link to Mark Stanford's mistress. Oh yeah, now was she worth flying halfway around the world. I've seen plenty better, in any city USA A. Just goes to show you. Its not always about the looks.
You're right, it's not always about the looks. The governor's wife must have been a real screaming psychotic hysterical b*tch to have driven him to fly down to Argentina. It shows what a lack of sex and meaningful emotional connections in a typical American marriage can lead a man to do.
By the way Argentina isn't on the other side of the world if you're flying from the southern USA.
Emotional Connection
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]It shows what a lack of sex and meaningful emotional connections in a typical American marriage can lead a man to do.
I have to say that the difference I noticed between dating American women and Filipinas is that the Filipinas seem to go above and beyond the call of duty to make sure you are happy. What I mean by this... emotionally fulfilled, well fed and well fucked. :confused:
P.S. Man both of those bitches are ugly
This Argentinian has a unibrow that scares me. But she's no doubt smart enough to provide intellectual stimulation, and I am sure far better in bed than his wife. Mrs. Sanford looks and sounds from what I've read to be a total domineering ballbuster and is probably an awful fuck. Poor guy. I feel for him. But still, no excuse for deserting his post. He must resign for placing SC in danger. Sure it's a KKK kind of place with Confederate flags flying everywhere and should a disaster strike and there's no governor to declare an emergency it couldn't happen to a more deserving state, but still I have SOME compassion.
[QUOTE=Yogin]This Argentinian has a unibrow that scares me. But she's no doubt smart enough to provide intellectual stimulation, and I am sure far better in bed than his wife. Mrs. Sanford looks and sounds from what I've read to be a total domineering ballbuster and is probably an awful fuck. Poor guy. I feel for him. But still, no excuse for deserting his post. He must resign for placing SC in danger. Sure it's a KKK kind of place with Confederate flags flying everywhere and should a disaster strike and there's no governor to declare an emergency it couldn't happen to a more deserving state, but still I have SOME compassion.[/QUOTE]
In some non-Western cultures the Unibrow does not have a stigma, and may even be seen as a sign of feminine beauty, as in Caucasus, where connected eyebrows are a sign of virginity and of being unmarried
[QUOTE=Illogic] I have to say that the difference I noticed between dating American women and Filipinas is that the Filipinas seem to go above and beyond the call of duty to make sure you are happy. What I mean by this... emotionally fulfilled, well fed and well fucked. [/QUOTE]
This is what I'm talking about; a true partnership, we keep each other well fed, well fucked and emotionally fulfilled. It's NOT a one way street as most AW are apt to think.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]You're right, it's not always about the looks. The governor's wife must have been a real screaming psychotic hysterical b*tch to have driven him to fly down to Argentina. It shows what a lack of sex and meaningful emotional connections in a typical American marriage can lead a man to do.[/QUOTE]
....and AW wonder why American men stray.
[QUOTE=Illogic]I have to say that the difference I noticed between dating American women and Filipinas is that the Filipinas seem to go above and beyond the call of duty to make sure you are happy. What I mean by this... emotionally fulfilled, well fed and well fucked. :confused:
P.S. Man both of those bitches are ugly[/QUOTE]Illogic,
I think you should qualify that statement by saying "Filipinas in the Philippines will go above and beyond the call of duty". Because I know of several ball busting filipinas in the States. That drove some of my buddies to hell and back. I will though agree in the PI. They are somewhat a more or less what you describe.
But then look at their chose: Get with a westerner who for the most part has been raised to respect women, financially stable, responsible and usually not a drunk or the average pino guy, who disrespects their women, will put a foot to their ass in a moments notice, probably doesn't earn but peanuts, doesn't know the first thing about saving for the future, and gets drunk every non working minute of the day.
Now with those being the average choices (obviously not all pinoy men are like that but a large percentage are). What would you expect but them to treat you like you're something special.
I'm not knocking it. Just explaining their reasoning. I go there myself, so I know what you mean.
Next time I'm there we'll have to throw down a couple. If we haven't already. Since you don't know who I am. We just might have met and we don't know it.
In order to get a richer context to this entire debate, I think it's noteworthy that the guy posting as Illogic used to post under Daddy Warbucks. That, to me, is somewhat significant because #1 he felt the need to change his handle, and #2 he is always going on and on about how rich and successful he is. Blah blah blah I came from the hood and all this crap. His DW character did the same thing. Look at me, I am a successful black guy and I monger but all y'all [b]other[/b] guys who monger are losers who couldn't get pussy if you found it in a phone booth. That kinda shit. I have no reason to doubt that he is rich, or that he came from the hood, but come on.
One could say, "Well, obviously rich and successful people get more and better pussy than those who are not rich and successful." After all my travels I am not too sure about that. Also I question the very linking of "rich" with "successful." I think Ian Fleming's character James Bond put it best: "The only kind of money to have is just enough." Ill/DW talks about living in a rich, gated community. So how credible are his posts about what it is like where he lives? And how "it is the same everywhere"? Yeah it might be the same "everywhere" if you are rich and live in a gated community. Probably rich, gated communities are more homogeneous than the mean foreign streets where many of us monger.
Now, of course, I see the meaning of his previous handle of "War" bucks. A soldier of fortune who profits off the misery of others. American Women love this shit but for most of the world it's a disgrace.
So Full Of Shit Your Eyes Are Brown
[QUOTE=Dickhead] In order to get a richer context to this entire debate, I think it's noteworthy that the guy posting as Illogic used to post under Daddy Warbucks. That, to me, is somewhat significant because #1 he felt the need to change his handle, [/QUOTE]
.....Stop right there I have changed my name a couple of times over the years. I used to be Boy Wonder because I was in my early 20s when I first became a member. Then I changed it to BPD81 and then I changed to Detat after reading some info about coups around the world. Then I changed it to Warbucks because it just suits me perfectly. I change when I think something sounds cool to me. Not because I am hiding.
[QUOTE=Dickhead]and #2 he is always going on and on about how rich and successful he is. Blah blah blah I came from the hood and all this crap. His DW character did the same thing. [/QUOTE]
You see why I call you full of shit? I never said I am rich and I wouldn't call myself successful. I got lucky. Well sort of. I tell people I got lucky and they always say nah you got in where you fitted in do you understand the meaning of that. A rich guy doesn't have to work but I do....Yeah I can tell you are an expat only an expat could be this delusional and full of shit.
[QUOTE=Dickhead]Look at me, I am a successful black guy and I monger but all y'all [b]other[/b] guys who monger are losers who couldn't get pussy if you found it in a phone booth. [/QUOTE]
I have never called you guys losers. I never said you guys couldn't get pussy. It just disturbs to see a bunch of Americans bashing America and her people for no other reason because they find it hard to get ass there. Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
I have also stated countless times I found it hard to "mack" women anywhere. Except Japan does that make me a loser? Nope. Even in Philippines I find it hard to mack women because when I do chase the square ones I look for signs of wealth. A lot of guys come to the Philippines and prey on weak....Squatter girls....provincial (country girls who don't know jack shit) types ( we had one guy who recommended we ride public transportation so we can catch poor girls coming home from work) but not me. The bargirls...well they are fair game.
[QUOTE=Dickhead] That kinda shit. I have no reason to doubt that he is rich, or that he came from the hood, but come on. [/QUOTE]
I am from hood currently the most murderous one in America. Once again I have never said I am rich only Brian Malony says that shit on this board. You wasting your time attacking me DH. You better off writing some I hate America and its people's reports.
[QUOTE=Dickhead]One could say, "Well, obviously rich and successful people get more and better pussy than those who are not rich and successful." After all my travels I am not too sure about that. Also I question the very linking of "rich" with "successful." I think Ian Fleming's character James Bond put it best: "The only kind of money to have is just enough." Ill/DW talks about living in a rich, gated community. So how credible are his posts about what it is like where he lives? And how "it is the same everywhere"?
Yeah it might be the same "everywhere" if you are rich and live in a gated community. Probably rich, gated communities are more homogeneous than the mean foreign streets where many of us monger. [/QUOTE]
Are you fucking serious? A guy who comes from nothing and becomes rich is not sucessful? Man in this world you status is about whats in that bank account. I learned this early watching the drug dealers where I grew up.
I do live in a in gated community in PI which is not saying much. $150,000 could get you into one in PI also. About the price of low class house in the US. Guys go on and on about how much Filipinas love us and I prove them wrong... poor Filipinas love foreigners. Thats why I say its the same everywhere. I sleep in a gated community but do I mingle with those people? Nope. I am always in the dodgy neighbhorhoods or bar areas. That is where you find *****s right?
[QUOTE=Dickhead]Now, of course, I see the meaning of his previous handle of "War" bucks. A soldier of fortune who profits off the misery of others. American Women love this shit but for most of the world it's a disgrace. [/QUOTE]
Dude I was broke as hell making about $9.00 an hour before I landed this job. Now you telling me I should have turned it down because my salary is being paid by tax-payers because there is a war going on?
While you were trolling "Privados" looking for your next fuck late May I sat next to a young soldier from Belgium on a C-130 (Military transport plane) who had recently lost his arm to this war so don't try to tell me about the human cost.
Man like I said do us all favor and go back your anti-America bashing because you attacking me is like trying to destroy a tank with fucking sewing needle.
Let me see... Ill/DW detractors for the month...X-man, Mattrick and now Dickhead...all you guys do have something in common...I will leave it to y'all to figure it out.
Man I am sure you guys can find something better to do than attack this young Black fly cat...?
Thanks Bruh
I think you should qualify that statement by saying "Filipinas in the Philippines will go above and beyond the call of duty". Because I know of several ball busting filipinas in the States. That drove some of my buddies to hell and back. I will though agree in the PI. They are somewhat a more or less what you describe.
But then look at their chose: Get with a westerner who for the most part has been raised to respect women, financially stable, responsible and usually not a drunk or the average pino guy, who disrespects their women, will put a foot to their ass in a moments notice, probably doesn't earn but peanuts, doesn't know the first thing about saving for the future, and gets drunk every non working minute of the day.
Now with those being the average choices (obviously not all pinoy men are like that but a large percentage are). What would you expect but them to treat you like you're something special.
I'm not knocking it. Just explaining their reasoning. I go there myself, so I know what you mean.
Next time I'm there we'll have to throw down a couple. If we haven't already. Since you don't know who I am. We just might have met and we don't know it.[/QUOTE]
Thatguy once again you have came through with a great post. Thanks for the correction. You are absolutely right. I am just going off my personal experiences.
Mail order bride tells her story.
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]...the average pino guy, who disrespects their women, will put a foot to their ass in a moments notice, probably doesn't earn but peanuts, doesn't know the first thing about saving for the future, and gets drunk every non working minute of the day. [/QUOTE]
This from someone who ripped into me and others for daring to make unflattering generalizations about AW.
[QUOTE=Thatguy]...the average pino guy, who disrespects their women, will put a foot to their ass in a moments notice, probably doesn't earn but peanuts, doesn't know the first thing about saving for the future, and gets drunk every non working minute of the day. .[/QUOTE][QUOTE=Yogin]This from someone who ripped into me and others for daring to make unflattering generalizations about AW.[/QUOTE]What you left off also where I wrote:
[QUOTE=Thatguy](obviously not all pinoy men are like that but a large percentage are). .[/QUOTE]I've yet to read you say some or any AW are good to date.
You made 145 post and at least 140 of them have been nothing but bashing AW.
AW must have broke your heart and spirit bad to make you hate them that much. You've made it a mission.
All Over The World
"Appealing to spouse-hunters has become quite a business in Japan, where marriage rates have plummeted in recent years."
"Government data show the percentage of unmarried people surged from 14% to 47% for men aged 30 to 34 and from 8% to 32% for women over the three decades ending in 2005."
"Experts say that in tough times, single women feel an urgency to get married for financial stability, while men tend to put off marriage until they feel they can afford it. "
"Yuriko Akamatsu, a 35-year-old office worker, has attended two matchmaking parties in the past six months. "I want to get married because I sometimes feel like quitting my job," said Ms. Akamatsu, who didn't find Mr. Right at either party. "Marriage is like permanent employment.""
what's this "i hate america" stuff illogic? you drinking some of that neo conservative grape kool-aid?
not supporting america's imperialistic aspirations is not anti-american.
that's all dh was saying...
the rest of it -
you must have yellow fever because you constantly focus on pi and compare its women with others around the world. when clearly pi has some trappings of western culture, it also has extreme poverty and hardly any middle class.
if you still have to work by choice while living in pi, you are not rich by any stretch when 1,000's of american's live well of fixed incomes in pi.
anyway i don't see how you can compared women in pi with american women when the dynamics are not the same. i would dare say that flips have no fascination with african-american men on home turf, you would have more success in western europe, eastern europe, canada or south america than many asian countries.
if your trying to balance low cost lifestyle with nice looking women, i think pi is on the bottom of the list unless like i said you have a thang for asian women....
you can't say with a straight face (maybe you can) that america is great, when its just so-so and unless we do a 180, will be the largest 3rd world country on the planet.
"I am always in the dodgy neighbhorhoods or bar areas. That is where you find *****s right?"
Maybe where [b]you [/b] live. I, on the other hand, don't [b]need[/b] to go to dodgy areas to find hookers as this is why the good lord created "privados" and "boliches" which in my neck of the woods are found in all areas, not just "dodgy" ones. In fact I now live in the wealthiest barrio of Buenos Aires (Recoleta) and it's chock full of hookers.
That's right Daddy Illogic Bigbucks. I can live in the wealthiest neighborhood in the city on $2000 Yew Ess a month while getting more ass than a toilet seat. It rocks.
The Next Contestant
[quote=dj fourmoney] what's this "i hate america" stuff illogic? you drinking some of that neo conservative grape kool-aid?[/quote]
i am last one to wave the american the flag and say its the greatest thing on earth however i have been to a few other countries and so far i have not seen anything that i can say is better overall. when i do i will let you know.
[quote=dj fourmoney]not supporting america's imperialistic aspirations is not anti-american.
that's all dh was saying.... [/quote]
you don't have to support but do you have to bash the people and the country daily?
[quote=dj fourmoney]the rest of it -
you must have yellow fever because you constantly focus on pi and compare its women with others around the world. when clearly pi has some trappings of western culture, it also has extreme poverty and hardly any middle class..[/quote]
have you ever been to the philippines? i compare pi to other countries because it is where i have lived the longest compared to other countries so its pretty much what i have to go on. has nothing to do with me having yellow fever.
the philippines does have a middle class and while that middle class is small it does have also pi has is an elite group that hangs out and lives in certain areas. that all but makes up for their miniature middle class. these elites bank accounts will blow the average middle class american away. anyway i don't know what pi classes has to do with me having asian fever. do you have jungle fever? since you always talking about white broads? i like what i like.
[quote=dj fourmoney] if you still have to work by choice while living in pi, you are not rich by any stretch when 1,000's of american's live well of fixed incomes in pi..[/quote]
i have never said i was rich show me one quote where i said i was rich i said i earn six-figures. this rich stuff is something dh has conjured up in his head.
most americans living in pi our retired old men. i am in my 20s and i will retire into my early 30s. i could retire now if i wanted to but i would have to budget very carefully and i don't want to do that. there is still money to be made. i don't want to be like some guys here on this board working while i am in my 50s and beyond because i tried to retire to early.
[quote=dj fourmoney] anyway i don't see how you can compared women in pi with american women when the dynamics are not the same..[/quote]
guys have compared all type of women on this board with american women. various asians, africans, europeans etc. non of the dynamics are the same if they were you guys wouldn't have much to talk about on this board.
[quote=dj fourmoney] i would dare say that flips have no fascination with african-american men on home turf, you would have more success in western europe, eastern europe, canada or south america than many asian countries..[/quote]
i guess you are right here. filipinos are not so high on the brothers but as i stated i didn't move here by choice. i kind of ended up here and just settled. now i am just too rooted down.... multiple real-estate possessions, a vehicle etc...i have also just got used to the lifestyle.
if i did choose to live somewhere right about now i would be in my own damn country and just take trips aboard when i got bored. living in a foreign country is not all good by no stretch of the imagination and anyone who tells you otherwise is full of shit.
[quote=dj fourmoney] if your trying to balance low cost lifestyle with nice looking women, i think pi is on the bottom of the list unless like i said you have a thang for asian women.....[/quote]
you are "talking out of ass.
the philippines has some of the most beautiful women in the world depending on a personal taste any wonder why men around the globe flock there to party. it is also one of the cheapest places to live as long you get out of manila. i like women in general..... have you read any of my reports from dubai?
[quote=dj fourmoney] you can't say with a straight face (maybe you can) that america is great, when its just so-so and unless we do a 180, will be the largest 3rd world country on the planet.[/quote]
america is in no danger of becoming a third world country. i live in one and america is not even close.
dj with all due respect you been taking shots at me the last few post i have been trying to give you the benefit of the doubt...one because you are a brother as myself and second because you make no damn sense at all.
i have defended you countless times on this board and now you attack me in defense of this psychopath. your posts are based on nothing but assumptions and your perceived image of me. you and your son make no sense when debating unlike choca monger posts he makes you reflect but when you dh post i am always left wondering what fuck is going on :confused:
[quote=dickhead] "i am always in the dodgy neighbhorhoods or bar areas. that is where you find *****s right?"
maybe where [b]you [/b] live. i, on the other hand, don't [b]need[/b] to go to dodgy areas to find hookers as this is why the good lord created "privados" and "boliches" which in my neck of the woods are found in all areas, not just "dodgy" ones. [/quote]
i am glad dh there are no *****houses where i lay my head as *****houses tend to attract undesirable people.
[quote=dickhead]in fact i now live in the wealthiest barrio of buenos aires (recoleta) and it's chock full of hookers.
that's right daddy illogic bigbucks. i can live in the wealthiest neighborhood in the city on $2000 yew ess a month while getting more ass than a toilet seat. it rocks. [/quote]
i am happy for you dh. in pi $2000 "in rent only" would get you into the high-so places. you seem so proud you live next door to *****houses :confused: :d
i see after dj you finally the got the courage to respond to my post. :)
who's going to be the next contestant?
"I said I earn six-figures."
"I am in my 20s and I will retire into my early 30s. I could retire now if I wanted to."
Boy, you and I both picked very appropriate screen names (referring to your latest one anyway)
So let's do multiple choice:
a) anyone who makes six figures (over $100k US per year) is rich.
b) anyone who can retire and isn't even 30 is rich.
c) anyone who both makes six figures and has enough to retire is rich.
d) anyone who makes six figures, has enough to retire on, and lives in a gated community is rich.
e) all of the above.
I'm rich too, by any kind of reasonable world-wide standard, and I'd probably be richer if I just took the best-paying job without considering the [b]morality and social value of what I am doing[/b].
DJ, bro, you all set to retire? You making six figures?
Nah, me neither.
"I wouldn't call myself successful."
"A guy who comes from nothing and becomes rich is not sucessful?"
Dude, so are you successful or not? But no; someone who comes from nothing and becomes rich is only successful if they are happy. Look at Michael "I hate myself so much I had to get my skin bleached" Jackson. Look at Mike "I'm a disgwace and I'm gonna wetire" Tyson. Money don't buy happiness although of course poverty doesn't prove much either.
I'm making much less money than I did in Yew Ess and I'm much less successful career-wise (job's a total dead end) but I am much happier than I was living in the Yew Ess. Success!
I never said it would happen overnight, but we are getting closer and closer to a majority working poor class of people. It used to be you could do quite alright on 30K a year total, one job, one wife and two children.
Do I have Jungle Fever? I guess you could say that, Latinas don't like me (locally) for whatever reason and if you have been in LA or any other place with large population of Black Women you know good and well, the best looking ones are far from a dime a dozen.
I like ass and titties and those are hard to find on Asian women. If I loved petite women maybe I might be more into Asian women.
Personal attack? Strongly worded maybe but I didn't mean anything personal per say.
As for PI a co-worker of mine is Flip and we talk about "back home" quite a bit. He's visited home (Cebu) in the last 5 years and has lived full time in the US for 13 years. I have a fair idea what daily life is like back in PI, though it doesn't replace living there, you got me there but I never claimed to know every nut and bolt about PI.
DH I'm about as far away from retirement as I am to getting married. To retire and maintain a modern by US standards, standard of living, I would need at least a 401k and I cashed that out year's ago.
I hope to retire by 50, I got 11 years.....
[QUOTE=Dickhead]"I wouldn't call myself successful."
"A guy who comes from nothing and becomes rich is not sucessful?"
Dude, so are you successful or not? But no; someone who comes from nothing and becomes rich is only successful if they are happy. Look at Michael "I hate myself so much I had to get my skin bleached" Jackson. Look at Mike "I'm a disgwace and I'm gonna wetire" Tyson. Money don't buy happiness although of course poverty doesn't prove much either.
I'm making much less money than I did in Yew Ess and I'm much less successful career-wise (job's a total dead end) but I am much happier than I was living in the Yew Ess. Success![/QUOTE]
I agree with this... Poor from Rich takes more adjustment than Middle-Class to Rich, there isn't as big of a difference in lifestyle.
I'm trying to adjust my plan to get in more traveling since some are starting to complain I talk too much and not fuck enough, care to host me DH? lol
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]I never said it would happen overnight, but we are getting closer and closer to a majority working poor class of people. It used to be you could do quite alright on 30K a year total, one job, one wife and two children.
[/QUOTE]You might still be able to do OK on $30 per annum if you are careful. I don't know what time you are talking about that it was so easy to make it, though. Perhaps in the 1970s? But since you are predicting that we are getting closer to a majority of working class poor people, could you please give me (1) an idea of the rate at which we are moving and (2) this is based on which metric? The only reason I bring up this point is that I am now just in the middle of reading a great book on "The Tyranny of Numbers" that talks about how when people are making an assertion, they can't even be bothered to look up what they are asserting-- and even if they do, the numbers are just as likely to be incorrect as not.
Can you also let me know what are America's "Imperialistic Aspirations"? ("Imperialist" has to be one of the top 10 most misused words in the English language. Some of the others are "fascist" and "theory," but let's not get into that.)
Apologies And Thoughts On Being Rich
First would like to apologize to DJ4M and DH and the American Women board for there is a better way to debate than without shooting off personal insults. I am emotional dude and I shoot from the hip sometime without taking a step back and looking at what I am saying. Also I think DH you have been on your tirade the last few post just to [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140][CodeWord140][/url] me off and you succeeded.
Now I will answer your last few questions/rebuttals:
[QUOTE=Dickhead]"I said I earn six-figures."
"I am in my 20s and I will retire into my early 30s. I could retire now if I wanted to."
Boy, you and I both picked very appropriate screen names (referring to your latest one anyway)
So let's do multiple choice:
a) anyone who makes six figures (over $100k US per year) is rich.
b) anyone who can retire and isn't even 30 is rich.
c) anyone who both makes six figures and has enough to retire is rich.
d) anyone who makes six figures, has enough to retire on, and lives in a gated community is rich.
e) all of the above.
I'm rich too, by any kind of reasonable world-wide standard, and I'd probably be richer if I just took the best-paying job without considering the [b]morality and social value of what I am doing[/b].
DJ, bro, you all set to retire? You making six figures?
Nah, me neither.[/QUOTE]
Being rich is a relative term. Say a guy retired gets a pension of $2000 a month and he will get it for the rest of his life. While he doesn't have much to shake a stick at in his savings he doesn't have to work. Some would consider him rich.
Another person has saved up an odd amount of $100,000s. He can live off the interest of that money but his retirement would be dependent on what national interest rates is and he has to pray like hell a tragedy doesn't strike and knock down that lump sum of money because then that means a lower interest return but this guy by all intents and purposes still does not have to work.
Then you got the guy in my mind what I would call rich. The guy who has millions. Nothing can set him back. That is a rich guy. If that anit you you anit rich. Of course anyone of us if we don't watch our money can fall from grace Mike Tyson, MC Hammer are poster child's for that.
[QUOTE=Dickhead]"I wouldn't call myself successful."
"A guy who comes from nothing and becomes rich is not sucessful?"
Dude, so are you successful or not? But no; someone who comes from nothing and becomes rich is only successful if they are happy. Look at Michael "I hate myself so much I had to get my skin bleached" Jackson. Look at Mike "I'm a disgwace and I'm gonna wetire" Tyson. Money don't buy happiness although of course poverty doesn't prove much either.
I'm making much less money than I did in Yew Ess and I'm much less successful career-wise (job's a total dead end) but I am much happier than I was living in the Yew Ess. Success![/QUOTE]
In my mind if you "HAVE" to work for a living especially until your old as hell you are not successful. I don't care what your profession is. Once you can free yourself from the yolk of bondage that is work and enjoy your life 100%. I have friends who use to do the same work I do. They quit early now they are (bean counting) fuck that. I will slug it another 2-3 years. So can retire the right way.
[url]http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=bean+counter[/url] (2)
[QUOTE=Illogic]First would like to apologize to DJ4M and DH and the American Women board for there is a better way to debate than without shooting off personal insults. I am emotional dude and I shoot from the hip sometime without taking a step back and looking at what I am saying. Also I think DH you have been on your tirade the last few post just to [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140][CodeWord140][/url] me off and you succeeded.
Now I will answer your last few questions/rebuttals:
Being rich is a relative term. Say a guy retired gets a pension of $2000 a month and he will get it for the rest of his life. While he doesn't have much to shake a stick at in his savings he doesn't have to work. Some would consider him rich.
Another person has saved up an odd amount of $100,000s. He can live off the interest of that money but his retirement would be dependent on what national interest rates is and he has to pray like hell a tragedy doesn't strike and knock down that lump sum of money because then that means a lower interest return but this guy by all intents and purposes still does not have to work.
Then you got the guy in my mind what I would call rich. The guy who has millions. Nothing can set him back. That is a rich guy. If that anit you you anit rich. Of course anyone of us if we don't watch our money can fall from grace Mike Tyson, MC Hammer are poster child's for that.
In my mind if you "HAVE" to work for a living especially until your old as hell you are not successful. I don't care what your profession is. Once you can free yourself from the yolk of bondage that is work and enjoy your life 100%. I have friends who use to do the same work I do. They quit early now they are (bean counting) fuck that. I will slug it another 2-3 years. So can retire the right way.
[url]http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=bean+counter[/url] (2)[/QUOTE]There are more important things than material wealth. Ask Michael Jackson and all the other rich people who squandered their wealth and misdirected their talents. Greed kills. It is killing the U.S. of A., too. That's why I'll likely semi-retire in Ecuador, Cebu, Costa Rica or Argentina in about 15 years.
I like my job. It affords me the opportunity to travel for work and respectfully so. I'm a professor of management at a private university. I'm single. And I like big boobs.
IL, I am fine with you and don't feel personally insulted; it takes a lot to insult a Dickhead. I just find you somewhat contradictory. On the different handles, I just think it's a way to make it look like more people agree with you. I realize you are saying you didn't using them simultaneously. It's just when I found out you were Warbucks I said, hmm okay there really aren't two people out there who think this way.
"Another person has saved up an odd amount of $100,000s. He can live off the interest of that money but his retirement would be dependent on what national interest rates is and he has to pray like hell a tragedy doesn't strike and knock down that lump sum of money because then that means a lower interest return but this guy by all intents and purposes still does not have to work."
That was me until last fall, or anyway I thought I was real close. Sure glad I didn't retire. But I don't want to retire anyway especially given my job is such easy money and has such flexibility. I'd just turn into even worse of a drunk than I already am.
I don't really get early retirement. Look at baseball. Two schools of thought on that: retire at the top when you know your performance or motivation are slipping. Not too many of those any more but Sean Casey would be an example. The other school says, "make them rip the uniform off of you." Like Rickey Henderson. He always said he would play until nobody wanted him any more, and he did. I lean more towards that.
I mean, I doubt IL means he is going to retire at 31 and just pull his pud but men need to work. I have an ex-friend, college grad, perfectly healthy, ain't worked in ten years and just lets his fat AW wife support him. I finally couldn't be friends with him any more.
DJ you can crib with me if I got the space. Shoulda come last year when I was in the big house.
Retire where ?
It might be for a new thread but where would you guys retire or semi retire if you could.
[QUOTE=Dickhead]IL, I am fine with you and don't feel personally insulted; it takes a lot to insult a Dickhead. I just find you somewhat contradictory. On the different handles, I just think it's a way to make it look like more people agree with you. I realize you are saying you didn't using them simultaneously. It's just when I found out you were Warbucks I said, hmm okay there really aren't two people out there who think this way.
"Another person has saved up an odd amount of $100,000s. He can live off the interest of that money but his retirement would be dependent on what national interest rates is and he has to pray like hell a tragedy doesn't strike and knock down that lump sum of money because then that means a lower interest return but this guy by all intents and purposes still does not have to work."
That was me until last fall, or anyway I thought I was real close. Sure glad I didn't retire. But I don't want to retire anyway especially given my job is such easy money and has such flexibility. I'd just turn into even worse of a drunk than I already am.
I don't really get early retirement. Look at baseball. Two schools of thought on that: retire at the top when you know your performance or motivation are slipping. Not too many of those any more but Sean Casey would be an example. The other school says, "make them rip the uniform off of you." Like Rickey Henderson. He always said he would play until nobody wanted him any more, and he did. I lean more towards that.
I mean, I doubt IL means he is going to retire at 31 and just pull his pud but men need to work. I have an ex-friend, college grad, perfectly healthy, ain't worked in ten years and just lets his fat AW wife support him. I finally couldn't be friends with him any more.
DJ you can crib with me if I got the space. Shoulda come last year when I was in the big house.[/QUOTE]
I just had to reply, I'll get to Clandestine in a min, I wanna make sure I have my facts straight...
Rickey Henderson is one of my all time MLB players, always talking in the 3rd person was always fun to listen too, best lead-off hitter to play the game period.
Sandberg retired at the top of his game, if your talking about modern day players.
I'm working on a South American plan now, I'll hatch something by the end of summer I think.
Sandberg, sort of:
He hit .238 and retired in mid-year and this is what he said:
"The reason I retired is simple: I lost the desire that got me ready to play on an everyday basis for so many years. Without it, I didn't think I could perform at the same level I had in the past, and I didn't want to play at a level less than what was expected of me by my teammates, coaches, ownership, and most of all, myself."
So that's exactly what I was talking about. Then he fucked it up by coming back for two sub-par seasons although the first one wasn't bad: 25 HR and 92 RBI but only a .244 average, way more strikeouts, and so forth. I actually was going to use him as an example until I remembered he had done this.
No AW is worth getting shanked
Especially not this crack ho:
So now these two morons have their reputations ruined (Niwot is not a big town) and this ho has her face in the paper.
Or, prostitution could be legalized and this nonsense would never have happened, What a waste of taxpayers' money. And, of course, the waste of resources has only just begun with the hospital bill which I am guessing these fucks are not going to pay.
And furthermore none of these people's names and pictures should be in the paper since two are apparently victims and the other is presumed innocent until proven guilty. And if one idiot is her wife, and if they drove to the hospital together, what is the chance of that happening? Bullshit and interviews and DA conferences, then bullshit and plea bargaining and lawyers (what do you think the chances the crack ho can pay a lawyer = public defender) and then some bullshit and probation and all with taxpayer money.
These kinky fuckers could go to Anchorena Swinger here in Buenos Aires and do all kinky shit they want for about a $17 cover charge, You Ess. Matter of fact they could probably all fly down here and do it for less than this little fuck up is going to cost them.
[QUOTE=Dickhead]Sandberg, sort of:
He hit .238 and retired in mid-year and this is what he said:
"The reason I retired is simple: I lost the desire that got me ready to play on an everyday basis for so many years. Without it, I didn't think I could perform at the same level I had in the past, and I didn't want to play at a level less than what was expected of me by my teammates, coaches, ownership, and most of all, myself."
So that's exactly what I was talking about. Then he fucked it up by coming back for two sub-par seasons although the first one wasn't bad: 25 HR and 92 RBI but only a .244 average, way more strikeouts, and so forth. I actually was going to use him as an example until I remembered he had done this.[/QUOTE]
Actually Sandberg is an excellent example of the Modern Sports Athlete.
Jordan came back when many thought he shouldn't have and it would tarnish his legacy. In some respects it did, in others, some years later, do people in the public spear talk about his stint in Washington and the fact he like Glen Rice had turned into a Jump shooter because his slash and dash game wasn't there anymore?
We're talking about a player that avoided major injury for the majority of his career, he just didn't have the jump in this legs anymore at the end.
Let's face it, if your on the road 80+ days a year as a MLB player, former teammate Mark Grace said it best on Jim Rome years ago, when was explaining the term "Slump Busting". MLB players often have a woman or two in every town they visit, just like NBA and NFL players do.
He just got tired of being "Ryno" normal citizen and came back. You'll see more of that in the future as many players are wealthy beyond their dreams within their 2nd contract. Some just retire too soon...
I watched the All Star Game last season and I have been so deeply involved with College Football, NFL, NBA, European Road Racing and some NeckCAR the last 5-6 years, I hardly knew any of the players voted on the team.
Clandestine I have read "Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man" by John Perkins and wasn't surprised at all by what the United States has been doing in conjunction with the IMF and World Bank, especially in South America.
Why do you think there's this titanic shift to the left down there???
I like words and moving pictures, books take too long to read and I work too much, I think I need a Kindle 2...
[url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W96GLQ8bpew[/url] Part 1
[url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPJB0hnUDHA[/url] Part 2
I read "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" too. Entertaining reading but a lot of bias involved. Just another guy sensationalizing an issue to make a buck. I am sure a lot of it is true but it's not well-researched or well-supported. A disgruntled ex-employee, albeit a bright and fairly credible one.
"He just got tired of being "Ryno" normal citizen and came back." Which is why I personally would take the Rickey/George Brunet/Warren Spahn/Pat Borders approach and play until I had absolutely pissed my last drop.
But actually, and to get back on the topic of [b]American Women[/b]:
his [b]AW wife who was [i]fucking his teammates[/i] filed for divorce ten days after his (first) retirement[/b]. Man, fucking his teammates is just so very wrong on [b]both[/b] sides. Maybe even worse on his teammates' side. Some lines you just don't cross. So do ya think maybe just maybe he came back because he [b]needed the fucking money[/b]? Of course I am originally from Chicago so I remember this.
Sorry if this bursts a small little bubble for you bro. In fact he re-married the next year and "was encouraged by his family to un-retire."
I probably don't need to translate that to you but it [b]could[/b] mean the second wife wanted to board the gravy train too.
Check it out! Getting married, I understand. Getting divorced, I understand. Getting married again, [b]why?[/b]
AWs are weird and legal prostitution would prevent
THIS shit:
Furries? I admit that was a new one on me. Felching was bad enough.
[quote=djfourmoney]Clandestine I have read "Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man" by John Perkins and wasn't surprised at all by what the United States has been doing in conjunction with the IMF and World Bank, especially in South America.
Why do you think there's this titanic shift to the left down there???[/quote]
Has Rising Inequality Destroyed The Middle Class?
Thomas F. Cooley, 06.03.09, 12:01 AM ET
Everyone is worried about the American middle class. The decline of the American worker, and thus the middle class, is a key trope in economic downturns, amplified by the bankruptcy of General Motors and Chrysler and the loss of so many well-paid jobs in the manufacturing sector. For many commentators, this feels like the last straw. How much longer, they ask, can the U.S. weather the increasing gap between rich and poor without permanent damage to the social fabric?
But just how bad is it? One of the main problems in the debate is that opinions are advanced that are not backed by data. Interestingly enough--at least for an economist like me--the data tell a rather different kind of story.
Last year, someone sent me a book they thought would interest me. It was a good idea in principle, because the book dealt with labor markets and the plight of workers in the U.S. I looked forward to reading it, but it didn't take long before I threw it against the wall in exasperation. Instead of a data-driven analysis, it was a series of searing anecdotes about workplace injustice, low-paying, difficult jobs, bolstered by "facts" that were either incorrect or interpreted in a crazy way.
Clearly the individual costs of job loss, the tremendous difficulties of lives spent in poverty, should not be diminished. But anecdotes can't substitute for clear thinking.
One assertion in the book I just mentioned was that labor's share of the economic pie had sunk to its lowest level since 1929, with the companion assertion that corporations and CEOs were seizing a larger share of the economic pie for themselves, leaving labor greatly diminished. This is simply not true. Another assertion, this time true, is that American workers toil more hours per year than their French or German or other European counterparts. The author interprets this as evidence that our workers are being squeezed harder and that work is more brutal and demanding than it need be. That's not necessarily the case. A more orthodox--and to me, persuasive--explanation is that U.S. workers receive stronger incentives to work more hours.
Let's consider in more detail labor's share of the pie. This can be addressed using the National Income and Product Accounts. Despite the many emotional appeals to the contrary, it turns out that labor's share of output has remained remarkably constant at roughly 70% from 1950 through 2008. This calculation includes an estimate of the fraction of proprietors' income that is imputed to be labor income. (Slight variations in how one calculates it might lead to slightly different numbers but will not change the fact that has remained roughly constant for more than 50 years. There is some short-term variation over the business cycle, but no trend--and definitely not a decline. Robert J. Gordon of Northwestern has made similar observations in a number of papers.)
So, if labor's share isn't shrinking, what's going on? It's not the size of the share overall, but rather the inequality of distribution that has changed. Emmanuel Saez (this year's winner of the John Bates Clark award given to the best economist under 40) and Thomas Piketty have documented the evolution of income shares using data on income reported for tax purposes from 1913, when the federal income tax started, to 2006. Their data report the number of taxpayers and their total income and tax liability for a large number of income brackets. They combine this information with census and aggregate income data to show the evolution of incomes over time.
This is a wonderfully rich piece of work that will reward a careful reader. What emerges is a different kind of narrative that describes income changes of the top 10% relative to the bottom 90%. The share of income earned by the top 10% declined from a peak of nearly 50% in 1928, the height of the Roaring '20s, to a plateau of around 35% until about 1982. After that the share of the top 10% took off, reaching nearly 50% by 2006.
Even more interesting, as Saez's graph, below, demonstrates, is that it isn't even the top 10% but rather the top 1% where all of the action takes place.
Now the narrative is less about the declining middle class and more about a gilded age of the super-rich. The middle feels as if it has lost ground because of the extraordinary wealth accumulated by the very, very few. But that suggests that the pie is a fixed size, and that is clearly not the case.
What triggered the gilded age of the late 20th century? There are extensive arguments in the literature about the impact of tax cuts, about extraordinarily high executive compensation in top management, and more. But the recent research does not seem to support these two as major causes. The most compelling argument for this dramatic increase in income has been technological change. Those with the human capital to take advantage of the new technology gained, and continue to gain, at the expense of those who don't have it. This is the "winner take all" phenomenon. In the 1920s, cutting- edge technology meant electrification. Hence the spike in income at the very top level. The fact that inequality has increased in most of the richest countries is also consistent with this explanation.
There is an important lesson for policy makers here. The psychic uncertainties triggered by perceived inequity need to be addressed because they can undermine the social consensus. But the public needs to be brought to an understanding that income growth is not a zero-sum game, and that participation can be expanded, based on investment in education and in human capital. Policies that stifle innovation in the interests of averting social discord are short-sighted in the extreme. On the contrary, greater innovation--and higher levels of educational investment--are what will prick the bubble of class envy.
Thomas F. Cooley, the Paganelli-Bull professor of economics and Richard R. West dean of the NYU Stern School of Business, writes a weekly column for Forbes. He is a contributor to a new book on the financial crisis entitled Restoring Financial Stability (Wiley, 2009).
[b]Here is an article on the point of the vanishing middle class (about which you gave no evidence other than a brief mention of having read "Confessions of an Economic Hitman.")
As for the reason that Latin America is shifting to the left: I would say that they have always been prisoners of their own stupidity. None of this is new. Instability and governments in a status of flux are the status quo there (1) and what makes you think this is any different to what has been that way for a long time (2). Why is Europe shifting to the right? Do you think that their wealth gap is getting any less?[/b]
I don't even think it's true that Latin America is "shifting to the left." It is wobbling randomly and cyclically from right to left as it has always done since the collapse of colonialism. Colonialism was a rigid and structured system and its collapse left a vacuum to be filled by opportunists and charlatans from both right and left who seized power when the opportunity presented itself. In doing they were arguably only trying to best provide for their families and loved ones, especially if future generations were to be considered.
Essentially most Latin American politicians both now and historically remind me of the Senegalese and Angolans selling fake watches on the streets of Buenos Aires. Say and do what you need to do to feed your family. The politicians just earn better wages due to starting from a higher socioeconomic level.
1 photos
Has Rising Inequality Destroyed The Middle Class?
Thomas F. Cooley, 06.03.09, 12:01 AM ET
Everyone is worried about the American middle class. The decline of the American worker, and thus the middle class, is a key trope in economic downturns, amplified by the bankruptcy of General Motors and Chrysler and the loss of so many well-paid jobs in the manufacturing sector. For many commentators, this feels like the last straw. How much longer, they ask, can the U.S. weather the increasing gap between rich and poor without permanent damage to the social fabric?[/QUOTE]
I think the chart below sums up the fucked up nature of unbridled(lax regulations) American Capitalism.
Either way and while I don't think one book blows up any one train of thought, it does highlight some "problems" with American Policy outside of America.
Clan is from the "Sink or Swim" - "I got mine, go get yours" heavy lean toward Libertarianism mindset.
I can accept that I guess and when (not IF) we get a strong public option for health care since my current employee(rs) won't provide such benefits or I deem them too expensive considering wage cuts and tripling of stock price since the latest CEO took over (Mostly done on the backs of wage and hour cuts) last year.
Whatever the point is, it all ties into how AW act and many of them still want a "Free Ride" when they won't hold up their side of the agreement nor would they sympathize when hours are cut, benefits cut and wages are pushed down.
[QUOTE=Dickhead]THIS shit:
Furries? I admit that was a new one on me. Felching was bad enough.[/QUOTE]
Dickhead, you've been in Argentina too long. Furry sex is big in the US. The fur can really fly at these furmeets. There was even a CSI episode featuring furry sex and violence complete with semen stained fur samples. These furries have orgies that take advantage of the anonymity provided by their costumes. You should look up some furries on your next visit to the US. You can dress up as a big red bull.
As for the story in the article, you'd have thought that the boy's mother would have figured things out when her son dressed up as a lamb and a 45 yr old woman in a cougar costume came by to pick him up.
Wow, thanks for enlightening me. That sounds awesome. I will be on the next plane back because most AWs would look way better if they were dressed up as a pig, rhinoceros, or hippopotamus.
Here is a picture of the woman in her pig costume:
[QUOTE=Dickhead]Here is a picture of the woman in her pig costume:
Quite realistic! I could not even tell that she was in a costume. Lots of American guys could be banging furries everyday without even knowing it.
I have to say after having lived almost a year in Colombia now, I find many things about the USA more "third world" than here. You couldn't drag me back kicking and screaming at this point. I really don't get what people like so much about the US. I just thing they are delusional and seeing things as they were a long time ago.
I find it really silly the way people can point accusing fingers at people on here "well, YOU only make $2k a month so your opinion can't possibly be worth anything".... does anybody actually BELIEVE that?
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito]I have to say after having lived almost a year in Colombia now, I find many things about the USA more "third world" than here. You couldn't drag me back kicking and screaming at this point. I really don't get what people like so much about the US. I just thing they are delusional and seeing things as they were a long time ago.
I find it really silly the way people can point accusing fingers at people on here "well, YOU only make $2k a month so your opinion can't possibly be worth anything".... does anybody actually BELIEVE that?[/QUOTE]
I don’t believe that you can value someone’s opinion based on their income. If it is one thing that I learned in doing business in the US it’s that relationships have a lot more to do with job positions and salaries than intelligence or knowledge. I saw hippie with a severe case of meth mouth given a director’s position based on his relationship with the account manager. He, by his own admission, did not finish high school because it was more fun playing hooky and getting high. However, he was given the job based on his “experience.” His salary was more than what was paid to bright young minority managers with college degrees. They didn’t have the same relationship with the boss. After a few months the hippie failed miserably at his job. The client demanded his removal and the account manager sent him off to another location in a much lesser capacity. Had their relationship not existed the hippie would have been shit canned. So income doesn’t always serve as a metric of value when it comes to opinions.
beatten man with baseball bat for sex
Today a Canadian friend sent me this:
A group of teenagers misunderstood a woman's screams during sex and, thinking they were stopping an assault, beat a 25-year-old man in her bedroom, police said....
Next time think if you wanna have sex in North America:)
AW Vigilante Justice
[QUOTE=Goga Fung]Today a Canadian friend sent me this:
A group of teenagers misunderstood a woman's screams during sex and, thinking they were stopping an assault, beat a 25-year-old man in her bedroom, police said....
Next time think if you wanna have sex in North America:)[/QUOTE]
It's interesting that it was the 16 yr old girl who rounded up the lynch mob. That is the typical AW heroine mentality. She didn't even think of calling the police. That poor woman had to be saved from the evil prick who was fucking her to death.
It seems like good ole Gov. Sanford was mongering all along before acquiring his Argentine fucklet. Investigators are checking his travel records. It should be interesting to see what they discover. ISG members may have been "blowing off steam" with the governor without even knowing it.
An article-advice by an Aussie guy about dating Russian women
An interesting article-advice by an Aussie guy about dating Russian women, how not to get gold diggers and how it compares to USA and Asian women, and which(Russian or Asian) women one should date and why.
From his point of view, women from different places are different and I think he makes a lot of sense and it can be applicable to Latin America women too, although some guys here might get offended and disagree.
There are gold diggers there, but about as many as in the US or many other countries. However, if you are a money-oriented person, and think that you will impress people with your money- you will attract just that- a person who will use you for your money. Isn’t logical? Many Americans are money-driven, and they think that if they are successful businessmen and are into careers, Russian women will like them. In other words, they approach Russian women the way they would approach American women. I am this and that and I have this car and this house, do you like me now? Sure, a gold digger will be the one who likes you. Then, do not complain when you get taken for a ride.
However, if you go there and do not make adjustments, are always in a hurry, always talking about business and money, do not respect their ways, and do not learn Russian, you will only find the woman that is interested in a money-making man- in other words, “an American woman from Russia” so to speak.
If you are, however, a lupine businessman type whose only interest is making big bucks and who has no time for soulfulness, humour, culture and romantic aestheticism, don’t go to Russia. Your choice should be Chinese girls. From China, Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia. Or the Vietnamese ones. Even the Japanese. These do not like jokers or funny, friendly guys, as a rule. These are seen as not worthy of respect. They like sullen-looking, glum and busy fat cats. These will be running business with you, working hard and being happy with you the way you are. You will find no gold diggers among those as a rule- mostly good business partners and good wives. Just make sure you are really successful and are making good money. And working your rear off for 12-15 hours a day.
I dunno about the rest of this shit but I guarantee you:
"If you are, however, a lupine businessman type whose only interest is making big bucks and who has no time for soulfulness, humour, culture and romantic aestheticism, don’t go to Russia. Your choice should be Chinese girls. From China, Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia. Or the Vietnamese ones. Even the Japanese. These do not like jokers or funny, friendly guys, as a rule. These are seen as not worthy of respect. They like sullen-looking, glum and busy fat cats. These will be running business with you, working hard and being happy with you the way you are. You will find no gold diggers among those as a rule- mostly good business partners and good wives. Just make sure you are really successful and are making good money. And working your rear off for 12-15 hours a day."
this is [b]not[/b] what Latinas are looking for.
A Man's Continent
A few days ago the story of opportunities to be a "duck" servicing wealthy Chinese women came up in the China General Info thread. Now, I've found yet another work opportunity for mongers in Asia, Rent-A-Groom.
This is not to die for
RIP, bro. Should have come down here and mongered anonymously in a "privado" instead of dragging your family through the mud. BTW that condo those two guys had would be called a "bulo" down here.
The Quest for The Big Bamboo
Female sex tourist flock to Caribbean to enjoy rental dreads:
“80,000 white female sexual predators flock to the Caribbean islands each year to molest and abuse the 'Big Bamboos' of illiterate, poverty stricken 'rent-a-rastas'. Unsurprisingly, feminists don't seem to object to this form of sexual tourism”
A woman prepares for her journey in search of the big bamboo.
RIP, bro. Should have come down here and mongered anonymously in a "privado" instead of dragging your family through the mud. BTW that condo those two guys had would be called a "bulo" down here.[/QUOTE]
Yep I watched Steve when he was getting close to breaking some of the BYU records for points scored, touchdown pass touchdown runs, etc at Alcorn St.
He picked up this tramp at Dave and Buster's of all places...
Her picture is making its rounds on the internet since she was picked up for a DUI in her new "Caddy Truck" a few days or weeks earlier.
Its a shame...
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]Female sex tourist flock to Caribbean to enjoy rental dreads:
“80,000 white female sexual predators flock to the Caribbean islands each year to molest and abuse the 'Big Bamboos' of illiterate, poverty stricken 'rent-a-rastas'. Unsurprisingly, feminists don't seem to object to this form of sexual tourism”
A woman prepares for her journey in search of the big bamboo.
Not surprised at all, I know a young white woman up in NoCal, that went down to Jamaica and got knocked up by some Rasta, she's on IR dating sites, mmm I'd say she likes getting "Rooted"...
[QUOTE=Dickhead]I dunno about the rest of this shit but I guarantee you:
"If you are, however, a lupine businessman type whose only interest is making big bucks and who has no time for soulfulness, humour, culture and romantic aestheticism, don’t go to Russia. Your choice should be Chinese girls. From China, Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia. Or the Vietnamese ones. Even the Japanese. These do not like jokers or funny, friendly guys, as a rule. These are seen as not worthy of respect. They like sullen-looking, glum and busy fat cats. These will be running business with you, working hard and being happy with you the way you are. You will find no gold diggers among those as a rule- mostly good business partners and good wives. Just make sure you are really successful and are making good money. And working your rear off for 12-15 hours a day."
this is [b]not[/b] what Latinas are looking for.[/QUOTE]
I'd say that is not what a majority of any women want actually.
On the surface many AW like their rich husbands' wallets and bank accounts, but loathe the long hours away from the house, sometimes 10-14 hours a day, 5-6 days a week, business trips usually aren't popular either, since many on this forum are such married business travelers, I'm sure they can agree.
Many AW are looking for somebody (like in Russia or Ukraine) to quote "Take Them Away From All Of This..."
On the surface he's right though...
[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney]Not surprised at all, I know a young white woman up in NoCal, that went down to Jamaica and got knocked up by some Rasta, she's on IR dating sites, mmm I'd say she likes getting "Rooted"...[/QUOTE]
Since you like white women you should seriously consider growing some dreads, moving to Negril, Jamaica and marketing your rentables. You get to spend all day on the beach and root for a fee. It sure beats the cold German weather and paying to root on the clock in FKK. Some of tourists were actually young and not shabby looking. The same type that would turn you down in the club in the US but pay you for a root in Negril.
Yah mon dis be bery good idea and Jamaica be Eiree. Doan drive too fast over the sleeping policeman mon. That be bullshitness.
I knew a musician who played around the bars in the late 70s and early 80s and he talked that kind of shit and claimed to be from British Honduras (now Belize). He was actually from Kansas City but he got more ass than a toilet seat.
Most of them boys have hard bodies, dicks hanging low and will fuck just about anything walking. First of all, culturally speaking they love big women. Thats the carribean way. So you guys who complain about fat obese AW wouldn't stand a chance, They fucking exactly the kind most of you pass up. Thats why the AW are going there, Caribean guys don't discriminate against fat, ugly women. Yeah there are a few good looking ones. But for the most part. They are exactly what most of you don't want.
[QUOTE=Goga Fung]If you are, however, a lupine businessman type whose only interest is making big bucks and who has no time for soulfulness, humour, culture and romantic aestheticism, don’t go to Russia. Your choice should be Chinese girls...Even the Japanese. These do not like jokers or funny, friendly guys, as a rule. These are seen as not worthy of respect. They like sullen-looking, glum and busy fat cats. These will be running business with you, working hard and being happy with you the way you are. You will find no gold diggers among those as a rule- mostly good business partners and good wives. Just make sure you are really successful and are making good money...******[/QUOTE]
A Japanese lady currently adores me. I welcome her eating/drinking in my car while her stick-up-the-ass ex-husband strictly forbade such. She appreciates my being cultured, romantic, creative, funny, and supportive of her dreams (as she is of mine!). Yet at the same time she appreciates how I resemble her very traditional old-school Japanese father by being chivalrous & protective. She could give a rat's ass how much money I make. A welcome contrast to AW, three of whom dumped me for the sole reason being how much I earn. I feel loved!
[QUOTE=Thatgay865]Most of them boys have hard bodies, dicks hanging low and will fuck just about anything walking. First of all, culturally speaking they love big women. Thats the carribean way. So you guys who complain about fat obese AW wouldn't stand a chance, They fucking exactly the kind most of you pass up. Thats why the AW are going there, Caribean guys don't discriminate against fat, ugly women. Yeah there are a few good looking ones. But for the most part. They are exactly what most of you don't want.[/QUOTE]
Now you’re making shit up just to be contrarian. It is as much their culture to love fat old white women as it is the culture of 18 yr old Filipinas to love 60 yr old white guys. In case you didn’t notice it was the poor guys who didn’t have any money who were SELLING their dicks to the old heifers on the beach. It is no different than a young impoverished provincial Filipina selling her ass to some old foreign guy. It doesn’t have shit to do with their “culture” as you claim. It has everything to do with SURVIVAL. They’re prostitutes. They’re not screwing these women for love. They do it for money so of course it doesn’t matter if they happen to be fat old and ugly. Those are the ones who will probably pay more. Just because you sell a service to someone doesn’t mean you love them. You don’t discriminate because you’re paid not to.
In case you didn’t know the Caribbean is not a homogeneous society. The Caribbean is made up of several island nations that were colonized by different European powers. Each island state has its own culture and languages spoken can vary from English, Spanish, Dutch, and French to local dialects consisting of African and Amerindian languages. So which of these cultures are you claiming to have a liking for fat cows?
Masses of misfits
To change the subject a bit, last weekend we had a massive festival in my city - 100,000 people out in the hot summer sun, showing their patriotic pride and sun-baked flesh. It was a good opportunity to observe local female flesh. It was not a happy sight.
Amongst the thousands and thousands of young women I saw, I was shocked by how few were actually worth looking at - and these are girls in short-shorts and skimpy tops, having fun.
For a start, many (perhaps most) were overweight and/or unkempt.
The ones with nice tits often also had more belly that is pleasantly displayed with a halter top. Even the ones who, upon closer study, had the desired physical attributes were dressed so casually or sloppily that their charms were somewhat disguised.
While there were many (a few percent) who were "doable" from the POV of a 50 year old guy, out of the thousands there were only a few dozen real beauties and maybe only a couple of head-turners.
Whereas had I been walking down a major street in Kyiv or Moscow on a summers day I would expect to get whiplash every few steps!
Sometimes I think we are too harsh about American Women, and unfairly compare our wives, ex-wives and office colleagues to younger beautiful women in other countries, because we do not usually mix with 20 year olds in our own country.
But occasions like this festival persuade me that it is not all about age difference and the availability of younger foreign women. There is a real difference in the physical fitness, beauty and especially the style (fashion sense, dressing sexy) of many types of foreign women - for me, Eastern Europeans, but for others of you, Thais or Phillipinos or Brazilleans.
Now I do not pretend that the men or boys at this festival were any visual feast either, but then as mongers overseas we are not usually relying on our physical beauty for success, but rather charm, style and money.
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]Most of them boys have hard bodies, dicks hanging low and will fuck just about anything walking. First of all, culturally speaking they love big women. Thats the carribean way. So you guys who complain about fat obese AW wouldn't stand a chance, They fucking exactly the kind most of you pass up. Thats why the AW are going there, Caribean guys don't discriminate against fat, ugly women. Yeah there are a few good looking ones. But for the most part. They are exactly what most of you don't want.[/QUOTE]
Let me just say this, you have White Women of all AGES, SHAPES and SIZES from Europe, North America, etc, some beautiful and some not, trouping down to the Caribbean Islands to get fucked by Black Stallions. I know because I've seen it with my own two eyes. As soon as these women arrive, they go into sexual predatory mode looking for action. Looks are of no concern, the "Blacker" the better.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]
Originally Posted by Thatgay865
Most of them boys have hard bodies, dicks hanging low and will fuck just about anything walking. First of all, culturally speaking they love big women. Thats the carribean way. So you guys who complain about fat obese AW wouldn't stand a chance, They fucking exactly the kind most of you pass up. Thats why the AW are going there, Caribean guys don't discriminate against fat, ugly women. Yeah there are a few good looking ones. But for the most part. They are exactly what most of you don't want
Now you’re making shit up just to be contrarian. It is as much their culture to love fat old white women as it is the culture of 18 yr old Filipinas to love 60 yr old white guys. In case you didn’t notice it was the poor guys who didn’t have any money who were SELLING their dicks to the old heifers on the beach. It is no different than a young impoverished provincial Filipina selling her ass to some old foreign guy. It doesn’t have shit to do with their “culture” as you claim. It has everything to do with SURVIVAL. They’re prostitutes. They’re not screwing these women for love. They do it for money so of course it doesn’t matter if they happen to be fat old and ugly. Those are the ones who will probably pay more. Just because you sell a service to someone doesn’t mean you love them. You don’t discriminate because you’re paid not to.
In case you didn’t know the Caribbean is not a homogeneous society. The Caribbean is made up of several island nations that were colonized by different European powers. Each island state has its own culture and languages spoken can vary from English, Spanish, Dutch, and French to local dialects consisting of African and Amerindian languages. So which of these cultures are you claiming to have a liking for fat cows?[/QUOTE]In general I agree about SELLING their dicks. Similar things happen in Turkey, Tunisia, Egypt, etc.. European women go to vacations and get fucked by locals. I've read that even 60+ y.o women have romance with those guys. I'm kinda happy for those women, since they cant do it anymore at home.
Sometimes girls do it as a "revenge". A friend of one my girlfriend went to Tunisia and got fucked by 3 local guys at once. She was really pissed at her ex husband at that time. And that girl is really good-looking, early 20s, above average.
But "culture" may have something to do which women are liked by man.
In some cultures fatter women can be considered more beautiful and desirable.
On my friend in Curacao likes fat ass dark girls. One time he stopped his car to flirt with a woman I would not come closer than a mile even if she pays me 100K. Then he told me "see, how hot and beautiful she is".
I also saw on TV about some African country where a girl has to gain a lot of weight before she can get married, it take her about several months to a year not to do anything and just eat to become "beautiful" enough.
I think in some poor countries a fatter woman means more food(money and thus health.
In "American Culture" men also like fatter women but for a different reason - for the lack of better women. Many guys think its a norm.
[QUOTE=Gentleman Travel]To change the subject a bit, last weekend we had a massive festival in my city - 100,000 people out in the hot summer sun, showing their patriotic pride and sun-baked flesh. It was a good opportunity to observe local female flesh. It was not a happy sight.
Amongst the thousands and thousands of young women I saw, I was shocked by how few were actually worth looking at - and these are girls in short-shorts and skimpy tops, having fun.
For a start, many (perhaps most) were overweight and/or unkempt.
The ones with nice tits often also had more belly that is pleasantly displayed with a halter top. Even the ones who, upon closer study, had the desired physical attributes were dressed so casually or sloppily that their charms were somewhat disguised.
While there were many (a few percent) who were "doable" from the POV of a 50 year old guy, out of the thousands there were only a few dozen real beauties and maybe only a couple of head-turners.
Whereas had I been walking down a major street in Kyiv or Moscow on a summers day I would expect to get whiplash every few steps!...[/QUOTE]
Amen brother. I too went in my city to a huge music festival over the holiday. All ages, ethnicities, and classes were represented. I was truly disgusted by what I saw. Out of the tens of thousands I personally viewed, I'd say 5% were doable, 1.5% beautiful, and 0.2% jaw-dropping head-turners. Contrast that view with similar events I've been to in Colombia, Japan, China, and E. Europe. Like another world. Striking. No comparison.
Goga Fung you are right. American men find these slovenly fatties acceptable either because they believe they have no choice or they are simply ignorant of alternatives, being poorly-traveled. Either way, the bar is set so low here. Not as if men here are any prize either, but that doesn't affect me so much.
[QUOTE=Yogin]A Japanese lady currently adores me. I welcome her eating/drinking in my car while her stick-up-the-ass ex-husband strictly forbade such. She appreciates my being cultured, romantic, creative, funny, and supportive of her dreams (as she is of mine!). Yet at the same time she appreciates how I resemble her very traditional old-school Japanese father by being chivalrous & protective. She could give a rat's ass how much money I make. A welcome contrast to AW, three of whom dumped me for the sole reason being how much I earn. I feel loved![/QUOTE]So are you saying there aren't materialistic Japanese women? (You know and I know better than that). Or did you just find ONE that happen not to be that way. Just like I'm sure there is an american guy who can say the exact same thing about his american women.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]Now you’re making shit up just to be contrarian. It is as much their culture to love fat old white women as it is the culture of 18 yr old Filipinas to love 60 yr old white guys. In case you didn’t notice it was the poor guys who didn’t have any money who were SELLING their dicks to the old heifers on the beach. It is no different than a young impoverished provincial Filipina selling her ass to some old foreign guy. It doesn’t have shit to do with their “culture” as you claim. It has everything to do with SURVIVAL. They’re prostitutes. They’re not screwing these women for love. They do it for money so of course it doesn’t matter if they happen to be fat old and ugly. Those are the ones who will probably pay more. Just because you sell a service to someone doesn’t mean you love them. You don’t discriminate because you’re paid not to.
In case you didn’t know the Caribbean is not a homogeneous society. The Caribbean is made up of several island nations that were colonized by different European powers. Each island state has its own culture and languages spoken can vary from English, Spanish, Dutch, and French to local dialects consisting of African and Amerindian languages. So which of these cultures are you claiming to have a liking for fat cows?[/QUOTE]You obviously don't know any carribeans. They are notoriously known for liking big women. Throughout the islands Rich or poor. They like big women. Have you been to Jamaican. If you see big women. They all have boyfriends. Blacks in general like big women. For the most part. No matter when they live. Most Blacks like women with meat on their bones. Does that mean every single black likes big women (of course not. Their are exceptions to every rule) But for the most part. Blacks like big ole booties, and big ole titties.
[QUOTE=Capt Ajax]Let me just say this, you have White Women of all AGES, SHAPES and SIZES from Europe, North America, etc, some beautiful and some not, trouping down to the Caribbean Islands to get fucked by Black Stallions. I know because I've seen it with my own two eyes. As soon as these women arrive, they go into sexual predatory mode looking for action. Looks are of no concern, the "Blacker" the better.[/QUOTE]I agree. And what I'm saying is Those guys don't discriminate. They will Fuck the shit out of a Fat white babe just as quick. If not quicker than a skinny babe. When not one of you no matter how broke you were would not touch the fat babe. Thats why they travel there. There is black dick to be found all over europe and the USA But the majority that go there for dick are not only fat but average to ugly.
So yes while there are some fine white women who go there. Lets face it Fine women don't have to travel to get dick. So there is no way that its a 50/50 split of fine women to fat women going there for dick.
Lets face it how many cameron diaz, angelina jolie types really need to travel to get dick. Maybe an old 50 year old angelina "used to be" jolie. But not a young one.
Ok Bull Connor
You have blacks all figured out, right? Well here are some Meat Loaf posts that say you haven't got a clue.
[QUOTE=Thatguy865]You obviously don't know any carribeans. They are notoriously known for liking big women. Throughout the islands Rich or poor. They like big women. Have you been to Jamaican. If you see big women. They all have boyfriends.[/QUOTE]
Hmm... so you saw some big women with black Jamaican guys and you made some assumptions like a typical American tourist. But Meat Loaf exposed you at home.
[QUOTE=Meat Loaf]
In fact, you (ie. You) know very few Black people other than athletes, musicians, and actors. Or you may know a few Black people at work who are your subbordinates. Besides these locals, you have no exposure, for the most part. Of course, this is a generalization, but another truth delivered by Meat Loaf.
The "average" Black person has many white friends, while the "average" white person has 1-Black friend. LOL.
[QUOTE=Thatguy865] Blacks in general like big women. For the most part. No matter when they live. Most Blacks like women with meat on their bones. Does that mean every single black likes big women (of course not. Their are exceptions to every rule) But for the most part. Blacks like big ole booties, and big ole titties.[/QUOTE]
Really! Because Mr Loaf says you're a liar.
[QUOTE=Meat Loaf]
Lastly, I don't want some Big Fat White Girl that thinks Black guys like fat girls 'cause Black girls have big muscular asses. Muscle and fat are very different. Instead, she can chase some "coon (ie. definition [URL]http://www.ferris.edu/jimcrow/coon/[/URL]) while I continue to break glass-ceilings internationally.[/QUOTE]
Nice try though but I live in the Dirty South so I know you're not inviting black guys like Mr Loaf over for dinner. Would you let Mr Loaf meat the female members of your family? Why doesn't DJ4money, Illogic and other black forum members like big fat women? I couldn't find a single post asking where the fat hoes at.
[QUOTE=Thatguy865] Lets face it Fine women don't have to travel to get dick. So there is no way that its a 50/50 split of fine women to fat women going there for dick.
Lets face it how many cameron diaz, angelina jolie types really need to travel to get dick. Maybe an old 50 year old angelina "used to be" jolie. But not a young one.[/QUOTE]
FYI, many good looking horny White women travel to the Islands for SEX. It's an ideal situation, to try out the "Black Stick" away from the scrutiny of family and friends.
I'll tell you this if the Cameron Diaz's, Angelina Jolie types are not getting sexually satisfied, guess what, these women will stray looking for guys who will meet their sexual needs.
I'm told by some White gals, into the swingers lifestyle, that Black, Latino guys are in HIGH demand at our local Swing clubs. These women are not bad looking at all.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]DJ,
Since you like white women you should seriously consider growing some dreads, moving to Negril, Jamaica and marketing your rentables. You get to spend all day on the beach and root for a fee. It sure beats the cold German weather and paying to root on the clock in FKK. Some of tourists were actually young and not shabby looking. The same type that would turn you down in the club in the US but pay you for a root in Negril.[/QUOTE]
LOL, You know I never thought of that, but I should tell my boy to do that since he's being growing dreads since the early 90's and many woman find his hair interesting....
I guess I finally know what "Root Down" means.
ThatGuy has no creditability...
Blacks are not monolithic and while that's a problem on several levels socially, its not a correct view of people with limited exposure to Black culture and people.
I'm not shocked by what GT or Yogin saw at all. Working in a very normal customer service/service sector environment, I see this shit all the time. Most of the younger women are dressed down to downplay their "assets" when that never happens in Europe. Quite a few "sows" are running around, usually with Husband in tow, which I have to just shake my head.
Other times I see tatted up losers with nice looking women, what in the world is attractive about that??? Yes its those same flat brimmed ball cap wearing, tatted up, lifted 4x4 driving guys I know those in America have seen at one time or another, or maybe that's a SoCal thing...
Like I said Thatguy has no credibility because Yogin knows that many Japanese women are materialistic, hell I know that. That however doesn't mean all of them and they by culture and diet tend to be much thinner than their American counterparts and far more sexual than one would expect from such a "conservative" culture.
I still say any 10 women outside of America are better than deck being stacked against you here.
[Sigh...] ThatGuy, I've had the same or similar experience with several other Japanese women as with the current one. They are EASY to find. Many friends report nearly identical experiences as mine. Of course there are materialistic shrews in Japan as there are here. All I and many others are saying is that of course there are a few decent AW. But the comparative numbers and percentages dictate that it is much much harder to find them, so therefore is not worth the trouble. That's all.
And on behalf of my family members who are black, I am offended at your ridiculous blanket generalizations about black men. I know plenty who find fat women to be revolting.
I think you are spouting all of this just for attention. Because I seriously doubt you will change anyone's minds on here with your arguments. And all of these millions of beautiful loving intelligent sex-loving spiritual non-materialistic AW to whom you give such unqualified endorsement and promotion, how might they view YOU knowing you post on a site such as this? Might they be charitable and open-minded towards you?
This is the last time I will respond to anything you say. I suggest others do the same. Thanks CM that's a great idea that I had forgotten about. I'll place on "ignore".
Yeah, again regarding my experience at the holiday weekend festival here: while there may have been more good-looking women than the ones I noticed, I couldn't see them because they were so dressed down in ugly slovenly ill-fitting unflattering clothes/accessories and made no effort with their hair etc. Go to most other places in the world and girls make an effort to look decent even if all they are doing is going to the grocery store.
[QUOTE=Yogin][Sigh...] ThatGuy, I've had the same or similar experience with several other Japanese women as with the current one. Many friends report nearly identical experiences as mine. Of course there are materialistic shrews in Japan as there are here. All I and many others are saying is that of course there are a few decent AW. But the comparative numbers and percentages dictate that it is much much harder to find them, so therefore is not worth the trouble. That's all.
And on behalf of my family members who are black, I am offended at your ridiculous blanket generalizations about black men.
I am starting to think you are spouting all of this just for attention. This is the last time I will respond to anything you say. I suggest others do the same.
Yeah, again regarding my experience at the holiday weekend festival here: while there may have been more good-looking women than the ones I noticed, I couldn't see them because they were so dressed down in ugly unflattering clothes/accessories and made no effort with their hair etc. Go to many other places in the world and girls make an effort to look decent even if all they are doing is going to the grocery store.[/QUOTE]
This whole "Girl Power" thing has empowered women to try and downplay their looks in America. I see more women wearing jeans, baggy and otherwise and long male t-shirts to cover up breast. Like I said, the rare time most women expose their legs it draws unwanted attention in their eyes.
I mean c'mon there is such a thing as a beautiful and intelligent woman, but I think that phase has been hijacked by the Beauty Pageant Industry where the two never shall meet in real life, see Carrie Prejean
We keep harping on some issues, but it bares repeating again -
The deck is stacked against you...
As you all know we debated with Thatgay865 concerning various aspects in regards to American women. It is clear that he/she has a pro-feminist agenda and will say anything to defend it. When he/she was confronted with the facts on some of the most repugnant character flaws of American women he/she declared that he/she was going to take his/her pimply ass out of the discussion. That was after the discussion in which he/she woulda shoulda coulda got laid in California. Thereafter, he/she has routinely dropped by to make wild unsubstantiated claims against foreign women and in defense of American women. However, his/her comments increasingly demonstrated a lack of any credibility. After his/her blanket statements declaring all Filipinas to be liars as long as their lips were moving and that black men irrespective of where they live like fat heifers, I just had to add he/she to my ignore list. I suggest that you do the same unless you enjoy pointless debate based on stereotypes.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]Gentlemen:
As you all know we debated with Thatgay865 concerning various aspects in regards to American women. It is clear that he/she has a pro-feminist agenda and will say anything to defend it. When he/she was confronted with the facts on some of the most repugnant character flaws of American women he/she declared that he/she was going to take his/her pimply ass out of the discussion. That was after the discussion in which he/she woulda shoulda coulda got laid in California. Thereafter, he/she has routinely dropped by to make wild unsubstantiated claims against foreign women and in defense of American women. However, his/her comments increasingly demonstrated a lack of any credibility. After his/her blanket statements declaring all Filipinas to be liars as long as their lips were moving and that black men irrespective of where they live like fat heifers, I just had to add he/she to my ignore list. I suggest that you do the same unless you enjoy pointless debate based on stereotypes.
CM[/QUOTE]That's really funny. It looks like the only way ThatGuy can get laid is using cheap tiny submissive Filipinas, but for some reason he wants to show that everyone else does not know shit, how good American Woman are and how come nobody else sees that...
Also a really "profound" statement about Russian women:
"So let me enlighten you on one thing. As I previously stated. You can enjoy all those pale fish belly white slavic hoes. I wouldn't go to Russia if you paid for it. Well maybe if you paid, but only to see the city, culture and to say I been there done that and one time only. Not for the women. Pale ass white women don't do anything for me."
How could someone who has not been to Russia say that:)
And about losers under 35:
"I stated, I felt, and mainly still do that men under 35 that use P4P as their ONLY/PRIMARY means for getting sex are losers. "
If I remember correctly I became a hopeless loser at 25:) BTW I just came back from a vacation with a girlfriend. But actually I wish that I would go to RIO alone and did P4P instead of this vacation with free sex.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]Gentlemen: I just had to add he/she to my ignore list. I suggest that you do the same unless you enjoy pointless debate based on stereotypes.
......consider it done.
Sorry if you guys are afraid of enlightenment. Why is the sterotype of Black guys in america always choosing the Fat white women. Not that I'm saying that is the case with all black men. But you have to admit that is the reputation blacks have when it comes to dating white women.
Secondly Black women statistically speaking are less concerned about being bone skinny than other races. Therefore you'd have to say Blacks who like black women like their women with meat on their bones. Now just because I say Blacks like women with meat doesn't mean they have to be 2 ton fatties.
Look at beyonce. She is a woman with considerable size hips. And is thick as all outdoors. But for the brothers she is as hot as they come.
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger]You have blacks all figured out, right? Well here are some Meat Loaf posts that say you haven't got a clue.
Really! Because Mr Loaf says you're a liar.[/QUOTE]Chocha,
Meat loaf wasn't posting that to me. I don't know where you got his post from but he was addressing me.
Besides even if he was posting that to me he knows no more about who I am than you do. Just like I know nothing about who you are.
So I don't know why you would use that post as if it has some credibility.
Not AW Related But Very Disturbing
Girl faces life over 'honey trap' murder
Yesterday, 05:54 pm
Samantha Joseph, 16, was convicted of murder at the Old Bailey for leading Shakilus Townsend to the quiet cul-de-sac where he was killed by a masked and hooded gang.
The lovestruck teenager bled to death after being beaten with baseball bats and stabbed six times in a "relentless and merciless attack".
He was besotted with Joseph and told his mother he wanted to marry her, but she told others she was using him and treated him like "s*".
While Joseph, who was 15 at the time, was happy for Shakilus to shower her with gifts, she was still obsessed with another teenager, gang member Danny McLean, 18, of Thornton Heath.
McLean had dumped her when he found out about her relationship with Shakilus, who was no stranger to gangland culture and knife crime himself, earning his first criminal conviction at the age of 13, but Joseph was prepared to do anything to get him back.
CCTV pictures from the day of the attack in July last year show her wearing a see-through floral dress as she met Shakilus and took a bus with him.
He thought they were on their way to meet her cousin but in fact she was playing a "dangerous double game" luring him to the ambush in Thornton Heath, south London, while secretly keeping in touch with McLean by mobile phone.
She laughed as his attackers caught him and began raining down blows with fists, feet and baseball bats before she turned and walked away.
McLean - who had himself been injured by a bat during the furious melee - plunged a knife into his chest, raking it across his liver before twisting the blade.
As he lay bleeding to death Shakilus called out for his mother and cried: "I don't want to die."
McLean, who was wearing a bright orange bandana, the colour identifying him as a member of the Shine My Nine gang to which he and the other attackers belonged, then walked off with Joseph who was seen carrying his hoodie and a cream-coloured handbag stained with his blood.
Joseph later set about trying to "rub out" any trace of her relationship with Shakilus, deleting his online Bebo account and telling friends to erase his number from their phones.
In court she admitted agreeing to lead him into the ambush so that he could get beaten up but said she did not realise he would be seriously hurt. But jurors rejected her explanation and she was found guilty of murder along with McLean.
Brothers Tyrell Ellis, 19, and Don-Carlos Ellis, 18, from Thornton Heath, were also convicted of murder, together with Andrew Johnson-Haynes, a 18-year-old former public schoolboy from Croydon who played rugby for London Irish.
Two other youths, aged 17, were also found guilty.
Who Is A Loser?
[QUOTE=Goga Fung]
And about losers under 35:
"I stated, I felt, and mainly still do that men under 35 that use P4P as their ONLY/PRIMARY means for getting sex are losers. "
If I remember correctly I became a hopeless loser at 25:) BTW I just came back from a vacation with a girlfriend. But actually I wish that I would go to RIO alone and did P4P instead of this vacation with free sex. [/QUOTE]
What is the exact Definition of a loser?
One entry found.
Main Entry: los·er
Function: noun
Date: 1548
1: a person or thing that loses especially consistently
2: a person who is incompetent or unable to succeed ; also : something doomed to fail or disappoint.
Which one of these applies to a guy who pays for sex under 35? 2?
If I wasn't brained washed by American rap music and a culture that states playing for sex is for the "losers" I would have been flying to PI at age 17. I discovered mongering late at 23. Only regret I have I didn't find out about sooner. Probably would have saved me a marriage and a divorce
American Women
I am really glad that this room exist in an obscure corner of the internet galaxy, because like many of you I think that American Women suck. The plethora of s**t that American guys deal with is obsurd. I have had my share of American Women and Foreign Women, but if I am going to settle down, my wife needs to know and be comfortable with being a woman, and American Women have lost this along the way. Where are the women like that that actually know this and are not trying to compete with all of the manly requirements required of men (I. E. Join the military, play football, etc.)? All of the foreign women that I have been with, whether it be Chinese, Filipino, Brazilian, Mexican, etc. All treat a man like they are supposed to be treated. Even prostitutes from various contries treat you better. I truly love women because of their differences and if they want to continually take on manyly roles and act like men because it is easier than give me transvetites; because they might have it figured out (not that I have been with one, so I don't know). Honestly, where are the women who love to dress in sun dresses and high heels; and be classy. WTF!?
Girl faces life over 'honey trap' murder
Yesterday, 05:54 pm
Samantha Joseph, 16, was convicted of murder at the Old Bailey for leading Shakilus Townsend to the quiet cul-de-sac where he was killed by a masked and hooded gang.
The lovestruck teenager bled to death after being beaten with baseball bats and stabbed six times in a "relentless and merciless attack".
He was besotted with Joseph and told his mother he wanted to marry her, but she told others she was using him and treated him like "s*".
While Joseph, who was 15 at the time, was happy for Shakilus to shower her with gifts, she was still obsessed with another teenager, gang member Danny McLean, 18, of Thornton Heath.
McLean had dumped her when he found out about her relationship with Shakilus, who was no stranger to gangland culture and knife crime himself, earning his first criminal conviction at the age of 13, but Joseph was prepared to do anything to get him back.
CCTV pictures from the day of the attack in July la