Jeez, what is it with most Americans? Mention a few things that aren't perfect and it's like someone's saying that we're devil spawn. Get a grip, ok? What wrong with admitting that there are issues, and going from there, as opposed to this knee-jerk "love it or leave it" stuff?
And while I agree with Dickhead that Germany's history isn't exactly peaceable, I do think it's fair to say that the country as a whole now is at least fairly abashed at its history and currently a lot further from warlike than the US.
It's "don't tread on me" not "don't disagree with me."
Joe_Zop, not to be argumentative, but the issue I have with America-Haters is that they are pots calling the kettle black. Yes, my country has serious issues that need to be addressed. Hell, I'd be the LAST one to say it's perfect, but it gave me birth, nutured me, gave me opportunities for which I'm grateful and I find it difficult to hold my tongue when others blindly bash it. America is like a family: most live within the "house" under its stated rules formal and informal even though there are some we may not like. However, there are ingrates in that family who want only to experience the benefit of living in the "house" while refusing to contribute constructively toward it. These are the malcontents who "live off the efforts" of the other members of the family while refusing to acknowledge that they have it good by living off those efforts. If they had the balls to live up to their words and go to wherever it is that is a GREATER shining example, then so be it. Never gonna happen. Again, to reiterate, I was just making a point Joe, not verbal combat.
"When Afghanistan was being attacked I was sitting in a bar and saw a large group of people cheering 'yeah', in a bar in Germany I saw people looking in dismay shaking their heads in disapproval, quite typical considering Germans are vehemently anti-War and Americans from all walks of life are developing a Lock and Load mentality"
Good for europe that 3000 of their citizens didn't get shredded into unidentifiable little bits after a massive double office building collapse caused by two hijacked airplanes. If it had occurred just one hour latter it could have been 10000-15000 civilians. To me, that is more than enough reason to eradicate any imminent threat to my familiy, my country and myself. Alas, you can go ahead and give your europion selves a big group hug and pretend that won’t ever happen to you. While you do that, we (USA) will end this insanity the only way those religious muslim radicals will be able to understand, we want them to see Allah; soon and our way.
"Don't tread on US" if you do you might get a boot up your a**.
CBGB if Hussein didn't spend the country's money on building up his military INSTEAD of providing for his people, they would have that money to spend on the aid you speak of. As a result, they wouldn't experience their current lot in life, but you sound like some revisionist, pacifist pussy. Then again, an addle-minded fuck like you probably glorifies the Glorious Workers Paradise of North Korea and the oppressive regimes of the Middle East. The fact that I spent even a SECOND acknowledging the LESS THAN subhuman intellect (I shouldn't even call it THAT) of a fool like you annoys me at most. Like the small mind that you are, I expect your vilification immediately and will laugh at the fact that you CONSISTENTLY prove to me your lack of knowledge and your susceptibility to slogan-ranting assholes who manipulate you like the mindless marionette you are. PLEASE indulge me in your further rantings while I go to the corner store for some Orville Redenbacher's and some Pepsi.
If pussy were on a rack by the door in the US, like it is in many other countries, we wouldn't have such an overall bellicose mindset because we would be getting more relief. And, as a bonus, our women would not have themselves so overrated.
DH, the word "overrated" hits the nail on the head! It almost makes me laff out loud when I hear the things American women DEMAND without even THINKING of exerting themselves for it. It's like: "I'm gonna bust MY balls for a bad attitude and a possible necrophile experience"? Hell fucking NO! "on a rack by the door".... heh heh heh ...on a rack by the door....
American women suck..................................your wallet. LOL
Ok well back to the topic at hand, lets face it American women make such a big deal of themselves when they are the most overrated women on the planet. At the place where I worked the managers hired an attractive new secretary and several men in my office starting acting like mice fighting over a piece of cheese. Europe is filled with so many attractive women that no one really makes a big deal out of it, thats why sexual services in Europe and elsewhere are so inexpensive. In Rio De Janeiro Brazil I have spent less than 50 dollars US for a WHOLE night of passion with a solid 9. In the US that would get me a 5 minute handjob with a 2. Traveling around the world made me realize that America is probably the worst place to meet women as the ladies here are totally a pain in the ass. I have had women ask me out where I work and then they would expect me to treat them like Queens when they initially came on to me. Women here expect guys to go all out on them and they expect all out everything in man, I noticed American women have a preference for macho muscle aggressive and assertive men. Europeans and others prefer all out good looks and charm, wherever I have been in Europe, most sex symbols aren't steroid breath macho guys with a few exceptions.
You speak the truth man.Overwhelming sense of entitlement, Narcissism,privilege.
I have to leave the country to experience any sense of affection +/or appreciation American women are stone cold fish.
I read that Cameron Diaz made about 45 million dollars this year and Julia Roberts made over 200 million!!!! Give me a break neither of them are worth anywhere near that much money. I have been to so many countries and have seen women that can easily outclass either of those two. Lie down on Ipanema in Rio and you will see what I mean, the place is filled with stunning and gorgeous women all over. One good tip for any guy who travels abroad, be yourself. Thats it most women around the world just want a guy that acts himself not some superhero.
CBGB, c'mon, that's hardly fair. John Travolta and tons of others aren't worth what they get paid either, if you want to simply use money and looks as criteria -- and the same could be said of tons of athletes. Personally, I say hurrah for Diaz, Roberts, Travolta and every overpaid ballplayer there is for putting themselves on display and managing to make dollars off of it -- most people don't have the talent, drive, or chutzpah to do it.
And Sinanjumaster, the problem I have is that you translate dissent into America-hating. As an American I figure I not only have a perfect right but responsibility to take my country to task -- it's part of my duty as a citizen to work for improvement. If that means pointing out models of things in other countries that I think are superior, it doesn't mean that I'm saying "we should be XYZ country" or that I'm not happy to be American. Saying I think the US is repressed sexually compared to other countries or that we're idiots about guns, doesn't mean I'm planning or advocating jumping the first plane for anywhere in particular, just that we should do something we as Americans don't do a lot of -- which is look at the rest of the world as having, in some instances, better ways of doing this or that, as opposed to standing inside our borders thumping our chests about our superiority. And there are plenty of reasons to dislike this country and its policies, so having someone articulate those reasons should be an occasion for taking stock and considering the complaint as opposed to humming a patriotic hymn.
Sorry, thought this thread was about US women.
I am at heart a libertarian. I don't want to hear about stiffer gun/drug/"moral" charges by the gov. I don't support imperialistic, milartaristic meddling in foreign affairs.
And I don't support laws scripted in favor of any "minority". American women have it damn easy, they are Spoiled Rotten!!
What the hell this has to do with Patriotism is beyond me.
strange this has become a foreigh relations seminar. my 2 cents.
the problem with holding up other countries as exemplars of a better world view is that someone has to be the adult. these days, that's the usa - whether it got there by accident or design. anyone who is an adult realizes it carries a lot more responsibilities than benefits.
it's easy for the kiddies to run around going "you're not the boss of me" and "i don't have to if i don't want to", but the adults have to pay the mortgage and make sure the roof doesn't leak, not junior. you can bet if the roof did leak junior would be blaming dad. if it had been left to the kiddies in europe slobo would still be [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125][CodeWord125][/url] and cleansing his way through the balkans. saddam would own kuwait and very possibly saudi arabia.
africa is pretty much a continuing disaster with millions of dead. a mess basically created by colonial europe. they could jump in any time, but somehow never do.
china in tibet - europe, russia and japan a lot closer than the us. still mia.
none of these things make america perfect, just the guy with the responsibility. anyone else who wants the responsibility is welcome to step up. when the romans pacified an area, they didn't leave until they were forced out. pretty much the same with spain, russia, the ottomans and the brits. be careful what kind of world hegemony you wish for.
Hardbag, I couldn't possibly have said it better myself....