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Thread: San Jose General Reports

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  1. #6906
    Quote Originally Posted by Dcrist0527  [View Original Post]
    I changed my flights for my next trip to visit MDE (again) instead of SJO. While I really want to try a new location, my thoughts were:

    - as far as chicas, I'm almost certain to choose a Colombian.

    - while I'm not a penny pincher, that same Colombian is cheaper in MDE.

    But what really pushed me back to Medellin were the daytime options. I love good massages by hot chicas. After alot of research, Monica's seems to be far and away the best daytime option in San Jose. But it sounds like it is the basic casa in Medellin, which is just not my favorite. I have 3 massage places in Medellin that I love, 2 of which aren't even FS. But all 3 offer very sensual nuru or at least b2 be massages. The selling point for me is the erotic, sensual, passionate way they deliver. As opposed to MDE's casas or what I believe Monica's to be, where the massage is cursory, if that, before the main events.

    My question: is there anything similar in SJO? I still have a room reserved at Tao, and I'll get my FS fixes at night there if I change the trip back to Costa Rica. I'm still wanting to try SJO, but I'm just underwhelmed by what I've found in the massage world. The other wrinkle is how the environment has changed for mongers in MDE. I've looked into Jaco and it seems like a similar situation.

    Thanks in advance.
    Any way you can give direction, names or webpages or your 3 MDE options? Thanks buddy!

  2. #6905

    Honestly don't know

    Quote Originally Posted by Vendelo  [View Original Post]
    What's their view of sex tourists? I presume if it was for sex tourism they would not have a good job (.
    Honestly, the girls that work there don't care one way or the other. If you speak a little Spenglish like me and you are friendly, the bartenders and waitresses can be fun to talk to. Byond that I found out the Cocal policy many years ago. It is enforced, I never tried to put any of the girls in harms way because you know and I know this is a good gig for these girls. I'm an old timer now. I'm sure many of the suave young guys that come down try to throw huge money at some of the good looking girls. Don't know if any have been successful?

  3. #6904
    Quote Originally Posted by MikeMark  [View Original Post]
    I've been going to the Cocal since 2010 maybe longer. It is my understanding that any waitress or bartender who gets caught fucking one of us gets fired on the spot. A gig at the Cocal is a very good gig for a local Tica. Can't speak for what they might do on their off hours outside the Cocal. But I've struck up a few friendships (very casual) with the girls over the year. Most are married, have kids or both. And can't afford to lose the gig. There have been plenty of very very good looking girls who have worked at the Cocal.
    What's their view of sex tourists? I presume if it was for sex tourism they would not have a good job (.

  4. #6903
    Quote Originally Posted by Scatter  [View Original Post]
    Hey Kire 69, what you did sounds fun. What is the full name of Seeking? I'm not familiar with it.
    Its a sugaring website:

    Seeking dot com.


    Seekingarrangements dot com.

    Membership is not cheap. Costs me US $130 a month.

  5. #6902
    Quote Originally Posted by SpanishBlack  [View Original Post]

    rainy days in San Jos. Stayed at the Taormina. Landed at about noon. I rented a car from dollar / thrift at the airport and headed for Taormina but with the rain and traffic I got there around 3 pm. I took a nap and woke up around 6. The NBA finals were on and I wanted to watch the game before shopping around.

    Ratio was a ton of girls and few guys, lots of 5-7's with some 8's and few 9's. The ratio was overwhelming though to the point where I wish I had went to a different bar or just watched it in my room because the girls wouldn't leave me in peace. Some of them were good looking 8's but I was turned off by the lack of awareness. I'm busy *.

    After the game decided on a 19 year old with a ridiculous ass. Slim waist. Stayed with her for 2 hours for $200.

    Next day I went around the city and explored with the rental. Costa Rica isn't as popular and I don't know why. Maybe because of the cost but Costa Rica has some very good looking women. Like Colombia level with bodies and face to match. Many slim types and thick types. It's pretty cool.

    After another afternoon nap I went through the bar to see what was around. There was a decent amount of good looking girls but I was really pleased with the girl from the day before and I just ended up telling her to come back. Another 2 hours $200.

    She left around midnight and after some food I went looking again. I wanted a slim girl this time but this one I wanted was taken. I ended up going with a BBL shorter older woman who I thought was in her 30's which is already way above my normal range 19-28, and she ended up being 40. She wouldn't stop talking about the age difference (Her being older). A lot of conversation about life and her past. She stayed 5 ish hours and 2 pops and asked for $100 but I gave her $150.

    The last day I went around the town and was avoiding messages from the MILF as I was looking for something new. Ate lunch with some girls who from far looked good but up close were older. One had a kid 2 months ago. It was an Immediate no, but I fed them and smoked with them. Had to nap and upon waking up I had a few hours until my flight.

    Decided to look for one last girl and was looking for the best I could find. Enter "A". I would say she's what would be the ideal flaca. Small but existent tits, small ass but again existent. She had a face very cute but sexy at the same time. By the time we got to the room I realized I hadn't asked her how much. $200 for the hour. It was the best session of the trip. Condom everything but it was great.

    After the session I packed my things and got ready to head to the airport. Ended up driving her home first.

    Having been to the DR, Colombia and Cuba, Costa Rica was a good change of pace. It's more expensive but the service by each girl made it worth it. Not one bad session nor bad vibes. Nobody was begging, desperate or watching the clock. This might be my go to place for a while because it has cheaper flights throughout the summer vs DR and Colombia.

    Some things to note:

    I speak Spanish well and it makes things easier, however out of all Latin American countries, the English level of Costa Rica was amazing. Many speak fluent English.

    Also I don't negotiate. $200 is definitely outside of my normal price but with it being the last day of a short trip I took the plunge and I don't regret it.

    She also mentioned to me that the ones who are paying $500 an hour and these absurd prices are the Indians and arabs. She understands that it's not a realistic price but she also uses it as a reason for why she doesn't go under $200.

    The big question I have and I would like anyone with experience on the topics input, are the employees of the hotel, (bar, restaurant casino hotel) allowed / willing to go upstairs? In my opinion, the best looking girls were the bartenders.

    I'll be returning in a month or so, thinking about Jaco.
    Valuable report. I am also interested in knowing if hotel employees can be pulled.

  6. #6901


    Quote Originally Posted by Kire69  [View Original Post]
    I read your post.

    For a comparison. I picked up two ticas on Seeking for an entire weekend. They were in San Jose and took a bus to Jaco to meet me on Thursday afternoon. They stayed until Sunday morning and road back to SJO with me in my arranged ride. Cheap meals, fun times on the beach, even more fun in the bedroom whenever I (or they) were in the mood. For the entire time with me they each received $300 and were happy enough to stay in contact with me. I get fun sexy photos from them regularly and they have been eager to meet up again when I visit for $125-$150 for the entire evening.

    I also have a regular I met on there that is $300 a week. Lunch w / Spanish Lesson. And 3 evenings a week. Every week I'm there. She's been my ride to / from the airport a number of times, taking me out shopping (Walmart / Food), and been with me on a number of trips.

    There's a number of fantastic women on Seeking and as long as you treat them decently then you won't even be paying Taormina rates ($80-$140 an hour)..
    Hey Kire 69, what you did sounds fun. What is the full name of Seeking? I'm not familiar with it.

  7. #6900
    Quote Originally Posted by Vendelo  [View Original Post]
    Jesus Christ. Does anyone actually read and comprehend?

    I did not say I paid nor accepted their quotes. I merely provided information. All three of you. Read my post again.
    I read your post.

    For a comparison. I picked up two ticas on Seeking for an entire weekend. They were in San Jose and took a bus to Jaco to meet me on Thursday afternoon. They stayed until Sunday morning and road back to SJO with me in my arranged ride. Cheap meals, fun times on the beach, even more fun in the bedroom whenever I (or they) were in the mood. For the entire time with me they each received $300 and were happy enough to stay in contact with me. I get fun sexy photos from them regularly and they have been eager to meet up again when I visit for $125-$150 for the entire evening.

    I also have a regular I met on there that is $300 a week. Lunch w / Spanish Lesson. And 3 evenings a week. Every week I'm there. She's been my ride to / from the airport a number of times, taking me out shopping (Walmart / Food), and been with me on a number of trips.

    There's a number of fantastic women on Seeking and as long as you treat them decently then you won't even be paying Taormina rates ($80-$140 an hour).

    Hope that helps.

  8. #6899

    It is my understanding.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nixonbd  [View Original Post]
    I haven't seen any bargirl at the Cocal that looks any better than the best looking girl on the other side where you are, LOL. I did have a bargirl who was always smiling at me a few years back. I thought about asking her out, then I thought better of it. Why screw up my time with the girls who are doing laps around the bar looking for attention.
    I've been going to the Cocal since 2010 maybe longer. It is my understanding that any waitress or bartender who gets caught fucking one of us gets fired on the spot. A gig at the Cocal is a very good gig for a local Tica. Can't speak for what they might do on their off hours outside the Cocal. But I've struck up a few friendships (very casual) with the girls over the year. Most are married, have kids or both. And can't afford to lose the gig. There have been plenty of very very good looking girls who have worked at the Cocal.

  9. #6898

    Daytime Reports

    I always ask for the actual massage after! (twisted but good).

  10. #6897
    Quote Originally Posted by Dcrist0527  [View Original Post]
    I changed my flights for my next trip to visit MDE (again) instead of SJO. While I really want to try a new location, my thoughts were:

    - as far as chicas, I'm almost certain to choose a Colombian.

    - while I'm not a penny pincher, that same Colombian is cheaper in MDE.

    But what really pushed me back to Medellin were the daytime options. I love good massages by hot chicas. After alot of research, Monica's seems to be far and away the best daytime option in San Jose. But it sounds like it is the basic casa in Medellin, which is just not my favorite. I have 3 massage places in Medellin that I love, 2 of which aren't even FS. But all 3 offer very sensual nuru or at least b2 be massages. The selling point for me is the erotic, sensual, passionate way they deliver. As opposed to MDE's casas or what I believe Monica's to be, where the massage is cursory, if that, before the main events.

    My question: is there anything similar in SJO? I still have a room reserved at Tao, and I'll get my FS fixes at night there if I change the trip back to Costa Rica. I'm still wanting to try SJO, but I'm just underwhelmed by what I've found in the massage world. The other wrinkle is how the environment has changed for mongers in MDE. I've looked into Jaco and it seems like a similar situation.

    Thanks in advance.
    Hi Dchrist,

    I also am a medellin guy, live here in laureles. I have always wondered about the massage places but never been so very interested in hearing what are your 3 favorite places so I can go check them out. If you prefer please DM.

  11. #6896


    Quote Originally Posted by Huacho  [View Original Post]
    No, that is not what I said. I'm saying that they should expect to be hit on. Doesn't make them putas at heart nor putas at all. I meet a puta in a puta bar and I say," let's go to the room and fuck. " I like a bartender in a puta bar and I ask, "What are you doing after your shift? Want to go grab a drink with me?

    Seriously, dude, what woman with any common sense at all would go to work in a puta bar and not expect to get hit on? I'm talking about in the real world in Costa Rica, not in some Gloria Steinem hypothetical ideal.
    When it's all said and done, I don't care who you or anybody else hits on. What I care about is me and how I comport myself. Which is not to think of or treat the staff at any establishment (putaria or not) like prostitutes, and to abide by the rules of the house. If the girls behind the bar are supposed to be off limits, then that means they're off limits. I'm not so thirsty (desperate) and disrespectful of the hands off rule that I have to hit on them too. No, I'm out there with Nixonbd chasing all of the available tutes doing laps around the pool and the casino! That's more than enough for me to be satisfied.

  12. #6895
    Quote Originally Posted by TheCane  [View Original Post]
    They're working in a puta bar. Therefore, they must be putas at heart themselves. Really? That's essentially what you just said.
    No, that is not what I said. I'm saying that they should expect to be hit on. Doesn't make them putas at heart nor putas at all. I meet a puta in a puta bar and I say," let's go to the room and fuck. " I like a bartender in a puta bar and I ask, "What are you doing after your shift? Want to go grab a drink with me?

    Seriously, dude, what woman with any common sense at all would go to work in a puta bar and not expect to get hit on? I'm talking about in the real world in Costa Rica, not in some Gloria Steinem hypothetical ideal.

  13. #6894
    Quote Originally Posted by TheCane  [View Original Post]
    What about at the Cocal in Jaco? I'm talking about picking up any hot girls working the bars? Not that it's something I'm interested in trying (I'm not). I'm just curious about how the two scenes compare. And looking forward to my homecoming later this year! I call it a "homecoming" because Costa Rica is where I first became a monger many years ago. And yes, I bet hot barmaids make quite good money in tips LOL on top of their base pay.
    I haven't seen any bargirl at the Cocal that looks any better than the best looking girl on the other side where you are, LOL. I did have a bargirl who was always smiling at me a few years back. I thought about asking her out, then I thought better of it. Why screw up my time with the girls who are doing laps around the bar looking for attention.

  14. #6893


    Quote Originally Posted by Nixonbd  [View Original Post]
    The HDR back in the day had by far the hottest bar staff you could hope for! They even had an annual calendar that you could purchase with all your favorites featured in a bikini shoot. Many men tried, most failed. The girls back then were off limits to hotel guests. Of course, what they did on their days off was their business. But, you would NEVER see them going up to a room in the hotel.

    As for the current Taormina; the situation is the same there. I know of a gringo who was dating one of the bar girls, but she was forbidden from going up to his room, even when she was off work. He simply changed hotels. The girls working the bars make decent enough money that supplementing their income with sex is not a necessity.
    What about at the Cocal in Jaco? I'm talking about picking up any hot girls working the bars? Not that it's something I'm interested in trying (I'm not). I'm just curious about how the two scenes compare. And looking forward to my homecoming later this year! I call it a "homecoming" because Costa Rica is where I first became a monger many years ago. And yes, I bet hot barmaids make quite good money in tips LOL on top of their base pay.

  15. #6892
    Quote Originally Posted by TheCane  [View Original Post]
    When I used to go to the Del Rey Hotel, I often found some of the hottest girls in the place to be the ones working behind the bars. That said, I never tried to proposition one as I thought that would be highly disrespectful. The way I saw it, if they wanted to be treated like putas then they would be working on the other side of the bar. So, the most I ever did was tell one of the barmaids that I thought she was "muy bonita", to which I got a "gracias" back. Be respectful and don't treat the barmaids and other staff like putas. Again, they would be working on the other side of the bar if they were truly up for that. I mean isn't there enough other talent to not to have to resort to perving on the barmaids too? Come on.
    The HDR back in the day had by far the hottest bar staff you could hope for! They even had an annual calendar that you could purchase with all your favorites featured in a bikini shoot. Many men tried, most failed. The girls back then were off limits to hotel guests. Of course, what they did on their days off was their business. But, you would NEVER see them going up to a room in the hotel.

    As for the current Taormina; the situation is the same there. I know of a gringo who was dating one of the bar girls, but she was forbidden from going up to his room, even when she was off work. He simply changed hotels. The girls working the bars make decent enough money that supplementing their income with sex is not a necessity.

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