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Thread: Pattaya Reports

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  1. #44383
    Quote Originally Posted by Turgid  [View Original Post]
    There were different rates for different groups of girls. When I was there in 2015 the most expensive girls were at the furthest end from where you entered. For me these girls were really the hottest but if I recall correctly there were really young girls in other groups who were clearly below 18. This was by far my favorite place as they always had really stunning girls. Kept me in Bangkok. Will be venturing in Pattaya when I visit Thailand later this year.
    I liked Nataree too. They not only had plenty lookers, but most importantly, their girls were always super friendly to one and all. It occupied a great niche in the BKK girly marketplace. I rated it higher quantity & quality than most oilies and less luxurious & opulent (meaning less expensive) than my favorite high end soapies. It WAS a great place!

  2. #44382
    Quote Originally Posted by UnkSoldier  [View Original Post]
    Just arrived at this pink baby agogo 15 minutes ago. Had a drink with a beautiful young lady probably 22.7/10. Asked about st rooms and 700 fee for room 3000 baht for the girl. Expensive but all ago go are about the same. Maybe 10 girls here and 50 percent are at least 6 or 7 going to an 8. Bodies are fucking smoking.
    I agree. The girls in pink baby can easily work in a walking street gogo which is why I'm confused about what's it doing in soi boomerang.

  3. #44381
    Quote Originally Posted by AxelHeyst  [View Original Post]
    I can confirm this. Nataree most definitely had <18 year old girls available towards the back end of their large sitting area. Not a lot, but always a few. Dumb move!
    There were different rates for different groups of girls. When I was there in 2015 the most expensive girls were at the furthest end from where you entered. For me these girls were really the hottest but if I recall correctly there were really young girls in other groups who were clearly below 18. This was by far my favorite place as they always had really stunning girls. Kept me in Bangkok. Will be venturing in Pattaya when I visit Thailand later this year.

  4. #44380
    Quote Originally Posted by MrEnternational  [View Original Post]
    How would this be a big loss of face if you claim everyone is doing it? And I would assume that if you know that everyone is doing it, then everyone else (Thai people around them) already knows that everyone is doing it.
    As long as illicit activity is on the QT, there is no loss of face.

    Bar girls who have Thai husbands or boyfriends try to hide them. I know one bar girl with a Thai boyfriend for 6 years and has never shown him on Facebook.

    It's like the police in Pattaya claiming there is no prostitution.

  5. #44379
    So in passing convo a Walk Avenue bargirl asked if I finished when I barfined a soi 6 girl. I thought nothing of it. Just strange.

    A week later I barfined the Ave girl at barfine rate of 2 k to bar. It turns out most of her customers are Matur Asian s who take Viagara. Hahaha. They can get hard and penetrative but just can't Finish.

    Now I understand WHY she asked if I finished with Soi 6 girl.

  6. #44378
    Quote Originally Posted by Explorer8939  [View Original Post]
    Moreover, since most bargirls support their husbands, if there were a trial, the bargirl could testify how much money she gave the husband from her customers. Big loss of face for the husband, and should effectively end the case.
    How would this be a big loss of face if you claim everyone is doing it? And I would assume that if you know that everyone is doing it, then everyone else (Thai people around them) already knows that everyone is doing it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Explorer8939  [View Original Post]
    However, Farangs almost always lose court cases, on the basis of there would be no court case if the Farang had never come to Thailand.
    That is definitely true.

  7. #44377
    Quote Originally Posted by Knobrm  [View Original Post]
    Anyway, talking about legal issues, another potential legal concern for mongers (at least in theory) is fucking a married lady and getting caught by husband. I recall reading somewhere that according to Thai law that is not only a valid reason for unvoluntary (on wife's side) divorce, but in addition in such case the husband could also sue the punter for damages. No idea what the level of compensation could be (average ST rate in town per estimated fuck multiplied by number of shots?), and whether there is any real case that something like this would have ever happened, especially among Patttaya hookers. Anyway, few girls around who are technically married, I also have one among my regulars.
    In theory, this is possible.

    In practice, no legal action would ever occur. As mentioned above, few bargirls are legally married. Moreover, since most bargirls support their husbands, if there were a trial, the bargirl could testify how much money she gave the husband from her customers. Big loss of face for the husband, and should effectively end the case. However, Farangs almost always lose court cases, on the basis of there would be no court case if the Farang had never come to Thailand.

  8. #44376
    Quote Originally Posted by Werqweq  [View Original Post]
    Nataree got closed down because of less than 18 I think.
    Quote Originally Posted by Turgid  [View Original Post]
    Oh, then that may be why Nataree got closed down. I met girls there who told me they were 18/19.
    I can confirm this. Nataree most definitely had <18 year old girls available towards the back end of their large sitting area. Not a lot, but always a few. Dumb move!

  9. #44375
    Quote Originally Posted by Turgid  [View Original Post]
    Oh, then that may be why Nataree got closed down. I met girls there who told me they were 18/19.
    Nataree got closed down because of less than 18 I think. Some shops have girls below 20 working (18 or 19), sometimes listed on their webpages also I think. That's why I'm not sure what the age limit is, though most seem to think it is 20, or prefer to err on that side.

  10. #44374
    Quote Originally Posted by Werqweq  [View Original Post]
    Unlike that other debate, this is more interesting. I too have heard many references to 20 as being the legal age for p4p, or perhaps, the "not illegal age", though none of those I've heard it from are legal scholars.

    For what it's worth, the now apparently defunct fiwfans site, which was a p4p site for thais, only let you search for girls from 20 and up. Not 18 and up. I'm thinking there was probably a reason for that. I also remember reading reports here from guys denied entry in the hotel to their p4p-girl because she was only 18 or 19.
    Oh, then that may be why Nataree got closed down. I met girls there who told me they were 18/19.

  11. #44373

    Not dissing your girlfriend

    Quote Originally Posted by MrEnternational  [View Original Post]
    Drinking law and hotel rules? She is not hanging out drinking nor in and out of hotels. She is just a regular Thai person. But okay, you think she is confused about the laws of her own country. Thai people don't know shit about Thailand.
    Well, unless she has read Title IX of the Thai Penal Code and The Prevention and Suppression of Prostitution Act, how would she know what the law really says about prostitution in Thailand? How would anyone know? Do they cover that topic in detail in school here?

    There are highly motivated researchers here on this website who read that Title and those Sections and still get it wrong. Cops certainly can't be relied upon to get it right, no more than I know for a fact how often they get it wrong about Rules of the Road for bicycles. At least, not as far as responding to a civilian's question about it goes.

    If these laws are not available for review, and I assure you I have tried to review everything written by the Thai Authorities on the topic, yet they are keeping that "age 20" qualifier and big secret except to inform only cops and bar-owners about it, then that kind of turns the whole concept of "ignorance of the law is no excuse" on its head; there is no way for any of us to know the law.

    At this point, I have no idea where the cops and bar owner got that "age 20" qualifier regarding prostitution into their minds enough to expect anyone to pay a fine for violating it. It sure isn't mentioned in the Thai Penal Code or The Prevention and Suppression of Prostitution Act. Not in any version of it I have read or seen quoted from.

    Can your girlfriend enlighten us on where she read it? Or was it just because that was what the cops told the bar owner and the prostitute so they would pay them a fine on the spot?

    BTW, does she know how much the fine for that was?

    Was it the same silly fine "not exceeding 1,000 baht" a prostitute supposedly has to pay if she "solicits, induces, introduces herself or himself to, follows or implores a person in a street or a public place, or commit such acts in any other place, in an open and shameful manner or causes nuisance to the public", as cited in Section 5 of The Prevention and Suppression of Prostitution Act?

    Which means it could be as low as 200 baht. Or less.

    And which also begs the hypothetical question, IF there was a law or rule in the Act making it illegal to solicit for the purposes of prostitution in a "quiet and discrete manner so as to cause zero public nuisance", which there is NO such law in the Code or the Act, but somehow and in someway it was overheard by a cop anyway, how silly small would the fine be then?

    "not exceeding 100 baht"? Which means it could be as low as 10 baht? LOL.

    Fellas, help these girls out. Always keep some loose change in your pocket to gallantly pay the fine for them if Thailand should ever happen to pass a law making that aspect of Prostitution illegal and the lady gets busted by an ambitious cop or two for being overheard soliciting you for it "quietly and discretely". LOL.

  12. #44372


    Legal age is 18 but if the girl is 18 to 20 the parents can come after you. Just telling you what my girl told me yesterday.

  13. #44371

    Pink baby agogo

    Just arrived at this pink baby agogo 15 minutes ago. Had a drink with a beautiful young lady probably 22.7/10. Asked about st rooms and 700 fee for room 3000 baht for the girl. Expensive but all ago go are about the same. Maybe 10 girls here and 50 percent are at least 6 or 7 going to an 8. Bodies are fucking smoking.

  14. #44370
    Quote Originally Posted by Downandup  [View Original Post]
    I hope that I am not going to start another dumb argument about what's legal and not legal.

    The legal age is 18 and I have been hearing that from bar owners who work hard to ensure that none are underage. None of them are willing to risk the heavy consequences of that. They also comment that it's strange that a girl can work in a bar but cannot drink alcohol until the age of 20. Finally, most hotels will impose a house rule limiting girls to over 20 but it's not the law. The drinking law and hotel rules may be the reason your girlfriend thinks it's 20 for everything.
    Unlike that other debate, this is more interesting. I too have heard many references to 20 as being the legal age for p4p, or perhaps, the "not illegal age", though none of those I've heard it from are legal scholars.

    For what it's worth, the now apparently defunct fiwfans site, which was a p4p site for thais, only let you search for girls from 20 and up. Not 18 and up. I'm thinking there was probably a reason for that. I also remember reading reports here from guys denied entry in the hotel to their p4p-girl because she was only 18 or 19.

  15. #44369

    It seems to me they were arguing that question.

    Quote Originally Posted by MrEnternational  [View Original Post]
    You are opening a different can of worms here. Nobody has ever argued whether soliciting a prostitute is legal or illegal. So far the argument has only been about if being a prostitute is legal or not.
    Hmm. I think the "trust us, it is illegal / not legal / a crime" crowd has been arguing that soliciting for the purposes of prostitution is illegal / not legal / a crime. As in "you could get arrested, charged, convicted, substantially sentenced and fined for it but that law is rarely enforced".

    Isn't that what you have been seeing as their position?

    But they have not been able to produce a quote or a link from a legally enforceable Penal Code, Act or Edict to support that argument.

    And if they had ever been arguing that "being a prostitute is illegal", then they are really fighting a losing battle. The Thai Penal Code and / or The Prevention and Suppression of Prostitution Act is clear about it being illegal for anyone over the age of 16 to live off the money a prostitute earns UNLESS the prostitute is responsible for supporting such a person.

    Which makes it blatantly obvious that, as far as the Thai government is concerned:

    1. It is fine and dandy to BE a prostitute.

    2. It is fine and dandy to EARN MONEY as a prostitute.

    3. In fact, we, the Thai Government, want to make sure YOU, the prostitute, gets to keep and spend all the money you earn and aren't getting ripped off by some lazy freeloader or "manager" who isn't doing the fucking and sucking.

    4. In further fact, we, the Thai Government, are so supportive of the idea of you BEING a prostitute and EARNING MONEY as a prostitute, we have actually and literally memorialized the concept officially in the Thai Penal Code and The Prevention and Suppression of Prostitution Act by literally spelling out that you can spend the money you earn by fucking and sucking on anyone in your charge for which you are responsible for their survival or livelihood. Knock yourself out. No problem. We're fine with that.

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