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  1. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by BYourself  [View Original Post]

    I'd like to visit Bangladesh next month.

    For my visit I need someone to guide me in Dhaka that understands English and the local language.

    I need him / her to be discreet. I would like the guide to take me to a sex tour basically. So my privacy is very important!
    I could use this exact same service. PM me if you have any luck finding. Also, if you want to meet up and venture as a pack, PM me.

  2. #70
    Quote Originally Posted by IstanbulEscort  [View Original Post]
    Hello, my name is Alina! I am escort manager in Istanbul! If you want to find a beautiful girl.

    Contact me!
    My number WhatsApp +37257746463.

  3. #69

    Hello guys! Who are looking for an escort in Istanbul?

    Hello, my name is Alina! I am escort manager in Istanbul! If you want to find a beautiful girl.

    Contact me!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 21.jpg‎  

  4. #68

    I'm looking for translator / guide


    I'd like to visit Bangladesh next month.

    For my visit I need someone to guide me in Dhaka that understands English and the local language.

    I need him / her to be discreet. I would like the guide to take me to a sex tour basically. So my privacy is very important!

  5. #67
    I just discovered I'm unable to use the PM system, so if you're interested in this job please send me an email: [Email address deleted by Admin]

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnTron  [View Original Post]

    I'm flying into Dhaka early July 2014 (2 weeks from now). I want to hire a Guide / Translator / Gopher.

    You will be required to go to brothels, get girls and bring them to our apartment.

    You should possess the following skills:

    - Fluent in both English and Bengali.

    - Honest, reliable and punctual.

    - A good knowledge of the brothel locations in Dhaka.
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  6. #66

    Wanted: Guide / Translator / Gopher in Dhaka


    I'm flying into Dhaka early July 2014 (2 weeks from now). I want to hire a Guide / Translator / Gopher.

    You will be required to go to brothels, get girls and bring them to our apartment.

    You should possess the following skills:

    - Fluent in both English and Bengali.

    - Honest, reliable and punctual.

    - A good knowledge of the brothel locations in Dhaka.

    - Self confident and an effective communicator.

    - Willing to work both day and night.

    - Willing to travel outside of Dhaka city.

    Base salary will be 500 Taka a day with bonuses for the quality of the services you provide. All expenses are covered by us.

    This position is a contract job which will last for one month. Possibly longer if we choose to stay in Dhaka.

    Please send me a PM with your contact info and Skype I'd if you have one.



  7. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by ChinaTourist  [View Original Post]
    I just landed in Dhaka today.

    Can we do some mongering together?
    Are you still in dhaka? If you are in Dhaka please let me know which hotel are you staying. If then also write your name as you mentioned in hotel's register. So I can find you in the hotel.

  8. #64
    [Deleted by Admin]

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  9. #63
    [Telephone Number deleted by Admin]

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  10. #62


    Quote Originally Posted by JohnDhaka  [View Original Post]
    I live in Gulshan 2. I would like an address where I can go to some time, just for quick cheap sex.

    The place behind the spanish embassy on Ataturk is closed, shame.
    I m a bangladeshi doing garment export business I can't help you for mongering a lot a little bit. U can con me [Telephone Number deleted by Admin]

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  11. #61


    I m a bangladeshi guy stating in uttara doing garments export business in Malaysia I have office in kl and also a small office here in dhaka Baridhara the. O. Hs I can't help you a lot abot mongering but I can guide for locations or so, e other help. I am an unmarried guy if any firing lady looking for fun can contact me. [Email address deleted by Admin]

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  12. #60
    Banned for posting
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    [Email address deleted by Admin]

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  13. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnDhaka  [View Original Post]
    I live in Gulshan 2. I would like an address where I can go to some time, just for quick cheap sex.

    The place behind the spanish embassy on Ataturk is closed, shame.
    I could help with you some contacts but I don't no have PM and I see neither do you. Are you a local or foreigner?

  14. #58
    Banned for posting
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    Posts: 5

    Quicky in Gulshan

    I live in Gulshan 2. I would like an address where I can go to some time, just for quick cheap sex.

    The place behind the spanish embassy on Ataturk is closed, shame.

  15. #57

    What about SPA?

    Guys do you have the experience of SPA with Thai girls? I do not have the experience of Thai but have exp. With local girls. It was in Baridhara. But unfortunately the parlour closed after my last visit. But that was awsome. Name was Feathertouch.

    I get the number from iinternet and called the manager. He response nicely I provoked to go there. I book my schedule and went there. The manager offer me the bill of fare so I was impressed. He told me both Pahari and Bangali girls are available there. But as I was the first time he offer me Bangali. Guys I was full of stuffed with canabis before going there.

    The lady came and asked me for wearing towels and do it. She started to do the message and and I feel a heavenly experience, it was great pleasure. Unfortunately I didn't feel any sexual feeling during the message time. My one hour was yet to finished and then she told me Sir it is finished by our part. I asked her if there was any extra service? She told it is possible for HJ but cost 1000BDT. I agreed and then she done it. I just open her boobs and did my HJ. And she to my.

    The price was reasonable 2000tk / hour.

    After that day I was trying to get her in personally but can not get her. Her name was Ruma. Does anybody know her?

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