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Thread: Rio de Janeiro Reports

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  1. #30902

    Woo wee!

    Quote Originally Posted by RioBob  [View Original Post]
    I landed in Rio yesterday and felt pretty good after the long flight, finally I learned don't drink on the flight and go to sleep and you won't be so bad when you hit the ground. I had saved a few numbers of girls on Barra vip past couple of months some really nice ones, two were gone out of the city and 1 wanted 1500 reais to come to my apartment, I tried to negotiate but she wouldn't budge, so I passed. I called Nina Mello 1. 75 height 31 years old which was quite different than the 18 year olds I called but at my age she was still a baby. She asked for 700 reais which sounded good after 1500. From my balcony I saw her exit the Uber, she looked very impressive, tall, good looking and business dressed, she works as an artist during the day. A real pro in a good way, got right down to business, she was delicious all over and her specialty was sloppy BBBJ, which I took her up on and CIM. Things got so hot I almost slipped it in her raw but eventually put a condom on, she is no clock watcher and goes for multiple finishes. I'm definitely going to repeat this one, she is a Gacha with German and Italian blood for me that's perfect just my type.
    Can't wait to get back down there and cornhole a gaucha! Checked out my go-to for escort sites and saw that the porn star Elisa Sanches is advertising on there again. Fucked her in the ass at the Pestana Hotel a little over 5 years ago:

  2. #30901

    Barra vip

    I landed in Rio yesterday and felt pretty good after the long flight, finally I learned don't drink on the flight and go to sleep and you won't be so bad when you hit the ground. I had saved a few numbers of girls on Barra vip past couple of months some really nice ones, two were gone out of the city and 1 wanted 1500 reais to come to my apartment, I tried to negotiate but she wouldn't budge, so I passed. I called Nina Mello 1. 75 height 31 years old which was quite different than the 18 year olds I called but at my age she was still a baby. She asked for 700 reais which sounded good after 1500. From my balcony I saw her exit the Uber, she looked very impressive, tall, good looking and business dressed, she works as an artist during the day. A real pro in a good way, got right down to business, she was delicious all over and her specialty was sloppy BBBJ, which I took her up on and CIM. Things got so hot I almost slipped it in her raw but eventually put a condom on, she is no clock watcher and goes for multiple finishes. I'm definitely going to repeat this one, she is a Gaścha with German and Italian blood for me that's perfect just my type.

  3. #30900
    Quote Originally Posted by TedFerguson  [View Original Post]
    Leaving Rio today after 4 weeks with the main takeaway that the whole city is a hot mess, even by Latin American standards. I'm going to list all the things that didn't work while I was here before I talk about girls so feel free to skip the bullet points if you don't want to hear me bitching.

    - I stayed in Leblon which is considered a top area. My first apartment had outrageous levels of noise, single pane windows where I had to double up on earplugs so I could sleep.

    - The second apartment, also in Leblon, was a brand new building. Even so, the water failed twice (due to a pump issue). As did the elevators. The cost was roughly the same as an apartment in Europe.

    - Need 220 v outlets for cooking at home? The first apartment had these, but realistically they only provided 110 v which meant that cooking took 2-3 x as long and often just didn't work. If you're lucky, you'll get one outlet in the kitchen.

    - Organic food? Expect a tiny selection at local supermarkets, marginally larger if you're willing to Uber in traffic which doubles your trip time. Not a priority for people living here.

    - My gym had wifi that dropped constantly and water dripping from the ceiling. Machines looked like they were 20 years old. Cost was about $130/ month.

    - And finally, my absolute favorite. I was withdrawing money at a Bradesco ATM, everything seemed to be going well until I pulled the cash out and it started making a clicking sound. I counted the money and noticed 100 reals was missing. Clicking continues, no receipt is offered and the screen eventually just turns off. They did of course withdraw the full amount from my account. Needless to say, I was recording all of my withdrawals with video moving forward.

    Basically, this feels like Africa. Even Medellin is more functional. As you might expect with a "shit doesn't work" mentality, the girls are mostly compensating with partying and drinking so they don't give AF. I speak passable Portuguese and pulled all of my dates from Seeking and MeuPatrocinio. There were the usual golpes like asking for money before meeting (a common giveaway is their profile is deactivated the next day after you make contact), but otherwise the experience was good. The girls aren't too smart (barely above Medellin levels of intelligence) and very leisure oriented. It was challenging holding a conversation (which was not a problem in So Paulo). The bodies were great and the sex was consistently excellent. They always enjoyed themselves, you could go as long as you liked, twice, etc. A Romanian girl once told me "sex is the poor man's aspirin". I believe they're medicating heavily here to tolerate the dysfunction.

    Overall conclusion is this is not my city. I'm off to Floripa now (which as I remember mostly works), hoping to stay there a few weeks while Europe warms up. And hitting up So Paulo for a few days before leaving Brazil to see some friends.
    Rio is like a top third-world country. It's way above most third-world countries, IMHO, but it still is. So as much as I love Rio, I don't disagree. Keep in mind though, that 4 out of 5 of your problems could be avoided by staying at a decent hotel. And yes, I understand that staying at a hotel for a month is pricy, but you mentioned you'd paid European prices for your apartment -- so presumably you have a budget for that.

    And no, I'm not a hotel fan vs. Airbnb, and I often use Airbnb and other vacation rentals, but I also know it's a gamble. I've had fantastic stays and total duds in countries that couldn't be more different. So if you want a better shot at consistency, staying at a good hotel like Sheraton is always an option (if you prefer Leblon).

    I'd be very interesting in your report on Floripa. I'm planning on going soon for the first time and would be very interested in your datapoints. Good luck!

  4. #30899


    Quote Originally Posted by TedFerguson  [View Original Post]
    Leaving Rio today after 4 weeks with the main takeaway that the whole city is a hot mess, even by Latin American standards. I'm going to list all the things that didn't work while I was here before I talk about girls so feel free to skip the bullet points if you don't want to hear me bitching.Overall conclusion is this is not my city. I'm off to Floripa now (which as I remember mostly works), hoping to stay there a few weeks while Europe warms up. And hitting up So Paulo for a few days before leaving Brazil to see some friends.
    Rio is nowhere close to being as bad as some parts of Africa I have been to. I too will be spending some time in Floripa in the coming weeks. It's my first time, and I've done my homework. Would appreciate any tips and insights you might share in a future report.

  5. #30898


    Leaving Rio today after 4 weeks with the main takeaway that the whole city is a hot mess, even by Latin American standards. I'm going to list all the things that didn't work while I was here before I talk about girls so feel free to skip the bullet points if you don't want to hear me bitching.

    - I stayed in Leblon which is considered a top area. My first apartment had outrageous levels of noise, single pane windows where I had to double up on earplugs so I could sleep.

    - The second apartment, also in Leblon, was a brand new building. Even so, the water failed twice (due to a pump issue). As did the elevators. The cost was roughly the same as an apartment in Europe.

    - Need 220 v outlets for cooking at home? The first apartment had these, but realistically they only provided 110 v which meant that cooking took 2-3 x as long and often just didn't work. If you're lucky, you'll get one outlet in the kitchen.

    - Organic food? Expect a tiny selection at local supermarkets, marginally larger if you're willing to Uber in traffic which doubles your trip time. Not a priority for people living here.

    - My gym had wifi that dropped constantly and water dripping from the ceiling. Machines looked like they were 20 years old. Cost was about $130/ month.

    - And finally, my absolute favorite. I was withdrawing money at a Bradesco ATM, everything seemed to be going well until I pulled the cash out and it started making a clicking sound. I counted the money and noticed 100 reals was missing. Clicking continues, no receipt is offered and the screen eventually just turns off. They did of course withdraw the full amount from my account. Needless to say, I was recording all of my withdrawals with video moving forward.

    Basically, this feels like Africa. Even Medellin is more functional. As you might expect with a "shit doesn't work" mentality, the girls are mostly compensating with partying and drinking so they don't give AF. I speak passable Portuguese and pulled all of my dates from Seeking and MeuPatrocinio. There were the usual golpes like asking for money before meeting (a common giveaway is their profile is deactivated the next day after you make contact), but otherwise the experience was good. The girls aren't too smart (barely above Medellin levels of intelligence) and very leisure oriented. It was challenging holding a conversation (which was not a problem in Sćo Paulo). The bodies were great and the sex was consistently excellent. They always enjoyed themselves, you could go as long as you liked, twice, etc. A Romanian girl once told me "sex is the poor man's aspirin". I believe they're medicating heavily here to tolerate the dysfunction.

    Overall conclusion is this is not my city. I'm off to Floripa now (which as I remember mostly works), hoping to stay there a few weeks while Europe warms up. And hitting up Sćo Paulo for a few days before leaving Brazil to see some friends.

  6. #30897

    Prive tour with Vagabundo

    Vagabundo and I did a prive tour last week and I was shocked to hear how many girls had rules. I rarely hear rules from the prive girls but on this trip we routinely heard "no anal, no kissing, no cum in mouth and no hair pulling". I would say at least 75% were no anal, (its not my thing, but I was surprised that so many stated that in the interview process, considering how much brasilian men love fucking them in the ass).

  7. #30896
    Quote Originally Posted by RioBob  [View Original Post]
    They used to have a DJ on the weekends that was open to the public, do they still have it or did you just go up there for a drink?
    No Dj last Saturday and no party people. Mostly spanish speaking hotel guests.

  8. #30895
    Quote Originally Posted by Sperto  [View Original Post]
    Pestana rooftop bar has one of the best views of Copacabana, specially at night. I like to pass by, have a drink and enjoy the view. It has been a while since I saw any working girls at the rooftop bar, but yesterday there were two dark girls looking for customers.

    I don't really know the rules for visiting the rooftop bar. To press a button in the elevator you need to pass your room card. I just walk into the hotel and go straight to the elevator. I enter the elevator together with a group of hotel guests. When one of the guests pass their room card I quickly press the cobertura button before they have time to press the button of their choice. There might be some easier way to solve the elevator problem.
    They used to have a DJ on the weekends that was open to the public, do they still have it or did you just go up there for a drink? I used to stay at this hotel when they had the DJ and a few times I met working girls there and bring them down to my room, it was very convenient. On top the Marriott they have DJ's also, I have seen and spoke to a few working girls on top the Marriott through the years. Occasionally I go swimming there and during the day I've spoken to working girls.

  9. #30894


    Quote Originally Posted by Steve9696  [View Original Post]
    Yes but no reason to settle for CBJ. Blech! . Just make clear up front you want blowjob no condom. Key in to google translate and show it to her. Make it a dealbreaker. Five out of ten will say sure No problem. And 4 out of ten will cave if you threaten to walk. And one out of ten will say a hard no and you just dodged a bullet. Key it in. Make it a deal breaker. Always. Worldwide. That's been my experience.
    Sexo oral sem camisinha! Never had a CBJ in Brazil and determined to keep it that way. Never even had a girl refuse me even once.

  10. #30893

    Yeah but BBBJ or Die!

    Quote Originally Posted by Turgid  [View Original Post]
    Man you're having a great time. Good going.
    Yes but no reason to settle for CBJ. Blech! . Just make clear up front you want blowjob no condom. Key in to google translate and show it to her. Make it a dealbreaker. Five out of ten will say sure No problem. And 4 out of ten will cave if you threaten to walk. And one out of ten will say a hard no and you just dodged a bullet. Key it in. Make it a deal breaker. Always. Worldwide. That's been my experience.

  11. #30892
    Quote Originally Posted by ArmnHammer69  [View Original Post]
    ..........Planning to hit up solariums 4 x4 during the early shift and maybe Centaurus during the week and report back. Also planning to make a trip barra clubs monte Carlo and Paolo negra.

    So far it's cheaper definitely not like wow I'm in heaven like Scandallo in So Paulo the place of dreams but the city sucks.
    Man you're having a great time. Good going.

  12. #30891
    Quote Originally Posted by ArmnHammer69  [View Original Post]
    Arrived on a Thursday night late and went to Centaurus. 3 cute blonde girls out of the 30 on site 5 I liked. Unfortunately the pushy vibe killed it for me ugly Brazilian using a hot young blonde to convince me to buy drinks. After the first round I got up to washroom sure as shit the ugly one when I came back was getting a drink. Later on found that five extra drinks for her were added to the bill. Talked to the mamasan and got them removed at close out. Took the blond for one hour but got CBJ only and starfish service. They will try to push for multiple hours.

    Friday hit up solarium two girls there I liked but the shorter blond was gone already before I got my chance. Cheap drinks $20-25 reals and relaxed atmosphere girls cannot harrass you here. So back to Centaurus I go. Took a brunette this time sex was better but still CBJ only. She squirted like crazy all over the floor in standing doggy. However talent was down on Friday compared to Thursday night.

    Saturday hit up solarium to try my luck but talent was down there so decided to go four by four. Too note watched girls taking a crippled guy with a cane who was passing outs wrist band off to go buy themselves drink LOL. 4 x4 quality was not great but one blond ID say late 20's spoke good English so I thought I'the give her a go. $550 reals for suite which is run down. But sex was great round bunda fitness ass and crazy blowjob we went for over an hour here sucking me off for 40 plus minutes with Deepthroat it was great. Best sex in rio to so far. Off to Laos since it was in walking distance. Found a random strip club / board there called Termas Up House Night Club. Casa Noturna na Lapa. Finally decided at like 2:30 am to go inside maybe 20 girls. 2 of the tiniest girls I've seen in rio so far there. 3 decent negras if that's your style. One older but good looking and one younger. Took the younger tiny one for $400 reals upstairs and had a great fuck until 4 am great to know there is somewhere to go late a night.

    Planning to hit up solariums 4 x4 during the early shift and maybe Centaurus during the week and report back. Also planning to make a trip barra clubs monte Carlo and Paolo negra.

    So far it's cheaper definitely not like wow I'm in heaven like Scandallo in So Paulo the place of dreams but the city sucks.
    Thanks for your report. WTF is it about these CBJ sessions in Centaurus? That terma has always been a ripoff, but this is just sick.

    What's Laos? I guess you've mistyped or been corrected by the forum's wonderful software. What did you mean?

    It's Perola Negra, not Paolo Negra.

    Monte Carlo is in Copacabana, not Barra.

  13. #30890

    3 days summary

    Arrived on a Thursday night late and went to Centaurus. 3 cute blonde girls out of the 30 on site 5 I liked. Unfortunately the pushy vibe killed it for me ugly Brazilian using a hot young blonde to convince me to buy drinks. After the first round I got up to washroom sure as shit the ugly one when I came back was getting a drink. Later on found that five extra drinks for her were added to the bill. Talked to the mamasan and got them removed at close out. Took the blond for one hour but got CBJ only and starfish service. They will try to push for multiple hours.

    Friday hit up solarium two girls there I liked but the shorter blond was gone already before I got my chance. Cheap drinks $20-25 reals and relaxed atmosphere girls cannot harrass you here. So back to Centaurus I go. Took a brunette this time sex was better but still CBJ only. She squirted like crazy all over the floor in standing doggy. However talent was down on Friday compared to Thursday night.

    Saturday hit up solarium to try my luck but talent was down there so decided to go four by four. Too note watched girls taking a crippled guy with a cane who was passing outs wrist band off to go buy themselves drink LOL. 4 x4 quality was not great but one blond ID say late 20's spoke good English so I thought I'the give her a go. $550 reals for suite which is run down. But sex was great round bunda fitness ass and crazy blowjob we went for over an hour here sucking me off for 40 plus minutes with Deepthroat it was great. Best sex in rio to so far. Off to Laos since it was in walking distance. Found a random strip club / board there called Termas Up House Night Club. Casa Noturna na Lapa. Finally decided at like 2:30 am to go inside maybe 20 girls. 2 of the tiniest girls I've seen in rio so far there. 3 decent negras if that's your style. One older but good looking and one younger. Took the younger tiny one for $400 reals upstairs and had a great fuck until 4 am great to know there is somewhere to go late a night.

    Planning to hit up solariums 4 x4 during the early shift and maybe Centaurus during the week and report back. Also planning to make a trip barra clubs monte Carlo and Paolo negra.

    So far it's cheaper definitely not like wow I'm in heaven like Scandallo in So Paulo the place of dreams but the city sucks.

  14. #30889


    Pestana rooftop bar has one of the best views of Copacabana, specially at night. I like to pass by, have a drink and enjoy the view. It has been a while since I saw any working girls at the rooftop bar, but yesterday there were two dark girls looking for customers.

    I don't really know the rules for visiting the rooftop bar. To press a button in the elevator you need to pass your room card. I just walk into the hotel and go straight to the elevator. I enter the elevator together with a group of hotel guests. When one of the guests pass their room card I quickly press the cobertura button before they have time to press the button of their choice. There might be some easier way to solve the elevator problem.

  15. #30888
    Quote Originally Posted by VoodooJones  [View Original Post]
    Yeah, I'm in the same boat as you. That thread is outdated and only has a few posts from the last year.

    What you need to do is email the property you're looking at and ask about their policy. I usually say I'm on a business trip and might need to meet a client / coworker during the day. This has worked for me in different countries especially if it's Airbnb because I have good reviews from past hosts.
    They'll know a GDP when they see one. I wouldn't want extra stress on vacation that I can avoid.

    I know from personal experience that Hilton, JW Marriott and Grand Hyatt in Barra are GF. Some folks have mentioned Fairmont too. I would email and ask if I'm allowed to bring a guest when book for two. Don't be shy about it, they've heard everything.

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