[quote=dorandopietri]hy my frends,
ll go in frankfirt this week end j will arrive in hahn on friday at 23, 15 j would like to know, from you if it is better at that time to go to place or oase.
j know both places but in this period at this time j think that the situation is different.
a friend of me told that after midnight at oase there are only few girls looking for a horny man. and that the service is too bad j was in oase a lot of time and j fond that's true.
what is your opinion?
best regards[/quote]
dorandopietri and et al,
you arrive in ffm very late. i do not know if you take a car or take the bus to ffm but if you take the bus you can get a bus direct to main train station in ffm which is 1 hour 45 minutes or a bus to bad homburg which is 2 hours from hahn.
if you arrive at hhn airport at 23:15 then you are in time to get the 23:45 ffm bus with bohrs omnibusse for 12 euro or if you miss the 23:45 you can get the 00:00. so it you get the 23:45 bus you arrive at the main train station at 01:30 at the south side of the main train station. there will be plenty of taxis there on the south side as there is a taxi rank just there. a taxi to palace wil cost around 10 to 15 euro depending. there will be no trains going at 01:30 so if you want to go to oase then take a taxi. it will cost between 40 to 45 euro to take a taxi to oase from the main train station.
note that palace closes at 04:00 so you will have less than 2 hours in palace if you head to palace straight away, pay your entry, get unchanged and start hunting. oase closes at 05:00 so more time but you lose that in travelling time in the taxi.
i would not even attempt to go to a club if i arrived at 01:30 in the main train station.
when driving from hhn airport to oase i can do it in 1 hour and 20 minutes or 1 hour and 15 minutes for the 135 km distance. the problem is all the speed restrictions which prevent you driving at 200 km per hour like normal. so if you hired a car you will say land at 23:15. go through immigration, pick up your car by sat 23:30 and then on road by 23:40 and then arrive in ffm at say 01:00 or bhh at 01:00. that is fast going but gives you a bit more time in the clubs. palace gives you 3 hours to 04:00 closing and oase gives you 4 hours to 05:00 closing.
i find the line ups at 01:00 to be dying real fast and would save my euro for the hotel and sleep and start fresh the next day at palace rather than speed at all costs to get to a club.
Excellent Advice
dorandopietri and et al:
as usual, basketcase provides excellent advice., arriving at frankfurt hbf at 1:30 am. and then trying to get club time in, is a waste of time, money and. ahem. energy.
as bc suggests, better to get some rest, and then, next day, start with a rested mind and body. and wallet.
imho, weather permitting, take the train to oase, get some further rest out in the garden, work on your suntan and survey the prospects. make a day of it.
if weather is not good, well, then palace is in city. and close.
one other point,, not sure about lineup quality of mainhattan fkk as have not personally checked it out but like palace, it is closer (within city). and there are outdoor facilitys there as well. again, weather permitting.
please report your findings.
[quote=basketcase]dorandopietri and et al,
you arrive in ffm very late. i do not know if you take a car or take the bus to ffm but if you take the bus you can get a bus direct to main train station in ffm which is 1 hour 45 minutes or a bus to bad homburg which is 2 hours from hahn.
if you arrive at hhn airport at 23:15 then you are in time to get the 23:45 ffm bus with bohrs omnibusse for 12 euro or if you miss the 23:45 you can get the 00:00. so it you get the 23:45 bus you arrive at the main train station at 01:30 at the south side of the main train station. there will be plenty of taxis there on the south side as there is a taxi rank just there. a taxi to palace wil cost around 10 to 15 euro depending. there will be no trains going at 01:30 so if you want to go to oase then take a taxi. it will cost between 40 to 45 euro to take a taxi to oase from the main train station.
note that palace closes at 04:00 so you will have less than 2 hours in palace if you head to palace straight away, pay your entry, get unchanged and start hunting. oase closes at 05:00 so more time but you lose that in travelling time in the taxi.
i would not even attempt to go to a club if i arrived at 01:30 in the main train station.
when driving from hhn airport to oase i can do it in 1 hour and 20 minutes or 1 hour and 15 minutes for the 135 km distance. the problem is all the speed restrictions which prevent you driving at 200 km per hour like normal. so if you hired a car you will say land at 23:15. go through immigration, pick up your car by sat 23:30 and then on road by 23:40 and then arrive in ffm at say 01:00 or bhh at 01:00. that is fast going but gives you a bit more time in the clubs. palace gives you 3 hours to 04:00 closing and oase gives you 4 hours to 05:00 closing.
i find the line ups at 01:00 to be dying real fast and would save my euro for the hotel and sleep and start fresh the next day at palace rather than speed at all costs to get to a club.[/quote]
In my limited experience, the best policy per each FKK visitation. Is to bring twice the Euros with you, that you expect to spend. Just to be safe.
Last May, I did not follow the above Standard Operating Procedure and leaving OASE, just barely had enough Euro for cab to train station and train ticket. Arrived at hotel with about 1. 75 Euro.,
Was not aware of the 10% ATM machine, I guess for "emergency's", 10% (and no doubt, other bank fee's) are worth the price of admission!
[QUOTE=Regnad]So maybe I'm wrong. When that luscious young creature is giving you the lookover, that 10% may not seem so bad.[/QUOTE]
Cash at Oase
It is not an ATM they have at Oase, you can withdraw cash at the front desk using your credit card for a fee of 10%. To be honest its no problem walking down to the ATM in the village if you dont have a car, guess it depends on how urgent the need is :)
[QUOTE=Qubei]To be honest its no problem walking down to the ATM in the village if you dont have a car, guess it depends on how urgent the need is :)
It's a 2km walk, one way.
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub]It's a 2km walk, one way.
Any restaurant recommendations down that way?
[quote=hessen bub]it's a 2km walk, one way.
hey, hb:
any speed cameras down that way? because if i run out of cash but just got to stick it in one more time, you know, one more poke for the road, and decide i must go "zum fuess" to one of those cash machines 2kms weit, well, i might be in quite a hurry. so i don't want the inconvenience of getting blitzed by one of those cameras, you know?
Visit 1 to Oase
My first trip to Oase. Romanian Bianca with hair to her waist. Large rindstone "B" around her neck. She was a bit sharky. Slim 5'1" 100lbs. Very soft squishy Bs. Maybe 31B 23 32. She took me to an empty Kino and began a good BBBJ. I decided to move to a room. More BBBJ and BL In the room but only LK. Some obligatory TS, DATY with little real effect. Onto full service for cg then finish in mish for my 1st sog. Too sharky no repeat.
Desi is a curvy girl with wavy black hair. Womanly shape but not overly hippy. Said she was from Greece.
Curvy 5'7" 125lbs. Very natural soft Bs. 34B 25 36. Some LfK only. All fkk girls seem to do a great BBBJ. Most use this to make the sale in the kino.
In the room she was nice and spoke some limited english but I felt a little processed.
SOG #2 done for 50€
Nadia is a very tall, pretty, dark haired girl from Hamburg. 1. 8 meters tall plus heels, slim lean 6'0" 124lbs with 32D 24 34 body
She has some hard fakes that are well decorated with random small musical notes. "I loves music" she says. Nadia is a very smiley girl and likes to kiss. She likes to coo and ah.
Nice girl for 50€. My 1st German.
Romanian Alina. This is the non smiley beauty. I did not think she was MetArt perfect as a friend made her out to be. Slim 5'6" 115lbs. Natural Bs. 32B 24 33
She is non smiley but pleasant and persistent. She was relentless in her pursuit of 50€ but not as pushy as Luisa. I had to negotiate to ensure her service levels as she would not even give one kiss outside a room. Bit she said "100% guaranteed".
From some angles she looks like a young Juliette Binoche. But her bod is a slim and girlish lacking in some hips but very nice tits.
DFk was good and she was pleasant but a little reserved. No BL. She said "not her thing and you didn't ask if that was part of 100%". Many fkk SPs can't do CG and do this weird thing with their legs. Anyway after 3 SOG I was getting tired and without a true GFE session squeezing out the last shot was difficult especially in CG.
We stripped off the hat and tried BBBJ again. In mish it just wasn't going to happen. She was nice enough and I may have shot with the BL stimulation but no go today.
Paid 50 and strolled to see if anything else appeals to me. I ended up leaving around 12:30am feeling a bit disappointed in Oase on my first visit
Raphaela Italy
Visit 2 to Oase
When I walked in on day 2 at Oases I was awe struck by Raphaela. She had this deep tan and a short dark blunt Cleopatra hair cut. An incredible firm hardbody with the most incredible perky Bs. Hardbody solid 5'7" 120lbs. Natural firm Bs. Great skin 34B 24 33
I thought she. Might turn out to be an optifuck. Looks only with no substance. Was I wrong. I kept following her around as she settled in hoping to be her 1st. Eventually I was approached. In the Kino she went straight for the boys and just lapped away. She engulfed my unit and would have ravaged me there. We moved to a room where her DFK was wonderful and she was incredibly passionate. Just one of the nicest firmest bods I have ever ravaged. Her B tits sit tall even while lying on her back. She was responsive to TS but more so to DATY. She had an incredibly clean sweet tasting pussy. She came after much work but seemed appreciative.
After some more fluffing up to full hardness we moved to cg which was a great visual. Mish was wonderful as she was quite tight and seemed to really get into it.
It was the hottest session so far at Oase and one of my best SP experiences ever. Day 2 was off to a great start. If I repeat again with her I'd save her heat for later in the well worn day. I think we went over 30 minutes. But she didn't even count her cash.
Repeat for sure
Review Blonde Greek Athena
Slim 5'5" 110lbs. Natural soft Bs. 32B 24 34
Athena approached me at the bar and was very smiley. She speaks english well. I told her I just finished a session but she shared her Red Bull with me encouraging me that it will make the difference.
As I said she was very smiley and nice for someone who had been there for 4 years and not jaded at all. Athena told me she was a virgin that day and off we go. We found a room at the back.
Her DFK BBBJ BL were all excellent and Athena was a very willing partner. TS was welcomed but her tits were a little too soft. Athena allowed limited DATY to only a few licks. We tried a failed CG and the rhthym was just off so we stripped the hat and she went back to BBBJ. We tried mish but, I'm not sure if it was too little recoup time or the redbull or the heat and humidity near the showers but I had a wicked headache settling in that was messing with my me.
I was happy with my session and would recommend.
Polish Alicia
This Polish beauty has alluring eyes, a great smile and nice soft skin. Alicia asked for a massage and I got a chance to explore her pretty body. She is a bit hippy but not bad. 35B 25 36
Alicia likes to kiss but only lightly. Alicia is a bit too passive in the session but she does like to look at herslf in the mirror as she swallowed my cock. Hot! She has firm large Cs that are quite lovely but the nipples are a bit small.
Alicia loved to lie back and let me do my work. Her pussy was clean and she seemed appreciative but took a long time to come. We moved into fluffing and onto CG. A lot of fkk EE don't seem to know how to cg and I lost my mojo. She tried fluffing me some more and asked if I wanted to go to an hour. I said no maybe later as my head was aching from jetlag, smoke and dehydration.
Italian Lexa
I looked around for a very pretty blonde and brunette that I had seen earlier. But they were no where in sight. So when a short pretty light haired girl started chatting to me I said yes to the Kino. She told me she was on holiday and only working there for a week.
Lexa is slim 5'3" 105lbs with pointy softnatural Bs. 32B 24 32
Kino was full so off to the room. She told me she kissed but she lied. In the room she was a bit of a cold fish. Through the motions and we're done
When I go to pay she tells me 10€ extra for a lame 2 minute massage. I didn't argue and figured I'd just go back to the hotel.
No repeat and not recommended
Croatian Sedona
Sedona has a Liv Tyler vibe.
Fairly medium build 5'6" 130lbs. Natural floppy Bs. 35B 27 35
Sedona has a very pretty face and she smiled a lot and spoke English well. Plus she was from an uncharted SP country for me. She offered a good massage so I agreed since the massage guy was always booked and it was 30€ for 30min. LOL This is late Friday night and almost all the rooms were booked. We got the last room by the patio door. Sedona likes to DFK and did do a nice massage. She started to tell me about herself that she was only 18 and had a kid 6 months ago. What a mood killer. Anyway I really didn't think if get off anyway. After some more massage she moves down to lick my balls. She was very good at it. This small room had mirrors on the ceiling and all 4 walls. It was fun to watch. She is orally gifted. This time she asked what I wanted to do. Let's fuck. I moved into mish and she was surprisingly tight. She didn't take off all her clothes but she at least didn't have that gross mummy tummy extra skin, just a few rolls.
Surprisingly, I fucked her hard and she loved it as she dfk me to a nice finish. I was now done for the night.
Hi Troops,
I am on a mini FKK tour to Deutschland next week and plan to be in Oase next Wednesday (4th August).
I ve not been there for 3 years or so but very much enjoyed myself when I did party there in the past. I have a few questions which my fellow mongers may be able to help me out with.
1. What time does Oase open and close on a Wednesday.
2. What day is Dessous Tag. Hopefully not on a Wednesday as I like my girls naked.
3. How much is it to get in. If I remember rightly it was 70 or 80 Euros.
4. Do they serve alcohol there. They didn t when I was there previously. If not would I be allowed to take my own alcohol in there with me.
5. Are there are girls who are likely to be working on a Wednesday who come highly recommended and give a great PSE GFE experience.
All info will be greatly received. Just for the record my FKK tour will take in Oase on Wednesday, Bernds on Thursday and Goldentime on Friday. If any fellow mongers are around on those days we can maybe meet up and swap notes.
Thanks lads. Alles Gut.
[quote=ortos]any speed cameras down that way? [/quote]
nope, you can sprint all the way downhill to the atm without getting your picture taken.
[quote=breadman]any restaurant recommendations down that way?[/quote]
just before reaching the atm you will pass "pizzeria da guido" on the left hand side. nice garden, italian food (yes, italian, in this case not romanian).
hb ;)
Looking forward to visiting Oase again at end of August. Here's a quick question - I'm planning on a duo when I'm there. Not interactive - I just want them to focus on me. I assume that it's 50E for each, and an extra 50 for CIM, correct?
Thanks everyone for the reports.
Oase on wednesday
I have been to Oase wednesday 28 july. The line-up is quite the same of friday-saturday, but less men (the lockers near the entrance bar were never sold out).*
I have had sessions with:
Heidi from Hungary - lot and lot of DFK
Ramona from Romania - one of the few friendly romanian girls - good DFK and BBJ
Dora from Russia - the most beautiful body IMHO, pornstar BBJ but in general romanian-attitude
[QUOTE=R The Man]I'm planning on a duo when I'm there. Not interactive - I just want them to focus on me. I assume that it's 50E for each, and an extra 50 for CIM, correct?[/QUOTE]
Corrrrrrrrect! Don't let them sell a "lesbo show" for 100 EUR extra to you. If you come in both girl's mouths/faces it'll be 50 EUR extra for each girl. But a normal duo with no CIM ist 100 EUR / 30 min.
2nd Trip To Oase ... Awesome
30Th July. 5 – 8. 30 pm
My 2nd trip to Oase. It felt good to tell the person at the reception that this was not my first time?
Things were a little slow at 5 pm when I got there but rapidly picked up pace by 6-6. 30 pm. Luckily the weather had improved and hence the interiors were not really stuffy. As usual, had researched on the forum before heading out – but to be honest, I find it very difficult to find the girls mentioned in the forum. It tends to be more by trial and error (and some luck?, as you will see later in the report) – that said, when the match does occur, it is like winning the jackpot!
Started with Louise of Spain – my [limited] experience as a newbie is that my first experience tends to be so-so because the sensory overload is so high when you enter the place that you pretty much go with the first decent looking girl coming your way. Louise was followed by a chance meeting with Tamara from Germany. I recognized her name from the forum and quickly agreed to go with her. The experience was from another planet altogether (more in the trip report below) – so thank you forum members who posted re: Tamara. She lived upto her reputation.
On the side, there was an interesting show going on with a gentleman who seemed to want only a public blowjob and he was being serviced by Adriana of Czech Republic – over an hour, wherever you went, you would see this guy seated/ standing with Adriana giving him a blow job! He would, literally, take her in tow to different locations and then open his towel to start. I caught up with Adriana after he was done and she was taking a break for food. As a result, my last experience was with her and I was literally done by the time she finished with me.
Onto the details
1. Louise (Spain): 6/10: Overall experience was typical of what I had experienced in the past with Oase, Palace. BBBJ, lots of DFK, touching, multiple positions etc. Until now, this would have rated as a 7-8 in my books, but after my experience with Tamara and Adriana later in the day, I have to admit that it's all in the execution
2. Tamara (Germany): 10/10: Started with lots of DFK, with no hurry to move to the action. After sometime, she started with a very slow and deep BBBJ with alternate ball-licking/ kissing. Again, there was no hurry to move to the main event. She broke off, came back for some DFK and then on with the condom and she got on top – lots of moaning and heavy breathing (fake but nice!). Shifted to reverse cowgirl and then finally doggie where we went on for sometime until I finally blew my load. After that we cuddled for sometime before leaving the room. We agreed to try and hook up later if possible
3. Adriana (Czech Republic): 9/10: As mentioned earlier, I was eager to experience her after seeing her show with the gentleman. Caught up with her just as she had finished eating and so went off to a room. Once in the room, she started with a slow and deep BBBJ with lots of ball licking action. Since this was my third shot for the day, told her to focus on the BJ. She gave me a BBBJ for about 20+ minutes but in the end she had to finish with an HJ (which was also nice, alternating with slow and fast) while licking my balls. The nice part was afterwards – she lay down with me and we started chatting about travel – about her experiences in other countries etc. We must have relaxed together for about 10 minutes before finally winding up.
Overall, a great experience. Totally worth the time and money!
One note on transportation – as usual, I was staying in Frankfurt. After my earlier post of taking a taxi, one of the forum members had posted a detailed guide on how to get to Oase using public transport. To be honest, I had every intention of using that guide – but I was eager to get to Oase, so took the taxi and by the time I was done, I was tired so took the taxi back as well?. Its expensive (came to about 80 euro both ways – which could have been spent in a better way) – but since I don't get the opportunity so often, I figured its ok
Thanks again forum members for all your posts and guidance.
Day 4: Oase
(Continued from the Bernds thread)
It’s been a while since I’ve had the chance to go to Oase but I wanted to make time for it, especially because I love it there in the summer. I love hanging around outside by the pool and the chance to have sex outdoors.
So, with great anticipation I drove in around 3 in the afternoon, got changed and walked around. I notice that the lineup was unusually light. I would guess no more than maybe ~20 girls, and it would stay this way until the night shift started around 8.
[b]Don’t You Remember Me? [/b]
One girl was sunning herself outside and called to me. I looked over and saw her sunglasses and from that angle (with her lying down), I couldn’t recognize much of anything. “Don’t you remember me?” she asked. I confessed that I did not, and Kate from Greece identified herself. She looked to have lost weight, which must have been why I didn’t recognize her at first. She remembered my face but not my name, which unfortunately killed the mood and a chance of repeating that day.
Another girl approached me while I was outside. I recognized the purple garter belt and was hoping that she might recognize me given the fun we had last time. It was Anita from Hungary. She did not remember either my name or my face, and thus killed the mood even faster and more thoroughly than Kate did.
[b]Gabriela’s Radar [/b]
Wandering inside, I encountered a familiar face in the hallway leading to the bar. Gabriela found me. Her radar’s still working, just delayed I guess. She pressed me up against the wall in the hallway, and we started making out as girls and guys walked by. We couldn’t resist each other. There were many close calls with folks passing through and some groping Gabriela but nothing could distract or derail our passion. We moved into a conveniently located room on the other side of the hallway and closed the door.
It’s another hour and a half of bliss for us as we tried a number of positions and I finished inside her doggy style while enjoying the multiple views from the mirrors and the devilish smile on her face which told me she may have liked this more than I did. We caught up on what we’ve been doing and then parted ways with a passionate kiss at the lockers.
[b] What’s Wrong with This Picture? [/b]
Now, let me ask all of you readers this question that has nothing to do with the rest of this report. Suppose a hot, early 20s, bleach blonde with a great bronzed tan and hourglass model figure is standing at a bar. Suppose she sticks her callipygous ass out while waiting for a drink. Suppose that she starts wriggling her ass around in a kind of sexy dance. Did I mention that she’s totally naked? :) Suppose further that out of ~70 men assembled, not one grabs her, touches her, talks to her, whistles at her, or even seems to notice her. Is this a convention of gay men? Blind men? Neutered men? Nope, just red-blooded men from all corners of the world in Oase’s garden, tuned in to watch Germany kick the hell out of Argentina. Given this, and given women’s known proclivity for desiring male attention, I was surprised in talking with a number of girls that they didn’t mind the World Cup games and didn’t consider it bad for their business. I distinctly recall that this was [i]not[/i] the consensus in 2006.
When the game was over, it’s dinnertime. I grabbed something to eat and re-energized before picking a new dance partner. This was not an easy task, especially since I tried to implement a new rule of mine [i]not[/i] to go with a woman who solicits me first and I was hassled a number of times.
I ran into the same gentleman who I saw at Bernds yesterday, and we got to talking. When I asked him for recommendations (which I had to do at this point because those who didn’t approach me seem to be so bored or aloof as to render my approach pointless) he referred me to a girl he enjoyed:
[b]Klaudia/Claudia of Romania [/b]
She’s blonde, 22, lots of fun, decent English, easy to talk to and has a nice bright smile. We chatted for a little bit before heading to the tents outside. (Many girls had mentioned that the owner shuts off A/C for the rooms in the summer. While I’m convinced it’s primarily a cheapskate measure I’m told that the official reason was that running A/C with all of the cigarette smoke floating around would profoundly damage the HVAC system.)
Claudia and I had a good time. We continued talking, she has some good (and coachable) oral skills, and she rode me cowgirl before we switched positions and I came while on top of her.
[b]When Will I Learn? [/b]
It got late, but I didn’t want to go back to the hotel. So, for whatever reason my idiot gear kicked in. “Why not find an optifuck for a quick blast?” I thought to myself. One of many bleach blonde, bronzed from head-to-toe, hourglass figure, model type clones approached me. It’s Anna from Hungary. I specifically asked her in German if she does DFK and DATY. She agreed, and then we headed off to one of the beds out back. As we lay down, I moved in to kiss her. She moved away from me and her head zoomed right to my crotch. As I pulled away I then asked her:
M: “Whoa, what are you doing?”
A: “Giving you a blow job.”
M: “I want to kiss you first.”
A: “No, I don’t like.” [Remember, she specifically agreed to this earlier.]
M: “OK, we’re done.”
I put on my towel, got up and walked away as fast as I could. Lesson learned: avoid pushy optifucks and [b]avoid[/b] Anna from Hungary
[b]Who Knew? [/b]
I was a bit discouraged from the last interaction and was quite frankly ready to head back to the hotel. Michelle from Switzerland stopped me and we spoke for a while. I told her I was a little tired, so I couldn’t promise much if we sessioned together.
We found another one of the beds outside to start. (By the way, why is it so hard to move the canopy up and down? Surely they can spring for some WD-40?) As she’s blowing me, she stood over me and bent down so I could see her glorious ass and pussy all in one shot. The view’s great but I’m more about the connection with a girl as opposed to the acrobatics she can do no matter how fantastic.
Eventually, almost one half hour passes and nothing’d happened yet. As I kissed her goodbye in what was meant to be a parting shot, I moved down to suck the side of her neck. She [i]really[/i] enjoyed this and her gentle, slow, passionate moaning showed it!
I liked this new side of Michelle that I hadn’t seen before. She revealed something, a certain vulnerability that endeared her to me all the more. This is an essential part of GFE.
In any event, I changed my mind and asked for an hour. At a gentler and more amorous pace, I came. “Another victory for Michelle!” I exclaimed afterward as I high-fived her.
Michelle’s one of Oase’s top and best-reviewed performers and deservedly so. I always knew that she was an energetic expert at PSE but I didn’t know that she could excel at GFE as well.
[QUOTE=Gfe Finder]I liked this new side of Michelle that I hadn’t seen before. She revealed something, a certain vulnerability that endeared her to me all the more. This is an essential part of GFE. [/QUOTE]
Great report Gfe Finder. As for the GFE, for me the above pretty much says it all. The GFE has nothing to do with what a girl does, it is about what she reveals. And it does not have to be much, just a little something more than "normal". You can not pay her to do this, the payment merely sets the stage where by it can happen.
But enough philosophy-as I say thanks for the tremendous reports.
OASE info?
I have been to oase once last year and I hope to do another trip soon. The following information would help alot.
1)Which is the correct train station in friedrichsdorf to get off at. There seems to be friedrichsdorf taunus, main HBF, Burgholzen. I need the station closest to oase, ie lowest cab fare.
2)I read taxis can be in low supply at friedrichsdorf station so if someone has 2/3 numbers for local firms would be good.
3) There is a summer party advertised for 27/28 August, does that mean alot more girls there those 2 days?
4) Can someone also confirm it is 50euro/30 minutes, and also whereas I have read at fkk palace 50euro gets you a very basic rushed type service, at oase does 50 get you a more relaxed half hour service generally?
5)finally do they give out robes as well as towels at oase, as I can never get the towels to stay firmly on? Robes are better for me.
Thanks alot to anyone who can help me with the above, it will without doubt make my trip from england to germany, much smoother.
Bye Mohab
Wed. 29.07
I've got very mixed feelings after my first visit to Oase but I think I'll return as soon as I can. Entry might not be cheap but at least you get very nice facilities, especially in summer when the weather is warm and you can enjoy the seats, the swimming pool and the barbecue. Not to mention our favourite activities that you can practise in the open air in front of everyone. On the other hand, the rules are interpreted quite freely by some girls, you can chat with a girl (+ fondling & kissing) for 20 minutes without being charged (yes, that happened to me but I'd warned the lady beforehand that a session was phisically impossible for me at that time). But some others want you to pay 50 Euros for just two kisses in the Kino stating the programme has started.
I sessioned with four girls, two great ones (Carina/ROM & Yvette/HUN), a good one (Judith/HUN) and a disaster (Mercedes/EGY - see the two kisses anecdote).
1) Carina joined me near the swimming pool after she'd just arrived at the club. As she had not worked and not had sex for two days, she was horny as hell!!! After a nice chat together in which I did if I weren't interested in her, she made feel her gorgeous pussy (with large labia) which was dripping wet. Incredibly wet it was and so I started to play with her and she accepted the invitation by giving me a very good BBBJ. We then move to a room where she cummed after quite a long DATY and the rest of the story is known to all of you (but still very enjoyable). 50 Euros well spent!
2) Yvette is the girl who I had a long chat with in the middle of the afternoon soon after my session with Carina. We stayed together in one of the deckchairs outside for quite a long time (at least 20 min) and we exchanged a great deal of kissing and fondling although she knew about my condition. Apart from that, Yvette is adorable and friendly and she has a very nice personality that has nothing to do with some of bitchy girls I came upon at Oase. Later in the evening, we met again in the Kino and in the end, we fucked in public (the place was full, btw). My GFE experience of recent times!!!
3) Judith is also a nice girl to be with (and a great kisser, too). However, I was not really convinced by her performance. Maybe I don't like her skinny body and tiny tits but once again, nothing wrong with that)
4) Mercedes might look like a hot pornstar (huge fake boobs, pierced pussy, spectacular make-up) but she’s above all a dangerous businesswoman. We all know these girls are there to make as much money as they can but the way she treated me lacked any humanity and tenderness (the opposite of Yvette, so to speak). After I’d seen her in the Kino, she talked to me and offered me to take a seat with her. I said to her that I couldn’t go to a room at that moment and offered her to make the move later but… She said the programme had already started and as she was leaving soon after (but she was still there three hours later), I had to pay her 50 Euros. Eventually, I decided to go to the room with her but I didn’t enjoy (you bet!). I will of course never repeat with her.
The garden at night?
Is the garden and pool open after dark? If so, can someone describe the difference to daytime? I have been there daytime, but cannot quite imagine being there after dark. Would the hilltop bed be available?
Re: The garden at night
[QUOTE=Suller Joe]Is the garden and pool open after dark? If so, can someone describe the difference to daytime? I have been there daytime, but cannot quite imagine being there after dark. Would the hilltop bed be available?[/QUOTE]When I was there, I walked around the garden and pool just after midnight so you can get there whenever you feel like it. I guess the hilltop bed is available but I have no idea if there are any lights nearby.
[QUOTE=Suller Joe]Is the garden and pool open after dark? If so, can someone describe the difference to daytime? I have been there daytime, but cannot quite imagine being there after dark. Would the hilltop bed be available?[/QUOTE]The main difference is that during the evening and the night outside is dark. About the hilltop bed it's available, but you have to find a girl available because it's cold.
[QUOTE=Suller Joe]Is the garden and pool open after dark? If so, can someone describe the difference to daytime? I have been there daytime, but cannot quite imagine being there after dark. Would the hilltop bed be available?[/QUOTE]
Yes, the pool and garden (including the hilltop bed) are open after dark.
The difference to daytime? It depends on the temperature, how many customers, day of week and more, but I think it is fair to say the garden is much quieter at night - except for the (smoking) area outside the saunas and the tents (when the rooms inside are occupied).
On warm summer nights I cannot imagine a better place to be than the Oase garden. You can swim naked in the pool with your favorite girl fooling around as foreplay, continue in one of the sunbeds or the hilltop bed, and relax in the afterglow looking at the stars at night. Ah, those memories ...
The only downside I can think of is poor lightings in the tents.
I also remember my first encounter with Timea which was in one of the tents late on a cold September night when all rooms inside were occupied. It was freezing!! We fucked furiously to get some warmth, but I was not able to cum no matter what she did to me because I felt so uncomfortable. Terrible experience. But still a nice girl!!! ;-)
[QUOTE=Mohab]4) Can someone also confirm it is 50euro/30 minutes, and also whereas I have read at fkk palace 50euro gets you a very basic rushed type service, at oase does 50 get you a more relaxed half hour service generally?
5)finally do they give out robes as well as towels at oase, as I can never get the towels to stay firmly on? Robes are better for me.[/QUOTE]4) Yes, 50 euro for 30 minutes with DFK (usually provided), BBBJ and fuck in many positions. In my opinion it's not a rushed type service, and usually after you did your job the girls stay with you in the room smoking a cigarette or chatting, but you have to choose the right girl. My suggestion is to avoid the romanian girls that approach you and after 10 second they ask to go in the room. In this case you will get probably a cold rushed service.
5) I have seen someone wandering with robe but maybe you have to ask for it whereas the towels are provided in quantity.
No info about 1, 2, 3.
@ Mohab
[QUOTE=Mohab] 1)Which is the correct train station in friedrichsdorf to get off at. There seems to be friedrichsdorf taunus, main HBF, Burgholzen. I need the station closest to oase, ie lowest cab fare. [/QUOTE]
Get off at Friedrichsdorf station (“bahnhof”). There is only one Friedrichsdorf station. When you get on the S5 train, signs will inform you of the next stations, so do not worry about that.
I think what you mean is that Burgolzhausen is sometimes known as “Friedrichsdorf – Burgolzhausen”, which only means that Burgolzhausen is a small village (“dorf”) close to a major village called Friedrichsdorf.
The closest train station to Oase is of course Burgolzhausen, but it is usually not recommended to try this because it is so much more time consuming for only a few euros saved (the hassle with changing of trains at Friedrichsdorf station (to the HLB train), the HLB train only goes once every hour and not at night or on Sundays (Saturday’s schedule unknown to me), no taxis available at Burgolzhausen station, and still there is a 20 mnts walk to Oase, and you have to know in which direction to start walking).
It is therefore recommended to get off the S5 train at Friedrichsdorf (usually one or two taxis and 10 euro with a tip for the taxi ride) or Bad Homburg (plenty of taxis and 15 euro with a tip for the taxi ride).
[QUOTE=Mohab] 2)I read taxis can be in low supply at friedrichsdorf station so if someone has 2/3 numbers for local firms would be good. [/QUOTE]
See [url]http://internationalsexguide.info/forum/showpost.php?p=925703&postcount=4552[/url]
[QUOTE=Mohab] 3) There is a summer party advertised for 27/28 August, does that mean alot more girls there those 2 days? [/QUOTE]
Well, IME it is more like a normal Saturday evening (which is good), and far better than the usual August weekend when many top acts are on summer holiday.
One good thing about the summer party is that the Oase team on this occasion really make an effort to present excellent food. How about the rest of the year, Mauro …?
[QUOTE=Mohab] 4) Can someone also confirm it is 50euro/30 minutes, and also whereas I have read at fkk palace 50euro gets you a very basic rushed type service, at oase does 50 get you a more relaxed half hour service generally? [/QUOTE]
It is 50euro/30 minutes for the standard BBBJ and covered sex. DFK (or at least LFK) and DATY are usually also provided by most girls at Oase without extra cost (as far as I know the Oase girls are not permitted to charge extra for DFK/DATY). CIM/Anal is extra. Almost all girls will offer CIM, while IME quite a few will also offer Anal. Just remember to ask before you commit yourself.
The endless Oase vs Palace debate, haha … ;-) Yes, IME there is a HUGE difference in the service standards at Oase and Palace, and normally I have no problems getting a solid 50 euro club sesson with lots of DFK/DATY/GFE for the full 30 mnts at Oase. Others will have different experiences, and I respect that. Just remember there are no guarantees at either of those places. Although Palace IME seems to be more shark infested, there are some bad apples at Oase too. Also, to a certain extent it is up to you to get the A game out of a girl. As a start you should be clean, respectful and playful (cheerful) with the girls, and remember to take your time before picking a girl. Trust gut feeling and search for chemistry. Happy hunting! :-)
[QUOTE=Mohab] 5)finally do they give out robes as well as towels at oase, as I can never get the towels to stay firmly on? Robes are better for me. [/QUOTE]
I never use robes and leave to others to confirm. Some guys wear robes at Oase, so I guess it is possible.
Hi Gooroox.
I've been to Oase many times and haven't been cheated...
If Mercedes did not have your dick in her mouth, then the program has not started and you can bailout anytime! I would complain at to the reception if she claim otherwise.
I'll let you known when I back in Germany, next week I'm going to London for Lady M party.
Nille Copenhagen
Robe answer
[QUOTE=Shark16]I never use robes and leave to others to confirm. Some guys wear robes at Oase, so I guess it is possible.[/QUOTE]You'll get a robe at the reception after paying, if you don't then ask for it.
I usually also prefer towel only. If you drop your towel just pick it up and put it back on like nothing has happening, the girls have seen this 1000 times.
[QUOTE=Shark16]DFK (or at least LFK) and DATY are usually also provided by most girls at Oase without extra cost (as far as I know the Oase girls are not permitted to charge extra for DFK/DATY).[/QUOTE]
It feels weird to quote my own post, but this 60 mnts editing limit is terrible, and I hope I am forgiven for making this supplement:
The Oase girls are of course in their full right to refuse providing a service as DFK or DATY to any guest should they feel so, and it should be cleared out with the girl before you commit yourself if those services are important to you. IME I am yet to be refused DATY, but I regret to say that a couple of girls do not see me as kissable. ;-) In those cases this should be respected without argument of course.
But still, I stick with what I have previously said that IME most Oase girls will provide DFK (or at least LFK) and DATY as part of their standard service.
Who kiss and who does not? I believe listing girls is pretty much useless, as this is a typical YMMV situation. You just need to try your luck out there.
The Oase girls are of course in their full right to refuse providing a service as DFK or DATY to any guest should they feel so. [/QUOTE]
Be careful with that. DFK and DATY should be included in the standard FKK 30 minutes for 50 EUR. If a girl does not kiss (which is OK, it's her choice) or DATY, she should tell you upfront before taking you to the cinema or a room. Then you can decide wether you go with her or not. If she does tell you in the room and you are not OK with her reduced service - leave the room and don't pay her.
Hey HB,
Thanks for your comments.
I have always thought DFK/DATY was a bit of a "grey area" where a guy had a certain obligation to check things out in advance with the girl. But you are a German and far more experienced at the FKK's than I ever will be, so I trust you on this. I will keep this in mind. Thanks for the tip!
Thanks for your report Gooroox.
Can you give some better descriptions to the girls you sessioned with for height, hair colour & physical attributes.
Even on German boards there's discussions bout this. But I stick to what I posted as this was the package in the good old days.
Description of some girls
I'll try to give the most accurate description of the girls I can. Hopefully the view of all those hot naked female bodies did not interfere too much with my memories.
1) Judith (HUN) : about 1m65, very skinny, tiny breasts, green/blue eyes, long curly brown hair, big mouth
2) Carina (ROM, says she's Spanish) : about 1m60, curvy girl with C-cup boobs and IMHO hot ass, a few tattoos, pierced belly button, large pussy lips, curly half long black hair, sexy attitude and big smile, tanned body
3) Yvette (HUN) : about 1m70, her back is tattooed with Japanese symbols from her neck to her bottom, C-cup boobs (little tattoo above the right tit), pierced tongue and belly button, not the most beautiful girl at Oase but a real woman in spite of her young age (around 21), long ash blonde hair that she wears in a ponytail
4) Mercedes (EGY) : about 1M60, pornstar looks, huge fake boobs (E/F-cups), noticeable pierced pussy, wears Amy Winehouse-like makeup, brownish/tanned skin, curly long black hair, you can't walk past her without noticing her extravagant looks
Other girls that you might be interested in
5) Yamila (CUB) : about 1M70, ebony girl with a great smile and a hot body, natural C-cups boobs, very friendly attitude, sexy legs and ass, straight long black hair, around 30 y
6) Celia (CAM, says she’s Brazilian) : about 1m80, speaks French fluently, ebony girl, very long hot legs, hot ass, fake D-cup boobs, straight long black hair, a bit pushy but friendly
I never use robes and leave to others to confirm. Some guys wear robes at Oase, so I guess it is possible.[/QUOTE]Robes are possible and free for the asking at Oase, and TMK, at most clubs.
Personally, I have no inhibitions about my towel falling off, or showing anatomy to all concerned. The robes have two or more pockets, to store any accessory's that you might wish to keep with you. And thus, just makes things easier.
Pictures at the Exhibition
On the side, there was an interesting show going on with a gentleman who seemed to want only a public blowjob and he was being serviced by Adriana of Czech Republic – over an hour, wherever you went, you would see this guy seated/ standing with Adriana giving him a blow job! He would, literally, take her in tow to different locations and then open his towel to start. I caught up with Adriana after he was done and she was taking a break for food. As a result, my last experience was with her and I was literally done by the time she finished with me.
This must be the same fellow who BC had mentioned in a previous post. I. E walking all around the club with Adrianna clamped on to his member.
Only in FKK land!
[QUOTE=Mohab]I have been to oase once last year and I hope to do another trip soon. The following information would help alot.
1)Which is the correct train station in friedrichsdorf to get off at. There seems to be friedrichsdorf taunus, main HBF, Burgholzen. I need the station closest to oase, ie lowest cab fare.
2)I read taxis can be in low supply at friedrichsdorf station so if someone has 2/3 numbers for local firms would be good.[/QUOTE]There is only 1 station in Friedrichsdorf & it is the last stop anyway. When purchasing your ticket, the machine will give you 2 choices. Make sure you press Friedrichsdorf Taunus. There are usually 3-4 taxis waiting in the parking lot. If all are gone, just wait as they usually return in 5-10 minutes.
You can take a local train from Friedrichsdorf to Burgholzen, but there will be no taxi waiting. You have to walk.
Gooroox thanks for the complete and accurate descriptions of the girls.
I'll report back if I see any of them.
Oase riot act read out
[QUOTE=Shark16] The Oase girls are of course in their full right to refuse providing a service as DFK or DATY to any guest should they feel so, and it should be cleared out with the girl before you commit yourself if those services are important to you. IME I am yet to be refused DATY, but I regret to say that a couple of girls do not see me as kissable. ;-) In those cases this should be respected without argument of course.
But still, I stick with what I have previously said that IME most Oase girls will provide DFK (or at least LFK) and DATY as part of their standard service.
Who kiss and who does not? I believe listing girls is pretty much useless, as this is a typical YMMV situation. You just need to try your luck out there.[/QUOTE]
Shark16 and Hessen Bub
2 weeks ago on a Friday at 19:30 a staff meeting was called for all girls in the club. All girls had to go to the top floor for annoucements. So the club was devoid of women and only men were left in the Oase halls and garden. So imagine entering Oase at 19:35 and seeing only men in the club looking at each other. He probably thinks he is in a gay club.
Anyway the annoucements was just a reminder to the girls of the rules at Oase. This is not the full list but the gist was:
1. Kissing must be with tongues (french kissing)
2. Blowjob given without condom (ohne gummi)
3. Chewing gum is forbidden (verboten) and is penalised with 20 euro fine to the house
4. No penis to vagina/anus sexual intercourse allowed without condom.
5. Girls must talk in German or in English when in the club (some read this as the Romanians are not supposed to go talking in Romanian to each yelling across the club).
6. the club is a FKK so nudity is required - exposure of breasts and muschis
There were a few other annoucements but I did not pay attention to get the full story.
These staff meetings tend to happen at Oase a fair bit as several have occurred this year as far as I know.
[QUOTE=Strato]On the side, there was an interesting show going on with a gentleman who seemed to want only a public blowjob and he was being serviced by Adriana of Czech Republic – over an hour, wherever you went, you would see this guy seated/ standing with Adriana giving him a blow job! He would, literally, take her in tow to different locations and then open his towel to start. I caught up with Adriana after he was done and she was taking a break for food. As a result, my last experience was with her and I was literally done by the time she finished with me.
This must be the same fellow who BC had mentioned in a previous post. I. E walking all around the club with Adrianna clamped on to his member.
Only in FKK land!
Dear All,
If its the same guy then he is a plump German man. His nick name is the Pevert since he always makes the girls suck and fuck him in public. His usual girls are Rebecca (bg), Judith (hu) and Adriana (cz). All girls that have excellent owo skills.
You would be sitting at a couch having a coffee and there would be Rebecca upside down hanging off the couch sucking this man's penis from under his belly or Judith on her knees as he stands watching the TV in the dining area. It is much fun catching this man in action.
I find it hard enough to get a girl to blow me in the cinema. This guy must have charm.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]I find it hard enough to get a girl to blow me in the cinema. This guy must have charm.[/QUOTE]Dear Basketcase,
I'm really honoured to write to you for the first time, I've been following your posts for such a long time! Congratulations for all what you've contributed to this forum, your information is always valuable and useful!
As far as getting a girl to blow you in the cinema is concerned, I was lucky enough to get a public BBBJ by great Hungarian girl Yvette and it was followed by some very hot sex in public! But I don't knnow if she's the kind of girl you usually go for.
[QUOTE=Se Manoy]Question is it real when person talks about spending 45 to 50 min or some time over hour of straight sex. Failed few times even after cialis. I talk to girl for atleast 15 min, Not included in time.
My routine is oral 5 to 6 min with fingure pussy DFK etc etc. Girl on top 5 to 6 min this position usually I would not initiat different position. Doggy 4 to 6 min. Me on top or side 4 to 6 min If allowed one legged 2 min. Blowjob 3 to 4 min CIM. I come close to 22 to 25 min.
Also few time I lost desire to continue though I was hard enough but I guess that more to do with girls and her attitude then me.So unless person is having multiple pop than I would say hour may be possible but otherwise it may be.
Guys what is the secret?[/QUOTE]
Se Manoy,
I have thought about your question a lot over the months. I see this German man that books a girl each time her comes and in public he makes her suck him for half a hour then fuck him for over half a hour non stop and real rough too such that she is moaning and screaming sometimes. Real cinematic experience for those that get their rocks off in the cinema.
So anyway I take this same girl and I fuck her non stop for over one hour in missionary mainly. I impress myself.
She was a lovely fuck.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]You would be sitting at a couch having a coffee and there would be Rebecca upside down hanging off the couch sucking this man's penis from under his belly or Judith on her knees as he stands watching the TV in the dining area. It is much fun catching this man in action.[/QUOTE]I'm very surprised reading that Judith does sex in public, she seems to be a sweet and discreet girl not answering to this kind of requests.*
Anyway it's obvious that I'm going wrong, and that these girls are moneyhaolic.*
Monday at Oase
It's been a few years since I last sampled Oase. It was on my route north, decided to stop in. It was quite when I arrived at about 2. Just a few ladies and not that many guys.
I got a coke and sat down to relax after 3 hours drive in from Stuttgart. A nice Romanian lady came over to talk to me. I can't remember her name, but nice lady. Not the regular skin and bones Romanian. She had a nice full rack, a bit of tummy fat and a smooth skin covering her generous ass. Typically, I find Romanians a bit pushy. But this lady was nice. Though I was tired from the drive, wanting to rest some and check out the scene. She talked me into a warm up session. Nice enough. She was on top of me for a long time, grinding away.
Next. I started talking to a tall black lady. She said she was from Brazil. We talked for a while. She pushed me to take her to a room. I avoided her a few times. A latin lady with blonde hair came over to chat with us. First she said she was from Mexico. We talked and I concluded she was not from Mexico. Nice boobs. In the room, her ass was very soft. A good session overall. In the end she said she was from Columbia.
I saw a nice couple of ladies, went over to chat. One with blonde hair, Greek. Athena. Her friend tall Italian Rafaella. I was really interested in Rafaella. But when I learned the blonde was the Greek blonde. I had to ask her for a session. She was ok. Similar to other reports. A lot of time 69. Given all the write ups. I'd say she was so-so. Gave me funny little kisses. Her mouth closed with her tongue sticking out a little, wiggling it side to side.
Later. Over dinner. I invited myself to sit with them again. We had a very nice chat about Italy and the ladies there today. It's always interesting to hear the ladies talk about each other.
After dinner, back inside. A tall blonde with a great figure, nice boobs. We started talking. She said she's from Panama. I was a bit tired. But she was so hot. I had to ask old Bob if he was up for another round. He took one look at her and said, hell yes. She didn't have much nice to say about the place or Germans in general. She kept talking about going back to Thailand where she stayed most of the year. I thought it strange a lady from Panama would live in Koh Samui. No kissing. Just down to business. Her skin was soft, her body firm. I really liked her.
I chatted with Michelle from Switzerland. Of the ladies there. I only recognized Michelle and a still beautiful blonde from Slovokia. Michelle showed the miles of working there for so many years. She's lost weight. Doesn't have that sexy bounce she once had and her boobs are starting to sag. The lady from Slovokia. I wanted to talk with her. Previously she's been very nice to talk with, introducing me to her friends.
It was about 8. I was debating to hit the road and Rafaella came over to talk. God, what a body. Over dinner, I got her to laugh and smile a bit. It helped break down the serious look she typically carries. Like the other reports. Wow. A graceful start then she moved into action.
My sense of the day. I really enjoyed the italian Rafaella. Perhaps because we spent a good amount of time talking. I highly recommend her. The tall lady from Panama with the great body was quite nice. I'd say my third pick of the day was the fuller figured Romanian.
I talked a few times with the tall German girl from Berlin. I can't remember her name. Though I typically avoid the Germans, she is really sexy.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]Shark16 and Hessen Bub
2 weeks ago on a Friday at 19:30 a staff meeting was called for all girls in the club. All girls had to go to the top floor for annoucements. Anyway the annoucements was just a reminder to the girls of the rules at Oase. This is not the full list but the gist was:
1. Kissing must be with tongues (french kissing)
2. Blowjob given without condom (ohne gummi)
3. Chewing gum is forbidden (verboten) and is penalised with 20 euro fine to the house
4. No penis to vagina/anus sexual intercourse allowed without condom.
5. Girls must talk in German or in English when in the club (some read this as the Romanians are not supposed to go talking in Romanian to each yelling across the club).
6. the club is a FKK so nudity is required - exposure of breasts and muschis
There were a few other annoucements but I did not pay attention to get the full story.
These staff meetings tend to happen at Oase a fair bit as several have occurred this year as far as I know.[/QUOTE]
Good to know that the girls are reminded of the rules now and then - hopefully when I get there at end of August they will be kept!
[QUOTE=Jdbkk555]I talked a few times with the tall German girl from Berlin. I can't remember her name. Though I typically avoid the Germans, she is really sexy.[/QUOTE]If she has little eyes and a quite large rack, that could be Annabelle (who's in fact half-Korean)
[QUOTE=Basketcase]2 weeks ago on a Friday at 19:30 a staff meeting was called for all girls in the club. All girls had to go to the top floor for annoucements. So the club was devoid of women and only men were left in the Oase halls and garden. So imagine entering Oase at 19:35 and seeing only men in the club looking at each other. He probably thinks he is in a gay club.
Anyway the annoucements was just a reminder to the girls of the rules at Oase. This is not the full list but the gist was:
1. Kissing must be with tongues (french kissing)
2. Blowjob given without condom (ohne gummi)
3. Chewing gum is forbidden (verboten) and is penalised with 20 euro fine to the house
4. No penis to vagina/anus sexual intercourse allowed without condom.
5. Girls must talk in German or in English when in the club (some read this as the Romanians are not supposed to go talking in Romanian to each yelling across the club).
6. the club is a FKK so nudity is required - exposure of breasts and muschis
These staff meetings tend to happen at Oase a fair bit as several have occurred this year as far as I know.[/QUOTE]
Yes, these meeting happen on a regular basis in Oase. And the impact is rather low, it does help for a while and then they have to be remembered. Or they throw one or two girls out of the club to make their points clear.
HB (#4 is a joke ... ;) )
[QUOTE=Jdbkk555]I talked a few times with the tall German girl from Berlin. I can't remember her name. Though I typically avoid the Germans, she is really sexy.[/QUOTE]
Could be Sunny, tall, long blond hair with highlights (last time I saw her they were pink I think), fake boobs. Always gives me great service.
Last friday I was at Andiamo in Villach where the first girl in the room told me she never kiss and here the boss do meeting to tell girls what they have to do..... that's say a lot how FKK in German and in Austria are owned....and that's why in future I will try to go more often to German....
p.s. it is not the first time I listen girls do not kiss in Villach...
p.p.s. I do not get well the point of no-chewing gum as it is the smallest disappoint a girl can give us, so far as she put away it in bedroom...
[QUOTE=Lukasek]p.p.s. I do not get well the point of no-chewing gum as it is the smallest disappoint a girl can give us, so far as she put away it in bedroom...[/QUOTE]
I have no quarrel with gum chewers as long as they take it out when they have little A close to the chompers....
[QUOTE=Basketcase]2 weeks ago on a Friday at 19:30 a staff meeting was called for all girls in the club. All girls had to go to the top floor for annoucements. So the club was devoid of women and only men were left in the Oase halls and garden. So imagine entering Oase at 19:35 and seeing only men in the club looking at each other. He probably thinks he is in a gay club.
Anyway the annoucements was just a reminder to the girls of the rules at Oase. This is not the full list but the gist was:
1. Kissing must be with tongues (french kissing)
2. Blowjob given without condom (ohne gummi)
3. Chewing gum is forbidden (verboten) and is penalised with 20 euro fine to the house
4. No penis to vagina/anus sexual intercourse allowed without condom.
5. Girls must talk in German or in English when in the club (some read this as the Romanians are not supposed to go talking in Romanian to each yelling across the club).
6. the club is a FKK so nudity is required - exposure of breasts and muschis
There were a few other annoucements but I did not pay attention to get the full story.[/QUOTE]
Hey BC,
You once again impress me with your intel. How do you do it? Let me guess ... does it involve a wig, heavy makeup, blingbling, high heels, lowcut skirt, and a small fashionable bag? ... LOL. Ah, just kidding. ;-)
Well, now I stand corrected by both HB and BC. I wish I never wrote that report ... ;-)
As DFK is not crucial to me, I usually do not ask for this in advance when I am at Oase. Still, 90- 95% of the girls will provide this service automatically (or at least LFK, which is fine by me). And up to date I have never heard any Oase girl request money for DFK/LFK. I cannot say I am that "lucky" at Palace, which is one of the reasons for my preference for Oase.
The important thing to me is that a girl has a game. Maybe Veronica/Veronika (Latvia) does not always DFK or have a complete game, but her no teeth DT BBBJTC is a winner no matter what and 100 euros well spent.
As always I have had a fantastic summer at Oase (even in the slow period), but that you know and probably are bored of hearing, so in stead I will share a couple of letdowns for the benefit of our community:
Negative recommendations:
Sabrina, Romania
Description: Late 20s, large C/D chest slightly sagging, dark tanned skin (gypsylooking), medium long dark brown hair, medium height.
Notes: She sometimes calls herself Mia/Mya or Marianna/Maryanna and says she is Dutch/Colombian or Dutch/Venezuelan or Dutch/Uruguay, but spend 95% of her time chatting with her Romanian friends. Go figure.
I was totally ripped off by this girl at Palace a couple of years back (see [url]http://internationalsexguide.info/forum/showpost.php?p=836476&postcount=3632[/url] ), and regret to say she has been observed at Oase this summer. Avoid!
Neutral recommendation:
Melissa, Romania
Description: She is IMHO the hottestlooking girl (“supermodel”) at Oase this summer (when Crina is not around): Early 20s, pretty face, perfect C/D chest, ass to die for, legs longer than Dedalus can imagine(!), pale white skin, short dark hair, medium/tall girl.
Notes: Claims to be from Venezuela speaking Spanish, but she normally hangs around with the Romanians.
A typical optifuck. A winner for the guys looking for the hottest girl around, but IME her performance was weak (passive/starfish). It could be a matter of YMMV of course (I really wish!!), but I will not repeat unless maybe, if I read some glowing reports on her.
Suggestion: If she approaches you and your little one screams for her attention, skip her politely and go find Crina. Same bodytype but with a totally different performance (GFE).
With two bad reports on Romanian girls this may fuel the anti-Romanian clan among us, but I refuse to discriminate. There are two many sweet and well performing Romaniacs at Oase at the moment (see my previous reports).
Still horsing around with Miss Venezuela (Gabriela) whenever I can …
tall asian looking German girl
[QUOTE=Gooroox]If she has little eyes and a quite large rack, that could be Annabelle (who's in fact half-Korean)[/QUOTE]Ah. Yes. That's her. Sort of the albino asian girl look with a german accent.
[QUOTE=Vito Corleone]
You can take a local train from Friedrichsdorf to Burgholzen, but there will be no taxi waiting. You have to walk.
Burgholzhausen I think, or actually officially "Burgholzhausen vor der Höhe" (before the heights). Just thought I would add a pompous note. ;) They have weird names here.
Oase is at Nadelmühle which seems to mean something like "needle mill". Nothing to do with nudity :) but a lot of pricking going on.
[QUOTE=Syzygies]Burgholzhausen I think, or actually officially "Burgholzhausen vor der Höhe" (in front the heights). Just thought I would add a pompous note. ;) They have weird names here.[/QUOTE]
And these weird names do make sense as there's another Burgholzhausen approx. 350km from Frankfurt.
1. Kissing must be with tongues (french kissing)
2. Blowjob given without condom (ohne gummi)
3. Chewing gum is forbidden (verboten) and is penalised with 20 euro fine to the house
6. the club is a FKK so nudity is required - exposure of breasts and muschis
I must really try to make a Friday night, but will be hell to pay if I don't answer the phone at night time! :mad:
I wonder what happens if the guy's mouth is foul, or his dick is foul. I suppose the girl must just avoid him.
On a recent Sunday some male guests, possibly with very prim and proper religious customs, were being severely spoken to due to wearing swimming shorts while swimming and under their towels. Not normally permitted I guess, but many male guests with robes seem over dressed to me (but who cares). The same guys with shorts had no issue with fingering a naked girl outside in the open!
The girl I was with surreptitiously had some gum to keep her mouth fresh. No problem. She took it out.
Syzygies fucking Ricky / Riccarda
Have you managed to fuck uber blond Ricky / Riccarda (DE) yet?
She is sure swell to look at and does a nice blow job - a specialty. She worked Friday and Saturday the weekend past.
[QUOTE=Syzygies] On a recent Sunday some male guests, possibly with very prim and proper religious customs, were being severely spoken to due to wearing swimming shorts while swimming and under their towels. Not normally permitted I guess, but many male guests with robes seem over dressed to me (but who cares). The same guys with shorts had no issue with fingering a naked girl outside in the open! [/QUOTE]
Those boys were the Italiani version of the Beach Boys. Lucky they did not sing. Quite colourful board shorts they were wearing. LOL.
I saw on Friday that some Japanese men were wearing their under pants under their towels and one of the Japanese drew a crowd of 20 Romanian girls when he refused to pay a Romanian girl 100 euro when he did more than one half hour (over 30 minutes) and he claimed it was only 20 minutes. I know the Romanian girl well and spend lots of time with her. She also takes a decent load on her face like a trooper. Messy but damn sexy. Like porno movie.
If a guy has a dick like a horse (not as big but as dirty) the girl should send him away or to the showers and avoid him, nobody can force the girl to a BBBJ in that case. Same for DFK.
[QUOTE=Syzygies] 1. I wonder what happens if the guy's mouth is foul, or his dick is foul. I suppose the girl must just avoid him.
2. The girl I was with surreptitiously had some gum to keep her mouth fresh. No problem. She took it out.[/QUOTE]
1. I do not know. I have not had experience at Oase where a girl has refused me. I do know I keep meticously clean. Neela says to me that every time she sees me I am showering. Neela is a nice fuck. All holes girl.
I have seen or rather smelt some foul smelling men in the club and I wonder what the girls do when the man demands to fuck a girl and that smelly man is all over them. I guess they are professionals and go for it. I have not really seen any men been refused. I have heard of anecdotes but these are not hygiene related more like personal issues.
I know one girl says if the man is real hairy around his penis she puts a paper towel with a hole pushed in over his penis to push back the hair so she can suck his penis.
One time I nearly had to retch when a man walked by me and he just stank of whatever he normally eats from his country.
I should ask the girls what they do if there is man that they do not want to go with. I did see one crazy Egyptian girl run away from a Turkish man who was booking her for more than one hour.
2. The chewing gum ban relates to cleaning costs when the gum is caught in the bins or on the floor or stuck in towels or on bed sheets etc... It is not about refusing the girls the opportunity to have fresh breath. Also girls can use mouth wash.
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub] HB (#4 is a joke ... ;) )[/QUOTE]
Yes it is HB.
I guess they are professionals and go for it. I have not really seen any men been refused. I have heard of anecdotes but these are not hygiene related more like personal issues.
Girls I know well (at Palace) report they will avoid guys for various reasons including foul stink.
One Italian guy, I feel sorry for, because he regularly gets knock backs purely due to having a cock like a coke bottle. He is a really nice guy and seems to accept he must choose a girl who likes it huge. Some comfort to us mere mortals.
Other known guys get avoided because they try to get away with no condom.
Others get given a wide berth purely from being an arsehole.
Have you managed to fuck uber blond Ricky / Riccarda (DE) yet?
She is sure swell to look at and does a nice blow job - a specialty. She worked Friday and Saturday the weekend past.[/QUOTE]
Makes it worse now I know I missed an opportunity.
No chance yet, but maybe this Friday.
Just fantasies so far. :(
You really must get an "on screen" keyboard and enable Deutsch, so you can spell "über" :D
At least you can spell "muschi" O.K. richtig.
I like my iphone with several language alphabets, but its still normally too inconvenient to make a post.
[QUOTE=Syzygies]1. Makes it worse now I know I missed an opportunity.
No chance yet, but maybe this Friday.
Just fantasies so far. :(
2. You really must get an "on screen" keyboard and enable Deutsch, so you can spell "über" :D
At least you can spell "muschi".
I like my iphone with several language alphabets, but its still normally too inconvenient to make a post.[/QUOTE]
1. She is real pretty with a fantastic slim, leggy no tattoos marred body, B cups, shoulder lenght platinum blond hair. She will be German so take that into account. She has said to the French crews that she is Hungarian since she and Johanna have complained that some men do not book German girls since they are German and the connatations that go with that.
2. I cannot be assed.
[QUOTE=Syzygies]...On a recent Sunday some male guests, possibly with very prim and proper religious customs, were being severely spoken to due to wearing swimming shorts while swimming and under their towels. Not normally permitted I guess, but many male guests with robes seem over dressed to me (but who cares)...[/QUOTE]
I am not sure I understand correctly: Can I wear a, normal, bathing suit in the outside area during sunbathing or not ( only towels or naked ) ?
[QUOTE=Go Goguy]I'm very surprised reading that Judith does sex in public, she seems to be a sweet and discreet girl not answering to this kind of requests.*
Anyway it's obvious that I'm going wrong, and that these girls are moneyhaolic.*[/QUOTE]
Go Goguy,
Judith does indeed do public sex like most of the Oase girls. She does suck man penis and take a hard penis in her muschi for all to see in most places in Oase like kino, garden loungers, garden cabanas and in the relax area and in the dining area, etc...
Just ask and insist on it as a part of the session.
[QUOTE=Lukasek]I am not sure I understand correctly: Can I wear a, normal, bathing suit in the outside area during sunbathing or not ( only towels or naked ) ?[/QUOTE]
You must be naked in my opinion. The Italiani Beach Boys in their Board shorts were told to take them off.
[QUOTE=Gooroox]Dear Basketcase,
I'm really honoured to write to you for the first time, I've been following your posts for such a long time! Congratulations for all what you've contributed to this forum, your information is always valuable and useful!
As far as getting a girl to blow you in the cinema is concerned, I was lucky enough to get a public BBBJ by great Hungarian girl Yvette and it was followed by some very hot sex in public! But I don't knnow if she's the kind of girl you usually go for.
Hallo gooroox,
Nice to write to you too. It is always good to use different sources like you have to glean information. Issue is the multi language required to get that information.
Yvette is a good girl. One of the Hungarian gang at Oase. We talk and hang out at times.
Do not worry I get public sex when it is convenient. On my trip recently I did have several sessions involving kissing, body licking, blowjob and penetrative sex in the cinema with a paid for partner that was most willing and was very dazzling for me to fuck.
[QUOTE=Gooroox]If she has little eyes and a quite large rack, that could be Annabelle (who's in fact half-Korean)[/QUOTE]
Annabelle is an interesting one. At times I see her not booked for hours and then she is booked for extended sessions and I do not see her for hours.
I was trying to find her to present to Ocean Bear 1 but I did not find her until 19:35 since starting to look for her at 13:40 when I pointed her out to Ocean Bear 2.
On my last trip of 3 days I did do 9 sessions covering 13.75 hours in the room (average of 1.5 hours per booking) with CIM, COB and anal extras several times.
[QUOTE=Soldier Boy]Hi Troops,
I am on a mini FKK tour to Deutschland next week and plan to be in Oase next Wednesday (4th August).
I ve not been there for 3 years or so but very much enjoyed myself when I did party there in the past. I have a few questions which my fellow mongers may be able to help me out with.
1. What time does Oase open and close on a Wednesday.
2. What day is Dessous Tag. Hopefully not on a Wednesday as I like my girls naked.
3. How much is it to get in. If I remember rightly it was 70 or 80 Euros.
4. Do they serve alcohol there. They didn t when I was there previously. If not would I be allowed to take my own alcohol in there with me.
5. Are there are girls who are likely to be working on a Wednesday who come highly recommended and give a great PSE GFE experience.
6. All info will be greatly received. Just for the record my FKK tour will take in Oase on Wednesday, Bernds on Thursday and Goldentime on Friday. If any fellow mongers are around on those days we can maybe meet up and swap notes.
Thanks lads. Alles Gut.
1 10 am to 5 am
2 Thursdays
3 65 euro
4 Yes, alcohol is served but you need to buy a drink token from reception and take it to the bar to buy your drink.
5 Yes
6 There was a crew of Ocean Bears at GT on your Friday visit starting at 14:00. Did you see them? They would have been wearing white robes that make them look like Polar Bears. Cannot miss them.
[QUOTE=Forzagermania]There's nothing wrong with the Oase-lineup at the moment. Yes, a lot of regular girls went on holiday but yesterday (24-7) aprox. 90-100 girls were present over the whole day. And even the food was very well...with a kind of Indoor-BBQ.
Did sessions with:
Ella (Rus), small, blond, early 20's, lot's of tattoo's but excellent skills !
Tessa (Ger), tall stunner brunette,22y, session was OK with DFK, BBBJ and a good fuck. Also provides anal and CIM.
Carolina (PL), small, blonde,end 20's, GFE-session.
My friend sessioned with:
Roberta (Rom): brunette, early 20's and no repeat material and good sessions with Laura (LV), Julia (PL) and Lila (PL).
Hallo Forzagermania,
I do agree with your friend that Laura, Julia and Lila are nice fucks. I did have these girls polish my hard penis with their mouths and tongues and did fuck them as best I could until I come inside them. I did not fuck Roberta yet as she is not my girl.
Ella is an interesting one. She was rejected by a North American man for not being a seductor and instead moving to business. When Ocean Bear 1 went with her he did spend one hour in the room with Ella where Ocean Bear 1 was shown his paces. Ella looks similar to Lana with her slim athletic body and body tattoos.
Tessa does look very nice and the fact she does CIM and anal improves the score for me.
I have been with Carolina before and she is nice but her owo was toothy. Great kisser. She just kisses and kisses. I would just make her kiss my entire body she is such a nice kisser and licker. Definitely end 20s since a bit drawn in the face.
I think you will like Dora (Russia). Speaking of Russians Steffie worked last weekend totally. We did hang out together.
Morning Gentlemen,
I leave for the promised land in about 10 minutes and have had no time to research prior to this trip (FKK is not the purpose of the trip, just an added perk). On this trip, I will have very limited FKK time and am trying to decide between World and Oase. Had a quite ho hum and lack luster experience at Oase during that last go around. Anyhow, every place has an off day I am sure and to help me decide, I have two quick questions reference Oase at present:
1- Has the air conditioning issue been fixed?
2- Any recent Michelle (Swiss) sightings?
Report(s) to come.
Oase August update
This is the feed back gleamed from recent chats and back channel....
It is a rare thing but there was a total lack of top women in the club in the past weeks. Girl feed back has been that the club is dead. Many top acts are away. It has been reported already that most of the Bulgarian crew are away until September when the messes start again. Only redeeming Bulgarians are Izzy and Maggie.
Also very few customers - on holidays or child care. Few girls. Lack of atmosphere. Catastrophic. Oase not recommended to be visited.
The few top acts were doing heaps of business.
Hungarian contingent in full force and actually beefed up e.g Jennifer and her sister. All the usual culprits from the Hungarian gang. Cularo will be pleased. Qubei - there was Barbie for you. For Blue there was Timea. For the ones that like them young, nubile and very blond there was Vivian.
For Forzagermania - not much except Steffie. Balkan crews were represented.
Polish contingent is down. Mainly Julia, Lila and Alicia.
For the Ocean Bears there was Karina and Lana.
Hordes of unidentifiable Romanians as always.... Okay, I do know them.... So much fun since they do hang out with social time. At one time I was on a lounger in the sauna and had a pile up of 3 naked Romanians sleeping on and with me. One on each side and one in between my legs. I was a bit squashed and I was tired so I let them. There was a premium on sauna loungers as it was cold outside. A nice several hours there recuperating with girls all over me.
New Romanian stunner Anka who is not the same as the other two Ankas. This one has perfect breasts that mesmerised me. Think the breasts of Krina but not lily white but nicely tanned. Leggy, slim and tall like Ricky / Riccarda.
There was also a new cute blond Romanian called Selina. Pale skinned, some will like the look. New to the business. Did not liked to me touched or talked to. Over several days she did not seem to get any business was the feed back from Bears and daughters of Oase.
Lots of German girls comparatively. All the usual suspects and more new ones.
For those that want decent line ups of top acts then recommend you return when the hookers return in force from their holidays in September.
[QUOTE=Jdbkk555] Of the ladies there. I only recognized .... a still beautiful blonde from Slovokia. The lady from Slovokia. I wanted to talk with her. Previously she's been very nice to talk with, introducing me to her friends.[/QUOTE]
There are only a few Slovakians at Oase. Her friends left late last week for home. One of her friends is a fine fuck due to her specialty service learnt from the CH clubs. CIM and especially anal from her tall lanky and nicely firm breasted long haired brunette friend is recommended. The long haired brunette does give social time before going to the room.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]This is the feed back gleamed from recent chats and back channel.
For those that want decent line ups of top acts then recommend you return when the hookers return in force from their holidays in September.[/QUOTE]Hi BC,
is Laura currently present at Oase?
Thanks and best regards,
[QUOTE=Basketcase]You must be naked in my opinion. The Italiani Beach Boys in their Board shorts were told to take them off.[/QUOTE]
Thanks Basketcase, well I'd feel much more confortable sunbathing and swimming with bathing suit, I will do first one with towel but I have to find out how can I swim with towel too :D
[QUOTE=Basketcase]Hungarian contingent in full force and actually beefed up e.g Jennifer and her sister. All the usual culprits from the Hungarian gang. Cularo will be pleased. Qubei - there was Barbie for you. For Blue there was Timea. For the ones that like them young, nubile and very blond there was Vivian.[/QUOTE]
As of several months back, Heidi was planning to depart permanently for her home sometime this month. May I assume, BC, that she's still around?
Subpar talent
Hit several smaller clubs on the drive to town, talent was hard to weed out at times. Finally made it to oase and was hoping the shopping would be better. Sadly not so. World had a better lineup on tue than oase had on a Sunday. Both clubs missing girls but world had the edge on having replacements. Finding lost talent at a small dive have to wonder if some girls are looking for new customers. Have a hotel near oase for Friday but wonder if world is the better choice.
[QUOTE=Regnad]As of several months back, Heidi was planning to depart permanently for her home sometime this month. May I assume, BC, that she's still around?[/QUOTE]I have been with Heidi at the end of july. She was waiting the day to go home, but only for holidays not permanently. I don't know the right day of departure and don't know how long she will stay at home, but probably now she's not at Oase.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]On my last trip of 3 days I did do 9 sessions covering 13.75 hours in the room (average of 1.5 hours per booking) with CIM, COB and anal extras several times.[/QUOTE]13,5 hour x 100 euro / hour = 1350 euro
Plus CIM and anal exstras
You are a rich fellow
[QUOTE=Flixsux]Hi BC,
is Laura currently present at Oase?
Thanks and best regards,
I do not know if Laura worked today. I think you can ring the club. and ask.
Also by now this evening she would have finished work as Laura works the day shift really these days. Back in 2008 she worked the night shift.
Laura did work last week and the weekend too. Lovely girl and is a lot of fun to play with in and out of the room. Nice social time chatting and fondling.
[QUOTE=Lukasek]Thanks Basketcase, well I'd feel much more confortable sunbathing and swimming with bathing suit, I will do first one with towel but I have to find out how can I swim with towel too :D[/QUOTE]
You can sunbath with a towel on. No problem.
Swimming with a towel covering you may be a bit heavy and I myself cannot fathom the logistics of how that can actually be achieved.
Enjoy the conundrum.
Club updates
Thanks for the extensive updates BC! Will most likely have the opportunity to visit late August, hope some of the girls have returned back, but as long as Barbie, Viviane and Yvette will be there its still sure worth a visit in my opinon :)
[QUOTE=Breadman]Hit several smaller clubs on the drive to town, talent was hard to weed out at times. Finally made it to oase and was hoping the shopping would be better. Sadly not so. World had a better lineup on tue than oase had on a Sunday. Both clubs missing girls but world had the edge on having replacements. Finding lost talent at a small dive have to wonder if some girls are looking for new customers. Have a hotel near oase for Friday but wonder if world is the better choice.[/QUOTE]
Yes, the Oase line up as reported by Breadman was catastrophic.
Also a veteran ice bear and I did wandered the halls of Oase looking for a daughter of Oase to fuck and we did make many rounds of the premises and did not find any hooker that we did want to fuck demonstrates something that was Breadman says has some grounding.
Adelina (ro), Tanya (de) and maybe one other was chosen by my Ice Bear friend. I did fuck other girls.
[QUOTE=Ky Daddy]Morning Gentlemen,
I leave for the promised land in about 10 minutes and have had no time to research prior to this trip (FKK is not the purpose of the trip, just an added perk). On this trip, I will have very limited FKK time and am trying to decide between World and Oase. Had a quite ho hum and lack luster experience at Oase during that last go around. Anyhow, every place has an off day I am sure and to help me decide, I have two quick questions reference Oase at present:
1- Has the air conditioning issue been fixed?
2- Any recent Michelle (Swiss) sightings?
Report(s) to come.
Ky Daddy
Breadman gives the edge to World to visit over Oase. Per Breadman's report you will be wasting your time at Oase.
Oase was catastrophic even according to the girls.
I do not know is Michelle worked today. Maybe you can call reception and ask them.
The Oase AC has never been fixed as far as I feel it.
We look forward to the World reports.
[QUOTE=Qubei]Thanks for the extensive updates BC! Will most likely have the opportunity to visit late August, hope some of the girls have returned back, but as long as Barbie, Viviane and Yvette will be there its still sure worth a visit in my opinon :)
Expectations are that the Hungarian crew will be around at the end of August. There is a party on 27-28 August that will bring the girls back.
A professional German FKK goer from south Hessen that I know did say that he hope in September that the hookers return.
[QUOTE=Regnad]As of several months back, Heidi was planning to depart permanently for her home sometime this month. May I assume, BC, that she's still around?[/QUOTE]
I do not know Heidi's work program since I did not ask her and she did not voluntarily tell me. All I know is that on all my visits Heidi was there working. Heidi was even working on my last visit. You can ask at reception if she still works.
OASE summer party
I would like some more feedback with regards to the summer party planned for the end of this month at oase. Especially is the girl lineup likely to be of a much higher quality than a usual night at this time of year. Is it comparable to a night where away from summer holidays things would be a lot more 8's 9's etc.
Also as I will be using public transport mixed with taxis is it worth making the extra effort to get to world, in the hope that the lineup would be of a higher quality 8's 9's etc being my only criteria when deciding between clubs. I hope to do my trip towards the end of the month.
The conflicting reports can be very unhelpful and confusing for those of us with limited experience. Thanks mohab (also I do not expect any club to have a majority of 8's and 9's, I am talking about an overall average of quality with relation to beauty sexiness appeal etc.)
[QUOTE=Go Goguy]I have been with Heidi at the end of july. She was waiting the day to go home, but only for holidays not permanently. I don't know the right day of departure and don't know how long she will stay at home, but probably now she's not at Oase.[/QUOTE]
You are not wrong but I did say I did see her on my last visit.
Laura was in Oase Saturday 31th of July, she was there from one o'clock in the Morning.
I would like some more feedback with regards to the summer party planned for the end of this month at oase. Especially is the girl lineup likely to be of a much higher quality than a usual night at this time of year. Is it comparable to a night where away from summer holidays things would be a lot more 8's 9's etc.
Also as I will be using public transport mixed with taxis is it worth making the extra effort to get to world, in the hope that the lineup would be of a higher quality 8's 9's etc being my only criteria when deciding between clubs. I hope to do my trip towards the end of the month.
The conflicting reports can be very unhelpful and confusing for those of us with limited experience. Thanks mohab (also I do not expect any club to have a majority of 8's and 9's, I am talking about an overall average of quality with relation to beauty sexiness appeal etc.)[/QUOTE]
Go to World.
1. World on Fridays and Saturdays really rocks on its normal weekend night without a specialist party to induce customers to come. A real party atmosphere. Even Nick the G has described World as the best night club in the Giessen area.
2. World has cocktails and a cool DJ in DJ Andy and the sound system is way better than the Oase one. It is a bigger bar area with a high roof where there is room to move and see the girls on the 4 podiums. Oase has just one podium
3. Breadman has reported that World has the better line up at present over Oase.
I would avoid the Oase parties for these reasons:
1, a few top acts do not come to the party and take the time off since the club is so busy they cannot get rooms to do business and actually end up eanring less money than on a normal day. The reason is that waits for rooms can be long. One time during a bus night I waited one hour with a girl before we got a room. These girls make money on turnover and if there is no turnover then there is no money. Why work?
There have been many times when I have been to parties where I have actually spent way less than on a normal visit since a. the pretty girls that I book are not in attendance and b. the few pretty girls that are there get booked real quick such that you do not even get a sniff. You end up spending your visit staking girls out and get anxious when you do not see them and wonder where they are since you want to bang them and the other 70 girls are not your taste.
You may have read reports from other senior members that actually avoid parties altogether. That inaction or action of not attending parties by senior members, or whatever you think its, must mean something from experience.
2. The club is crowded. There is no where to sit and enjoy and you have to queue for everything: food, drinks, rooms, etc... Not very relaxing but if you like packed night clubs then this is your night.
3. Ratio of men to women where men outnumber the girls. It can end up a real sausage fest. There may be a few more girls working on party night but from my experience it is not always the top acts in attendance (see 1) but there is an abundance of girls that come to work the party. These are freelancers or girls from other clubs trying to make some money. So for regular visitors this may be of interest to see the new girls but this may be of no interest to non regulars.
4. I thought the Oase line up was really down with many top acts away for the summer period. World it seems from Breadman's report says is not as affected.
You do not say which day or days you are going except maybe it is 27 or 28 August which is when the Oase party is on.
Hey BC
Could you let me know how this booking a girl system works? Like how much it would cost for 2 or 3 hours plus if the girls charge for the extras(like CIM/Anal) and if they do do they charge each time you do it in the 3 hours or just a prearranged sum( for example if I book a girl for 3 hours and end up doing her thrice with both CIM and anal would I have to pay for the extras each time( working out to a monstrous 450 euros in extras alone) or just how much if would cost me if I had doe it just once( just 150)). I've never tried it but with the right girl it seems like it would be fun.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]Ky Daddy
Breadman gives the edge to World to visit over Oase. Per Breadman's report you will be wasting your time at Oase.
Oase was catastrophic even according to the girls.
I do not know is Michelle worked today. Maybe you can call reception and ask them.
The Oase AC has never been fixed as far as I feel it.
We look forward to the World reports.[/QUOTE]I will hit the World tomorrow then.
Thanks for the advice.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]Yes, the Oase line up as reported by Breadman was catastrophic.
Also a veteran ice bear and I did wandered the halls of Oase looking for a daughter of Oase to fuck and we did make many rounds of the premises and did not find any hooker that we did want to fuck demonstrates something that was Breadman says has some grounding.
Adelina (ro), Tanya (de) and maybe one other was chosen by my Ice Bear friend. I did fuck other girls.[/QUOTE]It was indeed a very quiet day/night in Oase my "ice bear friend" :) I also was in the room with Vivian (hu), a pity I had no sexual chemistry with Tanya.
Go to World.
1. World on Fridays and Saturdays really rocks on its normal weekend night without a specialist party to induce customers to come. A real party atmosphere. Even Nick the G has described World as the best night club in the Giessen area.
2. World has cocktails and a cool DJ in DJ Andy and the sound system is way better than the Oase one. It is a bigger bar area with a high roof where there is room to move and see the girls on the 4 podiums. Oase has just one podium
3. Breadman has reported that World has the better line up at present over Oase.
I would avoid the Oase parties for these reasons:
1, a few top acts do not come to the party and take the time off since the club is so busy they cannot get rooms to do business and actually end up eanring less money than on a normal day. The reason is that waits for rooms can be long. One time during a bus night I waited one hour with a girl before we got a room. These girls make money on turnover and if there is no turnover then there is no money. Why work?
There have been many times when I have been to parties where I have actually spent way less than on a normal visit since a. the pretty girls that I book are not in attendance and b. the few pretty girls that are there get booked real quick such that you do not even get a sniff. You end up spending your visit staking girls out and get anxious when you do not see them and wonder where they are since you want to bang them and the other 70 girls are not your taste.
You may have read reports from other senior members that actually avoid parties altogether. That inaction or action of not attending parties by senior members, or whatever you think its, must mean something from experience.
2. The club is crowded. There is no where to sit and enjoy and you have to queue for everything: food, drinks, rooms, etc... Not very relaxing but if you like packed night clubs then this is your night.
3. Ratio of men to women where men outnumber the girls. It can end up a real sausage fest. There may be a few more girls working on party night but from my experience it is not always the top acts in attendance (see 1) but there is an abundance of girls that come to work the party. These are freelancers or girls from other clubs trying to make some money. So for regular visitors this may be of interest to see the new girls but this may be of no interest to non regulars.
4. I thought the Oase line up was really down with many top acts away for the summer period. World it seems from Breadman's report says is not as affected.
You do not say which day or days you are going except maybe it is 27 or 28 August which is when the Oase party is on.[/QUOTE]Point 1-3 are indeed true for most parties in Sauna/FKK clubs as I know them, especially avoid GT when there is a party (the only time I was not able to have sex in GT was during a too crowded party, only man and no top-acts present).
For Oase, however, I make an exception, because normally (on a non-party day) there are much more woman than man, and the woman get bored. And it influences the ambiance on the room. During parties in Oase, the woman/man ratio is more in balance, so the atmosphere is ok, and of course rooms are busy all the time, but in Oase it is very common to have fun with the ladies outside the room, so no room needed!
World is much more beautiful as a club, but. IMHO it lacks a consistent line up of good ladies with top service offering (in Oase is top service standard, but in summer time tends to lower a bit).
Thanks firstly for all your help. I am now coming round to the idea that the
Longer journey will definetly be worth it; ie world not oase. As visits to fkk clubs
Are rare for me, living in england and not having an endless income I need to get
It right. Once in the club I am at complete ease with regards to chatting and joking with the girls. Always travelling by myself, with a very young 35 yr old face, the issue is always which club. I have a few more questions regarding world that would help greatly. It will be my first visit there 27/8 28/8. Evening.
1) Is it 50euro/half hour? What is entrance fee? How many girls at night there?
2) I was a little put off by some of the images of girls on world website. Did not seem very special or pretty? Can you help me on that please?
3) I have read there is a higher percentage of Romanian type girls at world and I do like all races of girls very much but there has always been a special place in my heart for the blonde haired blue eyed types of russia, germany, balkans, Slovak etc. Will I also be able to find a good percentage of these girls at world?
4) With regards to getting there; is giessen the station I get off at? Journey time, return cost, availability of taxis at giessen hbf? Finally taxi cost is approx. 17euro from station? Also Sunday morning 4-5am trains readily available back to frankfurt? What train number is it S? Etc
5) On the 27/8 and 28/8 weekend can I expect a more or less normal line up in comparison with any other period of the year? Quality of girls etc?
6) Last question; I am egyptian so can I expect a friendly non discriminatory atmosphere at entrance like the other frankfurt clubs? Ie are turkish /arab men there regularly?
The above list maybe a bit long, but using this investigative and critical approach, thanks ONLY to this site I have done artemis, palace, oase, and globe(zurich)over the last 2 years, and each trip was so memorable that my grandchildren when I am old will remember this as my golden era! Thankyou for your patience in helping me with the long list above-basketcase.
I'll be visiting Frankfurt, mid September. And hope that the girl's " vacation schedule" will be completed by then?. So they are back to work.
And that sun will be shining in the glorious garden of Oase. Need to work on my tan.
[QUOTE=Mohab]Thanks firstly for all your help. I am now coming round to the idea that the
Longer journey will definetly be worth it; ie world not oase. As visits to fkk clubs
Are rare for me, living in england and not having an endless income I need to get
It right. Once in the club I am at complete ease with regards to chatting and joking with the girls. Always travelling by myself, with a very young 35 yr old face, the issue is always which club. I have a few more questions regarding world that would help greatly. It will be my first visit there 27/8 28/8. Evening.
1) Is it 50euro/half hour? What is entrance fee? How many girls at night there?
2) I was a little put off by some of the images of girls on world website. Did not seem very special or pretty? Can you help me on that please?
3) I have read there is a higher percentage of Romanian type girls at world and I do like all races of girls very much but there has always been a special place in my heart for the blonde haired blue eyed types of russia, germany, balkans, Slovak etc. Will I also be able to find a good percentage of these girls at world?
4) With regards to getting there; is giessen the station I get off at? Journey time, return cost, availability of taxis at giessen hbf? Finally taxi cost is approx. 17euro from station? Also Sunday morning 4-5am trains readily available back to frankfurt? What train number is it S? Etc
5) On the 27/8 and 28/8 weekend can I expect a more or less normal line up in comparison with any other period of the year? Quality of girls etc?
6) Last question; I am egyptian so can I expect a friendly non discriminatory atmosphere at entrance like the other frankfurt clubs? Ie are turkish /arab men there regularly?
The above list maybe a bit long, but using this investigative and critical approach, thanks ONLY to this site I have done artemis, palace, oase, and globe(zurich)over the last 2 years, and each trip was so memorable that my grandchildren when I am old will remember this as my golden era! Thankyou for your patience in helping me with the long list above-basketcase.[/QUOTE]Maybe this should be discussed in the World thead.
[QUOTE=Jake Randall]Hey BC
Could you let me know how this booking a girl system works? Like how much it would cost for 2 or 3 hours plus if the girls charge for the extras(like CIM/Anal) and if they do do they charge each time you do it in the 3 hours or just a prearranged sum( for example if I book a girl for 3 hours and end up doing her thrice with both CIM and anal would I have to pay for the extras each time( working out to a monstrous 450 euros in extras alone) or just how much if would cost me if I had doe it just once( just 150)). I've never tried it but with the right girl it seems like it would be fun.
Hey JR,
Interesting question. Regarding CIM I am pretty certain you get charged 50€ for each shot, at least I have been the two times I have done it. Anal I am not sure and I feel that maybe you could get away with cumming twice during the session and still "only" get charged the 100€, best is to ask and perhaps negotiate before hand.
Mohab's Legacy
[QUOTE=Mohab]each trip was so memorable that my grandchildren when I am old will remember this as my golden era![/QUOTE]So are you keeping a video journal of your experiences for them? Or are you referring to the new grandchildren (whose names you don't know) that you left behind when the balloon popped?
[QUOTE=Jake Randall]Hey BC
Could you let me know how this booking a girl system works? Like how much it would cost for 2 or 3 hours plus if the girls charge for the extras(like CIM/Anal) and if they do do they charge each time you do it in the 3 hours or just a prearranged sum( for example if I book a girl for 3 hours and end up doing her thrice with both CIM and anal would I have to pay for the extras each time( working out to a monstrous 450 euros in extras alone) or just how much if would cost me if I had doe it just once( just 150)). I've never tried it but with the right girl it seems like it would be fun.
JR[/QUOTE]Usance has it that you pay EUR 50 (at most clubs) per half hour in the room with a girl. Body rent if you like. (One minute over the thirty, and you will - if the girl demands it - be liable to pay another EUR 50. Some are sticklers on this, some will not go by the clock.) Control the time yourself.
Extras are one-off payments. That means you can do it as long and as often as you like within a single unbroken session, however long, and it's only the one payment for that service. Clearly, it never harms to check things over with the girl if your ambitions and stamina are that great. But that is what you should be prepared to accept, and no more.
So your three hours with CIM and anal should be EUR 450 in all, if the charge for CIM is EUR 50 (usual) and for anal EUR 100 (definitely check). Allow extra for transport to the hospital afterwards. And if it's been three hours of anal, she'll probably be lying doubled-up in the ambulance alongside you, groaning. :-)
friday at oase
Some old talent <tanya< has turned up from das5...and some new talent, including a fresh 19 year old who rocked my world and made my day. Near the end of the evening they had womens basketball on the tv in the main room...and i realized the basketball players were handling more balls than the women at oase. some 60ish women trying to drum up whatever business they could find.
No report
[QUOTE=Ky Daddy]I will hit the World tomorrow then.
Thanks for the advice.[/QUOTE]Damn, things just didn't work out on this trip and I could not make it anywhere. I can't believe that I am so close, yet so far.
[QUOTE=Qubei]Hey JR,
Interesting question. Regarding CIM I am pretty certain you get charged 50€ for each shot, at least I have been the two times I have done it. Anal I am not sure and I feel that maybe you could get away with cumming twice during the session and still "only" get charged the 100€, best is to ask and perhaps negotiate before hand.
That's correct for FKK Oase. CIM is €50 for each shot and not for the whole session as much as you wanted.......
[QUOTE=Breadman]S..and some new talent, including a fresh 19 year old who rocked my world and made my day. [/QUOTE]
Any names, description, details?
4) With regards to getting there; is giessen the station I get off at? Journey time, return cost, availability of taxis at giessen hbf? Finally taxi cost is approx. 17euro from station? Also Sunday morning 4-5am trains readily available back to frankfurt? What train number is it S? Etc[/QUOTE]From Giessen you can take a local train to Garbenteich & walk (15-20 minutes). Plenty of taxis waiting outside the station. [url]www.bahn.de[/url] should answer the rest of your questions.
Visited Oase at 5PM Friday. Lineup of girls was a bit uninspiring for me.
Plenty of girls with good bodies but average faces. BC tells me that World girls are even more uninspiring last he was there.
Still the prettier girls started arriving a bit later.
My first booking with Amanda was a bomb-out. No chemistry at all.
Later went with Mina. Looks nothing special but an incredible GFE and she really got off wildly. I asked if she would like to book me regularly ;) I was at least semi-legless after that extended work-out.
Later waited patiently for the stunning all natural blonde model Ricky (Riccarda) at a strategic location. Grabbed her as soon as she came in about 9:15 PM and went for a 90 min session. Didn't allow Dine at the Y, but made up for it with a fab extended slow sloppy BBBJ. Despite me being very slow to come, she seemed pleased and suggested we meet again soon.
She said that hard work is better then no work, so obviously has a good work ethic.
Vanessa was also a very pretty tall blonde, who was my backup selection, if Ricky didn't show. So Vanessa will have to wait.
Unfortunately Krina (fab on my previous visit) was not present.
In defense of Oase parties
Yes, it can be crowded at Oase during parties. But ...
1. The food used to be special at parties and actually not hidden behind the counter of the bar
2. The long wait for rooms allowed for some great extended foreplay, which was an extra bonus.
3. Yes, there are often many more men, but a lot of them actually seem to only be interested in the food and drink. So it is not a sausage fest, and one can still grab a big enough selection of girls to make the evening special.
I had some of my best sessions during parties at Oase, perhaps because once I grab a girl and develop chemistry with her, she is often just as eager to get away form the crowd as I am.
As with every experience at any of the clubs ... YMMV
[QUOTE=Euro100]Yes, it can be crowded at Oase during parties. But ...
2. The long wait for rooms allowed for some great extended foreplay, which was an extra bonus.
As with every experience at any of the clubs ... YMMV[/QUOTE]I agree. Waiting over 1 hr for a room can be great when you can fondle & suck on a great pair of tits, kissing, fingering & etc.
I had some of my best sessions during parties at Oase, perhaps because once I grab a girl and develop chemistry with her, she is often just as eager to get away form the crowd as I am.
As with every experience at any of the clubs ... YMMV[/QUOTE]
Yes I also had some great experiences during Oase Parties! I go there when I want to. Last thing I would care about is what "senior members" of this board think about Oase Parties!
Oase Parties
[QUOTE=Big30]Yes I also had some great experiences during Oase Parties! I go there when I want to. Last thing I would care about is what "senior members" of this board think about Oase Parties!
B30[/QUOTE]How many girls/men can you find during Oase Parties? is the ratio acceptable?
Girls are more interested in short or long time session to get away from the crowd?
I have to agree with Big30 and Euro100. I have always been able to enjoy myself thoroughly at the parties, even if I only have visited a few. Grab a girl you like, get some extended couch time and whisk her away for 2 hours in the room. Enjoy the food, shows and dancing.
The major trade fairs on the other hand are a bigger negative point for me, but as long as you get in early you can also have a really good time since such a big amount of girls are present. Though if I am not bound by something else (business/stop over), I would book a trip outside of major trade fairs.
All I can advise is manage your expectations. If it is your one and only visit to an FKK in the year and your enjoyment rests on a huge variety of girls and few men, maybe consider going elsewhere. If you are a regular or semi regular guest and know the lay of the land you can have a good time if you take your time, find the right girl and disappear for an hour or so.
The only major party I have attended was last year's Artemis birthday (4 or5 year?) party. There were lots of girls all done up in bling and lots of men, most of whom seemed to be friends of the owner. The girls did not seem even particularly interested in going to the rooms and the stunners disappeared regularly for long periods of time. I had the feeling there was a party somewhere but Angus was not invited.
Getting a session with the girl of your choice was, shall we say, impossible. At first I was a bit put out. Then I just said the hell with it and enjoyed the free (very excellent, but not actually free. I did pay €80) food with table service, the free champagne and just the occasional flirt on a sofa with girls I did not want to take on high, that is upstairs. At the end I left satisfied, and happy to find a full stack of bills in my wallet. Life is almost always better when I give up my agenda and enjoy the moment for what it is. I forget this at times.
I am with Euro100, Vito, Big30 and and Qubei on this one. In particular I liked Qubei's point on comparing parties and the big trade fairs.
The Oase Summer Party cannot be compared with the Automekanika Messe in September. At the AMM you will experience a sausage fest from 10 pm with terrible ratios, and it can be smart using the "arrive early/leave early" mantra. The Oase Summer Party is just another Saturday night in the normal season at Oase, but with greater food and DJ, marking the end of the slow summer season and the start of the fuckfests that will incur in September and Rocktober. My guess is that you will be seeing a better line-up than we have seen in a long time AND you will be able to grab your #1 girl AND enjoying the waiting for room AND having a good time at the party! ;-)
Maybe parties at the FKK's sometimes are sausage fests, but the summer party at Oase is not one of them (having experienced the last two). We then have to learn how to differentiate between the various parties. But as line-ups and ratios can change from day to day (and sometimes by the hour), who is really to say what this year's summer party will be like?
If I want to know ratios and number of men at Oase in summer, I do as the girls and look at the temperature and weather forecast. The warmer and better weather, the more men. I usually find this simple approach more accurate than any senior member's general comment on parties ... ;-)
If you are a regular FKK visitor, you should have enough experience to handle any kind of situation (quality of line-up, crowds, ratios). Irrespecitve of being a regular or a non-regular, I would do as Angus and simply enjoy the moment for what it is.
Have fun!
Who easily can enjoy any Friday and Saturday night in Garbenteich, too! I am sorry for being so mean, Mohab ... ;-)
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub]Any names, description, details?
its hard for me to remember names, they tell you their name and you forget in a nanosecond after fondling their tits and ass...then you dont want to seem like an idiot and ask them again. Or I just plain forget after the fucking is done. this one had long black hair, innocent doe eyes that showed off her inexperience...and a set of natural knockers that kept their shape in any position.
hoping she is there again tuesday, but lots of these girls only work the weekends.
[QUOTE=Breadtristhis one had long black hair, innocent doe eyes that showed off her inexperience...and a set of natural knockers that kept their shape in any position.[/QUOTE]Maybe she was Johanna, from Romania. Small (very small), joung and sweet girl.
oase "a fertile or green spot in a desert or wasteland"
I am egyptian from england and have the opportunity to do only 2 more fkk visits
At the end of this month. I am only 35 and have no children or grandchildren in
Response to an earlier joke I made, I was joking.
I am now entering the fine tuning stage. Like I said only 2 more fkk visits this year
So I want to have the best time possible as I am travelling by myself. And have been single 6 yrs after a disastrous relationship that lasted 8 years. Enough about me and back to business in hand.
Help needed; I love the Romanian types. But even more I love the Polish, baltic,
Blonde hair typed, does oase have a larger % of these than world? And could I get a ratio between rumanian to blondie blue eye types at oasis?
Does it make sense to do 1 visit to world and 1 visit to oase to get the best overall selection variety of experiences etc will be 27/8 28/8 party time?
Finally having tried artemis, palace, oase. Without any doubt for the best time
Ever you should all goto globe zurich. Okay it is more expensive, but ALL were 8's and 9's and the service was incredible. I can't afford it this time.
To end I always concentrate on giving pleasure to the girl, rather than on focusing as to what she can do for me. By using this approach even the coldest girl will automatically warm to you and give you a top service. IT NEVER FAILS. Thanks for all the help with above. Mohab
I go more often to Oase, so I cannot comment on Artemis.
However, the first time I went to Oase it was a nice Sunday in June, and since I live in Germany, I took care to see that I did not go on a Messe day. The girls were relaxed, there was no rush, and it was sheer bliss.
The next time I decided to go on a party day in December, the Christmas Party. It was crowded, there was a huge wait for the rooms, and the girls were rushed, though I did have a couple of good experiences. Since there were no rooms there was a lot of action in the kino and other public places. So, to answer your question if you like a lot of public sex, and dont mind waiting up to half an hour for a room, crowds of men, and rather stressed girls (of course it depends on the particular girl) but over all the atmosphere is one of rush, go on a party day. On the other hand, if you like peace and quiet, go on a non Messe/party day.
If somebody was looking/waiting for her: Maria (Romania) is back in her home-club.
OASE "a fertile or green spot in a desert or wasteland"
Having read all the advice on this and the world thread I have decided to do one night at oase and one night at world therefore getting the best of both worlds or should I say the best of one world and oase world? Anyway could someone tell me which out of 27/8, 28/8 is likely to be the best weekend night at oase party or does it not make much difference? Also are robes present at oase the towel is always falling off.
2) Loving the german blonde types, the more I hear of riccarda the more I want to see, could someone give me some identifying markers as to what she looks like, and if it is likely she'll be at the party weekend?
3) Typically what number of girls might be present party weekend nightime at oase, and what number typically present at world weekend night?
4) This concludes my investigation at to where best to get my rocks off on my next visit to deutchland, apart from. Taxi to runway 001 over, this is captain cock speaking, flaps, flaps, up. Full throttle. Thanks for help with above questions.
[QUOTE=Dorandopietri]Laura was in Oase Saturday 31th of July, she was there from one o'clock in the Morning.[/QUOTE]
Laura was also at Oase throughout August 2010 to date. Looking mighty fine.
[QUOTE=Forzagermania]That's correct for FKK Oase. CIM is €50 for each shot and not for the whole session as much as you wanted.......[/QUOTE]
But 100 euro extra for anal is for as long as she can take it up her rectum or you can keep pummelling her asshole. Multiple shots, mutiple positions. But yes, do check with the girl if you can enter several times. Fingers may also not be allowed but your hopefully larger penis is for some reason.
[QUOTE=Syzygies] Later waited patiently for the stunning all natural blonde model Ricky (Riccarda) at a strategic location. Grabbed her as soon as she came in about 9:15 PM and went for a 90 min session. Didn't allow Dine at the Y, but made up for it with a fab extended slow sloppy BBBJ. Despite me being very slow to come, she seemed pleased and suggested we meet again soon.
She said that hard work is better then no work, so obviously has a good work ethic.
Vanessa was also a very pretty tall blonde, who was my backup selection, if Ricky didn't show. So Vanessa will have to wait. [/QUOTE]
I am glad that you bagged Ricky / Riccarda finally. She can provide good service when she wants to and I experienced it many times to the chargin of some of my companions who saw her as a optifuck shark. I find her at times very sweet and diplomatic. She is choosy of her clients as I explained to you so some types may not get a look in.
Vanessa is an export from FKK World. Another gorgeous slim leggy natural blond to join the Oase crew like the other FKK World imports.
[QUOTE=Ky Daddy]I will hit the World tomorrow then.
Thanks for the advice.[/QUOTE]
Ky Daddy,
I was just referencing Breadman's recent report from last week and not really my own as the advice that World had the edge over Oase.
I guess you never made it to World anyway per your subsequent post.
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub]If somebody was looking/waiting for her: Maria (Romania) is back in her home-club.[/QUOTE]
Since Saturday.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]Shark16 and Hessen Bub
2 weeks ago on a Friday at 19:30 a staff meeting was called for all girls in the club. All girls had to go to the top floor for annoucements. So the club was devoid of women and only men were left in the Oase halls and garden. So imagine entering Oase at 19:35 and seeing only men in the club looking at each other. He probably thinks he is in a gay club.
Anyway the annoucements was just a reminder to the girls of the rules at Oase. This is not the full list but the gist was:
1. Kissing must be with tongues (french kissing)
2. Blowjob given without condom (ohne gummi)
3. Chewing gum is forbidden (verboten) and is penalised with 20 euro fine to the house
4. No penis to vagina/anus sexual intercourse allowed without condom.
5. Girls must talk in German or in English when in the club (some read this as the Romanians are not supposed to go talking in Romanian to each yelling across the club).
6. the club is a FKK so nudity is required - exposure of breasts and muschis
There were a few other annoucements but I did not pay attention to get the full story.
These staff meetings tend to happen at Oase a fair bit as several have occurred this year as far as I know.[/QUOTE]
Dear All,
Apologies for quoting my own post but I cannot edit my original post as the time frame to do so is limited to 1 hour from the original post.
I just want to add some more points that were discussed in the Oase management meeting for the hookers / daughters of Oase.
7. Drink glasses cannot be left in the room. Girls must pick up empty glasses and take them to the bar when leaving the room with their customer. Fine for non compliance is 20 euro.
8. Similar to 7, rooms to be left tidy on leaving. Paper towels and condoms in the bin provided please.
9. Food vouchers for the evening meal. One voucher per girl per day. This is to stop girls wasting food ordering a big plate of food, nibbling at it then leaving it to waster and then later in the evening ordering pizza or McDonalds to be delivered to the club.
10. Girls that dance on the pole for the entertainment of the guests can have 50 euro deducted from their 65 euro entrance fee.
Mohab should go to Palace
[QUOTE=Mohab] Help needed; I love the Romanian types. But even more I love the Polish, baltic, Blonde hair typed, does oase have a larger % of these than world? And could I get a ratio between rumanian to blondie blue eye types at oasis?[/QUOTE]
I did not realise until you said your preference for blond hookers.
Based on a recent visit to Palace I recommend Palace for the blonds. It was day where representatives of Youppie, Ice Bears and International Sex Guide attended (plus the usual German fuckers I keep seeing in the clubs all the time from the German forums). They keep seeing me and say hello and we share notes on the clubs we visit.
The line up at Palace was over 40 girls and I estimate that just over 30 of the girls were blonds. My Ice Bear friend has a big preference for blonds and he was in heaven with all that blond hair with blue eyes/ brown eyes/ green eyes/ grey eyes, shaven pussies, long legs, flat stomachs, shapely asses and gloriously shaped breasts. Germans and Russians blondes predominated, but there were the Czech gang, the Moldovans, the Romanians, the Hungarians and the perfect Polish blondes. There were Latinas and Asian as well as a black girl. A few dark haired girls made up the rest.
There was much social time with the girls. The Germans, Poles and Russians were very friendly taking time to chat to me but my hat went to the incredibly cute petite Moldovan blond who was new to the club (2 weeks) who spent over one hour social time with me chatting as she enjoyed my handling of her bodily ailments as her recompense.
True, you are also spoilt at Globe in Zurich. That place has blonds galore as well. Even Golden Time to the West of Dusseldorf I find has an abundance of blonds and of all sorts of European variety.
Oase on Monday August 2nd
As usual. In Frankfurt on business and decided to run out to Oase.
Was Monday late afternoon thru evening and the place was almost dead, about 25 women and not too many men. Pickings were perfect and none of the regular women that I see were around.
Going to need help with the names of some of the women so those of you tha frequent Oase more often or are able to think while in that state give me a hand.
First us was a petite turkish women, said she had only been there for a few months. Barely passable english.
Perfect little body, long hair, gorgeous face, dark skin, amazing big sloppy tits that were meant to be sucked and fucked. Great session, all the usual acronyms apply and would definetely repeat.
Next session was a FMF 3 some with a dark Bulgarian named EZ, or Easy. OMFG she is hot, and with a Romanian who was a little on the stocky side. These two played off each other well. The EZ and the Romanian were sitting at the table together and the Romanian is actually the one who sugested the 3 some saying that it would be hot to have the dark haired dark skinned girl and the blond fair skinned girl at the same time, she was right.
The Romanian was not as hot bus she more than made up for it in the session. My favorite memory is doing the Romanian doggy while the Bulgarian was laid back fingering and slapping her pussy, and doing the Bulgarian doggy while DFK and grabbing the Romanian's ass.
And yes. Would repeat indidudually or as a pair.
Was barely cleaned up from the 3 some and I ran into Dora. First time with her. Holy fuck! What a great time.
Friendly, playful, beautiful and a nympho.
We go into one of the large rooms for our session and after a little while of general fun she sells me on the full hour, everything icluded (ANAL) for 150€. I thought I died and went to hobby heaven. Like I said she was fune and I went back and forth between her ass and pussy several times before busting a nut.
Help me out with the names. If you can figure out who the gires were.
[QUOTE=Mpvagusta]Was Monday late afternoon thru evening and the place was almost dead, about 25 women and not too many men. Pickings were perfect and none of the regular women that I see were around.
1. First us was a petite turkish women, said she had only been there for a few months. Barely passable english. Perfect little body, long hair, gorgeous face, dark skin, amazing big sloppy tits that were meant to be sucked and fucked. Great session, all the usual acronyms apply and would definetely repeat.
2. Next session was a FMF 3 some with a dark Bulgarian named EZ, or Easy. OMFG she is hot, and with a Romanian who was a little on the stocky side. These two played off each other well. The EZ and the Romanian were sitting at the table together and the Romanian is actually the one who sugested the 3 some saying that it would be hot to have the dark haired dark skinned girl and the blond fair skinned girl at the same time, she was right. The Romanian was not as hot bus she more than made up for it in the session. My favorite memory is doing the Romanian doggy while the Bulgarian was laid back fingering and slapping her pussy, and doing the Bulgarian doggy while DFK and grabbing the Romanian's ass. And yes. Would repeat indidudually or as a pair.
3. Was barely cleaned up from the 3 some and I ran into Dora. First time with her. Holy fuck! What a great time. Friendly, playful, beautiful and a nympho. We go into one of the large rooms for our session and after a little while of general fun she sells me on the full hour, everything icluded (ANAL) for 150€. I thought I died and went to hobby heaven. Like I said she was fune and I went back and forth between her ass and pussy several times before busting a nut.
Help me out with the names. If you can figure out who the gires were.[/QUOTE]
1. Not sure who your Turkish girl is. Sounds like she is a good session.
2. Izzy (bg) is your tanned and oh so sexy EZ and not enough details on the blond but could be Claudia (ro). Izzy is really popular with some of the crews and forum members from various nationalities.
3. Dora (Russia) pretty enough girl, tallish, okay tits. Gets okay reviews. Nice deal you got for one hour plus anal sex as that usually runs at 200 euro but you got it for 150 euro. What a deal. You even did pussy to ass and back to pussy fucking without changing the condom. That is real porno style. What a memorable visit.
[QUOTE=Maxime]It was indeed a very quiet day/night in Oase my "ice bear friend" :) I also was in the room with Vivian (hu), a pity I had no sexual chemistry with Tanya.[/QUOTE]
Welcome to the land of English writers on international sex guide. I am sorry I do not write your language on your forum.
So your tally was Adelina (ro), Vivian (hu) and Tanya (de). A nice clutch and you did a very loud finish with the first girl. I heard what you did with her and decided to do something similar at Palace and did my mess all over a slim, naturally shaped B cup relatively pretty blond Romanian hooker. It was like porno.
The girls have been saying that the entire week it was very quiet for men and also quiet for the girls. The clubs are very quiet at present. Better return in September like we discussed.
Still the next day I was very pleased with the Oase line up that did turn up.
Palace when I visited just rocked. Excellent music, totally edible food and bountiful beautiful blonds that just mesmerized my senses.
Go Goguy
[QUOTE=Go Goguy]13,5 hour x 100 euro / hour = 1350 euro Plus CIM and anal exstras[/QUOTE]
Go Goguy
The number of times for the extras that trip during the 8th month of the year was:
2 x anal
2 x CIM
1 x COB
On my next trip in the same 8th month of this year after that one above the score was:
1 x Anal
4 x CIM
1 x COF
9 hours in the room
You can do the maths.
Ricky - Riccarda
I've been away from Oase for some times now, my playground nowadays is GT, VV, LR and Samya, NRW.
How is Ricky nowadays ? Is she doing fine.
She is also one of my ATF - she is pretty funny when you get to know her, last time she told me she wanted to have silicone implants, I try to convince her not to do it as I like the way she is with natural cup.
I hope she had not done her boobs.
[quote=mohab]1. having read all the advice on this and the world thread i have decided to do one night at oase and one night at world therefore getting the best of both worlds or should i say the best of one world and oase world? anyway could someone tell me which out of 27/8, 28/8 is likely to be the best weekend night at oase party or does it not make much difference? also are robes present at oase the towel is always falling off.
2) loving the german blonde types, the more i hear of riccarda the more i want to see, could someone give me some identifying markers as to what she looks like, and if it is likely she'll be at the party weekend?
3) typically what number of girls might be present party weekend nightime at oase, and what number typically present at world weekend night?[/quote]
1. if it were me planning the trip then i would do oase on friday and world on saturday as saturday at world rocks with dj andy playing the tunes. world has the best party atmosphere and it does not need to be a theme party day like oase is having for the craic to be off the hook as some would say. oase will have similar line ups for both days i would say but world comes into its own on saturday. nick the g has even said that world is the best party club in giessen. that is an endorsement.
then i am not you and your concept may be different to mine as the order of visit. i know many senior members that hold world dear to their hearts due to the gfe that they gets from the girls there and world is far more comfortable than oase in the extensive facilities and size that world has. oase just does not have the space that world has so it can feel real packed when the numbers would not warrant it.
i do not wear a robe and make do with a towel around the waist. it makes it more fkk that way when it is just a wee towel. the more people that wear robes makes it an arms race with the girls covering up more too and it not feeling like fkk no more. i have been to normal fkk and no one is wearing a robe there.
also as you are near naked in a towel you get more skin to skin contact with the naked girls when they approach you to discuss about going to the room. there is more tendency for letting it all happen or lets do it now when you are both naked or near naked. i guess the towel is the near best thing to maintain sensibilties that other men do not want to be seeing one's tackle.
it is only in the nrw clubs like gt and vv do i get comments from girls that my penis is hanging out when i am relaxing. i never get those comments from girls in the hessen fkks. if anything the girls like it and make an approach based on it. i like that in a hooker.
there are some men that just go au naturale with the towel just draped over the shoulder. i only do that when i have just been in the sauna and going out into the garden to cool off; or i have taken the whirl pool and need to go shower; or i cannot be bothered after getting a bbbj in the cinema and we need to change for the room, i am happy to parade through the lounge, past the bar and up to the small flight of steps to the rooms that way.
2. remember that ricky / riccarda does not start work until after 21:00. she usually works fridays and less so saturdays. through june, july and into august i have been seeing ricky working both the friday and saturday. historically she works to fridays and takes saturday as a free day. if you search the forum you will find many reports on her including identification markers as you call them.
you will find ricky will hang out with the other german blonds at the "german" high table in the club which is in the smoking section of the bar lounge.
3. could be any number, i could not say for sure.
search for some old reports from the party days on the oase and world thread and you can see some of the line up lists and references to attendance numbers.
the automechanika messe of 2008 recorded 111 girls working for example at oase. the palace girls at palace say at messe time there can be up to 150 girls working. on a christmas party at world i have listed maybe 90 odd girls but those were only the ones that i recorded so there were probably a lot more.
1 photos
New urinal bowl in Oase men's locker room
Oase management have been improving things. On Friday, 13 August there were installed new urinal bowls replacing the plain white ones that were there with red lipped open mouth shaped urinals. See picture attached.
This is the stuff of male fantasies.
Nille Copenhagen
[QUOTE=Nille Copenhagen]@Basketcase
I've been away from Oase for some times now, my playground nowadays is GT, VV, LR and Samya, NRW.
How is Ricky nowadays ? Is she doing fine.
She is also one of my ATF - she is pretty funny when you get to know her, last time she told me she wanted to have silicone implants, I try to convince her not to do it as I like the way she is with natural cup.
I hope she had not done her boobs.
Nille Copenhagen,
There is much merit to be had in the playgrounds of Golden Time, Villa Vertigo, Living Room and Samya in Nord Rhein Westfalen. Nothing wrong with that. You have good taste.
Ricky is looking really fine. Still the immaculate shoulder lenght straight platinum blond hair, the long shapely legs with strappy high heels, creamy thighs, unmarred by tattoos, the firm ass, flat stomached, the heavenly B cup breasts and one of the best mouth only (no hands) blowjobs given by the daughters of Oase.
Yes, she did want implants inserted in 2009 but now it is 2010 and that event has not eventuated.
She still works regularly at Oase.
When I see her arrive in the club or leave the club it does indeed take my breath away when I see this beautiful blond glide through the club in her perfectly matched and well though outfits. She does wear a lot of white which fits her blondness and her lightly tanned flawless skin.
She is quite frank to talk to and it is fun to know her.
Mohab's search for blondes
[QUOTE=Mohab] 3) Typically what number of girls might be present party weekend nightime at oase, and what number typically present at world weekend night? [/QUOTE]
In aid of Mohab's search for blondes I did consult my latest girl roster list from my last visit here in the 8th month. I did count over 80 girls and named most of them and added a description. I also added in the hair colour for the girls and noted the number of blondes compared to light haired girls, brown haired girls and black haired girls.
I then looked at my Palace line up list from my visit in the 8th month and noted the names and the hair colours of the girls there. Splitting the blonds from the non blondes.
Palace did indeed win over Oase in having the higher percentage of blond girls by a long shot.
I then looked at my most recent World visit hooker line up roster and noted the much lower quotient of blonds at that club. The line up at World is extensive but mainly weighted in the dark looks of Romania and Bulgaria with only small smatterings of non Black Sea originating hookers.
Hope this helps.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]Oase management have been improving things. On Friday, 13 August there were installed new urinal bowls replacing the plain white ones that were there with red lipped open mouth shaped urinals. See picture attached.
This is the stuff of male fantasies.[/QUOTE]This is a classic FKK photo and perhaps an indication of the future Improvement program at Oase. This same fixture would fit in well in their new salad bar.
S. Trato
Thanks Basketcase for the nice update on Ricky, it brings back good memories :)
I also miss Hessen area, but since the flight is cheeper from Copenhagen to Dus, and the hourly price and extras (which I normally do) are cheeper I choose to play in NRW.
Have to say Thursday was by far the weakest talent lineup I've ever seen at oase. A heard of cattle with an occasional cutie thrown in. Do the big girls think they can hide the extra kilos in a bikini outfit that we won't notice like we do if they are naked? Add the awful food and you will understand why I only did two. Did my 19y old at noon and nothing more till the evening. Least the sun was out so I could watch the cattle roam.
Hey BC,
Empty out that mailbox :)
Any plans to attend the summer party?
[QUOTE=Qubei]Hey BC,
Empty out that mailbox :)
Any plans to attend the summer party?
Sorry, I keep my movements secret and safe these days now. I hope you understand the reason.
If you read my take on parties at FKKs then that should give you an idea. However, Shark16, Big30, Maxime, etc... enjoy parties so they will be keeping you company.
Enjoy the summer party.
Nille Copenhagen
[QUOTE=Nille Copenhagen]Thanks Basketcase for the nice update on Ricky, it brings back good memories :)
I also miss Hessen area, but since the flight is cheeper from Copenhagen to Dus, and the hourly price and extras (which I normally do) are cheeper I choose to play in NRW. [/QUOTE]
Nille Copenhagen,
Ricky is always one that when I see her my heart just sighs for the sight of her. She is immaculate to look at, leggy, slim, no tattoos, pretty Germanic features, platinum blond hair. The stuff of Playboy magazine.
You can also have her suck you and fuck her for 50 euro.
Yes, at the NRW club rates it is far more economical to do longer sessions and opt for extras and the entrance fees are cheaper too. I should get out to NRW more. Summer is running out and winter is coming and that is when I boycott places like Golden Time since the outdoor area becomes too cold to use.
It is so much cheaper in NRW to do this hobby.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]...Sorry, I keep my movements secret and safe these days now. I hope you understand the reason...[/QUOTE]
Hey Basketcase, no, I don't, but probably I missed some of your last reports when you explained it.
However I am sorry, I was thinking to ask to meet you in some FKK as I will be happy to meet every ISGer :)
Oase on Friday
Following my visit to Bernds yesterday as the weather forecast was good for today (Friday) I opted for a return to the more familiar territory of Oase, where I was guaranteed a fairly smoke-free environment as I would be spending most of my time outdoors.
At about 10.20 am I settled into my usual position under an umbrella by the pool. Nothing seemed to have changed since my previous visits at the beginning of July apart from the new urinals mentioned below which looked a bit out of place in the otherwise very conventional changing area. I had seen this model before in a club in London but there they seemed to fit in as all the decor was completely OTT (I seem to recall that the toilets were sculptures of naked ladies too ... or something like this).
I settled down to read my book and after half an hour or so noticed an attractive pair of female bum cheeks protruding from one of the covered beds at the edge of the garden. The activity there looked very pleasant and there was certainly no rush. I had a better look at what was happening when I went to the bar to get some breakfast cereal. There was an attractive woman with blondeish frizzy hair having a very passionate and friendly encounter with an older man. This went on, I was pleased to see, for about an hour and the pair looked very happy when they finished, walking back hand in hand to the main building.
I freshened myself up after a while and when I came out again the woman involved in this had appeared by the outdoor bar and was sitting reading a magazine. It turned out that her name was Belinda and she was from Slovakia but living in Vienna for some years now. She told me that she only worked occasionally at Oase and had a normal job back home (although she was a bit vague about what this consisted of). We were soon off to the same covered bed that I had seen her on and covered it with yellow towels. We then had the best hour of the day with a relaxed and mutually satisfactory encounter. She told me that she is 29 (she might actually be a year or two older) and had been a model in her youth. She was the complete GFE with lots of kissing, excellent oral skills and she invited me to DATY, moaning appreciatively. We actually finished at about the half hour point with her milking me in the cowgirl position and then chatted for a bit with her touching me in a very sensual way and proceeding to give me more BBBJ and kissing before we called time. An excellent 100 euros spent here. She also offered a massage at the end, which I declined.
There wasn't much talent around in the afternoon and I got rather bored, which I think led to my later poorer experiences.
At about 3 pm or so I thought I would kill some time in the Kino and settled down to see what would happen. I rebuffed a few girls who came on to me there before an attractive older blonde, Victoria from Krakow in Poland, who I had noticed on my previous visits approached. Although her body had seen better days (this was immediately obvious as she covered it to above tit level with a towel and was confirmed later by inspection) she had very fine features and I thought that a MILF would be an experienced encounter. As I fancied just lying back and relaxing after my earlier energetic encounter and I wanted to try a threesome I suggested to her that she found another girl and both of them could give me a blowjob. She said that she said she had a friend and went out of the kino calling 'Olga' but soon returned with Laura, an attractive Latvian girl who had spoken to me previously. Laura is a leggy blonde with cute features and a torso only slightly marred by a tit job which left them a rather unnatural shape (positioned a bit too high I think). I can't say I was thrilled to see her but I thought that if Victoria had chosen her then maybe there was a reasonable chance of things going well. I wanted to do it on one of the open beds again and the girls agreed but suddenly they started in the Kino without my asking and I realised later that this was probably in order to get the time clock ticking at that point rather than when we actually arrived at the bed. Out in the garden I wanted to go to the beds at the end but Victoria insisted on going to the raised platform bed instead, which was another sign of things not happening quite as planned. The girls also spoiled things a bit more by chatting to each other in a language I didn't understand (it didn't sound like German, so possibly Russian) at times. I had asked them for half an hour only, which at least I knew was going to keep a lid on the costs. Anyway things perked up when they both went down on me and I swiftly got hard in response to the ministrations. They licked up the sides together and did various combinations of sucking and licking but after a while they seemed to get a bit bored and Laura, who had been spending a bit of time not looking at me but looking at herself in the mirror behind my head, asked if I wanted to have sex. When I said that I just wanted the blowjob to continue they got back to work, but there was a bit more backchat in a foreign tongue (which I asked them to stop, requesting communications in English only). Laura made some obvious fake moans at times but she had a nice body (apart from the over hard tits) so when I felt like squeezing an ass then hers was the one I chose and it was more to hand as after a while she decided to kiss me, leaving Victoria to the blow job. Now, i had seen girls in Oase really persist with oral sex and later on in the Kino I saw a girl going down on a guy for ages with oral only until he eventually came, but Victoria wasn't made of stuff like that and after about 10 minutes or so she reverted to a vigorous hand job and the oral ceased. At one point also the girls were laughing between themselves without involving me and then Laura offered to lick my asshole if I gave her 200 euros, which I declined too. Laura also at another point temporarily refused to kiss me when I asked her to saying 'I'll decide when I kiss'. The session ended after about 20 minutes actually on the bed with Laura kissing (not passionately just tongue flicking with distant lips) and Victoria working down below with her hands. I made no complaints about this as the chemistry didn't seem right and I had had enough by this stage myself. Then at payment time (50 euros each) Victoria was polite and gave me two cheek kisses, when I went to do the same to Laura she stuck her tongue out and wiggled it about, which was a bit of a suprise, this was accompanied by a giggle but unfortunately I had the feeling that she was laughing at me rather than with me. This was confirmed by her rather cool attitude to me later on in the inside bar, as well as by something that happened with Victoria later too. The latter event was at about 7 pm when I was sitting on a lounger by the pool and Victoria walked past with some other girls she clearly knew. As they passed she looked at me, but not in a friendly way, and said something to the other girls in German which I could just hear and which didn't sound very good even to my untutored linguistic ears, whatever she said made them actually turn their heads and look round at me as they went past in a rather unpleasant way.
After the attempt at a 3 some which didn't quite go to plan I should have learnt my lesson and stayed out of the kino, but my brain must have been softened by the sun and I returned there before dinner at about 5.30 pm. I was again approached by a few girls and i wasn't interested until a pneumatic lady called Stefanie, who claimed to be 25 (possibly true) and from Columbia (Medellin - but she didn't really want to talk about this). She was now living in Barcelona. Stefany had a cute wide grin, a lovely large firm ass and big boobs and I was slightly smitten. She agreed to do 'everything' and we went to one of the outside beds. Once there she kissed enthusiastically and I noticed that she had some abdominal scarring but this wasn't really a problem as the cute bits of her were very cute. The communication was probably worse than I realised. I said that we could start with half an hour and then extend possibly, but after that she seemed to be set on doing half an hour only which in retrospect must have meant that her English skills were less good than I thought. After she got me up we had a bit of sex in missionary but unfortunately she didn't seem to respond very well to this, in fact her pussy dried up a bit with the result that I plopped out. She then did more oral and I suggested that she got on top this time. She then said that she didn't like doing this on the bed we were on but she gave it a rather unenthusiastic try, with the result that little me withered again. Then she gave up on pretty much everything except she got out some lube and gave me an uninterested hand job, all her sexy smiling which initially had attracted me had disappeared by now and I was definitly not in a position to be turned on unless things took a dramatic new direction. I suggested a tit fuck which she declined again saying that she was getting too little money, but she didn't even seem interested in negotiating a price for the tit job, so we couldn't proceed in that direction. Eventually we gave up at the half hour point and, to her credit, she didn't rush to finish and remained friendly after that, giving me a nice kiss at the end and later on one of her great smiles later when she was having dinner at an adjacent table.
After dinner there was no more action for me apart from the strange incident with Victoria mentioned above. I went to the Kino again but took up none of the offers presented to me and left at about 8 pm or so. I will return tomorrow.
Improvements at Oase
[QUOTE=Strato]This is a classic FKK photo and perhaps an indication of the future Improvement program at Oase. This same fixture would fit in well in their new salad bar.
S. Trato[/QUOTE]
There are further improvements in Oase. There was a dark haired work man who spent all day Friday doing the grouting and re-tiling in the hallway that leads to the ladies changing room at Oase. The stucco walls had been stripped back to expose the concrete shell and he was relining the walls with new tiles.
This same dark haired man had done the new rooms and all the Renaissance style and Eqyptian style wall paintings in the hallway and in the new rooms themselves. He and I had discussed his paintwork at lenght before earlier this year and he remembered me.
He and I chatted extensively about the tile work, what type of tiles he was using, the grout mix and so forth. By the end, the man was offering to come to my homeland to tile my home.
Each time I am at Oase I see the gardeners in the carpark area tending to the plants and men in the back garden doing things to the plants, moving furniture around and tidying up. I even see some of the security guys on the roof above the whirl pool doing stuff.
Sorry, I keep my movements secret and safe these days now. I hope you understand the reason.
If you read my take on parties at FKKs then that should give you an idea. However, Shark16, Big30, Maxime, etc... enjoy parties so they will be keeping you company.
Enjoy the summer party.[/QUOTE]
Yes I was guessing so but wanted to make sure.
Anyway, anyone else planning to attend the summer party?
[QUOTE=Qubei]Yes I was guessing so but wanted to make sure.
Anyway, anyone else planning to attend the summer party?
Mohab is going to the Summer party per his latest trip program. Maybe Lukasek will come too. I have a good feeling that some Ice Bears will be there too. You may know them. For me it depends.
Angus Magee and Wiild
[QUOTE=Angus Magee]If you do like the party atmosphere remember that each club has its' own feel & culture, and even this changes depending on the night. If you like this atmosphere you might consider a trip to Oase near to Frankfurt. There it is set up more as a disco and they have regular party nights. Artemis has much more the feel of a gentlemen's club.
I think alcohol is still pretty dear at Oase but they do serve cocktails on party nights and, as I remember, actually let the guests have their drinks in actual glasses. You might like to have a look on the Oase thread where recently the whole pros & cons of party nights were discussed (I think it was the Oase thread?)
And I have to say, while I am not entirely certain that it was not due to my familiarity with the Artemis line up, I found the over all hotness quotient of the Oase girls to be a bit higher than that of Artemis. That is there were more young hotties running around it seemed.
Angus Magee and Wiild,
I moved your discussion thread from the FKK Artemis thread since it is now verging on Oase material.
Oase indeed seems to be set up like a disco due to its decor, the pole podium, the bar area, the tiled flooring as opposed to carpet at Artemis which is more conducive to dancing and the club music like feel. In my opinion World on a Friday and a Saturday when DJ Andy is spinning the discs is even more a party. I think girls at World on those nights do not even work and rather dance, socialise with guests and drink cocktails instead of making money.
I honestly have seen girls just stay with a guy all night in the main lounge and I do not think money is paid over for that time. I mean at times I have girls at Oase and World that spend hours with me just lying with me or on me or going to the whirl pool or sauna - all this for no recompense.
Beers at Oase are 10€ a bottle of Becks all the time. On Saturday's cocktail night at Oase the various cocktails like Long Island Ice Tea, Mojitos, etc... are just 5€. A whole bottle of Jack Daniels, Wodka, Barcardi and so forth is 150€ but that also includes your mixers bought to you in a bottle like coca cola, orange juice or fanta and some salty bar snacks. Yes, you do get your drinks in glasses at Oase, even the free ones.
The discussion on the pros and cons of parties was discussed on this Oase thread. Members like Maxime, Qubei, Euro100, Big30, Angus Magee and Shark16 endorse attending parties in fuck clubs to socialise.
The girls at Oase are numerous and there can be many hot looking babes there. I can usually find someone that I want to fuck at Oase. Even on that really dry spell earlier this month where Maxime and I did wander the halls of Oase and felt that there was nothing that piqued our interest. I still ended up spending a decent piece of wedge. Then the next week with Rex, Szygies and Timjava we did at first think it catastrophic but come 19:00 the line up improved immensely and there were many pickings.
From my Artemis experience and my Oase experience I would give the edge to the Oase girls for being overall younger since the the mininum working age is 18 years and it does feel more of a party at Oase too. Compare Palace whose minimum working age for hookers is 21 years. I still give World the overall crown for a party atmosphere even though the club is huge it somehow still manages to generate the energy that makes the place a great time even if you are not fucking any daughters of World.
Please note, however, Breadman's recent report from Thursday, 19 August of Oase that his take is that Oase is full of hookers that have cow like bodies due to his reference to them being like cattle and watching them roam the back garden's grassland. Charming.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]There are further improvements in Oase. There was a dark haired work man who spent all day Friday doing the grouting and re-tiling in the hallway that leads to the ladies changing room at Oase. The stucco walls had been stripped back to expose the concrete shell and he was relining the walls with new tiles.
This same dark haired man had done the new rooms and all the Renaissance style and Eqyptian style wall paintings in the hallway and in the new rooms themselves. He and I had discussed his paintwork at lenght before earlier this year and he remembered me.
He and I chatted extensively about the tile work, what type of tiles he was using, the grout mix and so forth. By the end, the man was offering to come to my homeland to tile my home.
Each time I am at Oase I see the gardeners in the carpark area tending to the plants and men in the back garden doing things to the plants, moving furniture around and tidying up. I even see some of the security guys on the roof above the whirl pool doing stuff.[/QUOTE]
This is all well and good but maybe they could change a sheet in the zimmern once in a while or fix the friggin" AC. LOL I could care less about the friggin tile paintings and unless you can smoke the plants, who gives a shit?
There can be disappointing experiences at Oase
London Traveller,
Thank you for your well written and extensive report. There is a wealth of information and your first person writing style draws the reader in to participate in the action with you. Well done.
I can see where you were going in the threesome session with MILFy blond Victoria (Krakow, Poland) and gorgeous but breast enhanced Laura (Latvia). The combination did not work and the vibe from them not speaking English or German in contravention of the Oase house rules made the session feel uneasy. You noted it and even mentioned it to the girls to speak English so that you may feel a part of the action. I have been with both Victoria and Laura before but moreso with Laura as Laura to me has some good looks and a tight blond body. I can see the session from them turning out that way.
IN my experience with Victoria where I wanted something similar - BBJTCIM the staying power of Victoria to keep at it was limited. I think she thinks she is expending too much energy even for a 100 euro invoice. In your case and please excuse me if I am wrong, was that the deal was 50 euro to each hooker, so the the girls were going to get the minimum payment for half hour service where they blow you to completion but maybe not come in their mouths for a 50 euro bonus extra. These girls did suck you in the cinema first before moving to the outdoor area which you also noted takes time and then they kept sucking you for a good 10 minutes when in the outdoor hut on the hill - is that correct?
You are correct that I have seen many girls suck on a hard penis for ages.
I have seen Heidi (hu) suck a guy in a whirl cork screw motion in full view on a covered bed in the garden for over 45 minutes before the guy popped finally.
I know Maggie (Bg) does a decent blow and gets on her knees on the floor to do it.
Yasmine (serbia) is also another one that does down on her knees porno style in the cinema.
Rebecca (Bg) does deep throat and I have had a one hour blowjob from her and maybe 6 minutes of sex. I might have been a bit lazy. LOL.
Hanna (Cz) is a renown deep throater and she is labelled as such on the Dutch forum as "Hanna - deep throat", Hanna will suck you dry, Hanna is not also beloved of the Dutch visitors but also of the Francophone visitors and one Francophone has to do Hanna whenever he sees her.
Timea (hu) is another excellent blowjob artist and man I have dropped many a load into her mouth to my delectation. This hooker is a dynamo sucker, she will suck and not stop until you bust your nut. Well that is what she does for me and she does not stop even when I ask for sex and keeps on sucking. I dare not pull my penis from her mouth in case she bites me and eventually I just finish in her mouth but with a 50 euro extra bill.
Lisa (Hu) is also another one and is noted on the German forum as a deep throater as well.
For the finale, the one that most guys give full marks to for blowjob is Linda / Adriana (Cz) but she has not been spotted at Oase through August.
One of my more memorable blowjobs went on for one hour and a half in a tent in the garden. This hooker just knew how to tease and tantalise and keep you stiff and enjoying the ministrations of her mouth but not to the point of you wanting to bust your nut. In doing so she extends the session and prolongs the pleasure that her lips, mouth and tongue was doing to my shaft and balls.
It still when they were doing it would have looked very porno to have two beautiful blondes Victoria and Laura licking and sucking on your penis and devouring your balls.
Stephanie (Colombia) is an interesting one. She has a large caboose that even Mike De H will like and also the up front assets in the breast department as well. She is not my type of girl I am sorry, too big in places. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I hope that you can accept disagreement here. It is not meant to be malicious and is just a difference of opinion.
Good to know that the cute bits of Stephanie outweighed the abdominal scarring visuals.
It is interesting to note how down hill your session with Stephanie went as time elapsed further into the 30 minutes time slot. She refused to allow tit fuck when requested and the reason was not about not enough time (although that is also linked to money) but that she was earning so little in a fiddy euro session to perform it even though it was within the time slot of a half hour.
When I read your Stephanie report I could picture myself being there with you and Stephanie with a hand covering my eyes going, "oh no, poor guy getting a hard time."
Maybe Stephanie did not understand that you were happy to extend to one hour from a half hour if the session warrant it, but I have chatted to Stephanie many times and her english his adequate and she would have dealt with many customers who would ahve said the same thing as it is common to say half hour for now and we will see on one hour if it takes that long. Even I say that to girls telling them not to worry if during the course of the session we go over half hour. I just want it relaxed and not a clock watching session and I happy to pay the going rate.
As you say to Stephanie's credit when it became mutually understood that you were not going to pop she did not rush you out to go and get paid her fiddy euro note so she can clean up and go find another customer. Fridays at Oase can be relatively relaxed. You can expect the same line up on the party like Saturday but less men since Friday is a work day so during the day the men that have to work will not come until later or just leave it to Saturday when the can spend a whole day enjoying the club.
It does feel that the line up at Oase s in line with Breadman's comment of Thursday, 19 August on the line up being full of hookers with cow like bodies. The line up seems to have deteriorated quite badly. I did also feel the same during my visits earlier. It was at times catastrophic and there were over 80 hookers to choose from at times.
London Traveller, thank you for the Oase report from Friday, 20 August and I look forward to seeing more of them.
[QUOTE=London Traveller] There wasn't much talent around in the afternoon and I got rather bored, which I think led to my later poorer experiences.
At about 3 pm or so I thought I would kill some time in the Kino and settled down to see what would happen. I rebuffed a few girls who came on to me there before an attractive older blonde, Victoria from Krakow in Poland, who I had noticed on my previous visits approached. Although her body had seen better days (this was immediately obvious as she covered it to above tit level with a towel and was confirmed later by inspection) she had very fine features and I thought that a MILF would be an experienced encounter. As I fancied just lying back and relaxing after my earlier energetic encounter and I wanted to try a threesome I suggested to her that she found another girl and both of them could give me a blowjob. She said that she said she had a friend and went out of the kino calling 'Olga' but soon returned with Laura, an attractive Latvian girl who had spoken to me previously. Laura is a leggy blonde with cute features and a torso only slightly marred by a tit job which left them a rather unnatural shape (positioned a bit too high I think). I can't say I was thrilled to see her but I thought that if Victoria had chosen her then maybe there was a reasonable chance of things going well. I wanted to do it on one of the open beds again and the girls agreed but suddenly they started in the Kino without my asking and I realised later that this was probably in order to get the time clock ticking at that point rather than when we actually arrived at the bed. Out in the garden I wanted to go to the beds at the end but Victoria insisted on going to the raised platform bed instead, which was another sign of things not happening quite as planned. The girls also spoiled things a bit more by chatting to each other in a language I didn't understand (it didn't sound like German, so possibly Russian) at times. I had asked them for half an hour only, which at least I knew was going to keep a lid on the costs. Anyway things perked up when they both went down on me and I swiftly got hard in response to the ministrations. They licked up the sides together and did various combinations of sucking and licking but after a while they seemed to get a bit bored and Laura, who had been spending a bit of time not looking at me but looking at herself in the mirror behind my head, asked if I wanted to have sex. When I said that I just wanted the blowjob to continue they got back to work, but there was a bit more backchat in a foreign tongue (which I asked them to stop, requesting communications in English only). Laura made some obvious fake moans at times but she had a nice body (apart from the over hard tits) so when I felt like squeezing an ass then hers was the one I chose and it was more to hand as after a while she decided to kiss me, leaving Victoria to the blow job. Now, i had seen girls in Oase really persist with oral sex and later on in the Kino I saw a girl going down on a guy for ages with oral only until he eventually came, but Victoria wasn't made of stuff like that and after about 10 minutes or so she reverted to a vigorous hand job and the oral ceased. At one point also the girls were laughing between themselves without involving me and then Laura offered to lick my asshole if I gave her 200 euros, which I declined too. Laura also at another point temporarily refused to kiss me when I asked her to saying 'I'll decide when I kiss'. The session ended after about 20 minutes actually on the bed with Laura kissing (not passionately just tongue flicking with distant lips) and Victoria working down below with her hands. I made no complaints about this as the chemistry didn't seem right and I had had enough by this stage myself. Then at payment time (50 euros each) Victoria was polite and gave me two cheek kisses, when I went to do the same to Laura she stuck her tongue out and wiggled it about, which was a bit of a suprise, this was accompanied by a giggle but unfortunately I had the feeling that she was laughing at me rather than with me. This was confirmed by her rather cool attitude to me later on in the inside bar, as well as by something that happened with Victoria later too. The latter event was at about 7 pm when I was sitting on a lounger by the pool and Victoria walked past with some other girls she clearly knew. As they passed she looked at me, but not in a friendly way, and said something to the other girls in German which I could just hear and which didn't sound very good even to my untutored linguistic ears, whatever she said made them actually turn their heads and look round at me as they went past in a rather unpleasant way.
After the attempt at a 3 some which didn't quite go to plan I should have learnt my lesson and stayed out of the kino, but my brain must have been softened by the sun and I returned there before dinner at about 5.30 pm. I was again approached by a few girls and i wasn't interested until a pneumatic lady called Stefanie, who claimed to be 25 (possibly true) and from Columbia (Medellin - but she didn't really want to talk about this). She was now living in Barcelona. Stefany had a cute wide grin, a lovely large firm ass and big boobs and I was slightly smitten. She agreed to do 'everything' and we went to one of the outside beds. Once there she kissed enthusiastically and I noticed that she had some abdominal scarring but this wasn't really a problem as the cute bits of her were very cute. The communication was probably worse than I realised. I said that we could start with half an hour and then extend possibly, but after that she seemed to be set on doing half an hour only which in retrospect must have meant that her English skills were less good than I thought. After she got me up we had a bit of sex in missionary but unfortunately she didn't seem to respond very well to this, in fact her pussy dried up a bit with the result that I plopped out. She then did more oral and I suggested that she got on top this time. She then said that she didn't like doing this on the bed we were on but she gave it a rather unenthusiastic try, with the result that little me withered again. Then she gave up on pretty much everything except she got out some lube and gave me an uninterested hand job, all her sexy smiling which initially had attracted me had disappeared by now and I was definitly not in a position to be turned on unless things took a dramatic new direction. I suggested a tit fuck which she declined again saying that she was getting too little money, but she didn't even seem interested in negotiating a price for the tit job, so we couldn't proceed in that direction. Eventually we gave up at the half hour point and, to her credit, she didn't rush to finish and remained friendly after that, giving me a nice kiss at the end and later on one of her great smiles later when she was having dinner at an adjacent table.
After dinner there was no more action for me apart from the strange incident with Victoria mentioned above. [/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Beffen1]This is all well and good but maybe they could change a sheet in the zimmern once in a while or fix the friggin" AC. LOL I could care less about the friggin tile paintings and unless you can smoke the plants, who gives a shit?[/QUOTE]
Your comments are echoed by many on the Oase thread that the sheets in the zimmer are unclean and that towels are laid on the mattresses to be laid upon instead. Yes, the AC is there but not turned on and makes the club interior unbearable in summer. It can be so hot in that place. Very uncomfortable I agree.
Maybe you can leave feed back with Oase Reception to this effect and / or leave comments on the guest feed back form on the Oase website where comments are stated as welcome.
I am not sure how the Oase management will take the feed back that a guest wishes to smoke the plants. Is that some kinky sex game that I am not familiar with? Can you explain smoking the plants please?
I understand in Thailand that "smoking" is a term associated with a hooker giving a blowjob so is this similar?
[QUOTE=Basketcase]I just want to add some more points that were discussed in the Oase management meeting for the hookers / daughters of Oase.[/QUOTE]
Forget all that, the girls are already screaming across the club in Romanian and other languages.
August Update?
Hello Gentlemen,
A question, has anyone seen Melissa, Marina, and Sara (all RO) lately?
Particularly - has anyone TRY Marina? I am very interested to read a second opinion.
All have a great weekend.
My worry about FKK :(
Hi BC,
I have seen from your posts that you are a "frequent-flyer" of Oase and FKK in general. I have been three times at Oase, the only FKK I have visited because I like it very much, 2 days each time, and got a lot of wonderful time there, with beautiful girls (Judith. Hu above all, Heidi. Hu, Dora. Ru, Lisa?, Ramona. Ro, Krina. Ro,.). I don't know if it's a forbidden argument, but my question is: how is it possible that these girls are in good health (about STD I mean)?
Some girls have up to 10 or 15 sessions each day. This means 10-15 DFK each day, 10-15 BBBJ each day, and probably several CIM each day. And some girls are working for ages.
Judith for example; there are posts about her from 2005, and they are talking about the same Judith of today beyond a doubt because these posts report about her GFE, her blue-green eyes, and above all about her reverse nipples. So if she's working for so long, having thousands DFK(s) and thousands BBBJ(s) and hundreds CIM(s) how she can be in good healt? I don't want absolutely focus on her, I would come back to Oase just to stay with her that is a wonderful girl, it's just an example.
Can you or someone else answer my doubts?
I visited for the second time in a month last week. Shortly after arrival I noticed Gabriella of Venezuela and she recognized me too from my previous visit. I wasn't performing too well IMO but she worked hard and it all ended up well...
A longer rest period followed with some barbeque and some football on tv. On my last visit Lucia of Romania tried to talk me into a session but abandoned me when an apparent regular showed up. Funny in a way. It's also funny she had no recollection of trying to get a session with me on several occasions. The thing about hiding their nationality sort of makes me wary of Romanians and there are lots of them in the club.
However, I had noticed a girl that spent time alone quite a bit and later on she approached me as I was resting near the pool. She smiled and was sweet although not a supermodel or anything. I quickly decided to go with her. Her name is Dori(?) and she said she's from Romania. As she actually said so I decided I would give her a try because only the bad providers would need to hide their nationality, right? I think I was right. At least this time because Dori did a good job of servicing me until I finished. I mentioned this about hiding nationality without mentioning certain providers and was told that Romanian and Italian are similar so it probably makes sense to claim to be Italian if Romanians have a bad reputation.
Regarding the bad reputation I heard on my previous visit that Romanian girls are not allowed to start at Palace unless they are recommended by another girl. Does anyone know if that is true?
Never heard about recommendations needed for RO's at Palace. But could be as Palace management is much stricter than Oase about who they let in, that means papers as well as age, looks, language capabilities. Oase does let ALL girls in as they see themas 65€ each, they don't care about variety or looks or age.
Hessen Bub
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub]Forget all that, the girls are already screaming across the club in Romanian and other languages.
Hessen Bub,
Well that is true that the hookers do scream and yell as well as talk to each other in Romanaian and other languages including with their customers regardless that the club management does ask the hookers to speak German or English to their customers. LOL.
See London Traveller's experience with Laura and Victoria in his report a few posts below where he even asks these two girls to speak in English while the session is continuing.
Regardless that the rules get flouted by the girls themselves. I get told by the girl that I do book that to pick up my glass when I leave the room or they themselves pick up the glass themselves to take from the room. In the end I get trained to pick up my empty glass and return it to the bar when I leave the room at the end of the session. So there is some socialisation to follow the rules going on from the annoucements.
As for chewing gum, yes, I do see some girls chew the gum and I know some girls get checked by Gabi since Gabi thinks that they are chewing gum and is looking to fine each hooker 20 euro. It is stupid since I get girls asking me to go get chewing gum for them since they want some.
[QUOTE=Go Goguy]Hi BC,
I have seen from your posts that you are a "frequent-flyer" of Oase and FKK in general. I have been three times at Oase, the only FKK I have visited because I like it very much, 2 days each time, and got a lot of wonderful time there, with beautiful girls (Judith. Hu above all, Heidi. Hu, Dora. Ru, Lisa?, Ramona. Ro, Krina. Ro,.). I don't know if it's a forbidden argument, but my question is: how is it possible that these girls are in good health (about STD I mean)?
Some girls have up to 10 or 15 sessions each day. This means 10-15 DFK each day, 10-15 BBBJ each day, and probably several CIM each day. And some girls are working for ages.
Judith for example; there are posts about her from 2005, and they are talking about the same Judith of today beyond a doubt because these posts report about her GFE, her blue-green eyes, and above all about her reverse nipples. So if she's working for so long, having thousands DFK(s) and thousands BBBJ(s) and hundreds CIM(s) how she can be in good healt? I don't want absolutely focus on her, I would come back to Oase just to stay with her that is a wonderful girl, it's just an example.
Can you or someone else answer my doubts?[/QUOTE]
The hookers are healthy.
I try not to think about how many men that these hookers have done before me too much or else I would not be doing this hobby.
[QUOTE=Go Goguy]Hi BC,
I have seen from your posts that you are a "frequent-flyer" of Oase and FKK in general. I have been three times at Oase, the only FKK I have visited because I like it very much, 2 days each time, and got a lot of wonderful time there, with beautiful girls (Judith. Hu above all, Heidi. Hu, Dora. Ru, Lisa?, Ramona. Ro, Krina. Ro,.). I don't know if it's a forbidden argument, but my question is: how is it possible that these girls are in good health (about STD I mean)?
Some girls have up to 10 or 15 sessions each day. This means 10-15 DFK each day, 10-15 BBBJ each day, and probably several CIM each day. And some girls are working for ages.
Judith for example; there are posts about her from 2005, and they are talking about the same Judith of today beyond a doubt because these posts report about her GFE, her blue-green eyes, and above all about her reverse nipples. So if she's working for so long, having thousands DFK(s) and thousands BBBJ(s) and hundreds CIM(s) how she can be in good healt? I don't want absolutely focus on her, I would come back to Oase just to stay with her that is a wonderful girl, it's just an example.
Can you or someone else answer my doubts?[/QUOTE]I was sitting at Oase today with some Israeli guys and they told me (I don't know if it's true) that the girls get checked every few weeks for STDs. Of course, even if this is correct and it would seem sensible, that doesn't stop them picking up something from someone in between the check and them seeing you, so there is always some risk.
FYI also it is definitely possible to get significant STDs from BBBJ alone, such as gonorrhea, so I would suggest that if one must at all costs avoid catching something from a girl (maybe because of marital status) then it would be best for oral sex to be protected.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]I try not to think about how many men that these hookers have done before me too much or else I would not be doing this hobby.[/QUOTE]Actually I find it very sexy and a real turn on to think about the girl I am shagging having had loads of men before me - and this is the reality of the situation - however I have found that it is probably not a good idea to actually report this thought to most working girls!
Saturday at Oase
I don't really think that visiting a place like Oase on consecutive days is such a good idea for me as I need a bit of time off for rest and relaxation in between the type of 'relaxation' that one gets at Oase. However, as this trip to Frankfurt is a short one and the weather has been excellent I have been there two days in a row (plus the first day at Bernds) and may well spend some more time there tomorrow before I fly back to Heathrow. As a consequence of the daily visits I haven't tried to overdo things (apart from maybe yesterday, which didn't work out very well) and only saw one lady at Bernds and one today at Oase.
I turned up at about 10. 30 and claimed my usual spot under the umbrellas by the pool. I had slept very poorly and had a plan for the day, which was to wait until 5-6 pm before seeing any girls as my battery seemed to have run out yesterday and as I had little sleep (possibly due to my fading viral bug) I was initially very tired. I spent the time until then dozing, reading, eating and chatting to some temporary pals. An Irishman who I had met yesterday and two Israeli men who had been there yesterday evening and had returned for another visit. Both my Irish friend and one of the Israelis sampled the delights of Vivienne (Hungarian blonde) and gave her extremely positive reports.
I was surprisingly unhassled by girls this day, possibly because the ones who most intrusively go up to guys were getting to know me. Lucia did ask me to put some of my sun cream on her back, which livened things up a bit though.
I was actually waiting for Emma, the Slovakian bottle blonde who I had met on my previous visit to Oase almost two months ago (I have written reports). She was excellent then and we had spent a two hour session, including A levels, together. This time I had met her yesterday. She had actually recognised me from behind in the Kino. She was in the back row and I was one row in front. Actually she had seen me rebuffing a girl who approached me, which had given her a chance to recognise my profile and she gave me a very friendly hello. I had asked her what time she was coming in today. And she said between 5-6 pm.
I was waiting for her in the main indoor area when she turned up at about 5. 40 pm. Soon we were sitting together in the front row of the Kino and she was smoking a cigarette (smoking is her only flaw as far as I can see) and chatting to me. Finally I feel like I am getting the real Oase experience as up till now I had envied those men who had such good relationships with the girls that they sat and chatted with them for social time only. Once she had finished her ciggie, I gave her a couple of tictacs and soon we were snogging enthusiastically. I had seen from my previous observations of Emma that she was quite an adventurous girl and I intended to take full advantage of my knowledge this time. Soon we were at it hammer and tongs in the Kino. I had deliberately chosen the front row for two reasons, one it was a bit lighter there and Emma is very good to look at, and secondly I had seen a couple having sex on the round beds at the front ot the Kino the day before, and thought that this looked interesting. I won't go into all the details of what Emma and I got up to, as some of it was a bit out of the ordinary and wasn't the sort of thing one should do with a girl one is having sex with for the first time where trust has yet to be established, but we did end up having full sex in missionary and related positions on the round beds at the front, as well as having full sex on the kino couch with her on top as well as a prolonged 69 session. We then moved into a normal room (we were lucky to find this quickly as the place was pretty busy and there were queues in some areas for rooms) where we finished off (Emma had said that she could relax more easily in a room and become more aroused, so she obviously isn't a complete exhibitionist) with me having sex with Emma from behind lying down (she has a lovely bum) and us staring into each other's eyes in the mirror (this was obviously something we couldn't have done in the Kino). She then chatted with me for a while in the room, then I showered, she had a ciggie and we went to chat a bit more in the garden (for the last half hour of the 90 minute session).
It was now 7. 25 pm and she asked me whether I would like to continue but I expressed a preference for having some dinner from the BBQ and we went to settle up. On the way back in she said good evening (in German) to an older man who was on the other side of the pool, who she told me was a client (when I was eating she turned up to the outdoor bar with him and they were chatting happily when I left after my meal). She asked for 150 euros and also suggested that I might like to 'express' my 'appreciation' but I didn't take her up on the financial aspect of this, just saying that I was very appreciative. I would welcome advice on what I should have done (if anything) as her request took me a bit by suprise and I am not usually a tipper in these places, just giving what was asked for. One the one hand Emma had provided some services which were definitely not on the Oase menu (although they were nothing which we were embarrassed about performing in public in the Kino), on the other we had spent half an hour just chatting, sitting on separate loungers in the garden while she had her cigarette, which wasn't particularly arduous or intimate (and Emma had commented to me that she was doing it on some sort of break time anyway).
[QUOTE=Go Goguy]Judith for example; there are posts about her from 2005, and they are talking about the same Judith of today beyond a doubt because these posts report about her GFE, her blue-green eyes, and above all about her reverse nipples. So if she's working for so long, having thousands DFK(s) and thousands BBBJ(s) and hundreds CIM(s) how she can be in good healt? I don't want absolutely focus on her, I would come back to Oase just to stay with her that is a wonderful girl, it's just an example.[/QUOTE]Judith has been in the business since 2003. Anyway, try not to focus too much on that specific issue or the pleasure will be gone forever.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]London Traveller,
Thank you for your well written and extensive report. There is a wealth of information and your first person writing style draws the reader in to participate in the action with you. Well done.
In your case and please excuse me if I am wrong, was that the deal was 50 euro to each hooker, so the the girls were going to get the minimum payment for half hour service where they blow you to completion but maybe not come in their mouths for a 50 euro bonus extra. These girls did suck you in the cinema first before moving to the outdoor area which you also noted takes time and then they kept sucking you for a good 10 minutes when in the outdoor hut on the hill - is that correct?
I know Maggie (Bg) does a decent blow and gets on her knees on the floor to do it.
It still when they were doing it would have looked very porno to have two beautiful blondes Victoria and Laura licking and sucking on your penis and devouring your balls.[/QUOTE]Basketcase,
Many thanks for your kind words about my report. I feel that I have benefited greatly from the reports of yourself and many others about the various establishments that I have visited and I am only too pleased to spend some time repaying that assistance with some reports of my own experiences. As I know very little background to the setup of Oase et al. I have concentrated on giving a POV account of what has happened and I am glad that you appreciate my efforts, which have continued in my (relatively brief as I only saw one girl) report of Oase on Saturday.
With regard to Victoria/Laura, you are pretty much correct on most things. I had specified a 30 minute duo blowjob, however not asked for this to be to completion. In fact I had specifically requested during the session that they weren't to worry if I didn't come as I really wanted to enjoy them both sucking me at the same time for the duration of the session. However you are right in the timings, in that there was a couple of minutes in the Kino then at least 10 minutes on the bed of the kind of service that I had requested. Also they did look very 'porno' while doing it as both are very attractive. This is what Laura was admiring when she was looking in the mirror as she had my cock in her mouth when she did so (this is quite encouraging about Laura actually as it shows that she has a genuine interest and excitement, although a rather narcissistic one, in aspects of her own sexuality). There are usually positive points to every session and I would not want to minimise these in this situation. I can think of nowhere else where I could get two such beautiful blondes to suck my cock together for 100 euros.
Maggie was actually the girl I had seen in the Kino giving the prolonged BBBJ which I commented on in my report on Friday (in comparison to the lack of duration from Victoria/Laura). She really looked devoted to the task and, as you say, was right down there on her knees.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]You are correct that I have seen many girls suck on a hard penis for ages.
I have seen Heidi (hu) suck a guy in a whirl cork screw motion in full view on a covered bed in the garden for over 45 minutes before the guy popped finally.
I know Maggie (Bg) does a decent blow and gets on her knees on the floor to do it.
Yasmine (serbia) is also another one that does down on her knees porno style in the cinema.
Rebecca (Bg) does deep throat and I have had a one hour blowjob from her and maybe 6 minutes of sex. I might have been a bit lazy. LOL.
Hanna (Cz) is a renown deep throater and she is labelled as such on the Dutch forum as "Hanna - deep throat", Hanna will suck you dry, Hanna is not also beloved of the Dutch visitors but also of the Francophone visitors and one Francophone has to do Hanna whenever he sees her.
Timea (hu) is another excellent blowjob artist and man I have dropped many a load into her mouth to my delectation. This hooker is a dynamo sucker, she will suck and not stop until you bust your nut. Well that is what she does for me and she does not stop even when I ask for sex and keeps on sucking. I dare not pull my penis from her mouth in case she bites me and eventually I just finish in her mouth but with a 50 euro extra bill.
Lisa (Hu) is also another one and is noted on the German forum as a deep throater as well.
For the finale, the one that most guys give full marks to for blowjob is Linda / Adriana (Cz) but she has not been spotted at Oase through August.[/QUOTE]Many thanks for your fascinating list of BJ artists. To your collection I would also add, from my limited experience, the Polish MILF Evelyne, who was in Oase today (Friday) sporting an even more attractive platinum bob than she had previously (gorgeously asymmetric). I have observed and experienced her ministrations. She has an amazing technique which produces incredible sensations and she continues until she gets the desired CIM, which unless you have taken too much Viagra or have cum with another girl (or in some other way) in the fairly recent past, will probably be fairly rapidly.
Fantastic weather for Oase but ... bad lineup turns good.
Slept in late, so arrived at Oase very late in the day, 4PM (Sat). S5 trains leave every half hour for Friedrichsdorf, then a 12 min taxi ride for $10 to Oase (Oh-ar-zer). Still plenty of sunshine left in the day, but the lineup of girls was Catastrophe! Least exciting I have seen for a long time. Not one of of several girls I had planned to fuck was in evidence. Surely the lineup will be vastly better next weekend for the Summer Party.
Ended up playing volleyball in the pool for a while and was tiring without even having had a screw yet. The girl playing ball looked playful enough to be worth trying but she disappeared somehow for a long while.
Even later there was no sign of Ricky, nor Krina, nor Adriana, etc. No Lena too!
But back to 5:30PM. Still no sex. I was getting desperate. A very relaible girl Gabriella (Venezuella) was there, as always, but talking on the phone for a long while. Eventually I managed to catch her and had a fantastic session as usual (close to 1 hr). We chose the very last inside room next to the back door and, as it was very hot inside Oase, left the door 6" ajar to get some air coming in from outside. Although not really giving a sex show to anybody, I could see those passing through the back door as I was pumping Gabriella.
I was 15 mins late to the BBQ and was worse than usual with just Wurst (pork sausage), Rindwurst (beef sausage), and pork burgers remaining (chicken all gone). Vegies and salads usual low standard too. Palace had fantastic food on Friday, including fish and a selection of desserts, so Oase cannot compete in this area at all.
Started to wish I was at the Palace, but a few more pretty girls started showing up later. Would probably have tried Vanessa (tall slim blonde) after my Pause, but she had been grabbed by some guy for an extended chat before an extended session. Anyway her face schrapnel (piercings) puts me off her just a little.
"What's her name" showed up. The slim all natural Brazilian babe who used to be known as Kimi at Palace. Turns out she is called Cynthia at Oase. She is the nicest girl you could ever meet, fantastic slim and tall but curvy body with natural B cups (verging on C).
Can Brazilian girls kiss? Need we ask? Probably the best kissers in the world.
So my first 5 minutes with Cythia was just DFK and lovey dovey stuff. I was amazed how far she could stick her tongue down my throat ;) I asked her to lie down and she didn't seem to understand despite having quite good English. Why don't I speak Deutsch she asked, me having been in Germany for some time, and she knows this. O.K. Great!, she is making me get some practice. "Liegen Sie bitte!" etc.
I gave her an extended DATY as her pussy is soft padded and delicious, really just perfect. Seemed to get her off after a while. She then asked if we should change to "Neun und Sechzig" (69). She obviously was into being licked out. The BBBJ was very slow at first (I like it that way). Then got faster and firmer. However I still wanted to fuck her. So a really nice mish where she opened legs wide to let me get it all in there and play with her wonderful tits too. An absolute opti-fick and GFE thrown in. After I blew the load, I gave her yet one more DATY. Then we relaxed and chatted for a bit. She might return to Palace in the Winter, but the girls at Oase are nicer, less sharky, friendlier and easier to get on with. Says there are more men at Oase too. Yes I would say way more men than at Palace at 8PM yesterday. She never discusses money during the session, except maybe with newbie customers who don't know what CIM costs.
We had gone slightly over the hour but Cynthia only asked for the 100 (no specials this time). I gave her 150 to be totally fair and as a bonus for such an incrediblely enthusiastic GFE session.
She was very pleased indeed and extended passionate kissing continued at my money locker.
I have not had a better overall session at Oase, even though there may be some other girls with slightly superior BBBJs. Cynthia's BBBJ scores I guess 8.5 out of 10 for me. But overall, her performance was really top self.
O.K. Some won't go for her as she is not blonde (black hair) and has no silicone nor double Ds, and a narrow but very pretty face (like Julia Roberts).
I was so happy after this session, that I was ready for home. Leaving by taxi at 10:55 leaves just enough time to catch the 23:08 S5 train from Friedrichsdorf Bahnhof. If I missed it there would then be the 00:08, or the 4:08. So you really don't want to miss it and have a long wait.
P.S. Judith with blue-green eyes and reverse nipples was there. Diana is the gum chewer I know best, but she wasn't there today. Gum chewing seems quite common I guess, just like speaking of all sorts of Languages. Any two people will naturally converse in the Language most easy and relaxed for that particular pairing, or even in a mixture of multiple Languages. So language rules and debates seem excessively silly to me.
Vanessa is actually Veronica from World
[QUOTE=Syzygies] Would probably have tried Vanessa (tall slim blonde) after my Pause, but she had been grabbed by some guy for an extended chat before an extended session. Anyway her face schrapnel (piercings) puts me off her just a little.[/QUOTE]
My sincere apologies. I had another think and the girl that I was referencing to you as Vanessa is actually Veronica from FKK World. She is Bulgarian, slim, blond, some tattoo work and I think very pretty which you seem to think as well. We both do have the same taste in hookers I think.
So Vanessa is Veronica. Sorry.
[QUOTE=Go Goguy]Hi BC,
I have seen from your posts that you are a "frequent-flyer" of Oase and FKK in general. I have been three times at Oase, the only FKK I have visited because I like it very much, 2 days each time, and got a lot of wonderful time there, with beautiful girls (Judith. Hu above all, Heidi. Hu, Dora. Ru, Lisa?, Ramona. Ro, Krina. Ro,.). I don't know if it's a forbidden argument, but my question is: how is it possible that these girls are in good health (about STD I mean)?
Some girls have up to 10 or 15 sessions each day. This means 10-15 DFK each day, 10-15 BBBJ each day, and probably several CIM each day. And some girls are working for ages.
Judith for example; there are posts about her from 2005, and they are talking about the same Judith of today beyond a doubt because these posts report about her GFE, her blue-green eyes, and above all about her reverse nipples. So if she's working for so long, having thousands DFK(s) and thousands BBBJ(s) and hundreds CIM(s) how she can be in good healt? I don't want absolutely focus on her, I would come back to Oase just to stay with her that is a wonderful girl, it's just an example.
Can you or someone else answer my doubts?[/QUOTE]
Talked to a non-Oase girl about this. She has been going for a few years and was @ Oase for a while. Very intense BBBJ style. Has a way of filling up her mouth with saliva while gagging and really working it. Eventually leaves your dick in a pool of gag before she cleans up.
Anyway she uses some kind of disinfecting mouthwater already in the room. No, not Listerine, some other stuff. Said she never ever had a problem. I'd say she is a clean girl. For example she thought Oase did not have clean rooms, so she moved out. She is also quite picky and actively refuses quite a few clients.
Me? A few years ago I always refused BBBJ, went CBJ and never did any DATY or DFK. Against common sense and all warnings, that has changed. I go to a very small selection of girls that I perceive as clean. But of course I can not recommend it.
My sincere apologies. I had another think and the girl that I was referencing to you as Vanessa is actually Veronica from FKK World. She is Bulgarian, slim, blond, some tattoo work and I think very pretty which you seem to think as well. We both do have the same taste in hookers I think.
So Vanessa is Veronica. Sorry.[/QUOTE]
And I thought your memory of names was infallible. No matter, I never got to talk to her yet. I usually spell all the names wrongly anyway.
[QUOTE=Suller Joe]
Me? A few years ago I always refused BBBJ, went CBJ and never did any DATY or DFK. Against common sense and all warnings, that has changed. I go to a very small selection of girls that I perceive as clean. But of course I can not recommend it.[/QUOTE]
Mouth kissing is actually more dangerous than oral sex for catching something, but I still kiss girls I like.
Btw, would be rather hypocritical for guys to have the girl take CIM and then not want to kiss her after that. I guess guys pay to be hypocrits.
August Update
Hello Gentlemen,
A question, has anyone seen Melissa, Marina, and Sara (all RO) lately?
Particularly - has anyone TRY Marina? I am very interested to read a second opinion.
All have a great weekend.
[QUOTE=Syzygies]Btw, would be rather hypocritical for guys to have the girl take CIM and then not want to kiss her after that. I guess guys pay to be hypocrits.[/QUOTE]I like kissing girls right after I CIM but they usually are a bit surprised and say that I'm a rarity!
Some men have different fetishes
[QUOTE=London Traveller]Actually I find it very sexy and a real turn on to think about the girl I am shagging having had loads of men before me - and this is the reality of the situation - however I have found that it is probably not a good idea to actually report this thought to most working girls![/QUOTE]
London Traveller,
Do not worry telling the girls that it gets you horny knowing or seeing her having been fucked by numerous men before. I know some girls say that some men do not fuck them unless they are told or have seen that hooker go with other men. It makes them horny or for some it is the only way that they will book that girl.
Some girls call these guys perverts. LOL.
[QUOTE=London Traveller]I like kissing girls right after I CIM but they usually are a bit surprised and say that I'm a rarity![/QUOTE]
London Traveller,
I do not get much chance to kiss the girls immediately after coming in their mouths. For me, once I have come and the girl feels that her mouth has stayed on me long enough to take all my sperm ejaculate, she jumps off me and goes to the bin to spit out leaving me usually lying there prone exhausted from blowing my wad.
It is only after the spit out, maybe a rinse out with a drink or mouthwash if she is organised and has a small bottle in purse does she come back to me to kiss and cuddle a bit at the end.
I am usually too conked out, from having come, to get up and grab her before she jumps off to go spit out. Now if your girl was a swallower of male sperm then maybe she would stay on you and be in position to kiss.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]London Traveller,
I do not get much chance to kiss the girls immediately after coming in their mouths. For me, once I have come and the girl feels that her mouth has stayed on me long enough to take all my sperm ejaculate, she jumps off me and goes to the bin to spit out leaving me usually lying there prone exhausted from blowing my wad.
It is only after the spit out, maybe a rinse out with a drink or mouthwash if she is organised and has a small bottle in purse does she come back to me to kiss and cuddle a bit at the end.
I am usually do conked out, from having come, to get up and grab her before she jumps off to go spit out. Now if your girl was a swallower of male sperm then maybe she would stay on you and be in position to kiss.[/QUOTE]
YUUUUUUCK. Too much information, snowballers.
But, I have a friend who got a free session once to get blown by a girl famous for her BJ abilities while the paying guy fucked her and then he wanted to snowball ie kiss the girl after my friend came in her mouth.
[QUOTE=Tr4440]Hello Gentlemen,
A question, has anyone seen Melissa, Marina, and Sara (all RO) lately?
Particularly - has anyone TRY Marina? I am very interested to read a second opinion.
All have a great weekend.
Yes I have seen these girls lately.
[QUOTE=Syzygies]And I thought your memory of names was infallible. No matter, I never got to talk to her yet. I usually spell all the names wrongly anyway.[/QUOTE]
Veronica is real pretty. I guess it means that you have to go back to Oase and seek her down and try her. Remember the feedback on her that I gave.
Cynthia (not Cythia) is former Kimi from Palace, Atlantik, Artemis. She's a beauty with excellent service, passionate, real, no fakes (if she's in the right mood).
Judith and some other girls at Oase have been in that job for 8 to 10 years. I don't know how they do it but they manage to keep their service on a high level.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]Veronica is real pretty. I guess it means that you have to go back to Oase and seek her down and try her. Remember the feedback on her that I gave.[/QUOTE]
Yes, yes, I already know what she looks like. Its her attitude that will count. ;) Perhaps you already told me about that and I forgot. I'm getting old and my memory is not a steel trap like yours. :(
"Why didn't you answer the phone? Why was it switched off? :mad: Where the hell were you? Should I believe you?" etc. from my regular girl today. Gee its tough to be at Oase for extended time. I have to come up with heaps of original believable excuses.
Recent Oase girl roster list
This is a recent Oase girl roster list to give an idea of the line up.
*** Girl Roster List ***
1. Adelina (ro)
2. Alex (hu)
3. Alexa (pl)
4. Alicia (pl)
5. Amanda (ro)
6. Angie (ro)
7. Anka (ro) new tall one, gypsy looking
8. Ariana (ro) slim, tanned, blond, C cup breasts
9. Barbie (hu)
10. Bianca (ro)
11. Claudia (ro)
12. Cynthia (br)
13. Desi (mk)
14. Dora (ru)
15. Dori (ro)
16. Ella (ru)
17. Evelyne (pl)
18. Francesca (ro)
19. Gabriella (ve)
20. Hanna (cz)
21. Heidi (hu)
22. Izzy (bg)
23. Jennifer (hu) blond
24. Jennifer’s little sister (hu) dark hair
25. Johanna (de)
26. Julia (pl)
27. Karina (ro) ex FKK World
28. Katerina (ro)
29. Katyusha (de) I think she calls herself Katalin instead now
31. Kira (hu)
32. Lana (de)
33. Laura (lv)
34. Lena (sk)
35. Lila (pl)
36. Lilly (pl)
37. Lucia (ro)
38. Luisa (es)
39. Maggie (bg)
40. Maria (ro)
41. Marina (ro)
42. Melissa (ro)
43. Mercedes (eg)
44. Mia (hr)
45. Michelle (ch)
46. Nina (de)
47. Rebecca / Ramona (ro) busty blond
48. Ricky / Riccarda (de)
49. Sandra (ro)
50. Sara (ro)
51. Sheila (ro)
52. Shereen (ir)
53. Simona / Ralucca (ro)
54. Steffie (ru)
55. Sunny (de)
56. Tessa (de)
57. Timea (hu)
58. Vanessa (rs)
59. Vanessa (bg)
60. Veronica (bg) slim, beautiful shoulder length blond hair, backside full of tattoos, from FKK World
61. Vivian (hu)
62. Yasmine (rs)
63. Yvette (hu)
64. Yvonne (sk)
65. ? (?) black hair, tall, slim
66. ? (br) black girl, petite, very pretty
67. ? (br) long dark hair, slim, with a latin look
68. ? (eg) big black hair, talks zany and weird acting
69. ? (gr) blond, MILF
70. ? (mk) blond
71. ? (ro) blond, new, cute, shoulder length blond hair
72. ? (ro) curly brunette girl with huge and shapely breasts
73. ? (ro) cute blond, long blond hair
74. ? (ro) new girl, tall, black hair, started at 9pm on XXX day, wore a metal chain around her waist
75. ? (ru) piercing blue eyes, long black hair
76. ? (th) black hair
There was another 20 girls that I did not know or recall
[QUOTE=Basketcase]This is a recent Oase girl roster list to give an idea of the line up.
*** Girl Roster List ***
1. Adelina (ro)
2. Alex (hu)
3. Alexa (pl)
4. Alicia (pl)
5. Amanda (ro)
6. Angie (ro)
7. Anka (ro) new tall one, gypsy looking
8. Ariana (ro) slim, tanned, blond, C cup breasts
9. Barbie (hu)
10. Bianca (ro)
11. Claudia (ro)
12. Cynthia (br)
13. Desi (mk)
14. Dora (ru)
15. Dori (ro)
16. Ella (ru)
17. Evelyne (pl)
18. Francesca (ro)
19. Gabriella (ve)
20. Hanna (cz)
21. Heidi (hu)
22. Izzy (bg)
23. Jennifer (hu) blond
24. Jennifer’s little sister (hu) dark hair
25. Johanna (de)
26. Julia (pl)
27. Karina (ro) ex FKK World
28. Katerina (ro)
29. Katyusha (de) I think she calls herself Katalin instead now
31. Kira (hu)
32. Lana (de)
33. Laura (lv)
34. Lena (sk)
35. Lila (pl)
36. Lilly (pl)
37. Lucia (ro)
38. Luisa (es)
39. Maggie (bg)
40. Maria (ro)
41. Marina (ro)
42. Melissa (ro)
43. Mercedes (eg)
44. Mia (hr)
45. Michelle (ch)
46. Nina (de)
47. Rebecca / Ramona (ro) busty blond
48. Ricky / Riccarda (de)
49. Sandra (ro)
50. Sara (ro)
51. Sheila (ro)
52. Shereen (ir)
53. Simona / Ralucca (ro)
54. Steffie (ru)
55. Sunny (de)
56. Tessa (de)
57. Timea (hu)
58. Vanessa (rs)
59. Vanessa (bg)
60. Veronica (bg) slim, beautiful shoulder length blond hair, backside full of tattoos, from FKK World
61. Vivian (hu)
62. Yasmine (rs)
63. Yvette (hu)
64. Yvonne (sk)
65. ? (?) black hair, tall, slim
66. ? (br) black girl, petite, very pretty
67. ? (br) long dark hair, slim, with a latin look
68. ? (eg) big black hair, talks zany and weird acting
69. ? (gr) blond, MILF
70. ? (mk) blond
71. ? (ro) blond, new, cute, shoulder length blond hair
72. ? (ro) curly brunette girl with huge and shapely breasts
73. ? (ro) cute blond, long blond hair
74. ? (ro) new girl, tall, black hair, started at 9pm on XXX day, wore a metal chain around her waist
75. ? (ru) piercing blue eyes, long black hair
76. ? (th) black hair
There was another 20 girls that I did not know or recall[/QUOTE]How do you do this?
I can hardly remember the ones I fucked, never mind the others.
Shame they don't have a 'Titty Category' in the World Memory Contest. You'd be a shoo-in
We both do have the same taste in hookers I think.
So Vanessa is Veronica. Sorry.[/QUOTE]
Sometimes we do, when it comes to the slim blonde ones, we do. Any guy likes a pretty face and a sexy body. However your variety of blondes will be a bigger selection than mine. A big caboose is a generally a turn off for me. I like nice "gap" between the upper thighs.
However I do black girls, like Diana (Dominican Rep. - very pretty but with fake tits), Thais (Mina/Meena), South Americans, etc., because they are normally better GFEs than blondes.
I am very hard to please for looks of the girl, but will sometimes even go with an ordinary looking girl (and there are lots of those) if I am getting the right vibe.
In my view Oase has a lot of girls with good bodies but relatively few with a very pretty face to go with it. I rate the Palace slightly higher for number of pretty faces, but lower for the bodies. Too many plump girls and too much silicone at the Palace.
Going home on the train from Friedrichsdorf at 23:08, I saw quite a number of very pretty girls indeed that would be prettier than almost all girls at Oase. They were dressed to go clubbing and looked fantastic even with clothes on. Deutschland does have a lot of very pretty girls, unlike my home country, but not many of the young stunners are doing FKK.
Stuck on petite girls forever! Can be tall but must be slim.
Steffi (Russia) had her tits made. Not too much but noticeable.
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub]Steffi (Russia) had her tits made. Not too much but noticeable.[/QUOTE]Very exceptionally, I would say that this, if well done, is a good thing. ;-)
Steffi (ru)
[quote=toscana]very exceptionally, i would say that this, if well done, is a good thing. ;-)[/quote]
steffi's (ru) new breasts bring her to a c cup if i recall correctly. a bit like laura's (lv) in that they are not natural looking like a tear drop shape. they are high up on her chest and protruding like tor****es but as hessen bub not to a preposterous size. i suspect that when steffi wears clothes that the breasts look real good and give an noticeable shape that impresses but when she is naked it is less attractive to men that natural looking breasts. they are hard to the touch.
i know that some men have complained to me that steffi has had her tits done but they still book her. they still like her blond looks and her clear and bright blue eyed look and take the enhanced breasts as a part of the deal now.
[QUOTE=Charlie 123]How do you do this?
I can hardly remember the ones I fucked, never mind the others.[/QUOTE]
I pay attention.
[QUOTE=London Traveller]I like kissing girls right after I CIM but they usually are a bit surprised and say that I'm a rarity![/QUOTE]After CIM, I ask them to spit it back in my mouth so I can swallow it.
[QUOTE=Syzygies]Yes, yes, I already know what she looks like. Its her attitude that will count. ;) Perhaps you already told me about that and I forgot. I'm getting old and my memory is not a steel trap like yours. :(
"Why didn't you answer the phone? Why was it switched off? :mad: Where the hell were you? Should I believe you?" etc. from my regular girl today. Gee its tough to be at Oase for extended time. I have to come up with heaps of original believable excuses.[/QUOTE]You need to get the new iphone with all the reception problems! Then show her all the bad consumers reports & tell her "this is the reason."
[quote=basketcase]steffi's (ru) new breasts bring her to a c cup if i recall correctly. a bit like laura's (lv) in that they are not natural looking like a tear drop shape. they are high up on her chest and protruding like tor****es but as hessen bub not to a preposterous size. i suspect that when steffi wears clothes that the breasts look real good and give an noticeable shape that impresses but when she is naked it is less attractive to men that natural looking breasts. they are hard to the touch.
i know that some men have complained to me that steffi has had her tits done but they still book her. they still like her blond looks and her clear and bright blue eyed look and take the enhanced breasts as a part of the deal now.[/quote]good to see you are posting your long reports again. the detailed lineup lists are most appreciated.
i kind of liked steffi as a brunette a couple of years ago. fake tits or little mosquito bites, her service is off the hook. great bj & she can take it in any position.
Sunda at Oase
I was looking forward to going to Oase again on my final day in Frankfurt as on the Saturday I had paid particular attention to an attractive, young, bottle blonde lady with a wide smile, perky tits, some small tattoos, a facial piercing, and a cheerful personality, who I had also noticed on Friday. On Saturday I had chatted to an Irishman who became my temporary pal and who saw a couple of girls, reporting back on them to me. He went to the raised platform bed in the garden with the blonde for half an hour and had told me that she provided really excellent service and that her name was Vivienne and she was from Hungary. I noticed then that she had a very good way of operating in that she would have an extended conversation with men who approached her (although she didn't approach them herself) before disappearing off to the room. Later on the Saturday I had chatted to two Israeli men while my Irish pal was away and I had recommended Vivienne to them. One of the Israelis duly made a bee line for her as soon as she appeared (I had warned him that she would be popular and that he should get in quick before someone else started chatting her up) and he also told me that she was amazing in the room.
When I turned up at Oase on Sunday morning at about 10. 30, I was delighted to find Vivienne immediately behind me in the queue to get in and I thought that this was my lucky day!
I put my sun cream on (I had slight sunburn on my shoulders from the previous day even though I had sat under an umbrella throughout) and also wore a robe over my shoulders to cover the sensitive areas. Then I went out to the usual spot in the garden and sat on a lounger to await Vivienne's arrival. I made the acquaintance of a German man who lived 300km away but was a regular visitor to Oase and knew a lot of the girls, he also recommended Vivienne highly. After about 11. 30 am she turned up and sat by the pool, not too far from me. She was accompanied by a slightly plump fellow Hungarian girl (brunette) who she sat next to on an adjacent lounger. I let her settle in for a few minutes before making my approach, giving her a friendly Hello, and sitting on the adjacent lounger. The conversation seemed a bit stilted with some pauses, unlike the cheerful chatting I had seen her produce with other men, but I did my best to be pleasant and friendly, also saying Hello, to her friend and passing the time of day in the usual way. Eventually she said that she needed to eat something and I suggested that she came over to chat with me once she'd finished eating, which she said that she would.
So Vivienne and her friend go to eat and I sit reading my book and chatting to my new German friend. Time passes and Vivienne and her friend finish eating, then they decide to have a frolic in the pool. I was a little concerned by this because there was no friendly wave or any other indication of Vivienne registering my presence. I was then treated to a frustrating display of Vivienne and her friend playing with one of the balls in the pool and hugging each other. I noticed that when the ball came out of the pool in my direction and I returned it, Vivienne didn't smile and only gave me the faintest of thanks. However, when some other guy returned it on another occasion she was cheerful, jokey and smiley with him. After the pool fun, Vivienne and her friend returned to two loungers and decided to sunbathe. This went on quite a while until at about 1. 30 pm I thought that I would go up to her and remind her of my presence: nothing ventured, nothing gained. This time Vivienne wasn't at all friendly and looked at me as though I was a bit of an intruder, however when I said that I was still looking forward to seeing her she said that she would be going indoors to the second floor shortly and would re-emerge in half an hour with her makeup on and come over to see me. I went back to poolside to wait again.
True to her word, Vivienne went indoors fairly soon after with her friend. However I waited for about 45 minutes and there was no sign of re-emergence. I thought I would go indoors and see what action was happening there. When I went in I found Vivienne and her friend at the main bar and they were chatting to another man, in fact the friend was closer to him, so I didn't assume the worst yet, but went up to Vivienne and gave her a smile and a friendly hello. She looked a bit disturbed at this and informed me that she wanted to get a drink and needed one because she had a kidney problem. I suggested we had a drink together and she pretty much ignored me. I went elsewhere and when I went out back into the garden again a few minutes later, Vivienne and her friend and the man were all having a cheerful chat at one of the high tables next to the massage room by the garden door. I obviously knew that things were pretty much hopeless at this stage and I had the humiliation of telling my german pal that I had been rejected! I then had the insight into how conventions were reversed at Oase. Whereas in the normal world when a girl says 'no' she might mean 'yes' (I know feminists won't like this but it's still true), at Oase Vivienne had said 'yes' but she really meant 'no'!
I had wasted a lot of time now waiting for Vivienne as it was about 2. 30 pm or so and I was thinking that I had a problem to find a decent girl now that I had been blown out by my planned conquest. I looked around but didn't want to make the mistakes I made on Friday by choosing rashly. There was little real talent available though as Vivienne was pretty much the only decent show around. Fortunately some new girls were arriving and I positioned myself in the main room. Gabriella approached me but I didn't fancy her and I was also approached by Francesca (romania) who I had noticed while I was sitting waiting for Vivienne earlier in the day. What was noticeable about Francesca was not only her lovely face and super body but also how she would enter one of the garden tents having pounced on a man outside (usually an unsuspecting Japanese person. There was a party of these in that day, or someone else who looked new). The couple would enter happily and about 20 minutes or so later Francesca and the victim would emerge with the man looking miserable and keeping about as far away from her as would be possible! My German friend told me that Francesca is one of the worst girls at Oase, she had asked him to pay extra to fondle her tits, and is to be avoided at all costs. Anyway, I obviously rejected Francesca immediately and I had some pleasure in that she seemed a bit piqued.
I was then approached by Judith (Hungarian) who is mentioned in the posts below as being a long time worker at Oase. I had met her in June/July when I visited Oase for the first time. In fact she was one of the first girls who said Hello, to me. Later on that trip I had asked her if I could have a session with her and put fingers in her pussy, and she acted as though I had suggested she eat shit! So she came off my list. This time, having read about her longevity at Oase, I was more intrigued into what made her last so long in such an environment, so although I sent her packing (very politely) when she approached and went to look to see if there was an alternative coming through the door, within a couple of minutes I came back to Judith, who was now chatting to Vivienne by the Kino entrance, and I beckoned her to return to my side.
Anyway this was an excellent choice. To cut the story short we spent the next two hours together kissing and having a blow job in the kino, then in a room (a rather stuffy one) and then in a better ventilated room. Judith is an absolute delight and you can only really tell her experience by the subtle ways she deals with things during the session. For example, I did try to venture a finger slightly in the entrance to her pussy while in the kino and she just slightly moved so that my finger was shifted out and then her leg was in the way of another approach, all done very subtly and with no fuss. Incidentally, while we were in the kino there was a tedious conversation coming from the couple in front: Girl: time is up. Guy: no it's not we've got five more minutes yet. Girl: no we haven't you have to pay more if you want to carry on. Etc. Anyway, back to Judith. The kissing and BBBJ was both sensual and really excellent GFE material, in fact I wondered how she coped with 30 minute appointments as she didn't seem to be geared up for this (although at first she kept me fully informed about the time issues well in advance) and she told me later that she didn't like them, although for some men 30 minutes was too much time. I replied that this was true of some girls too. Which she agreed.
I was thinking of shagging her in the kino, but somehow it didn't seem right for her there and I was really proved correct by what happened in the first room we went to. After some more oral and kissing I decided to DATY. I don't usually do this with working girls as it's not an activity that I particularly get turned on by, but in this case I remembered the rule that people having sex usually do to others what they would like done to them and, as Judith had given me prolonged and gentle oral sex I decided to reciprocate. Well, the response to this was amazing. Judith didn't like any fingers anywhere but the lengthy gentle tonguing I gave her resulted in a series of mini-orgasms followed by a really big one, in fact she wouldn't let me stop. As judged by her moans and pelvic movements. Until she had complete satisfaction. IMHO it turns out that she has managed to work so long in these places because she loves sex with strangers and is very responsive to the right stimulation. A rare girl! After that, which must have taken at least 20 minutes, my investment was totally rewarded by an incredibly affectionate and intimate GFE experience with Judith. I would say that penetrative sex isn't really her forte, in fact I'm not sure how she would cope with a well endowed guy giving her a pounding as she didn't seem to manage well with positions where penetration was deep and I'm only average size, but the overall package of affection, intimacy and subtle sexual skills is absolutely top rate. We spent 2 hours together (200 euros). Judith was all over me when I paid her, in fact I thought that she was never going to stop kissing me. She also approached me again in a very friendly way to say goodbye again about 20 minutes later after I returned from the garden for another look at the action in the main room.
One thing that I noticed on this visit was that a man arrived (bearded and middle-aged but well preserved) with a much younger, quite pretty girl and they both went into the main changing rooms to change, so she didn't work there. She emerged completely covered in a robe and sat at the bar for a bit with him but as I was busy with Judith I couldn't observe what happened next. When I went outside again at about 5. 10 pm the man was sitting at a lounger and the girl was nowhere to be seen. Any ideas about this?
I had to leave at 5. 45 to get my flight and on the way out there was one more final brief interaction with a girl. A young blonde Romanian, slim with long straight blonde hair and big fake boobs had been approaching me (and probably everyone else) a lot during the past couple of days, most recently that afternoon when she said something subtle like 'come and fuck me' and pointed at her spread legs and vagina. As I was going out I saw her so I approached and gave her a smile and a big (sincere) thank you for being friendly to me. She appeared to be unable to cope with the compliment and flinched a bit, looking away before muttering a kind of thanks in return. Does this show that these girls have poor social skills. Or maybe I am out of line myself in interacting in such a way?
[QUOTE=Basketcase]I pay attention.[/QUOTE]Bc,
I would like to ask you a few more questions a sort of questions that can really highlight my trip. Some prefer blonds, brunette etc. But I would like to know which girls have these characteristics:
- I am into DATY so I always like girl that has extra lips on their pussy, the kind that you can lick to it spread like butterfly.
- I am also an ass man so I like my girl to have perky and round ass, LOL who doesn't? Love to see a glass wine stuck between those cheeks or sitting on top of it without spilling, LOL Crystal is expensive.
Can you highlight any girl from World, Oase and Palace that has these characteristics? Both would be great but I will take one of each LOL.
[quote=basketcase]steffi's (ru) new breasts bring her to a c cup if i recall correctly. a bit like laura's (lv) in that they are not natural looking like a tear drop shape. they are high up on her chest and protruding like tor****es but as hessen bub not to a preposterous size. i suspect that when steffi wears clothes that the breasts look real good and give an noticeable shape that impresses but when she is naked it is less attractive to men that natural looking breasts. they are hard to the touch.
i know that some men have complained to me that steffi has had her tits done but they still book her. they still like her blond looks and her clear and bright blue eyed look and take the enhanced breasts as a part of the deal now.[/quote]
what a pity. she used to have that girl next door look. i guess some girls think they need to change things when they don't get as much business.
[QUOTE=London Traveller] I had to leave at 5. 45 to get my flight and on the way out there was one more final brief interaction with a girl. A young blonde Romanian, slim with long straight blonde hair and big fake boobs had been approaching me (and probably everyone else) a lot during the past couple of days, most recently that afternoon when she said something subtle like 'come and fuck me' and pointed at her spread legs and vagina. As I was going out I saw her so I approached and gave her a smile and a big (sincere) thank you for being friendly to me. She appeared to be unable to cope with the compliment and flinched a bit, looking away before muttering a kind of thanks in return. Does this show that these girls have poor social skills. Or maybe I am out of line myself in interacting in such a way?[/QUOTE]
London Traveller,
Thanks for the Sunday, 22 August 2010 report from Oase. The girl that is really slim, bottle blond with noticeably big fake breasts due to her slight frame is Ariana (ro). She can be quite assertive in getting a client and that puts me off. She does go away if you are firm and say no but she does come back time and again asking again and again.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]Steffi's (ru) new breasts bring her to a C cup if I recall correctly.[/QUOTE]
Somewhere between B and C. IMHO there was no need for the enhancement.
Oase visit Part 1
Hi All,
I arrived at oase today, Monday just after opening time at 1000. There were a handful of girls available as I perused the scene. Quite a bit of rain was falling so outside wasn't looking good. Had a shower then opted for a visit to the Sauna and a relaxing time spent on the lounges afterwards.
By now, a few more girls had arrived and I went to the Kino to watch some porn. Ingrid (Ro.) came in to see me. She has light brown hair, slim and C-cup breasts. She started blowing me in the Kino. Several visitors passed in and out of the Kino to watch the action (both on film and live). We moved on to having sex in a variety of positions and I finished on top of her. All up, Euro 50.
Next, some food which today was lined up on the bar inside due to the recent rain. I partook of some food and caffe and proceeded outside where it had now stopped raining and enjoyed the outdoors by the pool.
I came back to the Kino and Nina (De.) joined me on one of the couches. She is a tall, slim German girl with bleached, blonde hair. She started sucking me in the Kino for a good 10 minutes and we then decided to get a room. Kissing was good, BBBJ good and then sex in a variety of positions. She has a lot of tattoes which an Eagle (?) covering most of her back. Despite this, she is still sexy. Finished up and paid her Euro 50.
I had a rest on one of the lounges by the indoor Whirlpool, chatted to a few of the girls and then decided to go back to my hotel at about 1.30pm for a nap with the intention to return later in the evening.
By the time I left there were now perhaps 20 girls in attendence.
Marina, RO
[QUOTE=Tr4440]Particularly - has anyone TRY Marina? I am very interested to read a second opinion.[/QUOTE]Well, I have been with Marina, her of the flower. But it was at about the same time as your report on her, so I don't know if things have changed the past few weeks.
I agree with what you wrote on her. She is in my opinion a beauty, did kiss well and really enjoys the sex part. I did in fact persuade her to go for 69 for a few minutes, but as she said to you she did profess not to enjoy it that much.
She stays apart from the rest of the Romanians, sits mostly indoors, even on hot days. She, unlike most of the other young Romanians, let's be honest, is rather intelligent, speaking English well and quite articulately. She has an aim with this job, and I hope she doesn't get sucked in to an overlong stay out of greed. She was previously at World for a short while.
The day I was there I watched her very closely from behind for quite a while, as she sat upright and primly on her bar stool with her little flower. What piqued my interest was that within about ten minutes she rejected three suitors quite summarily. She must have seen me out of the corner of her eye in a mirror as I observed, because she suddenly swivelled round on her stool, swept up her handbag and made a beeline over to my sofa. Eyes glistening, no smile. But I knew immediately I was going to end up in the room with this girl, whatever.
Although most girls rapidly fade in the memory as time goes on, I've often thought about this one since. Kinda won't let me go. I hope she sticks around, as I've got unfinished business there.
Men that bring their own woman to a brothel
[QUOTE=London Traveller] One thing that I noticed on this visit was that a man arrived (bearded and middle-aged but well preserved) with a much younger, quite pretty girl and they both went into the main changing rooms to change, so she didn't work there. She emerged completely covered in a robe and sat at the bar for a bit with him but as I was busy with Judith I couldn't observe what happened next. When I went outside again at about 5. 10 pm the man was sitting at a lounger and the girl was nowhere to be seen. Any ideas about this?[/QUOTE]
London Traveller,
I did noticed lately during my visits to Oase that there seems to be a more regular occurence that men, generally, middle aged, bring their own woman to the brothel. I have seen a bald headed man come several days in a row with his brown haired lady partner and they did do sessions and spent time in the club doing sauna, whirlpool, laying on loungers and talking to the girls. There is also a brown haired man that brings his Asian lady partner too that I see. There are many times I have seen this.
Sometimes the lady wears a robe but the times when the lady wants to wear panties and a bra. I have seen the management tell these ladies to at least take the bra off and go topless wearing the towel around her waist like the men or go full naked like the rest of the working girls.
I think these men have open relationships with their partners or lady friends and they come to book women for their lady partner to fulfil their fantasies. I guess there are girls that do it and do charge the girl for the service as if it were a man, some may charge extra since it is a lesbian.
I do recall some girls say that they can get 150€ for a half hour if the man is there as well as the woman. This is based on two customers and lesbian show too.
These men are lucky guys to have their women folk come to the club with them. LOL.
There's couples coming to Oase but also men bringing their preferred hooker to the club. It's like bringing water to a swimming pool.
London Traveller and Vivian (hu)
Hi London Traveller,
I enjoyed reading your Oase report from Sunday. I liked the detail and that you recalled the sequence of events so vividly and put them to electronic media such as this for us.
I have pondered your interaction with cute blond Vivian (hu) and I cannot see how she slipped through your fingers when you persisted and made such an effort to book her. I was thinking maybe she did not get the hint and thought you were a time waster since you chatted to her at first ini the garden and then did not close the deal and then asked her to come back to you after she had eaten Maybe you were a bit too coy and she was not being assertive enough in asking whether you were interested enough to book her.
Maybe it was as she said that she had just arrived in the morning and wanted to hang out with Kira (hu) which would have been the other darked haired and plump body girl. Vivian would also wanted to hang out with the rest of the Hungarian gang. The Hungarian gang do have a habit of comandeering the high table closest to the entrance to the massage hut and all sit around it - Timea, Jennifer, Yvette, Vivian, Jennifer's dark haired little sister, Kira, Lisa and sometimes Barbie. Judith and Heidi are not in the gang as they hunt customers alone for various reasons.
I cannot believe that Vivian was subtly giving you the brush off since she did not want to offend you by saying no to a session with you. I think it must be that the communication was not there and you just did not close the deal. Maybe my take is wrong.
Vivian is a great girl as you know already from the feedback from the Irish man and the Israeli guys that booked her. Since she had sex with diverse number of men from different origins we know that it is not a question that she does not fuck foreigners. Other girls have fucked you before at Oase and so we know it is not for lack of charm or ability to attract the attention of a girl. I am just trying to put some alternatives and some words to what may have happened.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]Hi London Traveller,
I enjoyed reading your Oase report from Sunday. I liked the detail and that you recalled the sequence of events so vividly and put them to electronic media such as this for us.
I have pondered your interaction with cute blond Vivian (hu) and I cannot see how she slipped through your fingers when you persisted and made such an effort to book her. I was thinking maybe she did not get the hint and thought you were a time waster since you chatted to her at first ini the garden and then did not close the deal and then asked her to come back to you after she had eaten Maybe you were a bit too coy and she was not being assertive enough in asking whether you were interested enough to book her.
Maybe it was as she said that she had just arrived in the morning and wanted to hang out with Kira (hu) which would have been the other darked haired and plump body girl. Vivian would also wanted to hang out with the rest of the Hungarian gang. The Hungarian gang do have a habit of comandeering the high table closest to the entrance to the massage hut and all sit around it. Timea, Jennifer, Yvette, Vivian, Jennifer's dark haired little sister, Kira, Lisa and sometimes Barbie. Judith and Heidi are not in the gang as they hunt customers alone for various reasons.
I cannot believe that Vivian was subtly giving you the brush off since she did not want to offend you by saying no to a session with you. I think it must be that the communication was not there and you just did not close the deal. Maybe my take is wrong.
Vivian is a great girl as you know already from the feedback from the Irish man and the Israeli guys that booked her. Since she had sex with diverse number of men from different origins we know that it is not a question that she does not fuck foreigners. Other girls have fucked you before at Oase and so we know it is not for lack of charm or ability to attract the attention of a girl. I am just trying to put some alternatives and some words to what may have happened.[/QUOTE]Hi BC,
Many thanks again for your kind words on my report. I am only sorry that I am unable to produce more of them for your delectation as I will probably not be visiting Oase again for a while now, although it is definitely my intention to return.
Unfortunately I don't think that the alternatives you have proposed can be correct. I was very clear in my intentions and it was equally clear that Vivienne/Vivian understood every word as her English was more than adequate. However, sometimes people just don't click, for whatever reason and I have no complaints about that. I have been turned down by a London cab driver in the past, who was legally obliged to take me to my destination. And I was able to complain about him with the result that he received an admonishment, but the same principle does not apply in this case! However, I am able to report the incident on this site for people to make of what they will.
I was definitely bit disappointed that V. Didn't just say that she was booked up for the day or some other semi-realistic excuse, instead telling me that she would be coming to see me on two occasions and wasting my time. I really cannot see why she did not take this gentle let down approach, which would seem to be the one which a girl with some social skills would employ, and judging from her interactions observed with others she did appear to possess a good amount of these, although I may well be mistaken in this regard. However, in the end she did me a favour as I was more than delighted with Judith who otherwise I would not have had the chance to spend some quality time with and, as you can tell from Judith's reaction (if you believe my account of it, which you should as it is entirely correct) she was definitely happy with me as well.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]Hi London Traveller,
I enjoyed reading your Oase report from Sunday. I liked the detail and that you recalled the sequence of events so vividly and put them to electronic media such as this for us.
I have pondered your interaction with cute blond Vivian (hu) and I cannot see how she slipped through your fingers when you persisted and made such an effort to book her. I was thinking maybe she did not get the hint and thought you were a time waster since you chatted to her at first ini the garden and then did not close the deal and then asked her to come back to you after she had eaten Maybe you were a bit too coy and she was not being assertive enough in asking whether you were interested enough to book her.
Maybe it was as she said that she had just arrived in the morning and wanted to hang out with Kira (hu) which would have been the other darked haired and plump body girl. Vivian would also wanted to hang out with the rest of the Hungarian gang. The Hungarian gang do have a habit of comandeering the high table closest to the entrance to the massage hut and all sit around it - Timea, Jennifer, Yvette, Vivian, Jennifer's dark haired little sister, Kira, Lisa and sometimes Barbie. Judith and Heidi are not in the gang as they hunt customers alone for various reasons.
I cannot believe that Vivian was subtly giving you the brush off since she did not want to offend you by saying no to a session with you. I think it must be that the communication was not there and you just did not close the deal. Maybe my take is wrong.
Vivian is a great girl as you know already from the feedback from the Irish man and the Israeli guys that booked her. Since she had sex with diverse number of men from different origins we know that it is not a question that she does not fuck foreigners. Other girls have fucked you before at Oase and so we know it is not for lack of charm or ability to attract the attention of a girl. I am just trying to put some alternatives and some words to what may have happened.[/QUOTE]
I was also a bit suprised reading your report London Traveller. I had a great time with this particular girl. Difficult to figure out what happened, maybe she had an off day.
[QUOTE=Toscana]Well, I have been with Marina, her of the flower. But it was at about the same time as your report on her, so I don't know if things have changed the past few weeks.
I agree with what you wrote on her. She is in my opinion a beauty, did kiss well and really enjoys the sex part. I did in fact persuade her to go for 69 for a few minutes, but as she said to you she did profess not to enjoy it that much.
She stays apart from the rest of the Romanians, sits mostly indoors, even on hot days. She, unlike most of the other young Romanians, let's be honest, is rather intelligent, speaking English well and quite articulately. She has an aim with this job, and I hope she doesn't get sucked in to an overlong stay out of greed. She was previously at World for a short while.
The day I was there I watched her very closely from behind for quite a while, as she sat upright and primly on her bar stool with her little flower. What piqued my interest was that within about ten minutes she rejected three suitors quite summarily. She must have seen me out of the corner of her eye in a mirror as I observed, because she suddenly swivelled round on her stool, swept up her handbag and made a beeline over to my sofa. Eyes glistening, no smile. But I knew immediately I was going to end up in the room with this girl, whatever.
Although most girls rapidly fade in the memory as time goes on, I've often thought about this one since. Kinda won't let me go. I hope she sticks around, as I've got unfinished business there.[/QUOTE]Hi Toscana:
Thank you very much for the information, especially for backing up my conclusion about Marina. I believed at the time she was relatively new (to Oase at least). I did not know she had worked before elsewhere.
I honestly cannot wait to see Marina again. Despite that she does not like the oral part. But she is an excellent kisser and a good lay. She is a beautiful woman. IMO one of the best-looking at Oase. I cannot comment about her rejecting some guys, hey. She did not say "no" to me or to you after all.
i would like to ask you a few more questions a sort of questions that can really highlight my trip. some prefer blonds, brunette etc. but i would like to know which girls have these characteristics:
1. i am into daty so i always like girl that has extra lips on their pussy, the kind that you can lick to it spread like butterfly.
2. i am also an ass man so i like my girl to have perky and round ass, lol who doesn't? love to see a glass wine stuck between those cheeks or sitting on top of it without spilling, lol crystal is expensive.
can you highlight any girl from world, oase and palace that has these characteristics? both would be great but i will take one of each lol.
i am not familiar with the line ups at these clubs. i just know what i know and sometimes its wrong and sometimes its right. the girls i will list out i will not vouch for the service since it is a case of ymmv and since your question is focussed on the visuals i will just answer the questions in that context.
i will preface my answer in noting at a fkk and especially in hessen that the girls are stark naked. you will see their muschis, you just have to observe them and not be embarassed at looking at naked women. some will even be fiddling their money maker to entice you in so i am sure you will see some pussy before selecting.
so it is a case of wysiwyg.
you will know better than me what it is that you like.
i will give one or two names for each club as having in my opinion, although maybe not your opinion, is what you may be after. as always ymmv.
1. full pussy lips
palace: blond lena (de) or even blond lena (cz) will do the job here.
world: i would have recommended blond ariana (ro) at world but she has moved to das 5 element in fulda so i have to give the pick to blond cindy (de). cindy will give you a real good time. she is booked solid by the german clientele so you may need to be opportunistic in picking her in between her regular guests.
oase: blond laura (lv) is renown for having huge muschi lips. a bit like houston the blond us porn star before she had her excess pussy lips amputated. laura also is game for some oral loving too.
2. asses
palace: angelina (cz) is a slim, petite, big boobed blond with an ass that she is happy to let you put your hard shaft into her [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord116][CodeWord116][/url] chute for extra. watch the service here but she sure has the visuals. her pussy is also a nice butterfly one too but she may not let you lick it.
world: eva (serbia) is who i give the award for a perfect ass to. she is a slim, a cup breasted brunette that is classy acting. bets of all is that she has long shapely legs that end in a tight and perfect shaped ass. she looks great in civilain clothes taking care to pick her outfit so that gives you an idea of what type of woman she is.
oase: light coloured haired francesca (ro) has a great ass. the kind of ass that ensures that there is that gap in between the legs forming a triangle framed by her pussy area and her upper thighs. her service is not recommended but she sure has a tight body. do it for the visuals only.
if you want excellent service with porn style sport fucking then go for rafaella / ambra (hu) at oase. she is blond and has a tight toned body and her ass is to die for.
i think in all these clubs there will be numerous hookers that will fit your desire. i think you just have to look.
sometimes giving a name to look for amongst 100 hookers will be a case of never actually running into them so this exercise may be futile.
just a last note and a health warning. this is not at all directed at you wassab but to the readership population in general:
please do not print these lists off and go running around the club asking girls and customers who is this hooker or that hooker saying such and such said so. please have some discretion as it is alarming when i see it. i know some people have used some reports for ill will and there have been reprecussions. this is not nice or conducive for some of us to write reports. keep it secret and keep it safe.
Syzygies fro Veronica
[QUOTE=Syzygies]Yes, yes, I already know what she looks like. Its her attitude that will count. ;) Perhaps you already told me about that and I forgot. I'm getting old and my memory is not a steel trap like yours. :( [/QUOTE]
Veronica is a case of YMMV. I did elaborate more on how to get the better session when I spoke to you but YMMV will do for the forum.
Just a last note and a health warning. This is not at all directed at you Wassab but to the readership population in general:
Please do not print these lists off and go running around the club asking girls and customers who is this hooker or that hooker saying such and such said so. Please have some discretion as it is alarming when I see it. I know some people have used some reports for ill will and there have been reprecussions. This is not nice or conducive for some of us to write reports. Keep it secret and keep it safe.[/QUOTE]Bc,
As always thank you for the tutelage in FKKing. I am grateful for all members help and will ensure the information provided on this board stay on this board, same rule as Las Vegas. Visually, I just can't see anyone would bring notes from this board to FKK and especially asking the girls directly. It is like taking crib notes to the teacher and asking if the answers you wrote on the crib notes are correct, LOL. But I guess some people did.
I have 24 hr to go before my flight takes the tarmac. This will be an exciting trip. Please be sure a trip report will be written for each visit.
Oase Visit Part 2
Arrived back at Oase around 7pm (Monday night).
Food being served inside due the rain. I didn't have any - it just didn't look that good to me. (I know, impossibly high standards).
Due to most people being inside, Oase had a busy vibe about it. I had a wander around, a Steam and then sat down with a soft drink. Cassandra (Ro.) approached and we had a chat. She is a tall, slim girl with dark hair. Said she was 19 years old. I just had to have her. In the room, BBBJ and sex were all average. I ended up paying Euro 50.
More of a rest, relaxation, etc. and I ran into Vanilla (I think that was her name, from Dominican Republic). She is petite and dark. Nice breasts, dark hair. Her BBBJ hit the spot nicely and we then had sex. From behind in doggy, she looked just hot. For Euro 50, she was good.
I left around 10pm. The place was filling up a little more but still by no means full.
In summary, I love the outdoor area at Oase (in good weather). The 2 Saunas and Steam room are good although the Whirlpool could be hotter! Same goes for the pool but I am a wimp when it comes to cold water. The food is quite average and the charge for a beer (Euro 10) is crazy. I stuck with the soft drinks (free). Rooms are O.K. A good selection of girls always appear to be on offer and I would definitely return.
[QUOTE=London Traveller]After about 11. 30 am she turned up and sat by the pool, not too far from me. She was accompanied by a slightly plump fellow Hungarian girl (brunette) who she sat next to on an adjacent lounger. I let her settle in for a few minutes before making my approach, giving her a friendly Hello, and sitting on the adjacent lounger. The conversation seemed a bit stilted with some pauses .....
I had the humiliation of telling my german pal that I had been rejected![/QUOTE]Hi LT,
you explained yourself pretty well about your tries with Vivian/Vivienne, but - whether there were a misunderstanding or not in your communication with her - if a girl is not responsive during the approach, I think probably she won't be good even in the room, so IMHO after your first "KO" you should give it up and start to look for another girl.
[QUOTE=London Traveller] Whereas in the normal world when a girl says 'no' she might mean 'yes' (I know feminists won't like this but it's still true), at Oase Vivienne had said 'yes' but she really meant 'no'![/QUOTE]Eheheheh, nice wordplay! You are right; your story of tries and retries with her is more typical of the outside world :)
Simple stupid question.
Do the robes have pockets?
I have never yet worn one.
After copping hell for 2 days from jealous GF, "why couldn't you call me to tell me your phone battery was flat?", I realize I need to carry my phone all the time, and at least return her call promptly. The real problem was my mobile was downstairs in the Oase locker with no signal for nearly 7 hours. I must be monitorable to ensure no hanky panky. Luckily she doesn't read the ISG.
- I am also an ass man so I like my girl to have perky and round ass, LOL who doesn't? Love to see a glass wine stuck between those cheeks or sitting on top of it without spilling, LOL Crystal is expensive.
Plenty of round arses (asses) specially if you like black girls, e.g. Diana is georgous in the face and in the ass.
Even slim blonde Veronika has a somewhat surprising rounded ass.
Just come and look. You will find plenty.
Plenty of girls lying around with wide open shaved pussy. So just check out for the bigger lips (not a turn on for me if too big and floppy).
For girls where you see crack only (when they are standing), assume the lips are not so big.
Virtually all girls are shaved.
All your requirements can be found easily.
Syzygies and robes
[QUOTE=Syzygies]Simple stupid question.
Do the robes have pockets?
I have never yet worn one.
After copping hell for 2 days from jealous GF, "why couldn't you call me to tell me your phone battery was flat?", I realize I need to carry my phone all the time, and at least return her call promptly. The real problem was my mobile was downstairs in the Oase locker with no signal for nearly 7 hours. I must be monitorable to ensure no hanky panky. Luckily she doesn't read the ISG.[/QUOTE]
The Oase robes do have pockets.
I would discourage customers wearing robes since that takes away from the FKK nature of the club. If the men do cover up then the ladies will be more inclined to cover up too and that is something that I would not want to happen. I can already get that in the NRW clubs.
I do like the FKK and the fact that the girls are naked.
Man, you are walking a serious tightrope with your girl. It is too hilarious. You want your cake and also eat it as well. Some of us have no cake. It is Ramadan after all. So some people are fasting denying them the pleasures of the flesh. As such there are less Turks in the clubs at the moment.
Still a decent stream of Italiani.
B Bbj
[QUOTE=B Bbj]Arrived back at Oase around 7pm (Monday night).
In summary, I love the outdoor area at Oase (in good weather). The 2 Saunas and Steam room are good although the Whirlpool could be hotter! Same goes for the pool but I am a wimp when it comes to cold water. The food is quite average and the charge for a beer (Euro 10) is crazy. I stuck with the soft drinks (free). Rooms are O.K. A good selection of girls always appear to be on offer and I would definitely return.[/QUOTE]
B Bbj,
Thank you for your Oase report from Monday, 23 August 2010. It goes to show that even on a Monday that you can find something decent at Oase to fuck. You did four hookers and this is your thrid day after a first day Saturday at Palace and a Sunday at World saving Oase for the finale.
I do not do many Mondays so it is good to see what damage can be done.
[QUOTE=Wassab]As always thank you for the tutelage in FKKing. I am grateful for all members help and will ensure the information provided on this board stay on this board, same rule as Las Vegas. Visually, I just can't see anyone would bring notes from this board to FKK and especially asking the girls directly. It is like taking crib notes to the teacher and asking if the answers you wrote on the crib notes are correct, LOL. But I guess some people did.
I have 24 hr to go before my flight takes the tarmac. This will be an exciting trip. Please be sure a trip report will be written for each visit.[/QUOTE]
There are guys that do take notes from the forums and show the girls or at least speak to the girls about it. If you look at the Palace thread and to a report from Sybarite2006 he even mentions how another reader from this ISG forum did out him to a favourite girl of his at the FKK Palace.
There are also many other instances where names are dropped and more information is mentioned to a girl which makes her wonder how the person got that information. So be careful and safe with the notes you take from here.
So yes, some people do take these notes to the club whether written or in spoken form and sometimes that information has been used for ill.
We look forward to your trip reports. Maybe I will see you around.
The Oase robes do have pockets.
I would discourage customers wearing robes since that takes away from the FKK nature of the club. If the men do cover up then the ladies will be more inclined to cover up too and that is something that I would not want to happen. I can already get that in the NRW clubs.
Maybe I'll just carry the robe around with me :)
[QUOTE=Syzygies]Simple stupid question.
Do the robes have pockets?
I have never yet worn one.
After copping hell for 2 days from jealous GF, "why couldn't you call me to tell me your phone battery was flat? ", I realize I need to carry my phone all the time, and at least return her call promptly. The real problem was my mobile was downstairs in the Oase locker with no signal for nearly 7 hours. I must be monitorable to ensure no hanky panky. Luckily she doesn't read the ISG.[/QUOTE]Syzygies,
I also almost got into big trouble with my GF, same thing with phone, not returning her call within reasonable amount of time.
So I went to the my car outside Oase to return her call, I talk for ages to calm her down. She even instist to call my hotel room to see if I really was there, shit what to I do?
I said I didnot have a fix phone in the room, so she ask me to turn on the TV so she could hear that I was in the hotel room, shit what to I do?
Quick thinking: I turned on the car radio, so it seems like a TV in the backgound, so we talked some more. And in the end I kiss her goodnight and I could return inside Oase and cont. The fun.
Damn it was really close and I was damn lucky that she believed me.
We men are bastards.
Day 1
FKK Oase
*** THE TRIP ***
03:00 Wake, bath and spend some time packing and preparing myself
04:35 Leave home
04:45 Reach the bus station in my hometown and pay the 18€ for a return ticket to the airport
05:05 Bus departs for local airport. I take a nap in the bus.
05:50 Bus arrives at airport. In the airport terminal there are heavy passenger numbers massing to go through security. It is school holidays. The queues go way pass the ticket check counters. There are very few English speakers – mainly Germans, Italians, Poles, and other eastern Europeans.
06:15 I pass through security check.
06:20 my flight’s gate closes at 06:45 and I know I have a long day ahead of me so I buy two bread items. This country I have been exiled to is expensive. A ham and egg bloomer sandwich is 4.06€ and an egg and bacon on baguette bread is 2.87€ totalling 6.93€, but the food is good and the chain is renown throughout the country for its ready to eat meals.
06:26 I look at the departure board and it says Gate 83 instead of usual gates 40 to 59 which is the usual range of gates that I depart this terminal from.
06:30 I find that the flight is delayed due to the airline needing to get a new plane after plane that arrived at the airport was not suitable for an outward leg. The 07:15 departure is now delayed to 07:40.
07:40 my flight takes off for the short haul across the border.
09:45 my flight arrives at Frankfurt, we taxi in and debark. It should have been 9:30 arrival.
09:57 I pass through immigration and security check.
In the arrivals hall I pick up two tranches of cash from the ATM and then head to the Hertz rental car counter. The Hertz desk were meant to give me an Opel Corsa (1.2 L) but deemed it too old so Hertz swapped it for a black Hyundai I-20 which was much newer and had a 1.4L engine. Rental for three days was a hefty 100.35€ with return at this same airport.
I noted that Hertz charged 3.45€ per litre of petrol if the rental car was not returned with a full tank of petrol. Petrol at the more expensive autobahn petrol stations still only charge benzin at 1:45€ a litre.
10:15 I depart the airport rolling in the Hyundai.
1.5 hour interlude where I drive making slow progress due to traffic and do some other stuff like eat my sandwiches and confirm my hotel logistics.
**** CLUB VISIT ****
Arrival 11:45
Departure 02:00
Hours in the club 14.25 hours
Entry 65€
3 sessions spend 550€ comprising 4 hours in the room for 400€ and CIM extra at 50€ anal sex an extra 100€.
Hotel 46€ per night
Today was spectacular weather wise. My sessions were imaginative and I also managed to have anal sex which to be fair was a bit rushed due to my intended not being able to take it too long since she had eaten prior.
After paying my entrance of 65€, I go to the men’s lockers and change, shower and freshen up. I then go for a quick tour of the club to see what is going on. There is maybe 20 girls around at midday.
*Session 1*
12:15 to 13:45
200€ for 1.5 hour booking with CIM finish
As I was doing the rounds I stopped in the dining area where the whirl pool is with a glass of still water. I had a view of the hall to the upstairs shower and to the girls’ locker room. I was then greeted by the sight of a slim pretty looking girl walking up from that hallway to the Oase dining area. This girl was smiling at me. Within a couple of minutes chat an invitation went out from her to me to have an interlude in the cinema. So we go straight to cinema. Laying out the towels at the front left couch we get down to business. There is no chit chat; we go straight to kissing with tongues. It is nice to taste her sweetness. My hands are all over this lady, feeling her long legs, fondling her curvy ass and stroking her straight back.
I opt to go for a cinema starting session with sucking and fucking. After some kissing, she goes down on my chest kissing and licking my neck, shoulders, my nipples, my stomach working her way down me to my shaft. She then starts licking and sucking on my sensitive balls. She lovingly takes my balls in her mouth and massages them with her tongue and mouth. She then starts licking up and down the sensitive underside before taking her time she begins to give me a blowjob fully on my shaft but taking care to lick and suckle the head. I can see her saliva coating my penis and feeling the wetness on my skin. The blowjob goes on for a good 18 minutes.
I cannot take enough and ask for sex. A condom goes on and she lies back and spreads her legs as best she can to lie back on the red couch. I come on top of her and propped up by my arms I fuck her in missionary. I plough away in her furrow enjoying the sensation and the kinkiness of a porno cinema session. After several minutes I opt to move to doggie style so she gets up on the couch to be on all fours and turns around to face the wall. I get in behind her and insert my hard shaft and fuck her from behind for a short time as wanted to do more later on in the room. I enjoy the feeling of holding her curvy ass and the excellent visuals of her slim back and long flowing hair.
On my dictation I stop fucking this gorgeous creature and say we will move to the room for the rest of the session. It takes a lot of self control to stop fucking such a lovely girl. As we pack up we chat a bit. She came back to work last evening and had only arrived at work at midday so I seeing her and booking her meant that I was her first customer back from her break at home. I broke the cherry on this girl. LOL. It does give one a nice feeling to be in first man in after she had been away for 11 days. The cinema leg of this session lasts half hour.
We move to the big room darkly lit that is in between dining area with the TV and the upstairs’ shower hall.
In the room I get her to lie on the bed and so I can worship her ass and feeling her luscious body up lots. There is some intimate anal play with mouths and tongues. All the time this fondling is interspersed with kissing with tongues. There was lots of kissing.
I then spread her legs and eat at the Y until she finished with a deep orgasm. It is her first orgasm back at work and she says she normally gets through four or five orgasms a day. It is nice when a girl gets pleasure too. Good to know. I think this leg lasts half hour.
Then it is back to me again for a long slow blowjob. Once again there is ball licking and sucking and tender sucking of the shaft to make it last and not get me to come quickly like some girls do.
I take small breaks from her blowing me to kiss her body and lick her butterfly lipped shaped pussy some more. Several times I would move up from licking her pussy to take a press up position over her face propped up only on my hands and feet so that I can insert my hard shaft into her mouth and do press ups so as to fuck her mouth.
I would get her to blow me some more as I lay back enjoying her teasing style as she worked her mouth deeper and deeper down my shaft until she was deep throated me with her lips on the hilt of my penis. The blowjob goes on for a good 20 to 30 minutes.
In my head I want to fuck this girl once again and my mind debates with itself:
My mind says, “You are in control, stop her blowing you so you can fuck her some more and then come in her mouth”.
Then the other side of my mind is saying, “Man, her blowjob is so good, just relax and finish in her mouth now”.
So as my mind is debating with itself to fuck or let her suck my eyes are treated to this gorgeous looking girl sucking up and down my shaft going deep, all mouth and going faster and faster to a crescendo.
I then erupt in a big burst dumping 5 days worth of saved up come into her mouth. She stays on me keeping her mouth in place until my spasms subside and she has collected my liquid deposit in her mouth. She then gets up and goes over to the bin to spit out my milk into the receptacle.
After a rinse out with a glass of water that we had bought in to the room she sidles up to me for a cuddle and chat. I then tell her about my program for the rest of the day and the trip that I am making this time around.
This session had no fucking in the room. This is sad as my expected program was to suck and fuck in the cinema and then also suck and fuck in the room too. It was just that the blowjob program in the room after all the extended intimate foreplay prior had worked me up so much that I did opt to CIM straight away.
At 13:45 we did finish the session and I went to pay her 200€ from the valuables locker. The session was 1.5 hours in the room and 50€ extra for CIM finish. Some nice kisses and hugs to finish off and then we are off our separate ways to clean up.
Wandering around later and talking to some of the usual Romanian girls the feed back has been the saying that the entire week it was very quiet for men and also quiet for the girls. The clubs are very quiet at present due to the holidays. It did seem like it was better return in September when even the girls have come back from their vacations as well. Nonetheless, still the next day I was very pleased with the Oase line up that did turn up.
*Session 2*
15:30 to 15:50
50€ for session 20 minutes maximum maybe less
It was 1 hour 45 minutes after my first session today and I felt antsy for another booking. I looked around for one of my girls and I spied her at one of the high tables talking to one of her friends. I went over to her and asked if we could go for a session. She said that she had a client at 16:00. I said we had half hour and she looked at me and said I had to be quick. “Okay, lets go, “I say.
We take a room in the hallway to the women’s locker room.
In the room we lay out our respective towels and lie down together facing each other to begin kissing with lips and tongues but more so with tongues. This goes on for several minutes as I fondle her too touching her ass and legs.
Then I roll over onto my back to allow her to get up on her knees to give me a Blowjob for about 10 minutes. I get hard but not as hard as I would like.
She asks if I would like to perform Anal sex, but I decline saying not at this time since it was just 2 hours prior when I had come lots and maybe normal sex for now would be sufficient.
On goes the condom and she gets into the doggie position. I get in behind her and try to insert my semi erect penis into her pussy. I need some help feeding in my penis like a magician pushing silk scarves into a clenched fist. She helps me out. I try to fuck her but it is not working and I flop out.
I bend over on all fours cursing my performance. It is a failed attempt on goal.
I rest a bit and then with her lying flat on her stomach I mount her from above and behind and she helps feed in my penis into her quiver. I pump away and finish in bag with a few humps into her backside to her hole, feeling the soft and oh so encompassing tightness of her ass cheeks as I fuck from behind. She wonders if I have come at all. I do not confirm it. I think she thinks I failed to come. Oh well never mind.
She cuts the session short at 20 minutes by making to leave. 50€ is paid over at the valuables locker with a quick kiss.
I clean up and get a magazine to read for when I am sitting outside in the sunshine on a lounger.
I end up resting in the sunshine neglecting my reading material. Girls come along like Steffi, Adelina, Desi and Heidi read my magazine instead of me.
Later on I bump into Mini Me and Mr T.
Mini Me during his stay notched up a tally comprising dark blond Adelina (ro), blond Vivian (hu) and long black haired Tanya (de). This was a nice clutch of girls and Mini Me did a very loud finish with the first girl on the hut on the hill for all to hear and applaud his reprise. When I found out what Mini Me had done with Adelina, I decided to do something similar at FKK Palace the next week and I did my mess all over a slim, naturally shaped B cup relatively pretty blond Romanian hooker called Alexandra. It was like a porno movie.
Mini Me tells me that he is in shock saying that after 2 years of visits it has happened today that Oase is low on good girls. There are still many GFE and PSE prospects but not as many as one would normally hope to be in situ.
As mentioned earlier it did seem that most of the top hookers are on holiday. As such what would happen when Mini Me and I would walk around many times around the halls of Oase and the garden of Oase looking for a good lady, but repeatedly came back with the conclusion that there was nothing that we would fuck?
Mini Me’s experience, with the German lady in the room came with expected results. Mini Me said he did not have good experience with German women and yes it was the same case this time.
In the club there were a number of new ladies like blond Selina (ro) who optically certainly fulfilled the pretty criteria for Mini me but she was totally unresponsive to Mini Me’s advances. I had noted to Mini me that Selina was new to the club and she has even been noted by the other girls as not doing any business since she does not work the room and the possible clients that look like they would want to book her.
You could see how slow the day was and it seems like there were girls wanting to go and there were girls leaving early to go home.
Mr T, as a local and a regular Oase visitor was very negative on the Oase line up an also of the other Hessen FKKs in general. He did swap some notes with me and recommended Joanna (ro) as an excellent GFE booking.
We have a BBQ dinner together.
Later on I have a shave above and below.
*Session 3*
21:00 pm to 23:00 pm
300€ for 2 hours room time and anal sex.
I see the girl that I wish to book and go over to indicate that I wish to session with her. The chat is over very quick and we go to the cinema at her suggestion.
So we have a Cinema start where on the couch at the front to the left we start with kissing. Then she moves down my neck to my chest, kissing as she goes, slowly gently. The moves are deliberate and since the kisses and licks are so soft you have to be still to really experience their chill that they make in your nervous system.
Then she performs a long Blowjob on me as I watch the movie on the screen and admire this beautiful creature sucking and loving my shaft and balls. Oh my aching balls get a work over form her mouth suckling on the sac and licking all around them in a swirling motion.
I did not direct the session in the cinema right as we did not fuck in the cinema. Damn.
We then move to the Room which is one the small darkly lit rooms in the hall to the women’s lockers.
First there is more kissing as we relax and become more acquainted with each other.
Then it was body exploring time for me as I kiss and feel up her wondrous body to find all the erogenous zones and to enjoy the bits of her that I wanted to touch intimately with my hands and my mouth.
There is Ass worship by me as I fondled, kissed and licked her ass. She was not adverse to a bit of anal probing by my tongue.
Then it was dining at the Y where I slowly and gently licked her twat until she finished her orgasm that involved humping my face with her groin and her holding my head in place with her hangs and he groaning and moaning, “Yeah, yeah, yeah.”
The hooker says thanks to me for the pleasure she will sleep well tonight even with another hooker friend in the club sharing the room staying for the night who normally disturbs her.
Then it was my turn again. The girl focuses her energies on me and gives me a long blowjob in the style that makes you think that she just loves to make the man happy with her mouth and tongue style.
I get rock hard and then it is some play with her pussy outside as foreplay. Then when I think I cannot stand it anymore I opt for some anal sex since I have been admiring her ass for some time now. She lubes her ass up by inserting her finger in her ass with gel and to widen the entrance.
I ask that we start anal sex in the missionary position. She lies on her back and I pull her legs up so that her ass is exposed more so that I can gain entrance. She guides me in but allows me to apply the pressure to push myself in so I can enjoy the feeling of entering her as opposed to her putting me in. I like the visuals of missionary anal sex as you can really see at this angle that you are fucking her ass as opposed to the pussy hole which is also freely open for business too. She moans and breathes heavily as I fuck her ass taking it all the way in.
I realise after a while that she needed a break and I also wanted to take a break too to rest and also to prolong the pleasure of fucking this girl’s ass. I pull out of her ass and she relaxes.
I then opt for doggie style anal sex. She gets on all fours and moves lower so that I can get my rock hard penis into her ass. She guides me in again but allows me to apply the pressure to pierce her sphincter. I fuck her ass from behind and enjoy the view from the mirrors all around. She looks so good on all fours with her ass stuffed with my penis and she moans and groans like she is into it too. I fuck her taking my pleasure.
She then asks to take a break. I pull out of her ass and she relaxes some more. She lies down flat on her stomach and I massage her backside gently to soothe her and relax her.
My penis is still aching for release so I allow her sufficient time to cool down and then I mount her from behind as she lies flat on her stomach. I push my way back into her ass and feel how in this position that the tightness of her ass is accentuated. God it felt so good. I pushed deeper and deeper trying to get as deep as I could with my penis enjoying the feel of her smooth and curvy ass against my groin and belly. I hump and hump and it is not long before I come deep in her ass. It was a good blast that I want to remember for the future.
I breathe a big sigh and laugh and she giggles too. We are done as I have come.
She tells me that I could have fucked her ass longer but since she had eaten not long ago it was more difficult to handle a penis in her ass. Anal sex could be more prolonged if done in the afternoon when the gut was empty without food. This is something to remember for next time when I wanted anal sex with a girl.
We rest, cuddle and kiss and surprisingly the 2 hours is up so we go to settle up and I hand over 300€ for the 2 hour session with anal sex. We go to clean up.
Later on when I am relaxing there are girls that are propositioning me since there is not many customers and in the end the girls just sit with me and enjoy my touch on them to soothe them or placate their aches and pains.
After some time relaxing with the girls to chat and enjoying each others company I leave at 02:00.
I drive off in the Hyundai to the B&B Frankfurt Nord where an air conditioned single room with a double bed is 46€. I get to the hotel and I have trouble retrieving my access code. I try maybe 4 times and then a German couple arrive and they also try to access their room to no avail such as me. There is an after hours number so I call the number since the Germans think they can work out how the electronic access codes work.
In 3 minutes the hotel night clerk lets us in and refreshes our access codes starting with me first as I was there first. I get to my room and sort out my gear. I realise that I forgot my EU adaptor for electrical items. Damn, that means all my electronics battery use need to be rationed to last this trip.
FIRST AUGUST 2010 TRIP Day 2 at FKK Oase
*** first august 2010 trip ***
*** day 2 ***
*** fkk oase ***
arrival 11:20
departure 02:15
hours in the club 15 hours
weather: a sunny day, a day for sitting in sun
*** summary ***
entry cost is 65€.
two sessions costing a total of 450€ for 3.75 hours in the room for 350€ with extras for anal sex adding another 100€.
hotel was b&b frankfurt nord for 46€ a night for an air conditioned single room with a double bed.
day 2 total cost is 561€.
*** highlights ***
1. anal sex where i could have gone longer as timed my booking right with my selected girl in afternoon when i was fresh and she was fresh (with an empty bowel), but i opted to finish early by taking her in lying flat on her front position. it felt too good.
2. it is the first time that i record fucking for at least 60 minutes from 10:10 pm to 11:15pm maybe longer as i had started off prior with 15 minutes of foreplay where the hard penis was dipping in and out with breaks for dining at the y prior to the full on fucking session.
*** the visit ***
i had arrived at the club at 11:20 and took my time to get changed, shower and freshen up with drinks. i take some breakfast. the girl that i am looking for is not to be seen. i am guessing one of her regular clients has taken her at 11:00 and would be gone for one or two hours after maybe 15 minutes of pre room chat. i guess that i have to wait her out.
i go out into the garden to enjoy the sunshine and take breakfast of two croissants, butter, and a couple of boiled eggs, various fruits, a cappuccino and still water. i then lay out on a lounger in the garden in the sun to enjoy some relaxing sunbathing.
at 12:45 i see that the girl that i waiting out has walked out into the garden and passes me to the drinks hut and takes a still water and coffee. i watch her drink and admire her slim body and flowing hair. she having finished her drinks and not picking up any clientele then passes me by on my lounger. i push my head up from my lounger and murmur something to her. she stops and looks at me and then looks away back to the main building. she looks like she is making to go rather than give me the time of day. she says do i want to go and automatically assumes that i am going with her without me confirming it. i assumed that i am not going as she has not even made an effort to get me interested, but the next thing i know i am up off my lounger and i am gathering up my towels off the lounger and i am following her to the hut on hill in the garden. just like that i am hooked in.
*** booking 1 ***
12:55 to 14:25
1.5 hours booking for 250€ with anal sex.
i follow this angel along the path around the pool and admire the long legs with the curvy ass, the slim back and the straight long hair that reaches pass her shoulder blades. she has a tight body and a heavenly session in the room. i know from experience.
i enjoy it even more as she climbs the stairs to the hut on hill and i admire how gracefully she walks up in her high heel shoes.
we spread out our towels on the mattress; i place my drink on the side table, and then get on the bed. i note the large mirror hung at the back of the hut and thank oase management for putting it there so that men can admire their handiwork has they fuck.
so in the hut on the hill we start off lying side by side facing each other and kiss with tongues. i fondle her lovely body enjoying her warmth, the smoothness of her skin and the curvy fullness of her body.
i then lie back so that she can kiss my torso: kiss my chest, kiss my stomach and lick my nipples lovingly arousing me. she takes her time which is nice as i indicate a nice long session is in order.
after what seems like ages of teasing my torso with her mouth, lips and tongue she makes her to my shaft and balls. she begins by licking the area where the underside of the shaft connects with the balls. she then moves onto the balls and licks, and suckles on the testes. then it was onto the shaft for rhythmic sucking of the dealing end.
after a quarter hour she says that she is cold and says sorry but could we move inside to a room indoors. i do not have much choice in the matter. to me it is a marvellous day and i am fine in the open air but the lady is the boss and what makes her comfortable makes the session a better session. so we pack up our towels, purse and drinks and head inside.
we go deep into the bowels of the oase main building and head to the far back room that is adjacent to the girls’ locker room – the one with the blue arm chair in it. it is a cool room but dimly lit.
once again we lay out our towels and settle in. i know that there is no time added on for the time wasted in changing venue. the clock is usually in the favour of the girl.
we kiss each other with tongues and i enjoy her sweet taste as my hands roam exploring her body. she then gets up onto her knees as i lie back for her to kiss my chest and lick my nipples to arouse me again. once she is satisfied that she has made enough of an impact on my upper body she makes her way down to the groin area and kisses the head of my hard shaft and takes me into her mouth ands suck up and down then licking the shaft from the underside and from the side and then sucking some more up and down. then she is licking the balls and lovingly coating my balls in her wet saliva. the saliva catches the air con in the room and turns cool on the warm skin of my penis and testicles. she goes back to the shaft taking her time to suck me working her way deeper and deeper down my shaft then going back to licking the sensitive underside of my penis and also licking and kissing my balls. this woman knows how to suck a man off. i let her suck me for maybe 20 minutes.
i then gently push her to one side and get her to lie on her front so i can feel her ass and worship her ass and pussy from behind with my mouth and tongue. her legs are spread and bother asshole and pussy is open to my oral attack. my hands wander over her slim back, admiring her slim waist and feel her long legs enjoying the firm feel of them and their shape. i do this for several minutes.
i then flip her over so that i eat her pussy from the front direction. i can see her face and her reaction to my tongue running up and down and around her clitoris and pussy lips. i latch onto what she likes and keep working the rhythm that she showed me before. she gets into it and soon her hips are moving and her groin is being thrust into my mouth. i keep my tongue working lightly on her pussy making sure she has no respite and she does not let me constantly keeping her pussy at my face. she then moves her hands to take my hands and holds me. i keep licking and then she moves her hands to take a hold of my head to keep me in place licking her. she humps my face and eventually she comes satisfying herself with me.
now it was my turn:
she is already lying on her back with her legs spread and her muschi is all glistening and wet with my saliva and her juices. i get in between her legs and i play with her outside her pussy enjoy the body to body skin to skin contact that we have lubricated by the activity that had occurred prior. my penis is rock hard from the stimulation.
i opt for anal sex. she reaches for her lube tube and squirts some on her fingers then she inserts her fingers into her ass to prepare the ass entrance. i don a condom and push her legs up to move her ass up higher as she is in the missionary position to get access to her asshole as i kneel in between her shapely legs. i penetrate her sphincter slowly guided in by her and then she lets me go so that i fuck her anus with my blood engorged penis. i pump my penis in and out of her ass and i enjoy the extra tightness and the stimulation that her ass provides. it is also much kinkier and naughtier that i am doing her up the wrong one. that is what makes anal sex so much more desirable.
the visuals as i kneel over her watching my penis go in and out of her ass is amazing and it is enhanced by seeing her neglected pussy lips opened out like a butterfly adding to the great visual picture that i try to burn into my memory banks.
after missionary style anal sex i ask that we fuck anally in doggie style. she gets on all fours and i position myself at her ass entrance and she guides me in as i push pass her ass entrance muscles. i vary my fucking to fast, slow and deep oh so deep and then pull out as much as i can without popping out and then pushing all the way back in. this is so good.
i could have gone for ages fucking her in her ass but opted to finish. i ask for her to lay forward to be flat on her stomach keeping me inside her. in this position her ass cheeks can come into play to clench my penis that is inside her ass and make me come quicker. i pump away at her ass pushing as deep as i can go into her ass. she moans and groans feeling me inside her. the pleasure is intense and i do not last long. i come and i pump fast to enjoy the spasm as i come in her bum hole.
nice one, fucking anally in 3 positions of from the front, from behind and flat on her stomach. i am done. we laugh together at the effort and the finale that we had.
i pull out of her and we clean up. we kiss and cuddle afterwards until the time is run out at 14:25. we wrap up our session and go to the valuables lockers where i pay her 250€ for the 1.5 hours and anal sex extra.
i then go shower, get some drinks to refresh and then go outside and enjoy the sunshine and relax.
during this time i have been keeping an eye out for another girl in my coterie of favourites. i spot her intermitted and then she is gone completely from 16:55 to 20:25. she is a popular girl.
i know that she has to resurface some time since she works to late so i take the time to freshen up like shaving above and below.
i finally see my girl again at 20:25 chatting to brunette michelle (swiss) from basel.
i go up to her and enquire whether i can book her for a session. she says she has just finished with a customer and she wants to freshen up, eat some food since she has not had a meal yet and she will come and look for me.
i ask if i should wait somewhere in particular and she says,” no, it is okay. i will find you”.
i say, “are you sure you do not want me to wait somewhere for you?”
she replies, “yes, i am sure, i will find you. do not worry.”
so we part our ways.
i go wandering the club but stay close to the bar area and the dining area as the usual place that the girls will walk through to make sure that i catch her before another man books her.
eventually after 45 minutes of waiting she comes back and sees me sitting at a table in the dining area. she says, “there you are. you are hard to find.”
i think i have been waiting for her for ages but no matter she is here now.
*** booking 2 ***
21:10 to 23:30
2.25 hours booking for 200€
21:10 we go to find a room at the back corridor where there is air conditioning but there is none available. my girl does not want to wait for a room so she says we must take one of the small rooms in the whirl pool area. these rooms are small and very hot in the summer time. i say that i will wilt in the heat of the room. she says that this is the only way as to her time is money and she does not make money waiting for a room. i cave and i take the only option offered to me apart from saying to forget the booking.
the only redeeming thing about the whirl pool rooms is that there are mirrors on al hour walls of the room and on the ceiling too making them voyeur material.
we lay out our towels on the mattress and get on. we kneel across from each other and we kiss and i feel up her backside up concentrating on her gloriously curvy ass as her hands hug my shoulders and also gently stroke the hair on the back of my head.
i then release her so that i may stand up on the mattress to have her suck my stiffening penis while she is on her knees before me. i present my penis to her and she takes it in her mouth and sucks on it. she then bends down a little to lick my balls and also the underside of my shaft. there are no hands involved. she moves her head and uses just her mouth, lips and tongue to perform the blowjob.
the visuals on the four mirrors of the walls and the mirror on the ceiling is porno like as i see the back view of her which i am facing and the side on view of my hard pointing out penis disappearing and then re-appearing from her mouth. i enjoy the side on view for the ability to see the depth of my penis going into her mouth as she sucks it. very porno like as i am in heaven getting my penis sucked by such a beautiful fellatrice.
we then move to lie down where she lies on her stomach so that i may worship her ass. i kiss and lick her crack and probe her ass. i lick her pussy and alternate back to her ass.
i then flip her over onto her back so that i may have better position to eat at the y eat to finish her off. i lick and tease her until she is stimulated enough and she comes in with a loud groan after much humping of my face as she took her pleasure from me.
then it was some external stimulation as she lies on the bed as i do some body to body play. she sucks me some more and then it on with the condom. i lick her pussy and since she has come just recently she is wet and does not need and commercial lubricant.
unusually i notice my watch which i had placed on the mattress and not on the pedestal to the side of the mattress. the time is just before 22:10. i penetrate this gorgeous girl in missionary style with her legs around my waist as i kneel up in between her legs. i fuck her and enjoy myself in her taking my pleasure this time. i alternate my speeds and rhythms and also pullout every so often to fuck her clitoris and her pussy lips and then push my way back in again keeping constant contact with her pussy but making sure my penis was doing something to her fucking wise.
i fuck and fuck her and i look at the watch again and it says 22:25. okay, 15 minutes of fucking so far. i keep on fucking her. she moans and groans and looks up at me. i lean over every so often to kiss her. when her pussy is starting to feel like it is getting a little dry i stop and give her a few more licks before going straight back to fucking her. i look at my watch again and it is now 22:40. i have been pumping away now since 22:10 and so it has been half hour of straight fucking in the missionary position. the sweat is pouring off me as these whirl pool rooms are stuffy and hot.
i keep at it fucking her and check in every 5 minutes to see where i am at. i see 22:45, then 22:50 and then 22:55 and then it is 23:00. i am still going strong and the penis is still rock hard slipping in and out of her easily with her natural juices.
just after 23:00 i think she tires of being on her back and opts to move onto her front so i can fuck her from behind. she rolls over and i mount her from behind to fuck her. in this position you can see the back of her head so the visuals are less but you do get to see her facial expressions in the mirror on the wall that she is facing into. nice.
i keep on fucking and try to go for the finish line. i fuck and i fuck this beautiful creature that is allowing me such an extraordinary fuck session. i finally come at 23:15. i was exhausted but proud at my personal achievement as i do believe i fucked her for over one hour.
we have been over one and half hours in the room and it has been non stop action with all due attention on my beautiful girl who is passively letting me do as i will with her.
i do enjoy the body to body contact that we have and i do like fucking the girl with her own natural juices and not the commercial lubricants that the girls have as it feels more real and girlfriend like. i mention these things to the girl so that she knows for the future and yes she does try to deliver on them. during this session i also learnt something more about this girl's bodily function and as such also about how girls may work in general. the main thing is this great girl knows my preferences now and my usual program.
we kiss and cuddle and fondle each other for the remainder of our time to 23:30. we pack up and we migrate to the valuables locker where over a bit of intimate cuddling here my hands did fondle her ass and probed her ass crack for her hole we did kiss as she took the 200€ i handed to her for the 2 hour session. i ask if she is going to continue working tonight thinking i may be able to book her again but she says she may turn in now.
she leaves to go shower and freshen up. i go to the bar and have a drink and then go to shower. i come back again and order another drink and sit at the bar. my girl comes into the bar area and looks around presumably taking a look to see if there are any regular customers wanting a session. she does not see anyone so she goes into the laundry room behind the bar and collects her belongings there.
i note that i a small gift in my valuables locker that i keep to give as tips to girls that i want to curry favour with or reward for good service. i get the small gift out and when my girl returns from the laundry room i waiting for her and i give the small gift to her. she thanks me and kisses me in gratitude and seems curious about the contents.
she then heads back to the ladies’ locker at the back. i stay seated at the bar since i am so tired and keep ordering new drinks to drink as the one before me becomes empty.
at 23: 45 the girl that i booked last has gotten changed is passing by the bar on her way out via reception. she sees me at the bar and i make eye contact with her. i get a nice kiss on the lips good night before she goes home. she has my taste on her lips as she last man of her shift today. nice one.
i do not send a sms good night to my little one.
from 23:50 to 02:00 i hang out in the club with the romanians and bulgarian girls. the girls latch onto me and i get little respite being asked to sit here or there to placate them. sometimes requests for small money for cigarettes or red bull are made but politely declined. it is fun hanging out with the romanian gang as they are a boisterous lot and create a sense of chaos wherever they go which makes spending time with them so interesting.
most of the time is spent sitting together fondling each other enjoying the others company and the familiarity that we have. i could stay here all night to 05:00 closing but those days are long gone when i used to do that when i was younger. time has caught up with me and i know that on these longer trips that i cannot keep it up. i need to sleep and rest.
02:15 i change, shower and leave the club in the black hyundai i-20 and drive to the b&b hotel which is around 9 km away. i get in, unpack my bag, brush my teeth and jump into bed. i watch a bit of the soft porn on the beate uhse channel and then get bored of it. i watch a late movie in german and then fall asleep.
*** FIRST AUGUST 2010 TRIP ***
*** Day 2 ***
*** FKK Oase ***
Who is interested in annoying long reports without precise nomination? Frankly, no one. It is useless.
Does World or Oases have a baggage closet (like Palace) to store a carry on suitcase?
[QUOTE=West By Sun]Who is interested in annoying long reports without precise nomination? Frankly, no one. It is useless.
WBS[/QUOTE]I must say that I have some sympathy with this view.
BC, you have been very complimentary about my own reports but I am sure you would agree that they wouldn't be nearly so interesting if I hadn't named all the girls (or described them when I didn't know their names).
[QUOTE=West By Sun]Who is interested in annoying long reports without precise nomination? Frankly, no one. It is useless.
WBS[/QUOTE]Why there are no names?, normally he is able to name the line up of almost 100 girls.
Sorry. I have to admit- without a name a report makes no sense.
Just my two cents
I ask that we start anal sex in the missionary position. She lies on her back and I pull her legs up so that her ass is exposed more so that I can gain entrance. She guides me in but allows me to apply the pressure to push myself in so I can enjoy the feeling of entering her as opposed to her putting me in. I like the visuals of missionary anal sex as you can really see at this angle that you are fucking her ass as opposed to the pussy hole which is also freely open for business too. She moans and breathes heavily as I fuck her ass taking it all the way in.
I then opt for doggie style anal sex. She gets on all fours and moves lower so that I can get my rock hard penis into her ass. She guides me in again but allows me to apply the pressure to pierce her sphincter. I fuck her ass from behind and enjoy the view from the mirrors all around. She looks so good on all fours with her ass stuffed with my penis and she moans and groans like she is into it too. I fuck her taking my pleasure.
She then asks to take a break. I pull out of her ass and she relaxes some more. She lies down flat on her stomach and I massage her backside gently to soothe her and relax her.
My penis is still aching for release so I allow her sufficient time to cool down and then I mount her from behind as she lies flat on her stomach. I push my way back into her ass and feel how in this position that the tightness of her ass is accentuated. God it felt so good. I pushed deeper and deeper trying to get as deep as I could with my penis enjoying the feel of her smooth and curvy ass against my groin and belly. I hump and hump and it is not long before I come deep in her ass. It was a good blast that I want to remember for the future.
I breathe a big sigh and laugh and she giggles too. We are done as I have come.
She tells me that I could have fucked her ass longer but since she had eaten not long ago it was more difficult to handle a penis in her ass. Anal sex could be more prolonged if done in the afternoon when the gut was empty without food. This is something to remember for next time when I wanted anal sex with a girl.
We rest, cuddle and kiss and surprisingly the 2 hours is up so we go to settle up and I hand over 300€ for the 2 hour session with anal sex. We go to clean up.
short but to the point
[QUOTE=West By Sun]Who is interested in annoying long reports without precise nomination? Frankly, no one. It is useless.
8:30 A girl was trying to entice me into a room by the tickle method with groping
8:31 had wood
8:32 still had a woody, sense a depressurization
8:33 blew a fart in her general direction while being tickled
8:34 vacuum leak sealed, woody intact
[QUOTE=West By Sun]Who is interested in annoying long reports without precise nomination? Frankly, no one. It is useless.
WBS[/QUOTE]If you don't like just don't read them.*
But why BC you don't mention the girl's name? For respect to her? for forum policies? Why?
Anyway you have pornstar performances.
Lot of fun and also money.
Who are those hot babes?
Day 1
FKK Oase
*Session 3*
I see the girl that I wish to book and go over to indicate that I wish to session with her. The chat is over very quick and we go to the cinema at her suggestion.
Then she performs a long Blowjob on me as I watch the movie on the screen and admire this beautiful creature sucking and loving my shaft and balls. Oh my aching balls get a work over form her mouth suckling on the sac and licking all around them in a swirling motion.
I did not direct the session in the cinema right as we did not fuck in the cinema. Damn.
We then move to the Room which is one the small darkly lit rooms in the hall to the women’s lockers.
First there is more kissing as we relax and become more acquainted with each other.
Then it was body exploring time for me as I kiss and feel up her wondrous body to find all the erogenous zones and to enjoy the bits of her that I wanted to touch intimately with my hands and my mouth.
There is Ass worship by me as I fondled, kissed and licked her ass. She was not adverse to a bit of anal probing by my tongue.
Then it was dining at the Y where I slowly and gently licked her twat until she finished her orgasm that involved humping my face with her groin and her holding my head in place with her hangs and he groaning and moaning, “Yeah, yeah, yeah.”
The hooker says thanks to me for the pleasure she will sleep well tonight even with another hooker friend in the club sharing the room staying for the night who normally disturbs her.
Then it was my turn again. The girl focuses her energies on me and gives me a long blowjob in the style that makes you think that she just loves to make the man happy with her mouth and tongue style.
I get rock hard and then it is some play with her pussy outside as foreplay. Then when I think I cannot stand it anymore I opt for some anal sex since I have been admiring her ass for some time now. She lubes her ass up by inserting her finger in her ass with gel and to widen the entrance.
I ask that we start anal sex in the missionary position. She lies on her back and I pull her legs up so that her ass is exposed more so that I can gain entrance. She guides me in but allows me to apply the pressure to push myself in so I can enjoy the feeling of entering her as opposed to her putting me in. I like the visuals of missionary anal sex as you can really see at this angle that you are fucking her ass as opposed to the pussy hole which is also freely open for business too. She moans and breathes heavily as I fuck her ass taking it all the way in.
I realise after a while that she needed a break and I also wanted to take a break too to rest and also to prolong the pleasure of fucking this girl’s ass. I pull out of her ass and she relaxes.
I then opt for doggie style anal sex. She gets on all fours and moves lower so that I can get my rock hard penis into her ass. She guides me in again but allows me to apply the pressure to pierce her sphincter. I fuck her ass from behind and enjoy the view from the mirrors all around. She looks so good on all fours with her ass stuffed with my penis and she moans and groans like she is into it too. I fuck her taking my pleasure.[/QUOTE]Hello BC,
All great sessions, you lucky man! Congratulation for your performance.
I wish I could run into those hot ladies too. Could you provide some names or personal information so we have a chance to identify the CDLs.
[QUOTE=West By Sun]Who is interested in annoying long reports without precise nomination? Frankly, no one. It is useless.
Were you referring to the lack of names or the descriptions of the girls? Certainly not the delineated schedule, I assume.
Nadelmühle (needle mill?)
Oase (oh-arse-zer) is located in a place called Nadelmühle near the little country town of Burgholzhausen vor der Höhe. Quaint place names. The sign says Burgholzhausen, ein Dorf für die Kinder (a village for the kids). Well there are awfully old kids playing around at Oase tonight.
Today, unfortunately some of the girls were wearing bikinis and some still nude. I am really allergic especially to BHs (Bustenhalters or bras).:( I took a robe for the first time but did not wear it (it was too hot).
I was glad the weather was unfriendly this evening. That mean't hooray, no BBQ. :D The braised pork with champignons wasn't too bad at all and some spinach on the side.
So as not to get into trouble with my GF, I carried my phone around in the pocket. Called her up before my first session, called her again before the 2nd screw, and finally once before leaving to go home. Went well away from the people and noise for each call, and fortunately the Italians had put a sock in it at the time of my calls. Sometimes they are just ridiculously noisy just like kids. :)
A few nice blondes. Caught a fleeting glimpse of Krina a couple of times but she was awfully busy, while place was a little quiet overall. Cynthia was missing (a great non-blonde), as was Veronika. Ricky showed up but I had already decided on Adriana (spelling?) for my 2nd session.
Adriana (Linda/Karolina) has just returned from 3 weeks holiday yesterday. Used to have F cups once but now possibly not quite that big. Mushy DFK got started immediately. Muschi kissing (DATY) was later.
In the room she complained to me that she had been on holidays to see the moma and the papa, and hence no sex for 3 weeks. So she was rather hot for it. Poor girl! No one to fuck and no nice dicks to suck on. We really feel for her. ;) (or feel her up).
Very nice long screw plus the normal super BBBJ with CIM bonus of course. I defy anyone to remain flaccid for her BBBJ no matter how many shots already. I helped her to get off as well, by giving her nipples a nice light sloppy tonguing while she diddled herself. (Should I reveal her secrets???)
She asked if I would attend the party tomorrow? But I said no, too many people, not enough rooms for my liking.
Sadly, saw Krina not busy just as I was leaving.
Unfortunately have to work tommorrow. Will rest and gather strength so as to do the GF well and properly on Saturday. She is actually super, but a little crazy.
Thanks for all the reports, guys. I am looking forward to arriving in Europe on Saturday, and heading straight over to Oase for the party. This will be the first time that I rent a car for the journey, so my plan is to start at Oase and then head over to World if/when the Oase party gets too crowded.
Hopefully some of you gents will be there and we can chat, or even head over to World together. I'll be the older Asian, English-speaking fellow looking following the young, slim nubile girls.
Cya, R.
[QUOTE=Gfe Finder]Were you referring to the lack of names or the descriptions of the girls? Certainly not the delineated schedule, I assume.[/QUOTE]
The lack of names.
Maybe the writer would say he is too shy to indicate names, etc, but, only this writer has continued to upload the posts without names.
In the french board Youppie.net, all informations are categorized by each female names without any exxception. BC is its member and has written posts in English in youppie.net. BC could imagine if all youppie informations are written with a total lack of names, the Youppie is worthless anymore from the point of view to share open information and no one would visit the board.
[QUOTE=R The Man]Thanks for all the reports, guys. I am looking forward to arriving in Europe on Saturday, and heading straight over to Oase for the party. This will be the first time that I rent a car for the journey, so my plan is to start at Oase and then head over to World if/when the Oase party gets too crowded.
Hopefully some of you gents will be there and we can chat, or even head over to World together. I'll be the older Asian, English-speaking fellow looking following the young, slim nubile girls.
Cya, R.[/QUOTE]Dear R The Man,
I¨m arriving next Saturday too and going to Oase party for my firs time, I'll try to meet you there (I'll be te medium older form south america LoL).
[quote=west by sun]who is interested...[/quote]i am
[quote]... in annoying long reports [/quote]i don't find them annoying
[quote]frankly, no one[/quote]oooops, at least one, me. but thanks for speaking in my name
[quote]it is useless.[/quote]i find it useful
there is a reason for bc to no longer mention names in his post. and there is no point in mentionning youppie, the case is totally different. just read back the forum and maybe you'll understand why i laughed so much reading your post i almost [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord134][CodeWord134][/url] on myself. thanks for making my day!
reading your post i almost [url=http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord134][CodeWord134][/url] on myself. thanks for making my day!
you are welcome, sir. i am sincerely sorry to know that you are suffered by urinary incontinence. please take care of yourself.
meilleures salutations,
I like your reports, BC, you know I do, but I've mentioned it before: Without names the action could also be some prosa from porn literature. Sorry, but the board is for information about girls and their service. Names, please!
[QUOTE=Syzygies]So as not to get into trouble with my GF, I carried my phone around in the pocket. Called her up before my first session, called her again before the 2nd screw, and finally once before leaving to go home. [/QUOTE]Funny post. :-)
Did you mention their names, or just give her a BC-style erotic description? LOL.
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub]I like your reports, BC, you know I do, but I've mentioned it before: Without names the action could also be some prosa from porn literature. Sorry, but the board is for information about girls and their service. Names, please!
I'm with HB. Real men don't read Harlequin romance novels.
How to handle parties
I just wanted to highlight a couple of great advices of recent from fellow ISG’ers for those who will attend the party at Oase tomorrow:
[QUOTE=Syzygies]She asked if I would attend the party tomorrow? But I said no, too many people, not enough rooms for my liking.[/QUOTE]
Visiting Oase the day BEFORE the party is a great move by Sysygies. It is a trick you can do both prior to any party or large Messe day. Usually a lot of the ladies who will be attending the party will already be there, but not so many gents, which leads to favourable ratios and great opportunities.
Similar opportunities may be possible on the actual party/Messe day if you ARRIVE EARLY.
[QUOTE=R The Man]Thanks for all the reports, guys. I am looking forward to arriving in Europe on Saturday, and heading straight over to Oase for the party. This will be the first time that I rent a car for the journey, so my plan is to start at Oase and then head over to World if/when the Oase party gets too crowded.[/QUOTE]
That’s it! Always have a plan B if a club does not meet your expectations. World is a great alternative (maybe even a preferred alternative) on any Friday and Saturday night.
Will Oase be too crowded? I think this is a personal feeling and to each his own. If the “perfect F/M ratio” is 3:1 or 2:1, my guess is that the ratio will be between 1:2 and 1:10 during the night (like any other busy Saturday night at Oase later in the fall). If you do not like crowds or parties, then stay away, but IMHO there should still be great opportunities for a good time. This in contrast to late nights during the Automekanika Messe in September where ratios may be as terrible as 1:100 or 1:200. That gentlemen, is what I will call a CROWD ... You will be lucky if you see a naked girl at all, and … it may not be your ATF. ;-)
Have fun at the party!
[QUOTE=Shark16]... This in contrast to late nights during the Automekanika Messe in September where ratios may be as terrible as 1:100 or 1:200. That gentlemen, is what I will call a CROWD! ;-) You will be lucky if you see a naked girl at all, and … it may not be your ATF ...[/QUOTE]
what exactly is Automekanika Messe and when it will be in september ?
One girl every 100 or 200 men ?
Seriously ?
For me too crowded is even 1 girl: 20 men :)
p.s. I agree with your suggest to join the club the day earlier of the party to have the same girls but much less men, probably even 1 or 2 day after the party it can be still good.
Automechanika is one of the larger annual exhibitions in Frankfurt, and this year it will take place 14- 19th September. Further info: [url]http://www.messefrankfurt.com/content/dam/corporate/messe/publikationen/mf-messekalender-2010-2.pdf[/url]
I confess I gave up counting during that night, so how serious do you want me to be?!?? ;-) Obviously I am talking about the ratios in the meeting areas and not in the club as a whole. The point is that the 100 girls present at night will either be in the (30?) rooms or standing in line in front of the door to the rooms/tents (or having public sex in kino, hallways, shower, sauna, sunbeds, anywhere, ...), leaving the meeting areas basically empty for girls and packed with guys. Hope this clarifies.
I agree the days after a party or exhibition can be good. The Automechanika, however, lasts a week, and you risk that some of those girls may be a bit tired at that time ... ;-)
My report from one night at Oase during the Automechanika: [url]http://internationalsexguide.info/forum/showpost.php?p=792026&postcount=3008[/url]
BC's report from same week; [url]http://internationalsexguide.info/forum/showpost.php?p=792087&postcount=3010[/url]
thanks so much, you clarified everything very good :)
Right with an exhibition of 1 week, it has no sense to go 1-2 day after, ( with the girls very tired .. ) but only 1 day before.
I can only guess how many men will tell to BF, wifes... I go to exhibition.... of public sex at FKK :D
Thanks for the links too
[QUOTE=Go Goguy]If you don't like just don't read them.*
But why BC you don't mention the girl's name? For respect to her? for forum policies? Why?
Anyway you have pornstar performances.
Lot of fun and also money.[/QUOTE]
Ja, I can skip them, but I did not say I hate BC's report. I understand this is his way to express his gratitude to girls.
When my favorite girl was described as a virtual shark here in a bad way, I did some advertisement about her. As the result she has changed her name to Rafaella. I do not necessary think the ISG made her to change her name, however this forum sometimes had some influence so BC's way is partially right.
But anyway here is not amateur porno novelist's inner circle presentation in a junior high school.
Tall blonde german
I was there a week back. Met a tall blond German lady. Nice figure, smallish boobs. She spoke very good english. She said she's from near Cologne and has been there for a while.
She was my last of the night. I did manage to make a good show of it. She certainly helped. Towards the end, we chatted more. She told me about a recent trip with her BF to Mexico. I'm thinking "BF"? What a lucky guy.
Anyway. If you can isolate her name, I'd appreciate it. Ricky perhaps?
This evening. I started with a young lady, she said she was from Macedonia. She wears little sweat bands around her ankles. Ok overall.
I was sitting for a rest and an ok looking lady sits next too me. Says she's Italian. We chat a bit. I suspect she's Romainian. I brush her off. Small frame, short brown hair rather aggressive. I'd avoid this one.
I spied one of my favs. Verona from Croatia. She made my night. I simply love her. Great GFE.
I did something I typically don't. Taked to a younger Germain gal from near Leipzig. Great boobs, good figure. I could have hired a robot to be more compassionate. What a bust.
After some time out. I chatted with my favorite Romainian. Not the greatest figure, but very nice personality. She's got a bit of beef on her. Brown hair, good English. At that time, a bus load from China arrived. Wow. What a sight. 15 guys from China pour into the room. My Romainian (can't ever remember her name) says. They will not be interested in her or any of the larger ladies. Sure enough. They evaporated quickly after being approached by the smaller ladies. I noticed they were all gone after 2 hours. Must be a tour bus.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]This is a recent Oase girl roster list to give an idea of the line up.
*** Girl Roster List ***
1. Adelina (ro)
2. Alex (hu)
3. Alexa (pl)
4. Alicia (pl)
5. Amanda (ro)
6. Angie (ro)
7. Anka (ro) new tall one, gypsy looking
8. Ariana (ro) slim, tanned, blond, see cup breasts
9. Barbie (hu)
10. Bianca (ro)
11. Claudia (ro)
12. Cynthia (br)
13. Desi (mk)
14. Dora (ru)
15. Dori (ro)
16. Ella (ru)
17. Evelyne (pl)
18. Francesca (ro)
19. Gabriella (ve)
20. Hanna (CZ)
21. Heidi (hu)
22. Izzy (bg)
23. Jennifer (hu) blond
24. Jennifer's little sister (hu) dark hair
25. Johanna (de)
26. Julia (pl)
27. Karina (ro) ex FKK World
28. Katerina (ro)
29. Katyusha (de) I think she calls herself Katalin instead now
31. Kira (hu)
32. Lana (de)
33. Laura (lv)
34. Lena (sk)
35. Lila (pl)
36. Lilly (pl)
37. Lucia (ro)
38. Luisa (es)
39. Maggie (bg)
40. Maria (ro)
41. Marina (ro)
42. Melissa (ro)
43. Mercedes (eg)
44. Mia (hr)
45. Michelle (ch)
46. Nina (de)
47. Rebecca / Ramona (ro) busty blond
48. Ricky / Riccarda (de)
49. Sandra (ro)
50. Sara (ro)
51. Sheila (ro)
52. Shereen (ir)
53. Simona / Ralucca (ro)
54. Steffie (ru)
55. Sunny (de)
56. Tessa (de)
57. Timea (hu)
58. Vanessa (rs)
59. Vanessa (bg)
60. Veronica (bg) slim, beautiful shoulder length blond hair, backside full of tattoos, from FKK World
61. Vivian (hu)
62. Yasmine (rs)
63. Yvette (hu)
64. Yvonne (sk)
65? (?) black hair, tall, slim
66? (br) black girl, petite, very pretty
67? (br) long dark hair, slim, with a latin look
68? (eg) big black hair, talks zany and weird acting
69? (gr) blond, MILF
70? (mk) blond
71? (ro) blond, new, cute, shoulder length blond hair
72? (ro) curly brunette girl with huge and shapely breasts
73? (ro) cute blond, long blond hair
74? (ro) new girl, tall, black hair, started at 9pm on XXX day, wore a metal chain around her waist
75? (ru) piercing blue eyes, long black hair
76? (th) black hair
There was another 20 girls that I did not know or recall[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Toscana]Funny post. :-)
Did you mention their names, or just give her a BC-style erotic description? LOL.[/QUOTE]
Hi Toscana,
We met once at Oase, when I had a different handle, together with Iseeu, GandJim, and probably BC. I met BC so many times now that I get confused. Your taste in girls was similar to mine.
My GF is incredibly jealous. Obviously I had to spin her bullshit about being at the pub drinking with mates. The reason for each call is to minimise the chance of her calling me during hot sex with some other girl. If she calls me (several times a day) and I don't answer or return her call very promptly, she gets very suspicious and very worried about what I am getting up to. So rather than switch the phone off and get hell from her for several days, I give her maximum attention by phone while at Oase, and then she suspects nothing!
She wouldn't be worth all this trouble expect for the fact that she is young, hot, and a magnificent fuck (and suck). For other reasons, I am not in the right situation to be able to do her every day, and I still lust after some other FKK girls provided they are in the very superior category in one way or another.
This is the sex-addicts problem. Even I am getting it real good, I still want variety. Man was not mean't to be a monogamous person. Studies of all higher primates show they all fuck around. I am pleased to be able to justify my sex addiction with the thought that its biologically normal to be thinking about screwing girls every day.
What is this sick society that puts up a standard of being "faithful" to someone? Its total bullshit in my view! I am not jealous by nature, but its hard to meet compatible girls who are also not jealous by nature.
[QUOTE=Jdbkk555]I was there a week back. Met a tall blond German lady. Nice figure, smallish boobs. She spoke very good english. She said she's from near Cologne and has been there for a while.
She was my last of the night. I did manage to make a good show of it. She certainly helped. Towards the end, we chatted more. She told me about a recent trip with her BF to Mexico. I'm thinking "BF"? What a lucky guy.
Anyway. If you can isolate her name, I'd appreciate it. Ricky perhaps?
Sounds like Ricky. No Tats, no piercings, tall natural blonde? B-cups (only just), smokes, looks like a model, does come from Colongne region, speaks excellent English.
Excellent BBBJ without being in the absolute top class for BBBJ.
[QUOTE=Syzygies]Hi Toscana,
We met once at Oase, when I had a different handle, together with Iseeu, GandJim, and probably BC. I met BC so many times now that I get confused. Your taste in girls was similar to mine.[/QUOTE]OK, now I've got you. :-) Yes, it was BC. And the charismatic spirit of early-days Obama was never far from our dirty little minds.... ;-)
[QUOTE=Syzygies]Sounds like Ricky. No Tats, no piercings, tall natural blonde? B-cups (only just), smokes, looks like a model, does come from Colongne region, speaks excellent English.
Excellent BBBJ without being in the absolute top class for BBBJ.[/QUOTE]Yes it is Ricky/Riccarda.
[QUOTE=Jdbkk555]I was sitting for a rest and an ok looking lady sits next too me. Says she's Italian. We chat a bit. I suspect she's Romainian. I brush her off. Small frame, short brown hair rather aggressive. I'd avoid this one.[/QUOTE]I think you're right about her being Romanian. I was unfortunate enough to spend 30 minutes with her. She didn't put much effort into it and I ended up giving her a massage for the last 10 minutes.
[QUOTE=Nille Copenhagen]Yes it is Ricky/Riccarda.[/QUOTE]Yep. Must be her. Thanks guys.
99% of the "Italian" girls are Romanian. I doubt there's an Italian girl at Oase right now.
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub]99% of the "Italian" girls are Romanian. I doubt there's an Italian girl at Oase right now.
HB[/QUOTE]I agree with HB, there are only a few real Italian girls at Oase, eg. Manuella, I don't know if she is still there, sweet gal. She said she wanted to go back and study.
It's easy to spot the Romanian girls, after you brush them off, you'll see them hanging our with the other Romanian girls, or when the DJ plays some Romanian music all Romanian girls dances.
[QUOTE=Virgin Lover]I think you're right about her being Romanian. I was unfortunate enough to spend 30 minutes with her. She didn't put much effort into it and I ended up giving her a massage for the last 10 minutes.[/QUOTE]
Perhaps a 10 minute spanking was in order instead.
[QUOTE=Jdbkk555]I was sitting for a rest and an ok looking lady sits next too me. Says she's Italian. We chat a bit. I suspect she's Romainian. I brush her off. Small frame, short brown hair rather aggressive. I'd avoid this one.[/QUOTE]Sounds like 37. Lucia (ro)
[QUOTE=Fkknomad]Sounds like 37. Lucia (ro)[/QUOTE]
I suppose its the one we all have to brush off multiple times.
Today was probably my last Oase trip for the year, so I will wish all you Oase goers a merry xmas and happy new year.
Tried Thai girl Kim today as she had a very nice body, but in the room was a little lacking in energy for me. So to me she was possibly slightly below what I expect from Thais in the GFE department. Still very friendly though.
Nice session with Carrinna (spelling?), blonde with the heavy natural tits, but BBBJ just a bit toothy and fast. Some guys love it this way I know.
What better way to finish off the year than a session with Adriana. Very nice kissing and extended sex, but finished off with her BBBJ as its just about unbeatable for the maximum explosion.
Was rather quiet there today, so had to brush more persistant girls than usual. Food was actually quite O.K. today, Spagetti Bolognese for me with a big helping of mushrooms on the side.
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub]99% of the "Italian" girls are Romanian. I doubt there's an Italian girl at Oase right now.
Stella is Italian. She is working this weekend.
Manuella is Italian too I recall. Luisa are Spanish. I saw Manuella but not Luisa.
[QUOTE=Syzygies]I suppose its the one we all have to brush off multiple times.
Today was probably my last Oase trip for the year, so I will wish all you Oase goers a merry xmas and happy new year.
Tried Thai girl Kim today as she had a very nice body, but in the room was a little lacking in energy for me. So to me she was possibly slightly below what I expect from Thais in the GFE department. Still very friendly though.
Nice session with Carrinna (spelling?), blonde with the heavy natural tits, but BBBJ just a bit toothy and fast. Some guys love it this way I know.
What better way to finish off the year than a session with Adriana. Very nice kissing and extended sex, but finished off with her BBBJ as its just about unbeatable for the maximum explosion.
Was rather quiet there today, so had to brush more persistant girls than usual. Food was actually quite O.K. today, Spagetti Bolognese for me with a big helping of mushrooms on the side.[/QUOTE]
Many Francophones in the club today. Girls were asking if I knew them. Girls think I know everyone. LOL.
Girls today:
1. Sammy (Russia) girl next door look, the sort that Breadman would go for given what he has shown me what he likes. Light coloured hair, fresh looking face, first day today. Wore black leggings. B cups.
2. Anka (ro) the tall, uber body is fantastic to look at as well, long dark hair, sometimes tied up. She is new from early August when I first made her acquaintance. Anka hangs out with the bigger Romanians like Maria, Angie, Simona / Ralucca, not the little ones like Lulu, Sheila, Amanda, etc... B cups, really leggy.
3. Monique (Ukraine), cute little blond. A cups. Spinner type, very friendly, nice soft hair to stroke. Been here 3 days now.
Spend in club on sessions.
Session 1: 200 euro.
Session 2: 150 euro.
Session 3: 400 euro incl CIM.
Of note is Cassandra (ro) who gave me a hand job in the whirl pool.
Lulu (ro) kept tickling me.
Heidi (hu) is so friendly.
Nice to see Lia (ro) back without her boyfriend customer who books her all day. Lia (ro) is back hanging out with Alina (ro).
Poles in short supply, mainly the two Agneskas - dark haired one with the great tits and the tall slim light haired one. Poor turn out.
Hungarians also in short supply, just really Judith, Kira & Vivian.
So much for the Oase Summer party.
Ricky / Riccarda (de) was there for all you tall slim model looking blond lovers. Johanna her mate was there. Nina, Lana, Tessa, Jenny, Sunny, - more German blonds.
For the Balkan lovers and I know there is one with a sweet tooth for them there was Verona. Also Yasmine, little Vanessa. No Mia for the big beautiful women lovers.
Special mention to Jasmine (ro) who is a special one.
Diana the black girl is a real cute package, I saw her grooving & boogeying on her own in a room which had its door open while waiting for her customer.
German Fuckers club were in attendance. P and B. They make me laugh.
The other day´s Oase report
I met up with Qubei and we did a raid on Oase. It was the party.
Girls today:
1. Katherina (ru) Russia - need I say any more? Rhetorical question.
2. Kim (Thailand) slim girl. German Fuckers applauded the choice.
Sessions today were:
Session 1. 200 euro including CIM
Session 2. 350 euro including CIM and come twice.
I will let Qubei explain himself and the runaround that he got with a certain Hungarian.
Tendence Messe overflow was at Oase.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]Stella is Italian. She is working this weekend.
Manuella is Italian too I recall. Luisa are Spanish. I saw Manuella but not Luisa.[/QUOTE]
Sometimes I wonder (privately) whether these girls --Luisa is a prime example-- are more Deutsche than whatever the ethnic origin of their parents. I mean, do you really think Luisa is Spanish in mentality or life experience, or Moroccan whatever she feels in the mood to claim? And do you really think a girl like Jasmine is more Croatian than Deutch? Is Steffi a typical Russian? No they are all Germans, more than whatever ethnic label they wear.
Alot of girls parade their ethnic origin as a selling point, but in reality, they were brought up in Germany just like any other so-called "typical German girl" with blonde hair/blue eyes. If you speak Deutsch, you can hear a native and often city-accent in alot of FFK girls who claim to be of such-and-such ethic origin. To me it is yet another category or profile that one tends to encounter in FKKs, just like the girls fresh off the boat from Ro or Bg...
No Linda (Cz) I judge (by her way of speaking German) as a girl who did indeed come from Cz, but has been (by now) knocking around Germany for so many years since her late teens/early 20s that she is half-half (cappaccino, so to speak). Same with a girl like tall Julie (of the bbbj fame) Poland. There are Polish girls and there are Polish girls. Alot of the so-called Polish girls that have graced Oase's lounge areas over these years are daughters of Polish immigrants who settled in German cities during the late 70s - late 80s/90s and these girls grew up in Germany and are distinct from girls who, came "yesterday" from Poland and can barely speak German or English... Same for lots of girls from Romania, Bulgaria. etc, etc.
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub]99% of the "Italian" girls are Romanian. I doubt there's an Italian girl at Oase right now.
Right !
Well, my only one time there was in Xmas 2009, but from 3 girls supposed to be italians, guess how many of them were italians ?
It was funny cause they were the other girls telling me, hey that one is italian, so these fakes convinced more than one about their country of origin.
Their italian can sounds like italian language only at beginning or only to those they are not italians or they do not speak it enough well.
When I went to talk to the third one, I did it in english, asking where she is from, when she said from Italy, I said, let's talk in italian... she got immediately cold, we spoke only a bit and when I asked her why her italian has an accent I never listen ( and why she did so many mistakes... ), she turn and left....
For romanian girls is not an hard language to learn, in a basic way, but very hard to be spoken 100% correctly, ( almost impossible I'd say if you did not study at school or spent many years there ) and so far as they are aware of the common idea in europe about people from romania, they try to hide it... sometimes unsuccessfull :D
However my next time in Frankfurt, I check the "italian" girls approaching them in english obviously ;)
P.S. knowing the attitude of italian girls, very hard they will sell their body for... 50 euro, cause in Italy then can find millions of fool wealthy men willing to pay them a lot of cash
Right. Girls like Louisa or Steffi who spent most of their lifetime in Germany and grew up here - they are more German than Maroccan or Spanish or Russian. Which is not a bad thing at all - well, somebody thinks they are all grumpy and with bad temper ... ;)
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub]Right. Girls like Louisa or Steffi who spent most of their lifetime in Germany and grew up here - they are more German than Maroccan or Spanish or Russian. Which is not a bad thing at all - well, somebody thinks they are all grumpy and with bad temper ... ;)
HB[/QUOTE]Diversity sells, if the girls claim they are from some exotic place, they get more attention except from Romania (even though some of my ATF are from Romania)
I don't care where the girls come from as long as they are beautiful, have nice personality and like sex, it's all good.
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub]99% of the "Italian" girls are Romanian. I doubt there's an Italian girl at Oase right now.
HB[/QUOTE]Next time you are in doubt, ask to an Italian guy to check for you if a girl is really Italian. We are noisy but friendly, and happy to help a collegue, especially if this help consists of chatting with a beautiful naked girl :)))
[QUOTE=Nille Copenhagen]...
I don't care where the girls come from as long as they are beautiful, have nice personality and like sex, it's all good.[/QUOTE]
I did not too, but after almost 14 years of mongering all over the world, most of times I have something... wow, the girls come from the same countries... that's why when I have to decide which girl to choose, I consider looks, attitude, age and also country of origin all together.
[QUOTE=Lukasek]I did not too, but after almost 14 years of mongering all over the world, most of times I have something... wow, the girls come from the same countries... that's why when I have to decide which girl to choose, I consider looks, attitude, age and also country of origin all together.[/QUOTE]I've been mongering all over the world too, so which country of origin do you prefer?
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub]Right. Girls like Louisa or Steffi who spent most of their lifetime in Germany and grew up here - they are more German than Maroccan or Spanish or Russian. Which is not a bad thing at all - well, somebody thinks they are all grumpy and with bad temper ... ;)
Most of my best session is with German girls. In fact, on my last trip almost every girl I did was German and all were excellent. The help may be considered a bit grumpy. Like most countries, the better paid and professional employees tend to be friendly and the lower paid ones have more of an attitude. But in general, Germans tend to be well traveled, tolerant of foreigners and polite. For example, most of the people I run into at airports such a customs and immigration are far friendlier than their equivalents in America.
Well, I made it to Oase on Saturday afternoon and had 3 girls before the party started. There were a good number of girls, but not as many of my preference - young, slim, petite with at least C breasts, but I managed to do Dori, Madison and Krina. At least, I think those were their names - met so many girls that I have trouble remembering.
Dori was a blonde who wasn't that facially attractive, but had a killer body. She was very attentive in the room, with an excellent BBBJ finishing with CIM. Madison (ro) was prettier but not so good in the room, merely pleasant with only an average BJ, so didn't finish with her. But Krina also had an excellent BBBJ, so I was able to have CIM #2 (unusual for me, in such a short period of time).
By then the party was starting, and a nice buffet was spread out, but because of jet lag I wasn't hungry. It got very crowded with guys attending the party (even though many more girls also arrived), so I decided to leave for my first trip to World.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]I met up with Qubei and we did a raid on Oase. It was the party.
Girls today:
1. Katherina (ru) Russia - need I say any more? Rhetorical question.
2. Kim (Thailand) slim girl. German Fuckers applauded the choice.
Sessions today were:
Session 1. 200 euro including CIM
Session 2. 350 euro including CIM and come twice.
I will let Qubei explain himself and the runaround that he got with a certain Hungarian.
Tendence Messe overflow was at Oase.[/QUOTE]
1. Adriana / Linda (cz) blond, blowjob queen
2. Agneska (pl) black hair, full body, lovely breasts, a little big in ass
3. Agneska (pl) slim, light coloured long hair, nice smile, good service
4. Alexa (hu) blond, MILF
5. Alina (ro) black hair, slim
6. Amanda (ro) really tiny, dark brown hair
7. Angie (ro) black hair, spinner
8. Ariana (ro) blond, skinny, tanned, C cup enhanced breasts, looks like a stick with tits
9. Bianca (ro) long, brown hair, petite spinner
10. Cassandra (ro) slim, black hair
11. Claudia (br) big boobed blond, trade mark tan lines.
12. Claudia (ro) straggly black hair, has the look of a plumper Helen Bonham Carter
13. Cynthia (br) black hair, slim
14. Daniella / Neela (sk) long brown hair to her waist, tall, B cups
15. Desi (mk) nice body, exotic looks
16. Diana () petite black girl, pretty face, nice body, likes to rock and boogey
17. Dora (ro) blond, average looks, nice body
18. Francesca (ro) gorgeous tight body, light hair
19. Hanna (cz) blond, deep throat
20. Heidi (hu) petite, light brown hair
21. Iliana (ru) blond
22. Ingrid (ro)
23. Jasmine (ro)
24. Jelena (ro) straggly light brown hair
25. Jenny (de) blond, pierced breasts,
26. Johanna (de) blond, bilderbuch look
27. Judith (hu) straggly auburn hair, very observant of customers she is, very slim, anal
28. Karina (ro) blond, petite, big boobs, spinner
29. Katherina (ru)
30. Katyusha / Katalin (de) dark brown hair, MILF, lean tight body.
31. Kim (Thailand) slim Asian
32. Kira (ro) black hair, a little plump
33. Lana (de) blond, tight body, covered in tattoos
34. Laura (lv) blond, tall, slim, enhanced breasts, beautiful
35. Lena (sk) blond, slim
36. Lia (ro) gorgeous girl with a beautiful ass and an attractive face. She is good in bed or in the cinema. Take for one hour minimum.
37. Lucia (ro) light brown hair
38. Lulu (ro) auburn hair, really small, new on Friday, 27 August 210
39. Madison (ro)
40. Manuella (es) black hair
41. Maria (ro) black hair, spinner, would need to run around in the shower to get wet
42. Melissa (ro) black hair
43. Michelle (ch) brown hair, porn star experience
44. Monique (Ukraine), cute little blond. A cups. Spinner type, very friendly, nice soft hair to stroke. Been here 3 days now.
45. Rebecca / Ramona (ro) busty blond, deep throat
46. Ricky / Riccarda (de) blond, model looks, b cups, gorgeous, great mouth only blowjob
47. Sammy (Russia) girl next door look. Light coloured hair, fresh looking face, first day today. Wore black leggings. B cups.
Anka (ro) the tall, uber body is fantastic to look at as well, long dark hair, sometimes tied up. She is new from early August 2010. Anka hangs out with the bigger Romanians like Maria, Angie, Simona / Ralucca, not the little ones like Lulu, Sheila, Amanda, etc... B cups, really leggy.
48. Sandra (ro) black hair, nice body
49. Selina (ro) blond, distant.
50. Sheila (ro) really cute, slim body, B cups. Playful, likes to dance
51. Simona / Ralucca (ro) black hair, playful and fun to be with
52. Steffi (ru) blond, blue eyes
53. Stella (it) blond
54. Sunny (de) blond
55. Tessa (de) light coloured hair
56. Vanessa (rs)
57. Verona (hr) blond,
58. Vivian (ro) blond
59. Yasmine (rs)
60. ? (?) Blond, new to the Oase club
61. ? (?) blond, new to the Oase club
62. ? (?) MILF, black hair, similar look to Manuella (it)
63. ? (?) MILF, full body, light coloured hair,
64. ? (br) light coloured hair, full body like Claudia (br), MILF
65. ? (Colombia) tall, full bodied black girl
66. ? (de) blond, average looks
67. ? (de) blond, big, plump, wore pink pussy hider skirt to cover up her bulging sides
68. ? (de) tall brunette, full shaped body, tattoo writing on her right side hip, recommended by German fuckers for her deep throat BBBJ.
69. ? (hu) platinum blond, A cups, MILF
70. ? (ro) full body, black hair
71. ? (ro) slim, wears a skirt pussy hider
[QUOTE=Jdbkk555] I was sitting for a rest and an ok looking lady sits next too me. Says she's Italian. We chat a bit. I suspect she's Romainian. I brush her off. Small frame, short brown hair rather aggressive. I'd avoid this one.[/QUOTE]
One trip this month I was with Rex and Timjava and we did enjoy watching this lady Lucia ask Rex 5 or 6 times during the course of his visit to go to the room. I think Rex is Lucia's type of man. It was fun to watch and we did watch with smiles.
One time in the garden we did stand together, maybe Syzygies was there too! Then Lucia came up the garden path towards us and Lucia was making a beeline for Rex. We other three (Timjava, Syzygies and me) were directly in Lucia's path but Lucia by passed us all and went straight for Rex to try to coax him for a session. It was so funny.
Later on 15 minutes, Lucia did find Rex in the bar area and once again asked him if he wanted to go with her. So funny.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]*** GIRL ROSTER LIST ***
1. Adriana / Linda (cz) blond, blowjob queen
2. Agneska (pl) black hair, full body, lovely breasts, a little big in ass
3. Agneska (pl) slim, light coloured long hair, nice smile, good service
4. Alexa (hu) blond, MILF
5. Alina (ro) black hair, slim
6. Amanda (ro) really tiny, dark brown hair
7. Angie (ro) black hair, spinner
8. Ariana (ro) blond, skinny, tanned, C cup enhanced breasts, looks like a stick with tits
9. Bianca (ro) long, brown hair, petite spinner
10. Cassandra (ro) slim, black hair
11. Claudia (br) big boobed blond, trade mark tan lines.
12. Claudia (ro) straggly black hair, has the look of a plumper Helen Bonham Carter
13. Cynthia (br) black hair, slim
14. Daniella / Neela (sk) long brown hair to her waist, tall, B cups
15. Desi (mk) nice body, exotic looks
16. Diana () petite black girl, pretty face, nice body, likes to rock and boogey
17. Dora (ro) blond, average looks, nice body
18. Francesca (ro) gorgeous tight body, light hair
19. Hanna (cz) blond, deep throat
20. Heidi (hu) petite, light brown hair
21. Iliana (ru) blond
22. Ingrid (ro)
23. Jasmine (ro)
24. Jelena (ro) straggly light brown hair
25. Jenny (de) blond, pierced breasts,
26. Johanna (de) blond, bilderbuch look
27. Judith (hu) straggly auburn hair, very observant of customers she is, very slim, anal
28. Karina (ro) blond, petite, big boobs, spinner
29. Katherina (ru)
30. Katyusha / Katalin (de) dark brown hair, MILF, lean tight body.
31. Kim (Thailand) slim Asian
32. Kira (ro) black hair, a little plump
33. Lana (de) blond, tight body, covered in tattoos
34. Laura (lv) blond, tall, slim, enhanced breasts, beautiful
35. Lena (sk) blond, slim
36. Lia (ro) gorgeous girl with a beautiful ass and an attractive face. She is good in bed or in the cinema. Take for one hour minimum.
37. Lucia (ro) light brown hair
38. Lulu (ro) auburn hair, really small, new on Friday, 27 August 210
39. Madison (ro)
40. Manuella (es) black hair
41. Maria (ro) black hair, spinner, would need to run around in the shower to get wet
42. Melissa (ro) black hair
43. Michelle (ch) brown hair, porn star experience
44. Monique (Ukraine), cute little blond. A cups. Spinner type, very friendly, nice soft hair to stroke. Been here 3 days now.
45. Rebecca / Ramona (ro) busty blond, deep throat
46. Ricky / Riccarda (de) blond, model looks, b cups, gorgeous, great mouth only blowjob
47. Sammy (Russia) girl next door look. Light coloured hair, fresh looking face, first day today. Wore black leggings. B cups.
Anka (ro) the tall, uber body is fantastic to look at as well, long dark hair, sometimes tied up. She is new from early August 2010. Anka hangs out with the bigger Romanians like Maria, Angie, Simona / Ralucca, not the little ones like Lulu, Sheila, Amanda, etc... B cups, really leggy.
48. Sandra (ro) black hair, nice body
49. Selina (ro) blond, distant.
50. Sheila (ro) really cute, slim body, B cups. Playful, likes to dance
51. Simona / Ralucca (ro) black hair, playful and fun to be with
52. Steffi (ru) blond, blue eyes
53. Stella (it) blond
54. Sunny (de) blond
55. Tessa (de) light coloured hair
56. Vanessa (rs)
57. Verona (hr) blond,
58. Vivian (ro) blond
59. Yasmine (rs)
60. ? (?) Blond, new to the Oase club
61. ? (?) blond, new to the Oase club
62. ? (?) MILF, black hair, similar look to Manuella (it)
63. ? (?) MILF, full body, light coloured hair,
64. ? (br) light coloured hair, full body like Claudia (br), MILF
65. ? (Colombia) tall, full bodied black girl
66. ? (de) blond, average looks
67. ? (de) blond, big, plump, wore pink pussy hider skirt to cover up her bulging sides
68. ? (de) tall brunette, full shaped body, tattoo writing on her right side hip, recommended by German fuckers for her deep throat BBBJ.
69. ? (hu) platinum blond, A cups, MILF
70. ? (ro) full body, black hair
71. ? (ro) slim, wears a skirt pussy hider[/QUOTE]Man you are my hero,
Seriously this is a huge research job
From your list I still have to try 2 girls.
First one is Linda/Adriana, the glorious boob/suck heroine that I've seen just one time in April '07 in Palace. But after an "Hi" she was booked for ages.
The second one was Kassandra the sexy pornstar style queen, maybe Russian, that you reported last year in Golden Time.
Third August 2010 trip, the last day
The last day of the trip:
Girls for today:
1. Desi (mk)
2. Jasmine (hu)
3. Agneska (pl)
1. 150 euro. Come during sex where we did four positions - cowgirl, missionary, doggie and dead doggie. Lots of blowjob, I liked it when she was on her knees.
2. 250 euro. Come during sex, one come but we had sex twice. Lots and lots of blowjobs including blowjob while she is on her knees. Oral on her until she comes.
3. 300 euro including COB and something special for me. Oral on her until she comes. One come but we had sex twice.
Companions: German Fuckers P and F.
1. At the end of the night, hanging out in the sauna hut with Cassandra (ro), Claudia (ro) and Jelena (ro) massaging, chatting, playing music on handys, napping together whilst spooning, snuggling up with each other, etc...
2. The special service in session 3. Last girl that did that service was Deriana (ro). Totally unasked for.
Basketcase list
Thanks so much, but explain me, please, how are you able to write such a long list remembering all the names ?
I mean you write them in paper that you keep in the lockers ?
And so far as all the girls keep on moving how are you able to write I am sure almost all of them ?
And I guess you interview all of them, asking at least name and nationality, right ?
p.s. I have problems to remember even the name of the girls I took to the rooms :(
Is there 2 Manuella now at Oase ?
Last time I fucked Manuella she was from Milan.
40. Manuella (es) black hair
[QUOTE=Basketcase]*** GIRL ROSTER LIST ***
65. ? (Colombia) tall, full bodied black girl
Possibly a wild guess, but would this be Paola?
Not sure, but my guess, this type of expertise requires years of experience and dedication. I'm still hopeful that a slot in the training program will open up, but apparently there is a long waiting list.
[QUOTE=Lukasek]Thanks so much, but explain me, please, how are you able to write such a long list remembering all the names ?
I mean you write them in paper that you keep in the lockers ?
And so far as all the girls keep on moving how are you able to write I am sure almost all of them ?
And I guess you interview all of them, asking at least name and nationality, right ?
p.s. I have problems to remember even the name of the girls I took to the rooms :([/QUOTE]
Meeting the fuckers
I enjoyed some quality time at Oase again over two days; hung out with BC the day he came in and met one of the German super fuckers, funny guy :)
I couldn’t stay away from two of my favorites, Simona and Vivian as they deliver memorable sessions both of them. Though I had a strange experience with one of them, especially considering what Londontraveller reported. BC could not stop laughing :)
I asked Vivian to join me when she finished breakfast, but after spotting her outside she disappeared and then I saw her come out from the room after searching everywhere for her. It’s kind of nice getting the girls first session of the day, but I had lost out on that. Guess she was pretty certain I would session with her anyway, and so I did after stalking out the lockers. Time in the room certainly made up for it though, was heavenly.
I sampled two girls I had not been with before;
Blonde Laura from one of the Baltic States, think it is Latvia. Anyway, good club standard session with everything you could ask for, but not relaxed, I would only repeat if pickings were slim.
A tiny Romanian that had not been in the club for too long, dark hair with a pony tail and a pierced tongue. Her name escapes me but she came in from FKK Miami during summer. She was fun and energetic, after assaulting me once in the kino she got me the second time. And I really mean assaulting, jumping on top of me, groping for several minutes. Anyway, you could also feel that she was pushing a little bit but I tried to slow her down, provided a good club standard as well. Higher repeat possibility then Laura simply because she was fun.
65. ? (Colombia) tall, full bodied black girl
[QUOTE=Gfe Finder]Possibly a wild guess, but would this be Paola?[/QUOTE]
Nope. It's Lenny/Lennie.
In addition to Lennie there have been two other Colombianas regularly at Oase this summer: Leticia/Laetitia* and Valeria (x-Palace girl under a different name).
Valeria is a great girl and fantastic kisser (when she wants to). Highly recommended. The other two I do not know, but appear "muy simpatica".
Who freely admits to be a MILF and latina lover, too ... ;-)
*In case someone should ask: No, it's not the Spanish/Moroccoan girl that used to be at Oase a couple of years back.
Not sure, but my guess, this type of expertise requires years of experience and dedication. I'm still hopeful that a slot in the training program will open up, but apparently there is a long waiting list.
Strato[/QUOTE]Maybe BC has some good connection to the staff or the Thekenfrau that can help him ID and list the girls.
Daleen - Haitian girl
Does anyone know if Daleen, a very cute Halle Berry look alike black girl from Haiti, still works at Oases or anywhere else? I originally met her years ago at the old Atlantis and then again at Oases. I did a search on her name here and the last mention of her was more than a year ago. If she is still working, I would love to see her again.
Not sure, but my guess, this type of expertise requires years of experience and dedication.[/QUOTE]So far we wait his answer, if it will arrive. I am sure at least you have to go there very often, so you can immediately write the names of the girls that are used to work there, but I do not explain how he can write such a long list and at same time go to bedroom too
For example I went 3 times to fkk mystic in 14 days, now I am quite able to write my little list, but there are there no more than 15 girls per day. Not 70-80 girls.
[QUOTE=Nille Copenhagen]Maybe BC has some good connection to the staff or the Thekenfrau that can help him ID and list the girls.[/QUOTE]That's can be a good idea to make it all very easy.
[QUOTE=Lukasek]So far we wait his answer, if it will arrive ;)[/QUOTE]
The question has been asked tens and tens of times, again and again and again. He always answered, last time no later than about a week ago but I guess that, at a certain point of time, he may get tired of answering the same question again and again.
His answers were very detailled initially (like his reports), but a recent one [url=http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showpost.php?p=1058732&postcount=6188] here[/url] might suggest he won't do it anymore, so .... just RTFF.
[QUOTE=Thor93]Does anyone know if Daleen, a very cute Halle Berry look alike black girl from Haiti, still works at Oases or anywhere else? I originally met her years ago at the old Atlantis and then again at Oases. I did a search on her name here and the last mention of her was more than a year ago. If she is still working, I would love to see her again.[/QUOTE]Haven't seen or heard of her for ages. You'll have to face the possibility that she quit the job.
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub]Haven't seen or heard of her for ages. You'll have to face the possibility that she quit the job.
Think the same. On this board, but also on the German and Dutch and French boards no reports for longer than one year.
Clubfriend of mine who is still a regular Oase visitor and Darleen fan also did not spot her for more than one year.
[QUOTE=Big30]Think the same. On this board, but also on the German and Dutch and French boards no reports for longer than one year.
Clubfriend of mine who is still a regular Oase visitor and Darleen fan also did not spot her for more than one year.
B30[/QUOTE]You have to figure at some point these girls have to retire and move on with their life. The good news is that it is so much fun discovering new favorites.
Oase Parking
Hope this isn't a stupid question, but is there safe parking near the Oase?
[QUOTE=Samsung Fan]Hope this isn't a stupid question, but is there safe parking near the Oase?[/QUOTE]Hi Samsung Fan,
Welcome to the forum. There is a free parking area with an attendant provided by Oase.
Old favorites
I asked about a year ago, but has anyone seen Madeline the big titted blond from russia? I guess she frequented alot of clubs a couple years ago.
[QUOTE=Levitraboner]I asked about a year ago, but has anyone seen Madeline the big titted blond from russia? I guess she frequented alot of clubs a couple years ago.[/QUOTE]
I think you mean Madlene. Indeed spotted in a lot of Clubs, saw her in GT, VV and Freude. But think she does not work anymore. Last time I saw her was end 2008 in GT.
Best bet for this Sunday
Hello, ISGers,
I'm an infrequent visitor to this great site.
I've just booked a quick 24hr trip to Frankfurt for this Sunday.
I've been to Palace twice before and have LOVED every minute of each trip.
Thought about trying Oase this time but not really sure if it's worth the gamble.
Where would you recommend for an all day Sunday, Palace or Oase?
[QUOTE=Qubei]I enjoyed some quality time at Oase again over two days; hung out with BC the day he came in and met one of the German super fuckers, funny guy :)
I couldn’t stay away from two of my favorites, Simona and Vivian as they deliver memorable sessions both of them. Though I had a strange experience with one of them, especially considering what Londontraveller reported. BC could not stop laughing :)
I asked Vivian to join me when she finished breakfast, but after spotting her outside she disappeared and then I saw her come out from the room after searching everywhere for her. It’s kind of nice getting the girls first session of the day, but I had lost out on that. Guess she was pretty certain I would session with her anyway, and so I did after stalking out the lockers. Time in the room certainly made up for it though, was heavenly.
I sampled two girls I had not been with before;
Blonde Laura from one of the Baltic States, think it is Latvia. Anyway, good club standard session with everything you could ask for, but not relaxed, I would only repeat if pickings were slim.
A tiny Romanian that had not been in the club for too long, dark hair with a pony tail and a pierced tongue. Her name escapes me but she came in from FKK Miami during summer. She was fun and energetic, after assaulting me once in the kino she got me the second time. And I really mean assaulting, jumping on top of me, groping for several minutes. Anyway, you could also feel that she was pushing a little bit but I tried to slow her down, provided a good club standard as well. Higher repeat possibility then Laura simply because she was fun.[/QUOTE]
The German fuckers make me laugh. I do see them in all the clubs in Frankfurt and in Badem Wurtemberg and sometimes Nord Rhein Westfalen (NRW). They go like 3-4 times a week. A bit like some Ice Bears that go to clubs like 26 times a month. I do see them all the time and they do have their preferences.
Simona is so playful and enjoys dancing. She has a nice nature and I always have time for her as she does for me.
Vivian is also a nice one. She is one of the Hungarian gang but does not have much to say. I did find it funny that Vivian did avoid coming to you after you asked her many times that you wished to have carnal relations with her and she did keep putting you off by having her meal, going chatting to friends and then avoiding you when saying you were waiting for her in the garden and she did go inside and talked to customers inside instead of coming to you in the garden.
Laura is indeed a club standard session and a real nice looking girl. You did well there as she does not work at Oase often like the habitual girls that are in the club 7 days week working week after week in the club.
Your unnamed Romanian was called Lulu. She is very friendly and we did spend some quality time together to get to know one another.
This weekend I did a raid on Oase assisted by four Ice Bears having come from Living Room in NRW the day before. It was fun with many smiles. Rex was not stalked by Lucia as much this time since he did not complain that Lucia kept following him.
The club was dead for men and there were many habitual girls not working in the club. Polish and Hungarian gangs were all light. Catastrophic. The line up was better than the Oase summer party in August though. The Oase summer party did suck.
[QUOTE=Big30]I think you mean Madlene. Indeed spotted in a lot of Clubs, saw her in GT, VV and Freude. But think she does not work anymore. Last time I saw her was end 2008 in GT.
I miss Madlene. She was very pretty and had a heavenly body that was a joy to have sex with. Visuals were fantastic, especially when she blows you while she is on her knees before you as you stand up. Her service was pretty good too in my experience.
The German fuckers make me laugh. I do see them in all the clubs in Frankfurt and in Badem Wurtemberg and sometimes Nord Rhein Westfalen (NRW). They go like 3-4 times a week. A bit like some Ice Bears that go to clubs like 26 times a month. I do see them all the time and they do have their preferences.
Simona is so playful and enjoys dancing. She has a nice nature and I always have time for her as she does for me.
Vivian is also a nice one. She is one of the Hungarian gang but does not have much to say. I did find it funny that Vivian did avoid coming to you after you asked her many times that you wished to have carnal relations with her and she did keep putting you off by having her meal, going chatting to friends and then avoiding you when saying you were waiting for her in the garden and she did go inside and talked to customers inside instead of coming to you in the garden.
Laura is indeed a club standard session and a real nice looking girl. You did well there as she does not work at Oase often like the habitual girls that are in the club 7 days week working week after week in the club.
Your unnamed Romanian was called Lulu. She is very friendly and we did spend some quality time together to get to know one another.
This weekend I did a raid on Oase assisted by four Ice Bears having come from Living Room in NRW the day before. It was fun with many smiles. Rex was not stalked by Lucia as much this time since he did not complain that Lucia kept following him.
The club was dead for men and there were many habitual girls not working in the club. Polish and Hungarian gangs were all light. Catastrophic. The line up was better than the Oase summer party in August though. The Oase summer party did suck.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, time to start looking for jobs closer to the clubs so we can stop feeding the airlines and spend it on sessions instead! They have it good, but 26 times a month is somewhat excessive I would say :)
Anyway, the party was for sure nothing special, but line-up was decent at least on Friday for me. Shame about the Hungarians, hope they are back soon. Vivian have been sweet and quite talkative in the room with me actually, but that episode was just strange. I'll be more direct next time and see what happens.
And Lucia..haha :D
Monique sounded interesting from your reports, will have to add to my to do and Desi was already on it.
Until next time...
tired of the lesbo show... are any of them into it?
I've made the mistake of the lesbo show once at Oase and another time in Argentina.
I've been regularly going to Oase for a few months now and have to wonder. Are any of the women there really into being bi? Who are they?
I've had multiple three somes there and they are fun with the right pair of girls but I still would like to have a 3 way with women that are really into it and not just ptting on a show.
Any suggestions?
[QUOTE=Pompoy]Hello, ISGers,
I'm an infrequent visitor to this great site.
I've just booked a quick 24hr trip to Frankfurt for this Sunday.
I've been to Palace twice before and have LOVED every minute of each trip.
Thought about trying Oase this time but not really sure if it's worth the gamble.
Where would you recommend for an all day Sunday, Palace or Oase?[/QUOTE]
I gave a fuller answer to your same question on the Palace thread which is linked here for your convenience: [post]1065015[/post]. It seems that if you want the outdoor experience at World or Oase then it is pretty late to do so as last weekend was inclement weather. One can expect that the weather will worsen and soon become the snowfalls of December in good time. This is the usual weather pattern. I do not expect an "Indian summer" as it is termed in english.
If you loved every minute at Palace then I cannot see why you would want to break that winning streak. I have found the clubs that I like now and I stick to them. For example, Sybarite2006 and Sygyzies have found their homes at Palace and do well there with their choices. Even I can get decent sessions at Palace since I select girls that I think I can click with. Similar to Sybarite2006, I first pick a girl on whether she has the look that I like then I close in to chat to see if we have chemistry. Many other senior guys do not put much stock on looks and just work on chemistry and I have seen them go with some real hyenas. These guys swear by their methods that its the service that they are after and not the looks. For me, I need both the looks and the service. When I say service it is a goldmine when you find that this gorgeous girl does all the acronyms in the alphabet for a porn star experience or a girl friend experience. Uninhibited attractive girls is what I seek that fulfil my sexual desires and fantasies. Even the odd role play in the room to spice it up but since it is FKK the dress up angle is lacking but you can bring outfits to the club and ask her to wear them or just plain pretend. LOL.
Some people do disastrously at Oase but I find good picks at Oase since I know which girls I like and go to them.
You should be fine at Palace. If you enjoyed it before you will likely enjoy it again. Just go with an open mind and not dwell on re-creating the past.
[QUOTE=Qubei]Yeah, time to start looking for jobs closer to the clubs so we can stop feeding the airlines and spend it on sessions instead! They have it good, but 26 times a month is somewhat excessive I would say :)
Anyway, the party was for sure nothing special, but line-up was decent at least on Friday for me. Shame about the Hungarians, hope they are back soon. Vivian have been sweet and quite talkative in the room with me actually, but that episode was just strange. I'll be more direct next time and see what happens.
And Lucia..haha :D
Monique sounded interesting from your reports, will have to add to my to do and Desi was already on it.
Until next time...[/QUOTE]
My name has been on the Frankfurt office recruitment list for years now. But I think I would get disillusioned. LOL.
An Ice Bear told me some Ice Bears can go 26 times a month. I know some Youppies and Ice Bears go 3 to 4 times a week and I know the German fuckers do go 3 to 4 times a week too but they are Hessen based. the funny thing is that the ask me for the names of the girls since they can never remember the names of the girls that they did fuck.
One time I was asked by a German fucker as to who was the beautiful tall brunette with the full body and writing tattoo on her hip that he recommended to me for her deep throat blowjob and fucking excellent session. I said that is Lynn and she is German. This German guy did not even remember he had just fucked a German girl and he did speak english with her probably thinking she was a foreigner. LOL.
Yes, for the party I keep my opinion the same that the Oase summer party was not very good. The line up was even less than on some normal days since so many girls stayed away or were away for their summer holidays still. For example, there was near none Bulgarians in the club. This I know would make our Cularo sad knowing there are still nearly no Bulgarians in the club even now in September. If you want Bulgarians then World has enough for all Hessen.
The Polish and Hungarian gangs are indeed light in August and continue to be light into September thus far.
What is multiplying in profusion is the German girls so that must make Akibono very pleased since he says his best sessions are Germans. I wonder if it is the financial Krise that is driving so many new German girls to come work at Oase. I do not see so many Germans at World but plenty of German girls at Palace though. Akibono, you may want to go to Palace for the extensive German girl line up there and maybe make an exception about having to use your own condoms. Just a little concession to widen your selection and make the time run smoothly.
Lucia is okay. She has her regulars as well as her detractors. I mean even I do have detractors on this board and it is very sad when I read their comments.
Monique (Ukraine) was not found at Oase this weekend sadly. She is gone along with her friend Sammy (Russia) . I would love to have done Sammy as she was so new, sweet, innocent and she did wear some black stockings to her knees that did make her look like she knew what pleases a man.
Another one recommended is Katharina (ru) with dark hair and glasses as her trade mark look. Keep a look out for her.
I've made the mistake of the lesbo show once at Oase and another time in Argentina.
I've been regularly going to Oase for a few months now and have to wonder. Are any of the women there really into being bi? Who are they?
I've had multiple three somes there and they are fun with the right pair of girls but I still would like to have a 3 way with women that are really into it and not just ptting on a show.
Any suggestions?[/QUOTE]
There have been very few reports on threesomes on this forum and even this thread. Some guys just do not report them which I think is the main issue.
Maybe asking the girls in the club if they are bi-sexual may help. I have found that if I ask for what my program will be with a girl then I usually get it if its within reason and within budget. I have fulfilled a few fantasies by asking for her to do this and that and get into this position or that position.
Quite some Germans practice "fuck & forget". There's so many girls at the clubs, why care to remember their names? As long as you recall the quality of the session when you see her - you're fine.
You know that you do actually pay the women so they leave you alone after 30 min? ;)
Hungarian and Bulgarian gangs
[QUOTE=Basketcase]For example, there was near none Bulgarians in the club. This I know would make our Cularo sad knowing there are still nearly no Bulgarians in the club even now in September. If you want Bulgarians then World has enough for all Hessen.
The Polish and Hungarian gangs are indeed light in August and continue to be light into September thus far.[/QUOTE]Hi BC,
I'm pretty sure all the girls will be back for the big "Automecanika Messe", next week.
About the Hungarians, do you remember my "plump" girl from last winter? And also the one I fucked twice in July, the day of the world cup final game?
They work now here. [url]http://www.Villa-miami.de[/url]
I'll give a try to this club, next week(mid week), just to C.
And will go Oase too, to see if the "Bulgarian mafia" is back.
Cheers, man, hope to see you soon.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]Vivian is also a nice one. She is one of the Hungarian gang but does not have much to say. I did find it funny that Vivian did avoid coming to you after you asked her many times that you wished to have carnal relations with her and she did keep putting you off by having her meal, going chatting to friends and then avoiding you when saying you were waiting for her in the garden and she did go inside and talked to customers inside instead of coming to you in the garden.[/QUOTE]BC,
This didn't happen to Qubei (he had a mini version but still got to go to the room with her later) but it happened to me!
After my experiences at Oase and Artemis I have decided that I am really terrible at picking the right girls. I am used to picking London escorts on the basis of their reviews, which is much easier than picking up signals from a real girl who is actually in front of me. I really appreciate the advice I have been given on this site.
I am returning to Artemis and Oase in November and will report back. Any more tips are welcome.
My name has been on the Frankfurt office recruitment list for years now. But I think I would get disillusioned. LOL.
An Ice Bear told me some Ice Bears can go 26 times a month. I know some Youppies and Ice Bears go 3 to 4 times a week and I know the German fuckers do go 3 to 4 times a week too but they are Hessen based. the funny thing is that the ask me for the names of the girls since they can never remember the names of the girls that they did fuck.
One time I was asked by a German fucker as to who was the beautiful tall brunette with the full body and writing tattoo on her hip that he recommended to me for her deep throat blowjob and fucking excellent session. I said that is Lynn and she is German. This German guy did not even remember he had just fucked a German girl and he did speak english with her probably thinking she was a foreigner. LOL.
What is multiplying in profusion is the German girls so that must make Akibono very pleased since he says his best sessions are Germans. I wonder if it is the financial Krise that is driving so many new German girls to come work at Oase. I do not see so many Germans at World but plenty of German girls at Palace though. Akibono, you may want to go to Palace for the extensive German girl line up there and maybe make an exception about having to use your own condoms. Just a little concession to widen your selection and make the time run smoothly.
Another one recommended is Katharina (ru) with dark hair and glasses as her trade mark look. Keep a look out for her.[/QUOTE]
Typical super fuckers :)
I have also noted an increase in German girls this year, could be the economic downturn as you say, I think it has been thougher finding regular jobs if you are lacking a good degree and that could very well be the case. But some of those German girls are either a tad bit too round or too rough looking for my taste.
Will keep a look out for Katharina, cheers.
Stephanie (Colombia) & Belinda (Slovakia)
The Cane and GFE Finder discuss Stephanie (Colombia) at Oase. The Cane's report is more deliciously graphic of his anal sex ordeal on Stephanie.
GFE Finder [post]1063389[/post] gives Stephanie's description
The Cane [post]1064071[/post] gives his anal sex account
The Cane also gives the thumbs up or is that his schwanz up for Belinda (Slovakia) who takes The Cane's stiff one in her sweet asshole [post]1064061[/post].
I have also noted an increase in German girls this year, could be the economic downturn as you say, I think it has been thougher finding regular jobs if you are lacking a good degree and that could very well be the case. .[/QUOTE]
Id have to guess the economic situation has alot of the guys staying away for extended times as well. Clubs seemed empty at times, especially midweek. Im not one for remembering names, but at all the clubs I noticed girls that 'looked familiar'....some outright where I knew where she had worked before, some that just had my mind abuzz with that all important question "did i fuck her already? if so was it any good for a repeat?". And my rookie buddy actually managed to negotiate lower rates with one...but he paid the price with some pussy odor. Even had a tiny little spinner tell me she would only do it for 100. The pigtails were nice but the rest of the package was just too small for me to get 100 out of the deal.
[QUOTE=Breadman]Id have to guess the economic situation has alot of the guys staying away for extended times as well. Clubs seemed empty at times, especially midweek. Im not one for remembering names, but at all the clubs I noticed girls that 'looked familiar'....some outright where I knew where she had worked before, some that just had my mind abuzz with that all important question "did i fuck her already? if so was it any good for a repeat?". And my rookie buddy actually managed to negotiate lower rates with one...but he paid the price with some pussy odor. Even had a tiny little spinner tell me she would only do it for 100. The pigtails were nice but the rest of the package was just too small for me to get 100 out of the deal.[/QUOTE]
Yepp, I guess some guests visit less frequently as well, perhaps our friends in banking. But if you have a job with a steady salery (not bonus/turnover linked) it has been a while since you had that much money left to spend :)
Also heard some stories about negotiating lower rates, would assume there are pretty good opportunities during the slow days but never tried, would feel strange especially if its someone you been with before. But hey, if someone gives me a proposal why not...
Girl that asks for 100€ minimum for a session at Oase
Rex did ask me who was the stunning blond girl that had just come into the club. She had gone off for a 2 hour session with a regular client and was finally free at 23:30. I told him who she was and some background details on her likes and dislikes and attitudes to certain customers.
Rex did lust for her and did talk about her for some time and eventually he did go speak to her at 00:00. Rex did speak to this gorgeous German blond girl and he did not go to the room but came back to the crew of Ice bears congregating around the dance podium in the middle of the main lounge. Simona (ro), Jelena (ro), Maria (ro) and Angie (ro) were hanging around especially Simona (ro) who likes to dance.
Anyway, Rex says that she would only go to the room today for minimum 100€ to 150€ and not for 50€ which is what Rex was inferring that he was after since he said that he had to leave at 01:00 and it was 00:00 now and he would need to leave soon with the Ice Bear crew. Rex did say what does he pay if he come in 20 minutes and the expected response was still 100€. Maybe Rex had to do an extra like anal sex or CIM finish to make it worthwhile for the girl. Indeed she is one of the most beautiful daughters of Oase but rarely works.
I did explain to Rex that this was new but not unsual for her and some of the other German girls that do say that to fuck for 50€ is so little. It is okay for the eastern european girls since the money goes further in their homelands but she is German and pay German cost of living.
I know girls that come from the Swiss clubs like Globe find it hard to adjust to fucking for 50€ after getting paid around 96€ per half hour due the cost being 130 CHF usually in Swiss clubs.
Another girl explain to me why it is always good to give good service since she gets tips or men do extras all the time with her.
She explains, "You work hard and do good work and you get paid well for it, yes?"
I say, "Yes, I like to do a good job that is exact and correct and I feel it right that I be compensated appropriately."
She says, "Right, it is the same for us in the clubs. If we do a good job then we like to feel that we are paid well too. Yes?"
I could see her logic.
Anyway, Rex did not book this German girl and went to pick another before he did leave. Exasperated I did sit at the couches near the Kino entrance and did hang out with Bianca (ro), Sandra (ro) and Sheila (ro) and even Annie (ro) too.
Interesting Story
[QUOTE=Basketcase]Rex did ask me who was the stunning blond girl that had just come into the club. She had gone off for a 2 hour session with a regular client and was finally free at 23:30. I told him who she was and some background details on her likes and dislikes and attitudes to certain customers.
Rex did lust for her and did talk about her for some time and eventually he did go speak to her at 00:00. Rex did speak to this gorgeous German blond girl and he did not go to the room but came back to the crew of Ice bears congregating around the dance podium in the middle of the main lounge. Simona (ro), Jelena (ro), Maria (ro) and Angie (ro) were hanging around especially Simona (ro) who likes to dance.
Anyway, Rex says that she would only go to the room today for minimum 100€ to 150€ and not for 50€ which is what Rex was inferring that he was after since he said that he had to leave at 01:00 and it was 00:00 now and he would need to leave soon with the Ice Bear crew. Rex did say what does he pay if he come in 20 minutes and the expected response was still 100€. Maybe Rex had to do an extra like anal sex or CIM finish to make it worthwhile for the girl. Indeed she is one of the most beautiful daughters of Oase but rarely works.
I did explain to Rex that this was new but not unsual for her and some of the other German girls that do say that to fuck for 50€ is so little. It is okay for the eastern european girls since the money goes further in their homelands but she is German and pay German cost of living.
This story has zero use if you do not mention the name of this pretty German blonde. I can understand if you prefer not to mention the babes you banged, but what's the big secret of this tall German gal who charges 30 min 100E.
You were hanging around a bunch of Romy chicks especially Simona because she likes to dance. Great! Why tell this story if you refuse to mention her name.
Girl that asks for 100€ minimum for a session at Oase
Could you please clarify: does this stunner expect 100E for a one-hour date (or 150E for 90 minutes), or are you saying she wants 100/150E for 30 minutes?
Could you please clarify: does this stunner expect 100E for a one-hour date [/QUOTE]Based on my experience at the Palace last week, I can concur with BC report that most German Gals command 100 Euro for their service. Once I heard the 100 Euro I just lost total interest in the girl and didn't even ask what 100 Euro entails.
Last Friday I went to the Palace for the first time and met a stunner from Berlin. It was her 2nd day at Palace and she was a definite looker. I made a mental note to book her in to be my second pop after Saskia. Once I found out that Saskia had left because of the confusion on where we were supposed to meet I decided to redeem the Junior pride by asking this Berlina girl to the room. As soon as we got into the room and the towel was rolled out, she started from the top menu with 100 Euro being the minimum. As soon as I heard that I Danke Schoon her then wrapped the towel on to my waist and off I went into the main area. She looked disappointed but I wasn't about to bite the bate. After that I decided to go with Alexa just to keep my Junior calm.
Could you please clarify: does this stunner expect 100E for a one-hour date (or 150E for 90 minutes), or are you saying she wants 100/150E for 30 minutes?[/QUOTE]
The blond German girl did want 100€ to 150€ per booking which to me meant one hour booking or half hour with an extra booking.
I think she would be well pleased with a 10 minute BBBJTCIM in the cinema as would most girls.
She even said to Rex that she had alreay turned down 4 other customers before Rex asked her for a session on the same pretext that they baulked at paying for more than 50€ a session - well at least initially anyway I expect as she can give good service even GFE service as reported on this Oase thread.
Rex and I did observe her as we entertained ourselves and for one hour she just sat around at the table with all the other German girls and did not go to the room.
I left the club at around 03:25 that night and she was still there.
[QUOTE=Cularo]Hi BC,
I'm pretty sure all the girls will be back for the big "Automecanika Messe", next week.
About the Hungarians, do you remember my "plump" girl from last winter? And also the one I fucked twice in July, the day of the world cup final game?
They work now here. [url]http://www.Villa-miami.de[/url]
I'll give a try to this club, next week(mid week), just to C.
And will go Oase too, to see if the "Bulgarian mafia" is back.
Cheers, man, hope to see you soon.[/QUOTE]
Hi Cularo,
There was much talk in the club about the automechanika messe from Tuesday, 14 September to Sunday, 19 September. There is expected to be many girls and also many customers.
One girl that I know did note that in 2009 the IAA motor show was not as busy since the economic downturn meant some exhibitors did not attend. The girl did say she expected the same in 2010 and so was not fussed if she worked or not since it is not as lucrative as in the economic boom years of yore. She was undecided at present but I suspect that the lure of the busy club full of new customers would persuade her to work the week of the automechanika messe.
Your plump girl (yes, I know her name) was not there and I have not seen her most of the summer. She has passed beyond the pale. IN fact she was fairly pale. LOL. Further, your World cup final game girl also has not been there since we last saw her. So if they are spotted as working in Villa Miami then that would explain it.
There were no Bulgarians in the club that I could ask when the rest of the Bulgarian mafia would return. So we must hope that the automechanika messe will do the trick.
I can do declare that the Oase summer party at the end of August 2010 did not attract any significant new influx of girls or the return of many girls from holidays.
Enjoy Oase during the automechanika messe. Yes, I hope to see you in the clubs sometime for cool times.
[QUOTE=London Traveller]BC,
This didn't happen to Qubei (he had a mini version but still got to go to the room with her later) but it happened to me!
After my experiences at Oase and Artemis I have decided that I am really terrible at picking the right girls. I am used to picking London escorts on the basis of their reviews, which is much easier than picking up signals from a real girl who is actually in front of me. I really appreciate the advice I have been given on this site.
I am returning to Artemis and Oase in November and will report back. Any more tips are welcome.[/QUOTE]London Traveller,
All Qubei and I could think as Vivian kept avoiding Qubei's advances was your report of being frustrated with booking Vivian. Qubei was concerned that it was going to happen to him but Qubei had been with Vivian before. Yes, Qubei did get to bag Vivian and he did take her for a long time to the room.
London Traveller, you can read reviews here on this thread on the girls so it is similar to what you do in London with your escorts or seek out the German guys who are regulars and ask for tips from them on which girls will fulfil your fantasies.
I will also be going to Oase in November, but not Artemis. It will be much colder in November and depending on when you go snow tyres may be needed for the rental car.
[QUOTE=Wassab]Based on my experience at the Palace last week, I can concur with BC report that most German Gals command 100 Euro for their service. Once I heard the 100 Euro I just lost total interest in the girl and didn't even ask what 100 Euro entails.
Last Friday I went to the Palace for the first time and met a stunner from Berlin. It was her 2nd day at Palace and she was a definite looker. I made a mental note to book her in to be my second pop after Saskia. Once I found out that Saskia had left because of the confusion on where we were supposed to meet I decided to redeem the Junior pride by asking this Berlina girl to the room. As soon as we got into the room and the towel was rolled out, she started from the top menu with 100 Euro being the minimum. As soon as I heard that I Danke Schoon her then wrapped the towel on to my waist and off I went into the main area. She looked disappointed but I wasn't about to bite the bate. After that I decided to go with Alexa just to keep my Junior calm.[/QUOTE]Wassab,
Good work with dealing with the dressing down from the un-named Berlina girl. Thank you for adding your experience as I do find it is interesting to see concurrance elsewhere. I see value in what you write.
[QUOTE=London Traveller]BC,
This didn't happen to Qubei (he had a mini version but still got to go to the room with her later) but it happened to me!
After my experiences at Oase and Artemis I have decided that I am really terrible at picking the right girls. I am used to picking London escorts on the basis of their reviews, which is much easier than picking up signals from a real girl who is actually in front of me. I really appreciate the advice I have been given on this site.
I am returning to Artemis and Oase in November and will report back. Any more tips are welcome.[/QUOTE]Hi London Traveller,
That is true, and when I asked her the first time maybe I was to subtle "come join me, I'll be in the garden". After stalking out the lockers I was more direct, she was all smiles and happy to join me in the room. But of course relating to your report, both concerns, and laughs, sorry :), came up when I was waiting out in the sun and chatting with BC.
From my own years in the clubs I can only say that with more visits, you will get more experience and becoming at least a little bit of a familiar face, then I am sure your ratio of finding really good girls will improve.
If you want a sure bet, like South Americans and dont mind limited English, I would say try Gabriella from Venezuela, though I have not seen her in the club during my last two visits.
Gabriella (Venezuela)
[QUOTE=Qubei] If you want a sure bet, like South Americans and dont mind limited English, I would say try Gabriella from Venezuela, though I have not seen her in the club during my last two visits.[/QUOTE]Gabriella (Venezuela) was at work over the weekend just been. I saw her booked many times by Germanic, Italiani and American men. There were many American men in the clubs over the weekend since I understand it was Labor Day weekend.
I know one Canadian man who has Gabriella as one of his favourite girls says that her pussy feels like velvet when you slip it in. She can at times make him come twice in half a hour session. On the pussy feeling liek velvet - if I have been fucking over a number of days' visit I tend to lose sensation and those London condoms that the hookers use are like you are banging the girls wearing a swimming cap since the London condom latex skin is so thick.
A place for a suitcase
I will arrive at 8:30 am to frankfurt and have a flight to LED at 11:30 pm the same day.
Is there a opportunity to avoid booking a hotel as I intend to be in OASE for most of the time? Is there a place for a hand luggage there in the lockers or some place or I need to leave it at the airport at storage facility?
Also is there any opportunity to sleep 1-2 hours at oase in some quiet place?
Never ever had a girl at Oase who tried to overcharge for the basic session. If they can't adjust to 5o€ per session - get the hell out the FKKs and work escort, in an apartment or go to Globe where 30 min is 140SFR = 102€.
Report these girls to the reception and DON'T session with them.
And it is not true that most German girl's (Oase or Palace) command 100€ min. At least not from me or guys I know. Maybe they do try it on who they see as unexperienced or a tourist.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]It will be much colder in November and depending on when you go snow tyres may be needed for the rental car.[/QUOTE]Bc,
Thanks for the tip about the tyres! I wasn't expecting snow in November though. I will be visiting Oase half way through the month so hopefully things won't be too cold then.
I am a bit concerned about what to do in Oase in the winter as I liked the outdoors and thought that the inside was a bit cramped and dark. Where are the best places to hang out if one is spending some time there?
My experience of the girls is building up and I have intimate knowledge of a few of them now, although many of the girls mentioned on this site I am still unable to recognise.
Tessa (de). My first girl, very nice looking but a bit of a disappointment in the room. Still gives me friendly smiles as she hopes for a repeat but I am not sure whether this will happen, although she is very sweet.
Lynn (de). My next experience, striking face and a bit of a farmgirl body (she told me that she gets called 'potato'). More skilled than Tessa (I only sampled the BBBJ) but maybe a bit too professional in attitude.
Emma (slovakian). Amazing cute girl who gives a combination of GFE and PSE, eager to please all the time. Enjoyed A levels. My favourite so far and I've sessioned with her twice now.
Charlene (de). Lovely blonde nymphet. I had a great 30 minute service, with no extras, and would repeat when the opportunity arises. She also seems interested in this!
Evelyne (pl). Platinum blonde (bob) MILF with enhanced rack. Not really my type lookswise but does an amazing BBBJ. A real grafter too. I was very happy for her to continue to CIM and would see her again (maybe full service next time).
Belinda (slovakian). Lovely blonde lady who really enjoys the job and gave me the complete GFE as well as good conversation. I read below that she enjoys A levels too. I didn't sample this (she didn't mention it). So maybe next time.
Victoria (pl). Attractive MILF with not quite such a good body. Looked nice sucking my cock but gave up too soon and converted to hand job (seen with Laura). Probably not for a repeat.
Laura (lv). Lovely looking blonde only slightly spoilt by strange shaped enhanced tits. Rather wilful and has a bit of an attitude ("I'll kiss you when I want to. ") probably not my type either.
Stefany (Colombia). Pneumatic MILF with a huge wide smile. I think that she tries her best and she's very friendly but I am not sure that we were cut out for each other.
Vivian (hu). Gorgeous blonde who I completely struck out with. After what she did I don't really think I should reward her with another request (even if she were to accept) but it is tempting.
Judith (hu). Pretty slim brunette who gave me a very intimate GFE but I think that she can be more versatile as well. I would definitely repeat.
If anyone can judge my 'type' based on the above, I'd be pleased to have further suggestions for November! Thanks a lot. I am also sending off my sub so that I can receive PMs (hopefully this will be active in a few weeks).
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub]
Report these girls to the reception and DON'T session with them.
The problem is that, technically the girls are well within their rights to seek 100 Euro because they are offering 1 hour minimum so technically it is still 50 Euro per 30 min.
The Berlina girl I mentioned, said the 100 Euro will give us 1 Hour of relaxation, massage, touching, kissing, suck and fuck. I only backed out because I knew my millage could go longer with Saskia for 100 Euro.
You are right that not all German Gals but after talking to Vivian at Palace she told me that most German Gals do that because they are desperate for cash since the clientel been dwindling. Vivian on the hand was stratergize in economic terms. She spoke of economies of scale where if you price it right and provide an above service you will get more repeats and regular customers. She ponder why other girls doesn't think like that. Vivian provided me with full dfk, DATY, BBBJ and digit all for 50 Euro. Yes her lips are kind of odds but that body is rocking.
I know one Canadian man who has Gabriella as one of his favourite girls says that her pussy feels like velvet when you slip it in. She can at times make him come twice in half a hour session. [/QUOTE]
I know a Scottish guy who feels the same way about her. I also rate her as one of the top performers and so-called GFE-providers found anywhere anytime in FKKland. I think I first went with her, based on Henio's suggestion, way back in 2005 (?). Since then I'm drawn to her now and again, esp. when I need a session with a girl I can really count on to deliver the goods. She is for me the ultimate closer, and not a bad opener or middle-session too...!
I only had the pleasure once, but she was one of the best encounters I ever had at Oase. (And if you have read the forum for the last few years, you know there have been many memorable ones ...)
[QUOTE=Haimhle]I will arrive at 8:30 am to frankfurt and have a flight to LED at 11:30 pm the same day.
Is there a opportunity to avoid booking a hotel as I intend to be in OASE for most of the time? Is there a place for a hand luggage there in the lockers or some place or I need to leave it at the airport at storage facility?
Also is there any opportunity to sleep 1-2 hours at oase in some quiet place?[/QUOTE]
Yes, you can leave your luggage at the FRA airport in the Gepäckaufbewahrung. Very reasonable rates, and very safe. If memory serves me correctly, it is right between Terminal A and B on the arrival level.
[QUOTE=Ortos]I know a Scottish guy who feels the same way about her.[/QUOTE]
What is there to say. Go back and read last October's October tour report and you will see how I felt with G. Lovely young lady. I had the privilege of seeing her twice when she worked at Artemis for a number of weeks last winter. Same performance that she makes appear very un-performance like.
Hope I have the pleasure again some day. If not she will always stand out in my memory of top girls.
Gabriella = Maya ?
Is Gabriella the same girl as Maya at Artemis Berlin ? Or are they sisters.
This is Friday's girl line up. I will also post Saturday's line up for a compare and constrast
1. Adelina (ro) blond, plump, friendly
2. Alex (hu)
3. Alina (ro) slim, black hair, cares about Oase customers getting good service and even scolded another Romanian girl for allowing a customer to wait
4. Amanda (ro) really tiny, dark hair,
5. Annie (ro) big boobed, plump blond
6. Ariana (ro) blond, skinny, enhanced boobs
7. Bianca (ro) long light brown hair, petite, aloof
8. Casiana (ro) black hair, plump, decent boobs
9. Cassandra (ro) pale white, black hair, tall, slim, cruel
10. Charlene (de)
11. Claudia (br) blond, big booned, full bodied, tanned.
12. Claudia (ro) curly black hair
13. Cynthia (br) black hair, dark looks, formerly Kimi at FKK Palace
14. Desi (mk) exotic Indian look, nice body
15. Dora (ru) blond
16. Francesca (ro) blond, excellent body, nice ass, shapely legs, perfect shaped breasts. A joy feeling her ass up and touching her breasts
17. Gabriella (Venezuela) petite, light black, black hair
18. Hanna (cz) blond
19. Ilona (ru) full bodied, tall blond
20. Ingrid (ro)
21. Jasmine (hu) blond
22. Jelena (ro) light coloured hair, straight
23. Jennifer (hu) slim blond
24. Jennifer’s little sister (hu) dark hair, petite
25. Jenny (de) blond, friendly, nice body
26. Jill (de)
27. Johanna (de) blond, bilderbuch
28. Judith (hu) slim, excellent GFE provider
29. Karina (ro) small, slim, blond, big boobs, a nice fuck
30. Katherina (ru) dark hair, glasses
31. Kim (Thailand) slim, flat chested
32. Kira (hu) dark hair , plump
33. Lana (de) blond
34. Lena (sk) slim blond
35. Lenny / Lennie (Colombia) full body, C cup breasts, tall black girl
36. Lia (ro) short bob black hair, very pretty, nice ass
37. Lilly (pl) blond, good service
38. Linda (gr) long dark hair
39. Lucia (ro) brown hair, tight body
40. Lulu (ro) auburn hair, tiny, affectionate type
41. Lynn (de) tall, full bodied brunette with writing tattoo on her right hand side.
42. Madison (ro)
43. Maleria (Colombia)
44. Manuella (it) black hair
45. Maria (ro) looks Turkish or gypsy looking
46. Marina (ro) black hair, pretty, flower in her hair
47. Melissa (ro) A cups, black hair, cute, friendly
48. Mercedes (Egypt) enhanced big boobed, black hair
49. Neela (de) black hair, petite
50. Rebecca / Ramona (ro) big boobed blond, excellent service
51. Ricky / Riccarda (de) blond, model looks
52. Roberta (ro) black hair, seductress type, tends to wear a pussy hider skirt
53. Sandra (ro) black hair, okay body
54. Selina (ro) blond, nice body, average face
55. Shareen (Iran) black hair
56. Sheila (ro) 22 years, slim, very beautiful, good service
57. Simona (ro) black hair, slim, tight body, likes to dance
58. Steffi (ru) blond, blue eyes
59. Stella (it) petite blond, brown eyes
60. Stephanie (Colombia)
61. Vanessa (rs) dark blond, petite
62. Victoria (pl) blond, MILF
63. Vivian (hu) blond
64. Yasmine (rs) blond
65. Yvette (hu) blond, full bodied
66. ? () Black girl
67. ? (?) blond, looks like Roxanna (Estonia) or Pamela Anderson, big blowjob lips
68. ? (?) blond, MILF, pretty
69. ? (?) blond, very pretty
70. ? (?) short, light hair, MILF, plump
71. ? (br) dark hair, curvy nice ass
72. ? (br) MILFy blond, friend of Claudia (br)
73. ? (de) brunette/auburn hair, with massive breasts
74. ? (DR) black girl
75. ? (hu) platinum blond, MILFy
76. ? (ro) black hair, looks like a plumper version of Izzy (bg) right down to arm tattoo
77. ? (ro) cute brunette, small sharp nose, starts work really late like Ricky (de) and Johanna (de)
78. ? (ro) dark hair, full body, tattoos
79. ? (ro) girl that looks like Marina (ro) but without the flower in her hair and much more friendlier than Marina. Black hair.
80. ? (ro) really tiny, slim, dark hair, friends with Lulu (ro)
There were more girls that I could not recall as well.
Saturday's line up list to compare against Friday's line up list. More girls on Saturday but then also more customers to compete with for the Top Acts that are the Hammer.
1. Adelina (ro) blond, plump, friendly
2. Adriana / Linda (cz) blond, big floppy breasts
3. Agneska (pl) light coloured hair, tall
4. Alex (hu)
5. Alina (ro) slim, black hair, cares about Oase customers getting good service and even scolded another Romanian girl for allowing a customer to wait
6. Amanda (ro) really tiny, dark hair,
7. Angie (ro) petite, black hair, tends to wear jean shorts
8. Annie (ro) big boobed, plump blond
9. Ariana (ro) blond, skinny, enhanced boobs
10. Bianca (ro) long light brown hair, petite, aloof
11. Casiana (ro) black hair, plump, decent boobs
12. Cassandra (ro) pale white, black hair, tall, slim, cruel
13. Charlene (de)
14. Claudia (br) blond, big booned, full bodied, tanned.
15. Claudia (ro) curly black hair
16. Cynthia (br) black hair, dark looks, formerly Kimi at FKK Palace
17. Desi (mk) exotic Indian look, nice body
18. Dora (ru) blond
19. Emmanuelle (Guadaloupe) slim black girl
20. Francesca (ro) blond, excellent body, nice ass, shapely legs, perfect shaped breasts. A joy feeling her ass up and touching her breasts
21. Gabriella (Venezuela) petite, light black, black hair
22. Hanna (cz) blond
23. Ilona (ru) full bodied, tall blond
24. Ingrid (ro)
25. Jasmine (hu) blond
26. Jelena (ro) light coloured hair, straight
27. Jennifer (hu) slim blond
28. Jennifer’s little sister (hu) dark hair, petite
29. Jenny (de) blond, friendly, nice body
30. Jill (de)
31. Johanna (de) blond, bilderbuch
32. Judith (hu) slim, excellent GFE provider
33. Julia (pl) black hair, slim, lively
34. Karina (ro) small, slim, blond, big boobs, a nice fuck
35. Katherina (ru) dark hair, glasses
36. Kim (Thailand) slim, flat chested
37. Lana (de) blond
38. Lena (sk) slim blond
39. Lenny / Lennie (Colombia) full body, C cup breasts, tall black girl
40. Lia (ro) short bob black hair, very pretty, nice ass
41. Lilly (pl) blond, good service
42. Linda (gr) long dark hair
43. Lucia (ro) brown hair, tight body
44. Lulu (ro) auburn hair, tiny, affectionate type
45. Lynn (de) tall, full bodied brunette with writing tattoo on her right hand side.
46. Madison (ro)
47. Maleria (Colombia)
48. Manuella (it) black hair
49. Maria (ro) black hair, skinny, interesting type
50. Maria (ro) looks Turkish or gypsy looking
51. Marina (ro) black hair, pretty, flower in her hair
52. Melissa (ro) A cups, black hair, cute, friendly
53. Mercedes (Egypt) enhanced big boobed, black hair
54. Michelle (ch) brunette, decent boobs
55. Neela (de) black hair, petite
56. Rebecca / Ramona (ro) big boobed blond, excellent service
57. Ricky / Riccarda (de) blond, model looks
58. Roberta (ro) black hair, seductress type, tends to wear a pussy hider skirt
59. Sandra (ro) black hair, okay body
60. Selina (ro) blond, nice body, average face
61. Shareen (Iran) black hair
62. Sheila (ro) 22 years, slim, very beautiful, good service
63. Simona (ro) black hair, slim, tight body, likes to dance
64. Steffi (ru) blond, blue eyes
65. Stella (it) petite blond, brown eyes
66. Stephanie (Colombia)
67. Vanessa (rs) dark blond, petite
68. Victoria (pl) blond, MILF
69. Yasmine (rs) blond
70. Yvette (hu) blond, full bodied
71. ? (?) Black girl
72. ? (?) black girl
73. ? (?) blond, looks like Roxanna (Estonia) or Pamela Anderson, big blowjob lips
74. ? (?) blond, MILF, pretty
75. ? (?) blond, very pretty
76. ? (?) short, light hair, MILF, plump
77. ? (br) dark hair, curvy nice ass
78. ? (br) MILFy blond, friend of Claudia (br)
79. ? (de) brunette/auburn hair, with massive breasts
80. ? (DR) black girl
81. ? (hu) platinum blond, MILFy
82. ? (pl or ru) full body, blond, MILF
83. ? (pl or ru) full body, long golden blond hair, nice face, approved for a session
84. ? (pl or ru) full body, tall, long platinum blond hair, a bit MILFy
85. ? (ro) black hair, looks like a plumper version of Izzy (bg) right down to arm tattoo
86. ? (ro) cute brunette, small sharp nose, starts work really late like Ricky (de) and Johanna (de)
87. ? (ro) dark hair, full body, tattoos
88. ? (ro) girl that looks like Marina (ro) but without the flower in her hair and much more friendlier than Marina. Black hair.
89. ? (ro) really tiny, slim, dark hair, friends with Lulu (ro)
There were more girls that I could not recall as well.
Welcome to Club Francesca
[QUOTE=Basketcase]Saturday's line up list to compare against Friday's line up list. More girls on Saturday but then also more customers to compete with for the Top Acts that are the Hammer.
20. Francesca (ro) blond, excellent body, nice ass, shapely legs, perfect shaped breasts. A joy feeling her ass up and touching her breasts.
There were more girls that I could not recall as well.[/QUOTE]Hey Basketcase, I see you fall for the fatal attraction of Francescas divine body as well. She is a tough operator, but it's fun to play with her and tease her to submit to generally accepted club standards.
Cheers, CL
Cynthia, Br
Recently I went for the Latin American card with Cynthia from Brasil. Tall, long legs, nice ass, her ass whispering softly "fuck me".
I did not go for that, though.
The Sofa phase was okay. What brought me to the room, were not Cynthia's acquisition skills, but my horniness.
In the room first a little hugging, then she went down to blow The Schwanz porno-style. That was quite good, but after some time it started using the hands. It seemed to me she wanted to go for the CIM bonus. That turned me off quite a bit. Still I managed to get The Schwanz into penetration shape to do Cynthia doggie style. Unfortunately the sensation was gone after a while so we had to finish it by her jerking me off, The Schwanz ejecting a little load of high value genetical material.
Overall I was unimpressed, and will probably not have room time with Cynthia again.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]Saturday's line up list to compare against Friday's line up list. More girls on Saturday but then also more customers to compete with for the Top Acts that are the Hammer.
1. Adelina (ro) blond, plump, friendly
2. Adriana / Linda (cz) blond, big floppy breasts
3. Agneska (pl) light coloured hair, tall
4. Alex (hu)
etc., etc.,
Long live your lists, BC! Glad to see you are champion of the names...too bad the names sometimes don't make it into your reports, though, eh?
Btw: One thing I find fairly remarkable about your list below: No Bg girls! Given the clear dominance of Ro girls, don't you find it interesting not one single Bg girl was in attendance?
Not too worry: I have it on good authority that come late Sept/early Oct., the Bulgarians shall return. Some good ones in that clique, I've usually found...
Lack of Bulgarians
[QUOTE=Ortos] Btw: One thing I find fairly remarkable about your list below: No Bg girls! Given the clear dominance of Ro girls, don't you find it interesting not one single Bg girl was in attendance?
Not too worry: I have it on good authority that come late Sept/early Oct., the Bulgarians shall return. Some good ones in that clique, I've usually found...[/QUOTE]
It has been reported before by me that there have been a deficit of Bulgarian girls since mid July 2010 to date. Many Bulgarian girls went home for the whole summer and do not expect to return until September but given the view of September thus far that surfeit of Bulgarians has not appeared. It was Izzy (bg) and Maggie (bg) who were the only Bulgarians that were seen occassionally in July and August and now not seen at all.
There is an over flow of Romanians such that the regular Romanians complain about all the new Romanians at Oase and even Romanians from World do come to work at Oase since Oase has more customers in general than World.
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub]And it is not true that most German girl's (Oase or Palace) command 100€ 30 min. At least not from me or guys I know. Maybe they do try it on who they see as unexperienced or a tourist.
HB[/QUOTE]I concur with HB, I never experienced a German gal demand 100E for a 30 min session. Not sure why the German babes have been getting bashed lately. I have had some great sessions with german girls over the years. Some crappy ones too, but it happens after many years of experience.
Denisa (Romy, tall thin blonde, pretty face) @ Palace has tried & many other non-Germans try to offer 100E 30 min GFE session & etc. I believe BC tried the 100E 30 min session with Czech Gina a couple of yrs ago & reported almost zero difference between her 50E suck & fuck session.
Gabriella (vz) at Oase is Maya (vz) at Artemis
[QUOTE=Nille Copenhagen]Is Gabriella the same girl as Maya at Artemis Berlin ? Or are they sisters.
Nille Copenhagen,
Yes, indeed Gabriella (vz) at Oase is Maya (vz) at Artemis. Gabriella did take some time off to work in Berlin at FKK Artemis. I believe Mr Angus Magee did have Gabriella suck his schwanz and then he fucked her when she was at Artemis and was well pleased with the result.
[QUOTE=Champ Lover]Hey Basketcase, I see you fall for the fatal attraction of Francescas divine body as well. She is a tough operator, but it's fun to play with her and tease her to submit to generally accepted club standards.
Cheers, CL[/QUOTE]
Hallo Champion Lover,
Good to hear from you again.
Yes, Francesca (ro) has a superb body, but her attitude can take some improvement. Francesca is not as bad as Bianca (ro) at being demanding for no return or Cassandra (ro) who I find can be a bit cruel to customers. There has been many a time that I have done Bianca a favour and she has not even acknowledged that I existed whereas girls like Deriana (ro), Simona (ro), Sheila (ro), Angie (ro), Adelina (ro) or Claudia (ro) are so giving of their time.
Francesca did see an advantage and she did take it from me but I did get something of value to me. LOL.
She is very beautiful and I enjoy seeing her walk around the club and watch her ass and breasts and slim waist and long legs. I do not like it when she wears her jeans waist cover. When she lies on me I try to get her to take it off. It is a good feeling having her body on mine and reminds me that wearing a towel allows more of this body to body contact than those that wear bath robes. FKK style is better.
Yes, you must watch her when booking her and it can be fun ensuring that you get what you want. A nice sport fuck.
Cynthia (br)
[QUOTE=Champ Lover]Recently I went for the Latin American card with Cynthia from Brasil. Tall, long legs, nice ass, her ass whispering softly "fuck me".
I did not go for that, though.
The Sofa phase was okay. What brought me to the room, were not Cynthia's acquisition skills, but my horniness.
In the room first a little hugging, then she went down to blow The Schwanz porno-style. That was quite good, but after some time it started using the hands. It seemed to me she wanted to go for the CIM bonus. That turned me off quite a bit. Still I managed to get The Schwanz into penetration shape to do Cynthia doggie style. Unfortunately the sensation was gone after a while so we had to finish it by her jerking me off, The Schwanz ejecting a little load of high value genetical material.
Overall I was unimpressed, and will probably not have room time with Cynthia again.[/QUOTE]
Hallo Champion Lover,
Thank you for the review on Cynthia (br). From your report and my observations of Cynthia (br), but also predicated by her look to my desires, it seems to me that Cynthia is not my girl. Maybe others have had better times with Cynthia since as always it is YMMV.
Gabriella (vz)
Maybe I sessioned with her a couple of years ago at Oase? Petite, A-cup, long black hair, appeared to be 20 years old. Veeeery beautiful face. Tanned, but not black. All her latinas friends seemed bigger and older, but she was by far the prettiest. As I recall, a piece of gold jewelry in her navel.
Had an awesome session after 10 days without sex. She finally went for CIM and I flat out filled her up. Her beautiful eyes got a surprised look as I continued pumping leche into her mouth. She did not expect such a load.
To be honest I never really connected with her, although we had a civil and nice time. Maybe as she did not speak much English or maybe I was just too horny. There was DFK, some DATY. She looked so young she could have been my youngest daughter, which kinda made me feel a bit awkward.
But, wow. Very beautiful and a great, great pussy. Made me think have my youth back for a while.
Could that be her?
Kimi/Cynthia is fairly tall
[QUOTE=Suller Joe]Maybe I sessioned with her a couple of years ago at Oase? Petite, A-cup, long black hair, appeared to be 20 years old. Veeeery beautiful face. Tanned, but not black.
Could that be her?[/QUOTE]
So, probably not the same girl.
Besides, I am with Basketcase that her face/looks are average. OTOH, many had commented how pretty she was.
She sounded laid back when you talk to her. There was a noticeable lack of energy in her voice, it was almost as if she was recovering from surgery or something. A nice girl though, not aggressive or narcissistic in nature.
I still can't get her out of my mind!
She told me she posed for the European version of Hustler (who knows) but I can believe it. Last time I saw her was summer 08 in GT and VV. I thought maybe she had moved up to the Frankfurt area. I remember how she protected her huge tits by putting them down on a pillow which made for a nice view while pounding her from behind. Too bad she's gone. I hear Oase is still doing well which is good to hear. You guys who live nearby are really lucky.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]I miss Madlene. She was very pretty and had a heavenly body that was a joy to have sex with. Visuals were fantastic, especially when she blows you while she is on her knees before you as you stand up. Her service was pretty good too in my experience.[/QUOTE]
Cynthia (br) v Gabriella (vz)
[QUOTE=Atooz]So, probably not the same girl.
Besides, I am with Basketcase that her face/looks are average. OTOH, many had commented how pretty she was.
She sounded laid back when you talk to her. There was a noticeable lack of energy in her voice, it was almost as if she was recovering from surgery or something. A nice girl though, not aggressive or narcissistic in nature.[/QUOTE]
Suller Joe I understand was discussing an encounter that he believed that he had with Gabriella (vz). Indeed Cynthia (br) is a slim tall girl and is not the same girl as Gabriella (vz). I am with Champion Lover that Cynthia (br) is not my girl, but she may be the girl of others.
Cynthia from what i see does not hunt for customers and is quite laid back in allowing customers approach her for a session. I think she knows she is a desirable commodity due to her dark Brazilian book and being so different to the blonds and hordes of small, slim Romanian hordes.
[QUOTE=Champ Lover]In the room first a little hugging, then she went down to blow The Schwanz porno-style. That was quite good, but after some time it started using the hands. It seemed to me she wanted to go for the CIM bonus. That turned me off quite a bit. Still I managed to get The Schwanz into penetration shape to do Cynthia doggie style. Unfortunately the sensation was gone after a while so we had to finish it by her jerking me off, The Schwanz ejecting a little load of high value genetical material.
Overall I was unimpressed, and will probably not have room time with Cynthia again.[/QUOTE]
Kimi/Cynthia is one of my favourites, excellent session with a beautiful girl. BBBJ in all variations, deep, hard, soft, no hands - love it. Licking her pussy - I could leave for Oase right now. ;)
My Return to Oase
I have visited Oase [url]http://www.Fkk-oase. De/[/url] several times and have submitted at least one report in this forum. My overall impression is that it has become less fun over the past few years, and yet when I'm in Frankfurt I seem to be drawn back. Something about going to a place I know instead of driving two and a half hours to someplace new that may or may not be better.
July Visit
In mid-July I had a few days in Frankfurt and decided to spend a full day at Oase. I was still a bit jet-lagged from my flight from the west coast of the US, but a certain tingling in my groin told me I was in for a good time. Not for the first time my groin misinformed me.
I arrived at Oase around 11 am, and a breakfast buffet was set up outdoors. It was warm, around 30C, down from the miserable 40C when I arrived in Frankfurt the previous afternoon. I intended to take things slow, check out the possibilities, and session only with girls who displayed GFE tendencies ahead of time. But in the end I threw caution to the wind, not with a good result.
Session 1-KATE (Greece) Definitely would not recommend.
After eyeing the selection of girls, and watching some open air action on the outdoor beds, the seeds of betrayal began to stir in my groin. So when Kate, a large-breasted, MILFy "girl" came to talk to me I could visualize my head between her breasts and her nipples in my mouth. Soon she had convinced me that she was GFE enough and we walked up the stairs to the secluded canopy above the pool.
Things started well enough with some decent kissing and a nice time with the twins. I did enjoy the nipples, which were like large gumdrops. But soon things went south when she began acting like a tour director wanting to get through the sights and get home. This is never a turn on, and as I lost my erection she lectured me about not paying attention. Instructing me to leave my worries and just focus on the here an now. I'm thinking "well, the lecture isn't helping and you're just boring. " So the half hour session ended at about 20 minutes, and I don't know which of us was happier to have it over with. When we went inside to the safe to get her money my eyes hadn't dilated and I didn't have my glasses on and I handed her a 10 Euro note instead of a 50. She was not amused. In retrospect I think it was a Freudian slip.
Alright, time to take a deep breath, get re-focussed and stick with the original plan. Wrong!
Session 2 LUCIA (Italy, she says). Would not recommend.
A short while after the Kate debacle, Lucia approached me with sweet talk. She has a spinner body with nice size A breasts, but sort of a pinched face that is not that appealing.
After we had talked for awhile she began singing her own praises, never a good sign. I told her I wasn't ready yet, but she said "I'll get you ready. " And sure enough a few gentle kisses and I was ready to put the Kate experience behind me.
Lucia took me into the Kino for awhile and got me good a worked up and then off we went to a room. Whereupon, Lucia began to act as though we were running a 100 m dash, while I wanted at least a 5K. In short, I was in, off, and out before I knew what was up. As soon as I came her interest in me became purely financial. As it's no fun to sit and chat or cuddle with someone who wants to get the hell out of there, I agreed. Another 15 min for another 50 euro.
That was enough for me. My full day at Oase was abbreviated to about an hour and a half. So I left longing for the Oase of yesteryear when 30 minutes were given for a 30-minute session. And when they at least made a pretense of wanting to be with you.
September 9 at Oase-Thursday and dessous Tag (forgot to check)
After a lapse of 2 months I was back in Frankfurt, and though my memory of the July experience hadn't faded, for some reason I couldn't convince myself to try Palace, Mainhatten, World or make a drive north. So back to Oase again. I arrived a 1 pm, and stayed until I was completely worn out about 8 hours later.
Session 1 CHARLENE (Germany. Very nice time. Recommended. Would repeat.
Determined to take things more slowly that the last time, I headed for the sauna, which felt good on a cloudy, 15C day. I then walked to the bar for a glass of water and was approached by Charlene, a blonde with a girl-next-door look about her. When she said that she was from Germany my interest definitely picked up-I've usually had good sessions with German girls. I told her I'd like to sit and talk to her for awhile so we went into the Kino together. It had the additional benefit of watching a fellow hobbyest banging away at a brunette with her legs in the air.
As Charlene and I got acquainted, we began some gentle touching. More or less like you might do if you were on a date, except the dinner and movie are already over. Then almost unbidden Charlene began kissing me. And, wow, she can really kiss. She puts the the in DFK. I was loving it. She then started sucking on me. That did it. Soon we were off to a room.
Everything about the session was just perfect from the moment that she laid 4 towels across the bed to our final kiss (unless I looked at my watch wrong) 40 minutes later in a 30-minute session.
I think the best description of Charlene would be compliant. She either let me lead or sensed where I was going and never tried to impose her agenda on the activity. We continued our GFE make-out session in the room, which led to more bare blowjob on me and then a long session of DATY on her. She either orgasmed a few times or is very adept at fooling me. She was meticulously clean and stayed focussed the entire time. None of that staring off into space business.
And unlike many, the condom didn't come out until I said I'd like to be inside her. No rushing to the main event. We did multiple positions and I finally finished on top staring into her eyes. She's a gem. In fact, as I write this I think I would head back out to Oase, except I know she's not there today.
During the "intermission" I talked to Yvette (Hungary), Tiziana (Ecuador), Maggie (Hungary) and some others who slip my mind. I said I wasn't ready yet, and they left me alone. I had my eye on a pretty girl with a great set of tits so I went up and introduced myself. She was Jill (Germany) so she had my immediate attention. But the conversation went nowhere. She displayed no interest in me, so I moved on.
In the meantime Lucia, from the I'll-fated July visit, spotted me and came to talk to me. She asked my name and if I'd been there before. I said yes. She said she'd never seen me before. I didn't correct her. I said I wasn't ready, and as before she said she could get me ready. I'm thinking "Not bloody likely. " She assured me that she's not like the rest who just want to get you in the room and get out. Yeah, right.
Session 2 SOFIA (Romania) mixed review, but really wouldn't recommend.
Sitting at the tables above the hot tub, I watched Sofia caressing another person, and I started to get excited watching. When she left him I caught her eye, thinking she was Tiziana, who I thought I'd have a session with. I asked where she was from. Romania. She asked if I like Romanian women. Yes, I lied. By this time Sofia was rubbing her perky Bs around on me I knew I was a goner no matter where she was from.
I asked her if she liked kissing. Yes, she lied, but more in the room than in public. So if I had any principles, I would have been violating them once again by going to the room with someone who didn't seem that GFE. On the other hand, I was hard as a rock and that's an indicator I don't like to ignore at my age.
So off to the room for some so-so kissing. Then she said "Can I ask you a question. " Sure. "Do you want a 30 min or hour session? " Asked the up-selling Romanian. She has a way of asking questions at precisely the wrong time that I have experienced with other Romanian women. Mostly just to try and move things along or upsell. Normally this would make me go limp, but so help me there was something chemical about her that kept affecting me. And when the condom went on and I started fucking her (very soon, as it turns out), she felt so good that I couldn't believe it.
So here's the verdict. By most objective measures I couldn't recommend her. Upsell, won't shut up, wants to direct things along quickly. And yet one of the best feeling pussies this side of the Danube. 50 euros well spent.
Session 3. Massage woman. Highly recommended. Better than most of the sex. 30 minutes for 30 euros. She's fantastic.
After the madhouse for food at 6, I had an appointment for massage at 7:15. Lucia, who is the most persistent person I have ever run across, asked me several more times to come with her. Once forgetting that she had already talked to me. I kept telling her I had a massage and that I wasn't interested, but she generally ignored everything I said.
Session3 JOANNA (Cuba) Can't really recommend, but what an ass.
For some reason I decided that I wanted a women with a substantial, but shapely ass. I saw Joanna and she met the criteria. She was also personable. But in my ass focus I neglected once again to make sure she would be fun in a session. Note to self: Don't every go to a room with someone who has not demonstrated her GFE characteristics in public.
Once in the room things moved quickly to the condom on and me in her pussy stage. It wasn't romantic, but the visual of her ass with me pumping in and out made it worthwhile. Not enough to repeat, but enjoyable. None-the-less.
So my conclusion is what I stated earlier. Oase ain't what it used to be. But there are roses among the dandelions. And where else can an old guy like me
Find enough stimulation to have 3 orgasms in one afternoon. If you could assure me that Charlene and the massage woman would be there I'd be back in a heartbeat.
New valuables lockers at Oase
The improvement and renovation program at Oase continues....
In late August the tiles and art work in the back hallway to the hookers' changing room was redone blocking all those rooms during the daytime limiting the choice of rooms to fuck in of course on a Friday.
Now last Friday, 3 September there was added new valuables lockers making it 180 lockers (10 across and 18 down) meaning there are 180 spots for customers to place their valuables. There used to be 9 valuable lockers across and 10 down meaning only the first 90 customers got a valuables locker and now it has been doubled.
The new valuable lockers use the same keys as before for the first 90 valuable lockers. I found the fit a bit stiff and that the arm that locks it has to be set to a certain angle for the door to be opened.
Since there is 180 valuables lockers and no longer 90 valuable lockers there is less room to hold things other than your wallet, passport/ID card and handy.
Hate keys. Just waiting for the day when the guy before me has made a clay imprint of my key & manufactured a copy. He will empty my locker as soon as i start my session. Passport, cellphone, wallet, office keys, car keys & car all gone in 2 minutes.
Call me paranoid, but I prefer the electronic lockers.
Lucia, Charlene and the massage woman (blond one)
[QUOTE=PacificRim] Session 2 LUCIA (Italy, she says). Would not recommend.
Lucia approached me with sweet talk. She has a spinner body with nice size A breasts, but sort of a pinched face that is not that appealing.
After we had talked for awhile she began singing her own praises, never a good sign. I told her I wasn't ready yet, but she said "I'll get you ready. " And sure enough a few gentle kisses and I was ready to put the Kate experience behind me.
Lucia took me into the Kino for a while and got me good a worked up and then off we went to a room. Whereupon, Lucia began to act as though we were running a 100 m dash, while I wanted at least a 5K. In short, I was in, off, and out before I knew what was up. As soon as I came her interest in me became purely financial. As it's no fun to sit and chat or cuddle with someone who wants to get the hell out of there, I agreed. Another 15 min for another 50 euro.
September 9 at Oase-Thursday and dessous Tag (forgot to check)
In the meantime Lucia, from the I'll-fated July visit, spotted me and came to talk to me. She asked my name and if I'd been there before. I said yes. She said she'd never seen me before. I didn't correct her. I said I wasn't ready, and as before she said she could get me ready. I'm thinking "Not bloody likely. " She assured me that she's not like the rest who just want to get you in the room and get out. Yeah, right.
After the madhouse for food at 6, I had an appointment for massage at 7:15. Lucia, who is the most persistent person I have ever run across, asked me several more times to come with her. Once forgetting that she had already talked to me. I kept telling her I had a massage and that I wasn't interested, but she generally ignored everything I said.
If you could assure me that Charlene and the massage woman would be there I'd be back in a heartbeat.[/QUOTE]
It is so funny your story of Lucia (ro). I read it with smiles. It is like the one I know of Lucia stalking young Rex the horny dog for a session asking him 6 or 7 times in one visit if he wanted to book her and he kepts saying no. Lucia is very persistent to get her man.
I have seen Lucia take many a new visitor to the club to the room for a good time and it seems that you sampled her wares and was rewarded.
That blond massage woman as oppose to the small dark haired massage ladt or the black man does work at Oase's massage very often in the day shift. She was there for all my visits to September to date.
Also Charlene is working there as well.
I guess we will be seeing you back in Oase in a flash or a heartbeat!!
[QUOTE=Suller Joe]Hate keys. Just waiting for the day when the guy before me has made a clay imprint of my key & manufactured a copy. He will empty my locker as soon as i start my session. Passport, cellphone, wallet, office keys, car keys & car all gone in 2 minutes.[/QUOTE]
Besides some unproven stories from Palace that never happened. Clubs like Palace and Paradise do have a small safe in the lockers.
[QUOTE=PacificRim]She was Jill (Germany) so she had my immediate attention. But the conversation went nowhere. She displayed no interest in me, so I moved on.[/QUOTE]
Did you speak to her in English or German? Jill is a very sweet girl, but she doesn't speak English. If you go pass the conversation, she's very nice in the room. I'm still obsessed by her tits.....
This is what I dont get: Lucia is probably the most reported sub standard to crap session on this board (perhaps Sunny has the record, but it is close). I find her unattractive both face and body (that is my taste), but somehow guys keep sessioning with her since she is probably also one of the more reported sessions here. Makes one wander how she does it. I mean, seriously, why do guys go with her?
Just as some others here, I have been the victim of her repeated pitches. I think one night over 10 times, after about 5 times I asked her please not ask again since I will not go with her now and I wont go with her anytime in the unforseen future, but her attention span is about the same as a retarded five year old and she kept coming back. Baffling.
[QUOTE=Henio] I find her unattractive both face and body (that is my taste), but somehow guys keep sessioning with her since she is probably also one of the more reported sessions here. Makes one wander how she does it. I mean, seriously, why do guys go with her?[/QUOTE]
Remember Henio, the #1 rule of public relations. There is no such thing as bad publicity. Paris Hilton figured this out long ago and sits on a fortune as a result. Well, maybe she already sat on a fortune. As a result of some pretty awful publicity though, it got a whole lot bigger. Maybe this girl just knows that any mention is better than no mention at all.
And if she is attractive in face & figure, how many guys going to Oase really look on these boards.
Also, I work for a guy (not full time anymore, thank God) who has a similar retarded 5 year old attention span & way of over all behavior.I see that in one way it appears as a stupidity. But the closer I look, I see he knows exactly what he does. He may act stupid, but as long as it works why try anything new. Maybe this girl is the same in a way. She keeps getting sessions with this method of hers, Why change? All you can do is what you did. If enough guys do it she will change or leave the job.
[QUOTE=Angus Magee]
And if she is attractive in face & figure, how many guys going to Oase really look on these boards?
Her body is OK, her face not really attractive (anymore). Fucked her in the cinema in her first week at Oase years ago, was a good session.
[QUOTE=Henio]Just as some others here, I have been the victim of her repeated pitches. I think one night over 10 times, after about 5 times I asked her please not ask again since I will not go with her now and I wont go with her anytime in the unforseen future, but her attention span is about the same as a retarded five year old and she kept coming back. Baffling.[/QUOTE]
I haven't been to Oase for a while (I have become a World convert), so this may change next time I go - but I seem to seen the back of her. Now as I she approaches I just look up, and she walks away. I did have a major row with her a year or so ago, and walked out of the room. Maybe its just the daggers in my stare. Probably the combination of the two. Anyway, no more Lucia.
To be fair to she is no worse than many. I just happen to hate her.
Have fun,
1 photos
Madlene (ru)
[QUOTE=Levitraboner]She told me she posed for the European version of Hustler (who knows) but I can believe it. Last time I saw her was summer 08 in GT and VV. I thought maybe she had moved up to the Frankfurt area. I remember how she protected her huge tits by putting them down on a pillow which made for a nice view while pounding her from behind. Too bad she's gone. I hear Oase is still doing well which is good to hear. You guys who live nearby are really lucky.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Basketcase] 11. Madlene (Russia) blond from St Petersburg. Madlene has excellent heavenly to look at natural D cup breasts. No tattoos. Sometimes goes topless. Madlene sometimes has her hair tied up rather than hair worn straight down.[/QUOTE]
Mmmmmm. Madlene. Her breasts are divine. See attached picture.
[QUOTE=GandJim]Did you speak to her in English or German? Jill is a very sweet girl, but she doesn't speak English. If you go pass the conversation, she's very nice in the room. I'm still obsessed by her tits.....[/QUOTE]
Jill is the hooker with the auburn/brown hair right? Her breasts are indeed amazing to behold. So large, pendulous and so full shaped on an average sized body. Nice.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]Mmmmmm. Madlene. Her breasts are divine. See attached picture.[/QUOTE]
Woow !!!
Thanks for the pic Basketcase !!!
Jill is the hooker with the auburn/brown hair right? Her breasts are indeed amazing to behold. So large, pendulous and so full shaped on an average sized body. Nice.[/QUOTE]
That's her. Very quiet and shy, does often sit on the small bench next to the entrance opposite the bar. She's from Eastern Germany - but probably born after the wall came down or max 1 or 2 years before. Nice set of natural tits.
[quote=haimhle]i will arrive at 8:30 am to frankfurt and have a flight to led at 11:30 pm the same day.
is there a opportunity to avoid booking a hotel as i intend to be in oase for most of the time? is there a place for a hand luggage there in the lockers or some place or i need to leave it at the airport at storage facility?
also is there any opportunity to sleep 1-2 hours at oase in some quiet place?[/quote]
an addition to euro100's advice to you....
there is time for you to get to oase and back by public transport and still make a good day's visit there. taking a taxi saves you more time for the club. an alternative is to go to mainhattan or palace which are in the city so a cheaper taxi ride and quicker. palace i would give the edge over mainhattan in terms of blondes and there being more girls.
if you are only in town for the day and early evening i would not think you would need a hotel room unless you want to sleep or have some place quite to relax.
it depends on how big your hand luggage is. i do not fly first class so my hand luggage is not the extensive and generous type that some other mongers have. as such my hand luggage being of the more modest variety fits perfectly fine in the oase lockers along with my clothes, shoes and jacket/overcoat.
i see men leave their luggage on placed on the top of the lockers or placed under the changing bench or under the side board where the mirrors are or even left at oase reception. depends on if you want to lug your hand luggae around with you. or you can do what euro100 suggests and leave it at the left luggage counter on the 2nd level at frankfurt airport. it is open 24 hours if i recall correctly but if it is not then it it is open real late since i have been there at 03:00 and it was open.
there is ample opportunity to sleep at oase. i have been asked many a time by girls to go with them to sleep in the rooms. some girls may charge you for it though.
some guys i have seen sleeping in the cinema, out of proportion to their number - these seem to be asian men and italiani men. i guess the asian men are jet lagged from flying over the hump to europe and i guess the italiani men are pooped from all the fucking since they have arrived in what seems like paradise and just fucked until they dropped.
then you can sleep on the comfy loungers by the whirl pool where it is nice and warm or in on the loungers in the sauna hut. there are also couches in the relax area where you see asians and italiani men all crashed out sleeping. you may end up fighting with the asians and italiani for a spot to sleep. lol.
in summer time you see many men sleeping in the garden. even in september there are men sleeping in the garden in between sessions.
the girls joke that they think the men come to the club for treatment - they are like nurses that come to give the men nturing comfort to make them feel better and then the men go to rest the treatment off and recover from their ills.
there are other girls that hate it when men come to the club to sleep. they say the club is a fuck club and not a sleep club. you must be fucking, if not then you can fuck off the girls say - generally it is the romanian girls that say this.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]Mmmmmm. Madlene. Her breasts are divine. See attached picture.[/QUOTE]
Hmm. I could fail as this is a photo, but I'd bet those are enhanced. The biggest and most agile/bouncy natural pair I've seen was Alice (DR,Palace) a couple of years ago. She told me that her pair was even stronger when she was in her late teens. Makes me chuckle when I think about her tit stories.
"- My boobs were just standing straight out. It was crazy. They almost didn't move when I was dancing!" (All told with her eyes wide open and eyeballs rolling)
Her pair is still amazing, BTW.
[QUOTE=Suller Joe]Hmm. I could fail as this is a photo, but I'd bet those are enhanced.
Her pair is still amazing, BTW.[/QUOTE]
Suller Joe,
Madlene's D cup breasts are natural. I have felt them up and played with them many a time before she retired and hung up her hooker high heels.
Alice (DomRep) does have a great pair of natural tits. Touched them first time about 5 or 6 years ago. I do have some nice pics. :D
[QUOTE=Basketcase]Suller Joe,
Madlene's D cup breasts are natural. I have felt them up and played with them many a time before she retired and hung up her hooker high heels.[/QUOTE]
I agreed with SJ that the D cups in your picture looked man made.
When I was younger, I like them really big. My taste changed as I aged and gained more experience. To me, the shape and denseness are more important than size. I like them shaped like tear drop rather than half of a volleyball without any natural sag.
[QUOTE=Atooz]I agreed with SJ that the D cups in your picture looked man made. [/QUOTE]
I guess you never handled her D cups before? Yes, they may look man made but they are natural and that is why she is so memorable to some of the forum members like Levitra and to me. Man, she had great breasts. Indeed when doing her in doggie she would put a pillow under them to support the sway as you pounded her from behind.
I guess you never handled her D cups before? Yes, they may look man made but they are natural and that is why she is so memorable to some of the forum members like Levitra and to me. Man, she had great breasts. Indeed when doing her in doggie she would put a pillow under them to support the sway as you pounded her from behind.[/QUOTE]
Hi BC,
Yup, I never had the pleasure of handling her D cups but I take your word for it that they feel "spectacular" (quoting Elaine's description of Teri Hatcher's boobs on Seinfeld). Unless her breasts are not photogenic, I probably would not have booked her based on what I saw. That's why I was a bit surprised by your enthusiasm of her tits - you had expressed admiration and appreciation of natural tear-drop shaped breasts in your other posts. I don't remember you ever saying you like man-made or man-made looking boobs. Hers must look way better in person.
[QUOTE=Atooz]Hi BC,
Yup, I never had the pleasure of handling her D cups but I take your word for it that they feel "spectacular" (quoting Elaine's description of Teri Hatcher's boobs on Seinfeld). Unless her breasts are not photogenic, I probably would not have booked her based on what I saw. That's why I was a bit surprised by your enthusiasm of her tits - you had expressed admiration and appreciation of natural tear-drop shaped breasts in your other posts. I don't remember you ever saying you like man-made or man-made looking boobs. Hers must look way better in person.[/QUOTE]
Hi Atooz,
I did not book Madlene as much as I wanted since she was always busy with regular customers or was acting hard to get by being aloof. I think in the end I managed to get her to recall me as a regular and got some really excellent sessions from her. I think it was the visuals that really did it for me with her. Me looking down at her on her knees giving me a blowjob and seeing my hard Schwanz go in and out of her mouth seeing how deep she could take it from looking at mirror in the room that gives the side view of us both.
I do prefer a tear dropped shaped breast since it looks more natural and feels nice to have that warmth and weight in your hards. I tend not to go for silicone breasts but I am not adverse to them if the rest of the package fits the bill. There is not that much man made breasts in the club - maybe more at Artemis and Palace but from what I can see at Oase or World it is more natural breasts that I see. I guess girls need to get a pay back on the cost of the breasts and so Artemis with higher returns per half hour at 60 euro and Palace where there is tendency for more quicker turnaround are more conducive for hookers with enhanced racks.
Indeed her breasts look much better in person. They were weighty affairs and heaven to behold. Madlene also had a tight and firm ass. I am sorry I never got to fuck her asshole. So sad.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]I do prefer a tear dropped shaped breast since it looks more natural and feels nice to have that warmth and weight in your hards. I tend not to go for silicone breasts but I am not adverse to them if the rest of the package fits the bill. There is not that much man made breasts in the club - maybe more at Artemis and Palace but from what I can see at Oase or World it is more natural breasts that I see. [/QUOTE]
At Oase, I remember Janney (bg) has a set of nice and natural tits. An example of small but nice tits are those of Serbia Eva at World. In the porn land, I'm partial to Aspen Steven's boobs with puffy nipples. Her boobs also look enhanced at certain angle but they are natural (I am quite sure) and spectacular to look at.
Talking about Serbia Eva, has anyone seen her lately (You can answer this on the World thread)?
this past weekend
made the journey north to oase on friday night after a 2 month hiatus. escaped from the office about 4, had hoped to make it out an hour earlier, but that annoying thing called work interfered with play. about an hour into the journey the db train turned what was meant to be a 4 minutes stop into a 22 minute one. the net result of this was that i missed my connecting train to frankfurt airport (for the rental car pick up) and had an hour added to my journey. i didn't accept the delay nearly as philosophically as the rest of the passengers as i was toey as a roman sandal in anticipation of the carnal menu to come.
hopped into the rental car and appeared to scored a speeding fine not far out of the airport car park. the first section seems to be a 50 zone even though it's a divided road etc. incidentally for anyone dropping off a rental at the airport. after you get petrol at the nearby, i think it's an esso station, you take a left and then straight over the roundabout for the airport. once you go through the roundabout make sure you're in the rightmost lane as the sign for the rental car drop off is tiny and you don't really see it till you're almost past it.
got to the b&b and checked in automatically. their booking advice told me i'd need a booking number if checking in out of hours, but this, and the room code, is provided via the auto payment process. i think next time i'll throw the luggage in the back and just head straight to the club instead of checking in beforehand.
finally hit the club around 11:30, a good 2 hours later than planned. after all these delays i felt like keith richards outside a locked pharmacy. i wanted to go at it like the bionic man, if not faster. after a shower i stalked through the main room and kino on the lookout for a tasty gazelle. it soon became clear that a lot of regular girls were on leave, but there were enough of my favourites to enjoy a couple of sessions. i finished with the first girl around 2 and took a dip in the jacuzzi. never seen the club so quiet at that hour on a friday. maybe all the turks had emptied their ramadan time deposits. it felt more like a monday night.
who was there (or the basketcase with alzheimers list)
linda (cz)
veronika (bg.)
romanian(?) slim, elegant, medium-tall brunette with bright pink stilettos, black knee socks/stockings and small perky tits. very attractive face.
the above girl hangs out with another unknown (romanian?).very confident girl with c cup naturals (beautiful tear drop shape) on a slim frame. black hair and hoop earrings and crossed fishnet stockings. this girl is a master at preying on some of the more timid asian guests and aggressively selling “lesbi show” etc. would do very well hawking timeshares in tenerife.
i enjoyed 2 good sessions with girls i've reported on previously. decided to finish off an ultimately satisfying evening by grabbing a beer back at the hotel. stopped off at the service station, but unfortunately the clerk had stocked the fridge with room temperature lager. so i used the machine in the b&b instead, only to find that some sadist had removed the bottle opener. some minutes later finally manage to use a key to lever the now not so cold beer open. note to self, take that swiss army knife out of the drawer and bring it with me in future.
i was mulling over whether it was worth spending the day in the oase garden on saturday as the forecast had been far from brilliant. did a bit of channel surfing and found out that they had a live english premiership game showing. quite good value these b&b's. free wifi, they show a lot of the ppv boxing, football and for those who still want more when they return after a night of debauchery you have the beate uhse channel.
as it turned out, saturday was quite a warm sunny day. so around 4 p.m. i rolled back into the oase car park. there were a surprising number of people around the pool, and a few swimming. sadly it looks like this could be the last such day until at least april. if we could localise it to the burgholzhausen area, then i'd be very much in favour of some global warming. can't beat a good summers day lazing around the oase pool.
did 2 of my favourites and then decided i should test some some previously unsampled goods. spent some time trying to decide on whether to try karina or tessa. in spite of karina having the more favourable reviews i elected to give tessa a whirl. not a bad session, and i'd probably repeat, but i broadly agree with the comments quebei made some time ago about her lack of experience. if only some of more polished performers could provide a tuition service for the newbie girls. riccarda for example could show them how to do the toothless bj.
who was there
linda (cz)
linda (gr)
slim medium sized blonde with waist length, crimped hair and enhanced c cups that could poke the eyes out of some of the shorter guests
tall blonde hungarian girl with chinese letters on the back.
janie? (bg) dark haired girl with glasses, fishnets and and a rosebush tattoo
very slim blonde, with enhanced d's, with neck/upper back tattoo and also on the calf. classic hookers r' us big gold hoop earrings.
the 2 unknown girls, probably romanian mentioned on the friday list.
other observations
- saw 2 separate couples enter the premises during the evening. would love to have been a fly on the wall when these guys first floated the idea to the missus.
- guido the killer pimp prospecting for business. actually in this case it was more like mehmet instead of guido. wonder what the sale pitch is... “i take 60% of your earnings, but you do all the earning. in return you'll get ...”
- some swamp monsters grazing in the kino. if i think of the likes of francesca having a ferrari body, then some of these women were like soviet era tractors. each to their own in terms of what you find attractive i guess, but i never see these women make a sale.
[QUOTE=Samplerr] Never seen the club so quiet at that hour on a Friday. Maybe all the Turks had emptied their Ramadan time deposits. It felt more like a Monday night.
- Guido the killer pimp prospecting for business. Actually in this case it was more like Mehmet instead of Guido. Wonder what the sale pitch is... “I take 60% of your earnings, but you do all the earning. In return you'll get ...” [/QUOTE]
You are not wrong. In just about all my visits in July, August and September - particularly August and September the men clientele has been well down. As such the women numbers have been down too - there were hardly any Bulgarians working apart from Veronica (bg), Maggie (bg) and Izzy (bg) and these hookers were intermittent.
Later at night on Friday and Saturday the club is like a ghost town. Oase feels like World at times. LOL.
As you say there were hardly any west Asians or Turks. Nonetheless, I would have thought that they should all be back this weekend when you came to visit Oase since Eid was Thursday night and so Ramadan is over and there should generally be a party on for 4 days. I guess that that party is not at Oase.
The automechanika messe is on this week coming from 14 to 19 September so expect masses and masses of men in the club. It will feel like a free for all and long waits for the room from my experience of the last automechanika. Many men do not change into Hesse dress and go around in ordinary clothes since they do not know the drill. One does feel exposed being in just a towel and many unknown men running around in their overcoats and jackets that could be concealing anything.
Thanks for the line up lists. Well done.
[QUOTE=Samplerr]I enjoyed 2 good sessions with girls I've reported on previously. Decided to finish off an ultimately satisfying evening by grabbing a beer back at the hotel. Stopped off at the service station, but unfortunately the clerk had stocked the fridge with room temperature lager. So I used the machine in the B&B instead, only to find that some sadist had removed the bottle opener. Some minutes later finally manage to use a key to lever the now not so cold beer open. Note to self, take that Swiss army knife out of the drawer and bring it with me in future.[/QUOTE]So, 11 words on the sessions you had, and over 90 words on your struggle for a cold beer. Thanks very much for the info!
[quote=samplerr] 1. hopped into the rental car and appeared to scored a speeding fine not far out of the airport car park. the first section seems to be a 50 zone even though it's a divided road etc. incidentally for anyone dropping off a rental at the airport. after you get petrol at the nearby, i think it's an esso station, you take a left and then straight over the roundabout for the airport. once you go through the roundabout make sure you're in the rightmost lane as the sign for the rental car drop off is tiny and you don't really see it till you're almost past it.
2. got to the b&b and checked in automatically. their booking advice told me i'd need a booking number if checking in out of hours, but this, and the room code, is provided via the auto payment process. i think next time i'll throw the luggage in the back and just head straight to the club instead of checking in beforehand.
3. slim medium sized blonde with waist length, crimped hair and enhanced c cups that could poke the eyes out of some of the shorter guests
4. tall blonde hungarian girl with chinese letters on the back.
5. very slim blonde, with enhanced d's, with neck/upper back tattoo and also on the calf. classic hookers r' us big gold hoop earrings.
6. - some swamp monsters grazing in the kino. if i think of the likes of francesca having a ferrari body, then some of these women were like soviet era tractors. each to their own in terms of what you find attractive i guess, but i never see these women make a sale.[/quote]
hi samplerr,
1. i think you are talking about fra terminal 2 since the car rental return for terminal 2 is indeed difficult to spot the first time around. i recall when i had to return my smart car that i must have driven around fra airport from terminal 1 back to terminal 2 and around again maybe 3 times and then more looping around terminal 2 until i found that pesky sign that said mietwagen return for avis, europcar, hertz, sixt, etc....
2. b&b hotel frankfurt nord - indeed you do not need a code to enter your pre-booked room after hours. you can use your payment card, reservation number or even type in your name to get a room you have booked to come up. so no need to check in when you arrive. you can save time and go straight to the club. i mean i do it all the time.
i find it convenient that there is a service station across the road with an atm and also a 24 hours mcdonalds since the food at oase is catastrophic.
3. no idea. could be german. maybe nina.
4. yvette (hu) a good session. does public sex - memorable for blowing the german pevert on her knees by the high tables in the whirlpool area. last girl that did that to me was alia (de) the nasty paris hilton looking slim blond.
5. ariana (ro) - described to a t.
6. yes, there is no quality control at oase. if a hooker can pay 65 euro entritt then she can work the club. palace does keep quality control as does globe in zurich. in globe you think all the hookers look like stepford wives since they are uniformly slim, flat stomached, leggy, larger breasted, long blond, brown or black hair and attractively faced girls.
some men like their hookers to look like trolls and swear by fucking trolls. i have seen senior members of this forum go with hookers that make me recoil. lol.
[QUOTE=Ararat]Will be in Oase on Saturday during the day. Possibly on Friday night too although previous reports from Automechanika days makes me hesitate.[/QUOTE]
You should expect Oase to be packed to the gills with Messe guests for the Automechanika messe from 14 to 19 September and especially the weekend since this year the automechanika goes all the way to Sunday. As another senior member said on this thread before: the automechanika messe is the high point of the messe calendar in FFM so expect the hordes of customers to be neverending and the club choked with men and not a sight of your best hookers around.
Palace I expect will be no better. It would be interesting to see how Atlantik, Rom, Sharks and Mainhattan fare at this messe time. Maybe there is overflow capacity in these other clubs?
World due its distance from FFM will be the most unaffected by the messe I expect. But expect the messe to reach World too but not the same extent as Palace or Oase.
3. No idea. Could be German. Maybe Nina.
No, not Nina. At least not the very slim, heavily tattooed German Nina.
Oh yes, Jill is not a real stunner but incredible.
[QUOTE=Samplerr]No, not Nina. At least not the very slim, heavily tattooed German Nina.[/QUOTE]
No idea then.
Automechanika noch einmal
Let's keep it on the bright side, shall we?
Let's not forget that during Automechanika there are usually FANTASTIC opportunities at Oase from 3- 10pm with an extraordinary large line-up of girls and still few men. But from 10 pm the scene changes.
If I was in Frankfurt this week I would not hesitate one second going.
Also, we are just sharing information here based on visits in the past. Nobody can really predict what will happen during Automechanika this year. Report, please!
Some more speculation:
It has previously been reported on ISG that World was basically unaffected during Automechanika and was very quiet in previous years. But with Mainhattan entering the scene, one would think that a few World girls would leave World for Mainhattan taking full advantage of Automechanika. But again, this is pure speculation from me. Nevertheless, it would be interesting reading reports about this.
I suggest late night visitors to always have a Plan B this week.
I might visit Oase this week. If so - I will report. Plan to hit the club around noon, do my program until 8pm, take a sauna session and either leave or observe the masses.
But I am quite positive that Palace and Oase will be full, don't know about Mainhattan.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]Hi Samplerr,
6. Yes, there is no quality control at Oase. If a hooker can pay 65 euro entritt then she can work the club. Palace does keep quality control as does Globe in Zurich. In Globe you think all the hookers look like Stepford Wives since they are uniformly slim, flat stomached, leggy, larger breasted, long blond, brown or black hair and attractively faced girls.
Some men like their hookers to look like trolls and swear by fucking trolls. I have seen senior members of this forum go with hookers that make me recoil. LOL.[/QUOTE]BC,
If there's quality control at the Palace then there were some cows must have slipped past the back door from my observation.
With that said the cows command only 2-5 per cent of the hurd so no worry if you're looking for quality fuck.
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub]I might visit Oase this week. If so - I will report. Plan to hit the club around noon, do my program until 8pm, take a sauna session and either leave or observe the masses.
It's worth a daytime visit over showtime, so I'll spend an afternoon / early evening this week, probably Friday, and report.
Have Fun,
[QUOTE=Shark16]Let's keep it on the bright side, shall we?
Let's not forget that during Automechanika there are usually FANTASTIC opportunities at Oase from 3- 10pm with an extraordinary large line-up of girls and still few men. But from 10 pm the scene changes.
If I was in Frankfurt this week I would not hesitate one second going.
Also, we are just sharing information here based on visits in the past. Nobody can really predict what will happen during Automechanika this year. Report, please!
I will be there on Saturday during the window you have indentified as having fantastic opportunities. I will make sure to give the forum feedback on the situation although it may be too late for this years visitors.
I am still thinking about Friday night and am not sure I will attend. I have heard unconfirmed reports that there exists entertainment options outside of the sex industry in Frankfurt and may take a look.
[QUOTE=Shark16]Let's keep it on the bright side, shall we?
Let's not forget that during Automechanika there are usually FANTASTIC opportunities at Oase from 3- 10pm with an extraordinary large line-up of girls and still few men. But from 10 pm the scene changes.
If I was in Frankfurt this week I would not hesitate one second going.
Also, we are just sharing information here based on visits in the past. Nobody can really predict what will happen during Automechanika this year. Report, please!
I suggest late night visitors to always have a Plan B this week.[/QUOTE]
You also recommended the Oase summer party as having excellent opportunity to score girls and have heaps of selection with a lot of men but not that much. I took your word for it and decided to go see.
My first hand experience of the Oase summer this year was that the line was worse at the summer party than it was the weekend after when I went again. The club was quiet for both days of the summer party for men. Yes there were at times more girls than male customers but there hooker line up was not that great. See my line up lists for the summer party and the weekend after posted on this thread. There were more girls on the normal day than at the Summer party days - so is THAT fantastic?
You state that the club line up during Automechanika messe is meant to be "FANTASTIC" intimating that you recommend going to battle through the hordes of customers that are not used to going to FKKs but then end with a get out clause saying you do not really know or predict what it is like by asking people who do go to report to see if you were right or not.
The car show in Sept 2009 was also pretty sedate given it was meant to be a busy messe historically. The economic climate put paid to a number of exhibitors. My chats with the Oase girls earlier this month gave similar feedback that this year will be similar since the recovery is not quite there yet. So some girls said they were indifferent working the automechanika.
Some girls were more concerned which days or nights the Bundeslig or the Champions league was on since if there is football on there is less customers. Also the weather is getting much colder and some girls know that colder weather means less men come to the club to relax - it becomes just a fuck club.
Given the flak I get at times from members here I wonder even why I bother to report. I do my best to make it accurate so people can get a guide of what it takes, spend, and so forth and then I get writers making fun of my reports.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]Given the flak I get at times from members here I wonder even why I bother to report.[/QUOTE]
A statement like this really irks me. Its an open public board, get used to the fact that your not immune to negative comments.
Different opinions/Different experiences/Different guys?
Wow, I must admit your reaction surprises me, BC ...
Dear BC,
Let me first of all assure you that I appreciate your reports and advice to this forum as much as anybody else. I am NOT making fun of your reports. If anything, I am trying to put some perspective on things when directions are onedimensional. This is a place for sharing experiences, right?
You are correct that my last report was a comment to your response to Samplerr, wherein you stressed the negatives about Automechanika. You are absolutely right in doing so, and I agree with just about everything you say. Still, my last report was just to focus on the positives about Automechanika, which was not mentioned by you. It's as simple as that.
Ok, maybe you have a different experience, but I have several times had fantastic experiences early in the day (3- 10pm) during Automechanika. Not many men, but at one time 111 girls(!) and many fresh faces (girls travelling to Frankfurt trying to benefit from the Messe crowd). Great F/M ratios and fantastic line-up give great opportunities. But as you know, this changes suddenly when the crowds come marching in. At least we both can agree on that.
.. or maybe 2010 will be - as you say - so much different than the last two years? Who knows ... I am not saying my predictions are better than yours, but simply trying to give the readers some awareness of the opportunities that may incur this very week.
I have not much to add about the Summer Party. You felt it sucked. I have enjoyed myself silly the last two previous years. You are saying line-up was better in September than at the Summer Party. All I said was that the line-up at the Summer Party are usually better than the ordinary weekend in the vacation month of August and closer to what one can expect later in the fall. Well, maybe I was right, maybe I was wrong, but at least I shared my experience.
All summer you have said that you have problems finding anyone to have sex with at Oase, World and Goldentime. I have had no problems finding 10 - 15 girls at each club on my summer visits. You say you prefer blondes. I am indifferent to haircolour. It seems we are simply searching for different things in a girl.
As I see it, noone is wrong here. Sometimes guys are just different and experience persons or situations in a different way. There should be room for different opinions in a liberal place like this forum, don't you think? I suggest we do not take ourselves so seriously and leave it there.
[QUOTE=Breadman]A statement like this really irks me. Its an open public board.[/QUOTE]As you say this is an open public forum... [b]BC[/b] is entitled to express exasperation if this is how he feels.
In fairness the place would be a lot less colorful without [b]BC[/b]'s reports.
Us guys stuck in the middle of the Atlantic get a lot of information on our favourite clubs/hookers from good 'ol [b]BC[/b].
Most others just talk a lot of hokum, at least he provides some useful info.
The guy visits the clubs two, three, sometimes four weekends a month and tends to know what he is talking about more than most.
Although I do know he heavily censors what he now says, thanks to some of the jokers who sometimes populate this space.
We earn the right to criticise others (including [b]BC[/b]) by providing better and more informative reports.
I can't say that I do. Can you? :D
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub]That's her. Very quiet and shy, does often sit on the small bench next to the entrance opposite the bar. She's from Eastern Germany - but probably born after the wall came down or max 1 or 2 years before. Nice set of natural tits.
HB[/QUOTE]I think she used her cannons to help with the wall.
[quote=basketcase]given the flak i get at times from members here i wonder even why i bother to report. i do my best to make it accurate so people can get a guide of what it takes, spend, and so forth and then i get writers making fun of my reports.[/quote]c'mon bc, man up a little. your lineup lists are great, info is always useful & accurate. but accurate stories like "35 stairs to the top platform of the station then another 29 steps to the first taxi waiting. the taxi driver is turkish with a beard & wearing a blue shirt. friendly, but smokes in the taxi & makes me cough. we drive by the lidl on the left as the wind blows in my face because i rolled down the window due to the smoke."
these stories are nice, but i think most of us only care about the names of the babes you sessioned with, gives bad service, gives an incredible bj,really hot looking or tall hot german blonde charging minimum 100e for a normal 30 minute session. "she does not work often & i did not session with her this trip, but since a senior member told me to......"
you mention the names of the babes that like to dance, you play grab ass with, drink coffee together, peel a banana, hold hands & etc. no big deal if you withhold the names, but some senior members might joke about it. the new tiles next to the womens locker room is interesting, but names is a little bit more useful.
keep reporting the lineup lists!
[QUOTE=Captain Dan]As you say this is an open public forum. [b]BC[/b] is entitled to express exasperation if this is how he feels.
In fairness the place would be a lot less colorful without [b]BC[/b]'s reports.
Us guys stuck in the middle of the Atlantic get a lot of information on our favourite clubs/hookers from good 'ol [b]BC[/b].
Most others just talk a lot of hokum, at least he provides some useful info.
The guy visits the clubs two, three, sometimes four weekends a month and tends to know what he is talking about more than most.
Although I do know he heavily censors what he now says, thanks to some of the jokers who sometimes populate this space.
We earn the right to criticise others (including [b]BC[/b]) by providing better and more informative reports.
I can't say that I do. Can you?[/QUOTE]It is BC's right to censor his reports, but he is not immune to some criticism just because he contributes more than others. I was a big reason why he stoped reporting for a while & I am happy he decided to post reports again.
The name of the Romanian gal who drinks her Fanta with too many ice cubes or the fantastic goal scored by Fernando Torres as he walked by the flat screen tv checking out some Polish chick is pretty useless for senior members who have been in this hobby for 5-10 yrs.
[QUOTE=Breadman] Its an open public board, get used to the fact that your not immune to negative comments.[/QUOTE]
This forum as discussed many times before is about sharing information on FKKs.
Negative comments on my information is welcome. I welcome Shark16's feedback but I wanted to say that from first hand experience it did not pan out the way he was describing the Oase summer party. Shark16 was not there and he had asked for reports.
What is not welcome is ridicule on one's style of writing which was written with the intention to inform particularly for newer members or readers. As you have said before - keep to the topic.
[QUOTE=Shark16] Dear BC,
Let me first of all assure you that I appreciate your reports and advice to this forum as much as anybody else. I am NOT making fun of your reports. If anything, I am trying to put some perspective on things when directions are onedimensional. This is a place for sharing experiences, right?
You are correct that my last report was a comment to your response to Samplerr, wherein you stressed the negatives about Automechanika. You are absolutely right in doing so, and I agree with just about everything you say. Still, my last report was just to focus on the positives about Automechanika, which was not mentioned by you. It's as simple as that. [/QUOTE]
I welcome your differing feed back on the FKK situation. Yes, this forum is about sharing experiences from the FKKs. It is when the feedback is personal that irks me so to speak and was a general comment.
The middle of the day in the club can be alright and yes the evenings during messe and particularly Automechanika can be a nightmare with all the mens. The girls spoken to about whether they will work automechanika did say it may be busy but 2009 was not a patch on 2008 for the car show. Some exhibitors stayed away or cut down their entourages. The feeling is it may be the same in 2010.
I welcome your differing feed back on the FKK situation. Yes, this forum is about sharing experiences from the FKKs. It is when the feedback is personal that irks me so to speak and was a general comment.
were you referring to #6367?
With the best will in the world I cannot detect anything personal or ridiculing in that post.... Don't think I've ever read anything remotely offensive in posts from Shark16. Or put it another way, I've read other posts in the past where your protests might have been much more understandable.... :-)
[QUOTE=Captain Dan]
We earn the right to criticise others (including [b]BC[/b]) by providing better and more informative reports.
I can't say that I do. Can you? :D[/QUOTE]
Didn't realize we were measuring here. Don't think we've met but im pretty sure I'll win.
What is not welcome is ridicule on one's style of writing which was written with the intention to inform particularly for newer members or readers. As you have said before - keep to the topic.[/QUOTE]
The way we write here is about the only way we have to judge someone. If your going to post about what time you ate and what time it came out then prepare yourself for ridicule.
Ohhh, and keeping to the topic...loved the talent at Oase. Lots of girls there.
[QUOTE=Breadman]Didn't realize we were measuring here. Don't think we've met but im pretty sure I'll win.[/QUOTE]Not sure what you're on about buddy.
What are you measuring.... your waistline? :D
Actually, save me the details... I don't really care.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]What is not welcome is ridicule on one's style of writing which was written with the intention to inform particularly for newer members or readers. As you have said before - keep to the topic.[/QUOTE]
I could be wrong BC but I think you are very detail oriented and the first and foremost reason you wrote these detailed reports is for your own future reference (as you mentioned before that you would like to be able to look back at these reports to relive your FKK experiences of yesteryear when you become too old and frail to sneak out of the nursing home for a FKK visit).
You're generous enough to share your detailed experiences with the board which many of us enjoyed and appreciated and we also realized that there is no obligation on your part.
Those who appreciated your style of writing tend to be members who only get to visit the clubs a handful of times a year or less - myself included - as your detailed descriptions of places and events helped some of us travel back in time to relive vividly our own experiences.
Those who disliked *some aspects* of your style of writing tend to be members who frequent the clubs as much or almost as much as you do and it is easy to see how they become impatient with what they perceived as not so useful information.
You may then reasonably suggest to them to not read your reports if they find them irritating to read. My guess is that they cannot NOT read your reports as they know very well that there are golden nuggets buried in your reports from time to time. Hence, the frustrations they are showing.
You could publish an abridged and an unabridged version of your reports to satisfy as many readers as possible but there will still be people who are not going to be happy no matter how you write them (didn't mean to criticize anyone but that's how we humans are). If I were you, I would just keep doing what I've been doing. After all, I've done the hard work and it's up to the readers to either enjoy the "trip", or be willing to invest some time to sift thru the reports to find the information they deem useful (however occassional or frequent), or to just move on to the next report if they're in a hurry.
Gentlemen, The board does have an ignore feature. If anyone finds BC's posts annoying and/or irrelevant you need never see them again using the feature. Or we can discuss endlessly the relevance of his posts thus cluttering up the thread and you can continue to feel annoyed if that is fun for you.
For me this is, as they say, a no brainer. I personally would feel sort of proud if I knew I made it onto someone's ignore list.
[QUOTE=Atooz]Those who appreciated your style of writing tend to be members who only get to visit the clubs a handful of times a year or less - myself included - as your detailed descriptions of places and events helped some of us travel back in time to relive vividly our own experiences.[/QUOTE]Or once in a lifetime, unfortunately!
[i]"People, I just want to say, you know, can we all get along? Can we get along? Can we stop making it, making it horrible for the older people and the kids?...It’s just not right. It’s not right." Rodney King[/i]
There is a bit of danger in making negative comments about other people's posts. If enough people get pissed off at each other in a segment of this board, then even the smallest things can deteriorate into excessive and extended bickering sessions with lots of personal insults. Useful info, if posted at all, then gets just buried under an avalanche of sniping. The Rio de Janeiro section is an example where this is happening regularly. I know lots of guys, who simply do not post there any more. Obviously, when this happens pretty much everybody loses.
If someone wants to take the time and post some information and leaves out the names of girls, but manages to give the general flair of the FKK experience, this is still very valuable info for lots of newbies who may not have had the nerve or opportunity to take the plunge into the "hobby". That's still useful.
[QUOTE=Atooz]I could be wrong BC but I think you are very detail oriented and the first and foremost reason you wrote these detailed reports is for your own future reference (as you mentioned before that you would like to be able to look back at these reports to relive your FKK experiences of yesteryear when you become too old and frail to sneak out of the nursing home for a FKK visit).
You're generous enough to share your detailed experiences with the board which many of us enjoyed and appreciated and we also realized that there is no obligation on your part.
Those who appreciated your style of writing tend to be members who only get to visit the clubs a handful of times a year or less - myself included - as your detailed descriptions of places and events helped some of us travel back in time to relive vividly our own experiences.
Those who disliked *some aspects* of your style of writing tend to be members who frequent the clubs as much or almost as much as you do and it is easy to see how they become impatient with what they perceived as not so useful information.
You may then reasonably suggest to them to not read your reports if they find them irritating to read. My guess is that they cannot NOT read your reports as they know very well that there are golden nuggets buried in your reports from time to time. Hence, the frustrations they are showing.
You could publish an abridged and an unabridged version of your reports to satisfy as many readers as possible but there will still be people who are not going to be happy no matter how you write them (didn't mean to criticize anyone but that's how we humans are). If I were you, I would just keep doing what I've been doing. After all, I've done the hard work and it's up to the readers to either enjoy the "trip", or be willing to invest some time to sift thru the reports to find the information they deem useful (however occassional or frequent), or to just move on to the next report if they're in a hurry.[/QUOTE]
Hi Atooz,
Those are wise words that you have written and ring true.
Indeed, you have recalled my full first trip report's opening reason apologising for its detail and subsequent reports' cause for detail. I write my trip reports as my own record of what I did and saw to be held against the day when I am too frail to fuck gorgeous girls. I do at times like to look at my old reports and recall the great times and experiences that I had. The good thing is that I continue to have more of those great times and experiences.
You are correct about the attention to detail since it is those aspects that remind me of the effort taken to get somewhere and to do things. Getting from one place to the another for me holds useful information. I mean even this week I am working out the logistics and timings of getting from Nord Rhein Westfalen to Hessen for my next trip and back again. My reports on how I did this last time was invaluable to me in giving me the timings and the most efficient way of doing it as far as my experience was concerned.
I also love to remember the times in the room with the girl and what I did with them and especially what she did to me. I like to remember the way she looked when she looked at me as she sucked my Schwanz and licked the head in a swirling motion over my glans. I like the remember the feeling of entering her muschi or the non feeling since my Schwanz has become worn out from too much fucking. Naming names was not a problem until recent times.
Sharing my personal trip reports here, which are written as a record, is a contribution for the great help that this forum provided me but also as an addition to the community of FKK goers.
You are quite correct that if a reader finds my reports or posts annoying or frustrating then they do not need to read it and can skip to the next post. There is no need to criticise the style of writing.
[QUOTE=Euro100][i]"People, I just want to say, you know, can we all get along? Can we get along? Can we stop making it, making it horrible for the older people and the kids?...It’s just not right. It’s not right." Rodney King[/i]
There is a bit of danger in making negative comments about other people's posts. If enough people get pissed off at each other in a segment of this board, then even the smallest things can deteriorate into excessive and extended bickering sessions with lots of personal insults. Useful info, if posted at all, then gets just buried under an avalanche of sniping. The Rio de Janeiro section is an example where this is happening regularly. I know lots of guys, who simply do not post there any more. Obviously, when this happens pretty much everybody loses.
If someone wants to take the time and post some information and leaves out the names of girls, but manages to give the general flair of the FKK experience, this is still very valuable info for lots of newbies who may not have had the nerve or opportunity to take the plunge into the "hobby". That's still useful.[/QUOTE]
This is exactly my view when it comes to forums such as this.
It is indeed dangerous when other peoples' posts are criticised or negative comments made. It can easily become tit for tat going backwards and forwards and all the content that people read this forum for becomes lost amongst the arguments. Then people become bored with it and leave. The forum loses its value except for those that enjoy the argument and controversy. This reasoning is why I do not usually rise to the baiting that I get from some writers.
In return, some people say to me that I am cowering by not responding to the jibes that I get. The reality is that they are not worth the effort. I also do not wish to start flame wars so I am not going to entertain their desire to start one. In my opinion, no one really wins a war.
Your take on the value of posts is the same view that I take. That is good.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]Angus Magee,
Quite right. Thank you for the reminder that readers can choose to read or not read posts. Yes, if a reader feels that strongly about my posts then they can just ignore them using the ignore feature.[/QUOTE]
Yes, but remember BC that there is an element on forums that would rather slag someone off than happily ignore. As I see it posting on a forum, especially if you post relevant info in a manner that is true to you, this element will often find it an easy target. It is not about growing a thick skin, it is seeing that such criticism says way more about the one doing the criticism than it does about the one he criticizes. Try not to take it personally.
You well know of my admiration for you & your posts. There are plenty here who feel the same way. It is not about the info you post, it is about you & your love of the hobby. That is how I see it anyway.
[quote=basketcase]angus magee,
quite right. thank you for the reminder that readers can choose to read or not read posts. yes, if a reader feels that strongly about my posts then they can just ignore them using the ignore feature.[/quote]
my dear (l)bc,
i've been away from the board for a few days, and in the midst of catching up on my "homework" reviewing the past few days posts, i see this stuff about somebody wanting to "ignore" your posts? rubbish! how could any sane person ever push the ignore button on you? i bet no one, even some of your (fringe-nut) critics (there are always extremists, though few and far between.) will push that button. everybody loves your posts --needs your posts-- even those who claim they don't care. they peek at those lists, too..
in case you don't know, you own the most beloved, respected, prolific posting record on this board. through your own steadfast dedication and almost bulldog tenacity to work that fkk scene until it works for you, you have risen to the top of the game and become a member of the circle of distinguished fkkers, kind of jedi council of sex addicts! bravo. to put it in extremely topical terms: you are the nadal of fkkers.
so don't sweat it too much. go your own way, do your thing!
if you have one weakness --even achilles had his heel-- it is that you are too sensitive to any negative comment. i know it too, many of us share this. for example, a few months ago, you reacted to some comment (which may not have been too clearly stated) from one guy (or max two) about your lists. so you over-reacted by not writing any lists, even though that is your forte. would the great nadal not use his most potent shot, inside-out topspin forehand down the line? never. finally you saw sense and rejected the "fringe nuts" and got back to the lists! yeah! nobody does it like you!
but if i could be allowed to take this into a new direction:
questions for bc, the list-meister:
you are reknowned for writing top-lists of girls in a given fkk club. if one were to ask you to write a list of all the girls you sessioned with in one given fkk club (say, oase), would you be able to produce such an accurate list?
how many different individual girls in oase do you reckon you've sessioned with since you began your illustrious career some three (or is it now four) years ago?
do you think you remember all of them? their names? would you be mentally capable of producing a fairly accurate list of their names? not that you would be obliged to publish such a list, of course...though my pm box does remain fairly empty these days...old mate...just wondering...
[quote=ortos]my dear (l)bc,
i've been away from the board for a few days, and in the midst of catching up on my "homework" reviewing the past few days posts, i see this stuff about somebody wanting to "ignore" your posts? rubbish! how could any sane person ever push the ignore button on you? i bet no one, even some of your (fringe-nut) critics (there are always extremists, though few and far between.) will push that button. everybody loves your posts --needs your posts-- even those who claim they don't care. they peek at those lists, too..
so don't sweat it too much. go your own way, do your thing! finally you saw sense and rejected the "fringe nuts" and got back to the lists! yeah! nobody does it like you!
questions for bc, the list-meister:
you are reknowned for writing top-lists of girls in a given fkk club. if one were to ask you to write a list of all the girls you sessioned with in one given fkk club (say, oase), would you be able to produce such an accurate list?
how many different individual girls in oase do you reckon you've sessioned with since you began your illustrious career some three (or is it now four) years ago?
do you think you remember all of them? their names? would you be mentally capable of producing a fairly accurate list of their names? not that you would be obliged to publish such a list, of course...though my pm box does remain fairly empty these days...old mate...just wondering...[/quote]
hi ortos,
thank you for your kind words. they are appreciated. yes, i should ignore the fringe nuts. they are not worth it and really do not interest me at all. thank you for the good advice.
as to your questions:
yes, i would be able to write a list and enumerate all the girls that i have had a session with at any particular club that i have been to since i started my fkk visiting career. it may take some time compiling the notes as they are in no particular order except by date and club name. i have notes from each visit that i have made since i started. in 2010, i have made 74 visits so far this calendar year to put some context to the magnitude of the task that you have asked.
i cannot even speculate right now how many different girls i have been with. also, i need to make sure that repeat sessions are not double counted. you do have me wondering. it may be a bit of fun.
[QUOTE=Angus Magee]Yes, but remember BC that there is an element on forums that would rather slag someone off than happily ignore. As I see it posting on a forum, especially if you post relevant info in a manner that is true to you, this element will often find it an easy target. It is not about growing a thick skin, it is seeing that such criticism says way more about the one doing the criticism than it does about the one he criticizes. Try not to take it personally.
You well know of my admiration for you & your posts. There are plenty here who feel the same way. It is not about the info you post, it is about you & your love of the hobby. That is how I see it anyway.[/QUOTE]
Angus Magee,
Thank you.
At times I feel you are looking at things through my eyes. It is true that I write the way I write because it is me writing. As you say it is a manner that is true to me. I do love this hobby and I do invest a fair amount of time into it. I just love fucking beautiful girls. I just like sex I guess.
Thank you for your comments and your advice.
Hey guys, back to topic. If you forgot: It's about girls and FKK clubs in Germany. ;)
Oase yesterday: Packed with about 60 girls around 2pm, I estimate 120 plus girls at 8pm. I could copy all the line-up-threads from BC, most of the girls where present. Some exceptions like Maria (Ro), Lia (Ro) and some others.
Until 9pm there were very few men, buyer's market, perfect. From 9pm people from Japan, India, Pakistan, Italy started to enter the club, when I left around 10pm the place was packed with girls and men.
So - if you can, visit Oase from morning/noon, get your program done by 9 pm and the leave if you feel uncomfortable.
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub]Oase yesterday: Packed with about 60 girls around 2pm, I estimate 120 plus girls at 8pm.[/QUOTE]Wow 120+ girls due to Automechanika Messe. Too bad I can't get any cheap flight to FRA this weekend.
Sunday at Oase
You may recall I posted last week just asking for advice on whether I should visit Oase or Palace.
For those who missed that, I had explained that I've been to Palace twice before and enjoyed every single minute of each visit, that having been said. I was intrigued as to whether or not Oase would be as good.
I only had 24 hours in Frankfurt and so was only going to visit one.
The previously reliable 'Palace', or a roll of the dice with the unknown 'Oase'?
My research on here indicated that Oase is good for outdoor facilities but with the weather having turned, I was unlikely to use any of the outdoor facilities, I'd decided on Palace.
I'd decided on Palace right up until I touched down on the runway at Frankfurt Int and the pilot reported:
"Welcome to Frankfurt International where the time is 12:00 and the temperature is a very pleasant 24 degrees"
Hang on a minute, where I come from (Scotland) 24 degrees is damned near tropical. Fuck it, why sit in a dimly lit 'Palace' all day when I could be sunbathing and having a dip in the outdoor pool.
I'd been working in England prior to my visit so had a suitcase from which I simply transferred some basic overnight stuff into my 'man bag' and left the suitcase in the airports storage facility.
Dice rolled, decision made, Next stop. Oase!
Again, research on this forum had taught me that I could get there by public transport but decided just to take a taxi. €50 later and we pulled through the gates of FKK Oase. Taxi driver paid, I approached reception where I explained that it was my first time at Oase and could they give me a brief rundown.
Pleasant lady in reception explained: "€65 entrance fee includes use of all facilities, all non-alcoholic drinks and food is complimentary and standard half hour service with a girl is €50, should I wish to cum in her mouth would be an extra €50 and anal sex is €150". She then added. "Good idea is to discuss exactly what you want before you start to be clear that the girl does what you want and you know how much"
"Fair Enough! ", I thought,. "Let's fucking do this shit"
As this was my first time at Oase, I'll write it as I experienced it (this way any readers who have yet to visit can get a clear idea of the layout.
With my locker key and towels, I left the small reception area through a door on the left and was immediately in a narrow thoroughfare adjacent to the bar. To my left (in-front of the bar) is a fairly large lounge area opening into another large lounge with a central island which has a dancing podium complete with pole and seats all the way around it. At no point throughout my stay did I see anyone dance though. In the far right corner of this second lounge area was an opening into the porn cinema. More on that later.
Still at the opening of the reception, I walked turned to the right alongside the bar and up about five steps before descending an entire floor into the locker room. My key told me I was locker 80 and after undressing, leaving my clothes in the locker downstairs, I then took my wallet back upstairs to deposit in a very small safety deposit box (also number 80, same key), I would return to this very box a number of times throughout the day, haha.
As you reach the top of the stairs (from the locker room), you can either walk straight (toward the bar, lounge and cinema) or left and into the spa area where there is a seating area with plasma tv. I was glad about this as the F1 Grand Prix was on during my stay as I'm a huge fan. Downstairs again from the upper seating / tv area is a sunken whirlpool / hot tub and massage room (actual massage), through the glass doors to the rear is access to the garden containing two saunas, steamroom and outdoor swimming pool.
After a couple of laps familiarising myself with the inside of the club, I set up camp by the swimming pool and lay down to sunbath. I had been fantasising that a girl would approach me by the pool immediately as I had just arrived, had sex on my mind and "my cock was fizzing in my towel like a wasp in a fucking jar", haha.
No such luck though, I took matters into my own hands (relax, not literally, haha), I walked back through the club and took a seat at the rear of the cinema.
Within seconds my first encounter would arrive and I am SO SORRY. I have forgotten her name, however I can tell you that she was Romanian, had fairly large teeth (almost prominent) cracking set of implants, dirty blonde / mousey brown hair and I later noticed that she had large, quite obvious freckles on her back. She sat in my lap and we kissed. Deep French kissing, she opened my towel and while sitting on the sofa next to me, leant over and started giving me a fantastic blowjob (no condom). All the time I was playing with her really quite spectacular ass and she was quite happy for me to insert my finger deep inside her pussy. After about ten minutes of oral / dfk / oral etc we went to a room. Inside the room she continued with the blowjob until it was clear I wanted to fuck. On with the condom, she climbed on top and started riding me, I sat upright so that our faces were inches apart with her legs wrapped tightly around me and we stayed like this until I lifted her up and lay her down on her back. We fucked mish for a while before I got her to turn into doggy style and I pounded away at her until I decided I would like for her to finish me with hand relief. I lay on my back and she took off the condom and got on top with her pussy lips resting on my balls she started to wank me off. Moving her hips back and forth making her pussy massage my balls. It wasn't long until I exploded in orgasm all over my own chest haha. She cleaned me up and we went out to the lockers where I paid her €50, we kissed and she left.
After showering I returned to the bar where food is available throughout the day, I had a boiled egg, two croissants and a glass of water. Now that my first fuck was out of the way, I was much more relaxed and returned to the outdoor swimming pool to continue working on my tan. All the while I was keeping lookout at all the beautiful, naked girls and making mental notes of who would 'get it' later, haha.
Each time I went outdoors. Up high and to my right was the 'hut on the hill' which was pretty much in use throughout the day, you could always catch a glimpse (while passing) of someone fucking or being sucked off etc.
Sometime later, I returned to the front lounge where earlier I had seen a tall, slim, brunette with a really cool jaw length hairstyle, small firm titties and the best ass I have ever seen. I made eye contact and she came over and sat beside me. Her name: 'Leigha'. (Lee-ah), Romanian. I asked her to come with me into the cinema where again, we kissed before she began sucking me off while I played with her pussy / ass. Ten minutes or so into this and we left for a bedroom. Inside she continued sucking my cock (no condom) until it was clearly fucky fucky time. On with the condom, she got on top and this is where it became really interesting. This was without doubt the best half hour of regular sex I have ever had. She is a master of seduction and teasing. With her feet flat on the bed she raised herself up and down on my cock while using both hands to massage my balls. The core strength this girl has is unbelievable and I have simply never felt so good during sex. I could have cum whenever she decided and she would take me close but then stop, she kept saying "I don't want you to cum. Not yet" She brought her face closer and whispered in my ear "I just want to fuck you". This was AWESOME. Later however we ended up in doggy style and finally with her lying flat on her front and me having entered her from behind, her ass cheeks tightly closed, my legs outside hers I fucked her until I came. HARD! Absolutely 10/10 and all for €50. Fantastic!
Another shower and some more water onboard, again, I returned to my sunbathing spot. It really was glorious on Sunday.
Later in the afternoon a few girls did approach me while I lay on a sunlounger between the main building and the outside bar, at this point however none had really turned me on enough. None that is until a tall, beautiful girl approached, golden skin, breast implants and light brown hair dyed with blonde highlights. Similar skin / hair colour to Rachel Stevens but with that typical, beautiful Eastern European (almost muscular) bone structure and piercing eyes. I liked the look of this one before she even opened her mouth revealing the most perfect white teeth. She came over and crouched down next to me as we chatted. Her name: 'Tessa'
After the obligatory "What's your name / Where do you come from", she asked. "Do you want to go do something with me? "
(At this point, anyone who was at Oase on Sunday will know who I am)
"can't we do something here" I asked
"Right here? " she laughed
"Yeah" I said smiling
So, on this sun-lounger, right by the pool and with all these guys around she lay down on top of me and we kissed, proper kissing. She is so fucking hot. She opens my towel and starts giving me an amazing blowjob (no condom). In my 29 years on this planet I've been fortunate to have had countless blowjobs both paid for and not but THIS. THIS was the best.
Her technique was incredible. Licking my shaft up and down, putting only the tip in her mouth and REALLY sucking, before taking the whole lot down in one incredible, wet, deepthroat movement. My cock now with a pulse of its own wanted to be inside her.
We left the poolside and returned to the main building to find a room, once inside, again she continued with this oral delight until it was time for sex. Her on top then me sitting upright, our faces close, her legs wrapped around me, my hands cupping her ass, playing with her asshole more deep French kissing. Eventually I came, in doggy style while she made all the right noises. Outstanding.
A coffee, glass of water and by this time it was after 6pm so the evening menu was available. Got to be said that the food is in a different league at Palace but really. Who fucking cares, haha.
Later into the evening something really strange happened, a bonus if you ask me but let me explain. As the evening shift of girls had by this time arrived it is exciting as you can see if any of the new girls are to your taste. There was a tiny little blonde, spinner type. Tiny. Must only have been 5'1 or 5'2 tiny little titties, great tiny little ass. Really sexy looking. 'Bianca' (Romanian).
We went to the cinema where we were kissing, I was fingering her, she playing with my cock. She took my dick in her mouth and she started sucking me, again. I contented myself playing with her ass, touching her asshole, fingering her pussy while this tiny little blonde went to work on my dick. After only a few minutes and with my cock absolutely rock hard, she stopped and asked me to wait "one moment", she left the cinema and I sat there fending off other approaching girls by politely explaining that I had agreed to session with someone already. She returned and apologised that her stomach was too sore and that our session was not possible.
(Not wanting to sound big headed here but I do have a bit of a weapon so to speak and she was fucking tiny, I can only guess that was the reason).
She didn't charge me and just disappeared. Was I annoyed? Not at all, I'd had great fun with this little thing sucking me off for a few minutes and the few minutes of kissing / touching beforehand.
Next (and last, well kind of) for the night was a girl I'd seen while on my way into the cinema with Bianca.
I thought that she was Indian, small, slim, really big (natural) tits for her frame, really attractive spakling, dark eyes and jet black shiny hair. Wearing a white lace skirt type thing (not sure what you'd call it, doesn't cover anything). We chatted, she was from Turkey (not India, haha) and sadly. I've again forgotten her name. I invited her into the cinema but she declined "I don't like cinema" she said, "let's go room". I wasn't going to bother at first but I thought "Fuck it".
We went through to a room and she was worth the punt. Not the best of the day but in no way was she bad. A great all rounder, she was beautiful looking, nice blowjob, tickling my asshole while sucking me off, my balls in her mouth etc. It really was VERY good but after 'Leigha' and then 'Tessa', any girl was going to have a hard act to follow. She sucked, we fucked, I came, I paid (€50), She left and that's about it really.
I got a taxi back to Frankfurt City Centre (€40) and checked into Angel Hotel. It's a bit of a shithole, maybe that's a bit unfair, it's. Basic! It's also only €40 per night and it's in the red light district opposite the train station where the following morning I would be getting the train back to the airport.
Went to a little Thai café (Thai Fun) had my first 'proper' meal of the day, had a walk aroung or rather up and down the red light district. Agreed on €40 to wank over a blonde girls tits, sleazy and good fun.
That gentleman is it, sorry it's been so long winded but it's been a while since someone posted a 'beginners guide' to 'Oase'. Besides, I've really enjoyed writing it.
Thanks for reading
Pompoy x
[QUOTE=Pompoy]I thought that she was Indian, small, slim, really big (natural) tits for her frame, really attractive spakling, dark eyes and jet black shiny hair. Wearing a white lace skirt type thing (not sure what you'd call it, doesn't cover anything). We chatted, she was from Turkey (not India, haha) and sadly. I've again forgotten her name. [/QUOTE]She's Alef (don't know the right spelling), and she's exactly as you described: "She sucked, we fucked, I came, I paid (€50), She left and that's about it really."
Hessen Bub
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub]Which Agnes? There's at least 2 or 3.[/QUOTE]
Hessen Bub,
This Agnes (pl) is the one that no longer works at Oase. The Agnes that has long dark brown / black hair to her mid back, natural D cups breasts, well tanned, brown eyes, full figure and the helium voice.
Great report, congrats, you had lots of fun at Oase.
Just a small correction anal is 100€ extra not 150€.
Yes in total 150€ for 30 min. with anal if that want you meant.
Oase last Wednesday
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub]Hey guys, back to topic. If you forgot: It's about girls and FKK clubs in Germany. ;)
Oase yesterday: Packed with about 60 girls around 2pm, I estimate 120 plus girls at 8pm. I could copy all the line-up-threads from BC, most of the girls where present. Some exceptions like Maria (Ro), Lia (Ro) and some others.
Until 9pm there were very few men, buyer's market, perfect. From 9pm people from Japan, India, Pakistan, Italy started to enter the club, when I left around 10pm the place was packed with girls and men.
So - if you can, visit Oase from morning/noon, get your program done by 9 pm and the leave if you feel uncomfortable.
HB[/QUOTE]After a nice day at Cleopatra Arena in Gelsenkirchen on Tuesday, I was also at Oase Wednesday (I saw you HB. But I stay discreet. LOL).
Arrived at 11. 30 am and left 3am, so spent 15 hours in the club with another "youppie" member.
As HB described well, after 10pm, "Automecanika" guys packed the club.
Waiting for the rooms till 2 am. After it became quieter.
Hungarian gang was very poor(Jenifer and her sister, Heidi. And that's all).
No Vivian, Yvette, Timea(she stopped), Kira, Guitta, Barbie, Lisa.
Same for Bulgarians. Izzy was there but the usual ones were not(no Jane, Anny and her gang, etc.
The Romanian legions were there in numbers, as usual.
Went with a girl I did in May at fkk World, when she was fresh from the train. Marina.
In June I had the surprise to found her at Oase, where she stood definitely.
She doesn't hang around with the other Romanians street/schoolgirls.
In August she changed her hair color, bought new silicon boobs in Romania,
And now she's back for some months at Oase.
Rather shy in the main area, she's sweet and hot in the "zimmer".
I found the girls very nervous, cause, despite the numbers of customers, not so much "fucking" for them. Saw several times Gaby the Thekefrau, coming in the main area, called by girls to treat customers problems. No good atmosphere.
I usually avoid big "Messe " periods at Oase. In the future, I will.
Yep, Lia is back to Oase. As I say, they ever come back. ;)
Regarding Agnes: I had several great 50 EUR sessions with her, 29 min, 35 min, 32 min - she never charged more than 50 EUR.
Great stuff Pompoy!!
A very nice report indeed. I for one like the long reports with lots of info and such. Haven't posted my long reports here in a while because the whole nagging back and forth about how your report should be and not be but now I think I'll just ignore those who dont like it and just write.
Is Verona or Steffi working these days in OASE?
back for another visit to Oase
After almost two years since last visiting Oase I will be back in GE, but unfortunately arriving in Munich from 10-20 Oct.
My favorite remains Oase. In the many trips in almost 10 yrs I only had one bad experience there.
Any advice when I should make the trip (by car) from Bavaria? I probably will try to drive to FRA twice over that period.
Like last time I will try meet some of you and offer rides back to the hotel or train station before Oase closes.
Too bad there's not a bulletin board on the premises and help with rides if needed.
Hope the weather still holds up. And the selection is great!
See you.
Stefi and Verona
[QUOTE=Stopper1]Is Verona or Steffi working these days in OASE?[/QUOTE]They were both working last Wednesday.
My suggestion is that those who don't want to post a girl's name should make reports in the general section. This forum is for the exchange of usable information. If you want to make reports for the purpose of creating a historical log for yourself, then the general section is more appropriate. That way newbies don't have to wade through a bunch of reports to get the critical information.
[QUOTE=Akibono]My suggestion is that those who don't want to post a girl's name should make reports in the general section. This forum is for the exchange of usable information. If you want to make reports for the purpose of creating a historical log for yourself, then the general section is more appropriate. That way newbies don't have to wade through a bunch of reports to get the critical information.[/QUOTE]
That is a good idea. Or it is better to open own site? Or to publish a memoir.
Thanks for reading
Pompoy x[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the excellent post. You really made a day of it mate. Good for you. Excellent.
Yes, I'll echo Beffen1's comment. Great report. I read every entertaining word. Everyone gains: the girls you mention, all the readers here, and you yourself of course, as it cements for you what was a great day obviously.
Pity you couldn't remember the one name. Tip from me: always try to mention the girl's name at least once in conversation with her. Kind of gets it to stick. And I always note down all the days "kills" as soon as I've left the club.
Hope you have many more memorable club days.
As I was doing the rounds I stopped in the dining area where the whirl pool is with a glass of still water. I had a view of the hall to the upstairs shower and to the girls’ locker room.
So where is the Girls Locker Room, can we see it?
I once asked Luisa(Spain) about this and she looked at me like I was a pervert and didn't tell me. You can see it on the monitors in the reception. But I really want to see it for real, and maybe hop in and take a shower with them which would be one of my ultimate fantasies.
Back in the homeland after today's visit to Oase. I sessioned with three girls although one session was aborted midway by me. First I went with Annabelle(de) which was good. I decided to take a chance on tiny Amanda who said she was from Italy but I think it's Romania. It was a horrible session and I decided to not waste more energy on that. Shortly afterwards however I met someone else that I had been looking for and that was a much better session but even there I could see that I wasn't performing too well so I will not completely blame Amanda for the horrible session.
I also met a member of the ISG for the first time and it was very nice talking to you.
I would like to provide a list of the available girls but only seven hours after I left the club I have forgotten half of the few names I knew. I was told there were 125 girls on Friday night and way too many men. On Saturday more men arrived by the hour and the balance was slowly shifting towards a shortage of girls.
A notable absentee(at least afaik) was Lucia of Romania.
[QUOTE=Blourghus]So where is the Girls Locker Room, can we see it? [/QUOTE]
What do you think? The anwser is NO. If you have been in Oase, you know where the girls enter and also know where the girls leave their lockerroom.
[QUOTE=Blourghus]So where is the Girls Locker Room, can we see it?
Try to enter it and a nice 7 foot bold tattoed guy will escort you to the exit. :D Could be fun to watch.
Sometimes the door to the girl's locker room is open and you can catch a glimpse. Believe me, seeing some of the girls without make-up will make you run. ;)
I showered with girls in ParkSauna Wildenrath. Long time back though.
[QUOTE=Blourghus]So where is the Girls Locker Room, can we see it?
I once asked Luisa(Spain) about this and she looked at me like I was a pervert and didn't tell me. You can see it on the monitors in the reception. But I really want to see it for real, and maybe hop in and take a shower with them which would be one of my ultimate fantasies.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Linga]I showered with girls in ParkSauna Wildenrath. Long time back though.[/QUOTE]I showered with girls at GT and Samya and VV (in the rooms upstairs).
[QUOTE=Blourghus]But I really want to see it for real, and maybe hop in and take a shower with them which would be one of my ultimate fantasies.[/QUOTE]
I showered with girls in ParkSauna Wildenrath. Long time back though.
Samya has side-by-side glass shower stalls shared by SWs and men, at least that's how it was a couple years ago when I last visited. The glass partition separating you and your temptation makes it more erotic IMO than being in a communal shower.
FKK-World's locker room is shared by both men and SWs. You can be changing inches away from your dream girl.
Let's be careful here.
[QUOTE=Akibono]My suggestion is that those who don't want to post a girl's name should make reports in the general section. This forum is for the exchange of usable information. If you want to make reports for the purpose of creating a historical log for yourself, then the general section is more appropriate. That way newbies don't have to wade through a bunch of reports to get the critical information.[/QUOTE]
Before we even seriously consider this suggestion, we need to define what "critical information" is as it can be quite subjective. You can define a set of criteria but then again who determines the criteria. Even if we all magically manage to agree to some standards of what belongs to the regular threads and what belongs to the General Information thread, it is impossible to enforce. (I hope this point is pretty self explanatory - after all many still do not WTFF, it is virtually hopeless to expect everyone to read, understand, interpret and follow some which-writing-style-belongs-to-which-thread rules correctly.).
It is also impractical. If you look thru the various threads, it is not difficult to see a majority of the reports do not contain valuable information for newbies or senior members (my subjective opinion of course) in terms of helping them to prepare or plan their FKK trips or enhancing their FKK experiences. And that includes this post, your post, all of the other bitching contest posts and posts that contain mostly chit chats. Nontheless, besides the bitching contest posts, most of the other posts add values to this forum one way or another. At the minimum, they make the forum lively and interesting and encourage interaction between members.
IMHO, a far more practical idea is to start a new thread for the more cut-n-dried "useful" information such as directions, transportation options, entry and session prices, lists of WGs present, physical descriptions and personalities of WGs, etc., and may be a separate thread for complaint and rip-off reports, etc.
[QUOTE=West By Sun]Ok fine you must be a brave white knight(or captain?) well adapted to the anglo saxon concept, defending Queen Elizabeth court, but I would humbly recall you that you are missing the point. I don't bring up the style. I don't expect any Twain, Fitzgerald, Falkner, Coetzee, Kafka, Dostoevsky, Sade, Proust,, Tanizaki nor Kundera.
I remember that only once I reported a short rip off report here, and at the time I didn't reveal her name, I described only her features(claiming to be a lebanese but in fact a Romanian with huge tits etc) because it seemed other people do not have problem with her and because she was a Palace regular so frequent visitor can know which girls I was referring to. And then finally I confessed her name Aisha, responding to BC's recall " Who is the WBS's girl? " to show respect to BC.
Ok I criticize nothing and no one. I would surrender and follow the so-called american or british double standard rule.
WBS[/QUOTE]Names do help, I was "processed" by Aisha/Anisha last November and there is I reported it on the Palace forum. It was my first time in a FKK and I went in armed in my brain with a list of girls to avoid which I had gathered from this board. Aisha/Anisha was not negatively reported at that point so I succumbed and she was unfortunately my first FKK session.
Everyone has a choice what they post here. Obviously the more detailed and accurate information is the better it is for everyone.
Samya's Showers
[QUOTE=Atooz]Samya has side-by-side glass shower stalls shared by SWs and men, at least that's how it was a couple years ago when I last visited. [/QUOTE]
They still have those side by side stalls, but last year, during the renovation of the downstairs area they added a new communal shower room across from those stalls which is shared by the customers and SP.
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub] Oase yesterday: Packed with about 60 girls around 2pm, I estimate 120 plus girls at 8pm. I could copy all the line-up-threads from BC, most of the girls where present. Some exceptions like Maria (Ro), Lia (Ro) and some others.
Until 9pm there were very few men, buyer's market, perfect. From 9pm people from Japan, India, Pakistan, Italy started to enter the club, when I left around 10pm the place was packed with girls and men. [/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Basketcase]So you are telling me that I am going to have a hard time listing them all with a description? LOL.
It is the united nations of penis at Oase it seems from your report. These girls will have a penis from every continent in them by the end of the week. LOL.[/QUOTE]
Hessen Bub
I put it to the test and got close to the number that you quote in terms of names to girls. So many new girls. You just stay in one place and girls come introduce themselves to you and all you do is recall the name when they say who they are. Easy as that.
It was difficult to make a list as there was so much mens in the way. Mens were everywhere. Peoples were fucking all over the place. Especially the cinema and also in the garden and in the hallways. It was like a NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC. The animal kingdom where mens were getting their Schwanz sucked in line waiting for room and girls getting their asshole fucked by mens for enjoyment and entertainment of the viewers.
So much mens. It was catastrophe!! Waits for rooms were 1 hour. I just book girls for hours at a time in a room and just wait it out.
[QUOTE=Stopper1]Is Verona or Steffi working these days in OASE?[/QUOTE]
Verona is still working. She is still as blond as ever. Some say she has added some kilos. She was spotted in the past weekend.
Steffi has also gained some kilos in getting enhanced breasts. She is still wispy blond. She was spotted in the past weekend.
[QUOTE=Ararat] I sessioned with three girls although one session was aborted midway by me.
First I went with Annabelle(de) which was good.
I decided to take a chance on tiny Amanda who said she was from Italy but I think it's Romania. It was a horrible session and I decided to not waste more energy on that.
Shortly afterwards however I met someone else that I had been looking for and that was a much better session but even there I could see that I wasn't performing too well so I will not completely blame Amanda for the horrible session.
I was told there were 125 girls on Friday night and way too many men. On Saturday more men arrived by the hour and the balance was slowly shifting towards a shortage of girls.
A notable absentee(at least afaik) was Lucia of Romania.[/QUOTE]
Annabelle (de) is a nice one. Very friendly girl. We always stop to chat.
Amanda (ro) is indeed Romanian and not Italian. It is so funny when distinctly Romanian girls tell customers that they are Italian and the guys just believe it or just do not say anything in Italian.
I am glad your third session was much better.
You would not be wrong that Oase had 125 girls on Friday. It was packed at 5pm and just got even worse. Guys were wandering around in their street clothes and not changing into towels or robes.
Lucia (ro) was working that weekend.
Actually only some new girls approach me. Who knows why.
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub]Actually only some new girls approach me. Who knows why. [/QUOTE]
Something else is to sit with the girls and get the ones that you know to tell you who the new ones are. Problem is there are so many Romanians that the veteran Romanians do not know who they are either. LOL.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]Something else is to sit with the girls and get the ones that you know to tell you who the new ones are. Problem is there are so many Romanians that the veteran Romanians do not know who they are either. LOL.[/QUOTE]Or many the veteran wont tell, cuz they fear competition.
Automechanika Messe 2010
1. Adelina (ro) friendly and always smiley
2. Adriana / Linda (cz)
3. Agnes (pl) black haired, full body
4. Agnieszka (pl) tall, slim, small breasted
5. Aida (ro) blond from FKK World
6. Aida (ro) small bust Blond the original one
7. Alex (hu) Blond
8. Alexandra (ro) Blond
9. Alexandra (ro) black
10. Alexandra (bg) black with blue livery and hygiene issues
11. Alicia (pl) fun to talk to, appreciates the little things now I know her better
12. Alina (ro)
13. Amanda (ro) tiny
14. Ambra / Rafaella (ro) recalling an affectionate moment at the bar with sweet hugs and kisses after some light touches. It was 01:00, so it was late. She may have been exhausted. It got emotional. Ambra excused herself and dashed off.
15. Rebecca Ramona (ro) B
16. Angie (ro) so cute, always in a denim skirt
17. Annabelle (de)
18. Anya (pl) tall bust Blond
19. Anya (ro) black hair
20. Barbie (hu)
21. Bianca (ro) little B NEW cute
22. Bianca (ro) tiny light brown
23. Cassandra (ro) slim, black hair, friendly now, spent ages with her
24. Claudia (Bg) blue cloth slim dark
25. Claudia (br) blond tanned, big breasted
26. Claudia (ro) Helen Bonham Carter look, relaxed
27. Crystal (ro) light brown friend slim gorgeously pretty NEW and new to the job. Friends with Sheila (ro)
28. Desi (mk) affectionate
29. Diana (?) Black
30. Emmanuelle (Guadeloupe)
31. Francesca (ro) blond, nice body, wears denim skirt, you must be firm with her when booking her
32. Gabriella (vz)
33. Guita (hu) black hair
34. Hanna (cz) blond
35. Heidi (hu) light brown hair
36. Iliana (ru) big Blond
37. Ingrid (ro)
38. Izzy (bg) black hair, tattoos
39. Jasmine (hu)
40. Jelena (ro)
41. Jennifer (hu)
42. Joanna (ro) NEW light brown average build
43. Johanna (de)
44. Judith (hu) very slim,
45. Julia (pl)
46. Karina (ro) blond, big breasts on a small girl
47. Katerina (ru) glasses flower tattoo, recommended
48. Katyusha (de)
49. Kim (Thai) slim
50. Kira (hu)
51. Lana (de)
52. Laura (lv) blond
53. Laurie (ro) gypsy
54. Lena (sk)
55. Lennie (DR)
56. Lia (ro) so sexy, beautiful ass.
57. Lila (pl) nice one
58. Linda (gr)
59. Lucia (ro)
60. Luisa (es)
61. Lynn (de) excellent blowjob
62. Madelena (ro)
63. Magda (ro) small, boof hair style. Magda can be confused with Lulu (ro) who has similar hairstyle but is more auburn. Lulu (ro) is back in Romania right now.
64. Maggie (bg)
65. Manuella (it)
66. Maria (ro) fun to banter with
67. Marina (ro)
68. Melissa (ro)
69. Mia (rs)
70. Michelle (ch)
71. Neela (de)
72. Nina (de)
73. Patricia (ro) put on a little weight. Worked at Globe for a short time.
74. Riccarda / Ricky (de)
75. Roberta (ro)
76. Sandra (ro) black hair
77. Sheila (ro) black hair, so cute
78. Sonia (ro) now Blond from black haired
79. Steffi (ru) blond
80. Stephania (co)
81. Sunny (de)
82. Vanessa (rs)
83. Verona (rs)
84. Victoria (pl)
85. Vivian (hu) blond
86. Yasmine (rs)
87. Yvette (hu) big boobed Blond, Chinese lettering tattoos
88. Yvonne (sk) big breasted, long auburn
89. ? (?) Auburn, fright
90. ? (?) Blond, MILF
91. ? (?) Exotic Blond, petite, dark eyes, pretty
92. ? (?) Mature dark hair short plump
93. ? (?) Mature light hair short plump
94. ? (?) mature, dark hair, full body
95. ? (?) mature, dark hair, petite
96. ? (?) mature, light hair
97. ? (?) Pretty red head, day shift
98. ? (?) Tall plain Blond with white hand bag
99. ? (?) Tall slim Blond with gold chain NEW
100. ? (?) Tall slim Brown
101. ? (?)Tall slim B NEW
102. ? (br) Claudia's (br) friend, Blond, MILFy look
103. ? (hu) Blond large
104. ? (hu) Jennifer little sister, dark hair
105. ? (hu) Platinum Blond
106. ? (pl) Anya's friend Blond
107. ? (pl) Polish Blond
108. ? (ro) Gypsy slim gold chain wearing friend of Bianca NEW plus story no pay
109. ? (Ro) New. Sunday, bust blond in bustier Ro. Horse looks.
110. ? (ro) Persistent dark brown full shape
111. ? (Ro) Tall B horsey looker with flower in her hair
112. ? (rs) Older light rs friend of Yasmine
There were many other girls that I could not recall or had difficulty in describing except small, dark and slim - probably one of the untold number of Romanians.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]FKK OASE
1. Adelina (ro) friendly and always smiley
2. Adriana / Linda (cz)
3. Agnes (pl) black haired, full body
111. ? (Ro) Tall B horsey looker with flower in her hair
112. ? (rs) Older light rs friend of Yasmine[/QUOTE]Many thanks Basketcase
Impressive, close to 120+ but not quite there yet. I'm just kidding, you have a brilliant memory.
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub]Actually only some new girls approach me. Who knows why.
Could it be because you are tall, dark, and handsome? Maybe you pay well...
[quote=john moore]i for one like the long reports with lots of info and such. haven't posted my long reports here in a while because the whole nagging back and forth about how your report should be and not be but now i think i'll just ignore those who dont like it and just write. [/quote]
john moore,
just write your reports please.
as captain dan says reports are the life blood of the community here. no one report will fulfil the exact standards of every reader here. we are all different so we have to accept these perceived flaws. we have to accept the intolerant voices as well as the accepting voices. i think most of the readers here come from western democratic countries with free speech and open society so you would have thought that the people here realise that.
i enjoyed reading pompoy's report too. it reminded me of my first visit to oase. nowadays, my oase visits are not as exciting as my first visit but they still engender a lot of planning, anticipation and expectation of what is to be.
i know of some german fuckers who say sometimes they cannot sleep the night before their visit since they are so excited to be going and these guys are regular visitors too not the ocassional visitor.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]John Moore,
Just write your reports please.
As Captain Dan says reports are the life blood of the community here. [/QUOTE]
I don't know what Captain Dan would say, but I for one advocate: Go with your first instinct. If you feel (or ever felt) like writing a report after a special FKK visit, but then have second thoughts because some "fellow members of the board" might not like it, you know what: Fuck them, and go with your first instict. Write the sucker the way you want; tell it from the heart, or even go further south...
But I also feel strongly: A report without specific names and descriptions is like Blood that ain't Red...At least tell us her Name, Hair Colour, General Physical Attributes, and correct nationality, for God's sake.
Sorry this is just my opinion. As an academic I lean towards precise data flow: If you're gonna write and post a report, at least be proud of your effort, and adhere to a sense of high standard. Give the reader the essential, basic data and allow the reader to get the full amount from your report. If you're gonna squeeze a lemon, get all the juice out of the fruit, at least....right?
[QUOTE=Nille Copenhagen]Many thanks Basketcase
Impressive, close to 120+ but not quite there yet. I'm just kidding, you have a brilliant memory.
Forgot to add that Shanna, Sherin/Shareen and Jenny (de). So three more to get to 115 which is a bit closer to the 125 claimed.
Given you impressive list - I am really tempted to do a de-tour from Dusseldorf down to Oase on Saturday 2nd Oct (as it's a German Public Holiday on the 3rd - will the line-up be as extensive?)
[QUOTE=Basketcase]Forgot to add that Shanna, Sherin/Shareen and Jenny (de). So three more to get to 115 which is a bit closer to the 125 claimed.[/QUOTE]
Oase Report
arrived oase early afternoon, monday, weather was sunny so it was outdoor, time perhaps 20/25 or so providers(note to bc) most of whom i did not recognize. caught a nap in the sun. watching for a few of my favorites. am not a big fan of women covered with alot of tatoos (but hey, to each his own) and indeed there were a fair number of painted ladies. but then who should arrive but adrianna/linda and that is all that needs to be said for the rest of the oase visit. (2 sessions)
tuesday, hot and sunny, so as usual, train to friedrichsdorf and cab. knew that cabdrivers got a bonus from oase but learned today that they get 10 e for dropping off customers. keep this in mind, folks, when deciding whether to tip the cabbie. (and as cabbie said, i get a chance to go in and have a free peek)
just a beautiful day, after catching some sun and a late lunch, starting looking around, after checking my crib notes, from this forum.
(the amount of quality sessions, time and money saved as a result of information gathered from this fine forum, has for me, truly enlighted the whole experience, so thanks to all who post details)
i saw a number of providers from my checklist and was about to make a decisions but then ran into tessa (de) who pompoy had so'eloquently described his outing with, in his recent report. (blonde-brownish hair, medium perky tits, great smile, from hamburg), her english was so so. about as good as my german. but not to worry.
had to wait for one of the mirrored rooms. so she we could do it right on the sofa. she got started and this gal, as per pompoy. has some oral techniques that were new to me. (see his recent report for further details). this is in the top 3 or 4 for oral, imbook. i had to stop her once botherwise it was going to be a short session. sex was superb as well. a real find,, i do not recall seeing tessa on the bc list. so a tip of the hat to pompoy.
dinner was better than usual. some lasagna, chicken cordon blue type of thing, wild rice, veg.
the usual steam, sauna, shower treatment to get back into shape.. sun had gone down. looked around some more, perhaps up to 40 providers and about as many men. but decided to go back to tessa for seconds for some of her spectacular oral.
i must mention that the oase locker rooms odor/hygiene problems werenot present, either day and that an attendant is there, regularly. cleaning, picking up towels. etc. (nów if mgt could only arrange to change the bed sheets more often.)
supposed to be sunny tommorrow, had thought of checking out mainhattan but a fellow at oase today said not to botherm, not to waste my time. so suspect it will be all aboard the train to friedrichsdorf again.
[QUOTE=Simex]Given you impressive list - I am really tempted to do a de-tour from Dusseldorf down to Oase on Saturday 2nd Oct (as it's a German Public Holiday on the 3rd - will the line-up be as extensive?)[/QUOTE]
I hate to raise your hopes but you will not get so many hookers working at Oase at any other time of the year than at Automechanika Messe time which is every two years. I find that the clubs are not that well attended by mens at vacations time since the mens go away or spend times with their families.
In saying that though the buchmesse is on in the week 5-9 October so you may be in luck if you go weekend of 9-10 October. Similar to the Musikmesse in February the girls say that the Buchmesse guests are odd. Automechanika messe guests are just there for a fuck. The buchmesse and musikmesse guests seem to want something more. Maybe it is the academic aspect of the delegates.
The Amerikaners have Columbus Day on 11 October so expect a few of them to be over in DE to do their fucking taking advantage of the long weekend. For example the long weekend of 6 September was Labor day for the Amerikaners. The club was packed with Amerikaners - they stood out, especially wearing robes, and not towels.
You will be expecting the regular line up at Oase in October you are going. More than the summer period but less than the messe periods. I would say the number will be on par with the turnout at Golden Time. A bit more than World, Palace or Artemis in number as well.
[QUOTE=Ortos]I don't know what Captain Dan would say[/QUOTE]
[b]Captain Dan[/b] says... Lets continue this discussion in the [b][color=green]General Info[/color] section[/b] of this forum, and not clutter up the [b]FKK Oase[/b] thread :)
Hi Strato,
[QUOTE=Strato] Arrived Oase early afternoon, Monday, weather was sunny so it was outdoor, time perhaps 20/25 or so providers(note to BC) most of whom I did not recognize. [/QUOTE]
I am not sure what date was your Monday that you went to Oase - whether it was 20 September or maybe 13 September. If you say it was 20 September then I am very interested in knowing that by early afternoon there were only 20-25 hookers in situ compared to the day before at the end of the messe when there was say 60 in afternoon increasing to over 100 by evening. Last day of the messe it was like 5 girls to one guy and stayed like that all day and late into the night. The lounge and kino had 3 to 4 girls sitting on each couch waiting for men to turn up. Girls just waiting and smoking, drinking red bull and complaining. Many girls left early.
[QUOTE=Strato] ... train to Friedrichsdorf and cab. Knew that Cabdrivers got a bonus from OASE but learned today that they get 10 E for dropping off customers. Keep this in mind, folks, when deciding whether to tip the cabbie.[/QUOTE]
Yes, the cab drivers receive a 10€ commission for dropping passengers off at Oase regardless that the cab driver induced the passenger to come to Oase or not. So if you take a cab from the airport or from the main train station the cab driver gets say 35-45 € for the ride and then another 10€ commission on top making 45-55€. That is a good gig for a drive that is like 15-18 minutes.
[QUOTE=Strato](the amount of quality sessions, time and money saved as a result of information gathered from this fine forum, has for me, truly enlighted the whole experience, so thanks to all who post details)[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Strato]I saw a number of providers from my checklist and was about to make a decisions but then ran into Tessa (de) who Pompoy had so'eloquently described his outing with, in his recent report. (Blonde-Brownish hair, medium perky tits, great smile, from Hamburg), her english was so so. About as good as my german.
Sex was superb as well. A real find,, I do not recall seeing Tessa on the BC list. So a tip of the hat to Pompoy.[/QUOTE]
Now that you remind me - yes Tessa (de) was there during automechanika. I even chatted to her a few times since she is such a sweetie. Now the list for automechanika 2010 is 116 girls named or described. There are bound to be more but it is hard remembering all the names a few days after the visit when I write the list.
I know some other guys have not rated Tessa's technique so it is interesting to know your take on her service. Well done.
[QUOTE=Strato]Looked around some more, perhaps up to 40 providers and about as many men. But decided to go back to Tessa for seconds for some of her spectacular oral.[/QUOTE]
So by Tuesday the 20-25 from Monday had become 40 hookers in situ. This gives an idea how the waves and tides at Oase can change from day to day. You can expect numbers to build up again as the weekend nears.
[QUOTE=Strato]Supposed to be sunny tommorrow, had thought of checking out Mainhattan but a fellow at Oase today said not to botherm, not to waste my time. So suspect it will be all aboard the train to Friedrichsdorf again.
You are becoming an Oase regular. Look forward to the report.
Oase Update
I was at Oase 20 sept and 21, and yes, Messe was over, from your description, some of providers may have needed a rest.
. My count of 20/25 may be off but only by a few. I usually tend to arrive at Oase early and leave relatively early so counts may have improved after 21:00, but I dobt
Will return to Oase today as weather here is sunny and hot, In such weather, I find the outside area, very conducive to relaxation and so long as a a few of my regulars show up, that will work for me.
In cold weather, most any club will work, so along as at least one regular is there.
Lady at desk told that at Swiss miss Michelle is due back today.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]Hi Strato,
I am not sure what date was your Monday that you went to Oase - whether it was 20 September or maybe 13 September. If you say it was 20 September then I am very interested in knowing that by early afternoon there were only 20-25 hookers in situ compared to the day before at the end of the messe when there was say 60 in afternoon increasing to over 100 by evening. Last day of the messe it was like 5 girls to one guy and stayed like that all day and late into the night. The lounge and kino had 3 to 4 girls sitting on each couch waiting for men to turn up. Girls just waiting and smoking, drinking red bull and complaining. Many girls left early.
Yes, the cab drivers receive a 10€ commission for dropping passengers off at Oase regardless that the cab driver induced the passenger to come to Oase or not. So if you take a cab from the airport or from the main train station the cab driver gets say 35-45 € for the ride and then another 10€ commission on top making 45-55€. That is a good gig for a drive that is like 15-18 minutes.
Now that you remind me - yes Tessa (de) was there during automechanika. I even chatted to her a few times since she is such a sweetie. Now the list for automechanika 2010 is 116 girls named or described. There are bound to be more but it is hard remembering all the names a few days after the visit when I write the list.
I know some other guys have not rated Tessa's technique so it is interesting to know your take on her service. Well done.
So by Tuesday the 20-25 from Monday had become 40 hookers in situ. This gives an idea how the waves and tides at Oase can change from day to day. You can expect numbers to build up again as the weekend nears.
You are becoming an Oase regular. Look forward to the report.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Basketcase]FKK OASE
5. Aida (ro) blond from FKK World
6. Aida (ro) small bust Blond the original one
11. Alicia (pl) fun to talk to, appreciates the little things now I know her better
14. Ambra / Rafaella (ro) recalling an affectionate moment at the bar with sweet hugs and kisses after some light touches. It was 01:00, so it was late. She may have been exhausted. It got emotional. Ambra excused herself and dashed off.
15. Rebecca Ramona (ro) B
16. Angie (ro) so cute, always in a denim skirt
28. Desi (mk) affectionate
34. Hanna (cz) blond
41. Jennifer (hu)
45. Julia (pl)
46. Karina (ro) blond, big breasts on a small girl
51. Lana (de)
52. Laura (lv) blond
54. Lena (sk)
56. Lia (ro) so sexy, beautiful ass.
57. Lila (pl) nice one
74. Riccarda / Ricky (de)
76. Sandra (ro) black hair
77. Sheila (ro) black hair, so cute
79. Steffi (ru) blond
81. Sunny (de)
83. Verona (rs)
84. Victoria (pl)
88. Yvonne (sk) big breasted, long auburn[/QUOTE]I thought I would have some fun and see how many of the girls on Basketcase's recent list that I have previously fucked. In the quote I have isolated the ones that I know that I have fucked. My report would be that I have enjoyed everyone of them. I have come with all of them. Some I have repeated more than others and some have been just one offs.
It seems of the maybe 116 girls named that I have stuck my penis in 24 of them. That is only a 20% hit rate. I think I need to do better and bang some more birds to increase the coverage.
I am making my way to Oase this weekend for some more fun.
Le Cordon Bleu
[QUOTE=Strato]Dinner was better than usual. Some lasagna, Chicken Cordon Blue type of thing, wild rice, veg.[/QUOTE]Great report Strato. Someone compared the food @ Oase with Le Cordon Bleu! Priceless!
To Report or Not to Report
[QUOTE=John Moore]I for one like the long reports with lots of info and such. Haven't posted my long reports here in a while because the whole nagging back and forth about how your report should be and not be but now I think I'll just ignore those who dont like it and just write.
Cheers/John[/QUOTE]Dude, man up & just write your reports. Don't take this board too seriously. Not sure about others, but I was just having some fun with BC. Just because some of us made some comments about BC's current writing style is not the end of the world.
Why post something like this unless you need a hug from a senior member. "Yes, please post this is the lifeblood of this board." "These posts really boost my self esteem & etc." You do not need to receive approval from anyone. Either post your reports or don't.
Enjoyed Oase again even though it was jam packed at the evenings. As always great hanging out with the other members of the board, and of course the German guy you never miss on the weekend. Also nice meeting a fellow countryman which is something I don’t do very often at Oase.
The messe line-up has been well described so not much to add to that one, several new girls. Simona (ro) was missing though, on vacation.
Anyway, new experiences for me were Izzy (bu), dark haired, hot, lots of tattoo and Claudia (ro), tiny, dark curly hair. Both were sweet girls that provided good services and I would repeat.
Lia was observed and is someone I will session with in the future.
[QUOTE=Strato]I saw a number of providers from my checklist and was about to make a decisions but then ran into Tessa (de) who Pompoy had so'eloquently described his outing with, in his recent report. (Blonde-Brownish hair, medium perky tits, great smile, from Hamburg), her english was so so. About as good as my german. But not to worry.
Had to wait for one of the mirrored rooms. So she we could do it right on the sofa. She got started and this gal, as per Pompoy. Has some oral techniques that were new to me. (see his recent report for further details). This is in the Top 3 or 4 for oral, IMBook. I had to stop her once botherwise it was going to be a short session. Sex was superb as well. A real find,, I do not recall seeing Tessa on the BC list. So a tip of the hat to Pompoy.
Strato[/QUOTE]Hey Strato,
Cool that you had a good time with Tessa, my experience with her was so-so when she was new, also noticed her process a guy really quickly in the Kino last week which put me off. But she sure does look good, maybe I have to give it a second try :)
[QUOTE=Qubei]Anyway, new experiences for me were Izzy (bu), dark haired, hot, lots of tattoo and Claudia (ro), tiny, dark curly hair. Both were sweet girls that provided good services and I would repeat[/quote]I saw Izzy on the 19 Sep. (Saturday) but couldn't connect with her except as I was leaving. When I returned on Tuesday (21 Sep) she wasn't there. I will try her on another day.
I found Desi (Daisy) from Serbia (or Macedonia), tall and slim, almost model material. She provided great service.
Another girl worth mentioning was Sara from Romania, a quite type was sitting at a table by her self. She was very passionate lots of DFK.
[QUOTE=Footloose]I found Desi (Daisy) from Serbia (or Macedonia), tall and slim, almost model material. She provided great service.
Another girl worth mentioning was Sara from Romania, a quite type was sitting at a table by her self. She was very passionate lots of DFK.[/QUOTE]Sounds like you had a good time as well :) I was very close chosing Desi, have heard she provides good service, but found Izzy instead. Will definately try Desi as well in the future. Izzy can be difficult to find, think she works for a few months, then goes home for a few.
Mo's FKK mini holiday 27/8-30/8/10
First of all an apology for the late posting of this report. I have been so engrossed with other travel ideas that I completely overlooked posting this here. I arrived at frankfurt intl around 1030am after a short flight from birmingham england. I managed to get a budget flight/hotel deal with 3 nites at the holiday inn sachsanhausen for 50euros a nite with breakfast buffet, for a room that goes at 150euros a nite so this was a fantastic start. Via a turkish kebab meal and a short train and cab ride I found myself at oase at around 730pm, where I saw a complete mass of heaving bodies due to the party. Not the most relaxing of ambience, but I thought fuck it and continued to blend in fine. Girl 1 for 1 hour a rumanian/italian type beauty, name I cannot remember great everything including a bit of rough handling which she asked for and liked finished with a nice shag. Girl no. 2 a portugese petite job mechanical but hot. The last girl was the highlight of my trip. An 18year old half black american half german girl called beatrice yes I said beatrice. She said she did not usually french kiss, then proceeded to stick her tongue so far down my throat for 10 mins I almost chocked. She was just pregnant she told me so I was easy on the sex side ie gentle. Mindblowin experience. Next day I took a cab from the hotel to palace at around 7pm I reached palace. Two experiences1)greek alexa with blonde hair dyed stunning looks and all natural. I spent 1 and a half hours with her and for a total of 250euros I negotiated an all over body oil show and massage, never got round to full on sex but the oil stuff was hot hot. 2)at the end half an hour with romie rumania quick BJ, sex ok and then a 20 min conversation on world affairs which I thought was a nice little twist. A trip to a nightclub called cookies and a nite at the sheesha lounge on Sunday concluded my mad weekend in frankfurt. Thanks to everyones help for making it a good one.
[QUOTE=Footloose]I saw Izzy on the 19 Sep. (Saturday) but couldn't connect with her except as I was leaving. When I returned on Tuesday (21 Sep) she wasn't there. I will try her on another day.
I found Desi (Daisy) from Serbia (or Macedonia), tall and slim, almost model material. She provided great service.
Another girl worth mentioning was Sara from Romania, a quite type was sitting at a table by her self. She was very passionate lots of DFK.[/QUOTE]Hi Footloose:
Could you please give more details about your meeting with Sara? I have been intrigued by her. Never got the chance
Thank you.
[QUOTE=Tr4440]Hi Footloose:
Could you please give more details about your meeting with Sara? I have been intrigued by her. Never got the chance
Thank you.
TR[/QUOTE]I sessioned for 1 hour with Sara on Friday. She is good. Lots of DFK, good BBBJ, and good energy. She is early 20's, straight black hair which is slightly longer than shoulder length. She was wearing a grey waist belt. She has a little bit of a pock marked face - though very cute. Solid session.
[QUOTE=Qubei] The messe line-up has been well described so not much to add to that one, several new girls. Simona (ro) was missing though, on vacation.
Anyway, new experiences for me were Izzy (bu), dark haired, hot, lots of tattoo and Claudia (ro), tiny, dark curly hair. Both were sweet girls that provided good services and I would repeat.
Lia was observed and is someone I will session with in the future.[/QUOTE]What a difference one week makes to the line up at Oase!
Not so many girls but for me there were so many new girls compared to earlier in the month. Even some of the regular girls I know were saying there was an influx of new girls that were not even in there during the Automechanika. There were even girls that came back after Automechanika since it was such a nightmare to work. Girls like Simona (ro), Sammy (ethnic Russian from Kazachistan) and Monique (ukraine)
I managed to get my ass to Oase last weekend taking in a Friday and a Sunday visit. I saw Lia (ro) since a German guy recommended her as a good fuck. He says she is one girl that you make love to in the room. She only got freed up recently for us lowly mortals since there was a Turkish client that was always booking her all day for a flat fee. Lucky man.
I saw Izzy (bg) but have not pulled the trigger on her yet.
[QUOTE=Samplerr] 1. Romanian(?) slim, elegant, medium-tall brunette with bright pink stilettos, black knee socks/stockings and small perky tits. Very attractive face.
2. The above girl hangs out with another unknown (Romanian?).Very confident girl with c cup naturals (beautiful tear drop shape) on a slim frame. Black hair and hoop earrings and crossed fishnet stockings. This girl is a master at preying on some of the more timid Asian guests and aggressively selling “lesbi show” etc. Would do very well hawking timeshares in Tenerife.[/QUOTE]
I will help you out here:
1. Crystal (ro) this girl is drop dead gorgeous I think. Very pretty face. A slight impish look. So so slim frame with long light brown hair, perky breasts, she looks like a glamour model. This girl is new to the business and Oase is her first club but she has a confident air about her. I have this one on a long term plan to get her interested and to hook her in. She makes eyes at me and I make them back at her with a wink and a knowing smile. She keeps asking me for the room and I say she has to wait her turn.
2. Sheila (ro) is so cute. 23 years old and a real hustler. I find her a lot of fun and we spend some cool times together. I always have time for Sheila. So sweet and small that she is always worth cuddling. I just love her tear drop shaped breasts on her small frame.
These notes come with a health check if you book them.
There is something to be said for the Asian male guests - they get pounced on by the Romanian girls. These boys do not get any peace getting grabbed, pulled and manhandled into the room by the Romanian hordes and these Asian men are so polite that they pretty much go with it.
[QUOTE=Qubei]Sounds like you had a good time as well :) I was very close chosing Desi, have heard she provides good service, but found Izzy instead. Will definately try Desi as well in the future. Izzy can be difficult to find, think she works for a few months, then goes home for a few.[/QUOTE]I sessioned with Desi in June. She was good in the room but a bit uninspiring. I was in Oase Thurs-Sun this week and so was Desi. It never crossed my mind to repeat as their were many other more appealing options.
[QUOTE=Mohab] Via a turkish kebab meal [/QUOTE]
Man, we have to go travelling together!! I go via a kebab as well at times. I get them from the Kaiserstrasse stand or that one on Taunustrasse in the red light district. The best ones are in the Sachenhausen district. There is a place recommended by [url]www.donerkebap365.de[/url] as the place to go for a doner kebap.
A travelling buddy and I used to take a break from our Oase visits and head into FFM for a Turkish kebab and then go back to Oase with onion laced breath!!! Chewing gum is banned for the girls at Oase so it is them that suffer since if men slip girls chewing gum at Oase then that is contraband liable to a 20 euro fine for the girl by Gabi the manager.
I also like McDonalds and there is one as you got Oase near the Hornbach and Ikea. Kentucky fried chicken is to die for.
[QUOTE=Mohab]and a short train and cab ride I found myself at oase at around 730pm, where I saw a complete mass of heaving bodies due to the party. [/QUOTE] The August summer party was busy but not as busy as September and not as busy as Automechanika messe where it was chaos reigning and we are not talking Warhammer.
Sorry that I missed you there. Problem was that it was so busy that I stayed 6 hours in the room since to go out and wait in the throngs was too much that I just stayed in a room with a favourite girl.
[QUOTE=Mohab] Girl 1 for 1 hour a rumanian/italian type beauty, name I cannot remember great everything including a bit of rough handling which she asked for and liked finished with a nice shag.
Girl no. 2 a portugese petite job mechanical but hot. [/QUOTE]
I think these girls are all Romanians. I can understand you forgetting their names. Most guys do.
As Hessen Bub says German guys go to the club and just remember the looks of the girls that gave them a good session and based on that memory go back with them again or not for that matter.
[QUOTE=Mohab]The last girl was the highlight of my trip. An 18year old half black american half german girl called beatrice yes I said beatrice. She said she did not usually french kiss, then proceeded to stick her tongue so far down my throat for 10 mins I almost chocked. I was easy on the sex side ie gentle. [/QUOTE]
Beatrice does stand out if its the girl that I am thinking about. Quite tall, brown colouring, decent tits, sassy.
Thanks for the report.
I will help you out here:
1. Crystal (ro) this girl is drop dead gorgeous I think. Very pretty face. A slight impish look. So so slim frame with long light brown hair, perky breasts, she looks like a glamour model. This girl is new to the business and Oase is her first club but she has a confident air about her. I have this one on a long term plan to get her interested and to hook her in. She makes eyes at me and I make them back at her with a wink and a knowing smile. She keeps asking me for the room and I say she has to wait her turn.
2. Sheila (ro) is so cute. 23 years old and a real hustler. I find her a lot of fun and we spend some cool times together. I always have time for Sheila. So sweet and small that she is always worth cuddling. I just love her tear drop shaped breasts on her small frame.
These notes come with a health check if you book them.
[/QUOTE] Thanks BC. True there's no guarantees with any of these girls, but both are worth the risk of a "fiddy". Sheila is near the top of my to do list for next visit.
There is something to be said for the Asian male guests - they get pounced on by the Romanian girls. These boys do not get any peace getting grabbed, pulled and manhandled into the room by the Romanian hordes and these Asian men are so polite that they pretty much go with it.[/QUOTE]
I can well imagine some of the reports that make it on to the Japanese forums from shell shocked punters. Think some of the tour guides need to coach them on how to neutralise the Bucharest kino attack.
[QUOTE=Footloose]I saw Izzy on the 19 Sep. (Saturday) but couldn't connect with her except as I was leaving. When I returned on Tuesday (21 Sep) she wasn't there. I will try her on another day.
I found Desi (Daisy) from Serbia (or Macedonia), tall and slim, almost model material. She provided great service.
Another girl worth mentioning was Sara from Romania, a quite type was sitting at a table by her self. She was very passionate lots of DFK.[/QUOTE]
Izzy was working Saturday and Sunday 18-20 Sept and also last weekend. I guess she did not work midweek. The clientele and girl line up I was told for earlier in the last week was well down after Automechanika from 14-19 Sept. Izzy is really nice.
Desi the black haired girl is another one that I would recommend from my experience. Affectionate and very pretty. I always have time fro Desi and she seems to have time for me to talk, enjoy each other and hang out.
I do not know Sara (ro) that well.
[QUOTE=Samplerr]Thanks BC. True there's no guarantees with any of these girls, but both are worth the risk of a "fiddy". Sheila is near the top of my to do list for next visit.
I can well imagine some of the reports that make it on to the Japanese forums from shell shocked punters. Think some of the tour guides need to coach them on how to neutralise the Bucharest kino attack.[/QUOTE]
With your skills you will be fine with the double team of Crystal and Sheila I think. Health check: I have seen these girls hustle Asian men for more than a fiddy for a basic each.
Another interesting point when surfing the internet is that I have seen some of my line up lists from ISG end up on Japanese and Chinese language sex travel forums in their original english and with descriptions intact. There is cross pollination going on here.
From what I can work out seems these lists are like gold dust since they paint a picture of who is there and what types / nationalities of girls are there since some of my lists give hair colour or a build size in them for the girls. Also the lists was used as a way to convince travellers to take the plunge and make the trip since this is the bevy and expected line up that one can expect at these clubs. A huge advertising opportunity really.
Auto Messe
I braved the hordes, the weekend before last, in expectation of stellar Messe line-ups and I wasn't disappointed. As BC's list detailed there was plenty of choice to compensate for the hectic conditions. I also had the good fortune to bump into some fellow board members. As always it was a pleasure to swap notes etc. on the many providers available that weekend.
Had some great sessions with old favourites such as Judit, the slim Hungarian brunette. Never had a dud session with her, so I keep repeating. After sessioning with some other favourites I decided to take an untried, but oft recommended Romanian for a spin. Karina has amazing natural tits, blonde, fit body and she's also quite a bubbly girl. I was very impressed with her skills as well as her attitude. It's a pity some of her compatriots weren't like minded as she's a definite repeat. Also ended up doing a repeat with Nina (German, tall slim blonde with several large tattoos) after having previously tried her some months ago. Wasn't that impressed first time around, but I noticed a big improvement second time round. Much less mechanical than previously, but I've got no idea why.
I took some time out between sessions to watch some an interesting pole dancing exhibition on the Saturday evening. Patrizia (dark blonde, large naturals, porno queen look Romanian with very ordinary service) had obviously taken advantage of the cheap cocktails and was putting on quite a marketing exhibition.
Some of the girls I sessioned with were willing to brave the outdoors to get around the room wait issue. Even had one or two girls refuse to session, unless it was in the kino, because of the room waits. The wait for taxis was also quite long. Instead of walking out to a waiting taxi as per usual, it took around 20 minutes in the early hours of Sunday morning.
There is something to be said for the Asian male guests - they get pounced on by the Romanian girls. These boys do not get any peace getting grabbed, pulled and manhandled into the room by the Romanian hordes and these Asian men are so polite that they pretty much go with it.[/QUOTE]I got the same impression when I was at World, predominately Ro, Bu and Hu. Young or old Asian men get cornered then taken to the pen for a full rub down but quick. I have seen Asian Men literally get dragged into a room by these prawnas. Just picture a policeman taking a culprit to his cruiser unwillingly and that is what it looked like.
I think kind and as well as language barrier play a huge factor into these men giving in or can't say no instead just go with the flow.
[QUOTE=Samplerr]I braved the hordes, the weekend before last, in expectation of stellar Messe line-ups and I wasn't disappointed. As BC's list detailed there was plenty of choice to compensate for the hectic conditions. I also had the good fortune to bump into some fellow board members. As always it was a pleasure to swap notes etc. on the many providers available that weekend.
Had some great sessions with old favourites such as Judit, the slim Hungarian brunette. Never had a dud session with her, so I keep repeating. After sessioning with some other favourites I decided to take an untried, but oft recommended Romanian for a spin. Karina has amazing natural tits, blonde, fit body and she's also quite a bubbly girl. I was very impressed with her skills as well as her attitude. It's a pity some of her compatriots weren't like minded as she's a definite repeat. Also ended up doing a repeat with Nina (German, tall slim blonde with several large tattoos) after having previously tried her some months ago. Wasn't that impressed first time around, but I noticed a big improvement second time round. Much less mechanical than previously, but I've got no idea why.
I took some time out between sessions to watch some an interesting pole dancing exhibition on the Saturday evening. Patrizia (dark blonde, large naturals, porno queen look Romanian with very ordinary service) had obviously taken advantage of the cheap cocktails and was putting on quite a marketing exhibition.
Some of the girls I sessioned with were willing to brave the outdoors to get around the room wait issue. Even had one or two girls refuse to session, unless it was in the kino, because of the room waits. The wait for taxis was also quite long. Instead of walking out to a waiting taxi as per usual, it took around 20 minutes in the early hours of Sunday morning.[/QUOTE]An observation on the Messe or not-to-Messe debate. Last weekend I had no waits for a room, there were 80+ girls available and a choice of more quality girls than I could possibly fuck over 4 days. I avoided paying stupidly high hotel and flight fees. Got food when I wanted it, got drinks from the bar when I needed them. The atmosphere in the club was relaxed. For the occsasional visitor to Oase avoiding Messe dates is the sensible choice.
I also fucked Karina and Judit and unfortunately Patrizia.
Thursday 6.30pm I arrived at Oase. There was only one or two parking spaces left and the club was busy inside. Walked to the changing rooms past some familiar girls. Some I had fucked, one or two I thought it would be good to fuck. Saw a few smiles, and a few glances sizing me up as new customer. It is a great feeling to be in this club.
Started with the usual tour of the club, looking at all the girls, getting grabbed "hey baby, where are you goin", "come with me, baby" .... As a newbie this can be awkward to fend off, now it is just fun. My scanning failed to spot Gabriella (ve), I planned to fuck her on several occasions if she was in the club...my ISG friends who had been in the club in previous days confirmed she was not to be seen.
A dark haired Romanian called Nicole, 21yrs, was standing next to the small lockers. She had a stunning body, lovely face and sultry looks. She has no significant tatoos and straight black hair that goes down to her breasts. She was sticking her tongue out at me and I approached and said hello. Her English is limited my interview options diminished to a choice of fuck her or leave and wonder what I was missing. Let's go I said. We went to the room - good DFK, BBBJ, 69 and several positions. She is stunning to look at and good to fuck. 50€ session.
I saw Doris hanging out by the tables next to the red sofas. She is blond/brunnette mix, 22yrs from Poland with a smile that just lit up the room. I watched her gazelle type body and very cute face as she laughed and giggled with her friends. I really love to see a girl laugh and smile because if she happy then my chances of having a great time with her have improved. I approached and said hello, she gave me huge smile and we chatted for some minutes. I was mesmerised - she is a 9. In the room she was very very good, DFK, excellent BBBJ, several positions....she looks at you when fucking and smiles....great attitude! 50€. Wow!
I sessioned with Tessa in June and planned to repeat. Later I found Tessa standing next to me and I did not wait. Off to the room, after a good start with DFK I told her I wanted 1hour session...she was pleased. I really enjoyed the session - mutliple positions and actually lost track of time. I looked at my watch after the session ended and yes a full hour had went by. 100€ There is a certain "detached" aspect to Tessa, she is beautiful 8 to 9, does all the stuff I want but there is a little something missing.
I had just finished with Tessa when Judit caught me. I said no to her but she was skillful and persistant and I knew her reputation as a top performer. I explained to her that it was not possible for me having just finished a session but she continued to smile and tease and nibble and lick. Bang, we are in the room and her extremely skilled BBBJ is getting me hard. We do mutiple positions then I start thinking about how or if it is possible for me to finish. Time is ticking and soon the next 30min will start. I suggest CIM finish as a combination of a reward for Judit's efforts and a way to conclude matters. Judit was happy. 100€ session.
It was now 1.30am, and I have rested a little. I am still wandering and looking and maybe another girl is waiting to be fucked. Patrizia a cute faced and slighty voluptuous Romanian (she claims to be Italian! ha!) with blond highlights approached me for the 3rd time that evening. I said no on previous occasions but had added her to my to do list. This time I said OK - and I knew it was my last session for the night. In the room she was poor and she is a bit of processor. 50€ All I can suggest is avoid as most girls in the club would be a better fuck. She asked me several times to repeat over the next few days. No chance.
[QUOTE=Markthomas1950]I saw Lia (ro) since a German guy recommended her as a good fuck. He says she is one girl that you make love to in the room. [b]She only got freed up recently for us lowly mortals since there was a Turkish client that was always booking her all day for a flat fee. Lucky man[/b][/QUOTE]
50% correct, but also 50% false. Who does come up with these weird stories?!
[QUOTE=Basketcase]1. Crystal (ro) this girl is drop dead gorgeous I think. Very pretty face. A slight impish look. So so slim frame with long light brown hair, perky breasts, she looks like a glamour model. This girl is new to the business and Oase is her first club but she has a confident air about her. [b]I have this one on a long term plan to get her interested and to hook her in. [/b]She makes eyes at me and I make them back at her with a wink and a knowing smile. She keeps asking me for the room and I say she has to wait her turn.[/QUOTE]
Forget her. Dead fish in the room. Wrong job, she also will quit soon to go to school in Romania. Better for her and us. She's a beauty, what a pity.
3 days at Oase
So I've been abscent from the whole trip reporting for a while but I have now decided to start doing them again. Honestly, I have always done a "report" after my trips to kill an hour or so at the horribly boring Frankfurt Airport and because I think it's fun to have a little written down memory of my trips.
After a long summer it was finally time to go and the last time I was at the Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof there were people all dressed in german coloured clothes and with flags and of course the much hated Vuvuzela's. It was when Germany beat Englands ass in the Football World Cup (I refuse to call it soccer). Coming from the airport with the S-train and then changing to the Friedrichsdorf train is very easy as the tracks are right next to each other (all trains from FRA will stop at track 102 and the train to Friedrichsdorf goes from 104), you just have to go up the escalator, left end then down another escalator and just hope you didn't just miss a train and have to wait 30 minutes. Of course I did just miss a train and decided quickly to save about 40 minutes and just go to Bad Homburg instead and take a cab from there to the hotel in Friedrichsdorf. Just sitting for 30 minutes and waiting wasn't an option when you're so close to your goal and almost shaking with antisipation. As soon I was checked in and had made my shopping I was off in another taxi and arrived around three at Oase.
Day 1 + some impressions:
First thing that hits me when I enter Oase is that the frau at the reception isn't her usuall angry self but quite nice and even with a smile. I don't know if she is joking or not when she ask me if it's my first time at the club because she giggles a bit when asking. After paying the entrance I bump into my good friend mr Myrmidon by the new and tiny safety lockers. Good that they have more of them and the size doesn't bother me as my things fitted fine. But those lockers that are below waste level, are anyone using them? You have to crawl on the floor to operate those. After a quick chat with mr Myr. I went and changed and I'm happy to say that the downstairs showers are all working fine now and the shower heads looked new and slightly larger then before, so no need to shower upstairs anymore. I still don't smell any foul odours as other have reported but in the jacuzzi/tv/massage/zimmer room the smell can be quite bad at times. It was quite slow this early on and there were many abscent girls, but of course it was still pretty early. As the night shift girls started to arrive we men were outnumbered at least 3 to 1 and I heard through out this trip that it had been pretty slow for the girls with many many girls and not so many men showing up. Of course I also heard that the big Auto Messe had been really busy just a week ago. After relaxing a bit outside where it is quite warm and sunny, but unfortunately to cold for the girls cause there were barely any of them out by the pool. The outside bar was open but no more BBQ for dinner. After a few hours me and mr Myr. got company by some other board members (nice to meet you all) and it's very nice to have a few people to chat with between the zimmer activities.
Here is when I might dissapoint most of you as I'm not going to write about my own sessions, to begin, I only played safe cards and I don't really feel like telling you guys everything that happened in the room, feels to private, but for you who haven't stopped reading I will continue babbling. There were quite some new faces and after a while the more familiar faces started showing up. Sad to say Gabriella was abscent the whole time I was there. The always hungry tiny Heidi was present and so was her friend Vivian which I for the first time had a chat with. Really nice girl and we had a long chat. She is absolutely beautiful that girl. She's not the girl who approaches guys in the same way as most of the other girls but I bumped in to her by the sauna and just had to talk to her. A weird thing happened in the locker room one of the days I was there. A used condom layed thrown on the floor. One of the staff came down to tidy up and started shouting at me and the other guys around. Can't understand german so good but I'm pretty sure she said something about all men being filthy bastards. Can't really argue with that complaint. In my slightly retarded and slow mind I couldn't for the life of me understand WHY a used condom would lay on the floor in the locker room. It wasn't until much later one of the girls whom I told this just said that it maybe just had stuck under someones slipper in one of the rooms and later fall of in the locker room. I felt very stupid and was just given another proof that girls are smarter then men (me anyway). Another thing I can't really understand is the complaining about the food in Oase, I never had a bad meal, not a great meal either but always a good and tasty meal. I never know what I'll get on the plate but it almost always tastes good. Only thing so far I haven't liked is the Knödel. A smart thing to do is to just go with a girl around feeding time and hit the food around 6.30-7.00 when the queue is short or none existing. If one don't like the food it's easy to order pizza and they have menues from Pizza deliveries in the reception. Saw a couple of girls carrying pizza boxes so I guess the food can be a bit bland or boring when you have to pay extra for it and eat it many days in a row as the girls do. This day I spent about 6 hours at the club. Something else that have changed for the better is the cab drivers. I guess the Oase staff had meeting with them or something similar because this time none of the drivers grunted and became assholes when I told my destination which is just about 10 € away. Last time I took a cab from Oase I almost got into a fight with one of the drivers who wanted to kick me out and take some other guy who waS going further then me. I was already in the cab when the cabbie shouted to the other guy to get in and me to get out. Eventually after some shouting I just got out and walked up to another cab but it was the worst end of a trip I ever had.
Day 2:
Got back to the club at about noon the next day and met up with mr Myr. who had opened up the club two hours earlier (Sorry for the misunderstanding). It was very slow but a familiar face was back that had been abscent from the other day, Michelle. She saw m sitting in a sofa and came over and lay in my lap she was herself and talking with her is always fun as is the zimmer activities. This day it was raining so being outside wasn't really an option, even though I sometimes go out and sit for 20 minutes under a parasoll and have a lonely breather. The toilets are also open by the outside bar which is good to know if the place gets crowded. Got a lesson from lovely Judit in some Oase history, she explained to me how it looked before they remodled the inside bar area. All in all, it's bigger and better now. The day before had been pretty free from young loud italians in groups but this day there were many such groups (no offense. In Amsterdam it's the young loud english guys that monger in groups). We later got joined by some other board members and this day I spent also about 6 hours at the club. It gets all to crowded for me in the later evenings.
Day 3:
This day I was all alone as the other guys was set to visit other clubs. I on the other hand decided to stay as I'm lazy. It was very slow when I first arrived but I just had to wait an hour or so and the number of girls slowly increased. I bumped into a very cute short girl with very long brown hair, her name was Bianca and she placed herself on my to do-list. Anyone have experience with her?Was quite tired this third day of my trip so I left just as the dinner got served.
Girls I took to zimmer:
Judit (5 sessions over 3 days, what can I say? She is awesome)
Vivian (Great girl. Sexy and smart and young)
Heidi (Funny cute tiny girl)
Michelle (She's like a girlfriend that's into porn)
Girls abscent (the whole 3 days):
Julia (tall blonde. Poland)
Gabriella (Venezuela)
Girls I remember:
??? (New Korean girl. Just started working at Oase last week)
Kim (I think. The only Thai girl I've seen at Oase. Never talked to though)
Lynn (Deutsch)
Manuella (Italy)
Natasha (Blonde. Half russian half Slovakia or Slovenia)
Bits and pieces
Kebap! Just have to comment that there is a place behind the Westin Grand, close to Konstablerwache that I really enjoy. Its on the corner of Schäfergasse and Grosse Friedberger Strasse.
Talbot, John Moore sounds like you had a good time!
FYI Gabrielle was going home to Venezuela after the Automechanik messe if I remember correctly. Think she will be away for some time.
Samplerr, awaiting your report on Sheila, I have also been very close to book her but not gotten around to it :)
[QUOTE=John Moore]
(I refuse to call it soccer). [/QUOTE]I should fucking well hope not.
Nice report BTW, thanks.
Hi! I'm planning to visit Oase next month. I was wondering about transportation. How much does a taxi cost from city centre to Oase?
It is Friday 4.30pm and the car park is getting full when I arrived. Paid my 65€ entry, put my wallet in the small lockers and hear a familiar voice calling me. I turn around and see some ISG friends are gathered chatting with each other. They have been fucking for hours while I have been working.....some guys are fortunate!
I scan the club, there are a lot of great looking girls available. Standing and chatting with my ISG friend at glass pillars in the smoking area I turn round and see a nice looking brunette, shoulder length hair, pretty face, enhanced bust. She had a nice smile and gave me that come and fuck me look. I was tempted. I spoke to my ISG friend and he said had not sessioned with her before. She is brunette and he fucks blonds. I asked him what he thought? He responded she is nice but he showed little interest. However, she was my type and I placed her on my to do list.
I did not approach her immediately as I wanted to see all the options first. I knew if we started chatting I would end up fucking her. I saw Doris was around & Tessa & many others. Somehow, something told me go and interview this brunette. We chatted, her name is Fanny she was very nice. She is Spanish and comes from Vigo. Early 20s, 160cm, We went to the room.
Fanny started DFK me, her tongue was down the back of my throat. It was the deepest DFK I can remember. She was kissing my neck, my face, my ears. She began little bites on my neck and jaw. A mixture of much pleasure and little pain ensued. I was scared of getting marked or her losing control. It was close to edge but it did not happen. BBBJ and 69 followed. I told her I wanted 1hour - something a bit special was happening and I did not want it to stop. We started fucking cowgirl. She fucked and DFK at the same time, then I took control. I can fuck for long periods at a high tempo. Fanny was one of the few girls to keep up with me. We fucked fast and hard for 40min without a break. She was multiple orgasming and screaming. Both of us were covered in deep sweat, her hair was looking like it had been rained upon. She was a truly top class fuck. 100€ bargain.
In comparison Michelle is a porn star experience type fuck, Fanny was normal girl with a fuck me hard and do not stop fucking attitude - all because she likes it that way. After finishing the session Fanny did say what happened was very unusual. I was physically spent and it was hours before I was ready to session again.
Later that evening Doris came to my thoughts again. Her smile, her body, her really cute face. We chatted and she told me she previously worked in LivingRoom but preferred Oase as better rates for longer sessions. We went to the room and I enjoyed the same quality experience as the previous night. In my opinion good fucking with a 9 looking girl is hard to beat. 50€. After we parted I was approached by a German guy, he also had his eye on Doris and wanted my thoughts. Later I saw him at the smaller lockers after sessioning with Doris with a huge smile. He was also a very happy man.
My final session of the day was with Sara, Romanian. She is early 20s, brunette with shoulder length hair. About 165cm, slightly pocked mark face but very cute. She was wearing a grey waist belt. She is good in the room, lots of DFK and a good fuck. Fannie had drained me earlier and it was taking me longer than planned to finish. Sara to her credit said lets finish when I asked if time was up - great to hear. I said lets make it 1hour and she was pleased. 100€
[QUOTE=John Moore][b]3 days at Oase[/b][/QUOTE]Great to see you posting again [b]John[/b]
Can't agree with you about the food at [b]Oase[/b].
IMO it's poor by comparrison with what is offered by the other Big Clubs
and absolute muck by comparrison to the excellent fare offered by [b]Das5element[/b] and [b]Park Sauna Residence[/b].
I loved your comment about football :D and for that reason along with the fact that you have written a great report,
I have added your adventure to the [b]Reports of Distinction thread[/b].
John Moore
[QUOTE=John Moore]1. I bumped into a very cute short girl with very long brown hair, her name was Bianca and she placed herself on my to do-list. Anyone have experience with her?
2. ??? (New Korean girl. Just started working at Oase last week)[/QUOTE]
John Moore,
1. Bianca (ro) is tiny with big light brown hair and small perky breasts that are the right size for her small frame. I find her not very thankful for the things that I do for her unlike say some of her other Romanian friends. She can be quite demanding and as I said ungrateful for what you did. Similar to Francesca (ro), I think you have to watch her to ensure you get what you want in return.
2. I think the Korean girl started at Oase on Friday, 24 September. She came from working at club Globe in Zurich. I do not know her name but she is very friendly and helpful from what I have seen.
I hope this intel helps.
[QUOTE=Talbot] I also fucked .... unfortunately Patrizia.[/QUOTE]
Patricia (ro) for a little while and I mean we are talking a couple of days worked at club Globe in Zurich back in May 2010. It would have been hilarious to book her and when she only gives limited service or only gives you 29 minutes in the room and not 30 minutes in the room then you can go complain to reception and probably win. LOL.
Half hour session is 140 CHF which is around 106 euro at Globe.
I arrived at Oase at 12:30am (I had just spent 11hours+ in Palace). The car park was full except one parking space. So busier than Palace. Inside I spotted 4 girls I wanted to fuck. I walked about for 10min, looking, thinking then I felt a hand on my shoulder and neck. Doris from Poland had seen me an came to see if I was interested. She is incredibly cute, fantastic smile...she is hotter than any girl I saw in Palace. She is a 9. We chated and I said lets go....she said no! Lets sit on the couch, we can chat so we did. I gave her a foot and leg massage, she relaxed and had a drink. 15min later I said lets go...so we went and kissed and BBBJ and 69 and fucked several positions for an hour. 100€.
Recharged at 3.15am I saw Agnieszka from Poland. Again, really fantastic figure and lovely face. Beautiful big smile. She is a 8 or a 9. I stroked her back, we chatted, we watched some guys do an impromtu strip on the stage to much laughter. I said lets go...in the room we kissed, I stroked her body, it was the twightlight hour where girls are little bit tired, had a drink, more relaxed. The clock seems to tick slower. After 15min Agnieszka asked me how long I wanted....I knew before we started it was for an hour so tempo was going to plan. We kissed, played games, BBBJ, 69, fucked. When finished, it was the end of the day and I was last customer Agnieszka wanted so we chatted, she relaxed, I massaged her, left the room at 4:40am, 100€.
Today I spent 11hours 30min at Palace and spent 50€ & 75€ entry for 1 OK fuck. Then then spent 4hours at Oase and fucked for 2hours which was great and spent another 30min massaging the girls for 200€ & 65€ entry.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]John Moore,
1. Bianca (ro) is tiny with big light brown hair and small perky breasts that are the right size for her small frame. I find her not very thankful for the things that I do for her unlike say some of her other Romanian friends. She can be quite demanding and as I said ungrateful for what you did. Similar to Francesca (ro), I think you have to watch her to ensure you get what you want in return.
2. I think the Korean girl started at Oase on Friday, 24 September. She came from working at club Globe in Zurich. I do not know her name but she is very friendly and helpful from what I have seen.
I hope this intel helps.[/QUOTE]Yes, I'm very thankfull.
When I think about it Bianca became a bit angry when I declined her offer of company and that's not a good sign. Too bad cause she's just my type.
The Korean girl seemed quite sweet and she's on my to do list if she's still there in the end of november when I'm planned to return.
[QUOTE=Captain Dan]Great to see you posting again [b]John[/b]
Can't agree with you about the food at [b]Oase[/b].
IMO it's poor by comparrison with what is offered by the other Big Clubs
and absolute muck by comparrison to the excellent fare offered by [b]Das5element[/b] and [b]Park Sauna Residence[/b].
I loved your comment about football :D and for that reason along with the fact that you have written a great report,
I have added your adventure to the [b]Reports of Distinction thread[/b].[/QUOTE]
Thank you.
Well I have only been to three different FKK's in my life so I can't really argue, and when I think about it Oase has the worst food of them three but still it's enough for me. Need to see more places, I'm a bit stuck on Oase but in a good way.
OASE Food update
Don Corleone,
Sorry for delay in replying, just back after a month in Europa, I am brokes, limping around, and taking double doses of vitamins in order to get my strength and stamina back. A splendid time was had by all.
Yes, indeed, the food at Oase has improved, in my humble opinion.
Will we be seeing some of your trip reports in the near future?
Until then, Bleu me.
[QUOTE=Vito Corleone]Great report Strato. Someone compared the food @ Oase with Le Cordon Bleu! Priceless![/QUOTE]
I had another session with Tessa on 23 Sept). And it was, again, a memorable time, primarily due to her unique oral techniques.
She did require some encouragement and her knowledge of English is very limited. Someone on this list, mentioned last week, about Tessa, that his session with her was very good but "something seemed to be missing". IMO, this might be due to the language barrier? Her knowledge of English is very, very limited
I always try to be friendly with the providers and, to me, this attitude goes a long way towards receiving a superior session, most certainly with Tessa. And for the most case, all other providers seem to enjoy someone who will make them smile, a laugh and enjoy themselves etc.
Tic Tacs or other mints also are appreciated,
Thursday, 23 Sept, was another glorious hot, sunny day at Oase pool. Arriving around 2:00. There were perhaps 20-25 lady's. And about an equal number of men.. This number of providers steadily increased, between 5:00 and 7:00.
Between 7:00 and 8:30, a steady stream of customers started to arrive.
Lady at front desk. (the nice lady, not the wicked witch with glass's), had told me the day before (22 Sept) that Swiss Miss Michelle was to be in today. But c'est la vie.
(Is that the correct le Francais spelling, Don Corleone?)
. Michelle did not appear on Thurs (though according to reports, she did return to Oase, a few days later). Hopefully, next time!
Tried to get some time in with Hannah but she disappeared, not to re-emerge. So had session with my old friend Adrianna/Linda/Karolina (Czech). And as always, she is a fun personality and a stellar provider.
Limped back to Freidrichsdorf Banhoff, to catch train to Frankfurt HBF.
[QUOTE=Qubei]Hey Strato,
Cool that you had a good time with Tessa, my experience with her was so-so when she was new, also noticed her process a guy really quickly in the Kino last week which put me off. But she sure does look good, maybe I have to give it a second try[/QUOTE]
Samplerr, awaiting your report on Sheila, I have also been very close to book her but not gotten around to it :)
I'm looking forward to the investigation Qubei ;), I hope to get on the case next month.
[QUOTE=Basketcase] Patricia (ro) for a little while and I mean we are talking a couple of days worked at club Globe in Zurich back in May 2010. It would have been hilarious to book her and when she only gives limited service or only gives you 29 minutes in the room and not 30 minutes in the room then you can go complain to reception and probably win. LOL.
I also spotted her as I was leaving Globe one night. I made a mental note to book her later that week, and then drag her to the front desk when she misbehaved. Not surpised she didn't last long enough for me to make a return trip.
[quote=wassab]i got the same impression when i was at world, predominately ro, bu and hu. young or old asian men get cornered then taken to the pen for a full rub down but quick. i have seen asian men literally get dragged into a room by these prawnas. just picture a policeman taking a culprit to his cruiser unwillingly and that is what it looked like.
i think kind and as well as language barrier play a huge factor into these men giving in or can't say no instead just go with the flow.[/quote]
so true. sometimes i feel sorry for the asian guys. they sure get a rub down as you say by the romanian hustlers. culture, deferent approach to women and language do play a part.
i liked the image of the policeman having caught their criminal and then marching them off to prison where in the case of fkks it is the asian man dragged to the room to be raped for 100 euro for a 5 minute session for a basic service of suck and fuck.
Hessen Bub
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub]Forget her. Dead fish in the room. Wrong job, she also will quit soon to go to school in Romania. Better for her and us. She's a beauty, what a pity.[/QUOTE]
Hessen Bub,
Crystal is one pretty girl. So slim, narrow hipped and I keep looking at her small ass and wonder how good it must feel with my Schwanz in her ass hole plugging away. She and I do make eyes at each other when we pass in the club and she does know I know her new Romanian friends in the club so she is intrigued by that I think. She does indeed act cold.
I guess it will not be long when I can no longer have dirty thoughts about Crystal when she leaves. Maybe I should venture a fiddy and get Crystal out of my system before it is too late.
Sheila and Crystal do work together like reavers searching the seas for merchantmen to raid for plunder.
Lia, Maria, Angie, Simona, Sheila, Cassandra, Roberta, Adelina, Jelena, Claudia, Alina, etc... is a lot more fun to hang out with.
Oliver Huntemann
[QUOTE=Oliver Huntemann]Hi! I'm planning to visit Oase next month. I was wondering about transportation. How much does a taxi cost from city centre to Oase?[/QUOTE]
Oliver Huntemann,
Registered taxis are metered and the metred costs depends on the time of day or night that it is booked indicating that evenings, nights, weekends and public holidays will have a surcharge added.
Budget on between 30 euro to 45 euro. The Oase girls say that taxis will take them to FFM for flat rate 30 euro but the times that I or friends have taken the taxi from Oase to FFM centre have cost 40 euro and over. Maybe it is cheaper from FFM to Oase since the taxi driver receives a 10 euro commission for bringing a guest to Oase from Oase.
An awakening - Wednesday, 29 Sept Oase
My first visit back to Oase after a 2 year hibernation. To be perfectly honest, I was trying to "break the habit" as the amounts I was spending was going out of control and could have probably retired had I put that money in any index fund or conservative blue chip portfolio, but water under the bridge and the call of nature could not be resisted this time, so I "fell off the wagon". Thank you to all fellow mongers for your reports, all very helpful. I was on the lookout for Master Jedi Basket Case who kindly showed me the ropes on my earlier visit, but no luck this trip, hopefully next time.
Arrived at around 2 pm and almost took the head off the receptionist when I tried to "roll a double six" very aggressively and the cage almost hit her head! (by the way, has anyone ever rolled a double 6 to get in free?!). A good laugh by all but she was pissed off at me, naturally. Gave her E70 for the entrance fee and didn't want the change back but she insisted.
It was quiet, maybe 20 woman and only a dozen men. By 4:30, 40 woman, 2 dozen men, and by 6:30, a lot more crowded with probably 60 woman, but it appeared woman outnumbered men 2 to 1, so it was a buyers market and the woman appeared to be more patient to spend time with you to chat. Left at 1:30 am. Went to the zimmer 4 times, total damage: E 500
Here were the ladies working that I met, by order of nationality (by the way, why on earth do all the Romanians say they are Spanish!).
Naomi (Amsterdam, black gal)
Nancy (Belgium). Pretty and I was tempted. She wore a loose black tie around her neck all night to differentiate herself.
Patricia (Brazil, very dark skin)
Manuelle (Bulgaria I think, if not Romania)
Joanna (Cuba). Porn looking gal with very large tits (seemed enhanced), slight Asian features
Kelly (Dominican Republic). Black girl, voluptuous and beautiful face but says she's half Italian and lives in Milan)
Barbie (Hungary)
Judit (Hungary)
Gita (Hungary)
Onaka (Hungary)
Amanda (Romania. Petite, a to b cup tits, cute face, wears blue stockings)
Bianca (Romania)
Christine (Romania)
Crystal (Romania). Same one I think BC wants to 'get out of his system". A real beaut but mannerism comes across as still being on training wheels.
Doris (Romania)
Larissa (Romania)
Lia (Romainia)
Nicole (Romania)
Olivia (Romania)
Patrizia (Romania)
Romma (Romania)
Sara ((Romania. Tall, large blond gal, beautiful face, b size perky tits, but coldish attitude)
Stephanie (or Anna) (Russia, St Petersburg)
Michelle (Switzerland)
Alif (Turkey)
Alia (?)
Charlene (?)
6-10 others I can't recall
Summary of activities:
- Amanda (Romania). Red lights should have gone off when she didn't want to kiss in public and only Light FK in the Kino, but I was horny and she looked real cute as compared to all the other options at around 3 pm. Very mechanical BJ and some shit smell coming from her arse hole. Wanted to stop after 15 minutes, thinking why should I waste an orgasm on her, but given my horny state, just blew my load as a matter of principle (eg. Paying E50 demands a consequence). She tried to sell CIM and anal, very irritating. Damage: E50 wasted. By the way, left my watch in the room and didn't realise till 10 minutes later. Panicked a bit as I couldn't remember exactly which room, but word got around fast and out of nowhere Amanda showed up to point out the room to me and one of the manageress knocked on the door and went straight in to get my watch whilst two people were at it.. Wow, now that is service!
- Jacuzzi with 3 fellow mongers, my first time. I don't know about you guys, but after 20 minutes, when I came out an it seemed that my dick shrivelled by 80%!
- Kelly (Dominican Republic). Probably the most sexy and innocent face I've seen on a black girl. Nothing but pure GFE! The DFK was juicy, and her BBBJ was like my dick being in velvet heaven. Spent an hour and CIM. Damage 150 + 30 tips. Kept hugging each other throughout the evening. Wanted to try her again but didn't get the chance.
- Dinner at 6:30. Very average but edible. They need to improve their menu.
- Nicole (Romanian). Beautiful brunette with perfect proportionate body, probably a 34 see cup. Beautiful smile and eyes, about 5, 8 tall. Good GFE and a real trooper trying to get me off on my third try. She seemed more interested in being with her friends then working, so I had to be patient. After 1. 5 hours of non-stop BBBJ and various positions, blew my load. Damage: Euro 200.
-Massage for 30 minutes (can't remember name, but thin, mature woman, good massage, was half asleep)
- Gita (Hungary). Didn't think I could go again, but Gita kept being friendly. Has the girl next door look (long black hair, lovely eyes and very, very white teeth, very tall). Glad I went to the zimmer, the best BBBJ of the night with those hungry eyes looking at me. Was my fourth fornication but a very intense orgasm. Maybe the massage was foreplay without me knowing! Damage: 50 + 20 tip.
- I ran into Judit (Hungary) a few times and wanted to try her given the positive reviews but either just had a session or she was busy with someone else.
- Christine (lovely brunette Romanian who says she is 26) told me Crystal was her 20 year old sister and tried to sell me a twosome. They do look similar but the thought that they were sister actually turned me off. Nevertheless it was tempting but I was exhausted.
The changing room in the basement seem cleaner and the bad smell gone (some woman comes by every 30 minutes if seems to pour disinfectant solution all over the place. That solution has an alkaline smell but better than what they had before. Also the showers seem to be improved, with less severe temperature changes when several people are using the showers together. No problems getting a room and they all seemed a bit cleaner than a few years ago. As an aside, I'm getting an impression that Hungarian girls are reliable and consistent based on my experience and what I have observed in the forum. But just an observation, perhaps others have a view.
Am feeling very exhausted now as I write this real time, but am satisfied, (and a tad sore with the little bro), but also feeling guilty for the fun I had tonight. Part of me says this is ok, but another big part of me wants to stop this. I think deep down the right thing for me is to cease such extra curricular activities for many reasons, but do not have the strength to carry through. Ahhh, the joy of life and its challenges! To each their own and all the best to my fellow mongers.
[QUOTE=Samplerr]I also spotted her as I was leaving Globe one night. I made a mental note to book her later that week, and then drag her to the front desk when she misbehaved. Not surpised she didn't last long enough for me to make a return trip.[/QUOTE]
Big naturally boobed, curvy, tanned and sexy Patricia's (ro) tenure at Globe was such that midweek (Thursday) she was at Globe on the all opening time shift and by the weekend (Friday) she was working in Oase evening shift. It was interesting to see her at both places. These girls do move around quite quickly if they need to. LOL.
[QUOTE=Strato] I had another session with Tessa on 23 Sept). And it was, again, a memorable time, primarily due to her unique oral techniques.
She did require some encouragement and her knowledge of English is very limited. Someone on this list, mentioned last week, about Tessa, that his session with her was very good but "something seemed to be missing". IMO, this might be due to the language barrier? Her knowledge of English is very, very limited
I always try to be friendly with the providers and, to me, this attitude goes a long way towards receiving a superior session, most certainly with Tessa. And for the most case, all other providers seem to enjoy someone who will make them smile, a laugh and enjoy themselves etc. Tic Tacs or other mints also are appreciated,
Lady at front desk. (the nice lady, not the wicked witch with glass's), had told me the day before (22 Sept) that Swiss Miss Michelle was to be in today. But c'est la vie. Michelle did not appear on Thurs (though according to reports, she did return to Oase, a few days later). Hopefully, next time!
Tried to get some time in with Hannah but she disappeared, not to re-emerge. So had session with my old friend Adrianna/Linda/Karolina (Czech). And as always, she is a fun personality and a stellar provider. [/QUOTE]
I still have not booked TESSA yet. She does look good but I get mixed reports on her. Some say her technique is amateur and some say her service is immaculate. I guess it is something in between. What I do know is that she takes coaching and is willing to keep it up as long as you are paying. So I will give her that.
Given your dates you missed fucking Michelle by one or two days maybe. She worked the weekend. I find quite a few of the regular girls I like to fuck so nor work dessous tag since they prefer to shun clothing. I know VERONA once complained bitterly once that some girls do not understand the concept of FKK being totally naked wearing all their silly pussy hiders and adornments.
Yes, ADRIANA was working over the weekend period. She has her regulars and it is interesting to see the types of men that go with her. Yes, one of my favourites is the nicknamed the Pervert (english language forum) or Caveman (Francophone language forum) for the public blowjobs he makes with the hookers. He is an exponent of FKK open display sex.
Hanna can at times be well busy and at times not booked for hours. She does work the evening shift so she can be well available in the later hours. Just be patient.
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub]50% correct, but also 50% false. Who does come up with these weird stories?!
May I enquire which part is 50% correct and which part if 50% false? Is the false bit the part where Lia is recommended as a girl that you can make love to in the room and the correct bit is the story about the client that books her all day? I am not sure which bit you are referring to.
The story about the all day booking was related to me from a local man in the club. He told me that he was so happy that Lia was now available for sessions as her regular client is not booking her no more. He was so happy he took Lia to the room for one hour of fucking and then did it again the next day. It was fun watching their initial session in the cinema. I just happened to stumble upon it and gave them some light encouragement.
During my visits I have seen Lia sit all day during her shift with a Turkish guy and then at the end, Lia goes home around 6pm or so since she is all dressed up in her street clothes. It seemed to me that she made her dough off the guy and felt there was no need to stay around and could leave.
[QUOTE=Hk Tom Cruise]by the way, why on earth do all the Romanians say they are Spanish![/QUOTE]
Presumably because of the bad reputation Romanians have at these clubs. They will more commonly claim to be Italian.
If I find a woman who claims to be Spanish, I call her bluff by speaking the language to her. At Oase, more than once she's backed down and replied that her father/mother was from Spain or that she only lived there as a child and it's been a while, etc. etc. Never that she's Romanian.
On the other hand, I find it interesting that at Parksauana Residenz in Lohmar (near Cologne) not only do the Romanians not shy away from saying that they are from Romania but also quite a few know Spanish.
The Canadian Bacon and Maple Syrup Tour - Day 2
The Canadian Bacon and Maple Syrup Tour - What does it mean? When I decided to session with a lady, I usually offered her some Canadian 'Maple Syrup'. Most accepted the offer.
Tuesday the 21st of September dawned sunny and warm. At least I think it did. I did not wake until 11 A.M. I had had a wonderful first day in Paradise at Palace [post]1074748[/post] and ended it in a "Table Dance Club" in the RLD. Different strokes for different folks, but why would I want to spend over 50€ in that club just to be teased for what I could get for sure at a FKK? ("Drinks" for the ladies start at 20€. How much a 'table dance' in the back costs or what you get I do not know.)
What I did know was that I would be going to Bernd's Sauna Club in the NRW tomorrow and the day after I would meet up with my pooner associate from my first visit at Oase on Thursday, the 23rd, also Dessous Tag at Oase. Friday and Saturday were still open.
Now I had attended Socks & Suspenders Tag at Palace (Monday) because this does not (usually) interfere with the nudity. But Dessous Tag? I preferred the nudity, so although I had originally planned on resting today in preparation for a big finish to my tour, I decided to go to Oase on Tuesday when the weather was warm and nudity was on the menu!
But first I wanted to secure my transit to Bernd's. So I went to the big DB office in the Hauptbahnhof and bought my tickets. Of note, with my selection of times, I got a cheaper, simpler route than last May. Formerly I had paid 125€ and gone from FRA to Seigburg-Bonn on ICE train then S-Bahn to Hennef-Seig. I had returned on an ICE train from Koln. This time I skipped Koln and returned again from Seigburg-Bonn for 118€. I had printed train timetables before I left home so I knew I could take earlier S-Bahn's back to S-B, but I had to catch that one ICE back: it was the last till 4 A.M. More on that, next report.
It would seem that I am cursed by the trains though. Having secured my passage to Bernd's for the next day, I made my way to track 104 to head off to Friedrichsdorf. As I got there I saw a S4 to Kronenig. That had a familiar ring to it, but I decided not to take it and when I checked the map I found I was right not to take it. So instead I took a S7 Friedberg, which I assumed went via Friedrichsdorf since it is the next town down the line.
I began to worry when small town after small town that I had never heard of began to appear. Finally, after what seemed an eternity we pulled into...Friedberg, having completely missed Friedrichsdorf. But I am nothing if not lucky. I located a DB employee who advised that in 1 hour a train would leave platform 1a for Friedrichsdorf. Saved! I headed off to the platform to begin my sentence. When I arrived I spotted a train labeled for Friedrichsdorf. Turns out, it was the same one I could wait an hour for. So I took it. There were many school children on the train, so it was loud and confusing. Finally most of them disembarked at the station before Friedrichsdorf. Ah the peace! As the train pulled from that station I observed the sign: Burgholzhausen! For those that don't know, Oase is located on the far side of Burgholzhausen. I could have disembarked and taken a cheaper cab. C'est la Vie!
Oase 21-09-10*14:45 - 20:15
Finally at 2:45 P.M. I arrived. Oase has also been described at length else where so I will omit that part, other than to say the new money lockers across from the main Bar are too cramped. But the new red lipped mouth shaped urinals are a hoot! Because it was a sunny and warm day the outside bar /washrooms were open, though there was no bar-b-que. Although the ladies outnumbered the bears, it was primarily the bears who made use of the outside area. This was actually quite refreshing: when you tired of the music / noise and the onslaught of the ladies in the main room you could simply escape to the fresh out-of-doors.
Word of caution to newbies: When paying for entrance to Oase I have normally used large bills, i.e.. 100 € notes. When I came the very first time I was not sure but thought I was a little short of cash. This time I observed the lady at the till would attend to getting you your key and wristband, then she would pause...just a few seconds before giving you your change, which was always correct. The point I am making is that if, as an overwhelmed newbie you depart the reception as soon as you have your key etc., you may miss out on your change.
I had decided not to maintain a list of ladies present as I had the previous day, but I did note a few:
Evette / 'vette a Hungarian blonde with a pony tail and chinese characters on her spine. Very pretty.
Tessa, from Hungary also. Although I have never sessioned with her, I find her a beautiful young lady. Her unique hair style, long brown straight down her back with the sharp cut bangs, makes her stand out. As such I never fail to speak to her by name. I see a smile of recognition, then a look of puzzlement because we have not been to the zimmer.
Julie is another Hungarian charmer who was there. Seemed I was noting mostly Hungarians, when in truth the majority of the ladies through out my visits were Romanian.
Then I made a mistake. I came across a lady who was blonde, average height and build. She had an asian look about her eyes and wore white eyeliner. At first I thought that she was Annetta, with whom I had had such an unpleasant encounter last May. She had hounded me all day for a session and in the end demanded 50€ for the time and attention she had paid me. I caved and paid her and then reported her to management. Could this be the same lady? She came on to me and said her name was Annabelle. At the time I could not remember Annetta and Annabelle was close enough. I told her that I knew her and had seen her the last time I was here in May. She responded: And it was Good? To which I simply said no. That seemed to shut things down and she finally left. I later noted her talking with her friends, and being Romainan that is a lot of friends. I may have shot myself in the foot, since there are some good Romanian girls out there. All day long when I passed her or her close friends the look was just cool. But I did nothing about it, until the next time I returned.
Which was perhaps a good thing because as I observed elsewhere, Romanians made up about 80% of the Oase ladies.
It looked a lot like I would leave unpopped: there was no Michelle, (the more I thought of it the more I was convinced that she may take Tuesdays off and I doubted she would like Dessous Tag on Thursday - this made me very sad), no Gabriella, (I confirmed both these absences with the House Frau) and no Heidi, Iris (mini-Michelle) nor any others I had come to like.
Finally, while laying on a sofa in the corner opposite the kino entrance I noted a very attractive black lady. We struck up a conversation about what I do not remember. She was not really my type and I did not think I was all that interested, just wanting to talk to someone. Over time I slid closer to her and eventually we were quite close. I learned that she was Jamilla of Cuba via Italy. She had black long curly hair and large natural C's. One thing led to another and we began to kiss. Can this woman kiss! We were off to the kino for some very good DDFK. In fact, I think she removed my tonsils while she was at it. We adjourned to a zimmer (cool one requested and delivered). Once inside the antics were the usual, with the note that the boys and their base were very well attended. Unfortunately, she was a little too good in the sucking department and actually left me a little sore. Further, something that became apparent on this trip was that unless I had acquired an immediate desire for someone, a spark, I would perform poorly. I could be convinced to go, as I was with Jamilla, but without that initial spark I was doomed to fail. Nevertheless, this never prevented me from having a great session: lots of DDFK, DATY, 69, CowGirl(s) etc. Spending sperm was always the goal, but it was not a disaster if I decided to practice sperm retention. After all, you only have so much Zinc in your body and you must protect it. Ya, right!
General observations: There were a lot of dark haired, small boobed maidens running around at first, though the situation improved. One incident involved a group of 3 obviously Romanian 'teens' by the pool. They were too young in my opinion and were acting childishly when a dragon-fly began to buzz them and the pool. In the end there had been a lot of screaming, girlish giggles and a broken glass on the pool deck. They lacked the maturity that I look for. How seriously would they treat a session in the zimmer?
Always a contentious issue is the food at Oase. Personally, I had no problem with it. Most of the time I had only a fair idea as to what I was eating, but it tasted okay and did not make me sick. In fact it quieted my rumbling tummy, so it was ok in my book. I did observe spent Pizza boxes around, particularly in the no-smoking area above the loungers by the jacuzzi.
One complaint on this trip, which was repeated on subsequent visits: the floor outside the upstairs showers is quite wet and slippery for the ladies in their super high heels. This was a route I would take several times in the coming days to the cool rooms and always had to assist my lady. Not a bad thing, but it could be.
In the end I departed at 8:15 P.M. after only one session in just under 6 hours. I think my poor performance was a result of several factors: I was still jet-lagged, there were too many young "Romanians" running around and pestering me. Palace is known for its aggressive workers, but on this date Oase was not that far off the mark! And most of my favourites were not there. No one provided the spark of either beauty or sensuality. But I was not worried. There would be other days here, and Bernd's was on the map for tomorrow.
I returned to Frankfurt and wandered around the RLD a bit, touring a couple of floors of some of the Houses. As per the previous night I settled into the American Table Dance Club for a beer and a show prior to retiring for the night.
Costs: Breakfast at my favourite Deli/Coffee shop 3€, Day pass for Friedrichsdorf from FRA 9,35€, Cab to / From Oase with tip 20€, Entrance to Oase 65€, one OK session 50€, late night beer (tip included) 5€, more juice for in room 2€ = 154,35€.
Up next Bernd's Sauna Club in Lichtenberg!!
[QUOTE=Myrmidon]The Canadian Bacon and Maple Syrup Tour[/QUOTE]As expected another great report [b]Myrmidon[/b]. Very entertaining and informative!
This adventure deserves to be in the [b]Reports of Distinction thread[/b] and I will most probably group your current set of trip reports together in this thread (once published), unless someone else gets there before me!
Don't agree with you about the food in [b]FKK Oase[/b]. Perhaps the grub has improved very recently (the outdoor BBQ is normally reasonable), but they were serving the usual muck indoors, up until recently enough.
Also train tickets seem to be costing you a packet (not to mention the unflexible nature of train travel), would you not be better off with an auto?
Anyway, glad to see that the trip went well (at least so far!). :)
Michelle dessous
[QUOTE=Myrmidon] there was no Michelle, (the more I thought of it the more I was convinced that she may take Tuesdays off and I doubted she would like Dessous Tag on Thursday - this made me very sad)[/QUOTE]
Michelle works on dessoustag. She doesn't like it, wears only a bikini bottom which she takes off at every opportunity, and usually by the end of the day chucks it altogether.
[QUOTE=Iseeu]Michelle works on dessoustag. She doesn't like it, wears only a bikini bottom which she takes off at every opportunity, and usually by the end of the day chucks it altogether.[/QUOTE]
When I saw Michelle on Friday she advised that she was just returning from a holiday. I was just pleased to have had the opportunity to repeat with her...details to follow.
[QUOTE=Captian Dan]...would you not be better off with an auto?[/QUOTE]
See my response to Breadman on the Bernd's thread, a really expensive club to get to via Public Transit.
New FKK in Kassel (North of Frankfurt)
Guys, who knows anything about it: [url]http://www.sauna-club-papillon.de/[/url]
The where opened three days ago.
The Canadian Bacon and Maple Syrup Tour - Day 4 / 5
The Canadian Bacon and Maple Syrup Tour - What does it mean? When I decided to session with a lady, I usually offered her some Canadian 'Maple Syrup'. Most accepted the offer.
This report is further to my previous reports on Palace and Oase and Bernd's [post]1075147[/post] . Today I was to meet up with a fellow pooner who I had last met on my first visit, over a year ago.
Oase 23-09-10 1:00 P.M. - 9:10 P.M.
On this day I was scheduled to reunite with an old friend and later to make the acquaintance of a new one. For that reason I arrived fairly early and as the appointed hour of arrival approached I deflected approaches by the ladies. I was, however, anxious to "pick up the pace" and wanted to get started with the ladies sooner. Until now I had waited till I had seen most of the line-up to select. This left me making my selection quite late and with little time for recovery for a second choice.
This was also Dessous Tag, where the ladies are supposed to wear some 'lingerie'. Not a favourite of mine, though I had never attended one before.
Many ladies that I had seen on Tuesday were again here. Michelle and Gabriella were again absent.
The first lady to approach me pool side was Rolua / Rula, Romanian wearing a brownish leopard skin type bikini and big earrings. Her approach was very good, as I told her I had to welcome a friend shortly so we just talked, she was OK with this. Later, after I had met my friend I was back by the pool and Rula was amongst her girl friends. They were chatting and she was on the cell phone. Finally I waved her over. She advised that she had seen me with my friend but did not want to intrude. We exchanged some kisses and with that I was sold. We moved to one of the cabanas. Rula was a terrific kisser and had a tongue stud that I enjoyed. She paid a lot of attention to the boys and we worked our way through the usual positions until I finished. We were a little early so she stayed and we talked some more. Through out the remainder of the day she spoke to me several times. She was terrific and for a Romanian she is one I would recommend: her attitude and service were spot on! 50€.
As I said before I saw again many of the ladies I had seen on Tuesday. This included Claudia of Brazil, now living in Spain, (Romanian?). With my earlier ladies I had conducted limited interviews prior to going to the zimmer, choosing to trust my instincts. To-date I had not been dissappointed. This time I decided to float a couple of questions by Claudia first. Including did she like kissen? She replied Yes. To bad, because once in the room the up sell began and when I said no to it, the kissing dried up as well. This really killed the mood for me. Within no time she began to insist that I must cum, as we had only 30 min. With the mood now gone for me I was unable to finish and told her it was sperm retention. She accused me of using chemicals and neither of us was a particularly happy camper. Needless to say I would not recommend her. 50€.
Through out the evening I continued to touch base with my friend from before and my new found colleague. Thanks to both for their assistance on this day.
Just prior to leaving I spotted this fetching lady with glasses and wild dark hair. I approached her and learned her name was Janey. It was too late in the day for me now, but as I would be returning tomorrow, I advised I would like to see her then. She agreed.
With that, I began my trek back to FRA. I would comment that the population of Oase was definitely 80% Romanian on this date. It was quite busy most of the day and by the time I left it was getting hard to find rooms. I left at 9:10 P.M. after 8 hours in the club.
Travel to / from Oase was achieved with 2 single tickets @ 3,80 each plus taxi.*
When I got back to town I decided to see if I could find a little Eros Centre that I had located in May. It was right next to the FKK SudFass by the river Main. As it turned out I did infact remember my way there and found the Eros Centre Amor on Oskar-Von-Miller Str. There were about 6 ladies working and for 50€ I had a half hour session with a girl named Isabelle. She was a pretty young blonde who spoke no English. Everything was safe and satisfactory, but not as good as a FKK visit. I would not repeat, but enjoyed the experience.
With that, I returned to my hotel and prepared to return to Oase the next day. Cost of this day: Breakfast 3€, 2 train tickets at 3,80€ each + 2 taxi for 10 €, entrance to Oase of 65 € + 2 sessions at 50€ each + 1 Eros session at 50 € = 245,60 €.
The Canadian Bacon and Maple Syrup Tour - Day 5
Today I was to return to Oase for the 3rd time this week, second time in two days. I was beginning to see the value in regularly frequenting the same club / ladies. Similarly, I could see the advantage in becoming a Stammgast. But I like variety and this makes frequent returns of questionable value.
Oase 24-09-10 11:30 A.M. - 9:55 P.M.
This was perhaps one of the finest days of my tour. It was my second last day, my last day at Oase, so I should be sad. Yet some of the highlights of this trip occurred on this day.
For one, upon arrival I quickly found Michelle, my Swiss Miss. Like the previous day, I explained that I was waiting for my friend, whom she knew, and another associate. She was cool with this. Once the others were on board I quickly hunted her down in the main hall and we were on.
There are those that are not that fond of her. I personally like variety, yet I seek her out every time I come! When I offered her some Maple Syrup she readily agreed that she wanted some. So off to one of the "cool" rooms we went. We walked hand-in-hand and I reveled in being so close to this goddess.
Despite my yearnings for Michelle, I had approached this session with some trepidation: I like variety & this would be our 3rd encounter. I forgot that Michelle is the consummate professional: always evolving. The 1st time it was her vanishing from my sight as she dropped to her knees to commence the divine BBBJ followed by her backwards flip to present herself to me. Then, the 2nd time she showed me how to put foot prints on the room's wall mirrors, if ya catch my drift. This time she stood behind me and started with the back of the neck lick while caressing me. I simply melted and she then slid in front of me to continue kissing. She is a great kisser! Then the backwards flip. When she does this maneuver and presents herself to you, it is mind boggling. With other ladies I have to hoist them up by their hips to try and get near the same presentation. With Michelle she does it naturally and spectacularly! Later, as she straddled me she tit-fucked me while BLS & BBBJ! Lots of attention to the boys, the perineum and surrounding area. She worked very very hard. In the end we wound up with a delightful CIM. I looked at my watch and when I said OOPS I am over time, (by about 5 minutes), she looked at her watch and then cheerfully replied: No your not, your right on time! I only mentioned it because I knew that is exactly what she would say. She says she really enjoys sex, and I for one believe her. She continued chatting with me & greeting me throughout the night, as is her custom. Without prompting on my part she recalled the circumstances of our last meeting, in May. She is a strong reason to return! As usual, Michelle sets the bar. All for 150 € for 1 hr + cim.
But I was not done. My friend from my first visit had reconnected with the delightful Heidi, and she came to see us while we lounged at the pool. Highlight 2: I too remembered how she had saved my day last May as it had not been a particularly stellar day for me when Heidi approached me at the no smoking end of the upstairs bar and introduced herself to me. I had recognized the name instantly and we had had a fabulous session. Well, in all honesty, I had not recognized Heidi this time: she was very slim and small breasted with long straight dark blonde hair. She was quite cute, very girl-next-door innocent looking; but I remembered what a tireless worker she was and that she was anything but innocent. So without too much coaxing we were off to another cool room. She too kissed very well and paid a lot of attention to the boys with a great deal of BLS. She asked if she could have CIM and because of how she did it I did not see it as an up sell, but rather a request. I consented to her request. She was a terrific 30 minutes for 100 €.
Well, this was quite the start to my day, quite different from the previous days. Highlight 3: I was having fun talking with my colleagues from yesterday and another one who had joined us. It was very informative and interesting. Thank you gentlemen.
Most of the ladies present had been so on my previous two visits this week:
Tessa's hair was a little longer & darker, still streaked blonde, with her trade mark straight cut bangs & slim figure. She is very pretty.
Judith / Judit who is a slim figured lady with dark wild hair and a very pretty face. She was seen a couple of times by one of my friends.
Jamilla, black from Cuba was there again. She is a great kisser, and quite busty. We exchanged smiles several times.
Evette ('vette) the Hungarian blonde with the pony tail and chinese characters on her spine. Very pretty. In checking around though, I almost wonder if she might be the Julia of Romania / Ukraine fame. In any event, I did not sample her.
Janey was also present later, but I did not get around to seeing her.
My final Highlight / encounter of the night at Oase was Yana, 26 of Germany. As rooms were getting scarce and I preferred a cool one, we took it outside to one of the cabanas. This girl is very nice: long blonde hair to mid-back in pony tail & glasses. Looks quite innocent, even girl-next-door sans glasses. She gave lots of BLS, and was very attentive. Despite her innocent look she is quite skilled and has a small black ornament attached to her pussy...she really is quite a good girl. We finished in due course and began an interesting conversation on learning languages. She wanted to stay in the room and discuss this well after the session. She proved to be quite intelligent. I would definitely repeat and recommend. 50€.
On the way home I was surprised by all the young girls who were on the train partying, each one with her own bottle of wine. At other stops more partying youth got on the train and by the time we reached the Hauptbahnhof it was quite the party. While I was obviously too old to partake, I did find the spirit to be infectious. It was great fun.
Finally, I had misunderstood my friends intention of "opening" Oase and so I arrived early. All I can say is that any misunderstanding that nets me more time at Oase is alright with me. Time in club: 10.5 hours.
Costs for the day: Breakfast 3 € Two one way tickets to Friedrichsdorf at 3,80 € each, 2 taxi at 10 € each, Entrance to Oase at 65 €, Michelle for 150 €, Heidi for 100 €, plus Yana for 50 € = 395,60 €.*
That leaves just one more day: Palace the Final Day!
[QUOTE=Jymondor]Guys, who knows anything about it: [url]http://www.sauna-club-papillon.de/[/url]
The where opened three days ago.[/QUOTE]Is it in Frankfurt ? From the website I'm not able to understand.
Maybe we should discuss about it in the General Info thread
[QUOTE=Go Goguy]Is it in Frankfurt ? From the website I'm not able to understand.[/QUOTE]
Nope, as posted north of Kassel, you can tell by the area code:
[QUOTE=Markthomas1950]Hi HB,
May I enquire which part is 50% correct and which part if 50% false?[/QUOTE]
I'm not a friend of spreading too much details about girls on the board, if they do have no correlation to the job. Lia is back and bookable. Period.
[QUOTE=Go Goguy]Is it in Frankfurt ? From the website I'm not able to understand.[/QUOTE]
No, as the title of the report of Jymondor already mentioned it is in Kassel about 200km NW of Frankfurt.
Forstfeldstr. Nr 8
D-34123 Kassel
Day 1 of third September trip: FKK Oase
The Oase line up in late September has now come into its own and the full line up is back and ready for the messe season starting off with the stupendous Automechanika messe from 14-19 September. This is the line up from last weekend with some comments on the girls to amalgamate some thoughts and experiences. My trip report is integrated into the line up list since the visit experience is shaped by the hookers one meets. There are names galore in there. Myrmidon in his report mentions that the line up at Oase is 80% Romanian. I would agree if the club were World but I find the Oase line up to have more variety. Based on this day’s line up the Romanian count out of 105 girls listed are 36 Romanian girls which make 34.3% which is a little less than 80% of the line up.
Interesting point is that some of the girls sometimes tell me when other regular guests that I know or know of have been in or are in the club on the days that I visit.
I caught with 5 other members of this forum whereas the 6th one who was German was a bit elusive since he arrived late afternoon and went off with gorgeous Lia (ro) and left soon after fucking her for a half hour session. The guys had a good time and it was good to share tips on the girls and listen to feedback from sessions.
The club was fairly quiet during the day but got busy from 17:00 onwards as the men were released from work as it was the end of the working week. From 23:00 onwards the club’s busy like nature started to calm down and so there was seating available again.
The dinner food comprised of chicken in sauce, swine in sauce, cooked vegetables, potato croquettes and fresh salad.
*** LINE UP LIST ***
1. Adelina (ro) has gone more golden blond from her dark blond look
2. Adriana / Karolina / Linda (cz) long blond hair, saggy DD breasts, beloved for her mouth only and unstoppable blowjob. Performs anal sex.
3. Agnes (pl) long black hair, full curvy body, pretty
4. Agniezka (pl) long dark blond hair, tall slim, recommended for GFE, pretty
5. Aida (ro) blond, dark eyes, B cup, pale skinned, tends to wear knee high socks, average height, good service
6. Alba (de) nice breasted brunette from Cologne sparked some controversy by forum members at one time.
7. Alexandra (bg) slim, tall, dark haired
8. Alexandra (ro) small, tanned, dark haired, likes to use the hotter sauna late in the evening, friendly type
9. Alina (ro) slim, shoulder length black hair, B cups, service was excellent but seems to be holding something back now in sessions.
10. Ambra / Rafaella (ro) says she is from Italy or sometimes Hungary, very beautiful, recommended for a session for her energy and willingness to please. At times I have found her vulnerable. Treat her well guys.
11. Aniko (hu) cute, petite, a bit MILFy.
12. Anna (hu) Hungarian MILF that looks bored all the time
13. Annabelle (de) mixed German and Korean parentage, nice breasts, pale skinned,
14. Ariana (ro) well tanned, enhanced breasts, very slim, looks like a stick with two protruding breasts
15. Bianca (ro) small, golden blond, very friendly, worth a booking
16. Bianca (ro) very small, long light brown haired, A cups, ungrateful when you do something for her
17. Cassandra (ro) affectionate, very giving of her time, slim, tall, long black hair
18. Claudia (br) blond, tanned with tan lines where her slip was, nice enhanced D cup breasts, YMMV with service.
19. Claudia (ro) looks like Helena Bonham Carter, big black curly hair
20. Claudia (ro) blond, average size
21. Crystal (ro) slim, petite build, very pretty model looks, leggy, small cute ass that is just begging to be fucked, has a haughty look that she knows she is beautiful and will laud it over you. She is off the long term plan now.
22. Daniela (ro) slim, black hair
23. Desi / Daisy (bg) black hair, well tanned, exotic looks, very friendly and giving of her time, good service and keeps on going until you say stop, performs anal
24. Diana (DR) petite black girl with B cups, looks happy all the time that likes to sway and boogeying to the music
25. Doris (pl) started at Oase in the week beginning 13 Sept. 22 years old, slim dark blond with hair to her shoulders, fluent in German, speaks some English, 1.7 m, B cup breast, cute young face. Doris has previously worked at Living Room, Kaarst, Villa Vertigo, Grerath and Acapulco, Velbert so she has a bit of experience. She was giving extended couch time during the Automechanika messe which meant that she was not one to rush a guest. Does BBBJ and BLS well.
26. Edita (?) red haired, B cups, plump body, tends to sauna at the beginning and end of her shift, a little older than average Oase girl.
27. Fanny (es) black hair, average build, 1.6 m tall, B cups, maybe late twenties and I would not be surprised in her thirties, vigorous GFE experience provider from Vigo, Spain; recommended for her kissing, does not really hunt for customers and sits in the non smoking area looking to pick up guests
28. Francesca (ro) a gorgeous body, an ass that cannot quit being admired, my compliments to the parents, blond, brown eyes, leggy, perfect natural B cups. You need to be firm with her service.
29. Gabriella (Venezuela) black hair, small, tanned, recommended for her velvet feeling pussy when she fucks you in cowgirl.
30. Guita / Guetta (hu) black hair, pretty look, average build, B cups, quiet but smiling type.
31. Hanna /Hannah (cz) platinum blond, small breasted, average build, recommended for her GFE and blowjob and BLS and further licking.
32. Heidi (hu) very small and so is young looking, light brown hair, performs anal
33. Ingrid (ro) long dark hair, large build
34. Isy / Izzy (bg) beautiful, green tattooed arms, black hair, exotic looks, recommended for her service.
35. Jamilla (Cuba) long black curly hair, large natural C cup breasts. Recommended for her kissing.
36. Janey (bg) Betty Boo voice, wears glasses, curly brown hair, and tends to wear a pussy hiding skirt. A good session.
37. Jasmine (hu) tall, blond, quiet type, hangs out with Heidi (hu) at times
38. Jelena (ro) has straightened her whizzy hair and gone blond. Sassy and demanding. At times she can be giving but other times she is not. YMMV.
39. Jennifer (hu) ever so slim blond with high B cup breasts, pretty, does not tout for work and tends to sit by the high tables next to the massage room and smoke and chat with the other Hungarian girls or to customers.
40. Jenny (de) from Magdeburg, 27 year old blond, nice body, friendly, performs anal.
41. Jill (de) from Thuringia, brunette, has massive perfect shaped breasts. Quiet type that does not approach guests. Uses her big breasts to attract customers by their look.
42. Joanna (Dominican Republic) 1.80 m in her high heels or 1.65 m without the heels with perfect shaped body. She has black medium long slightly wavy hair, tied in a braid. Light skinned black girl. Has a nice ass, natural D cups natural breasts
43. Johanna (de) Johanna is renowned as the bilderbuch (picture book) due to her multitude of tattoos, beautiful D cups, a German blond, recommended for being a lovely girl in the room. Works the night shift starting from 21:00.
44. Judith (hu) very slim brunette, freckles, A cups, interesting green eyes, performs anal sex, recommended as a definitive GFE provider
45. Karina / Carina (ro) petite blond spinner, with D cup breasts so they do look very heavy on her slight frame, provides good service but I found the BBBJ a bit toothy. Beloved by German fuckers and English speaking fuckers for her look.
46. Karolina (pl) petite, long haired blond, is one for kissing for ages and kissing your body all over if you like that, BBBJ is not rated as top notch but is up to fuck. Recommended as a GFE due to her propensity for kissing.
47. Katherina (ru) average build, B cups, wears glasses, slight curled black hair, tattoos, recommended for her good service.
48. Kira (hu) black hair, a bit plump, B cups, hangs out with the Hungarian gang.
49. Kim (Thailand) slim, long black hair, tanned, recommended for Thai lovers since she is the only one at Oase at the moment.
50. Lana (de) blond, covered in tattoos, beloved by Ocean Bear 1 since she is his type of slim, toned athletic build, A cup breasts. I have been there once and I will not book again as Lana is not my girl.
51. Laura (lv) tall, blond, pretty face, enhanced C cups, does an excellent blowjob and loves her pussy being licked and well often 69 position once she starts sucking you, is one for the guys that like girls with big floppy pussy lips, a club standard provider
52. Laurie (ro) looks Turkish with her facial features, petite, long black hair, memorable to me some time ago for mentioning that she was having a hard time sitting down since a large black man had fucked her in the ass just before. Performs anal sex.
53. Lena (sk) slim, beautiful, blond hair to her mid back, A cup breasts.
54. Lennie / Lenny (Colombia) black girl, long straight black hair, tall, big breasts, haughty look.
55. Lia (ro) recommended for a session, slim build, perfect ass, nice shapely legs, B cups, very beautiful, has her black hair to her neck which is cut straight in a slight page boy style. Speaks excellent English. Allows CIM and memorable for me for the big blast down her throat one time.
56. Lila (pl) worked formerly at club Globe in Zurich so that says a lot of the pedigree of this girl. Provides good service.
57. Linda (gr) average build, long brown hair, average height
58. Lucia (ro) petite, shoulder lenght light brown hair that is sometimes pulled back tirelessly looking for clients and persistent in going back to clients previously asked to make sure that they had not changed their minds to go back with her
59. Lucy (de) shoulder length dark hair, average build, B cup breasts, sits at the bar opposite the valuables lockers to tout for clients as the come to get drinks. Works the day shift.
60. Luisa (es / Morocco) exotic look as to be East Asian looking. Black hair usually tied up in a bun, average build and height and is noted even by some of the other girls as a bit fast with some customers in the room. YMMV.
61. Lynn (de) tall brunette, writing tattoo on her right hip area, nice C cup breasts
62. Madelina / Madelena (ro) long black hair, slim, small size.
63. Magda (ro) very petite, big bouffant black hair, A cup breasts, friendly.
64. Maggie / Maggy (bg) light brown hair, pretty face, full body, B cups, does an excellent BBBJTCIM and can be seen in the cinema doing this a lot for certain clients.
65. Manuela (It) average build, long black hair, average height
66. Marina (ro) black hair, sweet girl and sweet GFE style sex.
67. Melissa (ro) black hair, very seductive when trying to close a deal with her targeted man
68. Mercedes (Egypt) big black hair, tanned, enhanced protruding shaped D cup breasts that are the feature that you notice at first since they are so out there.
69. Michelle (ch) the blasen from Basel, long brunette hair with a bit of curl, provides a GFE and PSE service for her customers.
70. Nancy (be) slim body, brown haired
71. Naomi / Netherlands (Curacao) mixed race girl, interesting to talk to
72. Nicole (ro) quite pretty girl, long black hair, average height and average build,
73. Nina (de) slim, tall, highly tattooed back, A cups, recommended by German and English speaking fuckers so she has broad appeal and common service across nationalities.
74. Patricia (ro) dark blond, full body, natural C cup breasts that defy gravity, put on a little weight, very beautiful, all over tanned that must have taken some care to obtain. Service can be limited.
75. Pearl (Ghana) black girl with black hair, grew up in Germany.
76. Ralou / Rula (ro) black hair, pretty, average size, feedback is she is a terrific kisser and has a tongue stud, performs BLS.
77. Rebecca / Ramona (ro) blond, pretty, full shaped C cup breasts, provides excellent service and recommended for her deep throat blowjob.
78. Renata (ro) slim, long dark hair, slight gypsy look, jewellery,
79. Roberta (ro) slim, long black hair, A cups, excellent conversationalist, affectionate and a real customer service orientated worker.
80. Roxanne (pl) blond, average build
81. Sabrina (ro) black hair, slim, B cups
82. Samira (Egypt) wacky girl, long big black hair, average build
83. Sammy (Ru / Kazakstan) long strawberry blond hair, was very rude if you are not booking her straight away.
84. Sandra (ro) dark hair, B cups, average build
85. Shanna (de) long brown hair, broad shoulders, B cups, average looks,
86. Shareen (Iran) dark hair, average build
87. Sheila (ro) slim, small size, perfect B cup tear drop shaped breasts, tends to wear hold up stockings of some sort or fish net style stockings. A lot of fun girl.
88. Steffanie (de) from Cologne (personal note: I may have this girl mixed up with someone else)
89. Steffanie (ro) has a Turkish look and maybe also background, dark hair
90. Steffi (ru) platinum blond, blue eyes, slim build, enhanced C cups that stick out now, performs excellent service, does not hunt for customers but does wander the club around looking to pick up business, works the day shift.
91. Sunny (de) long blond hair with pink highlights to her waist, firm toned body, enhanced D cup breasts, tall, comes from Berlin, performs anal sex
92. Suzanna (mk) dark hair, average build,
93. Tessa (de) long light brown hair that is blond streaked.
94. Valeria (Columbia) dark hair, pretty, average build.
95. Vanessa (rs) very dark blond, very petite, performs good service
96. Victoria (pl) Short Platinum blond hair to her neck in a fashioned cut, MILF, C cups,
97. Vivian (hu) beloved for her platinum blond good looks, does not speak much English, average build, and size, B cups, performs anal sex
98. Yasmine (rs) dark blond, average build, performs good service
99. Yvette (hu) long blond hair, tall, natural C cup breasts, pretty, brown eyes, Chinese lettering tattoo down the spine of her back, does public sex and performs an excellent blowjob.
100. Yvonne (sk) long reddish brown hair, natural D cups, good service
101. ? (?) exotic eyes, good looking blond
102. ? (?) tall, slim, long hair blond with a bit of a curl at the ends, non descript features which could make her Poland or German, works, day shift
103. ? (Korea) long black hair, pale skinned, average build, worked formerly at club Globe in Zurich, ch; very friendly and seems to have integrated well with the day shift girls very quickly
104. ? (ro) slim build, friends with Crystal (ro)
105. ? (ro) slim, dark haired
There were also 6 members from the International Sex Guide forum that I could identify in the club.
Girls that were sadly missing this visit:
1. Ricky / Riccarda (de) from Siegen, NRW, 1.75 m, long platinum blond hair, slim, natural B cups, tends to wear high heels with criss cross straps up her shins, recommended for the no hands mouth only blowjob that is sensational to feel that you just want to CIM, performs anal sex. Works the night shift starting from 21:00.
2. Stella (it) petite, brown eyed blond, average build, full of life. Works the day shift.
3. Timea (hu) strawberry blond, full bodied, nice natural B cups, recommended for her non stop mouth only blowjob that makes one CIM even when you are trying to resist. Performs anal sex. Works the day shift and leaves by 10 pm usually.
4. Verona (rs) small size, long platinum blond hair, has put on a bit of weight around her thighs and ass, A cups, piercing brown eyes, performs anal sex. Works the evening shift.
Memorably there was this one mature German guy that was doing the MTV music thing and pulling the best shapes I have seen on the dance floor. The girls would pass by and have a twirl with him but he seemed more content to be on his own with his hands in the air rocking to the Oase beats. It makes me proud that one day I would be his age and still coming to the clubs and fucking young girls still and dancing still. It is not long before I will be taking my retirement unless the western governments keep putting up the retirement age. I hear some western countries in Europe are rioting over this issue. Humans are so long lived now that you find that you do not have to everything straight away right now as there is time to do them later in life.
I spent some time with Sheila and Cassandra talking about Romanian music.
Keep safe,
[QUOTE=Basketcase]*** OASE TRIP REPORT ***
As always your report is always extensive and I praise you for having such a good memory to recite each girl strengths.
From this visit, I think our paths might have been crossed if I wasn't adamant in wanting to see Saskia at Palace. Maybe next time I will have the pleasure to thank you for all your reports in person.
I see Oase has a line up that has all the quality that I am looking for in a great satisfyin
G session. Let's hope the reno and food improvement will be enhanced by next Spring for my visit.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]*** OASE TRIP REPORT ***[/QUOTE]Hello, and thanks for yet another great report and the amazing lists you do.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]This is the line up from last weekend with some comments on the girls to amalgamate some thoughts and experiences.
29. Gabriella (Venezuela) black hair, small, tanned, recommended for her velvet feeling pussy when she fucks you in cowgirl.[/QUOTE]Are you talking about the weekend that occured on 24 and 25th of September? I'm pretty sure Gabriella wasn't there then. If she was I sure must have had some major bad luck not seeing her.
I Stand Corrected
[QUOTE=Basketcase]Myrmidon in his report mentions that the line up at Oase is 80% Romanian. I would agree if the club were World but I find the Oase line up to have more variety. Based on this day’s line up the Romanian count out of 105 girls listed are 36 Romanian girls which make 34.3% which is a little less than 80% of the line up.[/QUOTE]
I must confess that my 80% figure came from Rula, Ro.. Being from N.A. I am not personally keenly aware of these ethnic destinctions, so I am easily led astray. I apologize for my gullibility and error.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]*** OASE TRIP REPORT ***
The Oase line up in late September has now come into its own and the full line up is back and ready for the messe season starting off with the stupendous Automechanika messe from 14-19 September..... [/QUOTE]Hi BC,
I intended to send this as a pm now that I have access but your inbox is too full up!
I congratulate you on your latest list. It really is superlative. My favourite girl, Emma, lovely 23 year old Slovakian blonde (not natural though) isn't on it unfortunately, also what has happened to the lovely MILF Evelyne and the gorgeous Slovakian ex-model Belinda?
Anyway, I will be returning to Oase on 13/14 Nov and it would be great to say Hi to you and/or other ISGers if you're around then too. If not I will be coming in December as well.
I am a bit worried about how I am going to pass the time at Oase now that the summer season is over and the outdoors is not available as the inside is so cramped in comparison. However, I have now bought an electronic book with a light that clips onto it so if I'm not chatting to a pal, a girl, eating or in a room I will be reading Anna Karenina in a corner somewhere.
[QUOTE=Myrmidon]I must confess that my 80% figure came from Rula, Ro.. Being from N.A. I am not personally keenly aware of these ethnic destinctions, so I am easily led astray. I apologize for my gullibility and error.[/QUOTE]
Hi Myrmidon,
There is no need to apoligize. It is no problem.
I just saw the comment and just thought I would make sure myself and wrote a line up list in response to see myself how much the Oase line up comprises of Romanians. I did this exercise last year in a response to Ocean Bear 1 saying that he did not believe that Romanians made up more than 50% of the line up at World. So I did a list for Romanians at World and did the same for Oase and showed that Oase is around the 30% mark but World is in the over 50-60% mark. Ocean bear 1 still to date believes that there are not many Romanians at World since he probably believes they are all Italians, Greeks or Spanish.
It is interesting that over 1 year later we still have at Oase a line up comprising Romanians around the 30% mark and that the Romanian contingent at World has probably crept up even higher. It is good that Oase has kept the variety in its line up I think since it keeps the interest going.
Anyway I hope you liked the line up list and that the details give you fond memories of some of the girls that were around and gives some recommendations of who is a good girl and who is not so good so to speak.
I hope that you can get away a bit more to keep on pooning.
It is interesting that over 1 year later we still have at Oase a line up comprising Romanians around the 30% mark and that the Romanian contingent at World has probably crept up even higher. It is good that Oase has kept the variety in its line up I think since it keeps the interest going.
I can remember --not too long ago it seems to me-- the days at Oase when Romanians were hard to find within the EE centric line-up here. I seem to remember girls from all over the place, but not too many Romanians per se. Lots of Russian and Ukraine, Polish, Czech, Lithuanian, etc. girls a few years ago...things change, eh?
Funny, I remember when World first opened. Sure there was always a Romanian and Bulgarian element, but originally that club had alot more variety, esp from Russian-speaking lands. That seems to have dried up for sure...
6. Alba (de) nice breasted brunette from Cologne sparked some controversy by forum members at one time.
Great list as always. Love the added captions to give some texture and colour to it all!
Btw: about Alba. Could you refresh our memories on just what the controversy was about. Maybe just in general terms, if not a specific story?
Oase, take II
I visited Oase for the second time last month and had four sessions.
Very beautiful German girl Tessa from Hamburg saw me relaxing in the Kino and as I wanted to release the pressure, I said ok for a room visit and although Tessa has everhting that should turn me on (leggy, cute small titties, angel face), her performance was a real disaster. She ended up stroking my c*** in a mechanical way that did everything but arouse me.
I was so frustrated that when I saw plump Polish girl Edita (around 30 y.o., large hanging boobs with a spider tattooed on one of them, beautiful blue eyes and very friendly personality), I did not think long before going further with her. I was right! Edita is one of the most passionnate kissers I've ever encountered, her deep kisses were absolutely fantastic. The rest of the session (in the Kino as well) was of the highest level I could possibly imagine. Would I repeat? You bet!
I knew the very sympathetic Cuban girl from my very first visit to the club and this time our meeting got somewhat deeper. Things got started really well inside the Kino but when we moved to a room, we had to wait for quite a while and I found this quite disturbing. As a result, when a room was finally available, it was a bit difficult for both of us to restart the machine and the session turned into an average experience. I wouldn't blame it on Jamilla, though but on a Saturday night, waiting for a free room at Oase can be nightmarish.
My last experience of the day was with the lively German girl Jenny (who, despite her not so beautiful looks, has a very sexy appearance). This girl is a lot of fun to be with and the sex was quite explosive. Jenny loves to play and doesn't have a lot of taboos, it was just a pity that she was my fourth partner of the day. I will definitely repeat anyway.
Some other girls I talked to/saw during my visit a week ago
Luisa (SP, busy as usual), Michelle (CH, always nice and friendly, one of my favourites there), Simona (RO, such a nice personality), Wiktoria (PL, beautiful but cold), Judith (HU, I witnessed her shagged by some dude in the Kino and that was really hot), Roberta (RO), Heidi (HU), Simone (D, MILF), Samira (EGY, very energetic MILF who talks a lot and who is admittedly wild and crazy), Emmanuelle (F, ebony girl from Guadeloupe, fake boobs), Pearl (GHA, tall black girl), Madalina (RO/RU), Karolina (PL), Diana (RO), Renata (HU, totally pissed off and frustrated), Claudia (BRA, MILF), Katerina (RU, 22 y.o., wears glasses, large tattoo on the back), Annabelle (D).
Just counted 39 girls out of your lost I've already fucked. Plus some girls not on your list. :D
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub]Just counted 39 girls out of your lost I've already fucked. Plus some girls not on your list. :D
Good work Hessen Bub. This is the line up for just one day last week so it is good to see it healthy again after the catastrophe of July and August months.
My selection is less wide so it is a slightly lesser number for me that I fuck but I have come to know most of them by name. My crew say that I am too picky in the girls that I will let my schwanz fuck.
As always your report is always extensive and I praise you for having such a good memory to recite each girl strengths.
From this visit, I think our paths might have been crossed if I wasn't adamant in wanting to see Saskia at Palace. Maybe next time I will have the pleasure to thank you for all your reports in person.
I see Oase has a line up that has all the quality that I am looking for in a great satisfyinG session. Let's hope the reno and food improvement will be enhanced by next Spring for my visit.
If you have not been to Oase yet then you need to reserve one day to visit and see why this place has a hold of so many of the forum members here. I have some of my best times here at Oase and the other place is Golden Time in NRW. Give me some advance notice and we can coincide visits.
The day of my line up list which was day 1 of my third September trip to Germany I spent 750€ on sessions plus 65€ on entrance fee so 815€ excluding trip costs. I hope that gives you an idea of how much fun I was having at Oase.
You still need to do a lot of persuading to get me to Palace these days but I am more open to the idea now that I can hold my own there. Ice Bear made me go to Palace. I have started on a longer trip report for day 2 of my Third September trip since my short one was not really that complete but in my follow up posts to my quick report it pretty much covers the story.
World appeals due to the facilities and the ability to relax.
John Moore
[QUOTE=John Moore]Hello, and thanks for yet another great report and the amazing lists you do.
Are you talking about the weekend that occured on 24 and 25th of September? I'm pretty sure Gabriella wasn't there then. If she was I sure must have had some major bad luck not seeing her.[/QUOTE]
John Moore,
Thank you for the compliment. It is appreciated.
I spotted Gabriella later in the evening. I did not see her all afternoon until later on. Some girls do get booked for ages and/ or we have bad luck with timing and miss booking a girl when another man grabs her before you do and you just never see them again.
It happens to me all the time. I wanted this girl at Oase once and I waited 9 hours before I saw her again near the end of her shift so I bagged her for the last 2 hours before we both called it a day. I only saw her for one hour earlier in the day and then for that two hour session later in the evening with a gap of 9 hours where I just never caught sight of her as she was constantly booked by guys. There might have been a queue like Bee does at Palace.
[QUOTE=London Traveller]Hi BC,
I intended to send this as a pm now that I have access but your inbox is too full up!
I congratulate you on your latest list. It really is superlative. My favourite girl, Emma, lovely 23 year old Slovakian blonde (not natural though) isn't on it unfortunately, also what has happened to the lovely MILF Evelyne and the gorgeous Slovakian ex-model Belinda?
Anyway, I will be returning to Oase on 13/14 Nov and it would be great to say Hi to you and/or other ISGers if you're around then too. If not I will be coming in December as well.
I am a bit worried about how I am going to pass the time at Oase now that the summer season is over and the outdoors is not available as the inside is so cramped in comparison. However, I have now bought an electronic book with a light that clips onto it so if I'm not chatting to a pal, a girl, eating or in a room I will be reading Anna Karenina in a corner somewhere.[/QUOTE]
London Traveller,
In all my visits I have never come across Emma or Belinda. Ganjim and the other Francophones all have extensive write ups of these girls too. I have come across Evelyne (pl) many times though. It intrigued me as to who Emma and Belinda were at Oase as no girl in my un-named list quite fits the descriptions for Emma and Belinda. I have even asked the resident girls from that region and they could not place them either and they say they are the only ones. I do recall in the Summer that there was Neela who had come up from Club Globe in Zurich to work a while in Oase but she does not match the description either. BTW Neela is recommended and is an all holes girl.
I have quite a few dates booked for October, November and December already so a meet up should be doable. I may think again when the snows come as I was not happy driving in metres deep snow, all for the sake of pussy. I could have had an accident or died when I think about how I was driving in snow fall, but then I guess the locals do the same.
I spend my down time sitting and chatting the girls, doing sauna, swims in the pool, steam room, naps, reading a book or chatting to German fuckers who share tips or stories with me. They are always happy to meet another fucker since it can be lonely when there is no one to talk to about this hobby. I mean you are not going to tell your mum and dad you fuck hookers or your work colleagues or even some of your best friends even.
Ortos and Alba
[QUOTE=Ortos]Great list as always. Love the added captions to give some texture and colour to it all!
Btw: about Alba. Could you refresh our memories on just what the controversy was about. Maybe just in general terms, if not a specific story?
Hi Ortos,
Thank you for the encouragement. I did have a bit of trepidation posting this particular list since in it I put a few recommendations and services provided in there so it is an enhanced list and all in one place removing the need for extensive research. The rider of YMMV prevails in all cases.
Alba has been away from Oase for some time and I was very pleased to see her return again in late September to be working at Oase.
As for the forum's Alba controversy it related to a discussion by forum members on how "Alba" is spelt. I took it as Alba rather than alternative intrepretation since Alba spelt it for me that way and referenced Jessica Alba.
[QUOTE=Ortos]I can remember --not too long ago it seems to me-- the days at Oase when Romanians were hard to find within the EE centric line-up here. I seem to remember girls from all over the place, but not too many Romanians per se. Lots of Russian and Ukraine, Polish, Czech, Lithuanian, etc. girls a few years ago...things change, eh?
Funny, I remember when World first opened. Sure there was always a Romanian and Bulgarian element, but originally that club had alot more variety, esp from Russian-speaking lands. That seems to have dried up for sure...[/QUOTE]
Hi Ortos,
Whatever the ethnic mix was is not important.
What is important is what it is now and maybe some thought should be devoted is where will the new girls come from once the pools from Romania and Bulgaria dry up? Europe can expand only so far east unless we are talking Russia, Ukraine and Turkey.
It is good to know that Palace, Golden Time and Oase still have a good ethnic mix of girls but with quite sizeable Romanian gangs. I am not really a fan of the predominate Romanian and Bulgarian domination of World's line up.
Alba is correct, like a Berlin basketball team. Or white in Italian.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]John Moore,
Thank you for the compliment. It is appreciated.
I spotted Gabriella later in the evening. I did not see her all afternoon until later on. Some girls do get booked for ages and/ or we have bad luck with timing and miss booking a girl when another man grabs her before you do and you just never see them again.
It happens to me all the time. I wanted this girl at Oase once and I waited 9 hours before I saw her again near the end of her shift so I bagged her for the last 2 hours before we both called it a day. I only saw her for one hour earlier in the day and then for that two hour session later in the evening with a gap of 9 hours where I just never caught sight of her as she was constantly booked by guys. There might have been a queue like Bee does at Palace.[/QUOTE]I see. It's funny because at times I could have sworn I saw her but then she dissapeared aagain and I just took for granted it was someone else. I need to stay longer then 6 hours at the club that's for sure. Yes I have heard about Bee but never seen her myself the few times I've visited Palace.
Thanks again.
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub]Just counted 39 girls out of your list I've already fucked. Plus some girls not on your list. :D
HB[/QUOTE]Aller Achtung. What I call a good day's work.
Happens when you've been visiting a club for 8 or more years. That's why locals do sometimes complain about not enough new talent at the clubs. Out of BC's list there's about 50 girls who either do offer mediocre service or are not my type. Leaves another 20 who are so so in looks and where I'm not sure how they will perform.
Addition to Oase List
I had the pleasure of visiting twice during the time frame mentioned in Basketcases fine review, and had the absolute easier to visit with a few ladies he mentioned, as well as a very nice girl he did not. I believe she goes by Allejandra (Ro). She and another slender, attractive girl claimed to be recent additions (1 week) to the Oase line up. Shoulder length, straight hair, absolutely perfect B cup breasts, beautiful, petite body, smiles easily and often, very easy going and pleasant, with a true GFE way about her. Passionate kissing, and in general, true GFE service the likes of which is hard to find. And as always, YMMV. But I saw her several times over 2 days, and frankly, enjoyed myself more than I could have imagined. I'm heading back soon, and she will again be at the very top of my list, assuming she's in. Since I haven't read anyone reporting on this amazing young lady, I thought I'd make a slight addition to the recently superb list BK posted.
All's well that ends well...
Whatever the ethnic mix was is not important.
Got to disagree with you, my friend, on this one! To me the ethnic mix is all but insignificant in my assessment of a given club's line-up. I become rather "chuffed" when I see variety in a line-up...sorry you don't agree...
But, hey look, you do in fact agree that the ethnic mix is important:
It is good to know that Palace, Golden Time and Oase still have a good ethnic mix of girls but with quite sizeable Romanian gangs. I am not really a fan of the predominate Romanian and Bulgarian domination of World's line up.[/QUOTE]
Glad we ended up on the same page...you had me woried for a minute!
Honourable Ortos
[QUOTE=Ortos]Got to disagree with you, my friend, on this one! To me the ethnic mix is all but insignificant in my assessment of a given club's line-up. I become rather "chuffed" when I see variety in a line-up...sorry you don't agree...
But, hey look, you do in fact agree that the ethnic mix is important:
Glad we ended up on the same page...you had me woried for a minute![/QUOTE]
Honourable Ortos,
I need to explain myself.
What I was saying that the ethnic mix from several years ago is not important now. I did not say it was unimportant in the present time. The ethnic mix is important to me right now. This is why I patron Oase, Palace and Golden Time and less so World. World for me competes only on its wellness facilities and I cannot fuck wellness facilities. So for me World is my rest FKK when I need to take a break from the high octane fucking at the other clubs.
What I was trying to point out that of more concern is the future when the great recruiting grounds of Romania and Bulgaria dry up. Will the pricing structure change dramatically that more local German or western europeans take up hooking since it is more economically viable for them to do so? Or will the ever expanding European super state march forever eastwards gobbling up Ukraine, Russia and Turkey into its fold and therefore its citizens can freely move into the western countries at leisure.
I am chuffed as you would be in seeing a line up with a lot of variety and not dominated by one group such that it is pretty much the whole line up like it is at World with 90% Bulgarians and Romanians.
Raraavis2 and Allejandra / Alexandra
[QUOTE=Raraavis2]I had the pleasure of visiting twice during the time frame mentioned in Basketcases fine review, and had the absolute easier to visit with a few ladies he mentioned, as well as a very nice girl he did not. I believe she goes by Allejandra (Ro). She and another slender, attractive girl claimed to be recent additions (1 week) to the Oase line up. Shoulder length, straight hair, absolutely perfect B cup breasts, beautiful, petite body, smiles easily and often, very easy going and pleasant, with a true GFE way about her. Passionate kissing, and in general, true GFE service the likes of which is hard to find. And as always, YMMV. But I saw her several times over 2 days, and frankly, enjoyed myself more than I could have imagined. I'm heading back soon, and she will again be at the very top of my list, assuming she's in. Since I haven't read anyone reporting on this amazing young lady, I thought I'd make a slight addition to the recently superb list BC posted.[/QUOTE]
Hi Raraavis2,
Thank you for your report. Well done contributing here with names and details too. They are welcome.
I think your Allejandra (Ro) is who I am calling Alexandra (ro). She did pronouce it the way you spell as if it were like Spanish but I Anglicise things so I call the Dutch ijsberen as Ice Bears to make it understandable to me.
Allejandra (Ro) had black hair, well tanned, dark eyes, cute face, petite and slim build with maybe B cups. She is always friendly. Is that her?
Hi BK, yes, that does sound like her. RA
[QUOTE=Basketcase]Hi Raraavis2,
Thank you for your report. Well done contributing here with names and details too. They are welcome.
I think your Allejandra (Ro) is who I am calling Alexandra (ro). She did pronouce it the way you spell as if it were like Spanish but I Anglicise things so I call the Dutch ijsberen as Ice Bears to make it understandable to me.
Allejandra (Ro) had black hair, well tanned, dark eyes, cute face, petite and slim build with maybe B cups. She is always friendly. Is that her?[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Raraavis2]Hi BK[/QUOTE]
Who is BK? No idea. Are you going on about Burger King?
Yes, Alexandra is a great and intense session. Beautiful smile and face. Between GFE and PSE, she does give a lot. Does have a slight funnel chest.
Oase gets a mention on YouTube :D
But only coz I ade the movie. took me all afternoon to learn how to use this tool but its great fun.
I shall be making more movies on funny stuff thats happened in FKKK before Youtube pulls it.
[QUOTE=Mike De H]But only coz I ade the movie. took me all afternoon to learn how to use this tool but its great fun.
I shall be making more movies on funny stuff thats happened in FKKK before Youtube pulls it.[/QUOTE]
Very funny, Mike! If only the girl said she was from Italy, then we would know you were doing a play on Lucia...
Very accurate
and funny, you even caught Ortos` drooping fig leaf !!!
[QUOTE=Mike De H]But only coz I ade the movie. took me all afternoon to learn how to use this tool but its great fun.
I shall be making more movies on funny stuff thats happened in FKKK before Youtube pulls it.[/QUOTE]
Oase mentioned on Youtube
[QUOTE=Excess]and funny, you even caught Ortos` drooping fig leaf !!![/QUOTE]
Bloody hell you two. That was quick. I need to do another one - I wish I could get the Spanish to sound right. Sorry about the Fig leaf Ortos. Must put that name in somewhere :)
57 views in one hour with only this as publicity. Bunch of right dirty buggers out there :D
John Moore
[QUOTE=John Moore]I see. It's funny because at times I could have sworn I saw her but then she dissapeared aagain and I just took for granted it was someone else. I need to stay longer then 6 hours at the club that's for sure. Yes I have heard about Bee but never seen her myself the few times I've visited Palace.
Thanks again.[/QUOTE]
John Moore,
You do not need to stay more than 6 hours. You just need to pick the right amount of hours for you whether that is 6 hours or less hours or more hours.
Sometimes you need to stake girls out. It is a hard task and takes patience and when you are with a crew then you can help each other. I spent one hour helping young Ice Bear Rex track down Ramona (ro) for him. We basically waited outside the girls locker room for her.
Somehow we slipped up in taking turns gaurding the entrance way and she slipped through. We did manage to find her and Rex managed to bang that hooker for a decent session. It was touch and go as Ramona kept spending time with a German man who was not booking her but obviously had the attention of Ramona. I mean Rex and Ramona went to go look for a room and Ramona left Rex to wait by the whirl pool for a room while Ramona went looking at the back for a spare room. Rex got suspicious with the long wait and so I went off to find Ramona and she was talking to the German guy at the bar. I had to go back to get Rex and tell him that Ramona had stitched him up. Ramona said she was looking for a room (but in the arms of the German guy? LOL.
We all had a big laugh over that one. Just like Lucia (ro) still keeps following Rex around asking him to the "go zimmer, Schatz".
So what I am trying to say is that it can be stressful trying to get your girl. You do miss them and it you just sometimes never see them even when there is a crew hunting her down for you too.
You take a look at Palace and see what is available there too. The line up at Palace is superb. A bevy of good looking women.
Youtube video
Nice job Mike,,
I have met Lucia many times,,,so,,,is she Romanian or Italian? Watching this video certainly reminded me of every visit I have at both Oase and World,,in fact, the cartoon looks very much like World's indoor pool area.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]John Moore,
You do not need to stay more than 6 hours. You just need to pick the right amount of hours for you whether that is 6 hours or less hours or more hours.
Sometimes you need to stake girls out. It is a hard task and takes patience and when you are with a crew then you can help each other. I spent one hour helping young Ice Bear Rex track down Ramona (ro) for him. We basically waited outside the girls locker room for her.
Somehow we slipped up in taking turns gaurding the entrance way and she slipped through. We did manage to find her and Rex managed to bang that hooker for a decent session. It was touch and go as Ramona kept spending time with a German man who was not booking her but obviously had the attention of Ramona. I mean Rex and Ramona went to go look for a room and Ramona left Rex to wait by the whirl pool for a room while Ramona went looking at the back for a spare room. Rex got suspicious with the long wait and so I went off to find Ramona and she was talking to the German guy at the bar. I had to go back to get Rex and tell him that Ramona had stitched him up. Ramona said she was looking for a room (but in the arms of the German guy? LOL.
We all had a big laugh over that one. Just like Lucia (ro) still keeps following Rex around asking him to the "go zimmer, Schatz".
So what I am trying to say is that it can be stressful trying to get your girl. You do miss them and it you just sometimes never see them even when there is a crew hunting her down for you too.
You take a look at Palace and see what is available there too. The line up at Palace is superb. A bevy of good looking women.[/QUOTE]BC,
Yes I suppose you're right but I'm still determined to stay much longer on my next trip so I can have a look (and taste) at the evening and night shift girls (and all shifts in between).
I find that the mirror wall in the back of the TV area, where you can see the girls come back after refreshing, passing the showers is a good stake out place.
Actually the Spanish (code word for Romanian :-)) is Ok. Straight out of Bucharest.
And excuse me, Mr. De H, the hono(u)rable member s of ISG are NOT right dirty buggers but rather refined Artistic Filmophiles. :-)
On second thought that sounds much too Gay for ISG, you are right. Well done once again, Mike De H.
[QUOTE=Mike De H]Bloody hell you two. That was quick. I need to do another one - I wish I could get the Spanish to sound right. Sorry about the Fig leaf Ortos. Must put that name in somewhere :)
57 views in one hour with only this as publicity. Bunch of right dirty buggers out there :D[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Mike De H]Bloody hell you two. That was quick. I need to do another one - I wish I could get the Spanish to sound right. Sorry about the Fig leaf Ortos. Must put that name in somewhere :)
57 views in one hour with only this as publicity. Bunch of right dirty buggers out there :D[/QUOTE]
Brilliant Mike, it had me creased up.
And the FKK Locker room:
The real version was:
PL: Where do you come from:
L: Italy
PL: Oh, where about?
L: Verona.
PL: Va bene. Come stai?
L: Excuse me?
Keep up the good work, its time we stopped sniping and started laughing a little more on this board.
Have Fun,
[QUOTE=Mike De H]Bloody hell you two. That was quick. I need to do another one - I wish I could get the Spanish to sound right. Sorry about the Fig leaf Ortos. Must put that name in somewhere :)
57 views in one hour with only this as publicity. Bunch of right dirty buggers out there :D[/QUOTE]
Great video(s) and please keep them coming! Don't worry about the Spanish, we can figure it out. Other than with Gabriela and Stephanie, the Spanish I use has often gone like this between me (M) and the girl in question (GIQ):
M: So, where are you from?
GIQ: Spain
M: ¡Qué bueno! Dónde viviste en España?
GIQ: Oh, actually my father is from Spain.
M: Have you ever been there?
GIQ: Not in a while.
M: [heart sinking] Maybe we can meet later.
I confess that the character in the video had a better last line than I did.
Oase Report
Thank you for your detailed report. This is the type of report, that is helpful to both new comers (No pun intended) and "seasoned" veterans.
. A great help (IMHO) in the selection process. Names, descriptions and speciality's.
This is what this forum is all about. The exchange of information.
Quite honestly, I am not sure what all the fuss is about, about re-doing / revamping / upgrading / changing these forums.
Perhaps I am of the old school, "It it 'taint broke, then no need to fix".
[QUOTE=Basketcase]*** OASE TRIP REPORT ***
The Oase line up in late September has now come into its own and the full line up is back and ready for the messe season starting off with the stupendous Automechanika messe from 14-19 September. This is the line up from last weekend with some comments on the girls to amalgamate some thoughts and experiences. My trip report is integrated into the line up list since the visit experience is shaped by the hookers one meets. There are names galore in there. Myrmidon in his report mentions that the line up at Oase is 80% Romanian. I would agree if the club were World but I find the Oase line up to have more variety. Based on this day’s line up the Romanian count out of 105 girls listed are 36 Romanian girls which make 34.3% which is a little less than 80% of the line up.
Interesting point is that some of the girls sometimes tell me when other regular guests that I know or know of have been in or are in the club on the days that I visit.
I caught with 5 other members of this forum whereas the 6th one who was German was a bit elusive since he arrived late afternoon and went off with gorgeous Lia (ro) and left soon after fucking her for a half hour session. The guys had a good time and it was good to share tips on the girls and listen to feedback from sessions.
The club was fairly quiet during the day but got busy from 17:00 onwards as the men were released from work as it was the end of the working week. From 23:00 onwards the club’s busy like nature started to calm down and so there was seating available again.
The dinner food comprised of chicken in sauce, swine in sauce, cooked vegetables, potato croquettes and fresh salad.
*** LINE UP LIST ***
1. Adelina (ro) has gone more golden blond from her dark blond look
2. Adriana / Karolina / Linda (cz) long blond hair, saggy DD breasts, beloved for her mouth only and unstoppable blowjob. Performs anal sex.
3. Agnes (pl) long black hair, full curvy body, pretty
4. Agniezka (pl) long dark blond hair, tall slim, recommended for GFE, pretty
5. Aida (ro) blond, dark eyes, B cup, pale skinned, tends to wear knee high socks, average height, good service
6. Alba (de) nice breasted brunette from Cologne sparked some controversy by forum members at one time.
7. Alexandra (bg) slim, tall, dark haired
8. Alexandra (ro) small, tanned, dark haired, likes to use the hotter sauna late in the evening, friendly type
9. Alina (ro) slim, shoulder length black hair, B cups, service was excellent but seems to be holding something back now in sessions.
10. Ambra / Rafaella (ro) says she is from Italy or sometimes Hungary, very beautiful, recommended for a session for her energy and willingness to please. At times I have found her vulnerable. Treat her well guys.
11. Aniko (hu) cute, petite, a bit MILFy.
12. Anna (hu) Hungarian MILF that looks bored all the time
13. Annabelle (de) mixed German and Korean parentage, nice breasts, pale skinned,
14. Ariana (ro) well tanned, enhanced breasts, very slim, looks like a stick with two protruding breasts
15. Bianca (ro) small, golden blond, very friendly, worth a booking
16. Bianca (ro) very small, long light brown haired, A cups, ungrateful when you do something for her
17. Cassandra (ro) affectionate, very giving of her time, slim, tall, long black hair
18. Claudia (br) blond, tanned with tan lines where her slip was, nice enhanced D cup breasts, YMMV with service.
19. Claudia (ro) looks like Helena Bonham Carter, big black curly hair
20. Claudia (ro) blond, average size
21. Crystal (ro) slim, petite build, very pretty model looks, leggy, small cute ass that is just begging to be fucked, has a haughty look that she knows she is beautiful and will laud it over you. She is off the long term plan now.
22. Daniela (ro) slim, black hair
23. Desi / Daisy (bg) black hair, well tanned, exotic looks, very friendly and giving of her time, good service and keeps on going until you say stop, performs anal
24. Diana (DR) petite black girl with B cups, looks happy all the time that likes to sway and boogeying to the music
25. Doris (pl) started at Oase in the week beginning 13 Sept. 22 years old, slim dark blond with hair to her shoulders, fluent in German, speaks some English, 1.7 m, B cup breast, cute young face. Doris has previously worked at Living Room, Kaarst, Villa Vertigo, Grerath and Acapulco, Velbert so she has a bit of experience. She was giving extended couch time during the Automechanika messe which meant that she was not one to rush a guest. Does BBBJ and BLS well.
26. Edita (?) red haired, B cups, plump body, tends to sauna at the beginning and end of her shift, a little older than average Oase girl.
27. Fanny (es) black hair, average build, 1.6 m tall, B cups, maybe late twenties and I would not be surprised in her thirties, vigorous GFE experience provider from Vigo, Spain; recommended for her kissing, does not really hunt for customers and sits in the non smoking area looking to pick up guests
28. Francesca (ro) a gorgeous body, an ass that cannot quit being admired, my compliments to the parents, blond, brown eyes, leggy, perfect natural B cups. You need to be firm with her service.
29. Gabriella (Venezuela) black hair, small, tanned, recommended for her velvet feeling pussy when she fucks you in cowgirl.
30. Guita / Guetta (hu) black hair, pretty look, average build, B cups, quiet but smiling type.
31. Hanna /Hannah (cz) platinum blond, small breasted, average build, recommended for her GFE and blowjob and BLS and further licking.
32. Heidi (hu) very small and so is young looking, light brown hair, performs anal
33. Ingrid (ro) long dark hair, large build
34. Isy / Izzy (bg) beautiful, green tattooed arms, black hair, exotic looks, recommended for her service.
35. Jamilla (Cuba) long black curly hair, large natural C cup breasts. Recommended for her kissing.
36. Janey (bg) Betty Boo voice, wears glasses, curly brown hair, and tends to wear a pussy hiding skirt. A good session.
37. Jasmine (hu) tall, blond, quiet type, hangs out with Heidi (hu) at times
38. Jelena (ro) has straightened her whizzy hair and gone blond. Sassy and demanding. At times she can be giving but other times she is not. YMMV.
39. Jennifer (hu) ever so slim blond with high B cup breasts, pretty, does not tout for work and tends to sit by the high tables next to the massage room and smoke and chat with the other Hungarian girls or to customers.
40. Jenny (de) from Magdeburg, 27 year old blond, nice body, friendly, performs anal.
41. Jill (de) from Thuringia, brunette, has massive perfect shaped breasts. Quiet type that does not approach guests. Uses her big breasts to attract customers by their look.
42. Joanna (Dominican Republic) 1.80 m in her high heels or 1.65 m without the heels with perfect shaped body. She has black medium long slightly wavy hair, tied in a braid. Light skinned black girl. Has a nice ass, natural D cups natural breasts
43. Johanna (de) Johanna is renowned as the bilderbuch (picture book) due to her multitude of tattoos, beautiful D cups, a German blond, recommended for being a lovely girl in the room. Works the night shift starting from 21:00.
44. Judith (hu) very slim brunette, freckles, A cups, interesting green eyes, performs anal sex, recommended as a definitive GFE provider
45. Karina / Carina (ro) petite blond spinner, with D cup breasts so they do look very heavy on her slight frame, provides good service but I found the BBBJ a bit toothy. Beloved by German fuckers and English speaking fuckers for her look.
46. Karolina (pl) petite, long haired blond, is one for kissing for ages and kissing your body all over if you like that, BBBJ is not rated as top notch but is up to fuck. Recommended as a GFE due to her propensity for kissing.
47. Katherina (ru) average build, B cups, wears glasses, slight curled black hair, tattoos, recommended for her good service.
48. Kira (hu) black hair, a bit plump, B cups, hangs out with the Hungarian gang.
49. Kim (Thailand) slim, long black hair, tanned, recommended for Thai lovers since she is the only one at Oase at the moment.
50. Lana (de) blond, covered in tattoos, beloved by Ocean Bear 1 since she is his type of slim, toned athletic build, A cup breasts. I have been there once and I will not book again as Lana is not my girl.
51. Laura (lv) tall, blond, pretty face, enhanced C cups, does an excellent blowjob and loves her pussy being licked and well often 69 position once she starts sucking you, is one for the guys that like girls with big floppy pussy lips, a club standard provider
52. Laurie (ro) looks Turkish with her facial features, petite, long black hair, memorable to me some time ago for mentioning that she was having a hard time sitting down since a large black man had fucked her in the ass just before. Performs anal sex.
53. Lena (sk) slim, beautiful, blond hair to her mid back, A cup breasts.
54. Lennie / Lenny (Colombia) black girl, long straight black hair, tall, big breasts, haughty look.
55. Lia (ro) recommended for a session, slim build, perfect ass, nice shapely legs, B cups, very beautiful, has her black hair to her neck which is cut straight in a slight page boy style. Speaks excellent English. Allows CIM and memorable for me for the big blast down her throat one time.
56. Lila (pl) worked formerly at club Globe in Zurich so that says a lot of the pedigree of this girl. Provides good service.
57. Linda (gr) average build, long brown hair, average height
58. Lucia (ro) petite, shoulder lenght light brown hair that is sometimes pulled back tirelessly looking for clients and persistent in going back to clients previously asked to make sure that they had not changed their minds to go back with her
59. Lucy (de) shoulder length dark hair, average build, B cup breasts, sits at the bar opposite the valuables lockers to tout for clients as the come to get drinks. Works the day shift.
60. Luisa (es / Morocco) exotic look as to be East Asian looking. Black hair usually tied up in a bun, average build and height and is noted even by some of the other girls as a bit fast with some customers in the room. YMMV.
61. Lynn (de) tall brunette, writing tattoo on her right hip area, nice C cup breasts
62. Madelina / Madelena (ro) long black hair, slim, small size.
63. Magda (ro) very petite, big bouffant black hair, A cup breasts, friendly.
64. Maggie / Maggy (bg) light brown hair, pretty face, full body, B cups, does an excellent BBBJTCIM and can be seen in the cinema doing this a lot for certain clients.
65. Manuela (It) average build, long black hair, average height
66. Marina (ro) black hair, sweet girl and sweet GFE style sex.
67. Melissa (ro) black hair, very seductive when trying to close a deal with her targeted man
68. Mercedes (Egypt) big black hair, tanned, enhanced protruding shaped D cup breasts that are the feature that you notice at first since they are so out there.
69. Michelle (ch) the blasen from Basel, long brunette hair with a bit of curl, provides a GFE and PSE service for her customers.
70. Nancy (be) slim body, brown haired
71. Naomi / Netherlands (Curacao) mixed race girl, interesting to talk to
72. Nicole (ro) quite pretty girl, long black hair, average height and average build,
73. Nina (de) slim, tall, highly tattooed back, A cups, recommended by German and English speaking fuckers so she has broad appeal and common service across nationalities.
74. Patricia (ro) dark blond, full body, natural C cup breasts that defy gravity, put on a little weight, very beautiful, all over tanned that must have taken some care to obtain. Service can be limited.
75. Pearl (Ghana) black girl with black hair, grew up in Germany.
76. Ralou / Rula (ro) black hair, pretty, average size, feedback is she is a terrific kisser and has a tongue stud, performs BLS.
77. Rebecca / Ramona (ro) blond, pretty, full shaped C cup breasts, provides excellent service and recommended for her deep throat blowjob.
78. Renata (ro) slim, long dark hair, slight gypsy look, jewellery,
79. Roberta (ro) slim, long black hair, A cups, excellent conversationalist, affectionate and a real customer service orientated worker.
80. Roxanne (pl) blond, average build
81. Sabrina (ro) black hair, slim, B cups
82. Samira (Egypt) wacky girl, long big black hair, average build
83. Sammy (Ru / Kazakstan) long strawberry blond hair, was very rude if you are not booking her straight away.
84. Sandra (ro) dark hair, B cups, average build
85. Shanna (de) long brown hair, broad shoulders, B cups, average looks,
86. Shareen (Iran) dark hair, average build
87. Sheila (ro) slim, small size, perfect B cup tear drop shaped breasts, tends to wear hold up stockings of some sort or fish net style stockings. A lot of fun girl.
88. Steffanie (de) from Cologne (personal note: I may have this girl mixed up with someone else)
89. Steffanie (ro) has a Turkish look and maybe also background, dark hair
90. Steffi (ru) platinum blond, blue eyes, slim build, enhanced C cups that stick out now, performs excellent service, does not hunt for customers but does wander the club around looking to pick up business, works the day shift.
91. Sunny (de) long blond hair with pink highlights to her waist, firm toned body, enhanced D cup breasts, tall, comes from Berlin, performs anal sex
92. Suzanna (mk) dark hair, average build,
93. Tessa (de) long light brown hair that is blond streaked.
94. Valeria (Columbia) dark hair, pretty, average build.
95. Vanessa (rs) very dark blond, very petite, performs good service
96. Victoria (pl) Short Platinum blond hair to her neck in a fashioned cut, MILF, C cups,
97. Vivian (hu) beloved for her platinum blond good looks, does not speak much English, average build, and size, B cups, performs anal sex
98. Yasmine (rs) dark blond, average build, performs good service
99. Yvette (hu) long blond hair, tall, natural C cup breasts, pretty, brown eyes, Chinese lettering tattoo down the spine of her back, does public sex and performs an excellent blowjob.
100. Yvonne (sk) long reddish brown hair, natural D cups, good service
101. ? (?) exotic eyes, good looking blond
102. ? (?) tall, slim, long hair blond with a bit of a curl at the ends, non descript features which could make her Poland or German, works, day shift
103. ? (Korea) long black hair, pale skinned, average build, worked formerly at club Globe in Zurich, ch; very friendly and seems to have integrated well with the day shift girls very quickly
104. ? (ro) slim build, friends with Crystal (ro)
105. ? (ro) slim, dark haired
There were also 6 members from the International Sex Guide forum that I could identify in the club.
Girls that were sadly missing this visit:
1. Ricky / Riccarda (de) from Siegen, NRW, 1.75 m, long platinum blond hair, slim, natural B cups, tends to wear high heels with criss cross straps up her shins, recommended for the no hands mouth only blowjob that is sensational to feel that you just want to CIM, performs anal sex. Works the night shift starting from 21:00.
2. Stella (it) petite, brown eyed blond, average build, full of life. Works the day shift.
3. Timea (hu) strawberry blond, full bodied, nice natural B cups, recommended for her non stop mouth only blowjob that makes one CIM even when you are trying to resist. Performs anal sex. Works the day shift and leaves by 10 pm usually.
4. Verona (rs) small size, long platinum blond hair, has put on a bit of weight around her thighs and ass, A cups, piercing brown eyes, performs anal sex. Works the evening shift.
Memorably there was this one mature German guy that was doing the MTV music thing and pulling the best shapes I have seen on the dance floor. The girls would pass by and have a twirl with him but he seemed more content to be on his own with his hands in the air rocking to the Oase beats. It makes me proud that one day I would be his age and still coming to the clubs and fucking young girls still and dancing still. It is not long before I will be taking my retirement unless the western governments keep putting up the retirement age. I hear some western countries in Europe are rioting over this issue. Humans are so long lived now that you find that you do not have to everything straight away right now as there is time to do them later in life.
I spent some time with Sheila and Cassandra talking about Romanian music.
Keep safe,[/QUOTE]
Oase next on youtube
Oase has got off lightly and after rsting today instead of making stupid videos I am after scripting ideas. Possibly the locker room is an idea. We all know what thats like, so if anyone has any amusing stories about things that happened down in that dungeon then fire away.
I think, of course, that the "Attack of the Kino Monster" clip can apply to anywhere, but mostly World, so I will post a link to my channel here, where you can view the vid.
Comments, or at least "up" votes are appreciated, as on two hundred and odd views each only about three people voted :(
[QUOTE=Strato]Don Corleone,
Yes, indeed, the food at Oase has improved, in my humble opinion.
Will we be seeing some of your trip reports in the near future?
Until then, Bleu me.
Strato[/QUOTE]Visited Oase midweek in September. Arrived around 4pm & the club was pretty quiet. Noticed a couple of my ATF's & off to the room.
This woman is drop dead gorgeous with an off the hook bod. Started off with some passionate kissing then a long sensual bj. Great pornstar sex ending with cim. Will not mention names due to the popular trend recently on this forum.
Dinner was ready by the time I was done & the food was just out of this world. It has been a while since my last trip to Oase & the food quality was mind boggling! I almost busted a nut while savoring the the intense taste of this incredible food!
Decided to spend the next 3-4 hours walking around talking to all the women asking their name & nationality.
My regular finally returned from a long session with one of her regulars & off to the room. She starts to work on my cock with her pretty face & pierced tongue, but I kept losing my hard on. She kept trying to work her magic, but I was flacid. I could not stop thinking about how great the food was. Compared to the food, this bj was doing nothing for me. I started to concentrate & focus on the taste of the food then I started getting hard again. After a couple of minutes I lost it again.
I told my ATF I need to eat first to keep my erection. She understood because she was ovulating during dinner. About halfway through the meal I could not hold it anymore & busted one. I looked around to see if anyone if anyone noticed, but there were 6 other guys rubbing one out during their meals.
This was by far the best visit to Oase ever. The food was off the hook!
[QUOTE=Mike De H]Oase has got off lightly and after rsting today instead of making stupid videos I am after scripting ideas. Possibly the locker room is an idea. We all know what thats like, so if anyone has any amusing stories about things that happened down in that dungeon then fire away.
I think, of course, that the "Attack of the Kino Monster" clip can apply to anywhere, but mostly World, so I will post a link to my channel here, where you can view the vid.
Comments, or at least "up" votes are appreciated, as on two hundred and odd views each only about three people voted :([/QUOTE]
The videos are great, Mike. THe best is the kino Monster one. One idea- what about one with the up-selling attempt, with a girl repeating a looong list of promises, extras, and prices?
[QUOTE=Mike De H]Oase has got off lightly and after rsting today instead of making stupid videos I am after scripting ideas. Possibly the locker room is an idea.
Comments, or at least "up" votes are appreciated, as on two hundred and odd views each only about three people voted :([/QUOTE]
Cecille B De Mille watch out, there's another "De' " filme artist on the horizon. I always did want to make a movie. Which of my undies are your favorite Mike?- the cow pattern (always got raves from farm girls), the chick magnet, money bags with the little piggies, or the cars.
One really dark idea comes to mind... remember the bloke who died down there in the Oase locker (may he rest in peace) - perhaps girls accost the corpse in the hallway as they carry him up and out through the bar?
That may necessitate hiring some extras- how many can you cast with that thing?
beffen- waiting for his first residual check
[QUOTE=Vito Corleone]Visited Oase midweek in September. Arrived around 4pm & the club was pretty quiet. Noticed a couple of my ATF's & off to the room.
This woman is drop dead gorgeous with an off the hook bod. Started off with some passionate kissing then a long sensual bj. Great pornstar sex ending with cim. Will not mention names due to the popular trend recently on this forum.
Dinner was ready by the time I was done & the food was just out of this world. It has been a while since my last trip to Oase & the food quality was mind boggling! I almost busted a nut while savoring the the intense taste of this incredible food!
Decided to spend the next 3-4 hours walking around talking to all the women asking their name & nationality.
My regular finally returned from a long session with one of her regulars & off to the room. She starts to work on my cock with her pretty face & pierced tongue, but I kept losing my hard on. She kept trying to work her magic, but I was flacid. I could not stop thinking about how great the food was. Compared to the food, this bj was doing nothing for me. I started to concentrate & focus on the taste of the food then I started getting hard again. After a couple of minutes I lost it again.
I told my ATF I need to eat first to keep my erection. She understood because she was ovulating during dinner. About halfway through the meal I could not hold it anymore & busted one. I looked around to see if anyone if anyone noticed, but there were 6 other guys rubbing one out during their meals.
This was by far the best visit to Oase ever. The food was off the hook![/QUOTE]
yum, can't wait to get me some of them good eats at Oase.
[QUOTE=Beffen1]Cecille B De Mille watch out, there's another "De' " filme artist on the horizon. I always did want to make a movie. Which of my undies are your favorite Mike?- the cow pattern (always got raves from farm girls), the chick magnet, money bags with the little piggies, or the cars.
One really dark idea comes to mind... remember the bloke who died down there in the Oase locker (may he rest in peace) - perhaps girls accost the corpse in the hallway as they carry him up and out through the bar?
That may necessitate hiring some extras- how many can you cast with that thing?
beffen- waiting for his first residual check[/QUOTE]
That is evil. Especially since he would possibly get a post-mortem priaism, which she can claim means he is ready. Unfortunately, the tools is not sophisticated enough to do stretcher bearers :( However, I really do think some of the girls are evil enough.
On another note, it is amazing, looking at the demographics, how many watchers are female, under 30 and in Germany. GULP :/
Actually I do not remember the guy who died story! I did not think the lockers were quite THAT bad. I do remember the guy who had a cardiac and died at World back in 07. His widow came back to World and returned the towel. That even made some of the real hard-timers feel bad. LOL
Oh, regarding the actual undies, its the ones with the little listerine packet dispenser sewn onto the linings :) I could do with a pair because you can't buy the things anywhere.
[QUOTE=Mike De H]
Actually I do not remember the guy who died story! I did not think the lockers were quite THAT bad. I do remember the guy who had a cardiac and died at World back in 07. His widow came back to World and returned the towel. That even made some of the real hard-timers feel bad. LOL[/QUOTE]
Are you sure it was World? Here's the actual post, at Oase, from 2007:
BTW, Hamboner alludes to this, but it's possible he made the mistake of mixing Viagra and heart medication, which is a [b][i]big[/i][/b] no-no; even the makers have made efforts to warn against it.
[QUOTE=Mike De H] On another note, it is amazing, looking at the demographics, how many watchers are female, under 30 and in Germany. GULP :/
Oh, regarding the actual undies, its the ones with the little listerine packet dispenser sewn onto the linings :) I could do with a pair because you can't buy the things anywhere.[/QUOTE]Hi Mike,
So on you tube you can see the demographic and geographic dispersion of the viewers of your uploaded videos? That is concerning if the watchers are female and under 30 AND in Germany. These girls do have internet acess (e.g laptops or handies) and I guess that they do watch these forums just like the men do. Thanks for the heads up and warning.
Another question: where do you buy those little melt in the mouth listerine sheet dispensing packs? I look around for them all over in super markets and chemists and I can never find them.
Upsell in Oase on Youtube Video
[QUOTE=Travelerb69]The videos are great, Mike. THe best is the kino Monster one. One idea- what about one with the up-selling attempt, with a girl repeating a looong list of promises, extras, and prices?[/QUOTE]
No sooner said than done. I regret using the German voice however, as the Girl is nearly incomprehensible, but I put some notes underneath. I am happy I got in a dig at Ryan air however.
Cash - ATM Limits
I am American but am currently in China on business. I will be traveling to Frankfurt soon and just realized that there is a $500 daily limit on pulling cash out of an ATM. Since I will need roughly $1500 over two days, what is the cheapest and most effective method to accomplish this? Many thanks.
Our movie
[QUOTE=Mike De H]No sooner said than done. I regret using the German voice however, as the Girl is nearly incomprehensible, but I put some notes underneath. I am happy I got in a dig at Ryan air however.
Mike, you are fast. The clock running sound and the enormous abbreviations were awsome. Hey, when OUR :D video gets nominated for best FKK movie, make sure you put my name in the credits, as the WRITER;).Keep them coming, man.
[QUOTE=Beffen1]Cecille B De Mille watch out, there's another "De' " filme artist on the horizon. I always did want to make a movie. Which of my undies are your favorite Mike?- the cow pattern (always got raves from farm girls), the chick magnet, money bags with the little piggies, or the cars.
One really dark idea comes to mind... remember the bloke who died down there in the Oase locker (may he rest in peace) - perhaps girls accost the corpse in the hallway as they carry him up and out through the bar?
That may necessitate hiring some extras- how many can you cast with that thing?
beffen- waiting for his first residual check[/QUOTE]
Beffen, how can you be so evil:mad:? Surely no FKK girl would even think about taking advantage of a corpse... Well, a few of them might ask for extra money for the extended session;)...
Our You Tube Upselling Video
[QUOTE=Travelerb69]Mike, you are fast. The clock running sound and the enormous abbreviations were awsome. Hey, when OUR :D video gets nominated for best FKK movie, make sure you put my name in the credits, as the WRITER;).Keep them coming, man.[/QUOTE]
Credits placed on there as EXEC PRODUCER only! I think there should be a prize awarded to the first person who goes to Oase and achieves BBBJRCFIAWFIPWUDAPHIWBP ! Mario can put up the prize for the fee publicity!
That is Bare Back Blowjob Reverse Cowgirl Fingers In Arse With Fingers In Pie (Pussy) Whislt Upside Down And Pulling Hair Whilst In Wheel Barrow Position.
[QUOTE=Mike De H][url]http://www.youtube.com/user/FKKperson?feature=mhum[/url]
Credits placed on there as EXEC PRODUCER only! [/QUOTE]
My lawyer will contact you very soon, we will see about that:mad:...
[QUOTE=Mike De H][url]http://www.youtube.com/user/FKKperson?feature=mhum[/url]
I think there should be a prize awarded to the first person who goes to Oase and achieves BBBJRCFIAWFIPWUDAPHIWBP ! Mario can put up the prize for the fee publicity!
That is Bare Back Blowjob Reverse Cowgirl Fingers In Arse With Fingers In Pie (Pussy) Whislt Upside Down And Pulling Hair Whilst In Wheel Barrow Position.[/QUOTE]
Next time I am in Oase I will perform that and make a movie of it, piece of cake...
[QUOTE=Travelerb69]My lawyer will contact you very soon, we will see about that:mad:...
Next time I am in Oase I will perform that and make a movie of it, piece of cake...[/QUOTE]
Been there done that, made the movie. Guess who the girl was.
Friday with Friends
Got into FRA with time to make the evening trip to Oase. It was pretty packed, no place to park, and more coming through 10pm when I left.
Katarina, the sexy Russian with glasses caught my eye. It sounded like the afternoon shift was pretty dry on Friday. She was excited to have some company. For me, she's a quite sexy lady. The glasses give her the professional lady look. Nice choice overall.
I found my chat buddy. Her name is Dannia, or something like that. She's Romanian, medium height, with a good proportion of curves on her. Not the slimmest, sexiest thing. With medium brown hair, lighter skin. We chatted for a while. She's great to chat with. Her guidance on the "good" ladies there is quite good.
One of my favorites Manuella was there. She seems cold at first. A few months back, we had a nice lunch chat with one of her Greek friends. There she didnt seem all that bad. Great service, not a clock watcher.
I simply love Polish ladies. There were 5 of them there Friday night. We got to chatting late. Unfortunately, by the time we connected, I'd already managed 3 rounds, old Bob was tired, let alone my head from the jet lag. After a bit of coffee, I started a chat with a tall, dark haired Pole named Lillianna (or something like that). Wow, she's 22 or 23 with very firm skin, great muscle tone. The session was just my style. Not rushed, intimate. I'll put her on my preference list.
Along the day there, some of the regulars hit me up. A cute little one from Valencia Spain kept coming over to chat. Bright smile, sort of an asian look to her. I cant remember her name. Medium height, good shape, long dark hair. I didnt take her up at her advances. Later, she stopped in to chat with Dannia and I for a while. Drat, I should have asked earlier if she was a "good" lady or not.
I'll be back next week for another round this trip. I spent the day in Amsterdam walking the red light dist. I have to say, the FKK scene is way better. There's only so much you can do to calibrate with a lady on the other side of a window. And it's so strange with all those Chinese tourists walking around as you're shopping.
[QUOTE=Beffen1]Been there done that, made the movie. Guess who the girl was.[/QUOTE]
It was that Girl from long Mint wsn't it? :)
[QUOTE=Mike De H] That is Bare Back Blowjob Reverse Cowgirl Fingers In Arse With Fingers In Pie (Pussy) Whislt Upside Down And Pulling Hair Whilst In Wheel Barrow Position.[/QUOTE]That is a mouthful and then some.
[QUOTE=Mike De H]It was that Girl from long Mint wsn't it? :)
It is really you that produces all those great Videos???
I think you do not blame me for copying your videos on the Icebearforum! You have a lot of fans over there :).
Kind regards,
A night like any other...maybe not
I went along to Oase in Frankfurt. It was a good night and there was girls galore. The girls were in the buff. A sight to behold at first sight. After a while you got used to the nakedness and the fact you are wandering a club wrapped in a bath towel of all things around your waist. It took a bit of fiddling to get the towel to stay on properly. A couple of times the towel was going to drop and cause mayhem by me exposing myself. Hahaha.
It was a good atmosphere. Nice music, I did not eat the food, free non alcoholic drinks but beers cost extra 10€. That sucked so I stayed sober.
Managed to bag a real cutie. Sheila. black hair, spinner, slim bod, perfect breasts that you just want to hold all night long. So sweet and a total babe. She has the love of my heart. We did the dirty, blowjob, cowgirl that was real energetic, she insisted on cowgirl even when I asked that I get on top to do the work. I got to fuck her missionary and then doggy style to the end. 50€.
Such a sweetie, she keep saying hi to me all night until I went. I recommend.
Later on I bumped into Simona. She caught my eye in the lounge area. She was boogeying to the cool beats. I was in a trance watching her move to the music. I passed by her and we just sort of came together in a nice collision so to speak. She is one sexy girl and so fun loving. I could really talk to her and got to know her a bit before I knew we had to go to the room. I just liked her slim body and what she did with it. She felt so good when I slid it in. Boy I was in heaven. 50€ there.
Last up before I had to leave was Desi. She was so cool and real relaxed. Exotic looking that caught my eye. I was a bit tired but I had to do her and she got me aroused with her fingers wandering around all over my chest, stomach and inner thighs. I guessed we was going to fuck so I just said, "Lets go babe". In the room there was blowjob and lots of sex. I humped away or ages and tried to go for CIM but I was having a tough time busting my nut. It was not going to happen, so I extended for an extra half hour when she said the time was nearly up. We kept on at it until I admitted defeat and called the session off. 100€ for one hour.
Great visit and thoroughly enjoyed myself. I will be back as Arnie says.
[QUOTE=Closer68]I am American but am currently in China on business. I will be traveling to Frankfurt soon and just realized that there is a $500 daily limit on pulling cash out of an ATM. Since I will need roughly $1500 over two days, what is the cheapest and most effective method to accomplish this? Many thanks.[/QUOTE]
If this is a question about Oase then the answer is that there is no ATM at Oase. However, for 10% commission you can withdraw cash from your credit card at Oase reception. It may not be the cheapest method but it is the most effective if you are short of cash and not knowing where to get more cash if you do not know the area. It may be cheaper paying the commission than jumping in a taxi to take you to an ATM, having it wait for you so it can drive you back to the club.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]If this is a question about Oase then the answer is that there is no ATM at Oase. However, for 10% commission you can withdraw cash from your credit card at Oase reception. It may not be the cheapest method but it is the most effective if you are short of cash and not knowing where to get more cash if you do not know the area. It may be cheaper paying the commission than jumping in a taxi to take you to an ATM, having it wait for you so it can drive you back to the club.[/QUOTE]
Can I also point out, its a very perculiar method of working out 10% there. It is ten percent of Markup (BAsed on Gross Margin Percentages) not ten per cent of Net.
You take €100 they charge you €10 right? So total 110? Wrong. You take out 110 Euros and they take ten per cent of that so 110 times 1.1 = 121 Euros to receive 100.
I do realise it is totally wrong, bu thats what they charge you. You can argue all day that is not ten percent, but that is what they have been told to do, sothere you go.
Take US dollars for emergency, then change at a Wesern Union
Untere Königsstraße 78-82, 34117 Kassel - 0561 7015958
Directions and more »
May be less of a rip-off than say Frankfurt Airport (pretty bad by personal experience) or indeed Reception, which is really, really bad changing currency.
Haha, man I love your movies. I was lounging out in the garden at Oase and noticed a conversation taking place over at the chair next to me. It went almost exactly like the movie (except she came from Italiy), I was laughing like crazy but she still tried to hook me after the first guy declined :D
And for the kino monster I always prefer "kein geld" :)
[QUOTE=Mike De H]But only coz I ade the movie. took me all afternoon to learn how to use this tool but its great fun.
I shall be making more movies on funny stuff thats happened in FKKK before Youtube pulls it.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Jdbkk555] Katarina, the sexy Russian with glasses caught my eye. It sounded like the afternoon shift was pretty dry on Friday. She was excited to have some company. For me, she's a quite sexy lady. The glasses give her the professional lady look. Nice choice overall.
I simply love Polish ladies. There were 5 of them there Friday night. We got to chatting late. Unfortunately, by the time we connected, I'd already managed 3 rounds, old Bob was tired, let alone my head from the jet lag. After a bit of coffee, I started a chat with a tall, dark haired Pole named Lillianna (or something like that). Wow, she's 22 or 23 with very firm skin, great muscle tone. The session was just my style. Not rushed, intimate. I'll put her on my preference list.
Along the day there, some of the regulars hit me up. A cute little one from Valencia Spain kept coming over to chat. Bright smile, sort of an asian look to her. I cant remember her name. Medium height, good shape, long dark hair. I didnt take her up at her advances. Later, she stopped in to chat with Dannia and I for a while. Drat, I should have asked earlier if she was a "good" lady or not.
I'll be back next week for another round this trip. I spent the day in Amsterdam walking the red light dist. I have to say, the FKK scene is way better. There's only so much you can do to calibrate with a lady on the other side of a window. And it's so strange with all those Chinese tourists walking around as you're shopping.[/QUOTE]
I think I saw your Katerina. Glasses. Intriguing girl.
Damn, I wished I met Lillianna. I do like Poles. I only met Lila who was light haired and Carolina who was really blond. Both sweet girls.
I am just wondering if your Spanish girl was Luisa. I remembered her too and confirmed it with a quick search here on the thread.
I have done the Dam before and now I have seen FKKs and some of the escort scene I guess that 15 minute quickie where everything is covered and is extra just does not appeal no more.
After glowing comments from some friends I decided to try dark haired Lia from Romania, she is previously described on the board. She provides excellent service, high energy and very passionate. We fucked hard for half an hour before I came in her mouth, expect to get sweaty guys. She hangs out around the high tables close to the pole dancing podium. She is repeat material for sure.
Next up was Monique from Ukraine and catastrophe struck. This relativity new 20 year old short blond that likes to wear knee high stockings was very friendly in the sofa, she seemed happy to kiss even if her technique wasn’t the best. Thought that was something we could work on in the room. Then the problems began, almost no blow job at all, the little she gave was lackluster and toothy. During sex she positioned herself so it was difficult to penetrate and after 15 minutes she was complaining about the time, next up was complaining about fucking to hard so the mood kind of died. I asked for some more BJ to get in the mood again but she declined, she only does that at the beginning of the session. I decided to walk out of the session and paid her 50€ with an unhappy look.
Luckily enough one of my absolute favorite girls was back after vacation and I found her a few hours later. Had a fantastic one hour session of intense fucking and passionate kissing. She is a great session but also so sweet and fun. Can’t wait to go back…
[QUOTE=Qubei] After glowing comments from some friends I decided to try dark haired Lia from Romania, she is previously described on the board. She provides excellent service, high energy and very passionate. We fucked hard for half an hour before I came in her mouth, expect to get sweaty guys. She hangs out around the high tables close to the pole dancing podium. She is repeat material for sure. [/QUOTE]Lia is gorgeous. I have fond memories of a visit in September with her coming up to me like 4-5 times over an early afternoon asking me to, "fuck her please. I need something hard in me." Or "Are you waiting for me? You want to fuck me?" Lia did that so sexily and in a pleading way. Boy was it good to hear her say that.
I had done her a few times before but I did not pull the trigger. Coming in her mouth just looks and feels so good. Now that you mention her again I think I need to get back there and take her up on her offer.
[QUOTE=Qubei] Next up was Monique from Ukraine and catastrophe struck. This relativity new 20 year old short blond that likes to wear knee high stockings was very friendly in the sofa, she seemed happy to kiss even if her technique wasn’t the best. Thought that was something we could work on in the room. Then the problems began, almost no blow job at all, the little she gave was lackluster and toothy. During sex she positioned herself so it was difficult to penetrate and after 15 minutes she was complaining about the time, next up was complaining about fucking to hard so the mood kind of died. I asked for some more BJ to get in the mood again but she declined, she only does that at the beginning of the session. I decided to walk out of the session and paid her 50€ with an unhappy look.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the note on little blond Monique. I noticed her on my last couple of visits to Oase. Cute and looks like she could be fun since she is all smiles and chatty if engaged. Thank you taking one for the team and letting us all know that she has picked up some of the ways of some of the more sharky girls at Oase. That is, she only sucks once and then fucks once for a 50€ session. A good friend of mine went with Sunny and she did the same. For 50€ she would kiss, suck penis and then fuck but would not go back to sucking penis again. I believe Ricky does the same for a 50€ session.
I know her friend Sammy is business like and unfriendly. I would not go with her at all from my interaction with her. I dare not book her lest I waste my precious euro on a session that I would regret due to the uninspired service that is pretty much get it over with. She is CIS and that makes it a shame. Sammy has that fresh face girl next door look but has the attitude of a professional. You do business or you leave her alone is the message.
[QUOTE=Qubei] Luckily enough one of my absolute favorite girls was back after vacation and I found her a few hours later. Had a fantastic one hour session of intense fucking and passionate kissing. She is a great session but also so sweet and fun. Can’t wait to go back… [/QUOTE]Nice one there. I am glad she is back for you.
Now if I can get mine one to come back I will be there too. LOL.
Once again...
Sorry for the late report but I just found out about this great forum.
I was @ Oase mid/late August and really enjoyed it there.
Sunny day, lovely to be chilling outside with all these naked girls partying around.
I had a very good round with this cute tall amazonian like german girl, forgot her name, she told me she is from Hamburg. Big tits and a 'Aspera ad Astra' tattoo on her ass (can anyone identify her?). Got some really dirty foreplay including some deepthroathing. Very hot intercourse, wanted to get more of her later but I was just exhausted from the visit to World the night before.
First visit
I’m glad to say that this is my first post here in this wonderful forum and that I’m going for my first FKK sextrip this weekend. I’m flying to Frankfurt on Friday morning and leaving on Sunday in the afternoon. YEEY! :D
First of I like to give a big thanks to all of you that have posted reports of these heavens on earth here on this forum. They have been a huge help for me and my planning of my first trip.
1) So my first noob question is: Do I start of at Friday by going to Palace and on Saturday going to Oase? Or do you think it’s better to go at Oase on Friday and then Palace on Saturday? Please give me your thoughts and a little insight in how you are thinking.
Other then that I think all it’s pretty clear for me of what to do and not do.
2) But if you have any more advises please do not hesitate to write them down for me.
3) For the sake of fun, it would have been great if you had written down 3-5 things that one should always do on their first trip to a FKK.
And the top 3 ladies that you would recommend for outstanding performance that should be on ones radar and had to be fucked for the first trip (for both Oase and Palace ofc) Looking forward to reading what you have to say on this one FKK-experts!
I will of course write a noob report and post I here after my visit, so guys like me can get more help on their first trips.
Frankfurt here I cum (literally speaking)
Best regards,
[QUOTE=Markthomas1950] Nice one there. I am glad she is back for you.
Now if I can get mine one to come back I will be there too. LOL.[/QUOTE]I just found out mine one has come back Qubei. I wonder if our girls are the same girl? She must be cheating on me.
[QUOTE=Farfarello]Sorry for the late report but I just found out about this great forum.
I was @ Oase mid/late August and really enjoyed it there.
Sunny day, lovely to be chilling outside with all these naked girls partying around.
I had a very good round with this cute tall amazonian like german girl, forgot her name, she told me she is from Hamburg. Big tits and a 'Aspera ad Astra' tattoo on her ass (can anyone identify her?). Got some really dirty foreplay including some deepthroathing. Very hot intercourse, wanted to get more of her later but I was just exhausted from the visit to World the night before.[/QUOTE]Hi Farfarello,
You mean you fucked her and did not know her name?
I think you are talking about Lynn who is a German brunette. Check her out by using the search function on this forum or have a look at one of Basketcase's recent lists. She comes recommended.
[QUOTE=Markthomas1950]Thanks for the note on little blond Monique. I noticed her on my last couple of visits to Oase. Cute and looks like she could be fun since she is all smiles and chatty if engaged. Thank you taking one for the team and letting us all know that she has picked up some of the ways of some of the more sharky girls at Oase[/QUOTE]
I am usually very selective and tend to pick girls I am sure about, so I was really dissapointed. It was actually several years ago since I experienced that kind of crap service at Oase. Anyway, it's a dirty job but someone's got to do it :)
[QUOTE=Markthomas1950]A good friend of mine went with Sunny and she did the same. For 50€ she would kiss, suck penis and then fuck but would not go back to sucking penis again. I believe Ricky does the same for a 50€ session.[/QUOTE]
Always received good service from Sunny, but she can be a processor, if she can get a session over with quickly and does'nt see a repeat customer I am sure she will.
[QUOTE=Markthomas1950]I just found out mine one has come back Qubei. I wonder if our girls are the same girl? She must be cheating on me.[/QUOTE]
Not impossible at all Mark. But I am not sure if I want to find out that she is cheating on me :D
Hi Qubei,
[QUOTE=Qubei] I am usually very selective and tend to pick girls I am sure about, so I was really dissapointed. It was actually several years ago since I experienced that kind of crap service at Oase. Anyway, it's a dirty job but someone's got to do it :)[/QUOTE]Yes, as our dear Hessen Bub says, it is only Oase, Mainhattan and World that enforces standards whereas Palace and Paradise do not.
I guess Monique is on the "never again" list just like her running mate, the unfriendly and professional Sammy is on mine.
[QUOTE=Qubei]Always received good service from Sunny, but she can be a processor, if she can get a session over with quickly and does'nt see a repeat customer I am sure she will. :)[/QUOTE]Sunny can do guys within minutes. I was stood at the bar having a tipple; an apple and water concoction that is Coca Cola branded for some reason; and I was chatting to my good friend who was stood by me. We both noted Sunny go to the room with an Italian man. We continued to chat and sip our cool refreshing drinks. Now remember these drink glasses are just 20 cL so it does not take long to drink them. So before 5 minutes were up and the bottom of our drink glasses were not empty we saw Sunny come back from the room to be paid at the valuables lockers.
Good to know Sunny gives good service. That should quiet some of the naysayers of her impeccable service.
[QUOTE=Qubei] Not impossible at all Mark. But I am not sure if I want to find out that she is cheating on me :D
Romanian? [/QUOTE]Mine is not Romanian. So yours is a different girl? Well done there with the Romanians.
[QUOTE=Markthomas1950]Hi Farfarello,
You mean you fucked her and did not know her name?
I think you are talking about Lynn who is a German brunette. Check her out by using the search function on this forum or have a look at one of Basketcase's recent lists. She comes recommended.[/QUOTE]Might be... I'm terrible with names. My bad.
Anyways, yes, I checked Basketcase's reports and it looks like it's her.
I recommending her too! Is she a regular there?
Rookie's Review
I recently had the pleasure of visiting Oase three times in early October. The first visit, was actually my very first FKK experience. I arrived early knowing that it would be less hectic and a bit easier for me to get my bearings. As many here have reported, some of the more aggressive girls immediately began urging me to give them a try, but I resisted not wanting to make a "rookie" mistake. I had a couple drinks, walked around getting a feel for the place, and enjoyed the views. There were dozens of naked, sexy women ranging from 7-10, in my book anyway. The outdoors on my first visit was essentially closed as it was cold, damp, and not appealing outside.
After a while, I eventually decided to try a visit to the zimmer with a pretty blonde, Polish girl, 5'6" or so. I forgot her name sadly, because I'd love to suggest others avoid her. She pretended to love kissing, and cuddling in the bar area, but once in the zimmer, she had many rules, no kissing, minimal touching, and she was clearly all about getting in and out quickly. I lost interest about 15 minutes into the visit, and simply got dressed and handed her 50 Euro. I think she was a bit shocked that I got up and ended the visit without finishing, but I wasn't going to waste a shot on goal with a dud like her. So, looking back, my first choice was basically a rookie mistake, and not great. But. The day was young.
So, back out to the bar, and this time I was determined to improve my selection. I eventually noticed a very pretty girl sitting on the sofas by the kino, mostly keeping to herself, or chatting to a friend. I figured she would be worth a little chat since she did not seem to be aggressive at all and was really cute. Boy was I right on girl #2. Her name was Allejandra, or Alexandra. Apparently she goes by both names, and spellings. (Apologies to Basketcase, who I corrected a few days ago on the spelling. After seeing her yet again, she let me know that she uses both names and spellings, so he was correct too) Anyway, she is quite petite, tanned, shoulder length dark hair, nice smile, and very easy going. She loves to visit the sauna late in the day just before she heads home, as Basketcase also mentioned. I would describe my sessions with her, yes there were several over the three days I spent at Oase, as being classic GFE. Very much like being with a girlfriend when you are both excited to be together. Great kissing, cuddling, fantastic sex, eager to please, and be pleased in return, and in general, a wonderfully fun experience each time. She is not what I would describe as PSE. IF grabbing a handful of hair, while you smack a nice ass, grab her throat, and go wild is your thing, she won't excite you and in fact, she won't be very happy at all. But if being with a gorgeous, gentle girl intent on pleasing you as best she can works, I don't see how you can go wrong with Allejandra. As it would turn out, over the course of my six days wandering around the FKK's of Germany, she would be far and away my favorite experience. I was almost shocked that I could find a girl that was so much fun to be with.
Also, while at visiting Oase, I was able to share some time with the often praised Michelle. AND. The reviews are spot on! What a fun girl. Very positive, pleasant, and fun to spend time with. She likes to make sure you, and she, have a great time. And she won't stop until that happens. She claims to love sex, and if you are fortunate to track her down, you will no doubt believe her when you are finished. A very sexy girl, and a "can't miss" experience.
Another winner that I was able to have some fun with, thanks to other posters on this board, was Heidi. Tiny, cute, Hungarian I believe. She was very fun in the zimmer, amazing oral skills, not pushy at all, and simply a great girl to spend some time with, if you enjoy petite, cute, and willing to please. An hour with Heidi is a fun hour indeed.
Over my three days at Oase, there were of course a few other girls that I enjoyed some zimmer time with, but they fell into the fair to good category, and frankly, I forgot their names. I will say that the overall quality of girls at Oase, while I was in Germany in early October was amazing, with many truly beautiful women present each day or all sorts of shapes, nationalities, and sizes. Both Villa Vertigo, and Golden Time seemed to have far fewer really pretty women when I visited. Yes, they both had some stunners, but not many really. I'm not sure why. Maybe this is something that changes every few weeks, or perhaps Oase just has a way of drawing the talent, but that's what I saw during my time there.
Food at all three places I visited (GT, VV, Oase) was decent but not amazing. Frankly, I never really hoped to get amazing food at an FKK, and I went out when I wanted it. The food at all three was, to me, more than adequate and I think the intent of all three, is simply to provide their patrons with a decent meal, which they do. I loved the fact that VV and GT provide you with free beer. I thought that was a nice touch, and I wish Oase did the same thing. I think they should.
The facilities at VV, I found to be the nicest, in every way. Bathrooms, lockers, grounds, etc. There was even a separate bar that was non smoking when you HAD to escape the omnipresent smoke that seems to be in every FKK, mostly because almost every girl smokes. I will also say that the facilities at both GT, and Oase are pretty nice, just not quite as nice as VV. Oase, on a sunny day, is very nice if you can use the outdoor facilities, which I got to do on one sunny day. So, a bit depends on the weather and time of year as well I guess.
In short, Oase was clearly the FKK with the best talent during my visits. They have a better mix of nationalities than the other places, prettier girls, and many girls that will provide the sort of service and experience that is hard to find anywhere else. I can't wait to go back now that I've happily shed my "rookie" status. That's my Oase report. Thanks to all the posters before me who helped me learn the ropes and have a great time!
Hey Mark
I guess Monique is on the "never again" list just like her running mate, the unfriendly and professional Sammy is on mine.[/QUOTE]
Indeed she is.
Mine is not Romanian. So yours is a different girl? Well done there with the Romanians.[/QUOTE]
I guess so. There is also another sweetie that was back. Hungarian, but did not session with her this time.
Hope you get time to go back and hook up with yours soon :)
[QUOTE=Qubei] Hey Mark
I guess so. There is also another sweetie that was back. Hungarian, but did not session with her this time.
Hope you get time to go back and hook up with yours soon :)[/QUOTE]Hi Qubei,
Monique and Sammy are blacklisted!
Is the Hungarian the legendary Timea? Or is it Barbie?
Yes, I am back to bang the hot body of my girl real soon. Oh joy! Ode to Joy! I just love it when she sucks my dick. It feels like it is the only one in the world.
Its been about a year since I have been to FKK Oase, has much changed in layout of club? Does the kino still have the same red couches? I like to do kino secessions, as well as watch. I always thought the matress set up in Palace and World is better for fucking than those red couches.
First time there, what a club! First one was also a never again, a Moldavian shark called Lisa, a beauty but service is forgettable, the mentioned Hungarian is a sweetie in terms of GFE and service but was topped by the Brasilian lady,OMG I need to go to this country, she topped my favourite Filipinas and Mongolian girls I had the pleasure to enjoy while in Asia!
This is not a cheap place but if you get the right girl an absolute top spot to relax and have fun
[QUOTE=Qubei]Hey Mark
Indeed she is.
I guess so. There is also another sweetie that was back. Hungarian, but did not session with her this time.
Hope you get time to go back and hook up with yours soon :)[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Markthomas1950]Sunny can do guys within minutes. I was stood at the bar having a tipple; an apple and water concoction that is Coca Cola branded for some reason; and I was chatting to my good friend who was stood by me. We both noted Sunny go to the room with an Italian man. We continued to chat and sip our cool refreshing drinks. Now remember these drink glasses are just 20 cL so it does not take long to drink them. So before 5 minutes were up and the bottom of our drink glasses were not empty we saw Sunny come back from the room to be paid at the valuables lockers.
Good to know Sunny gives good service. That should quiet some of the naysayers of her impeccable service.[/QUOTE]I can almost guarantee that she never bothered washing up, before she " processed " her next customer.
A favorite of mine told me that there's only one girl in the club that she would never do a thressome with.
Guess who she was talking about ??
Best Regards
[quote=dfwdude] i like to do kino secessions, as well as watch. i always thought the matress set up in palace and world is better for fucking than those red couches.[/quote]
every club i visit the kino just seems...so secluded, hidden from the crowd so to speak. you visit a stripclub and take a girl into a vip area, the vip area is usually hidden by some see thru drapes and the like. you can see the girl giving a lapdance but its hard to make out just how much grinding is going on... it would be nice if the kino area could remain semi-private but allow people to see glimpses of action so to speak. i don't think guys using the kino would mind if the crowd outside the kino caught a glimpse or two...and as long as those outside the kino can't see all the explicit action i can't see them complaining.
Can't anyone confirm if Ricky is still at Oase ? I might go there this weekend and hope to find her. I've heard she moved to FKK World recently.
Oase Showers on a video
They get a quick a quick shot in the latest vid...
Well done Raraavis2
[QUOTE=Raraavis2]Rookie's Review[/QUOTE]Well done [b]Raraavis2[/b] Good to see that your report has been put in the [b]Reports of Distinction [i]Thread[/i][/b] and good to see someone endeavour to pay back this forum by providing their own excellent report.
[QUOTE=Raraavis2]In short, Oase was clearly the FKK with the best talent during my visits. They have a better mix of nationalities than the other places, prettier girls, and many girls that will provide the sort of service and experience that is hard to find anywhere else. I can't wait to go back now that I've happily shed my "rookie" status. That's my Oase report. Thanks to all the posters
before me who helped me learn the ropes and have a great time![/QUOTE]
Hey Raraavis2,
Thanks for your report. I totally agree with you regarding the different clubs.
[QUOTE=Markthomas1950]Hi Qubei,
Monique and Sammy are blacklisted!
Is the Hungarian the legendary Timea? Or is it Barbie?
Yes, I am back to bang the hot body of my girl real soon. Oh joy! Ode to Joy! I just love it when she sucks my dick. It feels like it is the only one in the world.[/QUOTE]
It was Barbie I noticed was back yes and damn she looked good :)
Per aspera ad astra
she told me she is from Hamburg. Big tits and a 'Aspera ad Astra' tattoo on her ass (can anyone identify her?). [/QUOTE]
I think you are talking about Lynn who is a German brunette. [/QUOTE]
I've been told that the lady with the ominous tattoo on her right buttock ("through the darkness to the stars") calls herself Lill and is from Bremen. Provides good service.
Regards, X_U
In short, Oase was clearly the FKK with the best talent during my visits. They have a better mix of nationalities than the other places, prettier girls, and many girls that will provide the sort of service and experience that is hard to find anywhere else. I can't wait to go back now that I've happily shed my "rookie" status. That's my Oase report. Thanks to all the posters before me who helped me learn the ropes and have a great time![/QUOTE]
The attitude of the girls currently working at Oase is excellent. Very friendly bunch of girls with focus on customer satisfaction. I don't know how Oase does it but their screening method (if they have one) is definitely superior than other clubs.
[quote=breadman]every club i visit the kino just seems...so secluded, hidden from the crowd so to speak. you visit a stripclub and take a girl into a vip area, the vip area is usually hidden by some see thru drapes and the like. you can see the girl giving a lapdance but its hard to make out just how much grinding is going on... it would be nice if the kino area could remain semi-private but allow people to see glimpses of action so to speak. i don't think guys using the kino would mind if the crowd outside the kino caught a glimpse or two...and as long as those outside the kino can't see all the explicit action i can't see them complaining.[/quote]
my fkk experience is limited to oase and world albeit with less frequency than you. that said, i like the kino set-up like oase as an attraction so to speak. you can go in and sit down and watch the action if you like. it seems to me that if guys are looking for privacy they would use a room rather than do anything in the kino.
most of the time, like most guys i see, i get started with a bj in the kino and move to a room. i don't mind if other guys are watching. i think the guys that are going all the way in the kino actually like to be watched.
just my pov.
First time FKK report
It was my first time in Germany and my first time in an FKK so this is truly a newbie report.
I am traveling with a friend and mongering partner. We got to Frankfurt Airport Friday around noon. Following the signs to the train we tried to figure out how to buy our ticket from the machine but I couldn't make heads or tails out of it. Luckily there is an information office next to them where they will tell you where to go and which track and you can also buy the train ticket from them. That was a big help. The train to Frankfurt AM Main leaves from track 1 and takes about 15 minutes. Our hotel is only about a block from the train station in the RLD. It is shady but if you are used to big cities or traveling in 3rd world countries, it is nothing that will make you feel unsafe. Our hotel, Center Plaza is pretty nice. The rooms are newly refurbished, free wifi, free breakfast, gym, sauna for only $52 US a night booked on Orbitz.com. The reason I mention this is because I notice that most people do not recommend hotels or state the amenities or price. To me, this would be very helpful information to a first time monger in a city they have never been to.
As for exchanging money, we asked the front desk and they recommended the money exchange place on the corner of Moseistrasse and Kaiserstrasse. Since I read on this forum that banks give better exchange rates, we tried a few banks first.commerz bank was closed or on lunch break or something because the door was locked but there was a lady in there. We tried Deutsche Bank but there rates were worse than the money exchange. EUR/USD was about 141. 8. The money exchange place was offering 145. 8 and Deutsche Bank was 147. 8. I also tried a turkish bank but they did not exchange money. So we went back to the money exchange and turned in our increasingly worthless USD.
We were jet lagged and a little too lazy to take the train to Oase so we flagged down a taxi and asked him how much to Oase. He told us it was 40 EUR but we got him down to 35 EUR. I guess this was because he knew he would get 10 EUR from Oase for taking us there.
We get to Oase and paid the 65 EUR. If you want to drink alcohol you have to buy alcohol chips that look like casino chips. We went to our lockers downstairs and took showers. There is soap but no razors to shave, or Qtips, or toothbrushes, toothpaste, or deodorant. So if you want that, bring your own. There are also little lockers upstairs in front of the bar that look like safe deposit boxes. Most people keep their money in them and the numbered key they give you fits the clothes and money locker. The food is okay, not great. Also the fact that they keep it behind the bar instead of letting you take what you want is a little petty. But you can get more than one serving so can can still eat as much as you want. I have to say, I was very impressed with the facilities. I used to think the termas in Rio were nice. This place, blows those away easily.
We got there probably around 3 or 4pm. There was a decent amount of girls there, but more came around 5 to 6pm. The girls are not shy, so if they see you alone, they will come by and solicit you. Luckily as soon as you tell them you do not want to go to the room, they leave you alone. I like blondes and I saw easily 4 or 5 that I would like to take. I settled on a Romanian girl named Raphaela. She was thin, blond, with a decent sized natural breast with puffy nipples. She said she was 22 years old. I know from the termas in Rio that if the girl you are talking to doesn't give you DFK in the bar then you will probably not get a GFE in the room. This girl did not kiss on the couch but I wasn't really sure if that was common here in the lounge area since I didn't really see any other people doing it. I told her I will be ready a little later so I can check out a few more girls. They were all pretty much the same in the affection level on the couches so I picked Raphaela and went to the room. The rooms are pretty nice with mirrors all around. I asked if I can take picture with or without here face in the picture but she declined. Kissing was with very little to no tongue. The BBBJ was where she excelled because she went at it with gusto. I was thinking afterwards that maybe she was going at it so hard was knowing that if she can get me to come in her mouth then that would be a 50 EUR bonus for her. I guess the idea of aligning pay with performance really works. Sex was good with no excessive fake moans or anything like that. She had a great little body and tight pussy so I was happy. I probably finished early just because of the stories here where I heard that if you are a minute or two over the 30 minutes that they try to charge another 50 EUR. I like the system where the front desk calls you to tell you that time is up and so you get a few minutes grace period to either leave the room or book more time.
My friend took a dark skinned Cuban girl but he forgot her name. I think it started with an M. He had no complaints with her and she even let him take a few pictures but only pussy shots.
Later on I was talking with a German girl for a pretty long while but I was not really in the mood to go again so maybe I will take her next time. I forget her name but she had glasses and long blonde hair, and pretty big natural breasts. She said she was a part timer and that she had another regular job. She said she only comes there two or three times a week. I think she was telling the truth but then I was wondering if maybe this is a story she tells to attract guys who like the idea of doing a local almost "non-pro" girl next door. Either these girls are getting too sneaky or I am getting too cynical. If anyone knows about her please let me know so that I can debunk my own conspiracy theories.
We were too tired to stick around any longer so we left around 8pm. There was a taxi driver waiting at the entrance and he charged us 40 EUR to go back to the hotel. We tried to get him for 35 EUR but he didn't budge because he doesn't get an extra 10 EUR from Oase for the ride back. Any way, he could have made up any number and we probably would have taken him since he was the only cab there and there is literally NOTHING around there.
Oase was very good, but we would be derelict in our mongering duty if we did not at least try World so we will probably check that out today.
Afternoon at Oase
Spent the day and evening at Oase. Some interesting observations. I met a regular. This guy said he'd been there 90 some times already this year. Chatted with this guy and another from LA for a bit. Nice guys. The gold club member mentioned that there was a police raid earlier this week. He said they took 20 some ladies out for lack of proper documentation.
I started with a lady named Yvonne. Slovakian with reddish brown hair, nice boobs. She was a great start to the day. Good session.
Picked up a tall blonde Hungarian lady with Japanese tattoo down her back. She was an interesting lady. A bit too much up sell pressure for my taste. Dont remember what her name is, not sure I'd recommend her.
Lena is one of my long time favorites. I kept seeing her racing off to rooms with one guy or another. Finally, she was sitting alone for a bit. Sat next too her for a good chat. I'd forgotten what a nice lady she is. I was quite surprised to find out she's 37. Hard to believe. She's got a great figure, soft skin. Apparently Yvonne is a long time friend that actually got her into this business. Lena is one of those ladies I wish I'd meet outside somewhere so as to share dinner and get to know her better.
About 5, the evening shift started to show up. I saw my young, firm Lillianna from Poland. I had to go another round with her. Such a firm body. She was talking to a rather nice Polish lady with a short hair cut, lighter brown hair. I've got too try her next time.
I was about to flip a coin to decide to go or not when a nice Italian came over for a chat. I dont remember her name. Dark tan skin with a tattoo wrapping around her body, and Italy stamped on one butt cheek. Seemed nice enough. unfortunately, Old Bob was simply too tired to enjoy her much.
Tomorrow I'll flip a coin and decide to return to Oase, or try something new. I've heard disturbing things about World of late. One friend calls it a Romanian shark tank.
Absent girls on a recent visit
8. Alexandra (ro) Blond
12. Alina (ro)
13. Amanda (ro) tiny
20. Barbie (hu)
26. Claudia (ro) Helen Bonham Carter look, relaxed
28. Desi (mk) affectionate
32. Gabriella (vz)
38. Izzy (bg) black hair, tattoos
44. Judith (hu) very slim,
46. Krina (ro) brunette, big breasts
56. Lia (ro) so sexy, beautiful ass.
74. Riccarda / Ricky (de)
85. Vivian (hu) blond
New girls Sarah, Nancy, Violetta,
Carmelina (ro but says sp) has taken 59. Lucia (ro) as the constant absent minded working girl pest 12 times with the same questions
[QUOTE=Fkknomad]Absent girls on a recent visit
32. Gabriella (vz)
44. Judith (hu) very slim,
46. Krina (ro) brunette, big breasts
56. Lia (ro) so sexy,
[/QUOTE]Wow, these are the ladies I would go to Oase for, I hope they come back soon because I'm planning a week-end there at the beginning of November.
What day of the week was it?
[QUOTE=Farfarello]Might be... I'm terrible with names. My bad.
Anyways, yes, I checked Basketcase's reports and it looks like it's her.
I recommending her too! Is she a regular there?[/QUOTE]Hi Farfalle,
Yes she is. Check Basketcase's lists. She has been on those magic lists a few times.
[QUOTE=Smuler]I can almost guarantee that she never bothered washing up, before she " processed " her next customer.
A favorite of mine told me that there's only one girl in the club that she would never do a thressome with.
Guess who she was talking about ??[/QUOTE]Who would that be?
[QUOTE=Nille Copenhagen]Hi,
Can't anyone confirm if Ricky is still at Oase ? I might go there this weekend and hope to find her. I've heard she moved to FKK World recently.
Nille[/QUOTE]Hi Nille,
I did not see Ricky at Oase over the weekend. A lot of the German girls were not around since "their table" was over run with Romanians. There were more Germans during the day time than at night time.
Ricky was only doing a short stint at World due to a bit of bother.
At Oase many girls were complaining about each day 5 new girls were added to the line up and that many of these new girls were from FKK World since there was not much business at World.
I recall seeing Ramona, Rebecca and one other who I forget from FKK World at Oase.
[QUOTE=Qubei]It was Barbie I noticed was back yes and damn she looked good :)[/QUOTE]Qubei,
Fuck man! Barbie looks so much better than she did before. She has gone a bit brown haired than her black hair.
No Timea sadly.
[QUOTE=Xenon U]I've been told that the lady with the ominous tattoo on her right buttock ("through the darkness to the stars") calls herself Lill and is from Bremen. Provides good service.
Regards, X_U[/QUOTE]Hi Xenon_U,
That is the one!! I thought she was called Lynn. So she is actually Lill from Breman. She is a good cock sucker.
[QUOTE=Fkknomad]Absent girls on a recent visit
8. Alexandra (ro) Blond
12. Alina (ro)
13. Amanda (ro) tiny
20. Barbie (hu)
26. Claudia (ro) Helen Bonham Carter look, relaxed
28. Desi (mk) affectionate
32. Gabriella (vz)
38. Izzy (bg) black hair, tattoos
44. Judith (hu) very slim,
46. Krina (ro) brunette, big breasts
56. Lia (ro) so sexy, beautiful ass.
74. Riccarda / Ricky (de)
85. Vivian (hu) blond
New girls Sarah, Nancy, Violetta,
Carmelina (ro but says sp) has taken 59. Lucia (ro) as the constant absent minded working girl pest 12 times with the same questions[/QUOTE]On my visit over the weekend I saw from this particular list:
8. Alexandra / Alejandra (ro)
12. Alina (ro)
13. Amanda (ro) tiny
20. Barbie (hu)
26. Claudia (ro) Helen Bonham Carter look, relaxed
44. Judith (hu) very slim,
46. Krina (ro) brunette, big breasts
56. Lia (ro) so sexy, beautiful ass.
new girls Jessica cute petite blond with gorgeous natural breasts, Sonia, Ramona (from FKK World), girl with lactating breasts - amazing, too many others to remember...
I fucked Ambra / Rafaella. Excellent sex.
[QUOTE=Markthomas1950]Hi Xenon_U,
That is the one!! I thought she was called Lynn. So she is actually Lill from Breman. She is a good cock sucker.[/QUOTE]
Lynn is correct. From Bremen.
[QUOTE=Markthomas1950]Who would that be?[/QUOTE]
A petite Hungarian?
Desi and Izzy at Oase
[QUOTE=Fkknomad]Absent girls on a recent visit
28. Desi (mk) affectionate
38. Izzy (bg) black hair, tattoos
New girls Sarah, Nancy, Violetta,
Carmelina (ro but says sp) has taken 59. Lucia (ro) as the constant absent minded working girl pest 12 times with the same questions[/QUOTE]
I like Desi and Izzy.. any updates on these two beauties would be much appreciated.
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub]A petite Hungarian?
HB[/QUOTE]Could be. Heidi?
Maybe he meant Sunny, but I was checking since the clue was too cryptic.
So Sunny would not do a threesome with Heidi?
[QUOTE=Footloose]I like Desi and Izzy.. any updates on these two beauties would be much appreciated.[/QUOTE]Hi Footloose,
I do not have a positive update, more like a negative update. I did not see Desi and Izzy during my recent visit. Line up was a bit down.
How to get back to Frankfurt in midnight?
Hi guys,
Planning to go to Oase on my next trip to Frankfurt, but I could only go there about 10pm and have to leave around 2am. Will there always be a taxi waiting outside Oase? If not, how could I go back to Frankfurt? I am not going to rent a car though.
[QUOTE=Gimmeone]Hi guys,
Planning to go to Oase on my next trip to Frankfurt, but I could only go there about 10pm and have to leave around 2am. Will there always be a taxi waiting outside Oase? If not, how could I go back to Frankfurt? I am not going to rent a car though.[/QUOTE]Maybe if you are short of time you should go to Mainhattan or Palace which are in the Frankfurt city. Less issue with time if you are commuting from Frankfurt since these two clubs are in Frankfurt and more likely to be able to access via public transport including taxis. You have only 4 hours and you want to go to a club that is like 20 km out of Frankfurt when there are two great clubs inside Frankfurt with the same FKK offering?
Going to Palace or Mainhattan may extend your available time and make you less stressed and be less costly in terms of taxis.
Regardless, Oase usually has a taxi waiting for a customer; but note the report from Samplerr on this thread from September where he had to wait a while for a taxi; which although unusual; put a dampener at the end of his Oase visit. Depends on if you have a time table.
I mean where do you have to go at 2 am? Is your wife waiting for you to come back to your Hesse home or hotel? I cannot think you have a train or flight to catch at 2am.
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub]A petite Hungarian?
Maybe it is Barbie. She is back as well and she is petite and she is Hungarian.
Yvette is too big, especially in her high heel stripper shoes.
Notes from Oase
There was a visit by the immigration authorities on Friday. The raid took place in the reception office where the papers for all the girls are kept. They did a cross check on the IDs of the girls and those that did not check out were asked to leave. There were 20 girls taken away. This was noticeable since on Wednesday my friend said there was a lot of girls; many of them new. Thursday there was a lot of girls and then all of sudden on Friday there was fewer girls. Somehow the line up just died with new girls and some fo the older girls culled. Over the weekend the so called pillars of Oase german girls were scarce as were many Hungarians and Poles. Romanians still proliferated.
Some of the non Romanian girls mentioned that Oase's line up is now 80% Romanian. I think this comment echoes the comment from Myrmidon who mentioned the same statistic which he referenced from a girl he spoke to in the club. Basketcase's list indicate otherwise at around the 30% mark but it does show that even the girls themselves think there are too many Romanians in Oase.
The other interesting feedback from some of the girls was the number of girls at FKK World and other clubs that have come to work at Oase. I did notice a number of World girls had come to Oase so this holds true. It was a bit scary when World girls came up to me to say, "hi Mark, I see why you are not in World since you are in Oase! You bad man. Want to go zimmer Schatzi?"
The girls says that World is not so busy and knew that Oase had regular foot traffic. Palace was more stricter to get work at and the work level was not that good except at Messe times. One girl even mentioned that World was in trouble. Who knows.
This migration to Oase was similar to 2009 when hordes of Romanian girls came to Germany and Oase to work when the financial crisis hit the Spanish clubs so they came to more buoyant Germany to work the clubs here.
Another eastern european girl (non Romanian) says that too many Romanians spoils the attraction of Oase for the men since they like variety in women. Another girl questioned the Romanians service level bringing the standard down for the other hard working girls that make the Oase reputation.
Anyway, girls:
Jessica - new to Oase, started in the first week of October. Prior to Oase she worked at Paradise in Stuttgart for about 3 weeks. Gorgeous, petite little blond with D cup breasts. She gives Aida and Karina a run for the money for being a small blond with big natural tits. Jessica has long straight blond hair; brown eyes, usually wearing a belt around her waist; friendly and takes her time to talk to you as you fondle her wares. So much fun in the room. Kissing, DATY, blowjob, sex in many positions: cowgirl, reverse and normal; missionary, doggie, flat on stomach doggie. Recommended repeat material.
Ambra / Rafaella - a great sport fuck. Slim, blond, brown eyes. Ambra said lets go to the Cinema. We did kissing, nipple licking both ways, voracious appetite for blowjob; then off to the room. More kissing, nipple licking, standing up blowjob with her on her knees; then sex: missionary with Ambra legs spread eagled wide apart and then doggie and then doggie with Ambra flat on her stomach with me keeping her legs apart with my feet so I could keep pounding her deep. Nice finish. Recommended repeater.
[QUOTE=Gimmeone]Hi guys,
Planning to go to Oase on my next trip to Frankfurt, but I could only go there about 10pm and have to leave around 2am. Will there always be a taxi waiting outside Oase? If not, how could I go back to Frankfurt? I am not going to rent a car though.[/QUOTE]
There's always a taxi or three waiting at Oase on any given day after midnight...to make sure you have one at 2am, request one for two am at the front desk...they'll call the taxi company or tell one of the drivers who pops in for his entrance fee that someone needs a pickup at that time. Travel time will be close to 25 minutes from downtown, so plan that into your schedule. Id also suggest trying to find a hotel in Frankfurt (if you haven't already) that's closer to one of the freeways (661, 66, 648 etc)...or at least not smack dab in the middle of town. This will get you to the club faster...and back to your hotel.
Hi friends
I'm fan of Mia and generally tall girl. Last time I had great sesion with Mia.
Do you know if Mia is now there or any tall girl? I will visit there in 2 weeks time.
Thank you
[QUOTE=Super Goltzis]Hi friends
I'm fan of Mia and generally tall girl. Last time I had great sesion with Mia.
Do you know if Mia is now there or any tall girl? I will visit there in 2 weeks time.
Thank you[/QUOTE]
You have been away a while. Have you been keeping busy shagging tall women as usual?
What days are you going to be in Frankfurt Super Goltzis? Are you going for the messes at the beginning of November?
I am not sure whether there are any Oase girls that will fit your criteria of 1.9 m tall. Once the shoes come off the girls become normal size or even smaller. Maybe you can ask the girl to keep her shoes on?
Even Julie (pl) the tall blond is not to be seen at Oase. As well as your beloved Mia (rs).
There are a few tall women in FKK Palace. Maybe at World there will be something you may like if Teodora (ro) or what ever she is called is around. She is real tall and some say she is beautiful.
Oase is having a Halloween party on 30 November going head to head with World's Halloween party on 30 November.
[QUOTE=Footloose]I like Desi and Izzy.. any updates on these two beauties would be much appreciated.[/QUOTE]
Hi Footlosse,
I have not see Desi / Daisy or Izzy / Isy at Oase for a while now. Keep looking - they will turn up. As HB says the girls do come back some time.
[QUOTE=Simpleminded] It was my first time in Germany and my first time in an FKK so this is truly a newbie report.[/QUOTE]
Thank you for thinking of us and writing here. Well done.
[QUOTE=Simpleminded]I like blondes and I saw easily 4 or 5 that I would like to take. I settled on a Romanian girl named Raphaela. She was thin, blond, with a decent sized natural breast with puffy nipples. She said she was 22 years old. I know from the termas in Rio that if the girl you are talking to doesn't give you DFK in the bar then you will probably not get a GFE in the room. This girl did not kiss on the couch but I wasn't really sure if that was common here in the lounge area since I didn't really see any other people doing it. I told her I will be ready a little later so I can check out a few more girls. They were all pretty much the same in the affection level on the couches so I picked Raphaela and went to the room. The rooms are pretty nice with mirrors all around. I asked if I can take picture with or without here face in the picture but she declined. Kissing was with very little to no tongue. The BBBJ was where she excelled because she went at it with gusto. I was thinking afterwards that maybe she was going at it so hard was knowing that if she can get me to come in her mouth then that would be a 50 EUR bonus for her. I guess the idea of aligning pay with performance really works. Sex was good with no excessive fake moans or anything like that. She had a great little body and tight pussy so I was happy. I probably finished early just because of the stories here where I heard that if you are a minute or two over the 30 minutes that they try to charge another 50 EUR. I like the system where the front desk calls you to tell you that time is up and so you get a few minutes grace period to either leave the room or book more time.[/QUOTE]
Ambra or Rafaella or Raphaela is a great one for the room. She is pretty, gorgeous body and delivers the goods. Also she is blond which you as a gentleman prefer I understand.
Another recommended one who is Romanian is Lia. She is black haired but she is as good as Raphaela in the room. She does not do anal though sadly. The German fuckers keep asking though. LOL.
[QUOTE=Simpleminded]My friend took a dark skinned Cuban girl but he forgot her name. I think it started with an M. He had no complaints with her and she even let him take a few pictures but only pussy shots.[/QUOTE]
Excellent work with getting some photos. Memories. Taking a photo lasts longer.
[QUOTE=Simpleminded]Later on I was talking with a German girl for a pretty long while but I was not really in the mood to go again so maybe I will take her next time. I forget her name but she had glasses and long blonde hair, and pretty big natural breasts. She said she was a part timer and that she had another regular job. She said she only comes there two or three times a week. I think she was telling the truth but then I was wondering if maybe this is a story she tells to attract guys who like the idea of doing a local almost "non-pro" girl next door. Either these girls are getting too sneaky or I am getting too cynical. If anyone knows about her please let me know so that I can debunk my own conspiracy theories.[/QUOTE]
Oh her. Yes, she is relatively new. German blond, a bit pale, glasses that make her look mousey, decent body and natural breasts as you describe. Could pass for British. Her back story could be true.
[QUOTE=Simpleminded] Oase was very good, but we would be derelict in our mongering duty if we did not at least try World so we will probably check that out today. [/QUOTE]
Go to World man and report.
[QUOTE=Jdbkk555] Picked up a tall blonde Hungarian lady with Japanese tattoo down her back. She was an interesting lady. A bit too much up sell pressure for my taste. Dont remember what her name is, not sure I'd recommend her. [/QUOTE]
That is Yvette. She is real cool and fun. She can be observed giving public blowjobs to a German man in the whirl pool area or in the garden when it is not cold.
[QUOTE=Jdbkk555]I was about to flip a coin to decide to go or not when a nice Italian came over for a chat. I dont remember her name. Dark tan skin with a tattoo wrapping around her body, and Italy stamped on one butt cheek. Seemed nice enough. unfortunately, Old Bob was simply too tired to enjoy her much. [/QUOTE]
Oh her. She is alright. Nice one taking her. Tattoos are not my thing so I have not tried her.
[QUOTE=Jdbkk555]Tomorrow I'll flip a coin and decide to return to Oase, or try something new. I've heard disturbing things about World of late. One friend calls it a Romanian shark tank. [/QUOTE]
A recent report on World says that the demise of World is over started. Let us know what you think.
[QUOTE=DFWdude]Its been about a year since I have been to FKK Oase, has much changed in layout of club? Does the kino still have the same red couches? I like to do kino secessions, as well as watch. I always thought the matress set up in Palace and World is better for fucking than those red couches.[/QUOTE]
Oase still has the old red couches. There are rips in the material and some have springs coming through or dips in the stuffing such that you can get caught in them.
I recall fucking one girl in the cinema and there was a natural depression in the arm rest where her head was from all the previous couples that have fucked there and created the head like mould there. Take a look at the front red couch on the right of the cinema. You will see.
The vote amongst my crew is that Palace is the most comfortable cinema for sex action with World close behind.
If you get up to Artemis the cinema layout in the down stairs area really does look like a cinema set up. I got a blond Russian bird to give me a blowjob at the front couch at Artemis as I stood up and she was on her knees before me. I think the guys behind me could not see the movie as my head was in the way. LOL.
DFWdude, get your ass to Palace or World for the most comfortable cinemas for public sex. Oase just does not feature in that regard.
Who IS present at Oase
We saw several reports lately about who is absent (notably absent that is) at Oase... What about who is present? Basketcase had excelled in the past (due to his monumental memory) providing the "roll call".
I am planning a November visit - and I would like to plan well.
Thanks in advance.
Palace vs Oase
Oase still has the old red couches. There are rips in the material and some have springs coming through or dips in the stuffing such that you can get caught in them.
I recall fucking one girl in the cinema and there was a natural depression in the arm rest where her head was from all the previous couples that have fucked there and created the head like mould there. Take a look at the front red couch on the right of the cinema. You will see.
The vote amongst my crew is that Palace is the most comfortable cinema for sex action with World close behind.
If you get up to Artemis the cinema layout in the down stairs area really does look like a cinema set up. I got a blond Russian bird to give me a blowjob at the front couch at Artemis as I stood up and she was on her knees before me. I think the guys behind me could not see the movie as my head was in the way. LOL.
DFWdude, get your ass to Palace or World for the most comfortable cinemas for public sex. Oase just does not feature in that regard.[/QUOTE]Basketcase,
Thank you for this, as well as other great reports.
I will be traveling to Spain, and on the way back to the US I have one night in Frankfurt. I have been to Frankfurt twice before. The first time, I went to the RLD with very mixed reports (I reported on my experiences there, a few years ago). The second time in Frankfurt, I visited Palace and I found it to be a great evening. At the Palace, I believe that I had sex with four girls; two in rooms, and two in the cinema. I actually really enjoyed just relaxing in the cinema, and having girls come up to me, and if I wanted to have a session with them, I liked having the option of doing it right there in the cinema. I have read this forum going back about 20 pages, and I saw at least one post indicating that the girls at both Palace and Oase were now less likely to reach under the towel and start anything in public places like the cinema, but rather just wanted you to go to a room with them. I was sad to read this. Since there seems to be a lot more posts about Oase than Palace on this forum, I figured that must be the preferred place. Therefore, I thought I would give it a try this time, even though my hotel is near the main train station and therefore it is probably easier to get to Palace. However, after reading your post, I may head back for a repeat visit to Palace, since the cinema action was probably my favorite thing there.
Oase Day One Reviews
Rafella /Romania - now has a short blonde bob cut. Always a good session and always starts with BL. Helicoptor BBBJ. Knows little English but for her it doesn't matter. Looks like she is not quite the toned ultra hardbody as 1 year ago but still great. TS on her firm pert Bs. Nice orgasm for her with DATY. More BBBJ / BL and onto full service. 1sog of the day after CG and mish. "Fast!?" Perhaps a little as it had been a while. A repeat for me. Definite recommend
Violetta / Romania - Long midback kinky Brunette 36D 28 36 5'6" pretty face if you like Catherine Zeta Jones look. On closer inspection a bit larger medium boned, unathletic girl in contrast to Rafella. Seems to like to wear a small short vest. Always smiling every time she passes. ok session. Nice DFK followed by BBBJ / BL TS on her soft 36C/Ds big nipples. MPOS Full service. No repeat for me.
Claudia /Romania - 19 year old Brunette with long midback kinky hair. 34B 25 34 5'3". Good repeat session with a pretty and young girl. Usual Fkk standard service Dfk, DATY, BBBJ, BL, MPOS FS. Claudia had a nice orgasm with DATY then back to me for more of a fluff up and then fuck. A possible 3rd repeat for me. Recommend
Markesa / Turkey - 24 year old Blonde 35A/B 27 34 5'6". Ok session with my first Turkish girl. Big chewey nipples on firm cones. Usual Fkk standard service Dfk, DATY, BBBJ, FS. BL was minimal. No orgasm for her and I gave up after her overacting grew thin. Not the greatest session in FS. No repeat for me.
Nancy / Belgium - Light Brown hair in a ponytail 34B 25 34 5'4". 26 year old. Dark tan. Large tatoo on her left breast. Very good session. Her orgasm from DATY was very quick. Nice BL good passionate DFK. I felt a good connection. Later she told me she had two kids but absolutely no signs on her breasts and tummy. Very slim, firm and tight pussy. An already repeat for me. Definite recommend
Emanuela / Milano Italy - 23 year old Long Brunette hair pulled into a pony tail with a LivTyler look. 5'9" 36B 27 36. Very GFE session. Long lingering soft DFK. Emanuela gives a soft wet sensuous BBBJ and BL. In DATY she took two digits which seems rare for Oase. I even snuck one in the back door. Good strong O. She asked if we're doing 30 or 60 minutes and I said let's wait and see. But I think she understood it to mean let's plan on stretching it. She encouraged me to give her a pounding. At the lockers she asked for 100€ and if I'd known I would have used all my time to kiss and massage. Somehow I felt a little used eventhough I got great gfe service and the price was cheap by my local standards. A possible repeat for me. Definite recommend
Leila / Czech - Crooked teeth 5'4" 34B 24 34 5'4". Dark tanned gypsy look. Only passable English. Bad skin on her back. Firm full A cups. Minimal DFK as she had smokers breath and was just not so hot looking up close in the light. I skipped DATY, only limited mish for FS. Poor session but I had my last SOG with girl #7 at Oase Day one.
Oase on Monday Oct 18
On Monday we decided to head back to Oase. We got there around 4-5pm and there were a decent amount of girls there. There were probably 40 girls and 20 guys. The food was better this time. My friend eventually took Dora who is a tall 21 year old very pretty blonde from Russia. She was very affectionate in the interview but it was not that way in the room. In the room she told him that BBBJ is 10 EUR extra. He declined and just got a CBJ. After having sex for about 10 minutes she started asking him if he is finished. When he mentioned that he thought he had 30 minutes she said most guys finish in 5 to 10 minutes. She backed off from ending the session too soon probably not wanting him to complain, but the damage was done.
I saw the blonde german girl with glasses Yanna but she talked with me for a few minutes then she went home. I guess I didn't decide in time. Oh well, I will find someone else I figured. There was a tall blonde with a great body wearing black stockings and a black band on her neck. She seemed to not be trying hard at all yet, we watched as she would get customers one after the other. After seeing her get about 5 customers, my friend went to talk to her and ask her secret. Her name is Anita and she is from the Czech Republic. She said that she normally works a regular job and just comes to Oase when she gets horny and wants to have sex. I thought that was a nice change of pace from the girl in Mainhattan who said she gets no joy from sex with customers. I did not take her since I just had a tall blonde from the Czech Republic the night before. As the night went on, my choices were dwindling as many girls were leaving. Around midnight I saw a girl that I had not seen all night. Her name was Jessica from Budapest. She had blonde hair in a pony tail and a great body and she seemed to be in a very good mood because she was always dancing around. The problem was that everytime I saw her come into the bar area with her customer (I was in the lounge), she would disappear into the front desk area. Then I would see her 20 minutes later with someone else. This happened a few times before I caught her in the bar. She said she was going to eat and then see me in the lounge area. When she got to the lounge she was already with someone who looked to be a regular of hers because they were all over each other. I guess it wasn't meant to be. We left Oase around 1 am. As I read in the forum, I believe the correct term is that I left unfucked. A taxi back to Frankfurt Train station was 40 EUR.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]Thank you for thinking of us and writing here. Well done.
Thanks Basketcase. The few pussy shots were the work of my wingman. I tried a few times to get pictures but stopped trying either because I was looked at like I had 3 heads when I asked or because I was wearing a towel and couldn't hold my camera like the robes could. Usually in Brazil about half the girls let you take pictures of them including their face and about 70% let you take pictures of them if their face is covered. Also, we brought a bunch of lipgloss as gifts to soften the girls up for pictures. In Brazil they act like you just gave them a new car. In the FKK they act like you just offered them a piece of gum.
[QUOTE=Tr4440]We saw several reports lately about who is absent (notably absent that is) at Oase... What about who is present? Basketcase had excelled in the past (due to his monumental memory) providing the "roll call".
I am planning a November visit - and I would like to plan well.
Thanks in advance.
Which particular girls are you interested in? Lia? Marina? Sara? Melissa?
I can recommend Michelle. She just loves sex and works hard to get her customer off.
Horny Dog #2
[QUOTE=Horny Dog #2]Basketcase,
Thank you for this, as well as other great reports.
I will be traveling to Spain, and on the way back to the US I have one night in Frankfurt. I have been to Frankfurt twice before. The first time, I went to the RLD with very mixed reports (I reported on my experiences there, a few years ago). The second time in Frankfurt, I visited Palace and I found it to be a great evening. At the Palace, I believe that I had sex with four girls; two in rooms, and two in the cinema. I actually really enjoyed just relaxing in the cinema, and having girls come up to me, and if I wanted to have a session with them, I liked having the option of doing it right there in the cinema. I have read this forum going back about 20 pages, and I saw at least one post indicating that the girls at both Palace and Oase were now less likely to reach under the towel and start anything in public places like the cinema, but rather just wanted you to go to a room with them. I was sad to read this. Since there seems to be a lot more posts about Oase than Palace on this forum, I figured that must be the preferred place. Therefore, I thought I would give it a try this time, even though my hotel is near the main train station and therefore it is probably easier to get to Palace. However, after reading your post, I may head back for a repeat visit to Palace, since the cinema action was probably my favorite thing there.[/QUOTE]
Horny Dog #2,
You should be fine at any club that you go to whether it be Mainhattan, World, Palace or Oase. There be public sex happening in all these clubs. Maybe less so at World than I find at Oase and Palace. It is rare to see the entire session had in the cinema but it does happen and mainly on the busy nights.
Even I have had entire sessions in the cinema at various venues. I find I have to concentrate much harder and block out the fact that there is an audience and that there is a porno movie playing and that the clock is ticking.
At Palace I always recall good sessions in the cinema. I do remember blond Irina (ru) memorably sucking me off to completion in her mouth one times for 100 euro.
Then there are the sessions in Oase where I have had anal sex or poo poo sex as some girls call it with girls in the cinema. Just like the porno stars on the screen. Those sessions go into the memory banks as keepers.
Great memories of this German guy with a massive cock fuck Sunny (de) in the ass for all to see.
Oase Recommendations
Adrianna/Karolina/ Linda. Was at Oase a few weeks ago, usually comes in around 5:00
Tall, blonde Czech with huge, sagging boobs is one of the all time. FKK "keepers".
Great sense of humour, not a clock watcher and will do any thing you request.
Have fun.
Which particular girls are you interested in? Lia? Marina? Sara? Melissa?
I can recommend Michelle. She just loves sex and works hard to get her customer off.[/QUOTE]
Which particular girls are you interested in? Lia? Marina? Sara? Melissa?
I can recommend Michelle. She just loves sex and works hard to get her customer off.[/QUOTE]Wow BC. You have a good memory for my interests as well. Lia. As I posted before, spent once a whole day on the couch, and for most of that day she would not go to a room with anyone (as far as I can tell, because I took a few productive breaks from watchign her).
Marina. Yes, she was a good sport, except she would not accept oral favors; Her English is outstanding, great conversation, she is an intelligent woman.
Sara. There were some conflicting reports here about her being "cold" in the room. Worth giving her a try.
Melissa. Yes, she is perhaps #1 on my "to do" list. Although there are also mixed reports.
Michelle, the Swiss woman. I have never seen her in my four visits at Oase.
Thanks and have a good weekend.
Tr4440 and his hookers
[QUOTE=Tr4440] Wow BC. You have a good memory for my interests as well. Lia. [/QUOTE]
I just pay attention.
[QUOTE=Tr4440]As I posted before, spent once a whole day on the couch, and for most of that day she would not go to a room with anyone (as far as I can tell, because I took a few productive breaks from watching her).[/QUOTE]
Things have changed a bit since you were last observing Lia. Her paramour no longer books her all day. I think this must have been one of those days where she had been booked all day and so did not go with anyone else. I recall this period.
She is very much available now and is a great one for chats and for the room. I like her B cups breasts for their shape and her cute ass and shapely legs. Lia gives good social time I find. Speaks excellent english.
A German fucker sure likes her a lot and books her regularly too.
Her friend Maria was not around lately and nor is little Angie, but Alina is around.
Ambra / Rafaella pops by regularly with Alina and Lia and these girls do make wonderful viewing material when they sit together at the smoker's high table where the German girls normally congregate. Last week there was a deficit of German girls as there were Poles. Romanians pretty much made up the bulk of the hookers in attendance.
[QUOTE=Tr4440]Marina. Yes, she was a good sport, except she would not accept oral favors; Her English is outstanding, great conversation, she is an intelligent woman.[/QUOTE]
Marina is an interesting refusing oral pleasue on her. It might be an infection thing that she is susceptible to yeast infections bought on by saliva contact. Worth a visit there too I think in general.
[QUOTE=Tr4440]Sara. There were some conflicting reports here about her being "cold" in the room. Worth giving her a try.[/QUOTE]
Sara if its the one I am thinking of is beloved of one of the German fuckers group. Is Sara the tall, a bit frizzy blond haired one?
We all have our special ones.
[QUOTE=Tr4440]Melissa. Yes, she is perhaps #1 on my "to do" list. Although there are also mixed reports.[/QUOTE]
What? you have not done Melissa? She is a sweetie. I recall a time where we spent ages on the couch as she coaxed me to the room with gentle finger tips running over my groin, my stomach, my nipples and across my face. She just tickled, teased and stimulated me that I was putty in her hands.
That is seduction in the Heidi vein.
[QUOTE=Tr4440]Michelle, the Swiss woman. I have never seen her in my four visits at Oase. [/QUOTE]
Michelle from Basel is one wild woman. She is a star to many - talked about at lenght by the Francophone forum, the Deutsch forums and even on Anglophone forums. So she has cross jurisdicational appeal that some other stars that we talk about here on ISG do not get. That is an interesting point to note so there must be something there to get that star status across nationalities. The United Nations of Cock.
[QUOTE=Strato]Adrianna/Karolina/ Linda. Was at Oase a few weeks ago, usually comes in around 5:00
Tall, blonde Czech with huge, sagging boobs is one of the all time. FKK "keepers".
Great sense of humour, not a clock watcher and will do any thing you request.
Have fun.
Visiting on Wednesday. I like the sound of this one.
Please clarify. I didn't quite understand. What is the name of this girl?
PS. Any regulars who will be there on Wednesday and fancy meeting up and being generous enough to share their wisdom as regards who to session with and who to avoid, please let me know.
[QUOTE=Simpleminded] Thanks Basketcase. The few pussy shots were the work of my wingman. I tried a few times to get pictures but stopped trying either because I was looked at like I had 3 heads when I asked or because I was wearing a towel and couldn't hold my camera like the robes could. [/QUOTE]
It is a bit harder if the girl does not know you for you to be allowed to take pictures or film. I know guys that make movies. That must take charm or the smooth banter of a snake oil salesman.
[QUOTE=Charlie 123]Hi,
Visiting on Wednesday. I like the sound of this one.
Please clarify. I didn't quite understand. What is the name of this girl?
PS. Any regulars who will be there on Wednesday and fancy meeting up and being generous enough to share their wisdom as regards who to session with and who to avoid, please let me know.
Charlie 123,
Enjoy your visit on Wednesday. I would expect there would be a real decent line up and few men for you compete with for the services of the best girls that you can find there.
The girl that Strato mentions is known by a number of alias since she has worked at a number of establishments under different alias so collectively her male suitors know her as any of Adriana or Karolina or Linda.
I do not know of any one in particular on Wednesday but I am sure that you will find someone to talk to when you get there.
Have fun and please report your findings.
Girls absent from Oase report
[QUOTE=Tr4440]We saw several reports lately about who is absent (notably absent that is) at Oase... What about who is present? Basketcase had excelled in the past (due to his monumental memory) providing the "roll call".
I am planning a November visit - and I would like to plan well.
Thanks in advance.
There does seem to much more Romanians at Oase giving the line up the feel of World which would make the differentiation between the two clubs indifferent when measured on purely line. That would be a shame. I prefer a bit of variety in my line up and a wholly Romanian background would limit that variety regardless that Romanians do run the whole sprectrum from blond to black haired and dumpy girl next door to cat work model looks.
From my imperical count the Romanian hordes have crept up to around the 35% mark from 30% mark at Oase whereas the feedback from World visitors like HB is that World has 80% Romanian and Bulgarian hookers in attendance. Several of the Oase girls have mentioned that they think that the Romanian contingent at Oase is 80% but I expect they do not have a line up list to actually do the math. I think the non Romanian girls at Oase just think the line up is now 80% since it just feels that way when many of the dark haired girls say that they are greek or italian or spanish.
Following on the theme of who is absent from Oase I had to think a bit harder of who was not there as opposed to who was there.
This list on review is supportive of the number of non Romanians that are not working currently at Oase due to being on breaks at home or on holiday, maybe trying out other clubs or just moved on and not sighted anywhere else via back channel feed back.
So anyway I had to sit down quietly and think of the girls that are fairly current on the list but have not been seen working on my last day's visit to Oase. I started writing and then I realised that the list can be quite long of girls absent since I saw them in the summer. Girls come and girls move on.
Another interesting point is the so called Pillars of Oase; so called because these girls prop up the line up at Oase; being absent recently. Maybe it is timing but the hookers that are renown for being the Pillars of Oase not being present on my last visit can put a killer on a visit when you do not see them.
The line up number is still as strong hitting a usual 100 girls over the weekend up from the usual maybe 70-80 working over a weekend that I would see in 2009. I think it is because there is more rooms and other improvements that the management think that more girls can be accomodated.
Of course you have the girls currently working complaining that their business is impacted as the understanding is that they pay their house fee of 65 euro and the quid pro quo of Oase management was to ensure a reasonable balance of girls for the customers that are paying to be there as well. In effect, Oase is really making its money off the girls who are a captive clientele in their own right coming in regularly to work there and ensuring that a minimum revenue is made by the club.
So anyway, here is my girls absent list to give an indication of who was not around of late or particularly on my last visit date to Oase. It makes sombre reading.
For me this is a reminder of so many girls that have passed on or may not come back. A deteriorating variety line up at Oase that is being replaced with Romanians.
1. Agnes (pl) long black hair to be waist, full body, natural D cups with a heavy look, squeaky voice.
2. Agnes (pl) long black hair to her upper shoulders, nicely shaped C cups, full body
3. Agnieszka (pl) slim, A cups, long dark blond hair
4. Aida (ro) blond, C cups, dark eyes, from FKK World
5. Alba (de) from Cologne, D cups, light brown hair, full shaped body
6. Alia (de) slim build, natural B cups, blond, tends to wear a long bead necklace of some type, Paris Hilton look. Gives good service, okay with public sex.
7. Angie (ro) really small, really cute, speaks excellent English, can be a bit smart in retorts – she must get it off Maria, long black hair, friends with Maria, Alina and Lia.
8. Aniko (hu) MILFy, small, brown hair, a bit round.
9. Annabelle (de) sleepy look in her eyes, long blond hair, pale, pendulous C cup breasts
10. Belinda (sk) gorgeous blond Slovakian ex-model
11. Carolina / Karolina (pl) petite, long blond hair, face a bit pock marked, GFE provider, does a lot of deep French kissing, and body kissing. BBBJ is not rated, good in sex in that she takes a fucking.
12. Cassandra (ro) affectionate, very giving of her time in social time or just hanging out when she is tired, likes to massaged, slim, tall, long black hair, can be demanding and wanting small gifts like red bull or cigarettes
13. Crystal (ro) slim, petite build, very pretty model looks, leggy, small cute ass that is just begging to be fucked, has a haughty look that she knows she is beautiful and will laud it over you. She is off the long term plan now.
14. Deriana (ro) DFK, BBBJ, BLS, rimming
15. Doris (pl) started at Oase in the week beginning 13 Sept. 22 years old, slim dark blond with hair to her shoulders, fluent in German, speaks some English, 1.7 m, B cup breast, cute young face. Doris has previously worked at Living Room, Kaarst, Villa Vertigo, Grerath and Acapulco, Velbert so she has a bit of experience. She was giving extended couch time during the Automechanika messe which meant that she was not one to rush a guest. Does BBBJ and BLS well. A GFE provider and as such recommended.
16. Emma (sk) lovely 23 year old next door girl looking, blonde which is not natural though
17. Evelyne (pl) MILF, does not speak English, performs an excellent BBBJ, GFE provider and seems to be enamoured of the more discerning and mature German clientele.
18. Fannie (es) black hair, average build, 1.6 m tall, B cups, in her thirties, vigorous GFE experience provider from Vigo, Spain; recommended for her kissing, does not really hunt for customers and sits in the non smoking area looking to pick up guests
19. Gabriella (vz) black hair, small, tanned, recommended for her velvet feeling pussy when she fucks you in cowgirl.
20. Guita / Guetta (hu) black hair, pretty look, average build, B cups, quiet but smiling type.
21. Hanna (cz) platinum blond, small saggy breasted, average build, recommended for her GFE and blowjob and BLS and further licking to rimming. Was spotted by Simpleminded working at FKK Mainhattan on 17 October 2010 so explaining her absence from Oase during the period under review.
22. Heidi (hu) dark blond, small, intelligent, gives prolonged good service in a seductive style
23. Iliana (ru) blond, a bit of a MILF, tends to wear some sort of lingerie
24. Ivana (hr) Blond, full bodied, with C cups and shapely legs, DFK, BBBJ, BLS, rimming, provides a sensational PSE session. Book this girl if you see her.
25. Jasmine (hu) tall, slightly plump, blond
26. Jennifer (hu) slim blond, high positioned natural B cups
27. Jenny (de) blond, Magdeburg, 27 year old blond, nice body, friendly, performs anal
28. Jill (de) quiet, non hunting auburn haired girl from Thuringia, large perfectly shaped tear drop breasts
29. Johanna (de) short haired blond, renowned as “bilderbuch”, gives excellent service, renowned for her natural D cups.
30. Julia (pl) cute little black haired girl with slightly saggy B cups
31. Julie (pl) tall blond, deep throat blowjob expert where you can mouth fuck as well
32. Kira (hu) black haired, a little plump, B cups, no tattoos
33. Lana (de) blond, tattoo, has put on some more weight so does look healthy and not look anorexic no more. A cups
34. Laura (lv) blond, model looking, a great ass, enhanced C cup breasts that point down,
35. Linda (gr) black curly hair
36. Lisa (hu) brown haired to her shoulders, bit MILFy, renown for deep throat
37. Lisa (pl) small blond, spinner type, gorgeous looks
38. Luisa (es) black hair that is usually tied up
39. Lynn (de) from Bremen, deep throat cock sucker, noted for her “Per aspera ad astra” writing.
40. Magda (pl) green eyed, shoulder lenght blond, GFE provider
41. Mandy (de)
42. Maria (ro) so skinny such that she would need to run around in the shower to get wet, smart ass, provides a good service in the room.
43. Mia (hr) really tall, maybe 1.78 m, tends to wear flat shoes because of her height, does public sex – which is good for the real tall men as you can fuck her standing up in the cinema.
44. Monique (ukraine) blond, small, pretty, smiling type, B cups, no tattoos, gives substandard service per Qubei’s experience
45. Neela (sk) MILFy, tall, slim, enhanced breasts to C cup, but still a good looking woman, provides good service including anal and CIM.
46. Nina (de) blond, blue eyes, pretty, speaks excellent English, enhanced C cups, a bit of a shark since she asks for tips or increments on the service provided
47. Ramona (ro)
48. Rebecca (bg) slim build, Egyptian style black hair, full lips, saggy, A cups, wears sky scrapper platform heels, deep throat blowjob provider and one to take for public sex session in the main lounge by the German pervert / caveman.
49. Rebecca / Ramona (ro) blond, pretty, full shaped C cup breasts, provides excellent service and recommended for her deep throat blowjob.
50. Renata (ro) slim, long dark hair, slight gypsy look, jewellery,
51. Riccarda / Ricky (de) from Siegen, Nord Rhine Westfalen, 1.75 m, long platinum blond hair, slim, natural B cups, tends to wear high heels with criss cross straps up her shins, recommended for the no hands mouth only blowjob that is sensational to feel that you just want to CIM, performs anal sex. Works the night shift starting from 21:00.
52. Roberta (ro) slim, long black hair, A cups, excellent conversationalist, affectionate and a real customer service orientated worker.
53. Roxanne (pl) blond, average build
54. Sabrina (hu) black hair, slim, B cups
55. Shareen (Iran) dark hair, average build
56. Sheila (ro) slim, small size, perfect B cup tear drop shaped breasts, tends to wear hold up stockings of some sort or fish net style stockings. A lot of fun girl.
57. Stella (it) petite, brown eyed blond, average build, full of life. Works the day shift. A fun loving girl. Gets a lot of focus from the Italiani legions that attend Oase. She is fine with social time and taking a cigarette with the crews.
58. Stephanie / Stephania (co) long dark blond, E cups, pot belly stomach with scarring
59. Sunny (de) from Berlin, tall, blond, enhanced E cups, can be a bit fast with getting off when completing a session in the room. Some would say that is excellent service since she is saving you money by not prolonging the session and gives you more time to do other things since you came so quickly. Thanks Myrmidon for that piece of advice.
60. Suzanna (mk) dark hair, average build, club standard
61. Tanya (de) black haired, natural breasted B cups, excellent BLS and BBBJ provider
62. Tessa (de) tall, slim, beautiful model looks, light brown haired, tends to wear garter belt around her waist, modest between A-B cup breasts, flat stomached. Gives good service but needs some coaxing on what she needs to do. For example when giving a 50 minute blowjob you have to tell her the technique you would like for you to get off.
63. Timea (hu) strawberry blond, 23 years now, full bodied, nice natural B cups, recommended for her non stop mouth only blowjob that makes one CIM even when you are trying to resist. Performs anal sex. Works the day shift and leaves by 10 pm usually.
64. Verona (hr) platinum blond, short, A cups, no tattoos, piercing brown eyes, excellent English, German and Croatian speaker. Performs anal.
65. Vivian (hu) average sized, young and very blond
66. Yvonne (sk) auburn haired, large breasts that must be E cup breasts. Provides good service. Does not speak very much English.
[QUOTE=Ortos]I don't know what Captain Dan would say, but I for one advocate: Go with your first instinct. If you feel (or ever felt) like writing a report after a special FKK visit, but then have second thoughts because some "fellow members of the board" might not like it, you know what: Fuck them, and go with your first instinct. Write the sucker the way you want; tell it from the heart, or even go further south...
I forgot to thank you properly for your advice here.
Thank you.
Stopper1 looking for Verona (hr) and Steffi (ru)
[QUOTE=Stopper1]Is Verona or Steffi working these days in OASE?[/QUOTE]
Verona (hr) has not been seen at Oase for a number of weeks and I expect that this is the case for a few more weeks given what I have been told. I expect you will see a transformation when she does return. LOL :D
Verona is an interesting one. She gives excellent service but also knows that she should be well paid for it and this for the astute takes the form of extras like CIM and anal if you are not the one for giving tips. She argues that she works hard and when you do you like to know and feel that you are well paid. This is the same for me when I do a good job at work. I like to think I am well paid. Natural.
Given what is happening in the background, do not worry, I expect Verona to be coming back. :-)
Steffi (ru) is an elusive one if you are a weekend visitor. She does work the week days more than the weekends. Sometimes ringing reception can be hit and miss on advice on her working scheduke but this what I have seen. The girls do need to tell reception which days that they work and which days that the take free so that Oase management can determine the number of girls working and can rope in more if they think that more are needed. :eek
Steffi does not normally work Saturdays but I have spotted her of late working on Saturdays at Oase so you may be in luck there. I suppose you know that she has had an operation to enhance her home grown sweater meat to a C cup. She still retains her blond blue eyed look and has added some kilos to make her not so damn anorexic looking. At present you have more luck getting hold of Steffi than Verona. :-)
Again, thanks a lot, Basketcase.
Sara if its the one I am thinking of is beloved of one of the German fuckers group. Is Sara the tall, a bit frizzy blond haired one?
Yes, tall, blonde, with the hair pinned up in a ball (last time I saw her). Again, perceived as cold.
Steffi was at Oase on Friday as part of the early shift. Looking pretty good these days. ;-))
Some comments. I will do my best to put names to the descriptions. Is it a game like "guess who am I"?
[QUOTE=Jdbkk555] I was there a week back. Met a tall blond German lady. Nice figure, smallish boobs. She spoke very good english. She said she's from near Cologne and has been there for a while.
She was my last of the night. I did manage to make a good show of it. She certainly helped. Towards the end, we chatted more. She told me about a recent trip with her BF to Mexico. I'm thinking "BF"? What a lucky guy.
Anyway. If you can isolate her name, I'd appreciate it. Ricky perhaps?[/QUOTE]
Ricky or Riccarda (de) sure fits the description that you write especially the holiday destination and where she says she is from.
[QUOTE=Jdbkk555] This evening. I started with a young lady, she said she was from Macedonia. She wears little sweat bands around her ankles. Ok overall.[/QUOTE]
I should know her name but she no longer works at Oase since the time that you wrote about her.
[QUOTE=Jdbkk555] I was sitting for a rest and an ok looking lady sits next too me. Says she's Italian. We chat a bit. I suspect she's Romainian. I brush her off. Small frame, short brown hair rather aggressive. I'd avoid this one.[/QUOTE]
No idea. Could be any one of a score of tiny Romanians that claim to be Italian. Amanda, Carmelina, Lulu, Magda, Lucia, and many more. Probably more Lucia due to your last comment on her approach being agressive.
[QUOTE=Jdbkk555] I spied one of my favs. Verona from Croatia. She made my night. I simply love her. Great GFE.[/QUOTE]
Verona is a good one. Does all the services including GFE. Do her in the cinema for added effect and for show.
[QUOTE=Jdbkk555] I did something I typically don't. Taked to a younger Germain gal from near Leipzig. Great boobs, good figure. I could have hired a robot to be more compassionate. What a bust.[/QUOTE]
This must be Jill (de) from what I can work out. Yes, great boobs.
[QUOTE=Jdbkk555] After some time out. I chatted with my favorite Romainian. Not the greatest figure, but very nice personality. She's got a bit of beef on her. Brown hair, good English. [/QUOTE]
Would that be Dannia (ro)?
[QUOTE=Jdbkk555] At that time, a bus load from China arrived. Wow. What a sight. 15 guys from China pour into the room. My Romainian (can't ever remember her name) says. They will not be interested in her or any of the larger ladies. Sure enough. They evaporated quickly after being approached by the smaller ladies. I noticed they were all gone after 2 hours. Must be a tour bus. [/QUOTE]
Yes, seems like a FKK tour. The come in, select a girl, fuck for a session, pay up, dress and then leave. Fuck them and forget them / the girl leaves you alone is why they pay the 50€.
[QUOTE=Basketcase] The line up number is still as strong hitting a usual 100 girls over the weekend up from the usual maybe 70-80 working over a weekend that I would see in 2009. I think it is because there is more rooms and other improvements that the management think that more girls can be accomodated.
In effect, Oase is really making its money off the girls who are a captive clientele in their own right coming in regularly to work there and ensuring that a minimum revenue is made by the club.
So anyway, here is my girls absent list to give an indication of who was not around of late or particularly on my last visit date to Oase. It makes sombre reading.
So the good news is there's more girls working on the weekend now...and the bad news is there's more girls working on the weekend now.
Saying the girls are captive is stretching it a bit...they have a choice not to work at Oase. Money talks. If they weren't making money, they wouldn't be working at Oase. It is interesting to think that the management might be turning away girls who want to work...or at least did so before improvements were made.
How long was it from your last visit to the visit where you noticed girls being absent? How many days on this last trip did you visit Oase and on what days? Could you have missed some of the girls by visiting on their off days?
[QUOTE=Basketcase]There does seem to much more Romanians at Oase giving the line up the feel of World which would make the differentiation between the two clubs indifferent when measured on purely line.
19. Gabriella (vz) black hair, small, tanned, recommended for her velvet feeling pussy when she fucks you in cowgirl.
20. Guita / Guetta (hu) black hair, pretty look, average build, B cups, quiet but smiling type.
Noooooo so all the great GFE's have gone - so BC where is the varied lineup in and around Frankfurt?
[QUOTE=Basketcase]So anyway, here is my girls absent list ....
1. Agnes (pl) ......[/QUOTE]More than 60 "items" absent, with 80-90 girls in present list, this means you remember 150 girls with names, look description, attitude, provided services, and so on.
You are the Oase Wikipedia.
[QUOTE=Lastman] 19. Gabriella (vz) black hair, small, tanned, recommended for her velvet feeling pussy when she fucks you in cowgirl.
20. Guita / Guetta (hu) black hair, pretty look, average build, B cups, quiet but smiling type.
Noooooo so all the great GFE's have gone - so BC where is the varied lineup in and around Frankfurt?[/QUOTE]
I think you will be okay with Gabriella (vz) coming back one day. I understand she is just on holidays.
As for Guita / Guetta (hu) I am not so sure. She has not been seen by me in a while and no one has reported a recent sighting on this thread.
The absent list was me following up on FKKNomad's and TR4444's comment on the girls that are absent. When I recalled my last visits, I realised that regardless that the line up was still strong in terms of numbers, but there was a lot of the Pillars of Oase that were not in attendance. On the girls present list I got to around 85 names without too much trouble and I think if pressed I could get to well over 100 girls present for one of my recent visits. I have not published this girls present list.
From my second to last trip to this one just been, the line up at Palace was well varied with not so many Romanians and more German, Czech, Lithuanian, Polish and Russian girls. I still have fond memories of cute little blond Daniella with the sweet ass that she let me fondle for ages in the lounge and big boobed blond Lilianna.
World was over run by Romanians and Bulgarians unless you believe that they are Spanish, Italian or Greeks. If you believe that then yes World has a varied line up and should satisfy that criteria. You just have to believe what you are told and suspend belief. We can do that to make it real. LOL.
Golden Time for me continues to hold out with a strong line up, but that is a longer drive from Hesse of about 2.5 hours hard knacker.
When I read the restricted section of the Villa Vertigo blog I get the impression that there is a multitude of different types of women there from across the European continent and even further afield. I see the pictures of the girls and think to myself that I want a piece of that and I will look her up when I get to Villa Vertigo. The reality is much more different when I do get to Villa Vertigo, I sometimes can easily walk out of there un-fucked or un-popped so to speak and wish I did not believe the marketing on the blog.
Do not worry. We will be sorted. Oase is still a good place to go but be prepared for the selection to be amongst the Romanians. I know that I do moreso these days from necessity. Also the Romanians can when at the appropriate time give a lot of social time. That social time has no price.
Simpleminded's Oase report
Thanks again for such a well written and thoughtful report of your Oase visit.
[QUOTE=Simpleminded] My friend eventually took Dora who is a tall 21 year old very pretty blonde from Russia. She was very affectionate in the interview but it was not that way in the room. In the room she told him that BBBJ is 10 EUR extra. He declined and just got a CBJ. After having sex for about 10 minutes she started asking him if he is finished. When he mentioned that he thought he had 30 minutes she said most guys finish in 5 to 10 minutes. She backed off from ending the session too soon probably not wanting him to complain, but the damage was done.[/QUOTE]
Too bad about Dora (ru). It would have been better to take blond Doris (pl) if she was there but if it was the Monday that I am thinking of then she was not around for the last few days.
Dora (ru) may be right that quite a few guys finish in 5-10 minutes and once they come then out they go. Bad call on the 10€ extra for BBBJ. A CBJ just does not feel right literally. :D
We will put Dora on the grey list.
[QUOTE=Simpleminded]I saw the blonde german girl with glasses Yanna but she talked with me for a few minutes then she went home. I guess I didn't decide in time. Oh well, I will find someone else I figured. [/QUOTE]
I do not have much intel on the new blond Yanna (de) with the glasses. She seems well friendly and potential GFE from my sense of her approach. She is a bit pale looking and blond.
Thanks for your notes on Yanna (de). I will add them to the mental collection. I keep it mentally since you do not want things falling into the wrong hands.
[QUOTE=Simpleminded] There was a tall blonde with a great body wearing black stockings and a black band on her neck. She seemed to not be trying hard at all yet, we watched as she would get customers one after the other. After seeing her get about 5 customers, my friend went to talk to her and ask her secret. Her name is Anita and she is from the Czech Republic. She said that she normally works a regular job and just comes to Oase when she gets horny and wants to have sex. I thought that was a nice change of pace from the girl in Mainhattan who said she gets no joy from sex with customers. I did not take her since I just had a tall blonde from the Czech Republic the night before. [/QUOTE]
I am intrigued by your description of Anita (cz). Your description of Anita would be akin to Adriana / Karolina / Linda since she is also a tall blond with big saggy breasts and also wears at times stockings and a neck band. What put me off identifying her as Adriana / Karolina / Linda was the back story of her having a normal job and she being a part timer at the hooker game.
Anita is new to me and I will keep a look out for her. Thanks for the tip.
By the way if you did not take Anita, did you friend take her instead or did he just report back his findings?
[QUOTE=Simpleminded]Around midnight I saw a girl that I had not seen all night. Her name was Jessica from Budapest. She had blonde hair in a pony tail and a great body and she seemed to be in a very good mood because she was always dancing around. The problem was that everytime I saw her come into the bar area with her customer (I was in the lounge), she would disappear into the front desk area. Then I would see her 20 minutes later with someone else. This happened a few times before I caught her in the bar. She said she was going to eat and then see me in the lounge area. When she got to the lounge she was already with someone who looked to be a regular of hers because they were all over each other. I guess it wasn't meant to be. [/QUOTE]
Jessica from Budapest may be the Jessica from Romania that I know. Your description of her fits very well with the long blond hair, the happy attitude and demeanour. Was the Jessica you know quite petite, tends to wear a belt around her naked waist? Did Jessica have huge natural tits for her small frame?
If this is the same Jessica (ro) then she is recommended for a session and is a repeater. I think you must have got this impression as well from how busy she was with customers constantly booking her. The 20 minutes bit betwen customers is not so good news since it indicates she is not one for long sessions or she is good at saving her customers time and money by getting them off quick so it only costs them a fiddy and so they can get back to what they were doing before. LOL. :D
[QUOTE=Simpleminded]We left Oase around 1 am. As I read in the forum, I believe the correct term is that I left unfucked. [/QUOTE]
Dude, it happens even to me that I leave clubs unfucked although it has never happened to me at Oase since I love too many of the girls there. I have left unfucked Villa Vertigo, Acapulco, World and Palace to give you an idea.
Tr4440 and Sara
[QUOTE=Tr4440] Again, thanks a lot, Basketcase.
Sara if its the one I am thinking of is beloved of one of the German fuckers group. Is Sara the tall, a bit frizzy blond haired one?
Yes, tall, blonde, with the hair pinned up in a ball (last time I saw her). Again, perceived as cold.
Thank you for the reply on Sara. She is indeed beloved by a German fucker. It hurts. I think he loves them all. Some more than others. A first amongst equals so to speak. With your different view of Sara it goes to show that YMMV.
Take care my comrade in pooning.
Go Goguy
[QUOTE=Go Goguy]More than 60 "items" absent, with 80-90 girls in present list, this means you remember 150 girls with names, look description, attitude, provided services, and so on.
You are the Oase Wikipedia.[/QUOTE]
Go Goguy,
Yes, 66 girls that I could think were absent on my last visit to Oase and then there are probably a lot more I could put down. On the girls present list I have gotten to 85 girls listed without having to think too hard of who was there.
Yes, so many of the Pillars of Oase were gone during my last trip to Oase. I did the trip over several days and at the end I realised that so may of the usual girls were missing at that time. I do hope that the girls are away on holidays or just taking a break but it is always the case that when some girls go away that some do not come back. All I do now is hope that the favourites that are listed do come back so that I can see them again.
Some favourites will work less in the winter since it is not as busy as the summer months and then again new ones come along especially as Christmas draws near and money needs to be earnt.
I just need to make sure that I have a decent pool of girls to select from.
It does feel that the Oase pool of talent is going the Romanian route. As my imperical statistics show that the Romanians have increased from 30% to 35% of the line up in September and I guess it may even be more of the girls now since when I last did that check of the line up list.
I am intrigued by your description of Anita (cz). Your description of Anita would be akin to Adriana / Karolina / Linda since she is also a tall blond with big saggy breasts and also wears at times stockings and a neck band. What put me off identifying her as Adriana / Karolina / Linda was the back story of her having a normal job and she being a part timer at the hooker game.
Anita is new to me and I will keep a look out for her. Thanks for the tip.
By the way if you did not take Anita, did you friend take her instead or did he just report back his findings?
Jessica from Budapest may be the Jessica from Romania that I know. Your description of her fits very well with the long blond hair, the happy attitude and demeanour. Was the Jessica you know quite petite, tends to wear a belt around her naked waist? Did Jessica have huge natural tits for her small frame?
If this is the same Jessica (ro) then she is recommended for a session and is a repeater. I think you must have got this impression as well from how busy she was with customers constantly booking her. The 20 minutes bit betwen customers is not so good news since it indicates she is not one for long sessions or she is good at saving her customers time and money by getting them off quick so it only costs them a fiddy and so they can get back to what they were doing before. LOL. :D
Thanks Basketcase. I am amazed at your ability to remember all those names and descriptions.
Anita (cz) was the name my friend said and he may have understood it incorrectly but I don't think it was Adriana. Maybe she just made up a 4th name for him. She had more of a dirty blonde hair and it went a little longer than her shoulders. Her breasts were like 36C or a little bigger and hung down a little, but I wouldn't call them sagging, there were just not standing up and perky but they still looked great. My friend did not take her because he had just recently finished with Dora. I find it amazing that some of these girls like Anita and Dora and Saskia among others have a look such that if you saw them on the cover of a magazine in nice clothes on the arm of a sports star or movie star, you would be envious that the guy has such a hot girl. Yet these girls which are as pretty or even prettier than some movie stars are available for 50 EUR. You don't even have to have a mansion or a Ferrari to get them. :)
Jessica from Budapest had pale skin almost like Yanna. She was not thin or petite like Raphaella she was more like Yanna's body and height minus 12 kilos with smaller breasts 34C and smaller tighter ass. Her hair was dirty blonde and in a pony tail that was about 6 inches long. She was so happy that she even got up and did a nice pole dance at almost 1am. She had a lot of energy either naturally or with some chemical help maybe.
[QUOTE=Basketcase]14. Deriana (ro) DFK, BBBJ, BLS, rimming[/QUOTE]
She will not return.
Deriana (ro)
[QUOTE=Hessen Bub]She will not return.
Hessen Bub,
I suspected as much that Deriana (ro) will not return. I think she indicated this too the last time I saw her in the summer. So sad. I had many a lovely time with her. Good for her.
[QUOTE=Simpleminded] Thanks Basketcase. I am amazed at your ability to remember all those names and descriptions.[/QUOTE]
I just pay attention. Nothing amazing. It seems that you have done well remembering your own sessions and those of your companion. That is better than what a lot of other writers do here.
[QUOTE=Simpleminded]Anita (cz) was the name my friend said and he may have understood it incorrectly but I don't think it was Adriana. Maybe she just made up a 4th name for him. She had more of a dirty blonde hair and it went a little longer than her shoulders. Her breasts were like 36C or a little bigger and hung down a little, but I wouldn't call them sagging, there were just not standing up and perky but they still looked great. My friend did not take her because he had just recently finished with Dora. I find it amazing that some of these girls like Anita and Dora and Saskia among others have a look such that if you saw them on the cover of a magazine in nice clothes on the arm of a sports star or movie star, you would be envious that the guy has such a hot girl. Yet these girls which are as pretty or even prettier than some movie stars are available for 50 EUR. You don't even have to have a mansion or a Ferrari to get them. :)[/QUOTE]
It does seem Anita (cz) is another girl to Adriana (cz). Adriana did have what some call F cup breasts but they are much smaller now for some reason I know not. Adriana potentially can be described to have hanging down Cs but then again maybe not. I have not measured them. Her hair lenght also coincides with Adriana too as the dirty blond colour too. Regardless it does seem like Anita is a different girl. Another one for me to look out for during my next impending trip.
Anita does indeed sound like she be worth a fiddy for a try out.
[QUOTE=Simpleminded]Jessica from Budapest had pale skin almost like Yanna. She was not thin or petite like Raphaella she was more like Yanna's body and height minus 12 kilos with s