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Today 17:15 #16444
Posts: 106Originally Posted by Jarango [View Original Post]
Originally Posted by Aml3740 [View Original Post]
Originally Posted by HappyPlayer [View Original Post]
Today 16:35 #16443
Posts: 7184Originally Posted by MrEnternational [View Original Post]
Today 15:54 #16442
Posts: 16922Originally Posted by WestCoast1 [View Original Post]
Today 11:54 #16441
Posts: 264Home is where the heart is
Originally Posted by BKKguru [View Original Post]
In my recent visit, I noticed rents go up 10% or so a year, irrespective of how the overall market is doing. That, to me, is a bubble, as it makes no economic sense.
When one buys a place, one rents it or lives in it (rents to oneself). I don't like to be a landlord in the Philippines and I don't like to be like one of those Japanese soldiers stuck there after the War.
That said, there are pletny of Europeans claiming they are doing well in Angeles. But sitting around a bad or cafe all day every day with nothing but my jocks on doesn't really hit the sweet spot for me.
The three rules of property are location, location, location, with a bad location in a good location being better than a good location in a bad location. I guess if I had to go for anywhere in the Philippines, it would be a surf type place (Bali is better). Though some like university towns, I would not like to be renting bedspaces to impoverished students.
I have a lady friend there who would like to have a sari sari store in the Visayas. A nice lady but, with hold ups, assholes and 10% rent increases, I don't want to make it my Vietnam.
I get it that the Philippines is cheap. But you can buy houses in Detroit for a $1, which is a good deal if you are ex Korean Special Forces.
As regards buying a Condo in Manila, I would opt for settled, upper class (over priced) areas and be prepared to take a major hit on it.
These are just my ideas, as I freeze here and the lure of Pinay muff whispers sell up and move to Borocay in my ear.
EDIT: You can check out relevant indices here but, as all property is local (Chicago ain't Detroit or LA) I am unsure how helpful they are in an odd ball market like SEAsia
Today 11:19 #16440
Posts: 329Originally Posted by Jarango [View Original Post]
If I were to live in Metro Manila, your recommendation is Rent the Condo.
Never purchase. Correct?
Today 10:08 #16439
Posts: 264Check
Originally Posted by ElSexoChino7 [View Original Post]
My experience is I needed an evisa. For Covid etc requirements, check he above authoritative site, amongst others.
Today 10:06 #16438
Posts: 140Originally Posted by ElSexoChino7 [View Original Post]
Today 07:23 #16437
Posts: 8Originally Posted by ElSexoChino7 [View Original Post]
Just go online and get a eVisa for 30 days and you can extend this for another 29 days.
But if you stay longer than 30 days you will need a throw away ticket as airline will want to see this.
Today 07:15 #16436
Posts: 106Vaccination requirements 2025?
What's up OG vets, anyone traveled to Philippines lately?
I am planning a trip this coming spring and I am UNVACCINATED.
Do I still need a PCR / Antigen negative test 24 hours prior to the trip? Or just do the etravel thing?
Looking to hear your experience. Is this still an entry requirements?
Yesterday 16:04 #16435
Posts: 264Flogging a dead horse
Originally Posted by WestCoast1 [View Original Post]
Yesterday 10:19 #16434
Posts: 7184FB reel from John Dang regarding the number of unoccupied condo units in Manila (70,000+), how long it will take you to grow a unit's market value, and outlying provinces to consider for the future.
02-04-25 06:28 #16433
Posts: 385Originally Posted by YoungSnape [View Original Post]
02-03-25 05:58 #16432
Posts: 3814Originally Posted by NoobMonger0 [View Original Post]
Whether the photo is you or not depends on your security requirements. Do you care of family (wife? Sees you online. Some guys don't want any traceability at all. Remember that photos can be reversed searched so it's a good idea to use a clean photo that cannot be connected to your work, Facebook account etc.
Girls are getting more savvy now too. I've met plenty that would not chat with an unverified subscriber. This brings up it's own issues. How trusting are you to send these apps copies of your formal government ID to get the 'verified' tag?
As you can see it's a trade off. The most secure will see you get no / few matches or chats. Being Mr Popular entails sharing info that many guys are not happy to have broadcast everywhere.
Personally, I don't post actual pics on apps but I'm happy to live video chat with girls that I'm actually interested in.
Enjoy. G.
02-03-25 05:37 #16431
Posts: 3814Originally Posted by Aml3740 [View Original Post]
It would have been good to arrive ready to go but it's not a deal breaker.
Thanks again. G.
P.S. I often loose access to OTPs etc when swapping international networks. No idea why but if I still have wifi, then I will receive the SMS even if there is no roaming Telco data connection. Now I just make sure to do all that type of stuff in a hotel room with a good connection.
02-03-25 05:33 #16430
Posts: 36Originally Posted by NoobMonger0 [View Original Post]
I successfully used and keep refreshing until I find someone like myself. Remove any watermarks.
I have a legit pic on whatsapp. They rarely remember the PL profile as they get so many messages. I just say I lost weight since I did that profile.