And People PoohPooh My Contention that the Net Changes Everything
No offense to Clemson Tiger, but his post is a paradigm of what I have been saying about the dangers of overhyping destinations on public websites. How many other guys are also contemplating copying the Mansion in other Colombian cities BECAUSE of reading the ISG? How many have bought condos in Laguito BECAUSE of the hype on ISG?
The major cities have been exposed, but if you find a smaller city that lacks hordes of gringos, please think twice before posting about how great it is on ANY public access board (ISG is NOT the only example). Keeping "secret spots" has been going on among surfers for decades, but until the advent of the internet, sharing secret mongering locations did not lead to overcrowding. That is no longer the case.
Thanks for THINKING before telling the World how great the mongering is in Barrancabermeja (just an example). And you cannot unring the bell: once Pandora's box is opened (e.g. Laguito, Poblado), you cannot put the genie back in the bottle.
Call a place paradise,kiss it goodbye
If our tourist dollars are improving lifes there it must be a slow trickle down effect! My Girlfriend,her girlfriends and almost everyone i know there is unemployeed. My girlfriend has a degree and she still can't find a job.i live there six months out of the year,i don't really see the working class improving at all.
as far as Laguito improving,i guess everyone has their own opinion.I started going there six years ago.The changes i have seen are not good. The attitude towards grongo's has been the most dramatic change.If you are a gringo male,you will be tagged a sex tourist,for sure.
Has the internet changed Cartagena? Interesting topic.i would agree with Surfer that it has.Lets face it that 90% of the guys going there now, would not even know where Cartagena was on a map if not for the huge amounts of information being deciminated on the internet. for me if Laguito is not ruined,it is severly damaged. Now the village feel of Laguito is being replaced by loud groups of Gringo's yelling about buying apartments etc. the edificio's are starting to not let chicas in anymore. For those who have never been there,Laguito is very small.If there are ten gringo's in town it feels like fifty.Unlike Rio,it just does not have the size to accomadate huge amounts of people.
Now we have people starting to offer driving tours through Columbia countryside! are you kidding me? I hope if you are thinking about going on this you will have your life insurance paid up. what next a disneyworld in Cali?
Yea,i'd say there's been afew changes!For the better,not IMHO!sorry guys i don't mean to be negitive,and i still love Columbia.Still tons of hot chicas.But now i stay about a month in Cartagena to see my novia and then head out to smaller cities where you can still get laid for 20,000. sorry gotta keep a few gems for myself.