Are you sure the fat guy was Argentinean? Sounds like a gringo with three hookers to me.[/QUOTE]
Damn Dickhead! I can't stop laughing at this one, it's so funny but true.;)
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Are you sure the fat guy was Argentinean? Sounds like a gringo with three hookers to me.[/QUOTE]
Damn Dickhead! I can't stop laughing at this one, it's so funny but true.;)
Everthing has a price tag in the US? It sure is true.
One of the wonders of our fine capitalist system is that anyone can have as much as they can consume providing that they can pay for it, or get it on credit. Food is no exception to the rule, but it tends to be relatively cheap hence the many wide asses found in these United States of America.
Pussy is one of the most expensive commodities on the US market. Under our free market system any man can get pussy if he can afford the price. However, the price of pussy is controlled by the women through an informal method of setting price controls via social norms. Women use an unusually tough but effective means of bargaining with men who are the usual buyers of pussy. Instead of asking for the fair market value of their pussy women simply estimate what a particular man's net worth would be and set that as the asking price for their snatch. This devious tactic pretty much eliminates competition among different women offering the same or similar commodity for sale and ensures that each man will pay as much as possible for the goods. This makes women a powerful collective bargaining unit to be reckoned with.
This domestic market is largely protected from foreign competition by strict immigration/import regulations and tariffs. When a foreign competitor manages to break into the market the local suppliers quickly entice them to join and benefit from oligarchy on the sex supply. Only the bravest and most adventurous of men venture beyond the national borders in search of more favorable markets. This band of rebels who fearlessly peddle their cocks in countries rife with civil war, crime and disease are known as mongers.
Thanks for your fine lesson on pussy economics. It should be included in all standard economic text books in the U.S. Many great points made and all true. I never quite pictured myself as fearlessly peddling my cock while dodging bullets, pickpockets, malaria, and corrupt cops in third world countries in search of pussy until now.
No, dude you missed something, not everything comes with a price tag. Cocks are the most abundant resource in the U.S. They are always free of charge, just like the air we breath.
Many of you may have realized that majority of the people like to emulate what they see on TV. Many of the blockbuster movies in the U.S always have the main characters in the movie as divorced or maybe separated couples. They always get pregnant before they get married, I am sure I have seen that a gazillion times. Movies such as Stepmom, Waiting to Exhale, As Good as it Gets, all deal with issues of divorce and even movies such as Lethal Weapon and Day of After Tomorrow have subtle messages on divorce. Probably the most popular of all was Kramer vs. Kramer from the early 1980's. Movies and other popular media culture serve as a window to the social setting. Compare the movies made today with those made in the from 50's through early 70's. Attitudes towards divorce, relationships, marriage and the institution of family have changed because of what people see on TV might have changed their beliefs about marriage and divorce. In those days a social stigma was attached to women who seek for divorce, but in nowdays its normal or even good.
I still remember the movie "The Next Best Thing" with Madonna and Benjamin Pratt. Most Americans who saw the movie must be really sobbing and sympathazied with Madonna. What I saw is, she was a fucking b****. All Madonna wanted is to have a kid, but doesn't want to get married or involved in a relationship. So she lived with this gay guy and had sex with him just to conceive a child. No more than that. Then Benjamin Pratt comes along who is a hotshot investment banker from New York. She comes home and breaks the news, that she has this hot date and everyone goes like "woooooo". How often do American b*****, get investments bankers as their date..? Then they go to this classy fancy restaurant with a waiter with a french ascent. What the fuck man..? Most Americans don't even live like that. And the story goes on and on with this gay guy gets fucked over by Madonna, when she gets the custody of their child. Americans hate gays, I know that for sure. I have seen that on CNN and FOX during the 2004 presidential elections.
Most pussies who were seeing the movie probably think that all their dates should be an investment banker, an attorney, stock broker and all other guys are LOSERS. The series I hate most is "Sex and the City" and "Friends", these bitche..**s probably had dated half of New York City's white males and had never found anyone compatible with them. These chicks eat their breakfast, lunch and dinner in fancy european type restaurants. What the fuck is this ..? Probably only 5 % of the US population can afford to live like that. They and now movies don't even potray how the majority of Americans live. Thats why Americans have so much of credit card debts over their head, because they spent, spent and spent and no savings. Americans have probably have the lowest savings rate in the world, because they have to spent so much just get a serious girlfriend. You guys are fucked. I know Americans spend on the things too, but you guys are still fucked given your social situation. Most over 45 middle class male Americans are loners..divorced, no friends, have an average paying job, paying for child support, credit card debts, loans and lots of other shit goin on.
Is this the greatest country in the world..? Probably you guys have the strongest military in the world, but still got your ass kicked in Vietnam and almost got your ass kicked in Midway and Okinawa. Most Americans think that American way of life is correct and the superior one, and blessed by god and all other cultures have to learn from the Americans about their way of life. A lot of societies in Asia believe that their kids will take care of them when they grow older from the Far East to India, in Hindu and Buddhist societies. {Note: The nation of India is located in Asia, not in the Middle East or in a different planet}. So they are not fucked anyhow, even if they don't have material possesions, AC , SUVS and all other worldly possesions. Thats all for now, I do not mean to offend anyone but I have my opinions too, just like I myself have to see on American movies and propaganda news talk shit about other countries.
MeMek Lover
People come to America from around the world for one thing and one thing only,
MONEY!!! Everything has a price tag in America, EVERYTHING!! As far as Freedom I have a hell of a lot more freedom in Australia than I did in the US. Dickhead's found a lot more freedom in Argentina.
I agree CBGB. I myself am guilty of this because I came back here to gather up more money to live free and clear in a third world country like Brazil only now, I must save more and plan better because I did not save enough for a US oil caused recession like we have now. Europe also has the same type of recession because the Euro is almost equal to the dollar. It fell from $1.30 to $1.17 per Euro now because Europe gets hit harder than the U.S. with oil price increases. I did not find any opportunities that pay enough in Rio so I mostly lived on my interest and dividends on my 401K plan and the half of a year unemployment checks I got immediately after quitting (NYC now limits unemployment down to 1/2 year and you must QUALIFY for welfare -which mean you must have kids. Hmmm... an incentive for more lazy AWs to leech off of us taxpayers!!!) I made too much money from dividends and interest on my annuities and I am not married or divorced with kids so I didn't qualify. As for my last year there, I had to borrow money against the principle to and now am paying it back which is because of Bushonomics and his devaluing U.S. currency.
Chocha Monger:
Great posts, interesting stuff.
MeMek Lover:
With all due respect... Okinawa and Midway? Go back to history class, you missed a chapter or two. The Pacific war was totally lopsided after Midway, which was a catastrophic defeat for the Japanese.
But this isnt about history, its about American women.
Even though I know this thread is really just about how shitty America and American women are, dont forget that despite all the problems, America still leads the world in many areas and anyone who has been to India, Colombia, Phillipines, Russia or whereever knows how seriously fucked up those countries are as well... we are just interested in fucking their women, otherwise I dont think any American or European would really want to live there. CBGB may have gotten lucky with Australia which does seem to be "best of both worlds" in many aspects, including those qualities that are American in nature without the puritanical hangups.
As for income, American white collar workers are the best paid in the world and American and English businessmen... I know this from personal experience having conducted business around the world... are some of the hardest-working, most creative and entrepreneurial in the business. So there is a reason why a lot of us are living large...
...problem is, the perceived standard of living in America is so artificially inflated that even the working class feels like they somehow inherently deserve ridiculous SUVs, plasma TVs etc.... and American women are only interested in social status and comfort. Much of the rest of the world, fueled by American media, whether television, pop music, Hollywood or whatever, perceives America as either the American Dream or the American Nightmare, with the truth lying somewhere in between.
But is a woman's desire for social status and comfort (money) really an American phenomenon?
My experience in EE, Europe and Asia provides mixed impressions, with Europe perhaps being the least money-oriented culture... probably because northern Europeans live so comfortably as it is that the concept of poverty is truly foreign to them. The trend is changing, but I dont know many Europeans with a true understanding of what its like to live in a trailer court or on the street. A guy earning middle class wages is considered a good catch for most girls in Europe and they let love and affection steer their amorous motivation as much as expensive cars or flashy clothes.
EE women definitely want a comfortable life and I dont blame them. They even have their own word for it, sponsorship. They are attracted to overt symbols of success, whatever that may be. A rich man, looks and age irrelevant, can keep one or more hot young things as toys as long as he pays for their apartment, car, clothes etc. For these girls, usually pretty girls from villages, this is a much better alternative than being stuck with some younger guy with neither money or future perspective... and certainly better than outright prostitution or working in a factory 6 days a week for $200 a month at best.
Asian women usually marry for social status, period.
I cant comment on Latin women as I dont know them well enough.
America has a lot of problems, one of the most significant, at least from our perspective, is the increasingly fucked dating/marriage scene in America. I agree, fucked up and getting more fucked up. Other problems, whether social or economical, are worldwide, relative and hardly unique to America.
There are currently ongoing race riots in over 300 French cities. Africa is totally corrupt with little hope of short-term improvement. The Chinese economy is basically based on a form of modern industrial slavery. Male-female relations in India are based on centuries old social structures and even more fucked than in America. So kindly keep things in perspective.
The Chinese have been cracking the "whip" both literally and figuratively, still of the larger countries, its the fastest growing. Europe's economy sucks because the people are just lazy from what I have seen. Simple transactions like buying a soda take 15 minutes. Australia's in the lucky position of supplying China and other rapidly growing Asian countries with supplies and machinery as well as a huge influx of immigrants from Asia. US workers get paid better, but rarely get an opportunity to truly enjoy it, you can have your cake but what good is it if you can't eat it?
the article sheds more positive light than the title suggests. interesting how a new bill is aiming at curtailing some of the practices with mail-order brides.
by deepa babington
mon nov 7,10:03 am et
new york (reuters) - it took natasha a day trip to moscow to find the american husband she had dreamed of. it took the next six years to get out of the nightmare that followed.
a music teacher from central russia, she was one of 200 russian women who patiently lined up at a moscow restaurant to meet 10 american men at a gathering hosted by a mail-order bride agency.
she spoke no english but immediately caught the eye of one of the men, 16 years her senior. he was handsome and said he wanted the same things she did: a loving family and children. they went to museums and the theater with an interpreter, and he started the paperwork to bring her to the united states as his wife.
the fairy tale ended eight months later. natasha, who would only be identified using a pseudonym, had barely set foot in the united states when her new husband began to abuse her sexually, disappeared for weeks at a stretch, threatened anyone who tried to befriend her and forced her to sign a post-nuptial agreement.
thrown out of their house after two years of abuse, natasha was left to fend for herself in an unfamiliar country with minimal english skills and no legal documents to work.
"he told me i was the most expensive toy he ever bought," said natasha, who has since divorced and had her immigration case reopened with the help of a women's group after gaining official status as an abused spouse.
womens' rights advocates say natasha's case is hardly unique in the world of mail-order brides. indeed, anecdotal evidence suggests it is becoming increasingly common. three mail-order brides have even been killed by their husbands in the last 10 years in the united states.
once the domain of those unlucky in love, mail-order bride web sites are now increasingly being prowled by predatory abusers and serial [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord127][CodeWord127][/url], says layli miller-muro, of the virginia-based tahirih justice center which represents several abused brides. a survey by the group found that 50 percent of 175 u.s. legal-aid groups had been approached by abused mail-order brides, she said.
marriages go 'horribly wrong'
as more cases of battered brides come to light, a small but growing movement to curb such abuse is gathering momentum.
spurred by the deaths of two brides in washington state, a new bill aimed at giving foreign brides more legal rights is now before congress. it will require the brides be informed of any spouse's criminal record and prevent american men from applying for several fiancee visas at the same time -- ending a loophole that critics say currently allows a "wife lottery."
"the statistics will show that many of these marriages work out great," said u.s. rep. rick larsen (news, bio, voting record) from washington state, where two of the three women were murdered. "the problem is when things go wrong, they go horribly wrong."
last year, nataliya fox, a bride who was beaten by her husband while breast-feeding their child, sued and won the first lawsuit against an internet bride agency. that agency offered a satisfaction guarantee for men: if the first wife didn't work out, the next one was free, says miller-muro.
"the way international marriage brokers operate currently, they make themselves an easy conduit for predatory abusers to find their next victim," says miller-muro.
mail order bride agencies balk at the suggestion that it's their responsibility to help prevent abuse.
"just like when you go on a date in america, how do you know this person isn't a (charles) manson?" said craig jay rich, who married a russian woman and founded a volga girl, which pairs clients with russian women. in six years, only two couples who met through the agency have divorced, he says.
agencies boom
all this comes as the mail-order bride business continues to grow, fueled largely by the internet.
in 1999, an immigration and naturalization service study found over 200 agencies that paired 4,000 to 6,000 american men each year with foreign women, mostly from eastern europe and asia. two years ago, that had mushroomed to over 500 agencies.
though some critics believe the business is just a few steps short of trafficking in women, most agree that many men who use them are sincere in their efforts to find a soulmate.
many who turn to the agencies want a traditional and loyal woman.
that's partly what drove chris testa to a mail-order bride. after eye problems nearly cost him his vision and several dates that led to nothing, he forked out $90 to search for women on the volga girl web site.
he soon began writing to a demure girl called elena zharkova from togliatti, a town 600 miles south of moscow.
testa finally made his way to russia to meet zharkova and two other prospective brides. eight days later, after an excursion on a tugboat, he had made his choice.
"she was the only one who wanted to meet me at the airport and she took a week off from work," said testa, a tall new jerseyan with a mustache, who spent $16,000 to find her.
the couple married this summer. zharkova says she is happy.
"i always knew he was the one for me," she said in halting english at a manhattan diner, holding on to testa's arm as she sipped tea. "i have a feeling now like i was born here."
The US worker starts with 2 weeks of vacation and the senior worker gets 4 weeks tops. I still am stuck in between with 3 weeks which is a reward for working in one company for 10 years. My third week came on my 8th year and the fourth comes on the 16th year. Europe and Australia has 4 weeks to start to up to 2 months. They could enjoy their pay but they get higher taxes which is a trade-off for their long vacations. In the US, you can cut taxes down to 28% if you write off everything related to work (or what you MAKE related to work like gas, lunches with "clients" during lunchtime if you eat out, and clothing for work (I write off clothing I am required for work because of the dress code.) In Europe, they pay 45% of their money to the government. I don't know if this is true but I interviewed a couple of German guys in an FKK club about this. This comes out to be the same because if you calculate the number of hours and pay, it evens out. The only difference is that you live in a more free country in Europe or Australia than you do in the US where feminism and censorship has taken over.
I would not want to work in Asia or South America because they do crack the whip and they also give you just 2 weeks vacation. I tried working in Brazil but for the same telecommunications job, they only pay 50,000 Reais (back then it was $12,500 but now it is $25,000 with the devalued dollar). I interviewed for the job and they told me these conditions but I refused because I was able to collect my dividends and annuity payments without working that hard. Some telecommunications engineers down in Brazil sometimes work 50 hours a week in the office like here in the US.
TAMPA, Fla. - Two Carolina Panthers cheerleaders were charged after their arrest at a bar where witnesses told police the women had sex in a restroom.
Renee Thomas, 20, of Pittsboro, N.C., and Angela Keathley, 26, of Belmont, N.C., were taken to Hillsborough County Jail early Sunday.
Witnesses said the women were having sex in a stall with each other, angering patrons waiting in line to get into the restroom at the club in the Channelside district.
Thomas was charged with battery Sunday after allegedly striking a bar patron when she was leaving the restroom, then landed in even more trouble after police said she gave officers a driver's license belonging to another Panthers cheerleader who was not in Tampa.
Thomas, who made the trip to Florida for Sunday's game between the Panthers and Tampa Bay Buccaneers, was released from jail on $500 bail before police learned she was not the person she claimed to be.
Providing police with a false name is a misdemeanor. However, Thomas was charged Monday with giving a false name and causing harm to another — a third-degree felony punishable by probation or a jail term of 1 to 5 years, said police spokeswoman Laura McElroy.
Meanwhile, detectives are trying to determine how Thomas gained possession of the driver's license of the third cheerleader.
Keathley, charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest, was released on $750 bail about an hour before the Panthers played the Bucs at Raymond James Stadium. The cheerleaders were not in town to perform at the game.
It occurs to me that women all over the world share at least a few fundamental traits. Many have written posts stating the exact opposite, but I think they are wrong.
It's true that it's hard to find a decent girlfriend/wife/partner. But, hard for who? A lot of us talk about getting a nice one.... preferably early 20's and attractive as well. The thing is, most of these women prefer someone close to their own age group. For a girl in her early 20's, that means a guy in his mid to late 20's. Let's face it.... most of us are 30 or over. As far as these girls are concerned, we're all a bunch of old-timers. That means we have to compensate, using other means to persuade them to consider an older man. All over the world, that means some kind of access to resources....... in other words, money.
I've heard lot's of guys talking about how great things are in this or that country but they fail to see one crucially important fact. They are the outsiders, in every single case. Go to Thailand, Brasil, Russia or any other supposed paradise and ask one of the LOCAL guys what he thinks of the local girls. The answer will probably sound a lot like all the complaints heard here in this very forum.
The reason we all get such a good reaction overseas is that we are perceived as being rich. Maybe not rich like Bill Gates, but still way better off than any of the local prospects. A lot of these women are basically pros/semi-pros masquerading as regular girls in the hopes that some foreign guy will come along and transport them to a better life. I can only imagine what the local guys in, say, Colombia or the Phillipines, would have to say about the hordes of women who wouldn't dream of settling down with one of them.
Ir's nice to think that these girls are in some way "traditional", but this really varies widely from girl to girl. Many of my wife's friends are immigrant women and many of them are just as sneaky, greedy and selfish as any north american woman. In fact, if my marriage ever ended, I probably wouldn't bother trying for another woman from overseas. Most of them aren't that trustworthy.
I've reached the conclusion that most women the world over want a good looking guy of a similar age. If they're willing to go for someone 20 years older, it's probably for the money. If you're OK with that, go for it....... at least you WILL be able to get a good-looking one.
Rock Dog,
You've made some very frank statements. You are certainly right that women around the world are all motivated by resources to some degree or another. Men tend to give cock freely therefore it can hardly be considered a fair exchange for pussy. It is nice to think that there are women in other countries who would suck our cocks out of pure altruism but that would be deluding ourselves.
We do tend to have more resources at our disposal than local guys in typical mongering destinations, or at least we offer the illusion of a passport to better living conditions and opportunity. I have found that women also value men who can offer physical security to them in high crime areas, while this is not a material resource it is a high value service in areas where people can expect to be robbed or assualted several times over the course of a lifetime. You'd be surprised to discover that professional women in some countries who are willing to marry someone with a law enforcement or military background foregoing the economic benefits of marrying someone in a higher paying profession.
So generally speaking men offer women resources, protection and power in return for access to pussy. The value placed on each will vary from location to location but something is always being traded. In high crime countries many women are happy just to have a capable man around with a modest income. Of course, you will also find those who want it all too. However, you will find less of these types in countries where the media doesn't tell them that they are entitled to having it all.
Any woman who is eager to leave her friends and family behind and depart her home country to live with a foreign man who she has recently met is immediately suspect to having more on her mind than being a good wife. One should always state intentions of remaining in her homeland and maintaining a modest standard of living.
Anyway, with washing machines, pre-cooked meals, microwaves, affordable cleaning maids and adoption, is there anything that a man really needs a woman for other than a regular supply of sex? After all, our woman woes only begin at the point in our lives where we discover erections and how much fun it is to poke women with them. Perhaps, the problem is really our inability to stop feeling horny. If we were able to do that I think most if not all of our problems would be solved.