Thread: American Politics
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Today 13:55 #17166
Posts: 1406Innovation: MAGA ideology continue to rail their own best interest...(Part 3 of 3)
Originally Posted by Elvis 2008 [View Original Post]
- Environment Texas (Oct 23, 2024): "DALLAS: Texas ranks first in the nation for wind power generation, second for solar power generation, second in the nation for battery storage, and third in the nation for the number of electric vehicle registrations through 2023, according to the online Renewables on the Rise 2024 dashboard ..."
"This analysis comes as Texas is set to receive $360 million from the federal government to interconnect the ERCOT grid with other southern states, potentially bringing cheap, clean, Texan energy to hundreds of thousands more."
New analysis: Texas continues dominance in wind and solar power generation ...
Yeah, I know just what you mean Elvis 2008, ...take a minute and just checkout, all those dumbass, knuckle dragging, stupidass redneck, imbecile Texans, building more solar, more wind, more BESS and driving more EVs, than nearly everyone else in the country. My goodness, like how stupid can those Texans be? (...kkkk!)
Golly...I mean, like where's the fun in MAGA, by building out, $360 million worth of worth of clean energy, with more of President Joe Biden's IRA federal government cheese? That ain't very MAGA? Doesn't that just spit in the face of your American Fuhrer and nullifies his battle cries of "drill baby drill"? As if any self-respecting MAGA, should ever adopt a silly "woke/liberal" idea like solar or wind power clean energy generation? (...kkkk!)
Don't get me wrong, I love what Texas is doing and (reluctantly) following California's lead, by boosting their grid with more available solar and wind energy. Which, BTW, is some of the cheapest and cleanest forms of energy, right now, if saving tax payers dollars is still a thing for you Conservative Republican Libertarians?
But the hypocrisy and idiot notion that MAGA ideology/dogma, can't adopt clean energy, because it's some deep state "woke/liberal" idea, that is a conspiracy plot against right-wing MAGA Christian Conservative Libertarians ideals, is as delusional, paranoid and as nutty as your America Fuhrer, robber barons, vulture capitalists and private equity firms, want you to believe.
So that on the one hand, they continue to feed you, gullible clowns, the lies and the culture-war nonsense (mostly), while with the other hand, blindly pick your pockets clean.
- Environment Texas (Oct 23, 2024): "DALLAS: Texas ranks first in the nation for wind power generation, second for solar power generation, second in the nation for battery storage, and third in the nation for the number of electric vehicle registrations through 2023, according to the online Renewables on the Rise 2024 dashboard ..."
Today 13:37 #17165
Posts: 1406Innovation: Biden's IRA/CHIIPs Acts, have always been the catalyst...(Part 2 of 3)
Originally Posted by Elvis 2008 [View Original Post]
Your American Fuhrer's style of vision, is to simply, "slap his name and brand on anything of value and then call it his own...before turning it to shit...", has pretty much always been his MO and the "Republican Way".
The "Stargate" AI project, AI chips/tech, battery, clean energy manufacturing factories and jobs success, is just the latest example of credit theft, that was started by the Democrat visionary IRA and CHIPS/AI bills and initiatives. And when your American Fuhrer/MAGA, can't take credit for it, you will either rebrand it as MAGA, or just blow it up as some "woke/liberal" conspiracy.
Having said that, your assessment of "Why American auto can't compete with Chinese EVs?", w/r to the "U.S. vs. China wage gap", being the problem, is correct to a degree, but too simplistic in its approach and is perhaps only 33% to 25% of the answer. While, I still think, it comes down to American innovation, to make up the 75% to 66%, rest of the answer/solution.
If you consider the main 3-components for Cost of Goods Sold (COGS), raw materials, manufacturing and labor, I think you'll agree, America has some catching up to do, in the other two categories. This is exactly the innovation and infrastructure deficiencies that Biden's IRA and CHIPS acts/bills, was addressing and successfully accomplishing.
- Forbes (Dec 16, 2025): "Its an important step in the right direction that the Biden administration did pass three massive pieces of legislation funneling trillions of dollars and/or tax incentives toward US innovation and industrial productivity, that have ultimately fueled a manufacturing renaissance across the US. Since 2021, over $2.1 trillion has been allocated by the government to pro-manufacturing initiatives through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, and the CHIPS Act.
And according to Blackrock, as of November 2023, the private sector has pledged an additional $614 billion towards the production of semiconductors, electric vehicles, and batteries."
"But, it will require much more capital and investment to build up the US manufacturing ecosystem similar to the SEZ model in China, and it may take decades to develop. In the meantime, 'Made in China', whether directly or indirectly, is the sobering reality that we face."
Again, this was the answer I give, but you, a MAGA knucklehead, weren't listening (as per frickin' usual).
You, just never wanted to give President Joe Biden, the credit for being a visionary, for reviving America's jobs, manufacturing, infrastructure, clean energy and AI & Chips industries growth, that was enabling the U.S. to compete with the China and their special economic zones (SEZs), that had begun in the 1980's to spur their economic growth and innovation.
The way I see it, the biggest challenge facing the U.S. Auto Industry, is innovation. Solving the wage problem, won't do you any good, if you don't have the vision to innovate build good products, control production waste and streamline manufacturing practices, to be more efficient, effective and thereby bring costs under control.
When countries are banning the sale of ICE vehicles (now or in the near future) and and sales are down, because people aren't buying "dated" over priced ICE vehicles, in a market that's offers better affordable EV/Hybrid choices, hopefully this should come as wake-up call.
As much as I dislike Elon, when Tesla innovated with their giga presses, giga stamps, car heat-pumps and robotics...etc, it was stubborn American, European and Japanese legacy auto, that pooh-poohed Tesla's EV innovations and it was China that EMBRACED such innovative manufacturing, that drastically lowered the cost/time to build a vehicle in minutes vs. hours, mainly because they were on the same EV visionary path to electrifying their auto industry.
So we'll see if the Repub clowns in office, continue to blow it up, sabotage and gets in the way of America's own best interests and all the good the IRA and CHIPS/AI acts have done, in order for the U.S. to compete?
Although, you should note, that as both the U.S. and China auto industries, move towards near 100% automation, using tech like giga presses and robotics, to the fullest extent of manufacturing, with very little worker/human interaction toward a truer "level-playing field" and less wages to pay workers (and hopefully CEOs/Exes), it will still come down to INNOVATION, to "kick-ass" and save the day
for American auto.
Lastly, don't let those fat, bloated and lazy auto execs or those robber barons, CEO/Execs billionaire slave masters and buyout private equity firms, tell you MAGA cult faithless, any different (...kkkk!)
- Forbes (Dec 16, 2025): "Its an important step in the right direction that the Biden administration did pass three massive pieces of legislation funneling trillions of dollars and/or tax incentives toward US innovation and industrial productivity, that have ultimately fueled a manufacturing renaissance across the US. Since 2021, over $2.1 trillion has been allocated by the government to pro-manufacturing initiatives through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, and the CHIPS Act.
Today 13:27 #17164
Posts: 1406Innovation: The KEY to American Competitiveness...(Part 1 of 3)
Originally Posted by Elvis 2008 [View Original Post]
So as much you as your American Fuhrer, Repub clown shit show and the "3-Tech Bros", would like to conveniently omit and wanna take credit for the Stargate Project, truth is, it was started by the great President Joe Biden. Not a grip, just the truth, something that rarely comes outta the mouths of Repubs.
Originally Posted by Elvis 2008 [View Original Post]
Your robber barons and American Fuhrer, have you MAGA gullible imbeciles, parroting about "wage gaps between American vs. Chinese auto workers", as the problem why American auto can't compete with China, all the while ignoring The Fuhrer's billionaire buddies and CEOs and top-execs making 200 times the salary of hard working Americans.
So when is that Repub shit show of administration, gonna fix the price of eggs and bacon, let alone soul sucking, widening pay gap that exists here in America, that almost 9 in 10 (87%) agree that the growing gap between CEO pay and worker pay is a problem in this country.
Second, oh, I answered your question, you just weren't listening (as usual)...YOU just need to learn how to listen better! Less yapping, like a little Chihuahua and more listening! Again, I'll explain it to you, in my responses, to other questions in parts 2 and 3.
Originally Posted by Elvis 2008 [View Original Post]
Today 11:06 #17163
Posts: 2525Three idiotic things.
Originally Posted by AxelHeyst [View Original Post]
Another thing that's not healthy is when grown-ups are pointlessly using the idiotic word "woke" and not because it conveys any kind of meaning (it makes ZERO sense altogether) but because Trump and MAGA love how it sounds.
Woke. Wok. Wok-wok. Who's there. Lovely!
The third idiotic thing is calling anyone who disagrees with you a Marxist. That's a very mature, MAGA-approved trait, I'm sure.
Today 10:27 #17162
Posts: 4546Lies, Damn Lies and Bitcoin is going to zero!
Originally Posted by AxelHeyst [View Original Post]
The persistence of Bitcoin poses a challenge to established economic principles. Im hoping it will bust,
The US Dollar is on track to lose 99.9% of its value per Michael Saylor. A brilliant entrepreneur whose company MSTR has made me an insane amount of money by buying, holding and selling its common stock.
The Defense Rests!
Today 10:18 #17161
Posts: 4546The Cmdr v EihTooms
Originally Posted by EihTooms [View Original Post]
Former Vice President Harris did not run the primary gauntlet. She was not chosen by the registered Democrats of the United States of America. In my opinion that made her an illegitimate candidate for President. Add to it she was not ready to sit in the Big Chair.
The Prosecution Rests! Is the Defense Ready?
Today 09:02 #17160
Posts: 23821Originally Posted by Xpartan [View Original Post]
Today 08:19 #17159
Posts: 6528Has Trump lied in order to defy a Repub MAGA SCOTUS Ruling?
I suppose it is impossible for President Musk's assistant Donald Trump to do anything without covering it with a blatant, easily debunked lie.
So it is even more impossible for him to avoid it when he is addressing one of the Classic Repub Social Issues that only exist to con suckers into voting against their and the country's interests on issues that actually matter.
Remember when President Joe Biden really rooted out the Repub con artists on this particular Classic Social Issue For Suckers by merely confirmed his administratikn's support for folling the law as is required?
Fact check: Posts criticizing Biden order on gender discrimination lack context.
Feb. 14, 2021
The Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation calls for a broader application of last year's Supreme Court Bostock v. Clayton County ruling, which mandated that LGBTQ people are protected from sex discrimination in the workplace.
The majority opinion held that, It is impossible to discriminate against a person for being homosexual or transgender without discriminating against that individual based on sex.
The order builds on the landmark ruling and directs federal agencies to extend protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, and calls for the Supreme Court ruling to apply to Title IX, the federal law that prohibits discrimination in federally funded schools.
Under "Bostock's reasoning," Title IX, the Fair Housing Act and Section 412 of the Immigration and Nationality Act prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation, so long as the laws do not contain sufficient indications to the contrary.
"Every person should be treated with respect and dignity and should be able to live without fear, no matter who they are or whom they love," Biden's executive order reads. "Children should be able to learn without worrying about whether they will be denied access to the restroom, the locker room, or school sports."
Fact check: Trump repeats lie that champion Olympic womens boxers transitioned.
Feb. 5, 2025
Before signing an executive order Wednesday to try to ban transgender women from competing in womens sports in schools and other settings, President Donald Trump repeated a lie he told last year. He asserted that two Olympians who won gold in womens boxing events in 2024 were men who transitioned.
But how does any of this lower the cost of eggs, groceries, damn I'm glad Trump invented that word, gas, rent, Mortgage loan rates, etc as well as prevent the biggest Warmongering potus of all time at home and abroad from plunging us into War with Canada, Mexico, Panama, Greenland and Gaza? And will this in any way Prevent the next Trump's Pandemic that he is clearly intent upon creating?
Today 04:20 #17158
Posts: 6528And so it begins, continued.
Trump's Pandemic Part 2, dot #I forget, there have been so many.
This time, will it take shape as a Worldwide Economy Destroying and International Tourism and Sex Mongering Travel-Crippling new drug-resistant HIV / AIDS, Tuberculosis, or Ebola?
Anything is possible.
President Musk, his assistant Trump, Xi, Putin and other Authoritarian Dictators would be pleased either way. All of the above would be welcomed with delight by them. They have always hated that the USA would dare to spend a fraction of 1 percent of its national budget on these highly effective humanitarian endeavors and Pandemic Prevention efforts.
Well. Promises made:
Trump says he would disband the pandemic preparedness officeagain.
May 3, 2024
Before declaring a pandemic on March 17, 2020, Donald Trump repeatedly undermined the seriousness of the disease, saying on January 22nd that Its just one person coming from China. On February 10th, he implied that it would go away with the heat in April. Its going to disappear, he said on February 27th. On March 10th, just days before declaring a pandemic, Trump urged everyone to Just stay calm. It will go away.
"People Will Die: The Trump Administration Said It Lifted Its Ban on Lifesaving Humanitarian Aid.
That's Not True.
Organizations that provide vital care for desperate and vulnerable people around the world have been forced to halt operations, turn away patients and lay off staff. Ive never seen anything that scares me as much as this, one doctor said.
Jan. 31, 2025
Experts in and out of government have anxiously watched the fluid situation develop. Ive been an infectious disease doctor for 30 years, and Ive never seen anything that scares me as much as this, said Dr. Jennifer Furin, a Harvard Medical School physician who received a stop-work order for a program designing treatment plans for people with the most drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis. Infectious diseases do not know borders, she pointed out. Its terrifying."
"Like a Russian nesting doll of fuck-ups, said Jeremy Konyndyk, who ran some of USAIDs largest programs under Presidents Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Its just astonishing.
There are also new outbreaks of Ebola in Ugandas capital and of the diseases cousin, the Marburg virus, in Tanzania. The U.S. has long been a key funder of biosecurity measures internationally, including at high-security labs. That funding is now on hold.
Today 00:00 #17157
Posts: 2525Typical European anti-Semites
Originally Posted by Sirioja [View Original Post]
Yesterday 23:28 #17156
Posts: 923The future of Bitcoin?
I know some ISG'ers are into Bitcoin. That's fine with me. I file it under it's your money, do with it what you like with it.
Anyway, I received an email from my old alma Mater, the University of Chicago Grad School of Business about Bitcoin that might be of interest to some. It is entitled; 'Why Chicago Booth's Eugene Fama Thinks Bitcoin Is Going to Zero'. Take a look see if you want to. Fama is a fucking brilliant guy. I took his famous 2 semester PHD course in Finance back before he got the Nobel. It was one of most intellectually challenging and stimulating times in my life. The 1st time I visited Walking Street in Pattaya was pretty stimulating too, but in a completely different way.
Yesterday 22:38 #17155
Posts: 923Today President Trump signed the 'No Men in Women's Sports' executive order and it is fun to watch the Woke kool-aid drinkers lose their banana cakes over another amazing executive order. I just have one question for our ISG resident fanatics, BKK Bob, this question especially for you because you live in BKK: can you tell the difference between a girl and a ladyboy when you are out cruising down Sukhumvit Soi 4 looking for poontang? And if you can't see a difference because you believe in this woke garbage; how many ladyboys have you barebacked?
This is not a gotcha question. I just want to know if you are an ordinary, old school, Marxist, as I think you are, or you have drunk the kool-aide.
Yesterday 20:42 #17154
Posts: 23821Originally Posted by Sirioja [View Original Post]
Yesterday 17:17 #17153
Posts: 4012Originally Posted by MarquisdeSade1 [View Original Post]
But this story is more in line with what I usually post. Do you know how the Democratic douches are always trying to say their sources are legit?
According to government spending tracker website USASPENDING. Gov, Politico. Which laundered the Hunter Biden '51 intel officials' propaganda during the 2020 election. Received up to $27 million (and by some counts $32 million) from various US agencies during the Biden years.
And look at this, the NY Times received $3. 1 million in taxpayer funds, while the UK's BBC received $3. 2 million.
Yeah, is this a surprise? The Democratic douches just had their slush funding curtailed when Trump cut off USAID. He he.
ZeroHedge hasn't received a dime from the US government (or any government, assholes), while coming under recurring attack from the deep state and their various tentacles. We subsist on dwindling ad revenues thanks to the media censorship complex, subscriptions, and revenue from our new store.
So my tax dollars are going to support pro-government liberal Democratic douches who in turn are smug? Well, you just do not understand Elvis. It is a privilege for you to give me money and listen to my opinion.
Fuck these liberal fucks! Why would any Republican want to pay taxes while this shit is going on?
Yesterday 16:15 #17152
Posts: 6528Illegitimate?
Originally Posted by SubCmdr [View Original Post]
BTW, who voted for President Musk?