Allowing for the possibility of the 'extremely rare' female orgasm
[QUOTE=Dedalus; 1145873]Hey Syzgies,
So, let me see if I understand this.
You've arrived at all of these conclusions about your (and others) orgasm producing prowess by what? The things that these girls tell you? So, you're basically taking these gal's word that you are making them come, is that it? [/QUOTE]Sure I understand a guy can be snowed.
No you don't understand this. I do not go by what girls say. I don't have the brain of a child or adolesent. I have too many years of experience behind me.
No no, girls do not tell me they orgasmed (at least rarely). I certainly wouldn't be dumb enough to believe everything they told me. You don't judge people by what they say. That would be stupid as few of these girls will be truthful.
An orgasm is not accompanied by an announcement "hey I just had a big cum".
I have never been present in a session between some other guy and girl, so If he told me what had happened in there, I wouldn't be in a position, to say "no it didn't, you are deluding yourself". My own personal experience is limiting as I do not have the same experience as others. I can only report my own experience.
I simply claim that some working girls are capable of enjoying sex and capable of orgasm if they choose. Some guys who are not into servicing a girl well may have never experienced this.
It ain't impossible for a girl to cum. This is a very natural thing. It may be rare but not impossible.
I don't claim to be able to make every girl cum, nor even most girls. I do claim that some are up for it when the mood takes them. Particularly Asians, and black / latin girls and occasionally caucasians. Its fine for you guys to remain sceptical if you never ever met a real female orgasm.
I have been stopped during DATY on plenty of occasions where the girl says she can't handle any more because she doesn't want to cum as will make her lazy to work properly. I think these girls are mostly being honest. They could just try to tolerate it for as long as possible to make more money from long session time.
Do you also believe its impossible to tell if an orgasm occurred? I agree its difficult to tell in a fair percentage. However sometimes the convulsions of the pussy muscles seem difficult to act when have mouth on there and a digit lightly assisting.
Anyone that thinks a girl cannot possibly cum is dumb.
Another probably rare thing, but did you know that some FKK girls picked up a BF that they met at work. One Oase girl Mxxxx (no longer at Oase) even consulted with me about what I thought whether she should quit working and go with a particular guy who was her BF and didn't want her to keep working even though he met her at Oase.
I know of another FKK girl who obtained multiple BFs from meeting at work. Could any of these guys actually turned the girl on and made her cum? Yes. Quite possible.
Did a customer ever get a freebie inside or outside of work from an FKK girl? Rare yes, but is has happened.
Maybe BC is smarter than me and just remains silent on this topic.
The girls performance counts more
Guys want to know what the girl did during the session, how she performed. They aren't interested in how you performed, hence the backlash you'll always get for 'over-reporting'. And if it sounds like your bragging or embellishing then you'll get comments from folks like Dedalus.
The girl's performance is everything
[QUOTE=Breadman;1146001]Guys want to know what the girl did during the session, how she performed. They aren't interested in how you performed, hence the backlash you'll always get for 'over-reporting'. And if it sounds like your bragging or embellishing then you'll get comments from folks like Dedalus.[/QUOTE]Nice point Breadman. Yes I can see I have bad habit of embellishing style (although I don't makeup anything).
If you check my posts, I do try hard to give details on the girl and how she performed. Some weirdo guys, orally fixated like me, will probably also want to know if the girl allows kissing and DATY and gives good illusions of liking it. How good is the GFE? If some guy merely reports that X gives a good session, its not enough for me because I want to know details of her style.
I understand many who just lie back a get blown will be bored by "action" reports of what the guy did to her. I will try to learn from your good advice.
One thing I like about BC's reports is that there is lot of factual info in there that needs not be disputed by anyone. I understand that real opinion is far less valuable here.
The forum is all about giving info and learning about what good experiences are possible from which girls. I try to report some detail about how a girl performs and hope others would do the same. The girl's style of work is very important to me.
Keeping an open mind and allowing for great possibilities.
[QUOTE=Dedalus; 1146065]Tsk tsk. Now now Syzgy. Let's try and keep this courteous and civil.
I'll not quarrel with the not so subtle insinuations that ole' Dedalus is dumber than dirt. Yeah, I know. You didn't directly say that. Nor did anyone say that women are incapable or achieving orgasm, that I can recall.
No matter. Most of the guys here who I have run clubs with would probably agree with you as far as my intelligence deficits, so you can't really be faulted there.
Dedalus[/QUOTE]Yes, I know very well you are not dumb (and I don't claim it). Obviously you are not prepared to say its "impossible". Enjoy your day of illusions and maybe some real experiences too with some girls who don't bother to put on much of an act. I don't mean to be discourteous, merely a vigorous argument is the intention.
I remember fondly some really great reports from you quite a few years back, and then you seemed to slow down, until recent resurgence. I seem to be newer, because I changed handles to become more anonymous and am an erratic poster as present in Germany some of the time. BC is a good occasional friend. Who could avoid meeting him at Oase sometimes? ;)
I wish I could read an FKK girl's forum where we could see how dumb they think we are, when we get snowed.
I still have a great time with girls that kiss very enthusiastically depsite having just met me. Its one of those illusions as they clearly can't be feeling real passion, only have known me for a few seconds, and I'm nothing special. A least I am finicky to make sure I taste O.K.
So now we have just about reached agreement. Girls can act, give illusion, or put on a snow job, and it is possible that a girl can have an orgasm (lets not worry about frequency or likelihood).
I wonder if my Asian and Latin girls are better actresses / snow-job artists than the others? :confused: Its possible, coming from different clutures that try try harder to suck up to the man's feelings. Its possible they just have different attitudes.
There are some dull business like girls at Oase, especially some of the Romanians it seems, that give me a poor experience, but very few Asian / Latin / Black girls seem to be that way (at least of the ones I chose). The tall Thai girl was below standard for me (chemistry failed) but I forget her name. She doesn't seem busy. Meanwhile the short one, May, was just a fantastic GFE.