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Thread: Pattaya Reports

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  1. #42997
    Quote Originally Posted by SubCmdr  [View Original Post]
    Let's keep it real. You want young and cute toothpaste model type girls: 3000 - 5000 THB. I have never said that girls in the 1000 - 2000 are the hottest girls in Pattaya. I have consistently said they are serviceable for me. I don't like to pay a lot for pussy when it comes to prostitutes. I will open my wallet up for my ATF. But that is different. Professional tricks simply don't understand that.

    Man Law 101: No man ought to be telling another grown man how to spend his hard earned money or who to fuck!

    I am not a man law violator. If you want to buy 40 drinks for your prostitute so that she is so drunk out of her mind you can run up in her ass bare and blow your cum up in her or have her do ass to mouth so you can brag about up in here: DOWHATULIKE.
    I had a young cute on soi 6 , cost me 1500 + BF. There are severals on thaifriendly for the same money. You don't have to throw up 3000ST. And I am not picky either. I am ok with the average girl. As long as she is not fat. If some women dropped a couple of kilos that would do alot. And you also have average women on soi 6 that is not to expensive. But tree town and myth night. Naaahhh.

    Quote Originally Posted by MrEnternational  [View Original Post]
    So what it seems you are saying is that the same ladies from 20 years ago are still there and the generation after them has found ways other than beer bars to make ends meet.
    Honestly, I don't know if that's the truth. I don't think its the whole truth. Women come and go all the time. But the young and cute are not really going to Pattayas bars the way the used to be doing.

  2. #42996


    How hard or easy is to find a WG that you can fist? (Pussy not ass).

  3. #42995
    Quote Originally Posted by KrumeLurer  [View Original Post]
    I have talked to people that have visited Pattay for many years. Soi 7 and soi 8 did not used to be full of 40+ overweight ladies. There used to be more younger talents around the bars. What I saw in those streets and in myth night and tree town was mostly abyssmal. The only reason those areas are operating with that staff is because the infrastructure is there. No one would build up those areas from scratch and staff it with ladies of so low quality.
    So what it seems you are saying is that the same ladies from 20 years ago are still there and the generation after them has found ways other than beer bars to make ends meet.

  4. #42994
    Quote Originally Posted by KrumeLurer  [View Original Post]
    I have talked to people that have visited Pattay for many years. Soi 7 and soi 8 did not used to be full of 40+ overweight ladies. There used to be more younger talents around the bars.
    That was in 2016/2017 at the latest and even then the ladyboys were taking over Soi 7 and Soi 8. After 2017 maybe with the exception of Shooters and another sports bar (forgot the name) finding someone under 25, cute, and petite was purely by chance just like walking down any soi in Pattaya.

  5. #42993
    Let's keep it real. You want young and cute toothpaste model type girls: 3000 - 5000 THB. I have never said that girls in the 1000 - 2000 are the hottest girls in Pattaya. I have consistently said they are serviceable for me. I don't like to pay a lot for pussy when it comes to prostitutes. I will open my wallet up for my ATF. But that is different. Professional tricks simply don't understand that.

    Man Law 101: No man ought to be telling another grown man how to spend his hard earned money or who to fuck!

    I am not a man law violator. If you want to buy 40 drinks for your prostitute so that she is so drunk out of her mind you can run up in her ass bare and blow your cum up in her or have her do ass to mouth so you can brag about up in here: DOWHATULIKE.

    Quote Originally Posted by KrumeLurer  [View Original Post]
    I have talked to people that have visited Pattay for many years. Soi 7 and soi 8 did not used to be full of 40+ overweight ladies. There used to be more younger talents around the bars. What I saw in those streets and in myth night and tree town was mostly abyssmal. The only reason those areas are operating with that staff is because the infrastructure is there. No one would build up those areas from scratch and staff it with ladies of so low quality. Honestly, I think its almost a sort of parody of a red light area when I see some things there.

    I want to point out that not all bars and gogos are like that. There is cuter and younger that you can find. I recomend soi 6. But you should not pay more than 1500 there.

  6. #42992
    Quote Originally Posted by Explorer8939  [View Original Post]
    If you go to the very earliest pages in this topic, 20 years ago, you will find posts complaining about the state of Pattaya in 2005: "it's not as good as it was in the Old Days".

    Pattaya hasn't changed, *you* have changed. The first time you came to Pattaya, you were impressed by the number of young ladies. The next time you came, you were a little pickier. Shampoo, rinse, repeat. And now you are looking for pearls among the swine.

    It's basic human nature.

    I remember 2004 in Pattaya very well. Lots of overweight ladies with tattoos.
    I have talked to people that have visited Pattay for many years. Soi 7 and soi 8 did not used to be full of 40+ overweight ladies. There used to be more younger talents around the bars. What I saw in those streets and in myth night and tree town was mostly abyssmal. The only reason those areas are operating with that staff is because the infrastructure is there. No one would build up those areas from scratch and staff it with ladies of so low quality. Honestly, I think its almost a sort of parody of a red light area when I see some things there.

    I want to point out that not all bars and gogos are like that. There is cuter and younger that you can find. I recomend soi 6. But you should not pay more than 1500 there.

  7. #42991
    Ban Chang trip report:

    I dragged myself to Ban Chang last night. I was very tired, but I had already reserved a room at Changsova Hotel, so I went - 389 baht one way via Bolt taxi.

    After checking in, I hit the bars. It was very quiet, in terms of customers, but the ladies were better than expected, they were either spinners, or well endowed quasi chubby types. And desperate for customers.

    But I was too tired to sample the wares, as I had already had 4 ladies in the last 24 hours.

  8. #42990
    Quote Originally Posted by UglyAzzMan  [View Original Post]
    Soi 6 reports. Am I the only 1 that actually goes thete.
    The problem with Soi 6 now is that bar girls are hesitant to go to the short time room, because they might miss a Korean whale who could buy them 40 drinks.

  9. #42989
    Quote Originally Posted by UglyAzzMan  [View Original Post]
    60 girls all UGLY. Sorry guys this is Funny but accurate.

    Then he finds a 1 k girl online. Hottie. Methinks.
    30+ was the age in years. Not 30+ as in number of girls LOL.

    And online is waste of time, me thinks. Pictures are usually so far off from what actually knocks on your door.

  10. #42988

    Pattaya escort recommendationa. Looking for one who can do couples

    Visiting Pattaya for a few days with a girl. This girl is fun and is bi-curious.

    Does anybody have escort / girl recommendations in Pattaya who can do couples and girl-girl action?

    I know I can pick up any random girl from soi6/ gogos but last thing I need is a girl who doesn't know how to deal with couples and makes things awkward.

    Hence, looking for escort recommendations who know what they are doing and look nice. This girl is picky and wouldn't want to get down with a nasty looking one.

    Let me know. Thanks!

  11. #42987
    The smell! Wonder why so many call places like Pattaya, " A shithole " places like Bangkok other places I'm sure it is the same particularly if the area is very old.

    As for Pattaya, I read and hear people talk about the sewer system I've asked and a few say it is there and here, I know of one not too far from my home on the Darkside the sign says " Treatment plant ".

    But in all the years I've been by I've never seen any activity it looks like a ghost town and the place is small and I'm talking small so how much shit can they actually treat? There is a guard shack in front but never seen anyone there nor is the gate down.

    Maybe I got too much time on my hand or I'm just too Thai not to know. I seen how they repair and replace their drain system any can tell me they know or have seen a facility for that and that my believe the rain water flooding 90% of that water goes back into the ocean.

    In the tourist area unless a miracle happened and it was done prior to me arriving 20 years ago there is no sewer system period. Everything is based on septic tank basically they dig large holes in certain location of the Hotel, facility, shop houses like where the GoGo, bars, GC are location and the shit goes into these large cement or PVC drums once they are full they call in the trucks usually middle of the night or early morning and suck it out. Where it goes I've not a clue since I'm asleep those hours. When it rains that is when the smell is worse although these drums or vented.

    Wonder why you seldom see people in the water playing. In the past there have been complaints about a large hotel 5 star hotel top of Dolphin circle with a giant metal pipe going out to the sea tossing some good old brown waste into the sea. Go to Beirgarden the front look over the rail when it rains heavy if that pipe is still there watch the discharge coming out. Their so call drain system like the Darkside everything you name it goes into the drains.

    I use to have a herd of Buffalos run through the neighborhood when they do shit is all over the place. Thais let it dry and when it rains it goes into the drains and if the rain is heavy the water flows up to the surface and the kids in my village like most in Thailand the kids play in it like it is their own personal swimming pool.

    As noted this is the way it is in all of Thailand, money is being spent on roads and more roads, it is truly a shithole and it is right under all the Entertainment venues. LOL.

  12. #42986
    Quote Originally Posted by UglyAzzMan  [View Original Post]
    Soi 6 reports. Am I the only 1 that actually goes thete.
    You are the only one that watches it on youtube then comes here to report your electronic observations from 8,000 miles away.

  13. #42985
    Quote Originally Posted by Turgid  [View Original Post]
    There's a solution. Go spend some time in Kolkata, India. When you return to Pattaya you will call it the perfumed city.
    Oh my, I'll take your word for it.

  14. #42984
    Quote Originally Posted by HorseTrader  [View Original Post]
    Horrible smells are all over Thailand, not just Pattaya. Hold your breath as you walk by big piles of bagged trash on the sidewalk. Sometimes it's sewage and sometimes its the smell of garbage trucks dumping their loads on the street as workers sort for recyclable materials (I guess that's what they are doing). I've experienced those smells in Bangkok, Pattaya, Koh Samui, Phuket, and even on beautiful Koh Samet.
    There's a solution. Go spend some time in Kolkata, India. When you return to Pattaya you will call it the perfumed city.

  15. #42983
    Soi 6 reports. Am I the only 1 that actually goes thete.

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