My short post for the day!
[QUOTE=GrownMan1;2489183]You make a valid point. But it also bolsters what I was saying. They are not looking for a true relationship they're looking for financial support. We're not looking to build a family we just want sex. If you think it's anything more than that you're being delusional. If a relationship is based solely off him financially supporting you how real is it?
How many of us have had girls called us RFM? They are persistent and have no off button. Of course I'm generalizing there are exceptions to the rule. But you may hardly even know the chica. I silently study them in their own culture. They don't treat or expect that out of there men. They have a relationship between each other that's based on family and culture. Family is the glue of there Survival. Anything connected to that is how they live with pride. (Klk) Yes the men are chauvinistic. I agree many Dominican men Abandoned their responsibility as fathers based on our social standards. But at the end of the day; it's the Dominican man that is going to be there with her and not the gringo. He understands her and she respects him.
She knows the relationship she has with a foreigner has a short lifespan. The majority of Dominican women are not trying to be with gringos. But some will deal with a gringo if it's financially beneficial. It takes a special type of Chica to specialize and or seek in dealing with gringos. Prostitution is legal. However, the general society looks down upon women seeking prostitutional relationships.
That's why Sosua is what it is today. There's no other place in the DR where you can see such a huge concentration of foreigners and Dominicanas in one area. Only the delusional ones go there looking for a serious relationship. I don't know any designated place in the DR; where chica that prefer gringos can meet for serious relationships.
IMHO The reality is they know what we are therefore and we know what we are therefore. To take advantage of the legal system. Some of us are having sex with Chicas young enough to be our granddaughters. With the mentality of a 20-year-old. I can't even relate with 30-year-olds in my own country. I don't think they're on my level. With money we doing things that most of us couldn't do in the states. From ST with young 18 yr olds; to taking gorgeous dime pieces on a five day mock date. It's not a honest physical mental and cultural connection that the chicas are seeking us for. It's all about the Benjamins.
Okskool what I have learned the most from you is Learning to Establish and have a respectful understanding with your chicas. That's how I see you operating. I study my ex pat friends. As well as Gogo, WRX 2005, Sir Charles, Mr E, TomJ, The OG BQRIBS (rip). The best thing you can have with a Dominicana is a respectful understanding of dealing with each other. Enjoy the fantasy but understand it's an illusion.[/QUOTE]You know I can write a post that's 12 pages long right? I wish I followed this thread and convo, but I only picked up bits and pieces here and there.
Bottom line if you want to see where a Dominicanas loyalty is to, stop all financial support. Or don't start any financial support. One distinct difference between a foreigner and a Dominican male, is that a Dominican male can give a Dominicana a child and can hover or bounce, give little to no support, and turn around and let that man give her another baby.
Now consider a foreigner. Would a Dominicana hook up with a foreigner who is not offering financial support right from the jump? NO. Most foreigners never ever get to test the waters, because they are too busy in rescue and save mode. And the women are expert at acting like they love the foreigners gentle, loving, caring approach. For the possibility of being rescued, and being supplemented, a DR woman will play along. If that what she has to do to survive, she can convince and encourage the foreigner to keep on doing what he was doing.
Generally speaking though, the DR man never had to do all of that. All he had to do is just be there. Have the babies, and let the family support the children that he fathers. Almost every DR woman that has children by a DR man claims they hate DR men. Do you ever hear DR women without children say that? I dont recall that. But check it. How do you hate DR men but every one of your children is by a DR man? No folks. The I hate DR man is for the gringos ears. Thats just reverse psychology to convince him that he is what she needs. Same thing goes if you ask a DR chick if she prefers white men over black men. What ever the color of man is in front of her, thats the man she prefers at the time.
In fact I wrote a whole piece a while back. You have The DR woman who does whatever the fuck she wants to do, then you have the DR man whose role is to father the children, the family structure supports every flaw of the DR man and woman, and it's role is to raise the children that the DR man fails to fully support, and it allows the female to do whatever the fuck she wants to do. Even if it means producing more children for the family to support. For the most part this is one of the most common examples within the DR culture.
The foreigner is just a tool to be used. A friend of mine calls it "slapping rocket boosters on a woman and propelling them into orbit". Once they get where they need to be, they can jettison the empty boosters and orbit without him. But as long as they have the capacity to attract more rocket boosters, a woman can choose that route. And she can also take care of any DR man, with the foreigners help. A womans loyalty to a foreigner is a manifestation of the level of security she is enjoying. Hypergamy in motion.
Note, women in the states have bamboozled men through relationships and marriage for decades. Why should it be any different for men in a foreign country? The bait is always the same. Get him through his lust. And take advantage of his need to feel loved and appreciated. Once a woman accomplishes that, he's all hers. The problem for men, they are blinded by their own folly. Many cannot believe that a woman is capable of a certain level of deception ( security masquerading as love, also men measure loyalty by she hasnt left him yet ) for yrs and even decades.
For women, it's not about love, it's about survival. A mans need to be loved and admired and respected is what women use to get what they want. Most men give it to them, without the woman having to ask for it or work for it. A lot of men are wired like that. Foreign men, I mean. Not the DR man. Many DR men keep their resources/money where it belongs. In their own pockets. And they despise the greedy and self centered nature of their women who hav meters attached to their pussies. But still, they love to fuck them and make babies.
All under the guise of acting like they are in love with the provider. Women love themselves, their children and their families. Men are simply a utility. And no woman is ashamed to use a man that allows himself to be used. The DR man will willingly help the DR woman to extract as much as she can from a willing, asleep foreigner. The truth is, there have been thousands of foreigners who eventually learned that their relationships or connections was really a facade, well orchestrated by the female. And the man choosing ignoring the signs. He never wanted to wake up from his fantasy. One last point. Check the age difference. If a man is 20 to 40 yrs older than the female, that is another clue not to ignore.
The life of some men and some women.
Generally speaking.
A mans life and existence is like playing a video game machine. His common goal is to score points and become the champion. How it plays out when dealing with women? He attempts to do and say things to please the woman. Scoring points. His hope is that all of the cool shit that he does on a females behalf (scoring points) will reward him in some way. Loyalty, sex, appreciation, no drama, reciprocation, respect, her wanting to please him, look like a trophy etc. Thats all good, until he stops scoring points or somebody pulls the plug on the machine.
A womans life existence is like playing NFL football. There is a goal of happiness and other nice things to obtain, But she makes it almost impossible to reach that goal. Life with her is mostly full of downs, fumbles, false starts, penalties etc. With her, one is always trying to get at least a 1st down (peace). Every play that is made is a struggle to make this chick happy. (massive amount of plays with more downs) Even if you get to the goal line, the struggle to get there has very little reward. And don't get hurt and have to sit on the sidelines (not playing for her). She will quickly get a substitute to take your place. But of course that replacement will still have to play the game by her rules.
So if my sloppy analogy makes sense. The lesson to learn from it is: As a man don't get caught up playing a game of scoring points thinking a woman will appreciate your efforts and respect you. Because it may be a losing battle. Especially if she is playing a different game (Football) , expecting the man to do what ever it takes to get a 1st down with her. She doesn't want him to get to the goal line. Because he if does, he'll realize that there is really no reward for him there. His reward is supposed to be scoring downs for her, not looking for satisfaction for himself.
WRX 2005 aka Sigmund Freud
You have been the #1 Professor in my first year of clinical psychology of the Dominican culture. It has been an honor learning from you. Your Wisdom has not been ignored!