Alimony involves a child, however...
Palimony is the new (Relatively speaking) phenomenon. My case occurred while divorcing my good ol' AW. I hope she choked on the dow I gave her. The problem now is that in a relationship, the male and female do not even have to cohabitate. Period. This is the new and improve realm that I am certain many here have discussed previously. It was here that I became aware of the new changes in the law, see for yourselves: [url][/url]
This ruling has created such a barrier between the educated men and women (The uninformed, of course believes that the state of relationships are the same. It could be a costly mistake). The ruling, thought given in New Jersey, is one of those "Landmark" cases that now can be applied universally throughout the land until sanity prevails. It hasn't so far. That is why I will NEVER date an AW. You never know what you are going to get and it involves a tremendous amount of risk from the male. Even if you don't have much to loose, they can garnish your future earnings to satisfy said ruling. Fair? Just? Never.
[QUOTE=Rubber Nursey]Voyajer1,
I sympathise with the termination issue, I really do. I can't imagine how powerless and frustrated the man must feel. Unfortunately, there's only one baby and two people with a right to decide what to do about it. If the parties can't agree, [b]someone[/b] has to be the decider and as the baby is inside the woman's belly... Well, there's no winners in that situation. Definitely better to avoid it happening in the first place.
And this alimony/palimony rubbish? Un-fkn-believable! It's not a concept I'm overly familiar with and it's certainly not something I'd support. I believe that men should provide for the children they helped to create. I do NOT believe they should have to look after their childless ex-girlfriends! What's wrong with the poor girls? Might break a nail if they do a day's work? Sheesh.[/QUOTE]