Thread: Rio de Janeiro Reports
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Today 01:34 #30934
Posts: 1106Originally Posted by Vagabundo1 [View Original Post]
Yesterday 16:45 #30933
Posts: 2528Yes, well done. Vagabundo needs to update bubba boy's guide for prices, and will add your list. But send me or senor Nounce, Jimmyboy a pm and we can collaborate. Thanks for the good reporting.
Originally Posted by Sp1000 [View Original Post]
Yesterday 15:39 #30932
Posts: 6114Originally Posted by Sp1000 [View Original Post]
Yesterday 15:21 #30931
Posts: 36Termas in Rio
I recently visited three termas in Rio.
The system is like German FKKs. However, these Brazilian sauna clubs are buildings with multiple floors (so you need to repeat going up and downstairs to complete all your missions); don't have a buffet; don't have outdoor spaces; no girl is naked / topless.
Centaurus has a small indoor pool with two pool beds but the pool water was just cold when I was there.
An interesting club-specific rule was:
In Solarium, girls are not allowed to approach clients. In Centaurus and Monte Carlo, girls do so.
The overall scale is Centaurus> Solarium> Monte Carlo. Accordingly, the number of girls was proportional (when I visited at least).
Here are prices for 1 HR service as of January 2025. 40 min option is available at cheaper prices.
Monte Carlo.
Entry 150 Room 200 Service 400
If you pay for service with a credit card (CC), there is a CC upcharge of 80.
That means, it is okay to pay the entry and room with a credit card, while paying 400 cash for service to avoid an upcharge.
Entry 150 Room 200 Service 530 Total 880 in CC 800 in cash.
A premium room costs 50 more. Total is 930 in CC, 850 in cash.
In cash, Entry 160 Room 220 Service 690 Total 1070.
In CC, Entry 180 Room 240 Service 820 Total 1240.
02-13-25 13:01 #30930
Posts: 2528Darkroom,
Vagabundo and Dreman went to centro yesterday. Vagabundo caught the 361 for 4.3 r from Recreio, which goes straight to saara market. He patrolled over to Casa 15 but Nia Nacci 3 was not there, so he left. He thought to go to Darkroom, but the girls that were sent by whatsapp were not appealing, so he went over to Emporio first, where again, the girls in real life were not appealing, so he left, and went back to Darkroom where there was Cherry Torn on telephone duty, and he picked her.
He showered, and used his newly purchased Boticario Malbec Shower Gel to smell good, and he did, and it improved the session. Vagabundo's bad left knee had in fact recovered, so there is that to be thankful for. We compared each other's tests, which is a good thing. After a good BBBJ, she hopped right on, bare, and we had a good fuck for 20 minutes. I used my sony mini speaker to play the usual Felipe Ret Revel full album, but only got through 15 minutes of songs before I blew a load on her legs. We got in a second round after I showered, for a total of 35 or 40 minutes of actual fucking, which was better than I expected as I was out of cardio training since I had not been doing Muay Thai for 2.5 weeks, though I had been hiking and ocean swimming with actually awesome gringa women, which Vagabundo again, recommends. So we fucked in various positions. She asked for my Malbec shower gel, which I later replaced on Rio Branco. It is worth the weight to throw in your bag when you are out fucking, along with the sony mini speaker, which Senor dreman had brought for me from the Rich World, there North of the Border, from Lugano, where a statue of a crypto king sits on the shores of my beloved hometown of Lugano, Switzerland, home of my ancestors who have guarded popes for 14 centuries, those vile, thieving, hoaring, so called Saints like Augustine, who himself confessed to hoaring with negras in North Africa before becoming sanctified by negra pussy up to his eyeballs, having buried his balls deep inside the negra bucetas of North Africa, yet, here, Vagabundo was, burying his bratwurst into the white, pale kunt of Cherry Torn with her tatoo of a fox on her back, her natural big tits becoming hard under his sucking, the nipples going from inverted to erect at the same time that the Vagabundo bratwurst grew again erect for a second time in an hour for a second round of the old in-and-out, that line of burger joints from dear old Lugano. Ah, am I a little homsick?
Dreman, being a good wingman messaged Vagabundo, just as Vagabundo was too, done.
Vagabundo messaged that he was done, and coming out, and we met there, on the street in front of darkroom. We went over first to SubSub the best hiking store in centro, recommended by the moderator of a rio hiking whatsapp group, from which Vagabundo had messaged Dreman to join a Sunday hike, which was a fine thing, out in Recreio. Vagabundo forgot to get a camping filter. Then we went to Rio Branco, where the Bradesco was closed, but Vagabundo got a refill of Boticario Malbec shower gel, to smell good for the ladies, having already applied some other Malbec body lotion. Later that night riding home on a luxury bus to Recreio from Rua San Jose 35, Vagabundo perhaps smelling better than he normally would sat next to some slinky, sexy, morena clara eating pringles with her sexy little fingers, and perhaps just maybe she appreciated the scent of Malbec, however subtle a whiff of Malbec from Boticaro, her nostrils detecting either Malbec or pussy, since Vagabundo showered twice before fucking twice, but he did not shower after, so the raw smell of carioca loira pussy would linger about his person, like raw, unfettered pheremone, the smell of freshly squeezed pussy on his dick, raw, with his invaluable sperm, each one granting a full ride at UCLA on the dime of Gavin Newsom, that faggot, to the lucky recipient's eggs, should she so be blessed with being impregnated, the frothy white foam of his sperm, the lube, and the Malbec shower gel on his wet dick after all of those fluids were mixed together by fucking raw on the 21st floor penthouse with a view facing the transcarioca trail in the hills on the backside of cristo redentor overlooking Central do Rio station, the working side, the seedy side of Rio with all its ugly reality of poverty, violence, desperation, with little to redeem it but a 7.62 x 51 round from a Para FAL to chase down a traficante target at 2500 feet per second, but at least with the quickly drying scent of freshly fucked pussy, Vagabundo too applied a little Malbec branded shower gel, and perhaps it was the Malbec or perhaps it was the pussy odor that reached into the nostrils of the hot little morena clara sitting in the seat next to Vagabundo, but with the scent of Pussy and Malbec, her pussy became wet, wanting too some of Vagabundo's infinitely valuable sperm in her kunt, in her light brown latina kunt to perfect the night in Recreio, she sat on Vagabundo's hard dick on the bus ride in his day dreaming but the reality was that Vagabundo got off at Recreio Shopping, and walked back to his apartment, and straight to the huge couch where he watched too much youtube, video chatted with a hoar for 14 minutes, a hoar in Sao Paulo for the carnival madness, and promised her his dick too, in her ass, telling her that he wanted to creampie her ass 5 times a day, but she in Sao Paulo.
Vagabundo calculated that he paid 250 reais plus the malbec at a value of 50 reais for 35 minutes of dick in pussy sex, so cpf pm (cost per fuck per minute) of 250/35, lets call it 250/40 or about 7 ish, call it 6.5 reais per minute, well 8 reais per minute when you count the depreciated, partly depleted tube of Malbec shower gel.
So there it is sports fans. Cost per fuck per minute 7.5 including the Malbec shower gel.
I expect the royalty checks from Boticario to come rolling in, anytime. I expect I may be waiting for some time.
02-12-25 06:01 #30929
Posts: 1577Originally Posted by KyivBound1986 [View Original Post]
02-11-25 19:38 #30928
Posts: 4137Copacabana puteiros
Today I checked out some Copacabana privées. I know a smarter choice would be to head to centro that has much more to choose from and better prices.
First I went to Av Nossa Senhora de Copacabana 583. Sala 206 is quite trashy with a bar area. There were two dark girls, one almost asleep. Her collegaue was short and had an absolutely huge round ass. I don't like giant horseasses but I couldn't resist to squeeze that enormous ass. Prices: 150 reais /30 minutes and 200 reais /60 minutes. I continued to sala 301. Half a dozen of girls were presented but none that interested me. I headed up to their other sala, 401. A bunch of girls were presented. A mulatta Alice who showed her really nice tits caught my interest. Prices: 190 reais /30 minutes and 240 reais /60 minutes. Definitely overpriced. I disliked the rooms considering the prices they charge so I left.
I went one block to Rua Hilario de Gouveia 66, sala 206. Delírio Oriental. The girl in charge showed me photos of girls that work there. Not bad at all. When I arrived only two girls were present. I immediately fell for Poliana. Poliana, 22 years (looks younger), morena clara, very cute, braces, nice smile and looked sweet and innocent. She's slim and petit and have normal sized tits that looked good even though she has one kid. Her ass is the way I like, smaller sized round and firm ponyass. The pussy was wellshaved and very tight.
She couldn't have performed better. Very GFE and fucked excellent. Her blowjob was absolutely perfect. We finished the first session with BBBJCIM. She sucked like a goodess not even needing to help out with her hands. She took the load like a BJ queen and sucked until every drop was out. Then she discreetely spat it out. 150 reais /30 minutes and 200 reais /60 minutes. I chose one hour.
02-10-25 02:39 #30927
Posts: 34Rio Carnival
Are the Thermas open during Carnival?
02-09-25 18:22 #30926
Posts: 6114Originally Posted by RioBob [View Original Post]
02-09-25 11:55 #30925
Posts: 4137We went to EMPório 37 in Ipanema yesterday. I prefer EMPório as it was before. It was rougher, had charismatic waiters, the clients were a fun crowd of rock lovers and the regular girls were easy to pick up. Now EMPório 37 is too neat, has no longer a feeling of a rock bar and the clients are very different.
There were lots of people around midnight. Plenty of older women, 40 plus, that seemed hungry for meeting guys. It shouldn't be hard to get laid for free if you look for old meat. There were also a handful of working girls. The only dark girls were some of the waitresses and the working girls.
02-09-25 05:44 #30924
Posts: 714European counterparts
Believe it or not Brazilianas in Portugual are even more heftier.
Originally Posted by Sperto [View Original Post]
02-09-25 04:16 #30923
Posts: 16984Originally Posted by RioBob [View Original Post]
02-09-25 04:11 #30922
Posts: 16984Originally Posted by PahllusMaximus [View Original Post]
The only reason people wanted to see the Mike Tyson fight a few months ago was because of nostalgia. Now why is a guy paying a 40 year old hooker 700 reais when people used to give her 150 when she was younger? Maybe they feel it is better if it costs more.
02-08-25 22:44 #30921
Posts: 4137Originally Posted by RioBob [View Original Post]
The Brazilians have more money today and instead of eating rice, beans and fruits they eat fast food and over processed food. They are less physically active and spends too much time sitting on their asses watching their mobile phones. When watching all these fat girls on the beach makes you think about the rumour about the famous sexy Brazilian girls. The impression doesn't get better with all the tourists from Argentina and Chile as many of those are even fatter than the average Brazilian. Luckily many of the girls from the favelas are still fit as they have to walk up and down the morros.
Today I was sitting in my beach chair and was going to take a nice picture of the beach and the sugar loaf. I wanted to have some nice and fit girls in the foreground so I waited for some sexy girls without big bellies to pass by. It took me 10 minutes before I could take that picture.
02-08-25 21:41 #30920
Posts: 945Originally Posted by MrEnternational [View Original Post]