New Updates on El Loco for jan. 6 and jan. 8th
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New Updates on El Loco for jan. 6 and jan. 8th
Seems to me that Venezuela is very quite right now.
Maybe it is not a bad idea to go there.
I know lots of pretty colombian ho's there:-)
Also lots of *****houses:-)
Can anyone tell me what the rate of inflation is??
What about general rates of inland flights??
How's the wheater in end october/beginning of November??
Govt est rate of inflation - 35%
Private estimates - 45%+
inland fights will roughly be between $100-200US round trip depending on where you are flying. (e.g. Caracas-Merida is about $165). Those prices are "dollarized".
End of Oct, beginning of Nov is end of "rainy season". But rain here tends to come and go quickly. Weather is similar year round.
Hi 85 day, low 72 night
Thanks Catire,
85-72..??? Would that be 30 -22 degrees Celsius? Seems just fine to me.
Do you have special places that gringos MUST see?
As for myself I would like to avoid Caracas and Isla Margarita;-)
I know two grils in Maracaibo. LP travelguide tells me Maracaibo seems rhater dull for tourits.
BTW the flight rates are reasonable....comparing with the quite expensive rates in Peru:-)
Do you expect any mayor uprisings in the nearby future regarding Chavez etc.etc?????
correct re temps. Caracas is famous for its "eternal spring", though locals say it has gotten several degrees hotter in the last decade.
special places that gringos must see?
that depends on what your tastes are.
Salto Angel is probably a must see. A trip to Roraima and Los Llanos.
Orinoco basin can also be interesting if you´re into that sort of thing.
Buy a Lonely Planet book and decide for yourself.
do I expect "major uprisings"?
No. But violence might flare up in specific locations, especially if the govt succeeds in significantly delaying or blocking Chavez´s upcoming revocatory referendum.
I am thinking of trying a LA country next Feb.
Can any one tell me which country in South or central America would be best over all.
I prefer the lighter skinned out going Latin types. Also prefer a semi pro.
Where would be best for non pros?
I tried Rio a few years ago. The women were great but a bit too pro like. Not that cheap either.
Is Feb a good time?
I was thinking of Colombia or Venezuela.
Thanks in advance
Dude. you need to get your story straight.
you are looking for non pros and you went to RIO??
the place is overrun with sex starved overpaying Americans and the women there are eager to please and make a lot of money for local standards.
A good girl won't be seen within a half mile of most monger places in Copacabana. She also won't be seen with a foreigner, because everyone will assume she is a HO, and what girl wants everyone around her to think that?
lighter skinned, Colombia and Venezuela should work.
Big dividing line in Venezuela between ho and NON ho.
the semi pro you refer to is difficult to find (unless you can seduce a hooker, it's been done)
picking up non pros (and pros if you want to make her "semi") depends on your looks, skills, attitude and Spanish.
If you look like Brat Pitt, I am sure you will do very well.
If you look like Jabba the Hut, stay with Rio and the sure thing.
Sorry if I was unclear.
Rio was some years ago just for a holiday. Not to find a women. I just mentioned I had been there as it's in SA.
Is not speaking Spanish a very big problem?
Maybe if I stick to the cities. I thought maybe a week in Caracus and a week in Bogota.
Are they the best bets in SA would you say?
I thought about BA, but the reviews are very mixed.
I was looking for the lighter skinned Latinos (Cuban type) who are more semi pro.
I am 30, OK looking and not over weight etc.
I heard that dark hair and blue eyes is an advantage. But it's only what I heard.
yes, not speaking Spanish can be a very big problem.
How do you plan on communicating? especially if you are looking to get outside of the pure hooker/john commercial sex setting?
People speak Spanish in cities too. Yes, some people speak English, but you won't find them by walking around and asking who does and who doesn't.
Buenos Aires is a plastic, commercial (mostly escort,escort service) scene that before their currency crash commanded some of the most preposterous pricing on the planet. I suppose it's a bit better now, but not my cup of tea. I suppose some guys like it and good for them.
the P4P scene in Caracas I can't really say would be much better. Also very commercial. You need to live there to break thru that a bit, or be a frequent visitor with good Spanish.
Normal girls are easy and great to meet in Venezuela. But don't count on getting laid. You might, but it's better girlfriend than playfriend territory.
Ditto for Colombia. Your lack of Spanish is going to kill you in regards to what you seek.
Otherwise, I'd say give Cali, Colombia a shot but don't get yourself killed or captured by FARC.
actually, the easiest to get what you seek might be in the place you mention - Cuba itself.
But these days, with the crackdown and casa restrictions, the line there between pro and non is sharper than ever.
but with Spanish you could conceivably nagivate thru that too.
Blue eyes a big plus. Blonde hair better than dark. Makes you that much more unique.
I didn't use Brad Pitt as an example just because he is universally considered attractive. In countries like Venezuela, Colombia and Brazil he would be "God".
Thank you.
I went to Havana about a year ago and did get laid with a non-pro, but on my last night. A lot of girls there spoke English, but there were very few girls about as you said. Not too much fun.
I can only go by what I have read but BA prices sounded OK. I also read that about a third speak English and the female to male ratio is 7. It seemed like a place were you could have some fun at the same time.
From the photos from Cali the girls there did not really seem my type.
As for the p4p scene do many girls speak English?
As for a GFE with the pros/semi where would you suggest?
Some say the Argentinians are snobbish, others say they are great.
I wanted a city where there is good night life, a chance to meet a non pro, but with an OK choice of pros.
I read of a place in Caracus called Daddy Latinos. Some girls there were stunning.
Any idea how much they go for?
I have just found that in most cities there are always better clubs where the better educated girls hang out, that often do speak English. Is it possible that as you speak Spanish all the time there are more English speakers than what you notice.
Thought of trying 2 cities as I am that far over.
As an over all quality of girls where would you say.
I don't mind paying a bit more.
Thanks again
Medellin Colombia may be a place you might want to check out.
The chicas generally have lighter skin and different look than the Calenas ... beautiful. I actually like the dark skin chicas but still am amazed at the beauty of the Paisas (Medellin chicas).
In the higher class area ... called Poblado, the people are more educated and therefore easier to find english speakers ... but they are also more of a "higher maintenance" type.
See /
Websites from friendship agencies in Medellin. Has photos of typical chicas in Medellin. Also maybe a good way for you to find chicas since I think you said you don't speak spanish.
Good luck.
Ricker has a good idea re: Medellin.
I am surprised you found that many English speakers in Cuba. Almost shocked.
yes, in many Latin cities, the educated classes will speak English. How well, and whether they will be willing to speak it with you is a differen story altogether. You are correct, since I am unwilling to speak English period when out and about, there might be some/many who I don't notice that can speak it.
I usually avoid English speakers like a plague (among hookers that is and don't particularly favor it among regular girls)
DadisLatino is a great place. Go on Thursday night, that is Ladies night and when the coolest crowd comes out.
but dude, your question of "how much would they go for" is a bit preposterous.
These girls are NOT hookers! It's a normal club. If you can pick up a chick and take her to a love motel, then good for you but mistaking girls for hos there could land you in serious trouble.
Hookers don't go to places like Dadis. Well, actually sometimes they DO (on their nights off) but then they are NOT looking for clientele. They are normal girls on those nights.
Besides, knowing which one girl out of 20 is a hooker out partying is far beyond my powers of comprehension. Maybe you can do better but I' wouldn't bet on it.
if you are a late late night person, most hookers go to the two after hours places in Chacaito. (after they get off work). THose places often go until at least noon if not later. Lots of drugs. Interesting people watching. You can give that a try but not sure that would be your scene
p.s. meeting penpals and girls from Colombia before you come is VERY VERY easy. However, I find that approach disingenous, since most girls assume you are looking for something at least halfway serious and you are treated as such. If you can navigate those waters while feeling comfortable (I cannot) then I might recommend that as well.
Catire, Ooops my mistake:
I read that hookers hang out in the VIP room at Daddys.
I attached a pic from there. They are the women that I would go for. Would that type be available for p4p?
If so how much?
Would English speakers go to Daddy's?
Yes, that would be more my scene, but not up till noon though.
I don't know what time the hookers end up there.
Thanks Ricker: I still prefer the Caracus (and BA) girls though. But can see why guys like them.
Also Columbia sounds a bit risky at the moment.
Between Columbia and Caracus, (and BA) which are the more out going (wilder) girls. Ones you can buy them a beer, go to a club, have fun with etc?
One last time Q, what time of year is best to go. Is the rainy season that wet? I thought then it may be less touristy?
As for Cuba. Maybe I was lucky. This club I went to it seemed that only the 'higher class' single women were let in. I met a lovely one just as I was about to leave.
The cheap rum helps also.
I take it you guys are not too keen on the BA chics?
Sound like an exciting city though.
Where did you read that? (hookers hanging out in the VIP room?)
are there hookers there on their nights off? of course.
Can you tell them apart? highly unlikely.
do they congregate together, as "hookers"? nonsense.
are they looking for clients? of course not. It's their night OFF!
the pic you attached is what you will find ALL over the place in Caracas.
I can tell you off the bat, none of those girls in a hooker. I can tell by appearance. UNfortunately, most of the hookers no longer have that fresh face, appearance, etc and are no where near as attractive (you can sometimes get lucky and find an exception)
the hookers will also generally be older than these girls. Those girls in the pic probably aren't many days over 18, if that.
No bigger % of English speakers in Dadis than anywhere else. Like I said, since I refuse to speak English when out, I wouldn't know anyways.
If you want non pros, get yourself a younger Venezuelan guy to take out out and around. (hopefully bilingual). he can make the proper introductions and put you in the best possible situation to have success. The rest will be up to you.
All the hooker joints close up by 5 am. by 5:30, and certainly by 6 am, the after hours places are already crowded.
I read it on the world sex archives.
It said after 1am the VIP room is packed with high end escorts.
So I just assumed it was a hooker joint.
The picture attached is supposed to be a hooker called Gloria.
But if you say it is not, I shall not argue.
Can you just advice on the best time of year to visit?
I may have to go in the rainy season. Is that 'realy' wet.
Out of interest, why do you not speak English, and avoid English speakers? Is that the norm in Caracus.
But how do I find a Caracus guy to show me around.
I do like the sound of Caracus and the people.
How do the girls compare to Columbians?
I am tempted to try BA and Caracus.
Are you from Caracus.
Many thanks