black market exchange rate
[QUOTE=Bahia Boy]I'm hearing reports that people are giving up to 4.000 Bolivars to $1US on the street. Can anyone confirm this?
Last time I was there the official rate was 2.147=$1Us but we were getting up to 2.700 to the dollar. If its true, or even over 3.000, looks like I'll be back there soon.
Look at the Cantv rate under tipo de cambio. As of 1/18/07 they're showing 4126.
Will we be greeted upon arrival, " Go to hell"??
Will that be the official greeting of the Venzuelan customers agents, upon arrival in Caracas? Just wondering. This pock-faced clown needs to be taken out.
Venezuela vr. DR/Colombia
@ Felipe2006:
I second the report that lalo59 has written upon venzuela.
Right now I would NOT even go to venezuela with all that "chavez stuff"going on...indeed the country more and more is coming to a total dictatorship. I notice more and more venezuelans want to leave their country.
I was both in Colombia (in 2003 for 4 weeks) and (several times) in the DR....and I must say I felt MORE safe in Colombia....that is in the cities.
Crime rates are very high lately in the DR...and SD has a lot of "malo barrios"....especialy when it's dark and when you look like a gringo. Also the north coast is (can be) a bad place to be...too much turists therefor too high prices...:-(
If you Go to Colombia...stay in the cities and nothing could happen...that is in the sense of kidnapping by the FARC or shit like that.
Offcourse in every country there are pickpockets and "ladrones" stay on guard and low profile.
Personaly i didn't had good experiences with venezuelanas and on this point i agree with lalo59...and I think of them as the most "presumidas"and arrogant women of all SA!!!!!!!!!!!!I think it's becoz all that beauty pagant stuff....which at times even controls the public life for WEEKS. But indeed true...they are stunning!!
my 2 € cents.