Men sharing intimate stuff / directness in relationships?
RN (and Miller2K):
As to men sharing intimite stuff with sex workers. I think the reason is twofold. Firstly, there is the ... airplane effect (I don't know what else to call it). Two strangers on an airplane (or bus or whatever) meet and share their intimate details of their lives, and then go their own ways. It is safe to do because they know it won't ... leak into the rest of thier lives (which can't be said about disclosure to anyone you relate with regularly).
As to people being more direct and saying what they want in relationships. Hm. I know what I'm going to say doesn't *directly* address your comment, but it seems appropriate none the less.
I think the games we play in relationships have a useful purpose. To take the example you meantioned (about the woman not wanting to be seen the slutt) ... I suspect that with most women in that situation, they would much prefer that it happened "naturally", and that words to that effect are not exchanged.
In another sense, let us assume an aquaintance approached you and said he *really* liked you, found you magnetic, and would dearly like to enter a long-term relationship with you. He is definitely being up-front and honest. However he short-circuits some of the more "normal" dating rituals which serve a purpose. I suspect that, while you would feel flattered, you also wouldn't feel as comfortable as you would if he had invited you to go to some musical event.
His forthrightness puts the burden on you to respond when (in all likelyhood) you don't feel similarly. While this probably works fine with more centered women (who might suggest a musical event...), with many women I suspect his approach would fail miserably.
Just my thoughts.
Smiles, best wishes, and it's been a long times,