Hi Paddy,
There are few people in Rio that speak English but a lot of them speak Spanish so you can get away with Spanish and hand gestures for the words you don't know. I, fortunately could speak portugese in the present tense but if I want to mean future tense I add the word "later" at the end of the sentence or "before" to mean past tense.
Currency rates are excellent if you go to the ATMs. The rate is 3.5 to 1. However some ATMs won't take american cards but the ones that do are the citbanks and you must go to them from 10AM to 10PM. The currency exchange shops only give you 3.3 to 1 for american dollars so they can make money off of you.
The President put out security to ensure the safety of the tourists in Rio during Carnival. There was a military presence to assure that Rio is clear of gangs or violence. Overall, I felt safe in Rio because of these military police. No one even tried to pickpocket me either but still, it is wise not to carry more than you need.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by joe_zop
[i]I can easily make a list of a dozen semi-related issues which might be contributing factors, a lot of which have been brought up here in the past, but if we're going to discuss absolutely everything we may well end up discussing nothing.[/i]
I think, you could go ahead with list of semi-related issues. Actually it would be helpful because in this case we are not going to miss something important. We should just
put different priority for each one of them and discuss only the most important.
I also encourage everyone who not agrees with below statement to tell why:
Average American woman one of the worst in personal interactions with man
In comparison with average woman from most of the others countries
Some parts of American System and American Culture responsible for this situation.
I think it would be useful to further quantify some of these complaints, since we're making a generalized statement about American women in comparison to non-American women
Good idea. If we manage to do it properly, this would be powerful tool.
I will think about comparison between the American and Russian women and post it later.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by joe_zop
[i]America high tech revolution was created by hundred of thousand negative-minded immigrants programmers.
As far as the "woman beat husband and then call to police" thing, well, there's no doubt that it happens at times. There's also no doubt that the far, far, more frequent occurence is the opposite side of things -- there's a huge amount of domestic violence, and the vast majority of it is men hitting women. Twenty years ago that wasn't something that could draw a cop at all unless someone went to a hospital, now it is. Ten years ago the concept that men could be hit or abused by women was a joke, now people see it happens, with the general percentage considered to be about 15% of cases (haven't been able to track down whether that includes same-sex partners, which it may) and even some feminists are starting to acknowledge unbalance of the issue (see [url]http://www.ifeminists.net/introduction/editorials/2002/1104a.html[/url] for example).
[/i][/QUOTE]I think the stats actually show that women initiate physical violence as often as men (as the article you cite acknowledges). The disparity comes in the severity of the violence - men hit harder.
That women are as violence prone as men is explained away by feminists because it doesn't fit their theory of the patriarchical society, such as by saying that women's violence is self-defense against repeated male abuse. They completely deny human nature that some people are bad, men and women.
Since feminists have insisted on zero-tolerance of abuse (some counties require automatic arrest at the slightest whiff of domestic violence) you should see women being arrested at the same rate as men - however it is obvious men have significantly less due process in this regard than women.
This link has a nice example of how the zero-tolerance dragnet is scooping more women than the feminazis anticipated to their dismay - to the extent the feminazis are saying maybe "we set the bar too low", ie the goal of any domestic violence is to arrest men, but violence can be excused if it is committed by women.
Which maybe it should be. Their is alot of hysteria and propaganda around the issue.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by joe_zop
[i][i]....frankly, guys who are going for mail-order brides are hardly prime examples of how American men deal with women, and, in fact, are usually basically the opposite- people with little or no relationship experience or confidence, who are therefore ripe for abuse.
Isn't this the same canard said of hobbyists - losers who can't make it with *real* women (real always left undefined).
There's alot of reason to go abroad and alot of different guys go looking - just as there are different types here - no better or worse than your average joe (:-) ).
Anybody can check out the forums at www.planet-love.com
eg the Latina forum is at [url]http://www.planet-love.com/wwwboard/latin/[/url]
This has 4+ years of multi-threaded archives describing the scams, green-card hustle, thinking with the wrong head etc, but with the good stuff mixed in of guys finding what alot of them had embarked on: real love.
A fair chunk of the archive is a mirror image of this one, problems regular guys have with AW's. But reading the archive shows how absurd the imputation is that they're just a bunch of people with "no confidence".
RE: JZ's suggestion
I was very very seriously involved with a girl from mainland china. And, one thing that made her stand out from American girls was her attitude about my money. She was very interested in protecting it and making sure that I always saved for that proverbial rainy day.
An example, I bought her one of those Aibo dogs from Sony as a Christmas present. Now, she was completely thrilled by it, but insisted that I take it back because it was not a wise way to spend money. I know she liked it, because we kept it for two weeks (max time to return it) and she played with it non-stop. In the end, even though I made sure she knew it was well within our affordability level, she repacked it and sent me to get my refund.
There were many other instances of this type of behavior. I'm big on impulse buying, and, when I've been hooked up with American girlfriends, I've had financial problems. This girl really helped me manage my finances.
I don't think it was just her either. I've been around a lot of chinese people in my professional and social life. And, based on experience, I think, chinese women are more fiscally responsible than american (and certainly other asian) women.
American women story.
I was wondering if there are any men in the world
who actually care about their children?
I am a home-schooling mom and I spend a
considerable amount of time researching
and educating myself to serve my children
and my husband. I keep the house clean,
I cook, I garden, I have accepted complete
responsibility for their education.
Our home is a wonderful place and
I'm wondering if there are any men who
really care about this. Every day when
my husband comes home from work all I hear
is BLA BLA BLA about his stupid job and his
stupid co-workers.
When he's not working he's hanging out
with his friends. We never go out as a
family anymore and I'm sick of it.
I think I'd like to run away to another state,
buy a house on a mountaintop and tell
the kids he's dead. I'm sure that if we continue
like this they'll end up marrying men who
are equally selfish and pig headed.
He thinks there is nothing wrong with
our marriage and often comments on how
happy we are.
I always tell him how I am NOT happy and he ignores it.
I am very lonely and I'm seriously checking
into leaving the state.
I heard houses are really cheap in Iowa.
It is shocking for me.
I think Russian women would try much harder
to save this family life.
American women don’t see nothing except divorce.
First, is this a hypothetical? The story of a personal friend? Something you culled from another board?
Second, it sounds like the American Woman put up with a lot of shit, for a long time before she seriously considered leaving. You imply the Russian woman would have left long ago?
This seems to point to a '+' for American Woman. Are you saying that, in this case, American women are more loyal? Or did I miss the point?
Disclaimer: This isn't exactly 'American Women,' but considering the amount of discussion about the 'American System' I figure it's fair game.
A monger, in the Thai section, recently posted a question concerning emotions he thought he developed for a pro while on a visit to LOS. Now, whether those feelings are immature or not, is not what I'm trying to discuss. What I'd like to point out is that the 'System' is certainly letting down the citizens of the country. Here's how:
The monger, lets call him IrishLager, thinks he's fallen in love with this girl. He doesn't know what her true feelings are for him. But, now he wants to pursue the relationship. Due to the system, he's left with two choices.
[list=1][*]Move to Thailand (if possible)[*]Bring her to live with him in the U.S.[/list]
Option 1 may or may not be feasible. If he's got a telecommuting job or enough money, he might be able to afford moving there. Of course, he has to deal with immigration issues in becoming a permanent resident there.
Option 2 is the one that causes the real trouble though. In order to bring her to the U.S. he would have to marry her. No way in hell is she going to get an H-1B (working visa). Not much better odds of getting a travel visa. In fact, the only realistic way she comes over here is via marriage.
Now, assuming he decides to go against everything he's warned about, marry her and bring her over here, he's got to take this huge risk. If this girl turns out to be a scam artist, she can really take him to the cleaners now. And, even if she is sincere, the odds are against them.
This is a flaw in the 'system.' Why not have dating visas? A person (with enough financial means) could sponsor another person to come over here for a 6 month to 1 year stay. During that time, the person, would have to take some form of semi-permanent birth control (those shots they can give that last up to 1 year). And, the import would be allowed to work here, but would not be entitled to any government benefits. Now, they could spend some time dating, and if it didn't work out, no harm, no foul. Foreigner goes back home and the sponsor can go looking for someone else. No financial or other obligations.
Russian women would be much more loyal in Russia.
Here probably still more loyal than American women.
Funny. You changed your last comment on the post. You originally had that the Russian woman would be 'happy to leave'. Was this just an English mistake that you corrected?
you were fast to read it, it was correction.
Okay. Makes your post make more sense to me now. I thought it was odd that you had posted something positive about AW.
I'm curious though about the russian women thing. The russian friends I know, some of them women, have told me in the past not to get involved with russian women because they are unstable in relationships. I've even been told that a large number of russian girls get married at 18 and divorced before their 19'th birthday.
Well, It’s all depends.
First of all, where?
Legally, marriage in Russia is not such a big deal like here.
18 years old could get married just for fun.
And in Russia much easier make divorce than here.
It is true that Russian women are unstable here.
They come here to find better deal.
Once they find husband, which satisfy them
I think they are going to be more loyal
than American women.
But again, they should be treated specially
In generally I would not recommend Russian women to
American Man for marriage.
Only If he knows well Russian Culture
And Russian language then it could work.
Lenin, as requested, here's a quick few other complaints that have shown up here regarding American women:
1. Mercenary -- money hungry and/or focused on material possessions, status, etc.
2. Fat (oh, lord, can we [i]please[/i] not have that discussion/diatribe again!)
3. Aggressive/not passive
4. Quick to want marriage/divorce (often stated in connection with #1)
5. Too children-oriented
6. Boring, but expecting entertainment from man.
7. Paranoid and/or suspicious of men in general, and of men's intentions.
There are tons of other things, but those are all things that have sparked discussion here in the past. Some I'd say fall into the general man/woman category, but the question is whether or not there's a particularly American manifestation of those. Others are things that are uniquely related to American women.
I don't necessarily agree or disagree with all of these, but they're what I've culled at general themes here.
Another thing I might add on JZ's list against AWs is UNAPPRECIATIVE. I witnessed a breakup of an American couple sitting behind me on the plane where the boyfriend made the mistake of trying to salvage the relationship by taking her to Rio for Carnaval and although she loved the trip, she still wanted to move out of his apartment because she told him that he still didn't do enough to save the relationship. Geez, this trip costs thousands of dollars, what more does she want? I think he is better off hanging with us mongers and having a blast without her and hooking up with a nice Brazilian chick than keeping that headache of a girlfriend. Meanwhile, the chick I met on my trip in a party after the parades, Elienne, was very appreciative when I took her to eat at the churriscos and Marius's seafood buffet and on the touristy sugar loaf and corcovado.