Thread: Living in Thailand
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09-05-24 14:10 #2606
Posts: 16370Originally Posted by Incrociatore [View Original Post]
09-05-24 14:05 #2605
Posts: 3013Originally Posted by MrEnternational [View Original Post]
09-05-24 09:26 #2604
Posts: 218Originally Posted by MrEnternational [View Original Post]
I met this black girl at Terminal 21. I went there to buy a few t-shirts. I stopped the girl, I was curious to know where she was coming from, cause I spent one month in Uganda. She told me she was from Rwanda, and I told her I was looking for a condo, don't know why. Anyway, I didn't ask her number, cause I am not interested in freelancers (even though she said she was on holidays.), and also I ate so much chocolate in Uganda that I got diabetes.
The same day, or the day after, I found this same girl on ThaiFriendly, and I wrote her a message. We spoke a bit and she told me that one apartment in her condo just got vacant. So I went to see her place, I liked it, and today I rented the free apartment. 5 minutes from the hotel were I was staying. Life is really unpredictable! Paid less than half of the price I would have paid through that shit of AirBnb.
09-03-24 10:14 #2603
Posts: 2520Originally Posted by Nomes2015 [View Original Post]
09-03-24 04:40 #2602
Posts: 16370Originally Posted by Incrociatore [View Original Post]
09-02-24 22:07 #2601
Posts: 218Accommodation for a couple of months in Bangkok
I am looking for a condo, apartment, for a couple of months. Most properties are for rent for a minimum of 6 months / 1 year contract. I am struggling to find a "long term" accommodation around Phrom Pong. Can anyone help? Point me to any websites for example?
12-25-22 03:04 #2600
Posts: 47Retire to Thailand
Hi, can anyone recommend a legit site to give me the latest info on the requirements for retiring to Thailand.
Seems to be a lot of variation in the sites I have viewed.
I currently live in Vietnam and the visa requirements there are just crazy since Covid.
08-19-20 02:20 #2599
Posts: 1Originally Posted by Buksida1 [View Original Post]
I'm new to the forum. Who might be good to PM to ask about what men would have done earlier in their lives to better set themselves up to be sexpats in places like Thailand?
Aside from just make more money obviously.
06-27-19 08:20 #2598
Posts: 122Originally Posted by Anderlu [View Original Post]
I have spent a lot of time in Chiang Mai. It is full of retirees from many countries. The biggest problem is the insane pollution problem from about February to May. Many people leave during that time period.
06-27-19 08:01 #2597
Posts: 158If it still means anything to you
Originally Posted by Scungo [View Original Post]
03-16-19 21:41 #2596
Posts: 2Living in Chiang Mai.
I have visited Chiang Mai several times, occasionally for longer spells. For three year I have considered buying a condo to live part of he year here. Whereas I enjoy a certain aspect of life in Thailand greatly, it would be nice to add a new dimension to this. I am trying to identify locations where older western expat men meet for a drink and a chat and possibly exploring the town in more detail. I have come across several places inside and outside the walls but have never ventured into conversation. I am thinking of buying a condo close to the Shangri La hotel.
03-24-18 14:11 #2595
Posts: 23Best places to live.
I am thinking of living in Thailand, if not permanently then at least 5 months out of the year. I am wondering what is the best place to go for my purposes. My checklist is:
1) Hot, but not too hot.
2) Mountainous, but not so as it is too difficult to walk (hopefully the elevation will make it cooler as well).
3) Quiet, but I can still get laid when the mood takes me.
4) Facilities, food, eating places not too far away.
I might also add:
5) Cheap.
Although if I choose to buy somewhere, I might pay more in order to get more rental income when I am not there.
Tricky, because everything is a trade-off.
I had my honeymoon in Chiang Mai and liked it there, though more in the mountains would be better. There may even be areas around Phuket that are reasonably mountainous.
12-27-16 14:14 #2594
Posts: 361Looking for a local business Partner
Hi all,
I hope that I don't bore you but I am looking for a local business in Software or Software Development to partner with.
I have developed some amazing security safety apps and software that will work well here in BKK.
Please inbox me if you are interested or know of someone.
Thank you.
11-03-16 03:59 #2593
Posts: 1856Originally Posted by RedKilt [View Original Post]
He rode into power on a wave of nationalistic populism and continues to milk it for all he is worth. He has an arguably competent administration but under his demagogic style no one dares argue with him. His great booster and China envoy, former president Ramos, has quit in disgust and described Duterte's policies as quote: 'shit'. The rule of law remains suspended with state sanctioned murder and death squads still in effect. Duterte is courting his military and police assiduously and that, combined with his massive populism, means RP is very real danger of tipping over into a revolutionary government before the plebs realise what has hit them.
I'll take Thai politics and a higher standard of living over your alternative.
Regards & Best wishes.
11-02-16 14:20 #2592
Posts: 3231Originally Posted by AsianRain [View Original Post]
It would take a momentous shift in the center of gravity for anything to change for expats in the Philippines, and the current Philippines President, although immensely "popular" with the masses, does not have the eloquence or charisma to move the masses away from the USA.
The reality is that if Du30 were to disappear from view overnight, business here would continue as usual, because people are largely inert and prefer their comfort zones. I am not sure that this underlying stability exists in Thailand.
I am staying put where I am.