[QUOTE=DJ FourMoney;1298801]Bias towards Colombia much? Let me get this straight you're taking a vacation from Colombia in London?[/QUOTE]Yup. I said to myself I couldn't die without coming here at least once, so much history, so much culture. But as a musician if you want to make money, it's Latin America all the way right now! I even met a cat from New Orleans who now lives in Guatemala and makes great money off of music there. :P
Besides, I'm in London becuase I don't want to fuck with that nasty hot weather. I HATE hot weather with a passion. London never goes above 85 degrees! Right now in southern Italy and Spain it's like 100 degrees, fuck that shit!
[QUOTE=Durrman;1298618]She sends you a one liner and you reply with a long ass text explaining why you're not creepy? Needy much? Maybe send something that doesn't sub communicate low self esteem next time.[/QUOTE]Yeah dude, that's just nuts. Remember the mirror law, respond with the same tone as she has in the message!
If I were a woman I'd run screaming too!
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1298291]As far as approaching women on inline skates Is concerned, whether it is a crude or ineffective method for meeting women in Manhattan is irrelevant, for I am on my way to work, about five miles from my apartment. I don't like the subway- one's chances of meeting women in the subway in Manhattan are far worse than if on inline skates in the street- so I go to work via bicycle, inline skates, or a skateboard. I could put on my dress clothing that I wear at work and walk, but it would take more than an hour, whereas on skates or a bike I can get to work in twenty-five to thirty minutes and I don't think it would significantly increase my chances of getting phone numbers off the street anyway. I have nothing to lose by asking women for their phone number to and from work while on a bike, skates, or skateboard because I am going to work anyway and the women are simply passing by.[/QUOTE]Is this you trying to score pussy in the United States?
[QUOTE=Chocha Monger; 1299134]Is this you trying to score pussy in the United States?
[url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHpi_Y3TV60&feature=player_embedded[/url][/QUOTE]LOL if I used those pick up lines in the streets of Kiev I probably would get the number of 50% of the girls I talk to.
So what is the ugly dark secret about Latin America? We can't help it if the brothers have lousy taste in women and like them all fat and skanky. Latinas are much hotter, sexually, than other ethnic groups. Of course they are also more jealous. Can't have everything.
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1299894]On a run-swim-run I spotted an attractive Asian woman at the Central Mall, Jones Beach, so I figured I would come back to meet her after I got done with my sit. When I got down there on the next hour I noticed she was with an overweight ghostly pale guy who was completely comatose on the blanket while she stared at the ocean. You could fly me to Australia and back and inject me with enough tranquilizers to knock out an elephant and there is no way I would so much as shut my eyes for a millisecond while in proximity to her.[/QUOTE]Always remember. For every Attractive woman you see. There is a guy that kicked her to the curb saying."been there. Done that. And it ain't all that". All women begin to look average. After you've been with them awhile.
Looks attract a man. Personality keeps him.
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1300233]At the beach I walked past a woman on two occasions of which she smiled at me both times. Fortunately, she went into the water by herself, leaving her friend on the towel. I approached her when she got out and said,"Hello. How are you." She replied, ' hello and thank you. 'Unfortunately, she walked by. It was extreme arrogance on my part because I assumed she would come to me when I said hello, enabling me to start my conversation. I should have asserted myself and got into her personal space and told her my name, essentially crossing the Rubicon and signaling interest in an actual conversation. If she continued to walk away at that point then I would know for certain that she was not interested. The bottom line is one only has one shot with a female and it may only be seconds in duration, hence the need for massed practice, so that the approach becomes second nature.[/QUOTE]Hi Lugalzaggizi,
I like your reports on pickups with American women and was just wondering if your having any success. Can you give us a basic description of yourself and the kind of ass that you are finding. I wish I had your spirit in approaching American girls on the streets. I gave up on that back in my mid thirties when I noticed girls looking at me funny as if I'm some kind of creeper. How about Manhattan? That seems like a pussy desert for us over 40 guys unless you are an investment banker or something.
Happy hunting,
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1300233]At the beach I walked past a woman on two occasions of which she smiled at me both times. Fortunately, she went into the water by herself, leaving her friend on the towel. I approached her when she got out and said,"Hello. How are you." She replied, ' hello and thank you. 'Unfortunately, she walked by.[/QUOTE]If you really are a lifeguard you need to come up with a gimmick, an approach. Even if it's just a BS line about how there's astrong tide today and you don't want them to get hurt, or watch out for x, why, x. You are an authority figure and authority figures automatically have social standing and can approach girls "with impunity".
If you are halfway good-looking you should get a lot of phone numbers but getting laid may be difficult be / see of logistics: manypeople come to Jones Beach from far away, they're not staying at a hotel across the street.
[QUOTE=Lugalzaggizi;1302451]A really attractive blond walked by on the boardwalk while I was training Muay Thai. By the time I finished the round she was 200 yards away. I closed that gap faster than Usain Bolt would have. I said to her,"I apologize for not introducing myself sooner rather than run you down like quarry, but you are extremely attractive, so I couldn't let you slip by. May I have your phone number. She said,"Thank you, but I just got engaged." I told her good luck with your engagement and got back to my workout.[/QUOTE]American women are simply not needy enough, otherwise an outstanding citizen such as yourself Lugalzaggizi would actually score with some of these pickup lines. The American government needs to give out about a million or so visa's to the poor and beautiful of Russia or Ukraine. This way fine men such as yourself can tell these feminists that believe there pussy is gold to fuck off.