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Thread: Photo Gallery

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  1. #113

    Real nice...........!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Rayman
    Went though a stage of not getting much, a few overseas students but scratching around. Now comes 2 married ladies (one i have had before), bored at home, and looking to use a man. The fatter arsed one refuses all pics... so..
    The one in your photos is. NICE! Why bother with fatties?

  2. #112


    Went though a stage of not getting much, a few overseas students but scratching around. Now comes 2 married ladies (one i have had before), bored at home, and looking to use a man. The fatter arsed one refuses all pics... so..
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails saraisg2.jpg‎   Saraisg.jpg‎  

  3. #111

    Dear Mr.David Persson ...

    Dear Mr.David Persson , if you link the picture´s you accusing me for steeling maby i can help you .. im pretty sure my Thai wife shown on some pic´s at this forum never been a "regular internet girl" even if she´s damned sexy .. to me anyway!

    Quote Originally Posted by David Persson
    CRAZYSWEDE!! Why are you posting pictures of girls who are not anyone you have fucked?? This are regular internet girls. Not *****s you have fucked. Many of the pictures you are posting are stolen and. And one of the girls in "one of youre" pictures is not of ***** *** you stupid wanker.

    Pretending that you have fucked all those girls. LOL.
    Quote Originally Posted by David Persson
    What a loser you are. it isnt you on the pictures.

    And she's not of ********* idiot!

  4. #110
    Quote Originally Posted by Crazy Swede
    Looking at the last picture you all know why i rather go Asia nowadays hahaha

    What a loser you are. it isnt you on the pictures.

    And she's not of ********* idiot!

  5. #109
    Quote Originally Posted by Crazy Swede
    Looking at the last picture you all know why i rather go Asia nowadays hahaha

    CRAZYSWEDE!! Why are you posting pictures of girls who are not anyone you have fucked?? This are regular internet girls. Not *****s you have fucked. Many of the pictures you are posting are stolen and. And one of the girls in "one of youre" pictures is not of ***** *** you stupid wanker.

    Pretending that you have fucked all those girls. LOL.

  6. #108


    SW at "Malmskillnadsgatan" in Stockholm. Got these from an other messageboard so I dont know anything about them.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails dsc02537bd2.jpg‎   dsc02538nm4.jpg‎   dsc02540lm2.jpg‎  

  7. #107
    Mmmmm, seems like this is the place to go after all. Swedish girls come along like buses, none for ages and then 2 come at the same time.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails IMG_1172isg.jpg‎  

  8. #106
    Come off it Ben, freebies are all around us, but for a short holiday break Sweden is definitely not the place to go - just on lack of frequency and the initial coldness of swedes.

    Following ur advice the poster will end up in the Sunni Triangle, Iraq! Now there's a thought!

    Having said all this though.. last nights experience shows that if u have loads of small tinnies of Tuborg (as well as incidental things like a large house and a new car), all things are possible, haw haw haw.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails IMG_1102isg.jpg‎  

  9. #105
    Quote Originally Posted by Twardzik6969
    Hey guys,

    I know this is normally a site for finding hookers, which is totally fine, but it looks like there is some "freebie" talk on this forum. Is Sweden a good place to go for that?

    And if not, is there anywhere better in Europe? (I'm American, 21, and speak German/Spanish if that matters for any reason.)

    Thanks guys!

    P. S. What's Norway like versus Sweden?

    P. P. S. Yeah obvi there's freebies if I stay in America, but I feel like travelling a bit. Plus. American chicks. Need I say anything there?
    Your me to thinking.....of a good such a question....
    Just because one person has no luck does not mean you won't. It all depends on your personality! If you are a might not get any action.
    You can have ten guys traveling the world together mongering in every country and 5 will score consistently! Again, personality, style, behavior, etc. come into play when hunting!
    I have as well as many others have had “freebies” in Scandinavian and European countries. And again, just because someone else never has luck does not mean you won’t.

  10. #104
    Depends on how long u can stay, but basically NO.

    I spent 2 weeks in Finland in my early 20's and bagged off 3 girls (one i should have married but that is another story). UK? Plenty of freebies there. Baltic states? Probably other countries like Czech or former Yugoslavia is out due to language barriers.

    Latino countries tend to be a little clanish and the local lads protect their own.

    Avoid norway or sweden!

    As this is a photo gallery I'll post an oldie photo.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails P8210022p.JPG‎  

  11. #103

    Is Sweden the place to go for "freebies"?

    Hey guys,

    I know this is normally a site for finding hookers, which is totally fine, but it looks like there is some "freebie" talk on this forum. Is Sweden a good place to go for that?

    And if not, is there anywhere better in Europe? (I'm American, 21, and speak German/Spanish if that matters for any reason.)

    Thanks guys!

    P. S. What's Norway like versus Sweden?

    P. P. S. Yeah obvi there's freebies if I stay in America, but I feel like travelling a bit. Plus. American chicks. Need I say anything there?

  12. #102
    Sure she is, however depends on whether you want to marry her or not.

  13. #101

    What a blowjob

    Quote Originally Posted by Rayman
    Well, the girl came, and so did I. If I told u chaps the story between us. you would blackball me... so i can't!
    Wow Rayman, what a nice bj on the first pic. Is she available?

  14. #100

    Beautiful Sweden

    Enjoying the warm, unseasonal, weather
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails P5020008wsg.JPG‎  

  15. #99

    As promised

    Well, the girl came, and so did I. If I told u chaps the story between us. you would blackball me... so i can't!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails P1250055wsg.JPG‎   P1290004wsg.JPG‎   P1240030wsg.JPG‎  

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