Condoms make you last twice or maybe three times as long because there is also lless friction with it on. Also, I actually looked at the time before I started humping and then looked at the clock after I ejaculated because I want to make sure I don't get ripped off by the prostitute. I pay for an hour so I expect an hour!
yes, to clarify i do believe that normally condoms delay rather than speed up the firing of the load. the scenario i mentioned is an uncommon, although not rare i believe, subset of condom issues.
Do women masturbate? Hell yeah, we do!! And I would think a hell of a lot more women than the 'studies' suggest, would do it on a regular basis. I'm in agreement with Joe as to why. I think the biggest reason why your female friends shut up, was probably because women who talk 'like that' in public are quickly labelled. Only sl*ts and wh*res overtly talk about sex with men around. Plus, any talk of female genitalia will automatically be seen by the men in the group as an open invitation to ask for sex. Then there is the common assumption that men "need" sex more than women do. Men have an excuse to have a wank every five seconds ('coz we all know their balls will explode if they don't!), whereas women...who don't NEED sex like men do...don't have any real reason to touch themselves. A woman who desires sexual gratification that often MUST be a nymphomaniac. (Hence, another reason to ask her for sex!) I think your female friends probably just didn't want to be viewed as sexual beings/objects by the men in your group.
As for Oz culture...I'm not sure how to answer that. You have to remember that in my work now, and obviously in my previous work, I openly talk about sex all the time. The people around me are perfectly comfortable talking about sex too. I know all the intimate details about all of my co-workers sexlives...and that's just from light conversation at lunch!! LOL So of course nobody in my social circle would have any hangups about female masturbation. However if you asked, for example, a churchgoing mother of five who married her first love, I daresay her and her social circle would hold very different views.
Overall though, I would say that Aussies in general are pretty relaxed with most aspects of sexuality. (Although many Aussie men still have hangups about homosexuality, but that's gradually changing). Masturbation is considered by most to be perfectly healthy and normal. Women may be reluctant to discuss intimate details with men around still, but that's more to do with the sexist reasons above than being uncomfortable with the subject itself. All-girl conversations are MUCH more relaxed! But in groups of mates, where there is no sexual tension, both male and female masturbation is talked about (usually joked about) with ease.
I seem to be getting the impression that there is a much bigger gap between the stereotypical male and female in the US, than there is here. It seems as though we have a greater level of gender equality...and I mean in interpersonal relationships, etc, not in law. I've heard many Americans refer to Australian women as "ballsy" (as opposed to American women being "b*tchy). The stereotypical Aussie male is macho and chauvenist...but the stereotypical Aussie woman is also strong and spirited. What do you guys think? What does the "typical" man and woman look like in America?
The first time I went to Oz, I was struck by how open, friendly, relaxed, informal, and so forth the people were. I guess I thought they were alarmingly forward compared to Americans and especially compared to Europeans. I am not shy by any means but like most Americans, I don't really strike up conversations with strangers very much.
On the plane on the way over, I sat next to an engineer from Melbourne. The flight had been delayed and the airport bar in LA was closed, but I had a bottle in my carry-on, so we had had a few drinks together before we boarded the plane. His pride in his country was obvious as he drew me a detailed street map of Melbourne, including all major facets of the transportation system.
Then on the bus from the airport to the train station, the bus driver chatted me up the whole way and made numerous suggestions as to restaurants, places to go, etc., and provided a complete technical history of the "Puffing Billy" steam train.
In Sydney, I was sitting at the bar alone, having a drink while waiting for my room to be ready. This was clearly unacceptable to the two Australian couples in there, who insisted that I join them. Within an hour, we knew all about each other's hobbies, ethnic backgrounds, etc. Twice Aussies I've just met have invited me home. That might possibly happen between two single guys in the US but these were couples who invited me home. Never happen in the US and definitely would never happen in western Europe (well, never say never but it would be very rare). Maybe y'all get lonely because it is such a big country with such a low population density?
Then on a later trip I met an Aussie gal (who actually turned out to be a Kiwi but I didn't find that out for a few years) who was travelling by herself in South America. Not too many American women have the stones to do that. The American woman I was travelling with couldn't believe it and was very concerned for her safety. She was a tiny little thing too. The Aussie gal was like, "Ah, no worries."
I did find Australian men to be rather overtly macho, which is fine by me. I didn't hear anything racist or sexist out of anyone and as long as I don't have to put up with that, raging tetosteronal behavior is a good think.
And I think I already mentioned how friendly, straightforward, and yet completely ladylike the hookers were ...
Definitely Australian women are more "masculine" than American women as far as fitting in with sports talk and so forth. And boy, do they swear a lot as compared to American women. I like that too, actually. I would say you could put women in a continuum: Latinas - Americans and Canadians - Western Europeans - Oz and New Zealand. That takes you from the most "traditionally feminine" to the least traditionally feminine.
I love Oz. Too bad your immigration policies are so bloody tight. I'd move there in a heartbeat.
However, I would caution against making assumptions about American men or American women based on what you read on this board because there is probably a very low percentage of conservatives on this board than in our population as a whole. There are a lot of right-wingers in the US. Similarly, my perception of Oz and New Zealand are probably skewed by spending most of my time hangin out on the streets, in bars, and in brothels as opposed to attending meetings of the Perth cultural and historical society!
Hi RN,
As always, thanks for your informative and lucid responses. I now have a better understanding and appreciation of not only the subject matter but also the cultural forces which must always be factored in. Lady, it's educational being around you.
Regarding how the women responded (or actually their lack of response) that evening really drives home how cultural and environmental forces shape how we respond to this basic human function called SEX which, as we all know, has been transpiring between men and women since the origin of our species. I've mentioned to my students more than once that sex between humans existed milllions and millions of years before religious and Victorian morals. In a way, certain institutions have "hijacked" this basic human function. I always react with anger when I hear on the news how a woman and her guy were "busted" for prostitution. Who gave local governments the right to control and punish people for engaging in a basic human activity? I also think that the local cops and district attorneys enjoy this activity largely because they're voyeuristic, like all of us, and it's very low risk for them. Why don't they go out and tangle with REAL criminals? Sorry, I'm rambling.
Never having been to Oz, I can't comment on differences but I think that Dickhead (he's no Dickhead by the way) accurately characterized matters. American women are b*tchy and a world-wide phenomenon. I know that I'm generalizing but having been to many different countries and cultures, the differences are startling to say the least. Upon your and Dickhead's recommendations, Oz is definitely on my itinerary.
Again, thanks for the information and clarity.
P.S. Excellent posting Dickhead.
I completely agree with you, Dickhead, and I'd add one more thing -- my experience in Oz was that people were far less likely to take offense than here in the states, or perhaps more accurately, they were more likely to take taking offense as just a normal thing that one could get over and forget as quickly as it happened. Far too little of that in the states. And I found that also to be true for Aussie women -- yes, aggressive and brash but in a far more jovial way than American women, who take a no in a situation like that as a comment upon everything holy as opposed to a situational response. (And I'd actually say that American women by and large have lost understanding of situational responses -- everything flies immediately to either their self-image or to a general societal statement as opposed to no meaning no.) I think Americans are generally fairly friendly and open compared to many other parts of the world, certainly less judgemental in terms of social status issues in terms of people doing specific jobs, but we definitely have a kind of false politeness that is a way of holding people at arms length. In the US when we say, "I'll be there later" or "in a few minutes" it's often considered a low-offense way of saying, "why don't you screw off" but in other parts of the world it is considered a promise of future interaction.
Personally, I think Americans in general are gradually turning into Brits (as it seems portions of society have always aspired to) in terms of a nasty undercurrent of superiority and holier-than-thou-ness, but perhaps that's one of the negative side-effects of being the big kid on the block. And American women have lamentably been leading that charge.
Yes, JZ, agree that Americans are pretty friendly and also generous and helpful, but just not really very gregarious. We'll help you with your heavy package, or help you push your car if it stalls, but then we want to get back into our cars as fast as possible and get home to watch (insert favorite inane, brain-softening TV show here) rather than pursue the acquaintance any farther.
And yeah, Paddy, even though I got the nickname from a physical anomaly, I'm a Dickhead. Trust me.
Dating an American woman is just a great way to lose the shirt off your back, that is all American women want money. Look what happened in the Jack Welch divorce case, Mrs. Welch soon to be ex is going to get $150 Million!!!!, yet she is going to fight for more!!! As that isn't enough for a tired old hag such has herself!! Boy what old Jack could have got in Europe for that much cash!!! He would get enough hot sex for a a few milleniums!! Boy what a sucker. It makes me feel great that I have finally seen the light and will not have sex with American women and avoid them totally.
Wow Dickhead...as a 'lil Aussie patriot, let me just say THANKS! :) That was a beautiful post, and it really fits with everything that *I* believe about Oz and it's people. I'm so glad to know that it's not just my own biased opinion...and I'm truly happy to think that tourists are leaving our country with such an impression. Not allowing someone to drink alone is definitely part of our pub culture, and it doesn't surprise me at all that people invited you home with them. Sadly it's changing a little as our crime rates rise, but I think, at heart, 'mateship' is still VERY important to most Australians.
And don't worry...I wasn't really making any assumptions about the behaviour/traits/political opinions of American men and women. I was more or less just getting the impression that the 'traditional' gender stereotypes were a little further apart than ours were. Like you saying that Oz women were more "masculine" than American women...that was more or less what I was presuming too. (And yes...we do swear something terrible! I never really noticed it until I read the online Dictionary of Slang, and realised just how many four-letter words were an everyday part of our language).
Joe..."No Worries, Mate" is our unofficial national motto! Life is too short to hold a grudge. :)
Paddy...you're welcome. :) Please remember that my opinions are only my own though...not only as an individual woman, but as a 'foreigner' too...so I may be wrong about American women's attitudes to sex. My comments were only conjecture, but I would presume that sexism (or the social taboos around women's sexuality) is worldwide, and that my experiences with it would be similar to those of American women.
Plus, Aussie or not, I can say "Hell yeah, we masturbate all the time" much more easily on an anonymous prostitution board, than women drinking with a group of friends can!
Masturbation is a wonderful thing. I grew up very poor (so poor I had to jack off the dog just to feed the cat), and if I didn't wake up with a hard on, I had nothing to play with for the rest of the day.
FYI - according to CNN, a recent discovery by scientists explains it all..............
Story is, in a common US-resident type of small lizards the females are in total control of the sex and reproduction stuff.
Not only does the female have full exclusive control of her choice of partner(s), but when seeking a "live-in" mate, the female will invariably seek out the male who occupies the biggest and most comfy rock, whether that male is big or small.
But she will then also mate with several big mates who are not live-ins, and something in her system ensures that her male offspring stems from the big male partners........ All while living with the tiny oldie with the big rock......
Enough said...... :-)
I saw a news report that more females nowadays are cheating on their husbands than in the older days where men had more power. This is related to Traveller's analogy of the lizard. Since women's power grew over the past years especially since the 70s and women started having more rights than men, women are less afraid to cheat on their husbands because they can get away with it with less dire consequences than a cheating husband. A cheating wife doesn't lose a house or custody of a kid but a cheating husband can lose ALL of his assets AND the kids. Before the empowerment of women, a cheating wife had no power and if she was caught cheating she gets almost nothing and loses her source of income which is her husband. Women back in the 20s did not work and were housewives. Husbands back then were more likely to cheat because they held more power. Now women have more rights than men and aren't afraid to cheat on their husbands because we've been neutered with divorce laws that ALWAYS work against us even if we hire the best and most expensive lawyers and even if the WOMAN is caught cheating. We can't win these divorce cases no matter what we do and the woman never loses anything except maybe custody of the kid only if she is an abuser. For those poor souls getting a divorce, I would take all my assets and leave America and settle down in some foreign island with the rest of the money and maybe start a business to continue cash flow.
Hi Darkseid,
I was intrigued by your recommendation of guys going through a divorce to liquidate their assets and get out of the country. I agree completely. My best friend's wife was screwing around and, of course, he's about to get 33% of his wages garnished before taxes (he has two kids) so she can sit home and go shopping for the rest of her life. Long story.
In any event, I recommended the same thing to him in terms of consolidating his assets and leaving the country for Costa Rica or something several months ago. Do you know where a guy can actually get information about doing such a thing? There have to be many issues in terms of laws, visas, taxes, where to stash your money, etc. I've heard of guys using off shore accounts in the Bahamas, Cayman Islands, etc. Is there a "book" or "guide" or some sort of resource out there to help coach a guy through such a maneuver? It's a huge, huge step and needs to be done correctly.
Any information would be greatly appreciated. Do any of you other guys out there know of any such resources?
Paddy, allow me to step in and dole out some advice on your request. First of all, my heart goes out to the guy who's gonna end up subsidizing the financial black hole that is his soon-to-be-ex wife. While she sits on her ass watching soaps, eating bon-bons and aspiring to look like Mimi (from the Drew Carey Show), fucking every stiff prick of age and filling her kids' heads full of negative propaganda about her soon-to-be ex, he MAY get a pittance of visitation and constant threats of withholding such custody from his ex. My best friend's brother ended up being hubby number FOUR when he thought he was number TWO (she treated him like "Number TWO, if you know what I mean! ;-)) and during the divorce proceedings, (the marriage lasted a few days less than six months) she tried to have the court make him give her HALF his assets AND pay to remove her mini-boulders that she grew to dislike! How's THAT for balls? Anyway, Paddy, I HIGHLY suggest that you and any guy who's sick and tired of falling prey to these financial vampires buy a book titled: "How To Be Invisible", by J.J. Luna. It was printed by St. Martin's Press and I can not POSSIBLY overemphasize the value of this book. It starts out telling the reader that there is a very good chance that at least ONCE in your lifetime, you WILL BE SUED. We all know this is the most litigious nation on the face of the earth: ANYONE can sue anyone ELSE for ANYTHING. This book is worth MORE than its weight in gold! I hope this helps!
Hi Paddy,
Anyone who is getting a divorce would have to liquify all his assets into cash (including the house and cars. Sell everything!!) Get a passport and visa to a place other than Europe because if you go to Europe you'll get caught because of the ties the US has with that continent. So I would recommend Latin America the Carribeans or Asia where they cannot track you. Basically once you get a divorce you are treated as a criminal anyway and if you don't pay half your paycheck, you'll be thrown in jail. If you do, all you are is just a prisoner that is just not behind bars because you work 40 hours a week and give your money to Mimi from Drew Carey. That is why you must leave the US anonymously and live like an underground person. Open a cash business and hide all IDs and passports and assume a different name. (You may still need your US passport in case you get into this bind in your new country.) I stress that you need to run things with cash because setting up a bank account would get you traced. If you have no accounts anywhere, they cannot trace where your new home is. Avoid credit cards as well. Buy your new home with the cash that you would have lost if you have gone through the divorce.