My worst FKK experience ever...
I was in Oase in the end of May and after walking through the whole club and not seeing anything to my liking, I took a seat at the bar. I watched a soccer game on the non-porno tv and kept an eye out for the ladies returning from the rooms. It's a good place to see who is around since the money lockers and the ladies room are right there. While waiting, a girl approached me and introduced herself--Nadia from Russia. She is in her late teens or early twenties, tall and thin with sandy brown hair. Alarm bells should have been ringing considering she approached me and she's Russian. Both are usually (but by no means always) very bad signs. However I'd been waiting a while and she was cute so the wrong head was thinking. Once in the room she asked how long I wanted to stay. I told her 30 minutes and she said it was so little time and kept pushing for longer. When I wouldn't agree to longer then she says she has a friend and do I want two girls. This haggling went on for 5-10 minutes! And the worst was yet to come. She started by giving a very poor massage and then layed down on top of me sideways facing my feet so the only part of her I could see directly was her back. She then starts the most painful HJ I've ever had all the while pretending to be giving a BJ--the mirrors on the walls turned out to be good for something. She would dig her fingernails into my scrotum while pulling as if she was trying to remove my penis. If your into S&M she might be your girl but I just wanted to get out of there in one peice. She seemed to be getting annoyed that I was taking longer than she expected and asked if I wanted to have sex now. When I was younger, if someone told me I would someday be in a room with a beautiful young woman who would ask me if I wanted to have sex and I would say no, I would have told him there was no way--and I would have been wrong. I just said no. So no kissing, no BJ, and a HJ wich made me just want to leave the room. Hope you have better luck.
I am sorry to hear about your bad experience at Oase.
I had a similar experience with a Russian gal at Atlantis just a couple of months ago. Too bad that some of them (or some of us think most of them) have such a bad attitude, because they are so pretty.
I will be visiting Riga in a few weeks. I will try to visit Peter from there if I have enough time. I will let you guys know if Russian women there have better attitude than in Germany.
In summer time Oase is definetely the best place to stay if you have a long time to spend.
The garden is amazing and has a lot of nice corners. In order of the facilities I have just to complain that the most of the sunbeds are partially broken.
Having spent about 12 hours in Oase, I have had the opportunity to check the girls¡¦ turnover along all day and I¡¦ve got some point to share with my friends:
„h The girls¡¦ level is lower than in Atlantis
„h The level seemed to me lower than 2 months ago
„h Until 3-4 pm the choice is poor as level and as number
„h There¡¦s no couch action
Arrived at 2 pm, I¡¦ve seen a small number of girls and none interesting to me: I waited a couple of hours to make a choice and then I decided for Dana, a polish girl, not really good looking, but already tested 2 months ago and very responsive. She has recognized me and we spent the session in the kino (the cinema hall).
Few minutes after; i have been approached by a real beauty never seen before. Tiny (1,60), young (20) with very nice breasts and smiling. Her name is Kleidy (?) and she come from Iran though she lives in Germany since a long time. We went straight to the room and there I knew that she doesn¡¦t kiss and doesn¡¦t like to be eaten. I wanted to give up but she insisted I had to cum and we started a fast, disappointing mechanical session. 50euro wasted.
That got me in a bad mood and I was thinking to leave.
Walking around the pool I heard ¡§ehy, italiano!¡¨ and I stopped. An hispanic good looking girl was screaming to me and we started speaking in spanish. She was from Cuba and we chatted few minutes and I left to enjoy the garden and the sun.
1 hour later I met her again and we started talking about her, me, bla bla bla.
After that we have had 2 session together (1 hour each; payed as a standard session) and we have enjoyed a lot. Laura has been a very good experience and I promised to visit her next month.
After my session in Koln (see my review), I headed to Frankfurt and decided to visit Oasis. This turned out to be a very disappointing session, especially compared to Mondial. First off, I was kind of put out by the fact that I had to pay 1 Euro for parking. It isn’t the actual amount, but rather, I had to pay 60 Euro to get in, and it just seemed to be petty.
There were about 20 girls, and about 15 guys running around. Some of the guys were in the back sunning, so not really interested in the girls. The girls ranged from 6-9 all shapes sizes and colors. Most had a real pro edge to them and were VERY pushy – and if you refused, you got major attitudes then and afterwards throughout the whole time I was there. I did hook up with 1 girl Leticia, who said she was half Moroccan half Spanish. She was cute, but a real pro in the negative sense of the word. Hard sell up to “extras” for an extra 50 Euros. SO I ended up paying 100 euros for a marginal bbbj, with cim. Session lasted only 15 minutes, and although it was supposed to be 30 minutes, as soon as I blew, it was over. Not very satisfying.
The rest of the time I spent thanking girls for their advances, taking a sauna and drinking. There was an okay buffet which at least gave me dinner. After the poor session and the session of the prior days that were really hot, I was not really in the mode, so I left. The 150 Euros for a bbbj seems high even from US aspect. I personally not recommend Oasis, especially given all the competition in the region.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by aht169
[i] The 150 Euros for a bbbj seems high even from US aspect. [/i][/QUOTE]
You mean, she charged you 50 EUR extra for BBBJ or did you come in her mouth. If it was only for the BBBJ, it was a rip off, because BBBJ and kissing is included in the 50 EUR.
What you write in your report is similar to my own experience in that club, altrough I'm German and quite experienced with FKKs, I was also ripped off there once. The worst is, that the responsible persons in that club did care a shit when I complained and even turned me down saying it was my own fault. Also some foreigners I had the chance to talk to had the same experiences there. The club is also higly rated in some German boards, so far I cannot understand why.
Above the line you quoted aht169 wrote:
"SO I ended up paying 100 euros for a marginal bbbj, with cim"--so he did cum in her mouth so the extra fifty was earned so to speak. I've had several women there tell me that it is 50 extra just for a bodyshot, always after the fact. I don't mind paying extra for getting extra but some of the girls there are starting to act as if they are in Amsterdam where anything not agreed to in advance costs extra. I had one girl ask me first thing in the room how much was I going to pay. I told her 50 Euros and she told me 50 Euros wasn't much money and I shouldn't expect much. The only time I go there is when I want to take a break from Altenstadt so the next time that happens I'm going to try FKKW instead. Maybe my luck will change.
I have never gotten ripped off in Oase, but what I don't like is the aggressive come ons by the girls. They walk around asking you whether you want company all the time, but rarely are they funny or original about the way they do it.
I do like the somewhat dirty brothely look of the place, the outdoor park area is also very nice when the weather is good. the Calibre of the women is nothing special, but the sheer numbers on a good day guarantee that at least a couple of 9's will be there.
I prefer it to Atlantis or World for the atmosphere, but that is just my opinion. I have had some world class sessions there (with Mascha and Lucy), but some pretty crappy ones too.
There are more and more reports in German forums about improper accounting on the part of the girls. this seems to be happening at a number of clubs. this is a problem that you will not have at wildenrath or PHG. the big clubs in the FFM area should take a cue from the Düsseldorf area management.
the reason we go to FKK's and not Eros Centers is because of the fair prices and decent service. If they lose control of that then the future for those clubs is in danger.
Hi All:
Peter: you are absolutely right. The really strong come on some girls had was a complete turn off. As for the club itself, I did really like it. The day I was there the weather was cooperating and it was beautiful. Being out in the yard was really nice, sunny and warm. However, the girls did seem to take some of that away.
As for my 100 bbbj w/cim, I know some charge more, but I had just come from my experinece in Cologne and that was really good for a lot less money. I guess I was spoiled. Will have to try Atlantis and or World next weekend. Will let you know how that goes!
I'm really surprised about the "Oase bashing" tone here. This remains my favorite mostly because of the lack of pressure, fair pricing, facilities and laid back atmosphere. Some of the girls, ususally the less popular do the walk around looking for business, nothing wrong with that, it breaks the monotony,,,but if you use your head (the one on your shoulders) and only take up an offfer when you'r e ready and able , and follow the "it's in the eyes" principle, you can't go wrong here. I have had one subpar experience in all my visits.
I, too, recently returned from a week in Frankfurt, during which I made repeated visits to the (now) three big FKK clubs of the area.
The negative aspects of Oase, now under discussion, are part and parcel of this club's personality for at least the past two years --indeed one might say part and parcel of Frankfurt-area FKK club personality in a more general sense, since one does see a little bit of it at Atlantis occassionally too. To this discussion about Oase, I would add the following:
1) The pushyness and constant "Moechtest du gaesellshaft, jetst?" approaching at Oase is actually characteristic of only a limited percentage of the girls there on any given day, often limited to the ranks of a few 2nd tier girls. I can't say these girls are always one particular nationality, but usually they are girls who have been working Oase for more than a few weeks. Often they are 2nd-tier regular girls who do this, girls who have been there for quite some months.
2) Whilst even some of the most stalwart veterans of the FKK-scene have been subjected to this (e.g. Peter and Kaleu), it is true that if you are a regular AT OASE, you may well NOT be subjected to this. I mean, that if the girls recognise your face as a regular stammgaeste at the Oase club, they do not tent to target you for this kind of abusive, pushy behaviour. I recently experienced this, when these girls clearly recognised my face from previous visits made in April and March --other newer girls saw me earlier that week, or may well have been tipped off by older girls that I should be left alone. They either ignored me completely or just came by and smiled at me. Bottom line: They realised that their pressure tactics would not work on me and it would be a waste of time to try. So if you are just an occassional visitor, they may not recognise you as a "waste of time" customer and you may well be targeted, unfortunately...
3) I have noticed that there are ways to pick up "vibes" or small signs about whether or not a particular girl might be trying to rip you off or give you a really good GFE ride for your money. This is not a fool-proof system, and it is a bit individual. IseeU says he sees it in the eyes. Okay, that system works for him! I believe him utterly when he says he can threshout the bitches from the GFEs that way. For me, it's not in the eyes only but in other aspects as well. One thing that sets warning lights off for me is whether a particular girl has a clear native or near-native German accent. I know this sounds a bit racist or racial profile-prone, but I have found that it is more likely to be ripped off or given a sub-par performance at Oase by girls who are either born/raised in Germany or have been living in Germany for a long, long time; as opposed to girls from eastern European countries (Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Czech, Hungarian, etc) who speak halting German with a very strong home-land accent. With specific reference to Oase (and Atlantis, btw) I am particularly alarmed by straight German or immigrant German girls from Koln, believe it or not. So often I have had sessions with "weekend warriors" who come down from Koln and they deliver a sub-par performance, generally. Yes, there are exceptions as one or two of these straight German girls were real gems too. But I look out if a girl speaks very good or non-accented German. I get very positive vibes from eastern European girls who have only been in Germany for a short time, say, less than a year.
That's just the way it is for me...
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Fats
[i]"SO I ended up paying 100 euros for a marginal bbbj, with cim"--so he did cum in her mouth [/i][/QUOTE]
Oops, I missed that abreviation , cum in mouth, good one :D
I too find German girls to be the most inconsistent on performance, followed by Russians, particularly those which have been in Germany for several years. This regardless of what price category the club is.
Still I have had great experiences with Germans too, they are often more interesting to talk to than girls of other nationalities with limited language skills and there are definitely some gems among them that are at least superficially happy to work in the profession, however of all the subpar experiences I've had which were the girls fault (and these are actually remarkably few) it has almost always been because a German girl or Russian-German either:
* got pushy
* refused to kiss
* went cold
* rushed the session
* started adding extra charges for "cuddling/schmusen" etc...
I think some of this can be avoided by:
* clearing up the kissing/GFE issue beforehand
* analyzing how she deals with the other girls...is she a loner? Does she look desperate for work?
* how does she deal with other customers, did they look satisfied and happy after a session with her?
* talking a little about sex and preferences with her before hand
I personally don't like to talk about "business" before hand, like if kissing etc. is ok...this detracts from the whole fantasy/GFE experience, but if the girl is German, I will always ask, because at least 50% of the German girls don't like to kiss, or refuse it outright, citing that it is "too personal"... as if getting dicked or sucking cock isn't. For that reason I don't like to take chances and generally speaking, I only go with a German girl if there is nothing else available that meets my standard or if I mistake her for an Eastern European girl or if she seems really friendly and happy...
Hi guys,
Next week I'll be in Trier and I would like to know where can I go to have fun and sex in the town. Or if you can arrange me same web address about clubs in the area.
Many thanks in advance.
[size=-2][u]EDITOR's NOTE[/u]: [blue]Posting of this report was delayed pending revisions for capitalization and punctuation. To avoid future delays, please refrain from using the "chat room" style of writing with no caps or punctuation. [i]Thanks![/i][/blue][/size]
Excuse me for this, but:
What on earth does the post just below, requesting info about sex opportunities in Trier, have to do with discusssions about Oase in BHH? Don't you think it should be posted somewhere else on this vast board?
Having enjoyed repeated visits to this club over the past year to year and a half, all of my previous visits were during October through April. I've just now returned from three or four visits during late June just past, and it was the first time I had to contend with warm conditions inside the rooms.
One thing that was immediately apparent was, that whilst the conditions inside the bar, lounge rooms and kino were quite comfortable, temps within the indoor rooms could be quite problematic. I was amused to discover that the two most desired rooms during the cooler months, esp. the larger, multi-mirror room just to the right as you walk to the room/shower area with the pool at your back, were now by far the least desirable, mainly because the ventalation was nil, and the temps were intolerable. Other rooms behind the showers and adjacent were far better because they all had ceiling fans and were generally cooler.
Of course the best bet were the outside cabins that are shunned during most of the year cause they're too cold.
So the rooms that are most desirable in the winter are exactly the rooms you want to avoid in the summer. And the ones that are uncomfortably cold in the winter are the cooler, most wanted places in the summer.