Your accusations about American women ring true my bretheren. For a LOOOOOOONG time, even before I knew this website existed (Hell, even before the Internet really took off!!) I'd noticed that American women spoke with a forked tongue: they'd say one thing and mean another, and wonder why they are the cause of such exasperation. Whenever I traveled overseas, the ability to stike up a friendly conversation with even a reasonably attractive woman (I wasn't hunting for pussy ALL the time) was so easy, that it seemed just NATURAL. My dalliances with babes from England, Ireland, South Africa, Norway and Germany can attest to that. Compare that to here in the U.S. and it's like night and day. You can instantly feel the bad attitude even if she doesn't verbalize it. They are the most jaded women I have EVER seen of ANY nationality and they take the joy out of appreciating nature's most beautiful creation. I love to read the bullshit bios in Playboy that say the Playmate of the month, whomever she may be at that time, loves a "nice" guy who has a sense of humor, will open doors for her blah blah blah. Shit like that makes me wanna vomit more than a teenage bulimic girl trying to fit into a size 0 prom dress! I think to myself: "Does the boyfriend who is fucking your best friend, sponging off you, promising you the world while giving you a landfill and treating you like a stool sample fulfill that bullshit criteria, or are you so stupid that you think you can fool a guy by saying one thing while your actions say otherwise"?
Myself, I wouldn't go the route of the high class escort. It'd be MAYBE a thing I'd do every couple years IF I knew she could drain me of my bodily fluids and make the experience so outstandingly otherworldly that I'd be babbling in another language. But that's just MY taste. If that's the preference of others, who am I to knock it?
Paddy, you're basically right about the criteria. What gets me as mad as the Hulk is that when they spot the "fulfillment" of their criteria and they marry the guy, the guy maintains his criteria (at least financially by earning the money that satisfies her monetary requirements, and throgh the prestige of his chosen field of employment) but SHE does NOT! This failure of the chick to maintain what attracted the guy to her in the first place (her looks; no man in the WORLD is gonna say out loud that he spotted a woman's personality while walking down the street) is manifested by the woman letting herself go (gaining a lot of weight, refusing to dress as she had in the beginning of the relationship because she "has" him now and doesn't have to work for it, etc). This bait and switch is seen as perfectly OK by women, but let a guy point out that she is letting herself go, and he's instantly seen as a pig! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! HULK SMASH OPRAH SHOW! LOL
Man, you hit my state of affairs perfectly. My ex, almost weeks into our marriage, began to get fat, chopped off her hair (she said that it was fashionable - actually, it was butt ugly) and started her descent into asexuality. She also wanted to sleep all the time (probably because of weight gain) and started to talk about quitting her job and starting a family. I mean, the norms and rules of our previous life went right out the window. It was like I was living with this alien whom I did recognize either physically or emotionally.
She also became very demanding of me but if I made any request of her or tried to encourage her to do someting about her appearance, she went thermonuclear ballistic. It's like American women can dish it out but they sure can't take it. After about six months, I felt totally betrayed and still do to this day.
Unfortunately, virtually every guy I know who is or was married has experienced about the same thing. Weird isn't it??? Good thing that we have this site and know where we can find REAL women overseas.
I'm glad I didn't take the marriage road and that my ex-fiancee changed BEFORE we got married. She just couldn't wait to lose the disguise and let go. With the advice of her American woman friend, she went from a sweet Cuban immigrant to Oprah Winfrey. It's as though I don't know her any more because she turned into a totally different person after her American friend, Martha, poisoned her thoughts. She stopped exercising and gained 80 pounds weighing 195, she made up "anniversary" days and demanded shoes and jewelry (she had a total of maybe 300 pairs that stuffed the coat closet, too many to count!), and she also wanted to quit her job to stay home and start a family. Some guys are much less fortunate than I was because I was able to just call off the marriage. With some guys, the wife WAITS until they get married then let themselves go and morph into Jabba the Hut from Playboy model. They would have to file a divorce and lose their possessions to lose Jabba the Hutt. America has the highest divorce rate on the planet because most guys think its worth ditching Jabba the Hutt (about 60% of all marriages end in divorce in America whereas overseas their numbers are much lower.)
Then you look at the divorced women and 90% of them are fat and are trying to lose weight to sucker another guy. They also have hidden assets they sign over to their families so they won't be seen as golddiggers.
Dickhead has the right idea. If you ever get married in America get the pre-nup!!
I just remembered an interesting phenomenon that a coworker told me about when we were talking about gold digging beeyatches. He called it the "I Got A Man Syndrome", and he illustrated it as thus: he was walking in the mall with the wife and rugrats when he noticed a single mother with her two young children in tow. I think he vaguely knew this chick, 'cos he told me she was about 26 and looked closer to 16, but she had NO MAN. The premise is that if she wanted to set her trap, she had to bust her ass at the gym, eat right, havea good attitude, etc. Having two kids along is gonna be a deterrent to most guys, so, the spider in question (the chick) has to spin this web in order to set the trap for an unsuspecting fly (the hapless guy who hasn't visited this website). NOW... when said spider ensnares fly to te point where escape is an attractive (but a seemingly impossible) option, she sheds the trap/illusion and morphs into Jabba.
My ex-wife was like one of the sci-fi movies where the aliens have human looking shells, but underneath are vicious, bloodletting reptiles. I found that out after 2 years of marriage, what a shocker. I actually told her who the hell are you anymore. So now I live by my rules previously posted. The only way to have control, is to be in control.
Once an American woman has you in the hold of marriage, they literally grabbed you by the nuts and control every one of your actions. The only way out is to yank yourself free and lose one of your nuts (half your money and income). Once married to them, they feel they can do whatever they want. They don't feel they need to work out anymore, they boss you around, they order shoes and jewelry after seeing them in TV commercials while they are home watching their soap operas and eating bonbons, and they deny you sex unless you work for it. They basically have you on a leash like Jabba the Hutt had Princess Leia on a leash in Return of the Jedi when he captured her.
Quite a while back, I met my best friend's cousin when she was single. It was about a couple years before she got married and she was marginally attractive enough to want to fuck. She got married anywhere from a few months to a year after my best friend got married. When I saw her the next time, I thought to myself: "Jee-zus! When did she develop a BLOWHOLE and start working for Sea World??" From what I pieced together from my best friend telling me, the guy she got married to seemed to become a crustacean once she got her hooks into him. GONE were the slim figure and the sweet demeanor, only to be replaced by the Wicked ***** of the West with an extra 100 pounds and a desire to control that would match that of Kim Jong Il. She CONSTANTLY belittles hubby even in front of us (my best friend and me) while he says either nothing or responds with a weak retort, if you can call it even THAT. I pity the poor bastard when I think of the life he had BEFORE he married Matilda the Hun. He had (and still HAS, although it could be snatched at any moment if this harpy is so inclined) a sizable nest egg, many dates with attractive women and cool wheels. Now, I can only imagine that he prays for a quick death that is preferable to the slow agonizing hell of being married to this witch. And YES, my brothers, SHE DOES NOT WORK AT ALL!!
Need I f#(&!#G say more:
[Quote]University of Chicago study that questioned more than 1,700 women, ages 18 to 59. That 1999 study found 43 percent of women reported having one or more persistent symptoms of sexual dysfunction, such as a lack of desire for sex, during the previous year.[/quote]
The quote is from an article that indicates this study may be overblown, and the actual figure is a measly 25% of American Women are asexual...
The study in question came from the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University. Very importantly, it excluded ALL women who had not been in a realtionship for 6 months. Logically, some of those excluded women may not have been in a recent relationship because of their existing sexual problems. Therefore, the 24.4% of women who experience "severe distress" according to the recent Kinsey study is probably an underestimate. One thing is for sure, the Kinsey study is a seriously biased or restricted sample as a result and is far from being a random sample of the general population. I teach statistics and research design at a well know Midwestern University and their conclusions are suspect to say the least. Oddly enough, the Kinsey Institute has always conducted very sound and acceptable research in the past. I can only conclude that they have new personnel running the show there.
Furthermore, the recent Kinsey study was a telephone ONLY study whereas the University of Chicago study in 1999 consisted of a 90 minute face-to-face interview. Hey, if you quickly ask most American women over the phone if they have sexual problems, the vast majority will probably respond that everything is just wonderful. Also, women psychologists and sociologists are rallying around the new Kinsey report and saying things like "I told you so" as if to say that women are actually OK and that men must be the problem. Typical.
One last thing. The Kinsey study dealt with American women ONLY. I wonder what the results would look like if they conducted their restrictive and very narrow study on women from Brazil, Holland, Russia, the Ukraine, the Czech Republic, etc.
I concur, Paddy. Besides, for the most part, I shun statistical findings on human behavior because I ask myself several questions: "What is the social/political leaning of the tester and what is their agenda (hidden or not)? By whom is the study conducted? By whom is the study funded? How large is the test sample? What or WHO consisted of the sample?" THESE questions are the FIRST ones I ask immediately, to bring to light anything that may reveal the true purpose of the study that isn't apparent. I love number crunching for its own sake, but it can be tainted and therefore, useless. If you ask Shere Hite to conduct the same report, American women would come through as angelic, yet-to-reach-perfection test subjects while revealing American men to be low-browed, knuckle-dragging, club wielding beasts whose only vocabulary includes the words: "Og want woman. Og fuck woman. Og finish. Og repeat."
Here's a good quote from the Moscow Times, July 23, 2002,"Taking the Risk Out of Mail-Order Romance".
<Michael Berkowitz, a 54-year-old California businessmen who is hoping to marry a Russian woman he met on a tour to Moscow, agrees.
"I like Russian women more than American women," he says. "It seems as if Russian ladies are more involved with the relationship; you are not just a money tag and they are willing to put themselves out for their man." American television series such as "Ally McBeal" and "Sex and the City" might imply that there are thousands of desperate single women looking for husbands in the United States, but Adams says this is not the case. Successful men in their late 30s and 40s hoping to start a family can't find a partner because older women have decided they don't want children and twentysomethings are too busy establishing a career, he says. In Russia, on the other hand, younger women can't find a stable partner.>
Sinanjumaster, your cousin's friend sounds just like my ex-fiancee except my ex-fiancee could not hold out until marriage. I was lucky that she lost the disguise before that and revealed her true ugly ogress self. She tried to force me to work my butt off while she talked of not finding a job after she graduates from graduate school and to live off of my paycheck to raise "our" family. What a waste of money to go to school just to be unemployed and become a mother? She also forces me to buy her shoes. We argued a lot because of the constant power struggle between me and the American reformed her. See, this is why you can't bring your Cuban girl to America because she will change after meeting an American woman friend. I one day got fed up with her and called off the marriage. She's lucky I wasn't meaner and would leave her at the altar.
I think that part of the 25% (or more) American woman's sexual dysfunction problem is the inhibitive moral teachings of our society. They teach that a girl having lots of sex is wrong. When you dated a lot in your younger years, you probably get a lot of women pushing you away when you unbutton their blouse and they say that it's not right to do this. You even promised to use a condom and to practice sex safely and she pushes you away saying it's just wrong (or immoral). See, it is the habit of these American women to not have sex because it has been programmed into them. It's like American women have a "V" chip in their heads or a cyber-nanny. When it's time for the good kinky part, they shut you off from it just like the "V" chip blanks the screen when a nude or sex scene comes on (my prude aunt bought a "V" chip for my poor cousin who is 21 even and should have been allowed to see porn since 18). The teachings of morality is the cause of sexual dysfunction in America. I also disagree that only 25% have dysfunction. I think it is more like 99% of them because all American women didn't allow sex until the fifth date (if I was lucky enough to find an American "****").
Here's a story from November 26, 2002 By Brian Carnell.
In 2001 Heather Mercer won a $2 million sex discrimination lawsuit against Duke University -- Mercer successfully argued that when she was cut as a kicker from Duke's football team, that the coach's decision was motivated by her gender rather than her kicking ability. This month, however, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth District overturned that damage award, though not the verdict.
The trial court had imposed punitive damages but the appeals court ruled that such damages could not be assessed in private Title IX actions. The appeals court relied on a recent U.S. Supreme Court case, Barnes v. Gorman, which disallowed punitive damages in a wide variety of discrimination lawsuits.
The main lesson to emerge from the whole incident is that football coaches should not give female kickers tryouts if they want to avoid such lawsuits (a position that is completely legal under Title IX).
Another example of American WOMEN wanting to (metaphorically) be MEN...