Thread: Armenia
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02-03-25 22:57 #194
Posts: 787Armenia
This is my last day in Colombia-Pereira. So I decided to take the bus to Armenia. Walked around Cra 14 for awhile looking at the coffee shops, cafes, restaurants and stores. Finally walked down Calle 15 to Plaza Quindianidad near iglesia San Francisco. Actually were a few chicas in the Plaza not too bad. But I went down 15 to a shorttime hotel nr Cra 17. Found a goodlooking MILF, w a great body. Went upstairs w her and did the deed. Good chupa and lengua action. Her name was Inez. Took her phone no. Walked back to Cra 14, had 2 empanadas and a jugo mora. Called it a day and took the bus backto Pereira.
01-31-25 00:18 #193
Posts: 174Thanks for all the info. I'll be there in a few weeks and let everyone know what I find.
Originally Posted by BayBoy [View Original Post]
01-26-25 17:54 #192
Posts: 787Armenia
Another piece of info, is that the 3 bar intersection is at what I call 20 and 20. Calle 20 and Cra 20. No signs on the streets you just have to wing it. La Barra and Flor del Valle 1 open around 3 or 4. Shango open around 8 pm. Flor 2 opens around 3 pm.
01-26-25 01:06 #191
Posts: 1157Originally Posted by BayBoy [View Original Post]
01-25-25 22:55 #190
Posts: 787More Armenia
The difference bet. Flor del Valle 1 and Flor del Valle 2 is that 1 is more upscale. Better looking chicas, better quality, but prices are higher 80-100 K. 2 has average looking chicas, prices 50-60 K for the merchandise.
01-25-25 15:03 #189
Posts: 787Armenia
The town is quite safe to walk around at alltimes. For clarification Flor del Valle 1 is in the 3 bar section. Then you can walk over to Flor del Valle 2 on 18th. No problem.
01-24-25 19:21 #188
Posts: 174Walking around Armenia
I forgot to put in my previous post but how is walking around Armenia? I get the impression it's safer than other places. Staying right near Plaza Bolivar and so the walk to both the daytime Flor Del Valle 1 and the nighttime location along with Shango, etc is only 10 minutes or so? Was considering just doing the walk over there after visiting some places and then also doing the same walk in the early evening hours to the Shango spot and catching a taxi back once I've finished with a girl at one of the 3 bars in the evening. Sound doable or is that location out near the 3 night clubs and Flor del valle 1 not the best area to walk around in.
01-24-25 19:06 #187
Posts: 174Originally Posted by MongerHunger [View Original Post]
01-22-25 17:20 #186
Posts: 1157Flor Del Valle
Here is a picture that I took of the location of Flor del Valle in Armenia located at the corner of Carrera 18 and Calle 23. Some chicas are definitely available for 50 k and local beers are 6 k. This is the Flor del Valle location that opens early during the day. The other one near Shango and Las Barras opens at night.
01-21-25 01:34 #185
Posts: 1157Did a quick day trip from Pereira to Armenia. Noticed that the price went up from 11,500 COP to 13,500 COP. It's not a significant increase bit it's and increase. Went down and did the Mileroticos thing that I had set up before arriving. Stopped by Flor de Valle but it was early. They were open with about 7 chicas and a few guide. I just popped in and out. Should have stayed but I was hungry and wanted to eat.
01-10-25 07:32 #184
Posts: 1157Originally Posted by DaVinci40 [View Original Post]
01-09-25 15:26 #183
Posts: 787Armenia
Originally Posted by DaVinci40 [View Original Post]
01-08-25 23:45 #182
Posts: 174Side trip from BOG
Hi all, planning a quick side trip from Bogota. The only day I can do it though is Sunday and wondering if it will be worth it on that day? From what I can gather it appears that the SG options around the plaza and Flor Del Valle 1 will be good during the daytime hours and then the 3 clubs close together. Flor Del Valle 2, Shango and the 3rd one whose name is escaping me at the moment are best to visit in the evening after 7/8 pm?
Has anyone tried Angeles Del Cafe. A poster had put it down 2-3 pages back but it was from about 2 years ago with not much mentioned elsewhere. Whatsapped them and they just referred to the catalog on their website with some blurred out photos of girls that look nice.
Anything else worth visiting or trying while there (girl wise specifically as tourist things I've got covered) or opinions about going there on a Sunday (Sunday has usually been so so in Bogota for girls and clubs so wondering if it's the same here?
09-20-24 14:51 #181
Posts: 787Armenia
I took the bus here from Pereira. 1 hour $3. After lunch and walking around, I went to La Barra bet 5 and 6. They were remodeling the lasttime I was here. Only a few chicas maybe 5 or so, none really turned me on, kind of soso looking. Then I walked over to Flor del Valle 1. A much better selection. Far better looking, around 6 chicas. Kind of sexy looking. But I just had a few beers. Was too tired to monger. Shango was closed at that time. So I calledit a day and went back to Pereira.
05-12-24 16:29 #180
Posts: 787Originally Posted by Gabacho [View Original Post]
But I liked Flor del Valle 1 on Calle 20. Out.