In Defense Of German Women
[QUOTE=Forced Hand]Another observation I have to remark about is that German girls have not been the receipitents of very favourable reports on this forum. Form my recent trip to both Oase and Palace I have to take issue with this. In Oase (where I "engaged" five girls over the course of the day), Yasmin from Koln was easily the best experience of the lot. While in Palace the following day I had sex with the most beautiful girl I ever had sex with, and another two German ladies to boot and they were all exceptional providers. What I like about these ladies is that they talk good english, had a sence of humour and played about a bit in the sack. I don't go for the serious type who appears to just want to turn you over and not have any craig![/QUOTE]
I have had good experiences with German women contrary to what the common wisdom says.
For one thing, a club which has a good selection of German women is a good club from a work environment standpoint. Beware of a club which has no German women working at it. They can work anywhere they want to work (as opposed to the foreign women whose circumstances are different) and if they work at a certain club, its almost a seal of approval that the club has a good work environment.
Secondly, they can communicate (they all speak German - it takes a certain mindset to master what Mark Twain called "die schreckliche deutsche Sprache" - adjective declensions alone require a certain discpline) and conversation is not at the "Me Tarzan, You Jane" level. I don't like dumb women. My objectives are as much "Land und Leute kennenlernen", in other words, a cultural exchange as it is in indulging my primal instincts. I get more out of a conversation with a German woman than I do from someone who can't get any of her ideas across.
In real life (as opposed to the make believe world of the FKK club) I've had German women as girlfriends and Bekannten and yes, they do have a sense of humor. They make great lovers and certainly are less "pflegebeduerftig" or high maintenance than say the French.
What one has to watch out for are the hardened hookers who are there to burn and churn. They can take any shape and size and come in all possible nationalities. Most commonly though they are the best lookers in a club. If you visit a club and a stunningly beautiful woman is off to the side and she gets no customers, you need to ask yourself why that is so. The regulars are on to her - that's why.