[QUOTE=Jhack111; 1317083]Most commonly obesity is still referred to by a BMI 30. BMI isn't a very good measure and has been abandoned by many serious health practitioners. BMI would put most body builders into a 30-35 and nobody would suggest they are fat. Equally many of the female track stars that were referred to earlier in posts would be easily classified as overweight by BMI, which is obviously utterly ridiculous. Having said that, for many who lead a very sedentary lifestyle it's a good indicator. For a woman to be BMI 30 at 5'8" she'd have to weigh 200lbs and no way I'd ever consider doing a cowgirl with that kind of weight on top LMAO.
Body fat percentage or the inverse, lean mass is a much more interesting measure. A woman (or man) can still be horribly fat at ideal weight with 40% of the tissue being fat, which leads to a thin person with a kind of porky, sausage meat like tissue texture. Nothing you really want to consider for sex.
I agree with you that the US like many other highly industrialised countries is a place of extremes. The reason for that is simply that there is too wide a choice of processed foods and little practical help for people to make healthy choices. The food industry isn't helping, being a completely immoral bunch they have no moral issues with people getting unhealthy by consumption of their products. How long for example has this insane low-fat campaign of the food industry been going on and still many consumers have no idea that fats at not their enemies per se, but the increasing amount of sugar that is being put into foods to compensate for the lack of fat. How many people really know that fatty foods keep you satiated for longer and that foods high in sugar make you just eat more and more?
This doesn't affect developing countries as much because the choice is simply not there.
On the other hand, I have to agree with ThatGuy. In such a big population there ought to be plenty enough fit girls to last a lifetime. Women have never been a reason for me to leave any country. Rather issues like work / life balance, climate, society in general etc.[/QUOTE]In men the body fat % should be from 8-12, in women from 18-25.
Most US bodybuilders ARE too fucking fat because they have in excess of 12% (assuming male bodybuilders). I'm at 14% right now, considered in shape by US standards, still a little bit fat in the rest of the world. A lot of world class bodybuilders and shotputters etc ARE too fucking fat. They may be world class athletes but they're still too fucking fat!
I just shed 20 pounds in 3 weeks in the US, but I did it by being in ketosis for 2 of those weeks. It works, but it's not a good long term strategy, and it has its side effects, it makes you smell horrible, and in my case gave me reflux a couple of nights. But I have no idea how else to NOT gain weight here in the US.
Gaining or losing fat on your body has very little to do with ANYTHING else than body insulin levels. Not even calories really matter that much. If you're SWIMMING in insulin, you can take in 800 calories a day and your body will put on 800 calories worth of fat, and burn muscle tissue for energy! Which is my big beef (sic!) with the American food supply. EVERY last goddamn thing in the supermarket has shit in it that spikes your insulin levels. Even a whole chicken is now injected with a broth containing soybean shit and a nasty witches brew of insulin-supporting garbage! I've been subsisting on eggs and canned fish but the sodium levels are also unacceptable.....
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito; 1298418]Dude I had a Dominican and a Mexican chick step to me while I was just in NYC, both good looking and half my age. I didn't even bother to get their FB or phone#s.
I had some English girl come and chat me up in a pub on Monday here in London where I'm vacationing, and blew her off, not interested.
I'll wait till I'm back in Colombia with the finest pussy in the world. Maybe I'll tap the Dominican chick because she really is nice looking and into me. If I have time. No big deal. The REAL deal waits for me back home.
Dude, standards of living? Rights, FREEDOMS? What the hell are you talking about? You seriously think that America is *A* free country, much less the ONLY one?
I'll let you guys in on a little secret. If you have English AND Spanish FLUENT, you can land in Bogota or Medellin and INSTANTLY be in the top 10% of society and get a GOOD job down there, one that affords you a lifestyle you could only DREAM of in the United States. Or better yet, you could go independent and make even MORE money, and get your health insurance without having to pay the ridiculous amounts they charge in the US.
Of course let's be straight up here, most Americans couldn't speak decent English to save their goddamn lives here, much less dominate a second language. But for those that can, or have uncommonly good artistic ability, paradise awaits.[/QUOTE]I enjoy your reports on Colombia and AW comments. For some time now I've wanted to work outside the USA-mostly Asia, but I have seen it is quite difficult to get gainful employment.
You mention an American with Spanish fluency could do quite well professionally. I'd love to have an opportunity like that. Would you care to elaborate on such opportunities in some depth. Thank you very much! I couldn't message you, as your mail box is full.
[QUOTE=Frannie;1317147]Personally I have never noticed a nutritional information label on a Big Mac or any other hamburger, but even so they don't really help.[/QUOTE]At least in the US, the nutritional information is on the wall. One Big Mac has over half the recommended daily allowance of fat (34g) , and about 2/3 of its 590 calories are from fat:
Bread needs a bit of sugar to interact with the yeast and a little bit of salt to keep the dough from getting rubbery when it's kneaded. If you want to avoid the sugar, all you have to do is eat tortillas instead of bread. Very simple to do in the US. A whole wheat tortilla has more protein than fat and fewer than 25% of its calories are from fat.
And I don't know that you [b]have[/b] to cook at home all the time to avoid junk food. Subway is a good place to start. Applebee's has several low sodium dishes that are pretty good. Apologists for Mickey D's would probably point out that a Big Mac has 24 grams of protein. 24/34 is not a good ratio. The RDAs are 50g of protein and 65g of fat. That is 77% protein / fat and a big Mac is 71. That all sucks. I try to get 60-80 grams of protein a day and I look for foods with a 2/1 protein to fat ratio. Rice, beans, pasta, oatmeal, quinoa (a cup of cooked quinoa has over 8 grams of protein) , and Gardenburgers all have a 2/1 ratio. Poultry is 8 or 9 to 1. I eat about 2-3 ounces of white meat a day and 3-4 eggs a week, and I avoid candy, chips, and soda pop completely. An added advantage is that I eat well on only about $200 a month.
I am watching the Mets' game on TV and the hot dog vendor had a button with the price ($6) and the number of calories (310). I will try to see if other concession items are similarly labeled.
[QUOTE=Dickhead;1318107]I try to get 60-80 grams of protein a day and I look for foods with a 2/1 protein to fat ratio. Rice, beans, pasta, oatmeal, quinoa (a cup of cooked quinoa has over 8 grams of protein) , and Gardenburgers all have a 2/1 ratio. Poultry is 8 or 9 to 1. I eat about 2-3 ounces of white meat a day and 3-4 eggs a week, and I avoid candy, chips, and soda pop completely. An added advantage is that I eat well on only about $200 a month.[/QUOTE]Beer? What about the beer? LOL
[QUOTE=Dickhead; 1318107]At least in the US, the nutritional information is on the wall. One Big Mac has over half the recommended daily allowance of fat (34g) , and about 2/3 of its 590 calories are from fat:
Bread needs a bit of sugar to interact with the yeast and a little bit of salt to keep the dough from getting rubbery when it's kneaded. If you want to avoid the sugar, all you have to do is eat tortillas instead of bread. Very simple to do in the US. A whole wheat tortilla has more protein than fat and fewer than 25% of its calories are from fat.
And I don't know that you [b]have[/b] To cook at home all the time to avoid junk food. Subway is a good place to start. Applebee's has several low sodium dishes that are pretty good. Apologists for Mickey D's would probably point out that a Big Mac has 24 grams of protein. 24/34 is not a good ratio. The RDAs are 50g of protein and 65g of fat. That is 77% protein / fat and a big Mac is 71. That all sucks. I try to get 60-80 grams of protein a day and I look for foods with a 2/1 protein to fat ratio. Rice, beans, pasta, oatmeal, quinoa (a cup of cooked quinoa has over 8 grams of protein) , and Gardenburgers all have a 2/1 ratio. Poultry is 8 or 9 to 1. I eat about 2-3 ounces of white meat a day and 3-4 eggs a week, and I avoid candy, chips, and soda pop completely. An added advantage is that I eat well on only about $200 a month.[/QUOTE]
You must be rail thin on only 80 grams of protein per day or less. I eat 150 on a non-gym day. 200 if I go to the gym. MINIMUM. And I don't eat, bread, rice, or pasta. I get all my protein from real meat, and then count the beans and stuff as a carb with a little added protein. On top of that I eat mostly vegetables, and some fruit. And nothing but water and tea to drink!
Of course everything has been fucked with in the US, nowadays even a chicken in the meat section is injected with this broth shit that's really a witch's brew of soy prodcuts other chemicals that spike your insulin levels, and carbohydrate fillers usually based on GMO corn.
If you get access to good PURE protein sources (almost none in the vegetable kingdom) and cut all the rice and bread and potato garbage out of the diet, it almost doesn't matter how much fat you take in. It's the CARBS you have to cut if you want to get rid of bodily fat.
But the whole point is that this is next to impossible in the USA for any length of time, because youŽd have to be eating shit like canned fish which is notoriously high in sodium, or spending a LOT of money on decent free-range meat eggs etc.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1319947]You must be rail thin on only 80 grams of protein per day or less.[/QUOTE]No.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1319947]It's the CARBS you have to cut if you want to get rid of bodily fat.[/QUOTE]Wait a minute. I thought I was rail thin. You stay with your Atkins and I will stay with my low-fat and high-carb. Neither one of us will be overweight. There are a lot of ways to eat sensibly and just because a person is not overweight doesn't mean their diet is good. But you have an [B]approach[/B] To eating that works for you and I have an [B]approach[/B] To eating that works for me. And neither approach includes salty, sweet, or fatty snacks, soda pop, or similar EMPTY calories. And I am sure you have a different approach to exercise than I do, but we [B]exercise[/B]. I don't give a shit about having six-pack abs or anything like that.
[QUOTE=Punter 127;1318154]Beer? What about the beer? LOL[/QUOTE]They don't put the protein on the label so I figure that's all gravy.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito; 1319947]You must be rail thin on only 80 grams of protein per day or less. I eat 150 on a non-gym day. 200 if I go to the gym. MINIMUM. And I don't eat, bread, rice, or pasta. I get all my protein from real meat, and then count the beans and stuff as a carb with a little added protein. On top of that I eat mostly vegetables, and some fruit. And nothing but water and tea to drink!
Of course everything has been fucked with in the US, nowadays even a chicken in the meat section is injected with this broth shit that's really a witch's brew of soy prodcuts other chemicals that spike your insulin levels, and carbohydrate fillers usually based on GMO corn.
If you get access to good PURE protein sources (almost none in the vegetable kingdom) and cut all the rice and bread and potato garbage out of the diet, it almost doesn't matter how much fat you take in. It's the CARBS you have to cut if you want to get rid of bodily fat.
But the whole point is that this is next to impossible in the USA for any length of time, because you'the have to be eating shit like canned fish which is notoriously high in sodium, or spending a LOT of money on decent free-range meat eggs etc.[/QUOTE]Ummm, you only need about 4-5% dietary protein to be perfectly healthy. All attainable through a purely vegetarian diet."Needing" animal protein via meat, eggs or dairy really isn't needed. Tasty, but not necessary.
Research has shown that fastest weight loss is through an "Adkins" style "Paleo diet" approach, but that such weight loss is less sustainable and significantly increases cardiovascular and diabetes risks. A plant-centered "Mediterranean diet" rich in veggies, high fibre carbs, seeds, nuts, fatty fish,"healthy" fats like olive oil, and minimal meat / dairy / eggs does best at delivering weight loss at a sustainable rate (0. 5-1kg / week) , keeping that weight off, and simultaneously reducing cardiovascular and diabetes risk factors.
[QUOTE=Ebauche; 1319956]Ummm, you only need about 4-5% dietary protein to be perfectly healthy. All attainable through a purely vegetarian diet."Needing" animal protein via meat, eggs or dairy really isn't needed. Tasty, but not necessary.
Research has shown that fastest weight loss is through an "Adkins" style "Paleo diet" approach, but that such weight loss is less sustainable and significantly increases cardiovascular and diabetes risks. A plant-centered "Mediterranean diet" rich in veggies, high fibre carbs, seeds, nuts, fatty fish,"healthy" fats like olive oil, and minimal meat / dairy / eggs does best at delivering weight loss at a sustainable rate (0. 5-1kg / week) , keeping that weight off, and simultaneously reducing cardiovascular and diabetes risk factors.[/QUOTE]I don't know anybody really STRONG that gets less than 30% of their calories through protein.
Carbs such as rice and bread and shit are totally unnatural foods and IMO don't belong in a human stomach!
But back to the topic of AW, the American diet is the most screwed up one of all, because everything tends to come from a package. So people (NOT just women) in other countries have an advantage of already living in a healthier environment. It doesn't help that in all but a few places in the US you are FORCED to get around in a car either!
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito; 1319960]I don't know anybody really STRONG that gets less than 30% of their calories through protein.
Carbs such as rice and bread and shit are totally unnatural foods and IMO don't belong in a human stomach!
But back to the topic of AW, the American diet is the most screwed up one of all, because everything tends to come from a package. So people (NOT just women) in other countries have an advantage of already living in a healthier environment. It doesn't help that in all but a few places in the US you are FORCED to get around in a car either![/QUOTE]I would much rather be quick than strong but saying rice is an unnatural food is just absurd and destroys your credibility. Have fun at the gym!
[QUOTE=Dickhead;1320132]I would much rather be quick than strong but saying rice is an unnatural food is just absurd and destroys your credibility. Have fun at the gym![/QUOTE]Agree with you on this one. I don't eat much proteins but train almost daily on the Concept 2 indoor rower. The more often for 10 000 meters best score, but also for 6 X 2000 mts hard rowing. 30 minutes challenging intensity, one hour best score, half marathons, and one in a while, a 42 200 mts marathon that I usually finish, half-dead, in less than 3 h 30 mts.
Cardio training is the best for the sport we like (sex). Weights, machine? It's useless.
[QUOTE=Bango Cheito;1319960]I don't know anybody really STRONG that gets less than 30% of their calories through protein[/QUOTE][url]Http://eatdrinkbetter.com/2011/02/21/top-mma-fighters-raving-about-vegetarianism/[/url]
[QUOTE=Ebauche;1320179][url]Http://eatdrinkbetter.com/2011/02/21/top-mma-fighters-raving-about-vegetarianism/[/url][/QUOTE]HAHAHAHAH all welterweights, put them in the ring with a heavyweight and watch what happens.
Natural foods are foods we ate BEFORE agriculture. Wild fruits and veg and freshly caught meat. Human beings were healthier in the Paleo era than they are now, even with all the modern medicine and shit!
Anyways getting back to our sheep, that's why AW are so unhealthy as well. The food supply is garbage. Anybody who moves to the US from another country notices it immediately.
Take the eggs for example, in the US even the organic ones don't hold a candle to the ones commonly available on every street corner in Colombia. These eggs are HUGE, and the yolks are a deep orange color as opposed to the insipid canary yello of a US egg which indicates lack of micronutrients....