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Thread: Nibu Raphael in Peru

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This blog is moderated by Nibu Raphael
  1. #2837

    If gone will be missed.

    Quote Originally Posted by OldParr  [View Original Post]
    Is the Nibu still alive? Just asking since he has not posted since August, which is very unusual as he is generally posting non-stop across several boards.
    Word on the street is he was last seen in MDE with a big titted Morena who was famous for using mikey finns on unsuspecting Gringos.

    This can't be verified, but when I was in his company all he talked about was woman with huge tits. The one I saw he took in Mayorista was big titted, but ugly.

    That was my only contact with the infamous Nibu.

    Lets hope he is ok as he was a man not afraid to write a TR.

  2. #2836
    Yes, he's alive and well. Just doesn't post anymore for whatever reason. He keeps in touch by PM once in awhile and pops up on other threads.

  3. #2835

    Report deleted by Admin

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  4. #2834
    Quote Originally Posted by Nibu Raphael  [View Original Post]
    Hi everyone I have been trying the last few days to get in to the lonely planet thorn tree forum with no luck at all. Is that Forum gone for good? What other travel forums can I use now?
    Try frommers. Com or virtualtourist. Com

  5. #2833

    Thorn Tree Forum or other forum travel sites.

    Hi everyone I have been trying the last few days to get in to the lonely planet thorn tree forum with no luck at all. Is that Forum gone for good? What other travel forums can I use now?

  6. #2832

    Big Tits IN Peru?

    Hi Everyone,

    I have not posted here in awhile, I just have plans to go to Honduras and Guatemala in two months. I just want to get on the subject of how you find big tits in Peru. I also need this info as my buddy from Denmark misterbigbooblover will be here in June.

    It seems my Peruvian buddies on facebook have a few big busty girls as their friends on fb. I have a very hard time on social networking sites to find huge tits. I have a good busty pro contact in Comas who also has a string of busty babes. I mean its cool from these connections I have now some big boob contacts in Peru. But I can't figure out why when I search on sites like tagged badoo Hi 5 or other sites I have such bad luck finding big ones and my friends or amigas find them for me. It is strange. Even I have found some busty ones in Arequipa.

    I remember going to Chincha to find huge ones was a waste of time and bed bugs caused me to bleed since Chincha is such a hell hole.

    I Need to go now. Not sure when I cum back to Peru. I just need help on how to go big tit hunting in Peru. Its not was easy as searching like D. R or Colombian babes on the web hell no,

    I wait for replies here, Nibu.

  7. #2831

    BIG Tetas MY ass in Peru....

    To Downunder,

    I love your reports you always had great reports here but There is hardly any big tits in Peru. I only once saw one girl that I knew from another sex place that worked in Troc. That was kind of Super Busty. So there is no Super Busty babes in Troc. At all. I had lots of bad luck in Peru finding Big Tetas. Like someone I think Alpha or the cups said Peru is mainly small to medium tits. There is too much Indian Cholo blood in Peru. I love Peru but finding the super big ones are super hard to find in Peru. Well in Bolivia worse but in La Paz I did see a few elegant big tit normal secretary workers in La paz Yes.

    Ok again on Big Tetas in Peru since its so hard finding them can anyone reccoend what dating site I can try to get my luck better? Inever had much luck in tagged for big tetas, In Badoo a little better.

    Fuck it I have not much else to say on this subject its a damn losing battle for me in Peru on this topic.

    Somene needs to open and start a Big tit international dtingsie as there are latin dating sites black dating sites just about everything but no Big tit dating site yet that I am aware of.

    Ok then if anyone has any tipis on big tits in Pru post back here or send me a pm and I trade Tit for big tits for sure.

    Adios, Frustrated,


  8. #2830
    Quote Originally Posted by Nibu Raphael
    They mentioned too that the economy getting more stronger and people on hard times are causing thye theives to rob more.

    Very true. The peruvian economy has grown a lot but the number of jobs hasn't. People will be left behind as others increase in wealth.

    Everybody will deal with inflation.

  9. #2829

    Why are you surprised ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nibu Raphael
    Hi Guys how can a [CodeWord140] hole place like Peru by end of the year be 2. 75 soles, Damn It I think Argentine Peso still in the high 3, s and in Poland Zloty at 3. 13.come on this is insane How the dollar is getting crushed big time in South America. Colombia is looking bad for the dollar too.

    OK I guess the only stable place on the dollar is The Dr compared to the dollar.

    Is it true that even in Asia last few years dollar getting crushed? Whats the situation with the dollar in Central America too?

    Ok I must go now but 2. 75 I bet other eastern european countries are dollar doing much better but how in the slimeholes of South America? Hope some people can respond on this soon.

    It don't make any sense to me at all,,

    Later, Nibu
    It is not hard to figure out. The USA is spending money like a drunken salior. This is money they are either borrowing or printing with no back up. Trillions on wars that do not need to be fought and Billions on hand outs to other countries. Gold is over $1,300 a oz. This is because of the weak dollar and also some other countrries who have as stupid policys as the USA. The best spots where the dollar is still OK are the DR and Nicaraqua.

  10. #2828


    I have heaps of big boobs in peru...

    The only thing is you need to be happy with fat chicks, your not going to find D+ on a thin chick.

    There are dozens of chicks with D-G's in Troco/Bote/Chiclayo, they just are size 18-24.

    mondoanouncio has heaps as well.

  11. #2827

    Peru Violence and other issues..

    Hi Saw Univision tonight on the news they had a thing on how Violence and robberies are rising in Peru.

    They mentioned Lima first yes andthe robberies that happen there on a daily basis. The news piece saw theives in action robbing too.

    Alright they mentioned one theive in Trujillo that would rob people for even just 1 sol.

    Ok nationwide issue on Peru they said 6 out of 10 Peruvians have experienced getting robbed. They say that Peru will be bad like Mexico and Venezeula in crime rates if this keeps continueing. They mentioned too that the economy getting more stronger and people on hard times are causing thye theives to rob more.

    Ok on another issue To the Cups yeh I mistaked you for Alpha sorry.

    To Alpha did you get my pm yesterday? Yeh Like I said in my pm Send me info on that Tetona you posted here in the Nibu section not too long ago and I will trade you 10 Hot Latina contacts just for her.

    Ok we need to find more Big Tits in Peru enough of the small to medium Indian Chola tits here. And enough of the street crime too.

    Hope someone posts back here soon,


  12. #2826

    Mas Tetonas in Peu?

    Hi MY Buddy here on ISG Mister Big Boob Lovr is cumming to Peru and I want to help him up on huge tetas. I always tell him that Peru is just small to medium tetas. He will not come until next year. I still need some contacts too for Peru as I do come back always to Peru.

    Ok also I still think Lima is th best for trying to findhuge tits in Peru. Where would be next? People say the jungle but a good friend of mine in Tarapoto one jungle city ays there are really no Tetonas there. Ok seems too I sometimes rn to Tetonas from Peru outside of Peru. Strange for me.

    Ok then any info comment here or sen me or Big Booblover pms on this.

    Lets trade on this folks contacts yes Tits for Tat or Tits for Tits. Then hope we get some goodinfo on this,

    Later, Nibu

  13. #2825


    Hi Guys how can a [CodeWord140] hole place like Peru by end of the year be 2. 75 soles, Damn It I think Argentine Peso still in the high 3, s and in Poland Zloty at 3. 13.come on this is insane How the dollar is getting crushed big time in South America. Colombia is looking bad for the dollar too.

    OK I guess the only stable place on the dollar is The Dr compared to the dollar.

    Is it true that even in Asia last few years dollar getting crushed? Whats the situation with the dollar in Central America too?

    Ok I must go now but 2. 75 I bet other eastern european countries are dollar doing much better but how in the slimeholes of South America? Hope some people can respond on this soon.

    It don't make any sense to me at all,,

    Later, Nibu

  14. #2824

    Tetas gigante

    These DD's belong to a Peruvian friend of mine that I have known for about 5 years now. I fucked her for the first time my Last trip to Lima back in February of this year, however for the most part Peruvian women have small to medium tetas.

    I like all sizes.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails IMG000039.jpg‎   IMG000045.jpg‎  

  15. #2823

    Big Tetas

    Yeh with the dollar going shit now I see the Dr for sure,,Why not Huge Tetas Man. Shit Peru rules but way too much medium tits,,Man I am doing the opposite I am going to Dr then as a Pro Monger, After Peru, Usually the newbies try fucking Dr Mexico Puerto Rico and Costa Rica. Yeh Man Bunny very hard to find big ones in Peru. Dont try Chincha too for big black ones. Better luck in Callao or maybe La Victoria for sure.

    Yeh ok post again and we keep the big tit issue going.


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