Thanks For The Clarification
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub; 1150339]By no means are the girls employees of the clubs, that would be illegal. The girls are self-employed and guests in the club, same as you. Actually the club has no right at all to make the girls do anything, the management has the right of the house and can chose who to let in or not, like any discotheque, restaurant etc. Even making the girls stay until 5am if they arrive late is questionable, same as not letting them chew gum etc.
HB[/QUOTE]Hessen Bub-
Thanks for the clarification on that one. I thought about it later, after I had mentioned "employee". I should have known that there was some tax or legal reason that the ladies and club kept their money seperate. But, I sure wasn't aware that they have no right to make the girls do anything.
In the case of Bianca, I have a pretty good feeling it wouldn't have been too different regardless of my comment.