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  1. #32089

    First time in Angeles City

    Hello guys!

    So, here is my report from my two visits this week to AC.

    Please notice that it was my first time in AC.

    First visit:

    As a shy guy, I wasn't comfortable to go on a go-go bar directly, so I started to hit the street going down on fields avenue. Of course, I was approached by several ladies but they weren't my type (cute faces but too slim / skinny).

    At some point, I met someone whom I can refer as a " contractor wing-woman" because she offers me to find some fine company.

    Indeed, it was fine looking young women but I wanted something really specific (brown, short, curvy or chubby) so I had to decline several options. I al also declined when I found the girl a little bit reluctant to join my room (I usually go for the GFE + bareback combo) and one girl wasn't ok to go with me.

    Finally, and when my partner was considering giving up on me, we found a cute girl next door type talent, early 20's with some curves and for 3 K + 500 for the middle-woman I was set up for a ride. This one was nice, but we both weren't comfortable so ST was really short and she left me after FS and a little talk in my room.

    Second visit:

    This time I was more confident and felt ready for the bar. Starting with " Doll House " , I was disappointed by the overall look of the performers and their lack of ability to pole dance (I attended strip club in Prague and the dancing level was night and day different).

    Then, I went to Xs where the show was of better quality, with a lot of actual lookers on the scene. I didn't have to wait a long time before mamasan bring me a 6-7 with curves for 5 k barfine. There was also blactape girl for 6 k.

    I had to phone call a friend, so I quitted the bar for 1 hour. I shouldn't have do that.

    Back in the club, the mamasan said that now I have to choose quick because the bar is closing. But every beauty I wished to pick up came with a good excuse to refuse: " too big the* " too late ", " don't like " (for the record, I'm a nearly 6 ft tall late 20's male, not fat, not bald, well groomed except for my rebel curly hair). She even talked about giving 100 k for a supposedly " cherry girl " - whom she didn't seem to be aware of her virginity before I ask her to pick this girl for me.

    At closure time, these girls remained without customers. Or did they?

    Koreans customers this night leaved the venue with some good looking chicks, but the Xs' top beauties didn't follow them.

    So yeah, I don't remember who, but someone here who says top ladies only make money with LD is probably right.

    In my case, I wasn't interested by the 3 more chicks the mamasan bring me (not my body type or doesn't want bareback), so I left the bar and headed on " Shooters ".

    " Shooters " was like " Doll house " in matter of girl " good-lookingness ". But I was attracted inside by the " front-woman" (the one who is outside the bar, distributing "handsome " to every man like one distribute seeds to birds) with her cute smile.

    After sadly looking for a target during 1 hour, I finally found the " front-woman" really appealing and so I made her my target. She was mid-30's, slim but with a pretty face and a killer smile.

    She was reluctant to go without condom first, but I finally convinced her to go at my hotel for 5 k (no barfine, she went directly to my place) and she spent a few hours with me after a good FS (she wasn't shy like the previous girl). She made me test some philipino food she cooked.

    Next morning, I tipped her 2 k, maybe it was too much (no violence please, I'm a newbie).

    To conclure this report, I can say this first time in AC ended well for me. But, as a guy facing low self-esteem issue, being rejected by go-go girls when you are an average but young guy is something that shake my ego a little. I may understand this is a strategy of earning with tips + LD and they may rarely follow a customer to his room unless he pay a huge amount of money. Still, I felt like a sh*t when leaving " Xs".

    Maybe I was also too picky and should I have accepted the first girl in Xs.

    Also, what are all these girls wandering on walking street but refusing many of foreigners proposal? Are they waiting for someone specific?

    If you made it so far, thanks.

    P.S: sorry for my bad English.

    PS2: I don't like to play this card, but is it possible I've been rejected cause I don't look conventionally white?

  2. #32088

    Angeles versus the rest, and vice versa

    Hi Guys,

    So today I've just done the grand slam of mongering spots and have come to the conclusion, that whatever takes your fancy, so be it.

    Okay, Angeles isn't my preferred option and never really has been for reasons previously posted. But what's to stop other people liking and enjoying it for what it is?

    Angeles, Burgos, Sabang and Subic will always have their pros and cons.

    You only have to take the recent, really informative reports from Lance to suggest that some guys really get a kick out of the place. Others don't, so you just move on to better pastures.

    As for the Koreans, it's called change. They cleverly tapped a market that had been neglected by Westerners and have done it very successfully. Whether it's legit with local authorities, I very much doubt. But it is what it is.

    I'm now sitting the Subic Freeport Zone where 20 plus years ago on my first visit to The Phils, you only had to walk out the door to get laid.

    Times change.

    Yes, I'm a Cheap Charlie, primarily because I'd like to think the money goes directly to the girls providing the service and I reward them appropriately for services provided. And they're not being exploited by some dodgy bar owners.

    Put simply, this is a great informative community where others can offer and give advice on their experiences.

    It's just starting to get a bit confrontational of late, which is a shame.

    Just enjoy the Filipina.

    And just my opinion _ Phil.

  3. #32087

    Easy on the racism, tough guy

    Quote Originally Posted by ExpatAmerican  [View Original Post]
    So true and not just Koreans. Thai dramas are the same. Half the characters are gay and all the men look so feminine, not a strand of face or body hair and they wear make up too. Its the new standard of male beauty in all of Asia. Come along hairy foreigners that actually look like men and the girls are like, nah, no thanks. Sad but true.
    A lot of (male) east Asiians don't have fatual hair but a lot do. Don't mistake them for pussies. Many of the Koreans are ex military as conscription is compulsory. Also, many of them are petty and not so petty criminals and bad boys have their attractions for bad girls.

    Also, Koreans have a well earned reputation for being tough eggs. They were the only group the Vietcong were actually afraid of because they don't FK around. Also, one can remember their Neighbour Watch system in the LA radio. Walkie talkies, Glocks and sub machine guns.

    There are plenty of petty Korean criminals hired in Angeles and, as they run the pachinko rackets in Japan, I am sure there is lots of traffic there.

  4. #32086
    Quote Originally Posted by Manny51  [View Original Post]
    Ha! I saw that Kenny Rogers Roasters in the mall too! I thought that chain closed down long ago. Back in the 1980's! I never thought I would see one again. I had a lunch there too, just for old times sake.
    The is a Kenney Roger's Roasters on Makati Ave just a few meters off Burgos St. Been there since at least a decade. Also several more in Makati. They be a-happenin' place. Try the Hungarian Sausage.
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  5. #32085

    Old Guys and Their Way of Thinking

    Quote Originally Posted by OldAndUgly  [View Original Post]
    It's much simpler than that, they are brainwashed by all the k-pop and simplistic korean soap opera made specially for viewing it the phone vertical format, that flooded SEA in the past 10 years, therefore the koreans are the symbol of success in their minds, and all dream of having a boyfriend that look like a girl. This is happening allover SEA not only PH.
    This is the way old guys think, the way men used to look back in the old. Well, this is now the year 2025 and many young women have a different standard on what they are looking for. This is not only in the East but also in the West. Look at Timothee Charlamet and Harry Styles. They are not your typical stereotyped macho guys but they are very appealing to young women. This look has very little to due to masculinity but old guys still have an old fashioned way of thinking.

    If you are a fan of Korea tv shows and movies, you will see the wide diversity of male actors who look very different from Kpop stars such as Mo Dong Seok, Ha Jong Woo and Kim Woo Bin. These actors are also very appealing to young women.

    I am no longer in Angeles City but in Thailand so I will probably be much less active on this thread from this point on.

    Have fun in Angeles City!

  6. #32084
    Quote Originally Posted by MoonShot  [View Original Post]
    You do hear some guy saying that some of the girls in the Korean bars won't go with Westerners. But that's assuming that if you are Westerner and you go to Korean bar and you get turned down that's solely because you are a Westerner. It's just as possible that it's due to other reasons not related to being a Westerner. You are too old, unattractive, too fat, smelly, dress like a slob or all of the above. I was talking to a very attractive girl in a Korean bar and she was telling me that if you buy her a ladies drink and your hands are over her, she won't go out with you. So if you are Westerner and you do this then she turns you down, it's not because you're a Westerner, it's because of your behavior.

    Now I'm eating some delicious garlic chicken at the Kenny Rogers Roasters at the SM Mall now. My trip is almost over and I generally enjoyed my month's stay here. Good place to visit but not necessarily a great place to retire.
    Ha! I saw that Kenny Rogers Roasters in the mall too! I thought that chain closed down long ago. Back in the 1980's! I never thought I would see one again. I had a lunch there too, just for old times sake.

  7. #32083

    You know what they say

    In the West rpg characters all look like rough, rugged men; even the women.

    In the East rps characters all look like women with delicate features; even the men.

    That being said, mostly women are still attracted to facial hair.

  8. #32082
    Quote Originally Posted by SirLancelot  [View Original Post]
    Yes, I've barfined a catwalk model from XS, a black tape dancer from Avalon (pic below), absolute sweethearts from Hi Quality, Viking and QBar, and a 'model' from Genesis in the last year alone. In fact I genuinely couldn't tell you which bars are Korean and which aren't. I just go in to whichever bar I like. The girls are always happy to sit with me and virtually all are available for barfine.

    The idea that Western men don't stand a chance in Korean bars is just a myth that Napa repeatedly tries to push, to discourage people from visiting.
    That's great bro! It's crazy that someone would convey to others that these places are racist towards Westerners and they can't bar fine at Korean establishments. That definitely is a broad generalization and it seems that there is a distain towards them along with an agenda.

  9. #32081

    Behavior of vissitors AC vs Patt, Hi sir Lancelot

    I travel each years a few times to Angeles city and Pattaya.

    Most times I sit in gogo bars.

    I am 68 year white.

    The fights (most in bad words of the other and two times a beat on the head) I ever had with other western was in Angeles gogo bars.

    Never in Pattaya.

    The best conversations I had in Angeles was with collored people.

    The main difference I see is that Pattaya has thousands of beerbars full of lonely men.

    I don't go there, but such men can be easily offended I think cause they need to pay ladydrink to get anny fun.

    I a gogo bar you sit down order your drink and have already fun (not in korean bars regretfully, even at Viking dancers sit down after you start drinking).

    I hope hope hope angeles wil never get so manny beerbars.

    The only time I did go to Phillies and wanted to warn an old western man that he talked to ladyboys in front of Phillies that man got angry to me.

    So in my view you have to talk about the type of bars the western man likes.

    Jan (Netherlands).

  10. #32080
    Quote Originally Posted by OldAndUgly  [View Original Post]
    It's much simpler than that, they are brainwashed by all the k-pop and simplistic korean soap opera made specially for viewing it the phone vertical format, that flooded SEA in the past 10 years, therefore the koreans are the symbol of success in their minds, and all dream of having a boyfriend that look like a girl. This is happening allover SEA not only PH.
    So true and not just Koreans. Thai dramas are the same. Half the characters are gay and all the men look so feminine, not a strand of face or body hair and they wear make up too. Its the new standard of male beauty in all of Asia. Come along hairy foreigners that actually look like men and the girls are like, nah, no thanks. Sad but true.

  11. #32079
    Quote Originally Posted by TheCane  [View Original Post]
    You don't have to be sophisticated to be racist or to have racist tendencies........... many who do prefer the Koreans not only because they're spending money, but also because in their minds they're Asians higher up in the "pecking order" of Asian people. I know a Fllpina girl who turned a guy down because he was black. He saw her again on another night and she apologized. Said she was nervous or some bullshit. It happens. I think they did go on to fuck later though.
    It's much simpler than that, they are brainwashed by all the k-pop and simplistic korean soap opera made specially for viewing it the phone vertical format, that flooded SEA in the past 10 years, therefore the koreans are the symbol of success in their minds, and all dream of having a boyfriend that look like a girl. This is happening allover SEA not only PH.

  12. #32078
    Quote Originally Posted by MongerHunger  [View Original Post]
    Did you pull any girls from a Korean Club?

    Or has anybody else?
    Yes, I've barfined a catwalk model from XS, a black tape dancer from Avalon (pic below), absolute sweethearts from Hi Quality, Viking and QBar, and a 'model' from Genesis in the last year alone. In fact I genuinely couldn't tell you which bars are Korean and which aren't. I just go in to whichever bar I like. The girls are always happy to sit with me and virtually all are available for barfine.

    The idea that Western men don't stand a chance in Korean bars is just a myth that Napa repeatedly tries to push, to discourage people from visiting.
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  13. #32077

    Painay racism (sic)

    Quote Originally Posted by TheCane  [View Original Post]
    farm girls
    The hookers are semi-literates, who watch cartoons and apply face whitening screen in their down time. They do not read French philosophers. Pinay women like to have pretty babies, with no concenpt of having them educated etc. Their worlds are blinkered by their circumstances. All women have to feel they have some status or a stake in the actual world they live in, a reason to get up in the moring or, in the case of hookers, the afternoon. Our friend,. Sir Lancelot, gave a recent report where he was introduced on facetime, to her mother, as the BF of the hooker he was bonking, Dollars or, in his case, Engliash pounds, trmp racism.
    On the subject of Sir Lancelot, I found his remarks oin interacting with those hookers and some deranged English women bery informative.

    I see Nappslapper is back with another incisive report.

  14. #32076

    Keeping it real!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarango  [View Original Post]
    It is pathetically laughable others suggesting farm yard prostitutes are racist.
    You don't have to be sophisticated to be racist or to have racist tendencies. In fact, racism and a lack of sophistication go quite well together. All you have to do is sit and talk to the girls and get to know them, and you find out quick that racism (also colorism and nationalism) is front and center in the minds of many. I remember talking to one Filipina who ranked all the Asian people from high to low, with the Chinese girls being at the bottom of the totem pole. Why? Because, according to her, they were the most "mongoloid" in their appearance. If that isn't racism then I don't know what is! She went on to state that the best match was a Filipina girl with a white, American man. Next best match for her was a Filipina woman with a black American man, his nationality moving him up the list. Now, this was just one girl talking, but if anybody believes this kind of thinking is abnormal or rare not only in the PI but throughout all of Asia, then they're just fooling themselves! Oh, these poor little farm girls couldn't possibly be racist with their pure and unsophisticated souls LMAO! There's racism every where in the world I've ever been (that's a lot of places) because people are people, and that's what people do. That said, I think that the Philippines overall is better in this regard than most other countries I have visited, including Thailand. No, not everybody in the PI is racist. But it's laughable to assert that nobody is either, including many of those unsophisticated farm girls, many who do prefer the Koreans not only because they're spending money, but also because in their minds they're Asians higher up in the "pecking order" of Asian people. I know a Fllpina girl who turned a guy down because he was black. He saw her again on another night and she apologized. Said she was nervous or some bullshit. It happens. I think they did go on to fuck later though.

  15. #32075
    Quote Originally Posted by OldAndUgly  [View Original Post]
    Despite the fact that in your pic there is no pussy or tities shown, for me, that's the best that you ever posted, it looks very hot.
    Thank you sir. Of the many good memories, this one stands out for that very reason. We had a moment. And one of them was 5-6 months buntis.

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