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Thread: Sao Paulo Reports

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  1. #19218


    Quote Originally Posted by ArmnHammer69  [View Original Post]
    Coming back for Saturday night! Any advice on where to watch Super Bowl this Sunday with hot girls / waitresses? Hooters style? I wish Scandallo was open!
    How about here?

  2. #19217
    Quote Originally Posted by RealShaun  [View Original Post]
    SP Carnival is a baby version of RJ. LOL I remember the ol days when Help was open during Carnival, insane! Bang a chick with a costume, at an open bar in Copa. And 4 x4 was Scandallo on steriods, horse pills, and tiger bull drink LOLs.
    My experience during one rio carnival was yes tons of hot girls in bikinis on beach! Termas were average because girls were with friends and family. But fags from all over the world grown men dressed as butterflies covered in sparkles in banana hammocks and shit everywhere. Not my vibe. I luckily found a beach post with normal people in Leblon that straight people mostly.

  3. #19216

    Monday to Wednesday report

    3 nights in São Paulo review. After 5 years I have returned to my favourite club on earth Scandallo lounge. Arrived at 10 pm to the club after 10 hours flying on a Monday night. Big Outside patio was closed and half of the night club maybe 70 girls in the club. Enjoyed my first with only one girl. 1000 for the girl and service was great as said here before between 1000-1200 reals for 95 percent of the girls. Day two back to Scandallo for a Tuesday night probably 150 girls and the full club was open and outside patio. Took a hot blonde mid twenties with nice big fake tits wearing a bikini top. Great service 5 and half inches of Deepthroat can't complain with 3/4. Decided to check out casarao club later that night. Couple decent girls there the level of rio terma is best to describe it. Had a great time with a bubbly brunette that was dancing around. 500 reals for the hour.

    Wednesdayhit up Tangará at 6 15 girls there. Took Isabella for half hour think like 170 reals. 3 skinnier younger girls that were worth my time in my opinion. Rushed from there straight to Scandallo before 7 pm for the free dinner in theory. Had the chicken and the baby burgers they are delicious. Enjoyed the scenery probably 75 girls there by 7 for free dinners from guys. Had a girl the night before quote 1500 but she was as hot brunette but I said no to stand up for the team. Day two she approached me and I asked again and this time she said yes. Great service model body. Later that night a skinny but gorgeous blonde caught my eye. She started at 2000 reals and I just walked away. I'll try her again next week Before I leave. Later that night took a fitness girl which I'm attracted to you. Strong legs and abs. Service was amazing top10 fucks if my life. Deepthroat 6. 5 inches and crazy wild passionate sex. Got her number because she's a keeper.

    Cutting my rio and BUZIOS trip short to go back to São Paulo! I would much rather pay $1000-1200 reals a girl plus hotel for top shelf over $800 reals for mediocre service in rio! Centaurus is the op shelf but had 2 girls only offer CBJ out of 3. Every girl in Scandallo gave me a very long BBBJ of course I say this to all eat that pussy if your good at it like me it makes them go crazy in return. Rio is good because you can pretend you're there for the beach while running to every terma. But if I had a week to live I would find myself in Scandallo for half of it!

    Coming back for Saturday night! Any advice on where to watch Super Bowl this Sunday with hot girls / waitresses? Hooters style? I wish Scandallo was open!

  4. #19215
    Quote Originally Posted by RealShaun  [View Original Post]
    SP Carnival is a baby version of RJ. LOL I remember the ol days when Help was open during Carnival, insane! Bang a chick with a costume, at an open bar in Copa. And 4 x4 was Scandallo on steriods, horse pills, and tiger bull drink LOLs.
    Sadly, I missed the Help era. It must have been something!

  5. #19214

    SP Carnival

    SP Carnival is a baby version of RJ. LOL I remember the ol days when Help was open during Carnival, insane! Bang a chick with a costume, at an open bar in Copa. And 4 x4 was Scandallo on steriods, horse pills, and tiger bull drink LOLs.

    Quote Originally Posted by AxelHeyst  [View Original Post]
    The SP Carnival is nothing like the RJ Carnival and if you ask me, that is a good thing. KKK. I was staying in SP a couple of weeks before Carnival 2023 began and a couple of weeks after it ended, and I remember how much I enjoyed and was relieved by the low-key friendly ambiance going on in the Jardim and Itaim Bibi neighborhoods while I was there during the holiday 2023.

  6. #19213

    Quality down

    I agree. Quality has gone down. Seems like the 10 pieces are find other job opportunities. Dunno. 5 years ago, it was lit everywhere. Like everything else, it has its cycles, it will turn around again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lalabo  [View Original Post]
    I observed the same decline in Prime lineup quality. I like 57 friends better for the least 6 months or so.

  7. #19212
    Quote Originally Posted by SamaRiding  [View Original Post]
    I use to stay only in Moema but I feel the quality of girls have slipped. I remember my first trip in 2021, every girl at prime was my hit list. Now just 1-2. So I decided on this trip to split my time, half VM and half Moema.
    I observed the same decline in Prime lineup quality. I like 57 friends better for the least 6 months or so.

  8. #19211

    57 friends carnival party

    For those in SP right now, 57 friends is having a carnival party on Thursday's night Feb 6 after 8 p. There will be strip shows and more girls. The long time reception woman who speaks good English says that after 8 p the girl prices are also fixed. Are 400/ one hour and R300/ half hour. Obviously the environment is different from the boates, but worth to be a decent night alternative.

  9. #19210
    The SP Carnival is nothing like the RJ Carnival and if you ask me, that is a good thing. KKK. I was staying in SP a couple of weeks before Carnival 2023 began and a couple of weeks after it ended, and I remember how much I enjoyed and was relieved by the low-key friendly ambiance going on in the Jardim and Itaim Bibi neighborhoods while I was there during the holiday 2023.

    Bomboa was packed and particularly good back then with no noticeable decline of quantity or quality of girls to choose from. They had a TV upstairs in the restaurant playing live Carnival events, but nobody seemed to care. Scandallo was pretty good too although I noticed that a few of their stunners were MIA. I did not miss them as there were still plenty of Scandallo girls to choose from. Maybe the head count of Scandallo girls was down 10-15%. I can't comment on the clinicas.

    I posted a trip report after I returned home. My conclusion was that if you are not into Carnival stay in SP. You will have a great time. If you are into Carnival or want to experience it at least once in your life, go to RJ, but don't say you were not warned.

  10. #19209

    Carnival Talent

    Quote Originally Posted by Turgid  [View Original Post]
    I was in SP once during carnival and had a great time. Lots of open air street parties enjoyed by everyone. There were less ladies at the clinicas than during normal times but I still had an enjoyable time with the available talent. During the actual carnival days (Monday and Tuesday) some clinicas were closed. I remember Miruna being open throughout. Someone else can chime in on the boites which I don't visit.
    I'll be spending some time in Sampa after carnival too. As long as I get my fill of Scandallo!

  11. #19208
    Quote Originally Posted by TheCane  [View Original Post]
    I'm going to be in Sao Paulo during Carnival. Anybody know how the clinicas and sex nightclubs are in Sampa during Carnival? What's the sex scene like? Never been in Brazil during Carnival so looking forward to it! I have avoided being there during Carnival in the past, but not this time. Time to celebrate being free!
    I was in SP once during carnival and had a great time. Lots of open air street parties enjoyed by everyone. There were less ladies at the clinicas than during normal times but I still had an enjoyable time with the available talent. During the actual carnival days (Monday and Tuesday) some clinicas were closed. I remember Miruna being open throughout. Someone else can chime in on the boites which I don't visit.

  12. #19207

    Casarão Report. Sunday & Monday Nights

    Casaro Report. Sunday. & Monday Nights.

    Hit up Casaro on both Sunday and Monday nights. Monday after midnight was definitely busier than.

    Sunday, with a solid lineup of sexy GND (girl next door) types. Plenty of flirty conversations with well-dressed garotas-part of the "interview process"to see if we clicked or not.

    Downstairs at the bar, I locked eyes with a 22-year-old exotic-looking garota-petite, natural curves, no bolt-ONS, and those sultry green eyes that just pulled me in. Went up to chat, and before I knew it, my hands were already roaming her tight body. No underwear, no bra, just pure au naturel. She gave a sly smile-nice.

    Negotiations opened at 300 BRL for half an hour or 500 BRL for the full hour, with possible Pix incentives for Great service. She agreed to an hour- I said "vamos bora".

    Damn she was in to me, and I was in to her. We clicked. Ended up getting in two pops for the hour session (BTW at 57 Chanes its possible for two pops, it doable with the right garota).

    I try to Set the mood with some Filipe ret Revel & Trap and flashback music Chivas whiskey, Smirnoff Ice, and a decent marola to relax between rounds or before going at again.

    Before the hour ends, I ask for her wassap and, as always asks if she had a pretty girlfriend to join us for another hour threesome.

    At Casaro, roll in around midnight and wrap up with a 5 AM Uber. Knowing some Brazilian Portuguese definitely helps keep the flirty vibes going. Good times.

  13. #19206
    Quote Originally Posted by TheCane  [View Original Post]
    I'm going to be in Sao Paulo during Carnival. Anybody know how the clinicas and sex nightclubs are in Sampa during Carnival? What's the sex scene like? Never been in Brazil during Carnival so looking forward to it! I have avoided being there during Carnival in the past, but not this time. Time to celebrate being free!
    Clinical are open, but slow action. Casarao is your best bet. Even some Scandallo girls can be found there during carnival. I would also try Bomboa.

  14. #19205


    I'm going to be in Sao Paulo during Carnival. Anybody know how the clinicas and sex nightclubs are in Sampa during Carnival? What's the sex scene like? Never been in Brazil during Carnival so looking forward to it! I have avoided being there during Carnival in the past, but not this time. Time to celebrate being free!

  15. #19204
    Quote Originally Posted by Tochka  [View Original Post]
    I suggest checking out Moema in the Sao Paulo hotel section. The most important aspect of staying in Moema is to find a hotel or Airbnb apartment with double-pane windows to help reduce the noise from jets and planes, particularly at 6:00 AM. There are reports available that list places confirmed to provide a quiet restful sleep.

    I like Moema for its convenient location, especially when it rains heavily and traffic becomes challenging. There are plenty of Waze shortcuts to help navigate the area.

    I agree that there are many clinics within walking distance or a short 7-minute Uber ride, even in the rain. Just yesterday, while at the Ibirapuera Shopping Mall, I noticed a clinic I hadn't seen before called Sirius Spa, which is just one block from the mall. I've walked past that street numerous times without realizing there was a clinic there until one of my garotas in the GDP sent a message to arrange an afternoon appointment with her.
    Thanks, I found the hotel section on your suggestion.

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