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Thread: KOS in Mexico City

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  1. #20

    Find current threads.

    Quote Originally Posted by Newbie2018  [View Original Post]
    I am a totally nube and would appreciate advice for a first time traveler. How do I hire escorts to show up to my hotel room instead of hunting them on streets?
    Strike69's post is 11 years old and is wrong anyway, Guadalajara is a great destination for the hobby. The entire KOS thread has zero current information and the only recent posts are people that stumble across it like Newbie did. I recommend it be archived.

  2. #19

    Look around the Forum.

    It's as simple as ordering a pizza. Just kidding, look through the different threads, especially in the DF Escort section, a lot of useful information. Anyways you need Twitter since a lot of escorts have accounts and they leave their numbers. If you don't know Spanish it can make the encounter awkward but business is business so just know how much a girl is worth (pesos to dollars) so you won't get haggled, either way they don't accept anything other than pesos. Anymore questions send me a PM.

    Quote Originally Posted by Newbie2018  [View Original Post]
    I am a totally nube and would appreciate advice for a first time traveler. How do I hire escorts to show up to my hotel room instead of hunting them on streets?

  3. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Strike69  [View Original Post]
    Guadalajara is one of the worst places to monger in Mexico....

    Where the heck have you been mongering in Mexico City??? If you know which massage parlors you should visit and what type of escorts hire you can have some of the best selection of girls (Mexican, Argentinian, Venezuelan, Brasilian,etc).....

    The best two cities (in my opinion) to monger in Mexico are: Mexico City and Monterrey.

    Your crappy posts tell me that you are a newbie in Mexico City and you DON'T have a fucking idea of how to get hot young pussies in Mexico City (wheter you pay for them or get them for free)
    I am a totally nube and would appreciate advice for a first time traveler. How do I hire escorts to show up to my hotel room instead of hunting them on streets?

  4. #17

    Mexico City

    I am planning a trip an I am a bit confused about what the media I saying vs what I am reading here.

    1. I thought prostituion was legal. Apparently it is not but tolerated. What do you do if you run across LE.

    2. I read in a magazine that people go to the favela to find service. I get the feeling that is the last place you want to be.

  5. #16
    I am not a fan of mexico city, i would stay away, but it is yoru money. too bad, the city has potential, but it is so dirty, even the zona rosa, the food sucks also their.

  6. #15
    What happened to Johan and Nibs?

  7. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by King of ****s
    I heard Guadalajara is much better for mongering than Mexico City, just from what I have heard. Also, a good place to stay in Mexico City is the galleria plaza, it is in a good location.

    Guadalajara is one of the worst places to monger in Mexico....

    Where the heck have you been mongering in Mexico City??? If you know which massage parlors you should visit and what type of escorts hire you can have some of the best selection of girls (Mexican, Argentinian, Venezuelan, Brasilian,etc).....

    The best two cities (in my opinion) to monger in Mexico are: Mexico City and Monterrey.

    Your crappy posts tell me that you are a newbie in Mexico City and you DON'T have a fucking idea of how to get hot young pussies in Mexico City (wheter you pay for them or get them for free)

  8. #13
    Nibs,yes the prices in mexico city are steep and the girls are not pretty, I do not think I would return their, even if someone did buy my flight.


  9. #12
    For the price and quality of the hotel, the galleria hotel is the best price. 80 bucks a night, and nibs, aka middleman, this is pretty cheap for Mexico City, Mexico City is not cheap, expensive for Mexico.


  10. #11
    Mexico City is bad, I never saw Thalia, or a girl that looked like her, damn, she is fine, but never saw her.

  11. #10
    Mexico City is one of the worst places in the world to monger, forget about it, no way would I ever return. But if you have to Mexico City, stay at the Galleria Hotel (old sheraton I think), you can get a full amenity with pool for around 80 diollars.


  12. #9
    Save your time and money and go more south.


  13. #8
    Mexico City is not good for mongering, go elsewhere, it is not worth the time or effort. Save your time and money and go elsewhere.


  14. #7
    Mexcio city sucks, the best place is down the street from the Galleria hotel, and the owner is an asshole. Stay away from this shithole country.


  15. #6
    Mexico City is garbage for quality and quantity. It was a complete waste of time for me. I do not think this city is even worth a visit.


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