Boca Chica Mongering and places to stay?
Please. Can somebody post about the Chica situation and Chica friendly places in Boca Chica? I would really appreciate it.
Which Airbnb advised you to watch out
[QUOTE=Pussycat123;2513458]You could try Airbnb. Message the owner and ask if girls can stay over. The three places I messaged all said no problem. One said sure, but just watch out for your stuff.[/QUOTE]Which Airbnb advised you to watch out for your belongings. It sounds like a previous guest (s) had a problem either with a girl or cleaning staff. It might be helpful to the rest of us here to have this info. PM if you prefer. Thanks, Be safe Sailor02.
Which Airbnb advised you to watch out
[QUOTE=Pussycat123;2513797]I think it was more of a general warning meaning if there is not security on the door taking IDs etc, then you are on your own. Other have suggested that taking a picture of the ID of the girls is good practice in case things go south.[/QUOTE]Thanks Pussycat123. Good advice for everyone. Be safe Sailor02.
Feb 4th - 8th. Superbowl Weekend
So with the extended curfew I suspect that super bowl weekend will either be under curfew or they will just be lifting it.
Any thoughts on where to stay in Boca Chica during these hard times? I was hoping there might be a roof top bar that might.
Be open or maybe one of the resorts might still have some activity. Any thoughts? I was hoping to have a good.
Relaxing time and at least spend some time at the beach.
A first timer in Boca Chica 2/17-2/22
Pre game.
On the advice of this forum I set up a Tinder account and set my location in Boca Chica the day before I left. Holy shit now I know what it must feel like to be a hot girl on a dating app. Within the first few hours I had over 50 matches. By the time I actually left for the trip I had over 200. It was overwhelming. I was responding to so many hot Dominican girls I couldn't keep any of it straight anymore. They were coming in so fast that I didn't end up committing to anything until I was on my layover in Miami. By the time my flight left for Santo Domingo I had set up a three some with two girls and I set up a 2 day Dominican GFE. Other than that I was making everything tentative until I got there and saw what my options were.
Day 1 (Sunday).
My flight landed in the DR around 2 pm. I had visions in my head of spending my evening walking the streets amongst all the hot chicas as I made my way through the usual customs dance. I exchanged some money at the airport. (Their rates weren't too bad at 2.2%) Grabbed a taxi to Boca Chica and away I went.
A was honestly pretty excited during the cab ride and like a kid on Christmas morning I couldn't wait to open my presents. As the cab got closer to my destination my anticipation only grew so when the cab pulled up to my hotel on Duarte you can imagine my surprise to see. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. All of the shops closed, not a soul on the street but a few dogs and a Dominican police officer. It was literally like one of those record scratch scenes from a movie. It was 3 pm on a Sunday afternoon and it looked like a ghost town. I took off my sunglasses and in my best broken Spanish I tried to ask the cab driver where everyone was and his response was a simple one word answer "cuarentena". Quarantine? I asked as he nodded his head in agreement.
In a confused state I went and checked into my hotel "FrioHot". Of course they didn't have my reservation and I ended up standing at the little check in desk for 20 minutes while they sorted it out but I couldn't wrap my head around what I had seen outside. Or rather what I had not seen.
First off let me tell you about FrioHot. If you're considering a stay there don't, just do not do that to yourself. The rooms have no windows, the sheets had some sort of grime on them and they felt like they hadn't been washed in weeks. The staff is rude and the hotel is a dump. The "pool" is basically the size of an oversized jacuzzi and WIFI is nonexistent in the rooms.
After checking into my room I went back down to the lobby area as that was the only place I could get any WiFi and discovered that the entire country was under a mandatory curfew. Everyone had to be in their homes by 5 pm on the weekdays and by noon on the weekends. I obviously was not happy about this news but I was at least relieved to know it would be different the following morning.
Having never been to Boca Chica I set out of my hotel to familiarize myself with my surroundings. I know it was past curfew but I was hoping I could take a stroll around the block without too many problems. Walking out the door I was surprised to see the police officer still on the street but he didn't seem too concerned with me so I walked past him and down the road where I was happy to discover there where a few other people out and a pizza place that was still open. After walking around for about 30 min I heard someone yelling towards me and running down the street near the beach by La Terrazza. It was a Chica with a tight body looking for a little business. I was genuinely surprised by how pretty she was. We began the usual negotiations but she knew she was the only girl around and if I didn't pay most of what she was asking then I was out of luck so we agreed on 3000 which I know is too much but again, my options were her or nothing. So we went back to my lush accommodations at FrioHot and did what I came to do. She wasn't bad. She was definitely a pro so it wasn't mind blowing sex. Besides I was apparently a little too excited about my trip because I only lasted about 10 min before it was all over but I was happy to have it finished so I could settle in and watch my Chiefs beat the Browns on a Spanish broadcast while I ate mediocre pizza that would eventually make me sick later that night.
Day 2 (Monday).
Woke up early the next morning feeling like I was going to vomit. Not a great start but luckily I remembered to pack some Zofran so I was able to make it out to the streets by 8 am to explore the city. I had two tinder girls coming over at 10 am for a 3 some but I know these women are rarely on time so I was confident I had a few hours to get the lay of the land. Before I headed out I made the mistake of asking my hotel for extra towels. Apparently that's a big problem for them as they informed me that I got two towels a day and that was it. Anything ever was out of the question. I was annoyed but there really wasn't much I could do about it so I went to the little Asian store down by the park and bought myself four new towels.
I was surprised by both the quantity and the quality of the street girls on my first morning. It wasn't even 9 am yet there were already at least 15 chicas and I'd say at least half of them I'd consider [blue][Deleted by Admin][/blue]in my hotel room. I even talked to one on the street and got her WhatsApp to possibly request her services at a later date but this particular morning I did not have time for her. I had a 3 some to get to.
Our appointed time was 10 am but I knew better so I walked around until around 10:15 then messaged the lead girl to see what time they'd be there. Her response. 5 min. Hahaha we've all heard that before. They finally showed around 10:45 and I was surprised finally seeing both of them in person. The lead girl who I'd been talking to on Tinder didn't look nearly as good as her pictures but her friend looked much better so I called it a win and invited them in for some fun. After about an hour I was spent and so were they. The girls didn't spend as much time on each other as advertised but it was money well spent (around $200 USD).
It was 12:30 now and I was exploring the beaches when I kept getting asked about the massages by the girls on the beach. A massage sounded good but I wasn't really wanting one from them. I remembered someone had mentioned a massage place up by the park so I went and located that. The girl working was a tiny little spinner with a rock hard body and a smile that makes you want to take her home to meet your mom. She seemed like she actually enjoyed what she did and it showed in her work. The massage was mediocre but this girl's oral skills were on another level. I couldn't even make it to sex. I finished in her mouth, tipped her well and went on my way.
I had been complaining to the 3 some girls about how shitty my hotel was and they recommended I switch to a nicer one on the beach names Boca Beach Residences. I checked it out and it was a little pricey but I figured I was only there for four more nights and I wanted to enjoy my time so I made the switch.
Around 3:30 my phone starts blowing up. My Dominican Tinder "girlfriend" had arrived. On Tinder she had pushed to stay with me the whole week and she was ridiculously hot but that wasn't the type of vacation I was wanting so I agreed to let her stay two nights.
I met her in the lobby and I was not disappointed. She looked every bit as good as her pictures. We went straight to the room where I suggested she take a shower after her long trip from Punta Cana. I was planning on taking things slow with her. I was hungry and tired from my previous activities that day and besides she seemed like a genuinely nice girl. Well that didn't last long very long when she walked out of the bathroom naked and suggested I get in the shower with her where she promptly squatted down and started giving me head. We had sex in the shower, on the bed, on the bathroom counter, against the wall. You get the point.
By the time we finished it was after 5 pm and the curfew had already kicked in so we just hung around the hotel and that's when I started to see problems. This girl would not leave my dick alone. She was constantly trying to rub it through my shorts or put it in her mouth which, in theory, sounds amazing but trust me when I tell you it gets old quickly. I couldn't talk to this girl, I couldn't eat, I couldn't stand on the balcony and watch the sunset without this girls hand on my cock. I had already had sex 3 times in the past 8 hours and I wasn't feeling it anymore. So we killed the rest of the evening by eating and talking through a translator app. She gave me a "massage" which was basically just a handjob with oil then we had sex one more time. By 10 pm I was spent and collapsed on the bed. My first full day in the DR had been a success.
Day 3 (Tuesday).
I woke up annoyed because this girl was on me all night. She wouldn't give me an inch of space. She literally slept with her leg over mine and her hand on my dick. (Not kidding).
She had been complaining the previous day about how much better the beaches were in Punta Cana than Boca Chica and I couldn't disagree with her. So we had sex once in the morning then decided to head out to find a better beach. She had been to Juan Dolio once before and had a picture of her standing on the beach there in a bikini. She wanted to find this beach again. I agreed that it sounded like a good idea but I had no clue what I was getting myself into.
We took a cab up to Juan Dolio to what I thought was a perfectly acceptable beach. Apparently I was wrong. Once we were dropped off we walked about a half mile to the East looking for her perfect beach, it wasn't there so we walked back to our original starting point and the about another mile to the west. Still didn't find it so we walked back to our original starting place. Keep in mind I love hiking so I could walk on the beach all day. It just doesn't bother me to walk a lot but this girl would literally stop every third person we saw and show them pictures of this beach on her phone asking where it was and how to get there.
Now we had walked back to the East past our original starting point. We had somehow made it out to a road where we had walked probably another 3 miles while she continued to stop people asking them about this stupid beach. She was trying to get me to get on one of those motorcycles and let some guy take us to where he thought this beach was but there was no goddamn way that was happening. I told her to go ahead but I wasn't getting on the back of a motorcycle with some dude I didn't know in a country that is notorious for its horrible drivers.
She decided to continue walking, looking for this beach. I could tell she was getting tired and I was clearly annoyed. We had walked for hours passing miles of pristine beaches but none of them were good enough for her so I started really pushing her to keep going. If she was so determined to find this damn beach I was going to break her in the process. We walked probably an additional four miles to the East with no breaks before she finally gave up and said she couldn't walk any further and she wanted to go back to the hotel.
On the way back to Boca Chica she found this little restaurant (Boca Marina) off Duarte that had a small swimming area that looked acceptable to her. Once we ordered our lunch I suggested we finally get in the water while we wait for our food and that's when she tells me something I couldn't believe. After walking at least 8 miles along beautiful beaches all morning looking for the perfect spot for her to get on the water this girl tells me she can't swim! WTF!
I was done with her at this point. She was hot and she couldn't get enough sex but I had had it with her. After lunch I suggested we walk along the beach some more. I could tell she was exhausted but I pushed on for more. I just kept walking. Until mercifully 5 pm finally hit and the curfew was in effect. We went back to the room, had sex, and got cleaned up for dinner. I had decided at this point I was done with her and I just wanted her to leave but there was nothing I could do. Everything was closed because of curfew.
For dinner she wore this skin tight red dress and she looked absolutely amazing. It was almost enough to change my mind but by the time we got back to the room around 10 pm I was shot both physically and mentally. She tried having sex again but I was done. I lied and told her I hurt my leg on the walk earlier but really she was just that annoying. As I was trying to go to sleep this girl was literally alternating between giving me a massage and giving me head. I know this may sound like paradise to some of you but trust me it wasn't. I fell asleep with her hand on my dick again.
Day 4 (Wednesday).
I set an alarm for 5 am because I told her I was going fishing. In reality I just got her out of my room, walked around the block and re entered the hotel from the beach side. I was finally free!
I returned to my room, slept some more, then spent the morning swimming and enjoying just doing whatever I wanted. I took a stroll down Duarte and this guy that had been trying to get my attention all week finally caught me. I looked at the pictures of the girls he had and some of them looked really good so I decided to take the plunge. Of course he asked for money upfront but there was no way that was going to happen. I told him to bring the girl back there in 10 minutes and I would be back with the money. Of course when I showed back up 10 minutes later he had a girl there but she looked nothing like the one from the picture. I told him to piss off and went back to Duarte where I was relentlessly hounded by this cute girl. She was pretty for her age but she was obviously very young and that sort of thing just doesn't interest me. She kept following me and begging me and she seemed like a nice kid but I finally had to get rude with her and tell her to leave me alone.
I went back to the beach where I found a couple of hot chicas working the beach. I was particularly interested in the one with the bigger tits so I negotiated a price of 2500 and away we went. She was fine and the sex was great but I think the most enjoyable part was watching her leave when she was done. It was nice to not have to worry about entertaining someone anymore.
After that it was lunch then back to the beach where I saw a guy I'd been talking to all week about renting an ATV. We started talking some more and of course, just like every other guy in the Dominican, he had a bunch of girls for hire. He started showing me pictures and he seemed like a legit guy so I ordered from his menu. About an hour later he delivered exactly what I ordered. She was a light skinned Venezuelan who was in her mid thirties but she looked amazing. Big man mades and absolute dump truck ass. I hired her for two hours but I think we went longer than that because we were both having so much fun. I cannot recommend this girl enough.
By the time we finished it was almost curfew so I swam a bit more then enjoyed a nice peaceful dinner alone.
Day 5 (Thursday).
I slept in and was surprised to see the streets were closed to traffic when I left my hotel. Apparently today was a holiday (Lady of Altagracia) in the DR and they were going to celebrate. I spent the morning swimming and walking the streets, taking in the festivities before I finally felt like getting another massage. This time I chose a different girl. She was attractive and she was good but not great. She was thicker than the last girl and just couldn't compete with her coworker. In the end she was incredibly nice but I knew I wouldn't use her again.
During the massage my phone was blowing up but I was a little bit preoccupied so I just ignored it. After I finished I made the one block walk back to my hotel and when I got up the stairs to the entrance I heard someone yell my name in broken English. It was a girl I had been communicating with on Tinder. She was attractive but we hadn't made any kind of solid plans so I was very surprised to see her sitting in front of me near the hotel front desk. To be honest I was pretty annoyed that she just showed up like that. After my GFE earlier in the week I vowed that I was not going to allow any of these chicas to have control of my time like that again and here I was staring one right on the face.
The guy working the front desk had been helping me out all week and he could tell I was in a bit of a spot so he came over and started translating for me. I explained to him that I had never met this girl and I had no intention of allowing her up into my room. Neither of us could figure out why she just took a cab all the way from Santo Domingo without having any plans. While he was talking to her I could tell the conversation was getting a little heated. That's when he looked at me with the look that only guys trying to communicate a very important point know. That look of intent that says you need to pay attention to the words I'm getting ready to tell you. He looked me right in the eyes and calmly but firmly said "you do not want trouble with this girl". I understood the point he was making so I apologized and offered to pay for her cab ride back home. This chick was crazy and if it cost me 1000 DOP then I was happy to pay it. I gave him the 1000 to give to her then bolted for the elevator. I could tell she was mad but I wasn't about to turn around and look. He had saved me and I would compensate him for his assistance later that day.
After lunch and some more swimming I ordered another girl from my ATV guy. The girl he brought wasn't the one I ordered but she was still hot and still got the job done. She was younger, darker skinned, had smaller tits and wasn't quite as enthusiastic as his last girl but she was good. I ended up spending 4000 on her.
By the time I finished with her it was around 4 pm so I spent the my remaining time walking the beaches and watching the parties. Apparently the police gave everyone a little extra time that day because they didn't start clearing the beaches until around 6 pm.
Day 6 (Friday).
Woke up and spent my last morning swimming before I checked out of my hotel. There wasn't much action on the streets or beaches yet because it was only 10 am so I contacted the girl I met on the street my second day there. She was a pro but she was pretty. She had a room at a local hotel so we went at it for an hour or so.
My time was winding down and I was trying to enjoy every last minute. I had one final lunch on the beach and I had to head to the airport but there was one last thing to do before I left. I still had yet to be inside that little spinner from the massage parlor. So I headed back that way.
I was happy to see she was working so we went upstairs. It started out the usual way with a light massage for about 10 minutes then came the flip. This girl started in with her hands and I got a quick reminder of how skilled she really was. After a few minutes of that she started using her mouth and it was testing my limits but I knew I couldn't finish yet because I wanted to be inside her.
Next she climbed on top of me and proceeded to ride me for the next 10 minutes. I could tell she was getting tired and I was planning on getting on top of her but what happened next prevented that from ever happening.
She hopped off of me and went straight back to giving me head which was amazing but then her fingers started to massage my backside. She must have sensed I was enjoying it because next thing I know she rimming me. It had been years since I had had someone do that to me but she was good and she dove straight in there. Face first and with a joy and exuberance that would make her father incredibly disappointed in her. She went to town with her tongue inside and all over me while she jerked me off with both of her hands. Needless to say I didn't last long and as I fired my last shots of the trip I felt that it was a fitting way to end it. It wasn't going to get any better than that and it was time to go home.
At first I thought the curfew was going to ruin everything. I thought the limitations on my time with the chicas was going to spoil the whole trip but it turned out to not be a terrible thing. It forced me to pace myself. When I left the DR my dick was literally bruised and tired. I think had I had all night with the girls it might have been the end of me.
I recently read that the curfew was extended to 7 pm this week and honestly that's probably about perfect for someone like me. I didn't go down there for a GFE. I just wanted a bunch of meaningless sex with hot women and that's exactly what I got. I wanted to sleep in and get up whenever I wanted. I wanted to eat my meals in peace and not be bothered by attempting to make conversation with someone that I can't even communicate with.
Boca Chica was everything I wanted out of a my trip and I can't recommend it enough to everyone.
If anyone is thinking about going down there for the first time there are a few things you should do to get ready for your trip.
1- first of all you should absolutely set up a Tinder profile at least a few days before you arrive.
2- download WhatsApp and familiarize yourself with how to use it.
3- download google translate. It's so much better than the iPhone translator.
4- and finally don't make too many plans. You'll meet people down there and find things to do that just sort of fill your time. You'll probably regret it if you try to map everything out.