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Thread: Santa Marta

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  1. #719
    Quote Originally Posted by MongerHunger  [View Original Post]
    Did you check out Olds Club that is next to Bananas in Santa Marta?
    Been to Bananas had one of the best looking sexiest hookers in my life their but never heard of Old's Club, exactly where is that?

  2. #718

    SM Beaches

    Quote Originally Posted by Bdd1124  [View Original Post]
    I lived in santa marta for 3 1/2 years I would not go in any water in santa marta or rodadero way too much sewage and runoff causing skin irritations like crazy Playa dormida is ok by the airport but that's it.

    Taganga was ok, I would always day trip out to LOS Naranjos or further up the coast as it really clean up there and only about 30 - 45 min away.
    Personally I prefer the Playa less traveled. If you go SM I I strongly recommend continue a little further east to Tayrona Nat'l Parque. It's beautiful, the waters pristine. There is a a Native American indigenous people the Kogi aka The Tairona who have lived in the area for centuries. They are small in stature and most wear white. I seam to remember they don't speak Spanish but their own language. A really neat place to visit if your with your girl. Not a place to meet available women though. I think it wasn't untill the 60's or 70's that these native people were even known to exist there. If you go try the Villa Maria Tayrona A really neat hotel built into the hillside a few yards of the beach.

  3. #717
    Quote Originally Posted by MongerHunger  [View Original Post]
    Did you check out Olds Club that is next to Bananas in Santa Marta?
    To answer both of the questions below-- I went to Olds club, too. It is owned by the same people. I would see a girl one night at Olds and the next night at Bananas. She said they are both the same owner. A lot of the girls live in the building. The price range I gave below basically included the room. For me it ranged from 150 including the room to 150 + 20 for the room, or 200 including the room. In one instance with the hottest girl in the club, I admit to paying 200 + 20 for the room. Olds club was usually pretty empty, but that was nice in a way. Much more laid back.

  4. #716
    Quote Originally Posted by Vern2020  [View Original Post]
    I went to Bananas a lot, which of course is a club full of girls with rooms above.
    Did you check out Olds Club that is next to Bananas in Santa Marta?

  5. #715
    Quote Originally Posted by Vern2020  [View Original Post]
    Just got back from 9 days in Santa Marta. I had a great time. I prefer it to Cartagena. There's not nearly as many girls as in Cartagena, but there were plenty. I stayed in a really nice Air bnb in El Centro. However, I should have asked the owner a little more about the guest policy. I had read one of the reviews coming from a young man stating, "really easy to have guests. " And that was enough for me. But I had to send a photo of the girl's cedula in advance. So, it wasn't really convenient for meeting girls in the park and bringing them right up. In hindsight, I'd probably stay at the same place again anyway, It was really nice. And there are a lot of different options in Santa Marta that it wasn't really a problem. I went to Bananas a lot, which of course is a club full of girls with rooms above. I think the talent at Bananas was the best of any club I've been to in Colombia. I've been going since 2019. Now granted, I mostly go to cheaper clubs, so I'm not comparing to the nicer, expensive clubs. And there are hotels right next to Bananas that rent by the hour for 30 k. That's what I used for girls I met walking around. I also used Mileroticos and found an apartment in Rodadero that had about (8) 18-20 year old girls all working out of there. I went there several times. It's a short and cheap cab ride. Girls on the street were around 100 k. Girls at Bananas were 150-200, and the girls from Mileroticos were 120/ half, 150/ full hour, add 50 for oral natural, add 80 for anal. I enjoyed all the touristy stuff a lot. I went to Playa Cristal, Playa Grande, Minca, and I enjoyed walking around El Centro. I will definitely be back!
    Did the $ 150 - $ 200 k include the room at Bananas or was that extra?

  6. #714

    Santa Marta Trip Report

    Just got back from 9 days in Santa Marta. I had a great time. I prefer it to Cartagena. There's not nearly as many girls as in Cartagena, but there were plenty. I stayed in a really nice Air bnb in El Centro. However, I should have asked the owner a little more about the guest policy. I had read one of the reviews coming from a young man stating, "really easy to have guests. " And that was enough for me. But I had to send a photo of the girl's cedula in advance. So, it wasn't really convenient for meeting girls in the park and bringing them right up. In hindsight, I'd probably stay at the same place again anyway, It was really nice. And there are a lot of different options in Santa Marta that it wasn't really a problem. I went to Bananas a lot, which of course is a club full of girls with rooms above. I think the talent at Bananas was the best of any club I've been to in Colombia. I've been going since 2019. Now granted, I mostly go to cheaper clubs, so I'm not comparing to the nicer, expensive clubs. And there are hotels right next to Bananas that rent by the hour for 30 k. That's what I used for girls I met walking around. I also used Mileroticos and found an apartment in Rodadero that had about (8) 18-20 year old girls all working out of there. I went there several times. It's a short and cheap cab ride. Girls on the street were around 100 k. Girls at Bananas were 150-200, and the girls from Mileroticos were 120/ half, 150/ full hour, add 50 for oral natural, add 80 for anal. I enjoyed all the touristy stuff a lot. I went to Playa Cristal, Playa Grande, Minca, and I enjoyed walking around El Centro. I will definitely be back!

  7. #713
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabacho  [View Original Post]
    First of all I never said it was the best beach, I said rodadero had alot of touts that will be bothering him constantly. I've never been to Cartagena because I don't like gringo tourist traps but I'm sure rodadero is the closest you can get to Hollywood beach in Cartagena for as far as touts go.

    I believe the beach I recommended was playa grande in taganga and I even gave him directions on how to get there. Maybe you have a reading comprehension problem?
    Nobody said that you said that it was the best beach. Seems like you're the one that has the problem with reading comprehension. You have your opinion and I have mine. There's really nothing more to say except to keep disagreeing.

  8. #712
    Quote Originally Posted by Bdd1124  [View Original Post]
    I lived in santa marta for 3 1/2 years I would not go in any water in santa marta or rodadero way too much sewage and runoff causing skin irritations like crazy Playa dormida is ok by the airport but that's it.

    Taganga was ok, I would always day trip out to LOS Naranjos or further up the coast as it really clean up there and only about 30 - 45 min away.
    Yes, I know that Rodadero Beach is not the best beach in the area and there are others to go to but I was just making a comparison between Rodadero and the beach close to downtown near the Commercial Port because I have been to both. There are other beaches that I want to explore when I return to Santa Marta. I'm starting to like it better than Cartagena and it's more laid back than Cartagena.

  9. #711
    Quote Originally Posted by MongerHunger  [View Original Post]
    Seriously, who wants to swim at a beach with cargo and container ships spewing oil and waste on to the beach only a few hundred meters away. You're not worried about the trash, filth, waste and oil on that beach but I am and probably others too. Rodadero has that beach beat 100 times with cleanliness, scenery, sand and accommodations. Hands down Rodadero Beach has that place beat by far. There is no comparison. If you're looking for a dump then you can keep it and keep swimming in those polluted waters.

    Look how close the Commercial Port is to the beach. I've seen it for myself. Lots of oil, trash and waste from those ships washing up on the beach. There are even refueling stations and petroleum. Luckily I didn't get in the water.
    First of all I never said it was the best beach, I said rodadero had alot of touts that will be bothering him constantly. I've never been to Cartagena because I don't like gringo tourist traps but I'm sure rodadero is the closest you can get to Hollywood beach in Cartagena for as far as touts go.

    I believe the beach I recommended was playa grande in taganga and I even gave him directions on how to get there. Maybe you have a reading comprehension problem?

  10. #710

    Santa marta beaches

    I lived in santa marta for 3 1/2 years I would not go in any water in santa marta or rodadero way too much sewage and runoff causing skin irritations like crazy Playa dormida is ok by the airport but that's it.

    Taganga was ok, I would always day trip out to LOS Naranjos or further up the coast as it really clean up there and only about 30 - 45 min away.

  11. #709
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabacho  [View Original Post]
    this is the beach where Reina and I went swimming at right by the port,

    I'm more bothered by stupid touts and tourists than I am by a little bit of litter..
    Seriously, who wants to swim at a beach with cargo and container ships spewing oil and waste on to the beach only a few hundred meters away. You're not worried about the trash, filth, waste and oil on that beach but I am and probably others too. Rodadero has that beach beat 100 times with cleanliness, scenery, sand and accommodations. Hands down Rodadero Beach has that place beat by far. There is no comparison. If you're looking for a dump then you can keep it and keep swimming in those polluted waters.

    Look how close the Commercial Port is to the beach. I've seen it for myself. Lots of oil, trash and waste from those ships washing up on the beach. There are even refueling stations and petroleum. Luckily I didn't get in the water.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails image2021-2-11_15-2-11.png_version=1&modificationDate=1613026934000&api=v2.jpg‎   PUERTO-DE-SANTA-MARTA.jpg‎  

  12. #708
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabacho  [View Original Post]
    this is the beach where Reina and I went swimming at right by the port,

    I'm more bothered by stupid touts and tourists than I am by a little bit of litter..
    Seriously, who wants to swim at a beach with cargo and container ships spewing oil and waste on to the beach only a few hundred meters away. You're not worried about the trash, filth, waste and oil on that beach but I am and probably others too. Rodadero has that beach beat 100 times with cleanliness, scenery, sand and accommodations. Hands down Rodadero Beach has that place beat by far. There is NO comparison. If you're looking for a dump then you can keep it and keep swimming in those polluted waters.

  13. #707
    Quote Originally Posted by MongerHunger  [View Original Post]
    Wrong! The worst beach in Santa Marta is downtown (El Centro) opposite of Parque Bolvar. That beach is filthy, just look at the water and dirty sand. Also the port is near with all the cargo and container ships docking and coming and going. There is oil in the water and trash. If you think that Rodadero is the worst beach in Santa Marta you're either mistaken or blind. In reference to the touts, there is no comparison to the touts, beggars, vendors and massage ladies that are in Cartagena. No comparison at all. There was no issue with any vendors or tout being overly aggressive at Rodadero Beach. The water is cleaner, clearer and the sand and scenery is better than that crap of a beach in Central Santa Marta. Facts.
    Actually I disagree, this is the beach where Reina and I went swimming at right by the port, in front of sol inn and the other hotels on carrera 1 and there were very few touts there to bother us in comparison to the touts in rodadero.

    The trash wasn't any worse than at playas de Tijuana in Baja California.

    You're so called facts are subjective. I'm more bothered by stupid touts and tourists than I am by a little bit of litter.


  14. #706
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabacho  [View Original Post]
    Rodadero is probably the worst beach in all of santa marta area. He will constantly be hassled by touts selling overpriced bottled water and canned beer and old fat ladies that do massages and braid hair.

    The beach I recommend is to take the local bus to Taganga and then pay the 15 mil for the lancha (boat) to playa grande where there are clear waters with tropical fish, great for scuba diving and other water sports, a reasonably priced restaurant, and no touts to bother you at all. Lanchas come and go every hour between Taganga and playa grande and the bus between centro santa marta and Taganga also runs every hour or even every half hour if it hasn't changed since 2021.

    Wrong! The worst beach in Santa Marta is downtown (El Centro) opposite of Parque Bolvar. That beach is filthy, just look at the water and dirty sand. Also the port is near with all the cargo and container ships docking and coming and going. There is oil in the water and trash. If you think that Rodadero is the worst beach in Santa Marta you're either mistaken or blind. In reference to the touts, there is no comparison to the touts, beggars, vendors and massage ladies that are in Cartagena. No comparison at all. There was no issue with any vendors or tout being overly aggressive at Rodadero Beach. The water is cleaner, clearer and the sand and scenery is better than that crap of a beach in Central Santa Marta. Facts.

  15. #705
    Many thanks to both of you for your answers!

    At Gabacho: Yeah, I read your posts further down, but as you mentioned you stayed there with one specific girl. I am looking for an accommodation where they don't care if the guest changes every day or even multiple times a day.

    At MongerHunger: Yes, of course. I know AirBnB, but most AirBnBs I've looked at so far explicitly not allow guests. I just made a reservation a couple of minutes ago and directly got an Email with the house rules. One of the first rules being that guests are not allowed.

    I'll keep looking, but if anyone is willing to share some information it will be highly appreciated.

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