Thread: Rio de Janeiro Reports
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Today 02:39 #30927
Posts: 34Rio Carnival
Are the Thermas open during Carnival?
Yesterday 18:22 #30926
Posts: 6102Originally Posted by RioBob [View Original Post]
Yesterday 11:55 #30925
Posts: 4136We went to EMPório 37 in Ipanema yesterday. I prefer EMPório as it was before. It was rougher, had charismatic waiters, the clients were a fun crowd of rock lovers and the regular girls were easy to pick up. Now EMPório 37 is too neat, has no longer a feeling of a rock bar and the clients are very different.
There were lots of people around midnight. Plenty of older women, 40 plus, that seemed hungry for meeting guys. It shouldn't be hard to get laid for free if you look for old meat. There were also a handful of working girls. The only dark girls were some of the waitresses and the working girls.
Yesterday 05:44 #30924
Posts: 714European counterparts
Believe it or not Brazilianas in Portugual are even more heftier.
Originally Posted by Sperto [View Original Post]
Yesterday 04:16 #30923
Posts: 16963Originally Posted by RioBob [View Original Post]
Yesterday 04:11 #30922
Posts: 16963Originally Posted by PahllusMaximus [View Original Post]
The only reason people wanted to see the Mike Tyson fight a few months ago was because of nostalgia. Now why is a guy paying a 40 year old hooker 700 reais when people used to give her 150 when she was younger? Maybe they feel it is better if it costs more.
02-08-25 22:44 #30921
Posts: 4136Originally Posted by RioBob [View Original Post]
The Brazilians have more money today and instead of eating rice, beans and fruits they eat fast food and over processed food. They are less physically active and spends too much time sitting on their asses watching their mobile phones. When watching all these fat girls on the beach makes you think about the rumour about the famous sexy Brazilian girls. The impression doesn't get better with all the tourists from Argentina and Chile as many of those are even fatter than the average Brazilian. Luckily many of the girls from the favelas are still fit as they have to walk up and down the morros.
Today I was sitting in my beach chair and was going to take a nice picture of the beach and the sugar loaf. I wanted to have some nice and fit girls in the foreground so I waited for some sexy girls without big bellies to pass by. It took me 10 minutes before I could take that picture.
02-08-25 21:41 #30920
Posts: 937Originally Posted by MrEnternational [View Original Post]
02-08-25 21:29 #30919
Posts: 2994Monte Carlo Early
Originally Posted by RioBob [View Original Post]
02-08-25 20:49 #30918
Posts: 554Hillarious!
Mr. Enternational's bit about cheesecake and wine cracked me up, reminds me of the scene in pulp fiction about a boxer and rigging the fight and ageing wine. Tarantino is like the late David Lynch, serious cut through.
I'm FREEZING in DC this weekend, but found a very smart SA woman with excellent BJ skills and big brain and work ethic too. She may spoil the hobby at this rate, marriage material and has a very practical view about BJ's, as a simple, quick and potent way to win a man's heart, mind and wallet - and thinks other women are fools for not doing what nature intended and men clearly need, biology versus social conditioning. Who am I to argue?
02-08-25 19:38 #30917
Posts: 6945Obese
Originally Posted by RioBob [View Original Post]
02-08-25 19:16 #30916
Posts: 2525Go to posto 2, barra, which is the local beach with the best talent. I hate copa.
After that, guacamole, olegario maciel 108.
After that, perola negra, ave de pepe 400.
Originally Posted by RioBob [View Original Post]
02-08-25 19:10 #30915
Posts: 23I'm stuck in Mag for a couple days. Ideally I can find a lady to bring back to my compound. Any suggestions on where to look?
02-08-25 18:45 #30914
Posts: 2048What Termas Saturday?
I'm with a friend who won't make it to 1 am to enter dolce vita today so I think a termas stop today Saturday would work better. For you guys who frequent Termas which do you think would be the better choice for an early evening stop: Monte Carlo or Quattro por Quattro? Or if you have another suggestion that would be fine.
We sat at the beach today in Copacabana and my friend who hasn't been here since the 80's asked me don't they wear those dental floss bikinis? I said yeah but not this beach because everybody was obese. I can't believe how obese everybody is now even relitively young girls, I felt like I was on an American cruise line.
02-08-25 06:42 #30913
Posts: 16963Originally Posted by Xpartan [View Original Post]