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Thread: Makati

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  1. #8169
    Quote Originally Posted by Bologna8D  [View Original Post]
    Hey from the states. It's my first time here and I'll be staying at City Garden Makati right next to P Burgos st. Tomorrow. I don't mind paying a bit more for Bar fines and such after scoping around.

    I just wanted to know of any of ya'll had any girl recommendations that meet my preference. I like them cute, skinny and petite. Breast's size can be any, same with ass just has to be a delectable pussy because I ALWAYS go down on delicious poonani. Condoms are a non starter. Not a deal breaker but I would prefer her to be a tanned caramel brown if possible.

    Feel free to pm me and thanks in advance fellow Pinay loving perverts!
    You don't have PM capability; see pics. Pay up for a membership ($20) to get access to PM.

    However any of the gogo bars along Burgos should be able to fit your needs. Enjoy, and write us a trip report later.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails share.jpg‎   share2.jpg‎  

  2. #8168

    First time in PI

    Hey from the states. It's my first time here and I'll be staying at City Garden Makati right next to P Burgos st. Tomorrow. I don't mind paying a bit more for Bar fines and such after scoping around.

    I just wanted to know of any of ya'll had any girl recommendations that meet my preference. I like them cute, skinny and petite. Breast's size can be any, same with ass just has to be a delectable pussy because I ALWAYS go down on delicious poonani. Condoms are a non starter. Not a deal breaker but I would prefer her to be a tanned caramel brown if possible.

    Feel free to pm me and thanks in advance fellow Pinay loving perverts!

  3. #8167
    Quote Originally Posted by DimesADozen12  [View Original Post]
    Thanks I182 for the report. I'll be visiting next week staying at Makati Palace. In regards to securing doxy prep while there, should I just ask the pharmacies around the hotel and eventually I should be able to find one will sell it to me without a prescription?
    That's one strategy, possibly time consuming and potentially fruitless. Someone else might tell you that a legitimate-looking scrip template downloaded online, filled out with the desired prescription, some doctor's name, some kind of signature and pdf'ed, saved / emailed to your phone and then flashed to the pharmacy attendee for provision of the desired chemical substance to be paid for in cash would work equally well in the Phils. I would never engage, nor condone engaging, in such behavior, however.

  4. #8166

    Birdie / Burgos update.

    Little Birdie update. Birdie recently made his way down Caseres street, between P Burgos and Polaris Sts, into Iron Horse gogo bar. Full house of gogo girls, approximately 35-40. About a dozen fugs, and Birdie thought the rest were do-able, with a handful of real lookers. Only 3 customers total around 10 pm. Birdie was quickly surrounded by half a dozen cuties, but asked the mama to shoo them away so Birdie could scope talent. Few minutes later the mama pointed out a new gal fresh in from the province. Birdie called her over for a LD (p480). Early 20's, no baby damage showing from the tiny bikini she was wearing, rock solid flat tummy. Birdie's feathered wing made it to her bikini'd breast, then inside the 'kini. Birdie feathered over her nice C-cup chesticles repeatedly. Young talent's hands roamed over Birdie's nether-regions. Must give young talent some credit for her bubbly style and energy, including jumping up to dance nawty briefly in front of Birdie's table. Young talent unfortunately never shut up, so after 10 minutes of chatter it was one-drink-and-out as Birdie called for the bill and navigated his way back to Burgos for some further pervin'.

    Downside: Young talent waited about 1 minute after her LD arrival to down the tequila shot. One minute later a waitress zero'd in on the empty glass and attempted to quick-sell Birdie on another LD, which was declined. One minute later the mama tried the same tactic (also declined; Birdie was not yet drunk enough to fall for such). Shortly after a waitress tried again. The aggressive move to up-sell overpriced drinks continues.

  5. #8165
    Quote Originally Posted by Idiot182  [View Original Post]
    I don't get to post on here much. That's because even though I have lived now within a stone's throw of Burgos St for a few years, work and family obligations limit me to very specific time windows where I can indulge in such pleasures, often only every few months or so. I had such a window this evening, and was getting tired of spending my hard-earned dineros on mediocre Burgos St bargirl interactions, overpriced lady drinks and questionable outcomes in terms of results. So, I decided to try Pinalove for the first time.

    Call me a slow learner.

    There is a lot of chaff to separate from the wheat, but my God, post the right photos and profile info and you will get interest like you could not imagine. I was very clear in my profile info that I was not interested in anything serious and was looking for "fun times" and no commitment. Over the span of only a couple of days, I was bombarded with an enormous quantity of "interests" (Facebook equivalent of likes? Requests for Whatsapp numbers and direct messages asking if I wanted fun for benefits, or some such other configuration of P4 P. Only responded to the lookers, and already tripled my rolodex from previous years.

    One was very direct this morning, asked if I was in Makati and could meet today. Exchanged Whastapp numbers and I told her. This was around 3:00 pm. If she could meet me for short time at the Makati Sogo at 5:00 pm I would tip her 5 k (don't hate on me for this. Time is at a premium for me and that's peanuts compared to what you get with combo barfine and extras with Burgos St girls!) She agreed, told me she needed to change out of her uniform and would be on the way shortly. I was skeptical.

    Low and behold, turns out she was a cashier at an SM mall down in Las Pinas and was telling the truth, was in a cab within 15 minutes of our conversation and had sent me grab tracking information to show she was on her way. 20 year old spinner, no kids, absolute stunner (I know, beauty is in the eye of the beholder but really, she was an 8 in my books), sending me pictures of her in the cab while she was on the way up to Makati. I grabbed a couple of beers around the corner waiting for her to arrive. She was late of course, but because of Manila traffic not anything else.

    Right before she arrived, she messaged me "bring lots of condoms". I responded that I was clean and that this was not a concern for me, should I be concerned for her? After a bunch of back and forth she basically said she never has sex without protection. I told her fine, you're only 5 minutes away, just let me know when you arrive.

    When she arrived, I immediately recognized her. Really even better looking than her pictures on PL and really dolled up in a tight dress, great makeup and high heels. And approached her with the 5 K promised and just handed it to her saying "I'm sorry you made the trip all the way up here, and we had a misunderstanding about protection and boundaries, and that's OK, I want you to be comfortable with whatever we do" (what a gentleman eh? - joking aside, I find that just treating everyone. And I mean everyone, e. G. Bargirls, security guards, kuyas on the side of the road gets you a long way in life.) She was incredibly shy, said almost nothing in response and walked away after I patted her on the shoulder.

    After handing her the money I went for a beer in Rogues right next door assuming the night was over. But she texted me shortly afterwards asking things like "did I do something wrong" or "are you mad with me"? I responded saying no of course not, nothing was her fault, I just can't finish if condoms are involved and at that point it's not worth it, but I hoped she had a good evening. By my second SML at the bar she was texting me that it was fine, she wanted, she would "buy some pills" (not quite sure what that means) and that she was waiting at a nearby 7-11 for me to pick her up. Chugged my beer and happily obliged.

    We met up again a few minutes later, hopped up to a "premium" (sarcastic speech marks intentional) room and before you could say Bob's your uncle we were doing the nasty and, it was sensational.

    Because she had seemed nervous I went in slowly, first caressing her body and kissing her neck, ear lobes, stuff like that. She was moaning almost immediately. Taking my time with that, I eventually offered to go down and she whimpered "yes please", at which point I dutifully obliged. Every man likes to toot their own horn, but I *think* I am pretty good at DATY and she went nuts over it. She kept saying it was the first time someone had ever done that for her. True or not, it turned me on! My face and hand were drenched and I was worried the amount of noise she was making would get us in trouble with the hotel admin. Anyway, after enough of this and apparently an orgasm or two (I know a faked orgasm pretty sure this wasn't the case here), she starts grappling for my cock and, seeing that I'm not hard yet (been working too hard the other way), immediately flips over and starts the BJ.

    I'm hard pretty quickly, and what follows is 3 hours of fucking, kissing, caressing, pillow talk, repeat and repeat until I glance over at the clock and realize our short time room is almost over and needed to bounce. We rinsed off (there was a lot of juice), dressed, and parted with a promise to do it again as soon as possible. Put her in a taxi with an extra tip.

    Sorry for the romance novel but thought some here might enjoy LOL.

    BTW. Take doxy PrEP, like I did, helps everyone!
    Thanks I182 for the report. I'll be visiting next week staying at Makati Palace. In regards to securing doxy prep while there, should I just ask the pharmacies around the hotel and eventually I should be able to find one will sell it to me without a prescription?

  6. #8164
    Quote Originally Posted by KumuMan  [View Original Post]
    Had no idea the morning after was sold over the counter.
    My guess is she bought the birth control Trust and popped it they're so cheap. Think they take it daily versus the Diana or whatever it's called. I don't think she went and got the day after stuff. Think that is more behind the closed door type deals to purchase something like that.

  7. #8163

    My heart is racing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Donnahito  [View Original Post]
    Day 4 last day. Thought I would try something different today, so I opened up smooci to see what was available. I could have sworn in the past, smooci Manila was full of agency girls with just a couple of independents, but I guess there must have been a policy change since almost everyone was independent. Most prices were reasonable too, between 3 k to 5 k, with one or two asking for 20 k (wtf LOL). I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw a 21 year old verified independent with a high rating only asking for 3. 5 k, so I pulled the trigger for a meeting 1. 5 hours from now. Surprisingly, I get a call from the front desk within 5 minutes of the arranged time saying I have a visitor.

    I open my door and a gorgeous shortie is standing there in a flowing dress. She seemed surprised at my appearance as well, gave a giggle, and started getting ready. I took a quick rinse after her, and joined her in bed not long after. I wanted to start out with cuddling again, and she obliged no problem. I went to DATY next, and she was either great at acting or I found all the right spots. Her reactions were so hot that I spent a good amount of time down here, and soon she was trembling, visible wet, and had some sweat around her neck. I asked her to get on top, she asked about condom, and I casually dismissed that thought by saying "I tip". She shrugged and started riding me like a good girl, switched to doggie next. I enjoyed seeing the sweat glisten off her damp back, makes me think I'm doing something right, and flipped her over to finish in mish again. Loved it when I asked can I cum inside and she gives a shy nod and smile. It was only after we cleaned up and dressed up when she asked for payment, which I thought with smooci usually happened first thing. I gave her 4 k for the great performance plus no condom, and she looked surprised but grateful. This was a great way to round off my Philippines trip, hopefully I can squeeze some time to be back in the near future instead of waiting 5 or more years!

    Also I didn't know the board limited picture to 648 x648 pixels, so sorry for bad quality.
    Did her name start with L? Did she have a disability? Any specific tattoos you remember? My heart is racing and you can probably guess why. Please send me a message or reply. I made this account just to get in contact with you.

  8. #8162
    I like your style. It's what I would do. Condoms are a non-starter. That's why I go specifically to PH. I'm going to guess that most reading this post are in a certain demo, and that demo should get a vasectomy. I think for me it was a 10 dollar co-pay. If the girl has hesitations, and you say 'cut', 'snipped', or otherwise explain it, all concerns fade away. I recently stayed a month in AC and loved every second of it. Brought 8 condoms and left with 8. Your final comment is legit. I'm clean as a whistle. I'm too bummed out currently being back at work and the land of responsibility, but maybe soon I'll put together a proper report.

    Quote Originally Posted by Idiot182  [View Original Post]

    BTW. Take doxy PrEP, like I did, helps everyone!

  9. #8161
    Quote Originally Posted by KumuMan  [View Original Post]
    Had no idea the morning after was sold over the counter.
    They are banned and illegal in PH. They use a different concoction of pills for the same effect as I have been told.

    Always bring some Plan be pills with you.

  10. #8160
    Quote Originally Posted by Trevor2522  [View Original Post]
    Great hookup; thanks for sharing. Las Pinas is a 15 Km haul north to Makati. She only need turn 3 or 4 tricks a month to give up the day job!

    ₱5,000 is a bit steep for 3 hours, but acceptable considering the distance and satisfaction quotient. Her 'pills' would have been the emergency, 'morning-after' type, not taking daily contraceptive tablets.

    Rather an odd M.O. to give her the money first, then retire to a bar; some ladies would have just run off! If a guy explains that he is clean and has had the snip (or she takes the morning-after pill), the 'condom-barrier' can be breached, amicably. Glad to hear your tryst worked out well and that nice salesgirls are putting out in that way.
    Had no idea the morning after was sold over the counter.

  11. #8159
    Quote Originally Posted by Idiot182  [View Original Post]
    One was very direct this morning, asked if I was in Makati and could meet today. If she could meet me for short time at the Makati Sogo at 5:00 pm I would tip her 5k (don't hate on me for this. She agreed, told me she needed to change out of her uniform and would be on the way shortly. Lo and behold, turns out she was a cashier at an SM mall down in Las Pinas.
    Great hookup; thanks for sharing. Las Pinas is a 15 Km haul north to Makati. She only need turn 3 or 4 tricks a month to give up the day job!

    ₱5,000 is a bit steep for 3 hours, but acceptable considering the distance and satisfaction quotient. Her 'pills' would have been the emergency, 'morning-after' type, not taking daily contraceptive tablets.

    Rather an odd M.O. to give her the money first, then retire to a bar; some ladies would have just run off! If a guy explains that he is clean and has had the snip (or she takes the morning-after pill), the 'condom-barrier' can be breached, amicably. Glad to hear your tryst worked out well and that nice salesgirls are putting out in that way.

  12. #8158

    Super report

    Hi I182,

    Thanks for the detailed FR.

    Glad you had a great ROI for te spent on PL.


  13. #8157
    Quote Originally Posted by ShaggerAu  [View Original Post]
    Nice detailed report. Everyone has fun on Pinalove.

    These girls think that buying contraceptive pills will immediately solve their contraception need. I'm not even sure if they know they need to take them. Like always in Ph sex education is a mystery.

    With these 20 year olds I always take responsibility for the contraception as I don't want to ruin her and my life with an unexpected pregnancy. They have no idea how their body works an dyou demonstrate they will agree to anything for money.
    Very fair point and not something I had automatically thought of. Probably indicative of my inexperience. Either way I usually can't finish anyway (like to convince myself it must be something to do with our dopamine-fueled modern existence) and just enjoy the experience. Was the same with this beauty. So I don't think any harm was done.

  14. #8156
    Quote Originally Posted by Idiot182  [View Original Post]
    "buy some pills"
    Nice detailed report. Everyone has fun on Pinalove.

    These girls think that buying contraceptive pills will immediately solve their contraception need. I'm not even sure if they know they need to take them. Like always in Ph sex education is a mystery.

    With these 20 year olds I always take responsibility for the contraception as I don't want to ruin her and my life with an unexpected pregnancy. They have no idea how their body works an dyou demonstrate they will agree to anything for money.

  15. #8155

    Delightful PinaLove Experience

    I don't get to post on here much. That's because even though I have lived now within a stone's throw of Burgos St for a few years, work and family obligations limit me to very specific time windows where I can indulge in such pleasures, often only every few months or so. I had such a window this evening, and was getting tired of spending my hard-earned dineros on mediocre Burgos St bargirl interactions, overpriced lady drinks and questionable outcomes in terms of results. So, I decided to try Pinalove for the first time.

    Call me a slow learner.

    There is a lot of chaff to separate from the wheat, but my God, post the right photos and profile info and you will get interest like you could not imagine. I was very clear in my profile info that I was not interested in anything serious and was looking for "fun times" and no commitment. Over the span of only a couple of days, I was bombarded with an enormous quantity of "interests" (Facebook equivalent of likes? Requests for Whatsapp numbers and direct messages asking if I wanted fun for benefits, or some such other configuration of P4 P. Only responded to the lookers, and already tripled my rolodex from previous years.

    One was very direct this morning, asked if I was in Makati and could meet today. Exchanged Whastapp numbers and I told her. This was around 3:00 pm. If she could meet me for short time at the Makati Sogo at 5:00 pm I would tip her 5 k (don't hate on me for this. Time is at a premium for me and that's peanuts compared to what you get with combo barfine and extras with Burgos St girls!) She agreed, told me she needed to change out of her uniform and would be on the way shortly. I was skeptical.

    Low and behold, turns out she was a cashier at an SM mall down in Las Pinas and was telling the truth, was in a cab within 15 minutes of our conversation and had sent me grab tracking information to show she was on her way. 20 year old spinner, no kids, absolute stunner (I know, beauty is in the eye of the beholder but really, she was an 8 in my books), sending me pictures of her in the cab while she was on the way up to Makati. I grabbed a couple of beers around the corner waiting for her to arrive. She was late of course, but because of Manila traffic not anything else.

    Right before she arrived, she messaged me "bring lots of condoms". I responded that I was clean and that this was not a concern for me, should I be concerned for her? After a bunch of back and forth she basically said she never has sex without protection. I told her fine, you're only 5 minutes away, just let me know when you arrive.

    When she arrived, I immediately recognized her. Really even better looking than her pictures on PL and really dolled up in a tight dress, great makeup and high heels. And approached her with the 5 K promised and just handed it to her saying "I'm sorry you made the trip all the way up here, and we had a misunderstanding about protection and boundaries, and that's OK, I want you to be comfortable with whatever we do" (what a gentleman eh? - joking aside, I find that just treating everyone. And I mean everyone, e. G. Bargirls, security guards, kuyas on the side of the road gets you a long way in life.) She was incredibly shy, said almost nothing in response and walked away after I patted her on the shoulder.

    After handing her the money I went for a beer in Rogues right next door assuming the night was over. But she texted me shortly afterwards asking things like "did I do something wrong" or "are you mad with me"? I responded saying no of course not, nothing was her fault, I just can't finish if condoms are involved and at that point it's not worth it, but I hoped she had a good evening. By my second SML at the bar she was texting me that it was fine, she wanted, she would "buy some pills" (not quite sure what that means) and that she was waiting at a nearby 7-11 for me to pick her up. Chugged my beer and happily obliged.

    We met up again a few minutes later, hopped up to a "premium" (sarcastic speech marks intentional) room and before you could say Bob's your uncle we were doing the nasty and, it was sensational.

    Because she had seemed nervous I went in slowly, first caressing her body and kissing her neck, ear lobes, stuff like that. She was moaning almost immediately. Taking my time with that, I eventually offered to go down and she whimpered "yes please", at which point I dutifully obliged. Every man likes to toot their own horn, but I *think* I am pretty good at DATY and she went nuts over it. She kept saying it was the first time someone had ever done that for her. True or not, it turned me on! My face and hand were drenched and I was worried the amount of noise she was making would get us in trouble with the hotel admin. Anyway, after enough of this and apparently an orgasm or two (I know a faked orgasm pretty sure this wasn't the case here), she starts grappling for my cock and, seeing that I'm not hard yet (been working too hard the other way), immediately flips over and starts the BJ.

    I'm hard pretty quickly, and what follows is 3 hours of fucking, kissing, caressing, pillow talk, repeat and repeat until I glance over at the clock and realize our short time room is almost over and needed to bounce. We rinsed off (there was a lot of juice), dressed, and parted with a promise to do it again as soon as possible. Put her in a taxi with an extra tip.

    Sorry for the romance novel but thought some here might enjoy LOL.

    BTW. Take doxy PrEP, like I did, helps everyone!

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