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  1. #20708

    Day 2: Merry Christmas

    I was woken to a WhatsApp message from the girl I short-timed last night from Midnight Haven, saying 'I love you, see you in bar later, I wait for you'. I knew it would result in a difficult conversation later.

    After taking advantage of my hotel's free breakfast overlooking the pool, I met Macca for what proved to be a very enjoyable day of sightseeing. We took the train a few stops to Binondo, Manila's Chinatown, which was interesting to explore. A place serving fried siapao had a queue of about 40 people outside but we found a restaurant filled with locals where I had a beef brisket broth, one of the tastiest things I've had on my travels around Asia. The owner of the restaurant, an old lady with an infectious personality, was a superstar, very attentive and lots of fun. We crossed the river over Jones Bridge, before spending a few hours in the Spanish old town, Intramuros. Kids are very polite and inquisitive in Philippines, we must have been approached five or six times by groups of kids or asked for selfies. Opposite the big church (where a bride-to-be was dropped off for her wedding in a convertible Volkswagon) a line of schoolkids in yellow uniforms highfived us as they walked past. If you find yourself stopping in Manila it's a really nice place to spend an afternoon.

    Our original plan had been to go to Makati early evening but foot-weary from our endeavors, we opted to stay in Malate, starting with a drink at G-Point, which turned in to two because a bell rang and free drinks were handed out to all customers. No wonder this place is popular with expats. After disgracing myself at pool, missing ten shots on the black in the second torturous frame, we went to Midnight Haven.

    We sat at the same small table in the corner, next to the toilets, and were immediately swarmed by five pretty girls. I had one girl to my left and one to my right, bombarding me with the same questions. It was like a tennis match. 'What your name? Where you from?' one asked, barely had I answered I felt a tug on my sleeve and the other girl asked the same questions. I got whiplash looking from one girl to the other.

    Suddenly two more girls walked past and I recognised Vanessa, a very pretty girl I fucked twice from this bar two years ago. I could see the cogs whirring as she tried to remember who I was, but came up blank. It's as if our duet ('if this world runs out of lovers, we'll still have each other') meant nothing! Joking aside, I'm not surprised, she must be popular and she's worked at LA Cafe for over two years.

    In the bar upstairs I saw the girl I short-timed last night. I bought her a drink and she held my hand, hoping for a repeat tonight. It was tempting but I was on the lookout for another girl, so I let her down gently with a cheesy speech and she took the news well.

    It was busy tonight and once again we had scored a good table overlooking the seated section. As a long haired rock band belted out Guns'and'Roses songs, Macca got chatting with a pretty little spinner who had a great personality too, smiling almost constantly. Shockingly she was 28 years old as she barely looked a day over 18. It was great to see Macca paired off with a girl, problem was her average friend sat next to me, wedging me into a corner, and didn't take my subtle hints that I wasn't interested. As a result, I was reluctantly double-dated for an hour. It was frustrating because I saw some pretty girls I would have gladly invited over for a chat. One of them looked like a younger version of a Vietnamese / American girl I dated over 20 years ago. She'd be a memorable fuck I thought.

    Macca leaned over to me and explained his dilemma. Earlier in the day he'd had a Tinder meet and blown his load, so he wasn't looking for any action tonight. His plan was to take her number and arrange a quick short-time before our taxi leaves for Angeles tomorrow morning. But Filipino girls can often be unreliable and we suspected that that arrangement was doomed to failure ('sorry I overslept' After deliberation he decided that she was too cute to slip through his fingers, so he'd short-time her tonight. He was in for a good time for sure I thought as I watched the happy couple head for the exit.

    It was midnight and I was left on my own, a lonely lamb. It's amazing how the dynamic changes when you're flying solo in this bar. Within two nanoseconds two game older girls parked themselves either side of me, giving me their best lines. 'You most handsome man here' said one, her pink dress struggling to contain her large natural tits. 'I think you say that to all the men' I countered.

    I went upstairs to survey the scene and a tall gangly American guy approached me. 'You're not going to find a girl up here' he said confidently, these girls only want Korean or Japanese, 'I can bring you a nice girl if you want'. I found it a strange thing to say. No-one needs helps scoring in this bar, least alone from a complete stranger. I declined his offer but was intrigued what might have happened if I said yes.

    Less than two minutes later, I met my girl for the night on the stairs, blowing the American man's theory out of the water.

    She was a pretty 25 year old in a dainty yellow dress, who I'd spotted almost exclusively sitting in the Korean seated area upstairs. She was petite and stood less than five feet tall. We chatted briefly and she told me that her name was Merricris because she was born on Christmas Day. It was 1. 30 am and I was tired, so I didn't hang about and asked if she'd like to come with me to my hotel. She replied '5000 but 4000 okay' for short-time. It was late and I was tired, so I accepted.

    The sex was enjoyable, especially seeing her pretty face screwed up as she rode me. However I had to stop after five minutes because I had a banging headache. All that loud rock music and cigarette smoke in the bar catching up with me perhaps.

    I've enjoyed my two days in Manila. It's not the most charming city in Asia, far from it, but there's something I can't resist. There are some nice corners to spend a pleasant afternoon and Midnight Haven (which will always be LA Cafe to me) is as exciting as ever.

    (This diary will continue on the Angeles and Pattaya thread).

  2. #20707
    Quote Originally Posted by SirLancelot  [View Original Post]
    .......Just as the band were murdering 'I can't live, if living is without you, I spied another likely candidate, pretty with freshly curled light brown hair but when she smiled she had offputting teeth........
    Turns out you could live without her, LOL. Great report.

  3. #20706
    I have to second this. Partly because I want them to stay in business. Beeway is super dependable and good drivers with good vibes and NAIA to AC for $65. I spend more than that on weekend Ubers. Totally worth it for the door to door service.

    Quote Originally Posted by WestCoast1  [View Original Post]
    Beeway Travel, mentioned previously by myself and others on this board. Private driver and car, door-to-door service, 1-way cost is p3500, cash to the driver upon delivery to your hotel or the airport. You can find them in FB or Google search or contact thru email. They have an office on Fields Ave in AC, near the old Camelot bar. They are a travel agency.

  4. #20705

    Day 1: Good to be back

    After a 14 hour flight I made a rookie mistake outside the airport of jumping in to the back of the first cab I saw, whose driver tried to charge me 3600 to get to Malate. I swiftly jumped back out and found a booth inside for a taxi firm called Joyride. The fare cost 630 and my driver mentioned 'beautiful Filipino girls' before we'd even left the airport car-park.

    I'm staying at 1775 Adriatico Suites, which is a cosy hotel around a swimming pool near Remedios Circle. I met my friend Macca at a coffee shop nearby and enjoyed catching up. He's come from Cebu, where he had some frustrating DateinAsia experiences, not least a girl who refused to give him a blowjob without a condom. The inhumanity.

    He recommended a small massage shop opposite Robinsons Mall and I thought it would be the perfect way to relieve myself of the aches and pains from my long day of travel. I paid 280 pesos for a 'cold shoulder' massage, grimacing face down in to the massage table for the entire 30 minutes. I hope it's the only cold shoulder treatment I receive on this trip.

    After stocking up on snacks and drinks, and relaxing in my room for an hour, it was time to get ready for my first night out of the trip. I met Macca at Caf Adriatico which has a large menu with lots of western favourites. Macca ordered chicken Kiev but when he cut in to it a jet of garlic butter squirted over his shorts, landing unerringly over his crotch. As a result we had a quick detour to his hotel for him to change. He's staying at Diamond Hotel, a plush 5 star hotel several blocks from mine. It's about twice the price as my hotel but his room is excellent, with great views of the streets below.

    There were a few lovely looking girls outside the KTVs in Korea Town, especially Satisfaction and Luna, but they're not my scene. I can't sing and I suspect the best case scenario would be a pricey handjob.

    Six girls screamed at us from G-Crush bar on the first floor at a junction, but there was only one place we were heading, my favourite freelance joint in Asia, LA Caf. Or Midnight Haven to give it its new name. It seems an odd choice of name for a place famed for being open 24 hours.

    It was 8. 30 pm when we entered and we got a prime table downstairs in the corner next to the male toilet, where a lot of the girls congregate. Two Korean men were sitting on stools at the bar so we got a steady procession of the prettier ones waking past, trying to catch their eye. There were some nice girls, definitely a step up from last year. Things seemed promising. Last year the bar only really got going between 10 and midnight but it was busy already.

    We went upstairs and the big news is that the large plastic cow that used to be at the top of the stairs has gone to graze in pastures new. In its place is a row of tables which offer the perfect vantage point between the side of the bar where a band plays and the large seated area where girls line up around the perimeter hoping to be called over to a customer.

    My favourite girl was a skinny girl with a cute face stood opposite but she got called to sit with a Korean man just as I was beginning to get a few smiles from her. You snooze you lose in here.

    Just as the band were murdering 'I can't live, if living is without you, I spied another likely candidate, pretty with freshly curled light brown hair but when she smiled she had offputting teeth. Another girl, skinny with tattoos and an alternative look, aroused my interest but I couldn't get a sideways glance from her. She was staring with laser-focus at a group of elderly Japanese men.

    Macca was on good form and at one point two girls offered him a threesome. One of them was very pretty, which would skew the price because you'd end up having to pay her inflated price to her average friend too. And of course you never get the threesome you want.

    It was past 11 and suddenly my long day of travel caught up with me. Fighting off the urge to sleep, I decided to act quickly. There was a nice girl in a figure-hugging black dress on the table next to me, who smiled in my direction. She gave me sexy vibes and had a lovely body, so I leaned across to chat. Her name was Michelle and she was 25 and within a few minutes we'd negotiated a price of 3000 for short-time. She led me hand-in-hand out of the bar and we squashed in to a trike to take us to my hotel. She told me she has one child, who she had when she was just 15.

    She was a good choice for my first girl of the trip. She was a great kisser, slow and sensual with big soft lips and the sex was enjoyable, albeit hot because my room's aircon had switched off when I left the room. As she was riding me eagerly, her small pointy tits in my face, it made me thankful that my holiday was officially under way.

  5. #20704
    Quote Originally Posted by FlagRunner77  [View Original Post]
    I'm thinking, even though it is additional cost, to just get a taxi straight to AC for 2 nights, where I can get a similar flight to BKK. I have a couple of questions please.
    1. For a 2-night MNL stay, would any of the other red light areas be worth hanging around for?
    2. Any referrals for a taxi company to get me from MNL to AC? Or would Bolt etc be a decent option, cost-wise?
    My Plan see is to stay in MNL and just use PL for 2 days, if I can find a good few non-mongering things to justify hanging around MNL.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dg8787  [View Original Post]
    Seems like the NAIA white and yellow taxis have killed themselves off.
    Grab cars and the new Super Taxi stands have cornered the market in such a short span of time. No longer long lines for them. People flock to them than to take chance of being fleeced by yellow and white. Yellow and white drivers are scratching their ass wondering what the fuck happened?

    Yellow and whites probably haven't learned their lesson and will now have to double fleece you to make up for the lost business. Be aware.
    Hi Flagrunner.

    For a such short stay, I'd probably not go through the hassle of getting to AC and losing hours on the ground in MNL. I usually just stay in MNL for a few few days doing business stuff before venturing off elsewhere and have found that tipping the hotel door and security guys to find you a bit of talent for the night cuts down on spending all your time hunting for it.

    As for non-mongering things to see and do in MNL, forget it.

    The place is mayhem, and pretty much a shithole like AC.

    You'll observe that as you're landing and see all the shanties beside the runway.

    Having said that, you'll find something to take your fancy in MNL due to the large population.

    And some of us just have a thing about Filipina's that we keep on coming back for.

    DG_ Have to agree. The white taxis are terrible from the airport with their meter tactics and all of a sudden, no English tactics. However I haven't had a problem with them getting from a hotel to a bus station or back to the airport, as long as you demand them to turn the meter on before you get in or put your baggage in their boot / trunk.

    Yellow taxis used to be a great alternative, but the last time I used one, they wanted 800 p from the airport to Makati on the meter.

    I'm a bit behind the rest of the world when it comes to rideshare apps. I did download Grab a few trips ago, but whenever I tried to book a trip, it was showing as 'no car in the area' - or similar. Which I found hard to believe with all the traffic on the road.

    Just my experience _ Phil.

  6. #20703

    NAIA taxis

    Seems like the NAIA white and yellow taxis have killed themselves off.

    Grab cars and the new Super Taxi stands have cornered the market in such a short span of time. No longer long lines for them. People flock to them than to take chance of being fleeced by yellow and white. Yellow and white drivers are scratching their ass wondering what the fuck happened?

    Yellow and whites probably haven't learned their lesson and will now have to double fleece you to make up for the lost business. Be aware.

  7. #20702
    Quote Originally Posted by FlagRunner77  [View Original Post]
    2. Any referrals for a taxi company to get me from MNL to AC? Or would Bolt etc be a decent option, cost-wise?

    Beeway Travel, mentioned previously by myself and others on this board. Private driver and car, door-to-door service, 1-way cost is p3500, cash to the driver upon delivery to your hotel or the airport. You can find them in FB or Google search or contact thru email. They have an office on Fields Ave in AC, near the old Camelot bar. They are a travel agency.

  8. #20701
    Quote Originally Posted by FlagRunner77  [View Original Post]
    I'm heading to MNL in a couple of months due to a very favourable airline points redemption for business class. I'm on my way to BKK and Pattaya, but have a couple of nights in MNL. So far, the reports here and my own research, aren't exciting me about Makati. I'm thinking, even though it is additional cost, to just get a taxi straight to AC for 2 nights, where I can get a similar flight to BKK. I have a couple of questions please.

    1. For a 2-night MNL stay, would any of the other red light areas be worth hanging around for?

    2. Any referrals for a taxi company to get me from MNL to AC? Or would Bolt etc be a decent option, cost-wise?

    My Plan see is to stay in MNL and just use PL for 2 days, if I can find a good few non-mongering things to justify hanging around MNL.

    I'm spending two nights in Manila on my way to Anilao for a dive trip end of March. I don't think its worth going to AC. Its a long drive, 5 K peso or more to just get there. The Makati bars are more fun (hands on fun, prettier girls) and while the BF plus tip adds up to more, for a short stay I think its a better option to stay in Manila. Also can try PL or SA for some non pro action. Anyway that's my plan.

  9. #20700
    I'm heading to MNL in a couple of months due to a very favourable airline points redemption for business class. I'm on my way to BKK and Pattaya, but have a couple of nights in MNL. So far, the reports here and my own research, aren't exciting me about Makati. I'm thinking, even though it is additional cost, to just get a taxi straight to AC for 2 nights, where I can get a similar flight to BKK. I have a couple of questions please.

    1. For a 2-night MNL stay, would any of the other red light areas be worth hanging around for?

    2. Any referrals for a taxi company to get me from MNL to AC? Or would Bolt etc be a decent option, cost-wise?

    My Plan see is to stay in MNL and just use PL for 2 days, if I can find a good few non-mongering things to justify hanging around MNL.


  10. #20699
    Quote Originally Posted by WestCoast1  [View Original Post]
    On occasion I find a gem in the big city worth keeping.
    Oh yes many gems like anywhere else, maybe more, because of the large population, but also lots of tricksters, and hustlers.

  11. #20698

    Party on, Garth.

    Quote Originally Posted by OldAndUgly  [View Original Post]
    This is why I avoid Manila like the plaque, unless I'm there forced by circumstances, same felling like south of the border.
    On occasion I find a gem in the big city worth keeping.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails share5.jpg‎  

  12. #20697
    Quote Originally Posted by SenhorBom  [View Original Post]

    Once done, I thanked skinny lady for her time, left the drinks on the table and made a direct line for the exit. The lady who said she was the mamasan demanded a tip as I passed her. I laughed at that initially, but then thought "to be fair, she was very entertaining and did help with the experience". After I tipped her, I headed to the exit. The same lady stops me and introduces me to the doorman standing near the exit. I shake his hand and then realise what was coming next. The man says "I was your personal bodyguard tonight", to which I smiled and said "I never saw you". I knew what he wanted, and I know I should not do this, but I recall giving him 100-200 php to leave me be. As I pass through the exit, the other fellas wanted money "hey sir! As I walked away one was following me down the street for a brief moment until I got near Burgos Street.

    A week later I head out to go into Ringside Bar, but to no avail. I arrive too early, so the doorman invites me into Bottoms. I decide to go inside as I recall Bottoms was meant to be a popular bar before 2020. I enter Bottoms, and appreciate 7. 30 pm (ish) is probably a bit early for a Gogo bar, but I'm in there now and I buy a drink of coke. The few ladies on stage are standing still bored, the ladies sitting down seemed to have been caught by surprise. They slowly get off their seat and straight away this feels like a regret already. I pick the first half-decent lady that comes into my line of sight and she sits down with me. I buy her one drink and we talk briefly. A couple of ladies ask if I want my shoulders massaged. Recalling the customer from Iron Horse Saloon, I reply "no thanks". The three ladies on stage are still not dancing at this point. Bottoms was not what I expected. Looked like it could be a fun place, but on the inside there was no life, perhaps it was too early. I asked who the mamasan was, and she comes over. I discuss the BF and tips arrangement. Again, I end up liking the mamasan more that the woman I had chosen. There was something about that mamasan that made me want BF her instead. I give her 500 php, as I thought I'd try and find her again another night if I get the opportunity and perhaps sit down with her. I wouldn't get that opportunity.

    The BF was about 3. 8 K to 4 k (I forget) and I gave the lady 5 K. On this I should have negotiated it down, but I decided to play along. The lady seemed nice in general, but I later realise at the ST hotel nearby, everything about her was pulled in tight. I decide not to keep her with me and let her go within an hour. The ST hotel we were at was fine but a bit expensive for the limited time we used it for.

    Iron Horse Saloon can be considered a one-stop shop. Next time it will be my final destination of choice. Just accept blatent shakedowns are likely, not sure if this is common in many Gogo bars.

    Bottoms is the opposite. It could be a place to stop off at along the street, but not one to spend considerable amount of time in and I'm pretty sure better options are available. I also got the impression, from the lady I took to the ST hotel, that Bottoms is rarely busy. That said, the mamasan said it was usually busy around midnight. Take that as you will.
    This is why I avoid Manila like the plaque, unless I'm there forced by circumstances, same felling like south of the border. For me AC is the choice, everything is straight forward (as much as it can be).

  13. #20696

    Happy Hunting.

    Quote Originally Posted by Docwiltro  [View Original Post]
    V-8 has been one of the top P Burgos bars for the last two years imo. Here's a pic of a quartet of V-8 girls including my fav in the middle.
    Concur. Fewer girls than Dimples, Maison, or Lips. Typically 15-25 girls on duty, but probably the highest percentage of guapas.

    One good pic deserves another. Enjoy the big smoke when you're in town. Get a small one and shake it up good. Don't be afraid to take two, so one can take pics / vids while your hands are busy with the other.

    Little birdie update: Fyre and Neon Nights remain closed.

    S Bom: Good report.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails share2.jpg‎  

  14. #20695
    Quote Originally Posted by WestCoast1  [View Original Post]
    Concur. The much better looking girls are in the gogos. There are at least a handful of pretty things in each bar, much better than the SW (and much younger). The little birdie was recently seen cooling his engines in V8 bar. He observed 16 girls in the bar, 3 customers (1 of them a whale), and all of them do-able. Not a fugly in the bunch.
    V-8 has been one of the top P Burgos bars for the last two years imo. Here's a pic of a quartet of V-8 girls including my fav in the middle.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails V-8 Girls.jpg‎  

  15. #20694

    Burgos Street (Dec 2024)

    Finally found time to write a report of my November / December trip. I spent a month in Manila, but 3 of those weeks were in Makati and based just off Burgos Street. I had a few experiences of the RLD.

    My first experience of Gogo Bars on this trip was in fact thanks to my partner. We had been sitting in a Mexican bar on Burgos Street (opposite corner to Filling Station). We was in that bar for a number of hours, beyond 10 pm. She had quite a bit to drink, but during that time she was insisting that we check out what is through the black door (Dimples) on the building opposite. When we finished in the Mexican bar, my partner led the way and we went through that black door followed by a black curtain. Dimples seemed like a small Gogo bar, but had a lot of bikini-clad women (25 minimum) waiting for men. We did not stay in there for long. A woman came up to me and seemed to take offence when I asked if she was the mamasan, to which she replied "no, I'm the waitress", we soon left. I saw no men in there, but this bar felt like sardines in a can, a bit tight for space. My partner said she saw a few indian men in there, but I think I was the only guy there.

    Another night I went alone into a different Gogo Bar, Iron Horse Saloon. Located opposite Makati Palace Hotel. Adhering to caution, I dodged alcohol and just drank only coke. Within a few steps of walking into the bar, the immediate attention of women became apparent and I made my way to where I wanted to be seated. There was just one other guy in there. He was getting his shoulders massaged but didn't look like he really wanted the massage. I sat down and one woman who followed me in said she was the mamasan. I wasn't entirely sure, but she seemed friendly so I made a request for the type of lady I wanted (young and skinny) and pointed out I only wanted one. Just before that I had to politely decline a few overweight women who initially came and sat beside me. She pulled a skinny lady off stage and I accepted her. She sat beside me, I bought drinks for the skinny lady and the nice lady who was saying she was the mamasan. This mamasan informed me that the skinny lady was 27 and had only been at the bar for a few days. To begin with I thought "hmmmm, sounds like a nice line being fed to me", but within 5 minutes, I suspected she was telling the truth. The mamasan had to lead the skinny lady on what to do initially, and to be honest I was more into the mamasan, but she was busy directing the play. I then realised there was a mature woman in a brown outfit watching from the opposite side of the bar. I suspect she was making signals and was the real mamasan.

    After 15 to 20 minutes had passed, the lady proclaiming to be the mamasan decided to take it upon herself to introduce a new lady. Not skinny, but was meant to be 19, and looked ok. At this point I had a woman either side of me, taking turns to grind, and the first lady proclaiming to be the mamasan in front of me. I decided to go in for the kill and take one to the private area. The use of this area cost 4. 5 K, and then lady tip which was 5 K. I had wanted to take both ladies with me, but this was not allowed. Before heading to the private area, I asked to clear the drinks bill first. I bought three rounds of ladies drinks and I knew roughly the amount I had to pay. The bill they gave me was correct in my mind. Once in the private area, the skinny lady was sent away to prepare, the mamasan gave me something like 5 of 6 shots of alcohol. Initially I rejected the drinks as I thought I was about to get tricked, but she assured me the drinks were free. I did not consume the alcohol and shortly after those were placed on a table, skinny lady came in to entertain.

    Once done, I thanked skinny lady for her time, left the drinks on the table and made a direct line for the exit. The lady who said she was the mamasan demanded a tip as I passed her. I laughed at that initially, but then thought "to be fair, she was very entertaining and did help with the experience". After I tipped her, I headed to the exit. The same lady stops me and introduces me to the doorman standing near the exit. I shake his hand and then realise what was coming next. The man says "I was your personal bodyguard tonight", to which I smiled and said "I never saw you". I knew what he wanted, and I know I should not do this, but I recall giving him 100-200 php to leave me be. As I pass through the exit, the other fellas wanted money "hey sir! As I walked away one was following me down the street for a brief moment until I got near Burgos Street.

    A week later I head out to go into Ringside Bar, but to no avail. I arrive too early, so the doorman invites me into Bottoms. I decide to go inside as I recall Bottoms was meant to be a popular bar before 2020. I enter Bottoms, and appreciate 7. 30 pm (ish) is probably a bit early for a Gogo bar, but I'm in there now and I buy a drink of coke. The few ladies on stage are standing still bored, the ladies sitting down seemed to have been caught by surprise. They slowly get off their seat and straight away this feels like a regret already. I pick the first half-decent lady that comes into my line of sight and she sits down with me. I buy her one drink and we talk briefly. A couple of ladies ask if I want my shoulders massaged. Recalling the customer from Iron Horse Saloon, I reply "no thanks". The three ladies on stage are still not dancing at this point. Bottoms was not what I expected. Looked like it could be a fun place, but on the inside there was no life, perhaps it was too early. I asked who the mamasan was, and she comes over. I discuss the BF and tips arrangement. Again, I end up liking the mamasan more that the woman I had chosen. There was something about that mamasan that made me want BF her instead. I give her 500 php, as I thought I'd try and find her again another night if I get the opportunity and perhaps sit down with her. I wouldn't get that opportunity.

    The BF was about 3. 8 K to 4 k (I forget) and I gave the lady 5 K. On this I should have negotiated it down, but I decided to play along. The lady seemed nice in general, but I later realise at the ST hotel nearby, everything about her was pulled in tight. I decide not to keep her with me and let her go within an hour. The ST hotel we were at was fine but a bit expensive for the limited time we used it for.

    Iron Horse Saloon can be considered a one-stop shop. Next time it will be my final destination of choice. Just accept blatent shakedowns are likely, not sure if this is common in many Gogo bars.

    Bottoms is the opposite. It could be a place to stop off at along the street, but not one to spend considerable amount of time in and I'm pretty sure better options are available. I also got the impression, from the lady I took to the ST hotel, that Bottoms is rarely busy. That said, the mamasan said it was usually busy around midnight. Take that as you will.

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