the great thing about prostitution is it provides a means for less attractive individuals to get it on with more attractive ones, fed up. i'm not a slob, but i would have never been able to fuck the many drop-dead hotties i have without paying them. since i love making love to beautiful young ladies, and they love profiting from their appeal, everyone goes home happy.
speaking of SUV"s, there's a new book out on them which will tell you all you ever wanted to know regarding why they are a menace to public safety and the environment, called HIGH AND MIGHTY, by KEITH BRADSHER.
i'm an american who isn't fooled any longer by his fascist government. it's ironic we're at war with islamic fundamentalists, since philosophically our leaders are so similar to them. unfortunately of course, wars kill mostly civilians and innocent bystanders.
VT, valid points. Although I am embarrassed enough about carrying around 25 lbs more on my 6'4 frame than I did at 20 in the army, at 50 I fully realise that in order to bed a 20-year old real cutie it takes money. And the fact that the option exists is welcomed indeed. (Heck, who wants to sleep with boring old hags my age :-)
RN, relax. We guys here are not (I think) homosexual fashion designers who currently decide what the world's women are "supposed to look like". Those guys favour 14-year old boys, and we definately don't want women to look like that. Most men like women to be curvy - and women.
As regards overlooking men's flaws - I guess putting on 25 lb from the ideal and becoming 50 are both flaws - and as said, those flaws need some serious money talk to be "overlooked" - the challenge is to make that overlooked for real, rather than for fake.......
The men you "describe" as probably non-existent do exist - my oldest son at 19 looks like a moviestar (not my determination), is 6'3 and 200 effective lb's, has been on a national martial arts team, has grades and a history likely to land him in an Ivy League university in the US - and of course he has a line of girls at the door.
But the drug-dealing, maybe good-looking gangster down the street, who is, despite his good looks in desperately bad shape, a school dropout and all, has a longer line. And that line is scoring higher on the average 1-10 looks scale.
In addition, the drug dealer has a reputation for beating his girls up frequently, while jr. has a reputation for taking them to Rome for romantic vacations.
This has always been so. You girls have a strange way of selecting your mates.......
heh heh don't worry traveller/dickhead...i was just making a point. you have no idea how many clients i've had that are obese, shabbily dressed and severely lacking in personal hygiene, who come in complaining that their wives have let themselves go!! lol i have no problem at all with people having "limits"...we are all attracted to different things...but i do have a problem with men that expect perfection in women but refuse to acknowledge their own flaws. and call me old-fashioned, but i still believe that people are "worth more than the sum of their parts". wit, intelligence, and a good heart and sense of humour, work much better on me than a sportscar and buns of steel.
that said, i have my own set of limits that some guys in here would probably by peeved by. some guys (no, i'm not accusing anyone in particular!) who have limits on what sorts of women they will see, need to realise that women have those limits too. women shouldn't be expected to compromise too much either.
military power frightens me,
religion frightens me,
sometimes...mainly for those two reasons... america frightens me.
and yes, the battle against the smokes is slowly being won. :) i had a period of total failure...cold turkey was just not possible...so i've changed tactics and now i think i'm doing ok. i've cut down from 40 a day to around 10 a day in the past couple of weeks. i'm hoping to kick it completely by new year. (trying to keep the target realistic...but hopefully i'll be able to do it quicker than that).
RN, your point about your clients (the pot that dares to call the kettle black! lol) is right on the money on BOTH sides. One example similar to yours is my best friend's cousin. This woman could pass for a main character in the novel Moby Dick. She had the nerve once to say that basically, her standards were "a Tom Cruise lookalike with a 9" schlong". I thought to myself: "Geez, the guy can't afford enough FLOUR to have sex with you". For the sake of civility, I bit my tongue (almost in HALF).
LMFAO sinanjumaster!!!!!
Yup, I know quite a few women who do the same thing as well. Certainly not just a male problem.
And for the record, I think Tom Cruise is revolting. Samuel L. Jackson, Sean Connery, Mel Gibson...oh myyyyyyy. And she was demanding nine inches? Do you think maybe she was aiming low to avoid disappointment??? ;) *cheeky grin*
Hi RN and Guys,
Just made it back from Bonnie Scotland. Spent most of my time in Edinburgh sightseeing and "punting" at night. Punters are blokes who seek the services of working girls. They even have their own huge website at *********.com It's basically the WSG for the UK.
Several observations are in order it seems. First of all, there is no problem chatting up the women there in the pubs. All of the guys seem to be obsessed with watching football on the big screen while drinking their pint. Secondly, they are very scared of American war mongering and sabre rattling. Got to the point where I was telling the lassies that I was Canadian. The Ugly American mystique is alive and well there and they're our longtime allies.
The Edinburgh Sauna scene was excellent. BBBj's are the norm there. Service and attitude was exemplary. Man, what a contrast to the scene in America. Thought I had died on gone to heaven.
The women there are all feminine, very well dressed and slender. They were also remarkably friendly and helpful. One of the girls I had for almost two hours in one of the saunas offered to show me Edinburgh on her night off free of charge. I'd like to see something like that in the states!!!
RN, I read your description of your ideal male and you forgot to list "turning grey" and being in his "mid-fifties." I meet all of your other criteria!!! By the way, keep up the great work on quitting smoking. It's not easy but your kids need you around.
Geez, it gets harder and harder to return home to American women but a guy has to make a living. You know, the vast majority of American guys have no idea how bad it is here and they probably think that this is "normal."
i regret posting, since this forum was ostensibly about chasing pussy, but some folks who happen to be from politically insignificant yet english speaking countries choose to make provocative statements about the usa. i hereby protest.
re: mention of "god" on us currency. that is not "establishing a religion", it's just a word used traditionally in many us documents. however, the founders who wrote the us constitution did claim that our rights are not given to us by any government, but come from god. i don't believe god exists, but that is why the word appears so frequently in various texts. if you don't like the currency, don't keep any of it. send it to the charity of your choice. or better yet, stop making it, go home and live on the dole.
re: we beat our "wifes". oh, sure. well if so, those guys don't have computers and therefore you should go to the ghetto and confront them personally about it.
re: the govt. lies to us. that's actually dan rather's and peter jennings' job.
re: americans are poor at introspection. perhaps, because we spend a lot of time getting things done. like changing europe's [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord131][CodeWord131][/url] after it starts wars, keeping the soviets from later consuming it, developing the technology to feed the planet, cure diseases (oh canada! give me an mri machine!), promote democracy, and confront tyranny.
this post will get people's dander up, but so be it. we are supposed to be discussing women/getting laid issues, not venting one's spleen.
dash riprock
dash, i think america is a great country but the only complaint i have about it is it's over-obsessiveness with morality. in fact, america has a tendency to patrol other countries and impose our anti-prostitution and drug laws on them. these countries do not share our extremely moral sentiments so they don't comply. this is why we find better pussy in any other country than the us or any other extremely moralistic country. the more lax a country is toward sex, the better the volunteers for the sex worker position. in the us, however, sex workers are frowned upon and jailed so the good looking women who want to do this for college don't want to risk the heavy consequences imposed on sex workers in this country. in new york, prostitutes are thrown in riker's island, a prison for serial killers, [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord127][CodeWord127][/url], child molestors, and terrorists. i think that is rather extreme for a victimless crime as prostitution. where does it say in the bible to punish prostitutes that way? prostitutes are beaten by other inmates and raped by their lesbian cellmate in this extreme prison. even a day in this prison is hell. i know they don't punish sex workers this way in other countries. if they did, there would be no pussy available to us in countries like brazil, scotland, or canada. and the us wants to impose such punishment on sex workers in other countries. i see why sex workers in other countries dislike the us government and that i always have to stick up for it. they fear that if their country adopts the us laws, this means of making quick cash would no longer be available to them. i admit that if i were a woman and i needed some cash in between jobs, i would be a prostitute until i find my next job and i wouldn't want some nosy police to arrest me and throw me to riker's island for it.
rn, i did not mean to fly off the handle about american women but they judge me on my lack of height which is something i can't change. how can i grow taller? do i hang on a pole every day? i tried that and it still doesn't work. there's not even a safe surgical method to gain height. there are some problems that some unfortunate women were born with like ugly teeth, unibrows, etc. but i still date women with these flaws because i am very understanding about problems that can't be helped. in fact, i date women with small breasts or short women. even my 2 week girlfriend in brazil had a minor flaw which was her crooked teeth but she had great looks and body otherwise. this brazilian chick didn't mind that i was short in height. geez, height seems be be a big issue for american women! i don't have any other flaws physically.
obesity, on the other hand can be solved. there's the traditional diet and exercise, liposuction, or metabolism pills. and those same obese american women expect a tall, hung, and handsome dude!
btw rn, would you date a guy who is shorter than you?
Its obvious in America there is a very hypocritical standard towards sex, that is a given, the US has the largest pornography industry in the world yet prostitution is completely criminalized except in some lame parts of Nevada, the idea that a prostititute's job will ever be legalized will never materialize anytime in the near future in America. One of the abusurdities of American life is that it is perfectly legal to buy a lethal weapon that can potentially be used to kill people and often is like in the case of that sicko sniper in Washington DC but if a man just wants to have sex that is a criminal offense. There are images of violence all over the US media yet if someone bares their ass everyone makes a big deal out of it. Europeans are almost opposite it is rare to see European films filled with intense gratitious blood gore and violence and on the contrary you see a lot more sex. Personally I rather get laid than get shot or in a fist fight.
CBGB, be not so quick to judge us. Many countries the world over love elements of our culture and that includes our violence-filled movies. I'm not saying it's a great thing to export, but it's a matter of fact. And yes, getting laid is more preferable to getting into a fight. However, hand to hand combat CAN be a thrilling experience (in the ring, of course), if only a VERY DISTANT second place to the release of great sex.
give me a break, I live in America so I know what I am talking about. I have been on both sides of the Atlantic and find Europe to be more tolerant towards sex and extremely intolerant to violence and aggressive culture. Emimen the rapper was slammed in Europe because of his lyrics that promote violence against woman and gays not because of their sexuality. There are even warning messages preceding certain American programs warning parents about the violent content of movies and television shows. 15,000 people were killed this year by gun violence in America, in Britain there were less than 150 who met this unfortunate fate. Europe and America are both democracies and their foreign policies are shaped by their people, the US goverment wants to bomb the hell out of any country it sees fit and Europe wants to make peace and create friendships with countries around the world, just look at the Iraq situation. When Afghanistan was being attacked I was sitting in a bar and saw a large group of people cheering 'yeah', in a bar in Germany I saw people looking in dismay shaking their heads in dissaproval, quite typical considering Germans are vehemently anti-War and Americans from all walks of life are developing a Lock and Load mentality, those people I witnessed cheering the carnage happened to be Ivy League trained Physicians not uneducated drunks, the Germans I saw who were dismayed at the violence were off duty policemen, how interesting that young American doctors cheered at the carnage yet a group of working class German cops looked in dismay at the scenes of war. When I was driving home I counted 4 GUN SHOPS in a matter of a quarter mile, one had a big sign saying Tactical Assault Rifles, over 2/3rd's of American homes carry handguns, Violence is a part of America.
CBGB, since I've disagrred with you at times in the past, I just want to say -- right on, I absolutely agree with you here. Anybody seen "Bowling for Columbine?"
If Germans are vehemently anti-war, they've had a funny way of showing it over the years.
Dickhead, I agree with you. PLUS, CBGB has conveniently forgotten that recently the Serbs wanted to eradicate the Bosnian Muslims, the Greeks and the Turks are always constantly in a state of near-war with each other and that over a century ago, the Turks slaughtered thousands of Armenians. Shall I also list the butchery of Stalin and Hitler? Up until only recently, Germany has AWAYS had avaricious military aspirations. If these are examples of the Europeans wanting to make friendships and peace throughout the world, then he needs to read about past events and brush up on current ones. Then again, since he says he's American, his abysmal knowledge of history (or shall I say the lack thereof?) reflects the continuing failure of American education. America is not a perfect country and we never said we were. Are we backward when it comes to our attitudes regarding sex? Yes? Do we have a LOT of guns? Yes. NO nation on this earth can claim to have a bloodless past or a perfect present, so STOP painting Europe as a Utopia. I love Europe for its cultures and history, but let's put things in perspective. END OF STORY
Hitler - cashed in the chips of 6 million Jews
Stalin - depopulated the Soviet Union by 20 million
Khmer Rouge (OK this is in Asia) hundreds of thousdands dead in massacres
When the US kills innocent civilians MAYBE by the hundreds (YES, accidental) we get raked over the coals, but bring up the aforementioned figures and the pacifist pussies and "America-Haters" develop amnesia. Give me a fucking break. America was born in the blood of the desire for independence and it's in our blood. If so many countries of the world are so much greater than America, why do the citizens of these shining examples risk theIr very LIVES to come here? What's that I hear? Silence? Yah, I THOUGHT SO.