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Thread: Hong Kong Club Reports

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  1. #20302
    Quote Originally Posted by KombatWombat  [View Original Post]
    I should have stated in my earlier post that I had already visited a handful of FKK clubs.

    Funnily enough Mystik was one of the ones I visited. Highly rated but not super well known club. Didn't realise it had a laufhaus next to it.

    Its Tijuana I have not been to but am contemplating on doing so.
    Adjust your expectation. ZN in Tijuana is a slum compared to where you been in Germany. Police, guns, armored cars, beggars, druggies, stray dogs, stray kids, sewage stench, fumes, street vendors, immigration lines. Other than that it is heaven.

  2. #20301
    Quote Originally Posted by KombatWombat  [View Original Post]
    I should have stated in my earlier post that I had already visited a handful of FKK clubs.

    Funnily enough Mystik was one of the ones I visited. Highly rated but not super well known club. Didn't realise it had a laufhaus next to it.

    Its Tijuana I have not been to but am contemplating on doing so.
    Temper your expectations. Tijuana is not close to the FKK's.

  3. #20300
    Quote Originally Posted by Zenduka1  [View Original Post]
    What is the demographic situation of the clientele in the FKK's, Mostly European Whites, or mixed? As in additional to whites are there Asians, Blacks, Arabs, Indians, etc. Like we have in Tijuana?
    Very mixed. Didn't see any black. But tons of European, a few American, and definitely some Asian and south Asian. Some Arab too.

    The ones I went to were in Frankfurt. Keeping in mind, Frankfurt is a massive airline hub like Atlanta. So it's easy for people to take a long layover.

  4. #20299
    Quote Originally Posted by RexRiver  [View Original Post]
    Was in Salzburg, Austria a couple years ago and visited FKK Mystic. Was it worth it. Hell yeah! Wish I could go back without the SO.
    I should have stated in my earlier post that I had already visited a handful of FKK clubs.

    Funnily enough Mystik was one of the ones I visited. Highly rated but not super well known club. Didn't realise it had a laufhaus next to it.

    Its Tijuana I have not been to but am contemplating on doing so.

  5. #20298

    Clientele in FKK's

    Quote Originally Posted by RexRiver  [View Original Post]
    Was in Salzburg, Austria a couple years ago and visited FKK Mystic. You can search and find my report on here. 75 Euros to access the club, include a buffet, beer and soft drinks. Like other mentioned, mostly Romanian girls, pretty, most spoke English. Girls were friendly and available for 80 Euros for the hour, additional 50 for BBBJCIM and 80 more for Greek. Not al offered Greek, most pushed for CIM. Went on a Saturday night and was told there were 80 girls there, maybe 15 guys. Was it worth it. Hell yeah! Wish I could go back without the SO.

    FYI, rates were 2 years ago and $1.05 would get you 1 Euro. Mystic also had a Laufhaus(brothel) adjacent to the club. I didnt partake. I did however go to a laufhaus in the city. Basically a run down hotel. Had a bar that I didnt visit. Went straight to the girls room and knocked and was let in. Turkish girl, not my type, very disappointing experience.
    What is the demographic situation of the clientele in the FKK's, Mostly European Whites, or mixed? As in additional to whites are there Asians, Blacks, Arabs, Indians, etc. Like we have in Tijuana?

  6. #20297


    I was at ped East a few weeks ago. Basically zero wait in the non sentri lines. Shocking. It was super early tho. Maybe 7 am.

    Anyone else see super short waits to cross since trump came in?

  7. #20296

    MTS bus now goes from San Yisidro to SD when trolley is shut overnight

    Iders traveling to and from San Ysidro, San Diego's South Bay communities and downtown San Diego, will soon have access to transit 24/7. Route 910 is a new route that will run from the USA. Mexico border to downtown San Diego overnight when the UC San Diego Blue Line Trolley cannot operate.

    Route 910 service will run every 30 minutes.

    Service will operate from approximately 12:30 am To 5 am.

  8. #20295
    Quote Originally Posted by KombatWombat  [View Original Post]
    Anyone on following this thread mongered been to fkks clubs in europe?

    How does Hong Kong compare in terms of service expected and average looks of girls?
    Was in Salzburg, Austria a couple years ago and visited FKK Mystic. You can search and find my report on here. 75 Euros to access the club, include a buffet, beer and soft drinks. Like other mentioned, mostly Romanian girls, pretty, most spoke English. Girls were friendly and available for 80 Euros for the hour, additional 50 for BBBJCIM and 80 more for Greek. Not al offered Greek, most pushed for CIM. Went on a Saturday night and was told there were 80 girls there, maybe 15 guys. Was it worth it. Hell yeah! Wish I could go back without the SO.

    FYI, rates were 2 years ago and $1.05 would get you 1 Euro. Mystic also had a Laufhaus(brothel) adjacent to the club. I didnt partake. I did however go to a laufhaus in the city. Basically a run down hotel. Had a bar that I didnt visit. Went straight to the girls room and knocked and was let in. Turkish girl, not my type, very disappointing experience.
    Last edited by RexRiver; 02-10-25 at 19:46. Reason: Clarification

  9. #20294
    Quote Originally Posted by KombatWombat  [View Original Post]
    Anyone on following this thread mongered been to fkks clubs in europe?

    How does Hong Kong compare in terms of service expected and average looks of girls?
    Hard to compare. Apples and oranges.

    FKK is more Eastern European girls. Mostly Romania. If you like white chicks. HK is obviously Latinas. Many from further south.

    FKK are larger, more spread out, often suburban, a bit more luxurious. HK is usually a sardine can with loud music. And it's obviously a seedy place in a very seedy part of a seedy town.

    FKK you're mostly left alone except girls making eyes. HK has waiters bothering you every 30 seconds.

    FKK ironically is cheaper to bang. But you pay more to get there obviously.

    I prefer an FKK but it's not practical to go often due to flights so HK will do.

  10. #20293
    Quote Originally Posted by KombatWombat  [View Original Post]
    Anyone on following this thread mongered been to fkks clubs in europe?

    How does Hong Kong compare in terms of service expected and average looks of girls?
    FKK girls are the hottest providers in the world. My experience with service is that you can expect a greater percentage of HK senoritas to give better service than FKK chicks.

  11. #20292
    Anyone on following this thread mongered been to fkks clubs in europe?

    How does Hong Kong compare in terms of service expected and average looks of girls?

  12. #20291
    Quote Originally Posted by Nothing24  [View Original Post]
    Every room I have stayed in has an ashtray. Don't think they care either way as long as you're a paying customer.
    If someone complains they could kick you out of the room if you refuse to comply, that goes for drugs, weed, cigarettes and loudness. There was a huge fight between a group of Gringos in multiple rooms and a swarm of Security from HK and Tropical in Rizo. It was the rowdiness that started it and then it escalated. After that Rizo had a bunch new and aggressive security personnel for few Months. A girl got sick in my room once, I called the lobby and 5 minutes later 10 security guys from both clubs showed up at my door.

  13. #20290
    Quote Originally Posted by StubbornMule  [View Original Post]
    Thinking of visiting in a week or two. Have there been any changes to the club atmosphere / border crossings after the recent US-Mexico political drama? Is everything the same at the crossings?
    I don't know if it's just the day I went, but I was there last Sunday and I crossed ped east back to the US on foot at about 7 am and there was virtually no line. Totally empty.

  14. #20289
    One of my wingmen is really into smoking marijuana with the girls. One time he ended up for 4 girls in his room because they wanted to place to smoke. I was next door and this mofo did not call me!! This has never happened to me but he aggressively looks for girls that smoke. It can be a little challenging getting the weed to the room but he has never herd anything about it when checking out. I can tell you it smells when I walk by.

    I have let a few girls smoke weed, it does seem to improve their performance.

    Quote Originally Posted by RexRiver  [View Original Post]
    I've read on here of guys taking the chicas back to their hotel rooms and the girls wanting to smoke. Not sure what they're smoking, but trying to find out if smoking is allowed in any of the rooms at the HK hotels. Have plans to stay in Rizo on my April visit.

  15. #20288
    Quote Originally Posted by RexRiver  [View Original Post]
    I've read on here of guys taking the chicas back to their hotel rooms and the girls wanting to smoke. Not sure what they're smoking, but trying to find out if smoking is allowed in any of the rooms at the HK hotels. Have plans to stay in Rizo on my April visit.
    Every room I have stayed in has an ashtray. Don't think they care either way as long as you're a paying customer.

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