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Thread: Sosua Reports

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  1. #35135

    It's always like this

    As the title says it's always like this in summer very few tourist outside of maybe the weekends. I'm hearing the police are arresting the chicas and chasing them off again they always pick up there policing during this time not new. Sosua won't die because it's now the part of the newbie monger starter pack you got to go there first. Thank youtubers. For that. But to me that's a good thing because I want to keep the newbie just got my passport, didn't know about mongering until covid where they were watching passport bro content type of guys in Sosua in Sosua.

    On a different note as some may know I live in Pattaya and I've been seeing many guys around that are ex Sosua guys.

  2. #35134
    Quote Originally Posted by CoolieHigh  [View Original Post]
    Yeah this is nothing new. Folks been talking about it being slower then this 10 yrs ago. This is just the normal flow of Sosua. Thats why me and other OG Mongers patron our favorite bars heavy because it takes ALOT of fortitude to keep a bar running down there year after year when you're constantly dealing with economic extremes.
    Every year, during the long hot summer, we get posters complaining about the lack of action in Sosua. Some predict it's dying.

    It actually starts dying every year in May, and doesn't get back up to speed until November. Bars shorten their hours, some close up completely, and a lot of the chicas go home to Mama and the family campo. I take a couple months off and go visit family and friends, and take a break from the oppressive heat.

    But It comes back to life in the fall, just like the NFL. .

  3. #35133

    Your prediction is the Norm & Prices will drop. Keep Negotiating

    Quote Originally Posted by MwenByen  [View Original Post]
    I literally predicted that this place was going to get hella slow this year. Not only these women but the petty criminals and scammers are putting a lot of people livelihoods on the line with constant BS. Especially in a country where the unemployment rate is sitting around 25%! But back to subject matter I think this place is going to loose a lot of more business soon and that's even during the high season.
    Yeah this is nothing new. Folks been talking about it being slower then this 10 yrs ago. This is just the normal flow of Sosua. Thats why me and other OG Mongers patron our favorite bars heavy because it takes ALOT of fortitude to keep a bar running down there year after year when you're constantly dealing with economic extremes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Norbert61  [View Original Post]
    It's probably a buyers market and it should be a good time to find a gem. Mind you anyone who has negotiated with a Dominican can tell you the idea of dropping a price is pretty rare for them. They would rather get nothing than get less a lot of times.
    And if they not willing to drop their prices than let them starve. Let that hunger and desparation set in while you move on to the next chica. Dominicans can be stubborn but I've also came across more then a few chicas thatll drop their prices faster then a fat bastard at a buffet eating smothered porkchops.

  4. #35132

    A little luck hopefully your pot of gold can find her way back into DR

    Quote Originally Posted by IronQuinn  [View Original Post]
    My pot of gold. Unfortunately, she's stuck in Haiti, caught in the round-up of deportations. I wish we could've met up; she was pure magic. Treated me like a king with a kingdom. She wasn't the only one though. The pal I went with also was deported. I actually lost contact with him. DR cops are cracking down hard, saw it every night. The Haitians are running scared every time one those cop motorbikes rolls through. I saw two get chased down during this last trip. The Haitians around the German bar on Perdro don't stray too far. Each one I took out I had to escort all the way back because they were scared to walk alone.
    Yeah that sucks that she got deported back. Hopefuly she can find her way back into the DR. Every Haitian that I still keep intouch with says it worse then anything you can imagine on that side of the island. I'm seeing folks in the Haiti ISG section trying to contemplate going to Haiti as you must be on that golden crack pipe to try and venture over there right now. Still more then enough haitian hunny dips to keep you satisfied over here. Hopefully theyll calm down on the extreme harassment and deportation soon.

  5. #35131

    Prediction Came True

    I literally predicted that this place was going to get hella slow this year. Not only these women but the petty criminals and scammers are putting a lot of people livelihoods on the line with constant BS. Especially in a country where the unemployment rate is sitting around 25%! But back to subject matter I think this place is going to loose a lot of more business soon and that's even during the high season.

    Quote Originally Posted by Norbert61  [View Original Post]
    No posts for nearly 2 weeks kinda says it all. It's slow- I am down right now. I have an alternate source for chicas but I will comment on the street scene right now- there's lots of things happening in the streets but the bars are pretty dead. The weekend warriors seem to come down at about 35% strength compared to high season. There are a lot less girls but I will say that I have seen a lot more 7 plus girls proportionally. It's probably a buyers market and it should be a good time to find a gem. Mind you anyone who has negotiated with a Dominican can tell you the idea of dropping a price is pretty rare for them. They would rather get nothing than get less a lot of times.

  6. #35130
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarriqq  [View Original Post]
    A Friend of mine sent me a copy of his book and this the best book I have ever read about the Dominican Republic, of course he goes through alot of historical information. However if anyone is thinking about moving to the Dominican Republic, his book is SPOT ON!!
    Out of stock with Amazon. Any other ideas?

  7. #35129
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarriqq  [View Original Post]
    A Friend of mine sent me a copy of his book and this the best book I have ever read about the Dominican Republic, of course he goes through alot of historical information. However if anyone is thinking about moving to the Dominican Republic, his book is SPOT ON!!
    Amazon says it is out of print so perhaps you would like to share (in attachment?) a few pages, representative of what caught your eye and that you deem valuable? Thanks in advance.

  8. #35128
    Quote Originally Posted by Norbert61  [View Original Post]
    No posts for nearly 2 weeks kinda says it all. It's slow- I am down right now. I have an alternate source for chicas but I will comment on the street scene right now- there's lots of things happening in the streets but the bars are pretty dead. The weekend warriors seem to come down at about 35% strength compared to high season. There are a lot less girls but I will say that I have seen a lot more 7 plus girls proportionally. It's probably a buyers market and it should be a good time to find a gem. Mind you anyone who has negotiated with a Dominican can tell you the idea of dropping a price is pretty rare for them. They would rather get nothing than get less a lot of times.
    Thank you for the update as I have been checking the traffic more frequently than usual. I'm headed to the Su in mid-August and always like to know the latest intel before arrival. I was a bit concerned as it's been super quiet for the past 7-10 days or so. I am more of a Tinder guy than trolling the bars as its not really my style.


  9. #35127

    Must Read For Americans Who Are In RD

    A Friend of mine sent me a copy of his book and this the best book I have ever read about the Dominican Republic, of course he goes through alot of historical information. However if anyone is thinking about moving to the Dominican Republic, his book is SPOT ON!!

  10. #35126

    Yep it's pretty slow

    No posts for nearly 2 weeks kinda says it all. It's slow- I am down right now. I have an alternate source for chicas but I will comment on the street scene right now- there's lots of things happening in the streets but the bars are pretty dead. The weekend warriors seem to come down at about 35% strength compared to high season. There are a lot less girls but I will say that I have seen a lot more 7 plus girls proportionally. It's probably a buyers market and it should be a good time to find a gem. Mind you anyone who has negotiated with a Dominican can tell you the idea of dropping a price is pretty rare for them. They would rather get nothing than get less a lot of times.

  11. #35125

    Ahnvee is finally officially dead

    So ends another failed attempt to shift urban patterns. I would say that the level of success urban planners have at this sort of thing world wide is maybe 10% - you probably have an example in your hometown. Anyway idiots with geography degrees will keep pitching to real-estate salesmen who get theirselves elected to municipal governement based on the dramatic changes and improvements they have a plan for- now if I could just get my monorail project off the ground.

  12. #35124
    Quote Originally Posted by CoolieHigh  [View Original Post]
    This is great sage advice to the newbies coming to Sosua for the first time. Every newbie should read this as a prequiste before thinking about coming to the SU. BTW been meaning to ask you whatever happen to the nice hunny dip that you went to Haiti with on your last trip. Did you meet back up with her? Always curious to know what an OG Monger does with a hunny dip that he knows is a winner. Do you keep her longterm and make her your no. 1 main girl OR do you let her go because you're not ready for a longterm commitment.
    My pot of gold. Unfortunately, she's stuck in Haiti, caught in the round-up of deportations. I wish we could've met up; she was pure magic. Treated me like a king with a kingdom. She wasn't the only one though. The pal I went with also was deported. I actually lost contact with him. DR cops are cracking down hard, saw it every night. The Haitians are running scared every time one those cop motorbikes rolls through. I saw two get chased down during this last trip. The Haitians around the German bar on Perdro don't stray too far. Each one I took out I had to escort all the way back because they were scared to walk alone.

  13. #35123

    Sage Advice & What Happen to that Haitian Sensation

    Quote Originally Posted by IronQuinn  [View Original Post]
    To you newbies who were unfortunately born in the emotionless digital age, remember one thing when you step out of your shell in Sosua: it's all about perspective, attitude, and simplicity. Stop overthinking, stop trying to analyze, get off the dating apps, put down your damn electronic devices and just get out there. Be human, interact, keep it real, and enjoy yourself. Trust me, you'll thank me later.
    This is great sage advice to the newbies coming to Sosua for the first time. Every newbie should read this as a prequiste before thinking about coming to the SU. BTW been meaning to ask you whatever happen to the nice hunny dip that you went to Haiti with on your last trip. Did you meet back up with her? Always curious to know what an OG Monger does with a hunny dip that he knows is a winner. Do you keep her longterm and make her your no. 1 main girl OR do you let her go because you're not ready for a longterm commitment.

  14. #35122

    Nothing wrong with being a fan of Sosua

    There is also nothing wrong with being a international traveler with multiple residences throughout the world that allows you to be where you want to be when you want to be there. I've been able to experience different sex tourism locations throughout the world. We each have our own personal preferences. Everyone should go where they are treated best.

    I have a very good friend for whom Sosua serves at "his spot". I also have a very good friend for whom Sosua was his spot until he came to visit me in Pattaya. From the North American Continent the travel time is no joke. 25 - 30 hours of total travel time usually over a two day period. The fact that he has rebooked a return trip in the same year and another friend decided to travel with him says something. Sosua was the spot for both of them for a long time.

    When I am on that side of the world Sosua will still be a place to visit. I've always said it is a nice place since 2016 when I took my first trip. Does Sosua have the best beaches in the Dominican Republic? No! Does it have the best infrastructure in the Dominican Republic? No! Does it have the best chicas in the Dominican Republic? No!

    All anyone has do in order to fully experience all the Dominican Republic has to offer is to work on their language skills. Yes, that is right, I believe that if you are going to be traveling to Spanish speaking countries that speaking Spanish gives you an advantage. I have even had a very productive conversation with a Colombian here in Thailand. Who would have thought something like THAT would happen.

    The forum is for the sharing of information on having sex with girls. That is what I do. I also present my opinions. I actually lived 10 years 'boots on the ground" in various places in the Dominican Republic. Still have a chicas, a SRL, and blue paper to this day. I focus on the information not being critical of other people.

    Sousa is a nice beach town close to the North American Continent that caters to international tourists. Lots of hos be there. I understand why people like it. I like it.

    In my opinion there are places all around the world that are better than Sosua. Not trying to gore anyones ox or tell anyone that they should not visit Sosua. I cannot even say that the girls are better in other places than Sosua.

    It is the non ho factors that makes other locations more favorable to me. The mentality of the girls, the infrastructure of the locations, being a true international destination where people from the entire world visit, having a large number of different restaurants that cater to different cuisines.

    I remain at peace with myself and all others.

  15. #35121
    Quote Originally Posted by SubCmdr  [View Original Post]
    I am wondering why you are restricting yourself. There is Colombia. There is Brazil. There is Mexico. All with similar travel times and distances. I understand your sentiments about the chias of Sosua. Chicas are all over the Dominican Republic. Sosua does not have a monopoly.

    Personally, I enjoy the change that Sosua offers. I can park the Grand Jefe mobile and not get back in it until the end of my trip. But I consider my trips to Sosua to be working trips. I spend 4 - 6 hours on my computer and running errands in town when I am there. Most I have done was a month a time. I had a very easy life there. But it was expensive as fuck!

    This is where my advice to learn Spanish comes into play It opens up the Dominican Republic like someone has given you the keys to the Kingdom. Sosua is easy that is all. Easy for the tourist that does not want to put any effort into self improvement and is just focused upon what he can get for his dick.

    Interesting. I'm not one to interview a chica before inviting her back to your room. I just use my intuition and I have never had a problem from encounter that resulted from a in person meeting. Much more likely for things to go south based on a internet encounter. But even with those I can only say ONE did not live up to my expectations and she still (ponerme leche afuera).

    So, lets contrast this with how it works in a bar in Pattaya. You go into a bar and order a drink. A girl comes over to you and if you invite her to sit with you, you buy her a Lady Drink. It is not obligatory that you buy her a lady drink, nor is obligatory for her to sit with you if you choose not to buy her one. She can take her time with her drink like a normal person or she can drink it quick in order to ask you for another or move onto the next "customer". You can use this time to interview her to see if you wish to hire her as your prostitute for the night. Some venues have well appointed rooms right on-premese, other you must "bar fine" the girl to take her out of the bar in order to enjoy social / sexual services with her.
    Nothing. I'm just a fan of Sosua.

    Have been for 15 years. Post about it here. Offer advice based on my experiences here. I don't want to "***** slap" anybody who doesn't agree with me! To each his own!

    You don't sound "at peace" with anybody!


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