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Thread: Pattaya Reports

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  1. #44320
    Quote Originally Posted by AmericanThief  [View Original Post]
    I went into some gentlemen's clubs like Honey, Buzzin and Maggie Mays. The dudes in there are not like me and I felt like it wasn't my place to be. I tried the double BJ at Maggie's but after all the upselling of drinks and pushy hostess, I ended up paying 4000 baht for a two girl blowjob with lots of wet tissues and not even a full CIM. Never again.

    I also went to some gogo's around Soi Boomerang since I BF a dancer there once and wanted to check the vibe. The girls looked hot, but I was there only 5 minutes and the girl that I met back in August 2023, Annie, changed since I first met her. She was nice and shy, but now she was demanding shots and had already thrown back 2 lady drinks and 1 tequila. Wasted $25 in no time. I'd like to just smash her and skip all the drinking bullshit.

    Made my way over to Soi 6 a few times. I'm looking for a particular type of girl that is kawaii. I entered 3 different bars that night with 3 different kawaii fantasy girls. I bought drinks, talked and flirted and out came the games.
    Well I had to look up kawaii and it appears to be a Japanese thing. (Actually, I should not have had to look it up because that is one of the first Japanese words I learned when I was in the Navy and had Japanese girlfriends.) However, you are in Thailand. And maybe that is what threw me off (kind of like if someone was in the Russia thread writing about chicas.) Personally, when I get to Kenya next month, I will not be hunting blonde chicks with flat asses. There is a whole place called Europe for that.

    Is it so hard to walk in to a place and ask about the blow jobs and boom booms before throwing away the 4000 bahts and the $25?

    Are you there for the dudes or the hookers? The hookers are there for money. If you walked in with money, then it is no doubt your place to be.

  2. #44319

    Well Done Mr. American Thief

    Quote Originally Posted by AmericanThief  [View Original Post]
    I've been here two weeks so far and I haven't posted in years, but I'm really tired of how gay the Discord groups are and how mods abuse their titles, so here's what I did.
    Excellent report, full of detail and well written too. Kudos to Mr. Thief for his fine work.

  3. #44318

    Open to suggestions

    A sudden urge to start considering retirement hit me a few days back, while working on my itinerary for an upcoming Indonesia trip. I booked a detour trip to Thailand to see if it's appeals as a long-term home.

    My first 2 nights are booked in Bangkok, leaving 4 nights. Looking for insight on how to split that time. I'm considering Si Racha as a retirement spot, so a visit to Pattaya seems like a good plan (or I'm justifying a trip to Pattaya). An obvious solution would be to do 2 nights in Pattaya, then decide whether to stay, or go back to Bangkok. Another option is do 2 and 2, then take 2 in Si Racha.

    Mongering isn't the top priority, but I'm going to do enough to keep me happy. I've already got Thai Friendly installed and thanks to all who have recommended it. It appears to be a gold mine. I'm a big fan of massage, so I'll be checking that out.

    I'm looking for opinions and suggestions. What things make your favorite places better, for you? I doubt many here spend a lot of time in Si Racha, but any insight is appreciated.

    The retirement thing is just the preliminary stage. I'm at least 2 years out, maybe 3.

  4. #44317

    It is not there

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocko20  [View Original Post]
    It's illegal for everyone, Thais are no exception.

    The difference is that its rarely enforced.
    Where in the Code, the Act or your quotes from them the part that says it is illegal or a crime for consenting adults of any nationality or ethnicity to exchange money for sex in Thailand?

    Can you provide us with the exact quote, sentence or phrase, please?

  5. #44316
    Quote Originally Posted by EverythingThai  [View Original Post]
    The issue you are having in Pattaya is the same issue as most older guys have. They just don't buy into the lady drink model of doing business and we all get that.
    I thought it was more younger guys that did not buy into it. Kind of like older guys are the sugar daddies. Younger guys are not out trying to spend a bunch of money on a chick.

  6. #44315
    Quote Originally Posted by MohdirFan82  [View Original Post]
    Prostitution is Illegal in Thailand for other nationalities but for Thais.
    It's illegal for everyone, Thais are no exception.

    There are three primary acts that make prostitution illegal in Thailand:

    The Prevention and Suppression of Prostitution Act:

    This Act prohibits both male and female prostitution in public places and brothels and classifies prostitution as illegal. Anyone who is caught offering sexual services will be fined a minimum of 1,000 THB. Penalties for those supervising them, such as brothel owners, are higher, as this Act is not focused on punishing the sex workers themselves.

    The Penal Code Amendment Act:

    Section 286 of the Penal Code Amendment Act states that anyone over the age of 16 who subsists on the earnings of a prostitute will be imprisoned for 7 to 20 years and fined from 14,000 to 40,000 THB. Convicted offenders can even be imprisoned for life.

    This does not apply to those who rely on financial support from a prostitute who is required by law or morality to provide it.

    The Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act:

    This Act criminalizes all forms of human trafficking, including sex trafficking which involves the recruitment, transfer, and exploitation of individuals for the purpose of forced prostitution. The Act also imposes severe penalties on those who assist and patronize the traffickers.

    The difference is that it’s rarely enforced.

  7. #44314
    Quote Originally Posted by ElMexicant  [View Original Post]
    There are Punjabamamas on Coconut Bar near LK and WS applying their trade. Some even in the clubs. It won't be long until complete domination by Indian customers. I've mentioned it before. The Thai National Emblem is a Hindi god. So the government knows what's up. The Thai girls in Pattaya have a saying about us Punjabs. "Once you go brown, other colours let you down".
    Is this some sort of joke-troll account?

  8. #44313
    Quote Originally Posted by AmericanThief  [View Original Post]
    I've been here two weeks so far and I haven't posted in years, but I'm really tired of how gay the Discord groups are and how mods abuse their titles, so here's what I did.

    I went to Wild 69. I've seen their stream on YouTube and wanted to see the girls in person. I heard there was a mix of Thai, Laos and Cambodian, but it was only Thai girls. They weren't interested in me anyways. I passed by 3 more times throughout the week and it appears that they are only interested in the live stream and enjoy looking at themselves on the big TV. I think simps are actually buying them virtual drinks or something. The girls were not my type once I could see them live.

    I went into some gentlemen's clubs like Honey, Buzzin and Maggie Mays. The dudes in there are not like me and I felt like it wasn't my place to be. I tried the double BJ at Maggie's but after all the upselling of drinks and pushy hostess, I ended up paying 4000 baht for a two girl blowjob with lots of wet tissues and not even a full CIM. Never again.

    I also went to some gogo's around Soi Boomerang since I BF a dancer there once and wanted to check the vibe. The girls looked hot, but I was there only 5 minutes and the girl that I met back in August 2023, Annie, changed since I first met her. She was nice and shy, but now she was demanding shots and had already thrown back 2 lady drinks and 1 tequila. Wasted $25 in no time. I'd like to just smash her and skip all the drinking bullshit.

    Made my way over to Soi 6 a few times. I'm looking for a particular type of girl that is kawaii, a small, cute, freshed faced girl. I've had some luck in the past but also a few strikeouts. I entered 3 different bars that night with 3 different kawaii fantasy girls. I bought drinks, talked and flirted and out came the games. After 30 minutes or so I suggested going upstairs but no go. I get it though, I really do.

    Went back to Soi 6 to visit a girl I've known for a few years, she's off and on. I prefer when she doesn't work and comes to my room to smash and hangout, but she's back in the bar and told me to meet her there. Always happy to smash her. Blonde hair, tight body, tight ass and big naturals all in proportion, just not the kawaii type.

    Back to Soi 6 for a third time and still hunting kawaii and got pulled into a bar with a barely legal teen that was near kawaii. They were playing Thai music and she was grinding me and started to DFK a lot, and was grabbing my cock through my pants and in this situation it usually means I'm good, especially considering she started the kissing, but no ST. She's just seducing me to sell drinks. You know I've had girls suck my dick and fuck me but refuse to kiss you know, so this was ass backwards to me as kissing is like passionate and something people do when they are falling in love, but this is how she gamed me. I'm not mad about it. It's just what happened.

    I also went to Bong Kock 8 four times already. Now this is what Soi 6 was ten years ago. A row of brothels. Soi 6 has turned into a tourist trap, with these open air hostess bars with the possibility of a BF but only if it suits the girl. The customer is the least of their concern. They didn't give AF about me. They only want to sell alcohol.

    Bong Koch 8 girls were mid but I gave it a go at 007 with a mechanical BJ CIM. They have a BF of 400 and a fee for a girl of 500 instead of just one incluse price. I also tried Bada Bing, Purple and Pirates. FS was 400 BF and girl-1000 be. They're all the same style of bars, but again, the customers were different from me. I mean much older and very unhealthy with extreme belly fat and breathing problems. But the service overall was nice, not pushy with drinks and fair prices for BJ or FS albeit the girls were not matching my aesthetics. I want a Soi 6 cosplayer with Bong Koch 8 service. I also saw a few Korean men enter and turn around and walk out. This tells me it's the beginning of the end already. It's only a matter of time.

    Now that I'm sober I understand that these days Pattaya is really about selling alcohol with the lure of sex, but that's where it gets complicated. Finding some Boom Boom is easy still, but is it the type of Boom Boom you want? I'm trying to stay away from writing a reflection and just give the facts of my past two weeks. I'm sure there will be so much hate and everyone assuming I'm a bad customer that attracts negativity everywhere I go, and that I'm an idiot that doesn't understand how things work and then you'll report me to the mods for saying the girls were mid or whatever. I don't care.
    I think I have a unique perspective on your post as I also read your post in both discords. The issue you are having in Pattaya is the same issue as most older guys have. They just don't buy into the lady drink model of doing business and we all get that. That is why Pattaya is still the perfect place. Why do I say that you ask? It's because there are options for everyone. Why try to fit the square peg into the round hole? Use Thai Friendly in Pattaya. No lady drinks end of story. Go to find girls on beach road. No lady drinks, end of story. Why do you insist to go into bars in Pattaya and then complain that you need to buy drinks. I just don't get it. Take yourself out of that situation and go to meet FLs. You say you are not an old guy but you have that old school mentality. Maybe there are two stages of old then LOL. Why do I say this? Because if you are not that old, head down to walking street into a few of the bars there like insomnia and candy shop. Find freelancers. No lady drinks, end of story.

    About the gents clubs in Pattaya. I am going to say that you need to be more firm. Yes the girls there will want drinks. However, they are way less pushy on soi Pothole than on walking street or soi 6. You went into to Maggie Mays three times and subjected yourself to the same thing over and over again. My suggestion to you would be to walk into a gents club such as Maggie Mays, head to the bar and order a beer. Find a girl or two and buy a few drinks. 1-2 each. Then go upstairs with them and fuck. Also, who gives a rats ass about the other customers? Why do you care? No need to pay any attention to them. Just go there to smash the girls and have fun.

    In your other discord posts, you mentioned you had many good experiences in Pattaya, but after reading your post here, I don't see you had any. I dare say the problem might be you in some way. In Maggie Mays there was an issue over 1000 Baht. For me, 1000 Baht is nothing and I would never even complain about it. For others it might be more. However, you need to be firm with the girls. If you don't want one girl around, ask her to leave. If you have an issue with your bill or a lady, talk to the manager. You did none of these things and just kept rolling with the punches. Why?

    Also don't worry about the mods here. They are not a part of of any group of bars so nobody cares and nobody will report you to the mods. Rant all you want about how Pattaya has changed for the worst. However, just realize that you could have made your Pattaya trip a lot better if you played a different game.

    In summary to try to help you and some newbies, here is what you and others should take away from this.

    1. You do not need to buy 40 drinks in any bar to have a good time. Just say no when you are ready to stop buying them.

    2. Ask the girl if she will bar fine or go to the ST with you during the first round of drinks. That way you won't waste time with a girl that won't go or is not into you.

    3. Gents clubs are the best for feeling out a girls limits and hesitations. You mentioned kissing. In the gents clubs you can mess around in the bar Playing with ass, tits, pussy and French kissing. I do it all the time. That will be an indication on whether or not you will have a good session or not. Dirty in the bars dirty in the room. Free test drive LOL.

    4. If another girl tries to crash your party, send her packing immediately if you don't want her around. The girls love to invite their friends to drink. It's how they help each other. Everyone is their sister lol. Just say no.

    5. Any issues with a girl, call the manager immediately. Don't just take it on the chin. They will sort it out and even buy you a few drinks. I don't expect you to listen or agree with any of this or even post a comprehensive rebuttal as you just ignored all the others who gave you advice in the discord. You just kept going from bar to bar increasing more and more of your frustration. I felt really bad for you mate. All you had to do was pick up your smart phone and within 30 minutes a hot FL from Thai Friendly would be in your hotel room. No lady drinks. End of story.

    For the record, just so everyone understands for the context, he went into Maggie Mays and went behind the curtain with Gee Gee and Dao. He had a good time with them but never got a cum in mouth behind the curtain. Then another lady weaseled her way into his bin and ended up getting a few drinks and in the confusion, the server added more drinks than what he wanted. Instead of complaining to the manager he just paid and then whined about it later. He should have said he didn't order them. In some bars on soi 6, paying would be the best thing to do. However, in Maggie Mays, they have a policy that the girls are not allowed to pressure for drinks. Meaning that if they get a "no" they need to accept it and walk away.

    Back to Gee and Dao. I have been with them separately and together. It has always been no holds barred action. Everything they didn't give you, I got. Here is a photo of both of them for the rest of the guys.

    Oh and welcome back. Post more here. No issues with mods here in the same way as discord. There is even a rants thread where you can whine and moan and swear and slag anyone off. you can rant about any topic you want. The mods will leave you alone. However, be aware, it’s a complete and utter shit show in there so be prepared. Lol
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails IMG_0031.jpeg‎  

  9. #44312

    First Two Weeks

    I've been here two weeks so far and I haven't posted in years, but I'm really tired of how gay the Discord groups are and how mods abuse their titles, so here's what I did.

    I went to Wild 69. I've seen their stream on YouTube and wanted to see the girls in person. I heard there was a mix of Thai, Laos and Cambodian, but it was only Thai girls. They weren't interested in me anyways. I passed by 3 more times throughout the week and it appears that they are only interested in the live stream and enjoy looking at themselves on the big TV. I think simps are actually buying them virtual drinks or something. The girls were not my type once I could see them live.

    I went into some gentlemen's clubs like Honey, Buzzin and Maggie Mays. The dudes in there are not like me and I felt like it wasn't my place to be. I tried the double BJ at Maggie's but after all the upselling of drinks and pushy hostess, I ended up paying 4000 baht for a two girl blowjob with lots of wet tissues and not even a full CIM. Never again.

    I also went to some gogo's around Soi Boomerang since I BF a dancer there once and wanted to check the vibe. The girls looked hot, but I was there only 5 minutes and the girl that I met back in August 2023, Annie, changed since I first met her. She was nice and shy, but now she was demanding shots and had already thrown back 2 lady drinks and 1 tequila. Wasted $25 in no time. I'd like to just smash her and skip all the drinking bullshit.

    Made my way over to Soi 6 a few times. I'm looking for a particular type of girl that is kawaii, a small, cute, freshed faced girl. I've had some luck in the past but also a few strikeouts. I entered 3 different bars that night with 3 different kawaii fantasy girls. I bought drinks, talked and flirted and out came the games. After 30 minutes or so I suggested going upstairs but no go. I get it though, I really do.

    Went back to Soi 6 to visit a girl I've known for a few years, she's off and on. I prefer when she doesn't work and comes to my room to smash and hangout, but she's back in the bar and told me to meet her there. Always happy to smash her. Blonde hair, tight body, tight ass and big naturals all in proportion, just not the kawaii type.

    Back to Soi 6 for a third time and still hunting kawaii and got pulled into a bar with a barely legal teen that was near kawaii. They were playing Thai music and she was grinding me and started to DFK a lot, and was grabbing my cock through my pants and in this situation it usually means I'm good, especially considering she started the kissing, but no ST. She's just seducing me to sell drinks. You know I've had girls suck my dick and fuck me but refuse to kiss you know, so this was ass backwards to me as kissing is like passionate and something people do when they are falling in love, but this is how she gamed me. I'm not mad about it. It's just what happened.

    I also went to Bong Kock 8 four times already. Now this is what Soi 6 was ten years ago. A row of brothels. Soi 6 has turned into a tourist trap, with these open air hostess bars with the possibility of a BF but only if it suits the girl. The customer is the least of their concern. They didn't give AF about me. They only want to sell alcohol.

    Bong Koch 8 girls were mid but I gave it a go at 007 with a mechanical BJ CIM. They have a BF of 400 and a fee for a girl of 500 instead of just one incluse price. I also tried Bada Bing, Purple and Pirates. FS was 400 BF and girl-1000 be. They're all the same style of bars, but again, the customers were different from me. I mean much older and very unhealthy with extreme belly fat and breathing problems. But the service overall was nice, not pushy with drinks and fair prices for BJ or FS albeit the girls were not matching my aesthetics. I want a Soi 6 cosplayer with Bong Koch 8 service. I also saw a few Korean men enter and turn around and walk out. This tells me it's the beginning of the end already. It's only a matter of time.

    Now that I'm sober I understand that these days Pattaya is really about selling alcohol with the lure of sex, but that's where it gets complicated. Finding some Boom Boom is easy still, but is it the type of Boom Boom you want? I'm trying to stay away from writing a reflection and just give the facts of my past two weeks. I'm sure there will be so much hate and everyone assuming I'm a bad customer that attracts negativity everywhere I go, and that I'm an idiot that doesn't understand how things work and then you'll report me to the mods for saying the girls were mid or whatever. I don't care.

  10. #44311
    Quote Originally Posted by Turgid  [View Original Post]
    I have mongered in India and would certainly agree that Indian babes are very beautiful, however, I have experienced some challenges one of which may not be appropriate to express here and the other is service. I have gotten extremely bad service there but also some very good sexual experiences. On that note I have never encountered any Indian providers in Thailand. Have you guys in ISGland met any?
    There are Punjabamamas on Coconut Bar near LK and WS applying their trade. Some even in the clubs. It won't be long until complete domination by Indian customers. I've mentioned it before. The Thai National Emblem is a Hindi god. So the government knows what's up. The Thai girls in Pattaya have a saying about us Punjabs. "Once you go brown, other colours let you down".

  11. #44310

    Hmm. That's a new one.

    Quote Originally Posted by MohdirFan82  [View Original Post]
    Prostitution is Illegal in Thailand for other nationalities but for Thais. The amount of Indians comes to Thailand there is ugnent need of Indian gogos, or Beer bars to keep indians at the bay. If indian babies were so great, why million of indians go overseas for mongering.

    Been to India for meeting and work purpose, never had any impressive session. Apart from bad service, I also have worry about not getting food poisioning.

    India, no thank you.
    That ought to make for some very interesting reading in the Thai Penal Code or the Prevention and Suppression of Prostitution Act of 1996.

    Has a new Code or Act with that qualifier been enacted in the past 2-3 weeks while nobody was looking?

  12. #44309
    Quote Originally Posted by Explorer8939  [View Original Post]
    Sometimes old-timers here will post that Pattaya was much better 20 years ago, as the ladies now are older and fatter.

    The flip side is that ladies with a decent rack were rare 20 years ago. And those with a decent chest were heavier than average.

    My guess is that there have been a lot of mixed race babies born in Thailand over the last 50 years. Not just Farang-Thai, but Indian-Thai, Arab-Thai, whatever. So there are now much fewer of the young toothpick type ladies, and more with bodies in line with Europe and the Americas.
    Or maybe the other ladies stayed away before because they figured that guys only wanted the young toothpick ladies. Now they realize there is a pot for every lid.

  13. #44308
    Prostitution is Illegal in Thailand for other nationalities but for Thais. The amount of Indians comes to Thailand there is ugnent need of Indian gogos, or Beer bars to keep indians at the bay. If indian babies were so great, why million of indians go overseas for mongering.

    Been to India for meeting and work purpose, never had any impressive session. Apart from bad service, I also have worry about not getting food poisioning.

    India, no thank you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Turgid  [View Original Post]
    I have mongered in India and would certainly agree that Indian babes are very beautiful, however, I have experienced some challenges one of which may not be appropriate to express here and the other is service. I have gotten extremely bad service there but also some very good sexual experiences. On that note I have never encountered any Indian providers in Thailand. Have you guys in ISGland met any?

  14. #44307
    Quote Originally Posted by ElMexicant  [View Original Post]
    Me not sure. All I know is that the real winner should have been Miss India Urvashi Rautela. India should be top 3 every year. Just like how we rank in most desirable tourist destinations, cleanest country, best world movies, and most beautiful creations of Vishnu. Philippines only win because of guilt factor of being past colonized. India is all natural beauty. We are also taking over and slowly conquering Pattaya as the preferred mongers and tourists. See video on Pattaya and Indians.

    You are not the first person to mention Steve Harvey. I'm sorry my eyes cannot see the resemblance like others have said. Long time ago, there was that blue / gold dress controversy. I saw red. Just like Urvashi Rautela below. Isn't she a lovely creature? Very famous Bollywood starlet. I have nudes of her too.
    I have mongered in India and would certainly agree that Indian babes are very beautiful, however, I have experienced some challenges one of which may not be appropriate to express here and the other is service. I have gotten extremely bad service there but also some very good sexual experiences. On that note I have never encountered any Indian providers in Thailand. Have you guys in ISGland met any?

  15. #44306

    Indian Girls

    Quote Originally Posted by Turgid  [View Original Post]
    Did that burger come out just after the 2015 Miss Universe pageant when Steve Harvey announced Miss Colombia as the winner, when Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach of the Philippines was the actual winner?
    Me not sure. All I know is that the real winner should have been Miss India Urvashi Rautela. India should be top 3 every year. Just like how we rank in most desirable tourist destinations, cleanest country, best world movies, and most beautiful creations of Vishnu. Philippines only win because of guilt factor of being past colonized. India is all natural beauty. We are also taking over and slowly conquering Pattaya as the preferred mongers and tourists. See video on Pattaya and Indians.

    You are not the first person to mention Steve Harvey. I'm sorry my eyes cannot see the resemblance like others have said. Long time ago, there was that blue / gold dress controversy. I saw red. Just like Urvashi Rautela below. Isn't she a lovely creature? Very famous Bollywood starlet. I have nudes of her too.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails DFB693D0-3B2A-4698-857F-81692E90C010.jpeg‎  

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