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  1. #8020
    Quote Originally Posted by HumbleHal  [View Original Post]
    Most of the girls on the internet ads post their BEST photos,
    True but that can hardly come as a surprise. Any normal human being is going to post their most attractive photos. As I've said before, I always allow a 2/10 drop in hotness between reality and photos.

    Having said that, I've had surprises both ways. A few times I've unwrapped a Plain Jane to find a spectator body underneath and part timers' attitudes can be far better than bar girls.

    If guys don't want to take the risk, then there is a lot to be said for bar hopping where you can see what you are getting and discuss your needs before agreeing to leave. As you said, that can come at a substantial price premium too.

    Enjoy. G.

  2. #8019
    Quote Originally Posted by HumbleHal  [View Original Post]
    Most of the girls on the internet ads post their BEST photos, often a few years ago before they got chubby. And they turn 45 degrees so you do not see their hips are like 2 battleships wide! If they are small bosomed they have photos from the back or on their stomach, so you do not see their deficit areas. And many photos are air-brushed and touched up to cover bad acne or facial blemishes and birthmarks. So when you get them to your hotel you are surprised they are 20 pounds heavier and disappointing in many other ways, not smiling or happy-peppy all the time, tired, etc. Some have hygiene issues, are getting over their periods but do not want you to know, and are grouchy as a result. Many factors go into being a woman, I am sure few of you have experienced them.
    Oh this is all true, but Jade looked exactly like her pics and was very hot in person. Just required a condom and was rather mechanical, if at least enthusiastic. 5 k all in wasn't bad, but I'm lining up some hotties off Pinalove that will do everything and let me film it for 3 k, just takes some effort. Didn't bother going up to the bars, that's just more hassle and too expensive for what I need.

  3. #8018
    Quote Originally Posted by Scc5112  [View Original Post]
    Try Manila Courtesans, specifically Jade, Daisy, Vanessa, and Maui. Jade and Maui do doubles BTW.
    Most of the girls on the internet ads post their BEST photos, often a few years ago before they got chubby. And they turn 45 degrees so you do not see their hips are like 2 battleships wide! If they are small bosomed they have photos from the back or on their stomach, so you do not see their deficit areas. And many photos are air-brushed and touched up to cover bad acne or facial blemishes and birthmarks. So when you get them to your hotel you are surprised they are 20 pounds heavier and disappointing in many other ways, not smiling or happy-peppy all the time, tired, etc. Some have hygiene issues, are getting over their periods but do not want you to know, and are grouchy as a result. Many factors go into being a woman, I am sure few of you have experienced them.

  4. #8017
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  5. #8016

    Makati Trip. Let's tag-team?


    I am making a trip down to Makati mid-July - 14-20th. Would love to catch up with fellow mongers who are likely to be around at the same time. Folks interested in tag-teaming for GBs / orgies. Let's connect. .

  6. #8015
    Quote Originally Posted by GrandeLoad  [View Original Post]
    Right on really appreciate it man, I'll check those out!
    Sorry to hear about the unsuccessful driver, was really hoping it would work out so we all had a new avenue to pursue. Never really ventured into casas, been invited to go by Filipino colleagues but try to keep slit between work and those sort of social activities.

    Get yourself to Lips, Plan be and Bottoms. Sure you'll find something of interest in those three places, with local ST hotels if they can't be convinced by travel distance to your place.

  7. #8014
    Quote Originally Posted by Scc5112  [View Original Post]
    I was there a few weeks ago and I'm still putting together some reports I'll post later, but it seems you need immediate suggestions LOL.

    Try Manila Courtesans, specifically Jade, Daisy, Vanessa, and Maui. Jade and Maui do doubles BTW.

    Also had good luck over at Marquee, ask for Mami Janet to introduce you to EJ and Chie, and shout out to Marj for the great accu-pressure massage.
    Right on really appreciate it man, I'll check those out!

  8. #8013


    I was there a few weeks ago and I'm still putting together some reports I'll post later, but it seems you need immediate suggestions LOL.

    Try Manila Courtesans, specifically Jade, Daisy, Vanessa, and Maui. Jade and Maui do doubles BTW.

    Also had good luck over at Marquee, ask for Mami Janet to introduce you to EJ and Chie, and shout out to Marj for the great accu-pressure massage.

    Quote Originally Posted by GrandeLoad  [View Original Post]
    Well that ended up being kind of a bust. The driver I was connected with doesn't seem to have much knowledge of the area. He took me to a place called Aaliyah not too far from the hotel, a KTV bar. It was obnoxiously loud and crowded with locals, the girls were trotted out in front of me and I picked a very good looking one in a little pink dress. Had a couple of drinks myself and bought her two lady drinks for a pittance, she seemed to have the personality of a desk lamp though. Complained about perverts asking her to go back to the hotel, I wasn't feeling staying at the place or chatting with her any further so we tabbed out and left, drinks for me, her her and then two for my driver ended up being just shy of a 1000 pesos. After that he took me to a place called Starfleet, about 20 minutes north of us, this seemed to be a fishbowl place? I think I've seen it described. Several rooms with 20 or so girls in each. I picked one and paid the room fee of 2300. We did this weird shower thing that I wasn't a fan of where she lathered up with soap and rubbed herself all over me as I lay face down on this plastic mattress. She then whips out the tiniest condom I've ever seen and tries to put it on me, after some back and forth it seems clear I'm only getting in her with a condom. I'm pretty annoyed so I just have her finish me with a HJ, she has the audacity to ask for tip too. I paid her 2300, made a point of telling her no tip, and bounced back to the hotel.

    So now I don't know, kind of dejected and not sure I want to go out again with this driver as he doesn't have good knowledge or contacts in this area. It's 5:20 on a Sunday, was thinking about maybe taking a grab myself up to lips but I don't know if I'm motivated at this point and isn't it supposed to be dead on Sundays?

  9. #8012

    Night Out Results

    Well that ended up being kind of a bust. The driver I was connected with doesn't seem to have much knowledge of the area. He took me to a place called Aaliyah not too far from the hotel, a KTV bar. It was obnoxiously loud and crowded with locals, the girls were trotted out in front of me and I picked a very good looking one in a little pink dress. Had a couple of drinks myself and bought her two lady drinks for a pittance, she seemed to have the personality of a desk lamp though. Complained about perverts asking her to go back to the hotel, I wasn't feeling staying at the place or chatting with her any further so we tabbed out and left, drinks for me, her her and then two for my driver ended up being just shy of a 1000 pesos. After that he took me to a place called Starfleet, about 20 minutes north of us, this seemed to be a fishbowl place? I think I've seen it described. Several rooms with 20 or so girls in each. I picked one and paid the room fee of 2300. We did this weird shower thing that I wasn't a fan of where she lathered up with soap and rubbed herself all over me as I lay face down on this plastic mattress. She then whips out the tiniest condom I've ever seen and tries to put it on me, after some back and forth it seems clear I'm only getting in her with a condom. I'm pretty annoyed so I just have her finish me with a HJ, she has the audacity to ask for tip too. I paid her 2300, made a point of telling her no tip, and bounced back to the hotel.

    So now I don't know, kind of dejected and not sure I want to go out again with this driver as he doesn't have good knowledge or contacts in this area. It's 5:20 on a Sunday, was thinking about maybe taking a grab myself up to lips but I don't know if I'm motivated at this point and isn't it supposed to be dead on Sundays?

  10. #8011
    Quote Originally Posted by GrandeLoad  [View Original Post]
    At the hotel I was milling around downstairs and finally decided to put in practice some advice I'd seen on the forum and start chatting up the security guard up front. Told him about my previous trip and now I had a lot of fun meeting pretty girls, and how could I do that again?
    Great report GL, Yes the hotel security guys are generally my go-to. They're obviously going to get a kick-back and if you build up a good rapport with them, you can get some very satisfying results. Enjoy! Phil.

  11. #8010
    Quote Originally Posted by Goferring  [View Original Post]
    Did you pay cash or have Grab fixed the app to allow direct debit from a foreign CCard?

    I'm looking forward to a report on Casas. I don't think we have had info on a white boy visiting these for a decade.
    I did use my personal CC to verify in the Grab app, apparently the phone I got specifically for my trip here has a broken forward camera so I couldn't verify with a selfie. I paid the driver in cash though.

    Yeah been about 10 years since I was last taken to a casa LOL, I recall there being many beautiful women there compared to the first bar, so I'm excited.

    Oh regarding my first trip: apparently this was quite strange according to a well-established member so I want to tell the story here and see if anyone knows what the hell was going on LOL. We were first taken to this bar, I have no idea where but maybe within a half hour or so of the Alabang area. It was like some kind of semi-rundown nightclub, but they confiscated our cell phones at the entrance which really sketched me out. But I was with a group of co-workers and they didn't seem to mind so I went with it. Once we were inside there were several booths, and a stage with some girls dancing, but all around were dudes in teal scrubs giving massages to the other patrons while said patrons engaged with whatever girls they had with them. The other patrons all seemed to be foreigners, white guys mostly. So we're all crammed into a booth wondering what the hell's going on, when several of the scrub guys step over the back of the chairs and start giving us massages. Nowadays I'd tell him to get the f* off me, but back then we were mostly just rolling with it, but it was weird so we all decided to leave and these guys demanded payment, I think it was like 140 pesos or something not much. But anyway that was weird AF, and again like 10 years ago, so I'm wondering if anyone knows what the heck that was?

  12. #8009
    Quote Originally Posted by GrandeLoad  [View Original Post]
    ...Caught a grab back to the hotel just to see how that worked, it was pretty seamless and very cheap...
    Did you pay cash or have Grab fixed the app to allow direct debit from a foreign CCard?

    I'm looking forward to a report on Casas. I don't think we have had info on a white boy visiting these for a decade.

    Go forth and keep us informed 😊.

    Enjoy. G.

  13. #8008

    Trip Report Day 1

    Day 0: Got in to Manila at 9:30 pm, was the first in line at customs where the gal asked if I completed eTravel. Per other reports, and the fact my airline didn't specify this, I hadn't so she sent me to the back of the line to complete it. The report I read said it was only for local Filipinos, but apparently that's incorrect at least per this gals insistence, I could see several other passengers were having the customs agents fill it out on their phones for them. It's not hard though and in a few minutes I was back in line, when I got up to a different customs agent they didn't ask about e-travel at all, I assume it might have pulled my info up or I suppose it's equally as likely it depends on the customs agent you get whether they require it or not.

    After that it was smooth sailing to pick up my bag, exchange some money (I got 57.70 at the airport kiosk), and pick up a SIM for a spare phone I brought with me. I opted for the lowest tier smart plan for 2100 pesos, unlimited calls texts I think 50 GB of data that I'll not use, the SIM place is cash only so you'll need to exchange first but they're close to each other. Outside to the hotel lounge area where they had my name on a list for shuttles to take me to the hotel, the ride was as harrowing as I remember it from the last time I was here, traffic lanes are definitely a suggestion here LOL. Got to the hotel about 11, only felt like eating and passing out.

    Day 1 (Saturday, in progress): had some breakfast and decided to walk around the alabang area, the heat here is oppressive and it's humid AF. Made it to ATC and had to stop in Starbucks for some water LOL. Not much going on there yet as it had just opened and there don't seem to be any ladies walking around that looks like they were available, I'll try this again later in the evening. Caught a grab back to the hotel just to see how that worked, it was pretty seamless and very cheap.

    At the hotel I was milling around downstairs and finally decided to put in practice some advice I'd seen on the forum and start chatting up the security guard up front. Told him about my previous trip and now I had a lot of fun meeting pretty girls, and how could I do that again? He said hold on and went and got the hotel driver. Driver comes and says I can book the hotel van for a couple hours in the evening, ask what I was looking for if I was interested in going to the bars and I said the bars are okay, but last time I was here I was taken to some casas which were a good experience and I'd be interested to do that again. He said he knew the right driver that would know how to take care of me, so we went up to the front desk and booked it. It's pretty expensive at 4500, but I figure that's worth it for the Cadillac option and I'll use this evening to make some contacts, get some numbers. So now I think I'm going to relax a bit, get some lunch. Maybe go get a massage, and look forward to my outing tonight I'll follow up with the deets.

  14. #8007
    Quote Originally Posted by CreateNinnov8  [View Original Post]

    Will be in Manila. Staying at City Garden Grand Makati from 22 June-1 July.
    Hi Create. Enjoy your stay. I usually book the other City Grand across the road and have never had a problem with 'room service' - You'll either love Makati or will feel disappointed. It all depends what you're into. Never-the-less, the PH is a great spot with some fantastic women. Phil.

  15. #8006
    Quote Originally Posted by BKKguru  [View Original Post]
    The USD will remain very strong for next few months.

    Reason: The US Federal Reserve has pushed back the timeline to cut Interest Rates.
    The first cut is now expected in November (after the US Presidential election).

    Enjoy the strong US Dollar while it lasts. You won't get this exchange rate next year.

    Glad I am coming there in October then thanks for the heads up.

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