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  1. #24570
    Quote Originally Posted by HKMonger  [View Original Post]
    Forget that. This is the ultimate condom. I ordered two: one for me and one for the girl.
    You watch too many movies.

  2. #24569
    Quote Originally Posted by StRobert  [View Original Post]
    Safety first. So the problem is when a girl is pregnant and suspects a guy, they will detain him in Tijuana for a DNA test. If he is a father, he must pay child support despite living in the US and she in Mexico according to an international agreement. A good place to buy condoms link I recommend very good condoms Crown "skinless" (used in adult films) - Product Description:

    Crown Condoms "Skinless Skin" are one of the most sensitive condoms you can buy. They offer the highest level of sensitivity possible. These most sensitive condoms are lubricated and have a reservoir-tip for added security. Crown Skinless Condoms are non-contoured (straight shaft) and have a light pink (almost skin-like) color.

    Simply put, The Crown Condom is an extremely sensitive condom. It is internationally acclaimed as being super sensitive, dependable and extremely stretchy. The Crown Skinless Condom by Okamoto is one of the thinnest condom's we carry and is right up there with the Discontinued Beyond Seven (Our Favorite Condom for 2021 & 2022). Take a look at our entire selection of Okamoto condoms.

    Crown Skinless Condoms are the pink condoms most commonly used in adult films.

    Using Sheerlon technology, the Crown Condom was designed to be thinner than other condoms without compromising its' strength and durability. They're also slightly longer and wider than regular-sized condoms for maximum pleasure.

    Made of latex, but have no latex smell.

    No latex taste.

    Reservoir tip.

    Super thin condom.

    Crown Condoms are No Longer Made in Japan and are now made in Thailand.

    Condom Depot ships all of our products discreetly. Free Shipping Available with Minimum Purchase.
    Forget that. This is the ultimate condom. I ordered two: one for me and one for the girl.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails level-b-suit-2_001.jpg‎  

  3. #24568
    Quote Originally Posted by SpeedToys  [View Original Post]
    Any guest friendly hotels with a heated pool? I miss a dip in the cooler months.

    I have yet to find one. As stated earlier, the Quartz might. Grand doesn't, Azteca doesn't, Holiday Inn doesn't, none of the hotels in Otay have them, Fairfield doesn't have a pool. I can't remember if the Marriott's pool is heated or not. I don't think so.

    I've been to a couple of places in Valle de Guadalupe with heated pools, but that's a bit far afield.

  4. #24567


    Quote Originally Posted by SpeedToys  [View Original Post]
    Any guest friendly hotels with a heated pool? I miss a dip in the cooler months..
    I'd suggest doing a search for Tijuana hotels with a heated pool and contact the property to verify. I did a basic search and the Quartz hotel was the main one that advertised a heated pool. I believe others have stayed and no issues with girls. It also seemed like the Hampton Inn has an indoor pool but not sure about the girls.

    Many hotels have pools but I would imagine most are not heated. Even if they say they are I'd suggest emailing the hotel directly to verify since the hotel might not actually heat the pool.

    If your bringing girls over you might want to go for a in room jacuzzi instead since it will be more fun with the girl but that's just my opinion.

  5. #24566
    Quote Originally Posted by StRobert  [View Original Post]
    These most sensitive condoms are lubricated and have a reservoir-tip for added security. Crown Skinless Condoms are non-contoured (straight shaft) and have a light pink (almost skin-like) color.
    But some of us have Mboros with skin color other than light pink. Not too manly with that look. I wish they have clear ones so the natural color project.

  6. #24565
    Quote Originally Posted by Zenduka1  [View Original Post]
    At lease do not actively seek to do it. Unless you are high up in age and do not care, BBFS is not advisable with putas or anyone else unless you have test results in hand.
    Safety first. So the problem is when a girl is pregnant and suspects a guy, they will detain him in Tijuana for a DNA test. If he is a father, he must pay child support despite living in the US and she in Mexico according to an international agreement. A good place to buy condoms link I recommend very good condoms Crown "skinless" (used in adult films) - Product Description:

    Crown Condoms "Skinless Skin" are one of the most sensitive condoms you can buy. They offer the highest level of sensitivity possible. These most sensitive condoms are lubricated and have a reservoir-tip for added security. Crown Skinless Condoms are non-contoured (straight shaft) and have a light pink (almost skin-like) color.

    Simply put, The Crown Condom is an extremely sensitive condom. It is internationally acclaimed as being super sensitive, dependable and extremely stretchy. The Crown Skinless Condom by Okamoto is one of the thinnest condom's we carry and is right up there with the Discontinued Beyond Seven (Our Favorite Condom for 2021 & 2022). Take a look at our entire selection of Okamoto condoms.

    Crown Skinless Condoms are the pink condoms most commonly used in adult films.

    Using Sheerlon technology, the Crown Condom was designed to be thinner than other condoms without compromising its' strength and durability. They're also slightly longer and wider than regular-sized condoms for maximum pleasure.

    • Made of latex, but have no latex smell.

    • No latex taste.

    • Reservoir tip.

    • Super thin condom.

    Crown Condoms are No Longer Made in Japan and are now made in Thailand.

    Condom Depot ships all of our products discreetly. Free Shipping Available with Minimum Purchase.

  7. #24564

    Heated pools.

    Any guest friendly hotels with a heated pool? I miss a dip in the cooler months.


  8. #24563
    Quote Originally Posted by Turgid  [View Original Post]
    Your argument has convinced me that you should go right ahead and bang them chicks bare.
    Jajajajajajaja, lead him to where? Why are you so concerned of his happiness and longevity?

  9. #24562
    Quote Originally Posted by HKMonger  [View Original Post]
    .........Which would bring the number of non African american, non drug using, heterosexual males down to a level that isn't even statistically significant........
    Your argument has convinced me that you should go right ahead and bang them chicks bare.

  10. #24561

    Don't do it

    At lease do not actively seek to do it. Unless you are high up in age and do not care, BBFS is not advisable with putas or anyone else unless you have test results in hand.

  11. #24560
    Quote Originally Posted by BaxterSlade  [View Original Post]
    Kind of funny when the ones that don't use condoms open the condom and leave the wrapper in plain sight so that the towel boys won't be spreading rumors about them. Jajajaja.
    Yes, I would hate to be subject of gossip at the water cooler in the jizz mopper's break room.

  12. #24559

    Fear Mongering

    Quote Originally Posted by CocrBrotheler  [View Original Post]
    If she is going sin condom with multiple men multiple times a day it is only a matter if time before yor pecker gets infected or worse spreads into your body with AIDS, syphillis (causes premature blindness) etc. And the medication to treat the AIDS long term impacts the health adversely. Please keep your dirty dicks wrapped up!

    Modern condoms can feel quite enough for me not worth it to go bare unless it a BBBJ. I know I could still catch something from her boca but not as risky as from the "dirty snatch". You know that is why they call it a snatch all full of dirty bacteria and cums from multiple mongers!
    I respect your opinion, but can we stop with the fear mongering about aids. The government has always lied about the risk of aids in order not to single out certain groups.

    "In 2022, there were an estimated 31,800 new HIV infections in the United States. Of these, 22% (7,000) were attributed to heterosexual contact. Men reporting heterosexual contact accounted for 7% (2,100) of these new infections. -- CDC. GOV".

    "While the CDC provides data on new HIV infections by transmission category and sex, it does not offer specific statistics for heterosexual men who do not use drugs. The available data does not distinguish between individuals based on race, sexual orientation, and drug use status within the heterosexual transmission category.". --CHATGPT

    "Several recent studies have implicated genetic alleles that are more frequent in populations of African descent and increase the risk of human immunodeficiency virus infection and the risk of human immunodeficiency virusassociated neuropathy (HIVAN)" -- National Institutes of Health (NIH).

    I am going to assume that drug users and African Americans constitute a good chunk of that 2100, although the data itself does not seem readily available. Also, because there is still a stigma against homosexually and drug use, I am further going to assume that some of those people in this category are lying about there sexuality / and or drug use. Which would bring the number of non African american, non drug using, heterosexual males down to a level that isn't even statistically significant. In other words, unless there is an open wound on your dick, you might as well worry about being struck by lightning.

  13. #24558

    Same Here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Turgid  [View Original Post]
    It's a pity it may be inappropriate to name them as I would wish to avoid them. My health comes first.
    If she is going sin condom with multiple men multiple times a day it is only a matter if time before yor pecker gets infected or worse spreads into your body with AIDS, syphillis (causes premature blindness) etc. And the medication to treat the AIDS long term impacts the health adversely. Please keep your dirty dicks wrapped up!

    Modern condoms can feel quite enough for me not worth it to go bare unless it a BBBJ. I know I could still catch something from her boca but not as risky as from the "dirty snatch". You know that is why they call it a snatch all full of dirty bacteria and cums from multiple mongers!

  14. #24557
    Quote Originally Posted by HKMonger  [View Original Post]
    Anywhere, man. Last two HK chics I was with didn't want anything to do with the condom. Remember, girls don't like condoms either, they just like to put up a good front. Some chics are weird in that way. I had this one girl who went from insisting on the condom to demanding that I cum inside her IN THE SAME SESSION!

    Just find a girl that likes you and that you have good chemistry with. More often than not she'll do you bare.
    Kind of funny when the ones that don't use condoms open the condom and leave the wrapper in plain sight so that the towel boys won't be spreading rumors about them. Jajajaja.

  15. #24556
    Quote Originally Posted by HKMonger  [View Original Post]
    Anywhere, man. Last two HK chics I was with didn't want anything to do with the condom........
    It's a pity it may be inappropriate to name them as I would wish to avoid them. My health comes first.

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