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  1. #15068

    Trump and his fellow Repubs hate this:

    Thanks again and again and again, Joe. And thank you, Kamala, for contributing much to the post-Republican National Convention America-hating Clown Show Recovery.

    Stocks soar, Dow closes 650 points higher buoyed by bullish inflation report.

    Stocks jumped Friday, and Wall Street capped off a turbulent week on a positive note as investors weighed fresh U.S. inflation data.

    The Dow Jones Industrial Average rallied 654.27 points, or 1.64%, to finish at 40,589.34. The S&P 500 climbed 1.11% to end at 5,459.10, while the Nasdaq Composite gained 1.03% to close at 17,357.88.

    Fridays moves stem from a combination of oversold sentiment, a stronger-than-expected GDP report Thursday and the view that the Federal Reserve will begin cutting rates due to economic resilience, said CFRA Researchs Sam Stovall.

    Todays benign PCE report helped talk the market off the ledge, he added. With this pullback, the great rotation lives on and breadth continues to be on our side.

  2. #15067
    Quote Originally Posted by TheCane  [View Original Post]
    I stopped trying to reason and rationalize with these QAnon / MAGA dolts a long time ago.
    Can you be more specific? Are you referring to when you were wrong and said Biden was going to win the 2024 election when he was still running? Yes, by all mean, your using the terms dolts, QANon, and MAGA when you were dead wrong is what we all expect from a Democratic douche from you.

    Or are you talking about the second time you said Biden was going to win the 2024 election? After he quit? Nothing like a bat shit crazy person admitting they are sane and everyone else is crazy.

    Nothing says douche more than fucking up and saying you did nothing wrong. You are like the secret service director who quit before she went to Congress. Why are you in Congress so mad at me? You think I screwed up? Really?

  3. #15066

    Oh you crazy Cajun


    We need a really good cut man lolololol.

    I used to box in the early 80's I haven't heard that term in probably over 40 yrs lolololol.

    Allahu Akbar MOFOS!

  4. #15065
    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    You just gotta keep "thumbing your nose",at ISG Administration, with such disrespect, contempt and a sign of impudence, with that "potty mouth" of yours. I hope that the disdain, disrespect and mockery your displaying by "thumbing of the nose" at ISG Administration.

    Carry on...I'm sure ISG Admin loves being called a clown!
    As I have said before, and it seems to be a little lost with you subjective douches types, I judge people on what they do not the label they carry. If an admin blanks out something I have been posting over a year, he is not doing a good job. On the flip side, now that he has seen the term douche being used for years by me and not censored, he has done his job and is allowing it.

    I did not take it personally and a good admin is an objective one.

    But to a douche like you, an admin marking in blue is some kind of victory. Well, if that is how you judge things, you just lost. I do not take it as a victory. I see it as an admin now doing a good job now and being objective. Unlike you who thinks an admin declares one side as winner, I think of an admin like a ref, and refs should not be siding with anyone.

    When I call you all Democratic douches, you can take it personally but it is an objective term. Not everyone who votes Democrat is a douche. The problem is you douches do not think. You just admit whatever idiotic narrative the MSM feeds you. You repeat it and think that makes you smart as opposed to thinking and being critical of it, and this is a textbook example.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spidy  [View Original Post]
    (...kkkk!) You QAnon/MAGA conspiracy dolts, love a good twisted frame-up, as you wet-the-bed, in your conspiratorial wet-dreams.

    Biden did NOT quit, he was pushed out, unfortunately by Dems and donors, who unnecessarily panicked. See the difference?
    And this is exactly what I mean. The only way to legally remove a duly elected president is via impeachment or the 25th amendment. It is illegal to push out a duly elected nominee as well. You literally are buying the media bullshit that the votes of those in your party do not matter and because you do not read or listen to anything but the MSM bullshit, you are not seeing groups like BLM that are saying this is wrong. You mean are votes do not matter? Only George's Clooney's vote does?

    And it is not helping in the sense that we think you all cheated in 2020. Shit, here you all are literally saying votes do not matter.

    Here is a novel idea you dumb douche. Don't mention conspiracy nuts and dolts when you dumb Democrats literally had a conspiracy!

    But even that does not get to the real issue of why you and Cane are such douches. Instead of manning up and admitting that your prediction of Biden winning as being wrong, you attack me and try to change the subject. Cane with his idiotic notion that Biden is going to win twice and you with your semantic bullshit. Do you understand what happened Elvis? Pathetic.

    Tooms was right about the market, and I was wrong. I fessed up to it, but you two act like women and try to deflect it, and that is why you two are soy boys. Like pathetic women, you two cannot admit you were wrong.

    So Biden was not forced out and for those of us with thinking brains, we know he had to withdraw and he gave every indication he did not want to. You will swallow the MSM narrative that Biden saw polling saying he could not win and graciously dropped out for the good of American and the party.

    Those of us who have followed Biden and know his history are so skeptical that is the reason. What we want to know is this, how much? How much did it cost the Democratic leadership to get Biden out?

    So call us conspiracy theorists if you want to, but you are a naive idiot if you think Biden did not get a payout to step down.

  5. #15064

    Yes, that is the one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xpartan  [View Original Post]
    To be fair, yes, he did use the word "peacefully" in his speech. The question is HOW he used it.

    Let's remember, it was a long fucking speech, LOL.

    The only reason why this astute moron has (astonishingly) not yet seen the inside of a prison IMHO is that he has smart lawyers. This article explains how he used the word "peacefully" to give his lawyers an opportunity to claim he didn't incite a resurrection.

    Below is the link to his long, dreadful and nauseating speech. A normal intelligent person (as opposed to a Trump tribe / cult member) won't have a trouble to surmise the actual Trump's message.

    TL; DR? Don't worry, here is the gist of that "historical" speech.

    - Praising supporters.

    - Praising himself.

    - "Election steal" allegations.

    - Veiled threat to Mike Pence.

    - Threats against Dems.

    - Whining about "RINOs".

    - More dumb lies and threats.

    - "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.".

    - Lies and bragging (taxes, VA, economic achievements).

    - Praising himself.

    - Praising supporters.

    - Extreme whining and personal attacks (China, media, Hunter, China again, "election steal", Brian Kemp, the Obamas, Bill Barr).

    - Endless whining against the Pennsylvania count.

    - Wisconsin, Georgia, Stacey Adams, Brian Kemp: whining, personal attacks.

    - Whining and false "steal" allegations: Georgia, Fulton County, Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, Dominion Voting Systems.

    - Call for the Republicans to "get tougher".

    - Another jab at Pence.

    - "We won in a landslide. ".

    - More whining about "illegal voting".

    - "Biden's caravans" are forming" to "rip off our country".

    - "And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore.".

    - "The Democrats are hopeless. ".

    - Thank you.

    THE END.

    Any grownup who's not an idiot and / or liar can't help but make two conclusions: (1) the "marching peacefully" bit was inserted into the speech by Trump's lawyers, and (2) the whole speech is built up to climax at the end ("fight like hell".

    There is no other way to read it.
    You are right. That is the only quote of Trump using the word "peacefully" in his remarks to his violent Insurrectionists.

    Being a passive-aggressive malignant narcissist "with all the best words", Trump knew very well there was absolutely nothing in that statement that could be taken as a "direction" or an "order" for them to actually DO anything "peacefully. ".

    "I know you won't eat that last cookie in the jar. ".

    "I know you will clean your room while I am at work. ".

    Means absolutely nothing and he and they knew it.

    "But, mommy, mommy, mommy, you didn't TELL me not to eat that cookie or to clean my room"!

  6. #15063

  7. #15062

    Intelligent Debate

    Quote Originally Posted by SubCmdr  [View Original Post]

    Since when does calling your political opponent (in other words all individuals in the entire world posting on ISG) names qualify as intelligent political debate? Do you think calling people dumb, stupid, democratic douches elevates you and your political views over others. Or does it just make you feel good. Try writing a post or paragraph with more than two sentences without insulting the person you are directing your post at. I have a 100 FRN that says you cannot do it.
    I see you're late to the party when it comes to dealing with Elvis. You're wasting your time. I stopped trying to reason and rationalize with these QAnon / MAGA dolts a long time ago. They're not interested in intelligent debate and are quite comfortable in their wilful ignorance. The best thing I can do is join with others to keep them out of office, both high and low, all across this land. Just beat them at the ballot box! That's what must be done.

  8. #15061

    Well I will say unequivocally

    Quote Originally Posted by RamDavidson84  [View Original Post]
    Its disrespectful and deceitful to even put NAZI and MAGA in the same sentence. Same with Jan. 6, unlawful protest is so clearly not an insurrection. ALLEGED provocative comments is not trying to lynch someone. Democrats lies will be their downfall. Youth sees them as desperate fibbers who are corrupt and power hungry and controlled by big tech and corporate America. They lost my vote for some time to come. Same how republicans lost my vote after terrible Iraq invasion over fake nuke programs.
    Bubba is way worse for the American people than Adolph!!

  9. #15060

    Intelligent political debate: The Remix

    The democrats just keep fucking up on this issue. Democratic supporters up in here need to show me the reason to support their candidate given their hostility to crypto.

  10. #15059

    This is what intelligent political debate looks like:

    The above article lays out the stark contrast on the issue most important to me on the next ballot: Crypto.

    Because of Democratic bumbling on the issue I am force to hold my nose and support a party that otherwise is insensitive basic issues important to me many on my fellow americans. A party that welcomes, accepts and support views that are hostile again my fellows american who may not be in the position to reap the benefits of crypto at this time because of economic policies that priority punitive measures against those who are economically self sufficient.

    But I have to take care of me before I can take care of others. So, I most vote in my economic self interests. It is horrible to be from a country that only presents you with binary choices a important decision. It is time for third party. A party that in independence of both the donkey and the elephant.

    Let us see how many individuals can respond to this post without insults and name calling. In my opinion it does nothing to support your cause, is illogical and put your ideas on mental ignore immediately.

  11. #15058

    Did you know, Trump just loves the Nazi and Hitler comparisons?

    Quote Originally Posted by RamDavidson84  [View Original Post]
    Its disrespectful and deceitful to even put NAZI and MAGA in the same sentence. Same with Jan. 6, unlawful protest is so clearly not an insurrection.
    (...kkkk!) I see we have yet another, QAnon/MAGA conspiracist in our mist? (....kkkk!)

    The Cane, equated (or implied) MAGA-dom with Nazism and Hitler, was IMHO very much spot-on. Your own, QAnon/MAGA and running-mate JD Vance, for fuck-sake, was interviewed saying "Trump is an American Hitler". Perhaps you should take up your feeble argument with JDV?

    The very takeover, destruction and total dismantling of the GOP/RNC and transformed into a fascist party by Trump and family members, is akin to Hitlers and Mussolini rise of fascism amoung their Brownshirts and Blackshirts (respectively) foot soldiers, in Europe at the time. The history is rife with similar parallelisms to MAGA-dom, with people, political figures, pundits and MSM, on multiple occasions, calling Trump a Neo-Nazi sympathizer.

    And as for the J6 not being an insurrection (...kkkk!) You QAnon/MAGA conspiracists just love your "revisionist history" and sieve like memories of a goldfish. What's next Santa Clause is a white man? (...kkkk!)

    As for being disrespectful...NO NOT ALL! The Cane was spot on, and simply told the TRUTH! In fact, if you truly took the time to know your "American Hitler", you'd come to agree with The Cane!

    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis 2008  [View Original Post]
    ... The interesting angle is who is having the biggest gripes about her and from what I saw it is the blacks. Those passages I quoted to Xpartan were from BLM.

    Black commentators are saying she is not African American. Her black skin color is from a Jamaican father who was absent a lot of the time she was growing own. Kamala did not grow up in the hood but with a single Indian mother. So this is Barack 2. 0. In fact, her parents were both professors and one was at Stanford. If you talk about white privilege, Kamala may as well have been white with that pedigree and upbringing. ...
    Most definitely Veep Harris has won back whatever small marginal Black voters, Trump may have had. Black voters will undoubtedly vote their conscience and gain back, the kind of political and social relevance that they had 100% under Obama and never saw even 5% under Trump.

    Speaking of a really suspect and questionable backgrounds. Trump's Nazi and Neo-Nazi history is laced with troubling exploits, the Repubs overlooked until it was too late!

    It was Trump's papa, who was arrested twice (2x) at KKK (that would be Ku Klux Klan...and not me laughing in Porto...kkkk!) rallies in 1927 and 1976, with history of ties to Nazi Germany, from wince he came. No doubt, papa learned his chants at KKK rallies, of burn the Blacks, Jews and queers (as reported at KKK rallies) from his white supremacist homeland of Nazi Germany, back in the day. (Or did Germany learn it from Americans? Hmmm...)

    Trump has claimed he's never read 'Mein Kampf," (book found at beside by jilted, porn star scorned wife, aside), he has repeatedly, invoked Hitler's name and the title of his memoir at a political rally, but there have been multiple reports over the years of Trump expressing a keen interest in, even admiration for, Hitler's rule over Nazi Germany, just like daddy Trump has told him, many a bedtime story.

    Every time Donald Trump has invoked Hitler and the Nazis

    July 14, 2015: Trump tweets picture with SS soldiers in background
    March 8, 2016: Trump responds to Hail Trump calls and Hitler comparisons
    January 19, 2017: Sebastian Gorka, top Trump aide, appears on Fox News wearing Nazi gear
    2017-2020: Trump compares his crowd turnout to Hitlers (twice)
    June 18, 2020: Facebook takes down Trump ad featuring Nazi symbol
    November-December, 2023: Ive never read Mein Kampf
    March 2024: John Kelly says Trump said Hitler did some good things
    May 21, 2024: Unified Reich

    Lets face it yall, your orange MAGA presumptive nominee and pussy grabbing wannabe fascist dictator, loves being compared to, the infamous and nefarious evil tyrants and despots of yesteryear and even some of today's sickos.

    Its adorable and yet hideously disturbing, how you QAnon/MAGA cult foot soldiers, constantly and continually try to spread the disinformation about his known and related ties to racism, fascism, the KKK and a Nazi history.

  12. #15057

    What does it even mean?

    Quote Originally Posted by RamDavidson84  [View Original Post]
    Its disrespectful and deceitful to even put NAZI and MAGA in the same sentence. Same with Jan. 6, unlawful protest is so clearly not an insurrection. ALLEGED provocative comments is not trying to lynch someone. Democrats lies will be their downfall. Youth sees them as desperate fibbers who are corrupt and power hungry and controlled by big tech and corporate America. They lost my vote for some time to come. Same how republicans lost my vote after terrible Iraq invasion over fake nuke programs.
    ALLEGED provocative comments is not trying to lynch someone.
    Say what?

    In your previous comment you stated (I quote): "When was their an attempt to lynch pence? What was the guy's name who tried to lynch him? This is news to be me. ".

    I answered in the best (and I believe the only) possible way.


    On January 6, 2021.

    What was the "guy's" name?

    You know all too well that there wasn't just one guy. Their collective name is MAGA crowd that chanted "hang Mike Pence".

    Are you driving at what you perceive a technicality here? Yes, the mob didn't succeed hanging Pence because they didn't manage to catch him, but it was still a very close call.

    Marching on the US Capitol on 6 January 2021, a supporter of Donald Trumps attempt to overturn the 2020 election recorded himself on his phone.

    He said: Im telling you, if Pence caved, were gonna drag motherfuckers through the streets. You fucking politicians are gonna get fucking took to the streets.

    Mike Pence, Trumps vice-president, refused to stop certification of Joe Bidens victory. In the eyes of Trump and the mob, he did indeed cave.
    On Thursday, in their third hearing, the seven Democrats and two Republicans on the House January 6 committee also displayed a court filing from the Department of Justice revealing the shocking scope of the threat to Pence during the attack on the Capitol.

    The document, the California Democrat Pete Aguilar said, explains that a confidential informant in the Proud Boys told the FBI the Proud Boys would have killed Mike Pence if given a chance.
    Approximately 40ft, Aguilar said. Thats all there was: 40ft between the vice-president and the mob. Make no mistake, the vice-presidents life was in danger.

    So are you trying to tell us that just because the MAGA mob didn't get their hands on Pence, in your mind they didn't try to lynch him?

  13. #15056

    Lip Service

    Quote Originally Posted by EihTooms  [View Original Post]
    Trump never told anyone to "March peacefully" on January 6, 2021. I have heard and read the statement where here used the word "peacefully" but in no way was he telling anyone to remain peaceful, to demonstrate peacefully or to March peacefully nor would any of his bloodthirsty cult followers have heard it that way, which he well knew.

    Do you have a link to the exact quote of Trump telling anyone to "March peacefully" on that day? If so, please post it.
    To be fair, yes, he did use the word "peacefully" in his speech. The question is HOW he used it.

    Let's remember, it was a long fucking speech, LOL.

    The only reason why this astute moron has (astonishingly) not yet seen the inside of a prison IMHO is that he has smart lawyers. This article explains how he used the word "peacefully" to give his lawyers an opportunity to claim he didn't incite a resurrection.

    Democrats have pointed to one phrase in particular as they argue that Trump incited those present to march down Pennsylvania Avenue toward the Capitol.

    "We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore," he said.

    His defense lawyers, however, point to a different passage, in which Trump said, "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." They argue that his words were not a call for actual violence and lawlessness.
    Below is the link to his long, dreadful and nauseating speech. A normal intelligent person (as opposed to a Trump tribe / cult member) won't have a trouble to surmise the actual Trump's message.

    TL; DR? Don't worry, here is the gist of that "historical" speech.

    - Praising supporters.

    - Praising himself.

    - "Election steal" allegations.

    - Veiled threat to Mike Pence.

    - Threats against Dems.

    - Whining about "RINOs".

    - More dumb lies and threats.

    - "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.".

    - Lies and bragging (taxes, VA, economic achievements).

    - Praising himself.

    - Praising supporters.

    - Extreme whining and personal attacks (China, media, Hunter, China again, "election steal", Brian Kemp, the Obamas, Bill Barr).

    - Endless whining against the Pennsylvania count.

    - Wisconsin, Georgia, Stacey Adams, Brian Kemp: whining, personal attacks.

    - Whining and false "steal" allegations: Georgia, Fulton County, Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, Dominion Voting Systems.

    - Call for the Republicans to "get tougher".

    - Another jab at Pence.

    - "We won in a landslide. ".

    - More whining about "illegal voting".

    - "Biden's caravans" are forming" to "rip off our country".

    - "And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore.".

    - "The Democrats are hopeless. ".

    - Thank you.

    THE END.

    Any grownup who's not an idiot and / or liar can't help but make two conclusions: (1) the "marching peacefully" bit was inserted into the speech by Trump's lawyers, and (2) the whole speech is built up to climax at the end ("fight like hell".

    There is no other way to read it.

  14. #15055

    Name calling is not intelligent political debate


    Since when does calling your political opponent (in other words all individuals in the entire world posting on ISG) names qualify as intelligent political debate? Do you think calling people dumb, stupid, democratic douches elevates you and your political views over others. Or does it just make you feel good. Try writing a post or paragraph with more than two sentences without insulting the person you are directing your post at. I have a 100 FRN that says you cannot do it.

    Prove me wrong!

  15. #15054

    No quitting here and Potty Mouth Merit Badge?

    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]
    Peaceful means violent. Quitting means winning, and getting shot in the ear while running to serve the public as president is unpatriotic. And you guys wonder why I call you Democratic douches. With the way you guys twist words around, I am not sure why you do not think the term Democratic douche is a compliment.
    (...kkkk!) You QAnon/MAGA conspiracy dolts, love a good twisted frame-up, as you wet-the-bed, in your conspiratorial wet-dreams.

    Biden did NOT quit, he was pushed out, unfortunately by Dems and donors, who unnecessarily panicked. See the difference?

    Quote Originally Posted by Elvis2008  [View Original Post]
    LOL. I have been using the term Democratic douche for over a year and not been censored. Now some new clown comes on here and blanks it out. If you do not know the administrators on this site run blue, you have been smoking what Tooms does. Or maybe the administrator was traumatized by Biden's withdrawal and needed a whipping post. If that is the case, I am glad he feels better after employing a favorite leftoid tactic, censorship.
    Yep, there it is...that Elvis 2008, venom, derision and disrespect, that he prides himself on dishing out to ISG Admin (no less) and his fellow ISGers, with the aim of securing his very own, "Potty Mouth Merit Badge".

    You just gotta keep "thumbing your nose", at ISG Administration, with such disrespect, contempt and a sign of impudence, with that "potty mouth" of yours. I hope that the disdain, disrespect and mockery your displaying by "thumbing of the nose" at ISG Administration come with some more "[Deleted by Admin]" Admin Blue.

    Carry on...I'm sure ISG Admin loves being called a clown!

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