Woof Woof
Pension Wall is a short walk from Oase. If you are leaving Burgholzhausen heading toward Oase, the last left in the city (just after the little Ford dealership) is Benzstrasse. Pension Wall is number 11. It is clean and modern but very basic. The Wall family runs the place and they are very nice but speak zero English. The price is around 30 Euros. Their phone number is 1467 in area code (0)6007. For a cheap clean place within walking distance of Oase, this is it. If you want any kind of ammenity, go somewhere else.
trip report - 1 of 6 (oase, world, flamingo island, palace, palace, palace). please ignore spelling errors and occasional strange word selection as english is not my first language:
fortunately, business has once again taken me to germany. this time to frankfurt with a little detour to stuttgart. among my fellow colleagues were 3 that i knew to be willing (and have been in the past) punters, but we had to keep other colleagues in the dark so a bit of preparation was needed.
work on monday and tuesday left no room for the hobby but wednesday, 21. july looked promising and we agreed to go to oase.
our rental was a mid size bmw with a navigation system and a top speed of over 220 kph so distance was not that big of a problem as long as there were no traffic jams. i have been to oase a few times, and it has never made it to the top of my list (i'm a recovering atlantis fan), but after this visit, oase has made it into my top 2.
we arrived at 17:30 and the parking lot was full. the weather was great and a lot of guys hanging out in the outside area (and a few girls to). the girl/guy ratio at this time was a bit disapointing (3/1), and it had me worried we would get a lot of hurried sessions. but there were still girls coming in so things looked to get better.
i had urged my colleagues to remember key features and names as i would post our experience on the forum. we also decided on a very simple rating system:
a: top notch, would repeat and repeat and repeat. should be reserved for only the best
b: good, would repeat
c: earned her fees but nothing more. would not repeat
f: lousy, totally uninspired or something wrong
we used the first couple of hours just chilling outside in the sun, eating from the outside grill and checking out the girls. around 19:30 there was time for some action.
nong - thailand - 27 - b: my first girl was nong. she looks younger (has a kind of [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord901][CodeWord901][/url] look). as i had not had sex in quite some time, the devil in me decided to do cim just to see if she could handle the load (yeah, i can be a bastard :-). she did a good bbbj and when time for cim she was able to handle it. after the last spritze i looked at her face and she was obviously trying to decide what to do, but eventually grabbed the paper roll and released it into the paper: "i'm sorry, it was too much" she said afterwards. seems that she was apologizing for not swallowing, but no prior agreements had been made towards swallowing and i really don't care if the girl swallows or not. then i got a nice 15-20 min massage from her (which she offered). "i really do not know massage, just do it my way" she said. it was actually quite nice. nong is a typical thai, does not take much initiative, but listens and follows orders. very nice girl and i would repeat.
juliana - croatian/italian - a: done by colleague x. gave her top marks. bleached blond hair, good body, average size tits. this girl will go for everything. offered anal (which was refused). very enthusiastic kisser and aggressive sex. "i fucked her up the walls" in 5 or 6 positions" he told me.
lynnette - kenya - b: done by colleague y. excellent tiny body. very nice attitude, one of the tightest pussies. friendly. would repeat.
camilla - russia (moscow) - f: done by colleague z: "really bad" he said. collegue x did her later in the kino bbbj with cim only (unaware of collegues z experience) and gave her a c.
and now for the highlight of the trip:
as i have mentioned previously on this board, ex-atlantis celine is one of my all time favorites. she is now at oase. i saw her when i got in and had decided to do a session with her, but not the first one (those who have been with celine will know that staying power is needed to really enjoy her vigorous fuck). i walk into the main room and spot her and start talking to her, but this is not celine, it is tina who looks just like celine (you will find out soon why). i go back out and join my collegues who are sitting outside by the saunas. colleague x decides to hit the hot tub. out comes tina and into the hot tub. they start cuddling and we are joking about joining them in the tub. colleague y decides to have some fun and jumps into the tub and starts negotiating a threesome. colleague x looks a bit uninspired at first and tina is a bit baffled by the whole thing. at this time i decide to go look for celine.
as it happens, my collegues and tina eventually come to an agreement on threesome (but a bit more public that my colleagues thought at first, more on that later). meanwhile i have found celine and to my astonishment she actually remembers me (citing the number of sessions we did and when). this is a girl who used to be able to pull 20-25 sessions at day although she claims that she can only do 10 a day know. i am amazed she can remember a punter who did her 10 months ago. she is not the best looking girl at the club and has gotten a little fat on her midsection (she pointed that out to me: "i'm much fatter now than last time you were at atlantis with me" she said), but i don't care, i know what this girl is capable of. while we are talking in the main room, i see out of the corner of my eye, colleague x and y go into the kino with tina followed by colleague z. celine does not notice. i am curious and after couple of minutes ask celine to follow me to the kino.
there i see tine and my colleagues on the stage, x is getting a bbbj while y is pounding her from behind. their rhythm is great (like they have been doing this for ages) and a group sex porno movie is playing on the screen. z is sitting in the back row watching. at first a sit next to z with celine to watch. celine is not able to watch as her mouth is full of my dick. in comes a bleach blond from columbia (name forgotten) and z decides to have her. i move over to the next row in the kino and celine keeps on playing with my member while i wave to x and z who are now pulling in crowd to the kino. they wave back with smirk on their faces and we exchange some comments and jokes, meanwhile they keep pounding tina.
celine gets up to take a little brake from the bbbj, and looks on stage (she had noticed me shouting encouragements to x and z). "who are those guys" she says. "my friend i say". "who's the girl, i can't see her" she says (tina is blowing x and her face is not visible). "you must know her, she's also croatian" i reply. "hey" she shouts out loud for all in the kino to hear. "that's my sister. hi tina". tina takes x's dick out of her mouth and scanned the kino until she saw celine. "hi celine", she shouts back. "guys, this is tina my sister you are fucking" celine shouts and then we all wave and laugh. the whole episode was the most hilarious i have ever experienced in any fkk. just the best plain great fun with sex ever. meanwhile z is getting blown by the blond colombian and he does his share of waving and cheering.
this goes on for quite a while. tina is really working hard for her money and finally z comes from pounding her from behind. he exchanges some words with tina and then immediately runs to the bar to get her some water. seems that tina is dehydrating from all the hard work. meanwhile she continues to blow x. x is unable to come (claims distraction from the watching crowd and the loud moans from the girls in the porno movie). tine begs for a stop of the session as her jaws are hurting and the session has now ran well over the agreed 30 minutes. x agrees.
i take celine to a room and she delivers as no other working girl can (except perhaps for her sister). celine is extremely active. i pound her vigorously for 15 minutes. she seems to be coming and when i come she is disappointed and orders me to continue pounding her. as my member starts to soften up and i take him out, she continues to masturbate for couple of minutes until she apparently comes (maybe it is all an act, but i don't care, it is still great fun). meanwhile z finishes up the columbian in a room and gives her a b grade. celine and tina both get a a+
later my collegues told me that they did not realize tina was going to take them to the stage in the kino, but one thing led to another. we are pretty regular guys. before we went to the club that night, we would probably never had thought we would be so explicit and without any barriers, but you just get caught up in the moment.
a few notes on celine and tina: a mix of croat and albanian, these girls have a gypsy looking faces. celine's face resembles that of selma hyek a little bit. not the model types, but there is something in their faces that just screams sex and to me is a big turn on. celine can give you a great gfe as well as the ultimate porn star experience. celine claims she is only going to work until december and then quit so hurry up if you want to experience this tiger. afterwards the four of us and celine had a dinner outside at the grill for 30-45 minutes with pretty detailed conversation about the business, life, family etc. she is pretty smart and does a very good job of explaining herself, how she looks at the business etc. i won't go into details, just talk to her yourself. rearding sex, almost anything goes for celine, except she does not to more than one man at a time. "i can't concentrate on two men at the same time. it screws up my head and i get to confused" she claims.
later that night, z did tina and y did celine (he had done her on previous visit to atlantis some time ago). celine wanted a finger up her ass to which z obeyed. she then used her own finger in her ass when z was doing her doggy style. top marks from both collegues on the sisters and we all agreed these 2 were the best of all the girls we did on our 6 visit tour to various clubs doing some 30 girls. unfortunately, we were not able to return to oase during our stay in germany.
later that night: danielle (or diana) - venezuela - f: met this one in the kino, thought it was another girl and pointed her to come over. realized it was the wrong girl, but what the hell, how bad can it be so decided to go for it. she is bleached blond, short and her body could use an upgrade (come to think of it her face to). performed ok in the kino. decided to go to room. all the rooms were busy. went outside to one of the "chairs" that have replaced the huts. bad idea to remove the huts, but they have replaced few huts with a lot of these fucking chairs in order to increase throughput. danielle was really bad and everything she did was in order to finish the session as quickly as possible. did not respond to orders of going slower, only wanted to be on top and shit like that. total mistake.
few notes on oase as a club: there are some likes and dislikes. i like the outside area. the selection of girls is pretty good. the kino is great with lots of action and the nice thing about the kino is that when you are ready for a session, you can go and sit in the kino and the girls will approach you there frequently. i like it much better when i am approached by the girls. that way i find it easier to find out if there is any chemistry and then decide and usually respond with ("i just finished a session" or "i'm not ready for a session right now"). if i have to approach, i feel kind of silly when i don't want to do a session after approaching the girl. i know they are used to it, but i don't feel comfortable with that level of "honesty". i dislike the bar area. to damn crowded and there is no decent view from the bar. if they would just remove the wall on the left side of the bar and make the bar reach into the main room, it would totally change the setting to the better. the lockers, shower and toilet is crap compared to all the other top fkk in the area.
tomorrow we have decided to go to world for an extended time using the facilities to the fullest as we will have the day off from our work duties. will report in the world section.
"The lockers, shower and toilet is crap compared to all the other top KKK in the area."
Three week now and the men's toilet near the bar is still not fixed! Either [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140][CodeWord140][/url] in the shower, pool, whirlpool, or walk all the way down to the lockers?
Agree the outside cabins are sorely missed. Was there last Friday, thunder and lightning big time and no way could you use the over sized chairs outside. If fact one of the workers was closing them all up. Would bet that they got some crap from the German equivalent of the Zoning Board about the cabins.
Chivaz don't apologize about being a non native English speaker. Your spelling was right on and you couldn't have picked better words. BRAVO for good report. And, I for one, will be following your travels / reports.
Just finished reading all of your posts. Excellent details and analysis. I felt like I was with you in the kino watching your friends pound Tina. My last time at Oase, I also found myself the star attraction onstage. It was wild. I'll look for the Croat sisters next time. Do they do a 3some?
BTW, I spoke with the management about removing the outdoor cabins. They claimed that customers didn't like using them any way.
"Three week now and the men's toilet near the bar is still not fixed! Either [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140][CodeWord140][/url] in the shower, pool, whirlpool, or walk all the way down to the lockers?"
Forget the men's room, it was turned into an additional room so you will have to take the "stairway to heaven" down to the lockers. Same thing for the former women's room, will also be turned into a room, rumours say including hot tub and to be paid extra.
Hessen bub
Hi everyone,
I'm planning to go to Germany in a couple of days(august 3rd)
As the weather is sunny and hot which club would you recommend me : Oase, Palace or World ? (number of girls, outside facilities)
Palace has no outdoor facilities, so your choice is reduced down to World and Oase. Talents at World and Oase vary from day to day and one can't tell which one would be better on August 3, so just go to the one more convenient to your hotel.
For girls selection, please note that Tuesday is a bad day in the week, and August a bad month in the year to go to a FKK. Too many people going on holidays, including the girls.
If you're looking for some place that has an outdoor area, check out also FKK Sauna World (previously known as FKK Fantasyland Gorgeshausen) which has its own thread under FKK Fantasyland Gorgeshausen.
I was there last fall and it had an outdoor area. Although too cold to use at the time I was told by the girls that its used and popular in the summer.
This place is not far from Frankfurt, close to the Rhine. You can easily get there by Autobahn in an hour or two at most but will probably need GPS to find it as its a little difficult to find. One real advantage of this place is that you can do a quick detour to the Rhine, snap a few photos for the boss and relatives back home to convince them you were spending all your time doing touristy things, and then spend the rest of the day/evening at FKK Sauna World/Fantasyland. Not as large as FKK World or Oase, but still fairly nice if you want a smaller, more intimate club experience.
I was actually gonna check out if I could get Celine and Tina to do threesome next time I was there, but unfortunately was not able to work Oase again into my schedule. I know that Celine does not do more than one guy at a time (she claims she cannot concentrate on two guys at the same time) "it is too confusing, it screws up my head" she told me.
I remember the first time I met Celine at Atlantis. At that time she was trying to "sell" a threesome with another girl. The other girl was not a looker and I think Celine was trying to do her a favour and getting her some action, but at least she is ready for a threesome with another girl. I dare you to try to get the sisters (if they are really sisters, sure look alike) to do a threesome. There must be a law somewhere stating that such a session should be reported here in full detail.
No need for the law. I don't believe in reporting every experience that I have, because believe it or not, I have some other things going on in my life. But I always report back if I have an unsual experience and FFK sex with sisters would fit that category. Tnx
Traveling Male in Frankfurt
I went to Oase on Friday night, and had a good time. There seemed to be several russian girls that night. Saw a beautiful tight bodz burnett with a very nice face. Her name was Alessa. Being my first night after I landed, and sex starved for the last 2 weeks, I decided to start with her. She is 26 years, 5´9", round eyes, extremely tight body and stomach, probably the tightest I´ve ever felt, nicely done faq boobs, and had very nice oral skills. We started with kissing then she moved down for a CBJ, followed by missionary and doggy. Overall, I give her 8 for looks, 9 for performance. It was really nice having her tight stomach ride my hard on. She rode it cowgirl style with her ass facing me. Very nice view!
Next I met Lola from Khazakhstan, a beautifull 21, blond, with round face, bubly body, about 5´6", with nice boobs.
Oh, sorry for the short report, I am sitting in an internet shope by the Eros Center now, I will write some more later.
I was at Oase last Friday at 10:00 Pm. Having nothing for three weeks, I was really hungry and needed something soon. When I got there the lot was so full I had to park outside the vicinity. I thought to myself this could be heaven or this could be hell. Once inside I checked the scene out. I had been on planes all day and needed to unwind, as such I decided to get a massage. After the massage, I started the prowl . Oase never seems to disappoint as to the number of 7’s and 8’s available. As it was now approaching midnight, a decision had to be made. At this time my eye caught this tall Latin chick with a beautiful set of voluptuous breasts and very nice curves to boot. My criteria for selection ,apart from the above, includes chicks that are not in high turnover. I like to be patient and watch for girls that are not doing every guy. Having talked to a lot of girls in this category, I have found that they are usually as picky as I am. To me, this is a desired characteristic. Anyhow, this girl certainly was in this class. I had been watching her being available for quite sometime. She caught me staring at her and decided to approach me. As she approached I just could not get my eyes of her beautiful breasts. She smiled and started small talk, at which point I had to ask if they were real. To which she replied with an enthusiastic yes. At this point I knew I had my babe for the evening. She told me that she was from Cuba and that she really spoke very little English. I kept telling her how hot she was and she in return complimented me. . God , I wanted to take this one home . I don’t think she was more then 21 as she was very nice and tight. Originally she wanted to do a quickie and try to move on. But I insisted on a closed room rather then the open air rooms near the pool. So we waited for a room as the place was packed. I wanted to really enjoy her. So once in the room I told her to lie on her stomach, as I wanted to give her a rubdown. I slowly checked her out ,inch by inch. She was nicely shaven and from looks of things very tight. I could only take about 10 min of window shopping and had to get down to business. I got a really nice CBJ in a couple of positions followed by some rear action at which point I was finished. It was now getting to be 1:00 am and my body was telling me it was time to go. As I was leaving the front girl asked as to how was my stay. I replied” I absolutely love this place”. To which she gave me a smile with a huge grin. As I left I kept thinking as to how much I am going to miss this place.
This is just a suggestion, so please don't take it the wrong way.
I appreciate the details in your report, but I know from experience that a lot of people find it very difficult to read a report that is written as one long block of text. It's kind of like trying to eat an entire steak in one bite.
I know how this happens: You're banging away at the keyboard, putting your thoughts into the report as fast as you can write them. However, if you could hit the return key every few sentences while you're writing, and thus break your report into smaller paragraphs, your report would be much easier to read, which would certainly be appreciated by your fellow Forum Members.
I really enjoyed my first trip to Oase- (see report in general info thread) the lineup was differrent from World with many more ethnic and Black girls. But lots and lots of hotties- and they dance! I'm sure I met abc's voluptuous Cubana friend on the couch in the dance hall, and I'm also sure I met your Allessa Travelling male- she has slighly buck teeth right? Incidentally- it was nice to meet you at World on Sunday night- where did you disappear to? We wanted to get together again. If you see my wives Andrea, Leona, Gloria, and Agnes please kiss them for me (tall guy from NY). Have fun this week.
We arrived at 10pm to find on a Friday in early August to find 35+ women including many hot-looking Russians. This raised a question for me because on my first visit, my German colleague, a regular at area FKKs, warned me to avoid Russians, because "too many of them will rip you off." Since discovering this forum, I can see this was not quite fair., but he did seem to have a relaxed, positive attitude about how to approach FKKs after his (i'm assuming) many visits.
In any case, Russians or no Russians, my first task was to find MIA, the Persian seductress who stole my heart last time over the course of 2 dripping wet sessions. But she didn't seem to be there. I found a way to ask a couple girls about her but no one knew her. (They all said "I haven't been here very long.") Finally I asked at the front desk, they said yes they know MIA, but she hasn't been there in a while.
Well, I thought, based on the current crop of beauties this is just a minor setback
My troubles vanished when NOH walked by the bar flashing a heart-melting Thai smile. It's the kind of smile you fully realize she can turn on at will in any situation, but you're still powerless to resist. She's around 29 but looks younger and her body is firm and shapely. She asked me if I wanted to go the cinema and I said sure. She added, "And then to the room?" This seemed a bit aggressive but, let's be serious, I was definitely taking her to the room unless she flopped in the cinema, so I said "of course." The cinema at OASE is good for foreplay though the movies are repulsive and degrading to providers.
Anyhow, after a few dreamy kisses, she immediately went to work on me and showed masterful oral technique (why don't more women acquire this useful skill?). Before long we went to a nice big room.
Looks: 7.5
Overall, NOH is very nice girl and knows how to do the little things that will keep you dreaming of her for days after the session...
Resting in the main dance area I saw Moldovian LILI do a nice show on the pole, which got a big ovation. She is a tall, thin, pretty brunette with dreamy eyes. I was in love, or something like that ;-). But before I could advance she was already walking off hand in hand with her next customer. I decided to wait for her but didn't see her for a while, before finally I giving up.
My next session was with a Nigerian named ALI - but I may well have confused her name with her friend (Nigerian) I met at same time...but you can identify her by her physique: she is black, short and has a very round, comely, inviting, ass. She is also fairly aggressive about approaching every customer who might be available. But she does it with a laugh and a smile and once I realized LILI was not available, ALI managed to wear down my resistance on her the 3rd try.
Once in the room she was friendly, and not rushed, but also not very passionate or skilled. Seems she had just started and was not really comfortable with the job. Told me she would soon quit and get a "regular job."
*ALI (name?)
Looks: 5
Passion: 6
Technique: 4
Note: if you a fan of, err, big juicy butts, you may well rate this girl higher than I did. Also she may be warming up to the job by now...
Again waited for LILI but she went from one session to the next with short shower breaks. When I finally got to talk to her she was nice but said she had to go see someone else. In fact, she actually seemed to have a waiting list. Well, I don't like the idea of getting on a list. But then I am aware that even without the list, the reality is by 11pm you are the 10th+ mongers she is going to get down with that night...so who am I kidding?
Well, has anyone managed to get on LILI's list? Care to comment?
At that point it was late, and I wasn't sure I was up for a 3rd session, when LAURA, a thin Latina with a rather impressive chest walked thru the couch room off the bar and caught my eye. I gave her a smile and sat next to me. After a few minutes she leaned across my lap, her ripe pechugas brushing against me, and convincing me I was more than ready for another session.
LAURA is from Dominican Republic and works full-time as a prostitute in a "small house" in Barcelona when not in Germany. This probably accounts for the somewhat mechanical nature of her performance. She hangs with a group of other Latinas including DIANA (friendly, not-so-hot blonde from Colombia) and FANNI (sexy, curvy, seems cool...either Cuban or Puerto Rican?).
LAURA clearly knows how to please when she wants to and will usually take a little time to give what most she knows of her customers crave: a combination GF or PS experience. But you can feel she is sort of going through the motions, without a ton of passion. My friend booked her on a subsequent visit and found her physically pretty hot (even though he was disappointed to discover her boobs were fake) but somewhat mechanical/ businesslike in the sack.
Generally I might not repeat LAURA, but I have to confess a lingering curiousity about this sweetie. My guess is she is capable of very good service, say if you buy extras, or take your time? Bit otherwise, she may decide she just wants to get things over with.
One WARNING: I was rubbing against her shaved crotch to get good and hard and she seemed to hint that BB penetration was an option. She said, "you like without condom?" Did I hear that right? Was that my cue to run out of the building, disease free privates safely in hand? Um, I decided to put on a condom... and continue.
Looks: 7
Passion: 5
Technique: 7
Later, LAURA spoke about the closed Atlantis as though it were a lost utopia. When I asked her what made it so great she talked about the "garden" and the way it was always crowded and how everyone (meaning the girls) had fun together. I've never been to Atlantis - I hadn't spent much time in Germany until my current 2 month project in Frankfurt started - but now I feel I missed an important era in the history of whoring. Wow.
Recently I have also been to Palace where I found the girls slightly prettier on average, but I still prefer the more varied layout of Oase, and the number of girls at Oase is higher.
I am working in Frankfurt for 5+ more weeks and may make a trip to World next weekend.
If anyone has seen MIA or Albanian power-**** TINA (the other star of my first OASE visit) please advise -- these two set what is perhaps an impossibly high standard for me and I can't get them out of my head -- I'll have to describe that first visit some other time.
3 of my top 5 girls are Russian. I don't remember ever being ripped of by a russian. Talk tot hem for a while feel some chemistry. Trust your instincts, but don't write off all russians.