The German Apprenticeship System
[quote=excess]just one more example of the lengths that some of go to help these poor ladies along the road of life. the social service and employment training departments should be subsidizing our hobby. :-))[/quote]
ha! i agree!
the last time i was at heavensgate i spent most of the time having a conversation with this really funny kind of crazy dutch guy (they all seem to have a great sense of humor).
anyway, there was one particular woman there who i spotted early. she was attractive and i put her on my list of women to meet. she had jetblack hair, was very tanned, german. if i remember correctly, her name was angie.
the problem was that she was never free. sometime at noon or so a dude comes in and then she spends the most of the day hanging out with him. not doing anything really, just sitting with her arms and legs draped over with him on the couch.
the dutch guy books multiple sessions with this very large polish blonde and keeps coming back from each session saying she provided excellent bj services.
the inside story was that the blonde was actually angie's lehrling (or apprentice) and if i wanted a really outstanding session i needed to book with the meisterin. everything the blonde learned she learned from angie.
and as proof of how good angie was her long time client (the dude who took up all of her time) had given her a car and this is why she felt obligated everytime he came to hang out with him.
kind of testimonial to how good her bjs were. they were so good, he decided he would pay her in advance for her company and services.
you can't miss the two of them by the way as they tend to hangout near the tv room which leads to the kitchen.
the german apprenticeship system dating back to the guilds of the middle ages still lives on and in an fkk club setting.
new girls really need some form of instruction and it is only after they have been at it for a while that they learn what it is they need to do. i avoid really young girls for this reason. a couple of years of seasoning makes a difference.
Tested: Pension Wall, Burgholzhausen
Pension Wall
Adresse: Benzstrasse 11
61381 Friedrichsdorf-Burgholzhausen
Telefon: 06007 / 1467
Telefax: 06007 / 1467
Bettenzahl: 29
EZ: ab 26,- Euro
DZ: ab 23,- Euro / Person
Pension Wall is not for those seeking hotel standards. It is neither for those of us needing all amenities in the neighbourhood (Burgholzhausen is not the centre of the earth, except for a damn good FKK nearby). BUT; it is an inexpensive alternative for people on a budget, it is clean and safe, you get a roof over your head and a bed to sleep in, you can easily get there by train from downtown Frankfurt (no need to spend money on taxi nor a rental car), AND ... it is situated within 10 mnts WALKING DISTANCE from FKK Oase(!).
I've heard about this place
Hey Shark16,
I tried to book a room here once but they didn't have any vacancies.
Can you verify that its near a stable of horses? I read that you can smell them from the Pension.
[QUOTE=Shark16]Pension Wall
Adresse: Benzstrasse 11
61381 Friedrichsdorf-Burgholzhausen
Telefon: 06007 / 1467
Telefax: 06007 / 1467
Bettenzahl: 29
EZ: ab 26,- Euro
DZ: ab 23,- Euro / Person
Pension Wall is not for those seeking hotel standards. It is neither for those of us needing all amenities in the neighbourhood (Burgholzhausen is not the centre of the earth, except for a damn good FKK nearby). BUT; it is an inexpensive alternative for people on a budget, it is clean and safe, you get a roof over your head and a bed to sleep in, you can easily get there by train from downtown Frankfurt (no need to spend money on taxi nor a rental car), AND ... it is situated within 10 mnts WALKING DISTANCE from FKK Oase(!).