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  1. #3160
    Quote Originally Posted by KeenEyeJoe1  [View Original Post]
    . ... the first foreigner they've ever talked to, much less been intimate with. They are a bit scared, shy, and inhibited and simply hoping they survive the event
    Man, you nailed it!

  2. #3159

    Joe's random act of charity in Butuan City

    I recently drove to Butuan City to attend an early-evening get-together with friends. After departing, I made a couple of passes around the city's streetwalker area, more out of curiosity than horniness.

    It is located along the streets bounded by Montilla Street, "are" Calo Street, Villanueva Street, and Montilla Boulevard around the Saint Joseph Institute of Technology (called S-Jet by the locals).

    FYI: ISG's goofy and unchangeable autocorrect function turns the solitary letter in the alphabet between Q and S into the word "are". So "are" Calo is correct phonetically. You guys are smart, so you'll figure it out.

    Don't expect any bargains because all the girls are pimped and are expected to pay between P300-500 to the "manager" who runs that particular street corner. So, they normally ask P1500 from Joe the Foreigner, a price I know is inflated because they try to charge the foreigner tax on this seasoned local. As I have other options, I rarely draw a girl from this area anymore, but it's fun to cruise around.

    By the way, the only naughty videokes (three) in the city are in the same area, on the short stretch of Montilla Street between "are" Calo and San Francisco Streets. The Black Cat and Love City strip clubs are nearby, too. Ask any local trike driver for directions.

    On one dimly lit corner I spottled a long-time female manager and her three girls. I've dealt with her a few previous times, and she knows what I like in a girl, plus over the years she's heard the word that I'm clean, honest, and unconfrontational.

    She flagged me down on my second pass, so I stopped and lowered my window. She says, "Joe, I have a new girl, first night, needs to money to pay for school supplies, one thousand pesos".

    Ahhh yes, this is the weekend that all Filipino parents of school-aged kids dread. Public school classes start next Monday, and the kiddies all need supplies and uniforms. A huge budget-eater for well over 50% of Butuanons, and I could imagine the sense of desperation inside this newbie.

    I'm a fairly generous guy and I don't mind helping those in need. Yet, I've previously been the "first customer" of several streetwalking Filipinas and have found their service quality to be disappointing. Not only am I their first "trick", but also usually the first foreigner they've ever talked to, much less been intimate with. They are a bit scared, shy, and inhibited and simply hoping they survive the event.

    So, in a moment of weak generosity, I said yes. The pimp gave the girl a 10 second speech in the Visayan language, then she got into my car.

    30 years old with a 10-year-old daughter. Pretty face, big boobs, but a blobby body. Yeah, for the sake of charity I lowered my standards quite a bit, and I can't imagine she's going to get too many customers because usually there are some pretty cute and young gals out there who are more appealing.

    We got a 3-hour air-conditioned room at a local lodge (P250) and spent about 20 minutes there. After taking separate showers, we did it "Filipino style", which means minimal foreplay. Kissed for a couple of minutes, jerked my little buddy for a minute, slapped on the condom, then let me pound her for a couple of minutes. Nothing special, but it got the job done.

    Before leaving the room, I generously gave her an extra P300 to cover the anticipated pimp fee, then drove her back to her street corner.

    I've learned through the years that it takes a minimum of P3000 to outfit a kid for the start of the school year, so the P1000 profit she earned makes a big difference for her. On the drive home, I basked in the glow of not only a satisfying ejaculation but also knowing my payment was going toward a worthy cause. I'm such a humanitarian.

  3. #3158


    Hi guys,

    I've been to White Beach many years ago on Bohol and did okay with a few locals and it was basically another diving location. I was just wondering if anyone has had any luck in Tagbilaran? I might be there for a few days for work. Thanks in advance. Phil.

  4. #3157
    Quote Originally Posted by WestCoast1  [View Original Post]
    Got one.

    Sorry my good man, but its not that simple. You ask questions, we expect you to provide some feedback. It would be nice to know that if we provide you with intel, that you will provide something back this time. Neither your previous posting history, nor your current attitude indicates such. "I should have posted some reports before, I'll do better", is much better than "give me your lunch money and buzz off".
    I have shared many details and replies here through out the years. I don't post every single trip nor details. If you don't want to give advice bc you think I am not sharing your welcome not to. It is offensive when you pick one instance and try to make a big deal. How do people get senior status. By posting, and by sharing.

  5. #3156

    Want to dance? Pay the piper.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mushuu09  [View Original Post]
    Report. No girls whatsoever. All tourist. There was a thick girl playing pool that may have been a freelancer. And so what if I had asked questions. I have posted stuff here and there. Are you the international sẽ guide police now, chill out. If you don't want to provide advice, then don't. You took it out of your time to go and.

    Investigate for nothing. Get a life.
    Got one.

    Sorry my good man, but its not that simple. You ask questions, we expect you to provide some feedback. It would be nice to know that if we provide you with intel, that you will provide something back this time. Neither your previous posting history, nor your current attitude indicates such. "I should have posted some reports before, I'll do better", is much better than "give me your lunch money and buzz off".

  6. #3155
    Quote Originally Posted by PhilJoy  [View Original Post]
    Mate, from a lot of experience, a beautiful beach and action experience isn't easy to find in the Phils. As you'd know, Moalboal is only good for checking out sardines. Great to witness, but apart from that, it left a lot of time for reading a book. The best results I've had was in Boracay with freelancers, but although the place is nice, it's not world class as it's promoted. I've also asked the question here about El Nido and the response has been it's basically tricky to find some action. If you want to waste a lot of time on dating sites, go for it. Just ask the locals or the hotel staff at a quality beach location in the Phils and you'll generally get pointed in the right direction. Phil.
    You got it right. Even boracay had few girls in the same group. Moabal was a busy. And even Cebu wasnt as what the "internet" says. LOL if it was that easy I would not be asking here. Since the info is a bit sparse I asked the forums. Would love to find some company while I vacation but the place sounds like a byob, bring your own be**ches, spot. That's cool, thanks for the confirmation. From videos the downtown area looks promising for partying, so will take a crack at that and maybe make new friends. Will have to fly back to AC to seek fulfillment.

  7. #3154
    Quote Originally Posted by Dg8787  [View Original Post]
    Best way is to just go there. Wear a sandwich board and walk around. Write on the sandwich board with some heart signs. "Looking for love short time is ok".

    Don't waste your time weeks or months in advance.
    Yep, seems like the reaction is not very positive. I enjoy chatting one line but won't count on that avenue to meet girls.

  8. #3153
    Quote Originally Posted by Goferring  [View Original Post]
    I've never understood why guys insist on this.

    Option 1: I'm in Hotel X. Want to come over and blow me?

    Option 2: I'm in mom's basement in Nebraska. If I save up some money; if I get my holidays approved; if I can find some discount airfares; if I decide not to go to Thailand, Vietnam, Colombia, or any of 1000 other monger destinations; if I don't fall in love in Manila and actually make it to El Nido; if I don't meet someone else on the beach first; if I don't lose your phone number; if I don't throw a hissy fit at your overpricing, will you come to my hotel and blow me? I should arrive in November or December.

    Which is going to be more successful? 😔.

    Enjoy. G.
    I've chat with girls from dating sites and have met them when I get to town. So the two opinions you wrote aren't necessary the only way things happen. Not everyone is looking for quick fucks and can tell when their grandmas aren't sick. You've been in the Philippines too long where you think girls are after you social security check, they are. But sorry you did read my post wrong, as the question is, hey are ther girls there? I've looked on pina and it doenst instill the abundance found elsewhwre.

  9. #3152
    Quote Originally Posted by Jarango  [View Original Post]
    You chat with some hooker for weeks and months znd then no show. It is like that parakeet in The Sopranis who coments on a guy getting a facelift beofre being sent to the can.

    Hookers are not going to wait for tire kickers.
    Girls. Hookers. Whatever you want to call them. Just the scarcity of girls on pina is indicative of the experience to be found. Hoping there is more there than I can find but I doubt that's the case.

    I don't really understand the sorpranos reference so sure.

  10. #3151
    Quote Originally Posted by WestCoast1  [View Original Post]
    M: Can you show us a link to your previous Moalboal trip report? You asked questions of us back in 2019, but you never filed any descriptive field reports of your visit.
    Report. No girls whatsoever. All tourist. There was a thick girl playing pool that may have been a freelancer. And so what if I had asked questions. I have posted stuff here and there. Are you the international sẽ guide police now, chill out. If you don't want to provide advice, then don't. You took it out of your time to go and.

    Investigate for nothing. Get a life.

  11. #3150
    Quote Originally Posted by Goferring  [View Original Post]
    I've never understood why guys insist on this.

    Option 1: I'm in Hotel X. Want to come over and blow me?

    Option 2: I'm in mom's basement in Nebraska. If I save up some money; if I get my holidays approved; if I can find some discount airfares; if I decide not to go to Thailand, Vietnam, Colombia, or any of 1000 other monger destinations; if I don't fall in love in Manila and actually make it to El Nido; if I don't meet someone else on the beach first; if I don't lose your phone number; if I don't throw a hissy fit at your overpricing, will you come to my hotel and blow me? I should arrive in November or December..
    I'm thinking you've completely 'nailed it' there G.

  12. #3149
    Quote Originally Posted by Mushuu09  [View Original Post]
    \ Last time I went to Moalboal Cebu, and found maybe one or two girls who were looking for friends, but none of them were of interest to me. Pinalove doesn't have too many girls in the area either.
    Mate, from a lot of experience, a beautiful beach and action experience isn't easy to find in the Phils. As you'd know, Moalboal is only good for checking out sardines. Great to witness, but apart from that, it left a lot of time for reading a book. The best results I've had was in Boracay with freelancers, but although the place is nice, it's not world class as it's promoted. I've also asked the question here about El Nido and the response has been it's basically tricky to find some action. If you want to waste a lot of time on dating sites, go for it. Just ask the locals or the hotel staff at a quality beach location in the Phils and you'll generally get pointed in the right direction. Phil.

  13. #3148
    Quote Originally Posted by Jarango  [View Original Post]
    You chat with some hooker for weeks and months znd then no show. It is like that parakeet in The Sopranis who coments on a guy getting a facelift beofre being sent to the can.

    Hookers are not going to wait for tire kickers.
    Best way is to just go there. Wear a sandwich board and walk around. Write on the sandwich board with some heart signs. "Looking for love short time is ok".

    Don't waste your time weeks or months in advance.

  14. #3147
    Quote Originally Posted by Jarango  [View Original Post]
    You chat with some hooker for weeks and months znd then no show....
    I've never understood why guys insist on this.

    Option 1: I'm in Hotel X. Want to come over and blow me?

    Option 2: I'm in mom's basement in Nebraska. If I save up some money; if I get my holidays approved; if I can find some discount airfares; if I decide not to go to Thailand, Vietnam, Colombia, or any of 1000 other monger destinations; if I don't fall in love in Manila and actually make it to El Nido; if I don't meet someone else on the beach first; if I don't lose your phone number; if I don't throw a hissy fit at your overpricing, will you come to my hotel and blow me? I should arrive in November or December.

    Which is going to be more successful? 😔.

    Enjoy. G.

  15. #3146

    El Nido diary

    Quote Originally Posted by Mushuu09  [View Original Post]
    Any suggestions on where to find girls in El Nido. Not really info BYO girl, but have a pinalove account. Even on there, the number of girls are scares and it's hard to tell if they live far away. Nothing sucks more than setting up meetings for weeks and months and then she doesn't show..
    You chat with some hooker for weeks and months znd then no show. It is like that parakeet in The Sopranis who coments on a guy getting a facelift beofre being sent to the can.

    Hookers are not going to wait for tire kickers.

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