Yes, from memory; Got better places to be these days
[QUOTE=ThunderDownUnder;2934556]Thanks for the enlightenment Subcmdr! I'm not looking for mongering encouragement! Just the "facts jack" ! Does BC still have its share of FL gals on the streets and in the bars? And if so, What are the recommended guest friendly hotels near the action. [b]And if you don't know, it's ok to say so[/b].[/QUOTE]Did you miss this part of my post?
[QUOTE=SubCmdr;2934284][b]Full Disclosure: I have not been to Boca Chica for 30 months[/b]. But I like it there. Sosua is bigger has more selection and more amenities in my opinion. I just depends on what you like. Boca Chica is [I]Sosua Lite[/I].[/QUOTE]So, you have my apologies. I am speaking from memory not "boots on the ground" recent experiences. You need to remember that everyone posting here is giving their time to respond to you. I don't know shit and I am sorry I wasted your time with my walk down memory lane. I appreciate your reminder that it is time for me to stop posting in the Dominican Republic thread. My information from 10 years of actually living in the country is no longer relevant to the [I]Where the hos be at?[/I] crowd.
[QUOTE=ThunderDownUnder;2934556]I'm familiar with the whole Tinder game! However, I'm into the spontaneous hunt of the day / night! Not the controlled Tinder fishing dating of your county fairs "pick a duck" midway game! To each their own. This is Why I am asking the question. If Tinder and dating sites are the only game in town? Then my plans will more than likely change.
Sosua used to be great for the Hunt back in the day of Dlatin, Rumbas, Classicos, Pasions, etc.[/QUOTE]Quick reading of the [B]Sosua Reports[/B] thread will tell you quite quickly that many individuals feel the selection on the streets has changed and the real "game" has moved online.
I'm in another part of the world now. Everyday the Dominican Republic is further away in my rear view mirror. Boca Chica was always Sousa Lite. So unless anyone can inform me that things have changed significantly there in my mind it is probably the same. There has been a greater push towards pure vacation tourism while I was there. Doing my last visit there were several large construction projects that had been completed in the central pueblo.
To the question of "where the hos at?" Not something I worry about as I know they are all over the Dominican Republic. I gots A level language skills and can operate on the streets, malls, grocery stores, university campuses, and nearly any other place where you can meet a chica and use basic communication skills to make a connection.
Once again you have my apologies as I have no "where the hos at?" info on Boca Chica. Just not something I need.
Have not been there in 2 years either
But Sub, don't stop posting, we enjoy reading your reports. Even if it old, it still gives context and information.
[QUOTE=SubCmdr;2934726]Did you miss this part of my post?
So, you have my apologies. I am speaking from memory not "boots on the ground" recent experiences. You need to remember that everyone posting here is giving their time to respond to you. I don't know shit and I am sorry I wasted your time with my walk down memory lane. I appreciate your reminder that it is time for me to stop posting in the Dominican Republic thread. My information from 10 years of actually living in the country is no longer relevant to the [I]Where the hos be at?[/I] crowd.
Quick reading of the [B]Sosua Reports[/B] thread will tell you quite quickly that many individuals feel the selection on the streets has changed and the real "game" has moved online.
I'm in another part of the world now. Everyday the Dominican Republic is further away in my rear view mirror. Boca Chica was always Sousa Lite. So unless anyone can inform me that things have changed significantly there in my mind it is probably the same. There has been a greater push towards pure vacation tourism while I was there. Doing my last visit there were several large construction projects that had been completed in the central pueblo.
To the question of "where the hos at?" Not something I worry about as I know they are all over the Dominican Republic. I gots A level language skills and can operate on the streets, malls, grocery stores, university campuses, and nearly any other place where you can meet a chica and use basic communication skills to make a connection.
Once again you have my apologies as I have no "where the hos at?" info on Boca Chica. Just not something I need.[/QUOTE]
Will the real Sosua please stand up!
[QUOTE=SubCmdr;2966924][U]Tinder[/U] has been money for me. All over the Dominican Republic![/QUOTE]
[QUOTE]Oakie says the game has moved online up in Sousa. I don't agree with him....[/QUOTE]Last time I checked, Tinder was an online app!
[QUOTE]I always find a pleasant prostitute to please me there on the street..... The Dominican Republic is cheap and close to North America. I get that. I also get that some people just like the place. I do too[/QUOTE]The hundreds of thousands of sex tourists that pour into Sosua, from NA and Europe, and who return every year validate that simple fact. What's NOT to like?
Newbies contemplating a trip to Sosua, should be aware that, aside from a couple of negative nimbo's (AKA "the usual suspects" on this Forum) that have boosted their post count for years, by shitting on the place and it's people, for years predicting it's premature death, and a few newbie malcontents who shouldn't be allowed out without a minder, be aware that your experience here, is more likely to be that of the millions of sex tourists, that come and go away satisfied, and return.
They just don't post up in here! Most never heard of the lonely hearts club known as ISG.