Thread: Links to Reports of Distinction
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02-04-25 13:43 #41
Posts: 6941Tomjackin gets crackin!
In San Jose, Costa Rica:
10-14-24 18:09 #40
Posts: 6941I'm Back!
Originally Posted by TomJackin [View Original Post]
10-12-24 22:37 #39
Posts: 2764The Cane is finally back in the saddle again!
The Cane took off some some time off from traveling, but that just stopped! Welcome back and thanks for providing a great trip report!
12-30-23 05:57 #38
Posts: 60Mostly for my future reference
Great report on breakdown of San Jose's casas. It is over a year old but one of the best posts I've seen so far:
10-15-16 13:05 #37
Posts: 53The Correct Price
Am I paying too much or not enough? If I pay too much I'm sure she will sit on her ass at the Del Rey for weeks insisting that the next guy pay her as much. If I don't pay her enough will she give me service that reflects her irritation about my being cheap? Quite a quandary. I think I'll pay her what I think it is worth to me. I have an idea of what the minimum price should be from going to MPs. Girls at the MPs generally work for $20 to $35 per hour for basic service. When they up charge for premium services it runs the price up to $40 to $55 per hour (what they receive for their service not including the room). For years I have watched women at the Del Rey grab a guy go upstairs and 15 minutes later come back $80 to a hundred richer. There is a reason why they work at the Del Rey. The guy thinks he paid $80. What he really paid is $320 to $400 per hour. I kind of think he overpaid. I pay for the quality of experience that I receive. What I get from a woman and what anyone else gets is not the same. What I seek from a woman is not for her to go through the motions to get me off. I can get myself off. I want the best that I can get from her. To achieve this I have to get her to forget that she is working and get her to show me a part of herself that she reserves for people that she cares about. This is the GFE that I seek not a checklist of services I want included. I don't negotiate services. I rarely mention what I plan to pay. I just say, let's go. The interaction that I have with a woman is much more than just getting off. I want to know the person that I am with to some extent. I want to be with someone that I like being with not just someone that I find attractive. I generally get two to five hours in the room with women I take and pay from $100 to $150. It comes down to being extremely selective about who I take.
10-13-16 22:31 #36
Posts: 1698Thank you Ultrahappy
Ultrahappy tells it like it is, that before you critic that one is overpaying you should contribute what is the correct price.
08-28-15 11:26 #35
Posts: 2106Cerebro's report
Here is an excellent report by Cerebro. He takes his time to write excellent reports with useful information.
11-28-10 04:52 #34
Posts: 48Originally Posted by Prolijo
Before the world wide web existed forums (called newsgroups then) usually had a FAQ. It was accurate and maintained with pride. Forum FAQs that are actually useful have all but disappeared. I know that's why I wrote a summary report of my first trip to Angeles. And, yes, it was selected as a ROD.
08-25-10 04:01 #33
Posts: 160Reports of distinction
Originally Posted by Lorenzo
03-24-10 04:35 #32
Posts: 253Great overview of hotel and beach options by Stevewxly
Much thanks to Stevewxly.
08-04-09 18:11 #31
Posts: 174Updated price on MP's
I confirmed these prices while visiting most of them
My trip report
08-02-08 19:30 #30
Posts: 1699The "list"...
One of the best "list" about San Jose, everything in one report and for a newbie as me thinking to come to CR a very usefull list.
Muchas gracias WorldTravel69 !
06-22-08 16:38 #29
Posts: 136It was distinctive
How else can you describe it?
Originally Posted by Lorenzo
06-21-08 19:05 #28
Posts: 1243Originally Posted by Prolijo
06-20-08 23:13 #27
Posts: 533Originally Posted by Yogi1000
I'm also appreciative that he was willing to share his experiences with the rest of us upon his return. I wish more people would do that. HOWEVER, IMHO, holding this report out as some example for others to follow or to learn from is the last thing we should be doing. If this is an example of where this forum is going with reports like these being cited as the best ISG has to offer, then we've really come to a sorry state of affairs and I have to seriously rethink my association with this board.
Frankly, there seems to be no rhyme or reason for what Jackson recommends for posting as distinctive. Personally, I think whatever Jackson nominates should at least be "seconded" by someone other than the original poster himself. In other words, you shouldn't post your own reports to this section. If the reports are really that good then someone else will post the link.
(btw, Mexidan also just posted a link to his own report here, but in that case I'd actually second Jackson's nomination as it really was a good report)